Dragon's Bane

by Sazura

First published

Spike goes a life-changing quest.

The origins of Spike's birth has always been a mystery, and although he is content with his life, forces out of control have other plans for the baby dragon. The Mane 6 must aid Spike in figuring out who he really is.

Birthdays and Blessings

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The golden age of dragons that once was

Is no longer

For the lineage of fierce Rulers and Kings

Is lost

Now, a race once feared and awed

Is fading

Remnants, ghosts and mockeries of their former selves

Is what they are

And now, the golden age of dragons what once was

Is returning


Twilight Sparkle awoke to the sound of songbirds. This was not the usual cacophony of chaotic melodies she usually heard when she forgot to erect her sound barrier spell. These songbirds were harmonising perfectly, each bird’s melody blending with the others to create a beautiful cascading symphony that few ponies (or birds) could hope to match. Bad thing about living in a tree? The loud neighbours. Temporarily dazed and confused, she hauled herself out of bed and staggered over to her bedroom window. She spotted the culprits responsible for her early awakening. Those birds looked familiar somehow…suddenly-


Twilight lay on the floor painfully as her friend Pinkie Pie pinned her down. It had taken Pinkie half a second to jump through the window, pin Twilight down, and scream in her face with urgency that was reserved only for new kinds of cupcakes. While Twilight usually appreciated her friend’s overzealous behaviour, with her current state of confusion combined with lower back pain, her patience was short.

“Pinkie, just what is going on exactly? What’s with the birds today?” Twilight’s questions had come out snappier than she had meant them to.

Sensing Twilight’s tone, Pinkie helped her pull herself up and take in the situation. That’s when Fluttershy poked her head in. Then it hit Twilight; the birds were comprised of Fluttershy’s songbird choir.

“Oh Fluttershy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to lose my temper with your birds. You too, Pinkie, sorry for snapping,” Twilight apologised.

“S’all good.”

“I-it’s okay Twilight…” Fluttershy squeaked.

“I mean, they sounded beautiful, and I really appreciate it, but why did you organise this?”

“Well, you see-”

“Twilight, dear. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten what day it is,” Rarity interrupted as she strode in carrying a picnic basket and blanket.

“Err…why is everypony in my room?”

“Twilight, I thought you were supposed to be Ms. Organised and all,” AJ teased as she followed Rarity through the door, hoisting a massive sack.

“It’s the anniversary of when we all got our cutie marks, silly! How did you forget something like that?” Pinkie happily declared.

Things were coming back to Twilight now. How did she forget something like this? They were discussing plans for today literally the day before. She blamed it on the intense week of studying. After Spike had ventured on his self-discovery journey and safely returned, Twilight asked Princess Celestia to send all information she could spare in the Canterlot archives to aid in further studying Spike's origins. While she had learnt many fascinating facts about dragon history, none hinted at holding any clues to whom the baby dragon’s parents might be. Twilight needn’t worry about that today, though.

“So did everypony have a songbird alarm clock this morning?” Twilight asked.

“Actually, that was meant for Spikey-wikey,” Rarity cooed.

“It’s his birthday, today, after all. Technically,” AJ explained.

“Yeah, happy birthday Spike! Actually, do dragons celebrate their birthday on the day their eggs are laid, or when they hatch? OH! You know what would be cool? If they celebrated both. It would be like having TWO birthdays! Double the presents, and double the fun! Ohhhh I wanna be a dragon now!” Pinkie rambled.

“Uh-huh,” AJ sighed as she rolled her eyes. “So where is the birthday boy?”

“RIIIIGHT HERE!” Spike triumphantly exited the bathroom, attempting to look suave for Rarity despite having horrible bags under his eyes. He had been studying just as hard as Twilight in the effort of finding out his parent's identities.

“Happy birthday, Spike,” said Fluttershy, who had been mostly quiet to this point.

“Happy birthday,” AJ trotted past and dumped the sack she was carrying next to the baby dragon. “That there’s from Rarity and I, all the gems we could dig up in Sweet Apple Acres.”

Spike's eyes lit up and his mouth started watering.

“Um…the birds were my present…I mean…if you want something else…” Fluttershy stammered.

“Aw, that’s okay Fluttershy, they were great.”

Twilight smiled to herself. Ever since Spike's episode with hoarding he had been a lot more humble with gifts. Which reminded her. She didn’t get him anything.

“Umm, Spike…I forgot to get you a gift.”

“Twilight, you’ve been taking care of me my whole life, it would be unfair to ask for anything more.”

Twilight smiled at him, she was proud that Spike was maturing so fast, albeit sometimes violently.

“Wait, where’s Rainbow? She’s the reason we can all celebrate the fact that we got our cutie marks on the same day. Seems kind of strange she’s not here.”

“Actually, darling, I’m not quite sure. She said she’d be here with the rest of us to say happy birthday to Spike. But you know how she is with appointments,” Rarity scowled.


A fierce arctic wind came crashing in through Rainbow Dash's window. While this would be more than sufficient to wake any earth pony or unicorn, pegasi could shrug it off as a mere refreshing breeze. A prerequisite if you want to live several hundred feet above sea level. Rainbow rolled in her sleep and- FLUMP -fell in a heap beside her cloud bed. While the fall didn’t hurt owing to the fact that her house was made entirely of clouds, the fall shocked her awake.

“Wha-huh?” she mumbled. “Darn it, again? I need a bigger bed.”

A quick stroke of her wings and she righted herself so gracefully Rarity would have a hard time criticising her. She looked at the clock on her bedside table, and-


She streaked out her window, leaving a rainbow hued blur as she gave the definition of ‘fast’ a whole new revision. Seconds later, she located Twilight’s library on the ground below. She pulled up, looped, tucked her wings in and streamlined her body as she let gravity take its course. At the last second, her powerful wings extended as she narrowly avoided speeding through the window at near terminal velocity. It couldn’t be avoided that there were casualties, though. She had tackled Twilight to the floor rather violently.

“TWICE IN 20 MINUTES!? REALLY!?” Twilight yelled.

“Ah, geez, sorry, Twilight. It’s just…you know…I was late…”


“Yeeeah…I’ll keep that in mind…”

“Well, better late than never.” Twilight looked up at Rainbow.

She locked eyes with Twilight for a fraction of a second. The sudden eye contact made Rainbow flinch and look away.

“Um, Rainbow?”

“What’s up Twi?”

“Could you get off me please?”

Rainbow realised she had been sitting rather awkwardly on top of Twilight. If this were an anime she probably would have been slapped by now. She blushed as she stood up and helped Twilight to her feet.

“Yes, well…wonderful entry as always, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity gave a lopsided smile.

Rainbow hadn’t noticed everypony else in the room. Even more reason to be embarrassed.

“I know,” Rainbow said as she flicked her mane back and regained her usual brash demeanor, fully aware that Rarity was being somewhat sarcastic.

“Ohh, let’s get going. I wanna get to the park, but not too fast. That would be tiring. Maybe a nice trot, or canter, or stroll, or maybe good old fashioned walking!” the instant Pinkie finished her last word she ran through the door, down the stairs and headed straight for the park.

“I didn't know it was possible for her to get tired,” chuckled AJ as she and everypony else exited the library at a much more sensible pace.

Once Rainbow had time to properly wake up and regain her senses, she began to take in her surroundings properly. It’s a beautiful day she thought. She didn’t use that word often to describe something, but there was no other way to put it. The sky was a perfect azure hue, dotted with the rare wisp of cloud. Celestia’s sun was radiating a golden glow over Ponyville, where many of the residents had decided that the best way to enjoy their day off was to sleep as much as possible. A gentle breeze tickled Rainbow’s mane, ruffling it up more than it already was. It was too inviting.

“You guys go on ahead, I’ll meet you there. The weather team hardly ever makes flying conditions this awesome.”

The complaints of her friends were drowned out by the wind as Rainbow soared skywards. As she ascended she felt the joy that only flying could give her. The sky belonged to her, no one else. At least that’s what she felt. Rainbow gave a whoop of glee as she extended her wings and fell towards the ground. She pulled up, rolled, and accelerated as fast as she could towards the nearest patch of cloud. She didn’t bother to slow down; the cloud was punctured as Rainbow pierced it with about as much subtlety as an elephant on stilts. While flying through a cloud wasn’t the most glorious endeavor Rainbow had accomplished, it was fun. That’s the thing that mattered.

Laughing, she came to a steady glide and allowed her wings to recover. That’s when she spotted a dark figure near the horizon, amidst the Everfree Forest. Despite its name, the forest was filled with all manner of malicious creatures. While Rainbow knew of this fact, this creature particularly perturbed her. What the heck is that? It’s massive…a swarm? She thought to herself. It seemed to be moving as one being. Then, as quickly as she spotted it, it vanished. What the? Rainbow blinked several time and tried to spot it again, but to no avail. She quickly dismissed it as a trick of the light. She banked left and headed for the park where her friends should be arriving.

“Slowpokes,” Rainbow scoffed to herself.


Spike hurried to keep up with Twilight and the others. Not fair, he thought, you guys have longer legs, and four of them. His head had been throbbing ever since he had woken up that morning. He blamed it on the insane amount of books he had consumed over the course of the week. Not literally, of course. Twilight would go all motherly and be like “I’m disappointed in you, Spike.” on him if he ever did suffer a mental block and decide the best course of action would be to devour a book. Although his identity crisis was largely over, Spike was still frustratingly curious as to what his origins were. How long was he an egg for? Who is his mother? Or father? How did his egg come into pony possession? These were just some of the questions plaguing him recently.

He had decided to lay those questions to rest for today, however. It was his birthday, as well as a momentous occasion for his pony friends. Upon arriving at the picnic area in the park, he spotted a familiar blue pegasus sitting in one of the trees. It shouldn’t be a surprise Rainbow had traveled thrice the distance they had and still managed to arrive before them.

“HEY! SLOWPOKES, OVER HERE! GOT US THE BEST SPOT!” Rainbow frantically waved at the patch of ground underneath the tree. It was indeed a good picnic location, half in and half out of the sun.

“Rainbow, darling, please try not to act so barbaric in public. It’s unsightly,” Rarity huffed in her usual lofty manner. Her horn glowed and the picnic blanket arranged itself over the manicured grass perfectly.

“Rarity, where’s your couch?” Twilight teased.

“It’s called a chaise lounge, for your information. Also, it’s being reupholstered at the current time.”

Rarity looked genuinely upset. Then she gave the slightest hint of a smile. Then she finally burst out laughing, with everypony else joining her. Once the laughing fit was over, Spike wiped the tears from his eyes. The joke wasn’t even that funny. Yet, with them all together, it seemed hilarious. He had already said it once before, but he considered this mismatched group of friends closer than any family. Even if he did one day meet his true mother and father, they could never replace Twilight, Rarity, or any of the others.

“I would like to propose a toast,” Rarity raised her glass. “Here’s to Spikey-wikey, congratulations on another year down, and to all of us. I’m sure you all know this, but I consider you my family. I truly believe that we can make it through any obstacle together, no matter how difficult. No pony can argue that we all have a special bond with one another, and I hope that this day is just one of many to come.”

“Eugh.” Rainbow stuck out her tongue and made a face that made her look like she was about to hurl.

“Alright, mushiness line has been crossed for today, let’s get eatin!” AJ tore open the picnic basket and grabbed her first sandwich.

Laugher broke out once again amongst the group. The rest of the day was spent talking about everything and nothing, watching Rainbow and AJ have multiple hoof-races, witnessing Pinkie somehow manage to conjure a stage from thin air and single handedly re-enacting “The Rouge Princess,” being entertained from Twilight and Rarity as they performed magic feats after much encouragement. Spike caught himself wishing days like this could last forever. That nothing will change. Except for his headache. That had to go soon.


Fluttershy hung around the edge of the group. While she knew that they would be more than happy to include her in the conversation, they knew that this was how she preferred to behave at social gatherings. She laughed along with everypony else, and when the sun began to set, said her goodbyes and began the walk home. She could fly, but found a walk at sunset to be one of life’s simplest pleasures.

Fluttershy spotted Rainbow flying overhead, and as she was about to call her, she realised she was in the middle of Town Square. It would be rude to disturb everypony. As she put her hoof back to the ground Rainbow turned her head and spotted the coy pegasus on the ground below. Rainbow angled herself downwards, turned, and landed neatly in front of her.

“You know, Fluttershy, I never understood why you walk home instead of you know…just fly.” Rainbow smirked as she pointed at Fluttershy’s wings.

“Walking home is nice, Rainbow Dash. It’s relaxing. ”

“For you, maybe. I need speed.”

“Oh...it’s not safe to go too fast.”

“You forget who you’re talking to sometimes Fluttershy. I mean, c’mon, I’m Rainbow Dash.”

“True,” Fluttershy admitted, “but it doesn’t hurt to just go slowly sometimes.”

“Eh...I’ll see what the fuss is about.”

Rainbow joined Fluttershy on her stroll towards her house in silence. They were both drained from an entire day of play, and Rainbow actually felt content to match Fluttershy’s pace for now.

“Hey, Fluttershy?”

“What is it?”

“About this morning at Twilight’s place…”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, we’re all used to you being late by now,” Fluttershy giggled.

“I don’t mean that!”

The sudden change in Rainbow’s tone had taken her aback. “What is it, then?”

Fluttershy’s kind demeanour was enough to disarm even the hardest of ponies. “You don’t think she’s still mad I crashed into her, do you?” Rainbow asked worriedly.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Why would she still be mad? It was an accident, right?”

“Yeah, it was. Err…thanks for talking to me, Fluttershy. Catch you later”

Rainbow streaked off into the sky again. Fluttershy stared after her utterly nonplussed. The brash, confident pegasus pony was acting very strangely. She would have to ask again later to find out what was really troubling her friend.

For now, she had arrived at her home. A humble cottage on the edge of the Everfree forest, it was by no definition luxurious. She wouldn’t have it any other way. Neither would the woodland creatures residing in her homestead. As she walked in the door she was greeted with all manner of animal calls, all of which she could identify the owner.

The impatient bunny called Angel came running up to her and began demanding food. As always, Fluttershy obliged. Taking care of these creatures became easier once she learned to assert herself, and they had respected her differently ever since. She filled the food bowls, replenished the water, nursed the sick and injured, and finally said goodnight as she ventured upstairs to the inviting embrace of her bed.

It was early, but she was completely drained from today’s chores and play. As she closed her eyes, she glimpsed the last rays of Celestia’s sun as it set over the horizon. She was going to have pleasant dreams tonight.


Spike felt like his head was going to break apart on the way back to the library. As he rode on Twilight's back, the unicorn threw anxious glances back at him. Filled with worry, Twilight decided it would be better to teleport them to the local infirmary where she called for Nurse Redheart. The nurse told them to make sure he got plenty of bed rest, water, a hearty meal, and a few prescribed painkillers. Twilight wasn’t sure how effective pony medicine was going to be on a dragon, but it turned out enough to put Spike into a restless slumber for time being.

Spike reared on his hind legs to get a good view of the forest surrounding him. Over the wide horizon he spotted a small settlement. A primitive roar escaped him as he beat his hugely powerful wings, and rose above the clouds in one massive movement. There was nothing to hunt here. These creatures were all too small, too weak, not worthy of being his prey.

His hunger frustrated him, and he longed to destroy something. He knew that he shouldn’t. His presence was to go unnoticed until the due time. Another stroke of his wings, and he was speeding through the sky almost invisible with speed. He spotted a small cottage on the edge of the forest, and smelled that there was food there. Not nearly enough to fill him, but delicious nonetheless.

He peered at the horizon. The sun was just setting. The hunger had gotten the better of him, and he decided to have himself a quick meal once darkness had descended.

Fire and Feelings

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We fight with tooth, claw, and fire,
Our enemies wreathed in flame.
When the time may seem dire,
We fight on all the same.

We dragons are proud,
And at times, vain.
No matter to whom, we remain unbowed,
Those who attempt to control us, may never do so again.

But when rightful Kings and Leaders are covered in shroud,
Our might is not the same.


Twilight paced erratically back and forth in the library’s lobby. From upstairs, she could hear the cries of a tortured baby dragon. Though the medicine had put Spike to sleep for now, he was by no means resting. He had rarely dreamt before, and certainly never had a nightmare.

“NOOOO!” Spike’s voice was carried downstairs by an urgency that was seldom heard from him.

Panicking, Twilight concentrated her willpower into her horn and instantaneously teleported into her bedroom where Spike had been sleeping. “Spike, what’s the matter? Is it your head?”


She stared back at him in complete bewilderment. That hardly constituted as a terrible nightmare. “Spike, I know you’re a dragon, and everypony likes her cooking.”

“No, Twilight, you don’t understand, she’s in trouble!” Spike’s eyes displayed palpable amount of panic. “We have to go see her, now!”

Twilight was still trying to take in and understand what Spike was saying, but she could tell that whatever dream he had experienced, it deeply disturbed him. “Alright, climb on. It’s not too late, we might still catch her before she goes to sleep.”

“Twilight, hurry!” by this point Spike was almost hysterical.

Once again, Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated her willpower into her horn. She visualised Fluttershy’s cottage in her mind, and took a step into emptiness. She registered the blistering heat searing her skin before anything else. Something was wrong. Her eyes snapped open to witness a terrible sight.

Half of the cottage was ablaze, devils of flame engulfing the innocent wooden homestead at an alarming rate. A huge gust of wind blew through the area, scattering burning embers in its wake. Twilight had no time to assess the situation.

“Spike, get to the Ponyville fire brigade, tell them to come here immediately!”

Taking no time to look back, Twilight willed herself into Fluttershy’s bedroom, where she thought she was most likely to find her friend. Fluttershy lay on her bed unconscious, breathing in toxic fumes from the fire. Angel was struggling to stay awake next to her, feebly attempting to shake the unresponsive pegasus awake. Twilight quickly crossed the room and placed a hoof on each of them. She concentrated once again, and they were outside the cottage, a safe distance from the inferno.

Spike was nowhere to be seen, and Twilight assumed he had left to alarm the fire brigade of the situation. She looked down at Fluttershy, and saw that the pegasus was feebly stirring. Angel had decided it was finally safe, and had collapsed in a small furry heap. Twilight placed her hoofs on Fluttershy’s shoulders and gently shook her awake.

“T…Twi…Twilight…?” Fluttershy sat bolt upright as she witnessed her cottage being wreathed in flame. “What’s going on!? TELL ME!”

Twilight knew this was one of the rare times she was truly uncompromising. “I’m not sure. Spike somehow saw that you were in trouble, and when we got here, your house was aflame.” Twilight explained the situation as quickly as possible.

All of a sudden, Fluttershy stood on her feet. In an amazing feat of recovery, she sped towards the cottage and crashed back into what remained of the lounge.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Twilight ran back towards the cottage. As she approached, Fluttershy emerged again, this time carrying several of her woodland creatures. Twilight had completely forgotten the animals that resided there in the panic of saving her friend. Fluttershy had a hardened look in her eye, the look that stared down dragons, minotaurs and cockatrice.

Wasting no time, Twilight assisted Fluttershy in rescuing the animals depending on them for their rescue. Every second the hot tongues got closer to completely engulfing the two ponies. The smoke was unbearable, stinging their eyes and making breathing a laborious task. All of the woodland creatures had all crammed themselves under the kitchen sink, one of the few places the fire had not yet reached. They leaped into the pony’s arms as they came, quaking and shivering with fear.

Several minutes later, it seemed they were all safely out. Twilight and Fluttershy sat outside with the creatures, all of them coughing furiously trying to expel the foul amount of smoke they had all inhaled. Behind them, the cottage collapsed into a heap of charred wood and embers. Fluttershy looked back at what was left of her home, and cried out as she too collapsed unconscious.


Spike ran as fast as his legs would allow. The fire brigade was close to Town Square, and a fair distance from the cottage. How he wished he could have the speed of the magnificent beast he was in the dream. The very same beast that was the cause of this.

“Darn it head, stop hurting!” The throbbing of his head had worsened yet. As he ran, the throbbing thud inside his skull combined with heavy footsteps on the pavement gave the dragon the feeling somepony was using his head as a drum.

Ponyville was mostly empty, with the sun coming down the early sleepers were preparing for bed, while the night-owls were getting ready to go out or spend the night cooped up inside. The few pedestrians Spike crossed stared at him questioningly as he ran past at full speed.

At last, the building was coming into view. Spike burst in through the door. The receptionist looked wide-eyed at him in puzzlement. His vision was getting blurry, and a black void from the back of his mind threatened to swallow him. No, he thought, can’t faint now. He shook himself awake again, and gasped out the situation to the colt behind the desk. When he was certain the colt knew what was happening, he could no longer will himself to stay conscious. The blackness swallowed him as he tipped out of reality once again.

He roared past the cottage, leaving a small tornado in his trail. That was too close, he was almost spotted by the lavender pony. Fool, he thought to himself, they will punish me for this. He accelerated again so that pony eyes could not track him. Once he was safely within the confines of the forest, his wings snapped open and he came to a halt in mid air. Without the force of his wings, gravity pulled him to the ground, and he landed with an almighty thud that mowed down several trees and scattered the creatures residing in them in a panicked circle. They fear me, as they should, he sneered.

Hunting will wait. This hunger plaguing him would not best him. He understood the importance of his presence here, and he would not jeopardise what was at stake for a meal. Especially not now. He had found what he was looking for.


Rarity was awoken by a loud knock. Tired and groggy, she pulled off her silk blindfold and checked her bedside clock. “3am, just what is the meaning of this?”

She irritably climbed out of bed and forced herself to pull on a satin nightgown. The fabric fell gracefully around her shoulders and retained most of her warmth. She pulled out her hair curlers on her way downstairs with practiced magic. By the time the disgruntled unicorn arrived at her front door, she was looking ready to scold the pony responsible for such a rude awakening.

Rarity yanked the door open. “Hasn’t anypony ever heard of beu-”

Her sentence was cut off as she saw who greeted her. Standing at the door were two colts, both garbed in the red uniform of the Ponyville fire brigade.

“Miss Rarity?” one colt asked.

“Yes, that’s me. What…what seems to be the problem sirs? There have been no sounding fire alarms in this area, as far as I am aware.”

“We’ll explain on the way. Would you come with us, please?”

In most situations Rarity would be suspicious of two colts asking her to leave her home at 3am in the morning, but she sensed they meant business. She followed the colts to a chariot owned by the fire brigade.

Rarity climbed in, precariously avoiding the hose, which was smeared with charcoal remnants and grease. Once the colts had harnessed themselves in, they began to move. First a trot, then a canter, and finally an all out gallop down the streets of Ponyville.

The wind was ruining Rarity’s mane, and chilling her to the point of numbness. “May I inquire exactly as to what happened, then?” she shouted over the wind.

One of the colts turned to her and breathlessly replied. “Your friend, Fluttershy. House fire. Nurse will tell you everything.” The colt turned back around and resumed galloping at full pace.

The wind no longer felt as cold to Rarity, not compared to the dread that filled her stomach like ice. Images of her friend perishing in a fire filled her mind, and her surroundings all became an indistinguishable blur as the colts pulled her closer to her source of dread.

After what seemed like no time at all, the group had arrived at Ponyville hospital. Rarity wasted no time exiting the chariot, or demanding the location of where Fluttershy was being treated. The room was located with greatest haste, and as she neared it, she saw that Rainbow, AJ and Pinkie had also been summoned to hear the news.

“You’re here.” AJ sounded solemn.

The lump of dread hardened in the pit of Rarity’s stomach. Walking over to the bed in the center of the room, she saw Fluttershy hooked to a respiratory machine. Parts of her were covered in bandages, with patches of her fur singed and patched. The unnatural wheeze of the machine only served to remind her how wrong this situation was. Rarity looked from Rainbow to AJ to Pinkie, all of them unwilling to meet her eyes.

“So…what…exactly is the situation?” Rarity swallowed the hard lump in her throat, bracing for what answer would come.

“We’re not sure either,” Rainbow replied first. “The nurse said the final results are still on their way.”

Almost on cue, the attending nurse walked in the room, dressed in the simple white coat and hat that was custom for nurses. Closely followed by Twilight. The normally bright-eyed unicorn wasn’t looking in her best shape either, though significantly better than Fluttershy. She had a bandage around her right hoof, and a large patch of burnt fur on the side of her neck.

“Twilight…? What’s up?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight only shook her head and gestured at the nurse.

“Miss Fluttershy will be okay. Thanks to Miss Sparkle here administering basic healing magic almost immediately, there will be no permanent damage. However, she did inhale an extremely dangerous amount of smoke, and will have to remain at the hospital for the time being while our unicorn healers repair her lungs. The burns will heal in their own time.” The nurse turned around. “I’ll leave you ponies alone, Miss Fluttershy will need her friends when she wakes.”

As soon as the nurse left the room, Twilight collapsed into the nearest chair. She looked dreadful, and it was plain that she had been crying for several hours now, though obviously nopony mentioned this. Hesitantly, Rainbow sat next to the quivering unicorn and wrapped a hoof around her shoulder. Twilight let out a small whimper and buried her face into Rainbow’s arm. The subsequent waterfall of tears lasted for several minutes, during which, everypony else waited patiently.

Finally, Twilight managed to stem the flow. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Rainbow looked solemn as she took her arm off of Twilight’s shoulder.

“Care to tell us what happened, sugarcube?” AJ said patiently.

“Yes, Twilight. Please tell.” Rarity could not bear the suspense any longer.

Twilight started from the beginning, how Spike was having his nightmare. How she reacted when they saw that the fire had nearly engulfed their friend. How she had pulled them out of the fire, along with the animals. How Fluttershy then collapsed and stopped breathing.

“Thank Celestia I remembered the right spell. She had more smoke than oxygen in her system. The fire brigade said that there was no foul play. The fire had somehow started from the roof; they’re still trying to figure out how, exactly. All of Fluttershy’s animals are being taken care of by the Apples.”

Rarity took time to register all this information. It seemed impossible, only several hours ago they were having a picnic in the park. Ok, she thought, no lasting damage. Everypony is okay. Just a little shocked. Then a thought occurred to her.

“What happened to Spike after he collapsed?”

“He was still having the nightmares, and it looked like he was in pain. The doctor put him under strong painkillers. He’s asleep in the next room. He’s not supposed to have visitors, for now, and the doctor said he’ll be alright,” Twilight answered.

“Shouldn’t he be kept awake?” AJ asked. “I mean, he somehow saw that Fluttershy’s house was on fire. What if something like that happens again and he can’t be woken up?”

“APPLEJACK!” Rarity shouted. “He’s in pain, it would be cruel to keep him awake!”

“Jeez, I didn’t mean it like that, Rarity.”

Silence descended upon the room. Nopony wanted to speak, nor did any of them feel like being alone. Almost an hour passed in this fashion. Eventually, anxiety had gotten the better of Rarity and she decided to see Spike. Nopony protested about her breaking the rules. It seemed insignificant.

Quietly, Rarity crept over to the next room and found that the door was unlocked. A soft squeak was heard as it swung open. The baby dragon was lying in his bed, sheets pulled up to his chin. An erratic beep came from the machine measuring his heart rate, and Spike tossed fitfully in his sleep. Rarity levitated a chair next to the bed, and promptly sat down. She longed to see into his dreams, if only to make them change for the better.

“Ra….Rare…” Spike mumbled as he tossed around again.

Rarity smiled. She had known for a long time now that the dragon had feelings for her. She had never known how to respond to those feelings; she just hoped that things would turn out for the better. The definition of ‘better’ being ambiguous. She was too tired, and could not bear to assess the situation any longer. Rarity put her head next to Spike and let the beep of the heart monitor lull her into a restless slumber.


Shining Armour felt sunlight hit his closed eyes. It’s too early. He grudgingly rolled over to see Cadence sleeping soundly next to him. He could hear the quiet rhythm of her breathing, and smiled as she reached over and placed an arm around his chest. His eyes traced the lines of her face; an activity he never tired of. Her mane fell over her eyes, and as he brushed it back, she sleepily pulled herself closer to him and rested against his torso. The contact still managed to send butterflies through his stomach, even after they were wed. They were still giddy newlyweds, still in the phase that felt like they were at their honeymoon.

Dawn broke outside their room, which was located in the east wing of Canterlot Castle. Shining Armour would be contempt to lie there all day, but sadly royal duty would call soon. Cadence would have her appointments as an alicorn princess, and him his duty as a captain of the royal guard.

Once the sun properly passed the horizon, he slipped quietly out of bed and washed. He donned his uniform, something he wore with great pride. As he went through his morning habits, his thoughts wandered to his sister, who would likely be also rising at this time. Walking over to the desk, he pulled out a piece of parchment, levitated a quill into a pot of ink and began writing.

Dear Twili

How is everything? We haven’t spoken since I returned from my honeymoon, which was great by the way. Thanks for asking, kiddo, haha. Princess Celestia has given Cadence and I a wonderful place to live at the castle, and we’re very happy. My duty has been going well too, Canterlot hasn’t been safer in years. Security has tightened ever since the Changeling army invaded, and everypony feels safer with the extra guards around.

Thanks again Twili, for bringing my bride back to me. Something I couldn’t do myself. None of this would have been possible without you. So, what’s happening from your end? How are the studies on friendship going? How are all your friends? It would be great to hear from you soon. Love you, Twili.


The letter was short, but Shining Armour had said everything he wanted to. Concentrating his willpower into his horn, he sent the letter to the closest post office. Cadence showed no sign of properly rising anytime soon. She didn’t need to see anypony until the afternoon, anyway. He wrote her a note saying where he was going to be and left it on the bedside table.

He strolled through the castle gardens and headed to the wing where the headquarters for the royal guard were located. The crisp morning air smelled of greenery, and made his senses more alert with each breath he took. As he approached, he felt two powerful presences nearing him. He strode into the headquarters, and immediately saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing in the lobby of the main hall.

The hall was a large room with a high ceiling, decorated with the colours of the Sun and Moon princesses. To the right there was a staircase that led to the underground armoury, to the left stairs descending to the practice arena, where the guard would train their magic, physical strength as well as mental strength. Upstairs were located the offices where paperwork and desk jobs were handled.

Shining Armour approached the two princesses and bowed. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“No need to act that formal around us, Shining.” Luna rolled her eyes. Her speaking habits and attitude had changed significantly.

“Sister, we still have an image to uphold.” Celestia sounded scolding, but in reality she was glad her sister was adjusting back to the modern world so well. “We have a situation, Shining. We have received word that there will be a envoy of dragons arriving in Canterlot tomorrow.”

“Dragons? Here in Equestria? That’s almost unheard of. I mean, there have been a few instances of a rogue dragon here and there, but they always travel only with their own kind, and usually in packs. Why would they suddenly tell us they’re coming to the capital city?”

“They request a political meeting between their leader and us, the Sun and Moon Princesses.” Luna replied. “The nature of this meeting was withheld.”

“We would like you to tighten security around Canterlot, but not to the point that it seems suspicious. Though the dragons are a dying breed, they are still a proud race, and rightfully so. Their battle might is not to be underestimated.” Celestia’s tone was anxious, and Shining would happily oblige if it meant serving Canterlot.

“Certainly, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” Shining Armour began making preparations for the arrival of the envoy immediately.

Politics and Pyromaniacs

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We are not above the art of cunning and wit,
For the power of the mind can determine where a leader will sit.
The rightful King who inherits our throne,
Dare not possess a mind of stone.

The sharpened mind may bring many a race to their doom,
Our words rival that of the sun and moon.


Shining Armour ascended the stairs of the Royal Guard headquarters, his destination the office where the PA system was located. Tightening security beyond what currently existed would be a tremendous effort. It was not a simple matter of calling guards to patrol on their day off. Strategic placement of what resources he had to spare would be vital to the safety of Canterlot, if the Dragon envoy should decide to become aggressive.

He had heard tales of their prowess before, back when he was younger, stories of full-grown dragons being larger than the entirety of Canterlot Castle, how their fiery breath could melt stone, how their claws and scales were harder than diamond, and of their impulsive, almost violent nature. He knew they were not a force to be messed with.

“Captain Armour, sir!”

Shining turned to see one of the gray pegasus guardsponies approaching him. As he came closer he stopped to perform the mandatory salute when addressing a captain.

“At ease. What do you have for me?”

“A copy of the tablet sent to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna from the envoy, sir.” The guard opened a saddlebag, reaching for a piece of parchment within. “The runes from the original have been translated. The Princesses said you would need this information.”

Shining felt a little bit of pressure lift from his shoulders at these words. “Thank you, private. You are dismissed.”

The two ponies saluted, and the gray pegasus guard left to return to his station. Shining opened the scroll of parchment and read the note:

Greetings to the Sun and Moon. I am named Ahtrax, and possess the title Leader of the Dragon race. Me and the company of two others of my kin will be approaching from the west at dawn, third day of the coming week. The court of the pony leaders is requested.

Hear our roars break the sky on that day, and prepare for our coming.

The note was a short one, and was riddled with the pride that so defined their race. The nerve of them, making demands of the Princesses. Shining didn’t dwell on it for too long, he had a duty to fulfill. He had finally arrived at the PA office. As he entered he asked the mare working behind the microphone to prepare for an announcement. This particular microphone was enchanted so that all ponies that had sworn the oath of the Royal Guard would hear whatever was spoken into it, regardless of location and distance, or time. This piece of magical equipment was rarely used, reserved only for emergencies and the organisation of large numbers.

His voice echoed through the heads of the Royal Guard. He assigned duties to the separate lieutenants, ensuring that the citizens would not only be informed of the dragon's coming but also prepared.

Shining finished his announcement. He could hear the clops of hundreds of hoofs downstairs as the ponies that had already arrived at the headquarters hurried to their assigned sectors. Shining felt as if their forces were not enough, even with the magic of Celestia and Luna. For the second time that day, he sent a letter to his sister.


Applejack jumped in her seat as she was startled awake. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, struggling to keep them open. Falling asleep in a chair wasn’t the most comfortable experience, but years of hard farm work since foalhood had given her immunity to sore muscles. It took her a few moments to recall the events of the previous night; it had all seemed so surreal that she might have dismissed it as a particularly horrible nightmare. However, what she saw confirmed that it was all reality.

Fluttershy still lay in her hospital bed, hooked to a respiratory machine that worked constantly to breathe for her in place of her damaged lungs. The glow of Celestia’s sun streamed through the open window, allowing AJ to see clearly the extent to which the fire had assaulted her friend. As she looked, the emotional wreck from the previous night came crashing through AJ’s head like an oncoming train. Her knees buckled and threatened to give way. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to tear her eyes away from the bed.

Looking around the room, she spotted what was responsible for the sudden awakening. Two scrolls of parchment lay on the floor. The sound of them magically materialising from the sender had forced AJ out of her sleep. She examined them closer and saw they were both addressed to Twilight.

Everypony else had also elected to sleep in Fluttershy’s room in case she woke up. Pinkie lay stretched across two chairs, snoring quietly. Twilight lay on the couch in the embrace of Rainbow’s wings, breathing softly into the pegasus’s spectrum coloured mane. AJ walked to the couch and gently shook her awake.

“Hey, Twi? Sugarcube? Wake up. Got somethin for ya.”

Twilight slowly opened her eyes but refused to move.

“It’s a letter. It has Canterlot’s seal on the front here, see?”

The mention of the name ‘Canterlot’ piqued her interest. Slowly, Twilight rolled herself out of Rainbow’s wings without waking her, and stood up to receive her mail.

“You feelin' a bit better?” AJ asked as Twilight opened the first letter.

Twilight only managed to put on a ghost of a smile and nod. It would be clear to anypony that she was only being brave. She read through the first letter without interest. Upon opening the second a quizzical look spread across her face.

“AJ, could you and go and find Rarity for me? I need to talk to everypony.”

“Sure, Twi.” She didn’t question the reason Twilight had suddenly summoned everypony.

AJ remembered that Rarity had gone to check on Spike, but was not in the room with everypony else when AJ had woken. She spotted the usually stylish unicorn propped up on her hoofs next to the restless dragon in the next room. AJ would have loved to take a picture of her then, hair bedraggled with bags under her eyes, but she knew it was not the appropriate time or place.

“Mornin, Rarity.”


“How are you feelin', sugarcube?”

Rarity paused, as if she was unsure of that answer herself. “This whole thing is such a mess…I’m not quite sure how to react.”

“I know how you feel, but no real harm was done. Everypony will be okay eventually, including Fluttershy. And Spike, of course.”

Rarity only nodded.

“C’mon, Twilight asked us all to meet her in the other room, said she had somethin' to say to us,” AJ crossed the room and gently pulled on Rarity’s shoulder.

The pair went back into Fluttershy’s room, where everypony else had already been woken up. Morning greetings took form only in exchanged glances and solemn looks. Even Pinkie didn’t seem as bright as she usually did.

“Well…I’m not really sure where to begin with this,” Twilight began, “so I’ll just say it straight out. It seems that we’ve been called to Canterlot. An envoy of dragons has requested a meeting with Celestia and Luna, and they’re arriving tomorrow. My brother has increased security around Canterlot, should the representatives turn violent. Dragons are known for their impulsive behaviour. He asked us to assist him by lending the power of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Dragons? Here? For what reason?” Rarity inquired.

“It doesn’t say exactly…”

“And he wants the Elements of Harmony there? What’s up with that?” Pinkie was also unsure of the situation.

Everypony’s eyes automatically drifted to Fluttershy. She showed no signs of waking soon. Without all six of them, the Elements were only a collection of jewelery.

“Your brother doesn’t know what happened here, does he?” AJ asked.

“No, there’s no way he could.”

“Well, is there any point of us even going, then?” Rainbow pointed out.

Twilight pondered the situation. “I’ll write him back once I’m back at the library, explaining everything. See what he wants to do.”

“I think we should be here when Fluttershy and Spike wake, you know, for emotional support and all,” AJ said.

“I agree…” Twilight replied.

AJ could sense that the shock of the entire situation had begun to leave the group. They were all starting to think more clearly, without worry and anxiety clouding their thoughts. Silence enveloped the group once more, though this silence was caused by lack of direction, rather than shock.

At that moment, a unicorn strode into the room, levitating a clipboard. She was dressed in a simple white coat. Her name tag indicated she was one of the unicorn healers assigned to repair Fluttershy.

“I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to leave for now. We are going to start the procedure,” the healer indicated the doorway where several more healers had arrived, pulling an x-ray machine. “Your friend will be fine in our hooves, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

The group looked at one another and silently agreed to leave. As they passed Spike’s room they saw him quietly mumbling in his sleep, although these were not the same cries from the day before. Everything’s going to be all right, AJ said to herself.

As the group exited the hospital into the sunlight, AJ’s ears were met with a thunderous rumble. The sound had seemed to come from right next to her. Rainbow was looking around sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with everypony else.

“Rainbow…was that…your stomach?” AJ smirked.

“Maybe…don’t look at me like that, I can’t help it!”

AJ was leaking an uncontrollable giggle. The idea of something as normal as Rainbow being hungry seemed like a ridiculous idea given the situation. It was a welcome change from the recent mood. Everypony else had also started smiling slightly, Rainbow included. Of course the unanimous decision was to indulge in a late breakfast.

Sugarcube Corner was open for business as usual. As they ate, the group discussed what gifts and presents they would get for Fluttershy and Spike once they had both recovered, with Spike most likely getting out of hospital within a few days. They were able to laugh again, with the prospect of their friends waking soon to motivate them.


Rainbow worked her wings as she sped back to her cloud home. She longed for a good nap after the events of last night. She feigned sleep at the hospital. The adrenaline of being summoned there had already put her in a state of constant alertness. That combined with Twilight breathing softly into her neck in the embrace of her wings left her heart racing for the entire night.

As the wind roared past her ears Rainbow pondered her feelings for the friend. She was unsure of when these feelings started, or what they meant. Perhaps it was when Rainbow was hospitalised herself. Twilight had helped her push through the boredom of being grounded, and also helped her find something else she loved to do, besides flying. She had even forgiven her after she had belittled something that the intellectual unicorn loved so much.

Fear prevented her from telling Twilight. She knew the slightly scatter-brained unicorn didn't think of her in the same way. If she exposed her feelings, their friendship may not return to normal. Even worse she risked losing her for good.

Rainbow flew through the window of her bedroom and crashed straight onto her bed. She was determined to fall asleep and be free from all thoughts, for now. As soon as she closed her eyes, however, she heard a voice calling her from outside. What the hay is it now?

She grudgingly walked over to her window. Her heart skipped a beat as she spotted Twilight in front of her house on the cloud below. A faint glow around the unicorn indicated that she was cloaked with several spells, most likely to allow her to walk on clouds or brave the temperature. Rainbow promptly flew out the window and greeted Twilight in front of her own door. The startled unicorn jumped as Rainbow landed in front of her.

“Don’t be such a scaredypony, it’s just me. What were you expecting?” Rainbow joked. “And why are you here?”

“You just startled me, Rainbow,” Twilight smiled. “I have a bit of news. Can I come in?”

Rainbow turned and swung the door open. It parted silently as cloud glided over cloud.

“So, what’s up?”

“I wrote to my brother, and he replied almost immediately. This time with a note from Celestia as well. It seems she wants me at the political meeting tomorrow, Elements or no. She says that with all the reading up on dragons I’ve been doing recently, It will show that us ponies aren’t ignorant of their race. They'll take offense if the ponies there know next to nothing about them.”

Rainbow processed this information for a while. These dragons sounded like they meant business.“Alright, so when are we leaving? And what about Fluttershy and Spike?”

“Rainbow…Celestia only requested for me. Only me. I think it would be best if you and everypony else stayed for when they woke up. I’ve already told AJ and Rarity what’s going on. I’m going to see Pinkie after this.”

“What? But what if they attack? You won’t be safe!”

“Rainbow, unless Fluttershy miraculously recovers the Elements are useless anyway.”

“I’m coming with you, Twilight. End of story.”

“Rainbow! Aren’t you supposed to represent loyalty? Fluttershy will need you!”

“I AM being loyal. You’re my friend too! Besides, she’ll still have the others, right? I’m sure Pinkie alone would be enough to cheer her up. I know you were raised in Canterlot Twilight, but I don’t think this is something that you’ve handled before!”

Rainbow’s chest heaved from heavy breathing. She couldn’t handle the thought of Twilight being helpless in front of those three ferocious beasts. She had kicked a dragon in the nose before, and immediately regretted it.

Twilight looked back at her, eyes searching for the reason she had reacted so strongly. Eventually, the unicorn admitted defeat. “Alright Rainbow Dash. Pack your things. It didn’t say how long we were staying for. I’m going to see Pinkie. Meet you at the train station in half an hour, okay?”

“Sure thing, Twi.”

As Twilight began to concentrate into her horn again, she stopped. “Hey, Rainbow…thanks for last night. It really helped me.”

Rainbow struggled to keep the red from her face as Twilight vanished again into thin air.


Cadence had always been an oddity within society. She possessed the properties of an alicorn, despite being born to a regular unicorn mother and father. Throughout her childhood, she had received many mixed reactions of adoration, reproachfulness, love, and even hate. It was by coincidence that she met Twilight, and through her, Shining Armour. She had been crowned the title of ‘princess’ for her alicorn properties, as well as her marriage to Shining, though she lacked the magical power of Celestia or Luna.

She found it strange, then, that she was running around amongst the royalty of Canterlot, organising a political meeting of two races. Here and there, arguments broke out over what colour the drapes should be, what food should be served, even if the shrubs should be pruned to look like caricatures of a miniature dragons.

While her magic lacked power, it had one unique property to spread feelings of harmony and love to whomever she willed it to. This was mainly the reason people feared her, the power to tamper with love was no small feat, but Cadence had never used it for anything but good. She used this power now to resolve the petty squabbles that plagued the castle.

By the time night had set, Cadence felt too drained to feel anxious about tomorrow’s results. She quietly walked back to the East Wing through the garden. As she walked she passed by the place Shining had proposed to her. The sun had just been setting, and the light caught the diamond perfectly, reflecting in its facets all the feelings that Shining felt for her, and that she felt for him. It was almost like a fairytale, how perfectly she remembered every little detail of those few seconds.

She was snapped out of her daydream as Celestia passed her in the hall. She looked as tired as Cadence, but the almighty regal air that she always carried was palpable in the atmosphere around her.

“Princess Celestia,” Cadence addressed as she sank into a bow.

“For the last time, Cadence. Luna and I keep telling you to treat us as friends, not as your seniors. You possess the title of ‘princess’, same as I.”

“I apologise, Prin-” Cadence cut herself off. “Sorry, Celestia. But I don’t consider myself a princess. I don’t possess the magical power of you or Luna, and I don’t know how to lead ponies.”

“You possess a strength of heart that I have seen in very few ponies in my time. That is really saying something, Cadence. Never forget that. The power of love that you possess is not to be trifled with, as you demonstrated with the Changelings. Being a leader is not all about might.”

Cadence only stared back at Celestia dumbfounded.

“Th-thank you…”

Celestia smiled. “No problem. Go back to your room, we have a tremendous day awaiting us.”

Cadence quickly flew off to her room. It had always unsettled her, how easily Celestia could see into other pony’s thoughts, without magic or trickery. She simply understood ponies. By the time she reached the East Wing, Celestia’s words had awoken a new energy in her.

She opened the door to see Shining sprawled across an armchair. His snores were rumbling through the room. Laughing, Cadence ran up and jumped into her husband’s lap.

“Hey. Wake. Up.” She accentuated each word with a kiss.

“Ugh…you seem pretty energetic for someone who just put up with royalty.”

“Not all members of royalty are snobs, Shining,” Cadence giggled.

“I know,” Shining said as he returned a kiss. “By the way, I have a surprise for you.”

“I didn’t mean me, Shiny. And what surprise?”

Cadence heard the door open behind her. In entered Twilight, as well as her rainbow maned friend.

“TWILIGHT!” Cadence leapt off Shining and ran up to the welcome familiar figure.

“Cadence!” Twilight also laughed as Cadence drew close.

“Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The pair fell into an uncontrollable laughing fit, as if their greeting was the best comedy routine known to pony ears.

“Nice timing, Twili,” Shining laughed as he walked up to the pair of mares, who were now reduced to tears rolling on the floor. “You guys okay there?”

“Are they hyperventilating or laughing? I can’t tell,” the cyan-hued pegasus joked.

“Could you get a paper bag, please? They’re in the kitchen,” Shining returned the jest. “Twili, seriously. Some introductions are in order.”

“Ahaha…haha…ha…” Twilight eventually managed to hold in her laughs and regulate her breathing pattern. “Sorry. This is my friend Rainbow Dash. She was the one who performed the Rainboom at your ceremony.”

“Pleasure to meet you officially, Rainbow Dash.” Cadence had also managed to remember how to act civilised.

“Yeah, nice to meet you too. You guys got anything to eat? I’m starved.”

“Rainbow! At least ask politely!” Twilight scolded. Her motherly instinct from years of looking after Spike had kicked in.

“It’s okay, Twili. I’ve already asked for a full meal from the castle kitchens. It should be arriving soon.”

“You guys have room service here? That’s. Awesome.” Rainbow’s mouth was gaping.

“Wait until you see the actual food,” Cadence laughed. “You guys can settle in the spare room over there, and we all have to be at the West Wall at dawn tomorrow for the envoy.”

No more mention of the envoy was given for the rest of the night. Twilight and Rainbow settled in the spare room and unpacked their belongings. By the time they had finished that task, the food had arrived. It was delicious, and as the group ate, they felt the hearty effect that only a good meal with friends could give. The worries of tomorrow were forgotten, and the group rested well that night.


Celestia stood on her balcony, eyes riveted to the East where she would be raising the Sun. She concentrated her power into her horn, and felt a tremendous surge of ancient power flow from the tip. The warmth of the first rays of dawn hit her, and she knew that the sun had been launched into motion.

She walked over to the opposite balcony, where Luna was concentrating on lowering the moon. Over the horizon, she spotted three specks looming closer.

“It has begun, sister.”

“Oh don’t use that cliché way of speaking, Tia. Makes me feel like somepony is about fulfill a long lost destiny or something,” Luna retorted.

Ever since Luna’s episode on Nightmare Night, she had taken to learning how to speak like a modern pony. A task Celestia thought her sister took on with unnecessary gusto. It had worked a bit too well. “Luna, you do understand the importance of your behaviour today, don’t you?” Celestia questioned.

“Yeah, I do. I may have been gone for a millennium, but this is something I’m good at.”

The mention of Luna’s banishment stung Celestia. Though she felt it was necessary, it was Nightmare Moon that she had banished, not her beloved sister. “Sis…should we take them on the way we used to?” Celestia offered.

Luna’s eyes widened as she understood what Celestia meant. She only nodded in agreement.

It was not by might that the regal sisters had gained control of Equestria. When Discord was defeated, many races opted to inhabit the land, none wanting to share it. It was a game of words that resulted in the regal sisters ruling, not a battle of might. The ability they developed to think as one entity and relay thoughts to one another proved vital in outsmarting their adversaries.

The pair stood facing each other, horns glowing yellow and blue. Their magic touched, and for the first time in a millennium light became dark, and dark became light. They walked as two ponies, but were one in thought. They teleported down to the West Wall. They saw a concentration of guardsponies around it, as well as Twilight Sparkle, Cadence, Shining Armour, and Rainbow Dash. The figures on the horizon were now distinguishable as mighty dragons. A piercing roar echoed through the sky, seeming to shake the air itself. The guardsponies stood their ground, unflinching.

An intimidation technique. They are trying to unnerve us before meeting.

The dragons were almost upon them, their shadows casting long strings of black against the morning sun. They stopped over the West Wall, wings flapping as they worked them to stay aloft.

“We welcome you to Canterlot, esteemed guests.” The voice came from Celestia’s body.

The largest of them, Ahtrax, looked to be around 20 meters tall, his wingspan double that. He was coloured a deep sea green. As he spoke, his voice sounded like the deep crackle of a roaring fire.

“You are most gracious, Sun and Moon. To my left is Leethum, to my right Magna. We accept your hospitality.”

Stating he is our guest, a challenge. If anything ill befalls him whilst he and his kin are here under our care, they will have justification to react how they want.

“We should not expect anything less. Come, the Castle halls are prepared for your arrival.” It was Luna’s voice that spoke this time.

The gate of the West Wall opened and the 3 dragons landed with a thud that shook the earth. As they walked through the streets, ponies crowded to the sides to make way for the almighty beings. The dragons looked down on the passersby with contempt. The procession of Ponies and Dragons neared the castle, and the draw gate lowered. The entrance hall had been draped in symbols emblematic of the Dragons. There was enough space throughout the halls of the Castle for them to walk through single file.

At last, they had all arrived at the hall where the meeting was to be held. Ponies had spent the entire previous day clearing out the room that was normally reserved as the ballroom for the Grand Galloping Gala to transform it into an area worthy of the meeting of two powerful races.

“You flatter us with your preparations, Sun and Moon.”

“A gracious compliment. We had short time to prepare for your coming.”

Around them, the high-ups of Canterlot crowded, watching in anticipation what events would unfold before them.

“It is time we told you the reason of our coming, then. You are aware of the situation that currently befalls our race, are you not, Sun and Moon?”

“We are, and our sympathies go out towards you.”

“Sadly, your sympathies accomplish nothing. Our situation is dire. Would you care tell your people of what plagues us, so they may too understand?”

A well-placed trap. If we refuse, he will anger. If we tell our subjects, they will gain more sympathy. We must prevent this from becoming a battle.

“We will call upon our pupil, Twilight Sparkle, who is well read on the subject of your race for this task.”

We can show we are flexible, as well as knowledgeable by calling upon her. However, they may assume we were lying about knowing ourselves.

Twilight looked tense as she approached Celestia’s side. She was clearly afraid of inciting unnecessary friction. Celestia’s body placed a hoof over Twilight, and the jumpy unicorn seemed to relax.

“Well…” Twilight began “I’m assuming you’re referring to the lineage of royal blood among your race.”

“We are indeed, little one.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, she knew this subject well. She spoke clearly to the anxious ponies around her. “Dragons depend on the line of royal blood to rule their race, as we depend on Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. However, their dependency is literally on the blood of their leader. Few ponies know about this, but there exists a crystal that is the life source of all dragons. The glow of this crystal can only be maintained if it absorbs a few drops of the royal blood periodically.”

A few ponies around them gasped. This was their idea of a blood sacrifice. Whispers of mixed sympathy and disgust were heard among the crowd, instantly silenced by a deep rumble from the throat of Leethum. It was then that the dragon spoke for the first time.

“You put it very simply, little one, but what you said is true. You will also know that our King perished several centuries ago. The crystal is now dying, and with it, the race of Dragons.”

“Many of you will have witnessed the Great Dragon Migration, as it is called in your tongue,” Magna also said. “The few thousands of Dragons you saw then are all that remains of our race.”

“The King had but only one egg, which was lost on the day of his death. We have been unable to recover it, but have reason to believe that it is in your land of Equestria,” Ahtrax finished.

Well played. They have gained the sympathy of our subjects. If we refuse them now, we shall look barbaric.

“How is it that you came to lead your race, then?” Luna’s voice asked.

“I am simply the strongest dragon that currently lives. I am still nothing compared to my fore bearers.”

The dragons have changed over the past centuries. Humility is not an alien concept to them anymore.

“You come here requesting permission to search our land for your king?”

“Yes, and also to heed a warning. Those ponies that prevent us from reaching our goal will be met with force. You understand, do you not? For you are leaders yourselves.”

“We are, but forgive us for saying so, we do not have your history of bloodshed and battle. Dare not use force against our subjects.”

“You cannot deny our nature, Sun and Moon. We are a battle-loving race, and now my kin and me are battling to save our race. If an obstacle prevents a dragon from accomplishing their goal, that obstacle will be obliterated, with force and without fail. It is simply how we are.”

“Not all dragons are like that!”

The voice came from behind Twilight. Rainbow Dash was hovering next to her, nostrils flared.

“How would you know anything of our race, insolent one?” Magna rumbled.

“Our friend Spike is nothing like you! He wouldn’t just destroy something if he didn’t like it!”

“Your temperament has gotten the better of you, Rainbow Dash.” Celestia’s voice was riddled with an undercurrent of anger. Rainbow realised the full extent of what she had said. It was too late to take it back now.

“It seems that you have been keeping secrets, Sun and Moon,” Ahtrax’s voice was close to a roar. “We will be seeing this ‘Spike,’ and should you prevent it, we will rain fire.”


Fluttershy opened her eyes to be met with a blurry haze. Next to her, she could hear several ponies speaking. She couldn’t understand what they were saying, the words all mixed into a slurry hum. As she lay there the events that landed her in the hospital returned to her head in a blaze. She didn’t feel any anger, or sadness, only numbness.

Her hearing returned, and she recognised the voices that surrounded her.

“Oh my gosh! She’s opening her eyes! Ohh, I need to get started on organising a ‘welcome back’ party! That doesn’t sound right. A ‘get well soon’ party?”

“Pinkie, dear. Not the appropriate time.”

“Pinkie, maybe take it down a smidge? I don’t think she’ll be in any right shape to party anytime soon, anyway.”

The familiar voices of her friends gave her courage. Painfully, she raised her hooves and rubbed her eyes. Her vision became clearer, and she could now define the figures floating above.

Rarity was sitting to her left. AJ and Pinkie both on her right. All three of them were tearing up somewhat.

“Morning, everypony.” Fluttershy gave a weak attempt at humour, despite her throat being raspy and dry.

“How are you feeling, dear?”

Fluttershy could only produce a raspy breath this time. AJ left and returned with a glass of water. She tipped a little down Fluttershy’s throat, it helped immensely.

“Where are all my little friends?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“I’ve been taking care of them, with Applebloom helping,” AJ replied.

“Oh…okay…where’s Twilight or Rainbow? Or Spike?”

“Twilight and Rainbow were called to Canterlot for some royal business. Spike was…also hospitalised. Nothing serious, however. He’s not under any medication anymore. The little darling is resting in the next room.” It was Rarity that answered this time.

Fluttershy longed to ask exactly why Spike needed to be there, or why Twilight and Rainbow were in Canterlot, but her voice had failed her again. She fell into a sleep once more. It was dark when she woke, and her friends had already left.

She could hear Spike resting fitfully through the wall. She also heard the clop of hooves. The nurses must be looking at him, she thought. All of a sudden, his voice cried out before being muffled. The sound of hooves quickened, and she heard the sound of a window being drawn open.

Panicking, Fluttershy hauled herself out of the hospital bed. The burnt skin stretched painfully as she struggled to make it to the next room. She reached it only in time to witness a huge winged figure disappear into the night sky, leaving behind an empty bed.

Quests and Questions

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The strength of a lone Dragon amounts to nothing
For he will be doomed only to battle himself
The strength of Brothers and Sisters is everything
For who else is to save you from yourself?


Twilight sat in the seat of a sky chariot as it sped through the endless blue. She was traveling with Ahtrax, Leethum and Magna in tow, as well as Celestia and Luna in the next carriage with an entourage of Royal Guards. The anticipated reactions of her friends and Ponyville in general when she would return back with her extended company sent nervous pangs through her stomach. Causing panic with the state Fluttershy and Spike were in was the last thing she wanted to do.

Next to her, Rainbow worked her wings, keeping up with the chariot easily. Her expression was one of guilt, and for a second Twilight almost forgot to be angry with her. She understood that she was only standing up for Spike, but in doing so had made his entire future a complete mess, as well as jeopardise the safety of Ponyville. Would the dragons see Spike as a servant even though he was their cherished friend? Would they turn violent if they did? Would they take him back to wherever they originated from? Question after question ran through Twilight’s head, not allowing her a moment’s peace.

Twilight refused to look in Rainbow’s direction, but out of the corner of her eyes she caught glimpses of a pained expression on her friend’s face. She knew she would have to forgive her eventually, but for now the negative feelings bubbling away in the back of her mind prevented her from doing so. Rainbow was only being herself, and Twilight had always appreciated her for that.

As they neared their destination, Celestia suddenly called for the entire procession to come to a halt. They stopped in mid-air, roughly a league away from Ponyville.

“Are you preventing us from meeting our own kin, Sun?” Ahtrax’s voice shook the air around the ponies, resounding deep within their eardrums.

“Of course not, Luna and I have promised your meeting. I simply wish to alert the residents of this town beforehand. Your sudden appearance will cause chaos,” Celestia replied. Her tone was soft, but laced with an authority so ancient not even a dragon could refuse.

With a few strokes of her snow-white wings, she ascended above the rest of the group. Her horn glowed a magnificent morning yellow, and as she spoke her voice boomed out across the landscape below them. It was not loud, however. It whispered past Twilight and Rainbow’s ears the same as the ponies below them.

“Residents of Ponyville. Do not panic, you are hearing the voice of I, Princess Celestia. Princess Luna and I will be arriving in your town in a very short time, with the company of a group of dragons. These dragons are our guests, and I ask you to treat them with the same hospitality that you would with Princess Luna or me. Our visit will be short, and I urge you not to panic. You will be safe while we are there.”

The glow of her horn died, and she gracefully descended into the chariot hovering below her. The procession began moving again. They eventually landed just outside the edge of Ponyville, beside the river that ran along the north side of the rural town. As they entered the narrow roads, Twilight explained the circumstances of Spike’s condition.

“This childling seems promising, little one. Dragons rarely dream, and our dreams usually come in the form of visions, past future or present. If this ‘Spike’ is dreamscaping at his young age he may very well be the one we are looking for.” Ahtrax had a determined look in his eyes. A fire seemed to burn in them, a fire that would engulf anything that prevented him from obtaining what his eyes were set on.

“What’s going to happen to him if he is…the rightful heir to your throne?”

“His nature will awaken. Every leader before him has answered to the call of their Royal Blood. It is unavoidable. I’m sure you have had times when Spike acted more like a dragon, less like a pony.”

She couldn’t imagine it. Her helper, Spike, the King of Dragons? Saviour of the entire race? Even more questions began calling for her attention, and this time she allowed her mind to ponder them as they walked to the hospital.

Twilight began to see that something was wrong. There were more police officers running around than usual. The number thickened as the group approached the hospital, with ponies on both sides gaping openly at the magnificent beasts. Most of the ponies sank into a bow as Celestia and Luna passed, others too terrified or fascinated by the dragons to do anything at all.

Celestia motioned to the closest officer. “What’s the situation here, sir?”

The colt only managed to stare at Celestia with his jaw gaping for a few seconds, apparently unable to believe that royalty was speaking to him. “Oh..I..um…situation at the hospital, your majesty. A patient has disappeared. We’re currently trying to determine how, exactly. We have a rough idea on who did it.”

Celestia dismissed the colt with a smile and a nod. They saw now the area around the hospital was a chaotic mess, with numerous officers pulling over every passerby they could. Panic pierced through Twilight’s mind even further. They didn’t need this right now, and the thought of Fluttershy, or even worse, Spike disappearing given the circumstances was unfathomable. Ok, calm down Twilight, she thought to herself, you’re being paranoid. The colt didn’t mention names.

She spotted her friends standing just outside the doors of the hospital, with the exception of Fluttershy. Twilight ran up with Rainbow in tow to meet them, hoping they would hold answers. It was not a good sign, then, that they looked more solemn now than when she had left.

Rainbow had already reached them, and as Twilight neared AJ began explaining the situation. “Well…Fluttershy said that last night she heard someone in Spike’s room. Said she thought it was just a nurse or somethin' like that. Then she heard his voice yell out, real panicked like. The window opened, and she only got there in time to see somethin' fly away. Spike was already gone.”

The words had not quite registered with Twilight. Spike was…gone? One of her oldest friends had been wrenched away when she needed him the most. Thoughts of where he could be at that moment filled her with worry, the possibilities boggling her mind.

“Twilight…? Twilight! TWILIGHT!” Rarity’s voice snapped her out of her reeling thoughts.

“What?” she could only reply.

“Why are the dragons here, of all places? Whatever happened in Canterlot?”

“They’re not like the scary old dragons we saw at the Great Dragon Migration, are they?” Pinkie was staring at them with watchful eyes.

“We are more civilised than the members of our kin you saw at The Migration, if that is what you mean, little one,” Leethum said as he approached the group.

The presence of three dragons did not help with the situation that was already chaos at the hospital. Residents of Ponyville, including the police officers, were panicky and jumpy at their every motion.


The sudden shout surprised everypony involved, though the dragons remained unflinching. The accusation had come from Rarity, who had the look of somepony who had just come upon a revelation.

“What is it this pony is accusing us of?” Ahtrax pounded a claw into the earth as he spoke, creating a miniature crater. Several ponies jumped and quickly ran away, while the nurses in the hospital threw him dirty looks. Impressively, Rarity stared the beast straight in the eye.

“Twilight, it was these mongrels that took away Spikey-wikey! Fluttershy said she saw something huge and winged fly off last night right before she noticed that he was gone. I can’t think of a more apt description of a dragon!”

“Rarity, they’re here to see Spike! Why would they kidnap him if they were going to see him now?” Twilight retorted. She had to prevent this situation from boiling over.

“What was it that took him, then?” The normally cool and graceful unicorn was absolutely enraged.

It was Rainbow that replied this time. “Rarity, these guys were in Canterlot the entire night, it couldn’t have been them. And you’re not making a very good first impression, right now.”

“Rarity, it would be best to lay your anger to rest for now, we have other pressing matters to attend to.” Celestia’s request was not to be refused. Rarity’s mouth zipped itself, and she shrank back into the group as she noticed the dragons, who were now smoking at the nostrils.

All three of them looked like they were about to breathe fire. Literally. “Sun and Moon, what do you hope to accomplish with this?” A small jet of flame exited Magna’s throat as he spoke, scorching the earth in front of him. The dragons had apparently chosen to blame Celestia and Luna for the missing dragon.

“It was not us who arranged this. We understand that it would be in our best interest to allow you to see him. The most likely story is that a third party is also involved.” Luna’s democratic voice had kicked in.

“He is our companion as well as your kin. If you so wish, we may join to search for him,” Celestia continued with a sharp edge in her voice.

“You have angered me and my companions severely, Sun and Moon. You make promises you fail to keep, and your subjects accuse us of crimes we know nothing of. The time for talk is over for us.” Ahtrax roared, and breathed in as he prepared to loose a searing jet of flame.


Pinkie had always hated conflict. Her humble beginnings from a rock farm meant she had very little experience of it. She had nothing much at all, actually. Her family had never managed to show much emotion before she developed her cutie mark. Now, she had friends that were like her family. And she hated it when they fought.

This whole situation was very odd then, even for Pinkie. Not the kind of odd that makes you laugh, the kind of odd that makes you scared. She watched as the dragon breathed in and prepared to toast everything around him. She wished for something that would stop it, anything to buy time.


A police mare came galloping out of the door of the hospital. Her horn was glowing, levitating a piece of parchment in front of her. A jet of red and orange was shot into the sky, ascending almost fifty meters before dying out. The glow of Celestia and Luna’s horns also died out, for they were prepared to deflect the stream of fire whatever way they could.

“What could this pony possibly have for us to prevent us from burning this town to rubble!?” Ahtrax roared

“Calm, brother! Even if we were to engage hostilities, you forget who we are in the presence of.” Leethum motioned to Celestia and Luna, who were still looking at the dragons with reproach.

“You are overreacting. This is only one childling, not even confirmed to be the king,” Magna backed up Leethum. They both knew the magical power of the regal sisters was not to be provoked. Ahtrax simply closed his jaw, expression still steaming.

“What is it this tiny piece of parchment could possibly contain?” Ahtrax’s voice sounded like deep thunder.

Celestia approached the mare, who had now realised what she had interrupted and was quivering in place. “What is it you have for us? There is no need for fear.”

“A…p-piece of evidence that was left at the scene, Princess Celestia. It contained a message to…Twilight Sparkle and the Holders of Harmony. I overheard what you were all talking about...”

“Thank you for bringing this to us.” Celestia performed a short bow to the mare, and she managed to perform one in return before quickly scampering off. The parchment unfurled itself, and Celestia began reading the contents.

We have taken your friend across forest, mountain, desert, river and fire. Twilight Sparkle and the Holders of Harmony are to pass these trials, if they are to recover what was taken. We are at the place where dragons nest. Prove that you are able to overcome the hardships before you, and we will reveal all.

Hear our name, for we call ourselves the Dragon’s Bane.

“What in the hay does that mean?” AJ asked.

“I think…this group called ‘Dragon’s Bane’ has taken Spike to the volcano where the dragons rest after The Migration…” Twilight figured.

“We have heard of no such group among our ranks. You still suggest that the culprits responsible for taking your friend are one of us?” Ahtrax growled.

“No, of course not! Our friend said she heard the sound of hooves before she saw the winged creature carry Spike away. It was a pony that did it.” Twilight panicked. Was there any way she could stop him from becoming hostile again?

“So you admit to your treachery, then?” Ahtrax looked as if he was about to spew fire again.

“Brother, think rationally! Why would they want to admit it was a pony who committed this heinous act?” Leethum rebutted before Ahtrax could set everything alight.

“Well, what was it that Fluttershy saw flying off then?” Rarity inquired.

“I don’t know…but it might the key to figuring all of this out,” Twilight said.

“Well what are we waiting for? Spike’s waitin' for us! Let’s get movin!” AJ maintained her reputation of diving into things headfirst.

“Wait. If you are to take on the advice of this note, it would be best for you to prepare,” Celestia interrupted AJ before she could speed off. “I have a feeling you will not be alone on this journey. These trials may test you more severely than you first anticipate.” Her horn glowed, and a case materialised out of thin air. It was the case that contained the Elements of Harmony.

“It was a message sent to the Holders of Harmony, so it only be appropriate you undertake this journey with the Elements,” Luna explained.

“Ahtrax, Spike is a member of your kin. What is it you desire to do for this situation?” Celestia asked, watching the dragon with testing eyes.

He looked to be processing several thoughts at a time. Ahtrax appeared more rational now than any of the ponies present had seen him so far. “We will stay in your land to search it further. This childling is of interest, but there are surely more dragons in Equestria. I can see that you will undertake this journey regardless of whether we ask you to or not.”

Twilight looked back at him in puzzlement. It seemed unlike them to let she and her friends look for Spike alone, instead of overseeing it personally.

“It is settled, then. The Holders of Harmony will take this task alone,” Celestia said to no one in particular.

“We have information back at Canterlot in the Archives that may seem useful to you, Ahtrax.” Luna gestured back at the chariots. With a nod, the dragons took off into the sky, heading back in the direction they came.

“Good luck to you all…we will be in contact.” Celestia and Luna also ascended, heading back to the chariots, leaving the bewildered group of friends standing stock-still, trying to believe everything that just happened.

Pinkie looked around at her friends, who all had mixed looks of worry, nervousness and anticipation. She knew it was not the time for another song, or comedy act. They needed something else to cheer them up.

“Hey, everypony? Let’s go visit Fluttershy again. She’s really healed up!” Pinkie burst out.

The mention of Fluttershy waking seemed to form a spark in Twilight and Rainbow’s eyes. They had not yet seen her since she had awoken. Twilight levitated the case containing the Elements, and the group walked through the hospital, where nurses, doctors and patients were still trying to get over the fact they had three full grown dragons about to get violent just outside these walls. Everypony seemed jumpy at every small motion, as if whatever caused it was about to spontaneously combust.

Fluttershy looked at them as they entered, and a joyous look spread across her face as she saw the two friends who were absent at her waking. “Rainbow Dash, Twilight! Oh, you’re back!” She was weak, however, and stayed in the bed while they approached her.

“You don’t need that clunky thing breathing for you anymore!” Rainbow laughed.

“It’s so great to see you’re getting back on your hooves! When did the doctors say you could leave?” Twilight said happily.

“I could leave now…but where would I go? I don’t have a home anymore…” Fluttershy still had the same kindness she always had in her eyes, but it was mixed with an indescribable sadness.

“You know you’re welcome to stay with any one of us for as long as you need to, sugarcube,” AJ offered.

“Yeah, we could have sleepovers every night! And eat popcorn and watch movies until morning!” Pinkie knew that she enjoyed quiet nights in with close friends.

“Thanks everypony…it really means a lot to me…” Fluttershy’s eyes were quivering, and as thoughts of her crumbled home filled her mind uncontrollable tears began running down her face. “I really don’t know where I would be without you all right now.”

The sight of Fluttershy crying like this absolutely tore apart Pinkie’s heart. Pinkie pulled herself in close to her and hugged the tearful pegasus, careful not to graze any parts of her seared skin. Everypony else had also come closer to the bed, offering sympathetic hugs.

Eventually, Fluttershy’s tears dried. Everypony fell silent. They would have to tell her soon, that they would be leaving Ponyville, most likely not returning for quite some time. It was Rarity that decided to brave it.

“Fluttershy…darling…we’re not quite sure how to say this, but we won’t be able to stay in Ponyville for much longer. It’s regarding Spike…” Rarity began.

Twilight took over the rest of the explanation. As Fluttershy heard the entire story, the look in her eyes hardened. By the time Twilight finished her expression was unreadable.

“Alright…so when are we leaving?” Fluttershy simply asked. The reaction had taken everypony there aback. It was unlike their shy friend to accept such a big task so readily. Nopony argued with it.

“As soon as possible…Spike is depending on us,” Twilight replied.

Everypony exchanged anxious glances, none of them wanting to start a journey so important and dangerous anytime soon. It would signal all of them leaving something they took for granted.

“Hey…everypony? Twilight’s said this before, but as long as we have each other, everything will be alright, right?” Pinkie said happily. Her inexhaustible spirit was impossible to keep down. Everypony smiled as they recalled the memory. Pinkie extended her hoof to the middle of the group. Five other hooves joined hers.



Rainbow’s emotions were a complete mess. Twilight was angry with her, they were about to begin a journey that could change the fate of an entire race, one of her friends was still in hospital, and another missing. The tough-boiled pegasus had little experience with such a wide array of emotions at one time.

Instead of going back to her home to pack, she simply lay on a lazily drifting cloud attempting to make sense of the chaotic spectrum inside her. She wasn’t the type to ponder thoughts. She had to do something. Right now.

The cloud disintegrated as she kicked off, her destination the library. This was one thing she could try to fix now. At least she wouldn’t start this entire thing on a bad foot with…her. Rainbow arrived at the library in a very short time, and spent longer standing in front of the door with her hoof hovering over it. Eventually, she took in a deep breath and knocked quickly.

Twilight answered seconds later. She didn’t look particularly angry anymore, thought she didn’t seem overjoyed to see Rainbow.

“Twilight…can we talk?” Rainbow wasn’t one to plead, but the situation called for it.

Twilight stepped aside and let her through, her expression unreadable.

“Look, I’m sorry.” They had both said the words at the same time. The pair stood staring at one another slightly dumbfounded.

Wanting to avoid any further clichés, Rainbow spoke first. “Look, Twilight, I’m sorry about piping up back at Canterlot. This whole thing would have been a lot easier if I had just kept my mouth shut.”

“No, Rainbow, I over-reacted. It seems this whole thing was unavoidable. I know you were only standing up for Spike. That’s something I’ve always loved about you, you know. The way you always stick up for us.”

Twilight’s last sentence sent and shock throughout Rainbow’s body. The words didn’t seem to process properly. Rainbow made sure to keep her mouth closed before she truly understood what Twilight was saying, in case she uttered something stupid, or even worse told Twilight how she felt.

“Um…so yeah. We’re cool?” Rainbow finished lamely.

“Yeah, we’re cool,” Twilight smiled as she reached over and hugged the wide-eyed pegasus. “Don’t you have some preparation to do?”

“Yeah…see you again soon.” Rainbow panicked as she turned and streaked out the door, leaving Twilight surprised at her sudden goodbye.

Of course Twilight only saw her as a friend. To think otherwise was ridiculous. Rainbow suddenly felt moisture on her face. For the first time in her life, tears streaked behind the hardened daredevil as she flew.


Fluttershy stood at the remains of her old home, several hundred meters away from where the group agreed to meet, beside the main road leading into the Everfree forest. She felt no more sadness, only a melancholy numbness, backed by a hardened resolution. Right now, she didn’t have anything in Ponyville except her friends, and they needed her as she needed them. The quest they were about to undertake gave her another purpose.

It was about time for everyone to meet up, and Fluttershy forced herself to ignore her burns and walked to the agreed place. By the time she had spanned the distance Rarity had already arrived.

“Fluttershy, it’s great to see you up and about again.” Rarity forced a smile. It was not the usual smile she gave when she was zapped with new inspiration for a design, or when she found something genuinely amusing. It was the kind of smile you saw on a pony who was being brave.

“Oh…Rarity. Is something the matter?” Fluttershy asked kindly.

“It’s just…I’m so worried about what’s going to happen. Like Twilight said, Spike is depending on us to rescue him, and the entirety of a race may be depending on us too. I can’t imagine how terrible I would feel if I- I mean we, never see Spike again.”

“We can do this Rarity. We have each other, and we have the Elements. Not even Nightmare Moon or Discord could defeat us while we have that,” Fluttershy said determinedly.

Rarity stared back at her long time friend; she had never seen her act so adamant before. “It’s really true what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy only nodded. The pair waited in silence while the rest of the group arrived. They were joined eventually by AJ, Pinkie, Twilight, and finally a downtrodden looking Rainbow.

“So, why did you tell us to meet here, Twi?” AJ indicated the Everfree Forest.

“In the note left in Spike’s room, they said that they took him over Forest, Mountain, Desert, River and Fire. When we first followed Spike to The Migration we went through the Everfree Forest first, then the Frostbitten Mountains followed. After that we traveled over the Dry Plains and finally, the Fathom River. The Fire most likely means the Volcano where the dragons nest,” Twilight explained.

“Who knows what we’ll expect to find when we reach there?” Rarity’s eyes gazed at the forest, as if she was trying to see beyond the thick foliage.

The group didn’t hesitate in entering; the forest was not an unfamiliar territory to them anymore, unlike their first venture to find the Elements. Twilight had stowed the case containing the precious jewellery in one of her saddlebags, which she vowed never to let out of her sight.

The humid climate coupled with Fluttershy’s injuries made movement slow, but with her expertise in animals and Twilight’s frequent trips into the forest to visit Zecora, they managed to avoid any creatures that would mean them harm. The journey had started, and the six friends ventured deeper into the dangerous wilderness.

Forests and Fears

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When you are surrounded by dark
There is nothing to fear.
All you need is a spark
And you know light is near.

Darkness is only an opportunity
For light to shine.


Spike awoke to the sound of primal growls and birdcall. His head still throbbed with an almighty thud, and his eyes were struggling to make sense of the alien situation around him. Slowly and painfully, he began to define figures. First, the sun in the sky, then the line of the treetops. The grass underneath him was rough and unkempt. His ears detected voices he did not recognise.

“Like I said, he can’t know who we truly are, not right now.” This voice actually did sound slightly familiar.

“Do not pester me with your lectures. I know what I must do.” The voice that replied was deep and thunderous, resembling a roaring fire.

Suddenly, Spike’s memories of recent events snapped him out of his stupor. Fluttershy’s house. What happened? When did he collapse? And where was he now?

“Quiet, he’s starting to wake up,” the familiar voice cried. A deep rumble was heard in response.

Spike sat up, and his eyes took in the scene around him. He was in a small meadow in the thick of a forest, though he did not know which forest. Across from him sat a unicorn pony. Across her neck dangled a medallion, with the runes that depicted the words Bane of Dragons etched upon it. Her entire body was covered with a thick material, obscuring her face and cutie mark.

Curled on the grass next to her was the largest dragon Spike had ever seen, even among the dragons in The Migration. This dragon was dyed sapphire blue all over, and the shine of his scales made him look like…well…a giant sapphire. His eyes were the purest shade of jet black, and it was rather intimidating.

“I will go now,” the pony said. “I have a task to complete, you two get along, now.” The pony’s horn glowed, and she vanished instantaneously.

She must be skilled in magic, Spike thought, I’ve only ever seen Twilight and the Princesses teleport before. What bothered Spike more, however, was what a giant dragon wanted with him, and why he was in the middle of a forest with no memory of how he got there.

"Uhh...hi?" Spike stammered out. The dragon only looked at him in contempt.

"Are you curious about your situation, childling?" The dragon asked. He spoke on without waiting for a reply. "We have taken you from Ponyville, as you can see. Do not think of yourself as our prisoner, that is not the case. It would be wise to not anger me, however.”

"Well...who's the pony who just teleported away then?" This just happened to be the first question that popped into Spike's head.

"I do now know her name. She is a member of an ancient cult known only as The Dragon's Bane."

"Wait, doesn't ‘bane’ mean something bad? Why are you working for them, then? And what do you want with me?"

"I am not working FOR them, childling! Choose your words carefully, unless you wish to insult."

The beast's outburst made Spike jump quite severely. Taking several deep breaths he took on the dragon's advice and spoke carefully.

"Why...did you take me away from Ponyville, and why are you associated with this group?"

"I have my own reasons for being here. The reason we took you from your friends will be revealed in due time." The dragon's reply was kind of useless.

"Well...what's your name?" Spike inquired.

The dragon stared at Spike in silence, as if he were deciding it was necessary for Spike to know or not. "I am named Koblat. There will be no more questions," Koblat finished. His tone made it clear any more interrogation would not be responded to kindly.

Spike's stomach gave a weak growl. He realised he didn't know how long it had been since he had passed out. A few hours? Several days? Koblat directed a huge black pupil in Spike's direction. Without a word, the huge dragon hoisted himself onto his feet, and flew off into the sky with speed Rainbow Dash would awe at.

Spike had another revelation then. He did know that dragon. He had burnt down Fluttershy's house, after all.


Rarity wandered through the thick underbrush behind her friends. The tops of the trees blocked out the sun, making it difficult to gauge the time. The repeated clops of hooves combined with the ever-present ambient noises of the forest made everything seem to blend together, each new shrub and tree looking identical to the last. The fashionista was not accustomed to this environment.

She knew this was not for naught, however. Spike was waiting for them. She wondered how Spike would feel about being rescued by the pony he always fantasised about rescuing. Would he feel ashamed of himself? Or just grateful?

Those questions would have to wait, however. At the moment, more pressing issues were at hand.

“Twilight, are you positive the is the right direction? I’m sure we went a different direction the first time we traveled there,” Rarity asked, looking around the scenery. It all looked the same.

“Yeah, Twilight, I think you’re reading the map wrong. There aren’t even any holes in it.” Pinkie’s advice didn’t make sense. As usual.

“I’m pretty sure we’re going the right way. To get to the Frostbitten Mountains after this, we’re going to have to cut through the Everfree forest diagonally. There’s no official road, but its not much different from the rest of the forest apart from that,” Twilight explained.

“If you’re sure.” Rarity decided to trust Twilight’s judgment.

The group kept on walking. After what seemed like several hours, or what could have been several minutes, a faint light began to shine through the thick foliage of the tangled forest.

“There, the exit!” Rainbow accelerated with blinding speed and raced on ahead of the group.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight cried. It was no use, however. Rainbow was already out of earshot.

Twilight began running after headstrong pegasus, a look of panic on her face. The rest of the group followed, unsure of the reasoning behind Twilight’s worry. The source of the light neared, although they still could not see what exactly it was.

When they finally arrived, they saw a unicorn pony. Against the black of the forest, her horn glowed a magnificent silver. Next to her lay Rainbow’s unresponsive body.


Twilight attempted to think logically about the situation. First, they did not know this unicorn. Second, Rainbow was hurt somehow. So, the logical conclusion was that this unknown pony hurt Rainbow. But that was not proven, and this pony should have a chance to talk.

Twilight knew this, but the only thought running through her head was how much she wanted to attack the pony that caused Rainbow pain. Twilight concentrated into her horn, and a beam of pure energy shot out in the direction of the pony.

Her aim was true, and the beam looked to be on a direct collision course for the pony. Except it never hit. The pony’s horn glowed, and a force field instantly erected itself around her, deflecting Twilight’s beam. What? How could she manage that? Even Celestia has to be on guard when I’m practicing combat magic! Twilight was flabbergasted.

“Calm yourself, Twilight Sparkle. Your friend is mostly unhurt. I took care to cause no lasting damage,” said the mysterious assailant. Through her rage, Twilight faintly recalled the voice. She had heard it somewhere before.

Twilight didn’t stop her assault. Her horn glowed with even more power than before, and a charged beam left her horn with an audible boom. The unicorn’s force field went up again. Except this time, it shattered when the beam came into contact. The unicorn was thrown back several meters, and landed with a dull thud on the earth.

She quickly sprawled to her feet, and her horn began to glow. Twilight readied herself for a counter-attack, but it never came. Instead, the unicorn vanished instantly. She could be several leagues away now.

Twilight slowed her breathing, and attempted to calm herself before looking back at her injured friend. Rainbow still lay in the dirt. There were no visible marks on her body; the unicorn must have attacked her magically. Fluttershy was at her side, administering basic first aid, though Twilight knew it was for naught. Magic damage had to be healed with magic.

If the assailant were to be believed, Rainbow could be awoken with a simple spell. However, using the wrong spell could be disastrous. She would need time to find the right one to use.

“Guys…we should probably stop here for the night. That unicorn is involved with Dragon’s Bane. It said on the medallion she was wearing. I’ll heal Rainbow, but I need time to find the right spell,” said Twilight wearily. It was not the exertion of magic that had tired her, though what she just did would have crippled most unicorns. The crash after the rush of adrenaline left her groggy.

“Alright y’all. I saw a good spot for pitching up camp a while back.” AJ motioned back the way they came. Her knowledge of the outdoors would most likely prove vital for this journey.

Twilight levitated Rainbow’s limp body, taking extreme caution to not damage her in any way. They arrived at the clearing AJ mentioned, and pulled out several unfolded tents. Once they were constructed, the group sat around Rainbow’s body, unsure what to do next.

“This might take a while. I’m not as learned with healing magic as I am with other schools.” Twilight began mentally organising all the information she would need.

“Are you sure she’s gonna be alright, Twilight?” Pinkie asked. She did not want to lose her pranking partner.

“Yeah…don’t worry. I’ll just be a while,” Twilight replied.

“C’mon, y’all. We should get some things for camp tonight. Firewood and such. Let Twilight concentrate,” AJ said. The group nodded and stood up.

Twilight directed her willpower into Rainbow’s mind. She would have to find inconsistencies from normal brain activity, and from those clues, determine what spell the unicorn had used, thus finding the counter-spell. It was draining work, searching like this, but Twilight would not let her suffer.

Eventually, she gathered enough information to be sure what spell she should use. The unicorn had put Rainbow into a state of dreaming, not sleeping but not quite awake either. Twilight simply had to give her mind a…kick, of some sort. To remind her what she was experiencing wasn’t real.

Twilight’s horn glowed purple, and a few seconds later Rainbow salt bolt upright.

“Hey, what’s going on? Twilight? What happened?” Rainbows eyes were wide open in surprise.

Seeing Rainbow awake made Twilight realise how truly worried she was, her emotions had been numbed with adrenaline and grogginess.

“Oh, Rainbow, you’re alright. You were attacked after you flew on ahead. A unicorn put you to sleep magically.”

“What? Who was it? I’ll find them!” Rainbow’s eyes burned again with ferocity.

“You’d better not…she’s quite skilled in magic. She gave me a tough time…” Twilight rebutted.

Rainbow simply sat there fuming. Suddenly, she looked over worriedly at Twilight. “You okay, Twi? I’m fine, you know,” she said suddenly.

Twilight was confused. Why wouldn’t she be okay? Despite being in this situation at all. “I’m fine, Rainbow. Why?”

“Well…you’re crying…” she sheepishly pointed out.

Twilight hadn’t felt the moisture forming on her face. She was crying. Why? She didn’t feel particularly upset about anything anymore.

She felt a soft texture wrap around her. Rainbow was slowly embracing her with her wings, just like the night at the hospital. Twilight gratefully accepted the gesture again, allowing herself to sort out her muddled thoughts in the privacy of Rainbow’s wings. She didn’t want any of this. Her friends being hurt, Spike being in danger, and the possibility of an entire race depending on them. It clicked then, why she was shedding these tears.

“Rainbow…I don’t want this…” Twilight sobbed.

Rainbow withdrew her wings, looking hurt.

“No, Rainbow, I don’t mean that. I don’t want to do any of this. I wish Spike was here with us now, you and Fluttershy wouldn’t have gotten hurt, and Equestria wouldn’t be so dependent on us. I know we’ve handled things like this before, but so much more is at stake right now.” Twilight ended her words with another wave of tears.

Rainbow drew forward and drew the quivering unicorn into another embrace.

“Twilight…you can do this. I know you can. There’s a lot of things depending on us right now, but that’s even more reason to do it. I know the feeling. I know I act all tough all the time, but truth is, half the time I’m not sure I can live up to what everypony is expecting of me. This is way bigger, but we have each other. There’s nothing we can’t do, right?” Rainbow said kindly. Twilight had never known the sensitive side of the daredevil before.

Twilight simply drew herself into Rainbow’s chest and allowed all the emotions she didn’t know she was bottling flow out. Rainbow’s hoof stroked through her mane, each stroke sending another wave of bittersweet emotion through her.

Eventually, she managed to stem the flow, and sat quietly against Rainbow’s soaked coat.

“Thanks, Rainbow…” she simply said.

Twilight pulled herself out of the embrace and looked into Rainbow’s face. The usually cocky pegasus had an unusual look on her face, one Twilight rarely saw on her. Was it…longing?

Suddenly, Rainbow pushed herself forward and forced her lips upon Twilight’s. Shock ran through the bewildered unicorn. Her friend, Rainbow Dash, kissing her? She made no effort to stop her, but did not return the passionate gesture, either.

“Uhh…” another voice suddenly called. AJ had returned, hoisting a bundle of firewood on her back.

Rainbow pulled away quickly, refusing to make eye contact with AJ or Twilight. AJ decided it be best to not mention what she saw, and hastily began prepping up wood for a fire. Eventually, everypony else returned. A simple meal was cooked, and Twilight went to sleep that night more confused than ever.


AJ couldn’t properly believe what was happening right now. She had expected the rest of her life to be simple farm work, each day a routine that she enjoyed. It was incredulous to her, then, that she was about to leave Equestria altogether, her future unknown. But her friends needed her. And she wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.

The forest loomed threateningly around them. Each hour blended into the next, and it felt like several days before they saw the trees thinning out. Eventually, there stopped being trees altogether. Rolling hills stretched out before her, the grass forming waves as they were assaulted by the wind. On the horizon, she could see the Frostbitten Mountains. They towered over the rest of the landscape, capped with white snow and black rock.

She looked around at her friends, and saw they were anxious about crossing the border of their home.

“C’mon. What’s a few mountains to the Holders of Harmony?” AJ said cheerfully, attempting to lighten the mood. It managed a small smile from everypony.

“Nothing ever gets you down, does it Applejack?” Rarity joked.

AJ stared on ahead at the unknown terrain once more, as storm clouds began brewing over the hills that lay before them.

“Those rain clouds might.” AJ took the first stride, determined not to let this obstacle defeat her.

The six friends ventured from Equestria into lands unknown.

Mountains and Magic

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Author's Notes: I'm thinking of adding a soundtrack to some of the more appropriate parts of this fic. Leave your opinions on this in the comments, if it so pleases you.


Brings unbridled death
And life
It may burn
And also heal

The fire of companionship
Brings light to those in crushing despair


Shining Armour patrolled the halls of the Canterlot Castle. He had been on complete edge the past few days. The dragon envoy still roamed freely around the Castle and the surrounding areas. Though they did seem to have a grasp on their temper, his duties demanded him to stay constantly vigilant.

Scribes and scholars pored over old tomes and scrolls in the Canterlot Archives. Any information relevant to dragon history was valued. Shining thought that Ahtrax and his companions would have a firm grasp on the history of their own race, but it turned out dragons did not have a written history. Instead, history was told through story, resulting in a somewhat flawed recounting of the significant events of their race.

“Captain Armour, sir!”

Shining turned to see a unicorn wearing thick glasses and a dusty old coat running toward him. Must be one of the researchers for the dragons, he thought.

“Greetings. What is it? Something regarding the dragons?” Shining asked, wondering what it was that had this pony in such a hurry.

“Yes, sir. Your presence is requested in the main hall. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are already there. The dragon envoy, also,” replied the scholar.

Shining nodded toward the scholar in thanks. He turned on the spot and headed toward the hall where the Princesses and the dragons were expecting him. Upon arriving at the main hall, Shining saw the two Princesses who had summoned him, as well as the envoy who stood with equal pride beside them.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I am ready to serve," Shining said as he sank into a bow.

"Rise, Shining Armour," Luna replied. She was actually bothering to sound mature, for a change.

"Ahtrax wishes to inform you of a finding that they have discovered along with our researchers," Celestia explained.

The ponies turned to the dragons standing next to them. Shining deduced that neither Celestia nor Luna knew of the reason of this summoning.

Ahtrax cleared his throat, a sound that made the windows shake. “Several weeks before the King perished, he left on a journey from the dragon lands. It was from this trip he did not return. We did not know what the purpose of his journey was, he did not inform anyone.”

“I’m sorry, but what relevance does this have to do with our current situation?” Celestia questioned.

“Coupled with the research of your scholars and our exploration of your lands, we have reason to believe we have located the King’s final resting place,” Leethum said.

Shining began to understand what the dragons were implying. The King’s deathbed could hold clues as to where he laid his un-hatched child.

“Wait a second,” Shining piped up. “If your King disappeared, how do you know if he died at all?”

“He would not abandon his kin, for any reason,” growled Ahtrax.

“Calm, brother. This pony has a valid point,” Magna said. “The Life Crystal dims when there is no living member of the Royal Lineage. When the King left centuries ago, the Crystal almost died out. It was a dark time for our race. For several years, the future of dragons was as dark as the Crystal.”

“Miraculously, however, it lit up several years later. We know the Crystal is linked directly to the life force of the Lineage. There is definitely a dragon that still lives, and carries the Royal Blood. The Crystal is now dying, and this dragon is our last hope,” Leethum said.

“This dragon should be easy to locate. Members who possess the Blood have extraordinary abilities. They also do not age like other dragons. The size of their bodies grow in proportion to their mental state, meaning a childish mind will cause the dragon to have a child’s body,” explained Magna.

It was only then Ahtrax spoke again. “Sun and Moon, we have asked you to summon your most trusted court member here for a reason. We desire to go forth and investigate the King’s resting place. You have been insistent that we do not use force, and my brothers insist on adhering to your request. Shining Armour will accompany us.”

Silence followed the dragon’s words. Shining tried to comprehend them. Why would they need him? He had duties to fulfill here at Canterlot, he could not spend his time adventuring with dragons.

“With all due respect, esteemed guests, I do not understand why you need me there. Surely for you, nothing in Equestria could pose a threat?” Shining said, with a subtle edge in his voice.

“Shining, they don’t want you for battle might,” Luna replied in place of the dragons.

“Their demand makes sense,” Celestia agreed, with a ponderous look on her face.

Shining couldn’t believe that the Princesses were going along with the dragon’s ridiculous idea.

“I have duties to perform in Canterlot! The city needs me!” Shining exclaimed.

“Yes, Shining, and now it needs you more than ever. You are our most trusted captain. Your presence with the dragons will ensure that they will not become unruly. If and when you returned unharmed, it will send a positive message for our subjects, and for the race of dragons. For that is why you desire his presence, no?” Celestia directed the last question at Ahtrax.

“You are as sharp as a honed claw, Sun. Me and my brothers have long discussed this topic, and it is in our best interest for our two races to live harmoniously for the time being. This journey is only the beginning.”

Shining began to comprehend what just happened. His duty was not only to Canterlot, but the also the citizens who dwelled within, and the ponies of Equestria as a whole. If this were fulfilling his duty, he would gladly oblige.

“I will begin preparing right away,” Shining concluded. He turned and left the main hall. He had to say goodbye to Cadence. He might not be seeing her for a while.


Spike sat in the small meadow in the thick forest. His stomach growled, and he wished for something to eat. Koblat had left rather abruptly, and did not give any indication of when he would return. The mysterious pony had not returned either. Through his hunger, Spike struggled to remember where he had heard her voice.

The starving dragon heard something drop behind him. He turned his head, and saw that an emerald had materialized from somewhere. A huge shadow cast itself over the meadow where Spike was sitting, and he looked up to see the azure hue of the sky replaced with a deep sapphire. Koblat had returned. With a generous pile of delicious looking gemstones.

Spike was aware of what Koblat had done now, and although his stomach protested, he threw down the emerald in his claw and backed away from the much larger dragon.

Koblat landed with a thud that made the earth under Spike’s feet tremble. He seemed to have noticed Spike’s reproach, and looked at him with a skeptical eye.

“I thought you hungered, Spike,” said Koblat.

“I’m not accepting anything from you! You hurt my friends!” cried Spike. He was acting much braver than he was feeling.

Koblat scrutinised Spike with the full intensity of his gaze. “What crime are you speaking of?”

This question had taken Spike aback. Of course he was talking about Fluttershy’s house being set on fire. “It was you who burnt down my friend Fluttershy’s cottage!”

“…On what basis are you accusing me of committing this treason?” Koblat rebutted.

“I saw you do it in…” Spike was about to tell Koblat about his dreams when he realised how stupid it sounded.

Koblat studied Spike even further with his penetrating gaze. “You are correct, childling. It was I. But it was not done on purpose. This is the truth. Now, eat. You cannot deny these gems are appetising to you.”

It was Spike’s turn to scrutinize Koblat. After what felt like several hours, Spike gave into his hunger and began gnawing on the gems scattered around the meadow, as Koblat studied him like an enigma.


Fluttershy felt the arctic wind run past her body, leaving a roaring wake in her ears and powerful gusts battering her injured body. Though she did not feel cold due to pegasi’s natural resistance to cold, the fatigue was starting to eat into her. No matter how tired her legs and wings grew, however, she didn’t from the cower form the gusts assaulting her.

The Frostbitten Mountains had proven much more difficult to traverse than they had anticipated. On top of movement being slow and sluggish to the deep snow, the group had to battle tornado level winds and a steep incline. It was aided majorly by the magic of Twilight, who stayed on ahead of the group cloaking everypony with spells of warmth, whilst simultaneously clearing the snow.

Rainbow flew on ahead. With her resistance to cold coupled with her powerful wings, she was able to combat the wind and scout ahead, finding the easiest route through the treacherous ravines and cliffs. Fluttershy noticed she was spending as much time scouting as she could, preferring to stay away from the main group.

They had passed the hills that lay before the mountains several days before. A constant blizzard lay over the snow-capped mountains, and everypony was growing tired of the constant white haze. Twilight, especially. The consistent feed of magic was taking its toll, even on her.

“Wait, I think I hear something…” Rainbow suddenly exclaimed.

Everypony stopped to listen. At first, only the howl of the wind greeted their ears. However, the more they listened, the more they could make out subtler noises.

“There’s a fell voice on the air…” Rarity pointed out.

A crack was heard. Overhead, the cliff face broke apart from the mountain and came hurtling down with devastating momentum.


Twilight concentrated into her horn, and a solidified barrier of light formed itself over her and her friends. The barrage of cold rock and snow met with the barrier, and vanished as it came into contact.

Twilight’s vision blurred, and for a second she almost put down her warmth spell. She turned her head to verify the group was all right. They were shaken, but otherwise unharmed.

“What in tarnation just happened?” Applejack cried.

“Look!” Pinkie yelled, pointing a hoof upwards.

Above them, the mysterious assailant who had attacked Rainbow in the forest floated in the air. Her horn was glowing a magnificent shade of silver, almost invisible against the white backdrop.

“What do you want with us!?” Twilight snarled.

“A trial, Twilight Sparkle. Be sure to not disappoint.” The unicorn began chanting in a fast and confusing tongue, a magic practice Twilight was not familiar with.

“Rarity, use the warmth spell I taught you!” Twilight ordered. After she made sure Rarity had erected the protective barrier, the readied unicorn dropped the spell on everypony but herself.

The unicorn had finished her chant, and the result was a stream of ice shards hurtling towards Twilight with speed that could rival a bullet. Twilight couldn’t react in time, and squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation of the incoming impact.

Except it never came.

She opened her eyes to see Rainbow and Fluttershy holding a cloud in front of her. The deadly ice particles had been absorbed.

Giving a quick nod of thanks, Twilight concentrated her willpower into her horn, attempting to use the same sleep spell the assailant used on Rainbow to turn back on her.

The invisible thought tendrils sped towards their target, threatening to put the mysterious unicorn into a deep slumber. The mare’s horn glowed silver once again, and Twilight’s spell was met with an invisible wall that prohibited any further progression.

The hostile unicorn launched a counter-attack, attempting a possession spell that would allow her control of Twilight’s thoughts. Twilight was ready, however, and erected her own defenses in time to block the invisible force.

This relay of spells continued on for some time. For the outsiders not involved in the battle, it looked like the two unicorns were simply glaring at each other while their horns glowed.

Finally, Twilight abandoned her purely mental assault and decided to attempt a physical attack. The snow beneath the mysterious mare’s feet began gathering, and quickly shot up from the frozen ground at a lethal force propelling itself towards the unprepared unicorn.

The snow impacted with the assailant’s stomach with a dull thud. She was not prepared for the change in attack pattern. Her body was thrown back towards the cliff side, and hit it with a sickening crack as her head whiplashed against the frozen rock. Her body grinded against the steep mountainside as it descended, leaving a rough trail and numerous cuts and bruises as souvenirs.

Twilight decided it was safe to let her guard down a little bit. She had never used combat magic in a real-life situation before (with the exception of the Ursa Minor incident, which wasn’t really combat magic), and her heart was thudding against her ribs as if to make a desperate attempt to flee.

“Is…is she...?” Fluttershy managed to yell over the wind.

“No…just knocked out, I reckon,” AJ replied. “That was some impressive magic, Twilight. Didn’t know you had that kind of power in you.”

“Th-thanks,” Twilight stammered back.

“Well…what do you think we should do with her?” Rainbow asked.

As Rainbow finished her sentence, the mare’s horn glowed once again. No attack came, however, and she teleported away as quickly as she came.

With confirmation that her friends were safe, Twilight allowed herself to pass out from exhaustion.


Rainbow wrapped her wings around Twilight tighter. The group was asleep inside a small cave on the side of one of the many mountains that made up the Frostbitten Mountains. Rarity had conjured a small flame that hovered in the center of the small space they had available.

The heat of the flame had long since melted the snow and evaporated the remaining moisture. That said, the earth ponies and unicorns were still struggling to retain warmth during their restless slumber.

Inside Rainbow’s wings, Twilight shook with alarming violence. Rainbow stayed awake long after the rest of the group had fallen asleep, determined in any way to keep her warm. After what felt like several hours, the exhausted unicorn showed signs of stirring. First a low mumble. Some twitching of her eyelids. Finally, she started opening her eyes and began to take in her situation.


“Twilight, take it easy,” Rainbow advised.

Twilight didn’t make any effort to move. “What happened?” she simply inquired.

“You passed out after that unicorn teleported away. We found a small cave where we could rest, and Rarity has been making sure we’ve all been keeping warm,” Rainbow explained.

Silence followed. Neither of them knew what to say next. A million thoughts ran through Rainbow’s mind.

“Rainbow…why did you kiss me?” asked Twilight suddenly. She was quite clearly still a little delirious.

Rainbow panicked for a reply. Anything that wouldn’t let on how she felt. Which kind of felt like a lost cause. “Well…spur of the moment thing, you know? You just looked so sad. I didn’t really know how to make you feel better.”

“I know you’re lying,” Twilight replied. She was silent for a few moments. “I didn’t hate it.”

Twilight’s words echoed through Rainbow’s head a few times. Did this mean Twilight returned her feelings? Or was she just letting her down nicely? Or maybe she was still extremely delirious.

“You’re my dear friend, Rainbow Dash. I’m sorry if I’ve ever caused you pain by not realising your feelings. But…I do now. And maybe it was too late. If none of this happened we could have…made things work. We could have seen each other everyday in Ponyville. Go on a date every Saturday…and…learn more about each other than we know now.” Twilight sad all this in a slight slur, implying she was indeed slightly out of it.

“It’s okay…Twilight. I’m an idiot for feeling like this.” Rainbow was determined not to cry. Now was not the time.

“Hey…you alright?” Twilight asked sheepishly.

“I’m fine…”

“You’re crying.”

Rainbow now felt the moisture on her face, now that it was pointed out. The tears rolled down her face, freezing slightly as it was met with the sub-zero temperature.

Suddenly, the tears melted back into pure saltwater. She felt an unexplainable warmth take over. The fire Rarity had conjured was now twice as large, and emitting a heat so radiant Rainbow felt as if it was giving off an aura of pure joy.

She looked back at Twilight, and saw that the unicorn’s horn was glowing a deep purple.

“Rainbow…when this is over…and we all return to Ponyville…tell me again. Tell me how you feel again.” Twilight ended her words with a light peck on Rainbow’s lips, and fell back into a delirious sleep.

The night felt little warmer now. The fire burnt on, keeping at bay the hostile forces attempting to penetrate their sanctuary.

Deserts and Deathbeds

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Do you desire something?
Chase after it

The horizon will not come to you


Shining Armour watched as the landscape beneath him unfolded. His thoughts drifted to his departure from Canterlot. And Cadence. She had not taken the news of him leaving well. He missed her terribly. An empty void filled his stomach, fuelled by the fact that Shining may not see his beloved for a long time. In the end, however, they both understood their positions. Shining had a duty to fulfil, as did Cadence.

To either side of Shining, powerful wings assaulted the air as they strained to keep aloft the mighty dragon they were attached to. For lack of a better method of transport, Magna had allowed Shining to ride on his back for the duration of this journey. An offer Shining rather reluctantly accepted. The back of a dragon was not designed for ponies, and more than once Shining had almost slipped and plummeted to the ground.

They had left the border of Equestria several hours ago, and had entered a region that was vastly uncharted by pony knowledge. The clouds moved and twisted on their own, dictated by wild and unruly winds. The expansive landscape unfurled from the horizon, vastly varying in its nature. A desert would connect to a rainforest, followed by a deep lake. Shining knew this was not an environment he was adapted to.

After several more hours of flight, Shining began to notice a change in the air. It smelled like…emptiness. Ashes. Death. The land that rolled under him was black and scorched. A barren wasteland that stretched out as far as his eyes allowed. There was no life.

Apparently they had arrived at their destination, because Magna and the others began to level into a slight descent. Shining Armour braced himself for the impact. Magna’s claws cracked the dried earth as he made contact with the ground. Shining quickly jumped down from the dragon’s back, glad to be back on some kind of stable ground.

“So…what exactly are we looking for?” Shining asked. He examined the environment around him. It all looked identical.

“The most favourable option would be an egg. If not…the King’s remains,” Magna instructed.

“The King must have experienced quite a battle here…” said Leethum.

“Do you mean…your King did this…?” Shining was bewildered. This scorched land must have expanded for several hundreds of leagues.

“The previous King was often regarded as the most powerful, even among his fore bearers. Do you remember how I told you the members of the Lineage do not age regularly? The King’s mind was so ancient he would have dwarfed the mountain your capital city resides on,” Ahtrax said. The dragon paused for a second before continuing. “His fire also had the power of true death. Anything it touched would be obliterated from this world forever.”

Shining shuddered at the thought of such a mighty creature. He could feel it in the atmosphere around him, now. There was indeed no trace of life anywhere. The air smelled dry and desolate, filled with an emptiness difficult to describe. Shining’s horn glowed, and he cast his mind at the cracked earth that lay underneath him, scanning for any sign of life. To his shock, no response was heard. There were no ants burrowing underneath, no roots attempting to penetrate the dry ground. Only barren emptiness.

Without a word, the dragons began walking around the wasteland that surrounded them, occasionally taking to the air to gain the advantage of height.

“Brothers…over there. What is it?” Leethum exclaimed suddenly.

The other two dragons were still rooted to the ground, and were unsure of what Leethum was talking about. Magna hoisted Shining off the ground easily, and took to the sky to follow his companion. Shining’s eyes scanned the desolate landscape. On the horizon, he spotted something.

A glint of white shone against the black backdrop.

“Could it be…?” Ahtrax mused. A dark look had crossed his face.

With silent agreement, the dragons accelerated towards the mystery object. Even with the speed of the dragons, it took almost an hour to reach their destination. Shining could see what it was now. And he was awed.

There, slightly imbedded into the earth, was the largest skull Shining had ever seen. The inside of the jaw could have easily fit the entirety Canterlot Castle, and then some. Out of the ground beside it lay the skeletal figure of a gargantuan wing. The rest of the skeleton, Shining assumed, was buried in the lifeless earth.

One thing was clear, however. The King’s skeleton had been recovered.

“What could have killed him…?” Magna thought to himself.

None of the dragons took the discovery with any sign of significant surprise, as if they were expecting this. Then Shining truly understood the extent of Magna’s question. The King was killed by something. Something even more powerful than this humongous creature, who had the ability to literally breathe death.

I may be in over my head, Shining thought to himself.


Spike felt the ground beneath him rise and fall. This had awakened him from the uneasy rest he was attempting. His eyes opened, and he saw that the grass had turned a deep shade of blue. Gusts of wind met with his face as he struggled to understand what was happening.

A giant black eye stared back at him as he sat up.

“Augh!” he cried as he backed away.

“It is reassuring that the sight of me is that terrifying, childling,” Koblat chuckled. A sound that resembled a small landslide.

It was strange to hear the fierce dragon making any sort of noise that implied he had a sense of humour.

Spike didn’t reply. He could see now he was on Koblat’s back, with the ground several hundred feet below him. The wind was from his wings as they worked to keep him aloft.

“What are you doing?” Spike yelled.

“…It is time we left the Everfree Forest. There is someplace I must see,” Koblat replied.

Despite the current situation, Spike’s heart leapt at the mention of the forest. It meant that Ponyville wasn’t as far away as he thought. In fact, he was sure he could glimpse a town over the horizon.

“Now...childling. Hold on tight. This will get very, very rough,” Koblat ordered.

Spike could sense the seriousness in the other dragon’s words. As much as he hated to comply, he grabbed the nearest spike protruding from Koblat’s back and held on tightly, unsure of what was about to come.

The landscape disappeared from under him. Wind blasted his face from all directions, and the rare moment where he could manage to strain his eyes open, he could see Koblat’s wings blurred with motion. The ground beneath him had transformed into a mix of colours, no single tree or building gathering any form of definition before being whisked away. Spike was sure of one thing. They were flying exceptionally fast.

Except it felt like it was over in a flash. Koblat’s wings suddenly halted and caught the wind that he was battling. Spike was thrown forward off the dragon’s back, tumbling in the air. He panicked. His legs flailed, hoping to conjure solidity from the void that he was falling through.

He saw a flash of blue, and found Koblat had caught him with one of his gargantuan claws. The pair landed safely, and Spike took the time to take in his surroundings.

There was something wrong with this place Koblat had taken him. He found it difficult to describe. It just felt…empty. A scorched wasteland expanded itself around him. Despite this place being barren and desolate, Spike felt something resonate within him.

“What are we here for?” Spike asked worriedly.

“That is none of your concern, childling,” replied Koblat. With that cryptic answer, Koblat began walking forward. Spike hurried to keep up, knowing that if he somehow lost sight of his unwilling companion he’d be truly lost in this wasteland.

He followed behind the larger dragon’s footsteps for the better part of half an hour, unsure of what their final goal was. Spike heard only the dull thud of his claws on the earth, and allowed the monotonous beat to lull him into a tired trance.

He was broken out of his temporary state, however, when he noticed Koblat had stopped walking several meters behind him. He wore a scowling expression, his eyes darkening at something Spike could not see over the horizon. Without giving Spike time to ask, Koblat launched himself forward, picking the baby dragon with surprising grace, and once again they were penetrating the air with impossible speed.

Spike managed to catch a glimpse of something white before being whisked away again. Koblat banked to the left, coming to a stop facing the mysterious object. Protruding from the ground was the largest skeleton Spike could possibly imagine. And standing next to it, was Shining Armour. Oh, along with another three dragons.


Shining Armour felt a brutal wind blow past the skeleton. For a second, he feared that the King had somehow resurrected. Rational though, however, told him that was impossible. Instead, another dragon of a deep sapphire blue hovered in the air above them. This dragon was even larger than Ahtrax.

“Brethren, what are you named?” Ahtrax yelled at the mysterious dragon.

“Shining, help me!”

Shining looked around to locate the owner of that voice. It was one he had heard many times before.

“Over here!”

He looked up to see Spike wildly flailing his arms around, clasped inside one of the blue dragon’s huge claws.

“Spike!? What…wait, we’ll get you down from there!” he yelled in reply. He wasn’t quite sure how exactly to help in this particular situation, however.

“Answer the question, brother!” Ahtrax roared again. “My name is Ahtrax, leader of the dragon race, and I demand a name!”

“I have no desire to give the likes of you my name,” rumbled the blue dragon in response.

Despite feeling hostility emanating from this new dragon, Shining felt quite secure in the knowledge there were three dragons on his side.

Ahtrax took to the air, allowing him to stare this other dragon dead in the eye. “Do you plan on defying me? Do you know what would follow?” Ahtrax threatened.

“I am well aware,” the blue dragon simply replied, “and I invite you to try it.”

Fire flew from Ahtrax’s mouth, propelling itself towards the unprepared dragon. Except, it never hit. The dragon simply vanished from the air, materializing behind Ahtrax. With a massive swipe, the dragon slammed his claw into Ahtrax’s side, knocking him into the dry earth with a thunderous boom.

Magna and Leethum were taken by surprise as well. They had not expected Ahtrax to be beaten down so easily. As they too prepared to take into the air, however, the dragon disappeared again. Shining wasn’t sure how he was achieving that particular feat, but that was not the issue at hand.

Ahtrax propped himself on his claws, gingerly taking care to not put too much pressure on his wounded area.

“Brother, are you hurt badly?” Leethum growled.

“A small injury. No matter.” Ahtrax had a look of shame in his eyes. “That dragon bested me easily. Who was that?”

“Hey, I don’t really know if this the best time to bring this up, but he had someone very important with him,” Shining interjected.

“Yes…” Magna pondered. “Could it be?” he directed this question at the two other dragons.

“It seems we found what we came to Equestria seeking,” Ahtrax nodded.


Spike held on for dear life. Once again the landscape below him was a coloured blur, and Koblat showed no sings of slowing anytime soon. The scene he had just witnessed shocked him into a state of numbness, but the extreme speed he was travelling at didn’t allow him to process it.

After what felt like an eternity, though it was more likely several minutes, Koblat landed on the earth next to a roaring river.

Spike slid off the dragon’s back and collapsed into a heap on the soft riverbank. He could hear the sounds of Koblat drinking from the river, and didn’t bother to start interrogating him just yet, though hundreds of questions ran through his young mind. Eventually, however, their need to be answered eclipsed his fatigue.

“So…what was all that?” Spike piped up. He wasn’t even sure if Koblat would tell him.

“That place…holds significant value to me. I could not stand the thought of others soiling it,” Koblat answered. Still as cryptic as ever, but it was better than nothing.

“Who were those dragons? And who did that skeleton belong to?”

“I do not know those dragons. I would assume the one that attacked me holds the current dominance over our race. Rather pathetic, if I would say. He was weak. The matter of the skeleton…I will tell you another time, childling.”

“Why did he attack you?”

“Because I defied his order. Though he was weak, he owns the title of our race. Any defiance will be answered with force. It’s just the way of our race. Though I do not expect you to know that, being raised by ponykind.”

“…Why do you know so much about me?”

“Enough questions. Even I get tired.”

Spike did not argue. Truthfully, the day’s events had also tired him out. He wanted to sleep so badly. To just curl up beside Twilight and allow her comforting warmth to wash away all his questions, fear and uneasiness. But no, he had no idea where she was right now. He knew she would be looking for him tirelessly, along with everypony else. Right now, though, they may as well not be.

He felt moisture hit his face. He looked towards the sky to see darkening clouds above him. Slowly, the fall of raindrops increased, and had soon developed into a steady downpour. Spike allowed himself to lie on the wet riverbank, and finally succumb to the feelings he was keeping down these past few days. Tears flowed freely from his eyes as he cried for his home, his friends, Twilight, and the life he feared he might never return to. A frightful emptiness stood as a substitute for his friends. An empty void. Nothing else.

Suddenly, a sapphire blue replaced the dark gray of the clouds. He looked over a Koblat. Silently, the massive dragon laid a wing above the weeping child. Spike could not see his face. He did not complain. It wasn’t as good as a warm bed and reassuring hugs from Twilight, but beggars can’t be choosers. He allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

A flash of fire. A thunderous roar. A streak of silver claw. Two dragons battled each other in the gray sky, each attempting to bite, claw and burn their way to victory. One dragon was massive. Each roar escaping from his throat resembled a heavy thunderstorm. His fire was jet black, and burned even the air around him.

The other dragon was smaller, coloured ruby red. Desperately winding his way around the other’s breath with amazing agility. Neither seemed to have the advantage. One was built for power, the other for speed. Spike continued to watch this battle of unknowns, unsure of when it would end, and what consequences the victor would bring


Twilight felt the hot sand burn her hooves. She was tired of these extremes. The group had left the Frostbitten Mountains several days ago. After their second encounter with the mysterious unicorn, it had taken the group another day to leave the arctic environment completely, and enter the next phase of their journey. The Dry Plains. The largest and driest desert charted by ponykind.

Now, instead of blistering cold, they had to deal with scorching heat. Fluttershy was suffering particularly. Her burns had not yet completely healed, and she was worse off for it.

Few words were exchanged between the group. There was nothing to talk about anyway. They were hell bent on achieving their goal. It was day three of the desert, and supplies were starting to run short. They had to somehow make it through the desert to the Fathom River before they ran out.

The group walked on. Occasionally checking the map to ensure they were headed in the right direction. Getting lost now would endanger everything.

“Hey, guys. Ya’ll reckon we should set up camp? Startin’ to get mighty cold around here,” Applejack suddenly piped up. She was right. The sun was starting to set, and the desert’s temperature dropped into the negatives without Celestia’s sun.

Not wanting to deal with cold again anytime soon, Twilight and Rarity magically erected the tents, whilst Fluttershy and AJ prepared a simple dinner. Pinkie and Rainbow sorted out odd jobs here and there, not wanting to appear unhelpful.

They sat around a magically conjured fire while the cold set in. Dinner was a simple affair of soup and bread.

“Can you believe a mere two weeks ago we were enjoying a simple picnic in the park?” Rarity suddenly brought up.

“Yeah…” Fluttershy answered.

“Pretty cool we got to go on this camping trip, though,” Rainbow joked.

Everypony looked at her in unison, unsure of how to take it.

“Oh, come on, somepony help me lighten the mood a bit.” The spectrum maned prankster pony looked around the group in a disapproving manner. This elicited a small giggle from Pinkie.

“I’m sure I can help with that,” she smiled.

“Go ahead, Pinks,” Rainbow challenged.

A loud bang erupted from behind Rarity, causing her to jump to her feet and collapse in a heap in the sand. Behind her, lay a small firecracker attached to a timer.

“Kyaaahhh!” Rarity let out a piercing scream.

This caused Rainbow and Pinkie to erupt into a fit of laughter. Bewilderment was rampant. The truth, however, eventually dawned on everypony.

“Rainbow…Pinkie…were you two setting up pranks whilst we were setting up camp…?” AJ asked suspiciously.

“Of course not. Not like you grumpy pants needed some cheering up or laughter or anything,” Pinkie giggled naughtily. She broke into another fit of laughter, joined by Rainbow shortly after.

AJ, Twilight, Rarity and even Fluttershy found the humour in it eventually. For a few short hours after that, everypony found comfort from the small piece of home that Rainbow and Pinkie had managed to bring with them.


Rainbow hesitated in front of the tent. Inside, Twilight lay sleeping soundly. She wanted to catch her alone, but since the group were pretty much inseparable at this time, that wasn’t an option. She understood this wasn’t the appropriate time to worry about petty matters such as romance. She never even bothered with it back home. But her feelings could not be ignored and she wanted to continue their conversation from the mountains so badly.

Slowly, Rainbow breathed out and unzipped the entrance to the canvas.

“Hey, Twilight, you still up?” she asked, not expecting a coherent answer. It surprised her, then, when she heard Twilight’s voice reply.

“Rainbow? What’s up?”

“Umm…well…I just…wanted to talk for a bit.”

“Sure…come in,” replied Twilight rather hesitantly. “You okay?”

“Well…it’s just about…you know. I’m not sure if you remember when we were talking back at the cave.”

“I remember, Rainbow. I wouldn’t forget something like that. I mean, you took away my first kiss, remember?”

Rainbow was glad for the cover of darkness. Her cheeks had turned bright red. She was sure her face could have been used as a radiator right now.


“Don’t apologise. Like I said. I didn’t hate it.”

Rainbow wasn’t sure what to say after that. She wished she could act like her normal self when it came to Twilight. Fearless. Confident. Everything that defined her as a pony. But no, Twilight’s presence seemed to disarm even the most fundamental things about her.

“Rainbow, I’m cold,” Twilight said suddenly.

Slowly, Rainbow processed the hint. She slipped into the sleeping bag next to Twilight, and wrapped her quivering wings around the unicorn as she had so many times before. Twilight responded in turn by turning to face the nervous pegasus, her own body shaking from the alien feeling of having another pony so close.

Rainbow wasn’t sure what would come next. She couldn’t fall asleep now. She couldn’t relax. Her mind was racing with elation and dread. So she went with her gut. Did the only thing that made sense to her at that moment. Slowly, she closed her eyes and leaned towards Twilight, hoping to steal the unicorn’s second kiss.

Their lips met halfway. Shock ran through Rainbow’s body. Bewilderment drove her to attack Twilight’s lips with greater ferocity, and as Rainbow continued, she felt Twilight give up what little resistance she had and allowed the pegasus entry. Passion burnt in Rainbows gut, and she held Twilight closer as she continued her assault.

Twilight returned it in kind wrapping her own hooves around Rainbow’s shoulders and pulling her closer, the desire to explore Rainbow’s mouth overwhelming. The pair did not let go of each other, not tiring of the activity, their desire only increasing as time went on.

Eventually, however it had to stop. They were getting a little too loud. Wouldn’t want to wake the neighbours. They simply lay in each other’s arms for a while, unsure of what would happen next.

“Hey, Rainbow…we should do that again sometime.”


They fell asleep shortly afterwards, a new passion driving the newly born couple. Sadly, they were unaware of the dangers of the desert that were already upon them.