The Bridge

by Moonlit Path

First published

Applejack is a young filly trying to do more than she should be capable of. However, during her darkest time, help comes from a very unexpected source.

Applejack is a young filly trying to do more than she should be capable of. However, during her darkest time, help comes from a very unexpected source.

The Bridge

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Applejack sat at the edge of the bridge that connected Sweet Apple Acres to Ponyville. She had a long day, and was exhausted. Not just from physical exhaustion, but mental as well. Applejack took a couple deep breath allowing her mind to go completely blank, and just forget about everything. The only thing she could hear and see had been the water under her. After taking a couple deep breaths, she closed her eyes and leaned forward.

For the first time in a long time, she finally felt happiness. The freedom that she had been yearning for, for so long. Everything had finally been in reach. Leaning forward, she started to push herself off when she felt a sharp pain as someone pulled her mane. Falling backwards onto the bridge, Applejack blinked a few times in confusion.

“Applejack! What are ya doin?”

Applejack looked up to see a familiar face. “Grampy? What…what are yall doin here? I thought you were… ”

“Ah know Applejack. Ya thought ah left, but I’m right here now." Apple Tart turned Applejack around and placed his hooves on her shoulders. “Now tell me what in the hay yall were thinking, bout to jump off that bridge.” He demanded, with a firm yet soft and worried voice.

“Ah...ah don’t know. ” Applejack admitted. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t lie. Not to her own Grandfather.

“Tell me about it.” Apple Tart wrapped his hoof around Applejack shoulder, as they sat down on the edge. He knew Applejack wouldn’t try anything again, now while he was there. “Ah’m here ta listen. So just let it all out.”

Applejack nodded her head. Tears threatened to come out, but Applejack did her best to keep herself from crying. On the outside that is. “Ah guess I’m just stressed right now. What with Big Mac in Appleloosa helpin out my cousins, I’m left to take care of Granny all by my lonesome. Not to mention all the work round the farm that needs to get done. “

“Why do you have to take care of Granny Smith all by yourself?”

Applejack gritted her teeth, looking down at the ground. “Have no choice. Granny can’t take care of herself, my folks refuse to leave their apartment in Las Pegasus, Big Macs away, you’re gone, so ah’m the only one left.”

Noticing Applejacks anger rising, Apple Tart slowly rubbed her back until she calmed down again. “Ah know Granny is thankful to have ya there. Why don’t yall ask yer friends ta help, when things become too much?” He offered, only to immediately regret it as Applejack pulled away.

“Ah aint got nopony. Got a few friends, but they're so busy that we hardly talk. A couple others tried hangin out with me, but cause ah had been so busy with Granny and whatnot, they gave up. Haven’t talked to them in a year, if not longer.”

Apple Tart just stared in shock, as he tried to comprehend what Applejack just told him. “That’s awful. Everypony needs a friend. What do you do for fun?”

“Ah got a few things here and there that ah do, such as walkin. That’s bout it though. It’s pretty much just me and Granny.” Applejack sighed, laying back and looking up to at the clouds.

“Do you ever get a day off?” Apple Tart asked, laying back next to Applejack.

Applejack shook her head, closing her eyes she tried to relax a little. The thoughts from earlier coming up to the surface again. “Naw. Granny needs someone there with her all the time, and nopony else is willin to help. Haven’t even gotten ta spend the night at a friends house since Big Mac left.”

“Hey let’s start walking back to the farm.” Apple Tart offered. Helping Applejack up, they both started walking towards the orchard. “I’m sorry yall are goin through that. Ah can’t imagine goin through that as such a young age. What does everypony tell you?”

“They’re thankful for it, when they aint fightin or yellin at me. I swear ah’m doin the best I can, but it’s hard. They tell me one thing, but when ah know she can’t do it...I feel just awful. Ah feel like I’m not doin a good ‘nough job. Ah though ah could handle it at first, but day after day. It starts ta wear a pony out.” Applejack explained, as they slowly walked through the orchard. Finding her favorite relaxing tree, both of them sat down in the shade.

“If yall don’t mind me askin, what drove you to try and jump?” Apple Tart asked rather blantly.

“Just the stress. Stress from tryin to take care of Granny and the farm alone. Hearin the fightin everyday, trying to help my folks. Ain’t like my Ma can work. My Dad works too hard, tryin to bring in some extra bits, and deal with Ma. Not ta mention bein alone all the time. Sure ah got Granny, but she can hardly ‘member my name. Ain’t like we can do much. Adds up after couple years.” Applejack opened her eyes as she felt something being placed on her head. Reaching up, she took off her Grampys favorite hat. Not being able to take her eyes off. He never let anyone touch it, let alone where it.

“Apples are a strong breed of pony. Even though it’s hard now, it ain’t gonna be like that forever. Yall just have to stand strong and keep yer head up high. Nopony can understand what yer goin through, ‘specially with yer past. But the Applejack ah know, wouldn’t just throw her life away like that. Not when Granny and the farm needs ya. Ah want yall to have that. My Daddy wore it ‘fore me, and gave it to me when I took charge of the farm. Now it’s yer turn.” Apple Tart reached over and took the hat out of Applejacks hooves and placed it back on her head.

“Things will always get better. Ah also want yall to know that ah’m always here for you, when ya need me. Understood?” Smiling as Applejack nodded her head.

“Thank ya.” Applejack gave her Grampy a hug. “And ah’m sorry for what I did earlier. That was just plain stupid of me.”

“Just need ta think things through little more. Yer goin to be alright. Ah’m proud of you for everything ya have done. Yer definitely my grandfoal. I love ya Applejack, and keep up the good work.”

“Ah love you too.”



The world around her started turning black, before a bright ray of sunshine assaulted her eyes.

“Applejack come on! It’s time for breakfast.” Apple Bloom explained irritated, before noticing her sisters reddened eyes. “Hey, you ok?”

Applejack smiled and pulled Apple Bloom into a bear hug. “Ya, just been thinking bout Grampy is all.”

Apple Bloom reached over and put the hat on her sister. “Ah didn’t know him, since he left ‘fore I was born, but I know ya just need to remember to good times. Not what that stupid cancer made of him.”

“Ah know, and ah ain’t gonna lie. It’s hard. Towards the end, he couldn’t even ‘member who ah was. Yer right though, ah just need to ‘member the good times.” Applejack adjusted her hat before getting up. “Hey Apple Bloom?”


Applejack ran out of the room. “Race ya to breakfast!”

“It’s on!”