> A Changeling, a Werewolf, and a Vampire > by changeling blaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, its settled!", said a tall white unicorn stallion. "When are you moving into your new home?" " Oh, I think I'll move in as soon as possible.", said a tall black Pegasus stallion sporting a green flame as cutie mark. "Well, I hope your new home is to your liking'", said the unicorn "Here are the keys and you will be getting the bill as soon as you get all the electricity, water, gas and all that stuff together." Half an hour later, the Black Pegasus stood in front of a two-story house. The house had a garden area, white painted fence, and fresh coat of paint. To the stallion the house was just perfect. "Well Blaze here's to a new life, boy, I really hope it's better than my last," he muttered to himself as he entered his new home . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Three weeks later ) At 10:30 the train from Canterlot arrived right on time. Ponies quickly shuffled off the train. Some ponies where greeted by relatives, for some it was just a whistle stop, and a few rich unicorns came to shop at Rarities Boutique. One of those ponies who arrived was a brown earth pony mare, Her mane was a little bit darker brown than her coat and had a treble cleft for a cutie mark. The mare wore only a pink bow tie. Glancing up at the clock she noted that she only had a half an hour before meeting a pony named Emerald Blaze at Sugar Cube Corner. The mare had a small problem, she knew absolutely nothing about the town or where to find the meeting place. The mare spotted a group of ponies who looked like they lived in the town. Deciding to ask directions the mare trotted over to the first pony she saw, a tall white unicorn that had a anvil cutie mark. "Sir", she asked in very heavy Canterlot accent, "Can you tell me how to get to Sugar Cube Corner?" He smiled, " Well sure I can miss. All you have to do is go straight and take the first right that you come to. It will be the last building at the end of the street. Have a good day." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A little while later, the earth pony mare was in Sugar Cube Corner. She was looking around because she couldn't seem to find the stallion she was supposed to meet, she pulled a little letter out of her saddle bag. She read it to herself. Dear Miss Octavia. I received your letter about my classified ad in the newspaper. I would be glad to meet with you to show you the rooms for rent and discuss the living situation. Please met me at Sugar Cube Corner in Ponyville. I will meet you at 11A.M. I will be the black Pegasus stallion sitting at the table by the window. I have a emerald green flame cutie mark. Sincerely emerald blaze Octavia looked up from the letter just in time to see Emerald Blaze sitting down at a table by the window. Walking toward the table she began to get a strange feeling, not a bad one, but the sort of feeling you get when you are meeting an old friend. The closer Octavia got to the table feelings of joy and happiness washer over her. "Well. this is different." She thought to herself. Blaze stood up as she approached. " Are you Emerald Blaze?" she asked inquisitively. He nodded. As they sat down a waiter sat down donuts and two glasses of milk, her favorites. Smiling cheerfully he said, " Just call be Blaze, it is so much simpler and easier to remember, right? So you want to rent rooms in my house?" " Yes, Vinyl and I have been looking for a place in Ponyville for some time now. Until we read the ad in the newspaper about some pony renting rooms in his house we had luck." "And who is Vinyl? Did she come with you?", he said, glancing toward the door expecting to see her walk in any second. "No she stayed behind to start packing, She's very eager to move in". ( And, she thought, Vinyl would probably messed up the whole meeting if she had come). "So how much do you want for the rent?" " See, I don't really need any money. It's just that the house is so big and it's just so much quieter than I'm used to. I could get a pet to make it louder but then I have to take care of it. Plus I can't even find the pet store. So I was thinking maybe the rent could be one third of the bills. Of course I could pay the bills if one of you could cook and maybe the other could grocery shop or something. That reminds me do either of you have jobs? " Well I play the cello and I already have a position to teach music, Vinyl is a DJ.", as she said vinyl's job she mentally cringe because she thought he might disapprove of this sort of thing. " So is there anything I should know about you two? ", he asked. "Well, Vinyl can be a little loud and noxious sometimes.", she said nervously. "Louder the better", he said "So is everything settled or do you want to see the house? " " Well I guess that this is it...... so when can we move in? ", question Octavia. "As soon as possible, I can't wait to meet Vinyl". he sounds so excited, " I wonder what it's like living with a DJ". > Chapter two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emerald blaze Awoke to the sound of his alarm. With a grown he slowly slid out of bed. His chiten covered hooves hit the floor with a dole thud. "Finally this is the last time I'll have to spend the night and this wretched form", He said with malice , suddenly green flames raced across his body. Slowly he walked to his mirror to check and see if there were any flaws in his form. First he looked at his mane, and coat. To his delight he couldn't find any thing wrong. Thin he looked at his muscle to see if any fangs were sprouting out and to see if there was anything wrong with his eyes. And still he could not find anything wrong with thin which brought a smile. Finding nothing wrong he look a his wings no trace of the trans parent, insect like wing. Instead he saw some strong black Pegasus wings and feathers. Finally he at his hooves to make sure there wasn't any holes. Satisfied with his inspection he turned his clock to check time. Then he realize that the need to check in to see if you'd gotten his cutie mark right. When he looked to his flank he saw nothing though. As green flames washed over his flank he murdered to himself" it's always something" Now that his inspection was over he turned his clock. As he read it his jaw dropped. It was already 10:30 A.M how do you slept in so late, he was supposed to meet Octavia and Vinyl at train station at 11A.M. He had to hurry if you want to make it in time, opening the window he spread his wings and flapped hard shooting off into the sky it would only take10 minutes to get to the train station if he hurried. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The train arrived at 11 AM as scheduled. Blaze washed as ponies shuffled off the train and onto the platform, he had an eye out for Brown Earth pony mayor and a white unicorn with electric blue Maine. It only took him a little while to spot to ponies he was looking for. He quickly got up and walked over to his soon to be roommates. As soon as Octavius saw him she greeted him with warm pleasantries. "Blaze it's so good to see you again here can you help me get some of these bags" she said gesturing to some of her bags that laid next to her. " Of course" he said in reply picking up two of her bags and placing them over his wings. Looking over you noticed the pony standing right beside her. "You must be Vinyl" he said reaching out his hoove. "That's right and you must be blaze" she said reaching her hoove out and giving him a firm shake. "Well are we going to stand here all day are we going to get to the house" she said levitating a few bags beside her. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A good thirty minutes later they arrived at the house. "Make yourselves at home" said blaze opening the door. The two mayors trotted in first. Vinal set her bags down looking around. "So where are the bedrooms" again she asked anxiously. "Up the stairs and to the left and right, the bathroom is down the hall and there's one upstairs, the living room is to the right dining rooms to the left in the kitchen is one room behind the dining room". In a flash vinyl shot of the stairs, her stuff following her ensnared in a magical blue aura. As she went vinyl yelled "dibs". Octavia put her half to her head shaking her head left and right saying "that mayor always in a rush, i'm guessing now you know why I didn't bring her to our little meeting at Sugar Cube Corner". "Like I said before, the noisy the better I always, love a alive personality, do you need any help carrying your bags" he said with a smile ? "Yes, thank you" she said graciously as she picked up one of her bags and headed for the stairs."I best check on vinyl to make sure she doesn't wreck anything" As blaze picked up the bags he tasted her emotions, sensing a hint of affection when she said vinyl. They both reached the top of the stairs about the same time. From blaze could see vinyl took the room to the right which also was the room closest to the bathroom. As you open the door to Octavia's new room he asked her if she would need any help which she replied no. He's about to go check on vinyl when he asked her if there was anything she needed she again replied no. He then proceeded to go check on vinyl. Knocking on the door he asked if there was anything she needed. "Yeah ,where is the nearest club I need to book a gig",she said not turning from her work. She was currently setting out some wires and headphones. As he looked at her he noticed that she was still wearing her sunglasses which he found a little odd but didn't think much of it. " Well the nearest club that I know of would be the one near sugar cube corner which is one or two blocks away they're usually open from ten to one. Is there anything else you need". "Well I guess you could help me set up so my DJ equipment", she said still not looking up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took about four hours to get all of her equipment set up. By the end of it blaze was ready for bed and from theand from the certain mixture of emotions he was getting from vinyl so was she. "Well I'm gonna go check on Octavian and go to bed if there is an anything you need help with", he said tiredly. He found Octavia downstairs munching on a dandelion and Daisy sandwich. Feeling content here treatment to his room plopping down on his bed he slowly close his eyes feeling that he can finally have a normal life. > Chapter 3q > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl was hungry, and it was the kind of ravenous hunger that shouted she had to eat something soon! If Vinyl was lucky her rations would be waiting for her at the post office. Still sitting on her bed and looking out her window Vinyl watched the evening sun going down. It was already eight PM leaving her fifty minutes to get to her first gig at the club. She slid off the bed, her hooves gently hitting the wood floor. Using her magic to levitate her signature sunglasses they were now resting over her eyes. She slowly adjusted them making sure that no one would be able to see her eyes. Then she levitated her hair gel. Unscrewing the lid she took a bit and start a working it into her hair. Vinyl had packed saddlebags the night before so she was ready. Before levitating the bags onto her back she double checked the contents one more time. Knowing she had everything she need she confidently left the room. In the kitchen, Blaze, bless his heart was at the stove scrambling some eggs. Glasses of orange juice were sitting on the table along with a skillet full of hash browns. When a bottle of catch up caught her eye, Vinyl begin to salivate. "Good afternoon, sleepyhead, when you said you usually sleep through the day because you work at night you weren't kidding", Blaze chirped. With a pleased smile on his face as Blaze set two plates full of eggs on the table. Vinyl quickly sat down looking at the wonderful smelling plate of eggs. Checking the time she said, "Yeah, it's mainly because I work till one in the morning most nights", said vinyl taking a sip from her glass with orange juice. " I hope you had a good day at work." "Oh I haven't actually gone yet , you see I work at night too", Blaze said taking a bite of eggs. Vinyls, when hearing this, turned her head to look at him her eyes flickering to his neck for a second and then up to his eyes. "Oh, I didn't know that, so what do you do," said Vinyl, finished she levitated her plate to the sink. "Well, I am a bartender at the club where you booked some gigs", said Blaze as he took his plate and glass over to the sink and started to wash them. Vinyl nearly choked on her orange juice, "So that's why the bouncer seem to know you". "Yeah, we should probably go, it's eight thirty and we're supposed to be there at nine" said Blaze trotting to the door. Levitating her saddle bags onto her back again she walked through the door as Blaze held it open for her. I was a five minute walk to the club and a fifteen minute wait in line to get in even though she was the DJ. She was going to need a conversation topic. She waited at the curb as blaze locked up the house and stored the keys in his saddle bag. With a few powerful flaps of his wings he landed right beside her in seconds. As the new friends began to trot to work, Vinyl searched her brain furiously trying to figure out something that they could talk about. Vinyl looked over at Blaze and opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she saw that he was looking away. Her eyes drifted to his neck. She felt a tingling sensation around her teeth and quickly shook her head looking away. What was she thinking? The problem was she knew what she was thinking. "So why did you leave Canterlot?", asked Blaze inquisitively. "Well. Canterlot was so big and so crowded it felt like I had no room to breathe.", replied vinyl as they walked with the club and site now and thankfully there was only one or two pones is in line. " Plus there's been a lot of murders recently , and so soon after the invasion of anterlot. It make you wonder is anyone truly safe in a really big city. If you disappeared no one would know until they found your body." " Yeah, that's enough to scare any pony. I never really like big cities much." Commented blaze with a thoughtful look on his muzzle. "So why did you move to Ponyville." asked vinyl. "Well kind of the same as you knowing that the changelings are out there all the time and they can replace anyone it's better to be in a small town where everyone knows you and it's more likely to spot one". Looking away from Blaze vinyl notice that they were almost to the club and luckly there was no ponies in line. Vinyl could hear the sound of the thumping music. She could feel the vibrations through the earth. But more than anything she could smell the ponies inside. It was a quick stab of hunger that jolted through her body. By now she was used to hunger pains and could hide them fairly well, but this one was so strong she couldn't help but wince a little. She hope that blaze didn't notice it .If he did he didn't say anything . Within a few seconds later they trotted through the doors of the club. Once inside place Blaze was swept away by the crowd to the bar. Vinyl could see tears of joy coming from the pony behind the counter as she quickly to rushed out the door. She quickly made her way to the Stage where a tired unicorn stallion was finishing packing his stuff. They quickly exchange pleasantries is vinyl set up her equipment. A few seconds later she started her first track. And music slowly came out the speakers building intention and speed. Slowly but steadily ponies wondered back onto the dance floor. And minutes all the ponies in the club we're dancing, falling over, laughing, and having a good time. Vinyl worked her magic turning to sea of ponies in front of her and to a group that would fall over soon as the music Stopped. Hours past and vinyl was getting lost in the music. She could smell the sweat. She could hear the pulse of blood coursing through the ponies veins . The adrenaline and the excitement in the air was driving are wild. Her hunger combined with her credit and stinks for telling her this would be so easy. She quickly realized what she was thinking and drove the thoughts from her mind. As she looked out into the sea of ponies there was one thing that she noticed very well. They were all drunk. Not the drunk that they'd make a stupid decision no this was one more shot you blackout drunk. She checked the clock it was Eleven fifty pm. Most of the time ponies would be this drunk at 12:30 at the least. She wondered what could be causing this and she looked over at the bar all she saw was a blur of the movement as blaze hammered out the drinks to the waiting ponies taking their bits putting them in the bits register. She decided to pay blaze A visit. She set a track to play in the loop as she trotted off the stage and over to the bar. She was due for a break anyway. There was only one or two ponies at the counter apparently trying seeing who could hold the most liquor without passing out. And Blaze was so eager to take their money. From what she could see a few shots more and they bothbe dead. Blaze noticed her in an instant shoot right up to her and leaning over the counter and asked her. "so vinyl will be". She knew she shouldn't drink but with all the things going on she wasn't thinking straight but one thought going through her mind was not to get something to heavy I want to be able to walk home and not have blaze carry me. I'll just have some apple cider. Blaze whistled, "going for the big stuff already OK". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An hour later blaze was practically caring vinyl out of the club. "Geez vinyl you nearly cleared us out. Good thing you weren't walking home alone". He joked as he pulled vinyl long."Let's get you home and in bed". Five minutes past and vinyl's hunger had returned all she knew was that she had to eat had to feed on something. She walking and there was some pony beside her. She looked up and down the streets to see if there was any pony else around. Nothing ,good ,that would mean that she was able to do this right here. She looked back at the pony walking beside her or more like caring her. She knows that it was a stallion, "perfect" she thought as her fangs began grow. The pony looked at her "vinyl what's goi.... " He never finished the sentence she lunch for sinking her fangs into his jugular . She could taste the warm liquid go down her throat as she golped greedily from her victim. She started to feel very tired for some reason. Suddenly her sanity return to her and she knows what she was doing. She quickly tried to pull away. "Blaze I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" she was quickly silence to by a hoof pressing against her still bloody muzzle. "Vinyl it's OK I know what it's like to be starving to the point of almost death" came blaze raspy voice. Within seconds blaze was on his hooves. Holding one of his hooves to his neck he began to walk. He turned around and looked at "are you coming or do I need to keep caring you home I think in this state will both fall fall over if I try to carry you." Final shocked "how are you even standing houses that most ponies die". "Well here's the problem with that sentence you said most so that leaves the motion that it is possible for some pony to survive and probably much less walk" he setting the tone that child her to her bones. "Now are you coming or not in seconds will be home and we can both go to bed and in the morning we can have a talk about THIS." He said ,this, as if she asked him to get her five puppies. Within minutes vinyl and blaze on the doorstep of their home. Vinyl good faintly hear voices coming from inside. Oh sweet Celestya please tell me Octavia didn't bring guest. She thought and she opened the door to see Octavia and the one ponies that this morning she would've killed to see but right now would've been at the bottom of the list of pony she wanted to see. Hello vinyl. Me and silver shield were wondering when you and ....BLAZE! Came Octavia's voice upon seeing final and then blaze.