> Snow Kingdom > by DisneymlpZeldalover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Child in The Snow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time… In the land of Equestria, there was a place called the Crystal Empire… It was home to the crystal ponies and their leaders, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. Cadance had given birth to a little girl… Her name had not been chosen but the Crystalling was coming up. The little princess happened to be an alicorn with incredible powers. But they lead to great peril. The baby had screamed so loud that the crystal heart had shattered. The icy cold approached the empire. Twilight Sparkle and her friends tried their best to stop it but couldn't. The empire was engulfed but not before the princesses put a protection shield around it, sealing the ponies away. Little did they know that the smallest alicorn had flown away on accident, getting out of the place before the spell hit. And so, the Crystal Empire was engulfed in a snowy disappear… And it's young princess had seemed to vanish… It was so cold… So unbearably cold… A young girl fluttered open her eyes. She stared around at the world. Where was she? Who was she? All she could remember was being alone with only images of things… Four unicorns with pegasus wings were always there in her visions, but it was so blurry. A shining light always came too, off some shape… until the darkness hit, then there was nothing… Nothing but dark, cold… And fear. The child brushed snow out of her pink, purple, and blue mane. The girl was so confused and frightened. She wanted somepony to come and tell her it would be alright, but nopony would, she knew. The pony looked around and fluttered something that reacted to the cold. She turned to look, silent and afraid. There were wings on her back! Then, looking up, there was a horn on her head. What type of pony was she? Then she heard a noise, a gasp. "Look! A little girl!" Said the voice. She turned and saw three young mares with brown cloaks on them. "Hey, don't be afraid, girl, we're here to help you!" Said one with a white coat and pink and purple curls tied into a stylish knot. The child backed away slowly then tripped over a mound of snow. "Whoa! Are you-" An orange mare with violet hair stopped when she saw something. To prevent herself from getting in the snow, the foal used her humongous wings to hold her up. "You're an alicorn…" The yellow one whispered. "An alicorn? Bu-" The earth pony covered the white unicorn with pink and purple's mouth. "Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, if they find her…" The yellow one with a red mane whispered. The three looked around as if the wind could hear them. "Come with us, girl. We're here to help." Sweetie Belle said, gently putting a hoof on the girl's shoulder. The alicorn kept noticing the one called Applebloom looking at her on the snowy walk to what the three called camp. "So…" Applebloom started. "How are you an alicorn?" The girl didn't know. She knew how to speak at least. "I-I'm sorry…" She started, a bit raspy. "I don't know-" Suddenly, a brown cloak covered her. "Shhhh! There are spies everywhere." Sweetie Belle whispered. "What's your name?" Scootaloo asked. The alicorn stopped. "My…. Name?" "Of course, what do they call you?" Sweetie Belle said. "I don't know." Was all she said. "Can you remember anything about your family? Where are they?" "All I can remember is four alicorns and a shape… A heart maybe?" The girl whispered. The three looked at each other, clearly worried. Then there was a piercing alarm. "Oh no!" Scootaloo cried. "What's that?!" The alicorn yelled. "Come on!" Applebloom growled. "What?!" The girl said. "We have to go! We have to go now!" Sweetie Belle cried. Suddenly, the alicorn was swiped up by Scootaloo and was put on her back. "Let's go!" Scootaloo barked. Applebloom nodded then suddenly, Sweetie Belle gasped. "My clip!" She cried. The alicorn turned. "Can't we leave it?" Sweetie Belle froze. "No." Was all she whispered. "Go! Get the alicorn to the camp! Keep her safe!" Applebloom yelled, going to help her friend. "But Applebloom-" "That's an order! Go!" Applebloom cried. Scootaloo suddenly took off. The alicorn gasped as they raced off. Her long hair flipped around the wind and she turned to see if Applebloom or Sweetie Belle were there but she couldn't see them. All she saw was a black cloud. She squinted then saw it wasn't a cloud. It was some kind of insect ponies. "Changelings," Scootaloo explained. The word made shivers go down the girl's spine and she cuddled the brown cloak closer and made sure it was over her head. "Hang on! We have a pick up to make!" The mare cried. They swooped down and Applebloom grabbed her friend's hooves, Sweetie Belle was holding onto her. The alicorn saw a clip in the unicorn's hair. It was of three blue diamonds. They looked forward. "Alicorn! See that stick ahead of us?" Scootaloo yelled. The girl shook her head suddenly. She had been staring at the changeling army. Why were they chasing them? Why did they want these mares? She turned to see a stick a bit above them ahead. "I see it!" She cried. "Good! When I say, pull it!" Scootaloo yelled. The time had come and the girl pulled the stick. Scootaloo sped up and the alicorn gasped when she turned around. A changeling was so close then he grabbed her long mane. She screamed and blasted a golden beam with her horn, sending the whole army backwards behind the rocks the stick had been holding. Her hair had been let go but she was still frighted. They landed swiftly and quietly. The alicorn leapt off and looked around. They were in a cave but it was closed off by rocks. "Oh no! Those changelings must have closed in the rest of the camp!" The girl cried, trying to take back the rocks. The three only smiled. Sweetie Belle suddenly thrust herself into the wall and she was gone. The girl gaped in shock. "Come on. Let's go!" Applebloom said, stepping in. Scootaloo nodded to the girl and flew in. The alicorn slowly walked to it and went in. The villains of Equestria ruled. For twelve years they had. The alicorn princesses had vanished along with the heroes. Their names were Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Discord. Discord remembered his friends, missed them too. But when the villains came to him like he knew they would, he didn't even try to fight. "Where are those stupid changelings? We sent them hours ago!" Tirek groaned. Chrysalis hissed in retaliation. "How dare you insult my dear changelings!" Sombra chuckled darkly. But Discord wasn't listening. A few minutes earlier, he had felt some kind of shift. Something like a spark had been lit. He had sensed great magic… Alicorn magic. But it was impossible, wasn't it? Suddenly, the snowy changeling army entered. All the rulers sat up. "Your majesty's! Report from the north. We caught sight of the leaders of the rebels!" One said very proudly. His queen looked around. "Well? Where are they?!" She growled. "Er… We didn't exactly catch them, my queen." They all groaned. "You can't catch three wimpy little girls?!" Sombra yelled. Discord snickered. "Little girls? It's been twelve years! They're practically adults. Sisters of the elements of harmony, what did you expect?" "But more news. They had a child with them covered in a brown cloak. We couldn't see her face." The leader continued. "A child? What news is a filly?" Tirek growled. "This child had powerful magic. Magic that our army has only seen once before…. She seemed as strong as a…. Alicorn." The room was silent when Sombra chuckled. "Bring us this child." > New Friends And Skills > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The young alicorn had already found a home in the camp after two weeks of living in it. Everyone accepted her and liked her. They also expected great things from an alicorn. They stopped asking about her heritage because she didn't know. The filly looked all around the camp which held many good ponies but couldn't find her parents. She had been named Flurry Heart for being found in the snow and for only remembering a heart. She had found that she liked Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo was really cool and acted like a sister the girl didn't know if she had. Scootaloo could fly fast but one time, on a flying lesson which she excelled in, Flurry Heart noticed that there always was a certain clicking when she flapped or opened her wings. When she asked why Scootaloo sighed. “Look, when I was little, I had really tiny wings, I could only get barely off the ground. Then, my idol, Rainbow Dash went to the Crystal Empire for something… Royal, I don't know or care anymore.” “What happened?” “She didn't come back, nopony did. The town knew without our heroes, villains would come back. They did and Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and I fought with the adults. Applebloom got her scars from that fight. After finding this camp, Sweetie Belle made a portal to this from the rocks…. I realized I didn't have time for growing up, that was long gone so Applebloom, smart as she, is made me these fake, robot wings that attach to my small wings, they never grew.” Sweetie Belle always kept her clip in because it was her sister’s. This had all happened when they were eight years old, now they were nineteen. Flurry had seen Applebloom with the three thin scars on her cheek after going to the camp. Applebloom was a mystery to her. She was silent most of the time and only opened up to her two best friends. She was sharp and stubborn when speaking to everypony else. One day, Flurry Heart decided to go and get some berries with Applebloom to talk, bond. She, of course, wore her brown cloak to cover her huge wings Berries were rare and they had been trying to find for hours. “So… What's your story?” Flurry Heart muttered. “Excuse me?” Applebloom snapped, turning to her. “Nothing! Just your friends have backstories and… I thought you would have one.” The mare looked away. “How did you get those scars?” Flurry continued. “... Eagle claw.” “Huh?” “A traitor gave me these scars. He had an eagle claw.” Applebloom whispered. Flurry Heart looked at her. “I'm so-” “Leave me alone. We're looking for berries, remember?” Applebloom huffed. “Right.” Flurry Heart whispered. “Was her name, your sister’s…. Applejack?” Applebloom froze. Turning, she had tears in her eyes. “My sister was named Applejack. H-how did you know that?” “I heard the name before, somehow.” Flurry Heart shrugged. “I…. I don't think… I don't think she's gone. I think the Crystal Empire could be real! Not just a myth... I-if that makes sense, you know...” They looked at each other and for once, Flurry Heart saw a glimpse of hope in the mare’s eyes. Then, they heard a small scream of horror. They ran to the noise and found a little while away, a small yak boy shaking profusely as changelings cornered him. When he saw the two, his eyes lit up. “Please, help me!” He cried. “Shut it, boy!” Yelled the leader. Suddenly, a snowball hit him in the head. He turned to see Applebloom had taken out her pink hair bow that had held her mane in a ponytail and had used it as a sort of slap shot. She put another snowball in and fired. “Attack!” The leader yelled. The rest of the army charged and Flurry Heart flushed in surprise. She was the secret weapon of the rebels. If the villains knew she was an alicorn, they would want her dead and would go through any means to do that. She had to keep it secret. The filly used her magic to fling snow at them. She laughed at their tumbling but found a hoof had grabbed her. She gave a muffled scream as she was tugged behind a tree. Flurry turned and raised a hoof to punch her captor when she saw it was the little yak they had seen cowering. “Y-you…. You're just a boy.” She breathed softly, dropping her hoof. The yak nodded. “Listen, we gotta get you out of here.” He whispered. Flurry looked around and saw Applebloom wasn't there. “Okay. Let's get my friend an-” He covered her mouth and she glanced at him in confusion. “Listen to me, that mare isn't your friend. She's going to betray you!” Flurry pushed his hoof away and smiled. “I don't even know your name. Why would I trust you?” The yak sighed. “My name is Prince Randolph, but you can call me Randy.” The alicorn raised her eyebrows. “Prince? Cool. Now, who told you Applebloom would betray me?” They heard a little tinkling and a tiny creature popped out of his fur. “I did, thank you!” Snapped a little gray breezie with a black mane. Flurry Heart giggled. “Oh! Of course, you did!” The breezie huffed. “This is my friend, Ashy Breeze. I found him yesterday and he can tell when something powerful or a betrayal is nearby!” Randy cried. They suddenly heard a yell. Flurry Heart snapped out of her trance of Randy's deep brown eyes. She remembered Applebloom and gasped. She peeked out from behind the tree and saw her friend weak and injured on the ground. A changeling walked up to the mare and grinned. “With you, your precious friends will give themselves up and your little resistance will crumble.” He laughed. “No!” Flurry Heart cried, running and tackling him to the ground. “Leave my friend alone!” She yelled, giving a slap square in the jaw. “Get her off me!” The leader grunted. Changings grabbed her from behind and she yelled in protest. “Let go of me!” She growled. When they didn't, her anger grew and grew until she snapped. Her cloak flew off and captured her guards. Her powerful, huge wings spread out behind her and flew her up. The girl’s blue eyes turned pure white and her hair billowed behind her. “YOU WILL BE RELEASE MY FRIEND AND LEAVE THE REBEL ALLIANCE ALONE OR I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL BE-” She stopped speaking and touched her head. Her white eyes faded back to blue and she fainted from exhaustion. “I knew it. The girl is an alicorn.” The leader laughed. He walked up to the filly who had snow in her long mane and eyelashes. He slung her on his back and was about to take her away when he heard a yell. “Release her!” Applebloom had rose, Randy and Ashy Breeze stood beside her. “Trust me, I will release her, but right into at my Queen's hooves.” He cackled. “No!” Randy cried. But suddenly, his head was turned to a block of ice. The three gasped. “Foolish…” Flurry Heart grunted softly, still exhausted. She carefully flew to the ground. “Thank goodness you're okay!” Applebloom cried, running to her. The alicorn yawned and leaned on Applebloom. The mare flushed and looked down at the filly. “Don't worry, you'll be safe…” She whispered softly, brushing back some of the girl's mane. Applebloom let out a tiny whimper, remembering how she had been in almost the same way twelve long years ago when she had a big sister. “You'll be… Safe.” Her voice cracked. Randy walked up and smiled at the sleeping girl. “My father will be expecting me. You shall come too, he wishes to speak with the resistance leaders and of course, a new alicorn.” He sighed. Ashy Breeze gave a tiny sigh. What would he help the princess now? Or would he help the rulers and take her? It was all a blur. > Rouge Royalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart watched as the snow went around her and gently fell on her mane. She then then heard a noise. She whipped around, magic ready. “Hello?” She whispered. Nothing… She slowly turned back but then something snatched her by her hair. She creid out in pain as it tugged harder till she looked upward to the grey sky. The girl tried her hardest to wrench away but the force held her firm. “Hello, little alicorn.” Cooed a distorted voice. Flurry Heart shivered at it. “Who are you?” She whispered. Suddenly a black alicorn appeared beside her. Flurry Heart winced at the pain she had trying to move to face her and was forced look upward. “Does it matter who I am?” The elder asked. “I'd say so.” The girl growled stubbornly. She felt a hard yank at her mane and she yelped, now knowing she had better hold her tounge. “You'll learn soon enough, girl. You'll learn all of us.” Flurry Heart narrowed her eyes in her confusion. Then, black smoke with eyes, a red centaur and a creature of many animals appered around her. She hyperventilated with fear and closed her eyes. “Please, go away… I'm scared…” She whispered. “Oh! Our precious little deity is frighted! How utterly awful.” A dark voice chuckled. Flurry Heart felt her face grow hot. “Please.” She grunted softly. She felt her hair finally be released and she fell to the ground. She looked up and saw the villains had faded away. “W-where…” Flurry Heart whispered, looking around. It was all black until a piercing light filled her sight. It was coming from a heart, like in all her visions. She slowly walked up to it and was about to touch it when she saw a mare standing beside her. She was a rose pink with a light pink, purple, and yellow mane. Her violet eyes seemed to dance. “Who are you?” Flurry Heart whispered. “No. Who are you?” The mare replied. She suddenly vanished and the girl herself was looking back. The reflection giggled at her and Flurry Heart stared at herself. Suddenly, that music maker appeared beside the reflection. “What are you?” She gasped. The girl gave a taunting smile. “I'm just you. That's all. But we do deserve to leave this world, don't we?” “B-but why? What did we do?” Her reflection suddenly touched the heart and a piercing scream suddenly echoed around her. The heart shattered. The girl grabbed her ears and cried out as it continued. She looked up and saw her instrument splinter then shattered apart. She gasped and looked at the wood splinters. She carefully picked one up and held onto it. The girl then saw something horrifying. In the distance loomed a dark cloud and it was going straight at her. She gasped with fear and turned to run. It was going faster and faster! She creid out but the darkness swallowed her. Flurry Heart awoke with a jolt upward. Applebloom gasped and turned to her. “Are you alright?!” She creid, running to the girl’s bedside. She was in a bed of smooth sheets and a pillow. It wasn't much, but it was something. “It was just a dream… Just a dream…” She assured herself. Applebloom raised her eyebrows and put her hoof on the bed. Flurry Heart looked around at her quarters. “W-where are we?” She whispered, looking around a grand room. “We're in the yak kingdom. King Rutherford and Randy have given us a place to stay until we’re ready to go home, which will be immediately after the breakfast.” Applebloom said. Flurry Heart was surprised at how big the palace was. It was like the villains didn't even care if the yaks were there. She was even more surprised when a female yaks came in with dresses for both her and Applebloom. The filly had never worn a dress before but she liked the feeling. It was a simple blue dress and her long mane had been braided. She saw Applebloom many minutes later but she still wasn't wearing her dress. “Ah’ don't like dresses. It could trip me up and in this time? Ya can't be tripped up.” Applebloom replied to the girl’s raised eyebrows. “It is a honor, your highness.” Applebloom said, bowing low to the ruler of yaks, King Rutherford. “As of you, pony.” The King replied. Flurry Heart peeked slowly up at the yak beside him from her own bow. Prince Randy, the boy who had tried to save her life yesterday. He was wrong, but that was a simple mistake. She caught him along with Ashy Breeze, the breezie staring at her intently. The girl felt her face grow hot and she felt like she may have hurt herself with the force her head went down. Why was her face so warm? Could she make it warm again? It was so odd. That day at breakfast, it was a feast. Flurry Heart raised her eyebrows at a plate of round dough. “What's this?” She asked, looking up. Randy laughed. “Pancakes, silly.” “And what are they putting on it?” She asked again, cocking her head at the sappy juce. “Syrup. You have a lot to learn, little alicorn.” King Rutherford laughed gruffly. Flurry Heart nodded, acting like she had known. She carefully cut a piece with her fork and ate it. Within seconds, she had shoved her head into the pancakes and snarfed them down. She looked up and saw Applebloom doing the same. The yaks ate different so they looked at them odd. Applebloom looked up and glanced at the king. He held no exception. She slowly went back to eating. “So.” Rutherford continued, letting go of his fork. “Who are your parents?” Flurry Heart choked and looked up to face the King. “Er…” She saw Rutherford, Randy, and Ashy Breeze looking at her. “I… I haven't found out.” She whispered softly. “Well… That is a certin shame.” Rutherford muttered. Applebloom looked at Flurry Heart and they locked eyes. “Are you positive you don't know.” The King asked softly. Flurry Heart looked at him and squinted her eyes. All the yaks she had seen had brown eyes. But only Rutherford and his son had those tantalizing green eyes. Ah, his son… She could stare forever into his ey- Suddenly, the King’s flashed neon green. She gasped. “Is there something wrong, alicorn?” Rutherford growled. “I… Your eyes…” She whispered. The King gave a growl and the girl wished she could take it back. His eyes turned neon again and heard a clatter that shook her out of her trance. “Ah’ knew it!” Applebloom yelled. “Well, you sure took your sweet time with it.” Rutherford growled, standing up. He nodded to a servant who promptly bashed the mare with a serving tray. Applebloom collapsed. Flurry Heart used her huge wings to leap out of her chair. The King suddenly was engulfed in green flames and Flurry Heart gasped in shock. “You were that captain of those changelings that chased me when the camp saved me!” She creid, almost tripping going backwards. She ran to Applebloom and held her head in her hooves. “Indeed. It was an honor seeing you but I believe we haven't made a proper introduction-” Flurry Heart felt a tiny tug at her hair and turned to see Ashy Breeze. “Come with us!” He whispered. She turned and saw Randy hiding behind a pillar. “Are you nuts?! How can I trust you two when that yak turned into a changeling?!” She creid softly. “Come on!” Ashy Breeze growled, grabbing even more strands of her mane. Flurry Heart glanced back at the captain who was demanding around some servants then back at the breezie. “Ok. But we got bring Applebloom. Help me carry her.” She whispered, putting the mare’s arm on her shoulder. “We can't bring her.” Ashy Breeze said softly. “WHAT?!” Flurry Heart screeched, inraged. She often was a sweet pony but leaving somepony she cared about in the clutches of evil? That crossed the line. The captain turned and Flurry Heart realized her mistake. As if in slow motion, he flung a silver dagger right at her head. She screamed and ducked. The dagger landed in the wooden pillar above her, inches from her head. “The Queen does want you alive… But I just couldn't control it, I just hate you that much.” The captain hissed. “I have one reason you can go with us, we don't throw daggers at your head.” Ashy Breeze growled. Flurry Heart nodded. She flung herself up and quickly grabbed the dagger. “I promise I'll be back.” She whispered to Applebloom. She followed Ashy Breeze and saw Randy join her. “Flurry Heart-” “Save it.” She growled She turned to see not see the captain chasing her but instead smirking back at her in the hall. Then, she saw it. He had the unconscious Applebloom slung over his back. “Guess I'll see you soon, princess.” He said smugly. Flurry Heart gritted her teeth. “Guess you will.” She turned and flew away after Ashy Breeze and Randy. “You just let her go?!” A servant gasped. “Of course. She'll be back because by tomorrow, her little resistance will be captured with this one.” He slid Applebloom off and kicked her to the servant. “Inform the rulers. Tell them that I have the alicorn child in my sights. But don't tell them I'm handling her myself, and she won't live long enough to help anypony.” The captain laughed. “Yes, Captain Thorax.” > New Findings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord sighed as he walked into the throne room. Another boring day. His allies didn't even let him do his chaos magic! What fun was that? But they knew he wouldn't turn on them, no, he couldn't. The ponies weren't on his side because they thought he had repeated his deeds from long ago. He did have some friends, but they never seemed to acknowledge him… He was also kidding himself. He just called them that to feel better. To feel like his friendship lessons had paid off. To feel he had made her proud. An alarm clock suddenly rang and he snapped to take it out. It was morning, he had different duties now. “Wake up! Come on, get up. We have a lot of ground to cover to get to the palace!” Flurry Heart flung a snowball at Ashy Breeze and he landed with a thud. “Wow. Do you think Equestria wants their princess to be an immature little kid?” The breezie huffed. The girl jolted awake and stared at him. “Wait… You're talking about me?” “Duh, I'm talking about you.” Ashy Breeze sighed. “B-but… Me? A princess?” Flurry Heart asked. “You're right, we shouldn't dwell on it long. Right now we need to focus on our plan to take down the villains.” Ashy whispered. “We need to find shelter before that, and food.” Randy yawned, sitting up. They had only found a crumbly cave to sleep in and had hadn't found anything to eat. They had traveled all night too. Randy walked up to Flurry Heart and sat down. She got up and went to the mouth of the cave. “Where are you going?” Randy asked. “I just… Need some air.” She muttered. The girl sat outside in the snow and wind, listening to the wind howl. “Flurry Heart?” Randy called “What?” “Do you… Think I'm one of them?” She paused. Changelings… Did she? “I don't know.” They were silent. “I see,” Randy whispered. The alicorn sighed softly, hearing the wind whistling in her ears. Flurry Heart walked with her cloak wrapped around her. Randy walked beside her with Ashy Breeze floating behind them. They didn’t speak. The alicorn gave away a sigh. “I hope we find your friend,” Randy whispered. The girl looked up at him. “Me too… I hope the camp’s alright…” She sighed. Then, something caught her eye. A sort of light. “You seem close to this camp, why?” Randy turned to see Flurry Heart almost in a trance, walking to a light. “Flurry?” The yak prince asked, going after her. Ashy Breeze saw the girl touch the light and she gasped in surprise as the world faded around her. In front of her now was a glittering palace. She felt odd, like she needed to be there. She flew absentmindedly to it in moments with her huge wings. Going inside, she saw the rooms had snow and ice in it. She felt attracted to one room in particular though and when she opened it, she saw something surprising. This room wasn't a guest room like many of the others, it was a nursery for a baby girl, a room fit for a princess. Stepping forward, she saw the crib. The crib…. Wasn't what she expected. It wasn't made of jewels or glass or anything like that. One of those seemed to be pushed away in the corner. This one, however, was made of tree bark and had a covering with little red apples on it. But why apples?It had a white fringe around it and inside was a white blanket the color of snow with little purple hoof shoes that were a border. The girl saw tucked into it wasn't a baby but a cuddly little plush bunny. She looked up and saw touching her mane was a mobile it had little clouds with lightning bolts and rainbows hanging from it. She touched them and they gave a slight tinkle touching each other. Flurry Heart was pondering all these strange things when she heard a thud. She turned to see a large, rectangle book on the ground. She walked forward and picked it up. She read the title: --------’s Heartfelt Scrapbook She squinted her eyes. Why was there a blank? The girl looked around to see if anypony saw her then noticed a single picture of a very light pink baby with blue eyes. She had a pink, purple mane with a streak of blue. She had humongous wings and a big horn. The thing was… It looked exactly like her. The first page said in the middle, “The Royal Wedding”. The page was a mess of pictures and felt. Her brain felt puzzled when she saw a picture of a grand castle. It had grass and flowers and dirt roads surrounding it. Where was the snow? Where was… Nothing? Then she saw something that made her forget that immediately. It was two pictures, one was labeled your mom, the other, your dad. If that baby was her, if this book belonged to her then these ponies would be her parents. They were beautiful. She recognized her own blue eyes and streaks of blue hair in the white unicorn and her coat and the rest of her mane belonged to that alicorn. The one she had seen before! The girl held back a squee in her new knowledge. “That will help you, you know.” Said a gentle voice. Flurry Heart gasped and turned to face the alicorn from the picture. “It's you! You're my-” “I know, Flurry Heart. But I must tell you this information before I'm forced to go. You must go to a place called Ponyville. It shall lead you to where you need to go next.” The alicorn said. “Ponyville..” Flurry Heart whispered softly, trying not to forget. She clenched the book tighter in her magic. She looked up and saw that the mare was gone and so was the palace and the nursery, her nursery. She was Applebloom awoke with a pain in her head. She grunted softly. The mare sat up and looked around to find herself in a jail cell. She gave a gasp with remembering what had happened. “Well, I see you’re up.” Chuckled a dark voice. Applebloom turned to see Lord Tirek sitting in the corner of the room outside. “You!” Applebloom yelled, running to the bars. “Where is she?!” She growled. “Hm….. Who would you be referring to?” Tireck asked calmly. “You know who!” Applebloom cried. “Hm… Do I? Equestria's a big place, girl, there are many, many ponies. Even narrowing it down to your set of familiars is hard.” “What do ya’ mean?!” Applebloom growled. “You could be referring to your friends, the young ladies we have all locked up tight. Or-” Tirek was interrupted. “No! You couldn't have found Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!” The mare gasped. Tirek gave a low chuckle. “Ah, I wish it to be true, little pony but rest assured, we haven't found them unless of course, you would be so kind as to maybe tell us?” “I've never heard such stupidness in mah’ whole life.” Applebloom hissed. “In time… You'll give in. But you don't exactly matter to us now. No, with you locked up, your friends will give up that resistance. So with that out of the way, the alicorn girl is all that matters.” Tirek laughed. “Ah’ don't know where she is. I could remember if one of your lackeys hadn't hit me with a serving tray and knocked me out.” “Sorry, but you wouldn't cooperate with us any other way.” Applebloom laughed. “Please! I'm not exactly going to help you now.” “I know, my dear. That is why we're going to break you down and break that hideous determination your whole family posed…. Until they all died without telling me anything about your camp. They were all very useless.” Applebloom felt her blood boil and wretched out a scream of rage. She tried to bang herself against the bars but Tirek’s magic held her fast. “Such nobility… Yet… You were too young to be part of this war.” Applebloom’s choked pain barely made it out of the hall because she had to stay strong. Even when her power was drained away. > The Ponies Who Love Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Why are we going to Ponyville? Ponyville of all places? I mean we could go to Canterlot or Maris or-” “Do you have a grudge against Ponyville?” Randy chuckled. Ashy Breeze snorted and they continued walking. “I wonder why my mother told me to go there, it's awfully strange.” Flurry Heart murmured, using her magic to hold out her scrapbook of events. “I know her!” The girl suddenly cried, making the rest of them jump. She thrust the book in Randy’s face. “Look! That pony right there!” Flurry said, pointing to a picture of the changeling Queen being hurled away. “What do you mean, you know her?” Ashy asked, flying up. “Well, I don't know her name but I saw her before, in a dream.” Flurry Heart said. “Her name is Chrysalis and, news flash! She wants you dead!” “But why would she want Flurry Heart dead? I mean, she’s an alicorn but a small one, it’s not like she could hurt somepony….” Randy trailed off remembering her outburst at both her rescue and that breakfast. “Not only her. King Sombra and Lord Tirek want you gone too.” Ashy mumbled. “What about the creepy draconequus?” Flurry Heart asked. The two turned to her. “What’s a draconequus?” Randy wondered. “How did you know what he was a draconequus?” The breezie asked. “What’s his name?” “Discord… His name is Discord and h-he just might help you.” Ashy Breeze whispered, flying ahead. Flurry Heart and Randy looked at each other, blushed then ran after him. “B-but, why can't we just make an agreement? You know, I won't rule if they rule wisely, build the kingdom back…” Flurry Heart whispered, trying to catch her breath. “You gotta be kidding me.” Ashy Breeze groaned. “Why would I be?” Flurry Heart asked, a little disappointed her plan might not work. “You silly alicorn princesses, the lot of you always think alike. “The peaceful solution will be the best for the whole of Equestria.” He mimicked somepony that Flurry Heart realized she did not know. “You'll end up dead, princess. That's where peaceful solutions get you.” “Oh, where are they?!” Sombra yelled, getting impatient. Tirek rolled his eyes. “They are taking forever.” He muttered. Chrysalis wasn't paying attention but rather looking at Discord. He hadn't talked much, then again, he never did but this was so odd. The doors opened and a changeling came in dragging Applebloom behind him. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, her mane was a mess. Her pink bow had been ripped from her even though it was the only thing to remind her of her family that had been killed by these monsters. Her three battle scars were still ever present. But the most notable thing about her appearance was the lack of her cutie mark. Tirek had stolen her magic. “Captain Thorax, what a surprise. I thought you were never coming back.” Hissed Chrysalis. Thorax looked up. “I'm sorry, my queen, she put up quite a fight.” “So, how do you feel after your treatment today?” Sombra asked Applebloom. “Ah’ have nothing to say to ya’!” Applebloom growled. “Wow. How very different of you to say.” Chrysalis murmured. “Why do y'all want the camp?” Applebloom asked, trying to stall. “Because, your settlement could rise up any moment with the leadership the rest of your trio and the alicorn. Besides, where could her highness go but to us when she realizes that all her precious friends will be here?” “I'm never telling you where they are.” The young mare grunted. “You know, I knew a young lady just like you once,” Tirek whispered. “She thought she was so very brave and smart and noble, just like you. But she was weak, and ignorant child who thought the magic of friendship would save her!” Applebloom narrowed her eyes. “Twilight. Princess Twilight Sparkle. That's the one. She beat you.” “Why you little-” Tirek started before Chrysalis waved him off. “So what? That princess is dead. Old news. Besides, you are a completely different story, aren’t you dear?” The queen cooed. “What are you saying?” Applebloom growled. “You are going to tell us where the rebel camp is or your little friend will face our… Disappointment.” Sombra said. A changeling guard came in and was dragging behind him a young colt. He was orange with a purple mane and Applebloom knew him well. “Tender Taps?” Applebloom whispered weakly. Captain Thorax of the changeling guard had snuck away while Applebloom had been questioned and had escaped to his personal chambers. He pulled out a musty and yellowing paper from under his bed and picked up a gnarled pencil. He started scribbling, drawing a picture. When he stopped, it was a detailed picture of a certain pony. It was a young filly in a flowing light gold gown and her long mane held back by a golden headband looking up at the crystal heart above her. Thorax gave a sigh and put it under his bed again. He turned to a crystal ball and flinched. He hated the fact that any moment, somepony could come in and see the queen’s stolen device. Thorax walked up and it lit. “Show me the little alicorn…” He whispered to it. It faded to a scene of the young girl flying up a hill and Randy chasing after her. Thorax heard Flurry Heart’s giggle as she pushed Randy down playfully. He growled. “You don’t deserve to rule, Princess, you never did and I’ll make sure you never get the opportunity to.” They had finally made it, to Ponyville, but as Flurry Heart flew over the hill, she saw nothing but snow and ice. “No.” She whispered. The filly bolted to the ground and looked to the distance, finding it really buried in snow. “No, no, no!” She yelled. Randy had caught up to her and saw the sight. “There's nothing…..” He murmured. Ashy Breeze looked at Flurry Heart. “I'm sorry, I guess it was all a drea-” “This isn't a dream! I can feel this!” Flurry Heart cried, showing the scrapbook with her shaking magic. Randy nodded. “But the villains got here before us, we can't do anything but go with the original plan.” He said, putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “B-but my family….” She said weakly. “I know but right now, the ponies and creatures need you to be strong and will be your family once you take back leadership.” The girl was silent, tears still going down her face. “No. I shall not settle for that!” She suddenly boomed. Randy jumped and watched her eyes turn pure white. The alicorn used her massive wings to fly in the air, creating whirlwinds behind her. Her horn lit with gold magic that surrounded the snow in front of her that went miles deep. With fury in her eyes, she made a choking sound with all the snow she had picked up and slammed down on the ground, causing it to rumble. The snow vanished with impact and the town of Ponyville was uncovered. Applebloom meanwhile had raced to her friend and he tried to hug her but his bonds prevented it. The mare saw a limp in his leg and she gave a little sob. “T-they hurt you?” She whispered. Tender Taps nuzzled her. “Applebloom, thank Celestia you’re alright!” He cried. Applebloom got away and looked to the villains with anger. “You hurt him!” She yelled. “Yes, and we will hurt him even more when we kill him.” Tirek laughed. Tender Taps and Applebloom gasped and the mare slowly looked to the stallion. “Applebloom, whatever they want from you, don't tell them, okay?” He whispered. The mare hesitated and gave a short, pained laugh. “But they’re going to kill you-” Tender Taps suddenly thrust himself forward and kissed her. Applebloom was surprised and knew this wouldn’t last long but she gave away and kissed him back, blushing. “Ah, the power of true love, do you think that will save you?” Chrysalis laughed. Tender Taps suddenly was torn out of their kiss and Applebloom gave a cry as he was flown over to the villains with Tirek’s magic. “Hm, sorry, dear, but I just hate when my enemies feel hopeful,” Tirek said, Tender Taps struggling beside him. “What are you going to do to him?” Applebloom growled. “Nothing, if you tell us where your camp is.” Sombra reminded her. The mare looked into Tender’s violet eyes and saw he didn't want her to give in. She nodded. “I'm not telling,” Applebloom said, failing to keep the shaking out of her voice. “You’re not…” Tirek murmured, sending a chill down Applebloom’s spine. The mare gave a firm grunt. “Oh, so I see,” Tirek said. Tender Taps suddenly started to choke and cough, gasping for air. Applebloom held back her scream to stop but only because of his strong violet eyes, they were so strong and brave and determined, that would keep her going. The only sight she could see was his eyes. This is what would keep her in this world, only his eyes. But the strength suddenly faded as they flickered with pain and started to dull. “No…” Applebloom choked. Tirek saw her fear and knew he had put the key in the hard to get lock. “Well, this is taking too long.” He yawned. Tender Taps met the mare’s eyes, both had tears. He moved his lips to form a “Don’t.” Applebloom bit back her urge to start screaming as Tirek was about to kill him. The centaur was so very close to shutting his fist and ending Tender Tap’s life. The stallion drew his last breath and Tirek slammed his fist on his throne. “STOP!!!” Applebloom finally shrieked then collapsed to the ground. Tirek let go and Tender Taps breathed hard for air as he staggered up to his love. “Never do that… Again.” Applebloom whispered sharply, looking at Tirek. “Never will, if you answer me… Where are your little friends?” “Okay…” she said weakly, holding back tears . “I’ll tell you.” A few minutes later, Sweetie Belle had finally let her hair down from its usual tight bun and was brushing her pink and purple curls. She glanced over at Scootaloo who was sitting on her bed theirs and Applebloom’s room Scootaloo had taken off her fake, mechanical wings and fluttered her own tiny ones. She turned the wings over and over again. “What's the matter?” Sweetie Belle asked in her high voice. Scootaloo sighed and shrugged. “Nothing, Sweetie…” Sweetie Belle grinned mischievously. “Come on!” She giggled. They both flinched at her laugh. They hadn't heard one of those since Flurry Heart and Applebloom left. “Tell me right now.” Sweetie said, plopping down next to her. The mare used her green magic to lift up a water puddle and turn it to ice, showing Scootaloo’s reflection. “Now try to tell me that's the face of confusion right there.” Scootaloo sighed, putting down her wings. “I just… Wonder if I'm making Rainbow Dash proud or not. I mean, Applebloom’s so smart, clever and brave, and you… You're so pretty, Sweetie Belle and Princess Twilight taught you all she knew, everything! You're now a magic legend. And then there’s me. I can't even fly.” “You gotta be kidding me!” Sweetie Belle laughed. Scootaloo looked at her. “No. I'm not.” “When we were twelve, I couldn't hold on to my protection shield on the town any longer and Applebloom went to support me. My magic couldn't carry on and Applebloom couldn't think straight with all her stress so you were the one that rallied up Ponyville when it was falling, I think that's pretty impressive.” Sweetie Belle said. “Is that what I should have done, though? Is that what Ra-” “Look in this mirror.” Sweetie Belle demanded. Scootaloo looked and saw herself vanish in the ice and was replaced with her sister's, Rainbow Dash’s face. “How-” “Magic.” Sweetie Belle whispered. Scootaloo was staring at the reflection when Sweetie Belle continued. “But it's an illusion.” Scootaloo slowly turned away from the mirror. “You aren't Rainbow. You're you and that's the better than most.” Scootaloo bit her lip. “But what about Rarity? How do you know if you’re making her proud?” Sweetie Belle looked in the ice and saw her perfect pure face look back, she was absolutely beyond beautiful, just like her sister had been. Her jade green eyes dimmed a little. “I'm a pretty face… Just like she'd want… I think.” “Sweets, the ponies who love you know you're more than a pretty face,” Scootaloo said, putting a hoof on her shoulder. There was a sudden jolt in Sweetie Belle’s mind and she leaped up. Scootaloo raised her eyebrows. “What is it?” “I… It's nothing.” The unicorn tried to remain calm but was failing. There was a sudden slam on the door and they jumped. The door flung open and in came the changeling captain, Thorax. “I'm sorry, I have to, I don't hate the ponies just-” He started. Scootaloo let out a battle cry and ran to him. Sweetie Belle slammed her hooves down and her magic encircled the room. Thorax snarled at the pain and shoved Scootaloo off him. Sweetie Belle ran to her. “Are you okay?” She cried. Scootaloo nodded then her eyes widened. “Watch!” She started. “Out.” Thorax whispered as his spell knocked Sweetie Belle out, leaving her sprawled on the floor. “How did you find us?” Scootaloo growled, checking on her friend. The changeling looked to the mare with interest. “I don't want to hurt you both. But you two are the most precious things to that alicorn and when I lure her to me, after she's dead, we'll all be friends.” Scootaloo let out a snort. “Friends? Friends?! Why would we be friends when you want to destroy the true heir to the throne?!” Thorax looked between her and Sweetie Belle. “You'll see. She is too young, naive, and stupid, don't you get that?” He whispered. “No,” Scootaloo said. “What do you really want?” “I want her gone so she can't ruin everything.” > Exploration and Explanation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is beautiful!” Flurry Heart cried, looking around Ponyville after flying down. “Yeah… It's weird. I've never seen this much life in the world before…” Randy said. “Mm, it smells nice too…” Flurry Heart sighed. “It's flowers, I haven't smelled those in years.” Ashy Breeze whispered. The group decided to split up for a few minutes to find the thing Flurry Heart needed to continue. Ashy Breeze had flown far away, to the edge of town and stopped at a small cottage. The door creaked and he entered. The room was dark and wet but one simple green couch, or he knew it was when it was dry. The breezie hovered over it slightly before plopping down. Using his magic, he became his true form, but it wasn't a changeling. Sweetie Belle awoke and found herself With a rope around her neck, tied to a tree, horn covered in green goo. The mare felt fear trickle in her and remembered. The camp… Changelings must have taken the camp back to the villains. But why was she here? Why wasn't she with the rest? “Good. You've woken up.” Snarled a voice. The mare turned and saw Thorax, staring at her. “You! Where’s Scootaloo and the rest of the camp?!” She cried. “I didn't do anything with anypony else but you two… So…Are you okay?” The unicorn narrowed her eyes. The captain sighed and walked up to her. “Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you or the flightless one. We're going to Ponyville and having a little chat with the alicorn child. Then, I won't have to worry about my life being ruined by her.” He said, holding the mare’s chin. Sweetie Belle tore away in disgust. “Why do you think she'll ruin your life? She’s just a little kid. You have no idea if that wil-” “I do have an idea! If it helps, I sent Scootaloo to get the rest of your camp, you welcome!” Thorax yelled. “No… You're a changeling! You're evil!” The unicorn cried. “How do you know I'm evil?!” Thorax growled. “Because I had to be an orphan after changelings destroyed our town and my parents! Twelve years of fear a-and suffering made me know changelings are evil!” Sweetie finally yelled, it echoing around them. Thorax face softened a bit. Sweetie Belle saw him suddenly unsheathe a knife. She gasped and instinctively backed into the tree. The girl heard the rope cut and immediately ran. “Wait!” Thorax yelled. The unicorn kept running when she bumped into somepony. Sweetie Belle saw the familiar orange coat and sighed with relief. “Scootaloo…” She whispered, standing up. But she met the pegasus's neon green eyes looking empty and staring through her. “Scootaloo?” She whispered, touching the mare’s face. There was no change in her vacant expression. “You can't escape…” Thorax growled behind her. Sweetie Belle turned slowly to face him. “What have you done to her?!” Sweetie Belle cried. Thorax looked confused then saw Scootaloo’s eyes that looked so empty and unchanging. “I didn't do that…” He whispered, confused. “”Likely story!” Sweetie Belle growled, trying to shield her friend from him. “I-I wouldn't hurt anypony like that!” Thorax yelled in anger at the unicorn. The mare stood her ground, though. “Ha! As if I'd believe you-” “We are friends!” Thorax yelled back. “Why do you keep thinking that-” “Make them shut up.” Growled a familiar voice. Sweetie Belle gave a cry as Scootaloo grabbed her and covered her mouth. The unicorn turned to see her friend. Scootaloo looked forward still, not seeing her through the mind control. “Leave Scootaloo alone!” Thorax yelled. The mare watched in horror as Chrysalis flew between her and the changeling. “Leave her alone? That girl may have been useless without the ability to fly before but now, she has proven she's quite strong and very easy to suck the love out of. Just one look at that element of loyalty and her whole being was mine to control. You really shouldn't have sent her off on her own, Captain.” “No. She escaped me.” Thorax retaliated. “Hm… I've known you since you were a child. You used to ramble on and on about friendship but when the Empire left, you finally snuffed that light out, so I thought. But I know now that you let nopony get in your way to destroy that princess.” “So the only reason you would send her out is to save the ponies,” Chrysalis said, pointing the Scootaloo. “And you kept the other girl to scare the brat into giving herself up.” The queen said, nodding to the furious Sweetie Belle. “I-I just… But how?” Thorax whispered, trying to think of an excuse. “Ha. I knew it! And nothing goes on in my kingdom without my knowledge.” The queen laughed. “You, follow me and take the mare with you.” She growled to Scootaloo. The girl let go of Sweetie Belle and then grabbed the rope still around her neck. “Scootaloo… Please wake up….” Sweetie Belle whispered weakly, her frozen tear shattered on the ground. Randy and Flurry Heart decided to stick together, as they always did. The two had become very good friends. Flurry Heart gasped in wonder suddenly and pointed up at the giant castle in front of her. “Look at it! It's like the Crystal Empire’s but… But a tree!” She squealed. She pulled the huge doors open with Randy’s help and slipped in. “Look at all this…” She breathed. Randy went in and looked around. He turned to something and walked to it. Flurry Heart hadn't noticed though and opened yet another set of doors. It was a gorgeous throne room and she gasped, seeing a round table and seven thrones. The alicorn walked up to the glowing table and touched it. The table suddenly pulled up a hologram of the whole map of Equestria, covered in snow. “Whoa…” She whispered. The alicorn suddenly broke from her trance at a cough in the doorway. “That throne isn't yours, my dear.” Said the voice. Flurry Heart saw that she had sat down on a throne a pink star on it and turned to the door. A creature was leaned against the door, looking at the girl. “D-discord….” She choked out. “Yes?” The draconequus whispered. The girl was frozen in fear and was shaking a little. “Do you think Equestria wants their princess to be an immature little kid?” Discord laughed for the first time in years and something hit Flurry Heart. Princess. He knew she was going to have to rule and said the same thing Ashy Breeze said. “No…” She growled, looking up. “No! No! No! H-have you been lying to us?! You! You were Ashy Breeze, weren't you?!” She cried, it all rushing in. “What are yo-” Discord stopped when he saw he was indeed caught. “Fine… It's true. Ashy Breeze never existed, it was all me.” “So that's why you didn't want me to come here! You didn't want me to find this castle!” The girl yelled, enraged. “No! No! I just…. It's painful…” Flurry Heart stuttered for a minute before going silent. “Y-you're not lying?” Discord sighed. “At first, I did as I was told. I had snuck out and disguised myself as a breezie and told Randy when they were setting up the trap-” “Trap?!” The pony yelled. “I'll get to it later! But I told Randy to find you and convince you to come with us without Applebloom because… Because…” Flurry Heart narrowed her eyes then saw something he had been trying to hide. “You gave her those scars!” She bellowed in anger, pointing at his eagle claw. “The villains would kill me, they needed proof I would stay loyal and I've been doing their bidding since… A few days ago when I met you!” Discord struggled out. “I don't want any help! I'm getting Randy and we're leaving!” Flurry Heart yelled, standing up and pushing past him. “You're going to die without me!” Discord growled. The girl stopped and turned. “No matter how hard you try, they'll always find you and your loved ones.” The draconequus continued. “I will protect the ponies I care for, no matter what.” The girl whispered. “By hiding some more?!” Discord laughed, still angry. “I am not hiding!” Flurry Heart screamed, her eyes turning pure white with rage. The alicorn was about to snap when she heard a yell. “Flurry Heart! There you are….” Randy trailed off at the sight of Discord. “Er… I can explain all of this…” Discord whispered. Randy slowly looked at Flurry Heart, mouth still open. The girl just shook her head to say, “I can't explain this.” “Listen, I'll prove I can help.” Discord said, still trying. He used his magic to bring Flurry Heart’s scrapbook to him that she had read all the way there. “Here, look here.” He said, opening it to a page with six glowing stones. “Those are pretty… I guess…” Randy whispered. “But how does it help?” “The elements of harmony. If we find their new bearers, we actually might have a chance.” Discord muttered. “You're just now telling us this?! We could have used that information earlier!” Flurry Heart growled in anger. “You alicorns…. You always do that!” Discord snarled. The princess gasped. “They're all gone now…” They were silent for a moment before they heard a soft knock. The princess turned and flew to the door. “Wait!” Randy yelled, running to her. Flurry Heart blushed as he slid in front of her. “I'm not letting some villains take you away, you hear?” The yak asked. “I… Thank you….” Flurry Heart whispered, feeling her heart swell. She thought she knew that feeling… But was she correct at what it was? So hard… They heard the knock again, louder. The two jumped before Randy opened it. Flurry Heart gasped as Scootaloo fell into the room. “Scootaloo! Oh my goodness!” The alicorn squeaked. Scootaloo stood and looked into her eyes. Her unnatural neon green eyes meet the princess’s sky blue. “Are you… Okay?” Flurry Heart whispered, backing away a little, frightened. Scootaloo stared at the girl, unblinking. “Yes….” She said in a dull voice. The alicorn bit her lip and Randy looked between them. “Who is she?” Flurry Heart lit up her horn, a little sad. “She’s not my friend… Something’s wrong…” She was about to cast her spell when a screech filled her ears. “NO!” Sweetie Belle sobbed, transporting herself in front of Scootaloo who still looked forward. “Sweetie Belle?! W-what’s going on?” The alicorn cried. Discord had just run in at the commotion and Sweetie Belle turned even paler than her already snow white coat. “I-I don’t know what’s going on anymore…” She whispered. Suddenly, Scootaloo walked swiftly past her. “Scootaloo! No, don’t listen to her!” The unicorn cried, tackling her friend to the ground. Flurry Heart gasped in surprise and Randy stepped in front of her, guarding her. Sweetie Belle squeaked when Scootaloo threw her off. The unicorn slammed into the wall and felt herself leave conscious. “What a brat. She ruined our surprise.” Laughed a dark voice. Flurry Heart gasped and looked around with the others. “Wh-” The alicorn started when Scootaloo grabbed her. Flurry Heart gave a strangled cry as the pegasus covered her mouth. “Flurry Heart!” Randy yelled when suddenly a cage surrounded him. Discord tried to run also but dark crystal encased his claws. Flurry Heart felt her horrors come true as the villains from her nightmares appeared. “So good to finally see you, little princess.” Chrysalis hissed. > Where Are We Going > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of all the frightening things the alicorn had seen, the Everfree forest was on her top five. The girl tripped over a branch and landed on the hard ground with a grunt. Randy, Thorax, and Sweetie Belle turned to her and Tirek pulled on the chain that he had on her, lifting her back up. The chain that prevented her magic. Sweetie Belle had a simple rope tied to her because her friend Scootaloo could be killed at any time, even by her own doing. “Are you okay?” She whispered to the princess once she had caught up and they were walking again. “I suppose.” Flurry Heart answered bluntly. Thorax glanced between the two and turned when the younger caught him watching. Flurry Heart couldn't even look at that changeling. The one that wanted to destroy her. She had no idea why he was here but planned to keep her distance. “If you don't mind, where are we going?!” Flurry Heart growled to the villains behind her. “That would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?” Sombra said in a dark voice. The alicorn narrowed her eyes in frustration. Scootaloo in her mind only knew she had to do what her master said and the world was all white but there was also another faint, very faint voice calling to her. The hypnotized mare heard the other’s voice not often, as if it had started to give up on her but every time after there was a flash of color and then a chorus of little giggles of joy that Scootaloo somehow recognized. But deeper down than she could know, she wanted to wake up and see that sweet, lonely voice. Applebloom sat all alone in her cell but called out a name. “Tender Taps!” She cried, her voice filled with grief. There was no response. “Tender Taps?” She asked. There was a sudden clatter and she looked up. A young brown earth pony with a short light red mane had dropped a tray and was staring at her. Applebloom felt her heart throb at the sight. “B-babs…” She whispered softly. The cousins cried in relief and the other ran to the bars. “Cous’!” Babs breathed, using her nickname for Applebloom. The cousins touched hooves and Applebloom suddenly saw a memory she recognized. It was when she, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle had first met Babs, on a train. The mares gasped. “D-did you-” Applebloom whispered. “Uh huh…” Babs murmured. After a few seconds later, they rushed out questions to one another. “How’re the other cmc? We've been trying to free everypony I could but those girls aren't there!” Babs whispered. “You and who else?” Applebloom asked, raising an eyebrow. “You know Diamond Tiara, don't ya? She said something about changing your destiny's when you were young so I trusted her.” Babs answered. “Diamond Tiara’s here too?!” Applebloom gasped. Babs nodded. “How did you two get out of your cells?” The mare asked. Babs didn't say anything but took out a ring of keys. “B-Babs…” Applebloom whispered, looking at the mare unlocking the cell. “Babs. How did you get those?!” She snapped. “They told me they'd keep my big sis’ alive. When they didn't… They questioned me on your girls' location but I'm no rat. So they made me work here. They forced Diamond too.” Babs sighed, opening the door. “What about Silver Spoon, where's she?” Applebloom asked, stepping out. Babs sighed. “They needed someone to ensure that Diamond would stay…” Applebloom didn't need to hear any more. As the two snuck down the corridor, a dark shadow crawled towards them. The girls backed away slowly when its owner came. It was a young griffon about their age. “Gabby, is everypony out?” Babs asked. The griffin nodded. “Everypony is!” She cried. Applebloom cocked her head. Weren't griffons supposed to be cranky? She felt drawn to this creature though like she had been drawn to Tender Taps almost the moment after her sister was gone. As if their time together was to happen in a different place but it had been cut short. “Er, hi. My name is Gabriella but you can call me Gabby.” The griffon giggled cheerfully. Applebloom smiled weakly and they shook. The moment they touched though, Applebloom got flashes of scenes that hadn't even happened. “I'm getting my cutie mark!” A much younger Gabby squealed, flying off. Seven-year-old Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo and Applebloom herself. “What she wants, it's not possible.” She squeaked. They flashed forward to the cmc putting a wooden cutie mark that looked identical to theirs on her saddle bag. “Wait… Does this mean,” Gabby whispered. The mare and griffon parted in shock. “D-did you… See that?” Applebloom breathed. Gabby hesitantly nodded. “What were we supposed to see?” Babs asked. Applebloom shook her head. “We gotta go. I have absolutely no idea where my friends are.” She sighed. “Oh, you're okay!” A mare squealed. Applebloom gasped and felt Diamond Tiara hug her from behind. “S-so are you!” Applebloom laughed. The girl turned and hugged her. There was yet another memory and she remembered when Diamond Tiara had stood up for the cmc when her mother had upright been a villain and criticized them for not having cutie marks. Diamond then had said they were friends. Applebloom remembered both the shock and accomplishment she had felt that time, even more so later. “What the hay…” She muttered under her breath. “This is weird…” Diamond whispered, looking at the other mares. “Applebloom!” Tender Taps cried, running in. The couple hugged as they had many times before he had been captured by evil. She heard her friends giggle and blushed. “You two are adorable!” Diamond cried. Tender gave a nervous laugh and slowly backed away from Applebloom. “Aw… Show’s over…” Gabby sighed, letting the other two to stifle back laughs. Applebloom sighed but smiled weakly at the three girls before her. “I-I just can't believe you're all here and what you've all done for my camp… All I can honestly say is, thank you…” The girls gathered in for a group hug but each had the same vision. They saw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle walking, the unicorn tied up. Sweetie Belle was obviously trapped with her friend not hearing her. But the important thing was where they were. The girls looked at each other in shock but now knew where they need to go. They had been walking for a few minutes and Flurry Heart was bored. The alicorn turned to face Randy. “What's your favorite color?” She whispered softly as the wind. “What?” Randy asked, confused. “Your favorite color, what is it? We haven't gotten to know each other very well, we've only been traveling and… Laughing, and blushing at each other…” The princess trailed off and blushed as she always did around him. “But the villains-” Randy started. “Can't hear us. Sweetie Belle secretly created an invisible bubble of silence so we can talk.” Flurry Heart giggled, winking at Sweetie Belle a bit away. The unicorn didn't notice but was looking at Scootaloo, praying she'd come back. “Hm… My favorite color is… Gold.” Flurry Heart giggled. “Gold?! You really are a prince!” “Well, princess, what's your favorite color?” Randy asked, looking at her. “Hm… I like green. Like a forest. We don't see those anymore…” And it was like his beautiful eyes… “Hm. How do you know all those spells?” Flurry Heart blinked. “What?” “You say you woke up a couple months ago, not knowing your name or your family, yet you know how to walk, talk, fly and cast the most powerful spells I've ever seen, how do you know that?” The alicorn hadn't thought of that. “I… I don't know…” Randy saw it bothered her and moved on. “So… Do you want to know why I never told you about my father being impersonated by a changeling until you figured it out?” The girl nodded. They were interrupted by a dark voice. “Here we are,” Chrysalis said. The children's silence bubble broke in Sweetie Belle’s shock of where they were. It was the tree of harmony. > Elements Of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord, Thorax, Randy, Sweetie Belle, and Flurry Heart were mortified and all had a pretty good idea what was to happen. “Now that we're here, we have work to do destroying them and all!” Tirek said. The villain reached out his hand to take the element of magic from its resting place but something sent him rushing off. The rest gasped and looked at the tree. Sweetie Belle finally felt able to rip away from her rope in this distraction. She used her magic to make it vanish. “Whatever you plan to do with the elements, I won't let you! My sister and the princess and all their friends gave up the elements to keep the peace! I'm not letting you take them!” She cried. Chrysalis gave a chuckle. Sweetie Belle inhaled and her cheeks grew pink in furry. The unicorn cast a spell that melted away the others chains, they were free to help her. “I think an alicorn’s power and the most powerful unicorn since Twilight Sparkle should be enough to defeat you, no?” The little alicorn laughed. The villains’ eyes burned with hatred. Discord sneaked quickly behind a rock and sighed. “I can't just leave them…. Well, I could but…” He glanced back at the scene. Sweetie Belle was doing absolutely fine on her own, firing spells and creating shields around her friends. Flurry Heart was backing away with Randy trying to protect her and seemed to be concentrating on doing something. Discord then saw the gold magic aura around the element of magic. She couldn't get that out. Even if she did, she couldn't use it. Discord snapped his claw and reversed his curse he had put on the tree so long ago so if ever needed, the elements could be retrieved once again. Sweetie Belle heard Flurry Heart grunt and turned. The villains were fighting her still and both the princess and queen were trying to get the element. “Flurry Heart! Cover me!” Sweetie Belle called, sliding smoothly from defending the tree. “Got it!” The alicorn cried, grabbing Randy's hoof and pulling him with her. Thorax turned to see Sweetie Belle’s light green magic encircle the elements. “No!” He yelled. Sweetie Belle gasped and looked at him. The element surprising moved with little effort and started to float forward. “What?! This is for all Equestria-” She started when she saw Scootaloo walking to a nearby cliff. “Scootaloo…” She whispered. The unicorn looked at the changeling queen who smirked tauntingly. “Let go of the element and she stays safe, don't and Equestria stays safe…. Hm, what to choose…” Flurry Heart gasped and looked at Sweetie Belle. “W-what should we do?!” The older made a little noise with her conflicted mind. Her magic weakened slightly. “You would think she'd make up her mind already!” Sombra laughed. “Sweetie Belle! Don't let go! We gotta save Equestria!” The young alicorn said. “WHAT?! What about Scootaloo?!” Sweetie Belle squealed. Flurry Heart looked at the peguses going closer to the cliff. “I-I don't know!” The princess whispered, tears in her eyes. “Tick tock, ladies!” Tirek hissed. “If we don't do this, if the elements are destroyed, all light in Equestria w-will be lost in a dark cloud!” Flurry Heart sobbed. “Princess Twilight wouldn't let her friends die! My sister wouldn't!” Sweetie Belle yelled, angry. Flurry Heart narrowed her eyes. Sweetie Belle’s magic released the element but Flurry Heart stopped it. Suddenly, a beam hit her. Flurry Heart screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The alicorn looked back at Sweetie Belle who looked horrified at what she had done. “Flurry Heart… I didn't know what I was doing… I’m sorry!” She whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. The element of magic was consumed by Sombra’s dark magic. Sweetie Belle cried out and grabbed her head. “What have you done?!” Flurry Heart gasped, running to her. “I-I don't know… But at least Scootaloo’s safe…” The other girl murmured. “Hm…” Tirek said, looking between the unicorn and Scootaloo. “Chrissy, dear, do we really need them?” He sighed, glancing at the queen. “Hm?” Chrysalis asked, looking away from the element. She saw the pegasus staring off slightly. “Yes… Getting the elements were all we needed her for.” She sighed, nodding to the mare. Scootaloo's eyes misted over because deeply down, she didn't want to leave her friend. In a horrifying moment, Scootaloo walked off the cliff. “SCOOTALOO!” Sweetie Belle screeched. “No!” Flurry Heart sobbed. The unicorn teleported to the cliff. She grabbed Scootaloo’s hoof and the mare hung limply from it, still breathing. “It's okay… We're okay…” Sweetie Belle breathed to her motionless friend. “Not quite,” Tirek whispered. He fired a burst of magic at the girls and they slipped. “No!” Flurry Heart screamed. She stared at the cliff, her freezing breath making a white cloud. “Scootaloo… Sweetie Belle…” She whispered. “Hmm… I should have stolen their magic before they died… The princess’s student would be such a good boost…” Tirek said. “No matter.” Chrysalis yawned. “Yes, we have all we need.” Sombra chuckled, letting the element of magic come to him. “Finally-” Suddenly, a blue something flew past him, snatching the element. “What?!” The villains gasped together. Gabby landed gracefully on top of the tree. “Ha ha!” The griffon laughed. “Ow!” She suddenly cried, the element burning her. “Diamond Tiara! Catch!” She yelled, tossing it. Chrysalis gasped when the young mare pushed past her and caught it. “Go- Owoch!” Diamond Tiara squealed. Flurry Heart gasped in surprise sand quickly hid behind the tree, trying to figure out what was going on. “Hey!” A pony she didn't recognize cried. “Settle down, cous’” Applebloom whispered behind her. “Applebloom!” The princess squealed softly. They hugged when there was a call. “Help!” Diamond Tiara cried, her hair being held by Tirek. “How dare you turn on us, now give me that stone!” He hissed. The mare smiled and chucked the element away. Flurry Heart leaped out from behind the tree and caught it with her hooves. “Youch!” She squealed, tossing a bit away to Randy. “Yikes! Hot, hot!” He cried. “Give that to me!” Sombra growled, lunging to the boy. “Got it!” Babs laughed, leaping over him and grabbed the stone. She landed and handed it to Applebloom. “Sweet Celestia!” Applebloom cried, it burning. She tossed it to one last pony. Sweetie Belle landed gracefully from her bubble that surrounded her and Scootaloo. She gasped and caught the element with her magic. The element started to shine and glow, connected to her. “What's going on?” The unicorn whispered, the element going up into the air. Suddenly, her green eyes grew and there was a twinkle in her eye, a spark. The other elements flew from the tree to their new owners since their old were gone. Laughter went to the bright and happy griffon who was connected to the others in a way she had no idea, but if they had met before, she would have made them smile. Kindness went to Babs for her kind way of forgiving Diamond Tiara and making so easily friends with Gabby. Generosity went to Diamond Tiara which was ironic because her cutie mark was getting things that she wanted, but she always shared these things with her friends. Honesty went the old bearer’s little sister, Applebloom. Her honesty had made her blunt and stubborn at times but she used it well. Besides, she had seemed to be next in line for it. And even under a spell, Scootaloo got the element of loyalty for her bravery and nobility to her friends. Instead of being put out about her inability to fly, her loyalty earned her the mechanics from Applebloom. The element of magic went to Sweetie Belle not just because she was the only unicorn. She got it because the old leader, Twilight Sparkle, taught the mare all she had known. Both magic and friendship Sweetie Belle had studied though she didn't need much help with the second. With the elements floating in front of them, their eyes flashed with multiple colors and they gasped together when they blinked. The elements turned to necklaces and a crown for their bearers. “I'm sorry!” They suddenly heard a sob. They turned and saw Scootaloo sitting and crying, the magic of friendship had healed her. “Scootaloo!” Flurry Heart squealed, giving one big flap of her wings and rocketing to her. “Flurry Heart…. You're okay…” Scootaloo whispered through tears. “I'm sorry! I should have never said what I did!” Flurry Heart cried, still surprised. “Is anypony wondering why we have the elements? It is weird…” Babs coughed. “It means we are destined to be friends,” Applebloom said, looking around. “Really?” Diamond whispered. “But I never met you guys until a few days ago!” Gabby gasped. “It must be fate!” Flurry Heart murmured, trotting back to Randy. “Yes, yes, friendship is magic blah, blah. Now can you elements of harmony get rid of the darkness?!” Discord huffed. The elements remembered and Sweetie Belle glared at the villains. “All this time, you've hunted down my friends and our camp. You wanted to destroy the real heir to the throne. We will punish you for it!” The unicorn growled. Her eyes and her friends turned pure white and they started to rise. “No…” Chrysalis growled. “This can't be over.” Tirek snarled. Sombra was looking around for a way to stop this when the two children caught his eye. The princess would somehow have a way to be protected from his magic but the yak boy had nothing. He wasn't of any importance to the villains but he was to the do-gooders. Sombra suddenly shot a black beam at the boy and he collapsed as it passed through. “Randy!” Flurry Heart cried, holding her friend. The others gasped and lowered from their stances. “Are you two okay?!” Scootaloo gasped, running up with the others. “No! No, we need to do something!” Flurry Heart cried, tears in her eyes. Randy was motionless on the ground and the other crowded around him. Chrysalis saw the opportunity with them all in the same place. She lit her horn and fired. Sweetie Belle turned and saw it. “No!” She yelled, lighting her horn. She teleported her friends away back to their camp, leaving the villains alone at the tree. “And now they have the elements of harmony. We should have seen that coming, those three leaders somehow always evading our grasp.” Tirek hissed. “Please, those mares won't be a problem for long… All we need to worry about is the alicorn.” “Please… Can you do anything?” Flurry Heart whispered, using her magic to put a wet cloth on the yak’s forehead. “I'm not sure. It's powerful dark magic…” Sweetie Belle sighed. “All we can do now is let him rest.” The others exited, leaving the princess alone to look at the sleeping yak. “Get better soon.” She whispered softly. The girl felt her face heat up and slowly walked up to him. She shut her eyes and kissed him quickly on the lips but her eyes shot open, seeing a vision of black and a blinding light trying to beat it back. She heard laughter. “Just stop resisting!” She heard Randy yell. The alicorn screamed and fell back. She looked back at the still sleeping boy. “Oh no… The villains are coming for you too!” She whispered. The princess stood and ran away to alert her friends.