
by QueenMegumin

First published

The rock crashed into the ground, exploding on impact, right in the middle of Ponyville. They rose, up from the ground, looking for ponies, looking for BLOOD. (STAR-BOUND Spinoff for Halloween!)

They came, in groups, crushing anything in their paths, ripping their flesh on broken buildings, We all hid from them, from the walkers.

They wont stop until there's nothing left.

The rock broke the ground. Setting them free.

Theres too many of them, no matter how much magic, bullets and sharp objects you throw at them. They keep coming.

Theres no more room in Tartarus, so the dead walk over Equestria

Made for Halloween 2016. Teen is for Spooky events and swearing.

The Beginning of the End.

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"Bubblegum. Its time to go." Sky said, I looked over the ruins of Ponyville and Canterlot, the small bridges smashed and broken, the town square ripped to shreds, and the CAB.... The airship was smashed into the face of the mountain, in flames. I pulled out a small metal plate and placed it onto the pedestal.

I dropped a tear. "Lets go" I said, trotting behind Sky.

2 Years Before.


"Well. I finished fixing my microphone, So Cupcake nagged me to record into the computer... So, Hi. Anyway, there was a comet that hit nearby Ponyville, its been rounded off. I was talking to Marshmallow before and she took a sample of the rock. Currently there isn't much data to go over, so i'll talk to her about it later. Anyway, that's all I have for today."


I looked towards the roof. The room was silent, all I could hear was my computer whirring, sending data into its drive. I trotted towards the small door and pushed it open with my hoof. The door opened quickly with ease and I trotted outside onto the deck. "Its a nice day." I said to myself.

"Hiya Bubblegum!" Cupcake said to me from the helm of the ship. "Did you record with the thingy?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did." I said, I was looking towards the broken down factory from the Robotic war, It was still burning, the roof collapsed, leaving chipped rock and small stone shards all over the floor. The metallic conveyor belts were ripped and thrown all over that floor. "I'm glad thats over." I say. A ringing sound comes from inside the deck.

"That must be Marshmallow!" Cupcake says.

"Yeah..." I reply. I look towards the covered design I was working on, it was nowhere near complete. "I'll go get it." I say, trotting downstairs.

"Dear Princess Celestia" Twilight says, a banging sound comes from the door. "Spike, give me a second." She says to her pet dragon, trotting down towards the door. "Hello?" She replies, the banging stops. "Is somepony there?" She asks. The door smashes open, a pony falling onto Twilight, knocking her out.

"Well, that was easy." Rainbow Dash says, landing in the center of Ponyville. She looks around, seeing nopony around "Weird, I mostly see everypony around here." She says. "HEY! You better not be pranking me Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash calls out, she sees a tail behind a cart. "Hey! Whats going on here?" She calls out. The pony comes out from behind, her skin green and lumpy.

"Grooooaaan" She replies

"You alright?" Dash calls out, the pony starts galloping towards Dash, in incredible speeds, then jumps on her, pinning her to the ground.

"GROOOANNN" The pony calls out.

"GET OFF ME!" Dash calls out, more of the green, lumpy ponies come out of hiding, towards Dash. "HEELP!" She calls out.

"Well, I dont know Fluttershy." Rarity says, drinking some tea.

"I think its a good idea Rarity." Fluttershy replies. They were in her cottage, talking about costumes for Halloween.

"I just don't think i'm ready for Halloween Fluttershy." Rarity replies. "Thanks for the Tea, but I need to head back home"

"Your welcome." Fluttershy says. Rarity trots towards the door, opening it.

"EEEEEEK!" She says, being pulled out from the doorway. Fluttershy jumps behind her couch, peeking out slowly

"Rarity??" Fluttershy calls out "Rarity????" She continues to call out. Rarity comes bumping through the door, her skin lumpy, there was a bite mark on her neck. "Rarity? Why were you scared?" Fluttershy asks. Rarity jumps towards Fluttershy, biting her neck "EEEEK!" She cries out.

Applejack pulls her cart of apples into the center of Ponyville. "Huh, I wonder where everypony is." She tells herself.

"HELLP!" Rainbow Dash calls out

"I'm Coming Sugarcube!" She says, running into the center of Ponyville. She sees Rainbow Dash.

"AJ! HELP!" She calls. Green ponies were on top of her, grabbing at her with their hoofs, their skin was rotting, their mane covered in blood, the blood was dripping down their necks, onto the bite mark on their sides. One of them bites into her neck "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Rainbow Dash calls out, blacking out.

"Dash!" She says, tackling the ponies off her, she picks her up and runs towards her farm.


Hi. Future me. Anyway, Marshmallow called, she sent her weird data to us. She was frightened, but I guess that was because of Halloween coming up soon. Cupcake has been looking into Ponyville and she saw Applejack carrying Rainbow Dash towards her farm, so were going to head there now. The data that was sent seemed to be able to corrupt cells and turn them into... Zombie cells? She really didn't explain it well, but she said to not go near the rock. I'll add another log later. Bubblegum out.


"Cupcake! Have you seen Pinkie Pie?" I call out

"Yeah! She was at the rock!" Cupcake replies.

"Dammit." I say.

Spike was dragging Twilight away from the door, her neck hurt, she could see her blood from the door, the green pony was lying on the ground, burnt to a crisp. "Spike....." She says out. She sees more of the green ponies crawling into her house. She sees familiar faces. Then she blacks out.


I'm infected. This rock was carrying a virus that kills things and brings them back from the dead. I took a sample of the rock and iv'e breathed in to much. I'm ill and sick. But i'm not going to come back as one of those things. I'm sorry Equestria. BANG