> Magic bonding > by MostBrainWhyYes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sea of the Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Celestia lay side by side in a room they had cordoned off for their specific use today. Today Celestia has something significant to teach Twilight. They meditate a few minutes, as they always do before Twilight is taught from her mentor. "What I am about to teach you, is a use of magic required if you are to take on any student in the future, Twilight. However its potential uses are more diverse than just for relations between teacher and student." Twilight realizes Cadence's skills may have involved magic related somewhat to this skill but it isn't fully probable, and wishes not to interrupt Celestia by thinking outloud, and lets her curiosity take ahold. "The technique I wish to show you will be familiar, but not quite as intense as when I first used it to bond with you." Now Twilight was really curious but already had a very good guess as to what it is. "In a moment we will begin by telekinetically linking the magical connection between our horns." These being the exact words Celestia used from Twilight's youth reinforces Twilight's thoughts so that no doubts remain on specifically which technique she will be taught today. "Doing such serves as an anchor and is the point through which we experience intimacy for the duration of contact. As you may recall it is quite easy to get overwhelmed basking in one another's magic." Twilight nods. "This being due to our resting magic state difference when you were not but a filly." Celestia faintly and briefly smiles forlornly or sentimentally. "It is how you were capable of such great magical feats, but it took much effort to do. The more magic one practices the easier it is to more readily draw upon magic, and this exercise is not unlike holding a weight which becomes heavier the longer you grasp it. But it is also due to the overwhelming nature of the exercise. Once one relaxes, which is a significant part of this, one's grip will become gentler which also serves as confirmation that the time to bond has come." Twilight recalls some of her memories as a filly thanks to Celestias words. It was a powerful unforgettable experience, and its more difficult to remember what occurred before and after than the turmoil she initially felt, and the relief and vast comfort thereafter. She felt as if she were drowning, and her grip tightened on her mentor's horn as she desperately clung to what she could. It seemed as if she were suddenly thrust into a vast ocean, except that the momentum of the waves were thoughts and emotions conducted through their magical link- directly into the forefront of the mind. It is alot to take in, which makes it all the more important for what happened after. Once she finally acclimated herself, it was the opposite. She felt supreme comfort and knew that her mentor was trustworthy from her emotions entering her mind. It was a bit overwhelming but in a good way, and Twilight was filled with awe, as minor emotional waves on the beach of their minds washed into her helping push her ashore. Twilight didn't recognize one of the emotions back then, but now recognizes it easily as some amusement. Perhaps in the face of her struggle is what caused it as she learned her way ashore. But most of the emotion was care. It was heavenly. Upon approaching Celestia in her youth it was as if approaching a sun spilling forth the emotions of tender care to help wash away the anxiety and doubt. Relaxation intimacy and comfort was overwhelming, but her magic relaxing its grip upon Celestia's horn allowed a smoother connection and she didn't even remember her struggle from previously, too in awe of what her mentor was. Their minds then relaxed in the same space together, granted Celestia's mind was larger and Twilight being young her magic lost its amp in comparison to Celestia's, and she became asleep quickly in such a peaceful environment. "Bonding is significant because it takes the greatest fears and doubts of the bonder and strips them away. This fully ensures mutual trust and faith. Those older, however, usually have a more difficult time adjusting, and that can make it all the more profound if what they learned over the years is proven wrong in one experience. I will note that it will require a higher investment of time, and that adults are capable of more magic so its far more easy to accidentally hurt one another. Which is why it helps to have a careful mind, and is far easier with a naïve youth." "Hey!" Celestia giggles. Twilight joins. They both smile happily, Celestia regains composure, mostly, then fully. "Now that we have gone over the exercise it is time for us to begin." > Intimacy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia gently closes her eyes, the two adjacent to one another. Twilight closes her eyes after. Celestia leads, as she is taking the place of the student for her student. Her experienced telekinetic grip forms, and is initially relaxed, covering Twilight's horn which glows yellow. Twilight feels Celestia draw into her mind as she begins her grip upon her mentor's alicorn. Twilight's mind focuses solely on the internal world, and feels surprise. She didn't consider expecting what to feel yet, and what she does feel is the front of Celestia's mind entirely as it slowly observantly wades in with a faint sense of humor. Of course Celestia finds her surprise amusing. Twilight feels a little silly and its obvious she is feeling some embarrassment, but her mind is not distracted in the slightest. Or so she thinks, as Celestia feels more humor. It becomes apparent that feedback loops and echo-chambers are quite easy to produce with two minds connecting. Celestia smiles approvingly and Twilight feels her do so, and knows she learned what was intended. Celestia did speak about having a careful mind earlier as well which ties into this. Despite being the 'student' in this situation Celestia is perfectly at ease in the ocean of Twilight's mind and would quickly find her way ashore if she weren't taking her time. Twilight recognizes she is observing her emotions, then suddenly the feeling of intimacy jumps up more for Twilight than for Celestia as Celestia is still at sea. Its like looking at someone looking into a room of mirror's reflecting only you, and knowing exactly which reflections are observed and how. Twilight is informed directly from Celestia's intentions that developing trust in others may be very difficult and it can be quite easy to feel the wrong emotions that she should during such an event if her mind is uncontrolled. However it taking her time to reach land, Celestia is experiencing less direct emotions, that being surrounded on all sides by the ocean allows far less observation and its literally infinitely easier to feel distrust, which is why it makes it such a powerful trust building exercise. Twilight wonders. Celestia closes her eyes in the ocean, and feels the direction of the shore, and approaching it they both feel each other's mind more presently. Twilight thinks its odd how she feels every muscle movement and whisp of 'heat' off of her mentor and feels some intimacy through such, and the shore appears closer to Celestia. Twilight sees why it is important to experience this for another reason. If her future student were to reach ashore and not trust her, it could very much more readily cause pain for the two of them, the ocean is there for when one breaks their struggling, and the shore is for discovery and promotion of curiosity and the opportunity to found trust and have a two way intimate link going. It would be quite obvious how much someone distrusts you, and there needs to be a lack of reason for them to distrust you for it to be possible. A student and teacher should be on good terms before building intimacy, and it might not even be possible to force it otherwise without causing some sort of deprivation or dependency. Now Twilight understands the pain some villains must go through. Celestia emerges upon the shore, she was walking among the ocean floor rather than flying through the water. Twilight knows its because she is being studied, and that its not what would be expected of an actual future session, and Celestia knows that Twilight would know, and now currently knows this. Twilight shivers from Celestia's hooves trotting out of the water onto the beach, and feels Celestia in full focus. It is a divine experience, and both of their minds are being projected to each other. Twilight recalls 'divine' experiences happen when the corpus callosum is weak and the brain's hemispheres are interacting poorly and the information transferal is much slower thus the information transferred is stronger when one is resting and the mind is able to save the memory of it- memory being more abundant in those with proper sleep than those without. Every inch Celestia moves closer seems to speed up, and their minds communicate more freely, and every tread upon land feels like a touch upon her magic body. Its quite easy to get drawn together, and yet Celestia takes careful steps towards her, feeling amusement at what Twilight is feeling, that Celestia is moving towards her so painfully slowly, but it also feels good. Their minds slowly grasping each other's Celestia finally approaches the place Twilight is in. It feels like heaven and they aren't even fully bonded yet, Celestia I just barely overlapping her. Its easy for Twilight to be breathless, and she wonders how Celestia does it, Celestia recalls that she has hundreds of years of experience and thought since she learned the spell, Twilight feels some awe and envy, Celestia some amusement, Twilight some embarrassment. Celestia conveys that living long doesn't only have its upside with several quick thoughts referenced. Twilight wonders over them and Celestia feels a little forlorn but also happy to be with her beloved student. Twilight feels a decreasingly shy, increasing happiness. Celestia initiates the snug sensation as she moves into Twilight. Their eyes leak out of the rejuvenating emotions they experience, peace being brought to their being. All their body feels a little stimulated, but entirely relaxed. It is quite easy to feel pleasure, but its not the point of the exercise, and neither of them pursue it. The peace of the intimacy is far stronger than the sexual arousal, which is a mere side effect. Twilight feels strange over it being ignored and Celestia just acknowledges it happily drawing themselves closer into the core of their being. They can now both feel each other's body and every sensation and thought along with it as if their minds have become one. Both of their minds being highly active, sensations coat their entire body transferring information between their minds quickly. It overwhelms Twilight, feeling like Celestia just snuggly climbed into a tight sleeping bag with her in a way, and feels a minor orgasm, to Celestia's amusement and Twilight's embarrassment, but both are short lived and do not impact their relaxation any further. Now they meditate, questions coming and going almost instantly answered as they become acquainted further, the connection between their minds indeed transferring information as quickly as if it were just one mind and not two. Then Twilight wonders why they couldn't do this all the time, then realizes and is answered at nearly the same time, that they would confuse who they are, which can lead to co-dependency problems and effecting their other relations potentially negatively. Also if one feels pain, the other can feel it just as much, and it could impact their relationship permanently with each new event or trauma and they might associate it with each other or this experience, and then they may not be able to do so again in the future. But also it'd take quite alot of magic and they could both burn out. Perhaps if one had a cutie mark for such a thing it'd not be so much of an issue. If one were to look into the room currently they would see Celestia and Twilight, wings extended, eyes shut, wide smiles upon their faces, and their clitorises occasionally winking from the stimulation, with tears streaming down their cheeks and breathing deeply and in unison, unperturbed, with the exact same features schooling their faces, and the exact same posture. As time passes, their stimulation dies down, and they think in near-perfect unison, now adjusted to each other. They start to sleep. Luna sees a curious dreamer of which she has never seen before happily moving along in a dream more than twice as complex as most ponies' dreams. Then Luna recognizes, its a magical technique similar to her own combined dream spell, and realizes whom they are. It has been quite some time since Luna has seen a dream such as this, and knows whom they must be. Luna flies down approaching the massive alicorn. "Hello Luna" They happily say. Luna smiles then enjoys a dream with her favorite alicorns.