Death Come to me

by Easy breezey

First published

What if Dash can't take life anymore? Will she crumble?Or stay strong?

Dash having struggling life for 22 years has finally crumbled,And nobody knows this.....Not even her closest friends.Will they be in time to save her?Or will it be too late?
This is my FIRST story so feel free to say what you think in the comments down below:pinkiehappy:
P.S:Contains Blood,Suicide,and other gory stuff but mostly blood,And sex implication. Oh and bad words:derpytongue2: this is not a hate fic ok My OTP is ironically SoarinDash:rainbowlaugh: I'm such a horrible daughter.:derpytongue2::rainbowlaugh:
And Special Tank (Cuz' I can:raritywink::derpytongue2:) to:Gallop Free:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: here is a link to her page
HER STORIES ARE SUPER GOOD!!!!!!! Make sure you go check her page out:rainbowdetermined2::twilightsmile:

Rainbow Dash's end

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Death come to me,
Like how a loyal pet comes to it's master when called.

"And I'll fly,And I'll fly till the ends of the sky..So I'll be the one who doesn't have say goodbye...I'll keep the weather warm for you so we won't be apart!" I sang while spinning Tank around in my backyard
'I'll never leave you alone Rainbow.' Tank thought with a smile.

But if that pet is gone.....Then the world changes for it's master.
"TANK!!! TANK!!!!!My wonderful little Tank..." I sobbed.
"I'm sorry Dash but you know he won't be here forever." Fluttershy said sadly.
"I'll be here for you Dash." Soarin said, placing a hand on my shoulder in comfort.
"Promise?" I asked with a hopeful tone.
"Promise." Soarin said, pulling me into a hug as I continued to do so.

But little did I know I lost him too.....When she came along....
"Soarin? Soarin are you here?" I yelled
"AHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!Soarin harder!! HARDER!!!!"
"Sweet Celestia! Spity your sooo tight!!!! Ahh!!"
I heard noise...noise from my bedroom that actually sound familiar...I went in the room where the noise came from....What I saw....killed me.

"HOW COULD YOU!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!" I yelled hurt to see Soarin with that... THAT BITCH!
"DASH!!!" Both of them exclaimed as both of them tried to cover up what I just saw.
"GET OUT BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!"I screamed with tears like waterfall from my eyes.
It hurts so much.....All I did....All he did. I thought he was the one for me....The love of my life.....

But...I guess I was wrong. Days...weeks...I waited...

He came back....

"Why?! Why?! Did you even love me?!!" I yelled, punching my pillow.
"Of course I do." Soarin said, entering my room.
"Get out!" I screamed, as I threw a pillow at him.
He caught the pillow and set it on the floor "If you want me to... Just know I still love you Dash...I was a fool, and I hope you can forgive me." He said sadly.
"I still do love Soarin...But I just I can't forgive you.... Not now." I said to him with tears in my eyes.
Soarin just smiled sadly and nodded as he left my house.

My heart squeezed like a vice when he left. I cried,I din't leave my room for days,I know my friends are worried sick about me...They knew what happened...How? One word Fluttershy..she came and visited me that day,saw what happened...well you know the rest. Just when I was losing hope,something glimmered.....

"A blade..." I said as if this was the first time I saw a blade in my entire life.
My hope for eternal rest... I opened it... It was new... No trace of use at all.
I can't do this anymore... I hope they will understand in time...
"My life...I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!..... I'm pointless...useless! I'm no good for anybody. Not even for Soarin. Not even for Scoots..."I said, tears filling my eyes
I placed it against my wrist. It felt cold.. Like it should be.

"Goodbye.... I can't do this anymore,I'm sorry." I whispered.

The main door opens....
"Dash?" A voice said. But there is something familiar with that voice... It was Twilight's!
"Fuck! Twi's here better do this quick!" I thought.
One deep cut,I cried out in pain,tears streamed down my face as red,crimson blood dripped to the floor.

The door to my room opened...
"DASH!!!!" Twilight exclaimed, running towards me.

One more deep slash. I moaned in pain, making the blade dig deeper into my vein.
"First my mom dead... Next my dad DIED!!!..... My childhood RUINED BY MY OWN AUNT!!!!! AND MY UNCLE DIDN'T CARE!!!! My tortoise GONE!!! Scootaloo....gone! MY LOVE GONE!!! WHAT DO I HAVE LEFT!!! NOTHING!!!!"
I cried, as I slashed my wrist every time I remembered,one by one the hardships and the pain I felt.The last one was a deeper cut than the rest of the others.

"NO DASH STOP THIS!!!!!!" Twilight said said trying to stop me in vain.
"Stop acting like you know How I FEEL TWI!!! I know you're smart...but...just...PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" I yelled
"I'm just trying to help..." Twilight said looking down.
I yelled while cutting myself again in the end Twilight tried to stop me,but I was determined to die, and NOBODY is stopping me.
Twilight grabbed the blade from my hand but I shook her off and I cut myself again,deeper this time. I screamed in pain..My vision blurred... I felt light headed....I'm dying. I fell to the ground,the blade still in my hand.
"Tell the girls I'm sorry.....and tell him I forgive him and I love him."
One last cut,the deepest cut I made. I screamed in pain...

"Please Dash you have so much to live for! Don't do this to yourself. DON'T DO THIS TO US!!!! I thought you were loyal to us....." Twilight said sobbing
I smiled weakly when she said that. I grabbed her head and said:
"I am loyal... I just can't take the pain of life hurts to much I can't do this anymore." I said, letting a slight sad smile take over.
Twi screams and sobbed. I heard footsteps again. I felt my body go numb.

The room's door opened....

"DASH!!!! Nonononono Dash!!!!" Soarin yelled as he ran towards me.
"Oh no DASHIE! What did you do to yourself?!" FlutterShy said sobbing,hiding her face in her long hair as Rarity tried to calm her down.
"What's going on?!"Aj yelled as she came into the room.

Please girls forgive me,I know I should have stayed strong...but this is too much.
"THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!" Soarin yelled as tears streamed down his face
"No...It's not Soar..It's mine." I said as I took his hand
I closed my eyes,drew my final breath,let it out slowly and whispered

"Forgive and forget me...."

My body went stiff.... Just like that,I was gone from this Earth...eternal rest and bliss...I died with a smile. I felt Soarin kiss me one more time and whispered:
"I'm sorry and I love you so much."

Gasp...sobs..tears from my friends and lover's faces....But they will understand in time...especially Fluttershy. I hope you can forgive me girls. But don't ever think that I never cared for you guys,I love you,always remember that. Remember the good times we had....not the bad times. But there was one secret that never got out to the world. And that was


Who am I? I'm their creation...I died before I was born. Nobody knew about me...not even Rainbow herself...I knew I was a mistake.
They never planned to have me. The weren't married to each other yet. But I forgive you, mom. Even though I never got to see the light.. Even though I was never revealed to the world....

A hidden secret that you will dragged to your grave... Know that I love you before I can even say it. That I'm proud to have a life in your belly for 3 months...even just for three months and in secret. I hope your not mad mom...
I'm proud to be called your daughter Easy Breezey...

Special addition by:Suicidal soul and heart

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I've lost so much hope and I've lost so many.
I can't help but drink away my pain.
I drink till I'm dizzy,but it does little to help me.
The only thing that helps is the knife I use to cut my vein.
Death,I must ask why won't you come for me?
I'm miserable, in pain, and I'm so depressed.
I no longer have my love and I have no family.
So why won't you come and take me; I can't keep these feelings suppressed.
The scars on my wrist tell the whole story....
The story of my life is filled with love, happiness, betrayal, and despair.
Oh, death please take me and please,hurry!
I am ready to take my last breath of air.
Kept alive by my damn friends and a doctor's lackey!
They say I'm needed,wanted; but I. don't .give.a .DAMN!!
Sadly,what they are doing just hurts me more.
So please death please come take me to the land of the damned.
Tired of living and crying,
Wishing my friends would just leave me be.
I'm finally ready to start dying.
So reaper here is what I'm asking.
Death? Why do you keep me waiting? Why won't you come for me.