Cursed Eyes

by Knight Gear

First published

A group thousands of years old now stands in the shadows of the modern day. With one young-ling of their up bringing making head way on new grounds. But what will the journey do should he waver.

For thousands of years a group has stood in the shadows. Forever changing forever evolving. Now a young-ling by the name of Clouded Eyes is tasked with a new mission to bring Equestria under their rule. For the shadows they hide in are not evil just misunderstood. For it is not subjugation they seek just merely peace. For even Clouded Eyes his body and mind are scared beyond healing. As well as his brothers and sisters who each bare a pain they wish to never pass to another.

((This work will include Mind Control, Bondage, Mind Breaking, Lesbian, Homosexual and Rape))

Chapter 1 - Young-lings beginning

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In a room lit by only one open window sat a figure dressed in a light brown shirt and dark loose brown pants. A unicorn in a dark black coat and dark blue mane. His amber eyes look down into the pages of a new book. His eyes focused on the book as jasmine scented candles filled the air with the calming scent. The book was thin compared to others and the hardcover of it wrapped in blue fabric. The stallion sait in an old wooden chair with a large stone desk to his left. As he sat in the chair his eyes went over every word in the book with a finger sitting just under the sentence he was reading. As he looked through the book the room was quiet. So quiet that when his ears moved it was to focus on the sound of hooves hitting against stone. The sound grew louder and louder until it came to a stop. For a minute the silence returned; only to be cut off by the sound of old rested door hings moving. The figure looked to his left to see the door the sound came from. As well as a beautiful cyan pegasus mare with a brown mane. She wore bright red fabric bra and panties with see through fabric hanging down to her ankles. The bra and panties clung to her body tightly showing off her curves while the see through fabric seemed to add a bit of magic. Lightly flowing in the slightest of winds.

“Sorry to disturb you master but you have a guest. Mr. Dancing Feather has come to see you about a griffin.” Said the cyan pegasus with a smile as she bows at her waist saying in a soft and gentle voice.

The stallion smiles as he closes his book and set it on the stone desk. He stands with ease and an air of uncertainty about him. He leaves the book on his desk putting his hands behind his back. As he walked up to the mare each step he took was slow and calm. Barely any sound came from him as he took his last step finding himself so close to the mare. That if he wished they would touch. The stallion bent down and said to the mare.

“Thank you Helping Heart.” The stallion then takes a whiff of her mane finding the strawberry scent intoxicating. He then stands up straight as he asks her.

“Where did you have him set up?” Heart smiles as she stands up straight finding her view blocked by the stallion's chest. She continues to smile looks up to see his calming amber eyes.

“I had him set up in dungeon number three. Master Star Eyes is currently having the other two occupied by two dragons twins.” Says Helping Heart as the stallion smiles as he leans down and kisses Heart on the lips. The pegasus mare flutters her wings slightly and hums before leaning forward following his retreating lips.

“Thank you my little succupony. Now can you please fetch us some drinks. A cup of tea of me and a cold bottle of beer for Dancing Feather please.” The stallion said as he looked down at the pegasus mare.

The cyan pegasus known as Helping Heart continues to smile as she bowed and left to go fetch the drinks that were ordered. Meanwhile the stallion walked down the stone cold corridors until a wall along his right side came into view. This wall bared three large doors each made of thickest wood twice over. With large steel plates bolted into the wooden beams to hold them together. The stallion stops at the furthest of the door; and with great ease pulled it open. When came out from behind the door was a smell the stallion had come to find normal. The scent of old musk and stale air; it caused the smile on the stallion's face to grow wider as he descended down a small flight of stairs. At the bottom was a large room; the walls lined with various things as ropes and chains hung from the ceilings.

In the far right hand corner of the room sat a pegasus stallion with a dark orange coat and light purple mane. Very skinny but tougher than he looks. Famously known for hunting and capturing any predator, from griffins, dragons and even wolves. I smile as I see him sitting on a fixed table. Dressed in a dark blue camouflage hooded vest and cargo pants. Without looking back he yells out to the stallion.

“Well how is the new Divine Clouded Eyes?” The stallion now known as Clouded Eyes smiles as he says to the pegasus.

“If you know of my ascension then you should be bowing your head.” The pegasus turns around and places his hands in his pockets as he says.

“That day will come when you lead your, own chapter.” The pegasus chuckles when his finishes his sentence.

They both stare at each other for a moment before the stallions attention is drawn to a small dragon hatchling. Light ruby red scales and bright blue fines. The hatchling smiles up at Clouded Eyes as the two stallions both extend their hands and shack. Dancing Feather asking with a bit of laughter in his voice.

“So how can you help an elder kinsmen out?” Asked the orange pegasus known as Dancing Feather.

Clouded Eyes smiles as he looks past Dancing Feather to a large steel dog cage. Within the cage was a griffin mare facing up to the ceiling. Her feathers were a light gray with hints of read here and there, and her fur was dark brown. Stripped of any clothing with a gage shoved into her mouth. Her hands and paws tied to the four corners of the small cage. She used her tail to hide her flower from praying eyes.

The griffin mare stared daggers at the two stallions as Dancing Feather began to explain. “I was contracted to catch her. By a benefactor that favors my abilities above our kin.”

Clouded eyes lets out a sigh as he asks in a rhetorical voice. “It wouldn’t be for that glutton of a bishop over in Yakyakistan... would it?”

Dancing feather merely raises his hands up in defense at the question as Clouded Eyes says with irritation in his voice. “I swear how many griffins does he have now? I’m pretty sure this will be number ten or fifteen.”

Clouded then sits on the cage of the griffin as he waits to hear from Feather. “He pays good coin and the jobs are cake.”

Clouded lets out a sigh as he places a hand against his face and rubs the bridge of his nose. “You known one of these days I’m going to start charging you.”

Feather simple smiles as he places his hands back in his pockets. “Ya I know but can you at least tell me how long it's going to be?”

Clouded smiles as he looks to Feather and says. “Well it depends on the subject. Tell me about the griffin.” Clouded asked the old friend as he looked into the cage at the griffin.

“She was a guard back in the griffin kingdom. If memory serves me correctly she was a new recruit in training.” Dancing Feather explained as he also looked down at the griffin.

Clouded looked back down at the mare griffin. Seeing her still glaring daggers at him. Clouded stood up and walked around the cage. Lifting it up so it stood on the door. The griffin looked back at Clouded as he ran a finger up her spine sending a shiver up it.

“From what you told me, I’d guess a week at least.” Clouded gave the estimated time of training this griffin into becoming a proper slave.

Clouded then dropped the cage so the griffin was on her back again letting her hit against the stone floor. The griffin began to thrash about in the cage causing it to move and shake. Feather walked over to the cage and placed his hand on the cage to keep her steady.

“You sure that’s the best you can do?” Dancing feather asked as he ran his fingers through his mane.

Clouded placed his hand to his chin in thought as he said. “Well there is a new method i could try. A bishop over in the dragon lands used it on griffin just like her.”

Feather then looks to Clouded as Feather asks. “Well what has to be done?”

Clouded looks down to the griffin as she kept trying to thrash about. “I could try to warp her mind by using some new training methods.”

Feather looks back down at the griffin. “What exactly is it?”

Clouded says out loud not looking at any pony. “I’d need to give her a full sensory flush. No light, no sound, just her and whatever I put in her. I leave her like that for a few days and she should be broken.”

The griffin begins to thrash against her bindings harder after hearing those words. Screaming into the gag as she glared daggers at both stallions. The dragon hatchling grabs onto Feathers pants and pulls down gently.

Feather looked down at the hatchling asking. “What do you want Insinadra?”

The hatching kept looking up to the pegasus as it said. “I’m hungry.”

Feather reaches into one of the many pockets and pulls out a large blue gem which the dragon hatchling quickly takes and begins to eat. Clouded counties to think about what to do with the griffin. Until the sound of hooves hitting against stone was heard coming from the door. As the two stallion’s looked to the source of the sound to find Heart walking up to them with a tray and two drinks sitting on it. One drink a large bottle of beer and the other a small cup of steaming tea. Clouded smiled as he stood up and took the cup of tea. Feather took the cup of cold beer and immediately drank half of it. Feather then said while looking down at the griffin.

“So a week is the least you can do?” Feather asked before he drank from his beer.

“If I use the new technique I could have her down in about three to five days.” Clouded said as he took a sip of tea. Feather opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a high pitched, brash voice saying.

“You could always just give her to me.” Said a brash high pitched voice coming from the doorway of the dungeon

When Feather and Clouded turned to the source what they saw caused two different reactions. Feather let out an angered sigh before downing the rest of the beer and placing it back on the tray. Clouded simply smiled and let out a small chuckle before asking while looking back at the griffin in the cage. “You’d end up turning her into a mindless toy that you’d keep with the others.”

Feather then looks to the small earth pony mare as he says. “And if memory serves it's against the rules to steal from our own… Swirl.”

The earth pony mare smiled as she walked up to the cage. She wore a loose hanging black hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans; thin metal frame circular sunglasses sat on top of her head with blue lenses. The mare was looked liked a filly with a light brown coat and dark blue mane; bright green eyes. She appears ten years younger than she is which works well in her favor. Fully standing at waist level with the two stallions. She smiled looking down at the griffin. The griffin looked back at the earth pony mare surprised.

Swirl the earth pony smiled as she asked the gaged griffin knowing she can’t answer. “What’s wrong, you didn’t expect to see a little filly playing with the big colts?”

Swirl continued to look into the cage as Clouded said. “If you’re here to try and buy Heart from me again, I’ll repeat myself, again. She’s not for sale.”

Swirl smiled as she looked back to Clouded and said. “While I’m still fixed on having her, I’m here on a different matter. I was told to give you this and to tell you Divine Star Eye’s sent it.”

Swirl then pulls out a scroll from her hoodie pocket. Clouded took the scroll and rolled it open to see a seal of Star Eyes stamped at the base of it. Written in the secretive writing of the Divines. Taken from the islands of the eastern seas. Each paragraph is normally; but what makes it different is that each other paragraph is written upside down. When Clouded finished the first paragraph he turned the scroll upside down and read the second one. As Clouded read and try to tune out Swirl and Feather’s arguing over the griffin mare. Swirl offering fifty thousand bits for her as is; Feather saying it was a matter of principle and code. Clouded simply smashed his hand against the a stone wall causing a small impression of his fist in the stone wall. They go silent as well as the griffin in her cage. As Clouded pulled his fist from the wall with dirt and rubble following only to fall to ground he looked back at them from the corner of his eyes.

Both Feather and Swirl grew quiet and also more fearful of their friend. They both look away as he returns to reading the scroll. He leans his back against the very wall he had punched. As time went on in the silence of the room nothing could be heard; only the sound of light breathing could be heard. The musky smell of the room becoming the focus between Swirl and Feather. That was until Clouded let out a sigh and rolled the scroll back up only to burn it in his hands with bright blue flames. Clouded then leans against the wall and lets out a deep sigh. Swirl and Feather look to him waiting to see if he’ll snap again. Only for the sound of hooves hitting against stone could be heard. Swirl and Feather look to the door of the room and are greeted by Heart walking back in with a tray of fresh drinks. She smiles as she walks up to Clouded with the tray in hand. Clouded takes the cup of tea and downs it in one gulp. Before the cup is crushed in his grip; Heart walks over to Feather and Swirl as she Feather asks.

“Swirl what did you give him?” Feather asked in a hushed whisper.

Clouded stated with irritation “she just handed me my ticket to the afterlife.”

Swirl held her hands up as though saying she had nothing to do with it. Feather looks back to Clouded as does Swirl stepping around Heart. They both look at him as he says.

“Star Eyes along with Snowflake, Silver Vein and Shadow Tails want to see me tonight.” Clouded said as he looked off into space.

Both Swirl and Feather grew silent as they walked over to him.

“What's the reason? You didn't break the oath... did you?” Feather asked only to recive a look from Clouded asking if he was serious about the question and an elbow jab from Swirl.

“Obviously he didn’t break the oath, this is Clouded we’re speaking of. He’s the youngest to ever reach the level of Divine; a prodigy from the moment he was brought in.” Stated Swirl as she walked over to stand in front of him. Offering a sympathetic smile up to him.

Clouded simple continues staring into space as he thinks about what could be the reasons all the leader want to speak with him. Clouded took a deep breath and closed his eyes. As he let the breath out he looked to Feather.

“Leave the griffin here with me, I’ll have her fully trained in a week.” Clouded said as he stood up and began walking over to the cage the griffin sat in.

He looks the griffin in the eyes with a normal cold calculating feeling. But behind them lays something else, something that caused this griffin to shrink away from him. She looked to him with fear in her eyes as Feather and Swirl began backing away.

“Sounds good friend, I’ll just…” Said Feather walking away only to interrupt him self by the distance he and Swirl already made.

He and Swirl then walk out of the stone dungeon. Their voices being carried down as they spoke walking away.

“I vow that stallion is scarier than Star Eyes.” Said Swirl as she walked down the stone hall with Feather walking along side.

“Believe me, I understand. First time I met him we were out stalking a dragon and he managed to catch him in one day.” Said Feather as he walks along with the filly sized earth pony.

Only stopping as they heard screams coming from the very room they were in. They turned back to see Heart the cyan blue pegasus walking past them with the tray held against her. She smiled as she only gave a simple nod to both of them and continued her walking. Feather and Swirl look to each other as they heard the crack of a whip and ear piercing scream. What they don’t know is that moments after they left Clouded began his work. Cuting the griffins bindings and opening the cage. The griffin mare sprung out as Heart closed the door to the dungeon. The griffin mare bared her claws as she looked to Clouded who simply stood up straight and let his arms hang at his sides. His expression was cold and hard as he and the griffin stared eye to eye.

The griffin flared her wings as she said. “You’re a prodigy? You seem pretty stupid to me.”

She then lunged at Clouded with her claws ready to rip him apart and shed his blood. But all her claws dug into was the air as Clouded simply stepped back and in the same motion took hold of her wrist. He then slapped her elbow up and in the continuous motion she moved herself into an arm lock. As Clouded held her he wrapped his free hand around her neck and slowly began to choke her. Whispering.

“For that... I’ll make sure it’s rough.” As Clouded choked the griffin mare Heart walked over to Clouded.

Seeing the griffin slowly slump to the floor as her eyes closed and her body seemed to grow weak. As clouded followed the griffin’s body to the floor Heart only smiled as she heard Clouded tell her.

“Go grab cart three and put on outfit five.” Clouded order Heart as he let the griffin go. The gentle rise and fall of her chest showed any who looked at her she was alive.

Heart’s smile grew bigger as she bowed her head and left to go fulfill her master's orders. After walking through the hallway and nodding to Feather and Swirl she walked into a large bedroom where a large queen size bed sat with the sheets freshly cleaned and laid out. Heart walked over right side of the bed where a small closet sat. When she opened it she was greeted with a small selection of outfits, from fancy dresses for formal events to bondage harnesses and corsets. The first thing Heart did was begin to remove her old clothing. Reaching between her breasts and pulling the clips that held it up, apart. Letting the fabric fall to the ground as she ran her hands along her hourglass figure to her tight panties. As the she allowed her panties to fall to the floor. She spread her wings and stretched; her fur lightly swaying the as she reached forth and grabbed a black leather strap harness. Heart smiled as she slipped it on her. The harness showing off her curves and figure. The harness run down from her neck around her chest and around her sides.

A large black piece of the leather in the shape of diamond sat on her back between her shoulders. The harness clung tightly to her body as she walked over to a small night stand next to the bed. There sat a metal collar with a heart shaped lock hanging from it. She smiled as she gently placed the collar around her neck. With her outfit complete she looked to a standing mirror and quickly posed to see if anything was wrong with the harness. She smiled as she remember when her master first put her in this. She shivered as the memory of her kissing his hooves was still fresh in her mind even after all these years.When she only adjusted the straps around her waist and thighs she found everything perfect. She walked out of the room to a small closet that when she opened revealed several different carts. Each of the carts were different from size to the objects they held. One held a small car battery bolted to the bottom shelve with jumper cables, cattle prods, and tasers sitting on top. Another held various whips riding crops and paddles. But the one she was looking for was in the far back.

The cart was small but neatly organized. With various little toys such as dildos, vibrators a riding crop or two. And finally on the bottom shelve was a set of bars. Heart smiled as she remembered them well, as they had been used on her before. She pulls the cart out and was she pushes it back into the third dungeon she finds her master Clouded finish tying the griffin’s claws to a hanging rope. The griffin hung from the rope by her claws with her paws inches from the ground. Clouded had just finished when Heart brought in the cart dressed in his third favorite outfit. He smiled warmly at her seeing her twirl in it for a second before stopping. Once clouded was finished tying the griffin's claws he walked around to Heart hugging her tightly and giving her a kiss on the lips. She sighed as she felt his warm touch and those soft lips that always seem to calm her. It was these moments she loved; these moments of peace. But that peace would soon be interrupted by a brash and harsh voice.

“You guys really are sick.” Said the griffin as she looked at them both.

Clouded looked back to her with a scowl. The griffin shrink back slightly and even more when the scowl turned into an evil smile that would scare even Sombra. He looked at her with a darkness hiding in the depths of his eyes. The griffin looked away as she felt something reach into her through those eyes. She then heard his voice, deep like a monster but smooth like silk.

“You should show more respect to your superiors.” Clouded said as he grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him.

Her eyes shrank as she looked back into those demonic eyes. Those eyes that held such evil and darkness behind them. Clouds grip on her chin grew stronger as she tried to turn away from him. Clouded smiled as he traced his free hand down the side of her body. The griffin seeing no other way cocked her leg back and swung forward aiming between Clouds legs. But Clouded closed his knees together and stopped the powerful kick. He then smiled keeping eye contact with her as he took hold of her leg and raised it up. He kept looking into her eyes as he examined the fine piece of flesh. Her toned muscles and wall well kept fur seeming to drawn Clouded Eyes in. The soft feeling of the griffins fur in his hands as he ran the one that once held her cheek from her paw down it.

Again the griffin tried to kick him. This time with a roundhouse kick. This time the kick connected and with such fierce force behind it. The griffin smiled thinking she had injured or wounded him. But when she looked fear was the only thing on her face. Those eyes of darkness, evil and that should belong to a demon still looked at her. But now they held something else. Those eyes held anger now as the griffin saw her roundhouse kick had done nothing. Clouded took hold of her second leg and when he pulled it away it was easy to see no marks or scratches were left by the griffins attempts to injure him. Clouded looked down at the griffin with rage as he held her legs up. He then looked back to his personal cyan pegasus that smiled as she bent down. She grabbed a bar with two leather cuffs on both ends. Heart smiled as she walked over with the bar and as Clouded held the griffins legs Heart placed them around the griffin’s ankles. Clouded let the griffins legs go letting them fall back. But now with the bar she could do little as Heart bent down in front of her master. She bent down at the hipps to adjust the length of the bar.

Clouded looked down at his bent over slave. Seeing her sway that nice supply piece of flank back and forth so gently and subtlety. He smiled as his eyes followed up her body to her hanging breasts. Held tightly against her by the bondage harness she wore. Clouded then turned his eyes to the griffin as she let out cries of pain. When he looked down to the spreader bar Heart had placed on the griffin he had to say Heart had adjusted it so the griffins legs were held as far apart as her body would allow. Clouded smiled as he placed a hand on Hearts flank and gently rubbed it. He was gifted with a coo from the the cyan Pegasus.

“That's enough for now Heart. We don't want to physically break her.”

Heart stepped back as Clouded turned his attention back to the griffin that hung in front of him. His eyes flowed down her body like a small gentle river. Lingering on her perky C-cup breasts. Clouded stepped closer the griffin as he gently placed a hand over her flower.

The griffin hissed before saying. “You even think about it and I’ll rip that hand off.”

Clouded looked back to her eyes as he gently trailed his hand up the griffins body. Clouded then smacked her across the face and said in that deep dark voice of silk. “You don't scare me any more than an unclawed kitten.”

The griffin recoiled from the smack. She looked back to Clouded Eyes as she said. “I’ll never break. Try whatever you want demon pony.”

Clouded only chuckled as he looked to Heart and motioned for the cart. She rolled it over causing the griffin to focus on it once again. When it came close enough the griffin became transfixed on it more seeing all the little and large toys that could and would be used on her. Clouded waved a hand over the first shelf lingering over a small corner where several different gags sat. O-ring, ball and various others sat next to each other. All of them meant for the purpose of silencing the griffin. Clouded stopped when he hand floated over one in particular. A gage specially designed for griffins of any gender. Clouded looked to the griffin as he took hold of the gag. It was much like an O-ring gag with four bars pointing out and connecting on the top and bottom. The griffin shut her mouth seeing Clouded step close to her with the gag. He gently ran a finger along her chin down her neck.

“You should know…” Clouded then walks around behind her and leans in close so she could her. “I like the ones that fight back.” He then Gripped her tail and yanked on it.

When the griffin screamed in pain Clouded quickly placed the gag in her mouth and secured it tightly to the back of her head. Clouded smiled as he then looked over to Heart she then smiled before bowing to her master. She looked over another corner of the cart where several dildos laid about. Some small and some large. All from various races; Heart smiled as her favorite came into view. A large bright ruby red dildo that was designed in the shape of a dog with a small barb on the end pointing back. She picked it up with her hand and brought it to her lips. Her tongue gently poked out of her mouth and licked along the tip. As Heart did this she walked over the griffin smiling and looking her in the eyes. The griffin looked to the cyan pegasus seeing something held in her eyes as well. It was joy, the pegasus smiled with great joy as she rubbed the barbed dildo down the griffins body that shook from fear to her flower.

“Don't worry you’ll come to like it.” Heart said as she gently rubbed the dildo along the griffins fully closed slit.

The griffin let out a gentle moan through the gag and then a cry of pain as the dildo was forced into her pussy. She threw her head back and closed her eyes tightly. She could feel the the dildo slowly and agonizingly be pushed deeper and deeper into her. The barb that sat on the tip poking at her walls when they squeezed around it. She continued to cry even when the dildo was pushed all the way in. Heart let go of the dildo finding the griffins pussy holding it in. The griffin shook her hips to try and force the dildo out. Only causing that barb to dig into her walls more. She looked to the cyan pegasus with tears flowing down her cheeks as Heart gently kissed her neck and then began trailing kisses down her body. The griffin sighed slightly from the kisses but then moaned as Clouded reached under her forced apart legs and turned to the dildo on. The griffin moaned loudly as she felt the dildo vibrat in side of her. Heart looked back up to the griffin as she said with a sweet and gently voice like that of candy.

“Don't worry I’m always gentle to the new arrivals.” Heart said as she trailed more kisses down from the griffin's neck to her chest.

The griffin the moaned as Heart sealed her lips around the griffins breasts and began sucking on them. The griffin moaned more as she felt the pegasus warm breath and soft tongue wash over her breasts. The griffin knew this was wrong; she knew this had to stop. But her body craved for more. Even as Clouded Eyes smiled watching to the two of them play like new borns. He gently ran his hand down the spine of the griffin causing a shiver to follow the same way. He reached between her legs again and with a single finger pushed on the dildo causing the griffin to moan through her gag again.

Clouded wiggled the vibrating dildo around with the single finger as he whispered to the griffin.“I know your type.”

Clouded then licked up her neck before dropping back down and biting where he had licked. The griffin moved her head away to try and stop him, not realizing she was only giving him more to bite. But as he pulled her teeth away from her Clouded looked to Heart and said in a calm and gentle voice.

“Fetch another.” The cyan pegasus fluttered her wings and kissed Clouded before stepping back to the small cart to look over which other dildo she should bring him. As Heart did this Clouded whispered to the griffin in his deep dark voice of silk again.

“You pretend to be strong. To put on this mask of strength and valor. But I know what hides behind it.” As Clouded spoke he trailed his other hand that wasn't busy around the front of the griffins body and cupped one of her breasts.

The griffin began to cry slightly as she knew something was coming. She moaned loudly when Clouded and pinched her nipple and pulled it outward. When he then raised it up causing the griffin to moan again and look away as he whispered to her.

“You and your type are nothing more than pets that like to parade out in the open.” He released her nipple letting her breasts fall back again her chest. She continued to cry as he whispered again.

“You parade around in the uniforms of a guard. You hold yourself high when really you only want to be reminded of how low you sit.” Clouded then ran his hand that had cupped her breast back around to the griffins back where he gently groped her flank.

“Go ahead and tell yourself whatever you want.” Clouded then began to pull the barbed dildo out before pushing it back in. The griffin moaned loudly as she felt the vibrating barbed dildo be pulled out of her only to be pushed back in.

“Tell yourself you’re a guard. Tell yourself that your mother and father are proud of you.” He then spanked the griffins flank earning yet another moan. But this one was different from the others. It was louder and deeper as well.

“You can’t hide what you are. You're nothing more than a griffin mare that wants to be paraded around like a prize.” Clouded finished as he saw Heart return with something caused Clouded to smile and the griffin to gain a look of fear.

There Heart stood in front of both her master and soon to be broken griffin with a dildo strapped her waist. This dildo was different from the one currently in the griffins quickly wettening pussy. The dildo the Heart wore with a large smile as long and slim in design; but flared into a small ball at the tip. Clouded pulled away from the griffin as he and Heart walked around to switch places. The griffin struggled to look back as her focus was on Heart the cyan pegasus. But Clouded wouldn't have it as shown when he gently took hold of the griffins chin again and forced the griffin to look at him again. She focused on those eyes again. Those deep dark amber eyes that seem to hold so much behind them. This time they holding something the griffin didn't expect. When she looked into Clouded’s amber eyes she saw, kindness, love, and peace. She relaxed slightly as she kept staring into those enchanting eyes. Unaware of Heart as she lined up the strange strap on dildo with her only other unoccupied hole.

Heart smiled as she gently pushed the ball tip of the strap on into the griffin’s asshole. The griffin moaned from the entrance of the foreign. But she kept looking into the those deep amber eyes as she allowed the cyan pegasus to push the strap on deeper and deeper into her asshole. Heart moaned feeling the griffin’s anal muscles squeeze around the dildo causing the one sitting in hers right now to move ever so slightly. When Heart had bottomed out she pants rather lightly looking past the griffin to her master Clouded eyes. He lowers the hand that held the griffins gaze seeing she the griffin no longer want to look away from him. Clouded only smiled as Heart’s signal to begin. Heart smiled back to her master as she began pounding into the griffins asshole. The griffin moaned again feeling both her holes be filled with cold plastic toys. Clouded reached down to the griffins pussy where the first dildo sat and turned the vibration up. The griffin moaned as did Heart feeling little vibrations herself. Heart began to pound the griffin more feeling those vibrations and harder.

Clouded smiled as he cupped the cheek of the griffin and said in the deep dark voice of silk. “You can’t deny your true self.”

And with those words the griffin came feeling Heart push deeper into her on the last thrust. The griffin silently screamed as she came with two plastic cocks in her. Clouded looked down as he saw the griffins juices leak down onto the stone floor. Clouded looked back to Heart as she pulled out of the griffin and the griffin allowed the vibrating dildo to fall to the floor as well. Clouded smiled as he pulled the gag from the griffin's mouth. She panted as she looked up to Clouded Eyes and something had changed within her. She no longer looked to him with fear or anger. She looked to him with joy and happiness.

“Thank you.” Were the only words the griffin said as Clouded reached up and with a simple pull of a loose end; causing the ropes that bound her claws to release and let the griffin fall back to the floor.

The griffin fell to the floor panting and looking up to Clouded Eyes with a large sincere smile. Clouded looked down to the griffin smiling; he crouched down looking at the griffin.

Clouded dark smile never wavered as he said.“Now we can start.”

Chapter 2 - Dark Raising

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For the next few hours Clouded along with his slave Helping Heart trained the griffin. Teaching her to bow before a superior. The griffin learned the proper greeting a slave should do when she sees her master. To lick at his hooves no matter how dirty they are. The griffin showed some resistance every now and again; but it was nothing to Clouded as he only focused on her eyes again. Whenever the griffin had done a good job of standing on the tips of her paws as Clouded played with her body or allowed Heart to lick her pussy clean. The griffin was rewarded by pleasure from Heart. Heart would rub the griffins sore pussy before lightly fingering her. If the griffin had done really good she was rewarded by Heart putting the strap on back on and pounding into the griffins ass. It was a personal belief that only the true master should be the one to take the cherry away from their slaves. By the end of the day the griffin was already primed for her new master. But the day was far from over, as Clouded walked out of the large castle he and his slave had been staying it. He walked into a large open air garden where various plants from around the region had been gathered.

Clouded walked to the center of the garden where a large fountain had been built. The water fountain depicted a historical figure from the orders past kneeling down to the mare as she reached up and leaned against a boulder. Water flowed from the hand of the stallion down the back of the mare into the fountain's base where it pooled. The stallion’s name is Abyss Soul, and the mare he was helping would prove to be the first ever mare that reached the level of Divine; Pandora the first. As Clouded gazed at the fountain his eyes came to rest upon a different mare. She was dressed in a traditional Saddle Arabian dress. The dress came down from her bright red bra that seemed to seemed to sparkle in the setting sun and hugged her chest tightly to her. See through fabric came down from her chest to her panties spilling over her sides. Her matching panties showed the same design.

The mare herself was an earth pony of bright brown coat and darker brown mane. Her eyes were a bright emerald green. She looked to Clouded with a small smile. She remained seated on the edge of the fountain. As she crossed her long slender legs. There was an air about this mare. An air of uncertainty, as though just behind this unthinkable beauty a viper hide cowled and ready to strike. Clouded stopped finding the small yard of distance between them comforting. His attention was then drawn to a young looking yak stallion walking out from behind a hedge to his right. The yak smiled carrying an axe along his side. The air that surrounded the yak was calming, almost as though if the air was dead its self. Clouded took a breath to speak only to interrupted by the voice of a brash and arrogant tone.

“No need to wet yourself little brother. We summoned you here to discuss something with you.” Came the voice of a sophisticated palette.

When Clouded looked to the left edge of the water fountain he saw a one winged griffin walk into view. This griffin had bright gray feathers adorned on his head and his fur coat has a blue hue to it. Clouded simply scuffed as he took a step forward showing his resolve to not back down.

“In all fairness, fallen brother I only fear two things.” Clouded smiled evilly at the griffin as he said. “And unless you have a scythe hidden in that decrepit wing of yours I would recommend you lighten up.”

The griffin gripped the butt of a sword he held at his right side tightly. It was the mares turn to speak up, saying in a refined elegant voice.

“Now, now you two, we are not here to engage in confrontation. Clouded we summoned you here because an idea has passed by all our ears.” The mare’s smile turned soft but still held darkness about it. Even as an elderly voice spoke up from behind Clouded.

“Yes indeed younglings.” When the unicorn turned around he was greeted by the sight of an ash grey dragon standing there dressed in ancient robes that look brand new.

Clouded smile widened as he was brought into a hug by the dragon. Both of them patting each other's backs.

“It's good to see you again big brother.” Clouded said as he pulled away from the dragon.

The dragon continued to smile as he walked around Clouded to join the others. When the others gathered in a circle they each looked to one another before the Yak spoke up in a brutish stoic voice.

“Alright lads and gals shall we get onto the topic.” The yak then placed his axe on the ground head first causing a small crater to appear.

The mare smiled as she leaned back on her hands and said.

“Very well Shadow Tails. We gather here on this night to inform one of your kin of a new task.” The mare said as she looked between them all and only stopping on Clouded for a moment longer than any other.

The dragon smiled as he looked to Clouded and spoke. “Yes for tonight the youngest of us shall be given the chance he has been craving for.” The dragon then turned to face Clouded directly as the Unicorn looked between them all rather confused.

“You know I’m a fan of these meetings as much as when the ocean blue dragon tried to escape from the castle.” The griffin said as he looked to the ash grey dragon.

“You Know Snow Flake you stood where Clouded was not long ago.” Said the ash grey dragon as he walked over to Clouded and placed a hand on the young unicorns shoulder.

“Clouded Eyes, the youngest to ever reach the level of Divine. Tonight we of this council have decided to assign you with something rather important.” The dragon said as he looked down to the young unicorn.

“Tonight you are given the task of building your own chapter.” Said the mare as she stood up and the see through fabric flowed gently in the air.

“Ya are too settle in a city or town of your own choosing and build from there.” Said the yak as he turned to face Clouded Eyes with a large smile.

The unicorn had widen his eyes in surprise as he heard those words. For him to be assigned such an honor was unthinkable to him. Most considered him to young or to inexperienced. But now those few that doubted him would drop their jaws to the ground from hearing these words. Clouded surprised expression quickly turned into a large grin as he looked to them all.

“Thank you all for this opportunity.” Clouded then bowed his head before The elderly dragon spoke out.

“You have earned this long ago. You studied under all of us and many more to earn your title. You survived Star Eyes brutal methods of hunting.” The dragon then motioned an open claw to the mare as she smiled with pride to the unicorn.

“You proved yourself worthy of our mantle when you bested not one but two of our finest fighters. Both Snow Flake and Shadow tails have seen your talents.” The dragon then motioned for the unicorns attention to the griffin known as Snow Flake and the yak known as Shadow Tails.

The dragon then placed both his claws on the shoulders of the unicorn causing the unicorn to look up to him. “And you have given this old soul new sight on the world he stands in.” The dragon then pulled his claws back from the unicorns shoulders. They all stood there waiting for his response.

The unicorn stood in silence letting his eyes jump between all four standing in front of him. Each and every one of them were highly regarded amongst each other and the ones under them. Clouded simply smiled as he looked at each and everyone of them.

“Star Eyes you insane mare. You forced me to catch a fully grown dragon stallion the first week I was here.” Clouded walked up to her with a smile. “It was because of that I learned that you must be aggressive when some do not wish to bend. I thank you greatly for it.”

Clouded bowed his head to the short mare before looking to the griffin. “And you Snow Flake although we have crossed swords in the past you showed me what it means to be a brother to this family.” Clouded and Snow fist pump with smiles.

Clouded then looked to yak as he said while walking up to the large furry beast. “Shadow Tails the mad; you taught me what it means to adapt and what it takes to survive.” They both smile at each other before slamming their heads together. When the recoiled back they laughed as nothing else needed to be said.

Last but not least Clouded looked to the elderly dragon as he said. “And my old teacher, Silver Eyes, I will never forget what you taught me. If it wasn't for you I would have ended up in Tartarus.” The dragon and Unicorn both share a smile before bowing their heads to each other.

When all was said and done Clouded stepped back so he could look at all his teachers that had become family to him. Silver Eyes stepped forward as he said.

“Well said words, brother, and now would you like to know where you shall be assigned to?” Clouded eyes continued to smile and without words was told where he would be setting off to.

It was Star Eyes the mare that spoke. “We have chosen you take Equestria.”

Snow Flake was the next to speak. “We understand that the region has many difficulties. But with your skills and experience you will have little trouble.”

Shadows Tails spoke this time. “We’ve also thought, that a ye should select a few to add ya.”

Silver Eyes spoke this time with pride in his voice. “Files of members that each hold skills you could use has been placed on your desk back in the study.”

With the purpose of the meeting ended the four began to disperse. Clouded rushed back into his study. When he opened the doors he was greeted not only with the still fresh jasmine scented candles but three large stacks of folders sitting on his desk. From the beginning Clouded already knew two members he would be bringing with him. He quickly looked through all three stacks and pulled out the two he was sure of. But as he looked through the second stack one file came into view. When Clouded looked at the name ‘Eclipse’ he couldn't help but find himself curious about this mare. A picture of her was pinned to the top left corner. A young mare in her teens. Black coat and red and purple mane. From her files it shows she's an expert in memory manipulation. This caused a smile to form as Clouded already decided for the fourth member. But he would still need to discuss with them about a plan and where the set their base.

Throughout the night Clouded planned and thought what his first move should be. It wasn't until Heart had come into the study carrying a tray of food and freshly made pot of tea did Clouded smile. Clouded was looking down at his desk on top which a map of equestria sat. Clouded had stabbed a knife into each of the four corners. As soon as Heart had set down the tray of food on the side of the desk out of Clouded Eyes way she was wrapped in a powerful hug that took her by surprise. Heart yelped when she was lifted off the ground by the hug but soon smiled as she heard her master.

“I’ve found it!”

When Heart was released Clouded surprise hug she looked to her master with a large smile.

“What are you talking about master?” Heart asked not knowing of the reason she should be excited and jumping up and down with joy for him.

Clouded continued to smile looking at the pegasus. “I’ve found where to begin.”

Heart still seemed rather confused until Clouded had explained to him his assignment. When he finished Heart jumped for joy. As the two showed their joy for the moment Clouded sat in his chair with that large smile still present. Heart smiled as well as she gently sat in his lap. Clouded took hold of the cyan pegasus flank as he kissed her. Heart fluttered her wings feeling his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his head and sighed for a moment.

“So where do shall we set our base?” Asked Heart as she looked over the map.

Clouded simply placed a finger on the map with a small icon of a town sat. Heart looked to the town icon and found the name.

“PonyVille? Sounds familiar.” Heart said and then moaned as she felt the hand resting on her flank slowly begin to rub and squeeze her flank.

“That is because it is where the elements of harmony reside.” Said clouded as he forced Heart back into a deep kiss.

Heart sighed again and moaned into the kiss when she felt the hand that once hold and caress her flank, spank her. They both smiled as kissed again. Heart feeling her master's tongue enter her mouth and begin to dominate her. Clouded pushed his tongue into Hearts mouth as he held her closer. Both of them continued to kiss each other until certain pegasus pulled away. She smiled holding Clouded Eyes head and as he held her flank.

“We leave tomorrow.” Said Clouded as he stood up causing Heart to stand up as well.

But when Heart turned to walk away she was surprised by Clouded picking her up and setting her down on the desk.

“But tonight. You and I are going to celebrate.” Clouded then spanked Hearts flank again. Before he stepped asighed.

“Go back to the room and put on number outfit number five.” Clouded said as he smiled and pushed Heart out the door.

Heart’s cheeks turned red when she heard those words. Back in the study Clouded began setting everything in place for tomorrow. Folding up the map, and placing the books where they belonged. Clouded walked through the stone halls with that still present large smile. Only for it turn larger when he opened the door to his bed chambers. There standing before the bed was Heart. She covered her chest and space between her legs with her hands. Elbow length gloves covered her arms and hands. As well as knee high socks; and her normal metal collar sitting around her neck. She looked away shyly; her cheeks still that rosy red and that smile still on her face. Clouded smiled like a predator looking at a delicious pray. He walked up to the pegasus and pulled her hands away the covered her. Her breasts that seem so full and perky now on display for him and her wetting flower now seeming to grow even more. Clouded looked Heart over before decided what to do.

He brought Heart into a deep kiss before turning her around and pushing Heart onto the large king sized bed. When Clouded looked to the two night stands on the side of the bed he saw all the little toys Heart had picked out for this little celebration. A riding crop was in few among other things such as ball gag and blindfold. But what Clouded first grabbed was something he and Heart had always enjoyed. A pair of pure leather cuffs; Clouded smiled holding the cuffs up by a finger. He looked to Heart as he grabbed her by one leg and pulled her towards him. He smiled as he cuffed Hearts wrist to her ankle and then the same with the other. Heart looked away blushing furiously. Clouded simply looked down at his mare as she did not fight against him. Clouded smiled as he gently rubbed Hearts pussy with his hand. Heart sighed as she felt his warm touch.

“You are always so beautiful.” Said clouded as he ran a finger over her clit and pressed down on it.

Heart moaned as she felt her master play with her. She remained silent as her master gently pushed a thumb into her pussy. Again Heart moaned throwing her head back. “Aww the feels so good.”

Clouded smiled as he pinched Heart’s clit with his index finger and thumb that was still inside her. “Tonight I make you mine again.” Said Clouded as he pulled her hand away and began to strip in front of the pegasus.

Heart looked up as she found herself unable to look away. First Clouded pulled his shirt off showing his scarred body. Various wounds covered him, everything from sword stabs to being pierced by an arrow. Clouded looked At Heart when he finished pulling his shirt off. He tossed his shirt over Hearts face. She breathed in his scent from the shirt and moaned when she felt something cold and hard be pushed into her asshole. Clouded smiled as he pushed a wired bullet vibrator into Hearts asshole. As he turned the the vibration up on the device he breathed in Hearts scent from her pussy before licking it. Heart moaned loudly throwing her head back from the double attack of pleasure. Clouded smiled as he watched his pegasus mare moan and whither as he played with her.

“Now Heart shall we play a little game?” Asked Clouded as he pulled his shirt away from the pegasus only to place the blindfold over her eyes.

He then turned Heart over so her flank was stuck into the air. Clouded took a piece of rope and after tying her tail to her back he asked. “Who is your master?”

Heart moaned as she felt her tail be pulled. “You are master.” She said as she wiggled her flank for him.

Clouded smiled as he pushed his fingers into her pussy and slowly began pulling them out only to push them back in. This is what he loved to do; to torture his pets. Clouded smiled as he fingered Hearts pussy.

“That's my little succupony.” Clouded then leaned over Hearts flank and asked.

“What do you do when another stallion or mare tries to touch you?” He asks in a whisper.

“I… I wait for master’s orders?” Heart said knowing the answer to be wrong.

Clouded expression turned cold when he heard her say that. He pulled his fingers out of Heart only to spank her flank hard causing a small red welt to appear. “No… you belong to me, and nopony else.”

Clouded then grabbed Hearts mane and pulled on it. “If I ever see another stallion or mare try to touch you. I will break their legs.” Clouded said in a harsh tone.

Heart moaned from the spank and the mane pulling as she said. “Yes… yes master I understand now… I belong only to you.” Heart said feeling a rush in her system and pleasure coursing through her body.

“That’s my little mare.” Clouded said as he let go of her mane and gently rubbed the flank he spanked so hard. “Now tell me what are the rules?” Clouded asked as he left Heart and walked over to the small night stand that had been stacked with various toys.

“Rule one, always greet master with a smile.” Heart said as she wiggled her flank to try and get her master to come back.

“Rule two always follow master’s orders.” Heart took in a sharp breath when she felt the tip of the riding crop brush against her flank.

“That’s good my pet. Get the last one right and I’ll give you a reward.” Said clouded as he smiled looking at his pets wet flower that seems to flow down her legs.

“Rule three never make master angry.” Heart said as she felt something rub agaisnt her pussy.

“Correct… now where does my little pet want her treat?” Asked Clouded as he rubbed a cold plastic dildo against Hearts pussy.

Heart moaned as she wiggled her flank. She shook her head no. “I want you master.” She said as she tried to move away from the dildo. “Please give me your cock.” She begged through the blindfold.

Clouded smiled as turned the bullet vibrator still in Hearts asshole up. Heart moaned as she felt the vibrations in her asshole increase. She buried her face in the covers of the bed. “If my little succupony wants my cock she needs to earn it.” Clouded said as he began strippign from his pants.

When he fully hard cock was freed from the constricting pants he rubbed it against Heart’s pussy. She moaned more feeling the burning hot rod against her. Heart pushed her flank back trying to get her master’s cock to push into her. What she had received was a strike to her flank. Heart moaned as she felt her master strike her with the riding crop.

“Now tell me who’s my little pet?” Clouded asked as he rubbed his cock against Hearts pussy harder.

Heart moaned out as she screamed. “I am… I’m your little pet. I’m your loyal bitch. Please master give this dog a boooo…” Heart moaned out as Clouded shoved his fully hardened cock into Heart’s pussy. Heart continued to moan as Clouded began to pull out of her only to push back in with great force and speed. Heart smiled as she felt her master’s cock inside of her.

“Oooohhh so good.” Heart side as she felt her master pound into her. Clouded smiled as he gripped Heart’s hips tightly forcing himself to go deeper.

“Aaahh you’re always so tight.” Clouded then flipped Heart over so she laid on her back. “I love it.” Said Clouded as he began to suck and lightly nibble on Heart’s breasts.

Heart moaned as she allowed her master to pound her. Clouded sighed as he felt Heart’s walls grip his member tighter. Both of them panted feeling their bodies collide against each other. Heart moaned feeling her climax as her master pushed as deep as he could into his mare. Both let out loud moans as they came into each other. Clouded tore the blindfold from Heart’s eyes allowing her to see the large peace filled expression Clouded had on his face. As the two of them came down from their highs of euphoria Clouded smiled as pulled his cock out of Heart. Heart moaned from the emptiness she felt but smiled as Clouded positioned her so she could suck on his cock. Clouded stood there with his signature large smile as he felt Hearts warm inviting mouth seal around his member. Heart sucked happily on the cock presented to her; sucking it like a straw to draw all the cum left in his urethra out. Clouded chuckled as he petted Heart’s head saying in a soft tone of voice.

“That’s my little succupony.” He then moaned as he felt Heart push her mouth deeper onto his cock. “You little filly. If I didn't know any better I’d say you're wanting a midnight snack.” Said Clouded as he placed a hand on the back of Heart’s head.

The cyan pegasus only smiles with the cock still in her mouth. Before going back to suck on the stallion member she could not resist. As she sucked on the member Clouded pushed his member deeper into her throat as he found her warm and comforting mouth so soothing and calming. Heart gagged slightly but allowed her master Clouded to do what he pleased with her. Clouded pulled his hardened member from Heart’s mouth before undoing her cuffs. Heart laid out on the bed stretching her arms and legs unaware of the riding crop that came down and strike across her breasts. Heart yelped and covered her breasts with her hands. She looked up to Clouded from her laid position. Clouded simply looked down at Heart with a small smile as he slowly traced up Hearts leg with the tip of the riding crop.

“We’re not done yet.” Said Clouded as he took Hearts hands and pulled them away from her breasts. “You see my little succupony. You and that devious tongue of yours wanted a midnight snack.” Clouded then summoned a chair with his magic and sat in it.

Heart smiled as she sat up in the bed and then lowered herself to her hands and knees before her master. As she crawled towards him she smiled as she rested her muzzle against his crotch and took in a deep breath. Heart relished in the scent of the stallion before sticking her tongue out and licking up the length of his cock. She smiled as she continued to like his cock and Clouded sat with his chin resting on his fist. They looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Clouded let out a sigh as he felt Heart seal her lips around the tip of his cock and sucked on it like a straw again. Heart fluttered her wings as she felt the hand of her master pet her head.

“It's strange.” Said Clouded as he focused on something else. But still keeping that smile of his.

Heart pulled her mouth from Clouded’s cock as she asked. “What’s strange?”

Clouded looked out a window in the room to the night sky. “Fifteen years I trained, studied and learned everything to reach this goal.”

Clouded then leaned back in the chair as he asked. “And now that it’s here; am I making the right move?”

Clouded Eyes attention was drawn from the night filled sky to the cyan pegasus that had sat down in his lap. Heart smiled as she looked into the eyes of Clouded. She kissed him pushing her tongue into his mouth only to have his tongue push hers back and for him to wrap his arms around her and take hold of her flank. Although the kiss lasted for minutes it seemed to like for days to them. When they separated for the need of air Heart spoke.

“Master you have shown great talent and respect for your brothers and sisters. You’ve proved yourself time and time again.”

Heart then moved to her knees again before saying as she moved her hand to take hold of Clouded’s cock.

“You will do great things.” Heart then licked along Clouded’s cock to his balls which she happily sucked on.

Clouded continued to smile as he said. “Thank you for those words.”

After the heartfelt moment They both smiled as they walked into the bathroom and began to clean each other. When they found no part of each others bodies that needed cleaning they settled into the large king sized bed. Laying there naked as Heart curled around Clouded and he wrapped an arm around her. As they fell asleep they both smiled knowing tomorrow their day would shine so much brighter. When that day came Clouded awoke to his arm resting on the mattress of the bed he laid in. A warm feeling came from under the blanket. Clouded took in a breath and sighed knowing what he would see when he pulled the blanket away. And so he did, just in time see Heart push her mouth as far onto Clouded Eyes cock as she could. Clouded grunted as he shot stream after stream of his own cum into the cyan pegasus mouth. Clouded chuckled as he petted Heart and then sat up. Heart smiled as she said while bowing to him.

“Good morning master. I’ve gone ahead and packed everything for the trip.” Heart said as Clouded say the four bags of luggage.

Later that day at the train station Clouded stood next to Swirl Core both dressed in normal clothing. They sat in a private train car looking out the window. They looked about the small crowd of various ponies, griffins, wolves and so on. Swirl sighed as she leaned her elbow against the window frame and then rested her cheek against her hand. Clouded continued to look about the crowd as Heart and two griffin mares went about the car cleaning and organizing everything for their owners. The griffins that were twins each wore harnesses with small metal plates swoon into the collar of their harness. The plates had these words etched into them ‘Property of Swirl Core the third.’ When the train began to move Swirl smiled as she stood up from her seat and clapped her hands. The twin griffin mares quickly kneeled before the filly size earth pony mare.

“I’m going to my lodge. And remember I don't like to be disturbed.” Swirl said as she walked over to a door on the far back end of the train car.

When she stood before the door one of the griffins quickly opened it. Swirl walked in with the griffin twins following close behind. Clouded Eyes neutral expression turned to a smile as he heard the door the train car open and quickly close. Without looking back he could tell who it was. Standing in front of the doorway to the train car was a beautiful petite mare wearing an old thick cloak. She had a mane of purple and red that seemed well kept. Her eyes were a beautiful green that would seem to attract any who looked into them. Behind her stood a small dragon dressed head to toe in high grad clothing. He stood at attention with a his claws at his sides. Following the mare as she stepped further into the train car.

“Are you the Divine named Clouded Eyes?” asked the petite mare as she looked at the stallion sitting with little emotion in her expression.

“Yes… yes I am.” Said Clouded as he stood and extend a hand to greet her.

“You're rather young to be a Divine aren't you?” asked the mare named Eclipse by the file on her.

“Yes you could say I’m young.” Clouded retracted his extend hand as he said. “Actually according to records I’m the youngest to receive the title of Divine within the order.”

Eclipse smiled before bowing her head slightly to Clouded. “Its an honor to meet you. My name is Eclipse.” She then showed her doll that seemed to have seen better days. “This is Nightbeam.” When she showed the doll she also revealed the well worn shirt and jean pants hidden under her cloak.She then looked back to the dragon, “And this is Charcoal.” The dragon she motioned to was small with ash gray scales and small black horns.

Clouded smiled down to the petite mare and motioned for her to take a seat. Eclipse sat down as she listened to Clouded. “Do you know why I asked you to join me on this mission?”

Eclipse looked Clouded in the eyes before taking a guess keeping her normal monotone voice and blank expression. “It was either because of my unique magic or because your curiosity had gotten the better of you.”

Clouded continued to smile and shaked his head no. “The reason why I asked you to join me was because according to the file I was given of you. You have history with defying certain members of the order when they get out of hand.” Clouded then looked her dead in the eyes as he leaned forward and said.

“I asked you here as an insurance.” Clouded stated as he leaned back in his seat and looked out the window to the passing scenery.

“A strange move, but smart nonetheless.” stated Eclipse as Clouded began to tell her of his plans.

“Our cover story is that you and Swirl Core are my younger sisters. Our possessions will mainly be hiding in that house we will staying at. Or acting as close friends when the time is needed. We’ve moved to Ponyville because of my job as a private inventor.” Clouded then looked back to Eclipse as he said. “Other members will join us along the way. But what I need you to do besides follow my daily orders is to watch the others. That includes me.”

Eclipse stares into the eyes of Clouded before saying in her emotionless tone. “Nothing has escaped our vision before. Should you turn we will strike you down.”

Clouded only smiled at the threat before saying. “Good. As for the daily orders. You’ll be given targets of certain ponies and creatures that you are to put under our control. Some of the targets will be strategic and other will be for pleasure.”

Clouded then stood up and lead her to the door closest to the door Swirl had walked through he opened it for her and said. “This will be your room for the time being.”

Eclipse stepped through the doorway into the relatively nice sized room. She then turned her attention back to Clouded as he said. “Me and your sister are meeting in a few hours to discuss a few things.”

Eclipse nods before Clouded closed the door allowing Eclipse some privacy. When the hours passed Swirl and Eclipse both sat at a large table with Clouded food that was placed before them by their slaves. The three talked about different members of the order that would either benefit the mission or harm it. Swirl saying to stay away from Bishop Gold Iris of Griffin Stone. Even though she has resources and connections with the surrounding kingdoms she has been known to throw members both lower and higher under the bus. Eclipse spoke out looking at a folder of a Stalker known by the name Cross Hairs. A Wolf member of the group from the same chapter she was. Eclipse then goes on discussing different missions she and he had done together. Clouded listened to both arguments stating that they need at least one more stalker and a trust worthy Bishop that can handle the political war their mission will bring within the order and between the chapters. And that is how the long train ride played out between the three members, with them discussing the drawbacks and benefits of each member they examined.

Chapter 3 - Setting Roots

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As Clouded looked out the window of his room watching the land pass by he sighed as his attention was then drawn to the cyan coated mare with a brown mane. She was on her knees naked and smiling as she licked along his cock. Clouded simply smiled down at her as he petted her head. Heart flicked her tongue on when she reached the tip of the cock before bringing the hardening member into her mouth and sucking. Heart bobbed her up and down on his cock. Clouded sighed as he felt her hum on his cock and revolve her tongue around it. Heart smiled with the cock still in her mouth seeing Clouded was close to his end. She sped up her pace; wanting to taste her masters musky seed and feeling the warmth it held in her mouth. She closed her eyes as she felt his cock give her what she desired so badly. Her mouth filled with the tasty seed; as drank every last drop before pulling her mouth off the still hard cock and sighing as though she had taken a large gulp of water after a powerful workout. Clouded sighed as well feeling his afterglow. Heart rested her head on his knee as they stayed there. There they sat to just enjoying the moment.

Heart looked up to Clouded and said. “Master can I get you anything?”

Clouded chuckled as he leaned back on his hands and said. “Some breakfast would be nice.”

Heart needed nothing else as she stood up. And left to get the food; Clouded stood up from the bed and stretched; feeling his joints and bones pop as he did. He stepped close to the window letting it foge from his breath. Some see the snow as dangerous and hate it for the sheer cold. But if only they could see that beyond the cold air that causes your breath appear as smoke as though you were a dragon. They would see a gentler side to this season and this weather. Feeling soft snow run up the side of your boots and the eye opening feeling of breathing in that ice cold air. Looking out at the clear white landscape. But these thoughts would need to be pushed back as he spoke out loud.

“Hard to believe the chance has finally come.” He said to himself as he walked over to the side of his bed. Clouded reached under the bed and pulled out a large hoof locker.

The foot locker was large with old symbols burnt into the wood. The symbols gave off a gently dark blue glow as Clouded ran his hands along the edge of the hoof locker. Clouded sighed for a moment before opening the hoof locker. Inside were several different objects, all neatly kept and organized. Most were books that all seemed different. Three were simple papers held together by rings of rope. The papers had turned brown and seemed rather brittle. Sitting stacked on each other the top one bared a symbol of an eye covered in dark flames. Those three lined the walls with a large rectangular box sitting next to them. This box was held closed by three large chains and three different locks. One key, one combination, and the last a puzzle lock. Sitting below the locked box was a ancient metal mask. Blank with only the areas of the eyes having any design to them. Scratch marks sat around the eyes of the mask each seeming to be from something different.

One mark seemed to have torn into the mask from a serrated blade while another seemed to curve as though it was from the claw of a creature. Clouded stopped his fingers with only mere inches between his finger and the mask. He then reached for a large knife held in a thick woven black sheath. The guard of the blade pointed down to hilt of the handle covering the knuckles of the one wielding the blade. The metal of the cutting edge showed a strange waving pattern within the metal seeming to appear as waves in the metal itself. As Clouded looked at the blade a smile formed on his face as these words echoed in his head.

“A veil that covers all is not truly evil; just misunderstood.” Echoed a female voice; this voice of refinement.

When the sound of the door knob turning came to his ears he quickly placed the knife back where it belonged and locked the hoof locker. Pushing it back under the bed before looking up to see Helping Heart entering back into the room with a small tray of food balanced in her hand. Clouded Stood up as Heart placed the food on a small nightstand. For the rest of the train ride Clouded thought about what will happen when he reaches his destination. Eclipse and Swirl pose as sisters while their slaves merely pose as random ponies. As the three arrived at the train station Clouded exited first with Swirl and Eclipse walking behind him. Swirl pulling a large suitcase behind her and Eclipse carrying only a small duffle bag. With Clouded he simple carried a backpack and a small suitcase. As the three walk through town leaving their belongs in the private train car that had been detached from the main train. Heart along with the others would remain in the train car and stay hidden until a suitable base could be found. As Clouded walked through town he looked to his ‘sisters’ smile as they look off in different directions.

Clouded smiled as he heard Swirl say. “Maybe it would be best if we went in separate directions and meet back at the train car in a few hours?”

“That sounds like a good idea Swirl. Why don’t we split up and try to get a layout of the town?” Clouded asked.

Eclipse remained silent before walking off in a seemingly random direction. Swirl sighed as she looked from Eclipse to Clouded.

“I’ll go check out the town.” Swirl said walking off in the opposite direction.

Clouded smiled as he turned around and began walking off to talk with the mayor. Needing to establish a foundation for his cover. When he walked into the mayor’s office.

Clouded smiled as he walked into the receptionist. An earth pony with bright yellow coat and light blue mane. She was dressed in a mare’s business suit. Sitting behind a small desk; she smiled as she looked up to Clouded Eyes.

“Can I help you?” the mare asked.

Clouded Eyes smiled as he placed a hand on the desk. “I’m here to speak with the mayor about the train maintenance job.”

The mare smiled as she looked to a small book. “What’s your name?”

Clouded eyes smiled saying. “Clouded Sky.”

The mare smiles placing a finger on the name. “Your appointment isn't for another few minutes. Could you please have a seat?”

Clouded sits in the small office chair waiting only five minutes before the receptionist leads him to the mayor’s office. When he walked into the large office he smiled as she bowed his head slightly to the mare sitting behind a rather large desk. The mayor looked up from a small folder to Clouded Eyes. Smiling as she stood up and stretched her hand out to shake his. Clouded takes her hand and shakes it lightly.

“You must be Mr. Sky.” The mayor said as they let go of each other and sat down. The mayor in her chair and Clouded in an other.

“Yes and I believe I had an appointment about a job.” Clouded said leaning back in the chair and intertwining his fingers.

The mayor closes the folder sh was reading. “From what your resume says you worked on several different projects for Manehatten, Trottinghamme and SaddleArbia.”

Clouded smiled as he said. “Yes Manehatten needed a new methods on building skyscrapers. As for Trottinghamme and SaddleArbia I helped them each with different foundations to help protect the citizens from natural disasters.” Clouded explained the different false jobs he was asked to work on. But the papers in the folder the mayor held were all too real.

The mayor pushed the folder to the side. “So as per the job description you’ll mainly be working on maintain the local train whenever it comes. You’ll also be asked to help work on anything that I assign to you.” They mayor said looking at Clouded.

Clouded nodded his head at the short summery of the job he’s applying for. “Of course But I’ll need a place for me and my sisters to stay.”

The mayor leans back in her chair. “There are a few buildings that might work but I don't know most of them are along the edge of town.”

Clouded leaned forward and smiled. “Well May I hear them?”

The Mayor smiled as she reached into a drawer and pulled out a small list with small descriptions. “Here’s a list.”

Clouded took hold of the list and looked it over. Smiling when he saw a one that would work perfectly. “How about this one? 4126 Grain Ave?” Clouded asked placing the paper down on the desk and pointing to it.

The mayor smiled. “That’s right in the center of the town? Are you going to be ok with that?”

Clouded continued to smile. “Yes me and my sisters should be fine. They’re very social.”

The mayor nodded then. “Ok then. Anything else?”

Clouded smiled as looked into the mayor’s eyes. “Just one do I have something in my eyes?”

The mayor looks up into his eyes finding the gently warmth she felt when looking into them calming. She remained silent as she looked into the depths of his eyes finding them never ending. Her body began to relax as she kept staring. A feeling of calm washed down her body, the air now feeling warm and relaxing. All tension in her body flowing away like a gentle river. Or a nice hot shower where the steaming water pours over her body and her muscles relax. She strains to whisper out a word.

“No.” was all the mayor could say still looking into his deep eyes.

Clouded smiled as he walked around the large desk and looked down at her. “Perhaps you should come over tonight. My sisters would just love to meet you.”

The mayor followed his movement nodding slightly before Clouded leaned down close to her face. “Come alone and make sure nopony sees you.”

The mayor smiled slightly before nodding gently. Clouded’s smile grew before he blinked and the mayor returned to normal. “Thank you for the opportunity and I hope to see you tonight.”

The mayor smiled as she stood up and shook his hand. “Of course I’d love to see your sisters.” Clouded then left the office with the seeds planted in the mayor’s head.

In another part of the town Swirl walked through the dirt streets smiling as the scent of sweets filled her nose. Following the scent Swirl soon found herself in front of bakery. The building looking like something from an old fairytale gingerbread walls and roof with frosting running along the edges. As she walked past the front doors she was greeted with even more sweet scents from various treats. Chocolate chip cake, and freshly made pie with even more sweet confections. Swirl looked through the displays smiling as her eyes set themselves on a chunky blue earth pony currently dropping a scoop of ice cream into a bowl with different flavors.

“One Pinkie Rush.” Said the blue mare whose mane appeared to mimic a taste confection itself.

Swirl smiled as the blue mare looked to her. “Can I help you?” the mare asked looking at Swirl.

Swirl smiled as she reached in the pocket of her pants and pulled out a small amount of bits. “I’d like some ice cream please.”

The blue earth pony smiles before bending down and returning to standing up with a small glass bowl. She then takes hold of an ice cream scooper. “Which flavors would you like?”

Swirl smiled as she looked through the different flavors. “I’ll take some Cookies and Cream with some strawberry and vanilla.”

The blue mare smiled as she got to work on making Swirl’s ice cream. As Swirl waited she heard a stallion call out behind her. “Mrs. Cake can I have the usual please?”

The blue mare known as Mrs. Cake smiled as she said. “”Just a minute dearie.”

When Swirl’s treat was ready it was give to her in a large glass bowl. Swirl placed her bits on the counter before taking the bowl of ice cream over to a small empty table. She smiled as she took a scoop of the cookies and cream ice cream and placed the cold sweet confection in her mouth. Letting the taste flow in her mouth; her eyes wandering through the the room finding different mares that she found attractive. The blue earth pony Mrs. Cake seemed like a worthy. But one caught her eyes, a mint green unicorn with a white mane that hid green highlights in it. She was currently sitting with an earth pony with a light beige coat and a dark purple and pink mane. Swirl licked her lips looking at both; finding the mint green unicorn wearing a rather attractive sundress hiding her hunches while accenting her modest sized bust and rear. The earth pony dressed dressed in a long blouse and a shirt skirt. Showing off her curvy figure. Swirl leaned back into her seat thinking to herself. ‘Those two would look nice at my hooves.’

In a different part of town Eclipse walked along the edge of the town she looked out getting a layout of the land. Finding the town rather simply laid out. No special design to it. The houses looking like simply small town homes except for the castle standing proud. Most likely where the guards meet, and definitely where the princess of friendship resides. As she walked over to the castle her normal monotone expression remained. When she walked up to the castle she knocked on the large front doors. Waiting a minute before those doors opened to reveal a small dragon. Purple scales with a light green underbelly and spines along his head that ran down his back to his tail. The young dragon wore a dark blue t-shirt and cargo shorts. The dragon smiled up at the Unicorn.

“Can I help you with something?” He asks keeping his smile present.

Eclipse looks down at him with her emotionless expression. “I was hoping to borrow a magic book.”

The purple dragon smiles and steps aside. Allowing the unicorn in. As the dragon led Eclipse through the various halls he asked. “So what’s your name?”

Eclipse focusing in front of her making sure to follow close behind him. “Eclipse.” Was all she said to the Question.

The dragon smiled. “That’s a nice name. Mine’s Spike. Where do you come from?”

Eclipse still focused forward saying. “Canterlot.”

Spike smiled. “Really? Same here.” He said as he pushed open the doors to the library. “Here you go now what kind of magic book are you looking for?”

Eclipse begins looking through the various books and shelves. “A book on transformation magic.”

Spike smiles. “Ok… just give me a minute. I know we have one somewhere.” Spike says as he climbs up a ladder that leaned against one of the book shelves.

Eclipse watched as spike climbed up to the top of latter. Eclipse looked up to Spike finding the view from below quite enticing. His cargo shorts hiding his parts but the voices knowing all too well. Once voice laughing, deep and almost demonic sounding. He whispered into her ear saying.

“Wouldn’t he looks good licking your hooves?” The demonic voice asks.

“We could always use him, to bring over others. I’m sure Spike would love to see his slave driver of a ‘sister’ on all fours. With tied and your hoof pressed down on his cock.” Said a female voice. Her words holding great allure in them as though wanting to attract everything near.

“Yes but if we should fail... he will run to Twilight who will hunt us along with the others.” Said a voice filled with worry.

Eclipse looked away as she spoke. “We’ll become friends with the targets and Spike. Once they trust us we’ll turn Spike.”

“Why not just turn him now. A simple spell to the back of his head and he will be stripping in front of us right.” The Dark voice spoke out with irritation to the others.

“No Lets use him. Get close to the elements. When we have them turning their backs to us we turn him and have Spike bring them one by one.” Said the female voice as she whispered with such passion and lust in her voice.

“No we need to wait. After all we don't know if Princess Twilight placed a spell on him to protect him.” Said the reasonable voice as he did have a point.

Eclipse sighed before looking off into space and began screaming at the three voices. 'Shadow, Starglow Dark please stop and for the love of the order "SHUT UP.” she said letting the last part slip between her lips.

“Sorry?” Spike asked as he descended down the latter with the book Eclipse was looking for.

“Thought I heard something.” Eclipse said focusing back on Spike as he handed over a book on transformation magic.

“Ok… anyway here’s a book on Transformation magic. For beginners” Spike said smiling and handing the book to Eclipse.

Eclipse took the book. “Thank you.” She said before leaving. Walking to where she agreed to meet the others. Finding Swirl standing there with some ice cream around the corners of her mouth. And Clouded there with a large smile on his face. Clouded looked to Eclipse as she walked up to them.

“Why are you smiling?” Eclipse asked looking at Clouded.

Swirl smiled as she looked to Clouded. “You better start answering before I get mad.” Swirl stated looking at him.

“I talked with the mayor and got a house in the center of the town.” Clouded said as he pulled out the house key.

“Why is that a good thing?” Eclipse asks looking at Clouded.

“Because my dear little sister We can work out through the town better. And we can be full view of the town. Best part is that they won’t know we’re hiding right under them.” Clouded said looking at Eclipse as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a spare key.

Clouded then hands Swirl a spare key as well. Clouded leads them to the house, standard appearing just like the others. Two stories tall; inside was a large living room with a staircase leading up to the second floor. A large fireplace sat in the living room with a dining room straight back and then a small kitchen sitting next to the dining room. Clouded smiled as he stepped aside to let his sisters in. Swirl noticed something missing right off the bat.

“Where is the furniture?” Swirl asked as she noticed there was no couch or anything around.

Clouded chuckled. “I just got this house today. I’m having some things shipped over. From a one of the safe houses in Saddlearbia.”

Swirl nodded. “Well are there at least beds?”

Clouded smiled. “Yes there are bed’s right now.”

Swirl smiled as she walked over to the stair case.

“Will we be sleeping upstairs?” Asked Eclipse as she walked into the dining room

“Yes you two get separate rooms as I know Swirl doesn't like roommates besides her pets. I also figured you would like the privacy.” Clouded said looking to Eclipse.

Eclipse nodded before walking upstairs. Finding her room plain and simple with Charcoal sitting on the floor by the bed. And a small empty bookcase sitting next to a small window that had a direct line of sight to the castle she came from. Swirl walked into her room to see a small twin bed with her twin griffins on their knees waiting for her. In the far right hand corner was a small table with various test tubes and things used for potion making. A book shelf sat next to the table with various ingredients sitting on it. Swirl smiled as she walked over to the table. Clouded walked into his room finding it the biggest of the three. His slave Heart sitting on the bed naked and his chest of things sitting at the foot of the bed. Clouded smiled as he walked over and kissed Heart on the mouth. The cyan pegasus moaning into the kiss.

A few hours later a knock came from the front door. When Eclipse answered it she found the mayor of the town standing behind the door. “Can I help you?” Eclipse asks looking at the mare.

“Clouded invited me over.” Eclipse stepped aside to let the mayor in. Eclipse then closed the door and locked it as Clouded came out.

“Good to see you made it mayor.” He said before shaking her hand. “I see you already met my sister Eclipse.” Clouded mention as Eclipse walking in front of the mayor.

“Yes and such a charming filly she is.” Said the mayor as she smiled at Eclipse.

“Who’s at the door?” Swirl asked from the top of the staircase.

“Just a new friend I thought you would like to meet.” Clouded said looking back up at Swirl.

The filly sized mare smiled as she walked down the stairs. “How thoughtful of you.” said Swirl.

“Well aren't you a cutie.” said them mayor as she looked down to Swirl.

“Swirl why don't you go and show the mayor your room?” Clouded asked looking to his sister.

“That would be nice.” Swirl said as she led the Mayor up stairs.

“The poor mare wont last a minute.” Clouded said to Eclipse.

“You're not wrong.” Said Eclipse as they walk over to the dining table.

Clouded sat down as did Eclipse. Charcoal appearing from the kitchen was a freshly made meal. Dressed in only an apron and nothing else. He places the dish in the center of the bale before stepping aside and bowing to Eclipse. Eclipse simply using her magic to make a piece of the meal float over to a plate she summoned. Charcoal then went about cleaning the house dusting the fireplace and the mantle that sat in front of it. Eclipse looking to his exposed flank whenever his back was turned. Clouded chuckled as he pulled a large piece of the meal for himself. A half hour later Swirl walking down alone and creaking being heard from upstairs. Swirl sat down at the table taking a piece of the meal for herself.

“For such a powerful town the mayor is so weak.” Said Swirl as she took a bite.

“Let me guess an aphrodisiac potion with her tied to the bed and your twins currently teasing her body to the edge but not pushing her over?” Clouded guessed what she had done to the pour mare.

“Yup and she should be broken in time for dessert.” Swirl said smiling and continuing to eat.

Eclipse ate a piece before looking to the two in front of her. “While turning the mayor of this town is a positive for our mission perhaps we should discuss what our plan of attack should be.” Eclipse pointed out as a loud moan was heard from upstairs.

Clouded chuckled again before looking to Eclipse. “That’s a good idea. So currently the mayor is upstairs being turned into Swirl’s latest toy. We should discuss potential targets for the both of you while we wait for Dancing Feather and the others.” Clouded said as he leaned back in his seat.

Swirl smiled as she leaned against the table. “Well I’ve spotted a few targets that would look nice under my hooves.” Swirl said with an evil smile.

“Hold it Swirl we can't go after random ponies, not yet anyway.” Clouded said as he smiled.

“We need to establish a list of targets that can benefit us in the long run.” Eclipse said as she looked Charcoal who had finished cleaning.

Clouded smiled. “Yes so what would those targets be?” Clouded asked as he saw Charcoal crawl under the table with only his tail sticking out.

“Well the mayor was an obvious target and an easy one.” Swirl said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen grabbing a drink.

“The elements of harmony are other targets but they will take time.” Clouded said as he finished his meal.

“How about the guards?” Eclipse pointed out.

“Yes we would only need to take out the head guard for it to work.” Said Clouded as he heard moaning coming underneath the table as well as from upstairs.

Eclipse’s monotone expression remained as she pressed her hoof on Charcoal’s cock. The dragon hatchling moaned as he continued to lick Eclipse’s pussy. “We’ll find out the guard Captain from Dancing Feather when he comes.” Said Eclipse as she finished her meal and sat there.

Swirl returned a minute later With a glass of wine. “How about the school? A teacher under our control would be good in some cases.” Swirl pointed out before taking a sip of the wine.

“Ok then, its decided. Eclipse will go after the guard captain. Swirl will go after the school teacher.” Clouded said as the plan had formed in front of them.

“Which element?” asked Eclipse as she looked to Clouded.

Clouded stood up and began walking to his room looking back and finding Charcoal still under the table and currently kissing and licking Eclipse’s pussy. “I heard one of them owns a house out near the edge of town between the Everfree and White Tailed forests.” Clouded said before walking into his room. Swirl finished her meal with a smile.

“Excuse me.” Swirl said to Eclipse.

Eclipse looked down under the table to Charcoal. He looked up at her with a smile before crawling out and getting to work cleaning the table and the dishes.

Swirl walked upstairs to her room where she found the Mayor as Clouded described her. Naked down to her light brown coat, tied down to a chair a gag in her mouth and the two griffin twins playing with the earth ponies body. One griffin licking and sucking on the mayor mare’s breasts while the other griffin was fingering the mayor’s pussy. Swirl smiled seeing her pets doing as she told them. Keeping the mare on the edge of coming yet not fully pushing her. Swirl walked over to the group of three and petted the griffins heads. The twins stopped looking back at their mistress with a smile before stepping aside and getting on their knees.

“Do you want to cum?” Swirl asked the mayor. Who nodded rapidly.

Swirl smiled as she raised a hoof and pressed it down on the mayor’s pussy. “You need to earn it.” Swirl said with a sinister smile present on her face.

Swirl continued to press down on the pussy as the mayor moaned into the gag. Squirting her cum on the hoof as she came from that alone. Swirl looked down at her hoof and sighed. She pulled the mare juice covered hoof from the mayor and put it back to the floor. Where the griffins quickly went to work licking it clean.

“Guess I need to start from scratch.” Swirl said as she walked forward and looked at the mayor.

“Don’t worry I’m always nice to my pets.” Swirl leaned over and whispered into the mayor’s ear before licking it.

Swirl then reached down with a hand and began rubbing the mayor’s sobbing wet pussy. Swirl couldn't help but smile more as she watched the mayor shiver under her touch. She kissed the mayor’s forehead before pushing the chair causing the chair with the mayor tied to it to fall back. The mayor was on on the ground still tied to the chair. Swirl crouched down with her flank facing the mayor. Swirl faced the mayor’s pussy and smiled as she leaned forward and began to lick and suck on the wetting flower. Sucking on the clit before pushing her tongue in and swirling it around inside. The mayor moaned loudly feeling her flower being played with and the warm breath washing over her mare bits. Swirl only increased her actions more as she knew the mayor was getting close to coming again. But just as the mayor began to grind her hips into the mouth pleasing her Swirl stopped. Leaving the mayor’s sore pussy on the edge of coming.

Swirl reached back and undid the gag in the mayor’s mouth. “Who am I?” Swirl asked the mayor.

The mayor panted as her lust filled eyes focused on the filly sized mare currently sitting on her. “Q…. Queen….you’re my queen.” The mayor weakly said.

Swirl smiled as she pushed her flank back over the mayor’s mouth. “Prove it.” was all Swirl said.

The mayor weakly pushed her tongue out and gently began licking her queen’s flower. Swirl smiled and sighed feeling the warm appendage flower over her flower. “Be grateful.” Swirl said as she spanked the mayor’s pussy.

The mayor moaned as she nodded and focusing more on pleasing her new queen. Swirl sat there letting her new pet lick around her flower. Letting the once former mayor of the town become her new pet. The mayor pushed her tongue into the queen’s pussy and swirled it wanting to taste her queen’s juices. Swirl moaned softly as she pressed down on the mayor’s breasts with her hands. Shuddering slightly as she came; sighing as she felt her juices cover her new pet. Swirl stood up from the mayor’s face which was covered in her juices. Swirl snapped her fingers. The twin griffins going to work on cutting the mayor from her bindings. Swirl walked over and sat on the bed. Watching as the griffins and her new get crawl over.

When they were close enough Swirl raised a hoof and pressed it against the mayor. “Lick it clean.” was all she said.

The mayor meekly looked up at Swirl’s eyes before extending her tongue out and beging to lick the offered hoof. Swirl smiled as she new now the mayor was truly broken. No longer a leader of this town but now Swirl’s new pet. That night Swirl slept in her bed with the griffins by her sides as the mayor slept on the floor tied up and a vibrator in her pussy.

Chapter 4 - Eclipse's show.

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The next day the house was quiet as the morning sun was raised up. The light of the sun shining through the smallest of cracks in the windows. Swirl groaned as the sunlight shined through her eyelids. Swirl rolled over so the sun would not shine in her face. Clouded stood in his room looking various papers of possible allies and targets. Zecroa was definitely at the top of the of the list. With her knowledge of various potions and herbs she might be able to do some of the drug related hypnosis some of the members tend to use. Clouded decided to leave it for Swirl to decided. It would still be another two days before Dancing Feather and the other stalker get here. So they would need to play it safe; Swirl did mention two mares she would like to go after. And Eclipse said something about taking Spike that assistant dragon from Twilight Sparkle. But that would take some time; they don't want to alert the elements to soon. Perhaps She would go after a nice strong guard, that might help keep her and her friends at ease.

Clouded sighed as he reached down and pet his pet. Heart who happily sucked his cock; blinded with her arms tied behind her back and down on her knees. She moaned around his cock as the vibrators in her pussy and asshole buzzed on low. While his mind was on the building of the chapter he couldn't help but feel the warm of the mare’s mouth as her tongue swirled around his cock. Finding her hot breath and so inviting mouth lovely. Clouded soon moaned softly cuming a small amount into Heart’s mouth. She greedily sucked and drank as much as he would give.

“Good Heart.” Clouded said as he pet her mane and watched the mare lick down his cock to suck on his balls.

Clouded moaned feeling Heart play with her favorite part of him. Clouded sighed loving this peaceful moment until it was interrupted by voice.

“Clouded…” Came a calm cold voice.

He looks up to find Eclipse standing in front of him. He smiles “can I help you?”

Eclipse’s neutral expression. “Was curious what my mission was for today?”

Clouded smiled reaching to a fold on his desk. “The local guard captain could be an asset if he were to join us.” Clouded said handing the folder to Eclipse.

She took it in her magic grasp. Looking over the folder. “Says here he’s an experienced fighter, served under Shining Armor.”

Clouded nodded smiling. “Flash Sentry… rumor has it that him and Twilight have been seeing each other. If he were to submit we would be that much closer to Twilight. And if the rumor proves to be false we could always use the captain of the guard for other things.”

Eclipse noded. “Valid point.” she said before walking away.

Swirl appeared not a minute later; mane a mess and her coat with messy as well. She yawned before looking at Clouded. “So what’s my next target?”

Clouded chuckled as he tapped his finger on a file at the corner of the desk. Swirl picked it up, finding it focused on the zebra shamen sitting in the everfree.

“She’ll prove to be a problem with her knowledge of potions.” Clouded said out loud looking at Swirl.

Swirl continues to look through the folder. “Zecroa…. She looks like she would make a fine pet.” Swirl said as she smiled and licked her lips.

Clouded smiled as he stood up. “Eclipse has set her sights on the guard captain. I know we should wait for Dancing Feather but we need all the resources we can get right now.” He finished saying with a sigh.

“So when will I be able to go after Zecroa?” Swirl asked as she tossed the folder back onto the desk and sat on the desk.

“Earliest would be two weeks. We don’t want pattern to form. So after two weeks you be able to go after the zebra.” Clouded said smiling.

Eclipse walked through the town with her normal emotionless expresson pressent. She walked through the town finding the bar Flash seemed to visit often from the file she read. The Speakeasy; well known as a bar visited by guards often. She walks in; the smell of booze and various alcohol was heavy in the air. Her eyes immediately set on her target; sitting in a small booth with two other guards sitting alongside him. One earth pony and the other, another pegasus. This would prove to be difficult as now she might have to deal with more than one.

“Let’s take all of them. Imagine them all bowing before you.” Said that demonic voice as her eyes focused on a reflection from behind the bar.

“If we were to bring in both of the others our grip on the guards here would grow much stronger.” pointed out the female voice. Purring at the thought of more under her.

“But what if they find about us before we even get close? They’d turn us in and throw us into cell.” said the voice of concern.

Eclipse took a breath before watching as Flash stood up on weak legs. His brain covered in a alcohol induced fog. The others smiled waving him goodbye. Eclipse saw her prey leave she waited a minute before leaving as well. Following him shortly after, her eyes were locked onto the guard pony. When he turned a corner she rushed after him only to have him standing waiting for her.

“Can I help you miss?” He asks looking down at her.

She looked up at him, only letting her muzzle show with a gentle smile. She gently touched his arm and with that Flash grew stiff like a board of wood. His eyes shrank and his breathing shallow. Slowly his mind began to shift. Images of pasts flashing in front of him. Him and Eclipse growing together. Feelings emerged of how he loved her how he wished he could be her’s. Soon images of them playing showed. Flash collared with bound wings as he sat on his knees and bent down. Gently kissing the hoof of the petite mare her loved. Licking with the grain of her hoof as her tail tickled and rubbed against his cock that seem to twitch with every gentle slow stroke. When the images reached deep Eclipse took her hand off of flash. His eyes returning to normal and his posture seeming mundane. His focus was blurred but only for a minute. For when his vision cleared and his eyes set on Eclipse Flash fell to his knees.

“mistress… please forgive me I didn't recognize you with the cloak on.” Flash said with a shaky voice of fear.

“Report.” Is all Eclipse said.

Flash gently crawled forward kissing her hooves before speaking. “I have done as ordered. Placed myself as I high ranking guard. He said remembering a false memory of Eclipse ordering him to do this years ago. When they had only met today.

“Everything is perfectly fine the fool of a princess doesn't suspect a thing.” He said with a small smile.

Eclipse still held her neutral expression. “Report to this address tonight.” She says dropping a small piece of paper in front of him before turning around and begin walking away.

Flash quickly taking the peace of paper and looking it over. Through the rest of the day Flash Sentry went about the hours like normal. Smiling and waving when others waved to him or he saw a pony he knew. Small minor headaches here and there. When the night came he stood before the house Eclipse and her friends called home. Dressed in a think clothing with a cap on his head to hide from prying eyes he knocked on the door. It being answered by Helping Heart the Pegasus. Dressed in a pure white dress. She smiled. Her legs shaking slightly. When looking at Flash she simply stepped aside allowing him to enter. What he saw when he entered brought a smile to his face. Eclipse sat on the living room couch with only her bra and panties on. Black with long gloves and socks on. Her dragon pet on the ground belly up. His cock twitching as she rubbed one of her hooves along the soft underbelly of it. The other pushing and moving around a small vibrating anal plug that currently sat in his tight little asshole. His hands and legs up and curled posing as a dog begging for a belly rub.

The small dragon came onto his belly for what seemed like the fifth time tonight. Soft whimpers escaping his lips as he kept his eyes closed. Flash took off his clothes showing he wore no underwear underneath before walking over and kneeling by Eclipse side. Heart closing the door and locking it before leaving to go be with her master. Eclipse looked to the side seeing Flash. She snapped her fingers, as she lectured her hooves from the dragon. She then stood up and with the Pegasus and dragon following behind on all fours she led them to her room. Where soft candle lights lit the room in a gentle glow. As soon as Flash walked in behind the dragon the door slammed shut and locked with Eclipse’s magic. Flash looked to the door with slight fear before turning his attention to Eclipse. She sat on her bed with the dragon squatting in front of her. Legs spread his cock standing fully erect for her.

Flash crawled over getting into the same pose. His wings fluttering as he displayed himself for the mare in front of him. Eclipse turned her attention to Flash as she slowly rubbed down the sides of his hard cock with her hooves. Gently pushing down letting his hard rock flesh brush past before pulling back. Flash cooing at the feeling. Unaware of the things Eclipse has planned. When she fished with her hoof job she stood up leaving the two posing like that. The dragon stared straight. Well trained and well kept. Flash on the other hand looked to his mistress seeing her open her closet which seemed filled with various objects and devices. She picked a small string of anal beads. A small real of string and a blindfold. She walked back over to the bed. Stopping behind her pets. Flash quickly turning his attention back forward. His tail wagging side to side like a happy puppy. One by one Eclipse let the objects she picked fall to the floor. Letting the sound ring in Flashes ears. Before she gently bent over at the nips. Leaning against Flash.

“On all fours with your flank in the air.” She whispered to him before licking his ear.

Flash did just as ordered. Bending over and sticking his flank into the air. Swishing his tail to the side for Eclipse, his nice tight little asshole on display. Eclipse runs a finger over it gently pushing against the tight opening as Flash shivered and moaned softly. Before biting his lip at the feeling of a small ice cold metal anal plug filling his ass. Eclipse simply looking down as she watches his flank shake from the feeling of being benitrated. She then spanks him on the flank causing him to jump up right back into a begging dog position. Yelping slightly from the small stinging pain; his asshole worked to push the anal plug out only to focus on keeping it in. Eclipse then takes a small length of string and gently tied it around his cock. Tying the string around the hilt ring before pulling the stringing tightening it Flash gorans feeling the rough string constrict around his cock. She then tugs on the string a few times forcing his cock to bounce in place watching as Flash held in his groans from his cock being bounced around like a puppet. Small droplets of pre cum leaking out being sprinkled about the floor. Flash whimpered feeling the tight string around his cock. Eclipse then snaps her finger again. She steps back as Charcoal crawls forward and begins licking Flashes cock. Flicking the tip with his fork tongue before having it extend out and wrap around the tip. Flash moaning at the feeling of the warm rough tongue on his cock. Eclipse watching as she pressed and rubbed her hoof against Charcoals cock.

Charcoal moaned around the cock as he slowly pushes it deep into her throat. His tongue running along the length as Eclipse presses her hoof onto the dragon hatchlings crouch. The dragon moaning around the cock from the feeling of the cold hoof. Eclipse spanks his flank.

“that's enough.” She says in her cold emotionless tone.

They both get back into position squatting in front of her, legs spread, cocks standing in the air and their hands up like a pair of paws. Eclipse looks to Charcoal only giving a simply nod. He smiles gently before turning over sticking his flank into the air. Flash looked up blushing deeply; Eclipse walking up behind him and pulled in the string tied around his cock. Making the pegasus groan before she pulled in the string, like a leash leading him to Charcoals small asshole that winked in need of attention. Once the tip of Flash’s cock touched the tail hole he bit his lip st hot it felt. Eclipse spanking him when he stopped; causing him to slowly push the cock into the tail hole. Groaning and moaning all the while. Feeling so warm inside the dragon; slowly as Flash pushed in he felt the tight muscles of the hole constrict around him.

Once Flash has pushed down to his hilting ring Eclipse pushed a finger into the pegasus’s tailhole. Instantly Flash began bucking into Charcoal, Eclipse using him like a puppet pulling on his asshole by joking her finger inside it only to push him back into Charcoal, both moaning and groaning the whole time. Charcoal’s cock growing hard making the tip rub against the carpet of the room. After a minute Eclipse began to speed up her little toys making them buck faster and faster. The sound of wet stick flesh being easily heard through the room. Through the night Eclipse played with her new toy. Training him to be a good little dog. Making him peace around the house with Charcoal, strings tied tight king to the base of their cocks being used as leashes. When the night grew old Eclipse sealed Flashes mine kissing him deeply on the lips as he stood in the doorway of the house. Her magic sealing his mind to forever be hers before sending him off.

Chapter 5 - Swirling thoughts

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Swirl groans as sun lights hit her eyes. Steadily she sits up looking around the room. Finding the mayor laying on the floor spasming from pleasure eyes rolled up into her head as she came down. Her griffins laying in their cage snuggled up to each other. Swirl stands up letting the blankets from her bed fall from her small slim body to lay on the floor. She walks over to the table in the corner grabbing a small vile of a light blue liquid. He dabbed it onto her two fingers before rubbing it against her neck; a strange scent begins filling the air; an alluring scent that would attract any who breath it. It would calm their nerves bringing their minds to peace. She looks down to the mayor before gently tapping her with a hoof.

“Time for you to go back to work.” Swirl says to the mayor before walking over to her closet. Grabbing random assortment of clothes.

After putting the clothes on she walked down stairs. Finding Eclipse sitting in the living room Charcoal down on his knees licking at Eclipses pussy. Clouded sitting on the table looking over some files. With Heart tied down to the coffee table gagged and blindfolded, vibrators rubbing against her pussy and asshole. She moans loudly from the treatment. Swirl walks into the kitchen before returning with a glass of water. She takes a sip leaning against the back of the couch.

“You have a target for me?” Swirl asks.

Clouded simply holds up a small file for her. She takes it.

“She’s your target… take care of her... I have to meet with Feather and the new hunter.” Clouded says before standing up. Now using his magic to pick Heart up still bound before carrying her to his room.

Swirl smirks before looking over the folder. Her smirk turning into a small smile when the picture of a young zebra was shown. Swirl closes the folder before walking up to her bedroom. Once in there the mayor would be gone and her pets would be pressing their flanks into the bars of the cage. Rubbing their pussies against the hard cold metal bars. Swirl smiles down at her pets before spanking their flanks. They moan loudly as their flanks turn bright red even visible under the fur. They press their pussys into the bars further as Swirl leaves them to walk to her work table. She places the cold on an empty part of the bookcase. She then grabs an old clay bowl setting in front of her. She then looks to the bookcase her eyes running over the various ingredients she had displayed before her.

She reaches up grabbing a small wooden bowl stacked high with dried berries. Dark orange in color; she picks only one, from the very top before dropping it into the empty clay bowl. She then sets the berries down on the other edge of the table close to the wall. She then reaches to one of the low setting bookshelves grabbing two bottles, one bright green, and the other a bright purple. She sets the bottles downs on the table before grabbing a small stone peg which she uses to begin smashing the dried berry in the clay bowl. Soon turning it into a fine powder; once done she takes the bottles and adds two drops of the green liquid. The orange powder and the green turning to brown quickly. She then takes a small crystal glass stick and uses it to mix the powder and liquid much like a baker using a whisk. Once done holding the stick up to the light examining the color of the concoction she had made. She then places the stick back into the clay bowl before adding one drop of the purple liquid. Soon the concoction turns black; she then mixes it thoroughly with the same glass stick. Once again holding it up to light, seeing the black concoction. She smiles gently as she had finished. She places the glass stick back into the bowl letting it rest along the edge before walking over to a small cabinet. Opening it and pulling out a small piece of paper. She walks back to her table and quickly dumps the concoction onto the paper before folding it to hold the substance. Once nicely folded she placed it in a pocket of her pants.

She then walks over to her griffon pets who press their faces against the cage gently licking and kissing her hand as she reaches down and pets them. Their tails flick side to side like happy little puppies, Swirl reaches over pulling a pet from the top of the cage door. She then opens the cage allowing her pets to crawl out. Soon sitting in front of her; on their knees their hands behind their backs and their gazes locked forward. Swirl pets their hands before walking over to the cabinet again. This time pulling out their collars black leather collars with tags hanging from them, written on them is the word. S’bitch, the s standing for Swirl. Who clips to the collars onto her pets kissing them long and lovingly while doing so. Before sitting on her bed her hooves hanging slightly in the air. One griffin crawls over placing herself under Swirl’s hooves as the other leans up beginning to gently massage them. Swirl smiles as she leans back on her hands thinking how to approach her target. Until she remembers her heritage and the necklace sitting on a post of the bed.

When the day began to grow old Swirl stood up, beginning to walk through town to her target’s location. Unknowingly seeing her in the market that day. Swirl simply smirked seeing her chance, she wakes up to the zebra and gently tugged on the tribal attire she wore. Zecora looked down behind her seeing Swirl dressed in a shirt and cargo shorts.

“Excuse me… are you a zebra?” Asks Swirl innocently, giving a sincere smile to her.

Zecora smiled back as she turned to face the filly sized mare directly. “Surely I am why do you quest?”

Swirl smiles looking up to the zebra. “What’s being a zebra like?”

Zecora seemed thrown off by the question as she responded. “What brings this question to this session?”

Swirl smiles looking up. “I just want to learn more about Zebra’s. Why is that bad?” She says giving a confused look.

Zecora smiles as she gently pets Swirl’s head. “No young one a simple answer is all I need from thee”

Swirl smiles keeping her innocent filly appearance present. While in her head she could already see this fine zebra mare on her knees wearing a saddle and reins for riding. Swirl imagined how she would tie Zecora's tail. Tip to the base so her soaking wet pussy was displayed for all to see. Her nipples pierced with a bell hung by chain gently hanging between the large mounds of flesh. Swirl followed Zecora still acting her normal innocent self. Zecora began telling her what being a zebra was like, unknowingly leading Swirl to her hut. The filly sized mare smiling gently all the while soon standing in the zebra’s hut. Swirl smiles Zecora seem to stagger as her head seem to lighten. Swirl smiles as she steps closer to Zecora; who only grows weaker. Zecora groans as she soon sits down in a chair closest to her. Swirl soon climbing into her lap still giving the filly innocent smile. Zecora’s arms feel heavy like metal as she tries to raise them up and push the mare off of her. Swirl smiles as she simply takes Zecora’s wrists and ties them together. Making sure to be very gentle with her soon to be new pet.

Swirl gently kisses Zecora on the lips making sure to not hurt something so valuable. Once the zebra’s wrists were tightly secured in the ropes Swirl leads them to behind the chair Zecora sat in. Using some of Zecora’s clothing that she ripped off Swirl secured Zecora’s hands so she couldn't fight. She took a step back to admire her work, loving the heaving chest of her new toy. The way her curves ran up her legs and figure. Swirl merely licked her lips before sitting back down in Zecora’s lap. Gently leading the weak zebra’s lips to her own. They shared a deep kiss, one where Swirl played with Zecora’s like a toy, flicking their tongues against each other before swirl forced Zecora’s to the roof of her mouth. Zecora’s still struggled best she could, but her body was still weak. Swirl smiles as she walks around the zebra’s hut.

“You have a nice collection of ingredients here.” Swirl says smiling as she takes a small vile of poison joke leaves from one of the shelves.

She smiles as she looks at them; before placing them back where they belong. Swirl keeps her smile as she sits back in Zecora’s lap. Tracing a finger down Zecora’s body letting the fur brush along and against the finger tip. From her neck between her breasts, loving the feeling of the zebra’s fur against her. When Swirl reached Zecora’s belly she smiled as she began to see Zecora grow weaker. Swirl leaned down gently licking up the zebra’s breasts making sure to tease Zecora as she flicks the nipples before sucking on them. Zecora moans feeling the soft warmth of the tongue and mouth of the filly sized mare. Swirl soon stands up and begins walking through the hut her hands brushing over various bottles and containers only grabbing the few that were needed. Swirl then walks up to a table sitting in the corner of the room. The table old and top heavily scorched by old potions and concoctions from past. Swirl places the various potions and bottles on the table before walking over to another table. Grabbing a small wooden bowl Swirl soon walks back to the table. Zecora’s eyes fixing on the ingredients her mind racing to figure out what the filly sized mare has planned. Swirl begins humming lightly her flank gently shaking back and forth as she begins adding the various ingredients together.

Swirl starts with some poison joke leaves. Placing three healthy leaves into the bowl before reaching in and begin grinding them down to a fine powder. Making sure to use a grinder and not her hand. After a few minutes Swirl then adds in some venom from a manticore's tail. Making sure to only add a drop before leaning back as a sizzling sound was heard and purple smoke slowly lifted into the air. Swirl takes a whiff smirking as she then adds two drops of timber wolf sap. The smoke now turn green as Swirl takes a spoon and uses it mix in the ingredients. Making sure to mixing it thoroughly; her eyes fixed on the mixing colors. Swirl then smirks as she reaches into a small pocket in her pants pulling out a small pouch. When she opens it she pulls out a single small baby sized flower. It's petals and lush and full of life; the tips a dark crimson red slowly shading into a bright pink near the center. Swirl then grabs a small kitchen knife and gently cuts off the smallest tip off one of the petals. The petal gently falls swishing back and forth through the air before landing in the concoction. The thick liquid now turning into a clear gel. Zecora’s eyes locked as she only sees the ingredients fall into the bowl. She then glares as Swirl picks the bowl up and carries it over to Zecora.

Swirl sits back in Zecora’s lap the bowl of strange clear gel now sitting on a small coffee table close by. The young filly size mare gently leans over and kisses Zecora on the neck. The zebra biting into the panty gag as she fought back against the pleasure. Unaware Swirl had only dipped the tip of her finger into the gel. Zecora soon bucks her hips when the oddly warm gel touches her fur and soon soaks into the skin just underneath. Swirl keeps peppering Zecora’s neck with kisses even as she traced her finger down and around Zecora’s breasts. The zebra mare soon moaning loudly into her gag and eyes shooting wide open. Her breasts becoming sensitive to even the air around them. The zebra’s nipples poking out as she could feel even the slightest breeze rush against her. Zecora soon begins bucking her hips more as her mind fogged over. Swirl smirking as she could see drool leak out from the corner of Zecora’s mouth. The filly sized mare soon reaches over dipping another finger into the gel. This time Swirl dismounts Zecora and gets to her knees. Soon she finds herself eye level with the zebra’s hidden flower. Swirl keeps her dark succubus smirk as she gently reached over and begins rubbing the gel around the outer lips of Zecora’s pussy. Swirl smirks seeing Zecora’s clit winking like a needy pet that wants attention. Swirl soon finishes with outer lips before moving to the crouch. Chuckling as Zecora’s jumped slightly in her seat. The zebra feeling the hot finger of the filly sized succubus poking and rubbing at a hole Zecora’s would have never used.

Once her new pet was all hot and bothered Swirl stands up reaching into her bag again. She smirks as she soon pulls a small bullet vibrator. Swirl turns it on and gently rubs the tip along the same path Swirl ran the gel over. Zecora moans loudly as she feels her pussy wink and squirt a small drop of juice every minute. Swirl smirks watcher her little pet twitch and moan with every slow painful inch of movement from the bullet vibrator. Swirl soon smiles as she rubs the vibrator over the top of Zecora’s clit. The little nub hiding in the folds of Zecora’s pussy. Swirl smirks as she soon reaches down and rubs at zebra’s flower. And every time the little button of the zebra winked Swirl gave it the attention it wanted. A nice sharp spank to Zecora’s pussy earning a loud muffled moan and Zecora throwing her head back. Swirl chuckling as she watches her soon to be new pet wither with every bit of pleasure. Soon Swirl pushed the vibrator into Zecora’s pussy before walking around to the back of the chair. Swirl gently takes hold of Zecora’s cheeks and as they look at each other the filly sized terror begins whispering.

“You are my pet.” Before gently kissing her through the gag.

For hours this went on. Swirl bringing Zecora to the edge of cuming only pull her back at last minute. Swirl enjoying the torture game all the while. When the second hour came around Swirl smirks as Zecora’s body fell limply to the floor. The zebra's arms and legs twitching yet only the zebra’s head moves. Swirl smirking as the zebra crawls over and kisses her new mistresses hooves. Licking slowly and gently so the zebra’s tongue can feel every curve and line of the hoof. Swirl all the while watching before crouching down. Soon giving Zecora a view that none even in the order have seen. Swirl pulls her panties to one side showing her puffy winking pussy to her new pet. The zebra pet crawling up extends her tongue out. Zecora’s eyes still fogged over and hazy as Zecora gently licks at her new mistress's pussy. Loving the taste as Zecora’s makes sure to flick her tongue with each lick. Earning a pleasure sigh from filly mare. The filly made smirking as she soon pushes Zecora onto her back. Making the zebra mare pose like a bitch in heat. Swirl smiles as she reaches into her bag pulling out a large thick double headed dildo.

The dildo riddled with small hills and allies. Swirl holds it out one tip; Zecora leaning up and licks at the tip of the dildo. The zebra’s eyes clouded over with lust as soon Swirl begins pushing one end of the dildo into her own pussy. Zecora still licking along the tip facing her before being pushed back onto the floor by Swirl. The filly sized mare soon pushing the other end of the dildo into Zecora’s pussy. Making sure to agonizingly slow so her new zebra pet can feel every inch, every bump and valley that is forced into her virgin pussy. Swirl only stopping when the lips of their pussies kiss Both beginning to buck and push against the dildo roughly like animals. Their minds blocked by lusts; Swirl only moaning slightly before pushing down onto Zecora the filly mare now beginning to roughly push and pull the dildo in and out of her new zebra pet. As Swirl pounds into Zecora the filly mare sucks on the lushful perky breasts. Loving the animalistic moans coming from her new pet. The sounds of their hips and pussy lips slapping and hitting against eachother. Swirl soon smirking as she feels juices squirt out and cover her own lips.

“You came without permission,” Swirl says looking down at the panting Zecora. “Looks like my new pet needs some training.” She says before flipping the Zebra over and spanks the striped flanks of the zebra mare.

Zecora moaning as her flank soon turned red from the hard spank. Swirl then takes hold of Zecora’s tail and mane using them like handles as she begins bucking into Zecora again. Swirl moaning as Zecora’s head and chest press into the floor the flank still in the air. Swirl soon going faster and faster until she quickly pushes as deep as she can go. Biting on Zecora’s shoulder to muffle her own moans as her pussy squirts out its own juices. Swirl lays on top of Zecora painting, listening to her pets heartbeat before sitting up.

“The twins are going to love their new sister.” Swirl says before kissing Zecora deeply. Making sure to push her tongue deep into the zebra’s mouth and mix their tongues together.

Later that day while Clouded sat in the living room finally working out the plans for the elements he hears the door open. When he looks back he finds Swirl walking in with Zecora following closely behind. The sky dark as it always is at night. Clouded smirks seeing the filly sized mare lead her new pet upstairs. The mare soon walking down the sounds of muffled moaning and the sound of snaps being heard. Swirl sitting on her bed like a queen watching as her two griffin twins play with the zebra. One griffin spanking Zecora’s flanks them now a bright red as the other makes the zebra licking and play with her folds. This being her piece pleasure watching as her little canal of pets slowly builds up. Swirl smirks as through the night she watches her pet griffins play and train the zebra properly.

Chapter 6 - The true fun begins

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Clouded smiles as he steps out past the front door closing it behind him as he sets out for his target. Leaving his pet behind as he walks through the town. The towns ponies smiling and waving to each other unaware of the darkness that walks past them. As Clouded walks through town his dark color clothing making him seem to blend into the background of the towns ponies minds. As he makes his way along the dirt roads his own mind begins playing out what would happen if he tried to take his target.

His mind playing out a scene of his target Fluttershy or known by the order ‘kindness’. It being an easy target but nonetheless important. Clouded keeps his eyes forward as he soon walks along the dirt path to his target. Having only to go off of pictures and reports of his target. As he walks through the forest seeming to enjoy the peace that came with the still trees. His mind soon forcing to the world as he hears the sounds of various animals in the distance. His eyes look through the spaces of trees. His eyes taking in the form of a light yellow Pegasus. Eve from a distance his eyes could see her wings tightly folded to her back. Outlined as they press against a thick green shirt. She rests on her knees her waist and legs covered by long light brown skirt. Clouded eyes take in the curves hidden under the thick heavy clothes. Her back turned to him as she places a food bowl down on the ground and is soon greeted by various little animals. All seeming to show affection for the Pegasus before moving to the food bowl filled to the brim with food.

Clouded returns to his path along the dirt road knowing if he had directly approached her she might pull away and hide in her mane. After walking along the dirt road and over a small bridge he knocks on the solid wood door. After a moment the door is cracked open by the yellow pegasus who looks through the slightly cracked open door. Clouded looks through the crack met by a pair of timid blue eyes. Soon hearing a whisper he could not understand. Clouded simply gives a pure smile before asking through the crack in the door.

“Are you Ms. Fluttershy?” He asks taking a step back to help calm her.

His answer is only a brief nod. Clouded bows his head slightly before looking down at the bright blue eyes.

“I was told you're the mare to see about getting a pet?” He says seeming to earn a sliver of her trust.

The door opens open more as Fluttershy steps in front of the door frame. “My name is Fluttershy and sure I can help you look for a pet.” She says showing a small smile.

The door slowly opens allowing Clouded eyes a full view of the lovely yellow pegasus standing before him. Compared to earlier with her back turned to him. Clouded now makes her figure more clearly. Her large breasts concealed behind a tight green sweater. Her legs covered by the skirt only seeming to show off her tail as it gently flicks behind her. Fluttershy steps back turning her back to the new pony as he steps in.

“So what kind of a pet are you looking for?” Fluttershy asks; her house seeming rather quiet as the critters all seem to be sleeping from the large feeding they had only moments ago.

“Something low maintenance if that's possible.” Clouded says stepping into the small cottage his eyes taking in the layout and design to work out how a proper method of turning her.

“Hmmmm how about a turtle?” FLuttershy asks soon showing Clouded to the living room where she motions for him to take a seat. “Would you like some tea?” Fluttershy asks

Clouded sits leaning against the back of the couch. “I don't think that would work. I need something playful as well. And yes thank you.” He says soon seeing Fluttershy wonder off into the kitchen.

Clouded soon smiles as he soon sees his chance. Reaching into a pocket Clouded pulls out a small glass bottle. The liquid inside showing bright clear red. He dabs the potion on to his neck and arms before putting the bottle back into his pocket. Fluttershy soon walks back into the room carrying a small tray with a teapot and two tea cups with it. The pegasus seeming to sniff the air, the air smelling of a subtle scent, her mind trying to remember if she had smelled it before but only seeming to wander a little.

“Passionflower tea ok?” Fluttershy asks; Clouded nodding as his only answer.

After taking the small tea cup; the warmth from it filling his hands. Clouded smiles as the warmth of the cup seems to calm his nerves. Fluttershy soon sitting in a large chair curling her legs against herself as she sips at the calming tea. Clouded doing the same; his smile hiding behind the tea as he sees Fluttershy’s eyes slowly haze over. Her mind becoming blank from the potion and the tea. Clouded soon stands up setting his tea on the coffee tale. He walks behind Fluttershy's seat smiling her figure only seemed to show more when he looked down on her. her large breasts still held tightly by the sweater seeming to show more curve them now. Clouded licks his lips as his fingers tighten into fists. His instinctive way to calm his brash tendencies.

“So back to looking for a pet.” He says walking around the weakened Fluttershy wanting to simply take here there and then but knowing better.

“Yes.” Fluttershy says weakly soon leaning back in her seat as Clouded takes her cup and sets it down on the coffee table. Her eyes looking off into space as her mind if played with by all the overwhelming senses.

“You know that the perfect pet needs to be kind.” Clouded whispers to her as a gentle hand runs up alongside Fluttershy’s body. With it taking the bottom edge of her sweater being pulled up.

Fluttershy nods her blank mind taking in the words with great meaning. Her lovely toned stomach now on show for Clouded as he looks down at her untouched butter yellow fur. The sight of it making him lick his lips at what he plans to do to her.

“And the perfect pet would be very loyal.” Clouded says smiling as he then takes some of the potion and dabs it on Fluttershy, cleavage. Smiling as now her mind would only grow weaker. and the sight of the her matted fur making her gently breathing show only more. Her breasts move with each soft breath she took.

Fluttershy soon nods her head as Clouded finishes with his words. Fluttershy’s fogged over mind being filled with the only words she cares for, kind, loyal, and so on. After finishing with his words Clouded steps back letting the weakened Fluttershy slowly slump to the floor. Smiling as she only got to her hands and knees before slowly walking around the chair to look up at Clouded. The unicorn smiling as he looks down at his new untrained pet.

“Let's get those clothes off.” He says soon pulling off the restrictive clothing from the pegasus pet. smiling as her bra fell off with ease after the clip was unhooked and her panties pulled up tight from slumping down the chair. The panties soon pulled off showing the hidden flower some would kill for.

The now fully nude mare soon using her wings and tail to try and hide herself. Only making Clouded want her more; he takes her wings and using one of the many pet leashes Fluttershy had he bound her wings to her side. Then ties her mane into a ponytail and her tail up so she couldn't hide her quivering pussy. He steps back admiring his handy work the fine mare now unable to hide anything. The once alluring butter yellow pegasus now on all fours with everything exposed. She sits there slowly fidgeting in place unaware her tied up tail was shaking side to side making it seem like she was happy in this moment. Clouded smiles as he walks around the house Fluttershy following along on all fours, barking and rubbing against his leg for attention. Her large breasts inches from the floor swaying with every step she took. Clouded smiles as he reaches the kitchen where he takes out a small bowl and places it on the ground after filling it with water. Fluttershy leans down and begins lapping at the bowl of water. Her tongue taking only tiny little dips before pulling back into her mouth. Clouded smirking as he kneels down and gently rubs at her pussy. Flutterpet squirming in place before moaning into the small bowl of water. Clouded still rubs small little circles around the bitches flower. It squeezed nice and shut with every small circle he makes around the pegasus bitch’s flower. Clouded simply smiles before playfully spanking Fluttershy’s sealed pussy making the bitch moan from the treatment.

After rubbing the sealed pussy Clouded stood up smiling as he leaves fluttershy in the kitchen lapping at the bowl of water like the bitch she was. He walks out into the living finding a small trunk with a pet leash hanging out of it. Opening the trunk Clouded smiles as he finds some pet collars and leashes. But what he finds after sorting through the trunk down at the bottom only makes him smile more. There he found a bright red harness just big enough to fight Fluttershy with a matching leash. Slowly placing the harness over Fluttershy Clouded quickly noticed how it hugged her form tightly pushing her breasts out. Clouded pulls on the leash making Fluttershy help before quickly huddling to his side like a scared puppy.

Clouded pets Fluttershy before harshly spanking her lovely full ass. Loving watch it jiggle and the yellow slowly turn red. He then pulls on her leash again. Leading her around the house. Yelling heel and pulling in her leash when she fell behind. When good rewarding her with a good full teasing of rubbing her sealed pussy lips and swirling his fingers around her sensitive button of a clit. He then grabs a small chew toy it shaped like a bone he tosses it across the living room.

“Fetch.” He says his eyes locking on her form as she quickly scurries over looking for the toy.

Soon bringing it back in her mouth sitting in front of her master the toy still tightly held in her mouth. Knight takes hold of the toy and pulls it out of her mouth. Soon seeing the lustful bitch rub her snout against his crouch licking at the fabric that hide her favorite toy and treat. Clouded smiles as he unzips his pants soon seeing Fluttershy push her snout in pulling the soft large cock out with her tongue and begins licking and sucking on it. Her movements sporadic as she bobbed her head up and down on the cock before pulling off lapping her tongue at the soft underbelly of the shaft. Her eyes locked in the large cock but soon she whimpers as Clouded stands up and seals his cock back in his pants. Then pulling on the leash harshly. Having killed time by taming basic needs and urges he walks out of the house. Finding the sun setting in the distance. The perfect time for a nice long walk home.

By the time of walking from fluttershy’s house to town the sun had set and all the towns pony’s have fallen asleep. As he walks through the town Clouded smiles seeing Fluttershy still on all fours walking along side him. He spanks her flank loving her cute little yelps before he leads her to the local park. Fluttershy sniffs around soon finding a nice large tree. With her back to Clouded she raises one leg soon cooing as a stream of hot fresh piss shot out hitting against the tree. The frame of the yellow Pegasus shaking as she pisses more and more like a true bitch. Once done Clouded sees her trout back over some piss still leaking and dropping from her pussy as they return to their way home.

Once home Clouded walks into the living room. Finding Eclipse, the small mare perched on Flash Sentry’s back a bridal gag in his mouth as the small dragon spanked his ass with a paddle. The former guard captain moaning as Eclipse reaches around her riding pet and rubs the cock with her hooves. Knowing it needed release if it were to perform good. Clouded simply smiles Fluttershy soon trying to hide between his legs as she sees the pegasus made to moan from pain and pleasure. Not saying a word Clouded walks to his room finding Heart there her nose buried into the pillow Clouded used. Her fingers rubbing at her pussy and asshole. Clouded remains mostly silent before slamming the door shut. Making his little mare stop cold her pussy and ass on show for him to see. Without saying a word Clouded leads Flutterpet to the bed. Where he motions for her to sit.

“You know the rules.” He whispers to Heart soon cuffing her hands behind her back before stuffing a pair of old dirty underpants over her mouth to keep her quiet.

He then pulls Heart close to the bed’s edge the Pegasus hot dripping pussy not a few inches from Fluttershy’s muzzle. Clouded smiles as he unzips his pants letting his soft cock flop out and rub against Fluttershy’s muzzles. He then looks to Heart seeing her face covered in lust.

“No touching yourself.” He says knowing she hadn't finished coming yet.

Fluttershy in her idle mind states sniffs the soft cock before lapping at it with her tongue. It pressing against the soft foreskin before flicking up. Clouded simply sighs as he feels Fluttershy slowly lift up the hardening cock. Now letting it rest on her face as she licks at the base. Her eyes haves over by the smell of the musk in the room. Once the cock was nice and hard Clouded pulled on Fluttershy’s leash. The idled pegasus soon turning around presenting her flank to her master as she was trained to. Clouded simply smiles as he moves her tail aside and gently rubs his fingers over her holes. Loving the hear the bitch whimper for attention and love. Clouded smiles as she seemed to push her own lovely thick flanks back into his fingers.

After a few minutes Clouded simply smiles as he rubs his cock against Fluttershy. Making sure the bitch knew who was in charge he pushes her head down to the floor. Fluttershy not fighting back as he begins pushing his cock into her. The horny bitch moaning into the floor as her virgin pussy is defiled. Clouded’s cock pulsating inside of her. The pussy gripping tightly at the hard cock. Fluttershy biting the carpet of the room as Clouded begins pounding her. Forcing the delicate thing into the floor as he holds her head to the carpet. The bitch moaning with each movement of the cock inside of her. The sounds of the their flesh slapping against each other filled the room as Clouded pounders harder and harder with each thrust. Soon he leans over Fluttershy his mouth inches from her ears as he tells her.

“You're going to be a good little bitch.” He says soon cuming in her pussy. Fluttershy moaning into the carpet she bites into. He soon slumps to the floor as

Clouded pulls his cock from her pussy. Smiling as the once meek virgin now lays on the floor. Heart standing up pussy juice dripping from her own flower stains the cpart as she leads Fluttershy to a large thick doggy bed. Her leash soon tied around a wall mounted hook. Heart soon climbing back into bed with her master. The next morning Clouded rises up early as normal seeing the sun rise in the distance. The clouds seeming to give off shadows as the light hit against the hidden side of them. The color of the sky seeming to turn from dark blue to the bright blue with the calming purple in the middle. Clouded’s peace would soon run short as he sensed something. Something that brought a smile to his face and made his eyes shine with a dark passion. After dressing he walked out of the house making sure to not wake the others. As he walks through the town his hooves not making a sound as he follows the dirt road he smiles as he reaches the halfway point.

There in front of him lays the entrance to the everfree forest. As he walks through Clouded took in a breath; the scent of the forest seeming to calm him where as most ponies would be put on edge at the single mention of it. After the long calming walk Clouded soon finds himself where he had wanted to be. The entrance of the ruined castle. He stops outside the entrance of the castle; his mind going over what it would have looked like before the war of the sun and moon. The bricks that once stood so tall and fast now laying on the ground broken years ago with some being covered by overgrowth. Clouded steps in finding a teenage dragon waiting for him. The skinny feminine dragon wearing only a bright pair of red painties bows his head to Clouded before leading the unicorn. Following the slave Clouded soon finds himself near the back of the castle. As Clouded follows his eyes wander around the surroundings, his mind thinking of this place being a nice meeting hall in the far future. a little remodeling. Perhaps where the library stands could be a display room; where slaves are put on display and sold at the highest price. Where Luna's room maybe Clouded's personal chambers where the moans of pets would be heard. But his attention is soon drawn forward as he heard the sounds of muffled moaning and light buzzing that seemed to grow stronger and stronger. This part of the castle still standing with the roof over head. However what Clouded focuses on is the mare laid out on the old thick wooden table. She lays on the table with a content smile. Her eyes looking up. A fully grown dragon hanging from the strong sealing moaning into a gag as his cock is played with by a remote vibrator.

The small dragon hanging from the ceiling only inches from the table. The mare laying on her back as she looks over her most recent catch and toy. She licks her lips looking at the blind folded drac. The poor thing shivering in lust and fear every few minutes. His small cock twitching as the vibrator buzzes loudly. the vibrator heavily tapped to the cock the scales of the mare like drac a dark pink boarding on red and his cock bright sensitive pink. Making the mare love the scene before her all the more.

“Good to see you again.” The mare says before sitting up. Not caring her naked form was on display.

Clouded only smiles as he looked at her. His eyes focused on her features; the mare soon sitting up as she looks at Clouded.

“What brings my eldest sister to my new home?” Clouded asks soon hearing the dragon moan as he cums. The thick white substance spewing out onto the table some lighting splashing onto her back.

The mare stands up. “You needn't be so formal. Last time I checked we are on equal ground.” She says soon standing up and smacking the tip of the dragons cock as punishment.

Her form showing the well kept curves that were made from all her times hunting and training pets. Her modest sized breasts seeming perky as she sits on the large wooden table years old and still standing her strong. Her legs crossed showing them off only more as she sits there. Clouded chuckles as soon they both sit in two chairs the table to side just enough for them to lean an elbow on. Clouded looks to the mare with a mischievous smile; not form the way she presented her self but from the past they had shared.

“So Star Eyes are you here to see my progress?” Clouded asks soon seeing the femdrac from earlier placing two large cups of water on the table for them.

Star Eyes takes the cup of water and after taking a sip she looks to Clouded. “I’m here under the request of Silver.” Star says soon snapping her fingers.

The femdrac returning and kneeling only a second later. He then holds out his hands to Clouded. In the hands is something that catches Clouded’s attention. In the drac’s hands was a modest wooden box. But what caught Clouded’s eyes was the symbol burnt into the old wood. The symbol being an s single eye with the irses in the shape of a four pointed star. Clouded looks to Star.

“Silver found it during an excavation and knowing your talent he thought you should have it.” Star says before looking up to her hanging toy. His body spasming as his cock still dripped with cum onto the table.

Clouded takes the box and upon opening it finds something that brought a small smile to his face. In the box was a cryptex. An ancient device said to have been made by Star Swirl the bearded. Originally designed as a toy for his children it quickly was used to hold secret messages. Clouded smiles seeing the symbols along the ancient metal cylinder. The symbols used during the wars between the sisters and the dark king. Clouded’s smile grew as he took hold of the cryptex. The feeling of the cold metal, seeming to bring the unicorn to life.

“How long?” Clouded asks his eyes still focused on the object; his hands exploring every detail of it.

“It's yours to do with as you will.” Star says before climbing back onto the table.

Clouded stands placing the cryptex back in the box before going to leave. Soon stopping at the doorway of the small hall. Without looking back Clouded simply says.

“Tell Silver that the artifact will be ours.” Clouded said; his tone seeming dark and lively as though he was going to enjoy what would follow.