> An Interesting Announcement > by RandomHumanBeging4112 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Here We go! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle awoke to Celestia's beautiful sun warming her face, slowly, but surely, opening her eyes. She checked the time. 8:00 am. Eh, what's another two hours? the princess thought. Two hours passed. She finally awoke with a jolt. "Oh, shoot! I was gonna tell Timber today!" Twilight thought aloud. "Tell me what?" her husband, Timber Spruce asked as he walked into their bedroom. "Whadaya mean? I didn't say that! I said, um, "Oh shoot! I was gonna yell timber! today with Discord!" Twilight said. "But I thought Discord was staying home with Fluttershy today, to, you know, help her out. He is pretty, um, cautious nowadays." Timber said. "Right, but I was gonna go over to their place and yell that, Discord's cutting down trees to make firewood." Twilight quickly answered. "But, can't he just like, poof some firewood into existence? Isn't he the Lord of Chaos?" Timber asked. "Right, he is, and...You're not buying any of this, are you?" Twilight said. "Not a single bit." "I thought so." "So, uh, could you just tell me?" Timber asked. "Well, you can just go look in the oven. You'll figure it out soon enough." Twilight answered. "Okay..." Timber said as he made his way to the oven. "Uhhh, Twi? I don't get what you're trying to tell me. All I see is a bun in the oven. Are you saying that we need a new oven? Or do we need new dough?" Timber asked as he opened the oven. "You mean you don't get it?! Oh, please, that's like the oldest trick in the book!" Twilight said as she walked into the kitchen. "In what book? Was I supposed to read a book prior to this?" Timber asked. "You've gotta be kidding me. I probably should've planned for this." Twilight said. "Planned for what? Anyway, I gotta go and help Glorriosa get everything in order for camp this summer. By Twi, be back for dinner." Timber said as he kissed her on the cheek and left their great castle home. "Well, I guess I'm going to Fluttershy and Discord's today." Twilight said as she headed out herself. "So that's what I need help with." Twilight said, she was sitting down in the unsettling living room at the Discord household. "Okay. I really don't know how to help you in this situation, I mean, I know that you want it to be a surprise, but I think that if everything else that you tried failed, you're gonna have to tell it to him straight." Twilight's friend, Fluttershy said. "Well, how did you tell Discord?" Twilight asked. "I accidentally yelled it out at your wedding reception." Fluttershy said. "Oh, right. But how were you gonna tell him?" Twilight asked. "I was gonna give him a world's best dad mug for father's day." Fluttershy answered. "Okay, yeah, I'm all out of ideas." Twilight said. "Well, maybe we could get everypony together in the great hall of your castle, tell them, and wait for Timber to come home. Would that work?" Fluttershy suggested. "Yeah, I guess, but what do we do once he gets home?" Twilight asked. "I don't know, don't expect me to come up with a way for you to tell Timber you're pregnant!" Fluttershy spat. "Do my ears deceive me or is Twilight actually pregnant?!" a voice, known as Discord said as he materialized next to Fluttershy. "No, Discord, your ears do not deceive you." Twilight replied. "Okay, but how are you gonna tell Timber?" Discord asked. "That's what we're discussing, hon." Fluttershy said through gritted teeth. "Woah, looks like somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!" Discord said. Fluttershy was pretty annoyed at that comment. She politely asked Twilight to leave so she could deal with Discord in private. Twilight left and went to invite all of her friends to her castle for dinner. She even got Spike to send letters to the princesses, and even to Shining Armor and Princess Cadence(besides, who wouldn't tell their big brother that he's going to be an uncle?). She made it back to the castle at about four in the afternoon. "Okay, one hour until everypony gets here. I should probably see if Spike and the Apples would like to come and cook dinner for us." Twilight said as she headed out once again. The Apple family including Spike all agreed to cook dinner for Twilight. Spike gladly accepted, after all, he had had to move out of the castle after Twilight and Timber got married, and he had barely gotten to go back to the castle. "Thanks again for helping out, Applejack. And thank you so much for accepting Spike in to the family, I still feel really bad for having to kick him out." Twilight said as she finished setting the long, large, dinner table. "Oh, no problem Twi! And we were happy to have Spike come live with us, and besides, he was kinda glad to leave yerr organized grasp." the country mare said. "Heh, I thought that he might be happy with that. Holy cow! It's 4:59! Everypony'll be here any minute!" Twilight said. "We better take our seats! Wait, why did ya organize this dinner in the first place?" Applejack asked. "You'll figure it out soon enough." Twilight said. "But we want to know now!" Spike, a little purple dragon, whined. "Fine, open the little card thingies on your plates." Twilight told the Apples. They did as told, and once they finished reading, they had the biggest, cheesiest smiles on their faces. "You mean you're," "Uh-huh." "Yippee! HALLELUJAH! I'm gonna be a figurative aunt!" Applejack said as she did as she jumped up and did a little jig. "Me too!-er, I'll be a figurative uncle." Spike said as he gave Twilight a hug. Just then, Shinning Armor, his wife, Princess Cadence, and their daughter, Princess Flurry Heart, walked into the room. Shinning Armor noticed Applejack dancing, and gave a questioning look to Twilight. "You'll find out soon enough." Twilight said. "Okay...So, Twily, how have the last six months been?" Shinning Armor asked. "Oh, they've been amazing. I'm really glad that things turned out how they did!" Twilight said as she took her seat. "That's great, hey, should I open the little card thingy on my plate?" Shinning Armor asked. "Not yet, I want to wait until everypony arrives." Twilight said. Everypony did eventually show up, first it was Rarity and her finance, Thunderlane, Then the princesses arrived, then Rainbow Dash and Soarin, then Fluttershy and Discord, then Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, and finally, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. They all took their seats, and waited for Twilight to tell them what to do. "Hello, friends, and family, today is a very special day, and you will soon find out why, but first, please open the card thingies on your plates." Twilight said as she stood up. The ponies did as told, and read the cards. "You mean, I'm gonna be an uncle?" Shinning Armor asked with a perplexed look on his face. "Yes, yes you are." Twilight answered. "Weeee! I'm gonna be a figurative aunt! Who's gonna be the godmother?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Um, I don't know yet, I kinda think that's for me and Timber to decide." Twilight answered. "We really are happy for you Twilight, and we hope that this time, things actually do go as planned." Princess Celestia said. "Thank you, Princess, and I am very thankful for you and Luna, because without you, we all wouldn't be here today." Twilight said. "Okay, enough with all of this sap, I don't want to get infected with it!" Rainbow Dash said, on the verge of tears. "OH, c'mon, Dashie, you know that you feel happy for Twilight, you don't have to hide it." Dash's coltfriend, Soarin said. "No, I'm no gonna-oh, whatever, we really are happy for you Twi, and we hope that everything does go as planned, even though it most likely won't." Rainbow said as she burst into tears. "Thanks, Rainbow." Twilight said. The group heard the door open. It was Timber. Twilight lead the group into the great hall. Timber walked in to see all of Twilight's friends smiling cheesy smiles. "Why are all these ponies in here, you didn't tell me you were having a dinner party, Twi?" Timber asked. Twilight walked up to him. "Do you not get it?" Twilight asked. "No, I don't think I get it." Timber replied. "Think about it, you saw a bun in the oven this morning. Oh, and I wanted to give you this." Twilight said as she handed Timber a world's best dad mug. "But I'm not a dad. Are you saying that you want to have kids?" Timber asked. everypony including Twilight facehooffed. "No, I'm not saying that I want kids, I'm saying that we're going to have a kid." Twilight said. "Wait, you mean that you want kids so badly, that we're gonna keep trying?" Timber asked. "You've gotta be kidding me. What I mean, is-" Twilight was interrupted by her ex, Flash Sentry, busting into the castle. "Twilight! I want you back!! Please, I still love you!" Flash said as he ran up to Twilight, putting her hooves in his. "No, Flash, if you can't tell, I'm already married. I'm also pregnant, so leave me alone!" Twilight said. Both Timber and Flash were deadly silent. Timber's face formed into a big smile, and Flash turned into a very angry tomato. "I'LL GET YOU BACK SOMEDAY, TWILIGHT! I WILL!" Flash yelled as he ran out of the castle. "So, I guess I'm gonna be a dad now." Timber said with a confused expression on his face. "Yep. You are." Twilight said with the same expression. "I can kind get the worlds best dad mug thing, but I still don't get the whole bun in the oven thing." Timber said. "Really? Well, here, take this book of figurative expressions that I wrote, you obviously need it." Twilight said as she handed Timber a book and headed to the dining room. SIX MONTHS LATER Timber was in the living room, reading a book. "Oh, now I get it! Hey Twi! I finally get the whole "bun in the oven" thing now!" Timber yelled to Twilight. Twilight facehoofed.