> The Changeling Parade > by Silver Inkwell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Changeling Parade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Changeling Parade Eve wandered around the party mingling with all the other various random ponies that were here, and she went along with her best friend Chris. Chris was a changeling, just in case you didn’t know that already, but you probably do, and no pony minded his presence there since he had very recently saved the town of Ponyville from a very old mysterious and strange disease that could only be cured by the blood of his race and kind, and his very quick actions and thoughts and ideas had saved every pony there and now he was a hero, and that was why there was this parade for him now, to celebrate what he had done. Oddly enough the theme and idea of this party parade was to dress up as something else that was completely different and also something that could and would hide your face, and the purpose behind that was that if any two ponies were in true real love for example then they would automatically know if they met another pony if they were their match and also if they were not. Chris didn’t really believe all this sentimental nonsense and superstition, but he still did appreciate and respect the time, effort, energy, and thought put into and devoted to the idea and theme since he still was being thrown a very big huge party parade in his honor and no pony or person will try to deny something so big and huge no matter how hard they try since we like nice stuff being given to us. He liked the mood, theme, idea, and atmosphere that was in the room, and since Eve liked the food he did too even though he didn’t need to eat since so much love and joy and delight were in this room that it would be more than enough for him. In fact now that he had made a few friends and a family he had been reformed into a new kind of changeling, he had no more holes in him, his wings were shinier, his eyes were still blue but his body now had a more greenish tint that was very subtle to it and he never felt hungry now either because of this, and that is why he concluded that nothing could ever go wrong in his life again so long as he had a few friends around to love him, or just his family instead, because at the end of the day he knew that friendship really was magic. The party parade was thriving and then Chris decided to play a little game with Eve and have some fun, after all, this was a party, why not make it that way? “Hey there Eve,” he said walking up to her smiling since very recently she had given him a kiss, “I was wondering if you would like to play a game with me?” “It depends upon the game,” she said smiling, “What kind of game is it exactly?” “Hide and seek, but way more intense and confusing, here’s what I am going to do, I’ll take the form of another pony and hide in this big huge wide vast crowd. Your job is to find me before the party ends, and once you are sure that you have found the real me you have to say or do something very special to let me know.” “But what if I mess up and get it wrong instead? What will happen then exactly?” “Nothing, except that it will not prove any myth or silly stupid superstition.” “So basically this is a game with no reward at the end then?” she said. “Oh, there is, if you can find me and you guess correctly then there will be a surprise for you at the end, and I trust your instincts and feelings to find me.” “Very well then,” she said plainly and very calmly now then, “I’ll play your little silly stupid game, but don’t expect me to succeed where I can only surely fail.” “Excellent, but I don’t expect you to fail or succeed Eve, I trust you to follow your heart, and if you do that only then will you truly really succeed in the end now.” And with that said Chris smiled and then went off into the crowd making sure that he was out of her sight before he changed into another pony. Okay then, she thought to herself, he’s another pony, but who would he be exactly? No pony is out, but some are less likely than others, he probably wouldn’t dare to be royalty, and he might try to confuse me by being a family member of mine, but I doubt either of those will happen, so who will he be exactly? Would he just be some random various general pony or some pony special, or would he try to be some pony that’s really important instead? I can’t know for certain, so I’ll just have to guess and trust my luck instead. And with that thought in mind Eve slowly searched the crowd for Chris. She took special note of each pony making sure that there weren’t ever two of them, and there weren’t, but then that was when she noticed the Doctor there. He wouldn’t be him, surely not, would he? There would only be one way to find out for absolute certain. Slowly she approached him uncertain of his identity. “Hello there, Doctor,” she said, “It’s nice to see you again, but tell me this, why are you here right now exactly? Surely the world isn’t in some kind of danger? “Nope, I just came to see a good friend, and sorry that I couldn’t be dressed more formally but this was the only thing I could find in my closet,” he said pointing to the bowtie and waistcoat. “Sure thing,” Eve said now then, “But tell me this, where is your sonic screwdriver, surely you have it on you right now?” “Well of course I do, I never leave the Tardis without it,” he said pulling it out, and when he did Eve knew that this was the real true Doctor since only he could and would carry the sonic screwdriver on with him always, and when she finally knew his identity she smiled with joy and delight. “Well, it’s also nice to see that you are who you say that you are, but if you’ll excuse me I must go now, there is a certain changeling hiding in this crowd that I must find and catch.” “Oh, a hunt, who is it and can I join?” he said very excitedly now then. “Sure thing if you want to, I could use the help, but I think that I’m supposed to do this alone, but if we meet again I’ll need to make sure you are who you say you are, so next time we meet why don’t you pull out your sonic screwdriver automatically and I’ll say Doctor, and you can say ‘Who’ when we meet, okay?” “Okay then, fine, got it,” he said smiling as he wandered around in the crowd now then. Okay, she thought to herself now then, who could you possibly be and where are you exactly? You can’t hide forever and I will find you eventually. And with that she then suddenly spotted the main six and thought to herself that he might be one of them, there would only be one way to find out though. “Hello there,” she said going over to the group now, “How are you exactly?” “Well,” Twilight said, “But I suppose that life could be better I guess.” “Well of course it could be! There’s always more parties to be done!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she bounced up and down (Eve quickly concluded that he would never be Pinkie Pie, ever). “Yes, and my fashion shop could be better too, but then again perfection is always something you’ll have to improve upon,” Rarity said. “Yeah, well the Apple Farm is doing okay,” Applejack said now then. “Well I think that life is pretty awesome and amazing as it is,” Rainbow Dash said now then. “Yeah, we’re all just fine,” Twilight said in conclusion now then. “Well I was wondering if any of you have seen Chris around here lately?” “Why, what happened exactly?” “Oh, nothing, I just lost him and now I can’t find him,” Eve said now then. “Haven’t seen him,” they all said, but Twilight looked a little bit more nervous than the rest when she said so. “You’ve seen him, haven’t you?” she said slowly approaching Twilight into the corner of the room, literally now then. “Uh, no, I haven’t,” she said still lying, “Perhaps he went to the bathroom?” “I don’t think so, and I think that you’re hiding something,” Eve said and then she leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “You can drop the act now Chris.” Twilight smiled and then changed back into her real true form. “How did you ever guess?” Chris said smiling now then. “I just felt it, now come on, enough of your silly little stupid games, back to the party,” she said smiling as she led Chris back into the array and then for the rest of the night they had fun as they smiled and laughed and it was one of the best nights that they ever had, and one for the whole entire town too as well.