The Life of a Songbird

by Wendy A Crescent

First published

A month after fulfilling one of Cherry Stellar's greatest fantasies in the depths of the Clocktower Society, her new coltfriend and Master will again push the limits – perhaps to their breaking point – in fulfilling yet another.

A month after fulfilling one of Cherry Stellar's greatest fantasies in the depths of the Clocktower Society, her new coltfriend and Master will again push the limits – perhaps to their breaking point – in fulfilling yet another.

Features: BDSM, Consent, Rape play, Pain Play, Overstimulatie, cute romance, mind breaking, transformation, A Clocktower Wedding, Have I mentioned a ridiculous amount of consent?

Setting: The story is set in the Clocktower Society
Cover and Story Art by: The lovely Manifest Harmony!
Editors: Fuzzy Fabricator, Silent Whisper, Manifest Harmony


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There weren’t many things that scared or even intimidated Cherry Stellar. She always thought of herself as a very brave and confident mare who could take care of anything that life decided to throw at her. But as she sat there on the windowsill, staring out through the open window and watching the sun rise in the east she felt… a sensation of dread and fear welling up inside of her. She wasn’t even sure why, but she felt terrified of the day to come, of what she knew it would bring. It had been coming for a long time. She had planned everything for it, but as she waited for him to arrive she felt scared. Glancing down at the golden badge that she held cradled in her wing, she sighed softly.

It was a plain and simple object. A circular metal badge engraved with “Clocktower” at the top and “Society” at the bottom, the letters following the curve of the badge. In its centre was the oh-so-familiar stylised symbol of a clock tower. She could feel the powerful magic coming from its various enchantments designed to protect her and summon help in case of serious danger. She had been told to always have it on her person, especially considering her high-profile public career as a model in Equestrian society. For as long as she had been a member of the society, she never had to use it. She was certain that she could kick the flank of any pony that tried to mess with her, but she had also heard way too many horror stories from other mares. This wasn’t a situation like that, but holding her badge did fill her with confidence. It was a comfort. Gale was moving in with her and she didn’t quite know what that would mean for her, it could be the best thing ever – or it could be an utter disaster.

Cherry closed her eyes and allowed herself to smile, fondly remembering how she had first met him. She had known this stallion for most of her life. He had been the first Sergeant she had served under. Always relaxed and laid back about things, he was the kind of stallion that would take the entire squad out for beers at the end of the day instead of trying to suck up to the higher-ups. They’d hit it off quickly, although it had never bloomed past a relationship of being best friends. During the years that she spent in the guard their entire unit had gotten a bit of a reputation, and there were many stories she could tell about the hijinks and shenanigans that went on behind those closed doors in the castle. A lot of which involved the then-recently returned Princess of the Night. A few of them involved the Princess of the day, too, though not nearly as many as they would have liked. As Royal guards, they had the privilege and pleasure to see behind the royal facade at times.

Cherry had no regrets about becoming a guard in the first place. She had seen many things happen, and it had shaped her life in ways that she would always remember fondly. There were many ups and downs, but eventually Gale had made Lieutenant, and Cherry became a marksman instructor. But all things eventually come to an end, yet their story didn’t end after she left the guard in favour of pursuing a modelling career. They kept their well-established daily ritual of hanging out. Gale and she had even gone so far as taking Zebra martial arts classes together. Neither knowing the other was a member of the society.

That relationship – and most of her life, if she had to be honest – all changed when Gale had found out she was a member of the society as well. He had been the one to help her live out her ultimate fantasy of being broken down into nothing but his personal pet. It was an experience that she could vividly remember, and she doubted that she would ever forget what he did to her. The memories still sent shivers of excitement down her spine, even if the entire ordeal had been a little over a month ago now. She quite clearly remembered yelling at Gale for not even telling her he was a member, or for that matter even approaching her. Not that she was angry at him. She knew the system for the breaking play didn’t work like that, you signed up and got dragged to the dom without knowing who that dom was until he choose to reveal himself. Still, she just—it had changed their entire relationship so suddenly.

A week after the session he had revealed that the entirety of her ‘breaking’ had been immortalised in a picture album of all things! Cherry hadn’t even been aware of it at the time, but he had been taking pictures of the entire thing. With a small sigh, she glanced over at the offending object on the highest shelf of her bookcase – she had made sure that her mother would never notice it when visiting. Her Mother, who had seen her being dragged off by the Quiet to her inevitable doom at the hooves of her now-coltfriend. She hadn’t shown up yet, and that kind of worried Cherry more than Gale moving in with her. Her mother, Starsong, was perhaps the most terrifying entity in existence. She was a mother. As such, she of course knew everything. And was more than likely going to be giving her a talking to at some point, which promised to be a very nice and certainly not awkward conversation in which she would have to explain everything that had to do with Gale, and probably introduce them. Of course, add to that the fact that her mother is one of the Society’s Den Mothers, who could quite literally appear out of thin air inside of the society, and she could assault her at any moment with an interrogation like she used to when Cherry was growing up.


Meanwhile, in Clocktower Equestria East.

“Oh, come on, Fluttershy!”

“I said ‘no’, Gale. I am not rigging the system like that.” The butter yellow pegasus said firmly.

“You owe me, though!” Gale said with a childish pout, but he shifted uncomfortably before the mare. Fluttershy wasn’t a mare you wanted to anger, not that she would turn physical. No, Fluttershy was worse, she would use the stare. Gale had once been on the receiving end of the stare and it had been enough to turn him from powerful dominant to meek, whimpering sub for a good hour. That was an experience that he did not want to relive. “I bailed you out of the whole Tentacle Pit situation.”

“I know,” Fluttershy sighed deeply. “But it is not fair to the other mares to have Cherry be picked princess unfairly. She, like the others, will have to wait her turn and be drawn fairly. We can’t afford to rig the system like this.” She stomped her hoof softly on the dungeon floor. The clop of her horseshoe against the stone rang out like thunder, more than the poor mare had intended.

They were both in Fluttershy’s private breaking chamber. Gale smiled just a little wider as he looked around. He had been here many times before, though it was always interesting to see how different Fluttershy’s tastes were from his. Where his chambers had the aesthetic of being a temple, Fluttershy had designed her chamber in a way that they felt homely, which was another thing that made Gale feel somewhat unnerved. If he didn’t know better, it would appear as though they were standing in a normal living room. That is, if the living room had a hoof rest and other assorted furniture designed to restrain a slave.

There were even windows enchanted to show a pleasant view and the time of day. It was hard to imagine that this mare was a Master Artisan on par with the others. He had to admit that even he was kind of scared of just how good a dom she was. Normally-rebellious pets that left her chambers did so as good, well-behaved animals. Gale sighed deeply and drooped his ears. “I know, Fluttershy. But… it’s her fantasy.”

“Yes? Along with the fantasy of every mare that signed up, Gale.” The mare retorted with a roll of her eyes. “The answer is no. I am not going to prioritise Cherry. Not unless you can give me a very good reason.” The mare’s words carried an air of finality.

“I would owe you.” Gale eventually said, looking the mare in the eyes for a long moment. “I would owe you a lot.”

Fluttershy let out a long, drawn-out sigh. Gale had her, and he knew it. He also knew that he was doomed. Owing this mare meant that she could ask him anything and he couldn’t say no. “I will… think about it, Gale.”


Cherry let out a small sigh as she looked at the cart being hauled up in front of her building. She saw a few stallions, but notably absent was the golden glimmer of armour she had been expecting. Gale wasn’t with the movers. For a long moment, she wondered if he had gotten held up at the palace which, if she had to be honest, would not be a surprise. The current Captain was well-known for being a hardass when it came to getting things done. Silverbolt, that was her name, Shining Armour’s replacement. Cherry had met her only once before she left.

A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. “It’s open,” she called out, wincing ever so slightly at the foalish pitch her voice took. As the door opened it revealed a tan coloured earth pony stallion with a gentle smile on his muzzle. He carried a rather large box on his back.

"Good afternoon m- oh… well hey, little filly! Where's your mother?" the stallion asked, looking at Cherry and then around the room for a moment, his smile turned a bit awkward.

“Oh, mommy stepped out for a moment to get breakfast!” Cherry said in an excited squeaky voice, grinning at the stallion in foal-like wonder. “Oh, wow, that sure looks heavy, Mister!”

“I… assure you it quite is. Is there… no adult?” He asked nervously, putting the box down beside the door. “I kinda need a signature.”

“Oh, well my daddy should be here soon! He’s moving in today! That’s his stuff!” She pointed to the box. Cherry’s grin grew a little – the stallion had asked for it – and she ran over to take out the toys she had been intending to give to her little brothers. Flopping gracelessly on the couch, she started to play with them, humming softly. “Oh, right, Mommy said to set the boxes there,” she pointed to an empty space on the right side of the room that she had cleared yesterday.

“Eeeh… right,” the stallion said with a very uncomfortable look. But he did as he was instructed, which made Cherry smirk just a touch. Adults were never used to being bossed around by a filly – but she talked with ‘mommy’s’ authority. Watching the other stallions work was incredibly amusing as they brought in Gale’s things – which, admittedly, wasn’t a lot, but it all looked like it was very heavy. For a moment, she wondered if the stallion had brought over his entire weapon collection.
The first stallion was sitting there looking very uncomfortable. She assumed he had to wait for her ‘mommy’ to get home. Throwing her forehooves over the couch, she grinned. “Mommy is a guard just like daddy,” she announced as randomly as only a child would, watching the stallion look increasingly uncomfortable with being in the same room as she was. “They both get to have tea with Princess Celestia!” She boasted, which wasn’t entirely a fabrication. She and Gale had met the Princess and had tea with her during meetings. “She is a very nice pony!” she grinned broadly to finish it off. She was very satisfied with the awkward smile he gave and did a mental hoof pump.

“I… see, that is very impressive!” The stallion said in the most awkward tone ever. For a moment, Cherry felt cruel for doing this, then she remembered that he had instantly assumed that she was a filly without even letting her get a word in. He’d definitely earned this.

She nodded eagerly and flashed a grin up at the stallion. “She is like the most amazing pony ever! When I grow up I want to be a Princess just like her!” That made him gawk, and she smiled that innocent smile of hers, going so far as to use the large, innocent eyes she liked pestering Gale with. Now she felt sorry. She could see the look of utter bafflement on his face. The stallion probably did not have any foals of his own, so she assumed that he had no idea how to even respond to a filly wanting to be like a nigh-divine alicorn Princess. “Like Princess Sparkle!” She announced with a happy, innocent grin.

His eyes shrunk to pinpricks. He was panicking and trying to think up something to say. He opened his mouth for a reply when the soft rattle of armour and a deep chuckle pulled both their attentions to the door. “Now, now my daughter. Don’t bother the nice pony trying to do his job.” Winter Gale said in that low, baritone voice that she adored so much. The stallion was tall, and he looked bigger than he was in his armour. He struck a rather imposing figure with his helmet levitating beside him and his blade at his hip.

“Daddy!” she shouted and rushed over to him, giggling as she nuzzled into his metal-plated chest, pressing herself up close to him. The hoof wrapping around her back was nice and comforting. “Where have you been, daddy? I’ve been alone since Mommy stepped out!” She said, pouting.

“Sorry, daddy had a few things to arrange, my sweet,” he said gently, giving the stallion a pleasant smile, then leaned in, his muzzle close to Cherry’s ear, his whisper barely above a breath. “You’re in so much trouble, my little songbird.” His voice was stern. It was as smooth as honey, yet held a core of cold steel that pressed all the right buttons to make her shudder. Then he pulled away, and approached the stallion, lightly nudging Cherry back to the couch. “Be a good filly and play.”

“I hope she wasn’t too much trouble, we normally don’t leave her alone. If my wife did, it was probably very important.” Gale said by way of explanation. Cherry could hardly even contain her giggle. She had put her coltfriend into a bit of an awkward position, but it was fun! Smiling to herself she listened as the two talked. Gale signed the papers and as the door closed he levelled a stern stare at her.

“Daddy, hmm?” he asked with a small, evil grin. “I didn’t know you were into that. Let’s explore!” he said, and in that moment, Cherry realised that she was totally and utterly doomed.

Chapter 1: You signed us up for what?!

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Everything was a blur to her in the moment. She couldn’t even see past the edge of the bed, not that she would want to. Who in their right mind would want to look at the blinding light of Celestia’s sun when having just woken up? Well, there were the ponies that worshipped her as a goddess, so probably some of them would endeavour to bask in her morning rays as a form of worship. Some ponies were most definitely weird to Cherry. Right now, though, nothing really mattered outside of the warm confines of her bed and her closeness to him.

Cherry was vaguely aware that it was already very late in the morning, or probably almost afternoon, as she turned over once more. Not that she cared about the time right now. It was her Thursday off. It was her day of rest, it was her long weekend alone with Gale – their first long weekend together even! And yet, the Solar Princess seemed intent on hitting her specifically with every possible ray of sunlight in an effort to pry her from her well-earned sleep. In response, the mare turned onto her right side so her back faced the window and buried her muzzle into the soft, fluffy goodness that was her pillow. Cracking open an eye, she smiled just a little bit more as she was confronted with the heavenly whiteness of not her sheets or her pillows, but her stallion. Her beloved, perfect stallion, who lay on his back, hooves pulled up to his chest. His electric blue mane was a tangled mess, and oddly enough a part of it was wrapped around his horn.

Her cheeks felt a little hot as she nuzzled into his broad, muscular shoulder. It had been a few days since Gale had moved in with her, Sunday would mark their first week together! She couldn’t help but smile and giggle softly, finding herself snuggling a little closer to her sleeping coltfriend. He had taken the weekend off and made her dinner everyday and had taken care of her in a way she had previously only fantasised about. Her dream had finally become a reality. She slowly shifted closer, gravitating towards his warmth, even though Celestia’s sun was already doing a perfect job of warming her and the entire room. His warmth was different, more intimate. She wanted to be wrapped in those hooves and feel that sweet sensation of comfort and safety that she could only feel with him. Her lover, her Master.

Her mind wandered back to the previous night, their first proper night together where she hadn’t been home late from work. Where they could take things slow and just enjoy the much simpler things. He had sat her down and groomed her mane and coat, preened her wings without even using magic, he had done it all by hoof! He’d laid her down, pinned her there and used his mouth to attend her wings, taking his sweet time with the entire process. She wasn’t even sure if it had been minutes or hours that had passed like that. What she did know for sure was that he had made her moan loudly from the soft and tender treatment. A fresh, quiet moan passed her lips at recalling the memory, that heat burning between her thighs already. It was way too early for this! But she couldn’t help it. looking up at the stallion – her stallion – she couldn’t help but smile even wider, she was sure she looked like a complete goof in that moment. For a moment, her eyes shifted upwards to the birdcage that hung from its stand. It was her travelling cage and she blushed deeply. Her home inside of her home. He had brought it here… he had suggested using it when having over Society guests, so she could be in there and do her own thing without the stress of social interactions. Not that she disliked interaction, but sometimes it was nice to retreat and not have to bother with it.

He had prepared dinner after the long grooming session, it had been a simple but delicious pasta dish. A dish he had bragged about to her back when they were still in the guard together, and finally she understood why he had bragged about it – it was delicious and the wine that accompanied it made the entire dinner perfect. After that… a shiver of excitement ran down her spine at the memory of sweet love making. It wasn’t like when they were at the Society. There they were playing characters. But here things were different, it had been sweet and gentle. Slow and at the same time it had blown her mind as hard, if not harder, than when he had first dominated her. Well that wasn’t necessarily true, this had been an entirely different experience. Outside of the society they explored a whole different side to each other. The way he had treated her the entire day was how she imagined he would tend to a prize-winning pet bird. She giggled softly, pressing herself to him and murmuring contently as his strong hoof wrapped around her. This was what she needed. His strong and protective embrace.

Gale was the perfect stallion for her. She decided it then and there, he was perfect for her and a part of her felt ashamed that she had never even considered giving him a chance. He was a pleasant blend between a good coltfriend and Master. He seemed to know just when to apply one of his sides. Looking back on it, it seemed so silly and foalish to fear him moving in. Then again, hindsight really was twenty-twenty. She closed her eyes and let the world drift away from her once more as she nestled into his warm side. This was perfect. It was all she had imagined it would be like to be in a stallion’s embrace. Warm, safe, comfortable… happy.


Opening her eyes, she let out a yawn. The difference was striking. The warmth of her lover was gone. Looking around she noticed that the stallion in question was nowhere to be seen. Her huff was halted as her ears perked up, there was a quite tell-tale sizzling of cooking going on in the kitchen. Raising her nose into the air like a predator she started sniffing, wondering what that absolute delicious scent was. It was sweet and savoury.

She didn’t even notice she had gotten out of bed, it was almost like her body was entirely functioning on auto-pilot as she followed that delicious, intoxicating scent into the kitchen. It was still a bit weird to see Gale standing in her kitchen. It was even weirder to see him wearing a hot pink apron with lace trimming that was two sizes too small for him. She couldn’t help but giggle heartily. He was actually wearing her apron.

“Don’t you start with me, Missy!” He said, his voice stern, but with a playful edge to it. His smile was radiant and… Cherry had to admit that the stallion was downright handsome. How had she never seen this before? She had known him for eight years! How could it be that she had never seen it. Sighing inwardly she approached her stallion. This was totally his fault, he is the one that forever changed their relationship. Not that she actually minded. “One more laugh and I’ll take you over my lap and spank you!”

She knew it was an empty threat, playful banter like they always had but there was always that part of her that could see that white furred stallion bending her over the kitchen table and spanking her for real. Her cheeks coloured a little. He wouldn’t just randomly do that, they had rules for play, but… it was hard not to fantasise with him. “Please. Like you’d even dare,” she challenged with a cocky smile, fluttering her wings to stand on the stool she used on the rare occasions that she cooked. “Pancakes? Oh please goddesses tell me I am allowed to have some!”

“Hmm… well, that depends.”


“Are you going to keep being a cheeky filly?” He asked with a sly smirk.

Rolling her eyes at him she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He was calling her cheeky and he was just as bad. She giggled softly. “Fine. If you promise to behave,” Sticking out her tongue she was quick enough with her escape to avoid the spatula that had been poised to smack her on the rump. It had been a week and they already had a morning ritual developed. “Tsk… That’s a bit in the naughty jar.”

Gale rolled his eyes a little. She knew that look very well, it was the look of a stallion regretting the rule he had set up. But that swung both ways. “You’re going to make me regret this jar,” he commented, even as a golden bit levitated over from his uniform coat and clattered into it with the rest.

“Oh please. So dreadful that we have can go for a fancy dinner by the time the jar is full,” Cherry purred, reminding him of the goal. A goal they had both agreed was fun. A romantic candlelit dinner at one of the most expensive places in Canterlot. “Besides, we both agreed to keep us and play separate,” she said that, though her eyes fell on to what was her normal breakfast.

The packaging was plain and simple. An off-white box that was so inconspicuously marked as ‘bird feed’. She was well aware of what it was though, it was a special feed for pegasi submissives. Everything she would need to be a healthy pet. It was most definitely from her favourite store, Mrs. Posy's pet shop in the Society’s pet town. She wasn’t embarrassed to admit that nearly her entire diet now consisted of the stuff, although there were different blends to keep up variation, and some she preferred over others. This was her favourite though, it was a mix of nuts and berries with just a little bit of chocolate.

“Sometimes I wonder if you can make up your mind at all,” Gale commented with a low chuckle as he levitated over the pack of feed with a small smirk. “I remember when I informed you about your new diet, you didn’t speak to me for an entire day! You were so angry…” He trailed off with that goofy smile of his. Was this really the same stallion that had been so rough and cruel with her? Of course it was, but that was a mask he wore. This was the real Gale, a cute and lovable goof – well, kind of.

“If I remember right you said ‘Sweet Celestia’s ploughable plot you are cute when you are angry’ before pouncing me and…” she trailed off herself, blushing. “It’s too early for this!” Cherry protested and with a flutter she was sitting at the table, perched on her modified chair.

Gale let out a small groan as he looked at her over his withers. “Point stands though. You hated the feed until you actually tried it. I’m happy for it though, you look so much healthier.” His radiant smile warmed her heart. She knew he did it because he loved her and she fully understood that. Looking over herself she couldn’t help but agree. Ever since she started the new diet her coat had taken on a much healthier sheen and her wings were absolutely stunning, to a normal pony like Gale they wouldn’t look different but she could see, and feel the difference in texture. Diet was one of the main parts of wing care.

Diet was one of the things she had been neglecting while living alone. Her life was hectic and usually being home late meant having to eat something on the go. Something quick and easy. Which usually meant take-out or plain junk-food. Now though, she was banned from that! She was to take a box of feed with her to shoots, enough to last her the day. She smiled. “You’re right. I mean I hated the idea but… I’ve been feeling so much better!” She flashed a grin at him. “I do get pancakes, right?”

“Of course you do. It’s a Thursday, remember?” Gale commented with that small smirk of his. Of course it was a Thursday, that hadn’t stopped him in the past from serving her feed as normal. Not that she really minded but she wanted pancakes and she wanted them pretty bad. Watching him place the delicious golden brown disks on the table, Cherry leaned in and snatched the first one letting it drop onto her plate.

She winked at the stallion as he took a seat besides her. Her wing extending to gently brush against that soft, furry cheek. “Thank you for making breakfast, my love,” she cooed, even as her other wing was coating the pancake she had claimed as her own with syrup.

“Don’t mention it my love. You know I enjoy cooking,” he said, leaning in to steal a chaste kiss from her lips. She let out a content sigh. Life was perfect like this. This was genuinely all she needed to be happy in her life.

“I know, darling,” Cherry cooed in her singsong voice.

“Oh I did have something I wanted to talk to you about. After breakfast, I mean,” Gale said with a sweet smile, a sweet smile but she knew that look in his eyes. He wanted to have a serious talk about something but she guessed it wasn’t urgent. If it was he would have interrupted breakfast for it.

“Of course love, nothing bad happened I hope?” She asked, she couldn’t help but be just a little bit worried. There was always a chance that Gale would be stationed away somewhere across the country. Not the end of the world but it was something she definitely didn’t like the thought of.

“Oh no! Good heavens no, my little songbird. Actually it’s something I want us to try. Something new and if I can be honest… something that has been a fantasy of mine for… well forever really. Especially after joining the guard,” he smiled lovingly, and she could feel a bit of relief washing over her. She wouldn’t admit it but ‘real talk’ moments did worry her at times. As they weren’t always pleasant.

“Oh my. Mister Royal Guard has a fetish he wants to try,” she giggled and then stole a kiss – a very, very syrupy kiss. Her mouth was covered with it, and she didn’t care. Neither did he. She giggled playfully as her coltfriend simply licked at her muzzle to clean off the sticky mess.

“Sometimes Cherry, I wonder if you really are twenty-seven, or if you are a filly pretending to be an adult mare,” he playfully teased at her.

“Wouldn’t you like to know, which one it is, soldier boy?” Cherry retorted sharply, sticking out her tongue cheekily.


Letting her head rest on top of Gale’s chest, Cherry couldn’t help but smile up at him, watching those toxic green eyes stare down lovingly at her. She could see herself in those eyes, she looked tiny and meek laying there. He had once compared her to prey before a predator and… she couldn’t blame him for that. If he were to take her then and there she wouldn’t resist at all. Neither of them had even really said anything after they’d laid down, not that they needed to. It was a companionable silence filled in with little gestures of attraction. Most were in the form of Cherry nuzzling his broad chest. They’d snuggled up on the couch after sharing the duty of doing the dishes. She wasn’t exactly sure how much time had passed, not that she really cared – he made the most comfortable pillow ever, so things were great.

“So, what was this thing you wanted to talk about, soldier boy?” Cherry practically purred at him, shifting her smaller from to lay higher up on Gale’s chest. She couldn’t really straddle him, at least not effectively. She was far too small for that. She was tiny compared to him, it was like a little filly sitting on her father’s chest in comparison. He could throw her over and pin her easily. Ravish her at his own leisure.

“I want to overthrow a Princess.”

Cherry froze as the words hit her ears. He just… wanted to overthrow a Princess. “YOU WANT TO WHAT NOW!?”

“I want to overthrow a Princess and make her my sex slave,” he said almost casually. Like he wasn’t even suggesting high treason or something. Cherry looked down at him horrified and more than a little scandalised by the fact a royal guard would even dare say that. Then again it’s not an uncommon concept. She herself had starred in a shoot that had literally been what Gale wanted.

“B-but that’s treason!” She protested, surely he wasn’t being serious, right?

Gale chuckled deeply at her response, he gave her a smile that sent shivers of excitement down her spine. It was the same smile that he had when planning something that he was confident she would love. It was the smile she loved seeing. That simple small gesture told her everything she needed to know about this idea and the naughtiness that it promised. “Don’t worry, Cherry, I wouldn’t act on the desire with Celestia or Luna. It’s just a bit of a fantasy I have had for… well, ever, really,” he admitted with a small blush on his pale cheeks.

“O-oh…” Cherry said ever so eloquently. Releasing a breath that she hadn’t even noticed she had been holding. “You’re an ass! Don’t scare me like that!” Cherry pouted at him, even as he giggled uncontrollably. It was just Gale being Gale but… well, she had to admit that the idea was hot. She just wondered what Princess Luna, or heavens forbid Celestia, would think of it if they found out! The scandal that would ensue, she could already imagine the headlines “Lieutenant fantasises about over throwing the Princesses!” It wasn’t long before she joined Gale in his giggles.

Coming down from his merriment Gale smiled up at her lovingly “Well my little songbird, have you heard of the new wing opening in the Society?” he asked in a soft whisper with a sly and playful smirk present on his muzzle. He of course knew that she hadn’t, she could see it in his eyes. This was all a massive game to him.

“No? What’s the theme?” She asked, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

“Well it’s called the “The Fall of a Kingdom”. It’s actually a pretty large wing that runs all the way from the upper dungeons down to root,” he explained, then quite suddenly tumbled the two of them over on the couch so he was pinning her down on her back with a broad smirk. “It’s the tale of a kingdom falling to a military coup. More interestingly, it’s stallions rising up against the rule of mares.”

Cherry struggled playfully under her stallion, weakly kicking and thrashing giving him a ‘not funny’ glare. “And you want to join it?” she asked.

“I do, if I can be honest with you, my sweet. I have been wanting to do this kind of play with you for a long time. Don’t tell anypony, but I have had this fantasy for a long, long time,” he sighed softly and kissed her on the nose with a gentle smile. “Not that I would ever depose our beloved princesses but the idea is, if I may, kind of hot.” He admitted without even a hint of shame over it!

“You’ve already signed us up haven’t you?” Cherry asked perking her eyebrow a little.

“Of course!” Gale said way too cheerily.

“It’s tonight isn’t it?”


“Sometimes I hate you,” Cherry said with a roll of her eyes, but she couldn’t help but smile. She loved the stallion and had to admit that the idea of it sounded really exciting. She had no idea what to expect, but then again it couldn’t be anything that was rougher than what he had put her through when Gale had made her his.

“Please. You don’t mean that!” He announced, his tone shifting to something more imperious sounding, his eyes hardening as he looked down at her with feigned disdain. “You know your place, mare. Or do I need to take you back to my personal studio to… reeducate you?” he asked, the threat clear in his voice. It turned her on like nothing else, the threat of him breaking her all over again was so tempting!

“I-I remember my place, Master.” She mewled softly, already feeling the heat between her hind legs. Then with a small smirk “That’ll be one bit in the jar, soldier boy.” She chuckled, the look of utter bafflement on his face was really worth it!