> Farewell Spike > by Midnight Ronin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Goodbye.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It has to happen...It’s for the best.” Twilight looked down at the letter in front of her on the desk, a letter that arrived earlier that day and put a stop to everything. “So...w-what should I do?” Princess Twilight looked towards the solar monarch who was gazing out of the window of Canterlot Castle, looking over the landscape of Equestria with an unfolded parchment floating beside her, gripped in her golden mana. Celestia closed her eyes then look towards her faithful student. “This… is a very hard decision Twilight, it’s..a decision I can’t decide for you..or your friends. You must decide on what to do yourself.” She slowly passed the parchment back to Twilight who held it in her magic. “Go home and discuss this with your friends. Even though I helped in raising him, best I could when he was born, it is you and your friends who are the closest to his heart.” Twilight’s ears folded back as her only hope was shattered. She strongly wished that Celestia would be against it all, but that wasn't the case. “The only advice I can give you is this, Princess Twilight.” Twilight looked into the eyes of her mentor as she spoke. “When I sent you to Ponyville, I did it because I knew it would be best for you, so I encourage you to do the same. Do what you believe is best for Spike….” “He’ll be able to grow better with them th-than with me...and everypony in Ponyville… It’s just as Princess Celestia sent me from Canterlot to Ponyville to learn and grow, I must do the same… and he will be able to live happier with them…I need to follow the lessons my mentor had taught me….” “You’ve helped me so much… You were always there for me.. You became more than just my friend, you became... my brother…” Twilight’s ears folded back as tears welded up in her eyes. “Twilight?” Twilight recognized the voice immediately, a voice that she would never want to forget, ever. She quickly wiped her eyes before turning to the source. “Oh, Spike.” Twilight tried her best to give her best smile to her number one assistant. Spike stood a few feet from Twilight with a small bag beside him. “Are...are you sure you will be alright...without me?” “O-Of course, Spike!” Twilight did her best to show as much resolve in her decision as possible. After all, any other action would make her seem selfish and that wouldn’t be fair to him and it wouldn’t be right for someone who bears the title “The Princess of Friendship”. No. She knew what had to be done. As much as it tore her up inside, she had to do it. “Spike... “ Twilight took a few steps to Spike until she was face to face with him. “I will be fine.” She wrapped both hooves around the young dragon, pulling him into a warm embrace. “You’ll be able to thrive so much more there than here with me.” Twilight nuzzled the top of his head as she looked down at him. “They’re your family.” Spike returned the hug as he closed his eyes, wanting to imprint the warmth between them into his memories. “But, you're my family too, Twi, you and the girls.” Twilight smiled at that, but soon reluctantly broke the hug. As she gazed into his emerald eyes, her lip quivered as her mind tried to get her mouth to speak the words that was coursing through it. “Spike, I…” She was soon interrupted by a knock on the door which was then opened by a dark blue aura and in the doorway stood the night ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna. “It is time.” Princess Luna looked to the alicorn princess and the purple dragon beside her. “P-Princess Luna.” Twilight and Spike bowed before leaning back up.”Right! Are you ready Spike?” Twilight asked as she looked to the dragon. Spike took a deep breath before nodding with a “Yes.” And with that, both Twilight and Spike walked outside of the Castle of Friendship where they were greeted by the day ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia, her royal guards who surrounded the area, keeping all other ponies outside of the perimeter besides their friends, the ones who made up the Elements of Harmony. “Spike,” Princess Celestia started as Spike and Twilight stopped on the last castle step. “Now while you’re there, I don’t want you to just goof off, understand? I want you to send me a letter of your discoveries. You’re to tell me what you’ve eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, what time you fall asleep and what time you awake. I want you to tell me all about the new friends you gain and the new friendship lessons you will learn.” Despite her stern commands, Celestia warmly smiled as she looked down at the smiling drake before placing a hoof around him and giving him a hug. ‘You just can’t stop mothering him, can you sister?’ Princess Luna thought as she watched the display. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll definitely write everyday. I’ll spare no details in anything I’ve experienced.” Spike slowly broke the hug and looked up at the white alicorn who took a step back as he was soon tackled by the pink party mare of Ponyville. “P-Pinkie Pie!” Spike grunted loudly as the party mare delivered her signature Pinkie hug on the dragon, whose scales were slowly turning blue from the lack of oxygen. “Oh, Spikey, it just won’t be the same without you!” Spike was unresponsive to Pinkie’s words as he was starting to go limp in her grip. Somehow her hug was tightening even more, as if she was trying to merge his body with her own. Even the sound of bones cracking could be heard if you listened closely. “Pinkie Pie!” An alabaster unicorn said as she made her way over to them. “Let him go dear, I know you don’t want him to go, but choking him isn’t going to help any.” This caused Pinkie Pie to come to her senses as she quickly let go of Spike who started gasping loudly for air. “Heh, sorry, Spike, I just got carried away.” Her ears flattened down against her head as her hair deflated some. After a few more needed gasps of precious air Spike placed a claw on Pinkie Pie with a smile. “I-It’s okay Pinkie, I understand.” This action caused Pinkie to return back to her joyful self as her hair poofed back up. He then turned his attention to the mare of his dreams, the one pony he saw as perfection and desired to be with her the moment he laid eyes on her. A mare of such beauty and class that even her own name spoke volumes about who this mare was and what you would expect from her. “ Rarity…” Spike looked up at the fashionista as she gave him a warm smile. “So Spike,” The unicorn began “I…” Tears started to form in the edges of her eyes as she looked into the eyes of her dear friend. “I… I… Oh, I CAN’T TAKE IT!” Rarity threw her hooves up in the air before grabbing the young drake and pulling him into a tight hug with an assault of smooches all across his head and cheek. “I’ll miss you so much Spikey Wikey, you’re one of the most generous and caring gentledrakes I know!” Spike was the only dragon she knew, but he got the message. “I’ll miss your helping claws when getting through my seasonal workline and our many gem hunting escapades. While ignoring the dirt and all of the weird things that happened during said adventures like those Diamond Dogs, I really enjoyed having you with me.” Rarity planted another kiss on his head, which has been getting redder as time went on. “Spike?” Rarity looked down at the now red scaled drake. Before Rarity could question his silence, in a burst of wind, Spike was glomped by the mare of speed and adventure, Rainbow Dash. “R-Rainbow Dash! What in heaven's name are you doing!?” Rarity glared at the cyan pegasi who started to barraging Spike’s head with noogies. “All that mushy stuff wasn’t helping the situation Rares, if anything it was making Spike’s decision harder.” Rainbow gave the fashionista a smirk as she turned to face the flustered dragon. “Look Spike, you’re a kind dragon and all, but don’t let that stop you from putting those muscle head dragons in their place if they cross you, got it?” Rainbow says as she poke Spike in the chest with her hoof. Spike chuckled some as he looked at his cyan friend. “Sure Dash, but...you know I can’t fight.” He said with worry. This earned Spike a jab in the arm as the rainbow mare gave him a smirk. “Well even if you can’t, you still have a brain doofus.” She then tapped him on the head to emphasize. “You’re a smart kid, so I know you’ll have a plan or two to get you through anything bad.” As Rainbow gazed into his eyes, she felt tears well up in them, but soon gave him a quick hug before floating back, while wiping any liquid that might be seen from her eyes, as Ponyville’s animal caretaker walked up to them from the side. “Now Rainbow Dash, you shouldn’t encourage Spike to do anything that would put him in harm’s way.” The mare gave him a soft smile before embracing him in a gentle hug. “All you need to do is show them some kindness and they will return it.” “Fluttershy, thank you…” Tears started to stream out of his eyes as he slowly tighten the hug he shared with her. Everypony’s last words to him had finally gotten to him. Once he had accepted what Twilight said he needed, he told himself that he wouldn’t cry, he would stay strong so no pony would worry for him, but this was too much to bear. These six ponies he saw as his family, he would soon leave behind and who knows when or if he will ever see them again. This was the end of a wonderful life he had in Ponyville. “Oh Spike…” Fluttershy cried as she returned his tightened hug. “Before I met you, I was afraid of dragons, well I….. still am, but I’ve improved so much by being around you. I never knew a dragon could show such kindness, and you showed me in so many ways that not all dragons are the same, some can be kind just like you…” After saying this, Fluttershy realized something. “Spike I…..I don’t want you to go...…” As more tears streamed from Fluttershy eyes, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie joined them in a group hug. Twilight watched as she stood between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. As she was about to approach the group, a horn was blown as one of the royal guards yelled. “Princess, they approach!” The royal guard pointed to the horizon, which Twilight and the other ponies turned their attention to. In the distance three silhouettes flew towards them. Two of the silhouettes were much bigger than the center one that was a head of the three as it led them. “The time has come…” Twilight looked at the figures as they were slowly revealed to be dragons. Several ponies who wanted to watch, stayed close to the doors of their homes, while some only watched from the windows. Before any of this had started Twilight took great care in informing Ponyville’s citizens about the dragons arrival and that they should remain in doors or at least away from the area. As the five Element holders heard the news of the new arrivals, they reluctantly let go of Spike as Applejack looked to him. “Now Spike,” She gave the dragon a stern expression as he looked at her. “I don’t know a lot about dragons, but I know you. And I know you would like to eat nothing but gems if you had the chance and as much as I would believed that that is a natural part of a dragon’s diet, you should also eat your fruit and vegetables. I don’t want you to fill up on just gems, you hear?” Spike gave the farmer a tight hug before replying with a “I will, Pinkie Promise”. As soon as Applejack and Spike broke their hug, the farmer dropped a somewhat heavy bag in his hand. “W-What’s this?” Applejack gave Spike smile as she replied, “Just a bag full of my family’s sweet red apples.” She leaned in before poking him in the stomach with her hoof while giving him a grin as Spike leaned back with nervousness seen in his toothy smile. ”You actually think that I’m going to leave you to eat the right foods? Just take good care of yourself.” Applejack then gave him one more hug before stepping back as the dragons landed in the perimeter. All three alicorns walked up to the new arrivals, Twilight took note of the two larger dragons that was behind the dragon in front, then stopped. She recognized the middle dragon, the middle dragon who had a female frame with a light blue skin tone and gold armor that just covered the chest area. She was a friend. “Glad you could make it, Princess Ember.” “Yes, I’m glad I could make it here. This was something I had to be a witness to.” She looked over at Spike as he gazed up at the other two dragons who stood side by side with each other in utter shock. Both dragons were equal in size, but with slight differences. The dragon to the right was very bulky, donning a dark shade of purple scales that covered the entire body with a set of light gray scales that started under the chin and went down horizontally, going under the belly all the way to the underside of the long tail that laid on the ground. As Spike looked into the bronze colored eyes of this dragon, he knew that this dragon before him was his father. It was as if by natural instinct he knew who they were and they to him and this wasn’t just for the fact that the other dragon that must be his mother, was clearly a female with her slender form and from the way her bone structure was compared to the male dragon to her left. Plus she had the exact same scale color as Spike and for the fact that her eyes were the same emerald green that has. As Spike looked to them he knew that they were his parents, the ones he always wondered if they were dead or alive, the very dragons who was responsible for bringing his egg into existence. He had so many questions and he was finally about to get the answers to them, but before he could utter a single word to the very dragons that brought him into the world, a voice called out to him from behind. “Well Spike, are you ready?” Princess Ember walked around him, stopping at his side. “The journey back will be long and we will have to discuss a few things.” As Princess Ember talked to Spike, Twilight’s mind was elsewhere. While she was looking at them, she wasn’t listening. ‘This is for the best Twilight. He will be happier with them than being with us in Ponyville. After all they are his kind. He needs to learn to be a dragon rather than pony. It’s not like he can remain that small dragon forever. When he gets older and bigger, it will be very hard for him to be accepted in a pony society. Being with them will at least help him have a better life than what he could gain with me and the others. It has to be done…’ As Twilight was lost in thought, a hoof touched her back, startling the purple alicorn as she looked up to sun princess. “Are you okay? You haven’t spoken to Spike since you two arrived out here… You should say a few words before he leaves.” Celestia looked down at her once student before looking over to see Princess Ember stepping aside from Spike as he turned to his best friend, before walking over. “Well...this is it, huh?” Spike slowly rubbed the back of his head. Twilight gave him a warm smile before hugging him. “Yes it is and I wish you the best.” Spike returned the hug as he felt her warmth cover his body like it did before. As he held her he whispered into her ear. “If...you want me to stay, Twilight, I-” “No, Spike,” Twilight started. “You need to learn more about your culture, there are things that ponies just don’t know about dragons and the dragons will be able to help you through it…. Remember when you went on your greed growth spurt?...I couldn’t help you…. No pony could. You only turned back because your sheer will that was triggered through memories… I wouldn’t be of any help to you.” Twilight leaned back to look at her dragon friend as he did the same, both locking eyes before Spike nodded and gave her a smile. “Okay, Twilight…. Thank you so much for raising me. In a way I…” Spike blushed as he broke his gaze and looked to the side. “Saw you like a mother and at times, like a sister and I...well.. Just thank you, Twilight.” He looked to her with a smile that was quickly fading as his eyes started to glisten with tears. “Spike..” Twilight’s ears slowly folded back as she reached a hoof out to him, only for him to quickly turn around. “W-Well, I better get going.” He sniffed as he started to make his way over to the awaiting dragons before turning to face Twilight again.”I’ll make sure to send you letters of what I’ve learned in the Dragon Lands.” This earned Spike a small smile from Twilight as she looked to him. “I’ll look forward to what you send me. Leave out no details!” Twilight grinned as she waved to her friend as he grabbed his bag and the bag of apples before slowly climbed on the back of the female dragon. “I will, promise!” Spike waved to her then to his other friends. “Perhaps I’ll see you again in the future!” Rainbow Dash flew up to him and gave him one last noogie before floating back some. “Heh, you bet! And hey if you ever grow wings, be sure to let us know. I’ll have Twilight send you letters of my amazing flight patterns. Even if I can’t help you out face to face, I can at least give you something to work on.” She smiled to him before floating back down, landing beside her other friends. Princess Ember looked to the two dragons behind her then to Twilight and her friends. “Good bye everyone, I’m sure you will see Spike again one day.” She looked back to the dragons and nodded her head before shooting off the ground in one powerful leap before flapping her wings to become airborne. This same method was used by Spike’s parents as they two launched themselves upwards before flying off into the distance, their bodies slowly becoming silhouettes in the sky. Twilight watched as Spike became harder to see. ‘He will be happier with them… he will... be a-able to… to.’ Twilight felt water drip down her cheeks and it wasn’t raining. No, these were from her. “S-Spike..” Twilight’s eyes widen to the realization of what just happened, she would never be able to see her number one assistant again, she will never be able to hear his voice, to see his smile, she will never be able to hug him ever again. What has she done? To everyone’s shock, Twilight galloped into the direction Spike left. “What have I done! What have I done! Spike!”Mentioning his name caused more tears to stream down her cheeks, leaving a trail in the dirt path as she ran after him, so distraught over losing her best friend, she didn’t even think to use her wings for flight or even use her magic to teleport to him. She just ran. ‘Do what you believe is right Twilight.’ Celestia’s voice echoed in her mind. ‘I was the one who hatched him.’ ‘I was the one who fed and raised him.’ ‘He belongs to me. He’s mine. My son and my brother. He’s my family just like Shining is to me. He’s apart of my family.’ ‘Why did I let him leave? Why didn’t I prevent him from leaving?’ ‘And now he’s...he’s…’ As Twilight ran she took a misstep and fell to the ground, sliding across the gravel until she came to a stop. She laid there for a while in silence before she tried to lift herself up, only to collapse back onto the ground sobbing Spike’s name after her resolve had finally broken. “Spike... Spike..Spike.....” Twilight called out for him, wishing that he would hear her call and come running back to her. Each time she called out for him, she remember all the times she had with him, memories of him that will never fade from her mind, but also memories that will never expand with the purple dragon being apart of it. These memories are the last pieces of him that she has. Twilight was soon enveloped by 5 other who shared her tears with her and there they stayed for an indefinite amount of time, gazing into the direction that their dear friend had departed too. In the end they had to say goodbye.