> Changeling Assimiliation > by PonyThunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Changeling Assimilation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background music The events that immediately transpired after the defeat of Chrysalis and the reformation of the changelings were filled to the brim with joy and optimism. What seemed for so long to be an impossibility had suddenly become a reality. The changelings had radically transformed from their weak and feeble state into something vibrant and beautiful. Their hardened and sinister exteriors were merely a mask that they had worn for so long that all, including themselves, believed to be their true selves. Nopony knew that what lay underneath was a loving, peaceful race like any other. For several days after, that was the perception. The changelings were finally redeemed, and it seemed as though everypony was excited to welcome them with open hearts and open hooves. But soon, the optimism faded and those who didn't feel that way began to voice their opinions. And as they spoke outwardly, their voices grew louder as others felt more secure in joining in. Suddenly, the public perception appeared to have shifted. There were still plenty who were ready to accept the changelings as they had accepted others, but speaking out from either side often resulted in heated disputes. In a matter of days, it became evident that something needed to be done or conflicts would continue to rise within the kingdom. Twilight found herself called into council with Celestia and Luna. For the most part, her duties as princess of friendship were mostly straightforward, and as such she didn't often have much a role in the more political aspects of leadership. But tensions were growing, and they were desperate to reach the correct conclusion on what to do. She trotted through a long, tall hallway towards a meeting room in the Canterlot castle. Several security guards adorned the sides of the door in front of her and opened it when she arrived. She noticed that the castle grounds appeared to have more guards than usual, and she began to wonder why as she walked through the entrance and the door shut behind her with a powerful thump. She began to ponder the reasons, but her thoughts were immediately interrupted by the sounds of a heated argument coming from the opposite side of the room. Celestia and Luna were sitting at a large, round table much like the one Twilight had in her castle. It was solid stone, likely carved out more than a millennia ago. That table had probably been present for countless discussions and arguments in its long history, and now she was about to take part in the next. Luna and Celestia both seemed very irritated with each other. "All I'm saying," said Celestia, "is that how can you suggest we don't allow any of them to become a part of the kingdom? They didn't do anything wrong, they were just misguided is all." Luna sighed. "We've been going around in circles for hours now. You think we should just open up ourselves with open hooves to these creatures, but how can we be sure this isn't just another cunning plan?" Celestia scoffed. "Everything is a cunning plan or an attempt at backstabbing, isn't it? Why can't we just assume for once that our supposed enemies have good intentions?" "Assume? You think we should assume everything will be fine?" Luna replied, audibly irritated. Celestia opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Luna. "Kingdoms aren't built on assumptions!" "You're right," Celestia replied angrily, "they're built on love and compassion." Luna snorted, putting a hoof to her forehead. "There's just no reasoning with you. I understand that we can't just completely allow the changelings to assimilate, but you're acting like we have to accept them and open ourselves completely to them despite the threat they pose." At this point, neither had even noticed Twilight standing out in the open as she watched the argument unfold. It hurt her to see them argue with such hostility towards each other. She had always known them as two of the most level-headed ponies she'd ever known, but here they were hurling words at each other, their voices echoing against the walls. Celestia opened her mouth to respond once more but noticed her and smiled. "Twilight, I didn't notice you there. Surely you can agree with me that the changelings should be allowed to completely assimilate into the kingdom? Don't you agree this talk from my sister is outright ridiculous?" Twilight stood frozen, unsure of what to say. It wasn't like Celestia to put her between the two of them like this. On one side, she found herself agreeing with Celestia that the changelings should be allowed complete rights from the get go, but the nagging thought that it may cause problems was there as well. If they immediately let the changelings into the kingdom, allowed them to live among everyone, there could be more problems that could arise. It's true that their kind had been reformed and they were no longer under the rule of Chrysalis, but that didn't guarantee every changeling would uphold those values. All it would take is a handful of changelings to decide to use their powers for bad, and a lot of damage could be done. It's possible that-- "Well?" Luna interrupted Twilight's thoughts several seconds after Celestia had asked for her opinion. "I...I don't know." "What?" said Celestia. "I don't understand. How could you side with her on this?" Twilight snapped back to reality. She wasn't sure where her opinion lay just yet. On one hoof, she felt sick just thinking about taking Luna's side. But on the other, she knew that simply accepting all changelings with open hooves was a dangerous idea. "I'm not siding with either of you." The air was silent, and she continued. "I think we need to incorporate ideas from both sides." Celestia interrupted her. "I just don't see how you can honestly say we shouldn't let them all join our kingdom. They're changed!" "That's true," said Twilight, "but not all are. The changelings were very close to Chrysalis, and I have no doubt in my mind that some of them will have run off to join her after her refusal to change. It's entirely possible she has an army, albeit still small, that could easily infiltrate the kingdom if we were to allow all changelings free reign. They could do a lot of damage." "See?" said Luna. "At least she agrees with me. Why can't you accept that we can't let the changelings in?" "I'm not saying we should disallow all changelings to enter either, Princess Luna." Both princesses were stoically silent, until Celestia began to speak, this time more calmly. "So what do you propose?" She thought for a moment. The pressure was beginning to build up on top of her. It seemed like so short ago that her life was simple and carefree, and now she was being expected to make complex decisions like this one and to give advice to ponies that had been in leadership for longer than a millennia. But she shook it off and delivered what she thought was the best plan of action. "I propose that we implement a system for assimilation. A series of tests that can distinguish between true changelings and those who are still under allegiance to Chrysalis. I know first-hoof just how radically different these new changelings are. They're nothing like the sinister changelings from before, and in more ways than simple appearances. We can have changelings who desire to become citizens undergo several tests to gather data about how they react to certain things. I can devise a system that takes these variables and discerns if they are with Chrysalis or not." Celestia and Luna looked to her and both were nodding heads. The tense atmosphere of the room was beginning to dissipate. She continued. "The biggest test will be simple: unreformed changelings will be thirsty for love, and we all know that when they are near immense love that their inhibitions are greatly reduced." Celestia spoke up. "We can ask for assistance from Cadence for that. She is the princess of love, after all." Luna found herself agreeing with both of them. "We can get in contact with Thorax to devise the tests as well." "Yes," Twilight replied with a smile. "Who better than a changeling to tell us who is real and who is not?" Celestia spoke. " I admit that it's rather unlike the values we typically adhere to, but as you said: with Chrysalis still at large, we can't risk another infiltration. "I...hadn't considered any alternatives," said Luna. "When Chrysalis has been neutralized or shows that she has been redeemed, then we can do away with these rules and allow the changelings in like any other." "Yes, that sounds like a good plan of action," said Celestia. "Thank you, Princess Twilight. Where would we be without your level-headed advice? I don't think my sister and I would have ever left this room had you not arrived." Twilight smiled. It felt like she was finally beginning to understand her true role as the princess of friendship. In time, she was sure that the threat Chrysalis still posed to the kingdom would be dissipated, but in the interim before that time the only logical course of action was to be careful, yet optimistic. In many ways, her role was about extending the offer of friendship to creatures of all shapes and sizes, but sometimes it was simply about being the glue between two friends who had lost sight of what the other was saying.