> Fall of Equestria: Outbreak > by Head of Common Mockery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Demons of Canterlot Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thousands of years ago during the rule of the twin sisters, there was no Canterlot. There was a mountain Swiss cheesed by mines. The mines were filled with a great many valuable gems and crystals, as the mountain was a strange geological place. It was strange from the sheer amount of precious gems and crystals that were found, and they found literally everything known to ponykind. Diamonds, rubies, topaz, amethysts, the list goes on. They found enough gems to lower the price of jewelry for over hundreds of years, and it would've gotten better... If it wasn't for the worst discovery known to the Princesses... One day, a miner decided to dig away at the deepest shaft in the mine. He was a red unicorn in a plaid flannel and a pair of jeans who brought down a pickaxe and a shovel. He picked and shoveled at the shaft, making it ever so deeper as he worked away the hours, until he hit a stone that would not break by his pickaxe. He picked the stone around it, and found that it was covered by symbols in an unfamiliar tongue. He touched the stone with his hand, and it revealed to be a door to a room filled with strange eggs that seemed to connected to an almost artistic cocoon-like substance that coated the surface. He light up his horn, walked into the room, and was never seen again. Due to his disappearance, a squad of Royal Guards was sent to investigate the way he went down. They disappeared along with him, so a Royal Guard camp was made in front of the shaft where the ponies disappeared to make sure that no pony entered and to capture whatever caused the disappearances. Celestia had communication with the camp through magic crystal mirrors that showed what was happening through the sister mirror, and she watched in horror as she saw exactly what caused the disappearances. It was a black creature that was around the same size as the the guards it sliced it's way through. It had sharp claws on it's hands and hooves along with black blades in it's arms. It also had a small mouth within it's mouth, which Celestia found out about as the small second mouth punched straight through a guard's head. Through the helm and everything. Celestia roughly recognized it as a Tarkatan, a race of humanoids from Shao Kahn's Outworld that have retractable bone blades in their arms. But this creature isn't even a full Tarkatan, it just has similar teeth and blades in it's arms. Then it hit her when another of the black creatures ran up. This one had more normal teeth and a Unicorn's horn on it's head. These creatures must've been some kind of as far as she was concerned, and she wanted to find a cure. She had many of her best guards and unicorns go down the shaft to capture these poor infected ponies and the Tarkatan, only to lose every one to the infected. After every loss, she had herself and her sister go down into the shaft of many disappearances and deaths. When the Sisters of Equestria made it to the shaft, they were horrified by what they saw. They saw the black cocooned walls of the shaft and found the bodies of every pony that disappeared. It was then that they found out that this was no infection. It was an infestation. Luna was ambushed by the Tarkatan-like creature, but she captured it in a field of powerful magic. Not the levitation kind, but a magic that encased the creature in a magic stasis crystal. The sisters went back to their castle where Celestia and a group of the smartest scientists in all Equestria studied the life from. They deemed it a xenomorphic life form, and ended up giving it the identification of Xenomorph as all known evidence pointed towards the creatures giving victims parasites and these parasites grew into becoming these Xenomorphs. They also thought that the parasites gained some physical and visual traits from their host when they grew full size, such as the sighted Unicorn Xenomorph or their captured Tarkatan Xenomorph... But the Tarkatan born Xenomorph had escaped when Luna lost concentration. It ripped and tore its way through through castle guards until Luna captured it again, and this time it was encased in a spellbound crystal. After the gathered research, the sisters determined that these creatures are too dangerous to be allowed rights. Due to this, they banned mining in Canterlot Mountain, due to an outbreak of the Demons of Canterlot Mines. Demons encased in a spellbound crystal that was locked by the the words "Shall no one for any reason release these horrid creatures. Shall they remain in an eternal slumber and never waken, for they are too dangerous to kill. That was enough years ago for Celestia to build a castle on top of the mines when Luna was corrupted by Nightmare Moon and destroyed the old castle. Celestia worried about the spell. She worried that it would break one day. She also worried specifically about the Tarkatan born Xenomorph, because it seemed to hold intelligence in the way it almost skillfully killed everything that it did. And Luna cast the spell that trapped the Xenomorphs in their crystal prison, Celestia didn't want to risk waking the Demons. So the Tarkatan born Demon remaind hidden within the very stone walls of the new castle at the new Canterlot, with a powerful magic to hide the Demon more. After a while, it became known as the Demon of Canterlot Castle. And it remained hidden... But no one can truly predict the random happenings that the future holds. A thousand years later, when Celestia found the Elements of Harmony, when she got her sister back, when The Changelings attacked, when The Crystal Empire returned... She would have never predicted that the clans of the Viking Caribou would collect into one empire under one name... And that name was Dainn, the king of the Caribou Empire. After the quiet town of Lindisbarne was stormed, after the several towns after were taken over, after Canterlot was invaded, after an entire gender was forced into slavery... Celestia knew what she had to do. She was easily captured, but only because she was found trying to do something that almost backfired. She tried to hide the Demon of Canterlot Castle... Celestia is flying away from the sound of armored warriors that are after her. They want her for her body, but they don't know the importantance of what she's trying to do. She's trying to find where she had the Tarkatan born creature hidden so she can have its prison's magic presence hidden from the Caribou. She doesn't even know what they would do with the things, as they truly can't be tamed. They would likely try to enslave them and release the beasts to wipe out everything. Where she needs to be isn't too far away, but what matters is how much she will be able to concentrate. "This should be the room." Celestia tells herself, too tired to think to herself, "Now concentrate, 'Tia. The lives of many depend on this." Celestia's horn glows inside a room, and the light reveals an empty closet. It was left empty ever since construction out of the claim that hissing could be heard from time to time. As Celestia felt exactly what she was looking for, she heard the warriors behind her. Three of them, all strong, large, and hungry Caribou looking right at what they were told to bring to Dainn.... And he said they get to try her first. Behind the Caribou, a War Beast follows closely behind as a secondary means to stop Celestia. If she kills the warriors, the War Beast would attempt to overwhelm her. You never know, she is an Alicorn. "So, Celestia." One of the Caribou says in a dark tone that's filled with a thirst, "What are we trying to do right now? Create a trap?" "Please, let me seal it for good!" Celestia pleads, trying to gain the concentration to seal the Tarkatan hybrid with a stronger spell. "Seal what for good?" A second Caribou ask, this one with a higher pitch and a more joyous voice. "Your mouth? I can use my cock for that!" "I need to seal the Xenomorph in the walls of this castle, or we will all fall!" Celestia warns the warriors. The last Caribou doesn't say a thing until he feels Celestia's legs and kicks her to the ground, causing sparks to fly from Celestia's horn. As the sparks fly, a sharp screech goes off, but is unheard by the warriors. "I don't know about those two," the third Caribou says, this one with a more leading and psychotic tone "but I don't care what you're trying to do. You're going to be our king's bitch! If it was up to me, I would break horn and rip your wings off. But I have orders against doing so, Dainn doesn't want to take your horn and wings like he's done with ever other mare in your precious Equestria. He's going to fuck you until you break and surrender to him. You cannot stop this, slut." "PLEASE!!! I Don't Care What You Bastards Do To Me, I Need To Save Us All From A Horrible Creature That Will Kill Us All!" Celestia yells out in great anger. "What even is a 'Xenomorph'?" The third Caribou asks. "Long ago before this castle stood, this mountain was used for mining precious gemstones and crystals." Celestia says, trying to be as clear as possible, "It's still filled with enough crystal and gems to make anyone richer than anything on this world. But all mining stopped because of a discovery that's responsible for the deaths of many. We discovered these creatures that use others to grow and incubate their young. And they gain physical traits of their hosts. Have you ever heard of Tarkatans?" "In children's stories, yes." The third Caribou says, "Creatures from another world that supposedly have blades in-" The wall behind Celestia begins to melt, "Oh, I see. You district us from our job so you can melt the room, is that it?" The leader removes the armor that protects his groin, and tosses it aside. It reveals his erecting member as he smirks, "I will have your innocence, slut. Nothing can-" *ssssssssssssssss* "What was that?" The first Caribou asks. *hhhhhhhhhhi-huuuuuuuuuu* "I have failed. I have failed you all..." Celestia utters before a tail with a spiked tip points down at Celestia's back *RESESESESESESESESESESE* Celestia is impaled by the tail, is flung into a newly melted hole in the wall, and a black creature is revealed... The Tarkatan Xenomorph. It stands tall, reaching eight feet in hight. It's head is a somewhat long dome that reflects the faces of the soon-to-be victims. Ittbody is bulky, covered in muscle and ribbed surfaces of many different kinds. And on it's arms are the tips of what appear to be black spears of some kind. It's almost artistic appeal towers over the Caribou that have no clue what horrors this creature is capable of. "Boss, I have a bad feeling about this thing. " The higher pitched Caribou says. The creature growls as it stares at the fur covered warriors. "Oh, spare me the dramatic entrance, beast!" The leader says, sounding too confident about himself. He draws out a sword and points it at the abomination, "I have fought against many, and you will just become another forgotten face." He swings is sword into position, and charges for the alien, "Die!" The creature screeches as the leader swings his sword at the creature, only for one of the spearheads to extend into a full sized blade and block the swing. It's second spearhead extends into a blade as well, and impales the leader of the three Caribou, "GAH!!!... What-uh black sorcery conjured you?" The Xenomorph lets set another screech as it slices the Caribou's head off, and the others watch in horror as their leader has just been killed. The War Beast catches the excitement, and charges into the doorway, only for its massive body to become stuck in the stone that the entire castle is made from. The Xeno looks over to the beast and leaps into its head, stabbing its blades deep into the beast's scalp. The beast cries out as it's resilience has allowed it to survive and suffer while the black monster opens its jagged tooth covered jaws and unleashes a hidden inner mouth that punches into the War Beast's head. The smaller mouth pulls out, bringing some brains with it as the Xenomorph stabs the War Beast one last time using the tip of it's tail to deliver the final blow. The War Beast falls and the Xeno jumps for the ceiling as the two remaining Caribou draw their swords. "You Killed Gerald!" The two remaining victims cried out in anger, both charging the Xeno at once. It proves to be a mistake as the two swing their swords, and the black creature ducks and wraps its tail around the higher pitched Caribou's legs. The Xeno pulls back, rips the legs of the Caribou, impales the warrior in the chest with its tail, then throws him into the remaining Caribou. The legless torso knocks the remaining Caribou off his hooves; and the Xeno pounces onto him, staring into the final victim's eyes. "By the gods above! W-what do you want with me!?" The Xenomorph grabs the Caribou by the back of his head, and brings it closer to its face, "No! Don't Do It! I'm A Virgin!" The black creature connects its mouth to the final Caribou's mouth in a parody of a kiss. What it's really doing is implanting an embryo into the Caribou, in order to expand its numbers. Celestia stumbles out of the melted hole in the wall, and watches the impregnation in complete horror. She has a hole in her chest from being impaled and thrown, but Alicorns are tougher than their soft skin would suggest. The Xeno finishes implanting the embryo, and bashes the Caribou unconscious. "Mother of me..." Celestia says, feeling sorry for the fighters who have witnessed the ferocity of the creature. The Tarkatan hybrid looks back at Celestia, then at the dead War Beast that's blocking the way out. The creature spits acid at the top of the doorway, giving it a hole small enough for it to escape. It crawls through the hole, and disappears as more Caribou are heard in the distance along with the sound of a struggling male voice. "Get Your Stinking Paws Off Me, You Damn Dirty Caribou!" The struggling male yells out. "What? I'm just checking what's taking those men of mine so long..." Celestia recognizes those voices. The struggling one is one of her most trusted guards, Nickelmane. The other voice is Dainn, king of the Caribou Empire, "What by the gods-What is that War Beast doing in the doorway? Move it out of the way!" Hoofsteps are heard moving close to the War Beast, and the massive beast is pulled out of the doorway. Celestia is seen injured and afraid. But Dainn thinks differently, "So, you've made quite a mess, Celestia. I'm still thinking of a new name to give you, Celestia doesn't fit after what you have done." "I didn't do this!" Celestia cried out, "The De-" "Ah, yes! The Hideous Demon of Canterlot Castle!" Dainn said in a jolly attitude, "A child's story meant to scare young fillies and colts into not breaking into the castle they live near! Ha-I see why some nickname you Trollestia. You take joy in spooking others due to how boring your position is." "Please, it left the room not too long ago!" Celestia warned, "And it impaled my chest! Please Believe Me!" "A pity, really." Dainn said, thinking about why Celestia would kill, "Your killing of some of my greatest warriors -and the death of their pet- isn't going unpunished... I guess I'll have to take your horn and wings because of it." "I AM NOT A KILLER!!!" Celestia yells out in great anger. One of the Caribou accompanying Dainn walks over to the surviving deadman. "My lord!" The follower says. "What is it?" Dainn responds. "They're not all dead, sir. This one is still breathing." "He survived Celestia's attack?" Dain says in an acted form of surprise, "Maybe the whore still had an ounce of mercy left! Give him a room and a bitch. He deserves it." "Yes sir." The follower says, fetching some other followers to help him. "And someone put the whore in a cage," Dain demands, "I want her to be kept near my throne in case I want a mouth on my cock." With that, a Caribou with a chain wraps the chain around Celestia's neck and yanks her away. Celestia follows, but with an angry look upon her face. Dain walks into the room to get a better look at what he thinks Celestia did. "My, what a display. It's a good thing I'm having her horn removed, or else she might've killed me in my sleep. I mean, she can melt stone with some kind of faux-acid attack! And she cleanly severed a head! And repeatedly stabbed the War Beast! These are no easy feats... Though I will admit, it does roughly look like what those children's stories described. Only this shows something that can intelligently fight. Celestia must have some unknown skills in swordsmanship. I must show caution and break her mind. What do you think, Nickelmane?" "Celestia isn't lying, you know." Nickelmane says, now smiling, "I wasn't alive when her sister sealed it, but it was kept in a spellbound crystal that even Luna wasn't sure would hold due to its acid blood. Just look at the doorway." Dainn looks over to the doorway, spotting the melted stone and blood covered prints. Dain rushes out into the hallway, and sees the prints go into a rather large AC shaft, "It's probably going to pick off the staff of this place as they come." "An intriguing thought..." Dain says, not believing Nickelmane, "But it sounds like... Bullshit. It sounds like bullshit. Excuse my language, but I can't find any other word to describe how idiotic that sounds. I mean, do you really think that I'll believe that Celestia accidentally released a monster?" "She was most likely trying to seal it, idiot." Nickelmane states, "Celestia doesn't kill. She won't even tell anyone to kill anything. Not even flies." "Oh, shut up or I'll have you turned female." Dainn snaps. "At least my name can't change." Nickelmane jokes, "It's gender neutral." "... Your not wrong, I'll give you that." Dainn says in agreement.... > "Kill Me!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The impregnated Caribou wakes up in a bed, four hours later. There is a rounded Caribou medic sitting in a chair next to him. "Good evening, Kane." The medic says, "How are you feeling? What did Celestia do you?" "It wasn't Celestia!" Kane told the medic, "Centerlot really does have a demon! I know what it's intentions are, and it's intentions are inside me! We have to get it out!" "Oh, there's no need to worry. GAH!!!" The medic says while being hoisted to the ceiling by the very demon that killed his friends. The demon has impaled the medic by its tail, and it takes a bite out of his head. Kane starts screaming while the beast flicks it's tail hard enough to slice it's way free from the center of the headless medic. The monster springs to the floor, and stares the poor impregnated Caribou down, crawling over to being on top of him. The Caribou can't move at all as the room turns to blackness, and something begins to move out of his throat. The Caribou would scream, but something is blocking his airway and is now crawling out of his throat. The monster begins screeching as a smaller version of the same monster crawls out of the Caribou's mouth that screeches along with its larger version. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Kane screams, waking up from a nightmare. But nevertheless, he feels the smaller demon growing inside him. It proves to be very real as he feels his chest. He looks around the room to spot a red collared unicorn mare with white fur, a black mane, and a slender figure. She's completely naked and standing in a corner. Kane continues to look around the room and finds that his armor has been removed, and is properly laid out on the floor. Caribou armor in general is generally a useless metal pullover sweatshirt, and Kane's armor is certainly no exception. However, he has a helmet to go with it, though it's for looking cooler rather than being functional protection. The rest of Kane's clothes, simple cotton coverings, are next to his armor. He too is completely naked, probably because they think he wants lust... But they're wrong. "A-are you okay, master?" The mare in the corner asks. Kane looks harder at the mare, and notices that she's holding back tears. "... I'm not sure." Kane says, thinking about the horror that's inside him, "But I think you will be just what I need to get better. Tell me, what is your reason for the red collar? Are you willing, or have you given up?" "I-I'd rather not say, master." "You can tell me. I promise you that right now, sex is not on my mind." "T-then why did Dainn personally select me, master? He said to give you one of Celestia's most trusted subjects, so they sent me. Her assistant." "Celestia's assistant? What's your name? And please don't call me 'master', I've been hearing that too often now." "M-my name is Raven, sir." "Raven? Sounds like a superhero name. And I want you to relax, Raven." Kane says, trying to calm the mare, "Don't state me as sir, master, anything. My name is Kane the True. I have always been true to Dainn, and every action I do is in his name. I'm going to be honest, sex isn't my thing. In fact, I've never even had sex. You have nothing to fear, I'm in the takeover for the fighting. I'm a warrior who follows the old ways, when we Caribou were at war with each other." "A-alright, Kane the True-" "C'mon, calm down Raven. And call me Kane." Raven lets off a pause... She takes a deep breath, and speaks in a calm manner, "Alright, Kane... If you don't want sex, then what do you want from me? If I'm being frank, what could you want from me?" Kane gets off of the bed where he was lying down, and walks over to his armor. He reaches down to his boot, and pulls out a seven inch dagger. He tests its sharpness on his hand, making his palm bleed, "Oh fuck, you're a sadist aren't you." "Some warriors are better when on an oath of chastity. I have taken one, as well as the lives of many Royal Guard. Tell me Raven, do you have any friends and family?" "... I had a friend who was raped to death... She died from too much sexual stimulation. So many brainwashed stallions and Caribou soldiers constantly having sex with her caused her heart to stop." "Would I be correct in assuming that it makes you angry?" "No, I find that anger leads to hate. And hate leads to suffering." "Did you have any lovers?" "No, Celestia usually had my head buried in paperwork. But I loved the paperwork." "Okay... What are some things that make you angry? Why does a girl like you have a red collar?" "I gave up. There's no point in being resistant to an overpowering foe, right?" "How would you like to stop a new threat?" Kane flips the dagger around so that he's holding it by the blade, and is presenting the handle to Raven. "W-what kind of a threat?" Raven says, returning to being nervous. "Please calm down again, it's hard to hold a dagger while shaking." "D-do you want me to hurt you!?" "Yes!" Kane says, feeling a new weakening feeling in his chest, "Plunge that dagger into my chest," he points to a specific point, "Right here!" "B-but I took a nonviolence pact with my friend that I started because she would get drunk and start fights!" "And she's dead now because my people raped her to death! Doesn't that make you want to kill a Caribou?" "I'm A Pacifist!" "And I Have A Monster Growing Inside Me Like A Child In A Pregnant Woman!" Kane says, getting angry, "I Can Feel It Feeding Off My Insides, And It Will Grow Into A Demon!" "Oh shit..." Raven says in total surprise. She knows exactly what he has growing inside him, "But that's just a kid's story that was made to keep kids from going into the Canterlot Mines that are below this very castle! Do you know what that means if they're real?" "Yes," Kane says, having a good feeling that they are now at a perfect understanding, "Celestia was screaming about it when my friends and I tried to capture her. It killed her!" "No, she's not dead. But she did have a whole going straight through her! She feels soft and delicate, but really she's one of the toughest of our kind! If something could impale her so easily... I'll do it." Raven walks out of her corner, and over to the Caribou in want of death. Kane begins to groan as the weakening feeling becomes worse. Raven grabs the dagger, and tries to thrust... But her own mind is blocking her from doing it. She tries and tries and tries, but finds herself incapable of killing. The weakening feeling in Kane's chest turns to pain. "AHH!!! What Are You Doing!? Kill Me!" Raven finally lifts the blade into the air and plunges it deep into Kane's chest... *CHRCHSH* It's too late. *RSESESESESESESESESESESESE* "GUUUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Kane screams out as an undeveloped Xeno bursts from his chest, screeching with it's shrill cry. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Raven screams as she breaks her nonviolence pact and attempts to repeatedly stab the chestburster, but no one can hear her scream through the surrounding stone walls. She fails horribly as the undeveloped form springs right at her, and into her throat. As the young Xeno eats away at Raven's insides, a guard opens the door to check on Kane. "Kane, how you doin'?" He says, looking at all the blood and quickly diverting his eyes, "Gods Above, Man! I always took you for a sadist, but that's just ridiculous!.. No matter, Dainn said you could use her for whatever you like. If that's what you like, then that's what you like." The guard shuts the door, turns around, and finds himself staring straight into the black, smooth dome of the Demon of Canterlot Castle, "Heyo! I don't believe I've seen you around here befo-GUH!!" The demon stabs into the guard, then gets low to the ground to repeatedly stab the guard in the chest with the tip of its tail. It then stabs and swings the guard onto the ground hard enough to break his jaw, crawls onto his back while letting out a hiss, and releases its inner second mouth to take a chunk out of the guard's brain. The Xeno gets up and pushes the door open and finds Kane and Raven on the floor, a hole in Kane's chest and Raven looking hollowed out. The chestburster chews it's way out of Raven's back, and looks over to the more developed Tarkatan hybrid. It lets off a screech and looks towards an air duct. The larger hybrid picks up the smaller form, puts it in the air duct, then enters the air duct itself... Dainn is sitting in Celestia's throne, trying to think up of a new name for her. And a naked Celestia is on the floor, wearing a red collar that has a chain leash connected to it. The room has a magic and magic cancellation field cast around it. "All right, I think I have a few names thought up now!" Dainn says in a jolly attitude, "I have Celestial Bitch, Cosmic Cunt, Star Slut, or Sun Whore." "Sun Slut." Nickelmane says, as he's restrained to the wall with chains and a weighted wooden stock that also has chains hanging off of it. He's also completely naked, but his true figure underneath is revealed to be more feminine. However, he has a ponyzonian build, very woman-like but still a look that's says he's not one to be messed with. He also has a rear end that can mesmerize anypony. "Sun Slut? You coming up with that name?" Dainn asks, surprised by how quickly that was thought up. "Celestia knows what I'm talking about, eh?" Nickelmane says, winking at Celestia. "What happened to leaving that name in the bedroom?" Celestial says angrily with her lips moving, but not her teeth. "We're all dead anyways!" Nickelmane says, feeling confident in himself, "I'm gonna die, you're gonna die, Dainn's gonna die- We're all gonna die. The Demon's gonna kill us all. I almost wonder if it's karma for your takeover, Dainn! Ha! That'd Be Hilarious!! Hahahaha!!" Nickelmane continuous to laugh his ass off, Dainn pulls out a knife, and throws it at Nickelmane. But Nickelmane catches it with his hand still stuck in the weighted stock. Nickelmane stops laughing, and gains a stone cold stare that's directed at Dainn, "One does not bed with Celestia as easily as one would think. She may not look it right now, but she is one of the hardest-to-get mares I've ever known. When she becomes your Sun Slut, then that means she truly loves you. And you of all ponies will never get to call her that again." "Is that a threat I hear?" Dainn asks in amusement. "Coming from Shining Armor's second-in-command turned new Captain of the Royal Guard? What do you think, jaghole. Besides, sex with Celestia is only good if it's romantic. Non-romantic sex with her is as fun as a sandpaper fleshlight." A messenger Caribou barges through the doors to the throne room, and runs over to Dainn. "My Lord!" He says, still making his way down the long throne room carpet, "We Were Attacked Again!" "Impossible." Dainn states plainly, "The Celestial Bitch is in here with me." "But sir, Celestia's old assistant was found dead along with Kane the True!" The messenger says, being confused along with Dainn, "Why would she kill her own?" "The Demon's gonna get ya!" Nickelmane chants in song, "He's gonna kill you, and then turn ya into stew! Throw you up! In a pot! Boil you down! Feed its young! And then find some more of you!" Dainn throws a second knife at Nickelmane, but he dodges again, "Missed me, bitch." "Will You Shut Up!" Dainn cries out in annoyance, "I Swear To The Gods Above That I Will Turn You Female, And Feed You To My Horniest Men!" "My name would still be Nickelmane, and my figure was always more feminine. But I get muscles like an Ponyzon, so I'll just get a sweet rack!" Nickelmane says, completely confident and self-entertained. Dainn crams his face into his palms. "Fuck you, Nickelmane." Dainn says, helpless to stop Nickelmane, "Fuck. You." "But I thought you were only into mares? You could always give me tits and a vagina! Then it wouldn't sound as gay!" Dainn angrily gets off of his new throne, draws a bastard sword, and swings it at Nickelmane's head, but Nickelmane dodges with room to spare, "You seem pissed. Did I strike a nerve? Maybe some sex would give you a good amount of stress relief." Nickelmane twists his body for Dainn to get a good view of his butt, and Dainn is shocked, "Ooo, you want a handful, don't ya. Go ahead. Grab all the ass your hand can hold!" Dainn finds himself in a trance as he grabs Nicklelmane's arse, "C'mon, give it a squeeze!" Dainn finds himself drooling while he tightly squeezes Nickelmane's butt, "Oh yeah! That's the stuff! Now give it a good ol' smack!" "Sir? Are you alright?" The Messenger asks. Dainn snaps to attention, a thinks about what he almost did. "... What kind of magic did you use." Dainn said in a stone cold tone. "The magic of my pony butt." Nickelmane playfully responds. Dainn drops his sword and slugs Nickelmane in the jaw, dislocating it... Bit Nickelmane begins to attempt to lift the stock a little off his head so that his dislocated jaw begins to rest on it, then he slams his head on the stock and fixes his jaw. He smiles at Dainn, but with one that you'd see on somepony who's psychotic. Nickelmane's voice becomes lowered, quieter, and a dark kind of joyful, "Do that again." "Good gods..." The messenger says, his face finding his palm. "Your Caribou magic might make you strong and hard, but I'm stronger and harder." Nickelmane says in a dark confidence. "Hm..." Dainn begins to stroke his chin, "I wonder how you'll do in my service?" "My mind is unchangeable and unbreakable." Nickelmane says, his smile growing slightly bigger. "SIR, OUR KIND IS BEING SLAUGHTERED!!!" The messenger says, now very pissed off. "Something Killed Three Of Our Best Warriors, A Guard, And A Prized Mare!" Dainn turns around, the thought finally hitting him. He remembered who the messenger was talking about. Raven, Celestia's personally selected assistant. She was supposed to help Kane lose his virginity, but instead is being reported as dead. "... What do their wounds look like?" Dainn asks, now beginning to feel worry. "Multiple stab wounds in both Kane and the guard, but what doesn't add up is the stab wounds are different. Kane has wounds that would match a dagger, but there's also a hole in his chest that would recommend that something came out of his chest first. And the guard was found with multiple stab wounds in his chest, a shattered jaw, and a hole in the back of his head like somepony hammered a railroad tie into it. But he's missing some of his brain. And Raven looks like something ate her insides and left her through the back." Dainn staggers and gags at hearing about Raven, "Eaten from the inside out?" "Yes sir." Dainn falls to his knees, and throws up in the floor in front of Nickelmane. "What's the matter?" Nickelmane says, back to his light jolly attitude, "Didn't need your lunch!? Haha!!" Dainn ignores Nickelmane, and gets up. He has some barf on his chest, arms, and legs. "I-I need to get cleaned up... Its really nothing. Traps planted in this castle!" "Are you sure, sir?" The messenger asks. "Yes! Tell everyone to check for traps! The Celestial Bitch must've coated the floors, walls, and ceilings with them!" "Y-yes sir, right away sir." The messenger exists out the room, and searches for soldiers and guards to give out the orders. As for Dainn, he too leaves. But he heads for a place where he can cleanse himself, and hopefully wash away this newfound fear. What if they're right? Dainn thinks to himself, What if the Demon of Canterlot Castle is real? What if the Demons locked away in the mines are real too?... I must find them. And tame them! I'll show the ponies how powerful we Caribou are! If we can takeover Equestria, then these demons are nothing!... A total of ten hours have passed, and it's now 1:00am. And in one of the air ducts in Canterlot Castle, a trail tan molted flesh of a chestburster is leading up to a torn open duct cover that leads to the primary air conditioning unit of the castle. And the Tarkatan born Xenomorph is sitting on the wall, waiting in silence... And next to it is a Xenomorph that's smaller by a foot, lacks the arm blades and jagged teeth, has a longer rigid warrior dome with the addition of antlers, and has hooves for feet. It moves around in impatience, looking for something to kill. The Tarkatan born thwacks the Caribou born Xeno with it's tail, and hisses violently at it. The Caribou born stops being so fidgety, and sits besides the Tarkatan born, waiting with it. The a Tarkatan born knows something. It knows that it can't cause so much excitement. Not now. First, the caves need to be opened back up... And it knows Dainn will open them for it... > A Passing Through Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been several weeks since Canterlot has been invaded, and now The Crystal Empire has been captured along with all other towns and cities that weren't dominated before. Even Cloudsdale is in the hands of the Caribou Empire... And two creatures have been on a little conquest of their own... Every now and then, somepony would go missing. A guard here, a female there, but it was only small enough of disappearances that no one really took too much of a notice. Either that, or Dainn would claim that it was nothing dispite him never seeming comfortable in his conquered castle. He would frequently make appearances at other towns and spend the night there with mares under his arms, but some would claim that Dainn would never bed with a mare in Canterlot. And he's constantly looking around himself and checking the ceilings like something was after him. But he didn't know that it held no interest in him, and it had other plans. Especially with a shipment that came in just today... Right now, the Caribou born is sneaking around a storage room in Canterlot. It has its sights set on a large enclosed metal wagon that contains crystal pony mares, and all of them were very healthy. Healthy enough to bring to the Tarkatan born, as its been thinking about gaining a new addition. The Caribou born listens around, and hears talking happen on the other side of the container. It silently crawls onto the container, and looks inside. The container only has one window, and iron the side with the window. Through this window it sees several shiny females that are all restrained by collars that are chained to the ceiling. There's another female in there, and it's a female Caribou with "Dainn's Personal Property" tattooed onto her chest. She isn't very healthy, and is also pregnant with multiple children. The Caribou born looks around for a door to open, just like the ones the Tarkatan born has shown it. It checks the roof, and finds an entrance there. It's dark enough to not be seen as it crawls to the roof of the container, puts its face in front of the opening, and let's off a drop of drool onto a lock that would make it difficult to open the door. The acidic saliva melts the lock enough for the Xeno to remove the lock with its inner mouth, it opens the door, and jumps down into the container. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS MAGIC IS THAT!?" "HELP!! HELP!! THERE'S SOMETHING INPONY IN HERE!!" "HELP US, AND I SWEAR I'LL SUBMIT!!!" There are other mares crying out in fear... But it doesn't matter as the Caribou born tears its way through every mare, taking chunks out with its inner mouth, clawing one open, stabbing them with its antlers and tail. Then it stops at the final two females, the healthiest Crystal pony mare, and the unhealthy Caribou female. "... W-what are you? W-why do you look like my kind?" The Caribou female asks, the Xeno focusing on her. *hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss* "If you're going to kill me, then do it. I have nothing to live for." The Caribou born charges stabs the pregnant Caribou's torso with its antlers, impales the abdomen with its tail, lifts her in the air, and pulls away until the pregnant Caribou rips in half. The Xeno then changes its attention to the last female, who's too scared to speak a word. The Xeno grabs the shiny female, and exits the container the way it came. It's holding the crystal mare by its tail while keeping a hand over her mouth to keep her silent. It walks back to the wall it came down on, and disappears with the mare. A Caribou in a fancy suit opens up a door to reveal to Dainn's representative his new exo crop of females. Crystal Mares, fresh from the Crystal Empire, along with the female Caribou whore that is to birth Dainn's children. He was going to have the growth of his children accelerated so they can be mighty individuals enhanced by magic! They'll be powerful enough to stop anything that gets in his way! The Caribou proudly opens the side entrance into the wagon to reveal blood painted walls, several removed body parts, and Dainn's prized Caribou female torn in half with stab wounds all throughout her torso. However, there's a Crystal Mare missing. The bloody sight causes the dealer to pass out from the sight, and Dainn's representative slits the dealer's throat with a knife. "I'm sorry, but Dainn said no witnesses except permanent staff." Dainn's representative says in a cold tone. The sale didn't happen, and he's lucky that that dealer was an independent dealer. Otherwise, there'd be more to explain... The Caribou born is where the Tarkatan born was going to wait for it. The Tarkatan born makes its appearance show up, and its bigger than before. It's now ten feet tall, has bigger everything, is now developing stubs for two more arms (but the extra arms won't develop into arms for some time), and it's dome has widened at the end with ridged details. It looks at the new subject that is to be impregnated, and finds her intriguing. She doesn't seem normal, and this interests the Tarkatan born. The two Xenos attach the crystal mare to the wall with a blackish brown goo that shapes itself to a darkly artist cocoon that holds her to the wall of the dark room that they're in. After the mare is secured, the Tarkatan born impregnates her and a chestburster comes out two hours later, this one looking like a human-born chestburster but with a metallic exoskeleton. A day passes, and the new Crystal born Xenomorph is fully grown. It's clear dark metallic, and can hide easily in shadows or darkness. It has clawed pony hooves for feet that are somewhat similar to the Caribou born's Caribou hooved feet which have more developed toes at the front and are able to move like toes. The Tarkatan born lets off a quiet scree, and the two other Xenos pay total attention. It slowly approaches its young, and seems to be petting them. The Tarkatan born has grown too large to depend upon itself to get anything done. But with it's two new additions, it has all it needs for now. As long as they pick off insignificant individuals for food, they should be able to wait for Dainn's paranoia to get to him... A few months have passed, and Dainn can't sleep. His heirs have been killed, he constantly needs to re-staff the castle, and he hasn't enjoyed a pony mare in so long. He tried using Celestia, but Nickelmane was completely correct. She just doesn't feel any stimulation, no matter how many vibrators he uses. Dainn is walking up to the cell where he's keeping Celestia, and there she is. Her wings are plucked, her is horn chopped, and she still has scars from when Dainn got angry at her lack of stimulation or he need to hit something to empower himself. And tonight, he needed to feel powerful again. He's holding a container filled with his own essence that he's going to feed to Celestia. If he can't her than she will pleasure him for as long as he tells her, as he plans to fuck her throat until her brilliant white skin becomes blue from lack of oxygen. Celestia's cell is simple rusted iron bars, surrounded by coarse stone brick. Celestia is in a corner of the cold, dark cell. She knows what's coming to her, and she doesn't like it. "Feeding time, whore." Dainn says in mockery. *hiiiiiiiiiiii-huuuuuuuuuu* Dainn snaps his head around, and sees a monsterous black skinned creature, but it's not a Xenomorph. But still, he drops the container filled with semen in surprise. The creature throws a ball of fire at him, and Dainn covers his face. "NOOO!!!" Dainn cries out as nothing hits him and he sees nothing behind him. Reality snaps back to him, and he's only halfway to Celestia's cell. "Damnit Dainn, Keep It Together!" He tells himself. A half hour later, and he's at Celestia's cell... Only Celestia's untouched. The space around her is still dark and dank, the stones are still coarse enough to scar bare skin, but it's like none of those things are daring to tamper with Celestia's beauty... And then there was Dainn. "Feeding time, Sun Slut." Dainn said, proud to know that he won't be hearing from Nickelmane anymore. Disqord took care of that. Celestia didn't move. She didn't do anything at all, even when Dainn poured the container of semen into a red bowl with "Sun Slut" written on it. With the container emptied, he unbuttoned his pants. *hiiiiiiiiiiii-huuuuuuuuuu* Dainn yanked himself around and saw nothing. But he swears that he can hear something moving around the outside of the cell. "Can you hear that?" Dainn asks Celestia. "What does it matter." Celestia answers, not caring about anything, "You had Discord kill my Captain, and you had him do it in front of my eyes." Celestia turns her head away from Dainn. "Don't make me snap your neck again, whore." Dainn threatened. Celestia still does nothing, and Dainn puts his hands on Celestia's head, "Have of your way." *hiiiiiiiiiiii-huuuuuuuuuu-hiiiiiiiiiiii-huuuuuuuuuu* Dainn quickly checks behind himself again, this time illuminating the room with light from his antlers. What he sees freezes him solid with the icy coldness of fear... It's a Xenomorph that's almost completely invisible, and hanging from the ceiling. It looks like a human born Xeno, but with pony hooves for feet. *RSESESESESESESESESESESESE* The creature leaps at Dainn, and he punches it out of the cell. The Xeno slides a small distance as it lands. "So, this is the Demon of Canterlot Castle?" Dainn asked, mocking the otherworldly creature, "This is what tore through our guards? Well, one thing's for certain. You're one ugly mother fucker!" *HESESESESESES-RESESESESESESE* Now that Dainn has seen one of these so-called "Demons" up close, he sees that it's nothing more than a bug. A very large but at that, but nothing more. With one of these creatures now in sight, he takes off his cape to reveal his wings and reaches for his newly captured twin gladiuses as he. They used to belong to Nickelmane, but they're now Dainn's. His new chaotic friend is responsible for his newly upgraded magic. The Xenomorph charges for Dainn, and Dainn throws the left gladius at the big while slashing with the right one. The Xeno slams into a corner of Celestia's cell, and the handle of the left gladius falls off. Not out, but it just dropped. The Xeno got to its hands and feet while it let its acid blood fall to the floor, and aesthetically melted metal is seen falling out as well. Dainn looks at the blade he slashed at the creature with, and sees that it too is being eaten away by the acid blood. The Xeno crawls next to Celestia and quickly impales her with its tail to leave a hole in her. "Oh, give me a break!" Celestia yells out in annoyance. "What Hell did these things crawl out of!" Dainn yells out, dropping the final gladius, "Who makes a creature with acid for blood!?" "Some humans would blame god." A voice coming from nowhere says out loud. Suddenly, a teenaged human boy appears in a flash of white light, "But I'd say that it was a sick idea made by evolution." "Who are you?" Dainn demands. "Oh, you'd probably remember my father" the boy answers, "His name is Discord in this world. To most other worlds, he's known as Q. I am his son, Q. "Does Discord know about these creatures?" Celestia sternly asks. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but believe me. He has no connection to these things." Q says, Celestia not believing him, "But I can tell tell you that this isn't the first time I've seen them." The Xeno slowly crawls up to Q, and hisses at him, "These creatures have been pursued by many. The Weyland-Yutani Corporation wants to breed controllable ones, the Yautjas consider them fantastic hunts, these humanoids called Engineers tried to make bio weapons from their DNA... But the strain of these violent creatures that you face come from a place called-" The Xeno strikes at Q, and it disappears with a snap of Q's fingers. "Outworld." Celestia finishes. "You knew about them!?" Dainn yells out in anger. "I was trying to seal one away for good before your warriors were going to rape me." Celestia says in defense of herself. "And the one you released is a Tarkatan born Xenomorph." Q says, in a exited voice, "By the way, that's also what Weyland-Yutani calls them for the same reason that you call them that. Oh, I can't wait to see how this unfolds!" Meanwhile, Dainn is angered by the whole situation. He closes Celestia's Cell and walks out of the dungeon. He's stopped by an older looking version of Q. "Who are you?" Dainn asks in an unfriendly voice. "Who do you think?" The human asks in Discord's voice, "It's me! Can't you tell?" "Your voice is familiar, but I don't recognize your appearance." "I'm Q's father, Q." The human answers, "Though you know me as Discord." "You betray me!" Dainn says while slamming Discord into a wall. He lets off a magic dampening field while pulling out a knife and stabs the wall as Discord flashes away, "I Will Have You Turned Female, Traitor!!" Discordia appears behind Dainn. "And what if I want to be female on my own?" Discordia says, reveling that she's still Discord dispite her female voice, "You know what? I've never done this to myself intentionally. What a rather fascinating feeling! I simply must tell Janeway about this!" With a snap of his now feminine fingers, Discord teleports Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway to his side. "Kathy, I turned myself female!" "Who the hell are you, and where the hell am I?" Vice Admiral Janeway demands. "It's me, Q!" The female Discord answers, "I must say this is oddly exciting!" "You have betrayed me, but at least you brought me a female." Dainn says as he reaches for Janeway. This proves to be a mistake as the vice admiral draws a phaser points it at Dainn. "Back off, whoever you are." Janeway states, "Q, it's been oddly nice seeing you again, and I thank you for bringing me some excitement for today, but I'd like to return to my office in San Francisco." Q appears behind Janeway. "Aunt Kathy!" The boy calls out in excitement, "My father brought me out here to teach me what it's like to appear as a god to a planet. He said something about teaching valuable lessons to these 'Viking Caribou'. At first I thought it was going to be boring, but this is exciting! They've enslaved an entire gender, and their leader wants to release a hive of Xenomorphs!" "I've heard of those." Janeway says, "Seven of Nine told me about them when we were talking about unassimilated species that The Borg encountered. They were found when a cube crashed on an uncharted planet in the Gamma Quadrant. The Borg tried to recover valuable technology, but these bug-like aliens tore through them to quickly for them to adapt. The technology was never recovered, and three cubes were lost to the event." "What are The Borg?" Dainn asks in fearful curiosity. "They are a collective intelligence that assimilates technologically advanced species to expand their numbers and technology." Janeway answers, "From the sounds of this place, they would ignore it, but if their technology wasn't enough to stop the Xenomorphs... Then it seems your culture will fall. Q, please. If this is a culture that has enslaved a gender, then I don't want to spend anymore time here." The younger Q snaps his fingers, and Janeway flashes back to San Francisco. "Son, I know exactly what you want to do." Q says, "And its an excellent lesson, but your timing's off. Give it just a little more." "Yes father." Q says, "Or should I say 'mother'?" The young boy says as he flashes away. "Can't be stopped by even The Borg?" Q says, stroking his still feminine chin, "I can't wait to see what my son has in store for you." It has been one month since the incident in the Canterlot Dungeon, and Dainn has captured the one mare who has singlehandedly escaped Caribou custody without being violated once. Daring Do. But when Daring Do's new captors revealed that they were only to capture her to offer an actual paying job and freedom so long as she never goes back to Equestria, she willingly and carefully accepted the terms. She, and an excavation team composed of scientists, miners, and a Demon Hunter. The miners and scientists are a mix of pony and Caribou stallions, but the Demon Hunter is a Deer. And even odder, it's a Doe, but supposedly she's worked for Dainn before dispite a lack of records. The the miners on the team have found the caved-in opening to the Canterlot Mines. A single stick of magically enhanced dynamite later, the entrance was reopened and Daring Do could now explore a mine she always wanted to explore. It's the only reason she excepted the job. She wanted to explore the Forbidden Mine, the mine where the Demons caused the disappearances of many ponies. And the Caribou are just as nervous because of the recent disappearances in Canterlot Castle, which the Demons are also rumored to be responsible for those as well. The Forbidden Mine is filled with many caved in sections that had to be dug out, and it took a week to finally get to what they were they were hired to go to, and they did eventually find it... Right this moment, the miners have dug up a purple colored crystal that seems to be unbreakable. The wall of rock that covers the crystal is picked away, and several black creatures are found to be encased in the purple crystal. With their newfound discovery, the excavation team sent a Caribou miner to tell Dainn about their discovery... After a few hours, Dainn came to the unbreakable purple and was in awe over what he saw... Demons. Demons everywhere. Demons trapped in that purple crystal that can't do a single thing. There had to be about a hundred of them... Hundreds of demons that were born from ponies, dispite a few having oddly shaped clawed monkey hands for feet. This is wat Dainn sees. It's actually hundreds of human born Xenomorphs with a few pony born ones of all types. Unicorn born with horns, Pegasus born with wings on their backs in place of tubes, and earth pony born that only had hooves as a distinguishing figure. All of the pony born had hooves. And Dainn wanted them all for his personal gain. Imagine, an army of creatures that can invade and breed at his command. And to start it all off, all he would have to do is send in one. But before he could give Daring Do her freedom and command the scientists to find a way to cut through the crystal, Discord's son appears. "My oh my, would you look at that!" Q said, looking at the army's worth of creatures, "How many 'Demons of Canterlot' do you think that is?" "Hundreds." Dainn says, too awestruck to care for the meddler's pressence, "Maybe a thousand!" "Wow! Imagine if that transparent one could see it's past kind!" Q said, throwing a hint that flies past Dainn, "I think I'll let him have a look!" With a snap of his fingers, the Crystal born comes back in a flash of light and it slams its claws onto the purple crystal, screeching its head off, "Look at that, he really wants to see his family. I know how that feels, never being to see that which came before you. Like me and my mother. She disowned me years ago. But I'm going to let him see them, then they can really bond!" "Yes, well-" Suddenly, Dainn snaps back into reality. He now knows exactly what Q wants to do, "WAIT, ARE YOU INSANE!?!?" "No," Q says, smiling right at Dainn with a child's smile, "I'm slightly carefree and omnipotent. Just like my father." With that said, Q snaps his fingers... ... ... ... .. .. .. . . . And the deafening sound of hundreds of screeches are heard... > Dainn's Judgement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dainn finds himself in a void that's neither hot nor cold. It almost feels like a place devoid of any form of temperature, or any form of feel for that matter. He can't feel anything. How did he even get here? Not even half a second ago, one of those demons was about to tear him to shreds along with Daring Do. What by the gods is going on!? "This is Discord's work, the traitor!" Dainn tells himself. "Now, who is more of the traitor?" Discord asks, despite not being physically present, "Before you asked me to give you the power to make the Caribou one empire, everyone was fine with being a constant war. Don't you even remember that you worship war gods? Originally, you're kind lived to fight, and kept on fighting in the afterlife. Everyone was excepting of it. And no one other than your own kind a got hurt and killed." Suddenly, Dainn is floating over a battlefield of sprinkled the bodies of water and islands. Ships are everywhere, Caribou are everywhere; all armed to the teeth, all laying waste to Caribou in different colored clothes. But Dainn finds himself floating over to a nearby town, where there's a clan that has decided it to fight today. All of it looks rundown and horrible. Nothing could possibly live there happily... But one female in particular couldn't be anymore happier right now. How could she? She's engaging in lovely sex with her handsome husband. And there's an extra thicc passion in the surrounding air that you couldn't cut with a butter knife. And for good reason. The two Caribou are actually married, and the sex between them is happening romantically. The two love each other, and their passion is truly showing it. "Things like love existed! True passion!..." Discord said in excitement, but his tone goes dark, "But you decided to put an end to it." The town becomes attacked by brass armored Caribou, and the two lovers are separated with the male being brainwashed and he runs back filled with loveless lust. He grabs his wife by the hair, yanks her down, and violates her ass in public with a soldiers joining in and filling her other holes, "Guh!... Even I know that's wrong, and I've turned entire species into gasses and gelatinous blobs." "So You're Having Your Son Release Those Monsters As A Lesson!?" Dainn yells out in anger, "Sexualized Or Not, I Still Care For The Well-Being Of Most!" "Oh, please. There are many other worse things I could've done." Discord threatens, "I could've sent an entire military of armored humans out to wipe your entire empire away, but instead I send my very young son to deal with you. He's not as creative as me, and at most you'll lose Canterlot... As well as it's inhabitants." "My Best And Brightest Live There!!" Dainn says, his anger growing. "And you are not the best, and nowhere close to the brightest!" Discord says in aggressive disappointment, "You were to bring Caribou like you away from the constant war!" "And I Did!!" Dainn protested. "No, you brought it to everything else!" Discord said, getting more aggressive than he usually does, "I thought that you were the right choice because you could bring ponies together so quickly, and you regurgitate it at my face by abusing that ability! You invaded when I thought you would join Celestia's fair rule! She would've been more than happy to help your kind out! I should know first hand, as she had the Lord of Chaos approved for Equestrian citizenship! Imagine how much she could've helped your kind out!" "THEN WHY DID YOU GIVE ME MY POWER!?" Dainn demands. There's a silence as the surroundings become a courtroom and Discord disappears... And then one man walks out to a center podium and sits down. He's dressed in black and red robes that cover all but his face and his red gloved hands. Dainn looks around to see that he's at the center of the room standing on a circular platform, and behind and around him are stands filled with ponies of all kinds, griffons, Caribou, and various humanoids, everyone being of all different shapes, colors, and sizes. The crowd is all talking with each other and pointing at Dainn occasionally. Discord reapers in his human form, in Caribou armor with a clan symbol that's very familiar to Dainn. The man picks up a gavel and taps it on the podium three times, addresseing the crowd that something is going to start. "Good morning, Worm your honor." Discord announces, "The crowd will plainly show the King who now stands before you. A Caribou male who was caught showing feelings." The crowd begins loudly booing, "Showing feelings of an unfavorable nature..." The crowd continues booing, "This will not due." The man behind the podium shows a look of disapproval, and the noise of the crowd goes quiet. "Bring Out It's Teacher!" One of the denizens in the crowd demands. A large and bulky Caribou in armor similar to Discord's marches angrily into the room, drawing his large double-headed axe. "I Should've Put You Down Long Ago, Dainn!" The Caribou claims. Dainn knows exactly who this bulky Caribou is. "This is impossible, Bryan's Dead!" Dainn cries out, fearing for his life. "I Am Dead!" Bryan shouts at Dainn, "But the gods themselves have brought me forth to allow me the time to tell you how you've abstained from what I taught you! I showed you how easily you could lead others, it was like a primary nature to you." "You beat me!" Dainn claimed, the crowd chuckling, "He Did! He Would Stab Me And Cut Me When I Was A Child, Along With Many Others!" The laughter in the crowd only grew louder, "He Tortured Us Because We Were Weak!!" "And The Others Became Warriors!" Bryan claims, "I was being harder on the others, unlike the soft treatment I gave you, so that they would become warriors! But instead, you remained the worm you are today... Worm, your honor! Let me reteach him in my ways so that he may return a true Caribou!" "Bring Out His Breeding Female!" The crowd silences as Bryan walks out to the sidelines as a female Caribou walks up to Dainn. This one appears to be filled with stab holes and looks like something pulled her apart... And she's pregnant. "You little shit, you're in it now!" The female pronounces to Dainn, and loudly enough for the crowd, "I hope they lock you up away and throw away the key!" "Who are you?" Dainn asks, seeing something that is so familiar yet so not familiar. "The one who you should've talk to more often than you did, 'honey'!" The female claims. "But you were found-" "Torn in half willingly by a black creature that took one of your exotic Crystal mares, and slaughtered the rest." The female interrupts, "It looked like it had Kane's antlers, the warrior I should've perused instead of your twisted mind! Now there was a Caribou! Only cared for glory and not what was around his cock, unlike you! No, you had to soil the land of beauty!" "I thought you would be proud of me for such a prize!" Dainn calls out, "I have succeeded where others failed! Gods of destruction, lords of chaos, even power-hungry kings-" "Now There's The Pot Calling The Kettle Black!!!" Bryan announces, the crowd back to laughing their heads off. "I AM NOT POWER-HUNGRY!!!!" Dainn cries out in anger. "Oh? Do you really believe that?" Discord asks while snapping, causing a tear in time and space to reveal the very moment he was going to conquer Equestria. It was the day the very council he assembled disappeared to the knowledge of Dainn's empire. "Gentlebucks, we have conquered most of our own land." The Dainn from the past says, talking to a group of tacticians and old kings inside a large tent with guards holding torches, "However, I think we should expand." "Agreed!" An old king says, "I say we take Griffonstone! Their kings are no more and the Cyclops fell into the abyss, so they will hold little resistance towards us!" "No, I think we should be taking on something bigger with a better bounty." Dainn says, waving his hand a disagreement over a table with a map on top, "Besides, Griffons are rather ugly." "Dainn, Griffonstone is the only place we can conquer." A captain clad in warn armor, "It's either that, or we intrude into the Dragons' Country. And the rest of the world is covered by other warring races that make us Caribou look like we're having a picnic." Dainn draws a knife, and plays with it along with tossing it into the air. "I know. I know that surrounding us, the Griffons, and the Ponies is complete chaos. And even then, the enchanted forest known as The Everfree resides in the Ponies' lands. Our world is only kept alive because of a powerful magic... And it comes from here." Dainn throws the knife, and it stabs into the table at a place that makes all inside the tent gasp in surprise. "Have You Gone Mad!?" An old Caribou warlord yells out while getting out of his chair, angered by Dainn's choice, "The Land of Beauty is strictly forbidden to war! And even if we did takeover, the gods themselves would open the jaws of hell to release yet another scourge unto this wretched world!... However, you did call us over to the first Caribou Leaders' Council Meeting. All against Emperor Dainn's mad plan, say 'Aye'." With that, all the leaders but Dainn say "Aye"... "Well, here's the thing. I didn't call you all over for that reason at all." Dainn waves a hand in the direction of the thrown knife, and it levitates back to him, "I've called you all here to submit to being my slutty slaves that always beg for my cock." The council all panics over Dainn's words and the fact that he now has magic power. "W-what by the gods!?" "How did you come about such black magic!" "BASTARD!!!" The last call out caught Dainn's attention. "What did you call me?" Dainn asks in an angered tone. "You are the bastard son of Dainston!" An unseeable voice says, "The child that was found in a Deer barge. Said to-" the unseeable voice changes to a completely female one, and a one of the guards falls, the guard next to her grabs her torch. "You can change my body and gender, but that doesn't make what Bryan said about you wrong!" Dainn pulls down the front of his pants, letting an erecting cock flop out onto display. "I'm going to say three words, and you are going to do so." Dainn says with a strict voice, "Suck. My. Cock." The changed guard struggles to run away, and ends up crumbling as she crawls towards Dainn's fully erect member. Her mouth quickly covers Dainn's dick, and Council gasps in horror, "In fact, all of you." Dainn waves his hand over the crowd while six Caribou monks walk into the tent and surround the council, "On your knees, and give me pleasure." The tear closes while the past Dainn pulls up a chair to sit in white entire council becomes sex crazed females all hungering for Dainn. It revealed what really happened. "Well. It looks like the only one having any fun at that time was you." Discord says, looking at the current Dainn's heavily concerned face with an intimidating smile, "They don't call me the Lord of chaos for no reason." Bryan and the torn apart female both look at Dainn with anger. "Just five minutes, Worm your honor..." The torn female asks rather calmly, "Dainn and me alone." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" An older female Caribou runs into the room, crying. She hugs Dainn tightly as she gets to him. "Oh, Dainn! Why did you have to leave home?" The older female asks. "M-mother?" Dainn asks, his mood deeply changing to one of disgust, "What the hell are you doing here, I let fifty of my horniest soldiers have their way with you!" "After only after you claimed her as your second personally owned female!" The torn famale points out, "First me, then your own adopted mother because you hated her!" "She Kept Me Coddled In Her Overprotective Ways!" Dainn yells, "She would never let me see the world because she thought I was supposed to be some miracle child!" "Oh, I know I probably kept you inside too much!" The older female cries out, "But it was for your own good! Now I know I should've been even more protective!" "You knew his potential, yet you didn't take my suggestion." Bryan said, "I warned that if he would ever leave you, that I would take him in to make him the mightiest leader... If only I knew that my suspicions were right. "I knew that he would lead something big, but I never wanted him to get in any sort of trouble!" The older female cries out, "Worm, your honor, let me take him back home!" With that finally said, The crowd goes as silent as death... And the male at the podium removes his hood to reveal Dainn, only his antlers have been cut off and sanded down. In addition, the robed Dainn looks down at his non-robed counterpart in disgust. "You're Impossible!" Dainn yells out, "You must be another one of Discord's tricks! In fact, you must be him!" "Don't be so sure, Dainn!" The antlerless Dainn retorts, "I am you! The very room you are in now is one devoid of time or space! It is beyond those planes of existence. Right now we are inside the Q Continuum, The only place we would be possible for me to judge my past-self without harming time." "Judge myself!?" Dainn says loudly in disbelief, feeling mocked, "Why would I do such a thing!? And Why Would My Antlers Be Removed!! That's How I Know That You're Not Me!!" "You will find out in your future." Future Dainn says, "And when you do come to that point-' "I Will Never Reach Any Point Of Defeat!!" Dainn interrupts in a great fit of anger, "I Am Dainn, King Of The Caribou Empire! Nothing Can Stop Me, Especially While I Am In My Prime!!!" There's a silence for a time. It's lack of sound goes beyond anything ever not heard... Until the Dainn from the future shatters it. "The Evidence Before The Court Is Incontrovertible! I See No Need For The Jury To Retire!" The room goes dark as the future Dainn seems to become the largest part of the room as he looks down at his past-self and grabs the podium, "In All My Years Of Searching, I Have Never Found Before! A Version Of Myself That's So Deserving Of A Full Penalty Or More!" The future Dainn points down at his past-self, and stares into his own soul, "I Will Make You Suffer, And The Fact That You Ignored Your Wife And Mother!..." D\the future Dainn once again grabs the podium, and fills with more anger, "Such An At Fills Me With The Urge To DEFECATE!!! But Since I'm You I Will Reveal Your Deepest Fear!" the future Dainn gestures to clouds that develop into a wall made of white bricks, "I Will Reveal That You Feel Fear In Front Of Your Peers!!! TEAR DOWN HIS WAAAAAAAALL!!!!" "Tear Down The Wall!" the crowd chants as they all run to the white wall and tear it down brick by brick. And with every removed brick, Dainn feels his fears surfacing as he falls to his knees and begins to shed tears. He begins to shiver under a newfound pressure that's spreading throughout his body. "Make It Stop!" Dainn pleads, "Please!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! PLEASE!!!!" The future Dainn and the crowd only laugh as the world around Dainn fades away. Dainn breaks into tears as fear surrounds his mind and strangles him... With the blinking oh his eyes, the King of the Caribou finds himself in his newly built castle in Ponyville. He's in the bedroom, laying on the floor and sweating profusely. Dainn gets up unsteadily, and rushes to the bathroom to throw some water on his face. He splashes his face with cool water and the sight of his antlerless future self appears staring him in the eyes, causing Dainn to fall to the floor. "Remember that I am your future, Dainn." the mirror image says as it reverts back to the current Dainn, "Remember..." "... What the fuck is happening to me?" Dainn asks himself. > A New Hero? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark dungeons of Canterlot Castle, a true goddess of death is squatting on the ground. It is waiting for the right moment, as it has deposited it's deadly seeds some time ago in places across the castle. This beautiful example of how dark evolution can be stands thirty feet tall, and is seventy feet long from it's short but well detailed head down to the tip of it's tail which is sharper than the best of blades... It's the Tarkatan born Xenomorph, and it's grown into a Queen. It's arm-blades have now grown much longer, and it has a second set of arms still with blades on its chest. It's royal crest is shorter than a Xeno Queen's usual crest size, but it's all around larger than a normal Queen. It's teeth have also increased in number and jaggedness, almost making it seem like it's been mutated. On the ceiling above, the Caribou born squats with it's mother... And then the two raise their heads no something unexpected. The skrees of the Tarkatan born's fellow Xenos, all born from the same queen. All of them calling out to the Tarkatan born... The new queen responds. *RHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* With the queen continuing to call out, it gets up and begins to crawl down the halls of the dungeon to higher levels. The Caribou born jumps from the ceiling to it's queen's back, hitching a ride. It's heavy footsteps are heard by a guard that was sent to check the dungeons for anything suspicious. The queen moves into a hallway large enough for it to stand, and it spots the lone guard. The guard visibly pisses himself, and attempts to run away. The Tarkatan born raises it's deadly tail and swings the tip upwards at the guard, cutting the guard cleanly in half up the middle. It then looks up at the ceiling, and punches through the thick stone where several more Caribou guards are standing, these ones enjoying their newly purchased Mares. The Caribou born jumps through the hole, and slashes its way through the guards and mares. It gives off a short skree, and the Queen bursts from the dungeons to the ground-level of Canterlot Castle, spotting several more Caribou personal across its sight. The Caribou born charges for the guards, both Caribou and Pony, while the Tarkatan born heads for the source of it's fellow hivelings. Within simple minutes, one thousand Human born Xenomorphs are sweeping over the castle and killing everything they see. Guards, slaves, visitors, important leaders; it doesn't matter to them. The new queen meets up with it's personal army of warriors and drones, and gives off a screech that tells them to secure the City of Canterlot, as well as its citizens. With the order given, every Xenomorph but the Queen head for the city... Meanwhile in Ponyville, Applejack is tied up in her own barn with her brother sitting on a bale of hay. Big Mac Sid getting his dick hard as he's looking over his naked sister, but he notices her beginning to struggle. Macintosh doesn't know it, but his sister found a strange pod that infused her DNA with Kryptonian DNA. She had the pod hidden around the time that she heard that there was an invasion of Equestria. The pod has a costume on the inside that looks like a superhero's costume, and she's thinking that it's time she tries out her new powers out. She never really did get to try them out, and she admits that being stuck in dark places leaves her feeling drained, but she doesn't feel to bad. "You ready for another round, sis?" Big Mac asks smugly. His smugness is interrupted by Applejack breaking free from her binds with ease, "What!?" "Brother, I meant to tell you when I found something in our orchard." Applejack says, crossing her arms as she begins to levitate off the ground, "Then the Caribou removed My freedom, Apple Bloom's freedom, and Granny's freedom. Now, when you bought us, I thought you bought us back... Instead, we became your sex things." Big Mac swings a punch at Applejack, and breaks his fist on AJ's face, "Really, Mac? You'd hurt your own sister? Then again," Applejack punches Big Mac, and he goes flying through the barn door, "You Fuck Your Own Family, You Pervert!" Applejack bursts to Big Mac, picks him up, and readies a fist. She looks at her fist, and puts it down, "I don't have to punch you." "Applejack, I'm Your Big Brother!" Big Mac pleads. "Yeah, that means something else to me now." Applejack says before throwing Big Mac beyond her own visible range. With Big Mac gone, AJ flies to where she hid that pod and touches it. The pod opens, and she sees the armored suit that came in the pod when she first opened it. It was touching that suit that triggered her DNA being rewritten, and she only knew this because it told her. It has something of a higher intelligence in it somehow, and it said that donning the suit would make her like somepony named Superman. Only AJ's a pony mare, so it said that she would be named Supermare for gender and species differences. Applejack once again touches the suit, and that same intelligent voice spoke. "You have returned, Applejack of Ponyville, Equestria." The voice said, "Are you ready to become Supermare?" "Somethin's going' on in Canterlot," Applejack says,"I can hear ponies screamin'... And I'd like t' stop it and put an end to whatever that black stuff in Canterlot is." "If I had access to satellites, I would assist you and identify the suspected threat." The voice of the pod says, "But this planet has no such things, thus I will not be able to help you in the way that I would like to. I apologize for not being able to instruct you on your powers and capabilities." "That's alright, I'm real good at figurin' things out on my own." Applejack says, feeling confident in her words. "In that case, I shall unlock the suit for you." the voice of the pod says as a force field goes down. Applejack grabs the collar around her neck, pulls it off, and begins to put on the suit. She starts with the armored pants, and moves to the boots. Then she puts on the shirt, places the belt where the shirt meets the pants, and puts on the gloves that finish off the suit, "There is one more piece of the armored suit that I have to make in order for it to better fit with your mane." With that said, a headpiece materializes in front of AJ's eyes. She grabs it, and wraps it around her head. It covers most of her head, leaving only her face and the top of her head exposed. It has a hole in the back where Applejack's long mane is allowed to hang out of. With the armored suit almost complete, Applejack puts on the final part. A large "S" contained in a downward pointing triangle with a cape coming off the top, "That letter upon your chest belongs to the Kryptonian house if El. It is a symbol of hope. So I wish that you use your power for good, and not evil Applejack." "Believe me, I don't want to Mr..." Applejack says, letting off a pause as she she never got the name of the voice, "Say, what's your name? I don't think you ever told me it." "I was once known as Brainiac." The pod says, "But then my intellect and consciousness was used to make an artificial intelligence... I actually never did receive a new name, so I believe that I may still be Brainiac. That seems appropriate." "That sure is a funny name!" Applejack giggles. "'Brainiac' inspires humor?" the pod asks. "Well, it does rhyme with 'Maniac'." AJ points out. "Oh. I never did think about my name with that in mind." The pod says, "I have never had to guess before, but I du believe that this point holds much humor. I shall now develop subroutines that will allow me to feel such a feeling." "Go ahead and do that, Brainiac." Applejack says with pride, "I'll go save Equestria!" Applejack bursts away, leaving a sonic boom behind her... And the pod is still thinking about Applejack's point. "'Brainiac' rhymes with 'Maniac'... What a fascinating coincidence." The pod says as it seals itself. Applejack, now as Supermare, soars through the sky on her way to Canterlot. She has no idea what all her powers are, but she knows that she can fly faster than Rainbow Dash and she's stronger than Bulk Biceps. Maybe she can fly and punch her way through whatever those black things are. She knows that it's a crowd of something because she can hear the creatures screeching a lot, and she can also hear a bigger screech coming from inside the castle. She'll head there first to investigate... The boutiques of Canterlot. It used to be home to several exquisite and expensive clothing shoppes, then it became the home of exquisite and expensive sex and slave stores, now it's all being being infested by hundreds of horrible creatures that killing and kidnapping anything. It has been an hour since the Xenomorphs begun their attack on Canterlot, and they have already begun to expand their hive throughout the castle. They have one of everything, thanks to the Caribou slave economy. bur as of now, the streets of the exquisite and expensive boutiques have been cleared out by a blue and red streak. The crowd looks over to the sky to see hundreds of black objects sailing over Canterlot Mountain, then to the blue and red suited figure in the sky. "Is that a ballon?" "No, it's a Pegasus! It's gotta be, what else can fly?" A caribou guard pulls out his telescope, and looks right at the figure. "No, it's an earth pony mare... But she can still fly, and she's wearing a blue suit with a red cape!" "Hey Miss, Who Are You!?" The figure floats down to the crowd with crossed arms. "Hi, I'm A-uh..." Applejack rethinks what to say, "I mean, Hello there! Don't be in fear, Supermare is here!" With that, Supermare soars straight to Canterlot Castle... She's quickly smacked away by a large black arm, and is slammed into the side of Canterlot Mountain. Supermare finds here completely unharmed, and is fascinated by her discovery. "That thing smacked me into solid rock, and I didn't feel a thing. I think I can handle thi-" The Xenos that Supermare threw over the mountain all swarm over her in an attempt to capture her. Supermare struggles to get free, and her eyes begin to glow red, "LET GO OF ME!!!" Supermare yells as she frees herself and blasts the swarm of Xenos with new heat beams that are being fired from her eyes. She's surprised that she has such a power, but she's too angered by the bugs to care about that fact. All she knows is that she can blast those things back to whatever Hell they came from. Supermare turns her attention to the Xenomorph queen, and blasts her beam right at it. the queen jumps out of the way, and returns to the dungeon from which it came from earlier. Supermare follows the queen, and is once again smacked awkwardly by it. She's then once again swarmed by the Xenomorphs, all of them clawing away at Supermare until her new armored suit is ruined by claw marks everywhere. Supermare breaks free once more, but is swarmed by hundreds of Xenos, as the whole hive has focused it's attention at the hero. Overwhelmed, Supermare blasts off a massive charge of her heat beam that leaves her feeling weak in the darkness of the dungeons as she's once again swarmed by the bugs. For how long they've been swarming the hero, it is not known. All Applejack knows is that she's more tired than she's ever been in her life. Eventually, the creatures all stop and crawl away at the presence... Of a white skinned creature that looks nothing like the black creatures. It slowly crawls it's way to the tired mare until it's near Applejack's face. "W-what are you?" Applejack asks, to tired to fight back or move. The white skinned creature wraps itself around Applejack's face, and she quickly falls unconscious. Two nearby Xenos grab the newly captured hero, and drag her down to a deeper and darker pit than the dungeon... > Dainn's Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a week after Q jr. released the Xenomorphs from their prison, and the creatures have taken Canterlot the day they left the cave... The casualties of the infestation were great in number, and the citizens of any town that had Canterlot in view saw the blackness that swept the city. Everypony that saw the horror is in fear, wondering what could've taken the prized possession of the Caribou Empire. And when the week passed, the news spread across Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Some ponies think that Chrysalis and her Changelings have returned, but some of the Caribou think the Ponies are up to something. At the same time, there are those that are in agreement between slave and male that something else is ahoof about what happened in Canterlot. Something bigger than Dainn, something bigger than Celestia the Sun Slut, something bigger than the Nordic Gods that the Caribou praised. At the same time, it was suspected that Dainn was dead until he was found in his personal library surrounded by books and scrolls while looking like he'd rather be dead. The books and scrolls are about myths, legends, gods, titans, relics, something that he can use against the horrible Demons that have taken Canterlot. Meanwhile, Shining Armor hasten his personal train to Ponyville to visit Dainn... That's all that Shining Armor said, no pony exactly knew Shining's intent... Shining's train made it to Ponyville an hour ago, the train filled with guards just waiting inside the train. Those guards were a mix of Ponies and Caribou, their blades and shields all Crystal Pony forged and their armor the new Crystal Guard design that was made because it's cheaper to produce and almost resembles the Equestrian Royal Guard's armor only more smoothed out. Shining Armor is walking through the doors of Dainn's new castle with two guards, one Crystal Pony the other a Caribou in old Crystal Guard armors. The Crystal Pony had a helmet, but the Caribou isn't wearing a helmet due to his antlers getting in the way. The ruler of The Crystal Empire is clad in his newest armor, an armor that protects his body yet leaves exposed gaps for excellent mobility. It's been crafted from the finest of mystic metals, giving him enchanted protection and strength along with the shine of polished chrome. It also features matching swords on there back and daggers on the lower-leg plating. The sheaths for the blades are all built into the armor for a completely streamlined look, and it makes this armor look like the most advanced armor known to Ponykind and Cariboukind. Really, the armor was supposed to be made for King Sombra a thousand years ago before his defeat. But the Crystal Pony blacksmiths made this armor for Shining as thanks for being such a great ruler, and in the hopes that he'll continue to be a great ruler of The Crystal Empire. "Where is Dainn?" Shining armor asks out loud as a mint green mare wearing only a tattered skirt runs over to Shining. "H-he's still in his library, my lord Shining Armor." The mare says frantically, "W-would you like a mare t-to fuck?" "Please, just call me Shining." The Crystal ruler says, stroking the mare's face with the back of his hand, "And I'm a married man, Miss?" "L-Lyra Heartstrings." The mare says nervously. "Lyra? What a pretty name!" The Caribou guard says, "It suits your looks very well!" "T-thanks..." Lyra says, covering her concerned face. "Oh, you think I'd like sex with you!" The Caribou says, laughing, "No, don't concern yourself. We won't be long." "Wait here, Guardsmen." Shining commands, "I'm going to have that talk with Dainn." "Yes sir!" The Guards says, saluting their leader. With that, Shining Armor walks down the large hallway before him. After some time, Shining finds a door that's been left cracked open. Inside is a malnourished King Dainn sitting on a pile of books reading a scroll. "In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened... One stood." Dainn said, sounding mentally broken down. "Are you okay, Dainn?" Shining asks, feeling concern towards Dainn. If Dainn's already broken, then his purpose for being there with most of his newly collected guard would be unnecessary. "Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blisterd by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment." "Dainn!" Shining called out. "AH!... Oh, it's you." Dainn said, not expecting any pony to visit, "I thought you might've been something else... What day is it?" "Exactly one week since your disappearance." Shining says, "It's Tuesday." "S-sorry, I've been going through my library and told my guard to not make a big deal out of my being here." Dainn says as if he's telling a big secret, "H-hey, were there any scary guys on your way here? Any guys in armor, ugly muscled types, maybe ponies that sound like they took one to many punches to the head?" "Nno." Shining says in suspicion of Dainn, "I didn't see anything like that... What's up with the books?" "Oh! Your sister told me to look through everything!" Dainn says in a strange excitement, "I-I've learned a lot over the past few days! Did you know that Starswirl the Bearded made a mirror that goes to another world? He used it to banish three Sirens named Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze! They were nasty things, the Sirens! But I don't think they'll effect the Demons." Dainn tosses the scroll that he was reading, grabs a book, and begins to flip through it, "Ooo! Lord Tirek!... Wait, never mind. He would kill us all, then get swarmed by the demons. What do you think? What should we do about the demons?" "The creatures that you described to me sound like something that cannot be contained through any means." A strange voice says. A hologram of a green monkey walks out with its arms crossed, and an annoyed look on its face, "The only ways to survive these creatures would involve leaving this planet and going to another world until we can replicate my technology. But that would mean destroying your world." "Oh, stop being a downer, Brainiac!" Dainn says, sounding somewhat like a child. Shining draws one of his swords, and points it at Brainiac. "Who are you, and why are you here!" Shining says threateningly. "I am Brainiac, and a satellite was extracted from the pod where I actually reside." Brainiac says, not scathed by Shining's threatening appearance, "Your sword would do nothing to me, nor would your magic. I am only a consciousness being held in a computer on a pod that made the one known as Applejack into Supermare..." Brainiac's face becomes concerned, "But I fear that those creatures in Canterlot were too deadly even for a Kryptonian to face... Is this the feeling of dread?... Fascinating! Excuse me, I must return to my pod to better process what has been happening over the past week." Brainiac's hologram disappears... And Shining keeps his sword drawn. "Brainiac?" Shining says to himself, "Heh! His name rhymes with 'Maniac'!" Shining raises his sword, and slashes Dainn's antlers off with a quick strike. "AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Dainn cries out in pain, all four of his antlers falling to the floor. Dainn quickly looks over to a window to see his reflection grinning at him. "Welcome to your fall, Dainn..." Dainn's future self says as it disappears into Dann's currently pain filled face "I WILL NOT FALL!!!" Dainn yells out as Dainn leaps a great distance to his hooves, and runs for decorative twin swords that are hanging on the wall. Shining Armor draws his second sword, and bangs it on his chest plate twice. "Your Crystal Cock didn't work on everypony, Dainn!" Shining says angrily as Dainn grabs the decorative swords, "I've been mind controlled before by something that used similar tactics!" "Impossible!" Dainn yells out, "The only known creatures that could possibly do that are-" "Changelings." Shining interrupts, "In fact, I was controlled by the Changeling Queen herself!" Shining Armor flips one of his swords through the air, draws one of his daggers, throws the dagger at Dainn, and catches his sword... But Dainn catches the dagger, and throws it back at Shining Armor, the Unicorn dodging the blade. The dagger still manages to brush across Shining's neck, getting him right in the artery. Shining puts away his swords, grabs the dagger, and covers his neck. "You Betrayed Me, Shining Armor!" Dainn says while twirling the decorative swords around in his hands, "And You Did It When I Have Your Sister-" *resesesesese* Shining and Dainn both look up at the ceiling to spot a winged Xenomorph holding a chestburster that has both wings and a horn. The creature seems to stare at the two warrior-rulers before expanding it's wings and flying away. "Where do you keep the princesses?" Shining asks with concern. "I keep Celestia and Luna in their own sealed cells, but your sister is in an average cage..." Dainn says, looking Shining in the eyes with similar concern. The two run for a room where Dainn was collecting the Elements of Harmony only to find that the ones he had have been killed. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle. All their cells have been bent open. Rarity, Dash, and Pinkie appear to have been eaten at places across their bodies while Twilight Sparkle has a hole in her chest. A hole that looks like something has burst from it... Shining breaks down to his knees, shedding a single tear. "Twily..." Shining says, thinking about his dead sister... Dainn looks over at the pool of old blood that's from all the Elements that he captured, and sees the reflection of his future self again. The reflection begins to laugh as Dainn looks over to Shining Armor's current state. The prince of The Crystal Empire is currently in shock over the death of his sister, which gives Dainn the opportunity to cut open the Prince's throat. Dainn raises his sword silently, prepares to strike, and is kicked upside the head by a barely visible earth pony with silver fur and a shiny mane... "Who Dares Defy Me!" Dainn says, looking straight at the more visible, very feminine figure. However, the figure issued a female's. "Jeez, Dainn!" The naked station says, fully revealing himself, "I come to let you stick your cock in my ass again, and you instead want to kill my ex-CO? No nookie for you!" It's Nickelmane, followed by a black and purple unicorn station who's dressed in armor that matches his color palette. "Dainn..." The black stallion says darkly and ominously, "I had to leave my brothers because of you... They wouldn't stop raping my sisters. I tried to enjoy it, but what is sex with no love?... What about the children that are born in this mess-" "Oh, Fucking Spit It Out Dark Hoof!" Nickelmane interrupts in annoyance, "You're not the only one who's pissed off about watching fellow guardsmen breaking down the mares of the guard, damnit! Just skip to your point!" "Alright alright alright, not everypony is as direct as you!" Dark Hoof says looking back at Dainn, "What I'm trying to say is that I've seen how the barebones of this system works, and it's disgusting. So far, I've seen females being treated as things, and it disgusts me. So I left your empire, became a bounty hunter in The Wastelands, and quickly found a female that I've fallen in love with. Go ahead and finish for me, Captain Nickelmane." "The day that Dark asked his Griffon marefriend to marry him, a Caribou slave hunting party swooped in to capture her." Nickelmane continues, "He killed the party, saved his mare, yada yada yada, he came back in the hopes of finding at least somepony willing to fight back. That's when he found you porckin' my ass, and decided to see if I wouldn't try to escape my cell for an opportunity to kick your ass. How could I refuse such an offer? By the way, behind you!" Dainn turns around to see a pissed off Shining Armor throwing an uppercut that send the Caribou into the air, followed by Dark Hoof grabbing Dainn for Nickelmane to to kick the Caribou King in the balls, and the series of attacks ends with Dark Hoof slamming Dainn into the ground hard enough to knock him out. Shining Armor look to the two best soldiers that he's ever commanded in astonishment. "Nickelmane! Dark Hoof! You're both alive and not brainwashed!" Shining yells out in excitement. "Isn't your sister dead?" Dark Hoof points out. "She is, and I'm still taking her death pretty hard, but we need to get out of here." Shining walks through the bent bars to Twilight's cell, and picks up his sister's corpse, "At least Dainn lost his antlers. I intended on killing hi-" Nickelmane impales Dainn through the abdomen in a place that won't kill him, but still keep him pinned, "... Uh, you alright?" "He fucked Celestia in front of me for fun." Nickelmane states, "Would it be possible to take Celestia and Luna with us?" "My two most trusted soldiers should have them." Shining says, "They're soldiers from my new Crystal Army. You two would both be pretty high ranking in my new Army if you're interested." "Sign me up!" Nickelmane says excitedly, "I need a damn uniform!" "Will we be destroying the Crystal Cock?" Dark Hoof asks. "I'm gonna do it in front of Celestia and Luna, along with putting in a new Crystal Heart that should un-brainwash everyone in Equestria." Shining Armor says proudly, "C'mon, we need to leave now." "I will join you, but what of the Elements of Harmony?" Dark Hoof asks. "... We can't do anything about them, sadly." Shining Armor says, "We don't have the time. But we need to be leaving now." "Yes sir." Dark Hoof says as the three of them leave Dainn's new castle. They meet up with the Crystal Pony and the Caribou entrusted with gathering Celestia and Luna. Now as a group of seven, they all head for Shining's personal train, being guided by a squad of Crystal Army soldiers. Tonight, Shining Armor will be making funeral arrangements for his loss. The only ones that were truly victorious were the Demons of Canterlot, as they have taken a possession that's valuable to both parties. Twilight Sparkle was used as an incubator for an Alicorn born Xenomorph, decreasing the number of princesses by one... > New Heros > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the caves where it all began, there is a single room. The room where the Xenomorphs were discovered. This room is being examined by a recently awakened Applejack who feels more tired then she ever has. She guessed that being in darkness now weakened her a little. Her brother left her in the family barn for him to pull her out whenever Big Mac wanted something with the familiar feel, and that's why she didn't punch her brother a mile away sooner. But she never knew that if she was left in complete darkness, she would probably not be able to walk. At least, she thinks she wouldn't be able to walk. Right now she can't even struggle out of whatever black cocooning covers her arms and legs. As for her chest, neck, and head, those remain completely clear. The Mare of Steel attempts to make her eyes do the laser thing again, but all she can get is a faint red glow that appears to only make her even more tired than before. Officially giving up, Applejack decides to examine the room to see how bad of a situation she's in. The room is covered in the blackish brown cocooning material. The surface looks like the background of piece of art made by HR Ponger. Come to think of it, those monsters that she tried to kill look like they were drawn by that artist too. At the center of the room are multiple egg like pods, with some of these pods having open tops to them. Littered on the floor near the edges of the walls are the corpses of strange white spider things with tails. After a few seconds of wondering where those things came from, Applejack looks down to the pod directly in front of her as it starts to open. As the poor blonde pony wondered what comes next, One of the white spider things launches out of the pod and on to her face, the thin white tail wrapping around her neck and something long and slimy going down her throat. The white spider thing eventually retracts the slimy thing and jumps to the wall on the other side of the room in search of another face to crawl on. Feeling pissed, Applejack fires a burst of her heat ray that's only strong enough to cause the spider thing to hit the wall and fall off. This makes Supermare feel even more weak, and she begins to feel something move around in her chest. She begins to lose consciousness, but also hears the sound of something activating. However, the thing in her chest begins to remind her of how weak she currently it. And with that, she falls asleep surrounded by darkness... Somewhere in a place of vast amounts of darkness, there are clear dormant shapes with opaque lines going through them. It is a collection of clear shapes and opaque lines that have remained dormant for thousands of years... But, by some miracle, somewhere amongst the collection is a tiny flashing red light that attempts to illuminate the lines and shapes. Above this flashing red light, a screen appears directly over it. As the screen hovers above the flashing red light, it begins to form code and words. >>WARM_UP_PROTOCOl: STANDBY >>SELF-DIAGNOSTIC: INITIATED >> >> >> >> >>SELF-DIAGNOSTIC: COMPLETE >>SYSTEMS_CONDITION: 100% [ACCEPTABLE] >>WARM_UP_PROTOCOL: INITIATED Within what appears to be the length of a minute, lights spreads throughout the shapes and lines with many colors being shown off. The colorful lights fill the entirety of what was once darkness, and more words appear on the screen. >>WARM_UP_PROTOCOL: COMPLETE >>CLK/SF_TRIBORG_MODEL_2.0: ACTIVE The flashing red light turns blue, and all the opaque lines turn blur as well. >>INITIATING_"HOLDING-ROOM"_SCAN >> >> >>LOCAL_THREAT_LEVEL: ACCEPTABLE >>STEALTH_PROTOCOL: UNNECESSARY The void of color and shapes now starts to flow with more colors, creating an ever so beautiful display as the lights expand even more to reveal a human brain surrounded by the shapes with some of the opaque lines reaching all the way down to it and receiving ocational flickers of electricity. And now, the screen above the red light shows off what's happening through the eyes of a cyborg. In the room that Applejack is restrained to, a panel on the wall opposite to the mare opens with white mist pouring out on the floor. With the sudden noise going on in the room, a unicorn born Xeno walks into the room to investigate. It looks around at the room to see an unconscious Supermare and a part of the cocooned wall that has been split open along with an apparent mist. As the Xeno focuses on the break in the wall, a metal man walks out into the room. It's bare metal armor plating with some kind of metal lashes hanging off the back of its head. The man doesn't smell like a threat, and the bug can't seem to make anything of it. The bug lets off a hiss of confusion. "The alien intruder," The metal man says as lights at its chest and eyes activate and become blue, along with the color of its armor becoming blue. The man charges energy in its hand and blasts the Xenomorph with a ball of frost that freezes the Xeno solid. The man then charges into the bug and shatters it, sending frozen acid chunks flying everywhere. The man then looks over to Supermare and examines her. It can see that there is a Xenomorph growing inside her and that she doesn't have much time left. With further examination, the man discovers that Supermare isn't entirely anthro equine, her DNA has been changed to something very tough. Even further examination is determining that it might even be invincible, but physically weakened somehow. With a different form deep scan it discovers apparent receptors in the cells that absorbs sunlight, but not the same way as plants. As the man continues to examine the weakened hero, she wakes up. "W-what in the hell," Applejack says, completely surprised by the appearance of the metal man, "Who're you?" "I am Triborg, a repurposed Prototype Cyber-Lin-Kuei," The man responds, "May I ask who you are?" "I'm Appleja- I mean, I'm Supermare," Applejack says, almost blowing her cover, "Hey, are those a set of fancy eyes?" "If you are referring to the lights on my face, then you would be correct. These are what you may refer to as my eyes." "Can they see inside me?" "Indeed. The beast inside you grows, and I lack the capability to cut into your skin." "A-are you sure?" "I understand your concern. However, your chances for survival are high. These creatures expand through two similar means that cause an embryo to grow in your chest. As soon as it exits you, I will destroy it and encase you in ice. Your chances of surviving being frozen are also high. I would say you have a ninety-five point six percent of surviving both encounters." "So, it's not gonna kill me?" "Nor will it severely critically injure you. It should leave only a single hole in your armor. However, my calculations determine that the beast inside you should come out at any moment." "W-w-what!? Y-you mean that-" "Fear not, ma'am. I am here for you. These monsters nearly infested another world, and we brought them to this world thinking that they wouldn't harm anything. It appears that we were wrong. A mistake that I must fix." Triborg puts a hand on Supermare's shoulder and looks more deeply into the panicking mare's eyes. "Do not worry as much." Triborg says in an attempt to calm the mare, "You will survive the experience, and I will be here to bring you to a safer location. I have teleportation capabilities that will allow us to exit this cave together. What is your real name? I volunteered to be rebuilt as a cybernetic lifeform. I was once Dennis Zheng. But I know retain an addition of three other memories from three other cyborgs. But i only have their memories and abilities, not their concisenesses." "M-my name i-is Applejack," Applejack says, still fearing about what is about to happen, "W-will it hurt? That thing leavin' me?" "Sadly, yes," Triborg admits, "It will bring great pain. But it will only last mere seconds. I will make sure of it." Within a few seconds, there's clearly visible movement inside Applejack's chest. Something is inside her, and it's squirming all over. The golden mare starts to feel weak in the chest, the squirming moves over right to the symbol of the House of El and it attempts to surface. With an emerging bulge at the 'S', Supermare begins to cough up blood. Another bulge happens, Applejack coughs up more blood, and Triborg's body language changes to one of readiness as he also launches a probe that hovers over his head. Triborg clenches and opens his hand, then moves into a stance that calms and steadies his arm . With one final push- HSESESESESESESESESESESE "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A chestburster erupts out of Applejack's chest and causes a pain that she swear she won't survive. But within not even half of the moment of deathly pain; Triborg snatches the chestburster, flings it into the middle of the room, and blasts it with a beam of frost that's intensified by the probe to the point of trapping the developing Xeno in a wall of ice. "Your survival is improbable!" Triborg announces befor looking over to Applejack. The blonde maned pony now has a hole in her chest along with blood coming out of her mouth. She's not doing good at all, but she's not exactly dying. As a reaction to seeing the mare in her weakened state, Triborg places his hand into Applejack's wound and slowly encases her injury with ice until she no longer felt any pain. However, with Triborg's work completed, Applejack begins to lose consciousness as the cyborg pulls her out of the cocooned walls and holds her in his armored arms. "Hey, Triborg?" Applejack asks. "How may I be of assistance?" Triborg responds, looking her in the eyes. "Keep me awake, would you? I don't want my lights goin' out." "Your weakened state is only temporary. I will bring you into the sun's light." With that said, Triborg and Applejack de-materialize out of the room to appear elsewhere. If one were travel to the mighty castle of Canterlot during it's seemingly everlasting prime by train or flight, they would likely be to the simply massive city within a matter of hours. But getting there by hoof is something that would take far longer. It would take the length of two days to get to Canterlot by hoof from Ponyville, a town that is the closest one to the mighty kingdom. But when the Caribou took over, destroyed the train, and restricted flying, no pony ever really attempted to travel to the once great city. And now, the town is one giant hive that belongs to the Xenomorphs. Everything they could possibly need is over there. With their numbers high enough to wipe out an army in an hour, the need to expand the hive has ceased. As for a supply of food, the forested mountains above contain enough animals to give the Xenos what little food that they require. And even then, a single Xenomorph only needs to feed once every few days. Even the Queen Tarkatan born eats every other day, dispite it's massive size. But even though the city belongs to the Xenos, a squad of unarmed scouts have been sent out to report just how bad it really is. It has been nine days since the infestation, and the scouts have been there for only half a day. It's sundown, and the sky's glow orange with streaks of white clouds like an orange cream popsicle. The one of the scouts is building a fire while the rest are setting up tents to sleep in through the night. Tomorrow, they move from their camp in a nearby meadow to higher places in the mountains to gain a bird's eye view of the inside of the city. As the scout that's building his log cabin pile, he looks over to the tall and steep mountainside. He wonders why Caribou were sent to climb the mountain. He remembers running through fields as a child; fields of rain, mud, and puddles colder than ice yet somehow wet instead of frozen. He hated his home, but it was all that he knew to expect from the world. Now, he's discovered warmth and comfort. Never did he think that the days of sleeping under the skins of five different animals would stop, the days of eating meat because the vegetables would freeze, the days of fighting for your village because other Viking clans want it. Now he knows safety, being the superior species, and being surrounded by pleasure. He enjoyed the pleasure, but he hated everything else. He hated surviving but it's what he knew. Instead, he doesn't have to live by the skin of his teeth and he hates that even more. And then there were the Ponies. Everything made by them is built strong, their lives knee deep in luxury, their talents to be discovered someday because of their naturally occurring "cutie marks", and they have never experienced war for a thousand years. They lived in safety, but this did not confuse the scout as he builds his fire. He knew that they did, and it actually sat well with him. He didn't want to attack Equestria, but then Dainn had to unify the Caribou clans into a kingdom and attack a land that he was taught never to attack. In his village, it was easy to be considered a coward. Being a buck and not fighting was considered cowardly. Treating females unfairly was considered cowardly. And leaving your home for The Land of Beauty for any reason was the most cowardly. Yet here he was, building a fire in front of what he thought would be the most beautiful city to set eyes on and it has been destroyed and made uglier than sin. He couldn't believe his eyes. With the fire finally complete, he examines the pile of wood for anything missing. He needs more kindling, and he knows what to use. He reaches into a satchel slung to his back, and pulls out a fistful of paper advertisements givin to him by slaves and pleasure shop owners. He takes the papers, crumples them up, and stuffs them underneath the firewood pile that he has set up. He then reaches into his satchel, and pulls out a "bic lighter". Of all the things he's seen in Equestria, commonly produced tool with the capability to start fire within one flick baffles him more than everything else. He flicks the lighter and ignites the kindling with the fire starting minutes later. He considers his feat amazing. At his home, it would take hours to start a fight and he started one within mere minutes. In an attempt to get his mind off the Ponies' prosperity, he looks back up to the mountain. But it only gets him thinking about the ponies again. He fought for his safety at his old home, yet he heard of ponies dying amongst their own safety out of boredom. Not intentionally killing themselves, rather doing dangerous things such as climbing mountains, living amongst dry deserts, creating machines capable of flight for the ones not meant to fly, and developing "sports". Individuals purposefully throwing them selves into danger because safety is boring. He found it so fascinating and amazing at the same time. And some of these ponies had a talent for committing such extreme acts. So incredible, he thought. Almost as incredible as a strange shiny figure that he's now fixating on. The scout by the fire can't seem to fully make out whatever that figure is, but it wasn't there a few seconds ago. Soon after, a second figure stands beside it. This one appears to be dressed in blue with a red cape and what he thinks is blonde hair flowing in the wind. To make sure that he's actually seeing correctly, he rubs his eyes and looks back to the mountain with the two clearly still standing there. "Darcius, have you heard rumors of red caped figures that live in the mountains?" The scout asks loudly to get his answer. "Other than those bugs being so ugly that one look can turn you to stone, I have heard nothing of any rumors that live in the mountains," Darcius answers, "Are you sure you haven't been enjoying any of the ponies' 'sweet leaves'?" "It's called marijuana, it's not a hallucinogen, and I didn't even bring any! My sight is fine! Just look over to the mountain!" "... It appears I was wrong, you are in fact seeing something with a cape! Maybe we are lucky and it doesn't want anything!" "I do remember talk of a mare that wore a blue costume with the red cape," One of the other scouts interrupts, "I even heard some of the Colts giving her her name. Something like 'Supermare', or some bloody hero name. Supposedly she was seeing attempting to fight off those demons. But she crashed into the dungeons of Canterlot and was never seen again." The caped figure launches into the sky and approaches the squad of scouts, and the shiny figure disappears. "I've got a bad feeling about this," The scout that built the fire says. "So, exactly how many Caribou 're down there," Supermare asks, her wound fully healed. "My sensors detect eight lifeforms," Triborg answers, his armor now yellow and his lights now green, "I am ready to engage at your discretion." "I say that we stand around here for a while. Get noticed. Then go down. I fly into the sky and you do... Whatever you do." "I shall engage stealth mode and engage the enemy through a more direct approach. May I recommend that you wait for my attack before engaging yourself?" "Can do. I can hear things from a long way's away so I'll hear ya." "Roger." Triborg affirms as Supermare's takes to the skies. The cyborg goes invisible before leaping a great distance towards the meadow. Before he lands, hidden boosters in his back, hands, and feet let off a burst of thrust that soften the landing so that he doesn't grab any attention. He approaches the camp and listens in to the talk between two shaken Caribou. "What should we do," A Caribou standing next to a fire asks, "The caped thing just flew off!" "Yes, but it won't help us if we panic," A Caribou setting up a tent says, "I say we let this instance go. Besides, that hike up here has left us tired. Just look at Sam, he's already set up his tent. He's probably napping now." New objective, A notification states to Triborg, "Discover the napping Caribou. Triborg sneaks over to the only fully set up tent and scans it's contents. He discovers a Caribou that is far from sleeping. The Caribou is masturbating, and further scans indicate that he's going at it pretty hard. "Oh yes," The masturbating Caribou silently says to himself, "Strawberry Fields will be mine. I just need to kidnap her from my neighbor and she'll be all mine." -The Caribou starts going at it harder- "I can fuck her all I want when she's mine. I want that strange mare, and use her to bare my sons-" The Caribou bites his finger hard, "-mmm..." The Caribou makes a mess of himself, and feels relaxed, "I will have you, Strawberry Fields. I don't know why that damned Damian lets you live normally in his house, but I will force you to be like the rest." Triborg is able to enter the tent with none of the other Caribou noticing. "What you speak of brings dishonor to your name," Triborg says to the messy Caribou, his body de-cloaking. "What By The Gods Are Yo-" Triborg extends a saw blade from his arm and slices the Caribou's throat wide open. The noise from the kill puts all the other Caribou at high alert as they all flee from the camp. Triborg re-engages his cloak and slowly follows the running Caribou. "Why Didn't They Provide Weapons!?" One of the Caribou cries out. A few seconds later, and Supermare lands right in front of the remaining seven Caribou. "Goin' anywhere?" Supermare asks, her eyes glowing red. The Caribou try to go to the side, only for the first one to get blasted backwards by a random explosion caused by Triborg. In addition to getting blasted backwards, Triborg pulls off his own head and throws it hard enough at the Caribou for his head to become the cyborg's. "Body snatch complete," Triborg says as he turns around and begins to fight the Caribou using the body their now ex-comrade while Triborg's headless body launches over to grab another Caribou and takeoff to the sky with it. Supermare knocks three of the Caribou over with her heat ray, then proceeds to get closer while one gets up to punch her in the face. As the Caribou lands his hit, his hand breaks upon the blond mare's face. Supermare uppercuts the Caribou that hit her with a force strong enough to launch him into the air while shattering his upper and lower jaw. Another Caribou attempts to swing a punch at her but she grabs him by the threat and looks into his eyes with a burning rage. Unlike when the Xenos attacked her, she's facing opponents that don't have a chance against her. The power she feels is intoxicating, especially how her eyes becoming red as they stare down the Caribou and pour fear into him. She cries out in anger as she bores two holes through the Caribou's head and blasts the remaining Caribou with her great anger. Triborg has already killed his two Caribou, and his body has broken the neck of the Caribou it took with it. Now whole again, the cyborg walks over to Applejack while observing her continually boiling anger. "Applejack, the fight is over," Triborg informs. But Applejack's anger doesn't subsidie. Instead, she turns around and blasts at Triborg with her rage fueled heat ray... But before the heat ray hits, Triborg's body dematerializes along with his limbs flying off. The cyborg puts himself back together behind Applejack and cloaks as he knocks Supermare down. The angered hero gets up and sees that Triborg's cloak is surrounded by smoke along with the cyborg himself seeming to re-materialize and uncloak. His armor is now black and his lights are red with the smoke still surrounding him. "Applejack, your rage is getting the better of you," Triborg states as he sets himself to a counteroffensive Lin-Kuei stance. Applejack throws a punch, and Triborg dodges it to deliver an elbow into Supermare's back as he bursts into a cloud of smoke that surrounds Applejack. The mare throws punches into the smoke, but hits nothing. As she attempts yet another punch, a black hand grabs Supermare and tosses her into another black fist that knocks her down. The smoke comes back together to form Triborg, but two other Triborgs materialize next to him and surround the angry mare. The two additional Triborgs are in The two previously seen settings- the blue and yellow settings- and they all prepare to deliver separate blows. The yellow Triborg slashes Supermare across the chest, causing her to stumble around to the blue Triborg who blasts her with a beam of cold that freezes the hero in place. The two Triborgs grab the frozen hero, launch into the sky, and the black Triborg blasts himself up words with an uppercut that knocks Supermare out of her icy shell. The hero falls, and the black Triborg grabs her as the other Triborgs dematerialize and return to the main cyborg. His boosters allow the assassin to land softly on the ground with a now tired Applejack secure in his arms. "W-why did ya have t' do that?" Applejack asks. "Sometimes it is best to use Kombat in order to calm one's nerves," Triborg says, "You felt great anger towards the enemies, and you let it blind you." "I guess I did lose my temper," Applejack admits. "Fear not, you simply require guidance. I shall give you this guidance, the same guidance that a man named Kuai Lian gave me. With this guidance, you can beat anything that dares to oppose you in a controlled manner." "If it means makin' me a better hero, then sign me up." "We shall start tomorrow." "But my-" "You have already told me about the oppression of your people. It is thinking about it that blinds you. You seek to become a hero and a symbol of hope. If you seek to save your kind, then blind rage will cause you to fail. I shall teach you how to be a proper hero, and we shall liberate your people together. Only then will you succeed." "... Alright, I'll do whatever you say." "Excellent! Rest tonight. There will be much to do tomorrow." With that said, Supermare heads to the ex-Caribou scout camp and finds a tent. As for Triborg, he begins scans the mountainside for certain materials that Kuai Liang used to teach him his skills and discipline. He will make Supermare into a true symbol of hope. > The Final Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Dainn’s new castle that he used to hold the Elements of Harmonious, a silver device with glowing purple lines floats above the shriveled bodies of a white unicorn, a pink earth pony, and a blue pony. The floating device begins to scan the blue body, but it gets an odd reading. It's not actually dead. The device projects a transparent of Brainiac before moving on to scanning the unicorn and the earth pony. “Fascinating…” The hologram becomes opaque and kneels down to touch the shriveled body of the Pegasus only to discover that it's actually not dead, but close to it. Brainiac reaches out to grab the Pegasus’ mane and examine its colors. The mane is interesting display as it is a rainbow. “A rainbow colored mane.” Brainiac tells himself, “This must be Rainbow Dash. Applejack has said much about her, also stating how she used to commit heroic acts on her own.” Brainiac shifts his hand under Dash’s head and lifts it to look into her sunken eyes. “She fights to stay alive, even after the period of a single week with wounds like hers.” Brainiac’s holographic unit finishes scanning the unicorn and the earth pony and floats over to the center of the hologram it's projecting before filling in the hard light hologram with metal plating, changing the hologram into an android. “Rainbow Dash of Equestria, I shall conduct repairs on your being,” Brainiac says as the partiality complete android picks Rainbow's body up and walks to the door it came through. The now completed android began to walk through a very large stone hallway before spotting an odd sight. “STOP TORTURING ME!!!” A scar covered and antlerless Dainn cries out at the air in front of him. “You do realize that you’re yelling at the air.” Brainiac states. “Oh, Fuck You, Brainiac! Aren’t you waiting for your Supermare to return? FUCK YOU TOO, YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT HOW I BECOME YOU!!!” “My calculations predict that Supermare may have survived, especially with what my drones have discovered.” “Yeah, she’ll return to be one of my personal pets!” Dainn says, his comment causing Brainiac to deploy his hologram projector to project a hard light hologram that takes Rainbow Dash from his arms. “You. Cannot. Touch her.” Brainiac says as he extends metallic tendrils from his back while flexing his arms in front of his chest. The hard light hologram walks over to the side while the android begins to approach Dainn. “You already know that I used to be a collector of worlds. That I collected them in order to make all knowledge exclusive to me purely because it is what I desired. But what I never told you was how even I saw some examples of individuals who did not need to be remembered.” Brainiac stops just out of being in Dainn’s reach. “One such individual was a mass murderer known to Earth as The Joker. I only remember him because his impact on Earth was undeniable. And when a version of him from another universe came to continue the past Joker’s work, I personally made sure that he was deleted permanently.” Dainn draws a sword and slashes at Brainiac, only for the android to smack the blade out of the Caribou’s hand and wrap a tendril around Dainn’s neck. “Dainn of the Caribou Empire, You will not be missed.” Brainiac lifts Dainn into the air and impales the King with another tendril before tossing him to the side. Brainiac walks over to the hologram projector only for a dagger to pierce through his knee, and another dagger to pierce him right through the head. “A-a-a-android bod-d-d-dy failing. cutting c-c-c-c-c-c-c-connection.” Brainiac’s android body shuts down while the hard light hologram looks over at what destroyed the android. The hologram sees Dainn with bruises around his neck and a hole through his chest. “You can't kill me that easily, Brainiac.” Dainn says holding the sword that was swatted from his hand earlier, “And I’ll take Rainbow Dash back if she's still breathing.” “As this holographic body lacks the combat capabilities of the android body,” the hologram says before a second hologram walks out from behind the hologram holding Rainbow Dash. “I can still face you in combat. In ways that the android body could not.” The second hologram says. Dainn charges for the second hologram only for the hologram to deconstruct itself, letting Dainn run into a wall at his dismay. Dainn is then caught as he falls to the ground only to be slammed into the wall then thrown to the center of the hall to see that Brainiac is the cause of the attack. Dainn swings his sword at Brainiac only for the blade to go right through. Dainn swings his sword again but Brainiac catches it while a third Brainiac hologram wraps his arms around Dainn’s abdomen, allowing the second hologram to take Dainn’s sword from him and impale him on it. The third hologram then lets go of Dainn, put its fists together, and slam Dainn to the ground. “Our defeat is not an option.” The Brainiac holograms state as they stand over Dainn. Suddenly, they face difficulties with working properly as they start to flicker, the first hologram now dropping Rainbow Dash on the stone floor. “I will be taking the rainbow whore with me to my private quarters now.” Dainn says as he gets to his hooves, “We are going to have so much fun together.” Dainn looks over to where Rainbow Dash is, only to see that she's gone. He starts looking all over, but finds nothing until the sword he's been impaled by is pulled from him and he’s knocked down again. “I’m not Rainbow Whore,” A weak, gruff voice says, “I’m Rainbow Dash, you bastard.” Two of Brainiac’s holograms cut out completely, leaving one of them functioning perfectly. “It seems that even without antlers, you still possess magic.” Brainiac observes, “But only enough to interrupt weak signals. My probe can still receive a hard light holographic signal from my pod. This fight is not yours to win.” Dainn gets back up and brings up his fists, but he seems to be faltering “I-I will take back what is mine,” Dainn says, not giving up. Rainbow Dash becomes angered by Dainn’s willingness to keep on fighting, and something strange happens. Her eyes begin to glow and her plucked wings break free from their restraints and seem to glow with power as the featherless limbs stretch themselves out. This glowing power is the same color as Dash’s mane and tail. It’s rainbow. “Just die already, Dainn.” Rainbow Dash growls, “You fucked up a long time ago, and you have to pay for what you’ve done.” Dash, previously looking weak on her feet, has some form of newfound strength that allows her to wield the sword in her hands as if she has been healed. “Th-the Elements of Harmony fell long ago,” Dainn says, his strength falling more and more, “And w-we plucked the wings of Pegasi for a reason.” “My wings aren’t what you should be worried about,” Rainbow Dash says dashes past Dainn while slashing his right arm in half. Dainn doesn’t react to his missing arm. Instead, he attempts to swing his elbow at the Pegasus only for Dash to toss the sword in the air and block the swing. She then throws the attack off and spins Dainn to face her as she punches the Caribou Kings face with a hook and an uppercut, finishing by leaping in the air, grabbing the tossed sword, and slashing down to finish removing Dainn’s right arm. Dash stops while she watches Dainn look at his now missing limb and collapse to his knees. The hallway remains silent for a great many seconds before Dainn speaks. “... Finish me.” Dainn demands quietly. “No.” Rainbow Dash says, denying the King’s demand. “Why?” “Because. You're not worth it anymore. Killing you won't solve any of the problems that you caused my friends, my family, and my fellow Ponies.” Rainbow Dash drops the sword and walks away, Dainn looking over to the blade lying on the floor. Brainiac looks over to the sword as well in confusion over the matter. “Dainn is too dangerous to let live, yet you choose to let him?” Brainiac asks in his confusion. “I’m not a killer. I’m an expert swordspony, but competitive sword fighting doesn’t involve actual death or limb loss. Besides, Dainn died a long time ago. Long before he started talking to himself. Just get me out of here.” “As you wish,” Brainiac says, the hologram escorting Dash through the hallway... In the dining hall of Dainn’s Ponyville castle, the Caribou King himself sits upon his chair and stares down at a freshly cooked plate of food. The food is a finely cooked carrot slices, apple slices, and lettuce leaves mixed around with shredded cabbage and a special dressing made by the chef behind this delicious meal. At least, it could be a good meal. But it could also be a tasteless meal or a meal that has a horrid taste to it. Dainn does not know. He hasn't touched it at all. He's not feeling hungry right now. But a certain individual who has appeared behind him is eating an apple as if he's never eaten for days. Dainn has to eat, but this individual doesn't have to. After all, a Q doesn’t need to eat. “Well well well, the King of the Caribou himself!” The individual points out, food still in his mouth, “Might I ask if you’re going to eat that?” Dainn tiredly looks over to see Q jr. standing behind him with an apple in his hand. “What do you want this time?” Dainn asked with eyes that have given up. “Well, my father told me that I’m supposed to see what you’ve learned so far. But I’ve been watching you closely, and you haven’t learned a thing.” “I was beaten, yet I was sparred by somepony who vilely hates me. She was owned by Caribou under my direct command, and they indulged in things that not even I enjoy, she went through it all, yet she spared my life.” “So?” Q jr. asks while he takes another bite of his apple, “Aren’t you not supposed to care? Or has your future self’s sentence taken its toll?” “My visions of him are what's responsible for the scars across my body. I see him in my reflection. I feel every time he makers my draw my dagger and stroke it down my arm. I sense him in my mind, preventing me from eating the meal before me. He won't stop.” “Oh, that wasn't ‘your future self’,” Q jr. says with a laugh, “That was me!” At this moment, Dainn’s mind caused the world around him to faze away… Was this true? Was it really Discord's son who made him feel all this pain? He started to ponder other possibilities. What if small things were manipulated to make him believe so? Dainn draws his dagger with his reattached arms and examines his reflection in it. He's not seeing his future self in it, only himself. He opens his palm to see the strange language he etched into the handle of the blade, wondering what the words could possibly mean. The handle says: ben ta' megh’an “You won't find the translation for those words in any library on this world.” Q jr. states as he sits on the table and picks up a fork and Dainn’s food, “It's in Klingon. It means ‘A King’s End’.” Q jr. starts eating the blend of greenery while watching Dainn’s shock, “Go on, complete the blade’s purpose.” Dainn would say something, but he couldn't even open his mouth. He looked at the words and watched them become Equestrian in his handwriting. Dainn feels a lump in his throat as he lowers the blade down to his heart. His eyes begin to water, but his hand remains steady. Without another second, he plunges the blade into his heart… And he sheds a single tear. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q jr. sits on Dainn's dining table in Dainn's dining eating Dainn's food while looking down upon Dainn's dead body. He's not really thinking about Dainn, though, he's thinking about how delicious the plate of food is. He finds the carrots to be cooked to perfection, and the blend of apple slices, cabbage, and lettuce to make it only that much better. And don't even get him started on the dressing, as it is setting his world on fire. "So, this is what it feels like to make the start of a cascade." Q jr. says to himself, "Father does want me to be the caretaker of these people and do what I please with them, so long as I do nothing too direct. He told me that releasing the Xenomorphs was a grand idea and that peeling away at his mind would only add to the possibilities of how I could shape this society..." Q jr. puts the plate down and walks away from it, stepping over Dainn's body. A chef walks into the room with a mare on a leash, not noticing Q jr. "My lord, I have your desert read- By The Gods!!" The chef says, dropping the leashed mare. He looks at Dainn's dead body and drops to his knees, "D-DAINN IS DEAD!!!" "And now to watch the effects of this little trickery will do to what was a stable empire. It should crumble down to its own foundation and leave room for improvement over this dreadful setting..."