
by Silver Inkwell

First published

When her friends abandon her how will Pinkie Pie react to being left all alone now then? Only Pinkamena has the answer to that now...

When her friends abandon her how will Pinkie Pie react to being left all alone now then?

Only Pinkamena has the answer to that now...

Note: This takes place as an AU to the Episode "Party of One"


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Pinkie Pie sat all alone in her room trying not to go crazy and insane.

It’s okay, she told herself in her mind repeatedly over again many times now.

But it wasn’t okay, it was terrible and horrible and probably the worst thing that had happened to her in her whole entire life, her friends had abandoned her.

But why? Why would they ever leave her like this, all alone by herself now?

Did they just not care anymore? Did they not like or love her anymore instead either? There just had to be a logical reasonable explanation for this, but she couldn’t find any. And that’s why she was here now all alone in her house.

She just had to think about this before she decided to react in any possible way.

But with all her thoughts and ideas that were negative that were going through her head it was very hard to stay happy and smiling, which was why her mane which was usually puffy and poufy was now hanging down around her.

She knew that her friends still had to care about her, right?

But what if they just didn’t anymore?

What if they didn’t like her or love her anymore?

What would happen to her then?

Would she slowly grow old without any friends and die a very sad lonely mare?

No, that couldn’t happen, she wouldn’t allow it to ever happen to her now then, she would take matters into her own hooves if she had to, because if they wouldn’t be her friends then she wouldn’t allow them to be friends with any pony else ever again. And with that malicious thought and idea with her mind she smiled to herself as she grabbed a few of her items and decided to head over to Rainbow Dash’s, after all, she was one that could appreciate a good prank, surely she would know if something were p with the group, and if not her then probably Applejack, she couldn’t tell a lie even if she wanted to try.

And so with that she went up to Rainbow Dash’s cloud house and knocked.

“Hey there Rainbow Dash, are you in there?” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah, I’m here, what is it? I’m kind of busy today?” Rainbow Dash said opening the door very wide to let her in. “Oh, well I thought I would just come on over and by to give you a little surprise,” Pinkie Pie said smiling very deviously now then. “Oh, well is that all?” Rainbow Dash said flying deeper into her home now then. “Well I was wondering if any of you were avoiding me at all for some reason, I mean do you not like or love me anymore? What’s going on here exactly?

Because I can change if you want me to, but all you need to do is just tell me.

“No, you’re fine, it’s just something else completely different.”

“Oh, well then, if that’s all I think that it’s time to show you my gift.”

“Oh great, what is it this time exactly?” Rainbow Dash said quickly coming back into the room to receive her surprise. “This,” Pinkie Pie said holding up a knife now then. “Cool, but when have you ever given knives to
any pony else?”

“Ever since my heart was broken by my best friends!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she lunged towards Rainbow
Dash with the knife intending to kill her with it.

“Pinkie Pie! Calm down! Just trust me when I say it’s not what you think it is!”

“Oh, I know exactly what it is! You all decided to try to ditch me, your best friend! Well guess what? You can’t ditch me, and now you’re all going to pay for that!”

“Pinkie Pie! We didn’t make any mistakes, we just wanted to throw you a surprise birthday party!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted trying to desperately escape.

“Lies!!! That’s exactly something that you would say if you were trying to ditch me, and guess what, you can’t ever prove that you’re telling the truth right now!”

“Then believe in your heart Pinkie Pie, don’t listen to your mind with your negative thoughts and ideas, you can fight this, you can control it!!!”

“No I can’t!!! And nothing that you can ever do or say will change that!!!”

“Then don’t listen to just me!!! Listen to all of your friends together!!!”

“It’s too late for that!!! It’s time that all of you die for what you did to me!!!”

And with that said she lunged towards Rainbow Dash and stabbed her in the heart. Rainbow Dash started to choke on her last breath as the blood slowly came out of her body, and then Pinkie Pie leaned in to whisper to her very softly.

“I hope that you burn in hell you bitch,” and then she drew the knife out then.

And then with that said Rainbow Dash suddenly fell on the floor now dead and bleeding, and then Pinkie
Pie decided to do something very strange, weird, highly odd, and unusual too as well, she decided to drink Rainbow Dash’s blood.

And that was because she drank something whenever she accomplished something great like getting a new friend, but killing an old one off would be a very good occasion to toast on something, even if it wasn’t very normal.

And so she leaned down and started to drink the blood of Rainbow Dash.

When she was finally done and had her fill she licked her lips, delicious, but there was still some left, eh, who cared, it didn’t really matter now anymore.

One down, but she still had four more very old close dear friends to go now then.

And with that thought in her mind she took her bloody knife and then decided to go visit Applejack, surely
she would at least admit it before she died.

But she didn’t as she very soon figured out when she came to visit.
“Well howdy Pinkie Pie,” she said when she came over, “What are you doing over here exactly? Shouldn’t
you be at your job at Sugarcube corner right now?”

“Sugarcube corner can wait, but the surprise that I have for you can’t anymore.”

“Well why didn’t you say so in the first place?” she said now then.

But her smile and casual demeanor disappeared when she saw the knife.

“Pinkie Pie, why do you have a knife? And what’s that on your face exactly?”

“Blood,” she said smiling as she lunged towards Applejack.

She quickly dogged the first attack like Rainbow Dash, but she had nowhere to run just like her since she had decided to corner her in the farm house wisely enough now then. “Pinkie Pie, what are you trying to do here right now exactly?”

“Something that I should have done a very long time ago,” she said smiling deviously, “Now then tell me the real honest truth, have you been avoiding me?”

“What? No, we would never, we were just trying to throw you a surprise birthday party, that’s all,” Applejack aid very nervously with fear (just like Rainbow Dash) as she tried to prepare and defend herself in the back corner of the farmhouse.

“Wow Applejack, I can’t believe that you would try to lie to your best friend, especially when she’s threatening to kill you,” she said very angrily now then.

“I’m not lying, you know as well as I do that I can’t ever tell a lie now.”

“Can’t or won’t? There’s a very big huge wide vast difference right there.”

And then with that said she lunged forward and plunged the knife into her heart.

As Applejack started to take her last breaths she came over and spoke very softly to her now then. “I am very sad that your last words were lies to me.”

And then with that said she slowly leaned over, fell down, and then died.

She then did the same process of drinking her blood then now.

She then decided to go over to Rarity’s after making sure to hide the body just like she had done with Rainbow Dash. “Oh Rarity, are you in here?” she said lightly knocking on the door and very eagerly waiting for a reply from within.

“Oh yes darling I am, do come on in,” she said opening the door for her now then.

“Oh, I was worried that you might try to be avoiding me right now.”

“Now then darling why in Equestria would we ever do that for?” she said very lightly now then as she went over to her desk and started to work on a dress.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you don’t care about me anymore and love me? Or is there something else that you’re just not trying to tell me yet?”

“Let’s go with the last option here darling, but trust me when I say this, we would never avoid you, you’re just too much fun to be around all the time now.”

“Oh, so I’m too overenergetic and fun, is that what I’m hearing?” she said very angrily approaching her with the knife held high while Rarity focused on her work and didn’t even bother to glance back now then. “No darling, what I’m saying is that you just mean too much to us, and we would never abandon a friend, and I don’t know why you would ever let those thoughts and ideas of that ever possibly happening even enter your mind much less take root in there.”

“Maybe it’s because a real true best friend would actually tell me what’s really truly going on here,” she said now then. “But darling, I already am one.”

“And that’s exactly what you would say,” she said as she plunged the knife into the back of Rarity and watched as the blood slowly started to flow out onto the floor now then. And as Rarity lay there dying and gasping out her very last breath her final words were these, “No, not the carpet, the stains will never get out with blood,” and then she lay down her head, very slowly closed her eyes and then died. “Even in death you still have grace and a fashion instinct as well too,” Pinkie Pie said to herself as she leaned down to drink the blood now then. And then after she was finally done she decided to go over to Twilight’s house now then. Slowly she made her way over to the treehouse and then knocked very loudly. “Oh Twilight? Are you in here right now? I really hope that you’re not trying to avoid me because that would be really very bad for you.”

“No, I’m not trying to avoid you,” Twilight said opening the door for her now then, “Come on in, I can have Spike make some tea or some crackers or a snack if you want,” she said as she went over to her desk and then started to work now then. “No thank you, we won’t be needing Spike today,” she said now then. “Oh, well okay then, so what do you want to talk about exactly then?”

“Why is it that you and every pony else who’s my best friend is avoiding me?”

“Pinkie Pie, we’re not avoiding you, just trust us on this, please.”

“I really hate it when ponies try to lie to me, or when they call me the wrong name too instead especially, because guess what, my name isn’t really Pinkie Pie, it never has been either, it’s really Pinkamena!!!” she shouted as she lunged forward with the knife held between her hooves ready to kill her.

Luckily enough for Twilight she happened to glance at the last second and dodged the attack. “Pinkie Pie!!! What are you trying to do to me right now?”

“Something that I should have done a very long time ago!!!” Pinkie Pie said.

Pinkie Pie tried to attack Twilight as she used her magic to quickly dodge every attack, but Pinkie Pie kept coming because she knew that her magic wouldn’t last forever. “Pinkie Pie!!! Try to be reasonable right now, don’t give in to your emotions and feelings, you can fight this!!!” Twilight said now then.

“You have no idea just what I am feeling right now!!!” she shouted.

“Yes, I don’t, but guess what, you can talk to your friends about it too!!!”

“I killed almost all my friends, only you and Fluttershy are the last ones!!!”

“Wait, what?” Twilight said very confused, and that was finally the moment and chance and opportunity to strike, and then she did as she plunged the knife into her heart. As Twilight started to gasp out her last breath Pinkie Pie slowly leaned over and whispered into her hear, “Fuck you bitch,” she said now then.

And then she leaned over, slowly closed her eyes, and then died.

And then Pinkie Pie started to drink her blood too then and afterwards hid her body in the broom closet, and then she decided to go over to Fluttershy’s now then. When she finally got there she lightly knocked on the door.

“Fluttershy, are you here? I have a surprise for you,” she said.

“Uh yes, I am,” she said opening the door very nervously for her now then.

Pinkie Pie bounced in, “So, have you and my other friends been avoiding me lately?” she said very casually now then. “What? No, we would never,” she said.

“Oh, well then I’m sorry to say that I’m going to have to kill you now then.”

“Pinkie Pie, you can’t be serious, why would you even ever say something like that?” Fluttershy said nervously trying to find an easy escape out of the house now then. “Because I already have killed my other so called friends, you’re the last, and that’s only because I thought you would be the nicest and kindest to me, but clearly I was wrong,” she said as she lunged towards Fluttershy.

As the knife entered her heart Fluttershy let out a very small gasp.

“I really hope that you can find peace and joy, even if only a small tiny little bit, because you don’t deserve to be unhappy as the others,” Pinkie Pie said now then. And then with that said Fluttershy slowly closed her eyes and then died. “Even in death you still die with grace and beauty, just like Rarity did.”

And then with that said she started to drink up her blood too.

And after she was done she cleaned up the evidence as best as she could.

And then she decided to go home to sulk in her misery, pain, sorrow, agony, and despair, and she didn’t care what happened to her anymore, her friends had abandoned her and tried to lie and hide the real truth, and they had paid for that, and now it didn’t really matter what happened to her or any pony else now then. Eventually the police did find the bodies, and track the evidence back to Pinkie Pie, and then she was evaluated and deemed both criminally and mentally insane and was sentenced to a place that could help her out.

But the hospital didn’t really help her out that much, and that was because whenever any pony tried to be friends with her she would break out of her bonds and chains and then very quickly kill them and start to drink their blood. And no pony could explain why she drank blood, but whenever she was asked that question Pinkie Pie would say that it went well along with their livers, a side of fauve beans, and a very nice chianti. And after that day that she killed her friends she wasn’t ever really visited by any pony else except those that had the job to try to help her out, not that they could of course.

She was far too crazy and insane to ever accept any help again.

After all, no pony understood why she killed them, why they had to pay for abandoning her, or why she drank their blood, but she could do that very easily enough, in fact she could sum up the whole entire thing in one word.

But she would never tell what it was, she would only ever express it instead.

And that was because she had to make every pony smile, including herself.

And killing her so called previous very old close dear friends, well that had finally put a smile on her face, one of cold cruel malicious evil intent.

And that was why even in her small tiny little cell she could and would always find a reason to smile no matter what happened to her, even if no pony was there to see how happy she truly really was. And then she turned to the cage door where no pony stood, stared at the screen, and then very slowly smiled.