A Calling for Revenge

by DJSaltine

First published

Chrysalis' revenge will soon be fulfilled, she just needs to finish her plan.

After Starlight Glimmer foiled her plans, former Queen Chrysalis vowed revenge- a revenge so cruel, she'd never see it coming.

Written for a challenge on the Equestria Amino app, requiring to show what happened to Chrysalis after she'd lost her army. I found out about it on it's final day, so I wrote this up in only 3 hours to make it in time for the challenge. I say it'll be continued, but no, I don't actually intend to- it's just like in the season opening two-parters. I dunno, it's too late to change it up, now!


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Chrysalis scowled as she buzzed back into the darkness of the Everfree, Ponyville becoming a disgusting blur until it mercifully disappeared. The changeling flew through the underbrush with pinpoint accuracy- her memory of the layout being one of the few positives going for her in the past few months. Her beating wings halted as she felt the prickly grass beneath her.

"That was too close," she stated breathlessly, glaring back at the town. "I'm getting careless..." With a growl, she trotted to a fallen tree, vines clinging to both the bark and the ground as if forming a wall, and a nesting of leaves underneath like a filly's couch fort.

Alongside the nest was a short stack of pages of parchment, a duo of quills, and a dark blue paste that gave off a fruity smell. Within the makeshift home, filling the makeshift wall hung pages of parchment. 'Rainbow Pegasus = Rainbow Dash', 'Vain Unicorn =Rarity', 'Annoying Pink Pony = Pinkie Pie' and other such notes were littered on each page, some complete with pictures and doodles, all the same blue shading as the paste.

Chrysalis inhaled deeply and released her stress, the lack of sleep and food taking a toll on the changeling's mind. Using her changeling magic, she picked up the top page from the stack and one of the quills. The gears in her brain turned as she recounted what she'd overheard throughout the day- backroom gossip, some new intel on her target- all while hidden in plain sight. Her favorite part about changelings, really. Dipping the tip of the quill in the paste, she rested on the leaves like a bed and began writing a new note. 'Pinkie Pie's secret:' she began, tilting her head in thought, trying to remember. With an evil grin crawling up her cheeks, she finished the thought.

Next line. 'Rainbow Dash loves pranks... use against her.' Chrysalis began doodling several ideas, involving mousetraps, buckets of water, ding dong ditching, and even a bear trap, all while chortling to herself.

Next page. 'Leaving for the Crystal Empire tomorrow at noon- returning next day.' With a glimmer in her eyes, Chrysalis felt her strength renewed. Even all the love she stole from Shining Armor couldn't compare. With an ominously low voice, she stated: "and tomorrow is my time for revenge."

A cackle grew throughout the Everfree, scaring off birds and rodents as the antecedent queen began to return to her former glory.

* * * * * * *

Chrysalis changed form- hopefully the last time for a while, she was feeling weak. But her target's body, it just felt natural; as if she was meant to play that role... no, of course she was. All that time and memorization was about to pay off. The pain and humiliation, it would all be worth it. Vengeance was hers. With that in mind, Starlight Glimmer trotted into Ponyville.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, come over here," whispered Starlight, gesturing the cyan pegasus to her bush. Rainbow was flying rather low with Tank alongside. They were nearby the creek that ran by Ponyville, the bridge several yards away. Rainbow raised an eyebrow as she lowered to Starlight's level.

"Uh, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked, peeking into the bush. Before she knew it, Starlight's hooves wrapped around her neck and pulled her into the bush. Tank hovered in the air, searching for his owner, before he too was yanked downward. Rainbow Dash gave Starlight a glare in the spotted light. "What's the idea?"

Starlight giggled as she looked out towards the bridge. "Oh, sorry Rainbow, but watch this; I set up a prank that even you would be impressed with." Starlight gave a front hoof a rub on her chest, her head held high.

Rainbow Dash smiled suspiciously. "Oh yeah," she stated. "Well you're gonna have quite the prank to impress me." Rainbow Dash's voice couldn't hide her pride either.

Starlight lifted a hoof to cover Rainbow's mouth. "Oh, oh! Here comes somepony!" By the bridge, Fluttershy was trotting towards town on, innocently humming as she carried baskets full of gorgeous flowers. She had no idea. "Perfect."

Rainbow ducked down to see as well, but her grin faded quickly. "Hold on, you can't prank Fluttershy: she's too sensitive."

"Well, I can't stop it; it's all set up for the next pony to go over."

Rainbow glanced down at Starlight in horror, then turn back to the bridge. "Then we have to warn her!" She inhaled and got out a "FLUT-" before Starlight's hooves clamped tightly over her mouth.

"No, no; just watch!" Starlight demanded with a giggle.

Fluttershy took her fateful step onto the wood, still ignorant. Rainbow struggled and mumbled into the hoof in her mouth, but Fluttershy couldn't hear. Everything slowed down. Fluttershy took one final step, the pressure setting the beginning of the end. With a bone-chilling crack, the bridge's supports snapped. Fluttershy froze midair for a moment before gravity took its toll, sending her tumbling into the creek, flowers flying away in the gentle wind.

Rainbow Dash shook Starlight free as she began to laugh at Fluttershy's surprised face. Rainbow' face turned crimson. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" With classic Rainbow speed, she flew over to comfort Fluttershy as she started to weep. Then, started to bawl.

Starlight gave a hearty chortle as she trotted off back to Ponyville.

Twilight's castle doors echoed with the overpowering sound of angry knocking. Twilight ran to the door, but it smashed open far before she could do anything about it. Her five best friends were all clearly upset. Fluttershy was soaking wet and the sounds of her whimpering signaled she was calming down, with Rainbow Dash holding a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. Applejack had a bucket of poorly smash apple sauce, twigs and chunky cores visible from over the top, a note nailed to it scribbled a rushed explanation. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were livid, their faces rather pink- pinker for Pinkie Pie- and they were breathing heavily.

Twilight almost gasped out loud at the sight of her disgruntled friends. "Girls, what happened?" Twilight ran outside to see if her friends needed comforting.

Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up. "We need to have a talk with Starlight."

Twilight was confused, but knew where this was going. "Did she have something to do with this?"

Applejack sighed glancing at the dirt. "This sorta stuff's not like her, but I saw it with my own eyes." Her eyes locked with Twilight's, sincerity shining through. "She stripped several of my trees of all apples and leaves and smashed all them into three barrels- she even left this note saying she was helping make some apple sauce." Applejack tilted the bucket for Twilight to get a better view. "This is the messiest batch of sauce I've ever seen."

Twilight was too confused. "How do you know it's was her?"

"I saw her sticking the note and walking back to town."

Rainbow Dash wasn't willing to sit still any longer. "Starlight pulled a horrible prank on Fluttershy!" Fluttershy's whimpering starting up again. "It was mean-spirited and even blew out the bridge!"

Rarity jumped in as well. "Starlight told Pinkie Pie a rumor that my dresses were made from a cheap fabric that falls apart after a single use."

Pinkie Pie added in. "And she told Rarity my secret!"

Everypony was silent. Twilight took the initiative and asked, "what's the secret?"

Pinkie's face curled up in horror and embarrassment before she crumbled down to the ground, Rarity patting her comfortingly.

Twilight sighed. I haven't seen or heard from her all day..." She looked away in thought. "I'll have to have a talk with her when I see her...

* * * * * * *

The Everfree was filled with cackling as a green glow emanated from Chrysalis as her plan was slowly coming to fruition. Just a few more pieces needed to be placed, but that was for a later time. Chrysalis felt absolutely thrilled. She felt alive. Hunger and exhaustion aside, she'd never felt better. Revenge was the thing that kept her going, and it was soon time to pay up.