My Own Crusaders


First published

I live a normal life. Or at least, I used to.

I used to live a normal life, all by myself. That is, until the day a mail truck accidentally sent me a weird box, containing three fillies inside.

This is just going to be a series of one shot stories all with the premise of the CMC living with a human

Yes, this story was inspired by My Little Dashie. I only made this because I needed to get it out of my head!!!

This story won't be updated as often as my other stories. (I guess that's what happens when I write several stories all at once :twilightoops:)

Document 1

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I live a normal life. Or, at least, I used to. I don't ask for many things, as I feel the more you ask for something, there's less of a chance of getting it. However, if there was one thing I had been asking my entire life for, it would be to have someone to turn to when I'm in a sad mood. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it will anytime soon.

I live in a small home out in a small town. I don't want to say where exactly, because I never away information that is TOO personal. Anyways, the house is the home to me, and me only. It the way it's been since I moved out of my parents house a few years ago after getting a well paid job. I work from home, designing blueprints for my job’s company down in California. I can't handle the busy city, which is why I live in small town, away from almost everyone.

Now, despite writing this document on a website dedicated to it, I'm not really a fan of My Little Pony. I mean, I don't hate the show or anything. In fact, I have watched it before with my younger cousin, and I did like it for what it was. It's just, I never anything else of the show, it was good. I only decided to type this document on here is so I could get some help with the situation I'm in right now.

Because, I honestly have no idea how to handle this kind of situation.

It all began when I was walking back from the local grocery store down the street. It wasn't far, but it does a thirty minute to get there. I had just bought a large supply of food to last me the week. Every two weeks, the job I work at sends a massive check of around $100 for all my head work, which I use for food and to keep the things in my house running.

Anyways, as I got back to my house, I saw something in front of the building that hardly ever see. It was a mail truck. They, like most vehicles, don't pass by where I live. And even if they did, I highly doubt anyone would be stopping to say hi to the loneliness man in town.

As I got closer to my home, the mail truck began to drive off down the street. My mind immediately asked myself several questions, all of which had to do with what the people on the truck delivered to me. I don't remember actually ordering something online, so I guess this had to be some sort of mistake.

Almost immediately after going up to the door to my house, I see what the mail truck apparently left me. It was a large cardboard box, sealed shut by some clear tape. Putting the grocery bags in my hands down, I reach into my pocket and grab the key to my house, put it in the lock, and turn it until the door opening. I grab the bags once again and head inside my house, placing them in my kitchen. I then go back out to pick up the mysterious box, which was just as heavy as I thought, and carefully place it on my couch, just in case there was something fragile inside.

After grabbing a sharp knife, I was ready to see what was inside the box. As I cut through the tape holding the top of the package together, I notice that there were some small holes poked through the top. My immediate thought was that there was some kind of animal inside, but I had to make sure if I was right.

The first thing I saw in the box was some kind of blue blanket, possibly used for covering up whatever was underneath it. I was about to pull over the blanket to see if there was indeed something underneath, then I heard it. It sounded like some kind of high-pitched yawn. This corrected my theory that there was some kind of animal sleeping in here. However, the animals that were in there were nothing I could've ever expected.

Lifting up the blanket revealed what appeared to be three small horses. Now that on its own would be odd, until I took a closer look at how they looked. The one in the right side had an orange coat, purple mane and tail, and to my surprise, a pair of tiny wings on its back. The one to left was white, with a curled pink and light purple mane and tail, and some kind of horn on its forehead, as if it was some kind of unicorn. The one in the middle had yellow fur, with a large pink bow holding it's red mane together. Underneath it was some sort of folded up piece of paper. I grabbed the sheet and read what was on it. It said as follows:

To whom this package is sent to:

You may have already seen the three fillies sleeping in the package, so I'll just jump straight to the point. Please take care of these three! I’ve been trying to do so for the last year and a half, and I just can't take it anymore! Please do your best to care for them and make them feel welcomed. I might as well tell you a little bit about them so you know what you're going to go through.

The yellow one’s name is Applebloom. She is kind of like the leader of these girls. She tends to be brave and confident, but also knows when to have her playful and silly side.

The orange pegasus is Scootaloo. She is more aggressive than the other fillies. She is tomboyish and incredibly energetic, which can sometimes get her in trouble. However, she also knows when to keep calm from time to time.

The last one is the white unicorn named Sweetie Belle. Being kind and innocent, she is the easiest of the group to take care of. But even with that, she can be a bit naive every once in awhile, especially if she's the cause of the problem.

These girls know that they are about to in new hands, and they want to be cared for by someone who loves them. It's up to you, whoever is reading this note, to give these fillies the same love you would give to another person.


As I finish reading the note, I look back down at the fillies sleeping in the box. The looked some peaceful. This brought a smile to my face. How could someone just put these adorable creatures in a box, and send them out to a lonely life such as myself?

Anyways, they are currently still sleeping as I type this document up. I hope the fans of My Little Pony who read this can tell me a little bit more about these characters and how they act. I wait to see what happens with my new residents.

Document 2

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Well, I guess it'll take a while before I get get a bit of advice. But, I think I can still take care of these three even without some help.

Around a few minutes after I posted the first document, I heard a yawn come from the box. Putting my laptop to the side, I slowly peak my head into the package, seeing if one of the fillies had woken up. It was the one in the middle, Applebloom. She moved head from side to side, before her eyes slowly began to open.

She slowly looked around the area of the box. Then she looked at her friends, who were still sleeping. Finally, she looked up and stared at me with her big eyes. Once she saw me, she looked back at her friends. She then began to poke them with her hoof, trying to wake them up.

“Girls, wake up. Wake up.”

Well, that was unexpected. The guy that wrote that note never said anything about them being able to speak. So, I guess this means I'm taking care of three supernatural, multi-coloured, taking fillies. Never thought I'd be doing that with my life!

“What is it Applebloom,” the orange one, Scootaloo, said with a groan. “I'm trying to get some sleep here!”

“Yeah, me too.” Sweetie Belle, the last of the fillies, added.

“But girls,” Applebloom replied. “We’re at our new home!”

Almost immediately after finishing that sentence, both pairs of eyes of the other fillies shot open and began to look around the box.

“We are?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yep,” the yellow pony answered. “Look, there's our new owner.”

Applebloom pointed her hoof up at me, getting the other two to look. I don't know why, but I felt my cheeks slowly begin to turn a shade of red as they all stared at me.

“Hi there.” I said to them.

“Are you our new owner?” Sweetie Belle asked me.

“Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo shouted at the unicorn. “Don't ask him just yet! What if he's not?”

I sighed. “Actually, I might be your new owner. I found the box with you three inside at my front door, and I read that note that was written by your old owner.”

“Yeah, he told us he was too busy to take care of us, so he seen us away to live with somepony better.” Applebloom said.

“That's odd,” I thought. “On the note, he said he couldn't handle taking care of you three. Maybe he told them that in case they got upset.”

“Well, I guess I'm the one who's going to take care of you three from now on.”

“Yay!” The fillies cheered, running around the box. I smiled at the sight. They looked so adorable!

“Alright, alright,” I said after they calmed down. “So, how did your previous owner take care of you three?”

“Oh, he had a lot of rules for us to follow,” Applebloom answered. “Like, we couldn't play outside.”

“Which sucked,” Scootaloo added. “He could at least let us outside once in awhile! He never even let us out once!”

“Where did your last owner live?” I asked them.

“Somewhere in the city,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Tall buildings, hot weather, it wasn't a great place to live.”

“Hmm. He probably did it so you three wouldn't get caught by people outside.”

“Well, since I live away from my local town, I guess you three can head outside any time you want.”

Saying this made the fillies cheer once again. I sighed as I reached down into the box and picked them all up one by one. They looked at me with these big eyes that almost gave me a heart attack. I mean, I still can't believe why someone would give these three up!

“So, do you three want to go outside?” I asked them. They all nodded their heads. “Alright.”

I got up from the couch and walked towards the door to my backyard, the fillies still following me. I opened the wand walked outside onto my back porch, taking in a breath of fresh air. It was still quite sunny at that time, even though it was around 5:45. I looked back at them, who were now slowly walking out the door.

“So,” I said. “What do you think?”

“It's so warm,” Applebloom replied. “It's great to have the sunshine actually on our coats.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo added. “So much better than through a window!”

“Well, what are you three waiting for,” I said with a smile. “Go out and play. Just be sure to be careful.”

“Ok. Thanks new owner.” Sweetie Belle said as she ran off the porch towards the yard with her friends. I continued to smile at them running around the large oak tree in the centre of the yard, playing a game of tag.

I walked back inside my house, picking my laptop back up and opening up another document. As I sit here on my couch typing, I occasionally look out the window to see the fillies playing around, having the time of their lives. The previous owner may have sent them away, but I promise with all my heart that I won't make the same mistake!