Rarity Doesn't Investigate

by Royale With Cheese

First published

A what if of Rarity Investigates. What if Rarity never investigated who framed Rainbow Dash?

What if Rarity never investigated who framed Rainbow Dash?

When everything goes wrong for Dash in just a few short hours, she decides to go far away to get away from the trouble.

Would the Wonderbolts stay mad at Dash or would they need to find her when they find out it wasn't her that sent Spitfire all the way to the Crystal Mountains.

(Alternate Universe tag for many reasons)

Chapter 1

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"P-please Rarity, you gotta help me!"

"Sorry Rainbow. I... I have no idea what to do in this situation!"

Soarin walks up to the two ponies. "Dash, if Spitfire isn't found in the next 10 hours, you're in deep trouble."

Rarity looks at Soarin and flutters her eyes. "Oh please, Soarin. She never did anything wrong."

Soarin sighs. "Sorry ma'am, but that 'pretty mare' look will not work in this type of situation."

"Look Soarin, I never did anything. Someone is trying to frame me!" Rainbow exclaims.

"Dash, again, all the evidence goes towards you. You sent our captain all the way to Crystal Mountains." Soarin said.

"Fine. I could fly all the way to the Crystal Mountains myself!" Rainbow flares her wings.

"Too late Dash, we've already sent a search team to go down there." Blaze said.

Rainbow groans.

Rarity looks back at Soarin. "Look, Mr. Soarin, I understand the bylaw and all that, but can you make a deal about the punishment?"

Soarin lifts a brow. "And that is?"

"Say, if Spitfire returns in 10 hours or less, Rainbow's punishment can be a few hard laps around the track, 200 push-ups, etcetera, depends how mad Spitfire is."

"And, if it's more than 10 hours." Rarity gulps. "Rainbow is kicked off the team or a bigger punishment than 200 push-ups."

"Rarity!" Rainbow gets her mouth blocked off by Rarity's hoof.

Soarin sighs. "Fine. But I have to warn you, Spitfire will not be happy."

Rainbow nods. "Fine, I understand."

"You can leave now. You'll know if we found Spitfire or not. If we don't find her in less than 10 hours, we'll send you a letter regarding for you to leave the Wonderbolts."

Rainbow nods and starts walking towards the door with Rarity.

"My daughter better be found." Stormy Flare sternly said.

A knock is heard at the door and Fleetfoot goes to answer it.

Rainbow sheepishly smiles. "Oh don't worry, Stormy, she-"

"I can't believe you would lie just to take over someone's spot, especially my daughters!" Stormy scoffed.

The door slams and Fleetfoot trots to in front of the group. "We might have to cancel our aerial display for today!"

"What, why?!" Misty Fly asked.

"Dumb question Misty, but I guess you wanna know why anyways." Fleetfoot glares at Dash. "It's probably because someone decided to think that it was fun to send our captain all the way to the Crystal Mountains thinking that her mother is sick!"

"Um, hello?! Aren't I supposed to be the emergency backup?" Rainbow asks.

"What makes you think that we're gonna fly with you after all this?!" Fleetfoot asks.

"Dash, you're lucky that it's just another opening of a royal garden, they're not as big as the Grand Galloping Gala. And you're also lucky that this situation isn't at the Grand Galloping Gala!" Soarin exclaims. "I suggest that you leave now."

Fleetfoot nods. "Yeah, and don't come back until you decide to be level headed instead of being stupid for once!"

"Oh yeah?! Don't come back to me until you can talk normally 'thtupid!'" Rainbow mocks.

Everybody gasps.

"You take that back!" Fleetfoot runs up to Rainbow and tackles her.

The two ponies scuffle it out on the floor before the rest of the gang splits them apart.

"Let me at her!" Fleetfoot tries to escape the grasp of the ponies keeping her back.

"Let go of me!" Rainbow angrily says.

"Let her go." Rarity says.

The ponies let her go and Rainbow quickly flies out of the room.

"I-I'm so sorry, she's never bursted out like that!" Rarity said.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong." Soarin said. "Now, I think you have an angry pegasus flying in the air."

Rarity nods trots out the door to the outside.

"Rainbow?" Rarity says while looking around. "Rainbow Dash?"

"Looking for an angry pegasi with a rainbow colored mane?" A townspony asks.

"Yes, yes I am! Do you know where she went?" Rarity asks.

"She flew towards that direction."

"To Ponyville? Perfect."

Rarity walks into Twilight's castle. "Twilight, have you seen..."

"Breathe in, breath out..." Starlight softly said to Rainbow who was sitting with her eyes closed, and slowly breathing. "Feeling better?"

"Starlight, I breathe everyday, how is that supposed to make me feel any better?" Rainbow asks.

"It's just breathing exercises to make you feel better." Starlight turns to Rarity. "Rarity, you were with Rainbow, tell me what happened."

Rarity gives out the whole explanation of what happened.

"Um, Rainbow, you made fun of Fleetfoot's lisp?" Twilight asks. "You know how rude that is? You getting accused is one thing, but making fun of someone's speech ability will just make it worse."

"Twilight, do you know how much I hate getting blamed for something I didn't do? It just slipped out, okay?" Rainbow said.

"Well, try to control yourself next time." Starlight said.

"Oh yeah! Well, at least..." Rainbow stops and breathes slowly. "I stopped myself right there. I'm stressed about this, my Wonderbolts career is on the line here!"

"Don't worry Rainbow, if you get kicked off of the Wonderbolts, leave it all up to me." Twilight said.

"Rainbow, the best cure for stress is to have a warm shower then go right to bed afterwards." Fluttershy continues. "This method helped me during the exam weeks in high school."

Rainbow chuckled. "Heh, I remember that, tough times. Well, looks like I'm going into the showers then hitting the hay."

Rainbow plops herself into her bed, mane all damp, and her body all warm from the nice shower.

"Oh, that's feels so good."

A few seconds later, she falls asleep.

Then, a couple minutes later, she wakes up from loud knocking at her door, echoing all throughout her house.

She gets up, and walks towards the door.

The knock was heard again, but this time it was even louder.

She slowly walks towards the door, to try to look through the peephole.

She stops when the knock on the door is heard again, followed by an angry, but familiar voice.

"Open up Crash!"

"S-Spitfire?" Dash whispers to herself.

"I know you're home, Crash. Your lights were on a few minutes ago!"

"Spitfire, can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm, uh, a little tired right now."

"Not tomorrow, right now! I heard what you said to Fleetfoot." Spitfire continues. "By the way, the whole Bolts gang is here with me, just in case if you don't answer and try to escape!"

"Dash, you have ten seconds to answer or we'll break down this door." Soarin says.

"Good luck, this door is pretty strong you know!" Dash said.

"Lets see about that!" Spitfire bellowed.

Spitfire bucks the door, which sends a metal piece of the door fall to the ground.

"Oh darn." Dash then flies off, hiding somewhere in her house.

A couple more bucks swings the door wide open, revealing the whole group and they all walk in.

"Cmon out Crash! Come and talk to me like a real mare!" Spitfire continues. "They found me in less than 10 hours, but I'm still pretty fucking angry what you put me through! I almost got killed in fact, and I heard what happened between you and Fleetfoot, which makes me even more angrier."

"If you wanted to talk, then why didn't you come here on your own!" Dash bellowed from somewhere in her house.

"Didn't your friend Rarity say that the punishment can depend on how angry Spitfire is?" Blaze said.

"So what? You're gonna gang beat me or something?" Dash asked.

"Maybe!" If you don't come on out on your own, we will!" Spitfire said. "If you don't come out, then you're kicked off the team!"

There was no answer.

"Oh, for fucks sake! Split up and find her!" Spitfire said.

A couple minutes later, Spitfire was still standing inside at the front of the house. A big blanket quickly covers her.

"Ahh! What the?!" She takes the blanket off of her, and sees Dash flying into the distance.

"She's escaped, lets get her!"

Rainbow looks back and sees the whole gang after her, she dives down under the clouds and flies into town.

The whole gang quickly follows.

Dash stays low on the ground, having many objects to quickly hide behind.

She then quickly flies into Applejack's barn.

She stays hidden for a few moments and ducks when a figure passes by her and lands on the ground a couple feet from her.

Dash tackles them to the ground.

"Ahh!" Silver Zoom bellows. "I found her in the barn!"

Dash on him with her body weight pushing onto him so he couldn't move.

"Were coming!" Yells out Spitfire.

Dash lifts her front hoof into the air. "I-I'm so sorry..."

"Wha-" Silver is interrupted when he gets a punch the the face.


Dash punches him again, and quickly flies out of the barn window.

Spitfire and the rest of the gang quickly enter the barn.

"Where is- Silver!" Spitfire runs up to the slightly battered Silver Zoom.

"Son of a bitch! She's taken this way to far!"

"What in the hay is going on?!" Applejack quickly storms in angrily but her expression changed when she say Silver Zoom.

She quickly runs up to Silver. "D-did Rainbow do this?"

"Yes. Indeed she did!" Spitfire responds.

"Here, y'all can come inside mah house, gotta give this poor fella an ice pack."

Applejack gives Silver an ice pack.

"Ah never suspected that ah would wake up in the middle of the night with the Wonderbolts in mah living room!" Applebloom said while setting down a pitcher of apple juice.

"A bunch of angry Wonderbolts, you don't wanna make us angry kiddo." Spitfire said.

Big Macintosh comes in through the front door. "Ah just notified Twilight, she ain't too happy 'bout gettin' woke up in the middle of the night like this, but, she has to do what she has to do."

Twilight walks in. "Alright, so what's go-" she stops and sees the the bruised face of Silver.

"D-did Rai-"

"Yes she did Twilight." Spitfire interrupted.

"Look, Spitfire, I'm so sorry, Rainbow has never erupted like this before." Twilight continues. "Are you sure that she was the one that set you up?"

"Well, the evidence says so."

Twilight yawns. "Look, Spitfire, I'm awfully tired. I can't wrap my brain around this at this time. Do you all want to meet at my castle in the morning?"

The Wonderbolts all nod there heads.

"Great, I'll see you then. Thanks Big Mac." Twilight then walks out.

"I guess we all should leave then also, and be back here in Ponyville around 10 tomorrow morning." Spitfire walks up to Silver and looks at his bruised face.

"If you didn't have an ice pack, your eye would be swollen shut, he does it feel?"

"It hurts."

"Yeah, you're not medically clear to fly."

Applejack walks up. "We have a spare bedroom, ah'll go set it up."

The rest of the Wonderbolts trot out of the house.

Wind Rider gets blocked off by the small filly.

"Ah just finally realized, yer the legendary Wind Rider!" Applebloom gleams. "Wanna put your signature in mah signature journal?"

Wind Rider chuckles. "Sure, I would love too. Little earth pony knows her Wonderbolts legends." He signs his signature in her journal.

"Now, since everyone is here, let's get started." Twilight said.

"Fluttershy and another pony by the name of Thunderlane went up to Rainbow's house to see if she's home."

The conversation of what happened continued.

Fluttershy and Thunderlane walked into the room.

"Rainbow Dash wasn't home, but she left a note." Fluttershy gives Twilight the note.

Twilight unfolds the note with her magic and reads it out loud. "I'm sorry for who I've hurt. I know I'm in deep trouble for what I've done, I'll be taking my leave from all of this. Your friend, Rainbow Dash. That's all it says."

"Ah, well don't worry, she'll be back in no time, she's the element of loyalty!" Applejack said.

"Yes, and when she gets back, take it easy on her, Spitfire." Twilight said.

"I'll try, you know how I am." Spitfire responds.

Wind Rider quietly mumbles something.

"Um, what's that Wind Rider?" Twilight asks.

"Oh, uh, nothing, I just have something in my throat, that's all..." Wind Rider said.

Spitfire glances at Wind Rider. "Wind, you've been pretty quiet this whole time, you have anything on your mind?"

"Uh, no I don't." He quickly responds.

"Ah yes you do. Ah'm the element of honesty, ah can tell if someone is lyin' from a mile away." Applejack continues. "The way how you answered her question quickly, and you've been eyeing yer glass of water this whole time. What's goin' on?"

"Nothing is going on." He responds.

"Liar liar, yer tail is on fire!"

Windy just shakes his head.

"And that facial expression too, it's telling us that you really need to tell somethin' very important."

Windy stands up. "Fine, this has been something that has been on my chest and it's gonna put me into some deep trouble."

"I was the one that gave Spitfire that letter, I was jealous of Rainbow. I didn't want my record to be beaten by her."

An utter silence fills the room.

Spitfire glares at him. "Leave now."

"Spitfire, I'm sorry..."

"Leave now, before I punch your face out..."

Wind Rider quickly gets up and walks towards the door.

"Oh, and by the way, you're off the Wonderbolts alumni."

Wind Rider then quickly walks out.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Spitfire, deep breath in, deep breath out." Starlight said.

Spitfire did what Starlight told her to do.

"You're just like my mother, that works every time on me." Spitfire said.

"Okay, well, we now know who the real culprit is, so if we spread the word that everything is safe for her now, she'll come back." Twilight said.

"Um, Sparkle, aren't you missing something? She made fun of my lisp and punched Silver Zoom." Fleetfoot responded.

"Oh, right. Rainbow Dash is very good at written apologies." Twilight said. "The one for Silver Zoom is going to be hard for her, I'll see what I can do."

"Alright gang, I'm still pissed off at Wind Rider, let's get something to eat." Spitfire said.

"Spitfire, come back here within a week, she'll be back." Twilight smiled.

"Will do, Princess."

Rainbow Dash was waiting in line for a ticket at the train station.

She looks at her new passport.

Name: Red Sprint

Hair and tail color: Bright Red

Eyes: Orange

Pony type: Pegasus

'Maybe, I'll start a new life there, make some new friends...'


'...friends that'll never frame me. I'll be loyal with them.'


Rainbow snaps out of her thoughts at the sudden outburst.

She walks up to the train ticket booth.

"Heh, sorry. Um, I'll take a one way ticket to Trottingham, please."

Chapter 2

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-One week later-

Spitfire lands on Twilight's doorstep and knocks on her door.

Twilight responds to the knock and opens up.

Spitfire smiles. "Hey, is Rainbow Da-." Her smile turned to a frown as she realized Twilight's worried expression.

"Come in, we've been waiting for you." Twilight said.

Spitfire quickly walks in and walks down to hallway to the meeting lounge with Twilight.

They both enter the lounge with the other five ponies waiting.

Spitfire stops after a few steps in.

"I... I shouldn't be here, I'm the reason why Dash is missing, I scared her off!"

Applejack gets up from her chair and walks up to Spitfire.

"Listen up sugarcube. Ah would've been mad at Rainbow too if ah was in your situation. The reason why we're all here is to plan out and find Rainbow. It's all gonna be fine, we ain't mad at yah."

Spitfire sighs and takes a seat in Rainbow's spot.

Twilight sits in her spot. "Okay, so, since we have everyone we need, let's get started."

"I have made a plan on how we can find Rainbow efficiently."

"We're all going to split up and find her in different places. The farthest she could've gone is Los Pegasus or Appleloosa. But I guarantee you she never went to Appleloosa."

"Big Mac is vistin' Braeburn today. He said that he'll look out and ask around for Rainbow." Applejack said.

"Great. So, I made the official groups." She holds out a piece of paper. "Starlight and I will be in Canterlot, we'll be looking for her as well a small meeting with Princess Celestia about this situation."

"Pinkie Pie and Rarity will be in Manehattan."

"Fluttershy and Spitfire will have a long trip to Los Pegasus."

"And, Applejack, hopefully you'll be alright being the lone wolf and going to Fillydelphia on your own."

"Ah'll be alright, ah got cousins down there. They'll help me search."

"So, what if we find her, what do we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just talk to her, calm her down and bring her back here." Twilight continues." There is a big chance that she flew off too Los Pegasus, and again Spitfire, stay easy on her."

Spitfire nods.

"I want all of you carry this picture of Rainbow with you." Twilight holds up a picture of Rainbow. "And ask around, civilians, stores, and one of the places she'll might be is at a hotel."

She gives out a picture to everyone. "You all got that?"

The rest of the ponies nod.

"Okay, I think we should get started. We each have a long day ahead."

"Here we are in beautiful downtown Manehattan, so who should we ask first?" Rarity said.

"There are a total of 108 hotels in Manehattan, but don't worry, they are all close to each other!" Pinkie said.

"And on the way to the hotels, we can ask a few ponies on the streets where she might be." Rarity added.

Pinkie points. "First things first, the Manehattan Mareriott!"

The both walk in.

"Oh my, this is certainly stunning!" Rarity gleamed. "How much is a room here do you think?"

A hotel employee who was walking by overheard her question. "850 bits a night."

"Oh thanks!" She turns to back to Pinkie. "850 bits a night? Do you think Rainbow can afford that?"

"Well duh, she is a Wonderbolt!" Pinkie replied.

"She just started." Rarity continues. "Well, we should still go ask anyways."

They both walk up the the service desk.

"How can I help you?" The stallion said.

Pinkie takes the picture of Rainbow from her saddle. "This is our friend, Rainbow Dash, we were just wondering if you've seen her or if she has a room in this hotel?"

"I haven't seen her, but I don't work here everyday. Let me check the room listings." The stallion takes a look at the list of the hotel room applicants. "Uh, I'm very sorry, I couldn't find her name."

"Oh, well thanks again sir." Rarity said and they both walked out.

"Well, don't worry, there's 107 more hotels to go." Pinkie said.

Rarity replied. "This time, we should ask some random ponies of they've seen her."

"Have you seen our friend?"

"Have you seen this mare?"

-107 hotels and many repetitive questions later-

"All aboard!"

The two mares board the train and take a seat.

"Well, that was a bummer." Rarity said.

Pinkie rested her head on the window and looked out with a sad expression on her face.

Rarity sighed. "Look Pinkie, its hard for me too, if you think about it, one of the girls might have found her in a different place other than Manehattan."

Pinkie sits straight across from Rarity with a saddened expression.

"What if we don't find her?" Pinkie quietly asked.

"Pinkie dear, don't worry, we-"

"No Rarity, I'm serious. What if we all didn't find her today?"

"Go further into Equestria, search the impossible places where a pony might be."

Spitfire flies up to a cloud and plops herself onto it. "Well, that was a bust." She sighs.

Fluttershy follows. "I-its okay, she couldn't gone have very far. The other girls might have found her."


"Is everything alright?" Fluttershy asks.

"I don't know." Spitfire quietly said. "If they did find her, she would probably lose her reputation for me, probably because I threatened to beat her up and to kick her off the Wonderbolts.

"Y-you threatened to beat her up, why would you do such a thing?" Fluttershy asked.

"I... I got mad at her, because I thought she was the one that set me up for going to the Crystal Mountains. You obviously remember that meeting we had a week ago, and Wind Rider told all of us that he was the one that gave me that fake letter."

"Was it really Wind Rider?"

"Yes it was, we had a discussion the next day. Of course, their had to be guards standing in between us. He explained how he framed Dash. Indeed, I wasn't happy."

"That's understandable." Fluttershy replied. "I think we should head to the train station."

"Come in whoever is knocking."

The door opens, revealing Twilight and Starlight.

"Let me take it from those expressions on both of your faces that you didn't find Rainbow Dash."

"No we didn't Princess Celestia, I'm unsure if the rest of the girls found her." Starlight said.

"Very well then. I can't really say anything as of now regarding if you've found her or not." Celestia continues. "When you two get back home, send me a letter saying that if you have found Rainbow Dash or not."

Applejack quickly walks in through the door to the meeting lounge.

"Please tell me that one of you found her." She said.

Twilight slowly shook her head. "No, we didn't. We were all waiting for you to see if you found her."

Applejack sighs shakes her head. "Big Mac didn't either."

"Spike take a letter."

Spike takes out a quill and a piece of paper.

"Dear Princess Celestia, we all sadly didn't find Rainbow Dash. From Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"What did you and the Princess talk about?" Pinkie asks.

"It was a very short meeting, she told me to send her a letter regarding if she is still missing or not." Twilight replied.

A couple minutes later, Spike burps and a scroll comes out with the green breath.

Twilight unwraps the scroll with her magic and reads it.

"Dear Princess Twilight and the girls, I am very sorry that your friend is missing. I know the ultimate spot where some ponies go and clear their head when times are tough, and that destination is Trottingham. I'm not sure if Rainbow Dash is there, but it's a start. I hope you all find her soon. Princess Celestia."

"Trottingham? Would you ever think a pony like Rainbow Dash would go there?" Starlight asked.

"Well, it certainly does clear your head when times do get tough." Twilight continues. "When my dad's best friend suddenly passed away a couple years ago, my mom took him to Trottingham. All of the depressed thoughts all went away during his time there, he said that the sights just calm you down."

"Well, don't you think that we should go all the way over there and find her?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, what mah big brother always says, 'we gotta do what we gotta do.' " Applejack said

"Girls, if we don't find her, we're still going to try. We might have to travel to Trottingham or all the way to Japone, we will be going long distances to find our friend!" Twilight gleamed.

The ponies nod.

"So, when are we leaving?" Rarity asked.

"In a couple days, that gives us a day to get ready." Twilight said.

"Um, Twilight, we forgot to ask one pony where she is." Starlight said.

"And, that is?"

"The train ticket sales pony."

Twilight glances at the clock. "The Ponyville international train station closes now! So you gotta be-"

Starlight uses her teleportation spell before Twilight can finish.

She appears a few feet away from the sales pony who was just taking her leave.

The sales mare yelps. "Sorry, you're still too late. Come back tomorrow."

Starlight walks up to her. "Uh no, I'm not looking for a train ticket." She holds out a picture of Rainbow. "I'm looking for her, I'm wondering if you've seen her buy a ticket from here."

"No I haven't, maybe she did. I sometimes don't pay attention to the pony who's buying the ticket. I'm very sorry I couldn't help you, I hope you find your friend!"


Starlight teleports back.

"No, she didn't see her buy a ticket, but she said that sometimes she doesn't pay attention to the pony buying the ticket."

"Well, we are still going. We should all pack and get ready to go in a couple days." Twilight said.

The ponies leave the castle.


"Yes, Spitfire?"

"I would love to come with you guys to Trottingham, but I'm busy with the Wonderbolts."

"It's fine." Twilight said.

"I seriously hope you find her."

"I... I hope so too." Twilight said as Spitfire flew off into the night

Chapter 3

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"Here are your six tickets Princess, have a nice trip to Trottingham!"

"Thank you very much!" She walks back to the five other ponies and gives them their tickets. "Here you all are."

"Ah hope that this ticket was worth it." Applejack said.

"I hope so too, I just don't want to buy dozens of tickets just to find our friend and seeing how far she ran off too." Twilight said.

"Oh, hey girls!" A stallion walks up to them.

"Ooh! It's Thunderlane!" Pinkie gleamed.

"Thunderlane, good to see you!" Twilight greets. "So, you're uh, going to Trottingham too?"

"Yeah, I'm going to visit my aunt and uncle for a few days. What about you guys?" Thunderlane asked.

"Trying to find Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy replied.

"You think you're going to find Dash... in Trottingham?"

"Well, we have checked from all the way from Los Pegasus to Canterlot." Twilight continues. "Princess Celestia told us that Trottingham is in one of the places she might be."

"Well, I hope you achieve your goal. If you need some help, I'll be down there." Thunderlane offered.

"Well, it would be great, but, you have an aunt and uncle to see." Twilight said. "But it wouldn't hurt to add one more to our group."

"All aboard!"

The six ponies walk out of Trottingham train station.

"O-oh my goodness. It's already so beautiful!" Rarity gleamed.

"Alright, well I'm off to my uncles house. If you want, you can say hi." Thunderlane said.

"We would love too, after all, we they can be our first ponies to ask if they've seen Rainbow." Twilight said.

After a walk through the streets of Trottingham, Thunderlane reaches to his aunts house and knocks.

A stallion answers the door. "Thunderlane!"

"Uncle Cloudy!"

They both hug.

They disperse from there hug and Cloud looks at the five mares behind him.

"Oh honey, Thunder brought his five marefriends!" He chuckles.

Thunderlane slightly blushes. "N-no!"

A mare then comes trotting up to the two. "Thundy!"

"Aunt Golden!"

They also hug and they disperse.

She looks at Twilight and slightly glares at Cloud

"Um, honey. You know that the purple mare is a princess?"

"O-oh! I'm very sorry your highn-"

"Oh, its fine, no need to bow!" Twilight continues. "Were Thunderlane's friends, and were just here to find our missing friend." She shows them the picture of the pony.

"Oh, Thunder, isn't that the pony you took to prom?" Cloud said.

Thunder again slightly blushed. "Heh, yeah."

"Oh, I never knew that Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash went to prom together!" Rarity said.

"Oh, ye-" Golden stops and stares at Rarity. "Are you Starry Gem's cousin or sister?"

"Um, I beg your pardon dear?"

"My friend, Starry Gem, you exactly look like her, but in reverse! Her mane is white and her coat is purple!" Golden explains.

"Oh, I would love to meet her!" Rarity gleamed.

Golden nods. "Now, back to about Rainbow Dash. No, we haven't seen her here, if she just moved here, then we might have a glance at her in about a week or so."

Twilight sighs. "Well, were trying to look for her." Then her stomach growls.

"I'll make you all some lunch! Come inside!"

Twilight explained to Thunderlane's aunt and uncle why Dash was missing.

"Oh, wow. That sounds rough." Cloudy Breeze said before taking a bite out of his egg salad sandwich.

"And she's supposed to be the element of loyalty!" Pinkie said.

"Oh! You're the Elements of Harmony!" Golden Star gleamed. "I had a slight feeling you were those ponies."

Twilight excitedly nods. "Yes, yes we are! Big fans I'm guessing?" She giggles.

"Yes we are! You saved Equestria many times from the many horrors it has brought us, thank you for your service!" Cloudy said.

"Aw shucks, ah think yer just tryin' to make us blush." Applejack said.

"Now, back to your friend Rainbow Dash, no, we haven't seen her yet." Golden said.

Starlight finished the last bite of her sandwich. "Thank you very much Golden Star and Cloudy Breeze, if you see her, give us a shout."

Twilight nods. "Is there any places where she might be?"

"Anywhere." Cloudy simply said.

"Alright then, we need head out, thanks for lunch!"

"Well, Rarity, it seems like we can't find her." Starlight sadly said.

"Well dear, there is many other places to check out." Rarity looks around. "We can go into that clothing store to clear out head."

Starlight nods.

The two unicorns walk into the clothing store, a wall of hats catch Rarity's eye.

"Ooh, Trottingham style hats, I'll be taking a definite look at these!"

"Nice, I'll take a look around." Starlight said as she moved past Rarity.

She was looking around and then a pony quickly trotted by and bumped into her almost knocking her over.

"Hey, watch it!" Starlight bitterly said.

The pony stopped and turned around. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I'm a couple minutes late for a tea date with my friend."

Starlight gasped. "You're Starry Gem! Your friend, Golden Star, said that you look like a reverse version of my friend."

"Oh, who's your friend?" Starry said, sounding like Rarity with a Trottingham accent.

"Rarity, come here!"

"Just a second Starlight dear."

"I just found this amazing Red Diamond scarf!"

Rarity comes running out like a filly trying to catch up to the ice cream carriage.

"Where?! I don't see-" She then looks at Starry Gem with awe. "O-oh my, Golden Star was right!"

Starry Gem had the same expression. "I can't believe it, I have a reverse twin!"

Rarity excitedly nods and thinks. "So, um, what's your favorite fabric?"


Rarity gasps. "Me too!"

"So, we look the same, like the same fabric, same colors but on different places and different accents!" Starry Gem said then glances at the store clock.

"I'm so sorry, I have to meet up with my friend for tea next door. Do you and your friend want to come with?"

Both Rarity and Starlight nod at the question.

The three unicorns walk over to next store where the tea shop was and they go up to the table where Starry's friend was waiting.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late, but I brought a few fellow ponies. Rarity and Starlight, meet my friend, Red Sprint!"

"Well girls, sadly, we couldn't find her, but there is many other places." Twilight said

Fluttershy breaks into tears. "Were never going to find her!"

"Fluttershy, we need to have faith in ourselves." Starlight said while comforting the crying pegasus.

"Five minutes to board the train." The conductor yelled out.

The ponies start to head out onto the train.

"Well, Starry, you have my address, and I have yours. So now, we can send each other letters!" Rarity gleamed.

"Yes, and don't forget to check on the family history. I might somehow be apart of your family." Starry said.

Rarity nods. "But, what if you aren't?"

Starry shrugs. "Doesn't stop us from being sisters or cousins from another from another family, right?"

Rarity hugs Starry "I need to go now, I'll send you a letter in about a week or so."

They disperse and Rarity heads off into the train.

"Oh, and Rarity dear?"

Rarity turns around. "Yes, Starry?"

"I hope you find your friend."

"I hope so too."

-a couple days later-

"Thundy, your uncle and I need to run some important errands, so I guess this where we say our goodbyes." Golden then hugs Thunderlane

"I had a good time with you guys!" Thunder said as he disperses the hug then he turns to his uncle and hugs him.

"Same with us too, we both love you." They both disperse from there hug.

They say the final words before the aunt and uncle head off.

Thunderlane walks closer towards the boarding station where the train will arrive soon.

A pony walked up beside Thunderlane.

They both smile at each other.

After a minute of silence, the sound of running liquid was heard.

Thunderlane looks over at the pony, who was pouring a bottle of purple liquid over her mane, revealing her true hair colors.

Thunderlane gasps. "Rainbow Dash?!"

Rainbow drops to her haunches and sobs.

He drops his bags and steps in front of her. "Wh-why did you run away?"

Rainbow looks at him teary eyed. "Because I thought I was in deep trouble from the actions I did. But, when I heard Rarity talk about how much the girls were concerned about me and I couldn't handle thinking what they wouldn't do without me."

More running liquid was heard, it was Starry Gem pouring the purple dye remover on Rainbows tail.

Starry then poured the liquid on her flank, removing the counterfeit cutie mark she used, revealing her actual cutie mark.

Thunderlane looked on and shakes his head. "I'm getting you a ticket."

"Already did, dear." Starry said before handing him the ticket.

A few minutes later, the train arrives.

"Red- excuse me, Rainbow Dash, never do something like this again." Starry sternly said.

Rainbow nods before heading into the train with Thunderlane.

"...and I was really scared, and I thought I was in deep trouble for the actions I did. Again, I'm very sorry for what did."

"Rainbow, ah would've been scared too if ah was in your position. But, ah wouldn't run away, just do an apology. Runnin' away makes you seem like a wimp." Applejack exclaimed.

"Applejack is right, Rainbow Dash, there was no need to run away for miles." Twilight continues. But, you do have three more ponies to apologize too."

Twilight knocks on a door. "I'm going to make you say your apologies out loud instead of writing them down.

Fleetfoot answers. "Oh, you found her."

"Fleetfoot, I'm very sorry at making fun of your lisp. It was very unprofessional of me." Rainbow said.

Fleetfoot thinks for a moment and says. "I accept your apology, and I'm sorry for bursting out at you. I shouldn't try to get easily offended when someone pokes fun at my lisp."

They both hug it out.

Twilight and Rainbow fly to the next house and Twilight knocks on the door.

Silver Zoom answers, his eye is completely healed.

"You son of a- hey!" Silver immediately reacts to the magical barrier Twilight put in between him and Rainbow.

"Silver, give Rainbow a chance to apologize." Twilight said.

"What?! Did you even know what she did to me?!"

"She was panicked at the time, Silver. To be honest, if a herd of angry Wonderbolts were after me, I'd punch one of them too if they were in my way." Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow tried to do the best apology she can.

"I'll think about it, I might not even forgive you." Silver angrily said.

"Don't worry, we're going to be talking to Spitfire next. We'll see what punishment is best for Rainbow." Twilight said.

Then they go off to Spitfires house.

Twilight knocks on her door.

Spitfire answers. "Don't tell me Trottingham was a bust."

Twilight moves aside revealing Dash.

Spitfire gives out a sigh relief.

"Spitfire, I'm ver-"

"No, you came here to apologize to me. I think I should apologize to you, I'm sorry for not listening to you sooner, about a day later, we all found out that Wind Rider did it."

"I know, Twilight and the girls told me." Rainbow responded.

"So, you went all the to Trottingham, huh?" Spitfire asked.

Rainbow nodded.

"Why?!" Spitfire shouted.

Rainbow jumps up at the sudden outburst.

"There was no need to take a train all the way to a far away place like Trottingham, you're the element of loyalty for Celestia's sake!" Spitfire said while getting teary eyed.

Rainbow looks down. "I'm sorry, I was scared."

"I know, I was the reason why you got scared. Here look at me." Spitfire took her front hoof, puts it under Rainbow's chin and raised her head up, making her eyes meeting her own.

"Next time, when something similar like this happens, do not run away, face the pony like a real mare, I mean it.

"I was very worried about you." A tear trickled down her face. "I thought you wouldn't come back or even worse, I thought you took your own life because of me."

"The thought of your self harmed body being found, and it being my fault bothered me. You love these Wonderbolts very much, I don't want you to get pulled away from them."

Spitfire then pulls Rainbow into a hug.

They pull back.

Twilight speaks up. "So Spitfire, we talked to Silver Breeze, and we need to think of a punishment for Rainbow's actions on Silver."

Spitfire thinks for a moment. "How about being Silver's personal servant for a month?"

"I think I can do that." Rainbow responded.

"Great, I'll see you at the academy in a couple days, great to see you back."

Dear Princess Celestia,

Twilight and the girls found me in Trottingham.

I learned that running away from big problems makes bigger problems for your closest friends.

I almost broke my element of loyalty just because I thought I was in deep trouble, I feel bad about that.

I hurt ponies physically and emotionally, running away from big problems, but when you're running away, you create even bigger problems.

I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be called the element of loyalty anymore.

-Rainbow Dash.