> Sunset's 69 > by Moonlit Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Jokes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sunset, wait up!” Rainbow yelled, running up to her friend. School had just gotten out for the weekend. Rain poured down as lightning lit up the sky. “Hey, what’s up?” Sunset pulled out a small umbrella, opening it up and holding it out so both her and Rainbow could stand under it. “The power is still out at your place, isn’t it?” Sunset couldn’t help but nod, pulling her jacket closer to her. “Perfect. You’re spending the night with me. I got some awesome new video games, and I need someone to beat.” “Sounds like fun. I just need to stop by my apartment and grab some pajamas.” “Awesome. See you in a few!” Sunset handed the umbrella to Rainbow, before getting onto her motorcycle and riding off. Looking to make sure no cars were coming, Rainbow crossed the street and started walking to her house. Around a hour had passed, as Rainbow finished setting out a arrangements of junk food that they would call their dinner that night. Pizza, popcorn, three different types of chips, cookies, soda, and a giant bowl of mixed candy sat on the kitchen counter, just waiting to be devoured by the two teenagers. It hadn’t been long after taking the pizza out of the oven, that Rainbow heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” Rainbow yelled, pouring herself a glass of root beer. “Thanks. Sorry it took so long. Something's wrong with my motorcycle. It wouldn’t start so I had to walk here.” Taking off her wet jacket, she set it on the coat hanger by the front door before kicking her boots off. “Wow, that’s a lot of food.” Sunset whispered, gazing over the buffet that laid before her. “Yeah, we’re gonna need to keep our energy up. So dig in!” Rainbow passed Sunset a paper plate, shoving a slice of pizza in her mouth. “So, what games did you get?” Rainbow pointed to a box in her living room, “they’re in there. Hey, what do you want to drink?” “Just water please...sweet! I’ve been wanting to try Zombie Massacre.” “Thanks for coming my the way.” Rainbow sat down next to the couch, setting both of their plates down on the table. “I’m sure you probably had plans.” Taking a sip of water, Sunset shook her head. “No, not really. Not much I can do without power. No light to read, no computer, and I finished all my homework already.” “So why have we seen you leaving with Flash?” Rainbow smirked as Sunset’s face went bright red. “Fine, you caught us. He’s been helping me with a project. I’m not exactly the greatest with wood.” Sunset jumped slightly as Rainbow broke out into a coughing fit. “Really? I thought you’d be a master at it.” She laughed, punching Sunset in the shoulder. “I wish. I wanted to build Twilight a birdhouse to hang outside the window of her lab, as a birthday present. You can’t tell her though.” Sunset explained, throwing some popcorn in her mouth. “That’s all you were doing? You weren’t say, rolling in the hay?” “Why would we be rolling in the hay? We need it to line the bottom of the birdhouse.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but face palm, glancing over at Sunset. “Wait, seriously?” “Yeah, why?” “Did you, ya know. Sleep with him is what I meant.” Rainbow groaned “Yeah. He fell asleep at my apartment a couple times, because we stayed up late to study. We both have midterms coming up and…” “That’s not what I mean!” Rainbow yelled, holding her hand over Sunset’s mouth. Reaching up, Sunset grabbed Rainbow’s arm and pulled it away. “What do you mean then?” “Did you guys get to 69?” Brightening up, Sunset couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, we did. It was kind of hard at first, but we figured it out.” “You go girl! I knew you could do it.” Rainbow laughed, running over and placing a game into the console. “Did you want to see it?” “Wait...what?” Rainbow turned around, her cheeks bright red as she looked Sunset up and down. “You guys actually…” “Yeah. We solved problem 69. You know, for Ms. Cheerilee’s weekly homework assignment.” “I’m not talking about homework!” “Then what are you talking about? Did we have another assignment that we forgot about?” Groaning Rainbow went over and started hitting her head on the wall. “How can you be this oblivious…” She whispered, her head beginning to hurt. “Oblivious to what?” “Go all the way Sunset! Did you have go all the way with Flash?” Rainbow yelled, resting her head against the wall. Shoving another handful of popcorn into her mouth, Sunset looked over the game controller. “Yeah.” “Wait, what do you think I’m talking about?” Rainbow asked cautiously, not moving from her position. “We finished our homework assignment. Did you want to see it? Just don’t copy it exactly as I have it this time.” With that statement, Rainbow continued to hit her head against the wall. “How can someone so smart be like this?” Going over, Sunset placed her hand between the wall and Rainbows head. “You asked me something, and I answered. I even told you that you could copy my homework. What’s the problem?” “It’s nothing.” Rainbow groaned as they went back over to the couch to sit down. “Okay. Hey Rainbow, do you want to help me later? “Help you with what?” “Getting my engine going?” Turning an even brighter shade of red, Rainbow just stared at Sunset for a moment. “Sorry. I appreciate the offer, but not really my thing.” Rainbow whispered, her body starting to become warm. “Really? You’ve helped me fix my motorcycle before. I guess I’ll see if I can fix it by myself then.” Picking up the rest of a slice of pizza and shoving it in her mouth, Sunset turned on her controller, and synced it up with the game. “You know, get my engine going could mean more then just that.” “What do you mean?” Rainbow turned on her controller and synced it to player 1, before beginning to hysterically laugh. “Sunset, I was talking about mating. Did you and Flash mate?” “What! No!” Sunset's face started to turn the same color as her hair. “Why would you think that?” “Well, it’s obvious you’re older than us. Being a pony and all. Figured that you might have had a little more practice than us, and know a couple new...ways. Ya know.” Rainbow waved her controller around in a circle for a moment, before finding it snatched out of her hand. “Just because I was a pony, doesn’t mean I go and mate all the time! Actually, I haven’t even gone further than kissing before. Why have you?” “Uh, yeah. Couple times. Wait, really? So, you’re not a master? I know a couple people who are going to be disappointed at that.” Laughing, Rainbow took the controller back from Sunset. “Wow that...would racist be the proper term?” Sunset asked, taking a sip of her water. “Never mind. Guess you’ll hit a homerun when you’re ready.” “What does baseball have to do with mating?” “I’ll be right back.” Rainbow picked up her phone and went into her bedroom. Double checking to make sure that Sunset wasn’t listening, she hit her 3 speed dial. “Hello?” “Hey Pinks. Can you come over? I need you to help explain something to Sunset. You’re not going to believe this one…”