
by Plushie Penguin

First published

Twilight left a lot of ponies when she came to Ponyville. One of her old friend decides to write her a letter.

When Twilight was asked to go to Ponyville, she didn't really care that much about her friends that she left behind. In fact she only remembered when Spike told her a few years later. An old friend of hers decides to write a letter, about all the things she wanted to say, but couldn't.

Before the events of "Amending Fences"

Disclaimer I want to say first of all that these ponies aren't my own creation. They fully belong to Hashbro and DHX Media. Also sorry if this sounds similar to any other stories. I came up with this idea on my own and I if it is then it's because I didn't read them at the time of submission.

Just another nopony

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At first I was hesitant. Why in Equestria would a famous Princess want to read what I have to say?

But now, I don't even care. I stopped caring a long time ago.

I pressed my quill onto my scroll...

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

It has been a long time since I've written to you. And you probably don't even remember me will probably ignore this, but I felt that I needed to write to you again, and remind myself of who I really am. Or rather, who I was.

It wasn't that I was ungrateful that you were my friend. It wasn't that I was not empathetic that you finally got to chase your ambition, and your dreams.
It wasn't that I was jealous.

But in truth, I was sad. I was sad that I wouldn't, no, couldn't see you as often as I would. No reminiscent of our adventures. No memories.

Maybe if I had just been there for you, you might've thought of me like you did for them, and maybe you would've cared for me like you cared for your other 5 friends. Or in fact, maybe it was the other way around.

I never thought that you were a bad friend Twilight Sparkle. Although a lot would say that you were back then. In fact you were my role model. My idol. And my best friend at the same time. It always bothered me that you didn't care to show up to my party.

Or maybe I'm the one who doesn't get it. Is this what friendship is supposed to be? You're the expert after all. Tell me Twilight Sparkle, is this what being a friend means? To just pack up and leave? To never even care about what ever happened to the other friend? Have you ever just suddenly thought "I feel like I'm forgetting someone"? No, because I clearly never meant anything to you.

The thing that bothers me the most, though, is that you never even said goodbye. But I guess you could've told me months before you told anyone else and it wouldn't have mattered. You were still going anyway.

I couldn't possibly expect you to understand how sad I was when you left. You were the only friend I ever had. Of course there were Minuette and all that, but you were the only ever pony I really thought would understand me. I knew that you needed to go to Ponyville. It was what Princess Celestia wanted after all, and you couldn't possibly say no to her.

I was overjoyed when I heard you'd come visit Canterlot. My dear old bestie. I guess maybe my fantasies got the better of me. I would've liked it for you to visit more, but I know that's impossible for you. A famous pony like you wouldn't want anything to do with a nopony like me.

I saw your old house as I walked by. I guess it would be right to say I had nostalgia, but it was much more than something I had found from deep inside my brain. It was a memory. I couldn't forget you or any of the experience we had. I remembered that time we were arguing about which chemical to put first, and then I realised I was reading the wrong book the whole time. That was one of the most memorable moments I ever had, aside from that party you didn't come to.

Minuette, and Twinkle Shine dropped off a couple months ago to ask me to come to their party. Honestly I would've loved to come by, but I didn't. I had a lot of studying to catch up to.

I heard you made new friends. I'm happy for you Twilight. I'm happy that you finally found new ponies to hang out with. I'm glad you have a replacement for me now.

I keep hearing ponies talk about the princess of friendship this and the princess of friendship that, but I knew that to them you were just that. A princess. An icon. Nothing more.

But to me, you more than just some princess. You are more than just a regular ol' friend, Twilight Sparkle. You were my everything. After you left Canterlot for Ponyville, my life changed. I wasn't anymore the pony who was friends with Twilight Sparkle, or the bff of the famous protégé. I was just a pony. With no one to call my friend. I was just another nopony to worry about.

Every single day in my whole pointless life is just to go the library. It never hurt to see books after all. Books couldn't leave you.
After that, I kind of forgot who I was. I forgot my personality. I forgot the means of why I am so very empty.

Twilight I hope you're happy. I know you've probably just forgotten about me. After all I was probably just another pony to stop you from studying.

If by small chance you happen to read this, then you would have realised who I was remembered who I am. Who I used to be, anyway.

I don't really know what day this is. I don't really think I have a purpose anymore. I am neither talking nor smiling at other ponies anymore.

I hope you come to visit Twilight. I really do. But I doubt you will ever visit me. You have a lot of princess business to attend to. A lot of fun friendship things to do. A lot more than I could give you. But that's okay. I've accepted that a long time ago.

With lots of love,
Your forgotten friend

I lifted my quill off my scroll.

I slid my letter in my shelf. There were in fact maybe 50 or more letters I never sent. This was just another stupid one.

I paced in my room and thought about a lot of things.

I realised that maybe I will never be that same pony many moons ago.

Maybe I'm just a useless mare that has no purpose.

Maybe I'm just another nopony to worry about...