The Desperation Requests

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Some of the ponies have to pee very badly and hold it the entire day through.

Some of the ponies have to pee very badly, and due to either inability or unwillingness to use the bathroom for various reasons, have to hold it the entire day through. Will they make it?

Contains: Omorashi/desperation. Also will follow a different style than my usual stories, but I had to answer this request because I don't think anyone else would. This next part may be a spoiler to the ending due to the desperation suspense, but it also contains no wetting whatsoever.

These are the desperation stories requested by Redfish3000. Due to similarity to each other the individual stories have been revoked and re-posted as chapters of the same story. For certain reasons, these stories are very different from my other desperation stories, and may only warrant a T-rating (besides, Pinkie was shown in desperate need of a bathroom in the show).

Rarity's Desperation

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At Carousel Boutique, Rarity got out of bed. There was nothing much to do today, so Rarity just sat at her breakfast table and drank a lot of tea, more than she'd usually drink in one day.

Rarity had just finished her 20th or so cup of tea when she heard a knock at the door, and answered it. Twilight Sparkle stood there, with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

"Guess what Rarity?" said Twilight. "Princess Celestia has called us all to Canterlot to set up a big event where Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are coming over!"

So, at 8:00 AM, they took the train to Canterlot. As the train left, Rarity noticed that she had to pee, as a result of all the tea she had drank. She hadn't known she would go on a trip to Canterlot right away, or else she wouldn't have drank so much.

Rarity could use the bathroom on the train, but she didn't like using public bathrooms. She didn't know how many ponies used it, or if it was cleaned properly. It didn't feel nearly as clean as her own bathroom, or that of the house of one of her friends. She'd prefer to hold it until she got back, although she didn't know how long this would take. She didn't want her friends to notice her desperation, so she'd hide it as best she could.

Eventually they arrived at Canterlot, and ran to Canterlot Castle. Rarity ran nearly as fast as Rainbow Dash and Applejack, wanting to get this over with so she could get back to her bathroom. She was very uncomfortable at this point, but continued to hide it.

As Celestia told them what they needed to do to set her castle up for Cadence and Shining Armor's arrival, Rarity hardly focused on anything until her name was mentioned, trying to hold it in while hiding how desperate she was from the others.

Rarity forced herself to listen more intently as soon as she heard Celestia say her name.

"Rarity, Pinkie Pie, you will help decorate the main room for when they arrive. I know Rarity can make it spectacular, and Pinkie Pie knows how to set up a party."

"I won't let you down," said Rarity, trying to sound casual, though not succeeding very well. Pinkie Pie was a lot more enthusiastic.

So, Rarity started decorating the walls in her favorite designs. This was usually fun for her, but not so fun when she really needed to pee. As a result she didn't set up the banners and decorations as spectacularly as she would but it was still an adequate job.

Around noon, Twilight said "All right girls, you've all done a great job, and now it's time for lunch."

They went to a restaurant, where they each ordered the food they wanted. They were sitting very close to the restaurant's bathroom, but Rarity still thought it would be too filthy for her.

Rarity knew the preparations for Cadence and Shining Armor's arrival would take longer than she had anticipated, and this made her more uncomfortable. She began fidgeting slightly, crossing her legs under the table and hoping the others wouldn't see it.

After a few minutes waiting for their food to arrive, however, her friends couldn't help but notice her movements, and the look on her face. Applejack, who was sitting closest to Rarity, looked more closely at her and saw her legs were crossed.

"Rarity, if you gotta go to the bathroom, there's one right there," said Applejack.

Rarity blushed now that they knew she needed to go. "No, I can't."

"You should," said Twilight. "It wouldn't be good to hold it the entire time we're working, and there's still a lot to do. Now is the perfect time."

"I'm fine," said Rarity. "And I don't like using public bathrooms anyway."

"If you say so," said Twilight, though she didn't look very comfortable at how much Rarity was going to suffer in the following few hours.

At about 1:00, after they had finished their meal, they got back to work. As Rarity continued to decorate the room, her desperation increased. Hours went by, and Rarity had to pee really badly. She had never been so desperate in her life. She was sweating profusely and her desperation showed in her face, but she tried to not make any overt movements to show how badly she needed to pee, as there were other ponies around. Still, she couldn't help but fidget quite a bit, and occasionally put a hoof over her crotch or cross her legs.

"You know, there's a bathroom right there," said Twilight as she walked by Rarity and noticed how desperate she was despite her efforts. "Princess Cadence and Shining Armor don't come until tomorrow. We have all day."

"I'd listen to Twi," said Applejack. "Y'all look like ya can't hold it much longer."

"I'd really hate for you to, um, not be able to hold it," said Fluttershy quietly.

"I told you I'm fine," said Rarity, which was an outright lie, as she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it for. "Public bathrooms are too filthy."

"Well, if you'd rather risk wettin' yourself than use a public bathroom, go ahead," said Applejack, who at this point thought Rarity was being very stubborn.

Rarity blushed and bit her lower lip as she continued setting jewels on the banners she hung up.

More hours went by, and Rarity became more and more desperate. Pinkie Pie noticed and worked twice as hard so that Rarity wouldn't have to do as much.

By sunset, their work was done. The castle was ready for Cadence and Shining Armor's arrival. At this point, Rarity felt like she was about to burst, but felt a little better knowing she was going to be home soon.

They got on the train back to Ponyville. Rarity wasn't even trying to hide her desperation anymore, squirming in her seat with a pained look on her face. She could feel the pee sloshing inside her and knew she wouldn't last much longer.

"Hey Rarity," said Rainbow Dash with a mischievous smirk on her face. "You think we'll go by any waterfalls on the trip? Remember that waterfall we camped by once?"

Rarity started to feel even more desperate, squirming harder and tearing up.

"Or that fountain I went swimming around in? What about all those rivers, and rain, and..."

"Rainbow Dash, that's not funny!" said Twilight. "Would you like it if you were the one desperate?"

"Not really," said Rainbow Dash. She still did think it was funny, but knew she'd hate to pee herself in Rarity's position, even if she, like Rarity, wasn't wearing anything.

"Um... maybe you should use the bathroom on the train," said Fluttershy quietly. "That's what I'd do..."

Rarity just shook her head.

After what felt like hours to Rarity, they finally arrived at Ponyville. Rarity immediately ran to Carousel Boutique at a speed that would rival Rainbow Dash at her fastest run. There wasn't a second to spare, she could burst at any moment.

Rarity ran into her home, grabbed the bathroom door with her hoof, and pulled. To her dismay, it was locked. Sweetie Belle was inside. Rarity couldn't believe it. She was this close to finally finding relief and she had to wait for Sweetie Belle.

"Sweetie Belle! Hurry up in there!" Rarity hoped she didn't sound too mean, but she really couldn't hold it much longer. She knew she was seconds away from reaching her limit, and was soaked with sweat. This wouldn't be a problem, but if she peed here right outside the door...

At long last she heard the toilet flush, and Sweetie Belle casually walked outside. Rarity ran into the bathroom, closed the door, sat on the toilet, and began peeing.

She sighed in immense relief as she peed for just under a minute, splashing into the toilet. It felt so wonderful to finally let go after holding it for so long. Several times she thought she wasn't going to make it.

Her dislike for public bathrooms had nearly caused her a lot of humiliation, but she would never get over how filthy she thought they were. She'd just have to remember to drink less tea so early in the morning.

Twilight's Desperation

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Princess Twilight Sparkle was usually busy all day long. Sometimes she'd schedule too much for a single day and freak out when she couldn't get through all of it in time, causing a lot of trouble.

Discord watched this happen yet again one day.

"I think I should teach her a lesson about giving herself time for what she needs to do," said Discord with a mischievous smirk...


On a night before a very busy day, Twilight was just finished planning the events when she heard a knock at the door, and opened it.

"Surprise!" said Discord, as he caused several streamers to go flying around the room.

"Discord?" said Twilight. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just thought I'd pay a visit to my favorite princess! Well, second favorite, after Celestia."

"Oh. Well, that's very thoughtful of you. I just finished planning for a very busy day tomorrow."

"Is that so?" said Discord, and he began singing a random song, all the while manipulating the area around them in his usual ways.

"That was very fun," said Twilight once Discord's song was over, "but I think I'd better go to bed now."

"Don't you wanna have teatime with me?" said Discord. "Me and Fluttershy do it all the time!"

"Well... I suppose," said Twilight.

Discord deliberately dragged teatime on for about an hour, by bringing out more tea and some sandwiches.

"I should really be getting to bed now," said Twilight.

"But we didn't get to play Pin the Tail on the Pony!" said Discord, taking Twilight's tail off.

"Wait, what?" As soon as Twilight realized her tail was missing, she began chasing after Discord.

"Oh, here you go." Discord zapped Twilight's tail back on her, and then took her wings and put them on his back. "I'm Princess Discord now!"

"Discord!" Twilight chased him again, and he gave her wings back. "Now, can I PLEASE go to bed?"

"One more thing!" Discord sucked Twilight into a Daring Do book, entering it with her, so that they experienced one of Daring Do's adventures, though if they touched anything other than ground it would go right through them, as they were unable to alter anything.

Once they were out, Twilight said "Can we do the next one?"

"Your wish is my command!"

After the original trilogy of books, Twilight said "This has been REALLY fun, but I have a busy day tomorrow so I should get some sleep."

"All right," said Discord, looking a little disappointed.

Twilight got into bed and looked at the clock. It was 2:00 AM. She tried hard to get some sleep, but was kept awake by loud sounds coming from the throne room. Sounds of crashing, and explosions, and what appeared to be a marching band. Eventually she couldn't take it any longer and stormed into the throne room.

"Discord, quit it!"

"I was just having a little fun."

"Well do it back at... wherever you live! I'm trying to sleep!"

"All right," said Discord, figuring now was late enough, and he didn't want to get her too angry. So, he disappeared in a flash of light.

Twilight got back into bed and got to sleep at 3:00 AM.


Twilight woke up to the sound of her alarm, and turned it off. With a long yawn, she got out of bed, very tired. She wanted to go back to sleep, but remembered today was a very busy day. So, reluctantly, she got out of bed and drank about 20 cups of coffee, at the end of which she was wide awake.

When the time came, Twilight and Spike boarded the train to Canterlot. In the middle of the train ride, Twilight realized she needed to pee because of all the coffee she drank. She ran to the train bathroom as fast as she could, but to her dismay she found it out of order.

Discord watched disguised as a bird flying beside the train, chuckling to himself, for it was he that put the "Out of Order" sign up.

Twilight reached Canterlot. First was a meeting with Celestia and Luna. Twilight was sure they would forgive her if she was a little late. She ran toward an outhouse, but it also had an "Out of Order" sign on it. So, she flew to Celestia's castle and entered the nearest bathroom to the door, but all the stalls were full. Twilight groaned and walked out the door.

As soon as Twilight was out, the "ponies" inside disappeared, and the doors swung open, for it was another of Discord's tricks.

Twilight raced to the room where her meeting with Celestia and Luna was, deciding to get this out of the way and then find another bathroom before the next thing she had to do.

They talked about upcoming events, such as a wedding in Canterlot, a sporting event, and something about dragons and changelings, as well as the arrival of delegates from Saddle Arabia. As the conversation went on, Twilight's attention shifted more to her bladder, which was starting to feel more pressure every minute.

Twilight tried hard not to move, for she wanted to hide her desperation. Spike had seen her enter the other bathroom but for all he knew she had been able to use the bathroom, not noticing that she had gotten out too fast for that.

Oh, I need to pee so bad, thought Twilight.

After about an hour, their conversation was over. Next Twilight had to go to a trading event, which would last an hour before Luna took her place. So she immediately ran to the nearest bathroom.

"Didn't you just go?" said Spike.

"Um... I need to check if I combed my hair," said Twilight.

She found a bathroom and entered it. She could almost feel the relief right now.

Until she saw that all the stalls had "Out of Order" signs on them.


Twilight ran out and rejoined Spike. "Yep, my mane's perfectly combed. Let's... get to the Traders' Exchange."

They boarded the train again. Twilight glanced in the direction of the bathroom door. The "Out of Order" sign was still up.

Actually, it had been re-placed by Discord.

Twilight sat still for the entire train ride, with great difficulty, as she could feel the pressure grow heavier each minute.

They reached Rainbow Falls, and while Spike traded something for a comic, Twilight stood at the podium, there to settle whenever a pony thought a trade was unfair.

As usual, no ponies came complaining to her, because they were usually satisfied with the trade. So, Twilight was sure she could allow herself a bathroom break now, for she really needed to go.

She ran toward an outhouse, but it had an "Out of Order" sign on it. There were a few outhouses in the area, so Twilight ran to each of them, but each had the sign on it. Twilight was becoming more nervous. This was getting serious. Why was every bathroom she tried unavailable?

Discord watched Twilight, greatly enjoying the entertainment. He made all the "Out of Order" signs disappear as soon as they were out of Twilight's sight. It was all part of his plan to "teach Twilight to take care of herself", which was only his excuse because he thought it was really fun to watch Twilight hold it desperately.

Twilight stood at her position for 45 more minutes, sweating a little and trying hard not to cross her legs. She had reached a level of desperation she never knew existed, and couldn't believe she had held it for this long.

Hoping the outhouses were back in order, Twilight ran to check them again, and Discord quickly re-posted the "Out of Order" signs. A pony was inside one of them at the time, and left the outhouse mere seconds after Twilight ran.

At long last, Princess Luna arrived, and took over while Twilight boarded the train to ride it back to Ponyville, for her next event was lunch with her friends.

Twilight crossed her legs on the train ride, noticing the bathroom was still "Out of order". Spike noticed, but dismissed it at first.

They reached Ponyville, and met with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie at a restaurant.

"How did the morning go?" said Fluttershy, for it was about noon now.

"It was... really great!" said Twilight, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice. "I should probably wash my hooves before eating though."

She ran into the restaurant's bathroom. All the stalls were taken except one. Feeling relieved already, Twilight ran into the stall, only to find it clogged with an entire roll of toilet paper. Twilight knew she wouldn't be able to flush without overflowing the toilet. She considered using the toilet anyway without flushing, but then her pee would be there for whoever was fixing the toilet to see.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable now that relief had been snatched away from right in front of her, Twilight left the bathroom. Discord appeared and snapped his fingers, causing the toilet paper in the toilet, as well as the illusion of other ponies in the stalls, to disappear.

Twilight sat down at the restaurant table, crossing her legs and hoping no one could see it. She hid her desperation well as she ordered her food, but while waiting for the food to get there, she fidgeted a bit, sweating a little.

"Are you all right Twilight?" said Spike.

"Of course!" said Twilight, not sounding entirely convincing. "Why wouldn't I be?"

After lunch, which took another hour, Twilight's next item on the agenda was to smile and wave at delegates from Saddle Arabia, back at Canterlot. So, she and Spike boarded the train, Twilight again disappointed to see the train bathroom was still "out of order".

Twilight had to pee really badly, and started fidgeting a little harder than at the restaurant, sweating more and with an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Twilight, are you sure you're all right?" said Spike, who was now worried about her.

"I..." Twilight knew there was no hiding her desperation from Spike at this point. "I really need to go to the bathroom."

"Why are you holding it so long?"

"I haven't had the chance to go yet! Every bathroom's been out of order, or full!"

"Are you gonna be all right?"

"I'll be fine. First chance I get I'll use a bathroom without a doubt."

Upon reaching Canterlot, Twilight ran to the nearest outhouse, but to her dismay many ponies were in line. Each pony took about a minute, and Twilight became increasingly desperate as the line slowly progressed. By the time there were about four ponies in front of her, Twilight realized she would be late for the big event, and ran out of the line.

Spike was riding on her back the entire time. "Really? You couldn't wait for just four more ponies?"

"I don't wanna be late," said Twilight.

"They're not gonna miss anything! All you have to do is smile and wave, remember?"

"Celestia wouldn't have asked me to if it wasn't important!"

As soon as Twilight and Spike were out of sight, Discord snapped his fingers, and the ponies in line - again illusions - vanished.

Twilight stood on a balcony as the delegates from Saddle Arabia arrived. She smiled and waved at them, which took a great deal of effort in her current state.

Next she was attending a Wonderbolt show in Manehattan, which Rainbow Dash was a part of. As she got on the train, she groaned loudly when she saw the "Out of Order" sign was still on the bathroom, unbeknownst to her having been conjured yet again by Discord, who only had the signs up when she was in view, as his little trick was for her and no one else.

The nearest bathroom to the Wonderbolt arena had a big lineup of ponies waiting to see the show.

"Are you gonna stand in the whole lineup this time?" said Spike.

"I could miss the start of the show," said Twilight. "I have to pee so bad!"

She stood in line for minutes, frantically doing the pee dance as the line progressed very slowly. Twilight could feel her desperation increase and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it.

When it was finally Twilight's turn, she saw an "Out of Order" sign on the toilet. She didn't stop to think how it got there when no ponies had gone in after the pony in front of her.


Twilight ran out of the outhouse and flew over to the arena where the Wonderbolts were going to perform. She paused midway to go back for Spike, and upon reaching the arena, sat down and fidgeted harder than ever, sweating profusely and with a pained look on her face. Some of the ponies laughed at seeing Twilight in this position. For some reason they were more at ease making fun of Princess Twilight than Princess Celestia. Twilight didn't notice, however, as all she was paying attention to was how badly she needed to pee.

The Wonderbolts did their show, and Twilight waved in Rainbow Dash's direction at one point, but for the rest of it she didn't even pay attention, as her need to pee was too great.

"What's next?" said Twilight once the show was over.

"Next you had to check the dam to make sure it's not gonna burst," said Spike.

Twilight cringed. The dam would be very close to water.

After another uncomfortable train ride to Ponyville, Twilight flew over to the dam. The sight of the water nearly made her lose it there. She almost considered going for a swim and peeing in the water, but she was disgusted at the thought of it.

Twilight examined the dam for about ten minutes, painfully trying to keep an eye out for any sign of cracks or weakness while simultaneously holding it in.

After coming to the conclusion that the dam was in perfect condition, Twilight flew into the nearby outhouse, but for some reason it didn't have a toilet! What kind of ponies made this outhouse? Frustrated and desperate beyond belief, Twilight ran out.

"I take it you couldn't go?" said Spike.

"I don't know what was up with that outhouse," said Twilight. "What's next?" She had a hard time focusing with how desperate she was.

"Next you're going on a flight with Princess Ember," said Spike.

Twilight moaned. She wasn't sure she could hold it for this flight.

Ember had already been in Ponyville so the arrangement was to meet up at Twilight's castle. Twilight hoped she would have time to use the bathroom before Ember got here, but as soon as she reached her castle, she found Ember standing at the door.

Spike got off Twilight to greet Ember.

"Well, I see you two probably have some catching up to do, so, I'll be back in a minute!" said Twilight, and she ran into her castle.

She ran to the nearest bathroom, but it was locked. She knocked on the door.

"In a minute," came Pinkie Pie's voice. "Oh no! I think I clogged up the toilet!"

Twilight ran to the next nearest bathroom, but it was also locked. Twilight could hear the sound of a shower going on. Why was whoever it was - Starlight maybe? - locking the door for a shower? It wasn't as though ponies ever wore clothes, and they saw each other take baths all the time!

At this point, Twilight realized she would be late for her flight with Ember. Letting out another frustrated cry, she ran back outside.

Discord unlocked the bathroom doors and turned the shower in the second bathroom off. Of course he had also imitated Pinkie Pie's voice, and Starlight was hanging out with Trixie.

Twilight and Ember went on their flight, with Ember giving Spike a ride, much to Twilight's relief, as having to give him a ride put more pressure on her.

Ember talked about how things were going in the dragon kingdom, while Twilight put a lot of effort into holding it in, barely registering anything the dragon lord said.

"So, what about you?" said Ember. "How's things in Ponyville?"

"They're... really great!" said Twilight, who was now dripping with sweat. "Really fun and peaceful, and full of friendship and stuff!"

"Are you all right Twilight?" said Ember. "Why are your legs crossed?"

"She really has to..." began Spike.

"Quiet, Spike!" said Twilight, a little louder than she meant it.

Twilight somehow held it in the entire flight, and Ember didn't comment on Twilight's desperation, although she was sure she must have suspected something. After they said their goodbyes, Twilight asked Spike what was next.

"One last thing - dinner with the griffons!"

Twilight hoped the train bathroom would be fixed on the way to Griffonstone, but that damn sign was still up there! She fidgeted harder than ever, her legs crossed tight.

As soon as they reached Griffonstone, Twilight raced to the nearest outhouse, but it had an Out of Order sign on it. She ran to another one, but it had several ponies in a lineup. Twilight didn't stop to think why the only ponies here besides her were in line for the bathroom, but ran to the restaurant where they were having dinner.

Several griffons sat at a table, Gilda and Grandpa Gruff among them. After taking her seat at the table, Twilight ran to the bathroom, but all the stalls were out of order. Feeling frustrated and more desperate than ever, she ran back to the table and fidgeted the entire time.

"Are you all right, Princess Twilight?" said Gilda.

"I REALLY need to pee!" said Twilight, not bothering to hide it anymore.

"What was wrong with the bathroom?" said Grandpa Gruff.

"All the stalls were out of order! AGAIN! I'll just have to hold it... if I can!"

After what seemed like forever, their meal came. Twilight wolfed it down as fast as she could, and resumed squirming vigorously with her legs crossed.

Once the bill was paid by Grandpa Gruff, Twilight ran back to the train as fast as she could, Spike having to hold onto her to keep from falling off. She checked the train bathroom again, and wasn't surprised to see the sign was still up.

It was sunset when they reached Ponyville, and Twilight flew as fast as she could back to her castle, hoping all the bathrooms would be empty this time.

She ran to the nearest bathroom, but saw Discord enter with a newspaper and close the door just as she was about to reach it.

Twilight was in no mood to run to the next bathroom. She was about to burst. She banged on the door.

"Hurry up! I can't hold on much longer!" She meant it. She knew she was about to reach her limit, and held in her pee with all her effort.

She did the pee dance frantically as her desperation grew. Then, the pressure reached a point where she felt she couldn't hold it in anymore. She was seconds away from peeing herself. To whatever extent, as she wasn't wearing anything.

Discord sensed that Twilight couldn't hold it any longer, so he opened the door and walked outside. Twilight immediately ran into the bathroom, closing the door but forgetting to lock it, sat on the toilet, and finally let go.

"Ahhhhhhhhh", she sighed in immense relief as her pee splashed into the toilet. She could not believe she had held it the whole day.

After just over two minutes, Twilight finished peeing, and flushed the toilet. She walked outside just as Spike reached the door. He could tell from the look on her face that she had finally found relief.

"How was your busy day?" said Discord.

"It was awful!" said Twilight. "I really needed to go to the bathroom, but all the bathrooms were either full, out of order, or had a big lineup!"

"Oh, that's too bad," said Discord. "Well, hopefully you learned to give yourself time for what you need to do!"

"I... guess," said Twilight. All she felt was relief after holding it in so long, and that she made it.

Fluttershy's Desperation

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Fluttershy was always too shy to tell anyone when she needed to use the bathroom. Sometimes this would cause a lot of trouble for her, causing to her to hold for long stretches of time, but she always made it every time. But, one day she would have the longest hold of her life.

After a busy day of taking care of animals, Fluttershy was on her way to the Crystal Empire with Twilight Sparkle, for Twilight wanted to visit with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, and Fluttershy wanted to go to the petting zoo.

Arriving at the Crystal Empire, Fluttershy and Twilight entered the library, where Twilight began looking at all the books, occasionally picking out a few to read. Fluttershy found a book about animals and began reading it.

Until she felt the urge to pee. She realized she had not gone to the bathroom all day, not even for her morning pee.

Since Twilight was too distracted reading books to see what Fluttershy was doing, Fluttershy thought she could use the library's bathroom without making a fuss.

Except for one thing. She didn't know where the bathroom was.

She could feel her bladder slowly filling up, so she walked up to the librarian. "Um... excuse me."

"Yes?" said the librarian.

"Do you know where I can find... um..."

"Where you can find what?"

"...a book about Breezies?"

"You'll find one on that shelf over there."

Fluttershy walked over to the shelf, still needing to pee. She had chickened out. She was too shy to ask where the bathroom was.

She read the Breezies book so as to not be suspicious, but focused more on how much she needed to pee, eventually putting the book back on the shelf.

Once Twilight had finished reading the books here, she and Fluttershy met up, and they went to Shining Armor and Cadence's castle.

As Twilight was talking with Shining Armor and Cadence, Fluttershy looked over at a bathroom that was in this room. She tiptoed over to the bathroom. The pressure in her bladder was growing each minute, but she was finally about to find relief.

When she tried to open the door, she found that it was locked. Of all the bathrooms in the castle, this one required a key. Who designed this castle?

All she had to do was ask Shining Armor or Cadence for the key, but again, she was too shy to do so. She decided to find another bathroom in the castle that didn't require a key. She walked through the halls, and eventually found a bathroom. She turned the handle of the door and started to open it.

Then she heard a familiar sound. She turned around to see a small bird on the ground. It chirped a bit at her.

"Oh, you poor creature," she said. "Your wing is broken? I'll help you find your nest."

Fluttershy picked up the bird in both hooves and flew around the castle in search of the bird's nest. She still needed to pee, and had been seconds away from relief, but she couldn't turn her back on an animal in need.

After a few uncomfortable minutes of searching, she found the bird's nest somewhere on a balcony of the castle, and made her way back to the bathroom, only to run into Twilight.

"Well, Shining Armor and Cadence have got some stuff to do now, so it's time to go back to Ponyville."

"Sounds good," said Fluttershy, though she didn't think so. She wanted to tell Twilight to wait so she could use the bathroom she had found... but she was still too shy to say it.

They boarded the train back to Ponyville. Fluttershy considered using the train bathroom. She was too shy to tell Twilight this, but her need to pee became greater and greater. She decided to use the train bathroom, and stood up.

"Where are you going?" said Twilight.

"Nowhere," said Fluttershy, sitting down, still too shy to tell Twilight she needed to go to the bathroom.

She held it in for the entire trip, concealing her desperation from Twilight.

As soon as they arrived at Ponyville, Fluttershy ran toward her cottage as fast as she could, but bumped into Rainbow Dash. She almost lost it there but held it in.

"Hey Fluttershy," said Rainbow Dash. "Ready to go to Baltimare?"

Fluttershy had forgotten she and Rainbow Dash were going to watch a show at Baltimare. "When does the train leave?"

"We're flying this time," said Rainbow Dash. "Our wings could use the exercise!"

Fluttershy wanted to ask if the could use the bathroom before they left, but again, she was too shy to say so. So, she and Rainbow Dash flew towards Baltimare. Fluttershy needed to pee badly at this point. She could always ask Rainbow Dash to stop so she could use the bathroom, but she was still unable to.

"Stop!" said Rainbow Dash about halfway through the flight, and she touched down on the ground right next to an outhouse.

"What is it?" said Fluttershy as she reached the ground.

"I have to go to the bathroom real bad!" said Rainbow Dash. "Wait here for a second." Rainbow Dash ran into the outhouse. Fluttershy did the pee dance outside the outhouse, waiting for her to come out. After about a minute, Rainbow Dash emerged. "Do you need the bathroom too?"

"No," said Fluttershy, which was an outright lie, for she really needed to go, but was too shy to tell Rainbow Dash.

"Then let's go!" said Rainbow Dash, and they took off again.

They reached Baltimare, and watched the show. Fluttershy squirmed in her seat for all of it, unable to keep still. Rainbow Dash was too focused on the show to notice. Fluttershy considered sneaking off to the bathroom, but she didn't want Rainbow Dash to feel like she was walking out on her, or to say why she was leaving. So she crossed her legs and held it in.

After an hour, which felt like ten hours to Fluttershy, the show was over, and she and Rainbow Dash flew back to Ponyville. Fluttershy wasn't sure she could hold it for the flight, but she did, though she had both hooves on her crotch the entire time.

Fluttershy ran toward her cottage again, but then caught sight of a clock. It was almost time for her to go to a fashion show with Rarity at Manehattan. Fluttershy ran to the train station, hoping to use the bathroom there before Rarity got there. However, as soon as she got to the station, Rarity was already there.

"Thank goodness," said Rarity. "I almost thought you weren't going to show."

Why did she have to plan these trips with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity on the same day? At least she didn't have anything else planned today. She let out a small squeak as she felt the need to pee grow greater, but she hid signs of desperation from Rarity.

"I need to use the little filly's room," said Rarity. "I'll be right back." She ran into the station bathroom. Fluttershy decided she'd find some excuse and use the bathroom as soon as Rarity was out.

However, just as Rarity came out of the bathroom, the train arrived. Fluttershy didn't want Rarity to be late for the fashion show, so without saying anything, she walked onto the train with her.

Fluttershy sat still for the entire trip, in desperate need of a bathroom. She avoided crossing her legs or fidgeting with great difficulty, because she didn't want Rarity to know how badly she needed to go. She didn't want to use the bathroom on the train, because she was too shy to say it, and if she stood up, Rarity would probably ask where she was going, and she didn't want to tell her. She tried to think of some excuse, but she couldn't.

As Fluttershy became even more desperate, she worried about how the fashion show was going to go. She would be trying on one of Rarity's outfits. She wouldn't be the only pony in the fashion show, but if she peed in Rarity's outfit, she'd not only be humiliated onstage, but ruin Rarity's fashion show, and one of her outfits.

As they arrived in Manehattan, Rarity said "Quickly! We must not be late!"

They ran to the building where the fashion show was taking place. Fluttershy was wearing a dress that Rarity designed, which was a relief because it would be easy to take on and off, and would not be damaged if she lost control. Still, she did not want to pee anywhere other than a toilet.

She stood on the stage, feeling nervous about the ponies looking at her. If she peed right here, it would still make a big puddle and all the ponies would see. She crossed her legs, which could not be seen under her dress, feeling the throbbing of her bladder as its pressure grew heavier. She was so nervous that she almost lost it, but she barely managed to hold it in.

After what seemed like hours, Rarity was presented with her trophy, and Fluttershy removed the dress and ran to the nearest bathroom. However, there was a line for it. Fluttershy waited as long as she could, but when she saw Rarity walking around, no doubt in search of her, she ran over to her.

"Congratulations on winning the fashion show Rarity," said Fluttershy, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice, not entirely successfully.

"Are you feeling all right, Fluttershy?" said Rarity, looking a little concerned.

"I'm feeling just fine," said Fluttershy, which of course was not true.

"Then let's go back to Ponyville!" said Rarity.

As they got to the train station, the train hadn't arrived yet.

"Um... Rarity... there's something I'd like to do. I'll be right back."

"All right, darling. The train gets here in three minutes."

Fluttershy ran toward the train station bathroom and entered it. This was a bathroom with three stalls, but to her dismay they were all taken. Fluttershy frantically did the pee dance, now that no one could see her. She needed to pee so badly and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it.

She was sure two minutes had gone by when she heard one of the toilets flush. With how much she was holding in she couldn't possibly use the toilet and then return to Rarity in just one minute. So, very reluctantly, she ran back over to Rarity.

The train arrived, and Fluttershy and Rarity got onto the train. Fluttershy was more desperate than she had ever been in her life. She couldn't hold it much longer. There was no hiding her desperation this time. She crossed her legs and fidgeted, biting her lower lip.

Naturally, this did not go unnoticed by Rarity. "Fluttershy, darling, if you need to use the bathroom, you should just say so."

Fluttershy blushed.

"You can use the bathroom on this train."

Feeling a little relieved, Fluttershy ran over to the train bathroom, but to her horror it had an "Out of Order" sign on it.

"No..." Fluttershy whimpered. She returned to Rarity and sat beside her.

"Are you feeling better, Fluttershy?" said Rarity.

Fluttershy shook her head. "It's out of order..."

"I hope you can hold it until we get to Ponyville," said Rarity.

Fluttershy became more desperate with each minute, squirming hard and feeling the pee slosh around inside her.

After what seemed like an eternity, they reached Ponyville. It was around sunset at this time. Fluttershy ran toward her cottage as fast as she could. This time she was going to get to her bathroom and find much-needed relief!

"Fluttershy!" came a familiar voice.

Fluttershy turned around to see Applejack running up to her.

"I'm so glad you're here," said Applejack. "Some varmint rabbits are stealin' my apples! Can you go talk some sense into them?"

Fluttershy didn't want to. She wanted to run into her cottage and get to her bathroom. She wanted to tell Applejack this, but she was too shy to say it to her, even after Rarity had noticed her desperation. She nodded her head, her eyes tearing up.

Applejack led Fluttershy to the rabbits, who stuck their tongues out at Applejack.

"SHAME ON YOU!" said Fluttershy. "Stealing Applejack's apples! Return them AT ONCE and don't let me EVER CATCH YOU DOING THAT AGAIN!"

The rabbits quickly set the apples down and ran. Fluttershy felt a little bad about yelling at them. She'd usually try to ask nicely first, but she needed to pee so badly she was in no mood to put up with the rabbits' antics. She'd have to apologize to them for being so harsh once she had finally relieved herself.

"Wow, that was... effective," said Applejack, taken aback a bit by Fluttershy's rage. "Thanks, Fluttershy. Ah don't think they'll be stealin' my apples ever again."

Fluttershy felt a bit better knowing she had definitely helped Applejack. "I'd better get home now."

Applejack nodded, and Fluttershy ran as fast as Rainbow Dash toward her cottage. She knew she was about to burst, and she couldn't spare another second.

She reached her cottage and ran toward her bathroom as fast as she could. The pressure was at its heaviest and she knew she had reached her limit. She ran into the bathroom, closed the door behind her, sat on the toilet, and finally let go.

She let out a very satisfied sigh of relief as her pee splashed into the toilet. The relief felt absolutely delicious. She could not believe she had held it for almost a full day. There had been many times where she thought she wasn't going to make it, and she was very relieved that she had. She could not imagine how humiliating it would be to wet herself, even if she wasn't wearing anything.

After about a minute and 40 seconds, Fluttershy finished peeing. Immensely relieved that her bladder was now empty after holding it in for so long, she flushed the toilet and decided to go relax with her pets.

If only she could get over her bladder shyness, she could save a lot of trouble.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack's Desperation

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Rainbow Dash and Applejack finished a day of competitive sports. Exhausted, hot, and sweaty, they decided to cool down by drinking some cider at Sweet Apple Acres.

They talked for a while, until, on their fourth cider...

"I have to pee," said Rainbow Dash. "I've been holding it for a while."

Rainbow Dash ran into the nearest bathroom on the farm. After about half a minute, she came back out.

"Much better! Hey, remember that time Rarity held her pee all day? That was something I didn't expect to see RARITY do, and I have to admit, it was really fun teasing her about it, with all the waterfalls!"

"That reminds me," said Applejack. "One time ah talked with Spike, and he said that Twilight also had to hold it all day cause she never had the chance to get to a bathroom."

"Oh, I heard about that from Gilda! She said she saw Twilight pretty desperate when they were having dinner together at Griffonstone!"

"And once ah called Fluttershy to help with some animals, and she looked really impatient. Ah didn't say anythin' cause ah didn't wanna make her uncomfortable, but ah noticed she was really desperate to pee."

"So all three of them had to hold it for a really long time."

"Ah wonder which of the six of us could last the longest?"

"Totally me!" Rainbow Dash bragged. "I would obviously be the one who could hold it longer than any of you!"

"You might be able to hold it longer than Pinkie Pie, and MAYBE the other three, but not me! Most mares in the Apple Family have bladders of steel, and ah'm no exception!"

"Oh yeah? Then prove it! Let's have a competition tomorrow! We'll both drink lots of cider in the morning, and then hold it all day to see who can hold it longer!"

"Ah accept. And ah know ah'm gonna win!"

They spit on their hooves and did a hoof bump.


The next day, Rainbow Dash and Applejack met up at Sweet Apple Acres before sunrise. At 6:00 AM, they drank as much cider as they could, until neither could drink anymore. Rainbow Dash still wanted to win, but either way she loved getting the chance to drink so much cider.

Not long after sunrise, Rainbow Dash and Applejack already needed to pee. They both hid this from the other, not wanting to show any weakness so early in.

"Let's stay together the entire day to make sure neither of us uses the bathroom," said Applejack.

"Fine with me!" said Rainbow Dash.

They stood still for a long time, neither showing any sign of desperation.

"7:00! It's been one hour." Rainbow Dash sat down because standing was getting tiring. Applejack did the same, though they sat still, keeping track of the time so they knew how long they were holding it for.

Around 8:00, they began pacing around Sweet Apple Acres, though still showing no signs of how much they needed to go.

Finally, at about 9:00 AM, Applejack had her back legs really tight together. Rainbow Dash made sure Applejack was looking the other way, and crossed her legs tight, uncrossing them as soon as she was looking in her direction again.

Over the next hour, their need to pee increased, and they had a harder time concealing it, crossing their legs at every opportunity.

"10:00," said Applejack. "Let's go to Ponyville."

They walked into Ponyville, trying not to look desperate in front of the other ponies. Over the next two hours they walked through Ponyville, doing a few activities they planned to do today, all the while becoming more desperate. None of the ponies noticed their desperation.

After two hours, which seemed like two days to the desperate mares, they returned to Sweet Apple Acres and had lunch together, eating apples and hay burgers.

"Well, it's been six hours," said Rainbow Dash. "And I know I'm gonna win. UHHH!" She crossed her legs tightly.

"You were sayin'?" said Applejack. A twinge in her own bladder made her cross her legs tightly.

They ate their food rather rushed. Rainbow Dash could not keep herself from fidgeting when she was halfway done, and after about a minute, Applejack started fidgeting too.

Eventually, they finished, and as they walked back to Ponyville, holding their legs tightly together, Pinkie Pie suddenly ran right in front of them. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were startled and almost lost it there.

"Hey Rainbow Dash! Hey Applejack! Wanna come to a super super fun random party with me?"

"Sure," said Rainbow Dash nervously. "We'd love to!"

They ran to Sugarcube Corner at top speed. A few of the background ponies were there as well, and Pinkie began the party.

"Too bad none of the others could come," said Pinkie.

"Feel like usin' the bathroom here?" said Applejack quietly to Rainbow Dash.

"Not even a little bit!" said Rainbow Dash, but she was crossing her legs tightly.

They tried to hide their desperation and enjoy the party, though Applejack nearly lost it when she tripped and fell on Pin the Tail on the Pony, and Rainbow Dash was even more uncomfortable bobbing for apples, due to the water.

"Hey, are you two all right?" said Pinkie Pie. "You look really antsy about something."

"We're fine," said Rainbow Dash, sweating a bit.

At about 1:30, the party ended, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran back to Sweet Apple Acres, and sat down for a moment.

"What's the matter Rainbow, you can't hold it much longer?" said Applejack as Rainbow Dash was crossing her legs tightly and fidgeting a lot.

"Of course I can!" said Rainbow Dash. "In fact, I could even drink more cider and still beat you!" She drank two more mugs of cider, and looked at Applejack, who was crossing her legs very tightly and biting her lower lip. "What about you, AJ? Can you hold it long enough with a bit of extra cider?"

"Of course I can!" Applejack drank two more mugs of cider as well.

After about ten minutes, Rainbow Dash and Applejack could see each other getting more desperate, unable to hide it anymore. So, Rainbow Dash grabbed another cider and chugged it down. Looking a little nervous for a split second, Applejack did the same.

"It's almost 2:00!" said Rainbow Dash. "That means we held it for..." She paused to cross her legs tighter when she felt another twinge in her bladder. "Almost eight hours!"

"2:00?" said Applejack. "We were gonna try on outfits for Rarity at 2:00!"

They raced to Carousel Boutique, arriving at about 1:55.

"You're a bit early, but that's fine by me!" said Rarity, and she showed them each five new outfits they would be trying on.

"Ah can't wait," said Applejack, sounding more nervous and crossing her legs tight.

"Applejack, I thought you were all right with this."

"Ah am," said Applejack, pretending to be cheerful.

"Can we hurry this up?" said Rainbow Dash, who was fidgeting hard.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" said Rarity, beginning to understand Applejack's initial reaction.

"No," said Rainbow Dash, crossing her legs and sweating.

"If you have to go, you can use the bathroom right here," said Rarity.

"We can hold it," said Applejack.

"You'd better," said Rarity. "I will be very miffed if you... go... in one of these outfits."

The first two outfits were dresses, like the ones they wore to the gala. These were easy to put on and take off, and plus, it would be hard for them to get wet if either of them lost it.

The next outfits were sparkly jumpsuits, but not too tight. Both were white, with blue sparkles for Rainbow Dash and orange sparkles for Applejack.

The next ones were skintight sparkly jumpsuits, which were torture for Applejack and Rainbow Dash to put on. Applejack's was dark red, Rainbow Dash's was dark blue. The tightness put some extra pressure on their bladders, and they crossed their legs very tight.

"Aw, you look so cute," said Rarity. "But don't wet those outfits!" she said in a more stern voice.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were relieved to change out of these outfits. The last ones were sports outfits, consisting of T-shirts and skintight compression shorts - Moderate shade of blue T-shirt and dark blue shorts for Rainbow Dash, yellow T-shirt and red shorts for Applejack. These were even tighter on them than the previous ones and they both crossed their legs, fidgeting hard.

Rarity giggled for a bit. "You look smashing!"

"Is it over now?" said Rainbow Dash.

Rarity remembered the time Rainbow Dash had teased her when she had needed to go. "Applejack, you're good to go. Rainbow Dash, stand for another five minutes so I can make sure I fashioned them exactly to my liking."

"But what if I have an accident?"

"I shouldn't have been so fussy. It IS your outfit now, after all."

Rainbow Dash crossed her legs tight and fidgeted, biting her lower lip, while Rarity walked around her, examining every inch of her outfit.

"Everything's perfect!" said Rarity after the five minutes, slapping Rainbow's butt. Rainbow squealed and nearly lost it there, but she managed to hold it in.

Rainbow Dash quickly pulled her outfit off, then she and Applejack ran to Sweet Apple Acres with their new outfits.

"I'll leave mine here for now," said Rainbow Dash. "I'll take them home once I've won the contest!"

"You mean once I'VE won the contest!" said Applejack.

"Yeah, I don't think you can last much longer," said Rainbow Dash, feigning confidence while she was really more desperate than she had ever been in her life. "Especially with this!" She drank three more mugs of cider and gave Applejack a smug look.

Applejack drank three mugs of cider as well.

At about 2:45, Rainbow Dash started looking more nervous. "I REALLY thought you wouldn't last this long. I'm flying with the Wonderbolts in 15 minutes!"

"That'll be fun," said Applejack.

"What if I wet my flight suit in front of everyone? What if they kick me out? What if... Pull it together, Rainbow Dash! This'll be a snap! It's not like I haven't had to fly while needing to pee before!" But I haven't had to pee this badly before either!

"Where are you flyin'?" said Applejack.

"At Canterlot!" said Rainbow Dash.

They quickly boarded the train. Though the train ride was not long, they crossed their legs tight and fidgeted hard for the entire ride, sweating profusely.

"Princess Celestia's gonna be there," said Applejack. "You think you can hold it and perform well in front of her?"

"In my sleep!" said Rainbow Dash, but deep down she felt so nervous she almost peed right there.

They reached Canterlot, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran as fast as they could. Rainbow would have loved to fly, but she had to stay in sight of Applejack.

Frantically doing the pee dance, Applejack kept her eye on Rainbow Dash as she put on her Wonderbolts outfit. Rainbow Dash stood beside Spitfire and Soarin, ready to perform.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, you all right?" said Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash just nodded, crossing her legs and trying her hardest not to fidget.

"You should have gotten here earlier. Then you'd have had time to use the bathroom before the performance."

"I can hold it."

The Wonderbolts did their performance, showing off many great flight patterns. Applejack sat in the bleachers, her legs crossed tight, and biting her lower lip.

Rainbow Dash tried to forget about her desperation, and she performed her flight, if not as awesome as usual, at least above average.

Her flight suit was soaked with sweat, from a combination of holding it in and flying hard. Applejack briefly suspected she might have peed in her suit, but she realized if she did, it still would have been easy to notice, as she had watched her the entire time.

"What a wonderful show," said Princess Celestia as she walked up to the Wonderbolts once they stood still. She whispered into Rainbow Dash's ear. "Now that the show's over, you can find a bathroom. You must have to go really bad."

Rainbow Dash blushed a little, but peeled off her Wonderbolt suit and flew over to Applejack. "All right, we're done here! Let's go!"

After another very uncomfortable train journey, they were back in Ponyville, where they continued to hold it. They both had to pee so badly they could not believe they had held it in this time. Neither had tested their bladder's strength this much before.

"4:00," said Applejack, looking at the clock. "Ten hours! Feel like losin' yet?"

"I could hold it all day!" said Rainbow Dash. She put both hooves on her crotch, and Applejack laughed.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" said Twilight Sparkle as she flew in. "I just got the new Daring Do book! Shall we read it together?"

"Uh... I'm kinda in the middle of... I mean... sure!"

"I'll come too," said Applejack. "Who doesn't like a good story from time to time?"

Twilight led her two desperate friends to her castle, and read the first chapter of the new book.

"All right Rainbow Dash, you read now!" said Twilight. "Rainbow Dash? Are you all right?"

Rainbow Dash held the book in front of her in an attempt to hide her crossed legs, but she couldn't keep herself from sweating and fidgeting slightly. Applejack was in the same position, except with no book in her hooves she couldn't hide the position of her legs.

"Do you two have to go to the bathroom?" said Twilight. "I once held it all day. It wasn't very fun. You should go now. You know where the bathrooms are."

"Nah, I can hold it." Rainbow Dash wasn't so sure. She could feel waves of pee sloshing around in her, and so could Applejack.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm just too excited to re-read this book!"

"Well, if you say so."

Rainbow Dash read the second chapter really fast. As she and Twilight read, Rainbow found it harder to focus on the book, as her bladder was throbbing with intense pain. She was thankful she'd read it already so she didn't have to really miss anything.

Applejack wasn't even terribly interested in the books, so this was even harder for her. All she could focus on was how badly she needed to pee.

By 5:00, the book was done.

"This was really fun Twilight, gotta go!" Rainbow Dash ran out the door, Applejack right behind her.

"Hey, aren't you gonna go to the bathroom first?" said Twilight. "They can be so stubborn."


"You feeling like peeing yet?" said Rainbow Dash to Applejack, back at Sweet Apple Acres.

"Not even a little bit." This wasn't exactly the most honest thing she had said, but she didn't want Rainbow Dash to know how desperate she was. However, her body language said it all.

"Anything else we have to do today?" Rainbow Dash asked this partially to distract herself a bit.

"At 5:30 I'm havin' tea at the new restaurant with Rarity and Fluttershy. They said ah could invite any ponies ah want."

"That'll make things interesting!" said Rainbow Dash. "And so will this!" She drank another mug of cider, and Applejack did the same.

At 5:30, they sat around a table at the tea restaurant with Fluttershy and Rarity. They couldn't help but notice that Rarity was fidgeting, though not as hard as they were.

"Um... Rarity, I think you should probably use the little filly's room," said Fluttershy timidly.

"No, I refuse to use a public washroom." Rarity crossed her legs.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash grimaced. Rarity's desperation, though obviously not as great as their own, reminded them of it, making their need to pee worse.

Rarity hoped Rainbow Dash wouldn't get back at her for last time by teasing her. But, she looked like she was in no fit state to. She must not have had the chance to go all day. A part of her thought it served her right, but they had (mostly) put this behind them now and she hoped she made it.

"Ah'll get the biggest cup of tea you got!" said Applejack.

"Are you sure?" said Fluttershy. "You... um... you look like you really... never mind." She blushed. "But, you can always go there." She pointed at the bathroom.

"No, I... I don't like using public washrooms," said Rainbow Dash.

"It's never been a problem before," said Fluttershy.

"Um... Rarity's rubbed off on us," said Rainbow Dash. "But, we'll probably get over it by tonight! Ow! I really need to pee!"

Applejack said nothing, but fidgeted harder.

Fluttershy and Rarity sipped their tea while Rainbow Dash and Applejack drained their teacups in one gulp and asked for another.

At about 6:00, Applejack said "Well, time for us to get some dinner!" She threw a few bits to Fluttershy. "That's for what we got." Then she and Rainbow Dash ran back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Both mares felt like they were about to burst, but neither was ready to give up. They each wanted to beat the other.

Applejack made the dinner for her and Rainbow Dash, a big selection of apple treats along with a sandwich. Her legs were crossed the entire time, and she was sweating quite a bit.

"Think you can make it?" said Rainbow Dash, fidgeting hard in her seat.

"Ah know ah can!" said Applejack.

"You two still need to go to the bathroom?"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned to see Apple Bloom in the doorway.

"Uh, yeah, but we can hold it!"

Apple Bloom didn't say anything, for she had overheard them talking about their competition.

After dinner, they stayed in their living room, trying their best not to burst.

"Ready to give up?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Not yet," said Applejack.

"I don't think you can hold it another minute!"

"Ah bet you can't last five seconds!"

Their desperation increased to a critical point, and they both put their hooves on their crotches, fidgeting more vigorously than ever with their legs crossed as tightly as they could.

"You OK Dash?" said Applejack at 9:00 PM, noticing Rainbow Dash's extremely desperate state.

Rainbow Dash couldn't hide her desperation even the slightest anymore. "I can't hold it anymore! I'm going to burst!"

"Me neither! Ah can't wait anymore!"

"Should we declare this a tie and just go pee?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

As fast as their legs would carry them, Rainbow Dash and Applejack each entered a different outhouse. After about two minutes, both exited the outhouse, feeling immensely relieved.

"We held it for 15 hours," said Rainbow Dash, looking at the clock.

"I'm mighty impressed you were able to hold it as long as me," said Applejack. "After all we had to drink."

"I don't think anyone can hold it as long as us!"

They did a hoof bump.

Apple Bloom's Desperation

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"You might be able to hold it longer than Pinkie Pie, and MAYBE the other three, but not me! Most mares in the Apple Family have bladders of steel, and ah'm no exception!"

"Oh yeah? Then prove it! Let's have a competition tomorrow! We'll both drink lots of cider in the morning, and then hold it all day to see who can hold it longer!"

"Ah accept. And ah know ah'm gonna win!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash spit on their hooves and did a hoof bump, while Apple Bloom watched from behind a tree.

Was it true that most mares in the Apple Family had a steel bladder? Was it something to be proud of? Did she herself have a steel bladder too?


The next day, Apple Bloom walked into the doorway where Rainbow Dash and Applejack were having dinner together, and it was obvious that both mares were in desperate need of a bathroom.

"Think you can make it?" said Rainbow Dash, fidgeting hard in her seat.

"Ah know ah can!" said Applejack.

"You two still need to go to the bathroom?" said Apple Bloom.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned in her direction, noticing her for the first time.

"Uh, yeah, but we can hold it!" said Applejack.

Apple Bloom said nothing and walked to her room. How long had Rainbow Dash and Applejack been holding it? How long could she hold? Maybe she'd have a steel bladder like her sister. There was only one way to know for sure.


The next day, Apple Bloom drank several glasses of apple juice at breakfast to see how long she could last. Applejack barely noticed how much her sister was drinking.

Then, Apple Bloom went to school, constantly checking the clock to see how long she was holding it for.

About an hour into the class, Apple Bloom felt the urge to pee, but was easily able to hold it. However, after the second hour, Apple Bloom was feeling more desperate, and did her best to hide it. However, she couldn't keep herself from fidgeting, and the other ponies noticed it.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo noticed it the most, but chose not to say anything for the moment.

At recess, Apple Bloom continued to hold. She could have used the bathroom of course, but she wanted to see how long she could hold it for. She was much more desperate than before, feeling intense pressure in her bladder and sweating quite a bit.

Diamond Tiara noticed how desperate Apple Bloom was, holding herself with one hoof. She didn't know that it was Apple Bloom's plan to hold it for as long as she could.

"Hey Silver Spoon," said Diamond Tiara. "Apple Bloom looks like she really needs to go!"

"Yeah, she does," said Silver Spoon.

"Let's make sure she doesn't use the bathroom all day, so she can wet herself and be humiliated in front of the entire class!"

"I have just the plan!"

Silver Spoon walked into the bathroom and stuffed the entire roll of toilet paper in it. This would clog it for sure.


The day continued, and Apple Bloom continued to hold it, becoming more desperate as time went on. She had never been this desperate before, and she couldn't believe how long she had held it. Maybe she did have a steel bladder. But, she wanted to see just how strong it was.

As the hours went by, Apple Bloom became more desperate, to the point that she thought she might lose control any minute now. But, she was able to hold it until the end of the class.

She walked to the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, still incredibly desperate but able to hold it in. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon followed them from a distance to see how long it would take for Apple Bloom to be humiliated.

"She made it through the whole class," said Silver Spoon.

"She'll still wet herself in front of her friends," said Diamond Tiara. "It'll still be totally embarrassing!"

Apple Bloom sat with her legs crossed, fidgeting and sweating profusely.

"Apple Bloom, why haven't you used the bathroom all day?" said Sweetie Belle, noticing how desperate Apple Bloom was.

"Yeah, you look like you REALLY need to pee," said Scootaloo.

"Ah heard Applejack say most mares in the family have steel bladders, and ah want to prove that ah have one too."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were worried that it might not end well for Apple Bloom, but decided to let her do what she wanted. If she wet herself, it was her fault, and they wouldn't make fun of her for it.

Apple Bloom's desperation got much worse as the hours went by. She crossed her legs tighter and squirmed harder, feeling the pee sloshing inside her. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon watched her suffering from a distance.

After a few more hours, Apple Bloom was still holding it in but was much more desperate beyond what she had ever known.

"You know," she said through gritted teeth, "ah think I've proven how long ah can hold it for. Wait for a minute while ah use the bathroom."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked a little relieved as Apple Bloom burst out of the clubhouse.

But, Diamond Tiara had overheard their conversation, and clogged the closest bathroom already. She hid behind a corner as Apple Bloom ran into the bathroom, and groaned loudly when she saw it clogged with too much toilet paper. She tried flushing it just to be sure, but it overflowed.

She returned to the clubhouse even more desperate.

"Are you feeling better?" said Sweetie Belle tentatively, knowing that this was not the case.

"I'll be all right, I only have to hold it a bit longer."

As they did several fun activities, Apple Bloom got more desperate each time. She didn't know she could hold it this long. She eventually decided to run to the next closest bathroom, but Diamond Tiara sent Silver Spoon to occupy it before she got there, watching Apple Bloom's frustrated reaction. Apple Boom frantically danced in front of the outhouse for three minutes before she ran back to the clubhouse.

Throughout the day, Apple Bloom became even more desperate, and she ran to the third nearest bathroom, but Diamond Tiara had already slipped an "Out of order" sign on it. She ran to the second one again, but Silver Spoon was back inside it. She checked the first one again, but it was still clogged.

At sunset, Apple Bloom felt like she was about to burst. She was soaked in sweat, crossing her legs tight, and fidgeting harder than before.

"You should really go to the bathroom," said Sweetie Belle.

"It doesn't seem like you can hold it any longer," said Scootaloo.

"Ah know, but all the bathrooms are mysteriously out of my reach!"

"You could run to Sweet Apple Acres," said Sweetie Belle.

"Thanks, I'll do that!"

Apple Bloom ran to Sweet Apple Acres as fast as she could, afraid that she might lose it at any second.

She finally reached the bathroom door, but it was locked.

She knocked on the door. "Can you hurry it up? Ah need to go to the bathroom really badly!"

"Eyyyup," came Big Mac's voice.

She frantically danced for what felt like hours, before the toilet flushed, and Big Mac walked outside. Apple Bloom immediately ran into the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and began peeing.


Apple Bloom returned to the clubhouse, feeling more relieved than she had ever been. Not only that, but she was also excited that she was able to hold her pee for almost an entire day.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle could tell Apple Bloom had found her much-needed relief, but Sweetie Belle asked her if she was feeling better anyway.

"Much better! And ah held it for almost a whole day! It looks like ah really do have a steel bladder like my sister!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo didn't really understand why it was so important to her, but they celebrated with her anyway.

"You mean it was her plan all along to hold her pee all day?" said Diamond Tiara, outraged.

"And we helped her achieve her goal," said Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked away in a fit of rage.

Sunset Shimmer's Desperation

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Sunset Shimmer woke up one morning. Her alarm hadn't gone off, and when she looked at the clock, she noticed that it was 7:45. She had overslept. She rushed out of her bed, changed out of her pajamas into a white and pink shirt and a pair of jeans, and ate her breakfast, which included drinking some water, milk, tea, coffee, and juice.

Once she was finished breakfast, she ran outside to take the bus to school. Fortunately, she got there just as the bus arrived. So, she got on the bus on time.

The bus had just started moving, and Sunset had just breathed a sigh of relief, when she realized she needed to pee. She remembered now that she didn't take her morning pee because she was in such a rush. Not only had she drank a lot this morning, but she had also drank several cups of coffee to stay awake last night, because she had been studying until midnight for a test. All of that liquid made her need to go more, but she knew she could hold it until she arrived at school.

However, the bus arrived at school right when her first class was about to begin, so she couldn't use the bathroom before class. Worse, her first class was math, and the math teacher wouldn't allow anyone to go to the bathroom during class, especially not at the beginning of the day. So she knew she'd have to hold it for the entire hour of math class.

Sunset tried to hide her desperation. She didn't even think of asking the teacher, for she knew what the answer would be, and it would just reveal her situation to the class. She was pretty good at hiding her need to pee, at least for a while. She tried hard not to fidget, and to focus on the math lessons, and the worksheets that came with them, which was hard for her because her desperation had increased by then.

After an uncomfortable hour, math class was over. Sunset was relieved to go to her geography class, for the teacher there would let students use the bathroom. Once she had taken her seat and the class was about to begin, Sunset raised her hand.

"Yes, Sunset Shimmer?"

"Can I go to the bathroom? I have to go really bad." She blushed a little.

"You may."

Despite her need to pee, Sunset felt better as she stood up. She tried not to look desperate as she walked toward the door, but as soon as she was out of the classroom, she ran as fast as she could toward the girl's bathroom, holding herself with one hand. She wasn't sure she was going to make it.

She reached the bathroom, but to her horror, she saw the dreaded "Out of order" sign on it. She could not believe it. She had been so close to getting relief, and it was once again denied. She knew this would mean she would have to hold it until the end of the day. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to do that, already she needed to pee really badly, but she'd try anyway.

She returned to the classroom, still in desperate need of a bathroom, and sat down. As the geography lesson went on, Sunset felt the need to pee become greater. Surely what she had drank with breakfast was catching up with her. She fidgeted and slightly crossed her legs. But she tried to stay calm, wanting to hide her desperation. A couple of students noticed her movements, but didn't say anything.

After geography class was recess. Sunset knew she was still several hours away from relief, and tried to stay calm while holding it as much as she could. As she met up with the other girls, Sunset was unable to keep herself from fidgeting more.

Applejack noticed first. "Are you all right, sugarcube?"

"It's nothing," said Sunset, trying to stay calm but sweating a little.

"It doesn't look like nothin' to me." Applejack knew perfectly well what Sunset's movements meant. "You gotta go to the bathroom real bad, don't you?"

"Yes," Sunset admitted. "I have to pee REALLY badly, but I'll be fine."

"Why in Canterlot High haven't you gone to the bathroom yet?"

"The girl's bathroom is out of order."

"Then it's only a matter of time before more girls are desperate too."

"You don't know how much I've had to drink, nor how long I've been holding it." Sunset grimaced and fidgeted a bit more. The pressure in her bladder was growing stronger every minute.

"Oh. Well, ah hope you can hold it till school's out."


Sunset became more desperate as the day went on, and had a harder time hiding it. By noon, Sunset had been holding her pee for four hours. As she sat at the cafeteria table for lunch, she fidgeted harder and crossed her legs more than before. She could not believe she had held it this long, nor did she think she'd be able to hold it for much longer.

She tried to hide how desperate she was, but most of her friends noticed it by now.

"Are you all right, Sunset?" said Fluttershy nervously, for she was very worried about her.

"The girl's bathroom is out of order, so she's real desperate to pee," said Applejack.

"I myself am in need of relief," said Rarity, who was also crossing her legs tightly under the table.

"Try not to think about it," said Rainbow Dash. "Think about waterfalls! Big waterfalls flowing down into a lake! Fountains, with water pouring out endlessly! Rain falling, drops of water, splashing in puddles..."

Sunset moaned as she felt her bladder quiver, and crossed her legs even tighter. Rarity let out a whimper, and Sunset could tell she was feeling the same way.

"Rainbow, quit it!" said Applejack. "That's not funny."

Sunset ate her lunch and reluctantly had a glass of water to drink, and after lunch was science class. Sunset found it really hard to concentrate on the class; all of her attention was on her extremely full bladder, and trying her hardest to hold it. She was fidgeting more than ever now, and crossing and uncrossing her legs over and over again. She was more desperate than ever now, and it showed in her face. Many students noticed her, and were looking at her. Sunset blushed with embarrassment at this, but knew she had to do anything she could to hold her full bladder. If she wet herself in front of the class, it would just be even more humiliating, and she wanted to avoid that at all cost.

A few seats away, Rarity was fidgeting and crossing her legs as well. Sunset knew Rarity couldn't possibly be holding nearly as much as her, but she was still struggling to remain calm.

Though she got more desperate as time went on, she made it to the end of science class. Next was the final class of the day: English class. This was usually an easy class for Sunset, but this time, she was bursting to pee, and couldn't hide it anymore. As she fidgeted, more desperate than she was ten minutes ago, she noticed that Pinkie Pie was fidgeting a lot too, and crossing and uncrossing her legs. She was definitely desperate to pee too.

"I shouldn't have drank all that chocolate milk at noon," Pinkie muttered to herself.

Seeing how Rarity and Pinkie Pie were very desperate to pee only made Sunset's need greater. She was barely able to focus on the class, and crossed her legs tight, feeling as though she might burst at any moment. The teacher, naturally, noticed Sunset's desperation, but by now knew that the girl's bathroom was out of order so she said nothing.

After what felt like forever, the bell rang for the end of school. As soon as it did, Sunset stood up and rushed to the bus faster than Rainbow Dash could without her geode. She was dying to pee at this point. As she waited for the bus, she did the pee dance. She didn't care who was watching her, she just wanted to get home to get her much-needed relief. After a few minutes, which felt like an hour, the bus finally arrived, and she got onto the bus as fast as she could and took one of the seats near the front.

She crossed her legs and fidgeted as the rest of the students boarded the bus. Finally, it started to move. All Sunset had to do was hold it for the rest of the bus trip and she could finally get to her bathroom.

However, the bus ran into a great traffic jam. The bus barely even moved over the course of ten minutes. Sunset couldn't believe it. Did the world not want her to relieve herself? Was there an accident ahead? There would be an accident inside the bus soon if traffic didn't get moving!

She was sure she was seconds away from wetting her pants. But, after an hour, the bus finally got moving again, and stopped at Sunset's house. It was 5:00 PM. She had been holding it for nine hours. Sunset rushed into her house as fast as she could, and rushed into her bathroom. She fumbled with her zipper a bit but got it down, pulled down her pants and panties, sat on the toilet, and began peeing. The relief felt absolutely wonderful after holding it for so long.

Trixie's Desperation

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After Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax saved Equestria from Chrysalis, the four of them started hanging out more often, much like when the Main 6 saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon.

Although Trixie, Discord, and Thorax were good friends with Starlight, Trixie and Discord still haven't been able to get along with each other as well as they did with Thorax. Discord would sometimes mention how most of Trixie's magic tricks weren't actually magic, and Trixie would sometimes call him "klutzy draconequus", as a reference to their adventure.

One day, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie planned to prank Twilight by putting butter on the floor so she would slip. As they walked away to call Twilight, Discord walked in, with Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax behind him.

As Discord stepped into the room, he slipped on the butter and fell down.

"Klutzy draconequus," said Trixie, and she laughed at how funny he look when he fell.

Starlight tried hard not to laugh. "Are you all right, Discord?"

Discord touched the floor, realizing it was covered in butter. Someone put it there as a prank, and he suspected Trixie. She must have done it so she'd have an excuse to call him "klutzy draconequus" again, because she really loved calling him that, and it annoyed him.

"I'm fine. But, there's something important I forgot to do. See you!" He teleported away.


Discord paced around in his house, planning his revenge on Trixie. He decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. And what better way to do so than to do to her the same thing he had done to Twilight several days ago? He started planning everything out.


When Trixie woke up the next morning, she drank her morning coffee, as she always did.

What she didn't know was that Discord had done two things while she was asleep. First, he changed her alarm clock so she'd wake up an hour later than usual. And second, he had added something to her instant coffee: A special herb he found at Zecora's place, which had strong diuretic effects. Any pony who drank anything with that herb would have to pee very badly very soon.

After Trixie finished drinking her coffee, she looked at the clock.

"Oh no! Is it that time already? I'm late!"

She had several activities to do, so she rushed outside without taking her morning pee.

Discord watched from his hiding place, excited to see what would happen. This would be even more fun than when he did it to Twilight.

First, Trixie was putting on a magic show in Ponyville. Right when the show began, the herb was already starting to take effect, and Trixie needed to pee. She held it throughout the entire show, and then when she was done, she raced to the nearest outhouse.

To her dismay, there was an Out of Order sign on it.

She had another magic show in Baltimare soon, and she wasn't sure she'd have time to find another bathroom that was working.

As soon as she ran, Discord snapped his fingers, and the Out of Order sign on the outhouse disappeared.

As Trixie made her way to Baltimare, she could feel her need to pee increase every minute. It was especially hard to hold it when she was pulling her wagon.

Discord followed, keeping out of Trixie's sight.

She arrived at Baltimare a few minutes early. She found a bathroom, but to her dismay there was a big lineup in front of it. She didn't have time to wait, so she ran to the spot where her magic show was taking place.

The ponies vanished as soon as Trixie was out of sight, for they were an illusion created by Discord.

After a very uncomfortable magic show, during which Trixie almost messed up one of her tricks, she returned to the bathroom. There was no line, but as she entered the bathroom, she saw the toilet was clogged and overflowing, so she ran back out.

Next, Trixie needed to pick up some props for her tricks at a shop that was only in the Crystal Empire. She left her wagon in the forest near Baltimare in order to board the train and take it to the Crystal Empire.

As soon as she boarded the train, she darted to the bathroom, but it was out of order as well.

Discord continued to watch Trixie from the windows, not letting her see him, and removing the Out of Order sign whenever Trixie wasn't near the bathroom door.

Trixie sat with her legs crossed, fidgeting for the entire train ride.

Upon arrival, she searched the entire Crystal Empire for a bathroom, but they were all lined up or else had Out of Order tags.

Why doesn't anyone else look as desperate as I am? thought Trixie.

She gave up and bought her props, then got back on board the train back to Baltimare to pick up her wagon. She checked the bathroom again, but it was still out of order. (Or so it seemed) So she fidgeted the entire ride, feeling more desperate by the minute.

It was almost noon, and Trixie and Starlight were having lunch at a restaurant today. So once she got back to her wagon, she ran to Ponyville as fast as she could. She ran to the nearest bathroom, but it was out of order again.

She ran into the restaurant where Starlight was sitting at a table. Trixie sat down next to her, crossing her legs.

After they ordered their food, Starlight noticed Trixie fidgeting, crossing her legs, and very desperate.

"Are you all right?" said Starlight.

"I'm fine," said Trixie, though she really wasn't.

"Well, I'll stay with you the rest of the day just in case you do need help with anything."


Once they finished lunch, Trixie had another magic show to put on in the changeling kingdom. She ran there as fast as she could.

"I've never seen you run this fast," said Starlight.

"I just can't wait until the changelings see my magic show," said Trixie.

She's not even saying "The Great and Powerful Trixie", thought Starlight.

Trixie's desperation made her run faster and faster, so sometimes Starlight had to teleport to keep up.

When they reached the changeling kingdom, Trixie said "There's something I have to do real quick. It won't take long."

She ran to the nearest bathroom, but there wasn't a toilet inside.

The toilet reappeared as soon as the bathroom was out of Trixie's sight.

Trixie did her magic show, but she messed up some of her tricks because of her desperation. She was able to pull a few tricks off while holding it, and was able to hold it the entire show. Enough that the changelings weren't unimpressed.

Next she had to do some work at the rock farm, which was a little farther from the changeling kingdom than Baltimare was from Ponyville.

She ran there as fast as she could, feeling the pressure in her bladder increase by the minute, and Starlight keeping up with her.

As usual, upon arrival she checked the outhouses, but they were all out of order.

So, she harvested the rocks, with great difficulty. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it.

Next was dinner at Starlight's village, so she could get to know the ponies there better. Unfortunately, Starlight's village was on the opposite side of Equestria as the rock farm. Leaving her wagon behind, Trixie ran to the nearest train station, in Appleoosa.

"Are you sure you're all right?" said Starlight.

"I told you I'm fine!" said Trixie a little more harshly than she meant, for she really needed to go.

Upon the train, Trixie checked the bathroom, but it was still out of order.

She sat with her legs crossed, fidgeting harder. It was obvious she needed to go, but Starlight didn't say anything this time. She felt bad about snapping at Starlight, but she couldn't help it.

It was a long and very uncomfortable train ride, and she thought she wasn't going to make it, but she did.

Upon arrival, she said "I gotta comb my mane," and ran. She found an outhouse and ran into it. Finally, it was open, and the toilet was there, and it wasn't clogged. She was finally going to get relief!

She was about to turn around to sit on the toilet, when it disappeared.

"Are you KIDDING ME!?"

She fidgeted for the entire dinner with Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle. She could barely focus on anything they said, the pressure in her bladder was too intense.

She held it in the entire dinner, and then she was set to watch one of Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt shows in Canterlot. She told Rainbow Dash she'd see it and Rainbow Dash would be disappointed if she didn't show.

Canterlot wasn't very far from Starlight's village, but Trixie was more desperate than ever. Once again she checked the bathroom, but it was occupied. As soon as Trixie was away, Discord unlocked the door. He was going to re-lock it if he needed to, but Trixie still didn't want Starlight to know how badly she needed to go and might suspect if she tried again.

Once at the Canterlot stadium, Trixie separated from Starlight, saying she was going to get some drinks, but really looking for a bathroom. She found all the stalls full (though three of them were "occupied" by Discord's illusions).

Because she told Starlight she was going for drinks, she knew she'd get suspicious without them, so she stood in line for five minutes to get two cups of soda. She would have only got one for Starlight, but she thought Starlight would suspect if she didn't get one for herself.

She regretted drinking the soda immediately, for it seemed to increase her need to pee even more.

She fidgeted harder with her legs crossed even tighter during Rainbow Dash's show. She barely focused on any of it, focusing instead on her very full bladder. Starlight seemed more focused on the show than Trixie.

After what seemed like hours, the show finally ended, and Trixie and Starlight took the train back to Ponyville. Trixie found the train bathroom empty this time, but the toilet disappeared seconds after she entered.

She suspected she knew who was behind this, but right now she was worried about not having an accident in front of Starlight.

It was sunset when they reached Ponyville. Trixie was about to burst.

"Trixie, I can't keep this up any longer," said Starlight.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew you were holding your pee all along."

Trixie blushed. "How did you know?"

"It was kind of obvious, with you fidgeting, crossing your legs, holding yourself, and suddenly running off every time we reached a new destination."

"I need your help!" Trixie said, tearing up with the effort of holding it in. "I needed to pee all day, but I haven't been able to find a single bathroom I can use! They're all out of order, or have lines, or have vanishing toilets."

"Vanishing toilets? That's weird... I'll help you find one."

Starlight teleported Trixie to every bathroom in Ponyville, starting with the bathrooms in Twilight's castle, but each of them had a line or an out of order sign, except for a few. If regular bathrooms, the stalls would be full. If outhouses, the toilets would be gone.

They reached the last bathroom in Ponyville, an outhouse. It had no line or sign.

Trixie was about to run into it, when Discord walked in with a newspaper and closed the door.

Trixie was even closer to bursting, holding herself and doing the pee dance, feeling waves of pee sloshing inside her.

Starlight knocked on the door. "Don't take too long in there. Trixie really needs to go."

Discord could sense Trixie's desperation, and he deliberately waited until she was literally seconds away from wetting herself. Then he opened the door and walked out.

Trixie ran into the bathroom faster than Rainbow Dash and closed the door shut tight.

"Discord, can you come with me for a second?" said Starlight. She led him a bit away from the outhouse.

"Trixie said every single bathroom she tried was mysteriously out of order, lined up, or had vanishing toilets. I don't know a lot of magic users besides myself who can make things disappear like that."

"Yes, it was me! This was all a revenge prank on Trixie!"

"Revenge for what?"

"For the butter prank she pulled on me."

"Making her wet herself is a little more extreme than slipping on butter," said Starlight.

"First, I didn't make her wet herself. I specifically waited till the last second and then let her use the bathroom. Second, it wasn't so much tripping me as the fact that she did it as an excuse to call me 'klutzy draconequus' again. That's really annoying."

Trixie emerged from the bathroom, feeling immensely relieved, and completely dry. She had never known relief like what she felt about a minute earlier.

"Trixie, did you make Discord slip on butter to call him 'klutzy draconequus' again?"

"I'm thinking about doing it in the future, because I suspect you were behind those vanishing toilets. But, the Great and Powerful Trixie did no such thing!"

"Oh, wait! This morning Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie said they were going to prank Twilight. I think they put the butter on the floor."

"Oh. I thought it was Trixie because she likes to call me 'klutzy draconequus'."

"I do that because you sometimes get really annoying, because you always mention how my magic tricks are only an illusion, and sometimes I get a bit jealous of your magic," said Trixie. "You can make things appear, transform things, and do so much more, while I can only make a teacup with my magic."

"I had no idea."

"Now, apologize to each other," said Starlight.

"I'm sorry for calling you 'klutzy draconequus' all the time," said Trixie.

"And I'm sorry for blaming you for the prank," said Discord. "Oh, and for making you need to pee for the whole day."

And from that point forward, Discord and Trixie got along a bit better.

Starlight's Desperation

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Starlight Glimmer was planning to visit Sunburst at the Crystal Empire today. Spike and Trixie were going with her. Twilight would have liked to go as well, but she was going to have Ember come to her castle for a meeting today.

At about 8:00 AM, Starlight, Trixie, and Spike were at the train station.

Starlight started to feel the need to pee, for she had drank a few glasses of water last night and hadn't taken her morning pee today.

"I'll be right back," she said to Trixie and Spike as she made her way to the bathroom, knowing there was a half hour before the train arrived.

However, when she got there she found a long line of mares waiting for the bathroom. Some of them looked desperate. Starlight stayed in line, hoping she would eventually get her turn.

Come on! How long are they taking in there anyway? I should be much farther along by now!

However, after half an hour of waiting, during which there were still some ponies in front of her, the train came to the station.

Well, that's all right, I can just use the train's bathroom.

So, Starlight rejoined Trixie and Spike and they boarded the train.

Once the train started moving, Starlight said to Trixie and Spike "I'll be back in a minute, I just have to go to the bathroom."

She got out of her seat and ran toward the bathroom. Unfortunately, it was out of order, so she returned to her seat, still needing to pee. It wasn't too bad, she wasn't desperate yet, but she was getting very uncomfortable.

"That was fast," said Spike.

"The bathroom is out of order," said Starlight.

"Will you be all right?" said Trixie.

"Don't worry, I can hold it until we get to the Crystal Empire." At least, she hoped she could.


Two hours later, Starlight was fidgeting and slightly crossing her legs. Her need to pee had gotten greater since she found the bathroom out of order. Outside it was snowing hard.

Finally, the train stopped. Starlight stood up to find the first bathroom at the Crystal Empire so she could finally find relief.

However, she had barely taken a few steps when she heard a pony's voice make a terrible announcement.

"Attention passengers. The train has stopped because there's so much snow obstructing the way from the snowstorm. Everyone must stay in the train, because the weather outside is dangerous."

Now Starlight started to worry, because this meant she'd have to hold her pee for even longer, and she really needed to go!

"Oh no... This is not good."


Two more hours later, it was noon. Starlight was still fidgeting, needing to pee more than ever.

"How much longer until we get moving again?" she said.

"Here," said Spike, giving Starlight and Trixie some snacks. "I packed these just in case."

As they were eating their snacks, Trixie said "I can't believe this is happening to Trixie again!"

"What exactly is happening to you again?" said Starlight, crossing her legs.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is starting to need a bathroom as well, and it seems I'll have to hold it again."

"I have to pee too. I've been needing to pee since we were at the train station."

"Why did this have to happen when the bathroom was out of order? It couldn't have picked a worse time!"

Starlight didn't want to take the drinks that came with the snacks, but she was feeling thirsty, so she reluctantly drank them. In half an hour the pressure in her bladder grew.

At 3:00 PM, the train still hadn't moved, and Starlight was getting more desperate to pee. It didn't help that it was cold. Trixie was also fidgeting and crossing her legs, looking almost as desperate as her. The sight of her friend's desperation only made Starlight more desperate herself. As desperate as Trixie looked, Starlight had been holding her pee for four hours longer, and she wasn't sure she could hold it.

"How are you holding up?" said Starlight.

"Really uncomfortable," said Trixie.

"Me too."

Then the pony made another announcement.

"Attention passengers. The train is snowbound, but help is on the way."

"Couldn't someone at least fix the bathroom?" said Trixie. "The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to pee!"

Starlight noticed that she and Trixie were not the only mares on the train desperate to pee. Lyra was fidgeting a lot, and turned toward Bon Bon.

"She's not the only one. I need to pee really badly!"

Minuette was crossing her legs very tightly, with a pained expression. "I don't know if I can hold it..."

Roseluck was squirming in her seat with her legs crossed as well. "I really need to go!"

Seeing more desperate ponies only made Starlight more desperate.

It had the same effect on Trixie too. "Hurry up!" she said, fidgeting more.

At 5:00 PM, the snowstorm had stopped, but Starlight felt she was about to burst. She had been holding it for 9 hours, longer than she thought she could ever hold it, and she knew she wouldn't be able to hold it much longer.

Fortunately, help finally arrived.

Twilight, Ember, and a couple of other dragons flew over to the train, and the dragons melted the snow with their fire breath.

"It's about time!" said Trixie, and Starlight felt the same way.

Once the snow was melted, Twilight said "Starlight? Trixie? Spike?"

Starlight, Trixie, and Spike ran out of the train, and Spike gave Twilight a hug. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Ember and I heard about what happened to the train. So, Ember called a couple of dragons to help us get the train moving again."

"You don't know how much I appreciate that," said Starlight.

"We also brought some hot chocolate to warm you up. It must have been pretty cold."

Starlight knew she'd regret drinking more liquid, but she was very cold as Twilight had said, and had to warm up. So, she, Trixie, and Spike drank their hot chocolate, feeling much warmer afterwards.

"We can give you a ride to the Crystal Empire," said Ember.

"That would be wonderful," said Starlight.

"Just fly as fast as you can," said Trixie.

One dragon each gave Starlight and Trixie a ride, while Ember took Spike, and they flew to the Crystal Empire, Twilight flying beside them.

It wasn't long before the hot chocolate had gone through Starlight, increasing her need to pee, which she didn't even think was possible.

Soon, they landed at the Crystal Empire.

"Thank you so much for your help," said Starlight to Twilight and the dragons.

"Yes, I don't know how much longer I'd have been able to hold it," said Trixie.

"Thanks for the ride," Spike said to Ember.

As Twilight, Ember, and the other dragons flew away, Starlight, Trixie, and Spike made their way to Sunburst's house. By now it was sunset, and Starlight was more desperate to pee than she'd ever been before. Trixie was not as desperate as Starlight, but still extremely desperate.

Halfway there they ran into Sunburst.

"Starlight! I was so worried about you when I heard what had happened to the train. I'm glad you're all right."

Starlight barely heard what he said. She was looking around for a bathroom, but any bathrooms in sight either had an "out of order" sign or a long line. It's as if someone wanted her to wet herself (even though she wasn't wearing anything).

"You must be hungry," said Sunburst. "Come with me to a restaurant that opened a few weeks ago."

As Sunburst led them to the restaurant, Starlight and Trixie hoped they'd be able to use the bathroom there. They really needed to go. Starlight could feel waves of pee sloshing inside her. So did Trixie.

As soon as they reached the restaurant, Trixie ran into the bathroom, which was a single bathroom with one toilet.

"Trixie!" said Starlight. "You knew I'd been holding it longer than you!"

The only table available was one that was next to the bathroom, and from there, Starlight heard Trixie sigh in relief. This only increased her need to pee. She hoped Trixie would hurry. She couldn't hold it much longer.

When Trixie came out, Starlight almost felt better knowing she'd get her relief soon. Until she saw that Trixie looked embarrassed.

"What happened?" said Starlight.

"I'm so sorry, but the Great and Powerful Trixie accidentally clogged the toilet."


"I'm so sorry Starlight. I know you've been needing to pee much longer than I have, and I should have let you go first, but I couldn't help it. The desperation got the best of me."

Starlight smiled and said "Don't worry about it." But in the privacy of her mind, she was furious. She had been so close to relief, and it had been taken from her. How come I'd been holding my pee so much longer than Trixie, but she was the one who got to pee? As annoyed and desperate as she was, she had no choice but to try to hold it until after dinner.

While they ate dinner together, Starlight was squirming harder than ever, crossing her legs tightly under the table, fidgeting a lot and doing everything she could to avoid wetting herself. The glass of water she drank didn't help either.

Once dinner was over, Sunburst said "It's getting late. You could stay at my house for the night. It gets lonely when I'm there all alone."

So, Sunburst, Starlight, Trixie, and Spike went to Sunburst's house. Starlight was really about to burst this time, doing the pee dance and crossing her legs on the way to Sunburst's house.

By the time they got there, it was 8:00 PM. Starlight had been holding her pee for 12 hours already.

As soon as Sunburst opened the front door to his house, Starlight quickly said "Where's the bathroom?"

"That door over there," Sunburst pointed to a door with his hoof.

Starlight ran into the bathroom faster than Rainbow Dash. Once she was inside and closed the door, she sat on the toilet and finally started to pee. It felt so wonderful to finally let go after holding it all day.

After a long and relieving pee, Starlight came out, feeling much better, but noticed Spike chuckling a bit.

"What happened?" said Starlight.

"We could hear you sighing in relief from outside."

Starlight blushed.

"Don't worry about it," said Sunburst. "Spike told me how you'd been desperate to pee all day. I can only imagine how it must have felt being that desperate, or finally getting relief. But now, let's forget about that and have some fun."

Starlight was thankful for the change in subject. They spent the night playing games and telling stories.

Octavia's Desperation

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At sunset, Octavia was getting ready for an important and elegant event in Canterlot tonight, and she was going to play music during the event.

Vinyl Scratch was busy, because she was getting ready for an event of her own.

As soon as Octavia was ready, she got her cello in its case and made her way to the train station, rushing a bit to get there on time. As soon as she arrived, she realized that, in her hurry to get there, she had forgotten to pee. And she hadn't done so in hours.

The train wasn't going to come for another half hour, so Octavia decided to use the train station bathroom.

Unfortunately, much like what had happened with Starlight, there was a big line for the little filly's room. Some of the mares looked desperate, though Octavia wasn't quite there yet.

The line progressed slowly, and Octavia wished the ponies in front of her would hurry up. Why were they all taking so long?

There were only two ponies in front of her before the train arrived. Octavia didn't want to miss the train, so she left the line and boarded the train, counting on using the train's bathroom.

The train bathroom hadn't been out of order since Starlight's trip to the Crystal Empire, but, unfortunately for Octavia, it was now. She suspected there was some prankster who was trying to get ponies to wet themselves. Or perhaps someone clogged the toilet too much.

Octavia found a seat and sat down, deciding to hold it until she reached Canterlot.

The train ride didn't take long, but it felt like hours, as Octavia felt her need to pee grow greater with every minute, as her bladder became even more full. She fidgeted slightly while crossing her legs. But if she could just hold it for a bit longer, she could use the nearest bathroom at Canterlot before the event.

Unfortunately for her, the train suddenly stopped.

"Attention passengers!" said a pony on the speakers. "There is a tree trunk in the middle of the railway. We will remove it as fast as we can and then get moving again."

Octavia said nothing, but fidgeted more, hoping they would hurry.

After ten minutes, the train started moving again. Octavia was startled a bit, feeling a jolt in her bladder, but managed to hold it in and was grateful they would be at Canterlot soon.

The train arrived at the Canterlot station a few minutes late. Octavia looked at the time and realized she would have to hurry to the event.

As she raced to the event, she became more desperate. She had only been holding it for an hour but she had a lot to drink several hours before that.

She arrived at the event just in time, at 8:00 PM, and didn't even have time to pee at the bathroom here. She had to take her cello out of its case immediately and begin playing.

While she was playing her first song, she did her best to hold it in. There would be a break before the next song, so if she could just hold it until the song was over, she could find a bathroom.

She hid her desperation, for she didn't want the elegant ponies of Canterlot to see her squirming and fidgeting.

She nearly missed a note in one of the songs, her full bladder nearly distracting her, but she managed to play her song exactly right, though slightly faster than normal.

The song only lasted three minutes, but it felt like three hours to Octavia. Once she was done, she raced to the bathroom.

To her dismay, there was a line for the bathroom. She tried waiting her turn, and the line progressed slightly faster than the line at the train station had.

"Oooh!" said Twinkleshine, who was right in front of her. "Hurry up! I really gotta go!"

"So do I," said Octavia quietly, though she wasn't sure Twinkleshine could hear her. She stood still, hiding how much she needed to pee.

Just as Twinkleshine ran into the bathroom, it was time for Octavia to play her next song. She sighed and returned to her position with her cello and began playing her second song.

This time she would be playing three more songs in a row, each one five minutes long. Octavia was not sure she would be up to this task. She played as best as she could, nearly speeding up the first song, but painfully playing it as slow as it was supposed to be. All the while holding in her pee and hiding her desperation.

The equally graceful Rarity was at this event as well and she really didn't want to see her, one of the most popular ponies who not only ran a successful boutique, but also saved Equestria a few times, to see her desperate. Of course, she didn't know that Rarity had once been in a situation like this herself. Besides, Rarity really enjoyed her songs.

Her desperation grew with each song she played, but miraculously she was able to hold it while not messing up the songs.

By the time she finished the third song, it was 8:30 PM. There would be a half-hour break between this and her next song, which she was sure would be enough time to find the relief she needed.

On her way to the bathroom, Rarity walked up to her.

"Octavia, I have to say, your songs are absolutely lovely. The first one seemed a bit fast, but you always play so gracefully."

"Why, thank you," said Octavia, trying not to cross her legs or do the pee dance, and sweating a little.

"Is everything quite all right, darling?"

"It's... just fine..."

"I look forward to your next song in half an hour."

This next song would be half an hour long. She really wanted to get her relief before this song. But, she had half an hour to do it.

She nearly lost it right there when she saw more ponies in line, many of whom were doing the pee dance because they had drank a lot of punch.

Upper Crust cut in front of her, looking snobbish and trying to hide her desperation, but crossing her legs slightly. Octavia couldn't help but do the same. It was no good pretending she wasn't waiting for the bathroom, but she still didn't want anyone to see her squirm.

The ponies each took about five minutes in the bathroom. They probably peed for two minutes and spend the other three making sure their hooves were spotlessly clean.

Just as Upper Crust entered the bathroom, Octavia looked at the time. It was 9:00 PM. Octavia sighed and returned to play her song.

This time she was near the middle of the room. Here, she realized uncomfortably for the first time, was an elegant fountain. The water running made her need to pee even more. She really needed to go, so she crossed her legs while playing her next song. This seemed to help, but she was afraid she'd lose it if she uncrossed them.

Octavia played her best, though she played one note wrong, but quickly recovered and tried to play as gracefully as she could, without speeding up the song. It was difficult with her desperation combined with the sounds of the fountain.

After what felt like an eternity, she finished the song at 9:30. There was a ten-minute break before the next song, and she started to run to the bathroom, but bumped into a stallion and fell down.

"I'm terribly sorry," she said, getting the pony to his feet while ignoring the throbbing in her bladder, and ran towards the bathroom, stopping whenever a pony crossed her path.

"Would you care for a drink?" said Fancy Pants, holding up a goblet of punch.

Octavia knew this would only make things worse, but she hadn't drank anything in hours and was pretty thirsty. So, reluctantly, she drank a goblet of punch. Noticing how fast she drank it, Fancy Pants offered her another, and she downed it too.

"I must say, your songs are quite marvelous," he said.

"I'm glad you like them," said Octavia, trying to hide her desperation.

"I'm looking forward to your next two songs."

Her next two songs were both around half an hour long, and back to back. She was really good at this, and this wouldn't be a challenge if she didn't have to pee so badly. But if she did, it would be really hard for her. She hoped she would find her relief this time.

"Will you excuse me for a bit? There's something I need to do."

From how nervous she looked, Fancy Pants was able to guess what was up, but didn't say more than "As you wish."

Octavia ran to the bathroom. There was only one mare waiting for her this time, Lyrica Lilac, who, for some reason, had some chocolate cake frosting on her mane. Octavia groaned. Lyrica was going to spend a long time washing her mane.

After two minutes, the pony inside the bathroom came out, and Lyrica entered. Octavia waited impatiently for her to come out.

Until, it was 9:40. Octavia let out a quiet groan and returned to the fountain, playing her next two songs. She played the first one a little fast, unable to ignore how much she needed to pee, or the sound of running water. Seeing the audience looking a little weirdly at her when she was done the first song, she started playing the second song as the regular speed. As she played, her desperation increased, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it.

She finally finished at 10:30, and there was another half-hour break before her next songs. They were about five to ten minutes long, but all back to back, and would last until midnight.

As she was running to the bathroom, Rarity walked up to her again.

"Ooh, Octavia. That was smashing. It's truly amazing the way you can play two songs that long in a row. Although, you were going a little too fast for the first song."

Octavia just giggled nervously, not sure of what to say with all her attention on her desperation.

"I'll be right back," said Octavia, and she ran to the bathroom.

There was yet another line, but these mares didn't look like they needed to pee. Apparently they had eaten some undercooked food at the party, and they each took about ten minutes in the bathroom.

Though there weren't as many ponies in line this time, halfway through the line they had to wait for a pony to replace the toilet paper in there.

"My goodness," said Rarity, taking note of the ponies in front of Octavia rather than her. "I'm sure glad I turned those hay burgers down, I knew they were seriously undercooked."

There was one pony in front of her when the clock struck 11, and, feeling this was getting old and that she might not make it if this kept up, she returned to the fountain and played her next several songs.

She crossed her legs tighter as she played, sweating a little more, but managed to avoid fidgeting.

Somehow she was able to hold it and play relatively well by midnight. There was a five-minute break after that. Getting a sinking feeling this wouldn't be enough, Octavia ran to the bathroom again.

To her delight, there wasn't a line this time. Octavia sprinted, feeling the pee sloshing inside her.

When she tried to open the door, she found it occupied. She felt like cursing at relief being snatched from her at the last second, and, after four minutes, realized she wouldn't be able to pee in time, so she returned to the fountain.

She was so desperate at this time that, especially with the running water from the fountain, she was unable to hide it anymore. As she played her next songs, which, again, were back to back and would go until 1:00, she fidgeted. Some of the ponies noticed this, and gave her weird looks, while others were able to ignore her fidgeting for the songs.

Finally, at 1:00, she got another 10-minute break, but, this time the bathroom was out of order, because someone had clogged the toilet.

When she got back to playing, she fidgeted even harder.

The whole night continued this way - every time she got a break something kept her from getting to the bathroom, even though it had been fixed quickly it was still occupied. As the night went on, and Octavia became more desperate, she started playing her songs a little faster, and occasionally missing a few more notes.

Finally, at 6:00 AM, the event was over. Octavia had been holding it for 11 hours and felt like she was about to burst. Tired and desperate, she saw that the bathroom was still occupied, so she decided to go back home to Ponyville and find her relief there.

She ran to the train, feeling the pee sloshing around in her, but hoping its bathroom would still be fixed. However, the train bathroom was still out of order. As the train began moving, Octavia sat and fidgeted for the entire trip.

After the train arrived at Ponyville, Octavia ran home, the weight of carrying her cello making it a little more difficult for her. Just past 6:30, almost at sunrise, Octavia reached her house. Feeling a bit better at the chance of getting her relief, she ran to the bathroom to open the door.

It was locked. Vinyl Scratch was inside it.

"Hurry up in there!" Octavia said, desperately doing the pee dance. "I've been holding it all night and I'm about to wet myself! I can't... hold it... any longer..."

After about a minute, but feeling like an hour to Octavia, the door opened and Vinyl came out. Octavia ran into the bathroom as quickly as she could, locked the door, and sat on the toilet.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." The relief felt amazing after holding it for so long, not to mention the other kind of relief from not wetting herself, let alone at the event in Canterlot in front of Rarity or Fancy Pants.

Vinyl Scratch's Desperation

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It was sunset, and Vinyl Scratch was getting ready for a party that Pinkie Pie organized for tonight. Pinkie had asked Vinyl to be the DJ for the party. So, DJ was getting ready for the party, while Octavia was getting ready for a big event at Canterlot that she was going to play music at.

As night fell, Vinyl arrived at Sugarcube Corner, where the party was taking place.

"Hi!" said Pinkie Pie as soon as she came in the door. "I can't wait to hear the songs you'll play! Want some soda?"

Vinyl accepted the soda, and as soon as she was done, Pinkie offered her more. Vinyl drank about seven cups of soda.

It was about 9:00 when she started to feel the need to pee. But before she had the chance...

"It's time to start playing music for the party!" Pinkie said.

Reluctantly, Vinyl walked over to her record player and started playing the first song, while operating the machine as usual to keep it going the right way.

She had to play five songs in a row, which were about two minutes long. With each song, she felt the pressure in her bladder increase, but she wasn't too desperate yet and was sure she could hold it.

Once she was done, there would be a five-minute break, so she ran to the bathroom.

"Hey Vinyl Scratch," said Rainbow Dash as she walked up to her. "Want some cider?" Applejack had brought a few barrels of cider over for the party in addition to the soda provided by Pinkie.

Vinyl reluctantly accepted and drank it.

"So, wanna hear about my Wonderbolt performance today?" said Rainbow Dash.

Vinyl listened while Rainbow told her story, a little impatient for her to finish so she could get to the bathroom.

Rainbow wasted the entire five minutes with her story, and Vinyl was forced to return to the record player without getting her relief.

Now she had to play songs until 10:00 when she could take another break. As she continued to play the songs, her bladder continued to fill up minute by minute, and she wasn't sure she could hold it.

After what felt like hours, 10:00 came, and once her current song was finished, she'd have a 10-minute break. Unfortunately, there were several ponies in line, many of which had drank too much soda or cider.

Rainbow Dash was right in front of her, frantically doing the pee dance, as opposed to Vinyl who tried to hide her desperation.

"I need to go SO bad!" said Rainbow Dash, who was right in front of her.

"Me too," said Golden Harvest in front of her, while Berryshine, who had drank the most punch, seemed the most desperate.

Vinyl waited her turn, crossing her legs slightly.

By the time Rainbow Dash entered the bathroom, and could be heard sighing on the other side, it was 10:10 PM, so Vinyl was forced to return to her record player.

She played more songs for the next fifty minutes straight, slowly becoming a little more distracted by how badly she needed to pee, but not affecting her performance... yet.

At 11:00, she really needed to go, and noticed there was no line at the bathroom. Though her break was only for five minutes this time, this would be more than enough time.

She was on her way to the bathroom when Pinkie suddenly ran in front of her. Vinyl was startled and almost lost it, but was able to hold it in.

"Want some more soda?" said Pinkie, holding up a big glass of it.

Vinyl reluctantly accepted and drank it.

"Better not drink too much though," said Pinkie. "One time I drank so much soda at a party, and I needed to pee REALLY BADLY! I had to hold it for, SO long!"

Vinyl felt very uncomfortable at Pinkie's descriptive story about her desperation, which only made her need to pee more. She tried crossing her legs so Pinkie would be able to tell she needed to get to a bathroom right away, but Pinkie was oblivious and described how she had just barely made it to the bathroom on time.

Until her five minutes were up, so she held up a hoof and returned to her record player. Next time she'd have to remember to interrupt her story politely so she could make it to the bathroom.

She played more songs until midnight, at the end of which she got another 10-minute break. She needed to pee more than ever, and didn't think she'd be able to hold it for another hour if she didn't find relief now.

To her dismay, there was another line of desperate mares, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash among them.

"Weren't you just in line two hours ago?" said Pinkie Pie to Rainbow Dash, both of them standing just in front of Vinyl and desperately doing the pee dance.

"I drank so much cider and it all went through me so fast!" said Rainbow. "Ugh... Why couldn't there be more than one bathroom in here?"

"I wish there was too!" said Pinkie, crossing her legs. "I don't think I'm gonna make it..."

Neither did Vinyl, but the floor stayed dry as each pony entered the bathroom and took her sweet time. Just as Pinkie was entering the bathroom, Vinyl's break was over, so once again, she had to return to playing music without getting her turn in the bathroom.

Now Vinyl was really desperate, and couldn't help but fidget, and sometimes mess up the songs slightly.

As the party progressed, Vinyl became more desperate and squirmed harder, no longer caring how many ponies saw her desperate. Pinkie and Rainbow stopped offering her soda and using up her break time, but each break she got the bathroom either had a line too long for her or was occupied by someone who was taking too long. Vinyl did the pee dance as she stood in line each time.

At her 3:00 AM break, Vinyl raced to the bathroom, but found Pinkie in front of it with a plunger.

"Sorry Vinyl Scratch," she said sheepishly. "I clogged the toilet."

By the time Pinkie fixed the toilet, Vinyl was back playing her songs again.

Finally, the party ended at 6:30 AM. Vinyl found the bathroom occupied again so she just ran back to her home to pee in her bathroom. It was almost sunrise now.

Vinyl felt the pee sloshing inside her as she ran, finally reaching her house and running into the bathroom.

She sat on the toilet and began to relieve herself, and about ten seconds later she heard Octavia on the other side of the door.

"Hurry up in there! I've been holding it all night and I'm about to wet myself! I can't... hold it... any longer..."

Vinyl could barely hear Octavia, as she was too focused on the amazing relief she felt.

After about a minute more, Vinyl was done peeing, and exited the bathroom, to which Octavia immediately ran in, Vinyl truly becoming aware for the first time that she must have been as desperate as her. Had she been holding it in the entire night too? She could hear her sigh on the other side of the door, and was thankful that they both made it.