> Changes > by TreeofHarmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Twilight Sparkle shifted uncomfortably in her bed up in the Castle of Friendship. "Hnnngg..." she moaned, clawing the fluffy pillow. Spike was snuggled up on a basket at the foot of Twilight's bed, sleeping soundly. Twilight's eyes shot awake as she listened to the rhythmic sounds of Spike's snoring, then forced her eyelids shut. She groaned, got up from the cozy covers and quietly studied the tessellated patterns of crystals embedded on her bed, tracing her hoof across the crystal. The bed was fit for a Princess. A regal, committing, wise and loving Princess that was unlike her-inexperienced, unknowing and imperfect. She looked at the mirror propped near her bed, and a familiar face looked back at her: sleep-deprived purple eyes, frazzled mane and a concerned expression that belonged to her. Maybe drinking something could help me sleep, Twilight thought, and headed towards the kitchen. The Castle of Friendship was mostly empty-Owlowiscious, Twilight's owl, enjoyed sleeping in a tree outside the castle, so only Twilight and Spike were present in the castle. Continuing her trot, Twilight paced around the eerily quiet building, and shivered as a gust of wind blew past a randomly open window. Moonlight streamed past and brushed across Twilight's hoof softly, lingering for a while before fading. The young alicorn sighed, and tore her gaze from her hoof to the long corridor that laid in front of her. Doors were prepped everywhere, and the mare pushed open each. Most contained books, which she would be happy to dig in, but maybe in another time of day. Honestly, Twilight was never sure when she could memorize which door leads to which, but finally, she found the kitchen. Breathing heavily, her magic levitated a cup of warm water towards her. Gulping it down, Twilight blinked warily, staring into empty space for a while, before looking at the extra appendages that stuck out of her body. The wings that made her a princess, a sign of royalty. To her, they looked awkward, like they didn't belong-which they didn't, as they were only there after her ascension, after everything changed. At least she still had her library, the only thing that reminded her of her past life. She had laughed, cried, spent memories in there... And then it was destroyed. Destroyed in the fateful battle with that monster Tirek. Owlowiscious nearly died. The library, along with thousands of books were burnt and spent along with her memories. The times when she had to organize the books again and again when Rainbow Dash crashed into the library, the times when Pinkie Pie surprised her with impromptu parties, the time when she had the sleepover with Rarity and Applejack, the times when she studied alone with Spike by her side... Gone. Remained in cinders. Biting her muzzle and forcing back tears, Twilight steadied herself, then trotted away back to the corridors, if she remembered the direction back to her room. Crack. The purple alicorn froze in her steps. "W-Who's there?" "W-Who's t-there?" Her voice echoed back to herself. Snap. Twilight's horn sparked into life, eyes open with alert. "Show yourself!" But the castle was silent. Frowning, Twilight teleported to the entrance. She could have sworn there was a flash of orange somewhere. Creaking the door a slightest portion, Twilight peaked outside. There, a certain earth pony stood. Her golden-yellow mane billowed out around her, and her emerald green eyes shone despite the darkness. "Applejack?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Twilight? Ah-ah can explain! Ah-" "What are you doing in a windy night standing right outside in the cold staring open-mouthed at the castle?" Twilight cried. "Twi, it's just that-Ah couldn't sleep," Applejack said quietly, prodding the dirt. "Come in, AJ. You'll get a cold," Twilight said, clearly concerned. "Thanks, Twi...Ah can explain everythin'. Ah promise," Applejack said, stepping up the stairs. Twilight led Applejack to the dining room, where both of them propped down. Levitating two cups of apple juice to the table, the two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, illuminated by the dim lamp that hung on the ceiling. Twilight was the first to break the ice. "I'm certainly glad to have company... I couldn't sleep either." Applejack looked at her uncertainly. "Why?" "Because of this," Twilight pointed at the castle. "Twilight, are you sayin' the castle? But ah think it's amazin'!" Twilight shook her head. "It's not. Honestly, I haven't slept well since I got my wings. It only got worse after the Tirek incident." The farmer pony was silent. "...Go on," she replied. "I'm just a normal unicorn. A unicorn that accomplished a spell, and then became a princess." "But what is my destiny? What am I supposed to lead? I know I am the Princess of Friendship, but how do I prove myself worthy of the title? How can I be the Princess of Friendship when I have my own friendship problems to learn? I'm not worthy to be a regal and wise leader. And I didn't want to be looked upon like a princess-I want to be normal like my old self, without ponies bowing and acting like I-I'm some fancy-pants pony of great royalty! More than that, even when you all, my closest friends, call me 'princess'! I didn't want to be unlike you all-I even felt left out sometimes!" "And this castle, if it's supposed to be a replacement of my past library, then it's much more different then you think! The library is warm and inviting, but this castle is like-like a-a dungeon! It's big and cold-I don't even know my way past the many rooms! Not only that, but the castle is so new. I had made friends, spent months in the library with Spike...but the memories are all gone..." At that point, Twilight's eyes were filled with tears. "I'm not ready to be a princess, Applejack, when I have so many flaws...So many things I have to learn about..." "Twilight..." Applejack said softly, placing a hoof on Twilight's trembling ones. "Listen, okay, sugarcube? "When ah first met ya, you were smart, kind, and eager to help. Ya showed true leadership during the Winter Wrap-Up, plus also friendship more then anypony ah know. Whatever mishaps there were between us, ya forgave, tolerated and loved us. You taught me a lot, more than you can imagine." "Remember when we nearly lost the apple farm ta the Flim Flam brothers? Ya gave me hope to fight for our farm. Ah nearly gave up, but seein' ya, even not as an Apple family member, ya cared about me. Ya cared about us." Twilight blushed, turning away. "That's only what I could do for a friend..." "That ain't just it. During the Canterlot Wedding, ya suspected the fake Cadence to be an impostor, but we didn't belive in you. We left you alone, and Chrysalis t-trapped you under the caves of Canterlot..." "And after that, you forgave us. You didn't blame us for the invasion, ya didn't hate us... You were a real friend, with qualities ah look upon. You're an amazin' pony, full of knowledge an' life. Don't hate yourself. Ya deserve to be a princess." Twilight processed the words slowly, shaking her head. "An' the castle? It's the main purpose ah came here. It reminded me of how far the six of us went together. It comforted me, knowin' we did so many things together. "We saved the world, we spent time together, and vanquished enemies Princess Celestia an' Luna themselves cannot defeat. We harnessed the elements, and it led to this. Doesn't this show how far we've gone? It shows our success, Twilight. Not failure." Twilight wiped away her tears. "You're right, Applejack... Seems like you know more about change then I do. You'd make a good princess." she laughed. "I was worried about something small all along, was I?" "No, Twi. Change is hard ta take, but as long ya have a friend with ya, you can get on easily." Applejack said. Twilight sniffled, and Applejack wrapped an arm around her. "Believe me, ah know." "Thank you, Applejack. From the bottom of my heart. I think... I think I can see everything in a different perspective now..." Twilight smiled peacefully. "Aw shucks, sugar. It's just a little somethin' ah can do for a friend of mine." Twilight closed her eyes, resting her head on Applejack's forelegs. For once after her ascension, she could finally sleep peacefully.