> An Odd First Impression > by Sun Aura > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Who is that?” Rarity asked, staring out the window of Sunset’s house. “Who’s who?” Sunset asked. “I don’t know,” Rainbow said, peering out the window with Rarity. “Whoever he is, think if I asked nicely he’d give me a better view of his ass?” “Curiosity killed the cat!” Pinkie chirped, joining them. “But satisfaction brought it back and hot damn am I satisfied with that view. Fluttershy looked out the window, squeaked in surprise, and hid back behind the wall to peek out. Sunset's dog, Rhea, wondered what everyone was looking at and poked her nose between them. However, Sunset didn't have as easy a time getting past the quartet. “So, what they’re going on about is some guy parked on your curb,” Applejack answered, able to see over their heads. “What guy?” Sunset asked. “I don’t know,” she answered. “Tall, gray, shoulder-length black hair, bright red jacket.” “Oh!” Twilight exclaimed, smartly going to the other window. “He’s early! Sorry girls, got to go!” “Wait, you know him?” Rarity asked. “Think you could introduce me?” “Hold up,” Rainbow said. “You have a boyfriend already. She should introduce me!” “While you two fight about introductions, I’m going to give him my number!” Pinkie shrugged, reaching for the door. “Be right back!” “Hold up to you to!” she exclaimed, grabbing her arm. “You already have a girlfriend!” “You can have more than one partner,” she pouted. “Just make sure everyone knows and is okay with it.” “Wait, really?” Twilight asked. “I keep forgetting I’m not in Equestria anymore,” Sunset sighed. “Yes, poly relationships are a thing that exist, though they’re a bit more common in Equestria than they are here. As Pinkie said, as long as everyone involved is aware and on board, it’s fine.” “Point taken,” Rarity mused. “Remember,” she reminded. “Everyone must be on board. So if you want to jump that guy, you have to talk to your boyfriend first. “ “Again, point taken,” she sighed, turning to Twilight. “Though someone else might snatch him up first.” “Wha-me?” Twilight gave a nervous chuckle. “I mean, I’d still have to talk it over because, you know, Timber and all.” “True,” she agreed. “but you’d have the first opportunity to talk to this new guy after discussing that, since none of us can really contact him, now can we?” “Well, I mean—wait,” she stopped and frowned. “I’m going to be spending a few hours with him. I’m not going to let this idea ruin that for me before I can actually think about this.” “Could you at least put a name to the face so it’ll ruin us?” Rainbow asked. “I’ve talked about him before,” she said. “Obsidian.” “Wait, like the guy whose nose you broke because he kept starting fights?” Applejack asked. “The guy whose Interdimensional Counterpart was some kind of evil Shadow King?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head. “Yeah, that’s him,” Twilight said. “The nose breaking thing was an accident. Honestly he was more upset about the cracked sunglasses.” “And holding Sombra against Obsidian is a bit unfair,” Sunset said. “I mean, it’s like trying to hold Nightmare Moon against VP Luna. She never caused Eternal Night, he never took over an Empire.” “And now he’s calling,” she sighed, pulling out her ringing phone. Twilight stepped a few feet away to talk, but everyone else stayed at the window. Rhea, having gotten bored, went back to sniff at the snacks abandoned on the table. “So, he’s the ‘former bad boy’ type,” Rainbow said. “Always liked the bad boy type,” Rarity agreed. “Yeah, y’all totally like the ‘Bad Boy’ type,” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Considering your types seem to be ‘nice rich guy’ and ‘stubborn nerd’, I highly doubt that.” “Fancy is also a former ‘bad boy’,” Rarity pouted. “He has the stab wound to prove it.” “And leave Bright Heart out of this!” Rainbow snapped. “Now, I never said any names, did I?” she smirked. “Shut up,” she grumbled. “Bright’s objectively cute, but this guy could kick some ass. That’s more my type.” “Well I don’t know about that,” Rarity coughed. “But stars I want to run my fingers through his hair. Do you think he wakes up like that, or does he spend hours getting it into place?” “Probably just brushes through it once,” Pinkie said. “See how he messes with it while on the phone? He’s not putting it back into place, he’s just messing with it. His hair’s amazing, but I agree with Rainbow on this one. He’s strong. You could climb him like a jungle gym!” All of a sudden, the four of them jumped away from the window. They all scrambled backwards, knocking over Sunset and practically hiding behind Applejack. “What in tarnation’s got y’all so jumpy?” Applejack demanded. “He looked right at us!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “He waved and smiled and looked right at us!” “Maybe he noticed you four looking at him through the window?” Sunset deadpanned. “Or maybe he can hear everything you just said,” Twilight said, waving her phone around. The quartet turned red as they heard faint laughter from the other end of the phone. Twilight, Sunset and Applejack were laughing too, but they did try to keep it to light snickering. Twilight put the phone back to her ear. “Okay, I’ll be out once I get my stuff,” Twilight said into the phone. “Also, Rainbow said she wanted to ask nicely for a better view of your-“ “Don’t you dare!” Rainbow exclaimed, leaping at her to get the phone. “See you in a minute bye!” she shouted into the phone before hanging up. With that, she ducked out from under Rainbow and started putting all of her things into her backpack. “So,” Sunset began. “How’d you and Obsidian go from ‘breaking his nose’ to being friends?” “Well, first he apologized for dragging me into that fight,” Twilight answered, grabbing her books. “Overall he’s been a better person since then, but after I really embraced friendship and all that, I reached out to him a bit. I mean, you all showed me how good it feels to have friends, and he needed some after his… issues lost him his best friend.” “Good job on that,” she said. “Thanks,” she said. “Cadence always said we’d get along, but I didn’t know we would. Turns out he’s interested in science as much as I am!” “Hot, kicks ass, and a nerd,” Rainbow counted off the traits on her fingers. “Really not giving me any reasons to not like him. Hot nerds that kick ass are the best!” “You realize that those all describe me, right?” Sunset teased. “I’ve heard how hot I am, I’ve kicked many asses, both literally and with magic, and I think my grades and history as former Prize Student to a Princess speaks for itself.” “Okay, but I’m straight,” she replied. “So, do you girls actually want to meet Obsidian or not?” Twilight asked, finally having her books together. “Might as well,” Sunset shrugged. “Got to make sure you won’t need to punch him in the face again,” Applejack laughed. “I won’t,” Twilight sighed. “That, and I want to see these ones get all awkward,” she added, nodding her head toward the group. Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes before heading out the door. Everyone followed her out. Rainbow and Rarity looked decently sheepish, but Pinkie was unashamedly smiling. Fluttershy made up for her though. Obsidian was trying not to laugh as Twilight tossed her backpack into his car. “Girls, this is Obsidian,” Twilight introduced. “Obsidian, meet Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.” “Nice to meet you all,” Obsidian said. “Twilight’s said quite a lot about you.” Even Sunset had to admit his voice was nice. Fairly deep. He’d probably make a nice singer. “She’s mentioned you a couple times,” Sunset said. “Mostly just that she once broke your nose,” Pinkie said. “You told the about that?” Obsidian asked, looking to Twilight. “It came up,” she sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Guess we all got strange first impressions of one another,” he laughed. “Could be worse,” Sunset said. “I could’ve been one of them staring at you.” “Hey, you were looking out the window too!” Rainbow defended. “True,” she agreed. “But there’s a difference between ‘who’s the guy in front of my house’ and ‘think if I ask nicely he’ll give me a better view of his ass?’.” “Not to mention that he’s not your type,” Rarity said. “So, you heard everything then?” Rainbow asked. “Just your ‘bad boy type’ talk,” Obsidian smirked. “And that ‘climb him like a jungle gym’ comment.” “Well it’s true!” Pinkie said, oddly unashamed. “I could probably hang off your arm without bothering you!” “You meant that literally?” Twilight asked. “How else would I mean it?” she wondered, tilting her head. No one really wanted to explain that. “So, what are you two doing?” Sunset asked, changing the subject. “We’re going to help Shining and Cadence with wedding plans,” Twilight answered. “Specifically cake tasting,” Obsidian added. “Do you really need that many people to taste cake?” Rainbow asked. “Well, technically no,” Twilight answered. “Shining and Cadence have to because, you know, they’re the Bride and Groom. I’m helping with planning in general, but I can memorize lists of what the dinner consists of as well as any food allergies the guests have, to pick the best flavors of cake to satisfy everyone.” “And I’m not going to turn down free cake,” Obsidian said. “So, just you four?” Rarity asked. “And Aunt Celestia,” he shrugged. “Of course,” Sunset chuckled. “She wouldn’t turn down free cake either.” “Was that some sort of interdimensional joke?” Pinkie asked. “Little bit,” she replied. “That said, you two should probably hurry. Wouldn’t want to be late and all that.” “Good point,” Twilight said, looking at her phone. “See you all tomorrow.” “See you, Twilight!” they chorused. “Hope to see you all again sometime,” Obsidian said, giving a last smirk to Rainbow and Rarity.” “You too,” the both of them smiled and waved. With that, the two of them climbed into the car and left. The remaining group decided to walk back into the house. “Oh, I get it now,” Pinkie laughed. “When I said ‘Climb him like a jungle gym’ you meant-“ “We know!” the rest of them groaned.