Fixing Problems


First published

The rest of the mane seven helps Twilight with her problems.

Twilight goes through a lot of depression about not paying attention to Flurry Heart while she was at the hospital with the sick foals. So, Spike sends her Twilight's friends over to her and comforts her for her actions.

Part 1

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Spike's small dragon claw knocks on Twilight's door of her bedroom. He's been worried about her for a week after the whole incident at the hospital with Flurry Heart. Twilight's been feeling depressed about it, she's been locked in her room throughout the week. She hasn't been checking with Starlight to see what other great spells she learned, nor she hasn't spent any time with her friends. Spike couldn't wait for Twilight to come out any longer, the depression must end now. "Twilight.", he called.

"Whoever is out there, not now.", Twilight said in her room.

"It's me, Spike.", Spike said. "Can I come in? You've been hiding in this room for a week and I want to see you."

"Alright, Spike, you can come in.", Twilight said. "When I want to be finished talking with you, you must leave when I tell you."

Spike entered the room to see Twilight laying on her bed with bags under her eyes. "Sweet Celestia, Twilight.", he said. "You look so miserable."

"I do.", Twilight said.

"Look, I know how bad you felt when you hardly paid any attention to Flurry Heart while we were doing our errands.", Spike said.

"Yeah, but not only I denied her requests to play with me, I made her cry by yelling at her, because she caused chaos at the hospital.", Twilight said, beginning to sob as a tear went down her left eye. "She nearly got somepony killed. I... feel like I'm a monster."

Spike put a claw on his friend. "You're not a monster, Twilight.", he said. "You tried to keep up with her, but you couldn't. So, you let your anger get the best of you."

"Yeah, but my anger makes me look like a big scary bear, doesn't it?", Twilight said with a tear streaming down her right eye. "I got her stuffed bears. We played bear tag together. And now... I think I showed Flurry Heart how much of a big scary bear I am."

"Twilight!", Spike yelled. "Shut up and listen. I'm trying to help you." He took a deep breath to calm down. "Twilight,... I don't want to make things hard for you. I'm just here to help you out."

"I don't need that right now.", Twilight said, turning away from Spike.

"Twilight, I-", Spike started.

"Spike, I appreciate the help, but I just need to be alone right now.", Twilight said. "Can you please leave?"

Spike sighed and headed for the door. "I'll check on you later, Twilight.", he said. Before he can close the door, Twilight said one last thing to him.

"No, Spike, I... I think it's best if I won't let you do that at all.", Twilight said, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Spike closed the door behind him and laid his back against a wall next it. "What am I going to do?", he asked himself. "If Twilight won't let me help her, then I'll get somepony else to help her. But, who could it be?" He had an idea. "I think the girls might help her. I'll go find them and ask them to make Twilight feel better and forget everything that happened last week."

Part 2

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Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are at Sugarcube Corner having milkshakes. Starlight Glimmer has chocolate, Rainbow Dash has peanut butter, Pinkie Pie has strawberry, Applejack has caramel, Fluttershy has banana, and Rarity has vanilla. Starlight was reading a book a spells while drinking. Rarity was checking out dresses in a fashion magazine while taking sips after turning pages.

Rainbow Dash thought about Twilight as she made it halfway through her shake. "You know, girls.", she started. "I'm kind of worried about Twilight."

"Me too.", Starlight said. "We haven't seen her for a week."

"I agree.", Applejack said. "She's been in her castle doing... uh... In fact, I don't even know what she's been doing in her castle throughout the week."

"The last time I saw Twilight, she was ordering treats for sick foals at the hospital.", Pinkie said. "And I did see the mess the cake twins and Flurry made. Cupcakes were everywhere."

"If I had to take a guess, she probably went to Canterlot to spend time with her niece, Shining Armor and Cadence.", Rarity said.

"If she did go to Canterlot, why wouldn't she let us know?", Fluttershy asked.

"I have no idea.", Rainbow Dash said.

"I wouldn't agree even more, I don't know why she wouldn't tell us that.", Rarity said.

They finished up their milkshakes. Applejack laid back in her chair with her belly a inch more plump. "I feel like my belly's gotten bigger from that shake.", she said.

"Whatever, Applejack.", Starlight said. "Your belly always gets bigger when you eat something."

"So, what else should we do on our best friends day out without Twilight?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Rainbow Dash!", Rarity snorted. "Don't get your friend left out!"

"She's not even here.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Still, it's not okay to leave your best friend out.", Rarity said.

"Sorry.", Rainbow Dash said. "Though, what else should do? First, we ate milkshakes. So, what now?"

Rarity gasped with joy. "Idea!", she sang. "What do you all say we go to my boutique and get our hooves polished."

"I'd up for some polishing.", Fluttershy said.

"Me too.", Pinkie said.

"I never had my hooves polished before, but first time doing it.", Starlight said.

"Okay, my hooves could look awesome being polished.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Leave me out of this.", Applejack said.

"Applejack, stop being a polish pooper.", Pinkie said.

"She's right, AJ.", Starlight said. "You're part of this best friends day out, so you're doing it."

"Alright, but only a little bit of polish on the front.", Applejack said.

The group glared at the farmer. "Alright, I'll go for a lot on all four of my hooves.", she said.

Spike walked in with a sad frown on his face. The group looked at the dragon. "Spike, are you ok?", Starlight asked.

"You seem upset about something.", Applejack said. "Is there something wrong, Sugarcube?"

Spike nodded his head.

"Aw, Spikey-wikey, come sit next to me and talk to us about it.", Rarity said, scooting to her right on her chair, leaving space for Spike.

Spike walked over to the chair and sat next to Rarity.

"So, can you tell us about the problem that's on your mind?", Fluttershy asked.

"This problem isn't about me, girls.", Spike said.

"This problem isn't about you?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Then, who's problem is it?", Rarity asked.

"It's about Twilight.", Spike said.

"You know, what's been going on with Twilight?", Pinkie asked.

"Yeah.", Spike said. "She's been locked up in her room for a week."

"That doesn't explain why she hasn't seen us in that time.", Starlight said.

"She's been going through depression.", Spike said.

"Come again?", Applejack asked.

"She's been locked up in her room, because she's been going through so much depression for not spending so much time with Flurry Heart.", Spike said. "Things got worse later on."

"What happened?", Rarity asked.

"At the hospital, it was complete chaos.", Spike said.

"Oh no.", Fluttershy gasped. "Please don't tell me Discord put her up to-"

"Discord had nothing to do with the incident, Fluttershy.", Spike said. "Flurry lifted things up with her magic, nearly hurting somepony."

"What happened that caused her to do that?", Applejack said.

"If you're wanting to know all the answers, you'll have to go to Twilight.", Spike said. "She felt so terrible for not paying any attention to the baby. I tried so hard to help her and make her feel better, but she forced me to leave. So, I came here to ask you all if you girls can help her."

"Of course we can.", Rarity said. "We are her friends after all."

"If you want our friend to feel better, then your request is accepted.", Starlight said.

"We'll do it.", Pinkie said.

"Me too.", Applejack said.

"We're all there for Twilight.", Fluttershy said.

"Ah yeah, we're finally going to see Twilight after a whole week, and we're going to cheer her up, whether she likes it or not.", Rainbow Dash said, flying with pride. She looks down to see her friends looking at her, they weren't amused. "Hehe... Sorry, just being awesome for her."

Final Part

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Twilight was laying down in her bed, still feeling depressed. Her face was wet from the tears she wiped off. She heard a knock on her door, then she heard it open up. She lifted her head up, still facing away from the door and thinking it was Spike again. "Spike, I thought I told you I needed to be-", she started.

"Twilight, it's us, your friends.", Applejack said.

Twilight turned to see her friends standing at the door. "Girls, what are you doing here?", she asked.

"Spike found us at Sugarcube Corner and he told us about your day with Flurry Heart.", Pinkie said.

Twilight sighed with frustration. "Why that little dragon.", she snorted.

"Don't blame him, Twilight.", Fluttershy said. "He told us to make you feel better, because he didn't want you to be hogged in your room any longer. Apple Bloom misses you, Mr. and Mrs. Cake misses you, Cheerilee misses you, even Owlicious misses you."

The group sat on Twilight's bed. "Can you tell us about what happened with Flurry Heart? Please, Twilight?", Rainbow Dash begged.

"We're not forcing you to talk, Twilight.", Rarity said. "Spike just asked us to help you."

"Besides, I'm your student.", Starlight said. "If you have something on your mind, you have to tell me and your friends."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Okay, girls.", she said. "If you all really think you deserve the truth, I'll spill it. I've been going through a lot of depression lately."

"Spike told us that already.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow!", Fluttershy snorted. "Don't interrupt her."

"My apologies.", Rainbow Dash said.

"I feel depressed, because I hardly paid any attention to Flurry Heart.", Twilight continued.

"We know, you had a hard time paying attention to your niece.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash!", Starlight yelled. "What did Fluttershy tell you. Don't interrupt Twilight while she's talking."

"I'm sorry, not matter what she says, it's going to be what Spike said.", Rainbow Dash said. "Go ahead, Twi."

"Flurry Heart caused a big incident at the hospital, lifting things with her magic and getting foals scared, almost hurting them.", Twilight continued.

"That's also what we heard from Spike.", Rainbow Dash said.

"RAINBOW DASH!", Rarity screamed, grabbing the Pegasus by the mane and pulling her close. "WE'RE NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN! WE'RE IN TWILIGHT'S CASTLE! YOU HAVE TO LET HER TALK!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll stop talking and listen to Twilight.", Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity let Rainbow Dash's mane go. "SO SIT THERE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!", she screamed. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I apologize for my anger, Twilight. Go ahead."

"I put every floating thing down with my magic, and every time I put something down, she bring it back up with her magic.", Twilight continued. "Me and Spike looked for the whammy, her snail toy. It helps her calm down. We searched the whole room for it, but it was nowhere to be found. I couldn't do anything else to keep up with her. And do you know what I did?"

"No.", Fluttershy said. "But, we would like to hear it."

"I'll tell you, but none of you might like it.", Twilight said. "I... I..."

"Yes?", the girls said.

"I... I... I....", Twilight started. Her eyes watered up and her lower lip quivered. "I shouted at her!" She fell on her chest and began to cry.

The girls gasped. "Why?", Pinkie asked.

"It was my only choice I had to do.", Twilight bawled. "When I asked to let us down, she doesn't calm down. When Flurry let us down, I yelled at her again and she started to cry. And whenever I get near her, she float away in her bubble."

"Did you apologize?", Rarity asked.

"Yes, everything was better at end.", Twilight said, calming down. Then, the sadness came back a little. "But, when she left with Cadence and Shining Armor, I started thinking whether it's my fault that I caused Flurry Heart to get upset with me or not."

Applejack and Fluttershy walked over to Twilight to comfort her by putting their hooves on her back. "It's not your fault, Sugarcube.", the farmer said.

"I think it is, girls.", Twilight sobbed.

"Twilight, it's not.", Fluttershy said.

"It probably is my darn fault.", Twilight sobbed again.

"Twilight, we're telling you, it's not.", Applejack said.

"It's my fault, girls.", Twilight said. "When I yelled at her, the sick foals and nurse watched me do it. They're probably going to spread rumors that I'm a foal abuser."

"Twilight, do not say that.", Pinkie said. "There's no way they'll do that."

"But, what if they do.", Twilight sobbed. "Everypony's going to hate me and never wanting to talk to me anymore."

"Twilight, look.", Rarity said, grabbing Twilight's face. "Everypony's not going to hate you, you know that you had to take control of Flurry Heart. Besides, she forgave you after all that. There's no need to hate yourself for that anymore."

Twilight wiped a tear from her face. "Thanks, girls.", she said. "I don't know what I'll be without you... or my niece."

"Yeah.", Starlight said. "You know, Twilight. This might give you the feels. You're kind of like a sister to us."

Twilight gasped with joy. "You think so.", she said.

"Of course, Twilight.", Starlight said. "Even if you done something that was a mistake. We still love you, no matter what.

Twilight pulled the girls closer with her magic for a group hug. "Thank you so much, girls.", she said. "And I love you all too."