Sampling the Exotic

by Hivemind

First published

Sweetie Belle gets into her sister's fantastically unorthodox toy collection.

Rarity thinks her little sister is none the wiser when it comes to keeping her exotic kinks a secret, but Sweetie Belle, well out of her foalhood years, knows just where to look.

Not Knotty Enough

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Sweetie Belle cautiously slipped through the door and into her sister’s bedroom, quietly closing it behind her. She had no need to lock it. Rarity wouldn’t be home until midnight, leaving her little sister with more than enough time to get acquainted with herself.

This evening, her young, explorative hooves just weren't good enough to suit her particular need. For the past few years they were all she had to satiate the burning intensity that occasionally rose from her loins.

Discovering the joys of masturbation was a magical moment in her life, but now that she was older, and only a scant year from adulthood, she was intent on using more pleasing means to scratch her proverbial itch.

Sweetie Belle walked towards Rarity’s bedside nightstand and tugged the pull-string on the lamp, illuminating the room with a dim, warming glow. She then opened the bottom drawer and brushed past a few old knick-knacks until, finally, her hoof ran against what she was after, wrapped in a clean swath of cloth.

Her heart racing, she removed it and placed it carefully on the bed. Her magic tugged away the folds of the cloth to reveal her one of her sister’s many coveted playthings: a twelve-inch dildo, but not just any dildo. It wasn’t molded into the token design of a stallion’s cock, but rather into a more unique, and arguably more thrilling, shape: a canine’s, in all its feature filled splendor, from its pointed tip to its bulbous midsection and almost comically thick knot at its base.

It was big, almost too big, but it was beautiful. Sweetie Belle had known about this particular example in her sister’s collection for some time now, and whenever Rarity couldn’t snatch up a stud for the night she found that she would always end up breaking out something like this, as if she had become desensitized to the pleasing nuances of an equine member.

Sweetie Belle licked her lips as her breaths became balmy and moist. The skin beneath her coat frantically tingled with goosebumps, and she yearned to find out just how good it really was.

She rolled onto the bed and laid flat on her back, nudging her body into a comfortable, submissive pose, as inklings of horny desires fed from her wildly active imagination. She had always eavesdropped on Rarity’s private moments, often whether she wanted to or not. The older unicorn was too vocal for her own good, as if she didn't even remember that there was more than one pony living in the boutique. So far, Sweetie Bell could write an entire compendium on her sister’s sexual reveries, from fleeting romantic interests to partners who had given her the cold shoulder more than once--Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Hoity Toity, Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich; Prince Blueblood, even.

Granted, it wasn’t some ten pound stallion’s tool that she was holding, nor did she have any particular love interest in mind, but she wouldn’t need one. Her own fantasies were remarkably different. She brought it closer to her face and took a few moments to examine it again, fighting the urge to indulge herself too early. It wasn't as big as most of her sister's other toys, but it was the knot she kept her focus on, leaving her pussy dripping with liquid lust the longer she stared at it. In less than a minute, there was a sizable dark patch on the bed sheets. It was so very...round, so thick; she wondered how anypony, even her slut of a sister, could ever make it fit.

She slowly let the tip enter her mouth, suckling it as she teased the slit where a urethra would have been. She softly moaned as she closed her eyes and let her imagination take the reins, picturing a burly, husky beast--a timberwolf, a Cerberus, maybe even a diamond dog--bearing down on her, leaving her eager for more as they emptied their frustrations into her by the gallon. She tasted little, but that didn't stop her mind from filling in the gaps.

She imagined that it was real, that there was some wild beast pumping his seed down her throat. Cherry red blush tinted her cheeks as she imagined his salty, musky taste washing over her palate, with plenty more left to spare. She bobbed her head back and forth, leaning her head back slowly to take in every last inch of its length, until the tip was very nearly pressing against the back of her throat. She swallowed an amalgam of spit and dared herself to push it even deeper, hoping that, by some miracle, she could engulf the fat knot, but she could hardly get her lips around it. It was a wet dream for another time.

She briefly lost herself in a fog of lust, desperate for a new flavor to taste other than her saliva. Her hoof snaked down her body, its soft, pudgy underside dipping into her marehood. She ran her hoof over her warm, delicate flesh in a circular motion, covering it in a generous coating as her thoughts grew even more carnal.

Sliding the toy out, she shoved her hoof in its place, as far as it could go, her tongue running wild as she licked and sucked it clean. After a quick swallow, she slid it out with a gasp and immediately replaced it with the toy again, returning her hoof to her drooling nethers for seconds. Her taste was electric! She savored every strand of it, letting it coat the toy a little before engulfing it like the rest.

She continued to "tease" the toy with her deepthroating skills for a while, but as her pussy lips grew more swollen it soon lost its luster. She wanted so much more.

Leaning up, Sweetie Belle shuffled backwards on the bed, pressing herself against the headboard and spreading her hind legs. She floated the toy into position and let its tip tease her puffy folds.

Big mistake. She shivered as the pleasure wracked her body, gripping the bed sheets tightly as she mentally climbed down from her momentary euphoric high. She was cusping an orgasm far more quickly than usual, but she didn't have the patience to wait for her body to calm down. Her chest heaving, she gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tight. Her young lady parts were so sensitive by this point that it almost hurt just to touch them, but a horny pony knew no bounds. She slid the toy into her pink, quivering flower, crying out through her clenched teeth as the stiff silicon spread her innards aside and sent waves of the most intense pleasure yet throughout her loins, more of her juices oozing through the crags of what little space the toy hadn't sealed.

Panting heavily, her eyes crept open. She relaxed, conceding to letting her tight pussy cling on to the toy, never letting go.

And she didn't want to let go. She didn't want to stop either. She had made a mess of her sister's bed sheets, but the fantasies in her head were only just beginning.

Her tired gaze fixated on the knot, and she silently cursed herself for getting in over her head. She wasn't like her sister--not now, anyway. She couldn't orgasm multiple times in one sitting, no matter how depraved and amorous she felt. This one very nearly made her pass out. Imagine if Rarity caught her like this...

Even with the stars in her eyes fading, she pressed against the toy's base, hoping it wouldn't--

"Ack!" She yelped, her hoof quickly retreating from her entrance. Far too sensitive.

Despite the pain, she smiled sweetly to herself. "B-Baby steps, I guess..."

Glad that she could accept an otherwise personally embarrassing truth, she slowly slid off the bed, pulling the sheets off as carefully as possible, trying not to further disturb the toy still lodged inside her. She'd have to think of an excuse to tell her sister later.

Relaxing in her room seemed like the best option for her now. Even after the let down, walking around with a toy buried in her sex felt...kind of hot. Maybe she'll keep it. Rarity had plenty of toys to spare, and she wouldn't notice if one went missing. least not yet.