Night Watch

by Almasy

First published

‘A vampire: A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people, usually causing their death.’

~ Urban myth

A lone man awakes changed unable to remember his past and only haunted by it. As he searches for someone to warm his cold heart he will find many challenges and few friends. Yet the cruelty of his new life maybe he his undoing… Or maybe this dark ‘gift’ will be the greatest thing to ever befall him

Chapter 1

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The morning. I hate mornings. The sun blasted down upon me and I awoke with my eyes desperately trying to adjust to the new light. I sat forward from whatever I was laying on as I rubbed my eyes. I could hear birds chirping and the sound of rushing water in the distance. I brushed my hair out of my face and I opened my eyes and was greeted with the site of trees surrounding me on every side. I blinked a few times before my brain clicked and I realized that I was totally awake. I stumbled to my feet haphazardly as I tried to find sighs of another person.

“Hello?” I called out.

I was greeted with the sound of flapping wings and the sight of birds flying off into the distance. I looked around the nearby woods for a moment before looking myself over. I didn’t really remember what had happened last night but all I knew was that I was wearing a long leather trench coat, a pair of jeans, an old grey t-shit with Gothic Cross on it and a set of blackhawk boots. I brushed some of the dirt off of my chest and scanned the area ahead of me.

“This isn’t funny, Laney!” I called out to a nonexistent friend as though he would appear when I called his name.

I felt my eyebrows lock into an angry position and I took a few steps forward and spun around. There was absolutely no noise in the distance, just dead silence. This confused me on the account that I lived in a bustling city. There was always jet noise and car engines or at the very least, the hum of the streetlights. I walked for a few minutes before the sound of moving water grew and a trail appeared before me. I peered down both ends of the trail before I wished that I had bought a cell phone. Never really had a need for one so I never invested in one.

Both ends of the trail tapered into darkness, so I was going to have to take a wild guess. I decided upon right and started down the trial. The sound of birds returned a few minutes later as the sound of water grew ever closer. The trail flared out into a small clearing with a stream flowing down the center of it. I stumbled over towards it and knelt down. I peered into the crystal clear water and saw my reflection in an instant. A pale white face with long black hair stared back at me. I pushed the thought out of my head and cupped some water in my hands. I splashed it in my face and felt immediately revitalized.

I climbed to my feet and jumped over the steam. My foot slipped and almost fell into the stream before I caught myself. I stumbled forward onto my hands and knees. I skidded forward, still disorientated from the rude awakening. Then I heard voices in the distance, of course I followed my instincts and progeseed towards them...what I saw shocked me.

There were...white horses in golden armor, but no people, I knew I heard voices. "Heeyyy, anyone there?" I called, they turned to me, still no people, then one of them talked, well yelled would be more appropriate. They pulled spears and swords and charged me. I raised my hands in defeat, I had no idea what was going on. But this is one hell of a dream.

One of them approached me and said "Can you understand us creature?" I nodded, shocked. He put away his weapon but kept the others pointing their weapons at me. "If you agree to go into custody willingly, there will be no harm done to you. Will you come peacefully?"

I placed my hands on my hips and brought my head down 'This is one hell of a trip..what did you do I do last night' I sighed heavily and placed my hands in front of me in a gesture of surrender, and they looked at me strangely. I looked back to the leader eye to eye "What, no restraints, isn't that how it's supposed to go?"

He chuckled half-heartedly, "No creature, we have spears trained on you and you don't seem hostile to us yet, you have no wings or horn, so we know even if you ran you wouldn't get very far." I shook my head and laughed.

I scratched the back of my neck "Well, if you say so, I won't protest." 'Damn..what the hell is going on? Keep cool, Almasy, keep cool. Even if you were drugged, it should wear off in a while, just ride out this..dream, trip, whatever and you'll be golden' I thought to myself. We had started walking now, unsettled glances from all the other guards. I spoke up about twenty minutes later, "Hey, I know it might not be my position to ask and all, but where are we going?"

The captain looked at me and smiled lightly "You've been compliant with us this long, so we're taking you to the princess, maybe she knows what type of creature you are, other than that we'll see from there, and we've been walking for quite some time, you thirsty creature?" He pulled out a canteen and handed..hoofed? It to me, I took it hesitantly and drank slowly with a refreshed gasp, he smiled and nodded. "You certainly looked thirsty." I laughed taking another long gulp.

I brushed the rest from my lips. "Thank you..Umm, my name is Almasy by the way, I think it sounds a little better than 'creature', Dont'cha think?"

He nodded and smiled "I'm sure we can handle that crea-uhh.. Almasy, you can call me 'Storm Blade'. It's not much, but it's a name." We looked forward towards a mountain with a well- traveled trail leading up, he grinned and looked to me. "Well, looks like we've hit the home stretch, let's be on our way shall we?"

I sighed inwardly. 'Something tells me this is going to be a long day.'

Storm Blade looked at me "It's a glory to behold isn't it, Almasy?" I nodded and shivered "What's wrong, you look like death."

I turned to him with a half-smile "'s not every day I wake up in the woods and get introduced to a sure this is wise? What if I just get the death penalty for existing? That's been wracking my brain for a while..heh..heheh.." I bit my lip, but he just laughed and shook his head.

"You've nothing to worry about." said Storm. "Our Princesses are quite fair, and by you being sentient and not giving us trouble she'll be quite lenient, I can assure you." He patted my back and we approached the gate, nodding at the guard who opened it right after. "Welcome to the city of Canterlot, Equestria’s capital and home of the Princesses of the Day and Night."

I stopped slack-jawed at what I saw...ponies…everywhere, and in all sorts of color combinations. I rubbed my eyes 'A trip shouldn't last this long or be this vibrant...' I took a step behind him and walked slower than the trip here. He looked at me concerned.

"Is there a problem, Almasy?" I recomposed and shook my head.

"I'm...alright, I suppose." We walked through numerous cobblestone streets, getting glances from everyone there, occasionally getting a stare and a shuffled run out of the way by the guards. Hell,
I'd probably do the same if I saw some armored guards escorting some "thing" around town.

I looked ahead and saw the gates to the castle. It was at that point that I think my heart jumped into my throat. I'm sure my hands were sweating but I couldn’t tell through my leather gloves. I think I mouthed the word 'wow' but I'm not sure. I looked to Storm and he just chuckled.

"I take it you're not used to something like this, Almasy." He nodded to the guards and the gates opened, my heart dropped and gave another shiver. Storm looked at me. "Remember what I said, calm yourself, you'll be fine."

Yeah, easy for him to say. I'm so out of my element right now...”Yeah...yeah, let's go.” We stepped through the gate and into the castle, it was...awe-inspiring to say the least. Stained glass windows with pictures of what I guess are heroes to them at one point in time or another. Everything was radiating to say the least. No matter what hallway we went through, everything was furnished the same, but in a completely different way. Yeah, wrap your head around that.

We stopped in front of a large door with a Sun emblem decorated by many intricate designs. "Here we are." Storm looked up to me as he said this. I nodded and he pushed open the doors.

It…was…amazing! The halls, the foyer had NOTHING on this! Gilded cloth everywhere, more art than you'd see in any museum and the room was big; bigger-than-my-old-house big.
Then I saw her, what I guessed to be the Princess, sitting on her throne across the room. When the door opened she looked towards me and beckoned me over. 'Alright bud, one foot in front of the other. She's just a princess, royalty, who could have you killed for probably anything, just keep cool…no stress.'

Storm stepped out in front and the guards moved to the sides of the room, I stood motionless and quiet.

He started off "Good day, Princess Celestia, we have brought back a creature found in the Everfree on one of our patrols. He is sentient and seems rather well-mannered; we come seeking if you know what he is and what would become of him."

I bowed and kept quiet, she approached me slowly, a warm smile on her face laying a hoof on my shoulder. I froze. Celestia gave a light laugh.

"Please, don't be so fearful, boy. You have a name, do you not?" I nodded and told her my name.

Celestia withdrew her hoof from my shoulder and motioned for me to rise. "I hope you don't mind, but since we don't know much about you, we will have to hold you here and ask a few questions to see if you can be allowed to stay. Please understand Almasy, by what I've seen you seem to be an alright pony, but I cannot risk the safety of everypony until I can be certain that you would harm none of them.

I nodded. "Alright Princess Celestia, I can do that." As I said that she pointed me towards a door with a guard on either side of it.

"Please wait in there, I'll join you shortly Almasy. Do please relax, the tension around you is so thick that I can hardly breathe." She grinned warmly and I approached the door. The guards opened the room and I gave a curt nod, the doors closed slowly after I entered the room. 'This could either be really good or really bad...let’s hope for good.' The room was a luxurious red color with full furnishings to match the throne room. I didn't trust it, so I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.

Not a few moments later the door opened to reveal Princess Celestia keeping the same warm look to her features. To anyone else it would probably be relaxing, but it just made me feel unnerved. "I will not ask you to sit if you do not wish it, but please, let us talk. Tell me about yourself Almasy; I have never seen a creature of your likeness in any book I have ever read, nor heard any reports on. What are you?" She asked tenderly, not hostile at all...I was surprised.

"I'm a human, your Majesty. We are...well, what I am. Not much different than me physically. We all have different views on how life should be lived." She nodded for me to continue. So I gave her the rundown of Humanity and how things worked, sliding in a few jokes she failed to get here and there. After discussing war, her expression changed into one of shock, then slowly back to docility, I finished the history lesson and sighed. "Yeah, lovely isn't it?" I scratched the back of my neck nervously and she put a hoof on my shoulder.

"Now, tell me about you, young Almasy. Surely you have a story, don't you?" I must have looked like a clueless idiot because she was trying her hardest not to laugh, failing terribly at that.

"Umm..I understand the whole rundown of Humanity, but why me, Princess?" I asked

"Well, you're the only human here, Almasy. I'd like to get to know you and not the general idea of you. So please, tell me everything you can bring to mind that would be significant." She finished with the same warm smile.

I proceeded to tell her about myself, the city in Florida where I lived, the trouble I've gotten into, even my time in the Army…she seemed slightly taken aback by that but insisted I keep going.
I told her about my family, or what I had left, just an old uncle, she nodded again and I sighed, There wasn't much more to tell, but I finished it up with a sweet closed case.

She cleared her throat and nodded. "Well, Almasy, that is quite a tale. You seem rather docile for one who has seen that much combat. You must be truly resilient, I commend you for that. And by everything you've told me, I'm sure I can trust you, and, I was wondering…" 'Shit, here it comes.' "If you could allow us to train you as a guard, since you have nowhere to go, I'd able to compensate you with a room here in the castle and give you a salary if you accept." I sighed and nodded, she frowned slightly. "Do not worry, Almasy, this world is not like yours we don't have that much conflict and it's hardly ever in a lethal way like in your world."

"If you say so Princess… How long will I be trained? What about the rest of the populace? I'm sure I would unnerve all of your subjects if I just aimlessly wandered around, especially in armor while carrying a weapon." I sighed

"Worry not, Almasy. My sister and I will take care of that while you train. Judging by what you’ve already told me, the only things left to be done are to fit you in some armor and teach you how to use a close combat weapon. Speaking of which, what would you most prefer?" She looked at me concerned, like this was a test for me in its own way.

I shrugged "If you could give me a long-sword I'm sure I could make it work." My eyes trailed away from her and she tilted my head back to her gaze.

"Well, that can be arranged. Now let’s get you started, shall we?" She walked through the door and I saw her talking to Storm once again, he trotted over to me and smiled.

"I told you it wouldn't be that bad." He laughed and I chuckled cracking my knuckles. "Well, We're going to start off early, get ready for your first sparring match. I'm your partner for this one."

"Sparring? And I just got here, too. You ponies move pretty fast about something you don't know too much about. I could have been lying the whole time, you know." I looked at him coldly and he laughed harder than I thought was appropriate.

"Oh...oh, that's a good one kid, but Hahaha, you can't lie to the Princess, she'd catch it in an instant." I face-palmed 'Ehhh, I guess honesty is the best policy, but either way, that was still an intense talk.'

I faked a smile, and shrugged "So, when do we get started, Storm?" I looked down at him to see a smirk cross his face. "Whoa, not in the throne room man, that wouldn't be cool. At least I don't
thi-" Before I could finish he charged and tackled me, I flung him off and got into a crouched stance. the servers and Princess looked towards us and shook their heads. Storm charged at me again, but I caught him this time and flipped him over me. "Really Storm? I don't feel like getting in trouble right after getting a chance!" He laughed as he recovered "Oh don't worry, this is just good ol’ horseplay, not to mention a nice initiation for you. Gotta see what you're made of, right?" He ran towards me and turned around. I lowered my guard....huuuggeee mistake. I got bucked square in the chest and got sent flying. I grumbled trying to collect myself and got back into a stance, cracking my knuckles.

"If that's how you want to be about it, fine, come at me!" I growled and grinned. Damn, I don't think I've had this much fun before! He charged me and I swept is legs from under him and dropped my heel on his back. He grunted and slammed to the ground before I wrapped my arm around his neck and trying to put him in a choke hold. Before I could get a good lock, he squirmed his way out and sent a hoof into my chest as I sent a fist into his face. Both of us were smiling like idiots. The onlookers, including the princess, started forming a circle chanting praises at both of us. This was way better than I could have imagined.

We delivered blow after blow to each other. Both of us growling and laughing, deflecting blows here and there, and then I took a hoof to the side of the face, blood spilled from my mouth and I grinned. Storm looked shocked, so I took my chance and gave him a full force side-kick to his body, he went down and out. I stood over him trying to catch my breath and he stirred slightly, I extended a hand towards him and he slapped his hoof in it. "So, am I good enough for you to make an accurate judgement Storm?" I pulled him to his feet...err, hooves and he gave a sly smile and chuckled, I matched his chuckle and the princess came towards us.

"Storm, I don't believe anyone's ever beaten you in hoof-to-hoof combat before. But Almasy, are you alright, you're bleeding?" She looked at me with genuine concern in her eyes and I shrugged and wiped the blood from my mouth on my sleeve.

"Oh, I'm fine Princess, just a little blood." I looked to the small puddle from the initial blow and ran my tongue across my cheek. Luckily it had stopped bleeding already, just a little split remained.

Storm looked to me and smiled "I didn't think I got you that hard, Almasy, I'm sor-" Before he finished I laughed and patted his shoulder after swallowing the blood in my mouth and gave a small smile.

"It's fine, but like I asked before; do I pass?" He nodded and laughed as did the Princess.

"You're the only one to ever put me through the wringer, I say you passed with flying colors, not to mention you still fought even when you saw your own blood, not many recruits can say that they can do that. That ability usually takes training."

I looked at him slightly puzzled "Blood shouldn't be that big of a deal, it happens all the time in combat I imagine, right?"

"Well, yes, but things are usually peaceful, we're the only ponies, us of the Royal Guard that is, that ever come close to combat. Things are usually settled peacefully, so we don't see much of it. It's only usually on patrols like when we found you that blood is occasionally drawn. Sorry if we frightened you with that. But you know, seeing a creature in the woods with clothes and is sentient, we didn't want to take a big risk, you understand." I nodded.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, we'll call that your initiation, Almasy. Welcome to the Royal Guard, your training starts tomorrow morning. Storm will show you to your personal room to get washed up. There's a larger robe in it so we can clean your current clothing. Judging by how you're covered, I would guess that's how you'd like to stay, so please go get washed up and rest, food will be delivered to you at an appropriate time, if that's alright." I smiled; a bath and some food sound prettttyyy nice right now.

"That would be lovely Princess, I thank you." She smiled and nodded to Storm and we began walking down the hallways all adorned with fine art and a bench here and there, stained glass the works, I mentally mapped my way through the hallways from the Throne room to my own so I could find it easily, after a good five minutes of walking he led me to a door and tossed me a key.

"And this is where you'll be staying, Almasy. I'll come by in an hour or two after I clean up and see how you're adjusting." I nodded and put the key in the lock turning the knob and opened the door.

Apparently my face was once again in a shocked state because I heard him chuckle.

"I take it you like it then?" All I could do is nod, he chuckled at me again and ushered me in. "Like I said, I'll be back in a little while, and from your 'initiation', I'd say a good 90% of the castle residents know you're alright. If you need something just stop someone and ask; we don't bite." He smiled at me and a chuckled.

"Alright, time for me to get clean and all. I'll catch you later Storm." He nodded and walked away, I stepped through the door to my new room. It was better than anything I've ever seen; the walls were a royal purple as were the drapes on the windows and the bed furnishings. There was a desk in the corner and a couch across from the bed, all gilded in gold. There was a note on the bed, I flipped it open and read it:

' My newest guard, Almasy.

I hope you find this to your liking, We'll pick up your clothing promptly, just place it in the hamper outside of your room and it will be cleaned within the hour.

The washroom is on the far side of the room and is fully stocked with everything you would need. Please enjoy your stay here, we are happy to have someone of your skill join our ranks during this time of peace. You may stay as long as you'd like. I have also given you a small forward payment of 100 bits in the satchel on your desk. If you ever leave the castle, let Storm or myself know, whether by a note on the door or in person. The ponies of Canterlot will be quite pleasant after they warm up to you, I assure you.

~Your Princess,


I folded the note and put it on the desk as I made my way to the washroom, as she said it was stocked with everything I'd need, the robe hanging on the door, once again a dark royal purple, on the back was that same sun design as I saw on her and the door. I stripped down and tossed my clothes in the small basket and made my way into the shower.

After the warm shower, I felt rejuvenated and patted myself dry before slipping into the robe and brushing my hair in the mirror so it was tame; that shampoo worked wonders, I tell you.
After I was done and walked back into my room I looked towards the desk to see a bowl of salad and a large cup of water, my stomach growled at me, didn't think I was this hungry.
I sat down and ate the salad slowly, didn't even need dressing, everything was fresh and well proportioned, and for a salad; filling. I walked back to the washroom and grabbed the basket and slid it outside.

"Heyyy, you clean up pretty well, Almasy!" Storm shouted down the hall, I struck a pose and flicked my hair, he laughed as did I.

"Sorry, too good to pass up, come on in Storm." I opened the door and he walked in smiling.

"Looks like you warmed this old room right up! First time I've ever seen it used in years, you alright with it?" He looked around and turned back to me, I nodded and chuckled.

"You kidding? This place is great! I’ve never seen a room so nice, ever. I feel a bit like royalty myself with this place to call my own, temporary or not." I said to him with a grin.

"Good on ya, Kid." He sat on the couch and I took the corner of my bed, we chatted about training. Apparently, due to what I showed him it'd only be a week to teach me the basics of a sword and how to deal with unruly ponies. He patted me on the shoulder and said it could go quicker depending on how receptive I could be on the matter.

"Oh, and you'll be on a separate grid of the Royal Guard. You'll be stuck by yourself, but I'm sure you'll be alright with that." I nodded and laughed. "Yeah, until I get lost Storm, that's gonna suck" I shook my head and smiled, he looked over to me.

"Oh don't worry about that. We'll give you a map of wherever you gotta go, should be no problem with your background. Don't worry, the Princess told me everything. If you ask me, it only helped me get you in here that much easier. Not many ponies here have combat-level training. As I said earlier, it’s just us in the Royal Guard." He nodded and we just chatted around about ourselves, my same story and learned about him, apparently he had two foals and a wife in a city called Cloudsdale. It sounded nice I suppose, kinda like an Equestrian version of the ‘American Dream’. In the middle of our conversation there was a knock at the door. A pony poked her head through smiling gently. Storm called her in and she set my outfit on the bed and left with a curt nod. I thanked her and turned back to Storm.

"Well, I think it's about time I head to my own room, Almasy. It's been nice getting to know you. I'll be by in the morning to get you started on your training tomorrow if you're up to it." I nodded and he walked through the door.

I hung my clothes on the chair and rolled into bed, sleep coming quickly for once; must have been tired. I drifted off and slept better than I have in a long time.


I was awoken by a knock at the door accompanied by Storms voice "Up and at 'em, kid! Today's the start of your training." I hopped into my jeans and slid my shirt on, draped my coat over it and slid my gloves on fastening the clips on them and finally sliding into my socks and boots, and walked through the door and closing it behind me. I looked over and saw Storm with a smile on his face once again.

"Well, good to see that you can get up in the mornings, that's a good start." He tossed a sword towards me, sheathed of course and grinned. "And that's your new weapon, It's going to be at your side until it breaks or you die. The blade is silver as is the hilt. It's nicely decorated to suit a fighter of your style and personality. No, no, we don't know your personality in depth, it’s the sword that does. It's been enchanted to reflect you. Go ahead and let’s see what it says about you."

As I unsheathed the blade there was a faint glow about it before it changed color and form. As I pulled it out the blade turned into a mirror polished black with and red line through the middle. The hilt definitely matched the blade. And the adornment along the blade and hilt looked like an old text with fine blue radiating the marks. Glowing almost. The sheath changed to a solid black color. I looked towards Storm who was grinning widely. "Whoa...didn't see that happening." I said in amazement, he chuckled and nodded.

"Well that's one I've never seen before, but if that's who you are, then it's who you are." He nodded as he said this, I motioned for him to wait as I strapped the blade to my back over my coat and nodded when it felt comfortable. We walked down the same hall that lead to the throne room but we turned down another hall and I mentally mapped our way down once again. I hate getting lost if you couldn’t tell by now.

We exited to a courtyard with training dummies all around. There was no one else but us. I looked to him slightly confused and he smiled. "Oh, don't worry. I reserved it for us for the whole week. No one has joined the guard in quite a while, so it's mainly used to help shake the rust out, it's all ours until your training is complete. Let’s begin shall we?" I nodded and we went towards the dummies.


The week passed quickly and it was alright. I learned thrusting, slashing, jumping, dodging and even a few different styles of blocking and parrying. We always went out with a small sparring match. He always seemed to best me until the last night of training when I finally scored a win. He was thoroughly impressed and congratulated me as I helped him up. He grinned as we walked back to my room.

"Oh, and your armor is finally complete. We'll be having your ceremony to the Guard in the morning." He grins and gives a small laugh. "You should feel honored. You're the only non-pony to ever be granted this honor, do me proud, Almasy." I smiled and gave him a nod.

"I won't let you down, Storm." He then left my room leaving me to myself, I took a shower and tossed my clothes back in the basket, same routine but for dinner there were a few apples and a carrot. Haha, small changes make a difference once you get complacent I suppose. I sat and daydreamed until I heard a knock at the door, it was the same maid as always. We talked a bit until I found out her name was Cherry Blossom, it suited her red and pink coloration if you ask me. She shortly left and I crawled into bed sleeping soundly until the next morning, I felt rather proud of myself, that’s for sure.

I was awoken a bit earlier than normal, but this time it was from Storm jumping on my bed and knocking me one in the shoulder. "Today's the big day kiddo! C'mon, we have to go put you in your armor and get ready for the ceremony!" He then hopped off and scurried out of the room poking his head through the door. "You coming or not, Almasy!?" I groaned and got dressed and followed him out.

We headed down to the training area and took a large iron door to the Armory, there in a case was the most intricate armor I'd ever seen. The base color was white with trims of black and red, it was to reflect me I suppose. Not the usual armor I've seen any of the other RG wearing, but he then motioned me towards it and I pulled off my coat and slid into the armor. I noticed that Celestia’s emblem was over the heart and it made me feel more welcomed. I finished putting on the rest of the armor; gauntlets, greaves, boots, and leggings. He threw the helmet at me and I shook my head. ”Sorry Storm, no matter what, I never keep anything on my head, limits visibility, ya know." He nodded and accepted it rather easily. Hmm, didn't think it'd go that way. After I had the armor on, I slipped my black coat over the back and strapped on my sword earning a look from Storm "What? I'm not losing the coat no matter what I wear. It's been a trademark for me for many years."

"Alright, alright. Let's get to the throne room and get this underway. And you pull the look off nicely by the way, not bad for a nearly hairless monkey." He said chidingly.

"You coming onto me now storm? What kind of guy do you think I am?" I tried to keep a serious face as his turned to horror...I couldn't hold it, I lurched over and began busting up laughing. He followed shortly after. "Alright, ha-ha, that was pretty good, you gotta admit." I said.

"Yeah, you had me going. But let’s get a move on, you even have a mission waiting on you, it's small so don't worry, I'm sure you can handle it." He smirked. "Princess Celestia will fill you in after the ceremony." Storm then started walking down the hall and we approached the door, I took a deep breath and he opened the door, ushering me through.

This was apparently a big deal. The whole hall was draped with golden cloth and lined with members of the Royal Guard standing at attention as I slowly made my way towards Princess Celestia, and someone who I didn't know standing next to her. I imagined it would likely be her sister, I haven't been introduced to her yet, maybe that will happen afterwards. For now, Storm and I walked slowly down the hall and stopped before the thrones holding the Princesses. I kneeled as Storm did and were told to rise.

"Almasy, this is the day you shall be inducted into the prestigious Royal Guard in service to my sister, Princess Luna, and I, Princess Celestia. You will serve us and all the ponies of Equestria that are in need of aid. You will be granted citizenship and you can always call this castle home. You have shown yourself to be knowledgeable and quite fierce in combat. Although your training was short, you seem more than qualified and ready for this. So I ask you Almasy; Do you accept this duty, to protect my Sister and I, and all of our little ponies and uphold the justice and the law of this land, to help wherever you see fit and to stay true to the Throne?" She finished with a serious look, her sister matching her expression.

I bowed once more and spoke up "Princesses, it would be my honor to accept this position. I shall do all I can, on this you have my honor."

The other princess stepped forward now "I am Princess Luna of the Night. My Sister and I have found your words today to be true and honorable. So it is with this, we hereby name you Almasy of the Royal Guard."

Celestia stepped forward now "Please, present your weapon, Almasy." I unsheathed the blade and presented it. It was taken by a golden glow, and as Luna stepped forward, a mix of a dark blue. "Kneel, please." Celestia nodded to me and I kneeled down. The sword was brought down to touch each of my shoulders and held out to me the blade pointing down towards the floor. "Rise, Almasy, you are now a member of the Royal Guard, we congratulate you. Take your blade and with it, your new title." I nodded and reached for the hilt, the magic dispersing as I gingerly grasped it and sheathed it. All of the onlookers cheered and congratulated me.

Celestia then turned to me with a stern look on her face. "Now, it is time to prove yourself. There have been reports of disappearing ponies in the Everfree Forest. You are to go there and see if anything unusual is happening and you will be going alone. Do you accept the mission, Almasy?" I clutched my hand into a fist and placed it over my heart and bowed. "Excellent, you will leave as soon as you can see it fit to. It would be better if your departure was sooner, rather than later." She finished.

"Then I'll leave at once, Princess if that is alright with you." She nodded to me and I smiled. "Well, point me in the right direction and I'll be off." I was escorted to the edge of the city and given directions to where the largest part of the problem was, the forest I apparently woke up in. Alright, I'm sure I can handle that.

I sighed and stretched after what felt like hours of walking. I looked toward the sun; it looked to be late afternoon...yep. Hours of walking and nothing to do. How boring. I heard a few voices in the distance, female by the sounds of them. I decided to walk towards where I had heard the voices.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I asked out loud. "I'm a member of the Royal Guard sent to this area. Please say something if you can hear me." I heard some rustling in the bushed and checked around intently, there was a gasp as I turned around to see a small purple unicorn looking at me with a sense of subdued shock. When she saw Celestias seal on the front of my armor, she asked "You're the human Celestia told me about, aren't you?" I nodded, not sure how to respond. She smiled at me and continued "Don't worry, I am Celestia's most faithful student Twilight Sparkle, She told me about you in a few of the letters recently. My friends and I are the ones who sent the report of the missing ponies. I suppose she wanted to keep us safe by sending a guard."

I scratched the back of my neck and smiled. "Well I'm just glad you didn't totally freak out by seeing me, I must be pretty unusual to see around, especially in these woods. You're not alone are you? I was told it was dangerous in this place." She shook her head and smiled.

"I came with all of my friends. We make up the Elements of Harmony. There's nothing too dangerous or scary that we can’t face if we're together. Let me introduce you. Girls?" She called over to the tree line as I saw five other ponies come out. All together it was two pegasi, one with a blue coat and a rainbow mane and tail, a butter colored one with a pink mane and tail. Who I learned were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Next were two earth ponies, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Let's just say Pinkie was a bit...tooo ecstatic about the meeting. After them, was Twilight and another unicorn pony with a white coat and purple styled mane and tail with a posh accent. Rarity.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all, I am Almasy, sent by Celestia to check out this area. I am sworn to protect any and all ponies I meet. I hope you don't mind me escorting you as you proceed." I bowed and smiled cordially. They all accepted whether by a hoof-shake or in Rainbow's case a shoulder punch. I took it as a small confirmation. "Alright, so what do you know about the current state of affairs? I was only told about some missing ponies and not much else." We all sat and got comfortable before the conversation proceeded.

Twilight started off. "Over the past month, we've had close to twelve ponies disappear that tried to travel from Ponyville to the outlying towns. Some ponies from the other towns known to be traveling between other towns or to Ponyville are included in that number. We were worried and decided to organize a search party but only we decided to go through with it. It's good to have you with us Almasy" She nodded.

"Yeah, it's cool. We also got some bait for the monsters that live around here." Shot a grinning Rainbow. I laughed. "Oh, don't be so brutish Rainbow Dash. I apologize for that dear; she just likes to have fun with new ponies." Rarity chimed in. "Would y'all simmer down? It's nice ta meet ya' Almasy, we hope to not scare ya off just yet." She laughed heartily
Pinkie kept jumping up and down spouting off so many words I couldn’t keep up until Twilight shoved a hoof in the mouth muffling it all. "I'm sorry, it's just Pinkie being Pinkie, you’ll get used to it." She smiled and removed her hoof and Pinkie approached me and hugged me.
"We'll DEFINITELY have to throw you a party for being a Royal Guard and coming to help us out here in the spooooky foooorest! It'll be great!" She continued hopping around and planning the party out.

Yeesh! That one's got some energy. The small yellow pegasus just stood back and looked away from me, not saying a word. Twilight looked toward me and smiled gently "Don't worry about Fluttershy, she's just going to have to take some time to warm up to you, she's very shy around new ponies."

"That's alright. I understand. I used to be that way myself. Fluttershy can you stay close so I can keep an eye on you? We don't want you getting hurt or separated, alright?" I added a comforting
smile and she nodded slightly catching up with the rest of the group.

We stopped for the night and I started gathering materials to make a fire as they pulled out bedrolls and situated themselves around where it would eventually be set up. I returned to hear them chatting and laughing in their sleeping bags. It warmed my heart to see it. I won't lie. I placed the wood in a small pile and lined it with rocks for some safety. I reached into my pack and pulled out some flint and sparked the fire after a few strikes, breathing into it a few minutes later we had a nicely sized fire to warm up to, they gathered round and warmed their hooves and I chuckled. "Not a bad start to my first mission, I’d say."

Twilight looked at me and smiled. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Hopefully there won't be a need for your skills in combat for this, though it's always nice to meet a new friend." All the others nodded accompanied by a several yawns, I chuckled. "I think that's a sign for us to go to bed. Where are you going to sleep Almasy? You don't have a bag to sleep in, do you?"

I shook my head and smiled. "Don't worry about me. I can just lean up against a tree. It’s no bother to me. You guys go ahead and get some rest; I'll be up a little while longer." She nodded and went to her roll, the rest of them fast asleep. I smiled and leaned against a tree taking my sword off my back leaning it next to me. I sat and listened to the sounds of the Everfree; the shuffling of small animals, owls, the wind blowing through the trees. After a while of listening, I was slowly lulled to sleep.

I awoke in the middle of the night and looked over to the girls. They were still sleeping peacefully. In spite of this, my hair stood on end. Something was missing. I closed my eyes and tried to listen...that was it, the owls were quiet and the crickets had stopped chirping. Hell, I couldn't even hear the wind. It was an eerie silence, then I heard a twig break off to my side. I stood up slowly and strapped my sword on.
I looked over to see a pony, it was a grey color and had its eyes closed. Then it opened them to reveal piercing red eyes and a devils smile. Seconds later a few more appeared, seven in total. I spoke up. "Who are you and what are you doing out in the forest at this time of night?" No response. It leapt at me and I batted it back towards the tree line with a crash. I heard the girls scream and yell "Vamponies!" I shook my head and chuckled thinking it was a joke until I saw them cowering in fear.

"Almasy! Get away from them! They're vamponies, they'll kill you!" I looked back towards the red eyed ponies and they grinned at me revealing large fang-like canines. I drew my sword and pointed it at them. "You're not going to scare me that easily. Leave now or I will fight back."

They didn't heed the warning and came after me, I swung my sword at the first and it was split in half. There was no blood, it simply burst into small embers and turned into ash. The next one tried to sink its teeth into me. Luckily it was stopped by the armor as I slung it off of me and back to its group. One down, six to go. Twilight shot a beam into one of them and knocked it back dazing it. I nodded to her and slashed at another one, it wasn't deep enough, it just hissed at me in pain and retreated, but it came back healed. "How the..." Twilight cut me off "They're Vamponies, they can heal at astounding rates and are pure evil! If you get bitten, you'll be infected! We've gotta get out of here!" I shook my head and slashed at another turning it to ash and one latched into my coat before I slung it off. "Sorry Twilight, but I have a duty to uphold and these might be what's causing the anomaly, I must to get rid of them."

She nodded and the girls formed a circle around the fire as I tried to hold my own. Two were down, five to go. They all rushed me at once and I kicked one away, one bit into my armor again and two met my blade as I did a wide slash. Twilight and Rarity blasted the two off me and I thanked them. Four down, wait five, Twilight as I thought that blasted another one in the chest and it turned to ash.

"Nice one, Twilight, make sure the other two don't get near you." She nodded and crouched eyeing the other two as they began circling me. One jumped at me and I punched it back to the ground. The other ran towards the girls and I threw my sword at it skewering it into the ground as it screamed turning to ash. I turned to the last one and cracked my knuckles. 'Well, this could have gone a lot worse, better wrap this up.' It leapt at me and I head-butted it back away from me and ran to grab my sword. I turned and cut it down mid-air, finally dispatching the last one as it burst into flame and ash.

Satisfied, I sheathed my sword and took a look around. The girls were still in a circle ready for anything. "Girls, gather your things, it's time we leave. I'll escort you back to your town." They nodded and gathered their things hurriedly as I snuffed out the fire.

"Almasy?" Dash looked towards me. "I've just gotta say, that was awesome! Even though I could have handled it myself, I thought I should let you take over since this is your first mission and all." She smiled warily and I laughed.

"Well thanks for that Dash, makes me feel a little better. But let's get out of this forest in case anything else decides to show up. How far away do you live?"

Twilight chimed in at that point. "We live in Ponyville, it's not too far only maybe an hour walk this way. By the way, thank you Almasy. We don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there."

Rarity continued from Twilight "Yes, Almasy, it's quite a miracle that we made it out of there unharmed. Vamponies were always thought to be some old mares’ tale, but in the Everfree I suppose anything is possible. As for your got ripped up a bit, I hope you would let me fix it for you, darling, it just isn't becoming of a gallant knight, such as yourself, to be walking around in tatters." She smiled warmly at me.

"That would be great Rarity, thank yo-" Just then I heard a growl and felt something sink into my neck. I looked over my shoulder horrified to see that one of the vamponies had latched onto me. The pain was unbearable as it sank its fangs in deeper and deeper. I yelled and tried to pry it out of me to no avail. 'Damn...damn...damn. This is bad.' I felt a rip as it was blasted off of me and looked down at my armor in the moonlight to see blood starting to coat my white armor. My vision was turning black as I clutched my neck.

"Almasy!" They all yelled in unison and they ran to me. Damn, I didn't wanna go out like a wimp. I held up a hand and drew my sword as I turned to the vampony, as it leapt at me I skewered it with my blade. I released it from my hand as my vision went black and I couldn't feel anything anymore. I heard Twilight say something about the Princess. Then I went under.

I had a not a dream, more of a nightmare, I was there with those six, but I wasn't myself, as they talked around the fire. I proceeded to kill them all. I drained them of their blood as I drank it...It felt sickening and natural at the same time. I woke up with a start. I wasn't in my room anymore, but in a cell. 'Oh shit, what happened, what did I do...' I tried to talk but nothing came my throat was dry and burned furiously. I ran to the bucket in the corner and saw it was full of water, I took a few gulps, but my body forced it back out immediately. Shit, what's wrong with me! Did I drink too fast? I tried again at a slower pace. I only kept it down for a minute before my body rejected it again. Then I heard a familiar voice; it was Storm. Who was he talking to? I listened harder while closing my eyes. Celestia...I couldn't make out what was being said, so I waited. I thought I heard my name but I couldn't tell. A few minutes later a guard came by and saw me. He immediately ran from the dungeon and up the stairs. Moments later I saw Storm walking down with Princess Celestia, good, maybe they can tell me what's going on.

"Almasy, can you hear me, do you understand me?" Storm asked with an uncertainty in the way he did, I tried to say yes, but all that came was a choking cough and the same burning, so I nodded. He sighed, relieved that I could; I wonder why though?

Celestia came towards the cell but kept her distance slightly, I kneeled and bowed. "Rise Almasy, how do you feel?" I shook my head and pointed at my throat, then pointed to the water bucket and made the throat slashing sign so she could see it didn't help. She nodded and I met her eyes. She gasped at me, I didn't know why. I grabbed my neck, the wound was closed. There was nothing more than a dry patch blood. I felt fine other than being extremely thirsty.
How long was I out? "Almasy... What happened to you, did something bite you?" She asked hurriedly with a look of shock on her face, it was extremely unnerving. I nodded a few times and she turned her head. Whispering something to Storm, he looked disgusted but still nodded and left.

I looked at Princess Celestia with pleading eyes, she met my gaze and talked slowly "Don't worry Almasy, He went to get you something that could help you talk." I nodded and sat in the corner a short while later Storm came back with a cup, I smelled it from there and it smelled amazing! It must be some medicine by the looks of it, especially with how squeamish the both of them were when they looked at it. He placed it on the ground in front of the cell, motioning for me to wait until he was done. He set it down and took a few steps back. I went towards the door and slid the cup through the bars and smelled it. It smelled extremely sweet. I looked at the Princess and she nodded, I gave the medicine a test sip and my body didn't reject it, so I drank the rest slowly and cleared my throat. The burn was manageable now, so I tried to talk.

"Thank you Princess for the medicine, it was what I needed although the burn still hasn't gone away." My voice cracked here and there but they didn't laugh, not even Storm. I looked at them perplexed. "Princess, what happened? I remember fighting something. Your student, Twilight Sparkle, called them vamponies. I dispatched them but one got to me. I know I took a hit and I went down pretty hard. I was in the forest, how did I get here so quickly?" Her face was shocked, twisted with horror.

"Almasy...did you just say you were a Vampony?" I nodded and she bit her lip. "But you're not unruly, and you can think for yourself. Do you have any urges to hurt anypony?"

"What? No Princess, I would never dream of that..." She looked slightly relaxed and I looked at the cup and tossed it to Storm, he caught it and nodded.
"I know I must’ve been knocked out, but what happened after that? How did I get here Princess?"

She approached the cell and opened it ushering me out. "After you were out, I received a message of distress from my student Twilight telling me of the events that had transpired. When she got to the point where she said you were bitten...I had teleported to your location to see you on the ground bleeding out. But your wound was closing quickly. The rest of them were escorted home by four of my guards and I teleported you here, to this cell. I'm sorry, but we couldn't take any chances. I did not have you executed just in case humans could be...rational, if you will. It seems you are, but we'll have to run some tests. I'm sorry Almasy, but it is not something you can argue with." She finished with a look of sorrow in her eyes.

Storm came back through the door and hoofed me the cup with the same sweet smelling medicine in it. I took it gently and took a few swallows. "Are you alright Princess? Did anything happen in my absence?" She shook her head and he nodded. I looked towards him, hurt.

"What, did you think I was going to hurt her, Storm? I thought you knew me a little better than that..." He looked at me with disbelief

"You can talk, Almasy? That's at least some good news." I nodded for him to continue. "I'm glad you're able to listen to reason. Nopony else that was bitten could have this happen...they were changed. Then they were executed because they were proven to be a great threat to Her Majesty and the nation of Equestria." He shuddered.

"What kind of medicine is this Princess? It seems to be working wonders, my throat has stopped burning and I'm not thirsty as I was."
As I took another mouthful she started. "It's blood, Almasy..." I choked some of it back up and looked at her horrified. "No, no, it's fine. Those are kept in supply in blood pouches donated from other ponies in the medical wing. It's alright." I shook my head.

"But just fed me blood. Are you saying I've turned?" She nodded I felt dread well up within me. "The girls! None of them were bitten, were they?" She shook her head and smiled. I sighed. Tha was the most relief I've felt in a while. "Good..." I sighed. "I'm glad to see that you're thinking of others even when you've just been told you've been infected with vampirism. It does say a lot about your mental strength." I looked back to the cup of blood and set it aside. She shook her head. "Please finish it Almasy. Don't feel bad about it, please." I sighed and finished the rest of the...blood.

I looked towards my sword sitting on the wall across the hall. "Princess, if I changed, would the blade change also?" She put a hoof to her chin and thought.

"I suppose it might. Storm, would you fetch his blade? This could be a useful test, just to be sure." He nodded and brought the blade down from the wall and passed it to me. I unsheathed it and...It was the same, but cleaner. Celestia nodded. "Well, I suppose that settles that, but we still have to test you to see what is different in a human undergoing vampirism. Please follow me.”
I nodded and stood, strapping the blade to my back looking down to see my armor still tinged in blood, I sighed.

As we were walking through the hallways, a beam of the morning sun broke through and caught my exposed arm where my sleeve was torn off. I immediately reeled back in pain and hissed, the others looked at me with horrified expressions as they looked at my arm; it was burned horribly. I clutched it tightly and went back into the shadows of the corner of the hall.

"Almasy!" Celestia ran over to me and inspected my arm, the burn slowly and painfully healing before our eyes. "Well at least you're alright now. I'm so sorry Almasy! I didn't know that would happen."

I held up my hand and shook my head.

"It's alright, Princess. No harm done...I just didn't know I'd flip out like that, I apologize." She extended a wing over me as she guided me through the hall and through the castle into what looked like a laboratory, I shuddered lightly.

Celestia felt me under her wing and smiled warmly to me "Don't fret, Almasy. We just need to see how you react to certain things." I nodded and sat on the cold chair in the middle of the room. I didn't expect what happened next. Through the door came the Elements I had met the other night. They looked at me warily and I smiled as warmly as I could, causing them to gasp as they looked at me. I sighed and looked down to the floor, then a hoof came under my chin picking my head up, "Almasy, don't worry, they're here to help you. No, you didn't hurt them the other night, they're all just fine. I asked them to come see you in fact." I nodded to Celestia and she left the room.

Twilight approached me with a book. It had fangs with a drop of blood dripping off one of them. I shuddered and she hid the book and had a sheepish grin on her face. "I'm sorry, Almasy. But we're going to have to run some tests on you. All we have to go on are some old mares’ tales stuff, please don't be mad." She lowered her head and the rest of them came up to me, Fluttershy probably being more scared than ever ducking behind Rainbow.

Twilight came closer to me the rest keeping a small distance. "Open your mouth please." I nodded and opened my mouth she gasped slightly and wrote something down on a scroll.
"Alright next, have you had anything to eat or drink Almasy, it's very important." I explained to her my attempts, feeble as they were, to hold down water, and told her how Celestia had given me two cups full of blood that I was able to stomach. She wrote it down and nodded a few times.
"Now here comes the harder part, if you can't help yourself push me away quickly, please, and girls, if he can't help himself, please pull me back quickly." They nodded while I sat there perplexed.

Then she jammed her neck in my face, my throat burned ferociously and I pushed her away and jumped back." She looked towards me stunned, but with a look of approval. "It seems you can still control yourself. Can you please tell me what you felt when that happened?" She put her quill back to the scroll.

I gasped a few times and breathed out but no relief came. Taking breaths did nothing for me now, not even sate my need for air! I collected myself and tipped the chair back up, motioning for her to take a few steps back, she did. "My throat burned. Horribly. Why would you put yourself at a risk like was stupid and extremely dangerous!" I sank my face into my hands, slowly realizing what happened.

Twilight nodded. "I'm sorry Almasy, but it was necessary. I knew it would make you uncomfortable but it had to be done." I sighed and nodded.

"So what else is there Twilight? At least a warning might help me not flip out so much." I said as I leaned back in the chair.

"We need to test what happens if you come into contact with sunlight, fire, and..." She gulped. "What happens if you get...hurt." I nodded and told her about the sunlight, she nodded slowly before writing it down. "Then that leaves the other two." She went to a desk and brought over a candle, I placed my hand on it and it immediately caught fire, she extinguished it quickly and apologized, but gasped as the burn healed itself. It was slow but healed none-the-less. I grit my teeth in pain."And finally, if you get hurt." She put the candle back on the desk and came back with a scalpel. I grimaced and turned away. I felt the coldness of the metal trail down my arm and heard her gasp. I looked expecting to see large bloody gash. But instead of rather large and bleeding cut, the wound bled very slowly as the skin was slowly patching itself up, not even leaving a scar. She wrote down the results and nodded. "There's one last test...and it will be the hardest for you, I'm sure. But you won't be alone this time." She nodded to the group and Rarity came forward.

"I looked at Twilight perplexed and she sighed. "We need to see what happens if you bite som-" I cut her off.

"Whoa, no, No, NO! I can't do that! What if you get turned? I would feel horrible! I won't do it!" I tore my face from the both of them.

"Almasy darling, it has to be done. But if it does happen, please be gentle, alright dear?" Rarity stared into my eyes, I felt scared. More scared than I have ever been in my life. It was like holding someone’s entire life and fate in my hands. I nodded and she bit her lip hesitantly.

"I'm sorry Rarity." I hesitantly sank my fangs into her neck feeling her lull down as I drank slowly and then pulled her off. The holes in her neck closed immediately and she looked to be in a daze...and she drooled some. Twilight came over with a scroll and gave an interesting hmm. "Is this what normally happens, Twilight?" She shook her head and Rarity went limp in my arms, I held her to my chest and bit my lip."Twiliiightt...I don't know if what I did this right, what if I just ruined one of your best friends’ lives?"

Twilight nodded after she finished writing down. "It was a risk, we know. But she was willing to go through with it." I sighed.

Rarity started stirring in my arms and looked up towards me dazed. "Oh my...That was...odd." She shook her head and looked to see she was in my arms, a blush crept across her face. She climbed down back from the chair and looked at Twilight whispering something. Twilight blushed slightly but wrote down everything she said.

"Well, Almasy." She cleared her throat. "It seems your bite doesn't change one into a vampony, which is great news." I nodded and sighed relieved. "But it does have some...interesting side effects."

The blush reappearing on her face, "It put whoever you bite into a euphoric state...a very euphoric from what I was told." I tilted my head and shrugged.

"Well, there's definitely some good news. Anything else we have to test?" I stood up and threw my coat back on. Rarity gasped seeing it tattered. I looked at her and laughed. "I guess it needs some mending, huh. Alright, I'll give it to you before you leave, is that okay?" She nodded still blushing and I walked through the door, the sunlight poured in from the hall burning me instantly. I hissed and slammed it closed burns covering wherever it touched. "I think I'm going to wait here for a while. Is that going to be okay?" They nodded and we talked, Fluttershy even came out of her shell a bit even if it was a word or two here and there. I interrupted the conversation. "Twilight, is there a mirror in here anywhere, I want to see how horrible I look."

Twilight trotted over to a corner of the room and pulled out a full length mirror and set it to the wall, I walked to it cautiously and opened my eyes slowly. I didn't look too bad other than the blood that was dried on my armor, but I'm sure it would come off, I ran my hand through my hair to see it was still the same, what came next though I wasn't exactly ready to see. I had red eyes. Not just a subtle rusty shade of red; but bright blood-red eyes! They appeared to glow in the dim light of the room. Then I opened my mouth only to be greeted by fangs. I shrugged to myself in the mirror. At least I knew why Celestia and Storm were so unnerved. As well as the reaction of the girls at first sight following the attack.

"Are you okay darling? You seem to be taking this quite well if I do say so myself, I would be positively shocked if I were in your hooves." Rarity chimed in behind me, I looked at her and looked at her neck, there was no blood and no wound left. She looked at me and smiled "See darling, no harm done! Please don't feel bad for what had to happen, alright?" I sighed and nodded.

I went to the corner of the room and slid down the wall, The only ones left with me were Twilight and Rarity, the rest had left saying they were needed for their jobs. I couldn't keep them there, but it was nice to know that they had come by. I looked to Twilight and Rarity and hugged my knees. "I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise to you girls the other day." I sighed.

They looked to me perplexed and Twilight spoke up. "What do you mean, Almasy? You didn't do anything wrong, you protected us. And...well, look what happened to you. I'm so sorry!" She looked away I saw a tear in her eye. I pulled her up to me by her chin and she opened her eyes, I smiled which made her flinch a little...not helping, got it.

"Twilight, Rarity, before all that happened I took an oath to protect everyone even if it cost me my life, and I'm still alive, so don't feel bad. Yeah, this might take a little getting used to but I'm glad you're all safe. You had no idea what would happen." I finished with a nod and she nodded back wiping her eyes.

She hugged me and thanked me as did Rarity, but Rarity was still crying. Damn, this made me feel terrible. Then the door opened and they broke their hug from around me. Celestia and Luna walked through and looked towards us. Celestia walked over to Twilight and whispered something, Twilight handed her the scroll. Celestia began reading it to herself quickly and nodded. "Well Almasy, it seems that there is nothing keeping you back from your old job, save for sunlight, but I believe we can help you with that somewhat. She nodded to Luna who took a step towards me.

Luna slowly walked towards me and studied my image, her horn began to glow and she touched it to me, I felt a strange sensation flow though my body and it ended as she took her horn back.
"There Almasy, that should keep you protected from the sun as long as you keep yourself 'maintained' on your thirst. Which means if you ever have the urge to feed, do so... just not on ponies of course. We'll have blood stocked in an ice box in your room. It's the least we can do for you. You've done us a great deal in a short time. I'm sorry that this had to happen to you." She nodded solemnly and took to her sisters’ side who then stepped forward.

She picked me up to my feet and spoke softly. "We're going to have to test the spell now Almasy, please step outside so we can see the effect. Slowly, please." I nodded and headed towards the door all of them looking at me intently. I reached for the handle and closed my eyes opening it slowly. I felt warm and opened my eyes, the sunlight was hitting my exposed skin and it didn't burn. I only felt a slight warming sensation. I looked towards them and they nodded. As they got closer however Celestia looked towards me and gasped. I looked behind me to see nothing. I looked back at her with a confused look. "Forgive me, it's just...your eyes are glowing red, it's unnerving to say the least. I'm sorry if I made you feel more out of place like that." She lowered her head and turned to see me chuckling to myself lowly. "What's so funny?" She asked.

I regained my composure and slowly responded. "I'm sorry Princess, I was shocked when I saw them too, but I figured since you've seen them once you would have noticed." I scratched the back of my neck and apologized once more.

She sighed, "Yes, of course, but let’s get you to your room, I'm sure you're exhausted by now." I shook my head and she looked at me perplexed. "But you've been up since early morning and recovering from such an ordeal must’ve been taxing on you." She said lowly.

"Actually I feel fine, what time is it, Princess?” she nodded to Luna who began bringing up the moon, the coolness instantly washed over me, I looked back towards Twilight and Rarity who yawned sleepily. I smiled inwardly. "You won't send them home this late, will you Princess? I would feel better if they could stay in the castle or a hotel nearby." Celestia shook her head and sighed.

"I'm sorry Almasy, but there's no room in the castle as of right now, and all the hotels are booked, we are due for a court session in the morning." I sighed and she looked towards the two of them, then back to me. "I'm sorry girls but-", I stopped her

"Why don't they take my room, Princess? I can stay in here. It's not exactly a bother to me." She looked to Twilight and Rarity and they smiled slightly. Celestia then gave a chuckle and a nod. "I'm taking that as a yes, Princess?" I said with a smirk causing the four of them to laugh.

"You're sure we won't be a bother, darling? I would so hate for you to be without a room if you did come to sleep later in the night" I nodded and the Princesses' took their leave of us.
"Really, I would hate to impose on you dear." She said bashfully, looking down.

"Yes, are you sure, Almasy? We would hate to bother you." She yawned followed by Rarity, I laughed lightly causing them to blush.

We chatted for a bit before we headed to my room, Rarity had already passed out so I scooped her up in my arms, Twilight stifled a giggle as we went through the hallways and ended up in front of my

room, I was about to reach into my pocket for my key when Twilight stopped me and pointed to Rarity. I nodded and she grasped the key from my pocket with her magic and opened the door slowly; the room was clean as always and the new fridge was over in the corner. I sighed and looked down at Rarity; she was smiling in her sleep. I chuckled lightly hoping not to wake her up, she stirred a bit but settled right back down. Twilight opened the sheets to the bed and I tucked her and Rarity in and smiled to both of them.

"Sweet dreams girls, have a good night. I'll be outside of the door if you need me." Twilight nodded and thanked me. Rarity just rolled over and sighed in her sleep. It was cute, I won't lie.
I grabbed a pouch of blood from the fridge and slipped it in my pocket. I peeked over to see if Twilight was still up, but she was out like a light. I walked out of the room blowing out the candles and closing the door as quietly as possible. 'Well, this isn't too bad, let's just hope it stays this way.'

I sat on the bench outside of my room, as the hours passed I figured It’d be better to be safe than sorry and looked around. Great, no one in sight. I pulled the pouch of blood from my pocket, I removed the plastic covers from one of the tube and pressed it to my lips I took a small gulp and placed the cover back on the tube slipping it in my pocket. I sighed and saw Princess Luna approach me. I stood and bowed. "Good evening Princess." She smiled and sat across from me.

"Are you alright Almasy, are you not tired?" I shook my head and she nodded. "I'm sorry such a fate has befallen you so shortly after entering our land. If there were any way to reverse it, you know we would." She looked down at the floor and I frowned.

"Princess, don't worry about it. I'm just glad it was me and not some other pony. At least I was able to maintain being me, correct?" She nodded and I smiled. "So to me, there's no harm done, and with the spell you put on me I'm sure I can return to my job soon, if I'm still hired that is." I ended with a warm smile and leaned back to the bench.

"Thou would really want to continue working with the danger you have already faced? I do not know how to rightly thank you for this Almasy, we would be honored to have you continue in our guard." She smiled warmly and I smiled back. "Thank you for not hating us, all of us, Almasy, we truly mean it."

"Think nothing of it Princess. I'm the one who made the pledge to serve you and protect all of your subjects." I nodded to myself and stretched. "So like I said, no harm done. I am still in your
services, although I believe I'm a bit spoiled now. I mean, a room, a set of armor, a weapon of my own, and you accept me even after you find out I was infected with vampirism? You even gave me blood after the fact. I'm just happy you’ve given me a second chance." I finished strong and sighed.

She stood and started down the hallway. "Well it's about time for my sister to raise the sun now, Almasy. I'm going to go sleep, I hope to talk with you again soon." She nodded and I gave a curt nod with a smile.

"Of course Princess Luna, it would be my pleasure." I watched her leave and looked to the window watching the sun rise.

I placed my hand in a beam of light and felt the warmth on my skin; no burning, good sign. I pulled the pouch of blood out of my pocket and finished it quickly burying it in a nearby trash can. As soon as I did, I heard stirring in my room and knocked on the door gingerly, I was greeted by Twilight poking her head out and smiling sheepishly.

"How did you girls sleep last night, any trouble?" She shook her head and yawned.
"I slept quite well for not being in my own room for once. Did you get any sleep Almasy?" I shook my head and she looked at me sadly. I stopped her, "Hey, hey, don't worry about me, I don't feel tired at all, guess that's one heck of a perk, huh?" I smiled and she nodded slowly not taking it to heart, I could tell.

"Is Rarity awake? If so I'll take you down to the hall, I'm sure you can grab some breakfast there." As I said that I heard Rarity yawn a stretch. "Breakfast sounds amazing darling, I'm famished! You honestly don't mind escorting us, Almasy?" I shook my head and laughed lightly.
"You act like I'm doing something amazing. I'm just getting two friends breakfast, no big deal." I said with a smile. They nodded and began following me, I walked through a wave of sunlight and they gasped, but stopped short when they saw it didn't hurt me.

I turned to them and chuckled, "Luna’s spell, remember? I should be golden as long as I keep up with taking my...err...let’s just call it ‘medicine’. That makes it sound a little better." We continued walking and chatted on the way to the dining hall where I opened the doors for them, Rarity giving a nod and Twilight smiling as they walked through. I closed the door after them and took a seat at one of the tables. I guess we’d gotten there early enough to beat the breakfast rush seeing as it was mostly empty, good. I don't feel like making too big of a scene yet.

The girls came and sat across from me and started on their breakfast happily conversing between themselves and finishing quickly. It wasn't a bad way to start a morning. They both thanked me for the meal and I waved them off plucking the bill from both of them. 20 bits, alright, not bad, I reached into my satchel and deposited 20 of them on the table before I gathered their trays and placed them inside of the kitchen.

"So Almasy, how are you feeling today? Are you alright?" Rarity looked up at me with a genuinely caring look. I nodded and smiled and she smiled back. "So what are you girls going to be up to for the rest of the day, anything fun?" I looked towards them and they giggled.


"Oh yes, so fun, Almasy, we're going to be heading home to Ponyville and go back to work." I laughed and they joined in.

Chapter 2

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I stretched and sighed looking towards the girls regaining my composure.

"Well, it can't be all that bad. I mean, odds are no-one’s going to trust some human that really just came back infected with vampirism to just be let loose around town. Seems kind of like a long shot, but if you want, I can see if I can escort you both home." I say with a slight smile.

Twilight and Rarity look to each other and nod. "That would be nice, why don't we wait in front of your room while you go ask. We don't mind waiting since I run the library in town and have an assistant, he could hold it down for a while."

"Yes, Almasy. It's the middle of the season and I won't have but one or two orders a week in these times, so I have plenty of time as well. Go on, we won't be wandering too far, dear." She finished with a warm smile and I nodded.

I started walking down the halls searching for anyone I could recognize. Finding no-one in sight, I started to the throne room. It seemed rather quiet for them to be holding a court session so I looked towards the two guards at the door and they stood to the side. As I opened the door slowly, Celestia looked my way and waved me in.

"Almasy, good to see you up and about, how are you feeling?" She looked to the small gathering, what I suspected to be the small hearing, only about twenty ponies in all. "This should only take a moment, everypony, please be patient." They nodded and she smiled at me.

"What is it young, Almasy, does something trouble you?" I shook my head.

"I was just wondering if-" I started

"If you could escort the girls home, am I right?" She finished my question.

"Errrr, well…yes, Princess. If it won't cause too much trouble to you that is, I would understand if you wanted to keep me under some sort of watch." I scratched the back of my head and chuckled half-heartedly.

"That would be fine Almasy. You were going to have a few days off to recover, but if you feel as though you are comfortable, I see no harm in it." She smiled and I bowed to her voicing a small thank you.

She caught me before I left. "Oh, and Almasy?" I looked back. "Please do relax around me; the tension is still choking me dear." She finished with a hearty laugh and I scratched my head.

"I'll be sure to work that out sometime, Princess, and thank you." I nodded and started to head to the door being stopped by one of the guards, with a spear to my chest. "I'm watching you, human, you may have gotten her and Storm Blade’s trust, slight as it may be, but I won't be swayed by a monster." He growled.

"Iron Accord! That is ENOUGH!" Storm bellowed out to the offending guards pony.
"You will NOT continue this behavior, do I make myself clear!?' Iron simply growled and nodded walking away.

"I'm sorry about that, Almasy, I guess there are always going to be those who don't trust you, but hopefully that can change in due time. What are your plans for today?"

I shrugged. "Don't worry about it Storm, no harm done. I mean, what could he have done to me? I'd just heal immediately." I smiled and continued.
"And I just got permission from Princess Celestia to escort the girls back to their home. So other than that not too much, what about you?"

Storm shrugged. "Oh you know, guard duty and all that fun stuff. You know you didn't have to work today, right Almasy?" I shrugged.
"I guess that settles that, eh? Anyway, your payment for everything should be on your desk, we usually get paid 250 bits a week, not too shabby if I have a say so." He finished with a smirk.

"Well, in all honesty, I don't know how much things cost around here. Different economy systems than where I'm from." He nodded. "But I guess I'll learn in time, I hate learning, it's such a drag sometimes."
"Oh don't I know it, kiddo." He laughs heartily and wiped his eyes of mirth.

"But don't you worry, if you stick around you're sure to go far, Almasy, of that I have no doubts."

I shrugged. "Well, this is where my loyalty lies now. I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon." I face-palmed
"Wait, yes I will; I've gotta go escort the girls home. I'll see you around Storm!" I started walking down the hall at a brisk pace, laughing lightly to myself.

He nodded and laughed. "I'll see you Almasy, good to know you're still with us!"
"Not getting rid of me anytime soon, bud, count on it!" I shouted as I made my way down the hall.

I took a look around and sighed. 'Why does everything have to look the same, c'mon!'
I backtracked mentally to the throne room...I made a wrong turn, great! Wait...calm down...Hah! I ran down the hall and took a left, back on track, alright.
After a few minutes of walking I saw the girls still in the hall on the benches talking among themselves.

"Well, dear, what did the Princess say, are you able to come with us?" Rarity looked towards me smiling. I nodded and gave a thumbs-up.
"Marvelous, did you hear that Twilight?"

Twilight smiled and nodded. "I don't think we've ever gotten this kind of service before, I mean, armed guard escort home? It makes me feel like we're a bit like royalty now!" She beamed and giggled as did Rarity.
"Indeed, well shall we be off?"

"Sure girls, just let me grab a few things from my room before we head off." They nodded and I slipped into my room grabbing two pouches of blood sliding them into the coats inner pocket.
"Alright then, shall we, ladies?" I said with a slight smirk and bow.

We made our way to the gate which was guarded by two guards, I nodded to them and they opened it immediately.
"Wow Almasy, we usually have to wait for one of the higher ups to come down to give us permission to leave, I must say that was pretty cool." Twilight smiled at me sheepishly.

"Hmm, well dear, he IS in the Royal Guard, I would imagine him being able to go where he pleases, whether or not he does, well, that's your business Almasy, I shall not pry."

I shook my head. "Well, to be honest, I never really left the castle much, nor did I do much exploring, I can take you to the main parts and the armory, but that's about it."
"This would be maybe my...fourth time out of the castle. Pathetic, right?"

Twilight spoke up. "No, no, Almasy, don't think of it like that, just think about going everywhere to be a whole new adventure, the girls and I go out and do lots of things together. Maybe we can see you if you get time off to come do something with us, it'll be fun!"

Rarity nodded and continued. "Why yes, and in case something does happen we'll have a gallant knight there to protect us. Oh my, I sound like such a dreamer right now!" She giggled and we walked through the gate, it closing slowly behind us.

I took a look around Canterlot to see all the ponies bustling around, looking busy as ever and laughed. 'Man, this place is busy, reminds me of the city...minus all the horrible smells.' I chuckled to myself and the girls looked at me.
"Ah-hah, don't worry about me girls, just thinking to myself. Let's see, which way are we going, Twilight?"

"If we head this way you'll see a sign and a path that will lead us straight to Ponyville, it's not that far either so we should make it there in an hour or two, does that sound good to you?" I nodded and smiled.

"Of course Twilight, a little walking would be nice since I've been cooped up so long, you know?" I stretched and laughed.
As we walked through Canterlot, most of the ponies still did their best to avoid me, subtly or not. Even a few times we'd pass and I'd pick up a few whispers mentioning 'Freak' and such. Damn, I don't think I've ever felt more out of place.

"Are you alright dear, you look a little rough around the edges?" chimed in Rarity.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, just thinking you know." I did my best to play off a fake smile but they both saw through it.
Twilight tried to start. "Almasy, plea-" I waved my hand at her.

"No, no, it's fine, I'd probably be the same way. How would you have reacted if you had no knowledge of me in the forest?"
She looked away and frowned. "But.." I laughed.
"Take it easy, it's fine." I smiled warmly and she sighed.

We kept walking through the city, still the same shuffling and some whispers but I ignored them.
The sign came up and Twilight pointed me in the direction of Ponyville.

"All you have to do is follow this path and we'll be there in no time at all!"

I smiled and nodded. "Sounds easy enough, I can't wait to see where you guys live, must be a nice place to have such wonderful…ponies like you living there." I smiled and we started walking down the path.

"Hey, Twilight?" I glanced over to her.
"Yes? Is there something wrong, Almasy?"
I shook my head. "You girls alright? You look a little winded, you wanna take a break for a bit?"

Rarity chimed in. "Thank you darling, I'd love to take you up on that offer, Twilight?"
Twilight nodded. "As long as we're not being a bother to you Almasy, a break does sound nice." She finished with a nod and smile.

"Well that settles it, we'll go for that shady spot over there, that sound good to you?"
"But Darling...that's the Everfree Forest, you know that right?" Rarity looked slightly panicked.
I nodded and smiled warmly, she flinched slightly...forgot...damn it.

"Err, well, It's just for a little while, and you have me around, I'm sure I can handle anything that the forest can throw at me, I'm pretty durable, or so it seems." I nodded to myself.

"Well, if you think it wise, I trust you." Twilight nodded, as did Rarity.
We walked over to the shade and the girls leaned against the tree to get off their hooves, -even if it was for a small reprieve.
As they both talked and laughed to each other I took a walk around and pulled out the first pouch of blood and took off the cover to the tube.
Took a glance around, coast is clear... I pressed it to my lips and took a few mouthfulls quickly sealing it back up and sliding it in my pocket, better safe than sorry, right?

"Almasy, darling, are you here?" I heard Rarity say around the tree.

I appeared from around the tree "Yes, is anything the matter?" They both jumped and I sighed. "I know this place is usually bad news, but we're not…that far in." They both giggled and shook their head.

"No, no it's not that, it's just you're so quiet when you walk, you simply startled us!" Twilight giggled and Rarity blushed. "I feel like such a filly now…"

I shook my head and chuckled, "About ready to go girls?"

"Well, I think we've rested enough for now, right Rarity?" Twilight glanced to her, Rarity nodded. "I suppose, but all this walking is dreadful on my pony-pedi, and I just had it done too..." I laughed and grinned. What happened next she didn't expect.
I scooped her up in my arms and cradled her laughing. "Little better for you there?"
Twilight hopped up to my shoulder and giggled, Rarity only nodded.

"Well, if I knew we'd be getting this kind of service we'll be requesting you for everything, Almasy." Twilight said with a grin.
"Happy to be of service, comfortable?" They both laughed and nodded.

We were travelling down the path at a pretty nice speed, guess I was a bit faster now.
"We should see it coming up from this next hill Almasy, and I think we got here in record time for land travel." She grinned and laughed, Rarity joined in.
We approached the top of the hill and the girls had me put them down, guess we were close enough now.

Twilight beamed at the top of the hill and called me over. "Well, Almasy, welcome to Ponyville."
I looked down over the entire town, it looked so peaceful and brought a smile to my face.
"Something's not right..." Twilight said in a low voice, but I caught it.

I looked in the direction she was to see some guards surrounding a few ponies.
We approached slowly and Rarity gasped, the guards were harassing a pony, I couldn't get a good look from how they were situated, so I snuck up on them with a sinister idea...

"Twilight?" She peeled her eyes from the scene and looked up at me. I tossed her my coat and stripped off my breastplate sliding my coat back on. "Watch that for me...I might have some fun with these guys..." She bit her lip and looked apprehensive, but nodded.

I casually walked over behind the guards, they didn't hear me or didn't care. I saw Rainbow on the ground and she looked like she was banged up. I was pissed now, but kept an outward calm.

I smelled the air dramatically and grinned as evilly as I could with a snarl.
"I smell...dead meat..." The first guard looked toward me arrogantly...then he looked up to see my face, he yelped in horror, the rest of the guards followed suit.

"Stay away from us you vile creature, we are the Royal Guards of Cele-" I cut them off.
"I don't care..." I looked the leader in the eye and kept the grin I had.
"If you don't leave...well, let's just say it won't be pretty..."
The leader gained some nerve and replied. "What can you do, if you harm us Celestia will put out a hunt for such a beast as yourself." He finished with an arrogant smile and I snatched him up by the neck.

"Something tells me she wouldn't care about some slime like you." I twisted his mane and he yelped, one of the guards drew his weapon and I kicked him into the side of the building, he fell, down and out.

Twilight and Rarity ran up to us and gasped when they saw Rainbow Dash who just replied with a half-hearted smile.
"What do you think you Guards are doing!?"

I glanced towards Twilight showing her the guard in my hand and she recoiled.
I gave her a wink and she nodded in response.

"Now you have two choices..." He looked to me and nodded.
"Actually...just one choice." I opened my mouth and lead to his neck, then I shot to his ear.
"You will you will tell Celestia what you've done...or you'll never see another sunrise, another sunset, another night, or another day. Do I make myself clear?"
He hit me with his hoof and I dropped him on the ground, pinning him with my foot.

"And what makes you think we'll do such a thing? You hold no power here, monster!"
I grinned. "You're making this easier...for me." He simply laughed and I pressed down harder with my foot silencing him immediately.
"I'm sorry...what was that?" I pressed down slightly harder then kicked him to his side.
He ran and tried to get away. I caught him easily and dragged him back.

Just then I heard a familiar voice. "Almasy, is that you?" Damn. It was Storm.
I looked back to see Twilight stop him and explain the situation, he grew a wry smile and nodded to me with a glint in his eyes. This motivated me farther.

The guard looked over my shoulder and smiled. "Hah! You can't do anything to escape now, that's our squads’ captain! He won't let you do this to us!"
I grinned and slung him by his mane, making him shriek in pain.

Storm approached us and winked to me. "Stop right there creature!" He half-heartedly charged me and I feigned a kick, Twilight levitated him away a few feet and he slid across the ground faking being unconscious.
"What was that?" He looked at me with pure terror and I know my grin grew more malicious.

I threw him down the trail and he ran, followed by the rest of his squad, while I laughed.
The last guard began to stir and caught the last thing that happened with Storm and the other guard and followed their lead, running away.

I shouted to the main offender.
"Don't forget what we talked about!" He ran faster and I laughed.

Storm got up and stepped to my side after they had left.
"Don't worry...I'll make sure they're well taken care of for this."
I nodded. "Oh, I'm sure I left a good impression on them."
We both laughed hardily.

Twilight approached Rainbow who slipped unconscious and gasped.
"We need to get her to the hospital..wait, Almasy?" She glanced over to me.
"Yes? Do you need me to carry her, Twilight?" She shook her head.

"No...but maybe we can test something...Almasy, give her a drop of your blood, put it in her mouth." I looked at her confused. "Just do it!"

"Alright, alright..." I got down on my knees in front of Rainbow Dash and pulled her in my lap and faced her up. I looked to Twilight with an impatient look on her face and sighed.

I brought my index finger to one of my fangs and bit down, the taste of blood hit my mouth.
Rainbow had opened her mouth slightly to groan and I angled my finger over her and a single drop of blood fell into her mouth.
Just then she swallowed and began stirring, but what was amazing was seeing her scrapes and bruised healing, slowly, very slowly but healing.

Twilight nodded and chimed in. "I read that vampony blood has a healing property, but you can only administer a drop per day, or the one it's used on could become addicted to it."

Rainbow Dash began to stand. She was shaky at first but good after a minute or two.
"Thanks you guys, I don't know why they did that; I wasn't even practicing any tricks this time." She began to hover. She probably didn't know what I did, I hoped not.

Rarity walked closer. "Oh no dear, don't thank us, it was Almasy who came to your aid.
Although I do not completely agree with how he did things...he still proved to be the gallant knight we’ve all come to know." I chuckled slightly and Storm approached Rainbow.

"Please don't worry Ms. Dash, the offenders will be taken into custody and they will pay for what they did." Rainbow nodded to him and took off into the sky, she never seems to let things keep her down for long, I respect that.

I looked towards Storm. "So what're you doing here, Storm? Thought you had guard duty for the week." He nodded to me.

"Well this is my guard duty, I'm here for the week, but it looks like now I'm on my own since I learned the squad I had were a bunch of miscreants. I still have a job to do, you on the other hand have the week off you know." I shook my head and laughed, he looked at me like I was some sort of crazy.

"If you're going to be short-handed, I can stick around if that's alright with you, I don't have to get paid, we can keep this off of the record right?" He shook his head and I sighed.

Storm patted me on the back. "We could put you on the roster for the week, but we'd have to inform Princess Celestia, but that would require us going all the way back to the castle and-"
Twilight chimed in with a smile. "Or I could just write her a letter explaining everything, I am her prized student after all, we're always in touch." I looked towards Storm hopefully and he just nodded and laughed.

"Well, since you put it that way, I'm sure that will work just fine. Looks like you're going to be here for the week Almasy." I laughed and nodded.

Just then my throat started to burn horribly and I clutched it tight. The rest looked at me shocked at the outburst.
"I'm sorry...Maybe it'll go away in a second..." Then I felt my exposed skin starting to burn and reeled back, my eyes darted looking for any shade, none, the building wasn't casting a shadow on the side we were on and I was starting to panic.

"Almasy! We have to get you out of the sun, now!" Rarity screamed and pushed me through the alley-way with her magic to the other side of the building, I leapt towards the shade and clutched myself tightly in pain.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the blood pack but it had burst sometime along the way.
I panicked harder and retreated into the shadows as much as I could.
"No..blood.." I managed to croak out and Twilight darted off.

Rarity dashed to my side and nuzzled my chest, I looked towards her and shook my head.
"Don't be so stubborn, you need this now!" She pressed harder into me and I gave in.

I sat up and held her close and she nodded, I pressed my mouth to her neck and as gently as I could, sank my fangs into her neck. I started to drink slowly before I realized something; I could feel her blood inside of her. I drank slowly and she began to buckle. I held her up gingerly as I drank, I felt her blood level drop very slowly and stopped after a few seconds so I didn't take too much.
As I stopped she went back to the same state she was when she first was bitten and lulled back down to the ground, I got to my knees and pulled her to my lap. I saw her blushing and wiped my mouth.

"Almasy...did you just...bite, Rarity?" Storm asked horrified. I could only nod and he choked and ran to the alley.
I saw Twilight running back to us in the distance and she soon galloped back to where we are.
She threw a blood pack on the ground and looked towards Rarity and I.

I started to apologize but Rarity began stirring and looked up to me, but instead of getting up she simply settled into my lap and smiled.

"Well, I see you're alright now...I ran to the hospital and explained the situation and got you a pouch of donor blood that they had plenty of in stock. I guess I was a little too slow." She looked down and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but she forced it on me...and I gave in." I sighed heavily and Storm came back from the alley.

"Almasy...what you did is unforgivable, you may have very well turned Rarity into a-"
Twilight cut him off. "No, Storm Blade, his bite doesn't turn just knocks them out for a few minutes, although it didn't last this long last time...I hope she's alright.

Rarity chimed in with a smile on her face. "Oh, dear, I'm fine...I'm just simply comfortable at the moment, I didn't mean to worry you." I picked her up and put her on her hooves, she looked at me with a frown.

I picked up the blood pack and slid it into my pocket. "Thank you Twilight. I'll use this for later when I need it." She smiled and nodded.

Storm sat down and began talking. "Well, if that's all it does...I'm sorry for my outburst Almasy, I should have trusted that you wouldn't hurt anypony, you did swear it on your honor after all..." I raised a hand.

"No, it's fine, you didn't know, that's all." He looked down but nodded.
"Well, another point is, where are you going to stay, Almasy? I have family here that I can stay with, but we don't have enough room, I'm sorry." I shrugged.

"I'll just see if I can grab a room at an inn, shouldn't be too much trouble, right?"
I looked over to Twilight. "Do you still have my armor?" She nodded and levitated it over towards me. I grabbed it out of the air and shook my coat off sliding back into the armor and draping back into my coat with a smile. "Thanks." She smiled and nodded.

Rarity came up to me. "Well, Almasy, if you don't have anywhere to stay, I have a spare room since my sister is going to be gone with my parents for the rest of the year, you're more than welcome to stay there if you'd like." I nodded and smiled.
"Thank you Rarity, I'd love to. But I won't be a bother to you, will I?" I finished tucking my coat over my armor and smiled.

"You're one to talk. You let us stay in your room while you just walked about that night. I'm quite sure, in fact I encourage it. You may not sleep Almasy, but my home is your home."

I nodded and hugged her gently. "I'd love to in that case."
She nodded then gasped. "Twilight, darling, would you mind showing Almasy to my boutique when it starts to get late? I simply must clean the guest bedroom and get everything ready." Twilight smiled and nodded.

"Of course Rarity, I'll show him around the town until then, you've got nothing to worry about."
"Thank you, darling, I shouldn't be long." Rarity began walking away after that humming.
I chuckled. "Why is she so nice?" Twilight laughed.

"She's the Element of Generosity, she's always there to lend a helping hoof.
She's generous, but please don't take advantage of it, she's always pushing herself."
I shook my head. "Wouldn't dream of it Twilight." She smiled.

Storm patted my side. "Today there shouldn't be much happening, it's usually peaceful here.
I'll meet you in the town square tomorrow morning. You're free until then, Almasy."
I nodded and he walked into town.

Twilight tugged at my coat. "Well, what would you like to do first Almasy? There's not much here but we still have our fun." I chuckled.

"How about a tour, maybe get me introduced to the locals...hopefully without scaring them too much." She giggled.

"Don't worry, Almasy, Celestia made a news report about you, everyone here should know that you're in her Royal Guard." I folded my arms.

"Well, those guards didn't..."

"They probably don't keep up with it, that's why I love to learn." She ended with a proud smile.

Twilight began showing me around, her library and...home, where all of her friends lived, and the edge of the Everfree.
"And this is the town market, you can get anything you need from here." She smiled and I laughed crossing my arms. "Oh right...sorry." I was about to protest.
"Runaway cart! Get outta the way!" I heard Applejack.

I glanced over to see what I guess her card plowing down the incline and jumped in front of it.
"Almasy!" I heard Twilight yell but I ignored her. I stood in the path of the cart and crouched opening my hands and trying to get a footing.
The cart plowed into my hands and started sliding me back, but I kept my footing and it slowed down to a crawl, then to a stop.
I looked down to see that it had pushed me a good ten feet and laughed.

"Is everypony alright 'round here? How did the cart stop?" AJ looked around and I peeked out from behind it laughing and started pushing it back up the hill.
"Well shoot, yer a lifesaver, Almasy! It's a good thing ya'll were here!" She sighed relieved and I chuckled again.

"It's no problem Applejack, where do you need it?"
She pointed to an open spot near the beginning of the market and I pushed it there and engaged the break giving it a gentle test shake to check if it would stay. Solid.
"And please call me, AJ partner, all mah friends do." She finished and slapped her hoof in my hand, I shook it and she smiled.
"And ya got a good grip, I respect that." I nodded and smiled.

Applejack tossed me an apple and I slid it in my pocket. "Thanks AJ."
She shook her head and smiled. "Naw, thank you Almasy, I don't know what would happened if the cart got away and hurt somepony."

"Hey, it's my job to protect, right? Think nothing of it, just glad I could be of service." I ended with a warm smile.

"Well, I best tend to mah stall, come up an' see us sometime on our family farm, Almasy, it'd be a pleasure to have ya." I nodded and waved.

Twilight giggled. "Well, this has been an eventful day. I'm glad you decided to come, you've been a huge help around town."
I shrugged and she stopped me. "No, really Almasy. Thank you." I patted her on the shoulder.

"Hey, it's what I do, don't worry about it, alright?" She nodded.
We walked through town and the ponies all smiled or waved, gave a few nods, they seemed rather welcoming, I felt a little more comfortable that how they seemed to act opposed to the ponies in Canterlot.

It was around two or so in the afternoon by what I could judge from the position of the sun, I looked over to Twilight. "Hey, it's past lunchtime, you hungry?" She nodded sheepishly.
"Why don't we go pick up Rarity and I'll treat you both to lunch, what do you say?"

She nodded. "Sounds like a nice idea, Almasy, but it'll be hard for Rarity to accept you paying for another meal." I chuckled.
"Well, I have a plan if she doesn’t want me to, no worries." I smiled warmly and we began walking towards Rarity's boutique.
Twilight knocked on the door and Rarity popped her head out.

"Oh hello dears, I'm sorry but I have yet to finish cleaning yet, is there anything you both might need?"
I smiled. "How about you take a break, Twilight and I are going to lunch and you should come with. You look like you need a break." She nodded and walked out of the door.

"Where to, Twilight? I don't know where to go, you both decide on something."
They looked at each other and nodded with a giggle.
"That...doesn't make me feel too safe." I said with a sigh and they both laughed.

I followed them through town to what looked like a small outside diner and they smiled.
"Well, this is it, one of our favorite spots to go to lunch." I nodded.

"Alrighty then, let’s go grab a table."
We sat at a table near the edge, sort of out of the way, I think I preferred it.
After a short while a waiter came to the table and dropped off three menus, the girls picked theirs up and ordered their drinks.
After a few minutes of waiting they decided to order, both had a daisy sandwich and a glass of water, the waiter looked towards me and I just shook my head.

"I'm sorry darling, it must seem awful that you have to sit there and watch us eat, I do apologize." Twilight only nodded slowly.
I laughed a bit and shook my head. "No, girls, not at all, please enjoy your meals, alright? It's nothing to be upset about, just think of it like I've already eaten or something."
They smiled slightly and the waiter returned with their food.

They ate rather quickly, must've been hungry. I chuckled to myself and they blushed.
"No, no, don't feel bad, it was getting pretty late, you must have been pretty hungry by now. It's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm just glad you enjoyed it." I pulled the apple out of my coat pocket and cut it in half laying a half on each of their plates, they smiled and ate them quickly.

The waiter came and dropped two bills on the table, I grabbed both of them, much to Raritys displeasure. "Oh no dear, you couldn't pay for our meals again, it just wouldn't feel right."

I smiled. "Don't worry about it, it's not like I eat anymore, plus I got the pleasure of your company. Not to mention I interrupted your work, it's the least I can do."

She shook her head but I had already gotten up to go pay for their meals.
I walked to the register and handed the mare there the bills.

"That will be 45 bits, sir." She said with a smile, so I slid my hand into the satchel and placed them on the counter.
"Thank you sir, I hope you have a wonderful day." I nodded and returned the gesture.

The girls walked next to me as we left and Rarity tugged at my coat.
"Almasy, how much was it all, I'd prefer not to take advantage dear, please understand."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it, Rarity, you're not taking advantage of anyone, never think that."
Rarity sighed and nodded. "If you insist, Almasy, but now I am repairing your coat for free."
"Nope. I'm still paying for that too." I chuckled and she groaned.
"You're spoiling me with this treatment Almasy." She chided.

Twilight giggled. "Yes, and thank you for lunch Almasy, it was wonderful."

"Indeed, and that apple at the end was one of the sweetest I've had, did you get it from Applejack, dear?" I nodded and Rarity smiled.

"So, what's next for us on the list Twilight?" She shook her head and giggled.
"Well, that was pretty much it Almasy." I chuckled.
"Well, alright then, Rarity, would you like some help with the cleaning?"
Rarity shook her head and giggled. "No, dear, I already had a few of our friends helping out with that, it should be done by now, shall we get going?"

We walked back to Rarity's Boutique making small talk to pass the short time it takes to get there,there wasn't anything unusual, or what I would call unusual anyway.

Rarity opened the door and invited us in.

All of a sudden:
"SURPRISE!" ...I don't know what happened, but I looked down from the roof to see everyone laughing, I sighed.
"That...was so...not funny." I jumped down and landed on my feet.
"It TOTALLY was! First you were there, then up there, it was hilarious, did we surprise you!?"
Pinkie being Pinkie, still has all that energy...sheesh.
"Yeah, you got me good, I admit. I'm realllllyyy not used to surprises...or parties."

Pinkie beamed up at me and shoved me in through the door.
As I looked around the room it was brightly decorated with anything party related you could think of, cake, games, and lots and lots of ponies.

I backed into a corner like I usually did at a party, no one messed with me besides a word of welcome or two. At least they were respectful of my nature of avoidance.

The hours passed and most of the other ponies left home sober or…not so much. It was amusing since I couldn't drink anymore and just watched what being drunk looked like from the sidelines for once, hah!
Storm trotted over to me and punched my shoulder.
"You used to be a soldier, why not give us a war story? it could be useful to know how your kind goes through war."
I shook my head. "I don't think you'd really like our kind of war, it's...brutal, to say the least.”

Twilight chimed in. "It couldn't be too bad, besides it's just the girls and I, also Storm and yourself, if you want we can promise to keep it a secret."

I shrugged. "If you really wanna know...I'll give you my one condition; Just don't interrupt and listen through. I know it'll be hard but you got to trust me on it, alright?"
All of them nodded, so I began.

-----------------------Afghanistan, 20110812, 1308 hours----------------------------------------------

I kicked my feet up on the radio rack of the humvee after finishing my MRE.
"Cross, why does our food have to suck so bad?" I looked over to my buddy who had his leg hanging out of the door finishing up his; he got a brownie, lucky bastard.

"I dunno, maybe you should pick something different for once, Almasy. All you ever get is the Cheese Tortollini. And when will you stop smoking, you know the commander always bitches about you smoking in his up-armored." He shot back laughing.

I grinned and took another drag. "I'll stop when I feel like it, and right now, I realllllly don't feel like it." I hopped out of the humvee and adjusted my armor and tossed off my helmet.
"This is so boring, I hate going on patrols... When do we get to do anything?" I flicked the cigarette butt over to the corner of the road and shoved my M-4 in the compartment in the cab.

Cross looked at me shaking his head. "You're awfully gung-ho for this being your first deployment, how you're a Corporal I'll never know, it took me five years to make Sergeant, and you pretty much came in as a Specialist only to be switched. You lucky asshole. I even heard them talking about making you a Sergeant after this deployment." He punched the steering-wheel and kicked his door open.

I laughed and climbed up the hood and lit another cig.
"It's not my fault you're not as high-speed as me there, bud."

"I'm a sergeant, not your buddy, Almasy." he snapped.

"Well fine, fuck you...Serrgeeannntt." I grinned and took a drag of my cigarette grinning until the radio picked up. Cross ran over to the comms and I just tuned it out, probably more stupid crap the LT. thought of us to do, I half expect it to be grabbing milk from the nearest store.

"Almasy! We've got hostiles incoming! Get your rattle on and get ready, I'll take the humvee to the side; they'll be here in five mikes!" He rushed to the driver door and hopped in, I grabbed my rifle and smokes and began to prep our area.
"They'll be coming from that road over there, around a dozen in number, but that's all I could make out from what Foxtrot company sent over, stay frosty, guy."

"Yeah, I get to be used as fodder while you run off with our ride. Sounds like a plan."
He just waved and sped off. 'Damn, forgot my helmet, oh well, probably won't need it since they don't stop anything anyway'.
I checked my watch, two minutes. I slapped a magazine into my M-4 and pulled back the charging handle and locked the bolt. 'No debris in the chamber, good'. I slapped the bolt release and heard the chambered round sing into place.
One minute. I started to breathe deeply feeling a bit jittery.' I'm not completely new to combat, been in a few firefights...but I also had a few buds to help me out. Damn.'
I ran my hand through my LBV and checked where everything was, just to be sure, plenty of extra mags, a flash-bang and a frag, I'm all set.

I couldn't help but lighting up another cigarette, then I heard yelling and stray rounds sink into the other side of the road.
I ran off to the side of a wall and propped my rifle along the side glancing through my scope to where Cross said they'd be coming from,' Speaking of him where the fuck is that guy!?
"Damn, doesn't matter, incoming."

I peered down the road and saw a few armed hostiles; I put a bead on one and pulled my trigger, nothing. "God-damnit..." I flipped the selector switch from "Safe" to "Semi" and got my bead back.

I whispered to myself and spat the cigarette from my mouth.
"Just a bit closer...let me see who's in the back..." I peered farther down to see the end of their chalk and scanned over them checking their weapons.
"All of them have an AK... Two have RPG's, and one is...unarmed? Hello promotion..."

"You best be someone important..." I brought the scope to my eye and took my first shot at one of the RPG carriers, the shot rang out and caught him in the head; he dropped promptly.
"One down." They yelled and I saw rounds fly at me.
"Shit!" I ducked around the corner and flung a flashbang around the wall and covered my ears. I felt the vibration and peeked out to check.
"Gotcha..." I raised my weapon and sent five rounds into the other RPG carrier, dropped.
The disorientation started wearing off of them because I heard a round whiz past my head and I ducked back again.

I leaned over and out of the other side of the wall and sent eight rounds towards the group, no hits. I felt something slap on my shoulder and I slung my elbow around to meet Cross who looked at me with a smug smile.

"Don't think I'd leave you hanging, Almasy, we're battle buddies after all. What's goin on, SitRep." I told him about my confirmed kills and that there were 11 remaining; all armed with AK's but one who is unarmed. He nodded and a round slammed into the wall next to me.

We took positions on either side of the wall and sent rounds down-range taking down four of the militia and wounding another two.
"Five to go, Almasy! Don't start getting comfortable!" I nodded and turned from the wall and sent a round screaming into the head of another.

"And that's why we're SF." I said smugly under my breath.
I felt extreme pressure and even more pain hit me in the chest knocking the breath out of me. I looked down to see a round embedded into my armor and gasped for air.

"You good Corp?!" Cross yelled towards me, I climbed back to my feet and stuck back into the wall.
"Good, we've still got a job to do, and there you were bitching about not having anything to do!" He took down one more.

I grimaced and planted my rifle on the side of the wall and peeked out to see the remaining four , one had a jam, easy target, I raised my weapon once more and send three rounds towards him, he fell over dead.

"Three hostiles remaining, Sergeant!" I looked over to see Cross on the ground bleeding out and turning pale, he took a round to the neck.
"Shit,shit,shit!" I rushed over to him but he was faded, I grabbed his tags and he pointed behind us and to the left, probably the location of the humvee, his hand hit the ground with a thud and I knew he was gone.

"Damn...Cross." I heard yelling and felt another round hit near my foot, I snatched a frag out of Cross's LBV and hurled it into the group and sprayed rounds into two of them before I heard a click, without missing a beat the mag was dropped and I slammed another one in slapping the bolt release to chamber the round.

"Two more; one armed, one unarmed... I got this. I got this, c'mon, stop shaking." I leveled my weapon towards the enemy and cracked off more rounds, three misses two hits, only clipping his shoulder and one to the leg.
He stumbled and grebbed his leg, I charged and fired round after round into him until my next mag went empty and changed it out.

The remaining unarmed hostile raised his hands in defeat and I approached him catiously.
He reached for his robe to reveal a bomb and started to detonate himself, I popped off rounds towards him but he still reached it before the rounds put him down, I turned to run but it was too late, I felt the heat of the explosion and the force knocked me over and threw me back.

I must've blacked out for a second, I came to looking up at the sky, I picked up my hand and rubbed over my face once and started to stand, all I did was wobble and fall back down, I checked myself over, no real damage that I can see... I guess I'm still a bit shocked.
I reached into my cargo pocket and plucked out my pack of cigaretted, they were crushed but only a few were broken. "Good.." I lifted one to my lips and lit it, I took a deep slow drag and exhaled.

A few moments later I heard a vehicle coming down the road, pretty large by what I could tell. I rolled over and caught sight of another up-armored humvee coming down the road so I climbed back to my feet slowly and picked up my M-4 from the dirt.
"You'll be needing a cleaning tonight...there goes my personal time..."

The humvee stopped a few feet from me, it was driven by an E-6 Staff Sergeant, Never saw him before.
"Status report, soldier."
I retold him everything that had just happened, down from the call to Cross going down to the final shot and the suicide bomber. He simply nodded.

"Go recover his weapon and grab the vehicle, we'll send in a recovery squad to claim his remains, for now RTB, Almasy." he slammed his window closed and sped off. I went and grabbed Cross' M-4 and his personal effects. "Later buddy, I'll buy you a drink when we get to hang out again."
I jogged to the humvee and cracked open the door. I hopped in and flipped the initiation switch, the diesel beast roared to life and idled for a second.

I sighed and lit up my remaining un-damaged cigarette.
"Well…I guess I got that action I wanted. Damn, I'm so stupid." I took a drag and disengaged the hand break and shifted into first. "To hell with speed limits..." I mashed the gas and accelerated going 80mph. 'Armored turtles can still sprint when needed... It works for me'.

I saw the gates of the base and blazed through and took my spot in the motor pool, parking and making sure I was lined up, I hopped out and went straight to my room in the barracks to go to sleep after pushing my rifle into the corner I hopped in the bed and went promptly to sleep.

---------------------------End Flashback--------------------------------------------------------

They all stared at me with their mouths hanging open except for Storm who just closed his eyes and nodded.
"Sounds like you've seen some horrible sights in your short life time, Almasy. I'm sure any one of us would have cracked under that sort of pressure. But what are these 'guns' you talked about?" He tilted his head.

I sighed and stood back up straight after leaning against the wall for the story.
"It's...hard to explain…but imagine a tube with a mechanism that when you pull it, it sends a large piece of metal out of the tube and into what you were pointing at." I nodded.

"That...still doesn't help." He chuckled. 'Oh well...guess it's better that they don't understand the concept.' Just then the door opened slowly to reveal Princess Celestia.

"So that is why you didn't wish to tell me about what 'war' was like from your world. I can see why now, Almasy; it seems traumatic." She trailed off at the end.

I nodded. "It's not that bad, I was trained to handle it. I was trained to do nearly anything in combat." She nodded and approached me slowly.

"Almasy, there's something I would like to request." I nodded for her to continue.
She cleared her throat and continued. "I would like to read that entire memory, and display it for the others so they could see what it's like, not just hear the words."

"If there was a way to do that, Princess, Sure, but I don't think-" I was cut off by her horn touching my forehead and seeing that memory flashing before my eyes, every detail, I heard gasps coming from everyone in the room. I tried to move but was locked in place until Celestia removed her horn and shook her head.

"I didn't think it would be so bad hearing the story. I suppose I was wrong. Are you alright, Almasy?" I nodded.
"Girls?" Celestia said slowly and quietly attracting their attention immediately.
Their eyes shifted from me, back to her a few times in silence before Twilight spoke up.

"I didn't know that you had been through so much. How could you stand to do that for any amount of time, Almasy? It seems so frightening." She sniffled and I sighed.

"It's not easy, but it was all I had at the time. I'm not a bad least I hope you don't see me as that, but I was just following orders." She nodded.

"I have to say, you've gained more respect from me kid, I don't think I'd be able to go through that kind of stress, and how old are you?" He finished shaking his head.

I shrugged, "I'm about 20, nearly 21. It's not something totally uncommon for everyone in my age range to join the military, in fact it's quite a big deal."

Everyone looked at me shocked. "But... you're far too young, even by means of the Royal Guard, yet you did all of that?" Celestia stated bewildered.
She trailed off once again. "To be so young..."

"Hey, I'm a full adult, and I made my decisions. Why do you keep calling me young..."
I shook my head and sighed. "I'm not a child anymore..."

"Well, Almasy... everyone in this room is at least 24, and they're still too young to go into the services of the Guard, I was just stating-" I cut off Celestia.

"What, wait...I'm the youngest one here?" They nodded and I face-palmed.
"Great... why am I always the young one..."

Everyone started to laugh, good, the mood was starting to get depressing.
"In fact... you should still be in school, Almasy." stated Twilight.
"You would be in your next to last year here. And I don't see why you shouldn't attend."
I shook my head and laughed. "Not gonna happen."

"Why not?! Learning is a joy!" Twi shouted and shook her head.

"Because I already know everything I need to, the most I'd have to do is snag a book or two on your history and some about your common knowledge." She smiled and nodded.

"Well, if you feel like it you can come to my library tomorrow, I'll pull the books out for you."
She finished beaming.

I nodded and turned to Celestia. "So...what is usually the age to join the Royal Guard, Princess? Just throwing out there that the minimum for ours is 18."

She perked up. "We usually don't let anyone join until they're around 40."
My jaw dropped.
"But...our age to stop recruiting is 35, and even that's pushing it." I chimed in.
She nodded. "Well ponies here live to be almost 350 years old. So even that age is rather young."

I face-palmed. "That might be a problem..." Celestia looked towards me questioningly.
"Humans are lucky to make it past 60 years. If you're really lucky you could make it to 80." I finished solemnly.

"Almasy dear...does that mean?" Rarity looked towards me and trailed off at the end.
I nodded, "Yep, I have another 40 years if I'm lucky, haha!"
"This is no laughing matter, Almasy!" Rarity snapped.

I shrugged. "I don't really see why not, death is all a part of life. Everyone has to go sometime."

Celestia nudged against me. "How do you speak of death so lightly, Almasy, someone your age should never have to think of such things. I'm so sorry that you'd have to deal with such things." I shrugged.
"You have such a strong constitution..."

"Nahhh, I just roll with whatever happens. Make's life a little more easy to deal with."
Before I knew it everyone had started to embrace me in a group hug.
"Hey now, c'mon. It's fine, really." They let go of me a few moments later sniffling here and there.

"But...that means we'll only see you for such a short time... I can't stand losing a friend." I knelt down and patted Twilight on the shoulder.

"I know, but don't worry about it. Just think of it as me going on a trip." I nodded and chuckled, the rest of the girls shook their heads.

"I don't think it's that easy, Almasy." Rarity started. "You see dear, friends are so close to each-other, we'd know the truth, and it would hurt us all, you understand do you not?"
She finished with a shaking breath.

I groaned. "C'mon, stop it. This is something not even I like talking about." I shook my head and brushed the hair out of my face.
"Besides. It’s not like you've known me for very long. I don't see wh-"

"Stop that! You're a friend of ours none-the-less. We'd all be devastated if anything were to happen to you..." Rarity cut me off and shouted.

"She's right ya know." Applejack said right after getting nods from everyone else.
I sighed in defeat.

Celestia spoke up. "Do you really not care for your own death, Almasy? What did they teach you in your world, that's just...horrible."

I shrugged. "How could you even..." Twilight trailed off and I set my hands on my hips.

"Because I've dealt with it through my whole life, now stop with this conversation."
I snapped back coldly. She flinched away.
"Sorry...just, don't worry about it, alright?"

"I'm sorry, it's just it was a shock to us dear... we had no idea." Rarity stopped for a moment and then continued.
"But yes let us change from such a dreadful subject, it's still early and I don't want to ruin the mood, it may only be us, but it's still a party."
I laughed and nodded.

"Now was that so hard?" They laughed weakly, I face-palmed.
"If you're all going to go mopey on me I'm just going to go for a walk in the forest."
That got their attention.

"Don't even think about it!" Yikes...didn't expect that from Pinkie Pie....
"There's too many spooky things in that forest, and we won't let you go alone anyway, I Pinkie Promise." She finished with the motions and beamed up at me.

Storm came and knocked me in the chest. "That's right, just let us worry, you're not alone kid."

"Stop calling me a ‘kid’ when I'm not. I've probably seen more action than you in my life."
He looked at me with a quick glare then began to laugh.

"I guess you're right, but when I've got nearly a hundred year difference between us, I think I get to call you a kid. But you're gonna croak before I do, so remember to leave me something nice, alright?" He finished and punched me in the shoulder.

I started laughing "Hah, well, I guess that lightens the mood, yeah buddy, you got it."
I cracked my knuckles and neck and stretched.

The rest of the room sighed and Storm and I started to crack up again.
"How do you find this funny!?" Twilight snapped at us.

"Uhhh, because it's hilarious!" I shook my head still laughing.

Rarity came towards me and slapped me. "This is NOT a laughing matter, Almasy!"
I knelt down and put my hands on her cheeks, she quivered a bit before I stretched her cheeks to make her smile.

"See that? Keep doing that. It's all I can ask for." She shook her head and I stretched further until she was grinning.

I got up and turned to the rest of the room. "That goes to the rest of you too! Got it?"
They nodded slowly except for Storm and Celestia who had a small smile on their faces.
"You humans sure are resilient, as I have said." Celestia spoke up getting a nod from Storm.

I tapped Celestia on the shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Actually Princess…I'm scared to death of it; I just never let it show. It wouldn't help anyone if they worried, right?" She nodded.
"Good, now that's a secret, tell no-one of it. Ever."

Celestia nodded and smiled warmly. "Well, Everypony, I think I'm going to take my leave now, it's getting late and I believe you all would need your rest. Goodnight."
All the girls and Storm bowed and said their pleasantries. I simply nodded and got one in return.

The girls yawned and Storm perked up. "Well, well, looks like it's time for all the kiddos to go to bed." They groaned in protest and I laughed.

"I dunno, I think he's right." I peeked outside and looked towards the moon.
"It's past midnight."

"Well dears, I suppose we can all have one big sleepover here, I have plenty of room." Rarity chimed in and they nodded.

"Well, I'm getting out of here before they break out the party games and makeup, good luck Almasy." Storm extended his hoof and I bumped it with my knuckle.

"Thanks for that, Storm..." He grinned and walked out of the door without another word.
I looked over to the girls who were in a huddle and glanced to me with a smirk and nodded to each other.
"No..." I glared over at them.

"You're a part of this slumber party, so you have to play the games tooooooo!" Pinkie chimed in with a huge grin.
"Indeed, darling, don't worry. A little game of truth or dare won't hurt you..." Rarity trailed off at the end, I all of a sudden have a bad feeling...

They gathered in a circle leaving a spot open for me, I sighed in defeat and plopped down between them getting a snicker and smile from them all.

Rainbow Dash grabbed a bottle and gave it a spin. "Since I'm the most awesome one here, I go first!" The bottle spun for a good thirty seconds before it finally landed

Dash gave a hoof-pump "Alriiiight! Now then Almasy...Truth..or dare?" She looked at me wickedly.
"Dare." I said with a grin. She recalled for a moment then smiled.
"Alright, I DARE take off your shirt!" She finished smugly.
I shrugged and took off my coat and shirt with a smile.

"Alright... that was easy enough." They all stared.
"What, is there something on me?" I checked myself and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Almasy, why are your cutie marks different colors?" Twilight tilted her head in confusion.
"My what?" She walked over and tapped the tattoos I had on either upper arm.

I laughed, "Those are just tattoo's Twilight. They're made with a needle poking you repeatedly when they're dipped in ink." She shuddered.
"No, no, it's not bad. But I take it you like them?"

"Well, I think they're quite amazing Almasy, is there anything about them that reflects you?"
Rarity chimed in with a smile.

"Uhh, not really. One is a phoenix of ice, the other one of fire. To me it represents life and rebirth, hence the phoenix of the elements of fire and ice. The elements are creation, fire, and destruction, ice. It's just something I thought would be significant." I ended with a nod.

"I didn't think you were so philosophical about these things." Twilight smiled.

I turned around revealing my back, a union of the two, a phoenix of frosted fire.
"And this would be the centerpiece, a union on life, rebirth, destruction and creation. What do you think?"
"Whoooaa, that is SOOOOO AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash yelled and ran a hoof over it.
The rest of them just gawked.

"Alright, whose turn is it now?" Rainbow Dash pointed to me and I sat back down and gave the bottle a spin. Landing on...Twilight.
"Alright Twi, truth or dare?" I said with a friendly smile.
"Truth! I'm not one for dares, sorry Almasy." She replied with a sheepish smile.
I nodded. "Alright..So Twilight, do you have a crush you're trying to work on?"

She shook her head. "Not one that I would know about. But good try. My turn!"
Twi spun the bottle and it landed on Rarity, before Twi could even ask.. "Truth, Twilight, don't hold back now."
Twilight nodded. "Alright then, same question as I had, do YOU have a crush on anypony, Rarity?"

Rarity browsed over everyone’s face and ended with a smile. "As a matter-of-fact, I currently do have my eye on somepony special, but I'm going to wait before I tell them." She ended with a nod.

"Well, who is it, Rarity?" Twilight presses.
"Ah-ah, I only have to say one truth, you asked if I had a crush, not who it was, Twilight. Perhaps next time dear." Rarity ended with a smug smile.

Rarity grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin, and then the lights went out.
"Who turned out the lights?" Twi asked obliviously.

Rarity looked over to me and eeped. "Almasy... I think we found out that your eyes fact...glow." I patted her and she jumped.

"Hey now, relax. It’s just me." She nodded and sat back down.
"Either way, I think this is a sign of you all to go to bed, I'd say it's around two in the morning now." I heard everyone yawn and smirked. "See?"

"I suppose he's right. Come on now everypony, I made us all pallets in the other room."
Rarity spoke up and that got a few appreciative yawns from the other girls.

"Well, you go on to sleep, if you need me I'm going to be on the roof." I made my way over to the door and opened it slowly.

"Umm, why are you going to the roof,Almasy? I know you may not sleep but you know..." Twilight asked me without missing a beat.

I looked at them all through the soft moonlight and smiled. "You never know when something could happen, Twilight, It just makes me feel better knowing someone's watching the town just in case something does happen." She nodded and walked into the other room.

"That's very noble of you darling. I think we'll sleep a little more soundly knowing we're being watched over by a member of the Royal Guard tonight." Rarity said with a smile and yawn.

I nodded and went outside closing the door quietly as possible. I looked to the roof and gave a jump a try, I landed silently on the top of the roof and it gave me a clear view over the town.

I saw a bright flash from beneath me to see a pony with a camera. I looked towards them quizzically and they motioned for me to come down.

I hopped off of the roof and landed in front of the pony, who just smiled and took another picture.
I blinked. "Can I help you?" I rubbed my eyes and stretched before crossing my arms.

"You're the new member of the Royal Guard that's not a pony, right?" I nodded.
"Would you mind if I ask you a few questions, I'm with the press and I think an article on you would help everypony understand you more." He said with no loss of confidence.

I nodded. "Sure, I can answer a few questions for you, what do you want to know?"
"Oh no, it's not what I want to know." He stated. "It's what everypony in Equestria wants to know."

"Alright, first question: What's your name?" I told him my name and he scribbled it down.
"Second question: What do you do in the Royal Guard?"

I shrugged. "I do whatever needs doing, I help everyone I can. Just like all the other members of the Royal Guard." He nodded and wrote down the answer.

"Third and final question, well for now Mr. Almasy..." He grinned and I shrugged.
"Well, out with it." I said cooly.
"So, do you; newest and very well talked about, not to mention non-pony member of the Royal Guard, have a special somepony?" He asked in a sing-song voice.

"Uhhh, no." I said as I crossed my arms, he wrote it down hungrily.
"That's...not a serious it?"

He nodded. "It's what everypony wants to know, that and now we have pictures to put with your name. Stick around there will be plenty more questions for you the next time we cross paths, Almasy. But for now, I must bid you farewell." I shrugged.
"Good luck with that..." I mumbled under my breath.

"I heard that, and I accept the challenge my friend!" He said with a smirk as he left.

"Damnit…" I sighed and jumped back to the top of the building losing my footing for a second but caught myself with my hand keeping as silent as possible.

I kept watch through the night as the town slept peacefully until dawn began to break.

"Another day down, wonder how long this will last..."

Chapter 3

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As the sun began to rise I hopped down from the roof and stretched.

"Almasy!?" I heard Twilight shout from behind me.

I turned to see her gasping for air.

"Uhhmm, are you alright Twi? You look like you saw a ghost or something."

She shook her head and laughed.

"We're going to put a bell around your neck. You're always so quiet... In fact…"

She ran back inside and came back out moments later with my shirt and armor...and then I heard a jingle.

"No, Twi…just no."

She shrugged and tossed me my clothes, I pulled the shirt over me and then felt something wrap around my neck.

"Did you just..." She just grinned. I tried pulling it off, even with vampiric strength it wouldn't budge.

"What's the deal with this thing!?"

"Fluttershy used it for a tiger she was caring for until it was healthy enough to leave." She looked over to me still trying to get the bell off.

"And it's been enchanted so whatever is wearing it can't take it off." She finished with a victorious smile.

I sighed. "You're taking this off of me eventually..." I finished getting my gear on and started to head off.

"Almasy, you're forgetting your sword!" I shrugged.

"I probably won't need it, just watch it for me would you?" She nodded.

"Oh and if any of you need me, I'll be around town, just shout."

I started walking towards the town square to meet Storm, but between every step… jingle, jingle.

"This is so embarrasing..." As I approached I saw Storm Blade waving me over.

"Well good morning, Almasy, how was your 'slumber party'?" He said in a mocking tone.

I sighed and he laughed.

"Hey...Shut up." I deadpanned and turned away. Jingle. 'Damn...'

"What was that?" Storm turned towards me and I saw his grin.

"Did they...put a bell on you?" His grin grew.

"Hey, drop it, okay?" I sighed.

"No way, kid, this is too good. Look they have a pet vampire, awwww!" He said loud enough for everyone in the square to turn to us.

I pushed him over with my foot and pinned him.

"Now, I'm going to take my foot off of you. In turn; You will ignore the bell." He nodded and I took my foot off of him. He still has that stupid grin on his face.

"Why not just take it off, Almasy?" He stifled a laugh.

"I...can't." Storm looked at me questioningly.

I sighed and shrugged. "It's enchanted, and it won't come off."

He chuckled and I glared at him. "Alright, alright, I'll stop."

He patted me on the back.

"Yeah...thanks, so what's on the schedule for today, Storm?" I looked over to see him shrug and yawn.

"Well, just a patrol, not too much to it, kid. It's a dull job but someone has to do it, know what I mean?" I nodded. 'Back to patrols, guess I should be thankful.'

We walked around Ponyville a good three times in silence before Storm decided to speak up.

"So there's something I've been wanting to ask you since last night, Kid."

We ended up stopping in the square and he took a seat on a bench next to the fountain, I propped a foot on the edge of the bench and folded my arms.

"Go ahead, Storm. I'll answer to the best of my ability."

Storm nodded and took a few breaths.

"How is it that you're so... accepting of what's happened to you? Coming here, leaving behind everyone you knew? Not to mention being changed into a vamp. You've also sacrificed a lot in your short time here." He looked at me intently.

I let my arms fall to my sides and kicked my foot off the bench.

"I don't feel like fighting whatever fate gives me. I learned that a long time ago."

He nodded and motioned for me to continue.

"I didn't really leave behind much. No real family, maybe a few close friends, but they'll forget about me eventually." I sighed.

"Being turned into this?" I opened my arms and scanned over myself. "I'd rather it have been me than anyone else, as you said I apparently kept my humanity and that's at least something good of it."

"But why do you say that, Almasy? Nopony else would have stayed to protect anypony if they were faced against something like that." Storm rubbed his neck.

"And here you are. Fighting for a place you've only spent a week and a few days in. And you even continue to do so after everything. You even accept your death at such an early time in stride."

I shrugged. "This is how I see it; If I can spend my life making sure at least one other being is able to carry out their own life peacefully, I'm happy. I just won't let someone get hurt if I can help it. I'd rather take a hit than someone else." I finished.

Storm shook his head. "And what about your death, kid?"

I shrugged. "I've accepted it."

Storm just stared at me and sighed. "You are some sort of angel sent here, that's for sure."

He turned to see me cracking up laughing. "Hey, shut up, Almasy..."

I shook my head still laughing. "Sorry, sorry, but that's hilarious. No, I'm nowhere near something like that."

Storm punched me in the arm. "Well fine then, it's time for lunch break. Why don't you go and grab something and we'll meet back here in an hour or so?" I scratched the back of my head and smiled.

"Oh yeah... my bad, kiddo."

I shrugged. "Eh, I guess I could go sit around for an hour, no problem." I nodded to him and he headed off into the other side of town. I decided to head back to Rarity's and grab my coat since I forgot it this morning.

As I turned around I came face-to-face with Twilight and Rarity.

I stopped and gave a smirk hoping they didn't hear anything. "Sup?" I asked plainly.

They looked towards me and smiled, whew.

"Twilight told me about the 'bell incident' this morning, so I've come with her to make sure she takes it off of you, darling. It seemed like such a mean trick." Rarity ended with a small glare towards Twilight, I clutched the bell on my neck.

"Know what... I think I might keep it." I ended with a smile getting some strange looks from them.

"But, you were so opposed to it this morning..." Twilight looked over to me and I shrugged.

"I'm sorta looking at it now as a gift. My first real gift since arriving here." I reached out and hugged Twilight, much to her shock... and my amusement.

"So thank you, Twilight, for my first gift."

"But what if it snags on something and chokes you, dear? I wouldn't want that or anything for that matter, to happen to you." I laughed and Rarity growled at me.

"No, calm down... I actually learned something last night." They both looked at me warily.

"I don't have to breathe. I just have to have air to talk. I sigh a lot, but that's just habit." I crossed my arms.

"Any other ways you want to try getting it from me now?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, but if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go do more research."

I nodded. "Just take it easy, I'm here for a while." She smiled at that.

"Well, Rarity that leaves you and I, you up for lunch?" I asked with a smile.

"Only if I get to pay my own way this time, Almasy." She said in a mock voice of anger.

"Hmm... I'll think about it." I smiled and she bumped me.

"I'm taking that as me paying."

Rarity sighed and smiled shaking her head.

"If you insist so greatly, why don't we go to the same place as yesterday?"

I nodded and we started off that way, not even that much small-talk.

Not too much longer after we arrived the same waiter as yesterday came and deposited two menus on the table. Rarity made up her mind on a 'Canterlot Special Salad' I chuckled at the name, and a glass of water.

When the waiter looked to me I just shook my head and handed the menu to him.

"I still feel terrible that you don't eat, Almasy. It must be horrible to not taste your favorite foods anymore." Rarity said after taking a bite of her salad.

I chuckled. "You reallllllly wouldn't approve of my old diet anyway, Rarity. Humans are predatory-omnivores." She looked up towards me with a grimace.

"And now here you are, socializing with an extremely dangerous predator."

Rarity started laughing at me and I groaned.

"What's so funny..."

She tried to regain some of her composure before speaking.

"I'm sorry dear, it's just that you don't give off that feeling of fear and dread a normal predator would. So it's rather hard seeing you as one. Not to mention ever since you arrived in the town even everypony else is starting to relax more. If you ask me you put off a very docile and kind presence."

I shrugged and sighed. Just then Twilight came into view and trotted towards us.

I waved her over to the table and she took a seat. "Order whatever you'd like, Twilight. It's on me." I finished with a smile and waved the waiter over. Twilight ended up getting the same sandwich as yesterday and a glass of juice.

Twilight tapped me on the shoulder. "Well, Almasy I've got good news, or bad depending on how you look at it." I motioned for her to continue.

"Well... Since you're a Vampony now... You don't have a life-span."

I shrugged. "And that means?"

"It means! You will live forever." She gulped. "...Unless you're killed..." She looked down.

"Well...that's horrible news." They both looked at me perplexed.

"What? I would hate to live forever. It seems... boring."

Twilight looked over to me. "Is that all? Think of all you could do in such a large span of time.

Is that the only reason you have to dread it?"

I shook my head. "Nope. But that's all I'm saying for now."

Twilight snapped out of her small trance before shaking her head.

"Oh, here Almasy, the Princesses sent you a letter. It's sealed with magic so only you could open it, I thought it might have been important." She handed me a small rolled scroll tied with a ribbon.

I looked it over once before snapping the seal off of it and began reading.

Almasy, URGENT. 'Well. we're off to a great start already...'

There's something in the Everfree giving off waves of dark power.

While we would hate to send you alone, we must. Keep a calm face and resume reading...

We need you to scout the Everfree and see if you can find this entity. If it proves too much for you to handle, do not engage it and run. It only seems to be active at night.

Prepare as best you can. If you do decide to engage and we do not hear from you, a scouting party of our Elite Royal Guards will be sent into the forest at daybreak to search for you.

Please take this to heart Almasy, we don't wish for anything bad to become of you so take great caution.

Do NOT let the girls know where you are going.

We wish you luck, Almasy.

-Princesses Luna and Celestia.

I folded up the letter and ripped it to shreds in front of the girls.

"What's happening Almasy? Is there anything we can do to help you?" Twilight looked at me worried. I smiled and shook my head.

"Nothing to worry about girls. I promise." I smiled and they looked to eachother.

"Darling, if something's wrong you can tell us. What did the letter say?" Rarity looked to me like she was trying to crack a safe.

"Just a mission I have to go on, no big deal. Just a patrol." I nodded.

They started to eat again, slowly. "If you say so, Almasy. Patrol or not, please be careful."

I laughed. "You forget how durable I am. Even before I was changed I was already hard to kill. Trust me this will be easy enough."

I rested my arms on the table and folded my hands to underneath my chin letting them eat and converse through the rest of their meal. When the bills came I once again grabbed the bills from the both of them and went to pay.

"Well, looks like you're becoming a regular here, sir." The mare at the register said with a smile. "And it's going to come up to thirty bits." I smiled and handed over the bits.

"I hope you have another great day, Almasy."

I nodded. "You too ma'am." She smiled and I walked back to the girls.

"Well, my break is over, I'm gonna go meet back up with Storm at the square. I hope I see you both tomorrow." I set ten bits down on the table and started to turn away.

"What do you mean 'hope'? I thought you were going on a patrol."

I thought for a second.

"Patrols can last a few days. I wouldn't be surprised if it took three or four."

I smiled. "Back to the boredom."

"OH! Before I forget dear.." Rarity rummaged through one of her saddlebags and pulled out my coat. "I went ahead and mended it... I also added a few more details, I hope you like it."

I looked over the coat to see where the upper arms were embroidered to my tattoos, each corresponding to the side, coloration was even spot on.

"Wow, thank you Rarity, it looks well... amazing!"

I slipped the coat on and rotated my arms.

"Perfect fit too." I smiled and Rarity beamed at me.

"Well darling, I try. And I'm giving you a discount." I looked at her coldly.

"Free, it's a gift!" I sighed.

"And there's no way to change my mind, darling."

"If you say so…" I thanked her once more before turning away.

"Oh... and girls?" They both looked over to me.

"Stay safe." They nodded as they went back to their homes.

I started off towards the town square and saw Storm sitting by the fountain, he looked towards me with pure dread in his face.

"Hey, bud. What's got you looking so... grim?"

Storm simply looked up at me and deadpanned.

"I'm sorry kid, they won't let me or anypony else go with you on your mission tonight."

I shrugged and he sighed.

"It's unusual for something the Princess would do, either of them."

I patted his shoulder and he shrugged me off.

"Maybe they'd rather send me since I'm durable. If you think about it, since I'm not a pony if I well... 'fail my duty' it wouldn't be directed towards pony-kind."

I cracked my knuckles. "Understand?"

He nodded. "Even though I'd rather not see you fail, kid." He shuddered.

"Even though we haven't known you for very long, you're still in our forces, you're one of us. At least that's how I see it."

"Will you cheer up? You act like I didn't do this all the time back where I'm from." He looked towards me stunned.

"I was in a Special Forces unit, we did solo recon and enemy diversions all the time. What you saw the other day was a cake-walk." I nodded.

"So like I said, just relax would you? And IF something does happen to me. Well, I dunno your usual customs, but noone's allowed to be sad. I better look down on you and see you all having a huge party."

Storm laughed and looked up at me. "No promises, but I'll do what I can kiddo."

I glared at him. "Riiiight, Almasy. So touchy!" We shared a laugh and got back to our patrols around the town.

"So is it always this quiet around here Storm?" I asked him maybe an hour later.

He laughed. "Kid, everywhere is this quiet. But when something does happen it's usually big.

Kind of why I'm worried about you leaving tonight."

"Yeah, remind me to leave my armor." He looked at me like I was an idiot.

"You know, it has Celestia's seal on it. I'd rather not have anything pointing to you."

"You're awfully collected, Almasy." Storm gave a guffaw.

"Looking at how you can have your little bouts of fun and be carefree, you sure can change in a flash."

I smiled. "It comes with being, well. Me. I'll play around. You'd probably think I'm an actual kid if you saw half of the stuff I do. But I can be seriously calm, cool, and collected. Well, when it's required."

He slapped his hoof on my back and smiled. "Good. What you see with me is what you get. I'm always sarcastic but professional. I think it works for me."

"Well, it got you this job, a wife and two kids. Not to mention your own home, I think you rocked it." I ended laughing.

We resumed walking around the town until the sun started to set behind the mountain.

"Well kid, looks like another day down. I know yours isn't over yet but it's time for me to clock out." He looked over to me.

"Don't get dead, kid. I WILL see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course. G'night buddy." I smiled and waved as he walked back home.

I walked through the town getting a nod and smile from everypony I passed on the way back to Rarity's place. I felt more welcome here than... My own hometown. Kinda sad.

As I got to the door I knocked only to hear Rarity's chime answer.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed now. But do please come back tomorro..." She stopped as she saw it was me.

"Oh, I'm sorry Almasy. I didn't know it was you, come in dear."

I walked in and hung my coat on the rack.

"I hope you don't mind me leaving a few things here while I'm out, would you?"

She shook her head.

"You can place them in my sisters’ room over to the left. Is there anything you'd like before you set off, dear?" She ended with a warm smile.

I shook my head and smiled. "Thanks but I think I'll be set. Just gotta grab some medicine from the hospital for the trip."

I walked into the room, the light was already on. I stripped off the armor and set it neatly in the corner of the room before looking down at my old clothes. 'At least they're comfortable.'

I walked back of the room to see Rarity at the dinner table enjoying her supper, looked like another salad.

"Oh, hello Almasy... Why no armor, I thought you were about to be leaving."

I nodded. "It's a lot of walking, rather not have the armor weighing me down."

She smiled. "I suppose that's agreeable. Your sword is leaning on the couch from this morning."

I walked over to my coat and slid it on slowly and strapped the sword to my back with a sigh.

"What's the matter, Almasy? Your usual demeanor is... well, lacking."

I shrugged. "Nothing, I'm okay." I walked to the door and twisted the handle to feel a tug at my coat.

"Yes, Rarity?" She looked in my eyes and sighed.

"Nothing, just take care of yourself, Almasy." I smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Rarity. Nothing to worry about."

I opened the door and took a step out.

"Be sure to lock up after I leave. Alright?" She nodded and I closed the door and heard the lock click behind me.

I looked through the town as I passed through. Lights on here and there a few other ponies heading home or to a bar. It was quiet and peaceful.

I stopped by the hospital and walked to the front desk.

"Umm, excuse me ma'am?"

The mare looked up to me and didn't even flinch.

"I'm Almasy, and well... I was wondering if.."

She smiled.

"If you could get a pouch or two of blood, correct?" I nodded slowly.

"Of course, sir. Just wait right here." She got up and walked to the door behind the desk.

'Well… that was easy...' She returned a few moments later with a satchel and passed it over the desk.

"There's three pouches in there. And don't worry about money. The Princess told us to provide you with a supply whenever you might need it."

"Thank you Miss..."

"Redheart." She finally said.

"Well, thank you Redheart. I truly appreciate it."

She smiled. "No, don't thank me. You're the one who finally got those corrupted guards out of our manes. Nopony was ever brave enough to put a hoof down."

I shrugged. "It's what I do. If it ever happens again you can always request me to come around and help out with it." I tied the satchel across three of my belt-loops and extended my hand.

Nurse Redheart put her hoof in and shook it gingerly.

"Until next time, Nurse Redheart."

She smiled. "Take care, Almasy."

I walked out of the door and pulled the older bag of blood out of my coat and gave it a shake before starting to drink it. 'Bleh... it's apparently better if it's fresh.' I forced down the rest of it and tossed it in a garbage can.

'Guess you can put something off for only so long.' I unsheathed my sword and looked over it quickly, the blue text changed to red and glowed vibrantly. 'Hmm..' I put it back on my back and looked down the road that led to the Everfree.

The sun had set and my vision just adjusted. 'At least this will help me out in there. Sometimes this curse is actually a pretty nice gift.'

I stretched and walked down the road, noone was around. Guess it wasn't hard to figure out why. I started humming to myself.

My hair started to stand on end and I took a look around... nothing. 'Now I can see why this place is dreaded, it puts you on edge. Especially at night.' I ran my hand through my hair and cracked my neck rubbing it slightly.

As I walked down the path through the forest the moonlight was cut off by the trees and my eyes adjusted once more so I could see in total darkness.

The darkness started to become... unnatural as I proceeded down the trail. My instincts screamed at me to get off the path so I started maneuvering tree to tree checking everywhere before progressing forward. 'This is rediculous, even with augmented vision this is starting to get clouded...'

Just then I heard a familiar snap and crouched behind a tree. I focused my eyes the best I could to make out the silhouette of... Luna? Why is she in armor.. Did she think I couldn't handle this by myself? And why the Hell would she be here anyway?

I shook the questions out of my mind and stood up slowly.

"Why are you out here, Princess? Didn't think I could handle it?" As she turned to me I noticed it wasn't Luna.

"Wait...who are you?"

She laughed and I saw a plume of dark light envelope her.

"You had it right the first time, Creature. I am the Princess: Nightmare Moon."

She ended in a flourish.

I scratched my neck. "Sorry, never heard of you... Your Majesty." She scoffed.

"That would explain why you're not running in fear of me, boy." She approached me and my vision began to un-cloud so I could see her features. The most striking thing to me were her teal cat-like eyes.

"You are gazing at a glorious being who could destroy you in an instant! I have taken hold of this planet more than once in my centuries of existence." She flashed a grin.

"Now leave this forest so that I may begin my exploits upon this land."

I shrugged and smiled. "Sorry, but I don't think I can do that, Princess." She looked stunned for a moment before I saw rage flash in her eyes.

"Such... INSOLANCE! Begone now!" She casted a bolt of magic at me and I side-stepped to avoid it. "How did thou dodge that? Unnatural. You will not leave this place." She charged another and took another shot at me.

I drew my sword and cut the beam deflecting it into a nearby tree.

"Temper now..." I smirked and she became enraged.

She braced herself and charged another blast, much larger than the last. As she blasted it towards me I brought up my sword once again to block it. As the blast connected my sword started to splinter and I dragged the blast away with a grunt.

"You cannot win, Creature. Better, MUCH better than you have tried." She charged me using her own horn as a sword.

I connected my sword with her horn as she came in to try to stab me, my blade shattered but I was able to direct her away from me.

She looked at me and began to laugh. "Not so confident now that your weapon has been destroyed, are you creature?"

I tossed the splintered remains of my sword over my shoulder and shrugged.

"Weapon or not. You won't get rid of me that easily." I flexed my hands and stood slightly slouched relaxing all the muscles of my body.

"Ready when you are."

She slashed and stabbed at me with her horn frantically as I dodged.

"Stand still!" She roared and stabbed my chest through. I gasped and grabbed the base of her horn ripping it out of me.

"How are you still standing!? You should be dead now!" She glared at me as I backed into a tree and slumped down.

'Damn, I think she punctured a lung… fractured two ribs.' I groaned. 'maybe three..'

I shook my head and smiled.

"I told you... weapon or not, I'm very hard to kill."

She loomed over me and I grabbed her neck and threw her away from me.

I noticed my wound wasn't closing. At all. 'What the…' I heard her laugh.

"I knew you were a vampony from the beginning, your eyes were a dead give-away."

She smiled triumphantly.

"I simply used my magic to seal your healing abilities."

I stood up shakily and put a hand over my wound, blood was pouring out of it.

"So don't get stabbed again… I think I can manage that." I grinned and she grabbed me with her magic.

"That will be the least of your problems, Creature." She said with a smirk as her magic began to cut me all over like invisible blades of air.

"There are four ways to destroy a vampony. Sunlight, fire, decapitation." She began making the magic cut deeper. "Or ripping into them faster than they can heal. I find this way to be the most entertaining."

She continued her assault slicing into me deeper every time.

I glowered at her and ripped free of the hold. I tossed my now mostly shredded coat off to the side and pulled out the now useless pouched of blood that made another puddle next to my own blood.

"You're even sicker than I am." I smirked. "And stop calling me 'Creature' I have a name you'd do to remember well." She looked at me and nodded. "Almasy. Plain and simple."

She nodded, at least she had some manners.

"I'll be sure to engrave that on your tomb, Almasy." She grinned evilly and shot another bolt at me. I flicked it away with my hand and she looked at me stunned.

I slumped to my knees. "You haven't won yet..." I gritted my teeth and got back to my feet. I tried my hardest to close my wounds and they began to heal slowly, at least the blood had stopped draining from me.

"Stop being so stubborn, boy!" She shot at me again with another beam, I just dropped back to the ground and it missed. She growled.

"That's not in my nature... sorry." I pushed myself back to my feet quickly only for her to kick me back into another tree and pinned me.

She raised her horn and tried to impale me through the neck. She pulled back and I saw some blood trickle from her horn. I felt a shallow scrape followed by the jingle of a bell. I looked down to see the collar it was on took most of the impact and fell to the ground, I smiled. 'Glad I kept that...'

She reared back again. "Die!" Before she connected I lurched forward and my fangs ripped into her neck, I began to drink as fast as I could. She began to get dazed and I took the opportunity to dig my hand into her shoulder and grasped her horn.

Before I could get a little more than half of her blood, she snapped out of the trance and jumped back, collapsing onto her back legs breathing heavily. I looked down to see all but the first impalement wound to be closed.

I looked over to her staring at me with fear in her eyes.

"You've lost half of your blood to me. You shouldn't be conscious."

I walked towards her slowly.

She laughed and panted in between.

"Even if you kill me, I am but a FRAGMENT of the true Nightmare Moon. You won't be able to destroy us all. Especially if you had this much trouble with a mere fragment such as myself. Boy!" She spat the last part.

I stopped. "A fragment... How many are there." I walked slightly closer.

"Start talking."

She grinned. "One for every phase of the moon, dear boy. I am of the Waxing Crescent." She struggled for breath. "Therefore. The weakest of the group." She spat at me and leapt at me attempting to skewer me again.

I put out my hand and let it go through twisting her away. I grunted and she laughed again.

"You won't be killing me any more easier though, boy..." She charged another blast and it connected with my chest.

I spat blood and shook my head. "Damn that hurt!" She charged me and slung a hoof towards me, I deflected it away just to have another connect with my cheek. I grinned.

"So you're not going down easily, huh?" I panted and clutched my wounds. "Then neither am I..."

She simply smiled and took another thrust at me with her horn and I batted it away slamming my fist into her shoulder

"I'm glad. It would be such a shame to destroy a vampony so easily." She finished with a growl and sent another blast of magic at me.

I rolled to the side dodging it slightly and smirked. "You keep that up and you'll run out of those gasses in your head if you keep this up, Princess."

"Such... ARROGANCE!" She yelled as she trudged towards me using her horn as a joust. I felt my hand lock into a claw and swiped as she passed me. I felt the skin rip at the tips of my fingers.

She looked at the four claw-marks trailing down her side and growled.

"Just remember, I'm but a fragment." She collapsed and tried to blast me with a volley of magical blades, I kept walking towards her getting sliced here and there.

"Do NOT underestimate me, child." She started charging another blast but I grabbed her horn and she flailed wildly at me discharging the blast into the air.

I growled, before I knew it she had tackled me to the ground.

"And this is where I'm supposed to swear my undying hatred to you, right?" I grinned as she slammed her hoof into my chest and blasted me with another bolt.

"No, this is where you're supposed to die in a feeble manner." She rammed her horn through the same spot as the first wound, I yelled out in pain before I threw her off of me.

As she attempted to ram into me again. I ducked down and turned my hand so my new-found claws sank deep into her chest, I felt her heart beating mere inches from the tips of my fingers so I shoved deeper until I felt more blood rush from the wound and heard Nightmare gasp.

She withdrew her horn from my shoulder and looked down to see the blood pour from her chest. "" She trailed off.

Before she could die I pressed into the wound with my hand to stall the bleeding.

"Talk. You were the weakest?" I tried to press as much as I could before she bled out.

"Yes. If you had this much trouble defeating me. I'd hate to know that you're the only one they sent..."

I glared before she continued.

"The Princesses either sent you to your death... Or are not even trying anymore."

She layed her head down and stopped talking, blood rolling from her mouth and wound.

Nightmare still had a pulse so I knew she wasn't dead.

"Did I say stop talking 'Princess'? Tell me everything." She laughed and choked some blood up.

"Fine, before I die... a parting gift!" Before I knew it everything went black and we appeared somewhere far deeper in the forest.

She took the opportunity of my shock to blast me with another wave of magic blades and I dropped to my knees.

"And your... healing... won't work... I hope you enjoy... the new grave you will have."

As she finished that she started to fade away into a cloud of blue smoke.

I checked over myself and fell onto my back. 'Great... bleeding out again. My shirt has been reduced to rags. At least my pants are somewhat unscathed…' I tried to push myself back up but lost balance and fell right back down.

I sighed and ran my hand through my now blood-matted hair. "And I don't even have a cigarette this time..." I looked around and spotted some old ruins not but fifty meters away.

I chuckled to myself and coughed up some blood. "I guess this is what she meant by my new grave...At least it's nice." I rolled over on my stomach and started to drag myself to the ruins.

After a good few minutes of dragging myself I felt the coolness of the stone and smiled slightly. 'Good thing I made it in before the sun came up.' I dragged myself to the doorway and propped up against it. My vision was slowly turning black. I shook my head closing my eyes. 'If I die... at least I can try to do it with a smile on my face.' I groaned and set my hands behind my head and crossed my legs. I felt extremely exhausted.

I smiled to myself and sighed. 'Maybe after a quick nap...'


----------------Two Days Later---------------------------------------------------------------------------

==========Perspective, Storm Blade==============================================

"What do you mean you haven't found the kid yet!?" I yelled to the scouting party.

"We're sorry, Captain Storm. But if he went in he went quite a long way. We didn't even find any evidence pointing to him." The leader of the scouting group looked to me with panic in his eyes.

"And how far in did you go?" I slammed my hoof on the granite floor. He mumbled.

"Louder!" I bellowed.

"Not far, sir!" I shook my head and dismissed the group.

"C'mon kid, where are you?" I said to nopony in particular.

"That does it."

I began to gallop to the throne room from the guard quarters, nopony questioned my haste.

I rounded corner after corner barreling down each hallway, this felt like one of the longest trips to the throne room other than when my wife was with foal. I soon rounded the last corner and saw the doors to the throne room.

The guards immediately opened the doors for me to be let by and I approached Princess Celestia. I bowed.

"Rise Storm Blade. I know how troubled you must be." She smiled softly and I shook my head.

"Princess, please allow me to form my own search party and look for Almasy, the ones that were sent did not even got past the tree-line to search for him!" I gasped for breath as I ended.

"I will allow this Storm Blade. Please calm down. I know how you must feel. But you should also know that whatever was giving off those waves of dark power has also ceased." Celestia stated in a still calm state.

"Thank you Princess, and that is good news as well. Are you able to pick up anything of Almasy?" I sighed in relief that the entity was no more.

Celestia shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry my little pony, but I cannot detect any sign of him. He is a being I was never accustomed to, so I couldn't even sense him in the same room as myself." She said glumly.

I nodded slowly and she set her hoof on my shoulder. "Do not worry, Captain. Almasy seems to be able to take care of himself. I am positive he'll turn up." She gave a serene smile.

"I hope so, Princess." She put her hoof down and nodded.

"I'm going to need two other guards who will not cower from entering the forest, Highness."

She nodded to two of her personal guards.

"These are my own guards who have entered the forest many times. I grant them to you in your search." The other guards nodded, not saying a word.

"Thank you Princess. We'll set off at once." She nodded and I began to exit the throne room with the guards assigned in tow.

It took until mid-morning to even reach Ponyville, I growled at myself for being so slow.

"Please calm down, Sir." One of Celestia's guards spoke up, finally.

He nodded. "I'm sure we'll find something pointing us to the boy in the forest."

The other guard spoke up at this point. "And we'll actually be going INSIDE of the forest this time. I still can't believe our own scouting parties refuse to enter the Everfree." He scoffed.

We walked calmly, or as calmly as I could manage through town to the approach of the Everfree Forest. I looked to the ground and saw Almasy's unique hoof-prints fading slowly in the dirt.

"It looks like he went this way, let's keep going boys." I nodded to the guards on either side of me to get one in return.

As we entered the forest the prints he left looked deeper, probably due to how subtle the wind has blown lately. We kept following them until they left the path and jutted tree to tree.

"We should be getting close to where he must have seen something." We picked up our pace following the prints until it lead to a more open area, the sunlight blinded us momentarily until we saw... it.

It looked as though there was a major fight here. Tree branches were torn off; there were even huge craters in the trunks. There was a huge puddle of blood to accompany the spatters of it all around. And then I saw something lying on top of a bush, it was Almasy's coat, torn and matted in... blood.

"Oh no… Kid." One of the other guards approached me and pointed to a tree, The hilt of his sword was stuck in the base, it had been shattered. I scanned along the ground as I walked towards it and I heard a slightly metallic chime. The bell that was around his neck looked like it was shredded off, a small amount of dried blood rested on it.

"Sir. I don't think..." He trailed off.

I shook my head. "Help me gather his belongings…" They both nodded and hoofed me his coat, what remained of his sword, and finally the bell. I set them in my saddle bags.

It was a long trip back to Ponyville. I knew there was something I had to do.

As we approached the border to the town I looked to the guards.

"You go on back to the Princess, there's something I have to do here."

They nodded and each patted my back as they walked towards the trail to Canterlot.

I sighed. 'This... is something I'm not looking forward to.'

I walked towards where Almasy had stayed for the few days since we arrived.

Rarity's Boutique.

I knocked on the door and heard Miss Rarity's usual chime.

"Come in, darling, the door is opened."

I took a deep breath and opened the door slowly to see Miss Rarity standing in the main room's floor.

"Is anypony else here, Miss Rarity?" She shook her head.

"You may want to have a seat ma'am..." I felt the emotions escape from my voice.

She took a seat and smiled at me.

"What is it you need, Sir?"

I shook my head, and produced the items from my saddle-bags, she gasped.

"I'm very sorry, Miss. But this was all we found. Since you were his caretaker at the time, I thought you should keep his belongings." She looked over the coat and hung her head.

"Should I tell the other Elements, or would you like to?"

"I shall tell them myself. If you'll excuse me." She took the coat and bell and walked upstairs.

I put the remains of the sword back into my saddle-bag before leaving, voicing a small apology she couldn't hear as the door closed with a small creak.

On the walk back to the castle all I could do was yell at myself in my head. How could I not have helped him? Why didn't we send sompony else to help him? Why am I even talking about him in the past-tense. From our first conversation when he got to his room he said he'd hate being talked about like he wasn't even there.

Before I knew it I had reached the gates to the city. They were immediately lifted as I approached and walked through.

I walked through the crowds, as they parted I thought if this is what Almasy felt being here the first time. I chuckled to myself lightly.' Even though he was held at spear-point.'

I must have dripped gloom by how everypony simply moved out of my way as I walked towards the castle. I shook my head and sighed, looking to the steps leading to the gate I saw the two guards that had come with me into the forest.

"Captain Storm... We have already informed the Princesses of the... discovery." He nodded and motioned for me to follow.

We arrived in the throne room after a long and quiet walk. Princess Celestia met us halfway down the aisle.

"Do not bow, this is not formal." The guards and I nodded and kept to her wishes.

"I am sorry... There will be a service for him in Ponyville tomorrow at dusk." Celestia looked towards us with sorrow in her eyes.

"Why at dusk, Princess?" I asked lowly.

Celestia's lips tugged to strain a smile. "Everypony is as the Sun, Storm Blade. The dawn is birth, morning is the early years. The strike of noon is beginning adulthood, and as the evening progresses... the sun must eventually set." She batted her eyes and held back a tear.

"As with life." She sighed.

"I understand, Princess." I bowed and she nodded.

"Even though I have lived for a few thousand years. Only a few deaths have ever been truly apparent to me. I know my little ones may pass, but the years are always set far apart."

Celestia began and took in a deep breath.

"I however cannot get used to seeing death."

"I don't think anypony can, Princess Celestia." I shook my head and forced a small laugh.

"Well, anypony besides Almasy." That got a rather dry smile from everypony. At least it was something.

Princess Celestia met my gaze again. "I have already sent notice to the Elements of Harmony, they will all be attending. And since you seemingly knew him the most, we ask that you give a speech, Storm Blade." All I could do was nod.

"We were able to make a small tribute to him also. Do you think it would be... tasteful?"

I looked behind her to see a small crystal statue; nothing too decorative other than it was a few hooves tall and rounded into a small point. And then I saw the engraved plaque.

'Dedicated to Almasy.

A new being into this world, he still sacrificed all for a land he seemingly loved.

A brave Human, a loyal guard.

A Heart of Sacrifice.'

My eyes scanned to the middle of the plaque to see the marks he had on either side of his coat. A stunning phoenix was imprinted and inlayed with jewels to contrast the coloring; a mix of fire and ice.

I nodded. "It seems fit for any member of royalty to have, Princess. But why would you do something like this for a commoner?"

She looked to me with her ever-present calm smile.

"It just felt right." I nodded and she placed her hoof on my back leaving it for a few moments before taking it back.

"Please get some rest, Captain. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

I sighed and nodded trudging back to the guard quarters glancing towards the door to Almasy's room. 'Guess it's going to go back to an old unused room now... not that he slept much.' I laughed under my breath and soon came to my own room.

I opened the door and took a glance around my room before stripping off my armor and glanced to the Equestrian Banner hanging on the wall and sighed. "'It's going to be a long day tomorrow' is right." I crawled into my bed and sighed once more. "I'm not even sure of what to say.." Sleep eventually grasped me and pulled me into its depths.


I woke up and ran a hoof over my face recalling yesterday’s events and sighed heavily.

"Well, no use putting everything off…"

I slumped out of my bed and stuck the helmet on my head and laughed.

'I know the kid just didn't want something to cover his mane, but I at least let him off with his lame excuse.'

I donned the rest of my armor and walked out of my room to meet one of Celestia's guards outside.

"Please follow me Captain Storm. The Princesses have already started off to Ponyville."

"Alright, let us be on our way, unless I have anything special I must be doing?" They shook their heads and we began walking out of the castle.

It was strange to see the castle this empty, the only thing that could be heard through the hallways were our own armor clanging and our steps on the stone floor.

Only a few guards, who were posted here and there to keep anypony out that might try to gain access to the more sensitive areas of the castle, remained.

As we left the castles’ gate to look upon Canterlot, there was the usual traffic. I suppose it's because Almasy never decided to go out and mingle despite my attempts to drag him to the bar during his training. We walked until we hit the cutting point that had the path to Ponyville.

The usual travelling merchants and stock company caravans were seen heading up and down the trail as well. Still nopony in our group talked.

It was nearly mid-day before we reached Ponyville, I didn't think we had walked this slowly.

"Captain, the services will be held in the Square, right next to the fountain." I nodded.

"Thank you. I suppose I'll just head over to the site and wait." I shook my head and let out a louder than expected sigh.

I looked over to the square to see everything had been set up, there was a small stage lined with black flowers. Off to the side in front of the fountain was a cloth draped over what I guess would be the statue Princess Celestia had shown me earlier.

Most of the residents of Ponyville had already gathered and were standing around chatting lowly to themselves. If you listened well enough you could hear small things that the kid had done for them. Up in the front row were the Elements so I trotted out in front of them.

"How are you girls holding up?" I asked as sincerely as I could, all I got were a few shakes of their head and a choking sob. I nodded slowly.

"This isn't easy to accept, I know."

"But, Storm Blade... How could this have happened from a patrol? I thought those were just a lot of walking." Twilight said slowly.

I shook my head. "Where did you hear that, Miss Twilight? No, he was in fact on a very important mission. It was an urgent request from the Princesses. Both of them."

She hung her head. "So... He lied to us?" 'Oops...' "He lied to us about going on a simple patrol. When it was something far more dangerous?" All I could do was nod.

"He was only trying to look out for everypony. Knowing Almasy, he just didn't want to see anypony get hurt on his account." I nodded and I heard a sigh.

"That may be the case, dear. But he still should have told us. If we had known we would have tried spending more time with him before he left." Rarity took in another shaking breath. "And now we'll never see him again…"

The rest of the girls stared at the ground and I sighed. 'Look what you did now, kid.' I kicked myself mentally. 'Look what we all did...'. I heard his voice tell me to shut up in my head.

Also a crack or two at me failing to keep everyone happy.

I cracked a small smile. 'Yep. Sounds like him.' I looked up to the sky to see it was nearly mid-afternoon. 'Wow, time is flying by today. Could it be the Princesses plan?'

Twilight spoke up. "Princess Celestia decided to make the day shorter today. They're only going fast enough to speed up the day a little without making it dangerous." I nodded.

"Well, that explains a lot." I sighed.

"I'm sorry for not giving you the warning about it, Captain." I turned to see both of the Princesses were standing there, I began to bow. "No, this is a day where everypony is an equal to see off a fine warrior."

"Princess, why didn't Almasy tell us where he was going? He just said he was going on a patrol." Twilight approached Celestia slowly with her head still low.

Celestia glanced over the other Elements before returning to Twilight.

"Yes, my little one. I told him not to tell anypony about the real reason he was leaving. I am the one to blame for him keeping it a secret." Celestia nuzzled her and everypony in ear-shot nodded.

"We would also like to apologize for the events that have happened." Luna stepped forward and offered a consoling smile.

Princess Celestia nodded to Luna. "Everypony seems to be here, let us bring dusk that we can begin, sister." As they nodded to eachother both of their horns began to glow and the sky began to darken.

The Princesses soon took their places on the small stage that was provided.

Celestia began.

"Everypony. Thank you for coming for our event of seeing off the young Almasy." She took a breath.

"I know he wasn't a pony. He was however a loyal guard, even in his short time here.

I know this is not much, but we decided to have a memorial service for him."

She nodded to Luna who stepped forward.

"We would all like everypony to see that he was a very honorable young man."

Together the Princesses removed the cover to reveal the small statue.

"And we hope this will serve as a small memory of Almasy."

They then nodded for me to get on the stage. 'I still don't know what to say, I guess I can just wing it...' A smile broke across my face as I walked up the steps. 'He doesn't mind, I'm sure.'

As I reached the podium I cleared my throat and looked over everypony.

"I am Captain Storm Blade. I knew Almasy ever since he got to our lands." I cracked a smile.

"Granted our initial meeting was him facing my own squads’ spears. He soon became a member of our Royal Guard." I nodded and took a deep breath.

I smiled. "He was the only one to ever put me through the wringer, might I add."

I looked over the crowd once more to see a few guards chuckle at that statement.

"But before he left, he told me this; If something does end up happening to him, nopony had better be sad. He said he wanted us to celebrate, not cry over it."

I heard a few sniffles and a choked sob. I shook my head.

"Yeah, he asks for a bit much, doesn't he?" I chuckled. "But you know he'd be running around trying to enforce it on everypony." A few dry laughs rang out.

"Anyway. We're here to see off a great warrior. He always went with his convictions. Always tried to help anypony in need. He even took the extra stride to stand up, and he did it for us."

I smiled thinking it would be invigorating and nodded to Princess Celestia.

"A wonderful speech, Storm Blade. Almasy would be pleased." She nodded and took her place at the podium.

"To see off our friend, we have composed a small spectacle to commemorate this day."

She nodded to Princess Luna who charged a spell and smiled.

"Everypony, look to the sky."

As we all looked to the sky we saw it, a beautiful meteor shower. It was awe inspiring as the sun slowly crept behind the mountain. We were caught by both of the Princesses voices, but Luna was the one who approached the podium.

"Everypony, please let us have a moment of silence for him." As she finished everyone bowed their heads and you could hear hushed whispers of consoling and sobs.

After a few moments I heard something, like a light patting on the ground. It was off rhythm.

I shook my head and sighed trying to ignore it, but it got louder. 'Who would be..' .

I looked around and saw nothing, until I looked between the crowd. Walking down the aisle was a very...well, bucked up. Almasy.

"Kid!?" I shouted causing everypony to look towards him with a gasp. He was limping down the aisle clutching his side. All he offered was a pained looking smirk. His shirt was in tatters and tied across his chest, he was covered in blood and scars. I rushed towards him only to be cut off by him raising his hand that was tied with another shred of his old shirt.

He grunted and gave another pained smirk. "What did I tell you... You're not getting rid of me anytime soon, bud." Everypony gasped and gathered around.

"How..." I cut myself off. All he did was give a breathy laugh.

"I told you... I have this under contro.." He collapsed and sighed.

"Alright... so I might need a hand to get back up" He pushed himself to his knees only to be tackled back down by the Elements.

"Hey... I’m injured here! This kind of love hurts!" Everypony laughed and shook their heads. The Princesses walked up to either side of him.

"Serves you right for having everypony believe you're dead, kid." Almasy grunted and sat up still with a few of the Elements clinging to his body.

"Guys... you're going to get blood on you if you don't get off." Almasy started to try to pry them off one by one and Celestia laughed.

"Come now, little ones. I'm sure he needs some medical attention. Just by looking at him I can tell he's still greatly injured." Celestia offered a calm smile and picked Almasy up to his feet with her magic.

Rarity walked up and clung to Almasy's leg giving out small sobs. He reached down and patted her shoulder.

"Hey now, look I'm fine... kind of." He gave another laugh and clutched his side.

"Well. Mostly." Celestia and I shook our heads.

"You gotta stop acting so macho, kid. Look what it did to your flank." Twilight gave a sobbing laugh as did the rest of the girls.

"But it's good to see you alive and… well… up and around anyway." We both got a chuckle out of that.

Almasy shook his head and met the Princesses gaze. "There's something important I have to tell you both."

"We can talk after we get you patched up, Almasy." Celestia simply stated.

"Nurse Redheart, are you here?" She asked to the crowd of ponies, we saw her walk down the aisle after a moment.

"I'll go get an ambulance Princess. Please stay with him for the time being." Nurse Redheart said after checking over Almasy quickly.

"I was able to heal a little on my way here... I'd say it would take another day or three to get back to one-hundered percent." He groaned and ran a hand over his chest that was covered with his shirt.

"Take that off Almasy. What are you hiding?" Rarity pushed. Almasy shook his head.

"Nope... All I'll say is that there's a hole there... And I don't feel like dealing with losing any more blood. I've barely been able to sustain myself the past few days." He offered a half-smile and scratched... well.. attempted to scratch his head.

"Anyway… Looks like I'm late to my own funeral, eh?"

I face-hoofed. "You're really gonna make wise-cracks in that kind of condition, kid?"

He nodded.

"Sometime I wonder about you Almasy..."

"Best not try that...might hurt yourself." Almasy smirked and shook his head.

"Hey... What's that?" Almasy pointed to the ambulance coming down the way.

"Uhhh, that's your ride to the hospital, kid." He shuddered and I laughed.

"What, afraid of needles?"

Almasy took a sluggish swing at me and he missed and fell to the ground with a laugh and grunt.

"Ugghh, come here so I can hurt you Storm..."

"No can do, kiddo. Your ride's here." As I said that two unicorn doctors levitated him to a stretcher and I heard him sigh

"Hey, you brought this on yourself this time, Almasy." I cracked a smile and he tried to sit up getting pulled back down to the stretcher.

As the ambulance headed off to the hospital with Almasy I sighed.

"That guy is something else. Isn't that right, Captain?" I nodded to Celestia and she simply smiled.

"At least we know he's alive. Be sure he doesn't work for the next couple of days."

"Oh course, Princess... But making him apply to that will probably be a different story."

We both shared a laugh.

Chapter 4

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I sat up slowly, ears ringing. I heard some talking... But couldn't quite make it out.

I opened my eyes to be blinded by a bright light and groaned.

"C'mon now..that's not right."

"...e up yet?" I made out the last part, it sounded like Nurse Redheart.

I reached my hand up to my face and sighed. 'Damn..what happened to the whole not sleeping thing.' My eyes slowly adjusted to see Nurse Redheart and another doctor waving a light in front of my eyes.

"Looks like you've finally woken up, Mr. Almasy." Said the doc. in a relieved manner.

"Now then, tell me how you're feeling." He smiled as I flopped back down in the bed.

I looked myself up and down. A few bandages covered my chest and my right hand was wrapped in gauze.

"Eh, I'm alright. A bit sore though..." He simply chuckled and nodded.

"We've had to keep you unconscious for nearly a week. We had to dispel an extremely powerful seal that was blocking your healing rate." He shook his head.

"Even though it took five days to dispel, we lost you a few times."

I shrugged. "Well, looks like you did a good job keeping me out of that pit, doc." I sat up and looked around the room before checking my arms. 'Blech...' I sat up once again. "Hey, doc?" He nodded. "Is there any way I can get a shower?"

"Of course Mr. Almasy. The wash-room is that door to the right; we'll give you some privacy."

As he finished he walked out of the room and closed the door with Nurse Redheart.

I stretched and got out of the bed, ' Damage assessment... Still kinda messed up... Hmmmm.'

As I got up and looked over myself more I noticed I was covered in scars and still matted in some blood. 'Blech... I can't believe I've been in this state for a week.'

I stepped down on the cold floor. 'Damn…where are my boots.' I laughed and face-palmed.

"I'm all kinds of messed up, and I'm worrying about boots...Yep, I'm still me."

I walked over to the washroom door, and well... did my thing.

I sighed relieved as I stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam off of the mirror.

"Ack! Where did that come from?" I traced the new scar going down the side of my face and winced.

I heard a knock at the door and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I opened the door to see Nurse Redheart.
"Are you alright, Almasy, you were in there for quite a while." She tried peeking through the door more.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'm just checking out the additions to my scar collection... It's starting to get extensive."

She looked a bit disheartened and I laughed quietly.

"It's not a big deal. Things happen, you know?"

She shook her head and frowned.

"You were by far the most difficult patient to deal with." I laughed.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll try not to be here too many times." I rubbed the back of my neck and offered a small smile.

She shook her head. "No, no. Not like that, I just meant it was a bit strange to try patching up a different species." She chuckled.

"But we did what we could, and you're walking around. You have a slight limp, but I'm sure you'll recover in time."

I cleared my throat. "Um…Do you think I could get..." She nodded and walked out of the room. I began to put back on my clothes, save for my shirt that was thrown out apparently.

' Aha.' I found my boots sitting next to the door, as I finished tying them off the door opened.

Nurse Redheart offered me two bags of blood and I gestured for her to put them on the bed-side table.

I finished wrapping my hair in a towel and sat down in the chair across from the bed.

"I'm sorry if I'm bugging you nurse. I'll try to be out of here in a few hours."

She shook her head. "We think you should stay another day, you just regained consciousness after all. You were in very bad shape."

"Eh, just chalk it up with all the other times I've been on my 'death-bed', Sad to say it but this is maybe... the fourth time I've heard this." I nodded and picked up a pouch of blood to see Redheart wince.

"I'm sorry, I can wait if you want." She shook her head and I turned away and downed the entire pouch in a few seconds before doing the same with the second.

In a few moments I felt a tingle run through my body and saw the wound that went through my hand close up completely, I looked down and check my chest....still a damn hole.

"I'm sorry, but we didn't have a strong enough magic to completely dispell the seal, but we got the majority." I nodded.

She pulled over a chair and started to take a reading of my vitals.

"But you're seemingly alright, minus the hole in your chest that is."

She held up a roll of bandages and covered most of my chest and shoulders.

"So…any idea if the seal will wear off? Or am I going to be stuck with a hole?"

I said as she stood back up and grabbed a ...huge...needle...

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nooooo, no needles!"

"You've gone through all of this, have a hole I can fit my hoof in. But you're shying away from a needle?" I nodded frantically. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but we need a blood sample." She held up a vial.

I sighed and grabbed the vial. "As long as it's filled, right?" She nodded.

"I'll just do this.." I brought my thumb to my mouth and bit down and let it drip into the vial, filling it up after a few seconds. "Is that enough?"

"You bite yourself and tell me you're afraid of needles." She shook her head and had me set the vial on the table.

"So... I feel alright, can I leave now?" She sighed and tossed me a form.

"You're really difficult, Mr. Almasy. But just sign at the bottom of the page, and you're free to go. But if you feel like you're not healing at all." She smiled. "You know where to find us."

I signed the bottom of the page. 'Sheesh... Signing anything makes me nervous, last time I signed something. Poof. There went eight years of my life...' I smiled and handed the page back to her.

"Looks like you're good to go, sir." She motioned for one of the doctors who brought in a wheel-chair. I shook my head and laughed walking out of the room.

As I approached the front door, it slid open and I was blinded by a flash, and then another.

I held a hand up to my face and sighed.

I dragged my hair in my eyes so that the flashes wouldn't get to me so easily.

I was being asked questions left and right, not being able to make out any of it so I held up a hand.

"One at a time." I pointed to a random pony in the crowd. "You."

"Tell us, how did you survive that ordeal sir?" It was a unicorn mare who readily had a pen to the paper.

I shrugged. "I'll tell you what I told all of my friends: I'm really hard to kill." She nodded and scribbled it down.

"Next... you." I pointed to the other pony from a few nights ago.. Well, a week or so ago.

"What does your cutie-mark mean, Almasy? And why are they different colors?" He looked towards me and I sighed.

"They're tattoos, they have no meaning. Just ink in my skin." I browsed over the crowd.

"Hmm, You." I pointed to a red mare far in the back.

"What's it like being a Vampony, Almasy!?" I scratched the back of my head, not really sure how to answer.

"Uhm... It's kind of the same. I just don't eat or really sleep much anymore. I can only walk in the sun from a spell. Other than that, still feels normal." I nodded and she wrote it all down.

"One more question." I pointed to a white mare this time. As the crowd separated I saw it was Rarity.

"When are you coming home?" She said with a small smile.

I stretched and laughed heartily.
"I'll follow you out, how's that?"
And apparently that was a queue for all of the reporters to ‘aww’ and take pictures of us. I face-palmed.

"So, is this the hero's marefriend!?" I heard a shout from the crowd.

I thought for a second before coming up with a nice form of torture... After all, she started this mess. I cracked a smile.

"No. Not yet." I looked over at Rarity to see her biting down on her hoof.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and started walking off, Rarity caught up soon. I saw a few more camera flashes before I laughed.

"That…was rather mean, Almasy." She spoke up as soon as we left the crowd, a smile grew across my face.

"You know that what you said is going to be all over the news, right?"

I shrugged with a laugh and picked up my pace.

"And most of all! What do you mean 'not yet'?" She stopped in front of me.

I shrugged and jumped over her.

"Will you talk to me, it has been a week, dear..." She started to sound sad.

"When we get to your place, we'll sit down and talk as much as you want. Alright?" I looked back to see her nod and start to walk a bit faster.

As we walked back to Rarity's home a few ponies looked up towards me and waved, a few welcome backs, and maybe a hug or two. Didn't think I was so popular.

We soon reached the boutique and Rarity opened the door with her magic ushering me in.

As I walked in I heard the door squeek closed and stretched.

I felt myself being lifted up and sat down on the couch. Rarity followed quickly and sat on the opposite end.

"Was that really necessary?" I laughed slightly and she nodded.

"So, what do you want to talk about Rarity?" I motioned for her to ask whatever she wanted.

She slapped me.

"Ouch... Okay, what was that for?" I sighed and rubbed my cheek.

"THAT! Was for lying to us about 'going on a patrol.' When it was, in fact a very dangerous mission! INTO THE EVERFREE for that matter!" She slapped me again, harder this time. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.

"THAT, was for worrying us half to death!" She came down a third time, hard enough to turn my head.

"AND THAT! Is for leaving me with these, thinking you were dead!" She levitated over my tattered and blood-covered coat and the bell that was torn off.

I flinched as she raised her arms again, but she hugged me tight and started to cry.

"And ‘this’, is for coming back, Almasy. You've no idea how I felt when I had to go to your funeral, to think of never seeing you again." I sighed and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry, Rarity. I didn't mean to worry you." She shook her head and continued to cry in my chest.

"No, I'm sorry, I wish I had told you everything sooner, darling." I squeezed her gently and looked into her eyes.

"You know, I'm not as great as you might think..." She bit her lip and buried her face back into my chest sobbing.

She took in a shaking breath. "I still thought I had lost you, Almasy. Not only myself, but all of us." She squeezed into me as tight as she could, without injuring me further anyway.

I ran my hand through her mane and laughed a bit. "No biggie, I'm not going anywhere for a long time, I can assure you." She smiled and looked up, I winked. "Yep... I'm more stubborn than you can imagine."

She ran the tip of her hoof over the scar on my cheek. "But you can still get hurt, I mean look at what happened to you, darling."

I smiled and held in a laugh. "Be glad you didn't see me in the hospital, it was way worse." She shook her head.

"Almasy dear... We saw you when you first walked back into Ponyville. At your own funeral no less." She looked down and I picked her up by the chin and smiled.

"What's there to smile abou-" I cut her off by licking the tip of her nose and laughed.

She recoiled and blushed madly.

"Hmm, you up for lunch? I could use a walk." I looked over to see her still shocked.

I whistled. "Rarity? Lunch?" She just nodded and I held the door open as she trotted out.

As we stepped out of the door I patted my pockets and ran my hand over my belt.

"Uhh, I forgot something, I'll be right back." As I was leaving she tapped me and tossed my satchel of bits.

She smiled. "I knew you'd just try to pay again, so I grabbed your satchel from the table by the door on the way out, dear. I was wondering if you'd notice." She gave a playful smile and continued walking.

"Well, you got cheery all of a sudden." I laughed and she just nodded.

"Of course dear, I think I just found the answer to something I've wondered for the past few days." She started to skip off to our usual outdoor cafe.

"Uhmm, I just realized something." She stopped and looked towards me I gestured to myself.

"You don't notice?" She shook her head and I sighed.

"Is there something wrong, Almasy? Are you hurt?" She asked almost in a panic. I shook my head.

"I'm about to go out, and to a cafe." She nodded.

"Wearing nothing but tattered pants... and bandages." She started to giggle and I set my hands on my waist.

"Darling, if you have yet to realize." She paused and started giggling again.

"Ponies don't normally wear clothes at all." I face-palmed.

"Oh... Well then." We started to walk towards the place once more with Rarity still stifling her giggles.

As we finally made it to the outdoor cafe the waiter came and gave Rarity a menu, I smiled and gave him a knuckle bump.

"Looks like you're learning, bud."

He laughed and nodded taking Rarity's order.

"So, darling. What did happen in the forest?" She said after taking a bite of her salad.

I waved my hand and shrugged. "Something tried to 'Rule the world' or something, but I stopped her. It hurt, but I stopped her, haha."

She stopped. "Her?" I nodded. "What was 'her' name?" She started to look serious.

I bit my thumb and thought for a second. "Night..something-or-other."

Rarity gasped. "What?"

"Almasy…do you mean Nightmare Moon?" I nodded.

"And you stopped her?" I nodded again.

"She wasn't that... tough, maybe a little." I scratched my head and smiled.

"But I was just a bit tougher." I held my fingers at a slight gap laughing.

She just stared at me slack-jawed. "And... you defeated her... without the Elements of Harmony?"

I shrugged. "Well yeah. It's nothing I couldn't handle. Is that a big deal?"

"Almasy, the only way anypony EVER, even the Princesses have ever defeated her was with the Elements." She shook her head.

"And you just come along and defeat her, single-hoofed."

I sighed. "If you don't believe me, I'm sure we can get Princess Celestia to do that…memory thing again."

We both turned as Twilights voice came up.

"I've already sent the letter. She'll be here in a few minutes."

I laughed. "When did you get here Twilight?" She shrugged.

"About the time I heard Rarity say 'Nightmare Moon'. You know me, I just had to listen in. I'm sorry for dropping in like this." She apologized.

"Don't worry about it. It would have probably come up sooner or later." I nodded

I saw a shadow above us and looked up to see a carriage being pulled by Pegasi Royal Guard.

"I take it she's arrived?"

Rarity smiled and nodded. "She is always prompt when she says she's going to be somewhere, darling."

As she said that I watched Princess Celestia disembark from the carriage and walked towards us slowly, everyone started to bow, I myself just gave a lazy two fingered salute and she smiled.

"It's good to know, young Almasy, that you're starting to lighten up around me. But according to my student we have something to discuss." She nodded towards the carriage and motioned for us to board.

As we got on they must have noticed me gripping my seat as we took off.

"Is something the matter, Almasy?" Celestia asked in a soothing manner.

I snapped back to my mind. "What…Oh, no. I just realllllly hate heights. Pathetic right?" I gave off a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Almasy. We'll take the train next time if you'd be more comfortable." She nodded and smiled

"It's fine. I'll get over it." I sighed and sat back in my seat trying to relax a bit.

It was quiet for the rest of the ride there. the girls just looked out of the windows at the scenery... Brave.

As we got off the carriage I dove to the ground. "Yesssss, land!" Everyone around me started to bust up laughing, I didn't care.

"Ahem, so... yeah. Why did we have to come all the way back here, Princess?"

Celestia sighed. "The subject of Nightmare Moon is something we'd like to keep... under wraps, shall we say, as to not cause a panic." I nodded.

"The other Elements should be on their way here. Let us go to my personal quarters that we may discuss the matter further."

As we approached the castle the guards opened the gates, one of them sneered at me. Must’ve been that Accord guy. I smiled and waved.

All of a sudden Celestia stopped and looked towards us. Twilight and Rarity nodded to eachother and we were taken in a blink of bright light to Celestia's quarters.

I took a knee and sighed. "Maybe a little warning next time?" Celestia looked over at me and smiled.

"I'm sorry, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, I do apologize." She didn't sound very sincere...

Before I knew it there was another loud pop and I took a defensive stance, just to see the rest of the girls teleport in with another Guard pony. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"You're all going to give me a heart-attack, I swear..."

"On to business." Celestia perked up and approached me.

"I think you know what this part is for, young Almasy."

I nodded as she touched her horn to my forehead and replayed the battle I had with Nightmare Moon. As it was playing out as I blacked out in the ruins she stopped it.

I shook my head and cracked my neck.

"So, what is the level of importance, Princess?"

Celestia shook her head and looked at me sternly.

"It is of the utmost importance, Almasy. I don't believe you understand what you have done."

I flinched expecting the worse.

"You may have very well saved Equestria. From what was said there will be more, although we do not know the times of the rest of the 'fragments' may appear." She smiled and looked towards me.

"You are hereby known as 'Knight Almasy', it's the least I can do for somepony who may have pre-empted a major crisis."

I shrugged. "Just doing what I was told to, Princess."

All of the girls looked at me like I was odd before Twilight perked up.

"You know, Almasy. What you did was always thought impossible without the Elements of Harmony." The rest of the girls responded in a similar fashion.

"Fine. I just got lucky." I smiled and they all shook their heads.

Celestia draped a wing over me. "Almasy. You're a hero."

All I could do was laugh.

"I take it you're not one for being praised?" Celestia asked me, I just shook my head.

"Also, my sister and I have given you a new weapon. It's in your old room." That caught me.

"Umm, What do you mean 'old' room, princess?" She smiled.

"I want you relocated to Ponyville. The Everfree Forest is always where dangers come from, therefore you should be closer. I think you've proven yourself more than able to protect the town." She dropped down to a whisper. "And also the girls, they may be the Elements of Harmony, but they can still be harmed, do you understand?" I nodded.

Rarity walked up to me. "Why don't you want to be called a hero, Almasy? It should be amazing news."

I smiled. "Because that was always my dream, so I'm denying it. Not fun to chase after a dream you've already achieved, ya know?"

Celestia began laughing and shaking her head.

"So, you'll only accept being a Hero after you truly save the world, and are on your death-bed. Once again, Almasy you surprise us all."

I tapped my foot and crossed my arms.

"And how far back did you go into my memories to get that one, Princess?"

Celestia gave a grin and shrugged.

"I looked over your entire life when I casted my spell the first time, forgive me, but I could not avoid it."

I face-palmed. "So... you know everything about me?" She nodded. "I mean.. everything?"

She nodded again. I sighed. "Fantastic."

"And so does Luna." She said with a victorious smile.

I shook my head. "Anyway, this little promotion I'm getting... it won't be public, will it?"

She smiled. 'Dammnnn...'

"It's all according to customs, Almasy. It will be a large event held in the castle, and a party will follow." She looked at the girls and smiled.

"You're out to get me now, I swear Princess..." I started walking towards the door as it opened to reveal Princess Luna.

"Ah, Almasy, I do hope we are not late to see what the fuss my sister was talking about." I looked towards Celestia and her horn glowed along with Luna's eyes.

I smiled and Princess Luna looked at me shocked before running over joining her sister.

It looked like they were discussing something before they both nodded.

"Well, Knight. We have a special assignment for you." I nodded.

"It's now your duty to protect the town of Ponyville as well as become a permanant resident, and also to investigate these other happenings, should Nightmare Moon decide to reappear. Do you accept?" Princess Celestia looked at me already knowing the answer.

I shrugged. "I already planned on it, Princess." Everyone smiled at me.

I reached for the door handle once more before I was teleported to my room along with Celestia.

I sighed. "Once again…no warning."
She looked at me very seriously. "Now Almasy. This is between us: do you truly wish to undergo this mission?" I nodded and she shook her head.

"I need to hear you say the words."

I looked her in the eyes. "I accept." She nodded.

"Once again, your words are true." She smiled and nodded.

"Now, what do you think of your new weapon?" Celestia gestured to a wooden box on my bed that extended nearly from the head to the foot of the bed.

I walked over and opened the box to see a longer curved sword. As I unsheathed it, it didn't change at all but still had a magical glow to it, as I went to put it away it disappeared into a red light.

"Ummm…" I looked to Celestia to see her grin.

"It's a soul-blade, Almasy. It's now a part of you." She cleared her throat snapping me out of my haze staring at my hands.

"All you have to do to summon it is imagine a weapon of any type and it will form in your hand."

I held my hands out in front of me and closed my eyes. I felt the cold grip of something in my hands and looked to see a set of daggers. I smiled.

"Well, that’s something you don't see every day." I thought of them being sheathed and they dispersed.

"Now, Almasy. These blades are a part of your soul. They are much harder to break than anything ever created by pony-kind. Your weapons can still break, and if they do, it will wound your soul itself." Celestia looked to me sternly.

"And if your soul is wounded enough, it could very well be destroyed."

"Right, that sounds like fun." I laughed and brought out a halberd for kicks and changed it into a transparent blood-red longsword. 'I am enjoying the hell out of this…might keep this one.' I dismissed it and turned to Celestia.

She smiled. "Oh, and if you're not looking forward to your ceremony of being knighted... You'll really hate what happens in two days, Almasy."

My body turned towards her and my eyes widened. "Why, what's in two days!?"

She smiled and teleported us back to her quarters.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, Almasy."

I sighed. "And what's keeping me from asking everyone else here?"

Most of the girls looked to me and back to Celestia.

"Hey, what's happening in two days you guys?"

"Hearts and Hooves day, why?" I looked to see Luna smiling and Celestia laughing.

"And that means?" I looked to Celestia.

"You will find out then, I'm sure." Celestia said with a smile.

"Alright... I'm going to go now." I started walking across the room and to the door.

"Where are you going dear?" Rarity tried to jump in front of me and I sighed.

"I'm going to my old room... and finding some way to sleep." I opened the door and there was a brick wall.

"You're...Kidding me." I turned to Celestia. "Teleport...Now."

"Is that any way to talk to your Princess, who promoted you to being our Royal Knight?" Celestia added with a serious expression, I could feel her pulse from here, not serious at all.

"Yes." I pointed a thumb to the door.
"Oh, and if you'd be so kind as to blast me with something so I can sleep, I'd love that."
Celestia huffed and shook her head. "Very well." And we were gone in a flash of bright light.

I wasn't as thrown off by it this time and walked over to my bed and took a seat.

"I know there's something you'd like to talk about, Princess. Don't just keep it in the dark, it bugs me." I said staring straight into her eyes.

Celestia nodded and took in a breath.

"The soul-weapon. It only had one other master before you. He was exactly what I felt within you." I waved my hand for her to continue.

"You are 'The Heart of Sacrifice' Almasy."

I shrugged. "How cute, what does it mean to be...that?" I lay down in my bed and stared at the ceiling.

She sat down on her haunches and sighed. "You've already seen Nightmare Moon. When she was 'whole' there is only one way to defeat her." She took in another breath and sighed.

"There must always be a sacrifice, to rid this world of Nightmare's grasp. There was one pony who did it before, the one who used your new weapon last time."

"So, All I have to do is give it my all and get rid of the fragments of her… and then?" I stood up and offered a hand to Celestia, she grabbed it and I helped her to her hooves.

"And then, Almasy. You have a choice. Banish her forever by sacrificing yourself, your body, mind, and soul. Or let the Nightmare wash across all of Equestria." She hung her head. I swore I saw a tear fall.

I laughed. "Doesn't sound like much of a choice, Princess. Don't worry... I'll do it." I nodded and stretched.

Celestia walked over and wrapped around my chest squeezing me tight.

"Thank you, Almasy. You have no idea how much this means to my sister and I."

I patted her on the cheek. "Just one thing." She nodded.

"Don't tell anyone else, alright?"

"If you think that to be wise, I will agree to this." She nodded and sighed.

"Do you still wish to sleep through the night, Almasy. I'm sure this has been taxing on your mind, taking in all of this information so suddenly."

I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Go back to the girls. They're probably getting suspicious by now."

"If you wish, I could send Luna to keep you company, perhaps it could help?" She turned towards me, I just nodded. In a moment she was gone in a flash and I curled into my bed.

'Ugghhh, this is annoying...' I bit my lip. "... At least I'd fulfill my dream."

As I finished that sentence I looked up to see Luna standing on the other side of the room.

"And what would that dream be, Almasy?" She nodded for me to talk.

"My sister has already told me, privately. Please do not fret."

I stood up out of bed and sat in a chair across from her.

"What is one of the most un-obtainable dreams Princess?"

She looked at me confused and shrugged. I smiled and sighed before responding.

"To die a hero, of course. Childish I know, but I don't mind. I guess I'm just a bit shaken up by this one, it was really unexpected."

She came over and wrapped her hooves around my neck. "I'm sorry that it has to be this way, Almasy. You have broken one chain that has always been a constant by defeating Nightmare Moon without the Elements, what says you can't do this without doing the same?"

I shrugged.

"You know Almasy... I am the reason that Nightmare Moon exists."

I waved my hand. "I've read the story. Don't worry about it. I'm sure I can handle anything that happens." She tightened her grip around my neck and nodded.

"Why so glum, Princess?"

"You are paying for my own mistakes, Almasy. I can't stand it." She started to cry. 'Ughh, why does this keep happening?'

I wrapped my arms around her and patted her cheek, as she looked towards me I gave a docile smile.

"Just relax. This will be easy enough." I nodded and she squeezed tighter.

"You're not relaxing Princess." I laughed lightly and pulled her off so she could see my eyes.

"Honestly, I have no problems with it, might even be fun."

"Then why are you shaking so bad, Almasy? You are afraid admit it, this is making us feel so much worse." I looked down to see most of my body trembling, damnit.

I let go of Luna and she dropped back to all fours, I clenched my fists and tried to calm down my body, after a few seconds it was a small tremor at best.

"See, I'm fine now. Don't feel bad, it's apparently something that has to happen, just glad it's me and not one of the girls, any 'pony' else for that matter. It's better off." I nodded and she sighed.

"You must have come here as a gift from the goddesses, Almasy. I see no other way to explain this. You have done so much that nopony else could have ever thought of." I shrugged

"It's not a problem Princess. With how many fragments they are, depending on when they decide to show themselves... I have more than enough time."

"Please, don't call me 'Princess'. You may call my sister and I by name. You have proven yourself more than enough. Also by becoming our Knight you are inducted into royalty. This is the reason there is only one knight under our rule. It happens only once in a great while."

Her horn began to glow and she touched it to my forehead.

My eyes bagan to grow dark and my hearing was fading, she apparently decided to put me to sleep. I was levitated over to the bed with a smile. I was out.
I awoke in the morning to a knock at the door. I sat up and hopped out of bed and reached for the handle.

The door opened slowly to reveal Pinkie Pie, but something was wrong... Her mane was straight and she looked so upset.

"Pinkie, are you alright? You look a bit... down."

She shook her head and wrapped around my leg.

"I overheard what you and the Princess said last night. I heard all of it."

I sighed and picked her up sitting her on the bed, I pulled a chair up so we could talk face to face.

I picked up her chin so she could look in my eyes. "Now Pinkie. Do I look the least bit upset, scared, or even angry about it?" She shook her head.

"But you can still be hiding it! You're not smiling." She jumped on me and I leaned back.

"Pinkie... I hardly ever smile, it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with me, I promise." I picked up her hoof and gave a small squeeze.

"I'm going to be fine, might even have a bit of fun with it."

Her eyes shot open wide and she pulled back her hoof. "But, wouldn't that mean... we'd never see you again?"

"Who knows? I do know one thing, I'll never really be gone. No matter what I'll always be near in some way or another." I smiled and picked her up by the chin.

She took in a deep breath before meeting my eyes again. "If you say so, Almasy. I believe in you."

I patted her cheek and hugged her. "Now just relax. You know there's a party of some sort today, something-or-other about me becoming a knight. You'll be there, right?"

Her mane was set back to normal followed by a big smile.

"Of course I'll be there, I'm the one who's planning it and setting it up, you'll love it!"

I smiled and she hopped down from the bed.

"Oh! Before I forget, Rarity wanted you to have this, also I already Pinkie Promised to keep your secret my secret." I nodded and she handed me a small box.

"Thank you Pinkie, where are the rest of the girls?" She thought for a second and shrugged, I chuckled a bit before she left the room skipping, at least she got over it quickly.

I opened the box to see a new shirt and my coat it was new and in white this time, the same design was stitched into it, with a small addition of a few armor plates across the back and over the shoulders. The shirt was just plain and white, I'm glad she knows how I dislike anything too extravagant.

I pulled the shirt over my head and slid into my coat and walked out of the door.

As I walked towards the throne room members of the Royal Guard began bowing, I waved it off and told them they didn't have to, but they disagreed. 'I'm going to have to fix this at the ceremony, that's for sure...' .

As I approached the door to the throne room the guards immediately opened the door and I nodded to them as I stepped through having them close behind me.

"Almasy! Good to see you're finally awake, you've slept in for quite a while you know." Celestia called over with a smile.

I scratched my head. "Lemme tell you, Princess. It still feels a little odd to be sleeping. What time is it anyway?" I reached the steps of the thrones and stopped.

Luna walked over and hugged me tight, I patted her back.

"Off, off, I didn't get a chance to shower yet!"

To prove a point I picked out a few strands of hair that were matted together.

"Oh, it's just your mane, you smell fine Almasy, rather sweet like..." She paused and sniffed me.

"Some rather expensive cologne." She ended with a smile.

I grimaced and she huffed.

"Fine, here Almasy." Luna said as we were gone in a flash.

"You may use my shower if it makes you feel better." I looked at her quizzically.

"Time is of the essence here, Almasy. Your ceremony will be taking place in an hour." She ended with a wide grin.

"Oh..." Was all I could muster before dashing through the door Luna was pointing at. It took twenty whole minutes to shower before I even felt remotely clean, time was laughing at me. After which I dried off, got dressed and burst back through the door to see a laughing Luna.

"What, what's so funny?" She just pointed to a mirror in the corner, as I looked into it, I could see what it was. My hair looked like a bird’s nest.

"Please tell us you're not going to be at your ceremony with that kind of mane, Almasy." Luna grinned and I saw her horn light up.

"What do you think?" I looked to her, then back to the mirror, my hair was tame and back to straight and smooth....but it was white.

"Uhhh, Princess?" I pointed to my hair and Luna shrugged.

"We...didn't know that would happen." She started to apologize before I stopped her.

"It doesn't look half bad, matches the shirt and coat." I smiled gaining her a small chuckle.

She charged another spell, I looked down to see my pants and boots mended, but also change to white.

"There, I think you're ready for the ceremony, Knight. Let us go to my sister, we must escort you to the event." She smiled and we teleported back to the throne room where Celestia was waiting.

"Almasy!?" Celestia cried. I smiled and waved.

"What happened to your mane? It's white!" She ran over to me and gave me a few glances.

"But I look good, right?" I said while I did a small pose and chuckled.

"Luna, what did you do?" Celestia charged over to Luna who was smiling nervously.

"I only meant to style his mane, why this has happened I do not know sister."

"What spell did you use?" Celestia glanced over to me with a worried expression.

Luna tapped her horn to Celestias and I saw Celestia smile.

"Looks like your hair got bleached out of color, Almasy. My sister here seems to have overcharged a 'clean and mend' spell." Celestia laughed and Luna blushed.

"Almasy, will you forgive me for this matter?" I nodded and laughed.

"Of course, now how long 'till I have to go and be..." I shuddered. "Public and social..?"

Celestia brought a hoof to her chin and looked to me with a smile.

"Now. Almasy I'm sure you'll catch on to my own little plan for a nice entrance for you." She smiled and I saw her charge her horn, before I knew it I was on top of the roof of what looked like a rather nicely sized amphitheater.

I looked around and saw thousands of ponies cheer as the Princesses both took their places on the stage.

"Everypony, we have asked you all to come here for two very important reasons."

Celestia started as she gazed over the crowd.

"Nightmare Moon, is indeed back." This earned some panicked gasps from the crown before she raised a hoof to silence them.

"Now, everypony. That was the first piece of news. As bad as it may be, there is another piece of news that will let everypony sleep easily." She smiled as she turned to Luna.

As Luna approached the podium to take Celestias place I let myself glance around the crowd.

'Ugghhh... I hate public events, never has been my strong-suit.' I swallowed hard as Luna began.

"Everypony, as you have no doubt, this is bad news." She scanned over the audience then up to the part of the roof where I was standing and gave a smirk.

"We have a new Knight. Yes, everypony, a Knight."

She looked towards me and nodded, I took it as my queue.

I looked over the edge and a spotlight caught me, I smiled.
'I really hope you have something planned, Princess...'

I tilted forward and rolled in the air before feeling myself being caught and ripped right side up, I fell softly to the stage before looking behind me to see a pair of white angelic wings that slowly faded as I set foot on the stage.

Princess Luna smiled as I touched down and continued.
"This is Almasy, our Royal Knight. He has defeated one of the Fragments of the Nightmare already, without the use of the Elements of Harmony." She nodded for me to approach the podium, I scratched my head nervously.

Luna cast her gaze over the audience.

"Please, show him the same respect you would give to my sister or myself." She said as she backed away from the podium.

I sighed before I took my place. I gazed out over the crowd of ponies who were cheering, as I brought myself to the microphone it was dead silent.

"Umm, hello everyone." Was all I could muster before the crowd cheered again.

"I'd like to thank you for showing me such a warm welcome." I glanced a scowl over to Celestia who only smiled at me.

"I do have one request however. Please... Don't bow to me, don't even look at me as royalty, because I'm not." Without another word I stepped away from the podium watching the Princesses walk towards me.

Celestia gave me a small smile.

"I guess that little piece of information revealed itself a tad earlier than I had hoped."

I folded my arms and Luna came up next to me.

"There are still benefits to being Royalty, Almasy." She smiled.

"Meet me on the balcony at midnight tonight."

"Sure, no problem." I sighed and looked over my shoulder to the crowd, they were talking amongst themselves.

"And, like I said, I'm not royalty. I'm just me. Got it?" I smiled and turned to each seeing them nod.

Celestia grinned and charged a spell tapping me in the head.

"This will keep the three of us in communication from now on."

She put a hoof to her chin in thought.

"Just think of one of us you wish to talk to and you'll be 'connected' so we can hear eachothers thoughts."

I nodded.

"Alright, will do." I checked around to see the crowd quiet and looking towards us.

"Well, looks like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of ya, Princess." I said as I started walking towards the back of the stage.

"Where are you going, Almasy?" I looked back to see Celestia grinning wide.

"You still have a party to attend."

Before I knew it I was in a completely different building, taking a look around I saw all the decorations and smiled.

"Aww... isn't that cute?" I said looking up to a banner obviously from Pinkie Pie.

'Congratulations on becoming a Royal Knight, saving Equestria, and being one of our bestest friends, and for coming back to life and not being mad since I broke your one thingy!'

"...Wait a minute..." Before I could do anything there were more pops and everyone I knew was in the building.

"Hey there Kid, Looks like you outrank even me now." Storm said with a grin before walking over to me and bowing.

I face-palmed. "None of that man, really. I'm still me." I said as I turned to the whole group.

"Almasy?" I read Rarity call me as I turned to her. I shrugged.

"Why is everything so... white on you?"

I pointed to Luna and let her explain.

"Are you ready to play your part in the party?" Celestia asked with the same grin as earlier.

"Do I have tooooo?" I groaned, she nodded.

"Ughh, do I have to do anything special?"

"You just have to give a small speech, tell them about your battle with Nightmare Moon, you know, give them hope." She nodded and smiled warmly.

"Why can't you just do the little show thing?" I asked without budging.

"I didn't think of that... but it was very violent." I nodded in understanding.

"But I suppose we could show small pieces."

"Well alright, let’s do that." I said with a smile.

"Y'all sure are the shy type, Almasy." AJ said with a tip of her hat.

"We're going to have to fix that." I saw a glint in her eye and the rest of the girls grew smiles and nodded.

"Pass." I smirked.

"Well, you're going to be the center of attention anyway, Almasy." I heard Luna’s mirth in the words. She came next to me and pointed my head towards three large chairs sitting up on a large table.

"You're going to be sitting in the middle. Between my sister and I." I forced myself to sway like I was going to pass out.

"Nice try, Almasy... You can't pass out without magic." Celestia caught me in the act and just gave a grin.

I straightened up and cleared my throat.

"You are so not on my side..."

I heard all of the girls start to giggle before a pony in a suit came from the front door announcing the guests were here.

Before I knew it I was levitated over to the chair between the two Princesses, I looked over to Celestia, she shook her head and pointed to a grinning Luna.

"Was that really necessary... Last time that happened it resulted in bad things." I shot a glance to Rarity who just smiled and blushed.

As I finished the sentence the doors opened and ponies filed in slowly, I sighed and stood up as the last one filed through the door and smiled.

Celestia glanced over to me and I nodded.

"Everypony, to help you understand why having Almasy as our new Knight is an important reason to celebrate, I will offer this to you." As she said that her horn glowed brilliantly and I saw everyone in the audience gasp as I saw light flicker through their eyes.

Giving them a chance to process what they had just seen the Princess spoke up.

"He is the only one to ever do such a thing. A Knight is chosen only once in a great while, there was only one before him"

Luna then stood.

"Do not be afraid of him little ones, he is on our side. We can assure you of this. His power may be frightening at first."

She looked over to me with a warm smile.

"Almasy has a heart of gold."

I lowered my head to the table.
"You're embarrassing me..."
Celestia smirked and leaned in so only I could hear her.
"I know, this is great fun."

I groaned.

After the little light show and kind words I was levitated from my seat and dropped into the middle of the fray of ponies.
"Celestia!? What the...WHY!?"
She just smiled.

"Because your frustration is hilarious."
Ohh... I'm so getting her back for this.

There were a lot of ponies rushing into me, thanking me, hugs, embraces, invitations to dinner, lunch, outings.... other things. I felt like a circus act, needless to say.

After a few hours of being... social... the crowd started to think out and I could finally breathe.
Well, you know what I mean.

I looked outside to see it was pretty late at night and turned to Celestia.
"Well, what's left?"

"That's it Almasy, tomorrow is a whole new day." Celestia smiled and pulled the doors closed leaving just the Princesses, Elements and myself.

I stretched and cracked my neck turning to everyone.
"So, what do you guys want to do now?"
All of the girls yawned and I laughed.

"Don't worry, you'll all be staying in the castle tonight." Celestia said with a smile.
The girls responded with yawns and smiles before most of them trudged out of the door leaving me with Luna and Celestia.
"Almasy, we thank you for doing this, there is nothing we could give you to… compensate you for the mission you are about to undertake." Luna approached me and said.

I shrugged. "You act like I'm asking for something, Princess."

She snapped. "Luna."

I just chuckled. "Riiight... Luna."

Celestia came to my side. "Surely there's something you would like, Almasy."

I shook my head and she huffed.

"Why not?"

I held up a finger and smiled.
"Fate. I just don't fight it." The just looked at me and shook their heads.
"What? Do you actually want me to ask for something?"

"YES! Just ask for something, I know we couldn't provide you with enough for this, but we would feel so much better if you did." Luna practically yelled at me.

I shook my head. "I don't want anything though."

In a flash of light we were on a balcony overlooking the city, you could make out Ponyville in the distance.

"We're not asking you to ask for something. We are ordering you." I took a step back.

"Ummm, What exactly am I supposed to ask for?" I sighed and shrugged.

"I think I'm pretty well taken care of."

Luna shook her head. "Nevermind..." She walked into the castle and I looked to Celestia who was laughing and shaking her head.
"You are kind of thick, Almasy." She said with mirth.

"I don't follow..." I bit my lip.

"Was I supposed to ask for something?"

Celestia shook her head and walked away.

Luna walked back out, this time without her tiara on.

"Let us take you to your room, do not worry about our meeting tonight... I think we would just go to sleep."

"Alright, Princess." She glared at me.

"Ahem... Luna. That sounds like a plan." I offered a smile that she returned after a few seconds.

Once again we were teleported to my room and I stretched before walking over to the refrigerator.

"Are these fresh?" I cast a glance to Luna who just shrugged. I sighed and picked a pouch out of it and bit off the tube cover.

"You might want to look away, Luna." As I said that she simply shook her head.

"We will be fine, Almasy." She said confidently, but I could hear her heartbeat starting to rush.

I stuck the cap back on the pouch and pocketed it walking over to my bed.

"It can wait... Is there something on your mind, Luna?" I asked as I tilted my head in her direction.

She shook her head and frowned. I stared into her eyes.

"That won't work on me, Almasy, I can keep a secret." She said slyly.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. But I'll worry."

She shook her head, "There is no reason to, we can assure you." She said with a smile. I just nodded.

"So, do you think you can knock me out again, Princess?" She nodded and walked over to me before charging her horn.

"Thanks..." I smiled as I felt the spell starting to take hold of me and crawled on top of my bed.

"No, Almasy, you'll need to be ready for tomorrow." Luna smirked.
"You'll be getting a very early wake-up."
Before I could question her further, I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.
'Oh well…I'll just have to find out tomorrow.'