> Denouement Duet > by Tatsurou > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Departure and Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm, ordinary day in Ponyville. The sky was clear, the birds were singing, and ponies went about their day to day business in a relaxed manner, keeping their eyes out for whatever weirdness was about to happen. It was Tuesday, after all, and something odd happened in Ponyville every Tuesday. This made Ponyville a very exciting place to live, while still pleasant for those who enjoyed having a regular routine. The focus of Ponyville's present peaceful air seemed to be around a small house at the end of a curving path. Like most houses in Ponyville, it had a unique interior and exterior design to reflect its residents. Unlike most houses, however, it appeared to almost be divided in twain, with each half showing a different style. One side seemed to be made of wood in sepia tones, with organ pipe smokestacks instead of a single chimney poking through the straw roof. The other side was blue stone and rose to a second floor. The first floor windows all had a Bass Clef engraved in the glass and looked out onto windowsill flower beds. The second story window had a Forte symbol engraved in the glass. From within the house, the sound of a softly played cello could be heard wafting out the windows, carrying on the wind. The peace was shattered as the entire house ceased to exist, scattered into energy and light as a massive fortress warped into place on the property, an effigy of a skull resting in an upside down horseshoe that blazed with moving blue light on the front. Not far away, the day's groceries fell from Vinyl's magical grip as she saw what had happened to her home...and her roommate who had still been inside. Unable to find her voice, she rushed towards the fortress, desperately trying to grab hold of Octavia with her magic, hoping against hope that she was alright. This resulted in the arrival beam of several cybernetic lifeforms and their pony companion locking onto Vinyl's location, scattering her in telefrag as they arrived. The magic linking Vinyl and Octavia as they were telefraged caused them to be sent back along the arrival signal of the Fortress back to the world it had come from. As the two signals underwent temporal stabilization, Octavia's energy signal became supersaturated with chronitons, and Vinyl's was propelled further back though more stable as a result. Signal degradation over distance and time without mechanical support meant that both signals would be somewhat reduced when they arrived and reconstructed. Octavia stared around at the world they had arrived in. "Well...this is rather picturesque," she murmured softly as she stared out at the peaceful village filled with terrified screams and fleeing populace. "Though not the warmest possible receptions..." "Pretty sure it's what's behind you," Prometheus pointed out bluntly. "The giant skull fortress?" Turning around, Octavia saw what he was talking about. "Oh...yes...I suppose that's not part of the normal countryside?" "No, that's Wily's Fortress," Prometheus responded firmly. "Looking exactly like it did when it vanished from Earth just before The End. Though...it was flying then." "So that's where Vinyl is?" Zero asked curiously. "And Wily, and several others," Dynamo confirmed, his voice halting and stuttering as one eye glowed blue under his visor. X turned towards Dynamo with a frown. "And how do you know-" "Like I told Octavia, Prometheus isn't the only old relic," Dynamo interrupted bluntly. "Now we should be getting in there. If I'm right, Vinyl's going to need to see some happy once we're in." "He's right," Prometheus confirmed as he stepped up to the entrance, placing his hand on a scanner. After a time, the door beeped and slid open, granting them entry. "Let's go." As the group moved forward through the Fortress, the defenses ignoring them, Octavia stared around as she took it all in. It definitely resembled pre-End Times facilities - which made sense, considering it was from those times - and seeing such a place at peak functionality was absolutely fascinating. However, Prometheus led them unerringly towards a high tower, where their path was blocked by four robots unlike any she'd ever seen before. "Prometheus," the one that looked like jet-based transformer in robot mode stated in a monotone voice as they approached. "You are not supposed to be here until your job is complete. It has not even been a full hour." "Been a few centuries for me, Typhon," Prometheus countered. "How's she doing?" "Not well," the one who looked to be made of wood observed. "But that's to be expected." "I bring good news for her, Gaius," Prometheus offered hopefully. "That should cheer her up. And...some people she should meet." He gestured to the rest of the group. The four robots stared at the group, then nodded and stepped back to let them pass. Prometheus walked up to the door and let it open. Inside the chamber at the top of the tower, Vinyl sat in Albert's lap, her flesh and blood hoof held to her eyes as she struggled not to cry while her metal leg banged rhythmically against the arm of the chair. "...Vinyl..." Vinyl looked up in surprise, quickly pushing her glasses back down over her eyes before she opened them. "Prometheus?" she asked, coughing a bit to clear her throat. "How are you here so fast?" "Mars advanced very fast," Prometheus explained. "By the time they got here, they were able to lock onto when you arrived to send us to meet you." "Us?" Vinyl asked curiously. "You...you brought friends? Then..." "Why don't you let me give introductions?" Prometheus offered. He sent a silent signal, and X stepped into the room, Piano at his side. Vinyl managed a sad smile. "...so you're X," she murmured softly. "Last time I saw you, you weren't even half finished. And who's the dog?" "My support unit, Piano," X explained. "He's been useful...even if his Adaptor makes me fluffy." Piano barked playfully, rolling into X for belly rubs. Vinyl managed a soft chuckle, smiling wider as she saw Zero enter, Timbre on his shoulder. "And you seem to have thrived," she mused softly. "What name did you choose for yourself?" "I'm Zero, Mom, Gramps," he greeted warmly. "This is Timbre, my support unit." "Zero, huh?" Albert mused idly. "Well, X was named as a variable...I suppose it makes sense your name is the absolute." "So, booblights..." Vinyl began, grinning mischievously. "...don't start that again..." Zero grumbled irritably. "They're power cores-" "Oh, I know!" Vinyl confirmed. "I designed you, after all." She pointed to his crotch. "But when I first built you, they were there." She tilted her head as she heard a pair of feminine giggles. "Did you bring some ladies?" Alia and Iris stepped in calmly, moving to stand beside their husbands. "This is Alia and Iris," Prometheus introduced. "X and Zero's wives." "You managed to get married?" Vinyl asked happily. "Then...the world I wanted...it does exist?" Her voice quavered somewhat. "Beyond what you could have imagined," Prometheus assured her. "And mostly thanks to my father-in-law." "You're married too?" Vinyl demanded eagerly. Armatige slowly walked into the room. "GLN-003, Armatige," she introduced herself. "I was the masterpiece of my father, Gate. His goal was to erase the line separating Reploids and humans-" "You're shitting me!" Vinyl interrupted. "I know that reference! You're telling me you can breed?" Armatige chuckled softly. "Yes. Father designed a synthetic womb which allowed Reploid females to bear children, their TDNA crafted from splicing the mother's RDNA code as reproductive code with donor samples from a Reploid or human partner. As a result...nearly all life on Earth now is Terran...a fusion of organic and synthetic life." "Our three boys, Thomas, Mikhail, and Albert, run Earth between them," Prometheus explained. Zero jerked a thumb towards X. "And our kids are its protectors." X rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Please don't remind me of the Memezord..." Vinyl burst into laughter. "Oh, I have got to hear these stories!" Her laughter faded. "Then if the world's so good..." She craned her head towards the door. Axl took his cue, walking into the room with Marino and Cinnamon at his sides, Tango leading the way. Vinyl hopped down to the floor, walking towards Axl with a clip-clop-clip-CLANK. "Anton...you..." Levitating herself up, she pressed her metal leg to his cheek. Tears trailed down her cheeks. "...your parents would be so happy for you..." Axl lifted a hand to cup the limb, instinctively knowing it was his father's. Tears beaded his own eyes. "I am happy for them, Vinyl," Octavia spoke softly, stepping into the room with Classic at her side. Vinyl gasped, dropping out of her levitation...only to be caught in Octavia's as her Ultimate Armor triggered. "Tavi...it's...it's you?" Octavia smiled as she stepped forward, gently setting Vinyl down. "Yes, it's me-" Her words were cut off as Vinyl cannoned into her, burying her face in Octavia's shoulder, flesh foreleg wrapped around her neck as she wept. "Tav...I messed up..." she wept. "I wanted to make it better...I wanted to save everyone...but I missed it, and now they're all gone, and it's all my fault..." She clung tightly to Octavia like a rock in a raging river. "It's all my fault..." Octavia responded with gentle shushing as she wrapped Vinyl in a warm embrace, letting her cry herself out for now. > Despair and Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As nearly everyone stepped back, Octavia held Vinyl close and let her cry herself out. When Vinyl finally started to calm down, Octavia pulled back to look her right in the eyes. “Tell me,” she coached softly. “Start at the beginning...but summarize.” Vinyl chuckled softly. “I don’t think I can fit this story in 20 words or less.” “You already did,” Octavia responded softly. “But you don’t need to keep it that short. It’s time for us to talk about who we’ve become, after all. Then we can talk about who we were...and who we want to be.” Vinyl nodded, coughing a bit to clear the congestion her crying fit had left her with, wiping her eyes and face with the handkerchief Octavia had pulled out the instant she’d coughed. “Well, I woke up on Dad’s head.” She gestured to Albert. “He wanted to take over the world to enforce human/robot equality. I wanted to help, at first as a bonding activity and to make him proud of me, and later because I had come to believe in the cause. I mean, how could I not want organic/synthetic equality when my big brother is a robot?” She smiled towards Forte, who smiled back as he leaned against the pool Miyuki swam in. “But things went wrong. I made some mistakes, and I realized the struggle could cost me those I cared about...so I decided to stop. I decided if Earth wasn’t ready for robot/human equality on a global scale, the solution was to build such a world from scratch elsewhere, so I went to terraform Mars. But then someone else started trying to destabilize the world and paint me as the bad guy...so I successfully took over the world in an attempt to flush them out.” She hesitated, unsure how to explain the next part without getting too emotional. “You hit a clog?” Octavia suggested blandly. Vinyl stifled a snigger. “Yeah, something like that. Still, I ruled the world. I had robot/human equality. Everything was going to be perfect. I was about to perform the first human/robot wedding, joining my best friends - one who was like a sister to me - together...but...” Seeing Vinyl struggling to shape words, Albert spoke up. “Suicide bomber,” he explained softly. “The perfect trap for Three Laws security...” Off to the side, Prometheus swore sulfurously under his breath until Armatige rested a hand on his shoulder, drawing him out of his self-recrimination. “It all fell apart...” Vinyl murmured softly. “They were moves ahead. By the time I recovered, the world was already at war...” She took a breath, steeling herself. “So I decided...if they didn’t want the world technology led to, the world I was building...they could live without it. Everyone who just wanted out went to Mars, and...I released a virus that shut everything else down.” “That’s about when I arrived, when you left,” Octavia spoke up. “Dr. Light put me in stasis with Dad...X. Dad became the basis of Reploids, and...” She turned to Zero. “You’d be best explaining the rest.” “The AI based off you screwed up, Mom,” Zero explained. “It was so worried about Tavi that it added protocols to me and X to make sure she’d be safe and cared for...and that screwed up the timing circuits on my capsule, damaging my Ether Systems. The Evil Energy side joined with a Reploid Commander named Sigma, becoming a Virus to turn Reploids into Mavericks. It was only blind luck and things we still aren’t sure about that kept the resulting war from ending in mass casualties.” Vinyl winced visibly. “Sorry...” “It all worked out for the best,” Octavia assured her. “If not for the conflict, Gate wouldn’t have been able to contribute so much, and without that he wouldn’t have gotten the clearance to finish building Armatige...and that’s what erased the line between human and Reploid. That’s where Terrans came from...and that’s the world of Earth now.” Vinyl closed her eyes, taking a few calming breaths. “I...guess I should look at the outcome of my own struggle the same way?” she asked somewhat bitterly. “That it all worked out for the best, so I shouldn’t be upset?” “No,” Octavia countered firmly. “The pain is yours, and you’ll have to get through it at your own rate. All a happy ending can give you is comfort...that your efforts were not for nothing. You built Zero. You inspired Dr. Light to build X. You brought Rock and Kalinka together to build Axl. Because of you, they were who they are, and the world was saved because of that. It in no way lessens the tragedy and loss...but at least you can take comfort that your lost loved ones are surely happy with how it ended, and are smiling down at Earth as it is now.” Vinyl shook her head in wonder as she chuckled softly. “When did you get so wise, Tavi?” she asked in awe, accepting the glass of water Miyuki floated over to her and taking a drink to rehydrate. “Comes with being over 200 years old,” Octavia murmured dryly. Vinyl promptly spat her water out all over Octavia, only for most of it to be deflected by energy shields. “What?” “Didn’t I mention that?” Octavia asked mildly. “An error with the bio-stasis caused me to age very slowly, meaning I didn’t hit full maturity until my 200th birthday. It made things interesting...and awkward for Dad.” Vinyl managed to get out a laugh. “So now I’m cougar bait...” she murmured under her breath, trying not to be heard by anyone else. “So,” she continued louder, “is this where we discuss who we used to be?” “We were two close friends who were attracted to each other but were too afraid of skewing said friendship by acting on it, leaving us in the endless ‘will they or won’t they’ dance that sitcoms love so much,” Octavia offered calmly. “A mutual attraction that only really became obvious when we made music together.” She leaned forward with a soft smile. “So tell me, cougar bait, since Axl calls me Mom...where do you stand on MILFs?” Vinyl swallowed as she felt her mouth and throat go dry. “Uh...on the bottom?” “Good choice,” Octavia purred. “One other lesson I’ve learned...even when your lifespan is measured in centuries, it’s still too short to waste beating around the bush.” Reaching up, she cupped Vinyl’s face in her forehooves and pulled her into a deep kiss. Vinyl’s eyes went wide in shock, only to close as she leaned into the kiss, wrapping her flesh and blood leg around Octavia as Varia disengaged. As everyone watched with smiles, happy to see Vinyl finding something to be happy about, Axl rubbed the back of his head. “So...my Mom is dating my Aunt now?” he asked, deciding on that relation to Vinyl since she and Kalinka were apparently as close as sisters. “I’m not sure what to think about that.” Silence greeted that statement for a time, until Forte shot Axl a wicked grin. “That you might be a redneck?” he offered teasingly, only for Miyuki to swat him in the back of his head with her tail fluke. > Future and Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia and Vinyl spent a great deal of time talking together as they made plans for their future and discussed events of their pasts, trying to figure out the best way to fit themselves back into the world at large, or if they even should try. As they talked, Albert took his time looking over the technology that made his ‘Terran’ guests function, along with the advancements made available due to material developments for X, Zero, and Axl. While this was going on, Vinyl’s Guardians stood silent watch, waiting for orders as they had little else to do at the moment, and found themselves quite out of their depth regarding everything going on. “I’d hate to interrupt happy moments,” Dynamo spoke up playfully, “but someone might want to deal with the rapidly gathering angry mob outside.” “Angry mob?” Octavia asked curiously. “That doesn’t sound like Ponyville.” Vinyl let out a loud cough that sounded suspiciously like, “Zecora!” Octavia countered by blowing a raspberry. Albert moved to the window and looked out. Ponies had gathered around the castle, looking quite angry and almost ready to storm the place. From what he could see, the charge was coming from another castle in the distance made of crystal. “Hmm...think it’s the skull motif?” “...yeah, that’d do it...” Vinyl murmured thoughtfully. “They probably think we’re some sort of inter-dimensional villains here to take over and enslave them, and think we killed...well, us, on arrival.” “That...is a problem,” Octavia mused idly. “And given how panicky ponies tend to be, I doubt they’ll take our word that all this advanced technology isn’t mind controlling us. We’ll need to figure out a way to get some breathing room without hurting anypony...and a way to convince them we aren’t evil in the process.” Vinyl stared at Octavia in amazement. “You seem to know your way around the battlefield,” she mused thoughtfully. “I tended to be on the front lines a great deal,” Octavia responded happily. “Myself, and many good friends.” “Good friends, huh...” Vinyl murmured sadly, glancing away. “What’s wrong?” Octavia asked earnestly, deciding to take care of Vinyl before the angry mob outside. “It’s just...” Vinyl sighed sadly. “I...I lost a lot of friends that day. Some that...well, I’d have loved for them to see the world you built. Two in particular really, but they were guests at the wedding, and...” She lowered her gaze. “...actually, Vinyl, I think I may have a way to solve both problems,” Albert spoke up suddenly. “That is, if Zero will loan me the use of his buster.” “My buster?” Zero asked in confusion as everyone looked up. “Well, sure. But what are you going to do?” He held out his buster arm. Grinning, Albert went over to the computer and made a few connections between it and Zero’s buster. “Tom and I created two things that revolutionized robotics as a practical science. The first was our original power core design, which went into Protoman and every robot after him until more efficient models were developed, like those Forte, X, Zero, and Axl have. The second was the matter/energy conversion engine that was the basis of the Master Abilities, and the Variable Weapon System.” “Where are you going with this?” X asked carefully. “Just this!” Albert declared as he ran his hands over the console, a wide grin spreading across his face. “The true power of that conversion system...with enough energy and the right programs...” Zero’s arm suddenly jerked up, and he fired off a blast of energy that arced out onto the ground outside the fortress between it and the angry mob. When it landed, it took the shape of Cutman. “Fear the power of three!” he declared proudly as he struck a pose. “...you can hold an army in the palm of your hand!” Wily concluded as he pressed one last key. Zero fired...and fired...and fired... Vinyl and the others raced to the window and watched what was taking shape down below. Before Vinyl’s eyes, every Robot Master she’d witnessed die - whether in the world conquest attempts or from the actions of whoever attacked the wedding - took shape out of pure energy, falling into line on land and in the air. Much to her amazement, it wasn’t just those she and Albert had built...but any that had been particularly close as well, any who had lived on Sky Lagoon. Her eyes locked onto a particular pair of energy charges that landed close together. A humanoid robot in blue samurai armor took shape, sitting on a green tank that had the upper body of a young woman with gun arms in place of a turret. The samurai put an arm around the girl’s shoulders, waving up at Vinyl with his spear. Seeing Vinyl’s tears pouring from her eyes from the sight, Octavia pulled her close to offer comfort. Vinyl then glanced towards her, a question in her eyes. Octavia glanced from the army below to the fortress they were in...and rolled her eyes. “Okay, if that’s what you need...” Vinyl hugged Octavia tight in gratitude. “So Vinyl,” Wily asked eagerly, his mad grin still on his face, “what are we going to do now?” A matching grin slowly spread on Vinyl’s face. “The same thing we always do, Dad...try and take over the world!” Celestia and Luna were sitting down to dinner - for Celestia, it was actually breakfast for Luna - when a guard burst in through the door. “Your Highnesses! Canterlot is being invaded!” “...what?” Celestia gasped in shock. “How?” “A...an army of bipedal machines is marching on the castle!” the guard responded. “They have air support, and weapons the likes of which we’ve never seen before! Some have set themselves on fire to fly about, and others have simply lifted buildings out of the way...and several are making objects fly about at will without any visible magical fields. There’s even a giant with them!” “Lead the way!” Luna declared, leaping to her hooves and leading the rush out to the balcony where they could see what was happening. True enough, an army of robots was on the march, each wielding powers the likes of which Equestria could scarcely imagine. And to set the cadence of the march...they were singing. They're Vinyl and Wily Yes Vinyl and Wily Both are genius Whether human or pony This Father/Daughter team Will make the heroes scream They're Vinyl Yes Vinyl and Wily, Wily, Wily, Wily, Wily! As the lyrics stopped for a time, Celestia blinked in confusion. “Vinyl? As in...Vinyl Scratch? She DJ’d Cadence’s wedding reception...” “Did you remember to pay her bill?” Luna offered curiously, uncertain what to make of it all as the robot army brushed aside the Royal Guard without hurting them, the song beginning anew. The night's not yet begun But their plan has been unfurled They will overthrow the sun And take over the world! “Just the sun?” Luna grumbled irritably. “What am I, chopped liver?” “Wait...didn’t the first verse say something about Vinyl’s father?” Celestia asked in confusion as the song, ignoring their actions, picked up as the castle became surrounded. They're Vinyl and Wily! Yes Vinyl and Wily Their family campaign They feel no need to explain The evil throne will be theirs Equestria taken unawares They're Vinyl, yes Vinyl and Wily, Wily, Wily, Wily- A high pitched whistling echoed as a blue and yellow flying saucer coasted in through the army, stopping right before the two Diarchs. As it opened, Vinyl extended her metal leg out, the buster at the end converting into a sonic disruptor. She gestured to the Princesses’ crowns. “Drop it!”