> Equestrias Legends > by Gabushe Shy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tale of the Little Changeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestrias Legends - Tale of the Little Changeling by Gabushe Shy “Mom, I’m bored!” Flurry Heart complained “I know that I should learn how to run an empire, but this is tedious and annoying!” “I know that you don't like it, but you need to learn it, and practice it so you will keep the Crystal Empire strong and safe as it is today. And you should be little bit quieter.” Cadence whispered. “But you can talk to King Thorax afterwards; maybe he would finally tell you the Tale of the Little Changeling.” “Oh, ok. I really hope that he would tell me, he always says that I am too young, but I have my cutie mark already!” Her daughter went through a pile of emotions in once, ranging from disappointment to happiness. A few hours later “Uncle Thorax! Uncle Thorax!” Flurry Heart ran through halls of the crystal castle, trying to catch king Thorax before he wanders of somewhere else. “Yes, Flurry?” Thorax asked with a kind smile on his face. “Could you tell me the Tale of the Little Changeling? Please, please, please.” Flurry Heart said making puppy eyes “I even have my cutie mark now, so I am old enough to hear the story!” She continued, stomping her hoof to the ground to make her feel more serious. “Well…” Thorax pondered for a minute, then continued on “since princess Twilight told me that she already told you some of her stories I suppose you are old enough to hear the Tale of the Little Changeling. But beware! It is not sunshine and rainbows.” He added after another minute or two of thinking, warning Flurry Heart. “Okay, but why it isn't sunshine and rainbows. Every story that aunt Twilight told me included rainbow at some point, so why not this one?” She asked giving Thorax puzzled look. “You see...” Thorax chuckled “the rainbow was made by the Elements of Harmony. And since your aunts were not present, the Elements of Harmony were not used and therefore there wasn't any rainbow.” He explained to her. “That makes sense. So when will you tell me the tale?” Flurry Heart satisfied with her answer went back to the original topic. “Yes. It all began almost thirteen years ago at the wedding of your mother and father…” Thorax started. *** Thorax was buzzing over Canterlot with rest of the swarm, waiting for the signal from his queen to begin destroying the protective shield that was covering the whole city of Canterlot. Finally the signal came. He began flying and jumping on the shield to break it. At start it was strong and it seemed unbreakable, but as the protector - he was pretty sure it was a stallion named Shining Armor, but not entirely sure - strength weakened, the whole shield started to crack on its own. Work is now so much easier, he thought. Not so long afterwards the shield fell and some of his swarm mates flew off to Canterlot. Thorax stayed on his spot, because he needed to wait on signal from queen Chrysalis again. Only the changelings that were higher ranked or pleased their queen in some way short time ago had the privilege to go and feed before the signal came through the Hive Mind. “I should go too,” Thorax sourly muttered under his breath ‘I'm her son after all,’ he ended his thought in his mind. He then realized that he hadn't got the queens blessing like some of his brothers or sisters, the only thing that separated him from the ordinary changelings was his slight discoloration. While at his sour thoughts, the signal to come and feed came, so he missed it. When he finally realized that the signal came, almost all of his swarm mates already came down to Canterlot, so he could say goodbye to a good meal. He flew down to Canterlot, where he saw few ponies running, trying to fight other changelings, but came to a quick halt few meters above them when he felt the feelings of love for each. No, on second thought that wasn't love, it was something less romantic but equally strong. Maybe it was the friendship thing that he heard his mother - no, she wasn't his mother, she left him to be raised like the other changelings - talk about. What did she said? Oh yes, ‘that pernicious thing called friendship will destroy our kind one day’. Anyway, he felt that he couldn't feed on it nor steal - even if the feeling was strong enough to feed him for days. He instead flew to a small alley where he found few ponies that he - with disgust - fed off. One love bomb and few days later, Thorax and the swarm finally came to their hive. Even if the love bomb wasn't a pleasant form of travel, it certainly fed Thorax and let him store enough love for few weeks at least. There was still one thing that was bugging him; the inability of his kind to share love - yes, after he saw the ponies fighting in friendship, he realized that he didn't want to steal love, he wanted to share it. *** “And that is why I snuck one late evening out of my hive…” Thorax ended the first part of his story. “Wow, but there is more to it, isn't it? I already figured out that you are the changeling, but that doesn't explain why you look like you look like this,” Flurry Heart pointed at Thoraxes chest “from what mom and dad told me, at their wedding the changelings were only black and blue. And you are everything but black and blue.” She ended. “Well, if you would listen, I would tell you how it all happened,” Thorax said, giving Flurry Heart a wink. “So, since the hive was at south, I went to the north…” *** Thorax stood at an entrance to some village. He didn't really care what the name of the village was; he just wanted a permanent home and some meal. When he entered, the ponies gave him scared looks and were running into their homes. ‘Well, this isn't a really pleasant greeting’ he sourly thought, his mood quickly went downhill. *** After many months of starvation Thorax finally caught a faint trace of love. The only problem was that the ponies in the city ran him out like any others. He tried to survive in the frozen north, but the place was too hostile even for him. That is until he met a certain dragon. *** “And for the rest of the story you will need to bug Spike or Starlight.” And with those words Thorax ended his tale. > The Legend of the Alicorns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestrias Legends - The Legend of the Alicorns by Gabushe Shy "Auntie Twilight! Auntie Twilight, can you tell me another story about princesses and solders?" Flurry Heart begged making puppy eyes and trying to convince her auntie Twilight to tell her a story. "Ok, so which one you want?" asked the purple maned princess, not needing much convincing. “The Alicorn Legend” Flurry quickly answered making sure that her auntie won't change her mind. *** Once upon a time, long, long before Equestria was found, ponies lived in peace under the rule of an alicorn. Nopony knew her name, her subjects called her Faust. Her subjects loved her and she loved them back. The ponies living in the country weren't normal ponies. Instead of earning their cutie marks, they became alicorns earnings the wings of the pegasi, the horn of the unicorns and strength of an earth pony. They lived in peace with each and every kingdom that surrounded the land, even the three warring tribes, so Wendigoes never striked and the land was big, happy and prosperous. Still Faust wasn't interfering into the conflict of the three pony tribes for fear that she would break the taboo of non-interference in other lands issues. Yet, this action was breaking her kind heart, because her father was a poor and struggling earth pony that fell in love with one of the most powerful beings in whole world - her loving mother. But her seemingly unbreakable resistance broke at once and after the reunion of the three pony tribes and the defeat of the Wendigoes she sent her two daughters to rule, help and defend the newly formed land of ponies - Equestria. This action was met with disapproval from the alicorn royalty and several of them wanted and tried to separate. Faust in the fruitless effort to keep the country running resigned to her throne and let the royalty choose their new leader. She hoped that they would choose some leader that won't do many changes and be benevolent against the ponies, but her hopes were left unfulfilled and the chosen leader was one the more radical separatists holding grudge against the ponies. But Faust wasn't a pony that would lose hope because of an election that went the wrong way and she tried to convince the new leader to leave Equestria alone. But since she wasn't his leader anymore, he dismissed her with a wave of his hoof and prepared for war, getting ready to crush Equestria under his iron hoof. He blocked the borders so nopony will get out and potentially warn the petty little ponies and the country slowly became stricter than anypony ever remembered. Meanwhile in Equestria, Faust's daughters Celestia and Luna - not knowing what is happening in their homeland - were graciously helping the ponies of Equestria with rebuilding their homes, their farms, weather factories, towns, schools, castles and many other buildings. It was great time for everypony; some of the wisest ponies came from these times. Some ponies including Starswirl the Bearded even think the Elements of Harmony are from these times. *** “But they aren't, aren't they auntie Twilight?” Flurry Heart asked lifting her eyes from the book with a curious spark in them. “No, they aren't, they are from far more ancient times than these.” Twilight said having a happy smile upon her face. “But why would then somepony think that they are from these times?” the younger of the two alicorn asked, trying to figure out why would somepony think something as dumb as that. “Because someponies aren't that experienced as me and my friends, remember, I saw the foundation of the Elements of Harmony, even if it was only a flashback.” her aunt or as she liked to call herself: Best Aunt Ever tore her out of her thoughts right into the story. “Ok, that makes sense - I guess.” Flurry finally admitted. *** The rebuilding of the pony kingdom went well, and Celestia and Luna started to think about castle of their own to have a safe place to live and rule from. They chose a forest that reminded them of their home, forest where they used to play when they were little fillies, Celestia just barely getting her wings, horn and strength. Little did they know at the time of choosing that the castle will have one day a good - and at sometimes bad - strategic position. With some help of other ponies, they developed plans for their own castle and started building it with the ever so generous help of their subjects. Overall, you can say that life in Equestria was great. If you can say that about Equestrian life, you surely couldn't say that about the alicorn lands. Life there was miserable, many of ponies tried to run off, but nopony succeeded the new leader of the alicorns caught them all and silenced all their rebellious voices. The borders became guarded day and night and only the ponies that were mental tried to escape. Faust's heart was broken and she was desperately trying to figure out some weakness of the guard. She didn't care about her life; she wanted to warn her daughters and their helpless ponies. Finally, after many tries and many fails she succeeded and escaped the country on the verge of collapsing. She still didn't think about her. She just really hoped that her daughters were safe and that they will be able to lead their subjects to war with the powerful alicorns. To Faust's relief her daughters were okay and the ponies trusted them. What she didn't expect was the fact that her little Celestia and Luna finally grew up. The unicorns giving them their power over the sun and moon and teaching them new, much simpler spells that were a lot times more effective than the ones that the alicorns learned in their homeland. But what surprised Faust the most were the alliances that they had with the other countries and city states. From the Crystal Empire that was up in the frozen north to the many buffalo tribes in the desserts that made south part of Equestria. When the two rulers learned about the preparation for invasion they called all their allies for was and started marching out to the alicorn lands. The alicorns being the long lived beings they were took a lot more time considering everything - including the preparations for war. So when the United Forces of Ponies struck the alicorns were highly unprepared. Due to this the war was anything but violent for the United Forces of Ponies. But for the alicorns the war was fatal wiping them out except Faust, Celestia and Luna. But because of losing all her friends Faust decided to merge with the sky as once all the alicorns did. *** “Wow. We alicorns have a bloody past.” Flurry Heart breathed out “But are you sure auntie that this won't happen again?” “This won't happen again. And you know why? We learn from our past mistakes and we don't repeat them.” Twilight said, winking at her young niece and putting a protective wing around her back.