My little pony Equestria girls vs The Transformers: Rise Of Nightmare Moon

by Same2

First published

A nightmare trys to take over the Equestria girls universe, The Mane 7 and the Autobot try to stop her

The After events of the first battle, A Force only known as A Nightmare tries to take over the EG Universe, With the creation of Optumis evil twin Nemesis prime, And the RESURRECTION of Megatron. Can the Main 7 and the Autobots stop this evil and save the world?

Beginning Of the Nightmare

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"50 years ago, The Human race was still Present of this universe. We were Just at the end of the golden age, But The Humans recently ended world war 2. But our races have met before"

"So john how has work been" The lady asked.

"Fine, where do you want to eat scarlet?" John asked. The couple walked off, A blue and red 1967 chevelle drove up into the ally the couple just left. It stopped in the middle of the ally, The body came up and the wheels popped out. The tail lights came apart and feet popped out the front came down with a hole in hood and a head came out, Arms came out to help it stand up. It was a blue body with red parts on it, On its arm was a cannon. its head was silver with blue eyes.

The robot walked over to a broken light bulb and aimed it's gun at the light bulb. A little black energy came out of the bulb and attacked the robot creating a hole in the bot killing it. The black energy revealed a head. It was wearing a purple hat and a black color, With a horn. Its eyes became black and it smiled, Unleashing a black substance Then dissappering.

"Our alliance with the humans have created a secret military team, Called NEST. Our job is to destroy any remanding decepticons around the globe"

A GMC TOPKICK 44 drove up a shanghai ally and stopped with some military vehicles behind the truck. Rainbow dash stepped out of the truck going to the front. "Alright iron hide we got echo's, Close, steel stats 2:00" Rainbow stated as Iron hide transformed and stood up.

"There here I smell them" Ironhide said. The team walked over to the power plant. Applejack held up a heat seeker.

"Oh no" Applejack stated.

"Ok be careful were right on top of him" Rainbow radioed everyone. They heard a noise, The crane started transforming and slammed it's hands on the ground sending some soldiers back. Its wheels acting like legs standing up, They started shooting at the decepticon. Then a explosion happened and Nemesis jumped out landing on the decepticon, then he shot some soldiers. Then he jumped off then transforming and taking off, And the decepticon followed. They noticed some new decepticon signal started moving.

"Arcee twins target coming you way!" Rainbow radioed. The decepticon was driving and the arcee twins followed with sunset on a motorcycle with a gun, The 3 transformed and started shooting sideways. Sunset took her gun and shot sideways. Sideways transformed and jumped through a building. Then transformed back into car mode. "Bring in sideswipe!" Rainbow yelled. A silver corvette transformed and drifted around a corner.

"Clear a path!" sideswipe yelled. He jumped over the car shooting it then throwing his blade at the car, He landed and he took his blade cutting sideways in half. "Damn I'm good" sideswipe bragged. Meanwhile The decepticon kept going own the highway.

"Air support, We need big boarder delivered to prop now!" Applejack radioed as they followed him. Above them a plane was lowering its door where a peterbuilt was. The truck started to drive down the ramp and started transforming. He fell down and his parachutes deployed.

"Autobots, I'm in pursuit" Optumis yelled as he cut his parachutes. He fell and transformed. He drove until he transformed and jumped on the decepticons head. shooting his head throwing him off balance, "Pull over!" Optumis yelled. The decepticon fell off the bridge, The NEST soldiers walked up to him.

"DECEPTICON PUNK" ironhide said as he walked up.

"Any last words?" Optumis asked.

"This is not your planet to rule, the decepticons will win" The decepticon said weakly.

"Not today" Optumis said as he blasted the decepticon's face killing him.

Nest base

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Nest base in diego, Garica...

After the shanghai battle the NEST soldiers and the Autobots were returning. "Autobot twins report to hanger 3" someone said on the megaphone.

"Super bad car coming through" said one of the twins. They split and transformed.

"Ah yeah time to get my beauty on" Said one of the twins

"Skids I want the green" one said.

"no mudflap the greens mine" said skids as he beat up his brother then transforming into the new car while mudflap got the red one. Meanwhile in another hanger Optumis was pulling up to a platform. Outside they were honoring some fallen soldiers as a helicopter flew down and landed. A man got out and walked past the entrance.

"Director Galloway what a honor" Rainbow said.

"Don't care I got message for your little space buddies, Made a mess in shanghai" Galloway said as They walked in a hanger.

"So this is where we communicate with the JCS and this serves as the Autobot's hanger" Rainbow informed Galloway. Rainbow walked up a stairs and walked on a platform. She turned on the camera, "Now I have some news from Optumis, Now with your permission I cant let you see him be ill like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots" Rainbow said.

"Proceed" Said the general. Optumis started transforming Then standing up.

"General our alliance has countermanded 6 decepticon incursion this year, Each on a different continent. There clearly searching for something, But last night I think they found what they were looking for" Optumis stated.

"EXCUSE ME!" Galloway shouted. "With the defeat of there leader, Why haven't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?" Galloway asked as he walked up the stairs.

"Director Galloway he was just announced by the President" Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry of the interruption General, But after the damage in Shanghai the President is heart pressed to say the jobs getting done" Galloway said. "Now under the Autobot alien alliance act you agreed to share you intel with us, But not you advancements in weaponry" Galloway said.

"We witnessed you human capacity for war, it would bring more harm then good" Optumis answered.

"But who are you to judge what is best for us?" Galloway asked.

"With all due respect we have been fighting in the field together for 2 years" Rainbow said.

"We shed blood, sweat, and precious metal together" Applejack said.

"Hey was I talking to you" Galaway said as Applejack walked off mad. "And the newest members of your team. I understand they arrived here after you sent a message into space, an open invitation to come to Earth, vetted by no one at the White House" Galloway said before getting interrupted by the General.

"Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway. It was vetted right here, And in my experience, the judgment of both the girls and there team has always been above reproach" the General said.

"Well, be that as it may, General, it is the position of the President that when our national security is at stake, no one is above reproach" Galloway said. "And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after. well, there's only one clear conclusion! You! The Autobots! They're here to hunt you! What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that?" Galloway asked.

"So, let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying you further asylum on our planet, will you leave peacefully?" Asked Galloway.

"Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it. But before your President decides, please ask him this. What if we leave and you're wrong?" Optumis asked.

"That's a good question" Rainbow said.

Fluttershy and Bumblebee

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Back near canterlot high a yellow Camaro is driving around and stops near a house with lots of plants and animals. The door opened and a girl stepped out, She had pink hair, A white shirt, And green skirt and boots. She walked up to the house an opened the door, A white bunny jumped at her. She walked in and pressed voice mail. "Hey Fluttershy this is Rainbow, We caught another con. Yea!, Anyway hope your okay, bye" The phone turned off.

Fluttershy walked back outside, She walked to the car opening the door and grabbing some plants. She closed the door and the Camaro started changing, The headlights came down and the doors came out. The wheels disappeared an arms and legs popped out, It stood up. The hood came down and a head came up. "Bumblebee will you please help me with this" Fluttershy asked Bumblebee.

"Okay" Bee said with his radio, They walked over to a hole with no grass. Bee put apple seeds in the hole.

"Bee could you please go get some water" Fluttershy asked as she held a bucket. Bee transformed in in car mode and opened a door, Fluttershy put the bucket in and closed the door. Bee took off. Later bee came back and opened the door. Fluttershy got the bucket and bee went drove in the garage as fluttershy poured the water on the seeds.

Rarity and Smokescreen

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At Rarity's house, A blue Solstice Pontiac pulled up. It started transforming into this giant robot, Like jazz but blue and red.

It was holding some cloth and racks, It knocked in the door an Rarity opened the door. "Oh darling thank you!" Rarity said with glee.

"Your welcome, rarity" The robot said.

"Excuse me Smokescreen but can you please deliver these things" Rarity asked Smokescreen, Smokescreen transformed back into his car mode, Then leaving with the clothes and dresses.

Later returning with all the money, Transforming back into robot mode. And giving it to rarity, They both knew they were gonna get along.

Twilight and Rachet

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Back at Twilight's lab, Twilight was running some test on some Cons infected with dark energon. Beside her was Rachet the Autobot's medic, Studying some dark energon pulled from the cons. Trying to find out how the cons made Nemesis prime, He took A lot of samples to a table. Rachet put the Dark energon into a machine, A minute later the dark energon cube popped out. It was like a energon cube but dark purple.

He took the dark energon cube to this this operating room with a dead decepticon, He took the cube and shoved the cub in the con's chest. The eyes became purple, And his mouth opened and tentacles came out.

Rachet pulled a switch and the con died and rachet took the cube out, Putting it on a self then closing the door. Meanwhile Twilight looked at the charts. "Wow a slightly upgraded dark energon coul upgrade anything into a soldier!" Twilight stated. Rachet looked at her, Thinking about what she said.

Terrorcons Attack

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After Twilight finished her experiments they visited rarity and fluttershy, While Ratchet, Smokescreen, And Bumblebee Went for a drive. "So how have you been?" Asked Twilight.

"Me and Smokescreen have been working on our Clients clothes" Rarity answered.

"Me and Bee have been planting and helping some animals, What have you been doing?" Asked Fluttershy.

'We just have been testing" Twilight answered. While they continued talking Outside, A Purple like cube was sitting there, The ground turned purple and the animal's eyes turned purple, Inside Twilight heard a noise. "What was that?" Twilight asked. It happened again and everyone heard it.

"Huh I hear it too" Rarity said. The 3 girls walked outside, And they saw some Animals with purples eyes,

"Huh, how would some animals make some noise" Fluttershy said. Then before there vary eyes, the Animals started turning into some Transformers.

"What!!!!!" Twilight questioned. Fluttershy screamed.

"How did this happen?" Twilight asked, then she saw the purple cube. "Bingo!" Twilight said, But she couldn't reach it with the giant transformers in the way. They heard a Engine running as fast as it can, She saw a yellow car, She realized who it was, It drifted around the corner and transformed shot one of the zombie Transformers. He jumped over some of the zombies and shot some more, Bee landed and started shooting more zombies, Shot the last three. Later some Nest soldiers arrived.

"You okay Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy didn't answer, Only nodding her head, Rainbow got up and walked over to where Ironhide was.

"So you mean to tell me you been experimenting with Dark Energon!!???" Ironhide said with anger. Rainbow looked at Ratchet and Twilight.

"I didn't know what it was" Twilight said.

"I might have helped" Ratchet said.

"Ratchet, you have been working on this" Ironhide said.

"I'm not just a medic, I'm also a scientist" Ratchet said.

"Okay, if I find this again I'm gonna have a word with Optimus" Ironhide said, Ratchet and Twilight nodded.

The Nightmare Arrives

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A Raptor F-22 was flying to a cave, It transformed and jumped into the cave, As starscream walked A few decepticons transformed. One was a red and yellow robot named Knockout. "So what did you find Starscream?" Asked Knockout.

"Oh nothing, Wait where are the others?" Starscream asked?

"Nemesis went out, he is arriving now" Knockout said. Nemesis drove up, then transforming and standing up, He walked over to Knockout.

"And what about Thundercracker, Skywarp, Blackout, and Grindor?" Asked starscream, Knock out didn't answer, Only pointed behind starscream, Starscream looked behind him, and saw them with a body, They flew in with the body, setting it down, Starscream saw, It was there leader,

Starscream couldn't believe it, "YOU GOT MEGATRONS BODY???" Yelled Starscream.

"For reasons you don't care, Barricade is it ready?" Asked Grindor, Before anyone could answer they heard a voice.

"You could be ruling the universe right now, but you aren't" Said the voice.

"Who goes there, show yourself!!" Starscream Yelled.

"Oh but I'm right here" Said the voice before stepping out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" Nemesis asked.

"I am Nightmare moon" Said the pony.

"wait, How are you talking" Said knockout.

"Long ago, I put a spell somewhere, that If I was ever defeated in my universe, That I would come here, I saw Nemesis and followed" said Nightmare Moon. "And I know how to revive your leader" Said Nightmare Moon.

"Really, prove it" said Thundrcracker. Nightmare Moon walked over to megatron's corpse, using her magic she made three dark energon cubes appear, She shoved them into his chest, his body Started shaking, parts started forming on his body , His eyes popped open. Everyone was shocked, Megatron got up, With a hole new body.

Meanwhile at the nest base...

Sunset was sitting with Pinkie writing to twilight back in Equestria, Putting the book besides when she finished writing, Sunset looked besides her and saw pinkie watching some kind of silly cartoon, Normal pinkie, the book started to glow, Sunset picked it up, She read what twilight wrote, And a smile appeared on her face.

Back at the Decepticon base....

"Where am I? How am I alive?" Asked Megatron.

"Because of me" Nightmare said. "And because of that, I want to help you" said Nightmare.

"what do you want?" asked Megatron.

"I want to rule this world too, we need three objects, Dark energon, a vector 7-c8, And a giant weapon to use the stuff with" said Nightmare.

"where can we find these things?" asked Grindor.

"The dark energon is in one other the humans pets homes, the vector 7-c8 is in a really old warehouse, the giant weapon is in a secret location" said nightmare.

"Me and starscream, blackout, grindor will take the dark energon" said nemesis.

"me, skywarp and Thundercracker will get the vector 7-c8" said Knockout.

"Ill handle the giant weapon" said Megatron. The squads headed out to find the objects.

Decepticons Hunt!!

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Knockout, thundercracker, skywarp was going to the warehouse, when they arrived, they transformed and walked into the warehouse, knockout walked to a pile, "Skywarp will you do the pleasure?" asked knockout, Skywarp teleported under the rubble, A few second later skywarp teleported back up.

"Huh, so this is what it looks like?" said Skywarp. It was a blue orb with some metal over it.

"It doesn't matter, we got what we want, now lets go" said knockout as they transformed and left.

A alien like tank was driving in the dessert.

It was driving in the desert until it reached a pyramid, it transformed and stood up. "This ones power is off the charts, this must be it" said megatron. He took his cannon and shot a hole in it, and walked in, he scanned it, "Yes, this is it" said megatron. Megatron transformed and drove out.


Nemesis prime, Starscream, Blackout, And Grindor, Was going to Twilight's house, they zapped the control panel and the door opened, as he drove down, he grabbed the dark energon, while he was looking for the final peace, he see his and knockout's friend, he walks over "Oh, Breakdown" Nemesis said sadly. He got the finally cube and left. When he got out He drove to leave, but they heard some car engines, he turned and transformed, he saw two car drive around, He took his gun and shot the cars. he started walking away, then he heard a noise, like someone getting up, Starscream, Blackout, Grindor came down and transformed, the robot stood up.

"You want the horns, well you got them" said cliffjumper, He transformed his hands into guns, "AHHHHHHHH!" Cliffjumper yelled as he started shooting at them, They started shooting back, Hot rod then got up and took out his guns.

"PLUSA, PLUSA" hot rod yelled as he was shooting at them too, Nemesis took his sword and sliced at clifffjumper and hot rod sending them back. Nemesis was about to finish the job.

"Nemesis, we got what we want" said Blackout. They transformed and left.

Human Time

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After Cliffjumper and hot rod returned and gave the girls the news, The girls decided to have a chat. "Why would they want dark energon?" twilight asked.

"Maybe a plan" said fluttershy.

""Cliff told me that he heard some person called nightmare moon was said" rainbow said.

"Hey, twilight you might want to look at this" sunset said. Twilight walked over, there were reports of a old warehouse robbery. A man walked in.

"Girls, look at this" Said the man. The girls took it and looked at it, there was a decepticon signal, and it belonged to megatron.

"Impossible, he is dead" Rainbow said.

"Wait a second, the dark energon, it can bring back dead robots" twilight said, they thought and they knew it was the only thing that could be it.

"So what would he want in Egypt?" asked sunset.

"I don't know, but we need to find out" Said twilight, they left to EGYPT.

Later they arrived at the Pryamid megatron was at. They walked into it, and they saw a giant mech like weapon, They figured out what they were doing, and they went back to base to piece this together.

Decepticons Mobilize

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After everyone returned to the decepticon base...

"So everything is in place?" asked Nightmare. Everyone nodded. Megatron was looking over.

"Decepticons Mobilize!" Megatron yelled, and the decepticons and Nightmare Moon took off.

"Ma'am look at this, it is off the charts" said a soldier, Sunset walked over.

"All the decepticons going the same place, it cant be" said sunset. "Could you somehow track them?"

"Yes, I can try" said the soldier as he tracked the decepticons, they landed somewhere. "Ma'am I think I found where there going"

"Egypt, again?" said sunset, "NEST and Autobots load up, where heading the Egypt!" The Autobots and Nest loaded up as they headed the Egypt.

The Decepticons landed in Egypt. "Okay, everyone but nightmare stay here to make sure no one joins us" said Megatron as he walked into the Pyramid.