> The Elementals > by FireFrasher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Tales Of Legends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Many millennia’s ago, there existed super-natural heroes with the ability to control certain elements, such as gas, fire, thunder and even gravity, but these gifts were dangerous if not trained properly. The powers could corrupt the user and use them to slaughter those who seek to tame it, or worse, remove it. So the founding heroes took it upon themselves to teach the newer generations of their power and how to control it. This was known as the Elemental Training School and continued the pattern for many years, until the Head Master, the elemental of light, sadly passed away, but not before giving his remaining power to his son, Sunburn” The projector ended the video and the class lights were turned back on. “Now, who can tell me why the Head Master passed on his power to his son” asked Miss Cheerilee to her class. One orange hoof rose to answer the question. “Scootaloo, why do you think he gave the power away?” Miss Cheerilee happily asked the orange pony in the back of the class. “Because he was the original sun-bringer, who then gave the power to Princess Celestia” answered the magenta maned Pegasus. “Very good, Scootaloo, and your right” answered Cheerilee “the Head Master was the original sun-bringer, even before Princess Celestia, who received the power from Sunburn after being granted immunity of ageing by Star Swirl The Bearded, who was actually an elemental of time. Now, who can tell me the name of the first gas elemental” but before anyone could answer, the school bell rang, alerting everyone that it was home time. As everyone was packing up, Miss Cheerilee reminded them of the upcoming project. “Remember class, make sure to have a group of four class mates for your research of an elemental team” she called as they all left the school for home. One group of foals, however, headed into the forest towards Sweet Apple Acres, the home of the Apple family. In the group was Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, also known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders to most of their friends and family. “How come you knew so much about the old elementals, Scoot?” asked Sweetie Belle “It’s usually Button Mash throwing his hand in the air at those questions about elementals and stuff” Scootaloo turns to her marshmallow-coated friend “Well actually, I ended up drinking 23 cans of Crimson Buffalo last night and I researched about 5 hours’ worth of info before having a sugar crash” she replied, happily “and they’re actually really cool, did you know that there is a faint connection to the first earth elemental, Crumble Sweet, and Pinkie Pie” but before they could question, they noticed a faint smoke coming from the orchard. “Uh oh” mumbled Apple Bloom, as she sprinted ahead towards the smoke. As she found the fire, she became trapped, with a burning tree falling behind her. Realising that she was surrounded by fire, she began to panic, she had no way out and the burning flames began seeping closer. Almost fully engulfed in the flames, she began to cry, in fear of death and pain, when the fires stopped, and slowly reverted to a perfect circle around her. As she began to calm down, the flames seemed to retreat back to their source, which was a now-charred treehouse, and vanished. She sat up in confusion and turned to see her friends, but her friends only gave her a look of shock. But as she wiped the tears from her eyes, she still saw water in them. “What?” she said to herself, but as she walked towards her friends, she realised she didn’t have tears in her eyes, there was water floating in front of her. As she walked into it, the water seeped away, creating an exit for her. “What in tarnation is this?” she asked, as she turned back to her friends. As Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look, Scootaloo appeared to be ecstatic by this. “Apple Bloom, that was a Water Shield, you made it, do you know what that means!?” she exclaimed, loudly “you’re an Elemental!!” Apple Bloom looked back at the orb of water. “I couldn’t have made that, right?” She thought to herself “But it does seem to make sense, considering Scoot just mentioned Crumble Sweet being related to Pinkie, maybe I should check” with that thought, she turned around, held her hoof to the water, and without much effort, the water was flying around in a large orb. In the shock, she dropped the water back onto the dirt. “Ah guess I am an Elemental” she replied, amazed and terrified at the same time. With that, they decided to head to the barn to tell Apple Jack about the newfound power and about the burnt down tree house. Meanwhile, in a distant tree, a brown colt sat with a telescope. Amazed by the situation, he dialled a number on his phone, and brought it to his ear. “Hey Flame, you know that little project you were working on?” said the colt, still watching as they were leaving “I think I just found a possible recruit” and with that, the colt jumped down from the tree, and began sinking into the ground. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute with the photos” and with that, he vanished into the earth. > Chapter 2: New Friends… > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, the CMC went to see Princess Twilight Sparkle, in hopes that she would know more about the elementals than they did. “So what you’re saying is Apple Bloom is a water elemental?” Twilight asked “I’m not entirely sure I understand what you-” but, before answering, she noticed the tea in her cup was floating in front of her. She was about to tell off Starlight Glimmer, her apprentice, but then realised the tea didn’t have an aura like it should do. “See?” asked Apple Bloom, whilst pouring the tea back into the cup, but noticed the princess was completely speechless. “Um, Princess Twilight? Are you ok?” asked Sweetie Belle, but didn’t get a reply. They decided to leave her for a bit so she could comprehend the scenario while they search her library for books on elementals. 2 hours later they were all gathered around a crystal table looking through some books they found. “Girls, I think I found something. It says here that when Ponyville was founded, there was a strange woman who brought tons of materials to help in the construction of homes. That sounds like Crumble Sweet to me” piped up Apple Bloom. “It also says that she was also the founder of the rock farm Pinkie lived at.” They decided to check the Apple Family Tree to be sure of the connection between the Apple Family and Crumble Sweet. Within the oak chandelier above them, the brown colt sat with a blood red unicorn watching the fillies work. “So only the yellow one is an elemental, right?” spoke the red colt, who was answered with a nod “ok then, let’s see what powers she has with a little test” and with that, he conjured some flames into his hoof and blew into it, sending the sparks out into the streets. As the sparks floated to the ground, they began to grow, not spread, but grow. Once they had reached the ground, they had transformed into creatures of pure fire and aggression. The red colt then disconnected his control over the atronachs and set them on the village. The CMC began to hear screams of terror from the town. Worried, they all ran out of the castle and were met with buildings on fire, ponies screaming and strange creatures causing the fires. “Look out!” yelled Scootaloo, as one of the creatures conjured a fire ball and launched it at the group. But before they were struck, Apple Bloom summoned a water dome to protect her friends. “Hmm, the books said that Elementals could use their element to create weapons, what if I…” and with that, Apple Bloom summoned more water and created a water hatchet. She then felt a pounding in her head that seemed to make her lose control, as she ran out of the dome and began hacking away at the fiery creatures, all while summoning more water to replace her axe when it evaporated. Her friends watched on from the safety of the water shield, but realised she was taking water from the dome to replace her hatchets, and soon the dome was completely gone. The fire monsters soon noticed this and began approaching the two as they stood in fear of the creatures. While Sweetie Belle was hyperventilating, Scootaloo noticed that she herself wasn’t breathing at all, which gave her a thought “what if I’m an elemental of air?!” she thought to herself in excitement, but then realised that air wouldn’t be very helpful in this scenario, as all she would do is fuel the fire monsters. Though with Sweetie Belle, while hyperventilating, she felt like the whole area around her would be unbearably hot, that she would be begging for water while having a heat stroke. But she wasn’t, in fact, she felt quite cold, as if she had been sitting in a freezer for half an hour, which wasn’t hard to imagine, as she has done that before. As she wondered why she wasn’t warm, a thought went through her head “wait, could I be an elemental too?” she pondered this and stopped hyperventilating. The monsters were quite close now and were charging up some fire balls, when they all felt the earth around them shake and break. Just then, one of the creatures noticed a figure standing not far from them, and charged towards it, drawing all attention away from the girls. Before it even touched the pony, they punched it in the jaw so hard its head came clean off. The pony began punching its hoofs towards the monsters, which appeared to be launching some sort of yellow magic. The monsters began retreating into the flames which were soon put out by Apple Bloom. “Thanks for that, who are ya?” asked Sweetie Belle, expecting the pony to remove his helmet. Instead the figure stared at the group. “The world’s changing girls, and you’ve got power to help it” spoke the pony, with a muffled, deep voice “just make sure your ready when that day comes” and with that, he sunk into the earth. Miles away, in Manehattan, the figure reappeared in front of Flare Corp. as he walked in the elevator in front of him opened with no one inside. Once in the elevator, it immediately sent him to the 23 floor, aka Flame Raizer’s Office. The figure walked in while removing their helmet. “Well, that got out of hoof” spoke Flame Raizer, as he turned his chair and locked eyes with the brown colt “I mean you really took a while to help them” as he continued, the brown colt looked at him with a smile, which made Flame silent so he could explain the smirk. “actually, I think that part was quite necessary” responded the brown foal as he removed his armour which made him taller “As it seems, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle also possess elemental power” this made Flame Raizer jump out of his chair, and bring a smile to his face. “Please elaborate” > Chapter 3: …New Foes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the far distance of Ponyville, there was a hive of changelings which had gathered in the Changeling Kingdom to discuss the local threat. During the commotion, Queen Chrysalis stood over her subjects as they bowed their heads to her in silence. “There is a new spark of power in Ponyville, which seems to be where all threats of ours originate” she said loudly, with anger in her voice “so we need to snuff out this spark before it’s too late. But for that to happen, we will need a volunteer to go there and kill them, anypony up for it?” the room was filled with whispering. One changeling, however, raised his hoof “I’ll do it” he spoke, while approaching the queen. All the changelings were silenced as he walked passed. “Very good, and what would your new identity be, since you can’t just run around as a changeling” asked Queen Chrysalis while looking down at him. “I think I’ll go with…” and as he responded he began transforming into an electric dark-blue Pegasus with green eyes and a light blue mane “…Sound Track” Meanwhile in Manehattan, Flame Raizer was sitting in the kitchen with his mother, Ink Rose, as they were cleaning up for dinner. Before Flame Raizer could set the table, his phone began ringing. He turned to his mother to excuse himself, but she seemed to be way ahead of him. “It’s alright; your sister should be helping anyway. Go have a break” said Ink Rose. With that, Flame Raizer left the dining room and answered the phone on his way upstairs. “What is it, Button Mash?” Flame asked. “Well I just wanted to ask about your new bot” replied Button “How did you engineer it so well? I saw it going Mach 3!” this seemed to silence Flame as he dropped his phone “Flame? What’s wrong?” Flame picked up his phone and answered “I haven’t sent out any bots” On the outskirts of town, the dark-blue Pegasus stopped upon a hill that overlooked Ponyville. The pony looked towards the crystal castle in the distance, with a smirk forming on his face. “well, since this is the city of ‘harmony’ there shouldn’t be any guards, making this almost too easy” he said with a grin on his face, as he spread his wings and took off, heading straight for the castle. As he looks down, he transforms into the Pegasus, Rainbow Dash, to avoid confusion as to why he was headed to the castle. As he lands upon the castle’s balcony, he assumed a new roll with his transforming abilities. At the heart of the palace, Twilight sat around the Destiny-Map with Starlight Glimmer, Spike and Princess Luna. “As you can all see the map changed after that disaster with the monsters occurs” explained Starlight “mainly in this district” pointing at a blank spot on the map “this area was just a pale wasteland yesterday, but after that attack with those fire monsters, it changed into a blank spot” the ponies (and Spike) looked at the blank spot in curiosity. “Hmm, it seems to me that someone does not wish to be seen. Tell me, Starlight, when did that area last change?” asked Princess Luna, before staring at the map again. “Right before the Flame Creatures attacked, why?” responded Starlight, with a concerned look. “Then we have a problem” causing everyone to look at the blank spot in horror. The area was changing again. “We have to go, Starlight and Spike, go get some weapons, Luna, follow me” ordered Twilight, which caused all of them to sprint off in two groups. After they left, Sound Track walked towards the table and looked at the door that Starlight and Spike ran through while smiling. “Yup, too easy” While getting his things, Spike noticed a faint whimper at his doorway. As he looked to see it, he saw a tiny, beat-up dog lying at the door. “Aww, what happened to you, little buddy” he said, entranced by its cuteness all while picking the puppy up “don’t worry, I don’t bi-” but before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by an excruciating pain in his chest. As he looked down, he saw a blade stabbed right through him. He dropped the dog in shock, and fell to his knees. The dog transformed into the dark-blue pony right before his eyes. “no, but I do” Sound Track spoke in a distorted voice as he ripped the blade from Spike’s chest, revealing a large wound in his chest “a shame, I always liked you, but, I’ve got a job to do” and with that, he held the blade along his neck and slit the dragon’s throat. Sound Track then went on to throw Spike’s corpse into the closet, and grabbed the bag he was packing. While putting it on, he transformed into the dragon while smiling, and left the room. Before he even got down the hallway, Starlight called for him in the room over. “Coming!” he groaned in Spike's voice, and walked to the room. “do you think I should bring… um” Starlight lost her train of thought as she saw Spike, he looked different, his eyes weren’t dragon, and his scales seemed to have blood on them, which magnetised her focus. Noticing what she was staring at, he realised he still had Spike’s blood on him. “Great, now I need to come up with a reason why your missing” and with that, he changed back into Sound Track, grabbed his blade, and stabbed her through the jaw into her head.