Those Moments

by MidnightInkpaw

First published

These past years had been a life-changeing experience for two little ponies. Two different ponies, yet two best friends.

These past years had been a life-changeing experience for two little ponies. Two very different ponies, yet two best friends. Until an incident puts their friendship out of balance, driving the two apart. None of them could look at the other in the eye since then. And they never talked with each other unless it was absolutely necessary.

Now everything's back to square one, except none of them forgot what happened, they never will. The incident left both wounded which turns to a scar. Unlike bruises, scars don't always fade. It'll always be there to remind you of what happened. And unlike wounds, scars don't hurt. Not anymore.

But what will happen when somepony makes an unexpected decision when both are still recovering? Will they both suffer from being apart, or will they keep in touch, and maybe pull through?

Edit: Changed Title.

Chapter 1

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'I'm just standing there, why am I just standing there?! My best friend is about to leave for Celestia knows how long and I'm just standing there?!' Rainbow Dash thought as her best friend, Twilight Sparkle, stood in front of her.

A few months before, Twilight had announced to her friends that she was going to leave Ponyville to study in Chanterlot with the Princess of the Sun herself. They were all happy for her, all except one. A part of Dash wanted to be happy that Twilight became the Princess's student, that she'll be happy where she'll be going. But the negative thoughts weighed more heavily on her mind.

Rainbow felt like flying away where nopony could find her and scream till her throat was bleeding. Yet she felt rooted to the ground she stood at. She couldn't lift her wings even if she tried, she opened her mouth, but no words came to mind. Dash stood there giving a blank stare, still thinking about Twilight's announcement, not sure how to act. She didn't really notice though, she was too busy answering questions from their friends and listening to Pinkie Pie ranting on and on about the preparations for her 'Twilight's-leaving-for-Chanterlot-and-we-hope-to see-her-soon!' party.

'Well that's a mouthful.' Rainbow thought as she rolled her eyes internally. Her mind wanders back to the present and looks back at the pony in question. She's starting back at her with those purple eyes she's gotten to know so well. Her expression is unreadable, Dash can't tell what she's thinking exactly but she seems lost in thought.

She would be too if her bestest friend had to move away for a long time, and because of what happened. Rainbow internally frowned.

'Because of what happened...'

"But Mommm!!" Rainbow whined as her mother prepared her school bag. "I don't wanna go to school today!"

"No 'but's Rainbow. You can't keep putting off your education or you'll never get a job. Someday you're going to have to work for us once we're retired." Dash huffed in response. "There you go, now you're ready for school!" Her mother chirpped happily.

Rainbow sighed, but in a good way. "Ok, bye Mom!" She bid as she waved her hoof at her mother. Her waving back was good as answered as she flew to this new school in a town called 'Ponyville'.

'Ugh, we really need to move closer so I don't have to wake up so early. But it makes me exercise a bit more so, not all bad.' Dash thought as Ponyville came to view. 'There it is. Now I need to find the school. The building with that giant bell tower, right?' She asked herself as she neared a building in question. 'Yup, that's it alright.'

The enterance was crowded with fillies and colts with their parents or relatives seeing the children off to their first day in school. 'Funny how I don't get sent to school by my Mom since she's always busy and my Dad leaves before I wake up so, yeah.'

Rainbow pushed through the crowd and found her way into the school with some difficulty but she was used to it given the amount of times she's been to see the Wonderbolt shows.

It took some time to find the classroom Rainbow was assigned to but she found it, eventually. As she entered, she saw a few fillies around her age. Some were older. Most of them were playing with paper airplanes and doing other origami, and some were outside playing.

"Hiya!" A voice greeted loudly, breaking her thoughts.

"Gah!" Dash stumbled back as a pink pony with curly hair invaded her vision. "Will you please not do that!" Rainbow said holding a hoof to her chest as if to calm herself down.

"Sorry!~" the pony replied in a sing-song tone. "I just saw you come in here and I was like, 'Hey that pony doesn't look familiar so I'm gonna go and greet her!' I'm Pinkie Pie, by the way." 'Pinkie' greeted once more, holding out a hoof. Rainbow shook it hesitantly, but there was just something about this filly that made her feel more confident about making friends. And something told her not to question this filly if she did something unusual.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you."

"'Rainbow Dash' huh? That's a nice name!" Pinkie complimented. Dash smiled proudly. "Anyway, Rainbow Dash. You don't look like you're from here."

"How did you know?" She asked. If Dash knew Pinkie as well as she did now, she would see this as a stupid question.

"I know everypony in Ponyville. And I don't know you so I knew you were new around here, right?"

"Well, yeah. I'm from Cloudsdale. Me and my parents are moving to Ponyville in a few weeks. I don't really know why we didn't move first and then send me to school though."

"Oh, so you must be really confused , now aren'tcha? Well don't worry, I'll show you around! Starting with our playground!" Pinkie announced. "Follow me!" She said as she trotted towards the door leading outside at the other end of the hallway.

"Wait! Uhh, where do I put my bag?" Dash asked, pointing to her backpack.

Pinkie looked at Dash, confused then facehoofed and smiled at her ignorance. "Oh, right! Sorry, I guess I got too excited. I think I'll show you around our classroom first. Then we can check out the playground." She said as she walked back inside. Rainbow chuckled at her antics. 'I got a feeling I'm going to like Ponyville.'

As Pinkie Pie promised, she showed Rainbow Dash around the playground and fields outside. She even introduced her to some of her 'closer' friends, since she considered everypony her friend. Their names were Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. Upon seeing Fluttershy, Rainbow hoarded her with questions like, 'How long have you been living here? Is it nice here in Ponyville? Why didn't you tell me you were here?'. Poor Fluttershy didn't stand a chance. Anyway, they and Rainbow made friends quickly. And even better, they were all in the same class!

Too bad class was starting too soon for them to take a tour of the whole school. Since it was the first day of school for most students, the teacher spent the day getting to know them all and talk more about themselves. Dash was curious about that one unicorn filly in the far corner of the class. She had lavender fur and midnight blue mane with a magenta and purple stripe running down it. She couldn't really see her eyes as the book she was reading were blocking them, when it was that filly's turn to introduce herself, she said her name was 'Twilight Sparkle' without taking her eyes off the book she was reading.

During recess, Rainbow asked Pinkie about that pony whom she was curious about. "Oh, her? I knew her since kinder too. I tried to be her friend but she keeps walking away everytime I come closer. She's also qutie the bookworm, I'll bet on a hundred bits- actually, make that six hundred bits- that she'll go to the library when she's finished her food. She mostly likes to sit alone even though it isn't fun." Pinkie explained as they got their food trays and sat next to Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. And just as Pinkie said, Rainbow could see the lavender unicorn sitting alone on a table not too far from theirs.

"So have any of you guys try to approach her, y'know, other than Pinkie?" Rainbow asked her new friends.

"Why, of course we have, darling. The poor dear just seemed so lonely." Rarity replied.

"We tried alright, we asked of she'd like tah' play outside, sit at our table, even tried tah help with the homework. Turns out, she's way smarter than us." Applejack added. Futtershy nodded along.

"I even asked if she would want to have a pet of her own. I mean, everypony likes animals, right?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

Rainbow's mother didn't really know if they had cafeterias in this school so she packed her lunch, just in case. It was her favourite sandwich and some apple juice. But her attention wasn't on her food, she was looking at the unicorn sitting alone on the table. The book she was reading was set aside as she ate her sandwich slowly. And even from afar, Dash could clearly see the downcast expression on the unicorn's face.

All of a sudden, she felt a need to help the unicorn filly somehow. To be by her side, to confort her. Rainbow Dash suddenly stood up, gaining the attention of her friends.

"What're ya doin', Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"I can't just walk away from somepony who clearly can't be alone."

"Well, you're not exactly walking away from it. I mean, you were kinda just sitting down here looking at her-mmmhh." Pinkie started but was interrupted by an orange hoof covering her mouth. Rainbow just stared at her pink friend but decided not to question it just yet.

Rainbow picked up her tray of food and walked towards the table Twilight sat on. Twilight noticed and mumbled, "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be sitting with your friends?"

Rainbow caught it and replied, "Aren't you a friend?" As mushy as it was, she just didn't like the thought of somepony having no friends. So, why not be the first to become their friend? After those words left her mouth, Twilight looked up to see Rainbow for the first time, her expression, confusion.

"What do you mean? I don't have any friends." Twilight muttered, her face dropping as she said the last part. "So please, just go. Leave me alone." Twilight continued, her head dipping lower making her bangs cover her eyes. Rainbow's empathy for her only grew.

This, in a way, reminded Dash about herself before. Always avoiding ponies, so blind to how friendships can affect you and your life. But that was before she got her confidence. At that time, she didn't have any friends to help her with her problems and help her with her being bullied. That was one of the reasons she left Cloudsdale, bullying was common there, especially among pegasi offsprings. Twilight must have been bullied before to make her this introverted. This realisation just fueled her determination to help Twilight.

"No, I can't leave you alone like this." Dash declared, holding her ground. Her determination caught Twilight's full attention.

'Why isn't she leaving? I said I wanted to be alone but she's still here.' Twilight thought then said, "Why aren't you leaving? You don't even know me, but I heard those girls you were friends with talk about me, so you must have some idea about how I'm like. I mean, who would want to be friends with a boring, introvert bookworm?" Twilight said as she looked the opposite to Dash trying to hide her face.

Rainbow tried to think of words to say. Why was she trying to help this seemingly boring and random unicorn filly? With some thought, Rainbow found an answer. "Because you reminded me of how I was like before."

Twilight cocked her head. "Huh? A bookworm?"

Rainbow mentally facehoofed. "No, no. I mean, the type who avoided making friends." Upon seeing Twilight's curious look, she continued. "I always sat alone during break times and didn't really interact with anypony until I defended somepony back in flight school. That's when I realised how nice it is to have friends." Rainbow then looked Twilight straight in the eyes. "And I hope you'll realise that too."

Twilight sighed. "Alright, I'll take your advice." Rainbow nearly squealed. She wasn't all good with talking, especially about stuff like this. "But who would want to be friends with me?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow was about to answer when another voice interrupted. A voice that belonged to a certain pink pony. "We would, silly!" Rainbow turned to the source of the voice and saw Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity.

Dash smiled for a second then her face held nervousness."Great timing guys. But how much did you hear exactly?" She asked.

"Maybe from the part when Twilight asked about what you were doing, talking to her." Pinkie blurted out sheepishly. Rainbow rolled her eyes. If this kept up, her reputation would be ruined.

"Aww, that was nice of you, Rainbow. You did what most of us failed to do." Futtershy congratulated which made Dash smile proudly.

"Well, let's not be rude and introduce ourselves to Twilight. Umm, you do know our names, right?" Twilight shook her head sheepishly muttering about not listening during class. "Well, alright then. My name is Rarity." Rarity greeted and held out a hoof. Twilight took it hesitantly.

"Mah name's Applejack, I live in Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack said as she too held a hoof out for Twilight to shake.

"M-my name is Fluttershy. I live in a cottage near the Everfree forest." Rainbow and Twilight seemed surprised that somepony would live near a dangerous place. The others acted like they knew already so they just left it at that.

"My name is Pinkie Pie, but you may know already." Twilight nodded then looked to Rainbow Dash as if waiting for her turn to introduce herself, but Pinkie covered for her. "And this is Rainbow Dash! She lives in Cloudsdale with her parents and is a friend of Fluttershy's."

Twilight smiled warmly. She certainly wasn't expecting to make such good friends, and on the first day too! Maybe things are going to be different in the future. But whatever it is, she and her friends were going to face it together.

Chapter 2

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11 months later... (December)

It was a quarter to seven in the afternoon and the sun was halfway below the horizon. In the shcool, its inhabitants were no more than a few teachers and students finishing off their respective activities. Most of the students have already gone home to enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Twilight sighed in exhaustion as she exited the classroom. She had just finished her extra classes she suggested on having since she wanted to try harder subjects, she knew she liked to learn, but this was really tiresome. She had to stay back in school for some time longer than the rest of her friends.

School ended at 2pm, Applejack and Rarity went home right after school. Applejack had to help her family with harvesting the apple trees and Rarity had to look after her recently born, little sister, Sweetie Belle, since her mother had to work the night shift at a restaurant.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow had joined after-school activities since they didn't have anything else to do. Pinkie joined the baking class and became the top student. Fluttershy went to join the scouts. They did some camping as extras and they even allowed pets, Fluttershy brought her pet bunny every school scout gathering and besides, they taught them how to use the first aid kit. Rainbow joined hockey since she was into sports and was fairly curious about that particular one.

As Twilight passed the canteen, she saw three familiar ponies standing in on the side of the opening leading to the food stalls. She was sure they saw her as they started walking over to her. Twilight knew it was pointless running away or calling for a teacher. They would catch her before she reached the school gate and the staffroom, where most of the teachers were, was on the other side of the building.

The three students stopped infront of Twilight, each towering over her. One was a sky blue pegasus colt with mint green and purple mane. He was wearing a dull-colored sweater, it's sleeves were tied and was worn around his neck. He looked at Twilight with his pastel pink eyes while her gaze was pointed at the ground, still thinking of ways to escape from him. Seeing none, she sighed and spoke sternly.

"What do you want, Pastel?" She asked as she lifted her head to glare at the pegasus. Pastel Sky smirked.

"Me? No, I don't want anything from you." He responded, still giving that annoying grin. "Just wondering how you made friends. I mean, you're just a unicorn with social issues. And plus, you're friends that dumb, egotistic pegasus filly we all hate." Pastel spat. His voice was raspy, like Rainbow's, but was lower pitched and used a penetrating tone.

"Do you really think she wants to be friends with you? I mean, you're nothing like her! You don't even go outside that much! Someone probably paid her to like you or something. And I don't see why you'd be friends with her, she's more of a burden for you to handle and isn't as loyal as you think. She even left one of her griffon friends from flight school after a single fight! You call that loyal?" Twilight seemed calm on the outside, but she was raging internally at Pastel for insulting her friend. And that stupid smirk he's giving her doesn't help either. If this were the Stone Age, Pastel would have to be on life support afterwards.

Just as Pastel Sky was about to say something he would really regret, a cyan hoof gripped him tightly on his shoulder. His eyes went wide as he and his companions spun around to look at the pony who interrupted them. It was Rainbow Dash, along with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Twilight's face visibly lit up at the sight of her friends.

"That's where you're wrong. I may not act like like it, but I'm there for my friends more than you think." Rainbow said. She snuck a quick glance at Twilight who smiled gratefully at her. She would have smiled back if it weren't for Pastel Sky and his friends. She looked back at Pastel and gave him a glare.

"Buzz off." She growled. Pastel nodded frantically in return and flew off, his two friends following him. Twilight nearly laughed when Pastel struggled to time his wing beats mid flight.

Twilight turned back to her three friends and gave them that same smile and mouthed, "Thank you." They smiled right back.

"No prob, Twi. Glad we came right on time." Dash started.

Two days ago, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had planned a sleepover at Twilight's house. The reason was partly because Rainbow's parents had to organise a meeting with the owner of the house they were renting about the schedule for a renovation and thought that Rainbow would find it quite boring, so they let her have a sleepover at Twilight's.

Twilight's father thought about it and agreed since it might improve Twilight's social skills and her friendship with Rainbow Dash. Not that it wasn't already a stable one, of course.

The past eleven months were going smoothly for the six of them, for their friendship and their families. The Apple Family's business has been increasing in popularity after they invented more tasty drinks and pastries like carmel-coated apple candies. They were a favourite for all those sweet tooths out there.

Rarity's side of the business has also been interesting. After her mother taught her how to sew, she's been really creative in her designs and were selling rapidly. Nopony could look at a fashion magazine without seeing one of her dresses on the front cover. But, as generous as she was, she couldn't take all the credit and gave some to her mother for teaching her how to sew and inspiring her to make those creative dresses and suits.

Pinkie has been successful too. With all those new recipes she's been trying out, one of them was bound to be good, and of course, all of them were fantastic. They could clearly see a lot more ponies gathering up in Sugar Cube Corner waiting to get their hooves on that sweet, new pastry everypony was talking about. The Cakes were obviously proud of Pinkie and she was obviously happy. Guess her joy made its way to those who entered the bakery, Pinkie made sure everypony walked out with a smile.

Fluttershy has been doing fine. She's been helping wounded animals she found in her area and nursed them back to health, even when she doesn't get so much recognition for it. She's guided the animals, teaching them how to act as their respective species. Some of them had even grown that attached to her that they'd rather stay with her than go back to where they came from.

Rainbow Dash's parents were busy, as stated earlier, but they still took time for Rainbow to play with her or do something fun as a family, and hockey was a great family activity. It has been really hectic on Dash's side, her uncle and cousin were sending things from their home to help her family get started since they disposed most of their stuff in their old home.

"Well, I think we should go too. Have fun you guys!" Pinkie Pie waved at them before leaving the building, Fluttershy followed in suit.

"Hope it goes well." Fluttershy said as she followed Pinkie. Twilight and Rainbow Dash watched as their friends disappeared into the town.

Rainbow looked over at Twilight and noticed her expression. She was smiling a few seconds ago, now it was blank and weary. Rainbow could clearly see Twilight was thinking of something, best to use a calm, quiet approach.

"So, you ready to go, Twi?" Rainbow asked carefully. Twilight snapped out of her trance and blinked a few times. She turned her gaze to look at Rainbow, she looked worried. Twilight understood and felt guilty for worrying her.

"It's alright, I'm fine. You don't have to worry so much. Let's go." Twilight reassured while giving Rainbow a soft smile. Rainvow nodded her head once and trotted down the dirt road. Twilight knew she'd be suspicious, she's not stupid after all.

As they trudged through town, Rainbow Dash noticed Twilight was giving that blank stare again. Sure, she was aware enough to dodge the obstacles when they came, but part of her was somewhere else. Somewhere Rainbow couldn't find her. She tried to start a conversation.

"Soo, Twi, how've you been here? You okay living in Ponyville?" Rainbow asked while watching Twilight. Nothing. Rainbow tried again. "Um, how about your classes? Anything interesting goin' on?" Nothing. Rainbow frowned, she was really starting to get annoyed.

"Twi?" She tried. "Twilight?" And again. Still nothing. Rainbow snarled under her breath. "Twilight!!" She called loudly, luckily there weren't many ponies on the street.

"Wuh-? What?" Twilight spluttered out. Dash smirked and rolled her eyes.

"About time you tuned in. I was about to kick ya in the flank or something." Rainbow joked. Now it was Twilight's turn to roll her eyes.

"Well then, glad I listened before you did so."

"So, what's on your mind? Those bullies gettin' to you again?" Rainbow asked seriously. Twilight hesitated. There was an uncomfortable silence between them until Rainbow spoke again. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Just know that I'll always be there when you need me."

Twilight's eyes widened slightly and she let out light gasp. She's never heard Rainbow say something so... what was the word.. sweet. She would ask Rainbow about it, but Twilight didn't think she'd want to talk about it. If she knew Dash well enough, she'd just deny it and say she was 20% cooler or something opposite of sweet or cute or other words of similar meanings.

But, with those words fresh in her mind, Twilight smiled to herself. It was nice seeing that side of Rainbow. Maybe she should listen to it.

Finally, they reached Twilight's house and knocked on the door. A unicorn stallion came out to greet them. He had a slightly dull-ish cyan coat with blue mane. His eyes were firey yellow and his cutie mark consisted of two moons, one bigger than the other. Rainbow assumed that was Twilight's father, Twilight confirmed it by calling him 'Dad'.

"So, you invited her for a sleepover? How about your other friends?" He asked.

"Well, they had other priorities. I couldn't blame them." Twilight answered. She then looked over to where Rainbow Dash was. She was over at the living room table setting her bag down. "Dad, this is my friend, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow, this is my father, Night Light." Rainbow smiled as Night Light looked at her.

"Hello." Dash waved awkwardly and walked over to Night Light.

"Ahh, my daughter has told me so much about you." Night grinned back and streched out his hoof to Rainbow Dash. She took it hesitantly. Night shifted his gaze to Twilight who was preparing for the sleepover. With an evil glint in his eye, he started. "So, you're the one foalsitting my daughter at school, hmm?" He asked playfully. Twilight's ears jerked up at that and her face flushed red. She turned round to look at her father.

"Daaad, please no." Twilight whined. Rainbow chuckled before playing along.

"Oh, you have no idea how much she's been getting into trouble with this one group or students. I had to come to her rescue about ninety-nine percent of the time." Rainbow teased. Twilight's face turned more red as she covered her face with her hooves. Rainbow laughed uproariously. Twilight was just so cute at times.

The next hour was filled with laughter and some dinner. Rainbow Dash and Night Light got along well, which was great, Twilight got most of the embarrassing moments though. They told a few stories and myths around the table, some were recited from books which kinda pushed Rainbow into reading one. They went from experiences to legends to dreams then family.

Eventually, Rainbow asked about Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. Night Light was hesitant at first, but he then explained that she had to stay in Canterlot to look after Twilight's older brother, Shining Armor. Rainbow was quizzical at first. She's never heard Twilight mention a brother, or any sibling actually.

"What? Twilight, you've known each other for how long now and she doesn't know you have a brother?" Night Light asked sarcastically. Twilight shrugged with a sheepish smile.

"Well, I guess I can say she's more like her mother." Rainbow commented.

"Oh, you have no idea! She reminds me of her mother so much that I think she's actually here! I guess that's a good thing."

Rainbow's ears slowly dropped as she was reminded of an unpleasant time. "Y-yeah, it is." Rainbow answered, although it wasn't as optimistic. Twilight and Night Light noticed.

"Rainbow, are you okay?" Twilight asked worriedly. Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just.... reminiscing about something." Twilight and Night looked at each other then back at Rainbow.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Night asked. "It's not healthy bottling everything up."

"Nah, I'm good." Rainbow dismissed, waving her hoof while looking down. There was an awkward silence that filled the room, it lasted a few minutes before Rainbow spoke. "Well, I'm not one for sharing feelings or anything, so can we talk about something else?" Night nodded but looked at Twilight with concern.

Rainbow Dash, clearly seeing the conversation going nowhere, stood from the table. "Umm, I'm gonna go upstairs to Twi's room, if you don't mind."

"No, it's fine. My room's on the second door from the staircase." Twilight said as she threw a suspicious look over to Rainbow. She didn't notice though.

"Thanks, Twi." Rainbow yawned as she trotted up the stairs. As soon as Rainbow was out of hearing range, Night asked, "Was it something I said?"

Twilight shrugged. "Maybe, she said she was 'reminiscing' about something. I don't thing it was anything pleasant."

"Maybe you could go and talk to her, I'll be washing the dishes." Night Light stood up form his seat and walked over to the sink. "Hope you two can still have a great time here." Twilight nodded then turned her gaze to the staircase.

Rainbow sighed as she walked into Twilight's room. The walls were overlapped with bookshelves that contained genres like Adventure, Mystery, Non-fiction, stuff like that. The room also had an adult-sized bed with a nightstand next to it, the floor was relatively clean too, there were a few books scattered here and there with an oval-shaped carpet that matted the floor. A closet was on the opposing end of the room to the bed.

Rainbow walked over to one corner of the room and threw down her bag. She took out a sleeping bag, a torch and a book that Twilight had recently introduced to her and set them down on the floor next to Twilight's bed. She unfurled the sleeping bag and layed it flat on the floor, taking her book, she slid into it and opened the book to page one, reading it silently.

A few minutes passed by until Twilight entered the room. Rainbow Dash stole a glance at her. She looked tired mostly, but slightly concerned too. And it was directed at her. Rainbow quickly looked back at the book, but not really reading it.

"I know you said you were alright back there, but I know you well enough to know you're not." Rainbow sighed softly. Twilight was right, she can be oblivious sometimes, but she could read her like a book. And she knew how Twilight loved to read.

"Please, Rainbow. Remember what you told me while we were walking here? That you would always be there when I needed you. I want you to know that I'd do the same for you." Rainbow nearly teared up after that. It's just... the way Twilight said it, the sincerity in her voice, just made her emotional for some reason. Rainbow sat there staring at her book, not minding it's contents.

Twilight spoke again, it snapped her out of her trance. "Well, I'm going to shower now, if you don't mind." She said and turned to leave.

Rainbow automatically reacted. "Wait!" She called out, stopping Twilight in her tracks. She turned back to look at Rainbow, she was holding out her hoof as if to reach for her.

"Yes?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow hadn't really thought of what to say yet. Whatever she had said was on instinct alone. "Uhh, well, yeah, you're right." Rainbow said in a defeated manner. Twilight was skeptical.

"'Right?' About what?"

"About me not really being okay. I wasn't lying when I said I was 'reminiscing' about something. I was thinking about my auntie. I don't know why, but it just reminded me of her." Rainbow explained, looking a little dejected. Twilight's worry grew.

"Well, if you need somepony to listen, I'm here." Twilight encouraged as she walked over to where Rainbow was and took a seat next to her. Rainbow nodded slowly.

"Well, okay. I don't really know where to start though." Rainbow said as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Maybe you could tell me more about your auntie?" Twilight offered.

"Sure, though I might not remember that much. That was years ago." Twilight nodded and gave an encouraging, soft smile. Rainbow mirrored her expression. "Okay. My aunt was a really good flyer, she was actually a trainer working at the Wonderbolts Academy. She lived in Las Pegasus and was kinda rich, even owns a whole open field in the clouds. She took care of me, taught me how to fly, stuff like that. She bought me a pair of goggles for my birthday once, you had no idea how happy I was when she gave me my first flying practice the next day." Rainbow let out a bittersweet laugh.

"Yeah, it was like, 5 am in the morning when I woke her up. She taught me the basics and I got it straight away. The only time we stopped was for breakfast and lunch. We stopped at about 7 pm to have dinner, then took one more flight. It wasn't for practising, just for relaxing. We sat on a cloud, had a conversation. She was saying some weird stuff then, saying that I had to stay with my parents in Cloudsdale and that she had to go away for a while. When I was about to fall asleep, I heard her say, "Show the world what you're made of, I believe that you'll be in the Wonderbolts one day." That was the last thing I remember of her." Dash paused and sniffed softly then continued, her voice sounding more broken with each word.

"I woke up at my parents house the next day. I tried to ask about her b-but my parents didn't say anything. I found out fr-rom the letter on the t-table, sh-she was..." Rainbow Dash couldn't and finish her sentence as her body shook from her silent cries. Twilight immediately put a hoof around her neck, but her attempts to calm her were in vain. Instead, Rainbow practically threw herself onto Twlight, accepting her embrace.

The two sat there in silence for minutes until Rainbow spoke up. "I'm sorry about holding you back. You might want to take a shower now." Twilight shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. You're more important than that. But I guess I do have to shower now, don't I?" Twilight said to herself and laughed. Both fillies drew back from the hug with Dash immediately missing it and Twilight walking towards the door. "Once I'm done, you can go." Rainbow nodded absently.

Once Twilight was gone, Rainbow gave a weary smile, more to herself than anything else, and laughed humorously. "Heh, I actually do feel better. Guess it's better to not bottle everything up." Dash looked back at her book and continued to read.