> The Queen's Special Changeling > by Lotus Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Queen's Special Changeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a day like any other. Chrysalis was sitting on her makeshift obsidian throne in an isolated cave. It had been several days since Starlight Glimmer and her small band of secondary characters saved Equestria's most beloved figures and ultimately reforming her subjects. Not only that, Thorax, the traitor who left the hive, took her rightful place as the ruler! Remembering that day made her furious, more than she already was. Chrysalis stared at the ground, fire burning in her eyes. To think a strong mare like her was taken down so easily. It disgusted her to think about it. 'I swear I'll get my revenge on you, Starlight Glimmer. And I'll take back my throne from that traitor, Thorax. Once I have everything back, I will take Equestria for myself!' Her thought swam to come up with a plan, but they stopped at the familiar sound of hooves approaching. A grey mare with a blue military style mane appeared and bowed. "My Queen, I have returned." The mare said. "Were you successful, Dro-I mean, Sektiss?" There was a green flash of magic and the mare disguise was gone. "Yes, my Queen," Sektiss said, still bowing. "May I approach?" "You may." She said, glancing at her. Sektiss approached her Queen and started feeding her the love she had absorbed from several ponies she had captured. Sektiss was different from the other changelings as well as the only one who hadn't defected/reformed. Instead of a black carapace shell, horn, head fin, and tail, it was a dulled midnight blue. The usual dark blue shell under the wings was a much fuller hue and she only had one wing. Also, her left eye was green, unlike the usual sky blue. She wore a dark green eyepatch over her right eye, a casual sustained war injury. "My Queen, are you alright? You seem distressed by your thoughts." "I am not. And it is not your concern." She stated sharply. "Of course. My apologies." Chrysalis huffed and was absorbed back into their thoughts. Sektiss sat by her throne at full attention. On the day the changelings reformed, she was just returning back to the hive from a scouting mission when heard the explosion that had practically obliterated the hive. Moments later, she saw the silhouette of Chrysalis flying away. Already being disguised as a pegasus stallion, she flew after her. When Chrysalis finally stopped, she was in the middle of the forest, blasting away in frustration and seething with rage. Sektiss had made the mistake of approaching her Queen while still disguised since Chrysalis attacked her before Sektiss finally dropped her disguise. Sektiss then pledged her loyalty to Chrysalis and had been with her ever since. *** Mere hours later, Sektiss ventured out again for food. Disguised as a unicorn mare, she ventured to a town she had spotted some time before. As much as she hated how much the stallions fawned over her whenever in normal mare form, males seemed to give the most amount of love when they think they'll get to rut an attractive mare. She was currently baiting a unicorn stallion with a grey coat, teal eyes, and black mane who had a paintbrush and canvas for a Cutie Mark. Sektiss spotted this particular stallion in a pub and noticed that he looked like he was searching for something. 'Well he'll do' was all Sektiss thought as she trotted through the pub. Various stallions had their eye on the imposter mare because of how cute she looked. Her alabaster coat, green eyes, and light orange mane captured everypony's attention. That and the ember flame cutie mark that decorated her particularly voluptuous flank that seemed to bounce a little with each step. Sitting nearby his target, Sektiss (or rather Amber Essence as her cover name) made eye contact with the stallion before looking away. It took about fifteen minuted of rejecting other stallions who had approached her before her intended target finally approached her. After some awkward attempts at a greeting (the stallion introducing himself as Cobalt Mural), and giggling at unfunny jokes, did their conversation begin before taking a turn for the more flirtatious nature. "So what brought such a beautiful mare like you to this quaint little town? Just passing through or looking to settle down?" Cobalt asked, placing his hoof on hers. Amber Essence, or Amber for short, let out a slightly awkward chuckle. "Well, I'm just traveling around till I find my special one to settle down with. So far I've had no luck whatsoever. I'm starting to think I may never find him." "Well, I'm sure I could possibly fill that role." He said and placed a hoof around her. "And how could any stallion not have filled that role sooner? You're the most beautiful mare I've ever seen. Exquisite even. To be honest, I've been wanting to paint you since I laid eyes on you. You could be my muse." His sudden blush covered his entire face up to his ears. "You're quite the smooth talker, aren't you? Well, then how about we get out of here and find the ideal spot. Then we can do a little painting of our own. It's sure to be quite the intimate masterpiece." Amber stood and swept her tail under Cobalt's chin, tempting him to immediately follow. "Lead the way." Cobalt was almost on cloud nine as he followed the alluring mare. They traveled out into the forest, pretty far away from the town. Cobalt looked around the forest and started feeling a little self-conscious. It was only mid-afternoon but the thick trees made it seem like the sun had not even been at its highest point. The sounds of animals were so abundant before, but now it was hauntingly quiet. The wind rushed through the trees making them eerily howl and even the smallest sound made Cobalt jump. But he would put on a brave face when he saw his muse looking back at him. "Um, Amber...how would this place be perfect? It's dark...and a little creepy." Cobalt chuckled nervously. "Are you getting scared? A big, strong, artistic stallion like you can't handle a little scary forest? I thought that most artist can find inspiration in places like this...like a light in the darkness or something." Amber smirked. "Of course I can. But wouldn't a setting in town be better? Br-brighter?" He asked. "Yes..but what I have in mind can't happen in town." Amber winked, her eyes and horn glowing their fluorescent green color. When they finally arrived at a spot that was showered in equal amounts of darkness and rays of sunlight. Cobalt seemed to relax. "Hey, Amber. What exactly do you have in mind? I mean, all my art supplies are back in town." "Oh, I don't think I have to say too much to paint a picture for you." She brushed against him. "Besides...a mare should never kiss and tell. That would be too scandalous." Cobalt wanted to continue to protest their location but then wanted to run after what he saw next. Amber, walking between the shadows and light, changed back into Sektiss. And before her latest prey could escape, Sektiss captured Cobalt in her magic and pinned him to a tree. "What's the matter? Don't you still think I'm beautiful?" She hissed as she began to feed on Cobalt, draining him of his love before wiping his memories. Once that was done, she returned the slightly weakened stallion to the town. "Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder after all." She scowled and made her way back to the cave. *** As she made her way back to the cave, Sektiss got lost in her thoughts. "If only I had a heart, I could feed Her Majesty on my own." She thought but shook his head. "No! That kind of thing is what changed the others. I will do what I can to serve my Queen until she is strong enough to get her revenge. She arrived back at the cave and found Chrysalis...asleep. It was always a rare sight to see her like this as she is mostly always awake. Sektiss took her place by the throne and sat at attention till she awakened. As she waited, she would steal small glances at Chrysalis. She had always thought her Queen was beautiful but never gave it much thought. But now that it was just the two of them, she noticed it a lot more. She had always admired her iron will and cunningness as she ruled with an iron hoof. Sektiss even oversaw the training of her soldiers to make sure they would not be a detriment to her plans. Chrysalis was the strongest mare she had ever known. *** Sektiss recalled how they had first met. She was a mere hatchling back then. Queen Amethyst, the previous Changeling Queen, was inspecting all of her new hatchlings when she picked her up. Queen Amethyst looked over Sektiss and gleamed with pride as she declared her worthy of being a soldier. Moments later, something caught her eye and she set the new hatchling down. Sektiss looked over to see what it was and not but a few feet from her was a rather odd looking female Changeling with fluffy webbed hair and even pupils rather than their normal bug eyes. Queen Amethyst picked her up and declared her to be the next Queen, naming her Chrysalis. As the years passed, Sektiss trained to be the best warrior she could be. One that would defend the Horde until her last breath, one that would not disappoint her current Queen, one that would not fail her future Queen. Her training was hard and most of the male Changelings ridicule her...until she kicked their shiny flanks in combat. Sektiss, when she had the time, would watch Queen Amethyst and Chrysalis from afar. Mother teaching daughter how to be a proper Queen, to not show weakness, to not show emotion, and other things she would need. Even at such a young age, Sektis admired Chrysalis and wanted to become the best warrior she could so she could be useful. But then, a dark day fell upon the Changeling Kingdom when Queen Amethyst and her most elite guards were bested by an enemy more powerful than them, the Sirens. Creatures that feed off the negativity of others. Queen Amethyst and her forced fought with all they had, but in the end, were defeated. When Queen Amethyst failed to return, a scout part went to find her and returned three days later with their deceased Queen. The Changeling Kingdom howled in grief for their fallen Queen and warriors. The only one who did not cry was Chrysalis. She was already full grown mare in her teens, noble and regal, the proper age to ascend to the throne. With her head held high, she took the crown from her fallen Mother and placed it on her head. "Enough of your blubbering. Warriors do not cry for the fallen. And it would be an INSULT to their memory if you continue to cry and pity them! These warriors died in combat with an enemy that will not beat us twice. Rise up, my warriors, and as your Queen, I will lead to a new age! An age where we will rule all of Equestria!" With new resolve, Sektiss was the first to salute and bow to her new Queen, the rest of the Horde followed suit. Sektiss vowed to herself that she would follow Chrysalis no matter what. *** "I will follow you anywhere, my Queen...now and forever." Sektiss thought. When Chrysalis awakened, Sektiss immediately went to feed her. In the process, her muzzle gently nudged against hers. Sektiss took a moment to notice what happened and reflexively moved back, apologizing. Chrysalis brushed the action off, though inside, her stomach was fluttering a bit. "You gained quite a lot today. Seems you picked an exquisite meal this time around." Chrysalis said, glancing at Sektiss. "Artistic ponies are, as I find, often filled with an abundance of love when it comes to beautiful things and their art. The stallion I targeted was one such pony. I also find that stallions have the most love when they believe they might get lucky with an attractive mare." Sektiss rolled her eye. "Humph, stallions are always quite predictable in that way. If you can hook them, the rest is easy." Chrysalis stated. "Although, my Queen, I've heard mares have the most love to give at certain times. I'm not entirely sure when these times are, but I do believe a majority of the time is when they get to mate with their significant other during a romantic time. And that love seems to be the sweetest love." Sektiss pointed out, the last bit getting Chrysalis' attention. "Well then...let's test that theory." The Changeling Queen purred. "Without a male, that would be a bit ha-" Sektiss stopped midsentence, realizing what she meant. "You mean...you and me?" "I don't see anyone else here. So why not." Chrysalis lept and hovered a few feet before landing on the ground near Sektiss. "Let's test your theory." "My Queen. It's not like I wouldn't be honored...but we're both females." Sektiss looked off to the side before feeling Chrysalis' lips against her own. The sudden kiss, while surprising, was also a pleasant one and after several minutes, the two mares parted their kiss. Sektiss' face looked slightly flushed but also excited for what will come next. With Chrysalis' permission, and after she laid on her back for better access, Sektiss got to work pleasuring her Queen. Sektiss gave slow, long and steady licks to Chrysalis' honeypot, her breath sending additional pleasure to her actions. Chrysalis' voice became slightly husky as she moaned and hissed, enjoying their beginning foreplay. She felt every delicate action as Sektiss took special care to lick the little nub that would pop into view occasionally, licking and sucking on it, letting it go with a small wet pop before continuing on her puffy pussy lips again. Seconds late, Sektiss parted the opening to Chrysalis' love canal and watched as the glistening nectar started to ooze out slowly. Taking a lick of that, Sektiss was practically enraptured by the scent and taste that danced around her muzzle for her Queen's forbidden zone. It was sweeter than the love she had stolen earlier that day. So preoccupied with her "work", Sektiss was taken my surprise when her tail was suddenly lifted by magic. "You're working so hard, but why should I have all the fun? I think a good soldier deserves a reward." Chrysalis grinned, her magic began licking at Sektiss' cunt. It was an experience Sektiss had felt once or twice from a stallion as she had let only a few get close to rutting her, but neither occasion felt as amazing as to how Chrysalis handled this action. The stallions were (to put it plainly) rough and rushed, not nervous but overly cocky in their abilities to pleasure a mare, not fully passionate but just overly eager. And even though Chrysalis was using her magic at this point, it felt gentle and better than anything Sektiss had tried to do to herself till now. Chrysalis continued to magically pleasure Sektiss’ cunt. With each lick, Sektiss’ breathing became heavier, her mind slowly succumbing to the heat of the moment. Chrysalis smiled as she watched the expression on Sektiss, an expression that looked like she was struggling to maintain control over herself. “Adorable” Chrysalis thought to herself. Right as Sektiss was about to lose control of herself, Chrysalis stopped her magic. “Y-your majesty?” Sektiss panted, confused on the sudden stop. “Why don’t we…spice things up a bit?” Chrysalis smirked at her subject. Sektiss tilted her head in confusion. “What do you-OOH!!” she shouted as Chrysalis suddenly sprang up on to her. The next thing Sektiss knew, she was on her back with Chrysalis over her. Chrysalis’ horn glowed bright green, with that, two green magical rings formed around Sektiss’ ankles. With a wave of Chrysalis’ horn, the rings parted Sektiss’ legs, revealing her soaked pussy to Chrysalis. "I see you're more than ready~" Chrysalis smiled while licking her lips. Exposed in such a matter caused Sektiss’ face to turn bright cherry red. “M-MY QUEEN~ Th-This is a bit much. D-Don’t you think?” A flustered Sektiss panicked. Chrysalis’ hoof explored most of Sektiss’ body, from her upper torso, her stomach area and finally her pussy, all while she snickered under her breath. “Your majesty? -Oh~” Sektiss moaned as she could feel Chrysalis’ hoof flicked Sektiss’ clit, before going on to fingering her. “Ahh…ahh…my…my queen…pl-please~” Sektiss moaned. "Oh, you're more than ready." Chrysalis cooed. With a devious smiled Chrysalis held Sektiss' right hind leg and went on to sit in-between her thighs allowing both mare’s cunts to connect to one another. "My Queen…what are you-AHH!" before Sektiss could udder another word, Chrysalis had begun grinding her hips against into Sektiss'. “Mmm! My-My Queen! Ah~!” Sektiss shouted as she was helpless against Chrysalis’ heavy thrusts. “A servant shouldn’t be so resisted to their queen, right?” Chrysalis asked as her front hoofs were wrapped around Sektiss’ hind leg as she ground harder. "W-well…yes…but…ohh~" Sektiss tried to explain, but once again, the pleasure was slowly clouding her mind. Chrysalis smiled as she continued to thrust and grind her pussy against the cunt of her loyal drone. The sound of their love juices and moans as well as light, wet kisses echoing in the small cave. As their soaked regions rubbed together, jolts of euphoric pleasure ran through Sektiss as their winking love nubs played peek-a-boo against each other. After a few minutes, Sektiss could be heard moaning and groaning louder with each animalistic grind Chrysalis made. At that same time, it seemed lust was also getting to Chrysalis, as she began to moan herself. “Y-Your majesty! I’m…I feel like I’m…I’m~” Sektiss screamed as she could feel her climax coming. At that point, Chrysalis began to speed up her grinding, making lewd echoes from their cunts louder. “J-just a few more…almost there…al…most-AHHH!!!” Chrysalis screamed as her pussy exploded with cum over Sektiss’. “AHHH!!!” Sektiss shouted as she too came while arched her back. Their love nectar clashes and spilled to the cave floor. After a few minutes of heavy panting, Chrysalis lets go of Sektiss’ leg and she lays on the floor next to Sektiss, both in a blissful daze. As the two panted and basked the afterglow of their shared climax, there a sudden flash of light. Barely opening her eyes, Chrysalis caught the glimpse of a cutie mark on Sektiss' flank. A light blue kiss with blue-green wings adorning each side. "Well...this is a shock. Changelings should not be able to get a cutie mark. Yet one now adorns your sexy flank." She said. "What...are you talking about?" Sektiss asked before looking down at her own flank, spotting her new cutie mark. "Where did that come from?" "Wherever it came from doesn't matter. You are quite a special Changeling . Perhaps...now is the time..." Chrysalis mumbled. "Time? Time for what?" Sektiss asked as she watched Chrysalis stand up. "Why the time to start a new hive." Chrysalis grinned. Sektiss watched as Chrysalis lit her horn, her magic trailing down to her nethers, and a large cock with equally large balls grew between Chrysalis' legs. "I mean...I can't do it alone after all." Sektiss couldn't help but stare and practically drool from seeing the sheer size of the new dick in front of her. It was big enough to make any stallion jealous. The musky scent alone made Sektiss' honeypot flow with fresh nectar. "I would be honored to create a new hive with you, my Queen." "Then let's get to it." Chrysalis lightly thrust her meat at Sektiss, who happily got work sucking on it. Opening her maw as wide as she could, she took the Queen's cock deep into her throat, moans vibrating in her throat. Moans and wet slurps danced around them, echoing through the cave. In the heat of the action, Chrysalis begins to thrust her hips to match Sektiss' head bobbing at the same time moaning at the top of her lungs. After a few minutes, it ended with a satisfying pop as Sektiss licked her lips. "I can see you quite enjoyed that. But the fun isn't over yet, my Queen." Sektiss turned around, presenting her soaking cunt to Chrysalis. Shaking her plump, smooth ass in a seductive manner. "Yes, my Queen. Please bestow your royal seed to me." Without another word between them, Chrysalis pinned Sektiss' chest to the floor with her hoof, got into position, and Sektiss felt her pussy stretched and filled with Chrysalis' meat with one thrust. "It's so huge~" Sektiss lustfully proclaimed. "I would start out slow. But you're a big girl. You can handle it" Chrysalis teased. "With all the stallions I've had, I know I can handle you, my Queen. Besides, I love it rough." Sektiss stated. *** For the next few hours, massive balls slapped against Sektiss' ass with each thrust; grunts and moans echoed off the walls; a thick, intoxicating, musk filled the air as the two continued their breeding session. Time seemed to blend together just like the reverberating sounds. "Ahhhh my Queen, your cock feels amazing. I can feel it twitching inside me and your balls are getting so tight against my legs. Please, my Queen, bestow upon me the greatest honor of being impregnated with your warriors." Sektiss shouted as Chrysalis held Sektiss' front hoofs back behind her while continuing to fuck her with harder and faster thrusts. "Well then, it's time to become a breed-mother, dear Sektiss. Now take my seed! AHHH!!!" Chrysalis shouted as her fucking became more animalistic. "AHH! Yes, my queen! MORE!!!" Sektiss yelled at the top of her lungs. For what seemed like forever, the two changelings engaged in a free for all of fucking and lust filled pleasure. With one final thrust, hot, sticky cream filled Sektiss' womb; filling it past its brim and into her stomach. Sektiss' stomach bloated till it was pressing against the cave floor. Her face, one of orgasmic bliss, changed to one of surprise as something new entered her. It was large and round, smooth but also solid too. It was a familiar feeling too. Soon it dawned on Sektiss that she was being filled with Changeling eggs. She could feel as each new egg entered her and settled into a free space in her belly. Already pinned to the floor by Chrysalis, and now weighed down by semen and eggs, Sektiss use what little strength was left in her hind legs to stand once Chrysalis was finished. Chrysalis' cock should have disappeared as quickly as it had come. But it still remained on her, still at attention and practically ready to unleash its next load. Sektiss, with a thin stream of cum leak from her love canal, sauntered slowly over to Chrysalis. "My queen, it looks like you still have more to give. And I still have some space left." Sektiss purred. "Forgive my impatience." She gently pushed Chrysalis down and straddled her cock, taking it all in one stroke despite all the eggs inside her. Using all the strength in her legs, she rode Chrysalis for all she had, Tartarus bent on milking Chrysalis for every last drop of seed. "I never expected you to be such a little sex fiend," Chrysalis stated. "Oh my Queen, after having so many stallions, I must say I prefer your shaft to any of theirs. They don't even compare to you. I think I may become addicted to this." Sektiss looked down at Chrysalis, her pupils glazed over with lust. Sektiss, feeling herself getting close to another climax, drew out her movements out slowly. Steady strokes from Sektiss' pussy massaged Chrysalis' cock, coating them it in slick juices. Moans of ecstasy and wet squelches, once again, echoed through the cave. The pressure that built inside Sektiss has doubled thanks to the eggs that filled her. Her pussy clenched and unclenched with each stroke. Feeling this, Chrysalis began to also meet Sekiss' thrusts, adding a new layer of pressure to it. Rocking together brought new waves of bliss that rivaled the session from moments ago. And it only took mere moments after that, and increased thrusting, for Chrysalis to release another torrent of hot sticky stallion juices to coat Sektiss' insides again along with another wave of eggs. Sektiss shivered in delighted euphoria as she stood up, giving some distance between Chrysalis and herself and laying on the ground. "Th-Thank you...my Queen," Sektiss said with a quivering voice. "You will birth many strong warriors. The Changeling hive shall begin again!" Chrysalis declared. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been about three, maybe four months since their intense breeding session and Sektiss spent her days lounging around in the cave. She felt the time to birth the eggs was nigh. Rubbing her packed belly, she felt the individual "heartbeat" of each new grub. The only thing aside from her breathing was the sound of water dripping somewhere deep in the cave. When Sektiss felt a sudden flood between her legs, her breath hitched a bit. "Well...looks like it's finally time." She mumbled and waited for the first egg to drop. It felt like hours before the first egg finally came out. Before that, it was just hitched breathing and shallow pants like any normal mare in labor. Once the first eggs slid out, with an audible click on the floor, another came. And then another, and another, and so on. Many of the eggs came out smoothly. Some required Sektiss to push harder or readjust her positioning to better accommodate it. One actually required Sektiss to be in a safe squatting position before about three eggs finally came out. In the span of two hours, Sektiss had birthed almost 300 new grub eggs. Using the strength she had left, she grouped the eggs together into sections for their charges. "This group will be the soldiers that protect the Queen...and this one, warriors that go into battle for her cause...this next group will be the scouts and worker bees who gather love. Oh yes, they will gather lots of love." *** Chrysalis had been out gathering more "food" and returned with a new "meal" for Sektiss. Chrysalis was quite pleased to see the number of eggs they now had to restart the Changeling hive. "Well, my special breed mother has started a new army for us. "It was my honor, my Queen. But, with all respect, 300 soldiers isn't nearly enough. We need much more. Enough to rival Celestia's forces a million to one." Sektiss said, pacing around the eggs. "Oh do we? I like how your mind works." Chrysalis purred, her horn already igniting to bring back her faux stallionhood. It stood at attention and seemed to be bigger than the last time it adorned her nether regions. Seeing it pulsing and filling the cave with a musky scent, Sektiss already felt her love canal begin to overflow with new juices. "I believe it's time to make the next batch of soldiers, Sektiss." "I couldn't agree more, my Queen." Sektiss licked her lips and spread her legs, presenting her soaked marehood to Chrysalis. "I promised to give you many soldiers, and I will uphold that promise. As you said, the Changeling hive shall begin again."