
by paxtofettel

First published

A series of letters addressed to different ponies

Sometimes, a pony wants to say something personal or important to another, but cannot. As such, they write letters expressing their feeling, only to not send it.

The following is a series of letters addressed to different ponies, some happy, some depressing.

To Fluttershy

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Dearest Fluttershy,

I don't know why I write this letter, seeing as how I won't be sending it.

Perhaps it's the only way to actually convey these feelings that have been tearing me apart for so long. Maybe it's the only way to not go insane.

Fluttershy, I love you. No, it is not a passing fancy or a friendly remark that a friend or family member might give to you at a reunion; I most certainly love you. Your natural gracefulness fills my heart with such passion that it feels as if it would burst every time you trot past me. Your mane flows like the calm seas of the the Western Expanse. Your voice, so soft and tender, is like the sweetest music to my ears.

Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I have wanted you. I've wanted to feel that soft coat of yours rub against my face, to whisper sweet nothings into your ear while you sleep, to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my mortal life.

But it seems that you have already found another. I do not blame you for your decision. He is strong, yet gentle, while I am weak and awkward. Many would burn with jealousy at the thought of the pony they love together with another.

But, I, for one, am happy. Yes, there have been times where I have cried myself to sleep at the thought of losing you, at the fact that my love for you will never be returned. But, I have also wanted nothing more than to see you happy, to see you smile. If that means never being yours, than so be it.

All I know is that, no matter what may come, I will never stop loving you. May the Goddess of Creation strike me down if I ever think less of you. Maybe I will find somepony who loves me as I love you. Maybe then, I will feel the love that you feel for him. But, until then, I will always care for you.

One that loves you.

To Rarity

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Dear Rarity,

Twilight told me to do this; something about "expressing my feelings in an orderly and reserved manner." Personally, I think it's a load of baloney, considering that I'm not giving this to Ditzy anytime soon. But, she won't stop badgering me about it, so I figure, why not?

Anyways, there's something I've always been meaning to tell you; something that's been driving me crazy since I first came here years ago.

Rarity, I love you.

At first, Twilight told me that it was only a simple foalhood crush, and, for a time, I was starting to believe her. I tried to find love with other ponies; I even tried your own sister. But, I'm no longer that same baby that you knew years ago.

But, none of them could ever compare to you, my sweet. You have been in my mind ever since I first laid eyes on you before the Summer Sun Celebration. You've always been in my heart ever since you saved me from myself the day I turned into a greedy dragon.

I've always wanted to tell you what I feel, but I've been too much of a coward to do so.

And now, it's too late. You've already found love.

So many emotions run through my head: anger, envy, despair, longing. Frankly, I have only myself to blame. I knew I should have told you sooner, maybe then I would have had a chance.

On the other claw, perhaps I was a fool to think I had a chance. It makes sense actually, a dragon with a pony? No way that could ever work.

So go, run off with that new stallion of yours. Get married, have foals, die together, I won't stop you.

But, there is only one thing I want to ask you: In the end, when all's said and done, can he really love you, like I would? Can he ever say the things I would say? Can he ever show you the tenderness I would?

That's all I have to say. I should probably burn this later.


To Truffles

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Dear Truffles,

It's me, Tootsie Flute; from Ms. Cheerilee's class, I sit behind you in class. You were my partner for that science project we did last month.

I just wanted to tell you something really important. But, it's really secret and I'm scared to tell you so I'm gonna write it down instead. Great idea, huh?

Truffles, I like you. I mean, I really, really, really, really, like you. You're so funny and sweet. You're always nice to me when I feel sad or angry. You always make me laugh with your jokes and your funny faces.

Remember that time when I lost that doll that my daddy got for me? I was crying so much because I loved that dolly. You told me that I shouldn't cry and you promised that you would find Mrs. Goldie for me. You spent all recess looking for her, even going into the dumpster. When you found her, I was so happy; nopony had ever done something like that for me.

I was going to give you a card for Heart's and Hooves day. It was so pretty and had a pretty heart on the top. I even left you a message on the inside. But, you gave a card to Twist instead of me. I guess that means you like-like her.

I was really sad when you gave her that card. I was mad at Twist because you liked her more that me. But, mommy told me that I shouldn't be angry at you. She told me that I would find another certain special somepony.

Now, I'm not sad anymore. I'm so happy for you and Twist; you two seem to make a great couple. I just want to say that I still like you even if you like Twist more.

Anyways, I'll see you in class tomorrow.

Tootsie Flute

To Twist

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Okay, before you condemn this story as a troll fic and break out the pitchforks, let me explain myself. This certain letter is meant to have really bad grammar. I wanted to reflect Snail's intelligence (or lack of thereof) in his letter. You wouldn't expect a colt like Snails to write like Shakespeare, wouldn't you?


der twist,

helo, its snails. momma told me dat i shuld writ to somepony in ponivile so i can learn to writ beter. i cant rite too gud but ill try to writ.

so how r yu? gud? im ok.

i yust wanna tell yu dat i think yur very purty. very purty. yur purtier than da oder fillis in skool.

i relly like yu twist. i like like like like yu a lot. i now im not so smart lik ms cheerilee or rich lik dimond tiara. but i still really like you.

i now yu tink im stoopid and clumsi but im tryng to get beter. i now you lik truffles moar cuz yu gav him a card in harts an hooves day. but i really really really really lik yu more.

uh, okay im gonna stop writin now becus mommas makin hay fries. bye twist, i love yu a lot.


To Twilight Sparkle

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Dear Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville,

Let it be known that I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, who single hoofedly saved Preece from sea serpents, want to tell you something.

Trixie hates you, Twilight Sparkle. No, not hate, Trixie despises you, loaths you, detests you, abhors you. There are not enough words in the Common Language to describe how much Trixie hates you.

You have ruined me, taken away what has kept me afloat for years. Before you came along, Trixie's name was known throughout Equestria. Ponies from all over flocked to see my feats of amazing magical prowess. Trixie awed those simple minded yokels and had them eating from Trixie's hoof.

But then you came. You humiliated Trixie, made her look like a weakling. Trixie could have saved the town if you hadn't ruined everything. Now, with Trixie's carriage destroyed, Trixie now has to live in a dirty poorhouse in Manehattan.

It is all your fault Twilight Sparkle, all of it. I hate you, I hate you so damn much.

And yet, a small part of Trixie admires you. You are the only unicorn powerful enough to lull an Ursa Minor to sleep. A part of me adores you, loves you even. Maybe, if we had met under different circumstances, you could have been Trixie's assistant, maybe even, a lover.

But my desire for you is clouded by my anger at you. If the heavens seek to keep us apart, then so be it. If you can't be Trixie's love, then forever more, you shall be Trixie's enemy.

Letter to Candy Apple

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The following characters are OC's belonging to EpicOswald88 on deviantart. Sky Dasher is RD and Soarin's colt while Candy Apple is Applejack and Caramel's filly. If you get the chance, check out her gallery. Her vectors are pretty good and hell, she's probably the only other person that ships Lyra with Blues (though that might be my doing), Octy with Frederic, and Vinyl with Neon Lights.

Dear Candy Apple,

It's Sky Dasher by the way. I think it's funny that I'm writing a letter to you even though I ain't gonna send it to you. Weird, right?

Anyway, everything here in Cloudsdale is pretty much the same. Mom and Dad are practicing for the Derby next Sunday at Ponyville, so I'll be able to see everypony again. Is Apple Cream still getting the hang of that cooking thing? Ursa still acting like a clingy baby sister? Boy, I can't wait to see everypony again.

Actually, there's something I wanna tell you. I know about your crush on me. Everypony knows about it, hay, even Ursa knows about it and she's only a baby. Frankly, I think it's more obvious than Jazz Hand's crush on Minuetta.

And you know what, I think I like you too. You're pretty and really nice. You're alway honest, never telling anypony any lies. Lately, I've been thinking about you the most while living here in Cloudsdale.

But.... I don't think I'm the one for you. I'm not as smart as the other colts in town. I know that I act like a complete jerk a lot of times. I fly headfirst into any problems without thinking about it. My plans are really, really, really, stupid and completely idiotic.

Candy Apple, you deserve much more than me. I'm not the perfect colt that you think I am.

Well this letter turned out more sappy than I thought. I should tear this up so nopony can see it.

I guess I'll see you soon. I love you, Candy Apple, but you shouldn't love me.

Sky Dasher.

To Rainbow Dash

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Dear Rainbow Dash,

I, um, hello Rainbow Dash. You don't really know me, at least not all of me; but, I know you very much. I've known you for a really long time now.

I remember when we used to go to flight school when we were only fillies. I wasn't a really good flier, in fact, I was scared of flying. The colts at school were always making fun of me, calling me a "scared-y pony" and a coward; always making me cry. Every day, I hid inside the bathroom to hide from them and cry by myself.

But then, you came into my life. You protected me from those mean bullies; you never called me a coward nor made fun of my bad flying skills. You were the only one who wanted to be my friend; who always sat next to me in the lunch room. I was really shy at first, but I soon started liking your company.

Rainbow Dash, after all these years, I've finally realized something. I, I think I love you, Rainbow.

You are my protector; my shield. Every time I'm with you, I feel safe, as if nothing in the world can ever hurt me.

I've wanted to tell you how I feel for so long; to press my lips against yours and hold you and never let you go.

But, I just can't gather up the nerve to tell you about my love. I've tried, oh how I've tried; but every time I just feel so afraid about you rejecting me and never wanting to be my friend anymore. So, I just keep quiet and mentally kick myself for being such a coward.

That's why I'm writing this letter; because it's the only way I can put down my feeling without talking to anypony.

I should stop this letter now, it's Angel's feeding time.

Rainbow Dash, I want to be yours, but I can never let you know about my feelings.

With love,Fluttershy.

To Big Macintosh

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Dear Big Mac,


Ok, not a real good way to start a letter, but I ain't gonna hang myself about that

I guess you could call this one of those "unsent letters" that show up in Rarity's romance novels, not that I read those stupid stories; well, maybe I just skim them a bit.

Oh, thank the Goddess that I'm not gonna send this letter, cause it's getting more embarrasing by the second.

What was going to write about again? Oh right....

Big Mac, there's something I kinda wanted to say to you for a while.

I think I kinda sorta like you; as in a mushy lovey dovey sort of way.

I know, I know, an awesome mare like me falling in love, with a quiet stallion like yourself? It's like one of those stupid movies that Rarity always drags me into. You know, the ones where they always end up smooching.

But, there something about you that I really I like. Everytime you appear, I gotta hide so nopony can see the blush that comes to my face. And your muscles, oh Goddess, your muscles.

But, I can see you already have something with Fluttershy. Normally, if it were another mare, I would be downright ticked about somepony messing with my stallion. But, Shy's been my best friend since Flight School, and I can see why you two like each other so much.

You two are like clones, shy and gentle. I guess I should be happy that both of you are happy being together.

I'll be fine, an awesome mare such as myself always bounces back. Just, treat her right, you hear, or else I'll sock you right in the jaw.

And besides, if things don't work out with Shy, I'll be there.

Rainbow Dash

To The Apple Family

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Dear Big Macintosh, Applejack, and lil' Applebloom,

If you're reading this, then I have most certainly have passed on to Elysium. I know it's sad to see me go, but don't go moping about me for the rest of your lives. I've lived a good life, and have absolutely no regrets.

Now that you're reading this, there's a few thing I wanna say to you three. Ever since my dear Green Apple left me, you three have kept this old mare happy for all these years. Ever since your parents died, you've looked up to me as a the mother you've never could know. You've made me the happiest mare this side of Equestria, and I'm grateful for it.

Big Mac, now that I'm gone, it's up to you to take care of Sweet Apple Acres and your sisters, as well. You're a good stallion and I have a lot of faith that you'll keep them safe. Also, take care of Mrs. Fluttershy as well; she's a real great mare, and the day you two married was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Applejack, be sure to help Big Mac around with the apple bucking; just don't try to do everything yourself like that one time. I remember the day you came back from Manehattan and got your cutie mark; I felt so proud that you found your calling here with us.

Applebloom, dear sweet Applebloom, you've grown so much over the years. I remember when you were looking for your special talent. You and those other fillies were always getting into a heap of trouble looking for your cutie marks. The day you finally found your special talents, you wouldn't stop hollering and hoping around. I still wish your talent involved apples, but I ain't gonna dwell on that.

That's all i really have to say to you three. The only thing left is that it was an pleasure to be your granny and that I'l always be watching you.

Granny Smith

P.S.: Please tell that Spike fellow at the Library thanks for writing this down. My eyesight ain't so good, but he was nice enough to write down what I had to say.