Changes on Film

by Jongoji245

First published

Sunset helps Juniper record the changes of the leaves

It's been a while since the last adventure, and Sunset finds Juniper with a film camera during a little walk in the park. With nothing else to do, she decides to help the former gofer.

Written for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest, and therefore isn't canon to either of my established universes as per the rules.

Chapter 1

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It was nine o'clock on a very cool August morning in a very elaborate apartment complex when an alarm clock echoes the halls. In her room, Sunset Shimmer tossed and turned in her ball of silky comfort, opening one stink eye at the electronic device. She gives the device a good slap on the top and groans. With a little effort, she unravels herself of her blanket prison.

"At least I don't have to go to work today." She mutters, popping each joint one after the other and getting the sleep off her eyes.

A good shower, teeth brushing, and a change of clothes later, and Sunset is out and about in the world on her daily walks with her leopard gecko Ray. While she is really doing most of the exercise, the outdoor experience gives the reptile some much needed fresh air and warmth to his chilled blood. It's a surprise he doesn't jump and run, but keeping his "mother" company makes him happy.

Sunset turns right into the park, taking in the greenery and blossoming trees. Letting Ray crawl on her finger, Sunset waves at Lyra and Bon Bon before spending five dollars on a blueberry muffin from Derpy. As she eats the pastry, Sunset takes a passing glance at a familiar face. Standing by a glade with a film camera atop a tripod, Juniper Montage kept one eye on her watch as both hands reach twelve o'clock. At the precise moment, she presses the shutter button on the camera.

"Hey, Juniper!"

The former gofer jumps up with a yelp and looks at the fire-haired girl.

"Oh, it's you." Juniper fixes her glasses, "Sunset, is it?" Juniper notices the lizard on Sunset's hand, tilting her head curiously.

"Oh, yeah," Sunset lets Juniper delicately hold onto Ray, "got me a pet. Name's Ray." As the leopard gecko rubs Juniper's cheek, Sunset inspects the camera. "Taking photography now?"

"Stop motion actually." Juniper lets Ray crawl on her camera, "I'm making a little pet project. As of now, I am on my sixth tenth frame."

"Would you like some help?" Sunset asks, getting Ray to crawl on her finger.

"I don't know..." Juniper says hesitatingly; she has caused trouble to her and her friends twice now after all. Noticing this, Sunset places her hand on Juniper's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll have plenty of time once school comes up." Sunset notices the clock in the town square reaching a quarter past twelve, "Well, gotta get Ray home before going to band practice. So, same time tomorrow?"

After Juniper nods, Sunset begins her jog back home while Juniper packs up her camera and takes the bus to her home near the movie studio. With her uncle away shooting a movie well out of town, Juniper has control of the house. Inside, the walls are adorned with movie posters of Cantor Zoom's movies both great and bad, and shelves filled with containers of finished prints. In her own room, Juniper has about everything that a director's salary can buy all the way down to the bookshelf brimming full with Daring Do novels. She turns on her computer, logs in, and transfers her picture to her video editing program, where forty-eight pictures set at one twenty-fourth of a second.

As Juniper hangs up her camera, the former gofer reflects on the past. She was stopped from sabotaging the production of the Daring Do movie just so she can become the leading role, and Starlight Glimmer convinced her later on that revenge isn't the best idea. It's fortunate that Juniper is in good company. Suddenly her phone buzzes in her pocket.

One Hour Before Work

She groans; another shift at the mall movie theater. It doesn't take long for her to put on her work vest and hat. It's not the best of jobs, especially as a step down from seeing a movie being made up front. But she has to start somewhere to earn money, and it does give her discounts should she want to see a movie. A while later, she grabs her keys, locks the door and takes the bus to the mall, ready for one boring shift.

The Next Day

But to her luck, Juniper has two days off now. With a groan, she looks at her alarm clock and finds it to be ten till twelve o'clock noon. In a panic, she skips her shower, puts on her clothes and rushes out of her house, just missing the bus.

"Damn closing shift!" She curses before running.

Juniper's mind screamed out a prayer for time to slow down; a few minutes early or two slow minutes late, she wanted her project to show consistency. She takes a passing glance at the clock tower just a few seconds before noon. Just when she is about to swear again, she looks forward and comes across a great surprise.

True to her word, Sunset was already at the same spot they met yesterday, putting away her cell phone before turning around and seeing Juniper coming to a halt.

"Yeesh, Juniper." Sunset isn't the only one to notice the mess that is a bed-rung Juniper Montage, "Are you okay?"

Juniper panted faster than a greyhound in a race track, lifting her finger to allow a moment's rest before taking a deep breath and asks, "Did you... Take... Picture?"

"Yeah," Sunset pulls out her phone and shows her catch of the day, "got you covered."

Exhausted, Juniper collapses on the park bench, looking at Sunset sitting next to her and offering a water bottle.

"Thank you..." Juniper mutters before taking a drink. As her world calms down, Sunset shuffles her feet around, tapping her hands on her lap.

"So, do you go to school at Crystal Prep?" She asks; after all, Sunset's time in the studio is the first time she met Juniper.

"Oh, no. I'm home schooled." She answers, scraping the ground with her shoe.

"Do your parents-"

"No, a private tutor," Juniper gives the water bottle back to Sunset, "She's very nice, really."

Though knowing that Juniper is in good company, knowing more from her is brow raising for Sunset.

"So, where are your parents?"

"Last I've heard, they're in Yakistan." Still seeing Sunset with a raised eyebrow, Juniper crosses her legs, "See, my parents travel all over the world. My dad hosts his documentaries and my mom shoots them."

"Hmm," Sunset purses her lips, "got a family of movie makers, huh?"

"Yeah," Juniper giggles, "guess you can say that."

Sunset looks at the clock tower before taking out her phone, "Here, I'll text you the picture on my way to band practice."

It didn't take Sunset a couple steps before hearing, "Can I come?"

She turns, finding Juniper standing, hands behind her back, twisting the toe of her shoe on the concrete.

"Just to watch?" She adds, looking as nervous as Fluttershy before she gained confidence.

"Sure." Sunset answers, giving Juniper a friendly nudge upon joining her, "maybe we can find something for you to play with."

The Next Evening

"Do you find it weird?" Juniper, now with the Rainbooms in a private party in Sunset's workplace, an oriental restaurant, "Going from all fours to two? You ever lose your balance."

"Well," Sunset serves Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy an order of crab rangoon and sweet tea, "these days it's the opposite. I never realized how hard it is to grab something if you have one finger."

After serving Juniper a sampling of grilled octopus, Sunset notices her uneasiness.

"Never had octopus?" Asks Rainbow Dash before taking a bite of her sushi, no answer.

"Is it undercooked?" Sunset reaches for the burnt dish, "I can keep it cooking for-"

"Oh, it's nothing, nothing at all." Juniper dices up the mollusk and chews it while Sunset starts her nightly cleaning, "Can she talk to animals?"

"Well..." Applejack swallows her piece of Rangoon, "I've seen her talking to my horses a few times. I tried asking what is she talking about, but..."

Seeing Juniper not getting the picture, Pinkie Pie demonstrates by placing her hands over her head.

"It's the ears." She implies, flapping her hands.

Later that Same Evening

"Well, good night, everybody." Applejack calls out as she reaches her truck.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash stretches herself as she walks to her motorcycle, "you too, AJ."

With Pinkie Pie taking Fluttershy and Sci-Twi in her Smart Car and the bus drivers hanging their hats for the day, that leaves Sunset to take Juniper home. Sunset sets up the alarm and locks the door before leading her honored guest to her motorcycle, this one fitted with a side car for just the occasion. Helmets in hand, the two ride off into the night. Though a bit uncomfy in a small seat, the breeze against Junipers face felt lovely. In a short time, they reached her house.

"Thanks for coming over." Sunset thanks before taking Juniper's helmet, "So, same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Juniper hops off and makes her way to the door, "I'll see you then."

It takes Sunset a moment after Juniper goes inside that she makes her way to her apartment. Taking her mail for the day, she walks to her room and sits on the couch. Her aching body after a long closing shift, it's no surprise that she deserves a good rest. But there is something on her mind, one that can be answered in the otherside of a magical journal.

"Dear Princess Twilight..."

The Second Weekend of September

Once again having the day off, and a cloudy one at that, Sunset slept like a rock, instinctively pressing the snooze button whenever it buzzes. But her time in Slumberland addled her mind. Seeing the hanging cat clock at twenty past eleven, Ray stacks up to his sleeping cage and basking branch, releases himself, and crawls up the ladder to his owner. He could scratch Sunset or nibble her, but that wouldn't help for one so small. So comes the next choice; the leopard gecko crawls on Sunset's face and licks the tip of her nose. A few times and Sunset's eyes flutter open, looking at the reptile looking at her.

"Ray," Sunset sits herself up, getting the gecko to perch on her finger, "what are you-?"

Sunset notices the time and, with no text message from Juniper, goes into a panic. Almost falling down her balcony, she puts Ray's belongings as they should, skips the shower and hastily puts on a hoodie, sweat pants, and sneakers, not even caring that her hair is a mess.

Sunset tires herself halfway to the park and slows to a light jog. It's just five minutes before noon when she reaches the yellowing leaves of the park trees. Going to run again, Sunset looks down a reaches for her phone. At the same time, Juniper, also hastily dressed and her glasses crooked, also looks for her phone, not paying attention when she and Sunset collide with each other and fall flat on the pavement. With just seconds before noon, both of them took out their phones and took a picture of the glade.

Trying to catch their breath, their ordeal isn't done yet when it starts to sprinkle. As the rain gets heavy, Juniper runs with Sunset to her apartment, especially when lightning strikes. Wet and shivering, they go upstairs and get themselves dry. Exhausted and now more of a mess than before, the two sit on the couch and take a breather.

"So," Sunset turns to Juniper, "how much more until you think it's finished?"

"Until..." Juniper pants, "every... leaf... falls... And they just started turning yellow."

Juniper flops over, stretching her arms so far that she unintentionally touches Sunset's hair. She curls into a little ball.


"Hey, it's okay."

"No, really, I'm so sorry," Juniper leans forward, but still curled in her ball, "I almost got you all killed, yet you forgive me. I should be doing something in return, not deserving-."

Sunset places her finger on Juniper's lip, shushing her. "I wasn't kidding about what I said. I was always a jerk who wanted more than I could chew. It took me a long while to get everyone to trust me. It's like what Applejack told me; you may have a few bad fence posts, but if you keep making new ones, we just forget."

After taking this in, Juniper gives Sunset a hug.

"Thank you." She whispers, feeling Sunset wrap her arms around her. The gradual warmth after a good soak, the two bring each other to arm's length. Sunset tucks a loose strand into Juniper's hair, seeing her blush. Ray crawls out of his plastic dinosaur skull and up a rock. His eyes widen before bringing a paw over his snout, but parting his fingers soon after.

The Fall Formal

It's that time of the school year again, and everyone couldn't be more excited. Many arrived in groups, several on their own, some with their younger siblings, and some in pairs that made people coo. The Rainbooms step out from a limousine, excited for another dance. Sunset, wearing her dress from the welcoming party of the Friendship Games, was the last to step out and turns around.

"Are you ready?" She asks, bringing her hand forward.

"Yeah," Says Juniper, taking her hand.

In the crowded building, everyone's dances the boogaloo, the swim, the Gangnam Style, and the high knee. One student has everyone make a large enough circle for him to break dance. When the doors open, everyone turns and cheers at the Rainbooms.

"Now it's a party!" Shouts one of them.

As the Rainbooms join the dance, Juniper, wearing an elaborate feather dress of blues and pinks, felt sheepish. Some of the faces she scared half to death at the mall are there. She makes a few baby steps, greeting some by waving her fingers.

"C'mon, Juni!" Juniper turns to Pinkie Pie waving at her, "The party's inside!"

Juniper gathers some courage and walks into the crowd. Comfort reaches her quickly, though the loud crowd is actually muffling some bad talks about her. When Vinyl Scratch switched to a faster beat, everyone starts stamping their feet and shaking their bodies. Juniper joins the dance, bopping her head before stamping her feet. When the next song starts playing, she jumps up and down so fast that when she opens her eyes, she finds her vision rather blurry.

"My glasses!" Juniper looks at the floor as her vision allows. With all the flashing lights, colors, and dancers, it feels to her like a needle in a haystack. She squints and finds her glasses next to the hulking Bulk Biceps. She goes into a panic, clumsily bumping through classes before diving down and grabbing her spectacles.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Juniper looks at the stage, seeing Sunset holding the microphone, "I would like to take this time to show a work in progress between me and a special friend." The spot light shines at a random crowd, "A little to my right, now towards- no towards me, a little towards you, stop!"

Everyone turns to Juniper, making her nervous. Sunset jumps off, goes to the back and helps Twilight and Rarity bring the projector. Power cord to the extension cord, and with a few mouse clicks, the dimly lit gymnasium glows with the desktop before the blank media player window pops up. A few clicks more, and the screen is engulfed in black before a wall of text fades in,

The following is a work in progress and may not be reflected on the final print

A film by Juniper Montage

With help from Sunset Shimmer

When the third line of text fades, the first picture Juniper took of the glade, with the date on the twenty-fifth of July on the top right corner of the screen, shows up for two seconds before switching to the next day, then the next one, on a cloudy day. Towards the end of the screening, the leaves start turning yellow before turning completely black and the light gray play button shows. A moment of silence before clapping and hooting is heard. Juniper calms herself as the Rainbooms join her and wrap their arms around her.

After a few more dubstep songs, Vinyl switches over to a slow, soothing song. Everyone grabs a dance partner, slowly turning and minding not bumping into each other. Sitting by the punch bowl, Juniper sways her hips while taking a small sip. She hears some foot steps and finds Sunset next to her. Looking at the dance partners long enough, Sunset turns her head to Juniper.

"Want to dance?" She asks, a coy look on her face. Juniper takes Sunsets hand and walks with her to the center of the dance. They slowly spin around, one step forward, two steps back, and the pattern repeats itself. When the music goes at its softest, the two embrace each other further and sneaks a quick peck on the lips.

"Thank you." Whispers Juniper.

"Glad to be of help." Sunset answers, rocking side by side.