> Hey Rainbow... > by Majorminor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Oh $h!te > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called out in her squeaky, young voice. She was still a few years off hitting adolescence and she dreaded it. All the voice cracks, how all of her physical attributes would change and reshape, and her wings were already playing the catch-up game. But what scared her most out of all these factors... were the zits. Even rainbow had shown her a few of her old photos, and was, bar-none, the most spotty, zitty teen of all her friends and family. Perhaps even Ponyville! Sure now she was fine and definitely the best looking out of all the ponies in Equestria what with her beautiful, chromatic mane that blew perfectly in the wind, her soft cyan fur that she had once snuggled up to on that one cold night. That one cold night she would never forget. That one time she had anything like a hug... And from her role model! She wished Rainbow Dash was more than just her sister. She never knew what mothers were like or what they did, her friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both had... Problems. Sweetie Belle's parents fight all the time (It's no wonder where she and Rarity gets it from!) and are often leaving to go on vacations all over Equestria. They were recently in Phillydelphia. Probably not anymore by now. Applebloom's parents died long ago, just after she was born... Applejack and Big Macintosh have practically been her parents ever since. I guess because she missed the 'experience'. She wished she had a mother and father. Only her best friends knew she was an orphan, and the CMC pledged not to tell a single living soul. "Sup Scoots! Haven't seen you around for a while!" She replied, casually gliding down to her no.1 fan and best little sitter ever. Oh I wish I could tell you Dash... "Not much. I've been working on my flying by doing all those exercises you taught me!" Scootaloo put on a her best cheesy grin that she could muster, which she had practically mastered by now. "Great! I've yet to teach you ho...OLY LONELY PONY EATING MACARONIS!" (Scoots blinks wide-eyed and slowly reverses, to the reaction she got for saying she practises) "When was the last time you preened? Scoots, stop edging away I'm talking to you." (Continues to edge away, only faster and with a face of silent 'I'm in some deeeeeep $h!t...' ----------------------00000--------------------- Scootaloo's mind: "NOW EVERYBODY STAY CALM, DENY EVERYTHING THAT THE MAD MARE SAYS AND LEG IT AS SOON AS SHE POINTS OUT THAT SHE KNOWS YOU'RE LYING. IF WE CAN MAKE IT TO TH-" ----------------------00000---------------------- "Scoots I know what you're doing, so don't even think about bolting it. We both know I can shatter the sound barrier faster than you can scream (Pun intended). And don't deny the truth. When did you last preen?" She demanded firmly. She obviously wouldn't let this slide anytime soon. Scootaloo by this point had stalled like a computer from 2003 and was currently processing its choices: Spill the beans and admit the truth, run like a coward (unimpressive option) or curl up in a ball and cry (very unimpressive option). Her brain being that 2003 computer it is, stalled for roughly thirty seconds before stuttering and deciding what to do. A mix of all three. Scoots turned and galloped five meters before tripping on a large tree root, falling, and like a nut, instantly cracking. "I'VENEVERPREENEDINMYLIFE! IDON'TKNOWHOWTOPREENANDIWASEMBARRASEDTOASKYOU!" She sputtered before shaking rather violently. "Woah! Calm Scoots, calm. Why would you be embarrassed to ask?" Scoots begged Celestia herself that RD didn't hear the last bit of her three second speech. "And what's more, why me?" She asked inquisitively. What Scoots had done was give out her most valuable secret, like a password... And Rainbow just hacked in. "Ummm..." RUN. Too late. Dash had already grabbed the filly by her waist and had launched them both roughly 2000ft in the air. "Let me go!" "Nope." "LET ME GO!" "Nope." "RAINBOW DASH I DEMAND YOU LET ME GO!" "If I do that you'll fall to your perilous doom. I'm not an idiot, and I know you aren't either so just think about what you're saying. Now tell me. What. Is. Going. On?!" She grasped the filly tighter to stop herself from getting elbowed in the gut or head butted in the face. "I CAN'T FLY BUT I CAN GLIDE!" She roared, and with one final squirm broke free, accidentally hitting Rainbow with her flailing arms, stunning her as she plummeted straight down towards Sweet Apple Acres... Seconds before splatting on the ground, she flared her stubby wings and half landed, half crashed into a hole in a hollow tree. Mere seconds longer and she would have been an orange pancake and somepony else's problem to take care of. Suddenly before her she saw the trees unnaturally bend downwards and animals everywhere shrieked from the loud sound noise as the hazel-orange sky burst into a quickly spreading spectrum of colours. She was petrified. The next thing scoots knew, she was in a bed in a strange room. "Wait a minute... I don't have a bed..." "But you do have a lot of explaining to do." > 2. Promise me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the..." "Relax Scoots. You passed out after travelling past the speed of sound itself unprepared." The mysterious voice responded. Both Scootaloo's vision and hearing were a bit patchy, and her mind still wasn't completely focused... but only one mare in all Equestria could breach the sound barrier. "Where am I Rainbow." the filly was now growing tired of this exuberant day and seriously needed some shuteye. "Who and where are you're parents? Earlier this afternoon while you were resting (out cold) I left for ten seconds flat (roughly an hour) to find out more about you at the city hall... (Twighlights treehouse thingy) and surprise surprise, all the records that contained anything about you are gone. I wonder who or what could have done that?!" Rainbow glanced at Scootaloo. Scootaloo gulped as discretely as possible, but not discreet enough. Rainbow sat down slowly and lifted scoot's heavy, tired head up. "Please, just tell me Scoot, I want to help." She said almost begging like. "Fine, but first promise that you won't tell ANYPONY about this, or our relationship as sisters is over." "O-o-okay..." It was now rainbow who was gulping. "Fine... You asked for this. Don't say I didn't warn you." Sigh "I'm homeless, my parents are either gone or dead, I have no idea. And yes that makes me an orphan. I don't know their names, and I 'live' in the CMC clubhouse with the quilt that SB, AB and I made trying to sew for our cutie marks, as well a straw pillow I made myself. My 'diet' mainly consists of apples, rainwater I filter through a funnel outside and the few things I can sometimes find. Oh, and if you tell anyone about this, I’ll be taken back to Cloudsdale orphanage where I was bullied and picked on and wanted to die before I escaped and came here. And if any of this happens, I solemnly swear to RIP YOUR BOWELS FROM YOUR STOMACH AND FEED THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS IN RAINBOW FROSTED CUPCAKES. So I suggest you keep your word.” She death-stared into Rainbow’s soul. Rainbow.exe has stopped responding and will automatically begin rebooting now. "And you're the only 'family' I have. By blood or not..." Scootaloo muttred into the very empty abyss of the room she was in. "Ya know that one time you and I hugged... No, snuggled? Whatever, on that cloud that one cold night when I asked to be under your wing?" "..Yeah.." "That was the only time I've had anything near a hug, or anything similar to that, from someone not just my friend, but my family. I'm not sure if you realise, but it meant so much more to me than just a boring, old, sappy hug. And I've hugged my friends before... (awkwardly). It was also the first and only other time apart from now, I've ever been on a cloud." She looked down at the stunningly white surface. Scootaloo could never understand how clouds could be so soft and fluffy, yet sturdy and firm. Hell, the bumps are comfy from her experience! 'Well that's all about to change.' Rainbow whispered in the back of her mind. ‘This filly's somehow been through even worse than me... and I thought I was unlucky... At least she didn’t get abused and raped, not that it changes much at this point.’ ‘I guess I wasn’t the only unlucky pony this often cruel reality created.’ As she silently cuddled up to her little Scootaloo. Forgetting about her family and past. ‘My little Scootaloo... I think I like the sound of that.’ > 3. No longer a once in a lifetime experience. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uggghh. I'm so bored!" Scootaloo groaned as she shifted on the couch. Rainbow Dash had left to 'go get some groceries'. According to her, they had ran out. Since a few days ago when she confessed her secret, Scootaloo had started just crashing on Dash's couch. She was fine with it. In fact, she was was the one who had suggested it in the first place. Scoots happily agreed seeing as she wasn't surviving in better conditions. The only difference was that the putrid, old couch in the CMC clubhouse could recline. Dash's cloud one couldn't. Not that it really mattered. Dash did have a spare room from what she knew... but apparently it was 'half crumbling and practically unrepairable'. She had seen it once however, and had to agree. It was uninhabitable. The room was a disastrous mess. The walls were cracked and leaking, the floor had holes that you could seen Ponyville from, and the ceiling was caving in slightly. Seemingly about to collapse. Overall, she was glad she had the sofa. One time on a freezing cold night, Rainbow even offered, if I wanted, to sleep with her in her bed. Her bed was a double king sized quantum-deluxe easydoze mk3. One of the best beds a Pegasus could dream of. Earth ponies and Unicorns didn't have the luxury that is 'cloud beds'. So they have to deal with hay and straw filled mattresses and rough, thin sheets that you had to occasionally wash. Scootaloo screamed yes. She enjoyed curling up against her sisters' chest fur and snuggling as Dash draped a protective wing round them both. Dash still refrained from doing anything affectionate in public to uphold her ‘reputation’, but either way, never had Scootaloo felt so happy and content. So warm and fuzzy inside. Like Dash would always be there for her. And she would. Element of loyalty or not. Scoots knew it. Anyway, as Dash had said. She was 'shopping' (probably updating her friends on what's happened or vice-versa) for 'groceries' (helpful tips on looking after a filly. Not that she needed it). Scootaloo had survived lone-wolf until now. If anything, she was waaaayyy more responsible than most ponies she knew (possibly including Rash herself too), and she knew how to fend for herself... Not that she wanted to. "I'm kinda hungry-" grumble! "- speak of the devil! So if my hypothesis is correct, the fridge will be full and Rainbow lied. Unlike Applejack, Rainbow could easily lie. Not that she ever wanted to on purpose, but if she had to. She could. Scootaloo was the only one (apart from AJ) who could no-matter-what, always just see right through it. Including this time. For once, however, she decided not to bring it up and ask Rainbow about it. And judging by Rainbow's knowing face, she was glad she didn't too. "I doubt Dash'll mind if I borrow a snack... Maybe two for good luck? No... Three times the charm!" She snickered as she raided the silver, cloud treasure chest of its glorious, edible, gold delicacies. (Start playing duel music in another tab) https://youtu.be/dC6jnHFdqbQ "Now, t'ere ain't enough room for da two a' us!" Scootaloo spat as she stared down her opponent. "..." "DRAW!!!" "PEW! PEW!" ... "Well... wouldcha look a'dat." As she smirked at the the motionless victim to her destructiveness. "Now 'dat t'ere was a piece a' cake... Literally!" (Pun obviously intended if you're very oblivious and couldn't tell read on she was playing cowboy duelling with a piece of cake (her snack) from the fridge! 🤦‍♂️). -Roughly an hour later... "HEY, SQUIRT! I'M BACK! GOT ALL THE JUNK AND WHATNOT!" Rainbow hollered. It echoed through the entire house multiple times until finally dying down. "WELL, YOU MUST HAVE GOT ANOTHER FRIDGE BECAUSE THE ONE IN HERE IS FULL!" Scootaloo stated from the kitchen, imitating Dash's unnecessarily loud voice. 'Damnit! I knew she knew!' "Hey squirt, can ya do me a favour and stay in the living room and kitchen for me? You don't need to know why so don't bother asking. Not important. I'll tell ya when I'm done. K?". Dash grinned to herself. "K..." She said before going silent once more." Dash then silently glided through the air to the spare room and shut the door. 'This is gonna be hard, sure. But for you... It's worth it.'Dash smiled, and immediately got to work. -Roughly another hour-or-so later. "Scoots! Close your eyes. We're gonna play Marco-Pony. Heard of it before? Dash said from in the hall. Scootaloo closed her eyes, and surprisingly didn't break anything as she entered the hallway. "Just a liiitttle bit further... That's it. Now just walk straight." "You're supposed to say 'Marco'." "Welp, game over. You're already here." As she nudged Scootaloo inside the room... "Now!" She whispered in her ear and Scoots' eyelids fluttered open. "Whoah." She gawped as she took in her surroundings. The bed was a crisp white with slight tinges of cyan in stripes. Both the cloud bed and the duvet were brand new, and enormous. Next to that was a purple lamp and side table. The lamp gently spew a dazzling spectrum of colours throughout the dim room. The floor was a beautiful mahogany wood... Glazed, waxed and furnished to perfection. It was the only non-cloud thing in the room... Yet it fit in perfectly. The cloud walls were a soft but still noticible striped rainbow colour, adorned by a stunning orange and purple whisp, flowing about in no particular pattern, yet being a pattern itself. It looked hoofmade and was unique such as you knew nothing like it could be found anywhere in Equestria. "Oh. I'm sorry Scoots... I thought you'd like it." Rainbow jokingly frowned. "Well, you were wrong... I LOVE IT!" Scootaloo said. Her jaw now felt like it would soon had come loose from its extreme angle towards the ground. Something then caught her eye from above... There were millions of posters of famous pony celebrities, V.I.P.'s (Very Important Pony), the Wonderbolts (which Dash must've got signed way back, possibly before she was born since some of them in it were now retired!)... But best of all, right in the centre, was a photo of when She and Rainbow were on that cloud that one cold night, snuggling blissfully. She wasn't sure who took the photo, but who cares!? That was the best thing she could possibly fall asleep seeing every night. "Thanks Rainbow..." Scootaloo gently spoke into her sisters chest since she had pulled her in for a hug. "You're the best family I could ever wish for." Scootaloo smiled up at her. "And you're the best lil sis/sorta-daughter-I-never-had that I could ever ask for." Rainbow smiled back. Now trying her hardest not to cry... She failed. "Really?" Scootaloo wiped away Rainbow's tears. Her face still wet from her own. "Yeah Scoots. Really." Rainbow yawned. All that excessive work in only one hour can run down any pony. No matter how fit or fast. "Hope ya like the design. It's all custom. Hoofmade by me." "It's perfect! It reminds me of you and me. Specifically in that order.." They then snuggled once more as they dosed off into the dream realm on Scootaloo's double king sized quantum-deluxe easydoze mk4 bed. > 4. I know that face, I trust you. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I promise this'll feel really nice Scoots!" Rainbow smiled to her little sister. Scootaloo saw her do this and the smile she gave was not one of her usual, smug smirks, but the other side to Rainbow Dash. The side that was so often covered up by her pride, that it seemed impossible she could even act this way if you didn't know her. At first glance, she seems like just an irresponsible mare with an ego larger than Applejack's barn... But if you got to know her, you'd know that this is so very not true... Okay, well, there’s more to it than just that at least. "O-o-okay... I know that face and I've learnt to trust it." She grinned nervously at dash, who was gently smiling still. "Good. Now relax squirt, this'll feel wonderful." Dash said as she used her muzzle to begin realigning Scootaloo's mishandled feathers. -POOF "..." "..." "What was that?!" Scootaloo jumped at the sound. "My wings! I can't move them!" She strained as she attempted to flap them. As she slowly realised she couldn't, she began hyperventilating. "Rainbow Dash! What do we do!" She begged for help. "Uhhh... Scoots..." Dash began as she pulled herself together. "Calm down. It's called a-a-a w-wi-" "WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! Wah my wings are double their size! She gawked at how big they were. They almost were as big as Rainbow's, which we're always slightly bigger than most other pegasii's, "...Jeez they are heavy..." she panted. “I want answers." She glanced at her wings once more before reluctantly pulling her gaze to Rainbow, showing her her attention. 'Gulp. Why do I have to tell her!? Why not... Oh wait... Oh yeah. I'm like the only other pegasus she knows, plus now I'm her adoptive mother... DAMNIT! Buck me... "It-it-it..." 'Damn my weakness with words when I need them!' "It's called a-a-wing-b-boner..." Rainbow's face became flustered red and her speech was very stuttered. Even for her. Scootaloo had obviously never learnt about them before, let alone got one. She also wasn't sure if Scootaloo had learnt about stallion boners or the 'birds and the bees' and, definitely wasn't planning on telling her. "Oh. Well that wingboner thingy is finally going, so you can go back to whatever it was you were doing." Rainbow blushed at how casual Scoots had just talked about the subject. "Do you not understand what a wingboner... is?" Dash raised an eyebrow. "Yes! Course I do!" She responded smuggly. Rainbow just stared at her blankly. “Prove it.” “No.” “You don’t have a clue what it is, means, does and the causes for one.” Rainbow laughed victoriously (internaly) at Scootaloo’s dumbfounded derp face. "Okay... Maybe i do, maybe I don't, why does it matter, why do you care?" She knew Rainbow knew. Both the mare and filly alike could read each other like a book... Not that either of them read books... So more like a comic book. Anyway, that was always a good and bad thing. 50/50. "...No. Am I meant to know?" She frowned. 'It would be better if I told her...' "Yes... All Pegasii get one when you... have a crush on someone, or you maybe saw something... inappropriate..." Rainbow blushed at the though of what happened to her when hanging out with Fluttershy a while back. Fluttershy had just finished having her shower and was getting out, when Rainbow walked in, there she saw something that still haunts her to this day... Not because she didn't like eye candy... Funny story actually. Rainbow was, and still kinda is, into mares. (This was normal in Equestria because of the mare to stallion ratio)... But seeing you're joint best friend (along with AJ) wet, naked, and blushing profusely, trying to hide under her flat hair... That's just plain awkward(-ly sexy)... However, even Fluttershy knew RD was into mares... Which probably made it worse. After a few moments of awkward silence. Rainbow went to the toilet, right then and there, in front of a now Big Mac impersonator Fluttershy, who looked the real thing too... (Bright red and silent). Rainbow just stared at the wall infront blankly. After flushing, still looking at the wall, she said simply, "There are locks on bathroom doors for a reason... Use 'em." And left without another word. Neither RD nor Fluttershy ever spoke of that moment again. 'And man did Shy have some big bangers!' "They're pretty awkward... For everyone." She cringed. "WHAT!? So your saying I'm... Horny?" Scoots had heard older ponies use that word before, and was impressed by her own vocabulary sometimes. Rainbow choked upon hearing this word. Immediately annoyed that her surrogate sister/daughter was only 8 and saying things like that, she... expressed her opinion "OKAY. RULE NO.1 OF THIS HOUSE: NEVER USE THAT WORD, THE C- WORD OR ANY OTHER BAD WORD IN THIS HOUSE. KAPICHE!? AS LONG AS YOU'RE LIVING IN THIS HOUSE, THAT'S FORBIDDEN... IN THIS [b[HOUSE... OR ANYWHERE FOR THAT MATTER, BUT ESPECIALLY NOT IN THIS HOUSE. GOT IT?!" She scowled at Scootaloo. Gesturing to the house. She obviously had no idea what the word meant so Dash let it slide this one time... "What is the c- word? I don't know what it is, so if you tell me now, I will know what it is and therefore never use it." Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash. "And by that, you mean 'tell me so I can tell Applebloom and Sweetie Belle about it. Don'tcha?" Rainbow glared at Scootaloo once more. "I'll stay quiet now... Hehe..." she smiled nervously back. "..." "Wait a minute... You're the only one in the room with me... Oh... Ewww! No way, my brain's thoughts disagree with your explanation." She cringed at the thought of 'like-liking' Rainbow Dash. 'If I was as old as her, than maybe... But not when she's nearly double my age and now my mother.' "Well, forgetting about everything else, just don't do it again... Any of it, k?" Rainbow muttered as she continued where she left off from. "Okay." Scootaloo relaxed slightly. Back to preening, Dash realised how most of Scootaloo's primaries were only misaligned, but almost all of her secondaries were bent/out of place and many were broken... "Awww damn. Your feathers are wack squirt! If only you came to see me sooner. Ya know, this is probably the reason why you can't fly! All these bent feathers with broken stems are probably just weighing you Down a ton!" She muttered. "SERIOUSLY! Buc-" She felt Rainbow's eyes penetrate her thoughts, fire in her pupils, waiting for Scootaloo to finish that sentence... Scoots caught her tongue just in time. Or it wouldn't be falling over 2000ft that turns her into a pancake... '...After all this time being teased for being groundbound, and at her age, and all she had to do was PREEN!?' Rainbow loosened her stare... Scoots was right, any longer and she'd... she'd... (Author: Do something but I'm too lazy to use my imagination so as the reader, be creative.) "Yup. Tell ya what, I'll take you out to practice tomorrow? K?" "Uh-huh." Scootaloo frowned. To be completely fair, that was awesome of Dash for offering since she's normally really busy on weekdays (today was Wednesday) and they didn't usually have training until Saturday."Thanks RD." she sighed. If Rainbow's hypothesis was correct, she just wasted years of her life on a scooter, when she could have been flying freely without anything to crash into except soft fluffy clouds. Unlike that one tree she always forgot was there when scooting along Baker St. Everytime, she crashed and ended up covered in tree sap. Everytime.. The memories still haunt her to this day... Rainbow's mind: 'Finally, my lil sis might be able to fly with me! I've wanted this almost as much as she has! I could start teaching her loads of neat tricks and maybe even how to do a sonic rainboom! Maybe. I mean, when I pass, along with my friends, since it will happen eventually, somepony will have to bare my element. If Scoots can learn how to do a sonic rainboom... That'll prove she can and will be Loyal like me.' (Author: good fic reference here, I suggest you read it... (very emotional) Don't thank me squirt, thank yourself for being so careless about your wings." She stated sarcastically. "Yeah yeah. I know. I'm sorry." She grumbled moodily in return. "Again, Scoots. Don't apologise to me, apologise to yourself." Rainbow droned. "Ye but I also wasted so much of your time!" Scoot said depressed. "I highly doubt that. Think about how strong your wings must be from all that hovering you did these last few years?! And all those excercises we did in training! "True. I guess. Huh, from all this I just realised how nice and relaxing this feels." Scootaloo said airily whilst Rainbow gently preened her sister. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm practically done." Dash said as she spat out the last remainder of broken orange feathers from her mouth. "Awwww. And it only just started feeling good because I got distracted talking 'bout these stupid things." Scoots moaned while gesturing to her small wings. "Relax Scoots! I can keep on going if you really want." Dash said as she scooped her up again in her soft, fluffy, cyan wings, re-wrapping around her gently as she nuzzeled Scoot's wings. Rainbow never understood before why her mother would spend so much time preening her. Doing all the work, and yet now she felt just as blissful and relaxed as the receiver. Rainbow then imagined herself as her mother, seeing her blaze red wing snugly wrap around a young scruffy, tom-boyish looking Rainbow Dash... So this is why she'd do it, huh. Rainbow reflected. When suddenly a voice snapped her back to reality. "...Thanks Rainbow. That... would be... nice-" *YAAAAWWN. Scootaloo slowly left reality and entered the dreamscape realm once more...