> Once More, with Feeling > by Amaranthine Thought > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Life and Responsibility > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             “Twilight Sparkle, awaken.”             Twilight groaned as she woke once more.  She was not feeling well, the idea of failure haunting her, even in her sleep.             “Don’t want to…” she groaned as she rose.             “Twilight!” she heard snapped at her in a new voice and she gasped.             She looked and just for a second saw something other than Death near her.  It looked like Celestia, but then it was gone before Twilight could truly see it.             “What..?  Death, what was..?”             She hesitated again, noticing that Death looked… different.  It was still resembling her, but it was almost as if it had been involved in a fight.  Nothing had changed physically, but she could swear it looked… hurt.             “Twilight Sparkle.” it said, using her voice as if nothing had happened.  “I am once again in need of your service.”             Twilight blinked.  “I… I don’t understand.  Didn’t I..?”             “You did.  And I am here to offer you something new.”             Twilight shook the remaining sleep from herself.             “I said I don’t want to.  I don’t want to do anything like that ever again.”             “I know.”             “And you said that you can’t give me life.”             “I did.  I can’t.”             “Then…”             “I can.” a deep voice said from behind her.             Twilight gasped again, and looked behind her.             Behind her was a white alicorn, looking almost just like Celestia.  Almost.  The only true difference is that that alicorn was male, his mane and tail golden, almost as if they were made from light.             Twilight gaped at him.             “Do you have something to say?” he asked, his voice deep, but once again, so very similar to Celestia’s own.             “What..?  Who… I don’t…”  Twilight shook her head.  “You look just like princess Celestia.  Are you… family?”             He chuckled.  “We are not relations.  Not by blood anyway, but I suppose she can be considered a daughter.”             Death walked next to the stunned Twilight.             “We have a deal.” it said, looking at the alicorn.             “We do.” he said, suddenly serious and frowning.  “I did not forget.”             “Deal?” Twilight asked, her curiosity beginning to overcome her shock.             “Nothing for you to…” Death started.             “I offered a favor in exchange for… Death’s help in a few things.  I have my own enemies, and now, I have a few less.  The light must be preserved, and knowledge helps immensely.”             Twilight nodded slowly.  “…Who are you… Prince?”             He smiled at her and shook his head.  “I am no prince.  I am merely… Lux.  Speak without fear, I never did hold to the entire idea of decorum or proper bearing.”             “I… Lux… I mean… Why are you here?  You can raise me?  I can live again?”             “Yes.”             “Really live?  Breathing and feeling and having a heartbeat and everything?”             Lux gave Death a look.  “What did you convince the poor girl was ‘life’?”             “It does not matter.”             Lux sighed, shaking his head.  “Yes Twilight, I can do all that.  Even from the ashes.  It just has a few… drawbacks.”             “Like what… Sir Lux?”             “Just Lux, I told you.  And…” he hesitated for a moment, looking awkward and then sighed.             “One of the very first things you should know is that Celestia is not going to like this at all.  Neither will Luna.”             “What?  How is me being alive going to upset the princesses?”             “I can raise you… but… it won’t be as ‘you’ strictly speaking.  Your mind, your life, not your body.  To be specific…”             “I will need to make you an alicorn of the stars, and that influence will be felt instantly by my daughters.  It’s a lot of power, power that… you don’t know how to use, but it should be fine.”             “…What?” Twilight asked weakly, simply stunned.             “He needs to grant you immortality Twilight.” Death stated.  “And with that comes great power, power that is not learned immediately.  Your form will be remade, but it will be in Lux’s image, and not your own.  A new life, just a greatly changed one.”             Twilight looked at Death, back to Lux, and then back to Death.             “I…”             “You are not sure.” Death said.             “…Yes.”             “It is not much, but it will be true life.”             “…Why?  Why are you so… determined to get me to live?  To get me to… gather souls?”             Death was silent for a long time as Twilight watched it.             “You do not need to know that.”             “I think I do.” she said, frowning. Death fell silent once more, and the pair stared at each other, Death forever impassive and Twilight frowning.  After a moment she heard Lux huff in frustration.             “For light’s sake, just tell her.”             Death glared at Lux.  The first time Twilight had seen it with any real expression.             “Not like it will hurt, even if you do like your secrets.  I am sure Twilight can keep something to herself, can’t you girl?”             Twilight nodded and Death stood still for a long moment.             “Fine.”             Lux seemed to vanish and everything seemed to get far darker.  Darker until the pair stood atop bones.  A seemingly endless pile of bones.  Death looked at Twilight again, standing right in front of the distressed unicorn.             “Look around you Twilight.”             “Bones… Nothing but bones… What is this place?”             “This is The Grave.  This is the final resting place of a very special kind of soul.”             Twilight stared at him, and for a moment felt certain that something under her shifted.             “Look.”             A soul rose from the bones, but it was… foggy.  A wisp of smoke, and nothing more.             “His name was once Fast Cloud.  He left a wife and two children, dying at the age of 45 from a bad fall.  An unlucky pegasus at best, with a quick death.  Few cared about his passing.”             Another came up, the same as the first.             “Bright Thoughts, a unicorn who thought he could change the world.  He spoke with dragons, and was your world’s greatest researcher of them, until he stepped into the wrong den and was burned alive.  Slowly.  He was 31, and even today, nopony knows how he died.”             Another.             “Strong Legs, an earth pony colt.  He died at six, from illness.  Too young to even realize his own death.”             Another.             “Full Heart, his mother, age, 27.  Died of heartbreak leading to a semi-successful form of suicide.  She ate poisonous plants, but not enough to kill her.  She lost the will to live later on, when others would have recovered.  It wasn’t fast, nor painless.  Her husband survives alone, and he somehow trudges on.”             “Death stop!” Twilight cried, tearing up from the thought of it.  “Stop telling me those things!”             “There are so many more.”             “Why are you showing me this!?”             “This is why I need you.  The souls you see here are formless.  Wisps.  They cannot think, know, or act.  They will never find rest.  They no longer know what rest is.”             “When a soul isn’t guided by a reaper, it remains in the mortal plain.  But that only lasts for a time.  Some last longer than others, but they all fall to the same fate:”             “Forgetting.  Forgetting everything, until they become nothing.  An existence with nothing to itself.  And each soul that suffers this… is my failing.”             “Every soul that forgets is a soul that I have failed.  I exist to grant them rest, but they are beyond it.  I cannot help them.  The only thing I can grant them is their own bones, something for them to hold onto, lest even this form be lost.  I have failed each and every one.  And I haven’t been able to guide a single Equestrian soul to rest for millennia.”             Twilight stared.  “Why not?”             “The elements of harmony prevent anything but a pony to guide a pony soul.  I have billions of reapers, but not one can touch a pony soul.”             “I watched countless ponies fall to this fate.  Until I could stand it no longer.”             “I broke one.  I took a soul, shattered him in my grasp and remade him.  Equestria’s first reaper.  A broken puppet that is not sufficient.  More and more are added to the pile every day.”             “I can do no more on my own.  But then you came.”             “You Twilight Sparkle, are the only soul that has ever found its rest without guidance.  I need you.  I need you to guide every last pony soul to rest, and stop my pile from growing.”             “But you need a form to do that.  Even a ghost would suffice, but I need you to be willing.  I need you yourself, and not a slave to my own desires.  You said no unless you lived, so I animated your body and called that life.”             “When you fell to that form, falling prey to the loss of self that comes with undeath, I knew I had failed again.  Failed worse.”             “You came back, angry and hurt.  I thought that you would turn away from me, and go back to rest once more.  But you… You thanked me.”             “Never before has that happened to me.  You gave me a chance to try again.  You… gave me a ‘second chance’.  And I was not going to fail again.”             “I found a power that could raise you, and offered favor in exchange for his help.  Lux cannot make you your own body, but it will be a body.  True life once more.”             “You are the only hope for countless souls Twilight Sparkle.  You are my only chance to stop failing, and bring ponies to their rest.”             Twilight was speechless.  It was near… incomprehensible what Death had told her.  What it had just said.  Even the bones were hard to believe were real.  So many souls, so many ponies… gone.             She didn’t even waste another second.  If she could stop this from happening any more, then she would.  No matter the cost.               But she did want to know one last thing.             “…If you had told me about this earlier, I would have said yes to the ghost idea.”             “It would not have been pleasant.  And there is a small chance that an ethereal form would not have been sufficient.”             “You don’t take risks?”             “Never.”             Twilight smiled.  “Let’s go back to Lux.  I have a big job to do, don’t I?”             Death nodded, and for just an instant, just a moment…             Death smiled.             Then they were back, next to Lux.  He started at their appearance, and asked, “Well?”             “I agree.” Twilight said, heading over to him.  “But I want to know everything that I should know about this… new life.”             Lux nodded and thought as his horn lit gold.  “As you know, you will be an alicorn.  That means you will be able to fly, be far stronger and more enduring, and that your magic will be vastly increased.  You will have power over the stars; a big responsibility, but I will help.  That way you don’t drop a star on somepony.”             “That can happen?” Twilight asked as she was lifted in a golden aura.             “Very easily.  Now, Celestia and Luna will know when you arrive.  That’s because I must take a part of their power from them, and grant it to you.”             “What?  Why?”             “If a light is ruled, then only one can rule it.  That’s my biggest rule.  There wasn’t anypony to rule the stars until you.  Get it?”             Twilight nodded as Lux began weaving something around her.  It looked like a golden web that swiftly grew too complex for her to make out individual strands.             “Death wants you to collect souls, and that means lots of deathly magic, but you should have some experience with that.  That magic and your magic won’t mix, and you shouldn’t try.  You might cause unintended effects, the best of which would be a star snuffed out, so just don’t.  Death magic for souls, normal magic for everything else, got that?”             “Got it.” Twilight said, her form becoming obscured by the golden strands.             “Next, you cannot tell anypony who you once were.”             “Why?”             “If you do so, the spell will unravel and send you back to Death.  Keep it your closest secret and never tell anypony.  Not even a hint.”             “…Alright.” Twilight said, not really liking that proviso.             “Last thing.  Take a deep breath for me, and I am very sorry.”             “For wh…”             Twilight screamed.  Lux’s spell was just beginning to work, and Twilight felt like she had been thrown into a fire.  Every part of her burned in a heat that was fit to boil magma.             She thought she heard Lux say something, and then a frigid cold overcame some of the heat.  It was just as bad, but the conflict between the two gave her a tiny measure of peace.             You can do this Twilight. she heard Death whisper to her.             “Welcome back to life my… granddaughter I suppose.  I’ll meet you landside!  Keep steady, it will end soon!”             The pain began to worsen, but Twilight managed to smile.  She could feel herself changing, burning, freezing, but growing.  She could feel herself edging closer to life despite pain fit to end it.             She hadn’t been sure about serving Death before.  A second life was desired, but everything else had carried uncertainty and worry that she wasn’t doing the right thing.  She didn’t think that anymore.             Even in a new form, even if she had to pretend to be somepony completely different, she was helping.  Souls were never going to be formless ever again.  Not one would ever suffer that fate, ever again.  Death would never add another pony bone to his pile, ever again.             And it was just possible, just maybe…             Maybe she could have another chance.  A real one this time.  Life, and not just animation.  She couldn’t wait. > Chapter 2: The first steps > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             Celestia woke with a gasp.  A portion of power had been torn from her, leaving a slight ache in her.  She got out of bed, greatly concerned, and went to find Luna.             The moment she opened her door, Luna nearly ran right into her.             “Tia!  Something has happened!”             “I know.  This way.”             Celestia led Luna to the balcony, and the pair looked out into a dark night.  Everything was dark, but far, far in the distance, the darkness parted, and a beam of light shone down somewhere in the mountains.             And in that beam, a tiny flaming object.  They just saw it before it disappeared from view, and after a moment, the light faded.             They both realized at the same time.  The power over the stars had been taken from them, and the flaming object had taken it.  They both rose into the air, and hurried to where it had fallen, determined to know what had happened.             “Twilight… Twilight, get up.”             Twilight groaned.  There was earth under her, slightly hot.  She could smell smoke nearby, but she could also feel a fair bit of pain.  It faded quickly, but it was still there.             “Twilight!”             She opened an eye and spotted Lux near her.  He seemed to shine with light.             “That’s better.  Now get up, on your hooves.”             Twilight began to get up before hesitating.  Her hooves were blue.             She shook it off and stood up, the last of the pain fading away.  She noted that Lux was only slightly larger than she was, when before, he had towered over her.             “Well done!” he said, beaming.  “Take a look at yourself.”             Twilight did so.  Her fur was blue, and her mane and tail black with tiny white spots as if she had tiny lights in them.  Two powerful wings rested on her back, her cutie mark was a field of stars, and she was far larger than she had been.             “I’m blue?” she asked, noticing that her voice had changed.  It was softer, more mature.             “We need to do this quickly, so look up.”             She did so, looking up at the sky.             “You need to get used to controlling that, so first lessons!  Try and grab them.”             She nodded and did so.  She felt Lux use his own magic to help her own.             “Try moving them.”             She did so, and saw the stars shift just a tiny bit.             “Very good!  Way too much power though, be gentle.  But a great first try!  You’re going to make a great granddaughter.”             “I have to cut this short, but don’t worry!  I shall return!”             “Why can’t you stay?”             “Celestia and Luna are heading this way, and I don’t have anything for them!”             Twilight gaped.  “The princesses?!”             “I just need to find a suitable present.  Don’t worry so Twilight!  I will be back in a lunar cycle and remember!”             “You are not Twilight Sparkle!”             Lux vanished and for a second Twilight calmed; he would be back to help.  Then it struck her that Lux wasn’t going to return for over four weeks.             Her wings flared out on their own as she panicked, walking in tiny circles in what she noted was a crater.  A few things were smoldering nearby, but she was entirely preoccupied with her thoughts.             What was she going to do!?  What was she going to say!?             She stopped when she heard wing beats, and tried to stand still and tall.  After a brief moment, Celestia and Luna landed nearby, eyes wide in surprise.             Then both calmed and approached in what Twilight recognized as a very diplomatic way.  Slow, not threatening, making sure that she could see what they were.             Twilight tried to dispel the slight vertigo she was feeling.  She was as large as Celestia, and she was not used to staring at her teacher head on.             “A new alicorn.” Celestia said, her voice perfectly neutral.  “Where did you come from?”             Twilight tried and failed to find her voice.  She found herself speechless as the twin alicorns watched her.             I was granted alicornhood by Lux.  He dropped me here.             “I was granted alicornhood by Lux.  He dropped me here.” Twilight repeated, feeling great relief that Death was helping her.             “Truly?” Luna asked.             “If you do not mind my asking, why?” Celestia added, both alicorns waiting for something.             “It’s… I…”             Because Lux does not think sometimes.             “Because Lux does not think sometimes.” she said, and instantly regretted it.  Luna frowned and Celestia seemed to tense by a tiny margin.  Twilight wasn’t moving in slight terror.             Then Luna couldn’t keep it up, and snorted, trying to not grin.  Celestia relaxed, and gave her a tiny smile.             “You do seem to know him.” she said.  “This is the kind of thing he would do on a whim.”             “What is your name, alicorn of the stars?”             “I… I’m…” Twilight tried to think of a name as fast as she could, desperate for anything.  Then it came to her.             “I’m Rest.” she said.  After all, that is what she was going to be doing.  Helping souls find rest.             Celestia nodded, Luna still trying to stop giggling.  “Welcome Rest.  It is a true pleasure to meet you.”             “I am Celestia, alicorn of the sun.”             “Is Luna alright?” Twilight asked, slightly concerned that she hadn’t calmed yet.             She did at that comment and Twilight winced at the sudden interest on Celestia’s face.  Luna looked far more suspicious.             “Thou knows our name?” Luna asked, eyeing her.             Twilight gaped for a second.             Lux told me of you.             “Lux told me of you.” she said, relaxing.  Celestia and Luna nodded slowly.             “Well Rest, I would be more than happy to invite you to our castle.  It would be our pleasure to get to know you.”             There wasn’t any way for Twilight to say no without looking very suspicious.             “I accept.”             “Then follow us.” Celestia said, Luna taking flight, followed by Celestia.             Twilight watched them, glanced at her own wings, and then gulped, closing her eyes and tensing.  Then she flapped as hard as she could.             Luna dodged her as she screamed past the twin princesses, hitting a rocky cliff and landing at its base in a heap.             She got to her hooves, dusted herself off and readied herself again.  She had to do this, or else the princesses would wonder if something was wrong.             “Rest, perhaps…” Celestia began, and then Twilight hurled past her again, constantly flapping that time.             Luna covered her eyes and Celestia winced when she slammed into a new cliff, and dropped most of it on top of herself.             It didn’t take very long for them to unearth a dazed Twilight.  She was far from used to the new endurance and immortality, and was still trying to get used to the idea that a thousand pound boulder could land on her and that she would be fine.             “Perhaps this might be better should we use magic.” Celestia suggested.  Twilight nodded, not truly thinking, and focused.             One burst of magic, and all three were in Ponyville library, surprising Spike who was up for some reason.  He turned and opened his mouth before he froze like that.             Luna looked around in slight confusion and Celestia sighed.             “Forgive the intrusion Spike.” she said, perfectly calm.  “Let me try this time Rest, and Spike?”             “Don’t tell anypony about this.”             Celestia transported them to her bedroom, reasoning that now was not the time to introduce ponies to a fourth alicorn.  She yawned; she should be sleeping, not trying to handle a brand new power in Equestria.             “Luna, get Rest a place to stay.  We shall talk more tomorrow.  I am too tired to continue this now.”             “Of course sister.  This way Rest.”             Luna led her through the castle to her own room, and Twilight hesitated as Luna opened the door for her.             “Thou may have this room.”             “But it’s your room.” Twilight objected.             “It matters not.  We sleep during the day most often, and you may have it for the night.”  Luna gently pushed her inside.             “Have a good night, and find some rest… Rest.” Luan chuckled as she shut the door, and left Twilight alone.             Twilight sighed.  Everything was going… alright, but she was far from comfortable with this.             Pretending to be an alicorn, even if she was one, to Celestia, who she respected, and Luna, who she cared about.  It was hard not to simply say who she was, but she knew that she couldn’t.  She was bound not to.             She got into the bed, feeling uncomfortable at being in Luna’s room.  She felt like she was intruding, but a good sleep would help her sort her thoughts.             She had just closed her eyes when Luna slammed the door open again, and bellowed, “How dids’t thou knowest that this was our room!?” at the top of her lungs.  Twilight jumped out of the bed with a slight scream at the door slam and then stared up at the alicorn.             Luna looked… agitated, but more curious than mad.             Twilight stared for a moment, trying to think of something, and then she did.             “I like you.” she said.  Luna hesitated.             “What?” she asked, shaking her head as if she hadn’t heard Twilight properly.             “I like, I mean admire you!  I admire you!  I spent a bit of time learning about you before… everything.”  True; she did like Luna, and did admire the alicorn.  She had also spent time learning about her.             That also applied to many other ponies, but it didn’t make it untrue.             Luna looked speechless, staring unblinkingly at Twilight.             “Like…” she whispered.  Twilight hesitated; Luna was being quiet.             “I… like friends.  Good friends.” she said, and Luna seemed to calm just a bit.  “I’d like us to be closer though.” she added, and Luna tensed again.             Her mouth opened and shut a few times and then she looked away.  “I… I need some time.” she said, and then shut the door again, rather quickly.             Twilight stared at the door, certain that she had messed something up.  She just wasn’t sure what it was.             “…Master?”             Is something required Twilight?             “Did I mess up?”             … I am Death Twilight.  The functions of life are not my domain.  The only thing I can tell you is that Luna is not angry.             Twilight sighed, semi relieved.             Look out the window.             Twilight did so, and spotted a soul in the darkness.  She knew what she had to do and nodded to herself.             She summoned her jar, and caught the soul, drawing it close to her.  When she pulled it into the room, she found it to be a pegasus, but he looked foggy, undefined.             “Hello?” she asked, curious, hesitating before placing him in the jar.             He jumped, surprised, and looked at her.             “Wha… You see me?”             “Yes.”             “You hear me…” he murmured, a note of joy entering his voice.  “Finally, somepony hears me!”             “I can, just… calm down.”             He nodded, his wings flapping.             “Tell me: who are you?”             “I… I am Clean Skies.  Third division, Canterlot weather team.  Please, you have to help me.”             “I was working on a thunderstorm when a lightning bolt… did something.  And now nopony can hear me, or even see me.  I don’t have to flap to fly, and I… I can’t feel anything anymore.”             “Clean… I have some bad news for you.” she said, trying to be consoling.             He sighed.  “I… I think I can guess.  I… That bolt killed me, didn’t it?  I’m… dead, aren’t I?”             Twilight nodded and he sighed again.  “If it helps, I am here to give you your rest.” she said.             “Might as well.  Nothing left for me here.  Where to princess?”             “I’m not a princess.” Twilight said, surprised.             “… Well, you’re mine.  I thought death would be bony and uncaring.  Nice to find her beautiful and kind instead.  I’d pick you over anypony else, if that helps.”             He looked at the jar while Twilight turned as red as a tomato.             “I go here?” he tapped it.             “For now.” Twilight muttered, not looking at him.             “Well… I hope to see you later.  Thanks princess.”             He was sucked into the jar on his own, Twilight still stunned and blushing.             “Master?”             … Most souls will react like he did Twilight.  They are thankful for rest after finding themselves dead.  You should be aware of something else.             Collected souls… communicate with others.  After the first few, new ones might recognize you as you begin to gain mastery over my power.  And you cannot be overcome by their words so easily; a few might try to manipulate you.             Twilight nodded, and took a deep breath, her blush fading.             For now, try to move the stars.  I suspect that you are aware of their normal motion.             Twilight nodded, a little eager to try that on her own.  She looked out the window again, and did her best to grab the sky with her magic.  After a moment she thought she had it though it was hard to tell.             It wasn’t like she could actually ‘see’ her grip the same way with her normal spells.  But she was fairly sure she had them.             Gently, Lux had said.             One star shot out of place as if shot by a cannon, and several others jerked.  Twilight yelped, and tried to put them back, knocking a several other stars out of place and disrupting a constellation.             She stared in horror, and then did her best to fix the constellation.  She did it after a bit, the stars making it up wandering around for a moment before she had them back in place.  Mostly.             She sighed and got back into the bed.  Best to just sleep and try to adjust over time.  There was too much for her to get used to right now.             Her new form and power needed time and practice.  And dealing with the twin princesses and other ponies was going to be difficult as well, particularly when her new form overlapped with that.  Like it had.             She couldn’t fly.  Had little to no control over her own power.  She had already slipped up dealing with ponies she knew already, and it was Celestia and Luna!  Two ponies who made her try and keep track of what she was doing and saying around them!             Who knew what might happen with ponies she felt comfortable around.  She was thankful she had been too dazed to blurt something at Spike at the library.             She could work everything out tomorrow, and with any luck, Death might be able to help her deal with the worst of it. > Chapter 3: A hard time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia woke peacefully, stretching as she always did.  She felt a little tired yet, and for a moment didn’t know why.  And then it came back to her and she nodded to herself.             The new alicorn was a mystery, a great one, and she wanted an answer.  Who had she been?  Where had she met Lux?  After all, Lux was not somepony you just stumbled across.             She headed out of her room and to the normal balcony, doing her normal morning ritual.  Something was a little strange, but she dismissed it and relaxed in the sunlight as she caused the dawn.             With that done, she went to the throne room, to relieve Luna.  Generally speaking, her younger sister never had many problems; few ponies came during the nighttime with something important or difficult to deal with.             Luna even enjoyed dealing with those that did come.  Maybe Celestia could let her continue for a time, and go to see how Rest was doing.             Maybe she would be more open when she just awoke.             Twilight stirred at the knock, and woke groggy.  She shook herself, death’s chill and the warmth of power flowing through her and waking her faster than normal.             She got out of bed, and for a second didn’t know where she was.  Then she recalled, and took a deep breath to calm herself.  Now was not the time to panic.             Another knock came, and Twilight called, “Hang on!”             She looked at the bed and focused, planning to put it back.  She had done so often, and it was like an old habit as she used her magic the same way she always did.             The pillow exploded against the wall, the sheets piling on top of the feathers and the bed itself shifting an inch or two from what she had thought to be a light touch.             Twilight stared in dismay and rushed to try and fix it without magic.             Her strength had increased as well.             After a hurried minute, she hoped that nopony would notice the missing pillow, the faint tear in the sheets, or the cracked wall and opened the door.             She stared upon seeing Celestia, having expected a maid or something similar.             “Did you have a good sleep Rest?” she asked, perfectly calm.  The picture of royalty.             “Just fine princess.” Twilight said.             “I have to begin day court, but we do have some time.  Would you join me for breakfast?”             “Or course!  I’d love to.”  Twilight smiled.  This was more like the Celestia she knew.             Beware Twilight. she heard Death whisper to her as the pair walked down the halls.  She paused for a second before continuing again, trying to think of a way to speak to Death without Celestia noticing.             “Beware what?” she hissed as softly as she possibly could.  Celestia made no motion to indicate having heard her.             Celestia wishes to know your secrets.  She will ask you questions about your past, how you met Lux.  You must be cautious.             Twilight was worried at Death’s warning.  She needed to have something to say to Celestia.  It wasn’t like she could just say she was sensitive about her time before becoming an alicorn and didn’t want to say anything.             … Or could she?             “Do you prefer lettuce Rest?”             “What?” Twilight said, listening to Celestia again.  The alicorn glanced back at her as they arrived at a simple dining room, large windows allowing the dawn’s light to stream inside.             “Do you prefer flowers or lettuce for breakfast?” Celestia asked.             “Flowers please.”             Celestia nodded and sat down, Twilight doing the same.  After a moment a simple breakfast was delivered, the pony doing so giving Twilight a very curious look before leaving a little slower than she should have.             “Do not mind the staff.  As a new alicorn, you will generate great interest in the population.”             “I know.” Twilight said, feeling uncomfortable at the idea.             “Do not fear.  I will take steps to insure your comfortable introduction to everypony.  For now, relax.  We have time.”             Twilight nodded, and for a few moments the pair ate in silence.             “If you do not mind my asking, where did you come from Rest?”             “Canterlot.” she answered without thinking.  Then winced at Death’s hiss.             Celestia chuckled.  “I am too quick to judge sometimes.  I had wondered how you knew us, but I never thought of the obvious.  What was your life like before alicornhood?”             “… I… I don’t want to talk about it.”             Celestia looked concerned, and Twilight tensed a little.             “Nothing too difficult to bear I hope.” she said.             “No!  No… I… left after a while.  Job change.  And… I… wandered around for a bit, settled down somewhere… Just… Life. Perfectly normal life.”             “A perfectly normal life led you to meet Lux?”             “…Yes?” Twilight hazarded, worried.  Celestia looked curious.             “How does a perfectly normal life lead a pony to meet with the alicorn of light itself?”             “…What?”             “Lux is the power over every light there is.  Every sun, every star, every moon.  Perhaps a few of his actions can be considered… ill thought, but he only rarely visits Equestria. And when he does so, he has always visited those he has met before, which he hasn’t this time.”             “How did you meet him?” she asked, a rather pointed question as Twilight reeled from what Lux represented.             Every single light?  He was the alicorn of light itself… Somepony so… energetic, and… well, approachable?  He did not give the impression of power.  He was so eager, so happy with what she now realized was her miserable attempt at controlling the stars that she would never have guessed.             How did she meet him…? Twilight tried and failed to think of something.  It sounded impossible to her that anypony could simply meet Lux.             Celestia waited without changing her expression at all as Twilight gaped and slightly paled.             “… I… I…” She said, trying to find something, anything, to tell Celestia.             Death had told her to keep secrets.  It seemed her only chance.             “I don’t want to say.”             Celestia cocked her head, and Twilight didn’t look at her, staring at her half eaten flowers.             “…Very well Rest.  I understand.”             Twilight screamed inwardly.  She could hear Celestia’s suspicion.  Her slight dislike of not knowing.  It was painful for Twilight to keep things from her, or to suffer any indication of her anger.  Even something so slight.             Breakfast was finished in silence.  Celestia stood again and turned away.  “It is time to start day court, and now might be the best time to begin your introduction.  Follow after me Rest.”             Twilight did so, hanging her head.  She did not like how breakfast had went.             She perked up when she heard chatter from the throne room, as if a crowd was inside.  Celestia looked curious as she opened the doors and a hush fell over the room.             Twilight stared in minor confusion; the room was packed with ponies, and every last one was staring at her.             Then a flurry of camera flashes startled her and she yelled, closing her eyes and taking a step back before Celestia spread her wings to protect her.             “Princess!  A comment on the new…”             “Can I have an opinion on…”             “Who is she?”             “SILENCE!” Luna roared from the back of the room, looking worn and angry.  The crowd ceased and cowered slightly.             “Let my sister approach, and remain silent until thou art called!” she snapped.  A path opened in the crowd.             “Princess…” Twilight murmured from behind her.             “… Follow me and do not look at them.” Celestia said, walking forward.  Twilight hurried after her, meek and trying not to look at anypony.             She could feel their stares, their interest nearly boiling over if not for their respect of Celestia and their slight fear of Luna.  Once at the thrones, she retreated behind Celestia once again as the alicorn turned to the gathered crowd.             “One at a time, please.” she said, standing tall.  She looked around and hesitated upon seeing a smaller group of ponies closet to the thrones.  “You.” She said, indicating them.             One came forward, looking nervous.  “Well Princess, in hindsight… maybe it isn’t too terribly important.”             “You have come to the night court and remain.  It is very important.” she said, glancing at Luna who nodded.  The pony looked even more nervous.             “I… We are the astronomers from Canterlot library Princess.  And a few… oddities occurred last night that we found distressing.”             “The stars moved in ways not seen before, and a constellation… moved.” he said, trying to sound like he was not upset at all.  “We… were curious!  Yes, curious as to why.”             Luna glanced at Twilight who was covering her face with her hooves.             Celestia looked out over the rest of the crowd.  “I think I can answer that question and most others with the same answer.”  Most ponies looked eager.             “Last night, Equestria has become home to a new alicorn.” she said, many of the ponies only just stopping themselves from yelling to try and ask something.             “She has become alicorn of the stars, and has only just ascended.  Please, do not rush her with your questions.”             Twilight paled as Celestia moved aside.  Luna pushed her next to Celestia and she looked over the crowd, staring.  Most stared back.             Luna pointed at one who jumped up.             “Can I have a name?” he asked, holding a microphone out.             “I… My name… Rest.  I am Rest.” she managed, trying to speak normally.             “As the new alicorn of the stars, why did you decide to ‘redecorate’ our night sky?  Perhaps a difference of opinion between the princesses?  Did you decide on your own?”             “It… I was just trying to… I made a little mistake.” she said, and most of the crowd gasped, causing her to flinch.             “I see… One last question?”             Twilight nodded.             “Can I have the first official comment from our new alicorn on her newfound position?  Thoughts?  Opinions?”             “… I… I want to help?” she near whispered.             “Could you repeat that?”             “I want to help.”             “Can you clarify?”             Twilight took a deep breath.  “This power is a responsibility, not a gift.  I am here to try and help ponies.  Nothing more, nothing less.”             He nodded happily and backed away, beaming.             The next came up, eager and already writing in a notebook.             “Great words Princess!” she said, and before Twilight could correct her, she added, “I take it that your life before becoming an alicorn was interesting?”             Twilight frowned slightly.  “My life before this one is not something I am going to be talking about.  Ask something else.”             The reporter looked surprised, but nodded, scribbling more.             “Do you have a hobby?”             Twilight smiled, growing more used to this.             “Yes.  I enjoy reading.”             “Wonderful.  Do you, did you, or will you, have a special somepony?”             Twilight stared for a second before blushing heavily again.  “No!  I mean… That’s not…”             “Thank you!” the reporter chirped, the rest beginning to whisper eagerly to each other.             “Are you going to be participating in any official events?”             “Princess Celestia will have to decide.”             “You’re on first name basis with the princess and or princesses?”             “Yes, I mean no!”             “Are you planning changes to our night sky?”             “No!  Well… maybe.  Not now.”             “Describe yourself in a single sentence?”             “I’m a uni… alicorn, my name is Rest, and I’m blue.”             “Do you have any opinion on the bearers of the elements of harmony?”             “… Yes.”             “Can we know?”             “They are all… great ponies.  The best ponies.”             “What do you think of the twin princesses?”             “They are good rulers.”             “Are you plotting and or planning any great change to our government, and if so, what?”             “What?  No, or course not!”             “Do you know you are adorable when you blush?”             “What!?  Don’t… stop asking things like that!”             Twilight kept answering questions for some time, growing weary until only one remained.             “How, exactly, are you going to help?” he asked.  “There doesn’t seem much to be done in Equestria, and an alicorn assisting ponies in their day to day lives seems unlikely.”             “Ponies suffer.” Twilight said rather bluntly, too tired to use any kind of tact.  “There are always ponies who need help, but sometimes, they are alone.  Forgotten.  Left behind.  I’m going to end that suffering, any way I can.  Find them, wherever they may be, and bring them back to peace.”             He nodded, slightly awed.  The guards began escorting the crowd out and Twilight sighed drooping heavily.             “Thou did well.”             “A fine first attempt, especially considering the situation.  Are you alright Rest?”             “I’ll be fine.”             “If thou wishes to shift the sky… perhaps we can help thee to do so.”             Twilight gave a tired smile to Luna.  “I’d like that.”             Twilight.             “Yes?” she asked, Luna and Celestia looking slightly confused.             There is a soul you must guide, and soon.  It will be lost otherwise.  In the Everfree.  You know the place; you lost your body there.             “I’ll go in…” she glanced at Celestia and Luna.  “Um… I… I have to go for a moment.  I’ll be right back.”             She vanished and arrived in the woods groaning.  She had very nearly slipped up at the very end.  Dealing with everypony’s questions had been wearing, and more than a few embarrassing or mildly insulting.             “Where is it Master?”             Ahead of you.  In the ruins of Zecora’s home.             Twilight winced, but headed that way.  When she came across the burnt husk of the tree she hesitated, remembering the last time she was there.             It was still so fresh in her mind… Zecora’s last words, before she crushed her and burned her home.  Her friends having to end her rampage, helped by the ghosts, burning away as she finally regained control of herself…  It was like she had been there just the last day.             She walked forward slowly.  Then she spotted a wisp of a soul flitting about the structure.  Several in fact.             She caught the first and pulled it toward her.             “Wait, remain with me and do not leave!  I do not know you yet, your leaving leaves nothing to grieve.”             “Zecora?” Twilight said, stunned.             “What is this?” the zebra asked, her soul stepping into sight.  “An alicorn that I have missed?”             “Zecora…” Twilight whispered.  She clenched her eyes, a few tears collecting.             “You know me?  And you can see.  But something is wrong, I can tell.  You are not feeling at all well.”             “I’m so sorry!” she yelled.             “I have just met you.  There is nothing for you to make amends to.”             Twilight! Death snapped in her mind, snapping her from the memories.  Recall the warning!  Even the dead are not safe.             Twilight stopped herself, and shook herself.  It was hard.  It was almost impossibly hard to keep her mouth shut.  But she had to.  There was no other choice.             “I… I am just sad over your passing.” she managed.  “I had heard of you before.”             Zecora cocked her head, eyeing her.             “There is much power in you I see… but Death you cannot be.  The life is not his to own, and with your words the truth of your life you have shown.”             “So what do you claim to be?  What brings you to meet me?”             “I came here to put the souls to rest.”             “A servant of Death in life… as odd as hearing that a child found a wife.”             “I… think I know what you mean.  But I do serve, and I am not going to let those souls become lost.  Which they will be, and fairly soon I think.”             “If you find the need, take them from my home.  I can only bring them here to my loam.”             “You should come too.”             Zecora laughed.  “I am not his to claim just yet, my soul he hasn’t won!  My regrets are not quite set, my duties are not quite done!”             “I offer you a deal, so we needn’t have to fight.  I will gather the souls in the forest close to me.  You will come and bring them to their rest where I can see.  And when there is not one more, I will find my light.”             Twilight smiled.  “I would be happy to let you have some time.  And your help is accepted.”             She focused, and five souls whisked from Zerocra’s home to find a place in her jar.  She felt Death’s uncertainty and wondered.             “Master?” she asked, “Is something wrong?”             … Nothing.  You have that authority.             “What authority?”             Letting Zecora continue.  Accepting her deal.             It might be better if you simply guide her now, but…             If you did that, you would become more a reaper, and less a life.  By our contract, I cannot order you from life.             If you find reason, you are allowed to let them continue on.  Help them to finish their lives.  But be aware:             Many have regrets that are not good.  Some will need you to contain them, lest thoughts of revenge or even hatred of life be allowed to continue.  And many, a great many, will try and cheat time from you.  And a few might even try to steal a portion of power if you are not careful.             Be cautious in your compassion Twilight.  But do not lose sight of your life.             “I will Master.” she said.  Death’s warnings had to be taken seriously; after all, who had more experience than Death in dealing with souls?             Your jar is growing full.  Zecora’s home is a conduit.             “What?  Really?”             She did so purposefully.  She took care and caution to make it ready.  When she died, the connection completed, and she has some control over it.             Hence how she can bring souls to it.             In most cases… that is very bad.  My power is not to be taken so easily, but she has paid the prices and signed the contract herself, long ago.             “Zecora did all that?”             “I did,” Zecora remarked, causing Twilight to stare at her, “It is only wise.  It only helps me to help even after my demise.”             Your hearing is sharper.             “So it is.  I can also see your abyss.”             Your rest awaits.             “Not till I am done with my life!  I want to end the strife.”             Rest has granted you that.  Go.             Zecora nodded and turned to Twilight.             “It is good to meet you, and should you worry, I am doing well.  Now I shall start my hunt, and you should return to yours before the evening bell.”             She turned and stepped away into the woods.  Twilight watched her go, and then deposited her jar in the ruins of the house.             The skull stop it opened, and she saw the souls rush out only to vanish a few feet from the jar.  Then the skull shut and the numeral reset and a small sack appeared next to Twilight.             “What’s this?”             Your payment.             Twilight picked it up and found four coins within it.  They were gold, fairly large, and each had a skull imprinted on them.  They were cold.             Keep them from other’s sight.  Go back; it grows late and we do not wish to attract undue attention.             Twilight reappeared in the castle, surprising a guard.  She was in the library, one of the places she felt comfortable teleporting to; other places were either unwise due to the possibility of somepony being there or too awkward.  Like a bedroom.             The guards zipped away, and left Twilight to look about the library before giving a soft squee of happiness.  There were new books since she had last been.             Celestia found her in her usual spot, reading like she always had.  A little differently due to her new size, and holding the book exceptional carefully, lest she destroy the book in her magic, but still, much the same.  Celestia paused for a second before walking over.             “Welcome back Rest.  Everything went well?”             Twilight nodded, still reading.             “Luna wishes to meet with you after dinner.  A guard shall fetch you when the time comes.”             Twilight nodded again, and Celestia stared for a moment before walking away, thoughtful.             Twilight had heard her, but was far too engrossed in her reading to respond.  Everything was going very well.             Luna winced as Twilight tried again to control the stars.  It hadn’t been going well.  Some might even say that it was going horribly.             Effectively, Twilight needed to touch everything, and then move with the greatest of care.  It wasn’t anything like she had tried before; it was not unlike trying to grab all the dust in a room and move it without disturbing any of it.             “A little less power this time.” Luna said.             Twilight nodded, focusing hard.  A patch of stars shifted, but the rest held still.             “Grab more of them, spread your grip.”             She nodded, and focused harder, spreading her grip more.  It was becoming harder to control; the power was there, but it seemed to fight her.             She fought back, and reached to grab more, and more, and more, fighting to gain control of it.  Once she felt satisfied with her grip, trembling from the effort, she shifted.             The stars wheeled through the sky, and if Twilight hadn’t caught most of them again, they would have randomized itself.  As it was, two constellations were just gone.             “Perhaps this is enough for now.” Luna said weakly, staring at the sky as Twilight panted.             “Mayhap some simpler lessons in control would help thee?”             “I… I can’t seem to hold onto it.  I can only move the little patch well.”             “We see that.  But we know it can be fixed, do not fear!  But we are needed elsewhere.  Find some sleep Rest.”             “Where?”             “…Take our room once again.  I do not mind.”             Twilight nodded, tired and headed away.  Luna watched her go and then looked back at the night sky.             She stared for a moment before tipping her head slightly, trying to see if she was seeing correctly.  Then she gave a gentle gasp.             A constellation known as the heart was near her moon.  And more importantly, the grouping of stars Twilight had shifted originally had formed into a semi recognizable arrow shape.             Coming from the heart, pointing at the moon.             She stared at it for a long while, noting how the stars followed the moon as it slowly rose.  Then she looked down.             “I thought flowers were the common gesture.” she whispered to herself.  “What am I going to do…?” > Chapter 4: Uncertainty and Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was feeling overwhelmed the next day.  There was simply too much for her to know and get used to, from her newfound place in Equestria, her responsibility as the alicorn of the stars, her newfound power of magic, even her own body.             Really, being a reaper was the simplest part of her life right then.  At least the magic of death didn’t require a touch that couldn’t be felt and a strength that demanded full effort and yet the greatest of care.             Celestia and Luna were doing their best, and shielded her from the true weight of her newfound place.  Ponies desperately wanted to know about everything, from who she was to what her existence spelled for their lives.  Celestia and Luna were dealing with that, leaving Twilight with her own problems.             Right then, she was dealing with Dusty Quill, the castle’s resident steward and etiquette teacher amongst other things.             Twilight had actually taken a few lessons from him before, and even with her exacting nature, it had been a difficult thing to please the old unicorn.  He could see imperfection by margins of a millimeter, and Twilight had been hard pressed to please him with something as simple as the proper curtesy and hoof shake.             And that had been when she was familiar with her body.             “No!” Dusty yelled.  “Gentle, wings not touching the sides, a gentle, careful, grace!  And smile!”             Twilight wondered how she was supposed to smile with him yelling and having a minor fit at her.  And to think that these lessons had been a favor from Luna.             The nobility were going to throw a ball for her tomorrow, to celebrate her arrival and ascension.             And Celestia was absolutely certain that they were going to try and somehow benefit from her inexperience in politics.             While that varied from making promises that she shouldn’t to something as sinister as trying to overthrow Celestia and Luna, there was no good outcome that either elder alicorn could see.  Especially considering the sudden interest, sudden ball, and massive list of ponies who were coming.             And Twilight wasn’t sure if she thought Celestia’s disarming action was going to save her, or doom her.             As the princess of Equestria, she could invite to the ball as well.             She had invited the bearers of the elements of harmony.             Twilight’s friends.  The same friends that had to kill her before.  The same friends that she was perfectly comfortable around to the extent that she sometimes failed to notice their existence and talked to herself around them like a mad mare.             And there was a new bearer for magic.             So it wasn’t particularly surprising that Twilight was having a hard time focusing on Dusty’s lessons.             “There!  Perfect!”             “What?” Twilight asked, disrupted from her thoughts and stopping whatever she had been doing.             Dusty’s eye twitched, but then he sighed.             “Perhaps it might be best if you do not focus on yourself Princess, and instead focus on something else.  And if you focus on something happy, then that smile will come unbidden.”             “Along with any modicum of grace.” he added in a quiet mutter.             “Try to think of something happy.” he ordered.             She paused, and then thought about her friends.  She feared and couldn’t wait for their upcoming meeting, but memories were harmless.             As she focused, she smiled and Dusty felt a touch of hope.             “Now walk…” he said, speaking softly.             Twilight stepped forward, and he nodded.             “Perfect, perfect.” he whispered, and his eternal frown almost flattened when he saw that she had achieved the perfect pose as well.             Head high, eyes focused on up instead of down.  Wings slightly extended to allow them to flutter slightly as she walked, tail with a gentle and predictable sway.  If only she could get her mane enchanted, and she might be right at home next to Celestia and Luna.             He shuddered at that thought though.  He had tried the magic first, reasoning that magic was hard to mess up.             But Rest seemed to think her magic was very weak, and overused it in everything with little to no control until she had tried several times.  Which usually meant at least two destroyed objects, either crushed in her magical grip or simply snapped in twain.             Normally, his tutoring would take about a year to truly learn.  From table manners, speech, minor diplomacy, and even singing and the ability to at least be able to play one instrument.  Everything a member of the noble class would ever need, and special classes in case something special was required.             Based on Rest’s start, he had estimated three years, and told Luna as much.             She had said that he had about 36 hours, and that he might be the difference between peace and chaos for Equestria.             He was far too old for this.             He came back to himself when he noticed that Rest had walked right past him, and just as he noticed, she tripped over the dinner set.             He only winced, well used to the sound of crashing and wood breaking by then.  He glanced at a clock and sighed.             Ten hours in, and she was just good enough to delay making an absolute fool of herself.             “Perhaps a small break?” he suggested partly for himself as much as it was for her.             Twilight got to her hooves again, and nodded, tired of messing up.  It was just as she was leaving that she heard Death.             You are needed.             “I…” she glanced around to make sure she was alone and then nodded.  “Where?”             You go to meet the other reaper in Manehatten.  The graveyard there requires emptying once again, and the city’s streets searched.             This would be difficult for life.  The other reaper will show you the proper usage of my power.             “I don’t really have the time Master, but I will.”             That is where the second reason comes into play.  Go.  You will discover it soon.             Twilight wondered what Death might mean, and focused.  Teleporting that far sounded impossible.             But on the other hoof, she had never turned a fork into a metal ball just by picking it up, so…  Maybe she could.             Teleporting that far was the first time Twilight really knew the true extent of her new power as an alicorn.  She anticipated a difficult teleport.             It was easy.  It was very easy.  She could truly feel the strength of the magic within her, and it truly dwarfed anything she could have imagined.             Was this what Celestia and Luna used every day with such care and grace?             Some ponies might feel like a god with that power.  Twilight did not.             She saw the responsibility she carried with it, and knew that it exceeded her command.  She felt humbled by it, and in awe that Lux had the power to give her it.  That he had the trust in her to give her immortality and the power that came with it without ever having met her.             Or perhaps he had.  Maybe Death had told him about her.  Her life, laid out for him to look over before making his decision.             As she traveled in the magic, she frowned.  The thought made a distressing amount of sense.             Why would Lux be so happy and carefree?  Because he knew everything about her.  Why did he trust her?  Because he knew everything that she had done and therefore what she would do.             Did that change him?  Was the happy, friendly alicorn merely an act?             Celestia and Luna had thought him unthinking, prone to sudden actions.  But were they tricked?             Who was he, really?  What did he do, really?  Where did he come from?  She didn’t have an answer.  He had more secrets than Death thinking about it.             Was it all an act that spanned an impossible amount of time?             Or was he, the alicorn of light itself, really like that?             She suddenly felt that she needed to know.             Arriving in Manehatten she gasped, finding herself in rain.  It was cold, and the lights in the city shined off of the wet walls and streets.  Everypony was inside, and very few made their way through the streets in the downpour.             It struck Twilight that she should remain unseen.  She had no idea if the knowledge of a new alicorn had gotten as far as Manehatten.             Walk unseen.             Twilight started, feeling the deathly magic within her move on its own.  As she watched, she became ghostly, and she was almost invisible in a moment.  And ethereal as well; the rain fell through her.             “How...?”             A simple use of my power.  Go to the graveyard, and take the time to explore my power.             She did so, taking care to try and puzzle out the ethereal form.  It was like something she had done during her undeath, but much, much more specific.             Death’s magic was unlike anything she had ever seen, and with the warmth of life, she noticed something that she never had.             It was cold.  It was very cold, and outright freezing when Death used it on her.             In comparison with her new power, the Death magic did everything she wanted it to, but denied her natural way of using it.             It wanted specific forms.  Carefully constructed webs of magic that only worked one way and only if they were made correctly.             The spell on her was like a cloak draped over her.  The same spell she grabbed souls with was similar to her normal magical grip; a rope thrown to catch and pull.  It was very different magic than what she was used to.             Whereas a unicorn could learn new magic simply by trying, Death’s power seemed to require a teacher.  The patterns seemed complex, and making one by chance seemed impossible.             Or course, just by having it, she had a teacher.  Death itself whispered in her ear.             She was thinking a lot about her existence and the powers that were shaping it.  Whether that helped her make her way forward in her new life, or bogged her down in questions that she would never have the answer to, no one could know.             Perhaps it was both.             She found the cemetery soon, the graveyard surrounded by a large stone wall and blocked by an iron gate.             Which she walked through, reasoning that if rain went through her, so would it.             She nearly screamed when she saw the other reaper.  He stood unmoving in the graveyard like some specter, a ragged cloak around him that hung heavy in the rain.             What little of him she could see was that of a long dead corpse.  And he still had flesh.  Some of it.             He nodded.  “Twilight.” he said, in a perfectly neutral tone, lacking any indication of anything.             She shuddered.  “You’re… wait a moment, how do you know me?”             “I told you.  I broke him.  This is little more than a puppet I occupy.”             “…Master?” Twilight asked.             “It is I.  And yet, it isn’t.”             “I don’t…”             “I am one and many.  I am the rest and the guide and the gatekeeper.  I am Death in any way that must take form.”             “And this broken body is one of them.”             Twilight nodded slowly.  “Alright… so… I learn from you like that, and yet you can’t just tell me when you talk to me in my head?”             “For you to have life and my power, yes.  First, create this design with my power.”             Twilight watched, and nodded, recreating the strange creation in front of the reaper.  Then she was done, and for a second, felt nothing had happened.  Then she noticed.             The rain had stopped.  Each drop pinned to its place in the air.             She brightened when she realized what Death had meant by a ‘second reason’.             For as long as she used the spell, time stopped.  She had all the time in the world.             “This is how you will need to guide souls once you attain mastery.”             “This is so useful!” she said, bursting with happiness.             “Take care Twilight.”             She hesitated.  “What’s wrong?”             “Staying in this state is very hard on the body.  Too long, and you will lose your empathy for life.”             Death snapped her spell, and time started again and Twilight was chilled suddenly.  Both from the fear that she might become another monster, and from an actual cold.             “Use it with wisdom, and practice.  Get to know your limits, and take the greatest of care not to go too far.  If you feel yourself freezing, that will be your only warning that you are going too far to return.”             “I understand.” Twilight said.  “Thank you for the…”             She hesitated.  “Thank you… you.” she pointed at the reaper.  “…Death?”             “Yes Twilight?”             “Why can I call you by something other than Master?”             “Because you now have two powers.  You do not live because of me.  And I granted you your life to use as you see fit.  It would not be true for you to call me Master.”             “… Can I call you something other than Death or Master?”             “No.  That is not your choice.”             “But either Death or Master is fine.”             “That is your choice, but we begin now.  Recreate the spell on your own.”             Twilight nodded and began working.  It was a little hard to truly memorize the designs, but they weren’t particularly hard.  Of what she had seen, they had specific shapes; a cloak to be ethereal, and a web to ‘catch’ time.             The other uses might be the same way.             She spent no time following the reaper through Manehatten, Death showing her how to search for souls.  Of which there were many.             The reaper was fast and impossibly efficient, catching and jarring souls without a single hesitation.             Twilight noted that in doing so, he upset the souls.  After a time, he stopped, and allowed her to try.             She did so, and took the time to try and speak with the souls.  Most were far too gone to talk back, but a few did.  They normally expressed the greatest of relief that it was her, and not the reaper, that was guiding them.             And it was no time at all that she was back in the graveyard, shivering in the chill from the spell’s aftereffect.             “You have done well.”             “Thank you.  But how do I tell how much time I spend in the spell?”             “… I can imagine that you can craft a timepiece for you to carry.  Something spelled to keep it safe.  That should suffice.”             She nodded, smiling.  “Thank you Master.”             “Now go.  To your own business.  I shall summon you when you are needed once more.”             Twilight vanished in a faint pop of magic, aiming for Canterlot castle.             She arrived in the library, and saw Luna nearby.             “Princess!” she said, not yet realizing that her etherealness was still working, “What are you doing here?”             “Rest?!” Luna yelled, starting suddenly, glancing around her.  “Where art thou?”             “Oh.  Right.”  Twilight tossed the magic off of herself, and Luna started slightly as she came back into view, soaked.  “Sorry about…”             “Art thou alright?  It looks like you have been in a thunderstorm.”             “Just some rain.”             “Where?”             “Manehatten.”             “And why were thou in Manehatten?”             “I was…” Twilight stopped herself, wincing internally.  Her being a reaper was not necessarily a secret, but… she didn’t want other ponies to know.  It just sounded bad at the best of times and might encourage questions about her past life again.             “I… just wanted to see it.” she said.             Luna nodded.  “You should dry yourself off.  There is a bath nearby, just a short ways from here.  Ask a guard for directions if you require them.”             Twilight nodded and left and Luna gave a tiny sigh of relief.  Then she turned back to what she had been looking at and sighed.             She was in front of a row of romance novels, looking for some kind of help to her problem.             Rest seemed to be… in… in lo…             She shook her head rather violently.  She must be imagining things.  Rest merely admired her, and had simply been startled by Luna during the first night.  And the constellations were just coincidence, surely.             She nodded to herself.  She was just thinking too hard about things.             “Excuse me Princess?”             She turned to see a guard, waiting.             “Yes?”             “Princess Rest was wondering if you could join her in the baths.  She wished to speak with you about something personal.”             Luna froze.  “I… we…” she stuttered, giving thanks that her blush was hard to see.             “Tell her that we are needed elsewhere!” she suddenly yelled, running away, leaving a baffled guard behind.             And Twilight, relaxing in a warm bath, wanted nothing more than to ask Luna for any advice the alicorn could share for the upcoming ball.  After all; Luna was the pinnacle of stone faced when she dealt with the nobility.  Surely she had some advice to give from her own life and experience.             She simply shrugged it off when the guard told her that Luna was unavoidably detained.  She could ask later. > Chapter 5: The Party, First turn > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             Twilight was nervous.  Very nervous.             The time had arrived, and she was with Celestia and Luna as the pair walked toward the banquet hall of Canterlot castle.  Twilight could hear the murmur of ponies just ahead, through a large pair of double doors.             She had been prepared as much as she could be by Dusty Quill, and Celestia has simply suggested smiling at questions she might not understand.  Luna had been far more direct with her advice.             Never nod.  Never shake your head either.  Only nod at greetings, and just smile.  Only speak if you are certain what is being said.             They stopped in front of the doors for a moment.  Celestia looked at Rest and noticed her nervousness.             “Be calm Rest.  This will go very well, I am certain.”             “I just get nervous in front of crowds…” Twilight said.             “We shall be with you the entire time.” Luna said.  “If thou feels the need to escape, simply go outside to the gardens.  We shall be there for this night.”             Twilight nodded, and a pair of guards opened the doors.             The trio stepped forward onto a landing on a sweeping stair, looking over a crowd of ponies.  But instead of reporters, this crowd was made up of Canterlot’s elite and anypony who they cared to bring along with them.             For a second it was silent.  Then somepony yelled, “A toast for our princesses!” and the sound resumed.             A few ponies came to the princesses, Luna already leaving toward the gardens.             “It is truly the greatest of pleasures to meet you Rest.” the first said, bowing slightly.  He was an earth pony, with a dark gold fur and a white mane and tail.  His cutie mark was a small stack of bits.             “Gold Coin.” Celestia named him as he shook her hoof.  Twilight did the same, and managed not to flinch when he kissed her hoof.             “You are a new light in Equestria Rest.” he said.             He left, and after a few others, Celestia told Twilight to go and wander about.  She was getting more and more uncomfortable greeting ponies, particularly so formally.  Out on the floor, she could act more naturally.             She did so, and though she got many looks, nopony approached her.  It was strange though she welcomed the chance to collect her thoughts.             She went to the buffet, and looked over it.  It seemed the usual noble food; nothing particularly filling or even liked by her.  Nothing unusual for a Canterlot party.             Then she paused, noticing an apple pie on one end.  It seemed freshly made.             The smell brought many memories rushing back.  A small kitchen, a homey, simple home.  An apple orchard that stretched as far as the eye could see.             She could see Granny working at the stove.  Applebloom carrying flour or apples, Applejack helping her Granny in the kitchen.             She sighed, staring at it in recollection and heard a faint huff.  She turned to see one unicorn mare glaring at it.             “Who put this here?” the mare muttered.  She looked to spot a servant and stomped once.  He came over.             “Get rid of this.” she ordered.  The servant nodded, but Twilight managed to snatch it before he could, startling the pair.             She stared at them for a moment, all three with wide eyes before Twilight gave a nervous chuckle.             “I… I really like apple pie.” she said, not looking at them.  The servant hurried away.             “I am so sorry princess.” The mare said, sneaking away.  Twilight let her go and breathed a sigh of relief.             Then she smiled at the pie, and after a few moments, managed to get a slice of it on a plate without damaging or dropping anything.  She set the pie back on the table.             She took a bite of it and closed her eyes.  It was just like she remembered it being.  A true Apple family apple pie.             She opened her eyes again to notice a small crowd staring at her.  They instantly looked away when she saw them.  She glanced around and, frowning slightly, headed off, bringing her pie with her, carefully caught on a ‘pillow’ of magic.             The pillow idea was working much better than the normal grip.  She couldn’t crush something that way and the added power needed was nothing now.             She stopped by a window, and looked around, enjoying the pie slice as she scanned the crowd.  Lots of ponies, fancy outfits, common, normal conversation topics.  Nothing too strange or outstanding.             “Princess Rest!” was gasped near her.  “I didn’t expect to stumble across you like this.”             Twilight felt that the voice was familiar, and looked down to freeze.  Her blood ran cold.             Rarity was smiling at her.  Wearing a beautiful dress that Twilight knew she had made, smiling the smile that Twilight knew so well.  She was just like Twilight remembered.             “And might I say you do have an undeniable grace.” Rarity said.             Twilight couldn’t say anything.  She was too overcome with shock and surprise and memories and fears.  She barely managed to smile.             She noticed Rarity’s subtle signs that the mare was growing nervous.             “… I do like the night sky.” Rarity remarked, trying to keep the conversation afloat by herself.  “Oh!  I nearly forgot, where are my manners?”             She gave a faint chuckle, taking an opportunity to break eye contact for a moment.  When she looked back she was ready to try again.             “My name is Rarity.  Bearer of generosity, and I design outfits.”             “Like the dress I and the other bearers are wearing tonight.” she said, showing off.  “All my own make.  What do you think?”             Twilight put her all into making a response.             “It is beautiful.” she said.             Rarity beamed.  “Thank you princess.  I see that you are enjoying the apple pie.”             Twilight nodded, growing slightly more comfortable.             “Applejack brought one with her, so she could have something to eat.  She doesn’t like… what does she say..?”             “’All them stupid tiny dishes that ain’t got no heart.’”             Twilight smiled at Rarity’s slightly insulting imitation of Applejack’s voice.  Rarity sighed.             “She is a great pony, but she just lacks that appreciation for the finer things in life.”             “She works hard for her family Rarity.” Twilight said.             “You know her family?” Rarity asked, Twilight wincing internally.  “She is here…”             “I should go.” Twilight said, finishing her pie.  She began walking away, and saw Rarity waving as she left.             She breathed a sigh of relief when she made it a fair distance away.  That had nearly been a disaster.             “Princess.”             She groaned and hung her head.  She knew that voice.             She turned and saw Blueblood smiling at her in his own insipid way.  “What do you want?” she asked, barely keeping her irritation out of her voice.  She hadn’t dealt with him often, but she had often enough to know that he was entirely self-absorbed.             “Why, nothing princess.  I only wanted to speak with you.  Maybe I can get to know our new alicorn a little better.”             Blueblood managed to actually give a better smile and Twilight hesitated.             “May I have the pleasure of joining you?” he asked.             “… Alright.” she said.  He seemed a bit different than what she was used to for some reason and she was curious.  But she wanted something else as well.             Blueblood was deeply interwoven with the nobility.  If anypony knew what was happening or what was being planned, it would be him.             “Shall we dance?”             “…Only if you answer my questions.”             “If I know it, you shall know it.” Blueblood said, and Twilight followed after him.             “Who set this party up?”             “Has he not told you?  Gold Coin has put much effort in this.”             The pair reached the dance floor, and Twilight failed to notice that several ponies slowly scattered to allow them room.  Blueblood stopped in the center, and a new song began playing.             He bowed, and Twilight knew the song.  By chance or fate, Dusty had taught her this dance.  She could do this easily; she had practiced for hours.             “Gold Coin… he came at the start, but he didn’t say much to me.  Who is he?” Twilight asked, grasping Blueblood’s hoof with her own and letting him guide her.             “He is a merchant.  A very wealthy one; I hear tales of his business being conducted as far as the griffons.  If anything needs anything, Gold Coin is who they turn to.”             “He is quite reliable, though the stallion is rough.  He has no time for etiquette.”             Twilight hummed as she danced, her mind elsewhere as her body moved on its own.             “Do you know why he set this up for me?” she asked.             “He claimed infatuation on sight.” Blueblood said, and Twilight stumbled for a moment before Blueblood managed to catch her and get her back into the rhythm.  For a moment Twilight focused on the dance.             “But I think it is something else.” he whispered when the pair got close again.  “That stallion has… gaps in his history.”             “You dance wonderfully by the way.” he said normally as they parted again.             “Thank you.” Twilight said, for several reasons.  Blueblood was being very helpful.             The song slowed and ended, and another started.  One she knew from her old life, but she felt that she could take advantage of this one.  During the song, the dancers would be close several times; their conversation could be held in whispers.             Blueblood tried to take the lead, but Twilight didn’t let him.  She wanted to set the rhythm that time.             “He knows lots of ponies?” she asked as Blueblood’s eyes widened and he was almost forced into her dance, her strength overpowering.             “Almost everypony knows Gold Coin.” he said, getting used to the pace.  “Either him or his business; The Golden Path.”             Twilight had heard of that, though Ponyville was far too small to need such a business.  The Golden Path doubled as delivery service and store; an ordering system that let businesses reach farther lands and new ponies and also a large shop that sold many things.  It was a vital enterprise in Canterlot, and several towns relied on it for supplies.             She felt that she shouldn’t talk about ‘gaps’ where other ponies might hear, but she wanted to know now.  And she could; the song was soon to end and she knew the last steps.  They would do.             “Anypony else I should know about?” she asked.             “Silver Bits wants your blessing.  Florid Paints wants you to support her own business.  And of course… a few others.”             Twilight heard the slight hiss to the last.  There was a lot Blueblood knew that couldn’t be shared in public.  She might need to meet him later on.             She heard the part approaching, and flexed her wings.             And when it came, when the stallion should twirl the mare, she bodily picked Blueblood up and spun herself, using her wings and magic to catch herself and keep her spinning.             “Gaps?” she hissed in his ear, feeling him grip onto her in surprise and slight fear.             “A few ponies disappearing.  Packages delivered to hidden places far from prying eyes.  Nopony knows his family.  Lots of money that has no clear source.  Don’t let him near you tonight, he has plans.” he gasped.             Twilight slowed her spin, and nearly threw him when she tried to set him down.  She managed to hold on to him and set Blueblood down without harming him, and he stood shakily as the song ended.             His mane was unkempt, but he was beaming for some reason.             “I was wondering…” he began, a touch dazed.             Twilight leaned down to his level, and whispered, “Three, at the library, in public records.  Don’t let anypony see you.” in his ear before standing back up, breathing a little hard from the effort of the dance.             She noticed a silence, and looked around. the first thing she noticed was that she and Blueblood had most if not all of the dance floor to themselves.             The second was that she and the stunned Blueblood were surrounded by a crowd of wide eyed ponies.  After a moment, one applauded his appreciation of her dance, and soon, the crowd was all applauding.             Twilight felt uncertain, but a touch proud.  She had done it fairly well, hadn’t she?  No real mistakes, other than that last step.  She was getting much better.             She smiled, and spotted Gold Coin again, smiling back at her as he applauded with the rest of them.             He approached, but Blueblood got in between her and him. A silence fell over the crowd as they watched the two stallions stare at each other, barely disguised contempt on both of their faces.             “Gold Coin, such a pleasure.” Blueblood lied.             “Prince Blueblood.” Gold Coin coldly stated.  “If you may…”             Twilight noticed Blueblood’s tail twitching toward the exits to the garden. Everypony seemed absorbed by the two stallions...             “This is my dance I believe.” Blueblood said.             “I hear that two is considered the end of a turn, and that taking more is rather crude.”             “Ah, you did not ask her to dance.  Two is only the limit when another asks.”             “Then consider it the act of a gentlepony to allow me to go next.”             “I thought you took some pride in not being gentle?” Blueblood said, a subtle attack.             “You take too much pride in your standing." Gold countered, making no effort to hide his dislike of Blueblood.  "Let me speak with Princess Rest.”             “But of course.” Blueblood said.  Gold nodded as he stepped aside, and found Twilight gone, the crowd equally befuddled.  They had been paying too much attention to the small spat.             “Seems she has important business.  I must have caught her at a good time.” Blueblood said, gloating.  Gold Coin didn’t say anything as he left, but he seemed upset.             Blueblood kept smiling.  He had won that particular round of verbal combat, but that was nothing.             And to think he had started that night with only a simple plan.             Approach Rest, the new princess.  Ingratiate himself with her, and use her influence to his advantage.             If it went well, perhaps he might have even merited the ‘prince’ part of his name.  And of course, overcoming Gold Coin, a long rival of his.             He had approached her, and found her guarded and sharp.  He had managed to get her to agree to let him near, though thinking back; perhaps that had been her way to get him comfortable.             He offered to dance, and she bargained for information.  He gave it willingly, and had been surprised at the wisdom she had shown, her questions biting and cutting to the true importance of that matter.  He had managed to keep ahead of her, and warned her against Gold Coin and whatever he might be planning.             And then the next dance had begun.             And all his control was ripped away with the very first steps.             She got him off balance, and kept him there with simple questions that he answered.  But even with those useless words, he had seen her mind working hard.  Knew that he was caught in her nets, and not the other way around.             But then… That spin.             She had held him close.  Hissed in his ear, and he had said everything he knew to her.  He would have said more if he had had the time to.             Because the moment they began, Rest had snagged his mind.  That became apparent as the dance continued.             But more importantly…             The moment she had grabbed him, and held him in that strength and showed such will to break his own in a simply breathtaking method of turning his mind to mush…             He had intended to ask her out. Right then and there. But she had acted faster. She wanted to meet him.  In the library.  At three in the morning.  Alone.             ‘Don’t let anypony see you.’ she had said.             He wasn’t going to.  He was going to go there and he would…             He tried and failed to make plans for it.  Rest had simply overcome him.             His mind and heart were hers.  What she wanted would come to pass.  Maybe she might deign to allow him something, but he might not care if she didn’t.             He wanted nothing more than to be held by that strength once again. To be a subject of that intellect and will. To see her blush at any mention of love, her powerful exterior revealing the delicate flower underneath. To see her strength offset by her delicacy, and know that she was his. Just like he was hers. > Chapter 6: The Party, Second turn > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             Twilight slipped away quietly, Blueblood doing a fantastic job of capturing the attention of the nearby crowd.  Once she was fairly far away she nodded to herself and relaxed again.             Looking around, she could see Celestia still greeting ponies, that task going to take up most of not all of her night.  A few of the ponies nearby noticed her, but most seemed content to look from a distance and nopony had the courage to approach her.             Twilight sighed as she reviewed what she had learned from Blueblood.             If anything about it was true, something very suspicious was going on with Gold Coin.  It sounded bad.  Possibly very bad.             Ponies disappearing.  Packages delivered to hidden places, to be picked up in secret.  Nopony knew his family, and nopony really knew where his wealth came from?  He had planned this party, and for what reason?  What was he after?  What did he want?             She hoped to learn more later on, but what she had learned set her on edge.  The twin princesses concerns came back to her, about her being used to upset the balance in Equestria.             She was already upsetting it in too many ways just by existing.  If somepony tried to use her, it could easily be disastrous.             She needed to make some headway, but how?             Twilight had never really been concerned with intrigue, much less the working of the nobility.  Where to begin was a mystery to her.             It wasn’t like she could just send somepony after Gold Coin on suspicion alone.  He had to be good at hiding if he had worked for this long, and a mistake could easily set her in a bad position for later attempts.             Twilight kept walking as she pondered what to do.  Moving with all the elegant grace of an alicorn, but with a faint frown and her head slightly lowered in her thought.  Ponies noticed, and a faint murmur began as some theorized what might be upsetting her.  Most were wild guesses, some in jest, and only a rare few in seriousness.             But one began spreading.  One, based on an old rumor, caught on, and ponies whispered that perhaps Princess Rest found the accusation more serious than did Celestia or Luna.             An old rumor long dismissed gained new life in the wake of her, and it spread swiftly.  Swiftly enough that it overtook her, and as she entered another room, it came to the ears of one pony in particular.             Not that it was said to them, nor to anypony near them.  But they heard it, and a few words was all it took for that pony to imperceptibly tense, and turn to watch Rest from the corner of their eye.             Because while most were uncertain, only passing on the rumor because it was interesting, nopony actually knew the truth.             That accusation was true.  And the idea of it finally gaining credence to an alicorn might spell its revelation.             And that pony could not let that happen.             Twilight paused upon hearing a familiar boisterous voice.             She looked up, and spotted Rainbow Dash, the mare rather stand out.  She was at a distance, standing amongst the Wonderbolts.             Wearing one of their uniforms.             Twilight gaped for a moment.  Rainbow had obtained her dream.  But when?  And maybe how?             She dearly wanted to go and ask, but she couldn’t.  It would be too strange for her, Rest, to go to Rainbow and ask such things so directly.             She had to do it like a stranger would.  Which might be easy; Rainbow wasn’t as familiar as she could be in the uniform.             She headed that way with purpose, steeling herself for the encounter, and a few around the room watched intently.  The rumor that most thought inane looked more real suddenly, and they waited with breathless anticipation.             What would Princess Rest do?  Why was she going with such a determination?             That pony steeled itself, well used to tension, even grave tension.  There was still a chance.  It was just a rumor; there was no evidence.  Act and speak normally, and nothing would happen.  Deny, and nothing would come of it.             The Wonderbolts stopped speaking amongst each other as Twilight approached, and as one, saluted her, which made her pause.             “Princess Rest!” Spitfire said, still saluting.  “The first flight team of the Wonderbolts, at the ready!”             “… At ease.” Twilight said, hardening her voice.  She had heard and seen her brother commanding the troops.  With luck, it would work the same way for her.             They relaxed and Twilight smiled a little.  It did work the same way.             “Do you need something Princess?” Spitfire asked.             Twilight thought for a moment.  Stranger, not friend.  Just remember that.             “I wanted to speak with her.” she said, gesturing at Rainbow who started.  “Rainbow Dash, wasn’t it?  Bearer of the element of loyalty, and fastest pegasus in Equestria, correct?”             Rainbow, in a remarkable show of restraint, looked at Spitfire.  She nodded, and Rainbow practically burred to Twilight, beaming in pride.             “That’s me!” she said.  “The fastest around!”             Something about the way she said that made Twilight wonder.  It sounded… strained as compared to her normal boast.  Like Rainbow was just a little less proud of it than she used to be.             “Can I see a demonstration?” Twilight asked, smiling already.             Rainbow nodded, took to the air, made sure that she wasn’t near anything, and then zipped around the room in a long rainbow blur.  She stopped back in front of Twilight in a moment, not even winded.             “That is very fast.” Twilight said.             “Thank you Princess.” Rainbow said, landing again.             “How is a bearer part of the Wonderbolts?”             “Easily.” Rainbow said, puffing up in pride.  A few of the Wonderbolts looked either happy or mildly annoyed at her assertion.             Twilight chuckled.  She should have known that was too vague for Rainbow.             “Don’t your duties allow you no time for such things though?  Surely, being the bearer is something that demands your full attention.”             “Not really.  In fact, saving ponies only happens like, every few weeks or so.  Captain gives me a special leave to deal with it.”             “Really?”  Twilight felt a touch mischievous.  “But I have heard endless tales of your heroism.”             Rainbow blinked, slightly stunned.  Twilight advanced.             “Saving Luna from Nightmare Moon, and defeating Discord, saving everypony not once, but twice.  The endless tales of your strength and speed, from personal accounts to official events.  I imagine that you are the pride of the Wonderbolts.”             Rainbow was speechless.  Nopony had ever really praised her like that, so thoroughly.  There wasn’t a way for her to boast; Twilight had already done so for her.             “She is our best recruit.” Spitfire said.  “Set more than a few records in fact.  Get a little bit of discipline, and she would be golden.”             “Rushing off on her own?”             “Pretty much.”             “Not listening to the plan, and doing something that is risky?”             “Yeah…” Spitfire eyed Twilight as Rainbow fidgeted.  Her emotions pulled one way and then the other.  From prideful to worried that it was turning into a dressing down.             “But she still gets the job done, and done better than anticipated, doesn’t she?”             “… Yeah... “             And then back again.  Rainbow wasn’t sure if she was supposed to feel proud and happy, or concerned and worried.             “Do you know her Princess?”             “I have only heard of her.  But what tales they were.”             Twilight looked back at Rainbow and giggled at the indecision in her eyes.             “Rainbow, whatever your flaws, you are a true example to others.  A hero, a real hero.”             “I don’t think that there is anypony else who deserves to bear loyalty more than you.”             It was just an instant.  Just a fleeting look in Rainbow’s eyes, there and gone in less than an eyeblink.  Twilight might never have noticed if not for looking directly at her and knowing Rainbow as well as she did.             In that instant, a kind of horror and sorrow passed through her eyes.  A deep trauma of some kind.  Buried so deep that even Rainbow might not know it was there.             “Thank you Princess.” she said, puffing up again.             “You can go.” Twilight said, and Rainbow did so.  Twilight stared after her, thinking.             What had that been?  Why was it there?  It was somehow connected to loyalty, but what was it?             Spitfire noticed Twilight’s thoughtful look as Rainbow went back to the others.             “Something bothering you Princess?”             “…It’s nothing.  Just… thinking.”             Twilight sighed gently, turning to look at Spitfire.             “Sometimes things are buried deeply.” she said, and several ponies, mostly Wonderbolts, stopped talking nearby.  They turned to look, but also tried to make sure that they weren’t seen looking.             “Deeply enough that nopony ever knows about them.”             “… Princess,”             “Princess Rest!”             Twilight turned and saw one of the night guard approaching her.  A batpony, causing some stir, but not too much.             “Princess Luna wished to speak with you outside.  In the gardens.”             “I will be right there.” Twilight said, and headed away.             She left behind many who watched her go in silence.  Many who began whispering even quieter that Princess Rest knew something that they didn’t.             And that pony watched her go in no small amount of fear.  She knew.             She KNEW.             Something had to be done.  It was very bad.             Maybe Rest didn’t know where.  Maybe she did.             Hiding it again would take too long.  Princess Rest had to be distracted.  Eluded.  Thrown off of the trail.  But that would only slow her down.             There was only one choice left.  The only question left was how.  How?             How were they going to kill an alicorn, an immortal being? How were they going to kill Princess Rest? > Chapter 7: Blood will tell > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             Twilight smiled as she made it outside, the gardens only dimly lit.             Few ponies were outside, the gardens nice, but the true party taking place inside.  Those who were outside were generally shy or preferred a certain amount of solace.  And if they did, they avoided others, which left Twilight mostly alone as she headed into the gardens to try and find Luna.             Twilight.             “Master?”             Be on guard.             “Master, what is,”             Left, stop her!             Twilight turned and saw a pair of glowing red eyes in the darkness.  Her soul catching spell caught, but whatever it was stayed mostly still as she tugged, resisting her.             “I must have surprised you princess.” it said, the voice soft and soothing, though the eyes were terrifying.  “My apologies.”             Twilight lit her horn, and saw a female bat pony, though something seemed off.  The eyes shouldn’t look like that, and the wings seemed a bit sharper than they should have been.             More to the point, why was the spell to catch souls working on her?  Twilight was sure that it didn’t work on living ponies…             “Who are you?” Twilight asked, watching carefully.  She could feel Death’s anger and was wondering why.             “I’m called Night Light.  I wanted to speak with you.”             Twilight relaxed and let her spell drop.  “What do you want?”             “I just wanted to get to know you.  I’m just a little shy, and wanted to catch you alone.”             Twilight smiled.  Night seemed nice.  A touch odd and creepy, but nice.             “It is nice to meet you Night Light.”             “But… can you help with something?”             “What is it?”             “You see… I’m worried about my eyes.”             “Your eyes?”             “They started glowing recently and I’m not sure why.  Do you think you can find out?”             Twilight nodded, wondering what might do that.             “Just look closely.” Night said, opening her glowing eyes wide.  “Maybe you can see something.”             Twilight did so, noticing the oddity of them.  They seemed to gently pulse, the light brightening and dimming in predictable patterns.  The actual color of them was concealed behind the red glow though.             “Little closer.” Night said.  Twilight did so, staring into the eyes.  There was something…             The eyes seemed to fill her vision as she stared, trying to see what kept evading her.  Then it was gone, and she frowned slightly and tried to pull away.             She couldn’t.  She couldn’t even blink, Night’s eyes catching her own and holding her.  She jerked, but couldn’t pull away and Night shushed her.             “Nothing’s wrong… Just fine… Feeling… Sleepy.” Night murmured, and Twilight found the words affected her.  She drooped and her resistance fell as Night smiled.             “Nothing wrong at all…”             Twilight’s vision grew dark, and her thoughts slowed and stopped.             CEASE!             Twilight snapped out of it at Death’s roar, and Night flinched, breaking the gaze.             She is an undead monster Twilight!  Defend yourself with the stars!             Twilight acted instantly, and lit the area like it was sunlight.  Night hissed, revealing needlelike teeth as she curled away from the light.             Twilight knew what she was.  A vampony, or one of several other names for them.  Monsters that were once ponies, weak to light.  They drank blood, and had several powers.  Like capturing a victim’s will by staring into their eyes.             Night managed to move despite the light, and Twilight brightened the light in retaliation.             She tried to resist, her form smoking, but fell to her knees, burning in the light.  Twilight kept it up.  Better to… stop her now, and guide the soul than allow her to keep living.             “Wait!” Night yelled, her voice desperate.  “I can help!  I know things!”             “You have many enemies beyond just me!  I know them all, I’ll tell you everything!  I’ll serve, I’ll do anything, just spare me!  Please!  I can’t die now!”             Twilight listened.  Night was truly desperate, and her voice was strained.  She made a choice.             She dimmed the light, but did not dispel it.  Night panted in the lower light levels and radiated relief.             Twilight wasn’t sure.  Night could help, but she seemed too dangerous.  She couldn’t just let her go to continue her life.  But what could she do?             Twilight.  Use this.             A spell came to her, impossibly complex.  Twilight couldn’t even count the layers of magic that made it up, but used it all the same.             A complex web appeared around Night before flashing and vanishing, Twilight already forgetting the spell.  Night flinched in pain as it did so, and held her head, shutting her eyes and groaning.             A soul binding.  She is bound to your will now.  If you find the need to use her, do so.  But recall; she is a monster, and very intelligent.  She will find a way to abuse the connection if you allow her to.             “I understand Master.”             “Ow…” Night muttered, and one eye cracked open as she rubbed at her head.             It glowed purple.  Twilight wondered if they both did and Night started as her head turned toward Twilight and her eyes opened without her action.             Twilight noticed, and with a single thought, Night spun around, yelping as she did so.  A few steps, move the wings, turn in circles, and even roll over.  Any thought from Twilight controlled Night Light perfectly.             “What did you do to me?” Night demanded as she got to her hooves again, Twilight staring at her.             “I bound you.” she said, smiling.  Controlling Night made it much easier to allow her to live; she could prevent any aggression.             “I can tell.  Listen;”             “Isn’t it rather evil to bind me?  My will destroyed?  You can make me do anything you know.  I’m little more than a slave to you now.”             Twilight hesitated.             “And I might be like this, but my heart beats still.  I still have blood and feel pain and pleasure just like everypony else.  I’m just as alive as you are.”             “Would you bind a normal pony?  Or am I just a monster to be used and abused without any worries?”             Do not listen.  She is cunning, and is trying to get you to dismiss the binding.             Twilight thought.  And then she focused and Night tensed.             “…How many ponies have you killed?”             “Over two hundred.” she said automatically.  Twilight making her speak and speak the truth.             “How may could you have spared?”             Night tried everything to stop herself.  She failed.             “Over two hundred.”             Twilight nodded, and let her go, Night muttering to herself.  After hearing that, she was never going to have any thought of feeling bad for Night.  If anything, the binding was the only thing saving her from Twilight killing her.             “I want it to be known that half of those were accidents.”             “What?”             “Accidents.  I did not mean to kill them.  I either miscalculated, messed up, and two were heart attacks.  Yes, I could have prevented them, but I did not intend to kill them.”             Twilight stared at her.  “You think that makes it better?”             “Don’t you?”             “No.”             Night sighed.             Twilight kept staring at her for a moment before asking, “What other enemies?”             “The Sanguinerians.  Like me, vamponies they call us nowadays.  Lots of us want to… take advantage of you.  From either stupidity in thinking that they are stronger, or fear of you.”             “Fear?  Of me?  Why not Celestia?”             “Because you’re a reaper, maybe even the reaper.  And that means you can make us die without any effort.  One tug, and we are sent to rest.  Unable to protect ourselves.”             “So some of us want you dead or controlled.  A few want your protection: they want to live like normal ponies and they think you can do that.  I decided to act first.”             “What did you want?” Twilight asked.             “I… I wanted to make you my slave, but in a good way!”  Night tried to smile at Twilight’s frown before sighing.  “Alright, yes, evil, I know, bad Night Light.” she muttered.             “Is there anypony else?”             “Sure.  Dark magic users all over are worried at a new alicorn.  A few powers don’t like the idea of a third princess either.  I know a bunch of undead and ghosts that really want you dead, and there’s a good chance they all do.  Pretty much anything that cheats Death in some fashion hates you.”             “There’s even a necromancer that is watching closely.  Watch out for him, he’s good.  Really good.”             Twilight nodded, concerned.  Those things were supposed to be tales.  Not real.  And yet, she was talking with one, and being warned about the others.  Rather suddenly, her enemies and threats had increased.             “You should feel lucky, getting me bound.”             “Why?”             “I’m the oldest one there is.  If there is anypony who knows what’s going on, it’s me.”             Twilight nodded.  “What about Gold Coin?”             Night gave her a look.  “Alright.  I know that you probably think that Sanguinerians can creep around undetected amongst ponies, that’s a common tale.  Look at my eyes.  Imagine how I blend in so well, walking with my bat wings and glowing eyes, and if it’s sunlight, the slight hiss of my fur burning off…”             “I get it.” Twilight said.             “I don’t have a clue as to most of normal ponies.  You’ll have to get somepony else for that.  Dead things, hidden things, hidden dead things, that’s me.”             “I need a drink.” Night muttered.  The comment made Twilight blink and remember.             “By the way.  You aren’t going to hurt anypony else ever again.”  Twilight focused, making sure that her words were commands.             Night looked worried.  “You do realize I need to drink blood.”             “I do.  Animals have blood.”             Night looked sick.  “But animals are disgusting.” she whined.  “Come on, just a little bite, most ponies never even notice…”             “Animals.  Get used to them.”             Night sighed.             “Yes…” she hesitated for a moment before smirking.  “Yes Mistress.”             Twilight started.  “What?”             “Mistress.  You command me perfectly, hence, Mistress, Mistress.”             “My name is T… Rest.”             “But you’re my Mistress.”             She half closed her eyes and leaned forward slightly, gently shaking her rear, her tail flicking up a little.             “We can have all kinds of fun together… I even know how to,”             Night yelped, dragged backward to collide with the bush she came out of and then forcibly sat down, scrapping her on that same bush as she winced.             Twilight was as tense as she could be, and glared at Night, a mixture of angry and distressed.             “Alright, alright.” Night said, getting to her hooves again and rubbing her flank, “That hurt.”             “Never do that.”             “I get it.  Look, let’s make this easier on the both of us.  I’ll listen better, and you don’t drag me around like some kind of toy, fair?”             Twilight kept staring for a long moment before she nodded and Night smiled.             “See?  We can get along.”             “I… suppose.” Twilight said, far more uncertain of that.             “Now I should go.” Night said, and found herself pinned in place.             “Hang on.”             “I really have to go.” Night said, getting nervous.             “I have a few more questions.”             Night whimpered, growing stressed and fearful.  Twilight paused, wondering why.             “What is wrong?”             “Luna is coming and I am pinned in place and really obvious.  She really, really hates me and she is going to kill me if I don’t get away, right now.” Night said, her voice terrified but quiet.  “Let me go and don’t tell her about me.” she near begged.             Twilight blinked.  She wanted to know, but the desperation of Night made her loose the mare who gave her a look of deep gratitude before darting into the shadows and vanishing.             She heard wing beats, and soon after Luna landed, looking concerned.             “Rest.  Are you alright?” she asked.  “We saw a light, and felt you might require our aid.”             “No.  Everything’s fine.  I just wanted to see the plants a little better.” Twilight said.             Luna nodded, and relaxed slightly.  She walked closer to Twilight.             “Are you feeling well?  I know of your concerns from earlier…”             “I’m alright.  I talked with some ponies, danced with Blueblood, and met the Wonderbolts, but I enjoy a little alone time every now and then.”             Luna chuckled, looking around the garden.  “As do I.”             “…Do you enjoy the night Rest?”             Twilight though about it for a moment.  “Yes.  It’s… calming in a way.  Everything resting or sleeping.  I get a lot of work done during the night.”             Twilight looked up at the sky.  “You know… I used to keep track of the stars.  As a hobby.”             “Indeed?”             Twilight nodded.  “And now I’m supposed to control them.” she sighed.  “Which I keep failing at.” she said, drooping.             “Rest…”             “Will it ever get better Luna?  My life is just a big mess right now.  I can’t seem to get control of anything anymore.”             Luna touched Rest and Twilight looked over.             “Rest… When I first became an alicorn, my moon might have been the most unpredictable thing in the sky.”             “What?”             “I could never gain control of it well, and started by simply flicking it into the sky, and then pulling it back down when the dawn came.  My sister was the same with her sun.”             “Nopony is born with the knowledge or skill to use the power of an alicorn.  We can only learn as we use them, and eventually, slowly, we become what we are meant to be.”             Luna looked uncertain for a moment before nodding to herself.             “And whatever failure you feel you have done, know that I and my sister have done them before, and worse.  You were a unicorn, correct?”             Twilight started.  “How…”             “A slip of your tongue.  When asked to describe yourself, you said alicorn, but began with uni.  Unicorn.”             “…”  Was that very bad?             Luna sighed.  “And even being born with magic as a unicorn, you have difficulty controlling your magic now, yes?”             “…Yes.”             “And your wings are unknown to you.”             Twilight only nodded.             Luna chuckled a little and looked away.             “Me and my sister… we began life… as earth ponies.”             Twilight blinked and gaped.  Luna looked to her again, a serious look in her eyes.             “It is a great secret I give you Rest.  It…It is not a good time to remember, and not something you should share.”             “I… I won’t Luna.  I promise.”             Luna nodded and sighed, her eyes growing a little distant.             “Imagine what difficulties we might have faced.  When Lux came to us, we became the first alicorns.  Our strength lifted past our reasonable control.  Given wings we didn’t know how to use.  We didn’t even know how to use our newfound magic.”             “Lux had to stay behind just to teach us a little.  Enough that we wouldn’t destroy everything by accident.  But the moment we were skilled enough to prevent the sun and moon from crashing, he left.”             “It took centuries before we became who we are now.  We did it alone, slowly and painfully.  Those were not good times.”             “…I don’t want to see you do it like we had to.”  Luna looked back to Twilight.  “I want to see you soar with grace, and see you control your power with perfection.  I want to see your stars move like they are caught in a slow dance.  And if it is within our power, we will catch you every time you fall.”             “Me and my sister will be there for you.”             Twilight blinked, a single tear glistening in one eye.             Luna walked closer, and draped one wing over her.  Twilight leaned her head against Luna’s neck.             “Thank you.” she whispered.  “It’s… so hard.  Just…”             Twilight began gently crying.  The pain of secrecy and the constant failure of her new powers finally allowed an outlet.  Every pain she had suffered thus far coming to the forefront.             Luna didn’t say anything, and simply let Twilight lean on her, crying softly.  Twilight slowly calmed again, and eventually, the pain was less.             “…Luna?” she asked, not moving from her position.             “Rest?”             “Can… Can I say something?  Something that’s… hard to say…”             Luna nodded, slightly curious.             “Luna… I…”  Twilight took a deep breath.  “I love,”             “Princess Luna!”             The pair started and separated, Luna gasping in shock and Twilight shaking herself.  A royal guard flew over in some urgency, and Luna near glared at him.             “Princess Luna, and Princess Rest, Princess Celestia requires your presence in the strategy room. The bearers have been gathered, and they only wait for your presence.”             “We shall be there immediately.” Luna said, unhappy and yet relieved.  “Rest!  Rouse thyself, we are needed.”             Luna nearly took flight before hesitating and simply hurrying forward on hoof.  Twilight took a moment to compose herself before hurrying after her, the party having ended almost an hour ago.  They had spent some time together in the gardens.             She had been interrupted just when she was going to tell Luna about her being a reaper, and the problems the undead poised.  Prefacing it with ‘I love what you’re doing for me.’             Of course, her mind was now focused on whatever new problem there was.  Focused on getting her friends, and getting to Celestia as quickly as possible.  Working on old thoughts and memories, her nature as a hero coming to the forefront, and temporarily forgetting about her situation.             Luna was having a hard time focusing on the same, and was caught between relief and irritation.             Irritation, because Rest almost revealed her true feelings, and did in a way.  Just not all the way, but more than enough for her to work it out.             Rest was in love with her.             On the other hoof, while Luna had anticipated that, she was still lost as to what she should do or say in response.  So she felt some relief that she didn’t have to.             But she was going to have to do something.             A massive lifespan, and not one year of it spent in romance.  Luna was suddenly regretting that.  She felt like a young filly, both overjoyed that Rest felt that way, and trying to determine her own feelings on the matter.             Should she reciprocate?  Or gently refuse?             She didn’t know.  She didn’t know what she wanted.             The pair hurried through the castle, but with Luna’s mind preoccupied, and somewhat unused to simply running to her destinations, she tripped.             But before she could fall very far, Twilight caught her in her own magic and managed to carry her along with her.  It was an instinctual response from Twilight, but the success of the spell made her overjoyed.             Luna was shocked, and saw Twilight glance back and smile as brightly as she could, using all of her effort to right Luna once more.             “I got you!” Twilight said, feeling happy and bursting with nervous energy, a faint blush to her; one from excitement.  She had finally gotten one of her normal spells to work properly!  Things might just be getting better!             After a moment, she set Luna down, Luna recovering and standing still for a moment, stunned as Twilight kept going.  She was blushing heavily and for the life of her, she could not forget the happy smile on Rest’s face, nor the delicacy that she had been caught with.             And in a worrying way, she couldn’t get rid of the image of the way Rest ran, nor the motion of her form as she did so.             Then she nodded, set her face, and ran forward.             She knew what she was going to do. > Chapter 8: Meetings > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             It didn’t take Twilight long to reach the strategy room, and she entered as Luna caught up to her.             Celestia looked as they entered and smiled, the bearers sitting across from her.  Twilight almost, almost went to sit with them if not for two things.             The first was that there were two seats next to Celestia, and none by the bearers.             The second was that there were six bearers.             And she knew the blue unicorn who sat with her friends.             Trixie Lunamoon herself was sitting where Twilight would normally sit.  The sight reminded her of everything, and she suddenly froze, her mind jolted to the present instead of the past.             “Luna, Rest.” Celestia said as Twilight froze.             Luna went to Celestia before looking back at Twilight curiously.             Twilight steeled herself, and managed to act mostly normal as she took a seat next to Luna.  Snapped free from her momentary attack of memory, she was suddenly faced with something she really, really didn’t want right then.             Her friends.  Sitting right there, all of them, so familiar, so dear to her.  All of her wanted nothing more than to call out, to tell them everything, to snatch her life back right then.  Even with the dire warning from Lux.             It was only the sight of Trixie sitting with them, and the curiosity that spawned, that kept her in check.  But even then, she ached to tell them, and was terrified of telling them at the same time.  Celestia noted Twilight’s tension, and wondered.             “Sister?” Luna asked.             Celestia didn’t give any indication of being startled, and merely nodded.  “First, I would like you all to meet Princess Rest, come to Equestria only a few days past.  Rest, these are the bearers of harmony:”             “Rarity, the spirit of generosity,”             Rarity only smiled brightly, in the way Twilight knew so well.  Twilight tensed a little more.             “Applejack, the bearer of honesty,”             “Pleasure ta meet ya Rest.” Applejack said, only to hesitate a little as Twilight shrunk back slightly.             “Rainbow Dash, the bearer of Loyalty,”             Rainbow only saluted, giving her a determined ‘I’m ready’ look, one Twilight had seen her give Celestia and other authorities before.  In response, she leaned back slightly, and leaned a touch toward Luna.             Luna watched her from a corner of her eye, and gave some thanks for her dark fur.             “Pinkie Pie, the be,”             “Of happiness!” Pinkie exclaimed, springing up and tossing confetti.             Twilight! Death snapped, shocking her from her first response.  She stopped herself mid gasp, gave it an instant’s thought, and covered her face with her wings, breathing a little hard.             She wanted so badly to tell them.  She barely noticed Luna’s own wing draping on her back in a supportive way, though Celestia did.             Pinkie hesitated, and Fluttershy looked up, all of the bearers seeing her response, and reading it as crippling shyness.             Celestia gave Pinkie a smile as the pink mare sat still, silent.  “Pinkie Pie, Rest is… not ready for things like that.”             “Sorry Princess.”             Twilight nodded, not removing her wings.  Not seeing them was helping quite a bit.  She could pretend that… something.  It helped.             Luna watched her, and gave her sister a faint nod, signaling that Rest was still alright.             Celestia nodded back, just a tiny bit, and resumed.             “Fluttershy, the bearer of kindness.”             “Hi…”             “And Trixie Lunamoon, the bearer of magic.”             “Trixie assumes magic tricks are also frowned upon?” Trixie asked.  “Not that she could see them right now anyway…” she added with a faint mutter.             “…Was anything the matter sister?” Luna asked, “Or was this simply a meeting, given how Rest was otherwise occupied at the party?”             “In a way, it was both.” Celestia admitted.  “It is important for Rest to meet the heroes of Equestria, and for them to know her.  However, this meeting is also an additional warning for the bearers.”             Twilight looked again, a little worried with that comment.  The bearers, those who actually would show concern, meaning Fluttershy and Applejack, mirrored her.             “As you all know, there has been a rise in… deathly magic in Equestria.” Celestia began.             Twilight blinked.  Deathly magic.  Necromancy, a supposed myth though simple spells of the school were… distressingly possible, not that anypony had tried.             Or at least nopony admitted nor was caught doing so.             Master? Twlight thought, only half listening as Celestia spoke of worrying signs, concerning rumors.  Is this something I have to handle?              It is a fault of mine.             What?             When your fist body failed, you were accepting my power without limit.  Rushing toward what I meant you to be, but you were caught in the hate of unlife.  When your body was destroyed, all of the power you had gained was scattered, more than able to be found and used by others.             … Then…             While necromancy is able to be used in some amounts with normal magic, only my power can truly preform the arts.  Equestria does not have much natural Death.  You effectively increased the amount by…             About a thousand fold.             Twilight gaped internally, and resumed listening.             “Rumors are little more than just that Princess.” Rairty said cautiously.  “And ghosts are not… so easily found.”             “Indeed.  But those are not why I asked you here.”             “I believe that Waker has shown his face again.”             The bearers paled, as Twilight felt Luna tense, also alerting her to the fact that Luna still had her wing on her back.  Twilight tensed in response, wondering what caused them such concern.             Though she suspected she might know…             “Impossible!” Trixie abruptly shouted.  “He died!”             Applejack groaned.  “We… never did find him after all that…”             “He did kinda… disappear.” Rainbow muttered, hating the idea.             “Are we sure Princess?”             Celestia nodded.  “I can think of no other.  And I doubt that he will prove so prideful as he was last time.  If the reports suggest what I feel they do, he is hiding, building an army, and not standing tall at their front, but hiding behind the dead.  His pride has been shattered, and a cunning has replaced it.”             “We must be attentive and cautious; it is all too possible that he will try to strike out against you from the shadows.  Waker has proven that nothing is beyond his evil.  As such, keep the elements close to hoof, and keep a close eye out for anything strange or suspicious.”             The bearers nodded.  Applejack opened her mouth, but Trixie beat her to it, proclaiming, “Fear not Princesses!  The great and powerful Trixie Lunamoon and her great and powerful, but not as great or powerful, bearers of harmony will see this threat found, defeated, and ended, once and for all!”             And with that, Trixie cast a small bit of dust into the air, temporarily obscuring sight in a surprisingly restrained effort from her.  Nothing touched the princesses.             The bearers, on the other hoof…             “Trixie!” Applejack yelled, sounding as if she, and the others, had to deal with that often.  Trixie was already gone, apparently having practiced her retreat.             Given how Rainbow was a few feet behind her, chasing her out the door, she had a great practice partner for that.             Luna snickered, and Celestia only sighed, giving her own smile mildly amused smile.             “Sorry Princess.” Rarity said, she and Applejack lingering behind as the others left after Trixie and Rainbow.  Off in the distance there was a piercing shriek and a crash, causing the pair to wince.  “She hasn’t,”             “It is alright Rarity.” Celestia told her.  “Trixie is… if nothing else, a fine unicorn.  She takes great pride in herself, and I note she has begun to include the rest of you in her goodbye.”             “That she did.” Applejack muttered.  “We’ll keep our eyes open Princesses.”             “And, if I could…” Rarity murmured, “Might I ask if you suffer from stage fright darling?” she asked, looking at Twilight.             Twilight stared.             Yes.             “Yes.”             Rarity nodded, understanding.  “Then might I extend an invitation to my boutique down at Ponyville?  If you frequent these balls I would adore making you a true masterpiece.  And it won’t have any mob of ponies either, I promise.”             Twilight hesitated, and noticed Luna looking at her.  She firmed herself; she had to get over this sooner or later, and prolonged exposure as Rest would help out.             Besides; it was one of Rarity’s dresses.  She would love getting one to fit her as she was.             “Or course Rarity.  When?”             Rarity beamed, Applejack shrugging.             “In three days.  I’ll see you then Princess.”             “…Ya get nervous around lots o ponies?” Applejack asked, watching Rarity leave.             “A bit.” Twilight said, truthfully.  She did not appreciate being the center of attention.  Not in crowds anyway.             “Well… If ya ever drop by th farm, ya kin expect a real warm welcome.  Nothing too big, just the family.  An I mean me, my sister, my brother, an my Granny.  Not all o th Apples.”             “Of course Applejack.”             Applejack nodded, and hurried off, heading toward the distant sounds of argument.             “The best ponies.” Luna said, and Twilight nodded.             “Were you perhaps a fan of theirs in your past Rest?” Celestia asked.             Twilight shook her head, and said, “Not real,” before she stopped.             Twilight!  Regain your concerns!  Recall Lux’s warnings and cease giving Celestia reason to suspect!             “…Not really.” Twilight said after a second’s hesitation.  “Just stories.  I… Thought they were tales.” she said, recalling an uncommon, but not unheard of reaction that she knew herself.  “Like Shining Star, or Hero.”             Celestia nodded, and Twilight relaxed.             “Those were real ponies as well Rest.” Celestia said, and Twilight gaped.             “Admittedly, their tales did… expand after their deaths, but both are set in fact.”             “Really?!” Twilight said, stunned.             Celestia chuckled.  “Tales for another time Rest.  The night has been long, and we have a ball to close.  Ask me again, when we have time, or you could ask Luna; she was close friends with Hero at least.”             “Shining was insufferable and you know it sister.” Luna objected, huffing.             “Insufferable?” Twilight asked as Celestia chuckled.             Luna huffed again.  “Just because she was capable of Starswirl’s celestial motion she thought herself the pinnacle of magic.  Trixie shows traits she once had, but Shining was so much worse.”             Twilight nodded, a touch unbelieving of that.  Trixie had an ego the size of Equestria.  Somepony having one larger sounded impossible, lest the pony just up and die of vain glory.  She saw Celestia give the faintest shake of her head, and decided to let it lie.             Twilight stretched faintly.  It had been a long night, and she still had things to do.  Like meeting Blueblood, and dealing with Night in a more permanent way.  For that matter, Night had a good chance of knowing who and what Waker was.             She followed after the twin princesses, if not in good spirits, then at least somewhat optimistic.  Sure, things seemed a touch unsure, possibly worryingly so, but her friends were ready, Celestia and Luna were prepared, and she was ready to help them all in ways she could only have once dreamed of. Someplace very, very far from Equestria.             “What to get, what to get…”             Stars shined high above.  Plants waved in a faint wind, and a white alicorn stepped with care, surveying the landscape.             “Ah!  Yes, glow stones!  She loves… no, she has one, doesn’t she.” he muttered, sighing.  “And two stones are the same as one stone.  But a thousand … no, no.  Unoriginal.”             Rocks that shined from within were passed over.  Plants of every color, things unseen and unheard of barely even noticed.  A world filled with sights and wonders, a paradise in the stars, hidden from almost all, and almost nothing caught the alicorn’s eye.             “What can I give to two great daughters?” he murmured, thinking.  “Something unique.  Something beautiful.  Something they can keep, or use.  Flowers?  No, that’s more lunch.  Celestia told me not to bring more artifacts, Luna likes heroic things… And Celestia likes… peaceful things.”             He nodded, suddenly.  “I have it!  Just the thing!”             “Opposites, but complimentary!  Unique, beautiful, heroic, and peaceful!  It’s obvious!”             He hesitated.             “But where am I going to get a bit of ordered chaos?”             “Lux?” another voice said, and the alicorn paused.  “What are you doing here, of all places?”             Lux tensed faintly, and turned to see the speaker, frowning faintly.  A small earth pony stood there, though she seemed… strange.  Not so simple a being.  She was green, and plants grew on, and should one look closely, in her.  “What is it to you, Lira?” he asked.             “Normally nothing, seeing as how it is your suns that allow my lives.  However… it was you who has… chosen to interfere in my domain, was it not?  Life is not your realm, to give or take.”             Lux glared, though Lira retained a perfectly neutral expression.  “Sacrifices must be made.  And when the duty is required, nothing is not my domain.”             “Oh?”             “Light keeps everything living.  In the light of suns and stars, things find life and purpose and soul.  You might be life, but I am what your life depends upon.  Should I find it necessary, or even beneficial, I will give, take, and use life as I see fit.”             “So harsh…” Lira murmured.  “Light isn’t always so kind, it seems.  It would do you good to recall that light is not just caused by the suns and stars.”             “I fail to see where you find the authority.”             “Where did you find the need to strike a deal with Death?” she asked bluntly, and Lux almost growled, his wings flaring faintly.             “How?”             “I am always aware of my… counterpart.  Life cannot be without its end after all.  And when he acts, I know about it.” Lira said, waving a hoof.  “On the other hoof…” she added, thinking. “I really, really know when something is gently granted more of my life, completely overriding the boundaries of nature and existence set by both myself, and those greater than even I.” she growled, and Lux took a step back, Lira seeming to grow a touch larger.  The plants on her waved faintly, a few of them taking on a certain malevolence, her color shifting from green to a far bloodier red, her eyes glaring, holding a deadly promise.  “Light is not life, will never be life, and will never bind together with light!  The next time you choose to rip a piece of power from me, perhaps I shall see my way clear to interfering in the great wars!  Am I understood!?” “…You would not.” Lux said, almost horrified. “I would!” Lira snapped, “Life can live without light, and should all of my children never again see the stars, suns, or moons, then so be it!”  Lira calmed again, the red vanishing, a few more flowers blossoming upon her, and huffed.  “But… if you would just ask, and actually listen, then I have no doubt I could see my way to helping.  I am not so selfish, nor so… unkind.” “…You would ask for submission.” “Perhaps I would.  As you would, should I ask for light.  As Death does, each and every time he creates a new reaper.  But I would not demand loyalty; merely humility.” “…Fine.” Lux spat.  “I had imagined,” “That everything was like you?  I thought you lost such stupidity eons ago Lux.” Lux sighed.  “It was necessary.” “If you say so.  This time, and just this time, I forgive you.  Let it be finished.  And now… Welcome back to my gardens Lux.” Lux nodded, and lost his tension. “A gift, you were muttering about?” Lira asked. “Yes.  Opposites, but also a pair I was thinking.  Something really unique for two really unique daughters.  Ordered chaos might work, but perhaps you can help me find something a little easier to find?” Lira thought for a moment.  “I think I might know something.  They will enjoy them.” “Where?” “In the place where light hides what it shines upon, and where darkness lets one see what it hides.” “…I don’t understand.” “You wouldn’t.  I shall fetch them for you.  In the meantime, do enjoy yourself, but, as before, do not touch nor change anything you find.” Lux nodded, and Lira headed off. “…I really should trust her more.” he muttered.  “Such a kind mare.  Nasty tongue on her though…” “I heard that!” “But so forgiving.” he added fairly quickly.  In the distance was a faint laugh, one that both spoke of amusement, and a faint threat that, perhaps, forgiveness was very, very finite. > Chapter 9: Complexity > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             Blueblood fidgeted in the library, the lights off and nopony around at that hour.  It was silent, slightly dusty, and he had never personally gone to the library, which also gave it a kind of…             Exotic thrill.             But the waiting was the worst.  Being able to see a clock only firmed the sensation of the seconds slowing down more and more as three o clock neared.  He was nervous and eager and excited, and the clock was so slow!             He shook himself, trying to stay calm.  It was so hard though…             Then he heard it.  The gentle, soft sounds of somepony stepping softly.  Normally inaudible, but with Blueblood’s nervousness combined with the library’s absolute silence, they were almost uncomfortably loud.             He turned, and saw her.  Rest, standing tall, stepping with such care and grace, looking for him until she spotted him.             He melted a bit at her faint smile as she went to him.             “Princess.” he murmured, choking a little on his words.  Careful, he reminded himself.  Strong as she was, she was flighty, shy, delicate.  Don’t frighten her with swift romance; allow her to decide how fast or slow this would happen.             “Did anypony see you?” she whispered to him.  He shook his head and she nodded, just a little.  “Good.  I need to know more.”             “Anything…”             “…Try for the most important.  Anything that might concern me, or the princesses.”             Blueblood nodded.             “Out of all I know, all of the nobility wishes to benefit from you, Princess, be that willingly, indirectly, or in a more malicious manner.  As a fourth, unknown, Princess, you represent an unprecedented possibility for change in the system.  I would say that maybe half are wholly passive, only willing to imply or suggest their desires; the rest are more than willing to take active action.”             “And who should I be friends with, and who should I watch out for?” she asked, and Blueblood shivered.             Such perception; like she already knew everything.  Such wisdom, and now, trust:             He could, quite easily, tell her exactly what he wanted her to know, and take advantage of her.  And she would, almost certainly, never find out until it was far, far too late.             But not anymore.  Blueblood didn’t wish for a vapid, shallow relationship anymore.             He had never tried anything like it before, but he had lots of experience the other way around.  Love would never be gained in a relationship with lies, manipulations, or mistruths.  He should know.             Truth, solid truth.  His very best hoof forward.  Taking it her way, letting her lead, always.  Never threatening her power, never forcing her into anything.  And maybe…             Maybe one day he would truly have earned her.  A true love, a love that he had, and still did, considered silly, or even impossible.             But he wanted it.             “As I said, Gold Coin is the worst.” he whispered, smiling broadly, his eyes sparkling.  The interest in her own, the way she leaned a little forward to hear him…             Such thrills.             “I am afraid that he is my rival, and as such, he takes great care to insure I know little.  But I know that he hides much; what it is has so far evaded me, however.”             Rest nodded.             “Fluer De Lis might prove dangerous as well.  She is cunning and heartless at times, and this time might easily be another; she uses Fancy Pants the same as you or I might use a puppet to hide behind.  And in so doing, her own actions go unnoticed underneath his striking figure.”             “…What are they trying to gain?”             He shivered a little at her whisper, imagining her breath in his ear.  “It depends.  In Gold Coin’s case, I can only imagine, but Flue De Lis would use you as a ladder to bring herself and her husband ever higher.  Others practice the same, but she is a true master at the art.”             “Candid and his own group,”             “Group?”             “Not well known, my Princess.” Blueblood said, only to flinch a little.  ‘My Princess’ had slipped out.  But Rest gave no indication of anything wrong, and his heart near exploded from the hope and joy.             Such a simple way of nearly screaming ‘I trust you, at least a little’.  No action used so well to indicate something so very, very precious.             He recovered.  She wanted to know, and he would acquiesce.             “Candid uses scandal and blackmail to control others.  His ‘group’ are those ponies who, for some reason or another, support his endeavors; mostly to avoid being caught by his cameras.”             “…And if there is nothing to see?” Rest asked.             “There is always something.  It does not take much to take a picture that can convince others of a pony’s… irreputable nature.”             “How?”             Blueblood shivered again.  Rest was just so… so wise and powerful, and yet so naive and innocent.  He wanted to protect that.             “…Let us just say that he excels in gathering… sensitive photos.” he whispered.             Rest hesitated, and nodded.  He could tell she didn’t understand, but could also tell that he had dissuaded her from wanting to know more.             He had successfully defended her innocence.  He cheered internally, though he did feel a bit upset, having to manipulate her, even in a protective way.             “You should beware of that, Princess.  Tabloids and others need little more than somepony’s word to publish something untrue.”             “I will.  Is that all?”             “No.  There are many sects within the nobility, but two are very important.”             “You mean the High and Pure castes?” she asked, thoughtful.             “Yes and no.  High and Pure are important, but they are the public persona; the two I refer to are the Luminous and the Heavens.”             Rest blinked, slightly confused, but curious.  Blueblood lowered his voice, and felt another thrill as she leaned closer to hear him.             “The nobility have many ‘secret clubs’, of which, the Luminous and the Heavens are the greatest.”             “…Some kind of nightclubs then?”             “…Of a sort.  Not ones advertised, and well hidden; I doubt even Princess Celestia or Luna know of them.”             “Why not?”             “…Almost all of them practice… certain… degenerative acts.” Blueblood said, and Rest frowned a bit.  “Nothing anypony wishes to be known, but find the means and ways to acquire for themselves.  Privately.”             “…” Rest huffed faintly, obvious mildly distressed.  Blueblood gave a sigh of relief at that; he wouldn’t have to explain fur,             “Like what?” she asked, and he froze.  He gaped, staring at her faint glare, trying to think of something.  He felt suddenly trapped, and pressed against something… ugly.             …             He made a choice.             “I know from rumor alone.” he whispered rather swiftly.  “But they are not good rumors, and I would sooner not sully my lips nor your ears with their retelling.”             “…Can you put a stop to this?” she asked, less a question and more a statement.             Blueblood’s heart almost stopped.  This was bad.  Really bad.             On one hoof; he could, easily, do what she wanted.  It wouldn’t take much at all.             Mostly because he was the founder of the Heavens, and an active member of Luminosity and participated in everything on a fairly regular basis.  Heck, he instituted some of it, he had something named after him (not actually him, but rather, the alternative name everypony used, so as not to reveal who they actually were).  It was his money that funded the ‘Night Cloud’!  He organized events!             He found himself caught between his desires and his new found love.  Long habits, old pleasures, or a new, exciting, wonderful experience that he wasn't really sure would lead to?             …             He made another choice, rationalizing it.  Sort of.             He already hid his participation and knowledge.  Hiding a little more was nothing.  Rest already had no idea what or even where the clubs were, and only knew of their existence.  And what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.             Yes, it was a lie.  But it was a lie that would never come up.  A lie that would never, ever be found out.             Or so he told himself as he nodded and said, “I shall try, Princess.”             Rest nodded, and smiled at him, both giving him joy, and a faint, though sharp, pain.  “Good.  And I should worry about them, because…?”             “Well… to you, they represent alliances of nobility who would work together.  They are powerful forces, and ones that do not work where others can see them.”             “But I promise you, Princess.  I will never allow any such under hooved behavior to come close to you.”             Rest blinked, a touch surprised.  “…You would?”             He swelled up.  That was promise that he could, would, and wanted to, make.             “I swear on my name, my father’s name, and his father’s name: I will defend your honor to my very last breath Princess Rest.  Never will I allow anything to ever sully you, be that in word, deed, or anything else.”             Rest gave him a real smile.  A grateful grin and he soared high.  It was perfect.             One tiny little lie wouldn’t hurt anypony.  And he could give it up.  Eventually.  Maybe.  Give it some time, work out all the benefits… Something to think about later.  Much later.             “Thank you Blueblood.” she whispered to him, her voice heavy with real gratitude.             He grinned, unable to prevent himself, his entire body perking up and his tail flicking form side to side.  “I will always be there should you require me Princess.”             “I’ll be sure to remember that.” she said, standing back up and shaking herself faintly.  She took a glance at the nearest clock and nodded.             “…I’ll retire for the night.” she said, and Blueblood spent a moment in deep conflict before coughing faintly, drawing her attention.             She looked back, and asked, ”Yes?”             “…If I may… your hoof?” he asked, reaching his own out.             Rest smiled a little smile, and reached out.  He reached out as well, focusing extremely hard.             He gripper her hoof, and then darted forward to gently kiss it, releasing it at the same moment, not taking more than a few instants to complete the action.             For a second, he feared as she started slightly, eyes widening and blushing.             But she didn’t run.  Surprised, almost shocked, off-balance and unsure, but not running.  His fear turned on itself and he exalted as she stuttered, “G, go, good ni, night.” and left.             He had taken a little chance, and in so doing, really proven that he really was getting someplace!  His delicate Princess had not recoiled from him!             He nearly skipped back to his own home.  He felt…             He didn’t really know.  But it was good, and wonderful.  If only that pesky little voice would shut up about his little omission.  It would never be important.             Silent.  Dark.  A single rabbit still moving in the late hour, the animals of Canterlot having a slightly skewed normal lifestyle.             Soft.  Alert, but not as much as would its wild brethren be.  Its fears were not a normal rabbit’s fears.  It feared ponies, not for any real reason, save that ponies were the sole thing that it came across fairly often.  Not a fear based in fact, but a fear more born from a kind of knowledge that it was the ponies who were the true power over its life.             Ponies made the gardens where it lived.  Ponies drove away predators and set its food, and water.             And at any time, they could take it all away.             An ear jumped up.  What was that?             A rustle.  Like the wind moving, but…             Huge eyes scanned the area.  A tiny heart beat faster.  There!             Again!  From the other side!             It jumped and stared at the bushes nearby, only to jump again, starting to grow panicked.             Again, it came from behind it.  And again.  And again, until the rabbit felt that no way was safe.  Muscles tensed, a tiny heart thrummed in a tiny chest, fear both trapping it and giving it the ability to dart at the very first indication of danger.             Then a sudden light and sound made it leap, high and fast…             Right into the snapping jaws of Night.             It wasn't able to make a single sound as she bit it, instantly snapping the tiny thing’s spine.  A grimace passed over her and she sucked.             The blood of the creature came, slowly and disgustingly.  Not warm and liquid, but cold and thick.  Like blood left to clot, not quite there.  The difference between fresh and expired milk; one smooth and liquid, and the other disgusting and lumpy.             She tossed her head back and forth, trying to endure it before she finally threw it up, spitting the rabbit and its blood from her mouth and retching.             She, once again, regretted her overeager coming to Canterlot.  A trip of days, from a tiny place where ponies were stupid, to Canterlot, the capital.  So many ponies; too many ponies.  Too many lights, too many ways that everypony always knew what everypony else was doing.             Night knew her limits well.  She had lived long enough to know them very well.             She wasn't doing well.  She hadn’t been able to… ‘eat’ for the three days she had been in Canterlot, and excepting the extra meal she had nabbed before taking her trip, that meant she hadn’t eaten at all for about a week.             Sanguinerians could go for a surprising time without eating, but she was already testing those limits again.  For weak ones, a week was enough to starve.  For her, that was more like a month.  Which included a lot of pain and weakness as she slowly starved.             Given that was the third rabbit she had thrown up, not including the raccoon, animals were just… not viable.  And the stupid binding kept her from harming ponies, not that she even could without having to get a whole bunch at once, which would inevitably expose her…             She was in big, big trouble.  She was already weaker; slower, possibly even unable to take out an experienced guard.  Flying would be dangerous, trying to escape the city would be difficult, arduous, and since Rest had the ability to force her to return without warning, useless.             She hesitated, and felt it.  The binding on her tightened, and without her command, she took to the air.  And as she went, she let the spell drag her onward, and thought.             She had to get blood, and soon.  If she kept starving as she did, she would eventually need somepony to practically feed themselves to her, and that wasn't going to happen.             She had to get Rest to let her have some.  Just a bit, nothing too much.  She had the energy yet to fly off to Ponyville or someplace and drop on some unsuspecting pony and recover.  It would only take one.  They wouldn’t die, she could make sure they didn’t even recall the experience.  Like a big bug bite, nothing worse.             And if Rest said no, surely she could see her way clear to somehow finding a loophole in the ‘not hurting ponies’.  She had strength and cunning yet.  Not like she had to regenerate or anything.             She spotted herself heading toward Luna’s window, and blinked.  Then she panicked, and struggled against the spell.             And in so doing, crashed rather than landed, and was dragged along the floor to Rest’s hooves.  Over broken glass, which was present for some reason.             Rest gasped in shock, and Night lamented everything.  She was already healing, and had suffered worse, but that was yet more vitality used up.             “Are you alright?” Rest asked, having an actual note of worry in her tone as Night stood, and noted that the dreaded Luna was not present as she dusted/pulled glass out of her side.             She pondered that, and pushed back her first response.             “I’ve been better.” she told Rest.  “You called?”             “…Blood.” Rest murmured, staring at her.  Night glanced at her side and shrugged.             “I told you I bleed.”             “On your mouth… what is it?”             A command, not that it mattered.             “Rabbit.” Night said, wiping at her mouth.  “Disgusting too; I couldn’t swallow anything.”             Rest looked off put at that, and more than a little uncaring.  Not a good start.             “…It really is harm,”             “Stop.”             Night felt the spell silence her, and felt a mix of annoyance and mild worry.             Rest huffed, and regathered herself.  “I need you to tell me about any major undead threat I could face.”             “Sanguinerians at large.” Night said, but somehow managed to shift the words into something different than what she would have said.  “Very few if any would be willing to peacefully greet you.  They either want you dead or controlled, and that can happen in at least ten ways or more.  Beyond those are the Decayed,”             “The what?”             “The Decayed.  A group for intelligent, higher undead, such as wrights or ghouls.  They keep their unlife close, and hate the idea of a new reaper.  They want you dead.”             “Ghosts are a mixed bag, but I know a few that could prove difficult for you.  None of them would be active threats though; you would have to find them.  Beyond that, the worst kind of ghost is a banshee.”             “Aren’t wrights ghosts?”             “Not really.  Most would take that as an insult too.  Wrights are more physical and powerful than any ghost, though banshees are a little more… dangerous given circumstance.”             “Banshees can scream, which can and will kill any life that hears it too well.  Lesser effects include blind terror and sometimes unconsciousness.  A banshee can scream about once an hour, but given the potency, they generally don’t need to, and you will not know a banshee from a normal ghost until they scream.  As far as I know, there is no way to resist it or prevent one from screaming.”             Rest hummed and nodded.             “Another variation are possessors and the vital.”             “I know possession.  What’s a vital?”             “A vital is a ghost with a really strong physical presence.  Capable of resisting normal effects that would otherwise work on them, and even capable of harming anything that could try.”             Rest blinked, and seemed to recall something.             “And then some ghosts can whisper.”             Rest shook herself slightly.  “Can’t everypony?”             “Not like they can.  Whisperers are more… psychological attackers, breaking down confidence and willingness to capture them.  They are very good at it, and can easily manipulate things to their ends.”             Rest nodded as Night felt the compulsion leave her once more.  She had noted that she could, given she still obeyed, give her own flair and tilt to the words.  Saving herself and her secrets a few times form Rest’s general question.  She had some control, just not a lot.             She might be able to use that.             Rest fell silent, and Night mustered herself.  She had to get a chance soon.             She shifted, took on a more submissive stance.  Regretful, concerned, but also having a note of request.  ‘Please, I have to but I hate it’, and not ‘I want to never do so again’.  Her eyes enlarged slightly, and she softened her expression.  Slightly lowered, wings spread along her back.             “…Rest?” she whispered, breaking Rest form her thought.  Rest saw her and hesitated.             “Might I ask something?” she asked, the picture of humble and sad.             “…What is it?” Rest asked, and Night kept any indication of her grin form her face.  That was not suspicion.  That was worry.             “…I did try.” she murmured softer, casting her eyes down.  Upset.  Not regretful, upset.             She nearly heard Rest’s hesitation.             “…I didn’t want to be like this.” Night continued, lowering her voice farther.  A note of sadness creeping into her tone.  “I can’t eat normal food anymore.  I… I need to… drink.”             “…And animals won’t…?”             Night shook her head, managing to force out a tear.  She wondered how long it had been since she cried, actually cried, as she kept going.             “I can’t… they taste too… bad.” she said.  “And I really did try…”             She looked up again, and saw Rest unsure.             “…It isn’t worse than a bug bite.  I can be really quiet and quick.  I hate it just as much as you do, really, but… I have to.  It’s part of who I am…”             “…I…”             “I don’t want to die.” she whimpered at the last, crying, looking away.             A long hesitation behind her as she sniffled, staring at the bloody shards of glass on the floor.             “…Maybe I can cure you?”             She shook her head.  “Nopony can.”             “…Maybe it’s just rabbits that taste horrible.”             Ancestors, Rest was stubborn.  Other ponies gave way long before this point.  Night was already straining to keep the act up.             “All animals are the same like that.”             “…I could…flavor the blood?”             Night hesitated at that one, and heard Rest mutter something.  She bit her tongue, to keep silent.  Her patience was almost out.             “…Alright.” Rest said, sounding as if she was doubting herself.             “…Yes?” Night asked, still not looking, hope blossoming.             “I might be able to simply infuse you with something, no blood needed.  Like a healing spell, but more directed.”             Night snapped.             She whirred on Rest without really thinking, and yelled, “Just let me bite somepony already!”             Rest jumped a little, staring, and Night glared before recalling.             “…I mean, that might work.” she said, looking away slightly, aggression gone, replaced by a growing dread as Rest recovered, shifting from shock to anger.             “You…You…”             Night lowered herself slowly as Rest seemed to loom over her, glaring.  She swallowed, gave her hopes to the idea that Rest might not have it in her to kill her, and tensed.             “You horrible pony!” Rest yelled at last, spitting the words like it was some kind of epitaph.             Night, despite her mind saying it was a bad idea, smiled a little and chuckled at the thought of Rest being so… delicate.  Even Celestia had said far worse than that.             Rest yelled in response, stomping, cracking the stone faintly and reminding Night that she was upsetting an already upset alicorn.  She winced, and tried to calm her with, “I’m sorry!”             “No you’re not!”             “Yes I am!  Please don’t kill me!”             “You tried to manipulate me!”             “Because,”             “Rest!  What is…”             Night and Rest looked over, and both hesitated upon seeing a stunned Luna.  The pair were mostly unable to act, and Luna’s eye took in the scene.             Broken window, with bloody shards of glass.  Rest, upset, angry, worn.  Something about manipulation.             And then the bat pony frozen just in front of her.             Night shot from the floor faster than could be seen, and even then, Luna very nearly hit her with the first blast, roaring like some kind of dragon, shaking the whole of the castle and chasing after Night.             Rest blinked, stunned, only to flinch as another roar came, along with what she was fairly sure was Night screaming something.             Celestia simply appeared in the room, eyes wide, and glanced at Rest, saw the room and situation, and simply asked, “Where is my sister?”             Rest only pointed outside, where Luna screamed in frustration and the sound of something being destroyed came from.  Celestia nodded, and flew out, leaving Rest to herself.             “UNHOLY ABOMINATION!  CEASE THESE GAMES AND REVEAL THEYSELF, SO WE MAY END THEE!”             Night stayed silent in the burrow she had stuffed herself into.  Hiding.  Terrified.  That was way, way too close for her, and Luna, despite the centuries having passed, obviously still remembered how to fight.             She stayed perfectly still, even as she heard Luna decimating more garden.  Carving paths, trying to flush Night out of hiding.  Night hoped that she was deep enough to avoid it, and waited.             “Sister!”             Luna growled, not turning as Celestia flapped to her.             “Sister, what happened?”             “TWAS THE,”             Celestia cast, and Luna’s otherwise deafening bellow became far more normal speech.             “abomination!”             “…Which?” Celestia asked unhappy that the question even had to be asked.             “Twas the Night Mother!”             Celestia blinked.  “…But she would never,”             “She was attacking Rest!” Luna screamed, and Celestia hesitated.  Through the spell, Luna’s voice was easier to hear, but even that was somewhat painful.  “Trying to manipulate her!”             “…Luna?”             Luna glanced at Celestia, and slowed at the look on her.             “…First, if it was her, she is already gone.  You would know that.  So please, calm down.”             “…” Luna huffed, and glared down below at the partly destroyed gardens.             “…You were never this mad before.”             “She attacked Rest.” Luna muttered, practically spitting.             Celestia paused, thinking.  She looked back, and noticed the guards heading over and nodded.             “I think we should talk sister.”             Luna glanced at Celestia, with a mix of emotions.  But as Celestia gave her a supportive smile, and gesture for her to follow, she did so.             By the time a few guards came up to Twilight’s broken window, she was still a little speechless.             “Princess?”             “Yes!” she started, surprised.             “We’ll be here during the night, just in case.”             “Yes.  Thank you.”             They nodded, and both took up positions near the window as Twilight tried to calm herself.  It was hard.             Luna had been enraged beyond all possible anger at the sight of Night.  The floor had a hole in it, as did, should one look, the floor below that and the wall below that.  She had shattered what remained of the window and cracked stone with her roar, a sound that Twilight was fairly sure counted as a kind of attack.             And just before that, she had thought Night actually had a heart only for the vampony to reveal it was all an act she had put on!  That on top of the many different things she had to worry about and keep an eye open for was…             Twilight sighed heavily.  It was too late, she had been up too long.  Surely, this would all look better in the daylight.             Caution, Twilight.             She groaned faintly, flopping into the bed.             Take care.  You must be ever more cautious as powers take notice of you.             “Why?” she asked, almost totally lacking the patience or willingness to hear of yet another thing she had to worry about.             Their interaction might spur them to knowledge or insight that you would not wish them to have.  Especially Celestia and Luna.             Twilight nodded, before hesitating and glaring a little.             “Why didn’t you warn me about Night?” she nearly accused.             It was a good lesson.             “What!?”             “Princess!?”             Twilight glanced to the window, where one guard looked rather startled because of her outburst.             “You yelled, is something that matter?”             “No.  It’s fine.” she said, waving him off.  He hesitated before returning to his place outside.  “A good lesson?” she hissed, taking care to stay quiet.             Night is many things, but she cannot hide her true nature well.  Her manipulations are almost harmless, and you will grow used to them through her.  In so doing, other threats will find you difficult to manipulate or lie to.             “…So all dead things lie then?”             …If any of them wish to deny their rest, then yes.  A ghost will eagerly try to use you, and greater undead would see your power their own.  The older the being, the greater their ability to control the lives around them; undead must hide from the living, and yet depend upon them.             And if you wish for a permanent solution to Night…             Twilight perked up.  “A way to cure her?”             In a sense.  Those reliant upon blood are not truly dead; they live in a kind of stasis, where they steal life from others to sustain their own.  As such, Night does truly live, only in a way far removed from most things.  And should she not receive vitality after this event, it is likely that she will starve, as she told you.             I can feel her thread weakening even now.  Luna hurt her badly, and she has little strength to spare.             “…What can I do?”             If she was to take the blood of an immortal, she would be sustained.  Unable to starve, though lacking the power she once had.  It is not a cure; only an end to the hunger.             “The blood of… You mean… If she bites… me?”             She would never hunger again.  There might be other effects as well, the interaction of your blood in her might cause strong changes in her.             But beware Twilight:             Night Light is very old.  She has lived long enough that she has forgotten mortality.  By nature, she must harm, and due to her extended life, might have no empathy or kindness left in her.  Should you grant her this gift, there is no guarantee that she will change, and might become even worse as you remove her one need.             Twilight nodded, thoughtful.             Of course, you could always end her, no matter your choice.             “…What should I do?” she murmured.             ...             The choice is yours alone, Twilight Sparkle.  I suggest speaking with others.             But if you are to spare her, you must do so before her fangs are blunt.             “Blunt?”             As she weakens more and more, eventually she will lose the ability to pierce the skin.  Her fangs will blunt, her body failing her, to die soon after.             “…How long?”             She will die in four days.  Her fangs will blunt before then, but I do not know when.             Twilight sighed.  So much to worry about.  So much to think about.  So many…             She totally forgot to ask Night about Waker.             …             Twilight gave it up.  Later.  Preferably tomorrow.  After she got some actual rest, and some time to sit and think.  When she hadn’t been up for almost two days straight.             Twilight sighed, and at least tried to relax.  She couldn’t, but as she tossed and turned, she heard something.  A gentle sound, an almost inaudible sound.             She idly noted that it seemed to come from Death as it lulled her to sleep.  The tune relaxing, almost perfectly.  Taking her concerns from her and calming her.  Promising that all would be alright, and telling her to sleep; everything would be fine.             As she fell asleep, she was smiling. > Chapter 10: Responsibility > --------------------------------------------------------------------------             Twilight woke early the next morning, feeling renewed.  Her sleep had been dreamless and sound, something she hadn’t been able to find as of yet.  Something she felt she needed, given the varied problems she had faced and continued to face.             She got up, firmly intent on doing something about Night Light.  More than anything else, the sanguinerian was urgent, and she had to come to a decision.  She mustered her thoughts, and focused as she went through her morning stretches.             What little she knew of Night Light was bad.  By all indications, Night no longer cared about others, and could and would easily kill somepony.  She obviously had greater power than was at first apparent, considering she had escaped from an enraged Luna and was still able to manipulate Twilight’s emotions despite the binding.              Could there be something more to her?  Some secret Night was keeping, waiting for the right time?  And if so, what could it be, and how would it affect things?             By what she knew, there was a very strong chance that Night was a danger, to everypony.  Whatever Night was hiding was very possibly something worse than was already known as well.             And yet…             When she first met Night, when she was intent on destroying her, Night had begged for her life.  Something normal presumably, but said in a fairly specific way:             ‘I can’t die now.’             It seemed too specific to be coincidence.  Night had begged for her life, but not in the normal way.  If she was desperate, why not something more like, ‘I don’t want to’ or ‘Please no’ or something?  But no.  ‘I can’t die now’.  Implying she could later on, after something had happened.             Something was strange, and Twilight had a rather pressing need to learn more about Night Light.  But who would…             Luna.  Night had specified that Luna hated her, which seemed obvious now.  Luna would surely know something about her, and Celestia would know something as well, surely.             So, she would go and ask the twin Princess about Night, and make a decision that way.  Either sending her to her rest at last, or allowing her to continue, so long as her past gave some indication of a possibility of redemption.  It would be simple, it would… would…             Twilight hesitated before she opened the door, her hoof a few inches from the knob.             Hadn’t Lux done the same thing to her?  Looking over her life before deciding to help?  Judging her to determine if she lived or died?             Wasn’t she about to do the same thing to Night?  Was that right?  Did it make a difference that Night had killed ponies before?  That she was a sanguinerian?             Did that make her less a pony and more a monster?  Was Twilight even allowed to make that distinction?  Was it right for Twilight to want to know all her secrets before deciding her fate?             Was it even right for Twilight to hold her fate?  If she had just sent Night to her rest at first, she wouldn’t find herself like this, but now she was.             Night was weak.  Dying.  Her one chance was to hurt somepony, and Twilight had bound her not to.  A possible salvation lay in Twilight’s blood, and she was thinking that maybe she shouldn’t until she knew everything about Night.             Night’s life was in her hooves, for better or worse.  She had spared her, and was now responsible.  For better or worse, she had to decide Night’s fate.             She frowned at nothing, finding the weight of that uncomfortable.  A few regrets surfaced, soon dispelled; there was no point wondering what if.  Things were the way they were, and nothing would change that.             She made a choice, and left her room.             It didn’t take long for Twilight to make her way to the gardens.  Avoiding being seen until she was in the deepest part, left alone for the most part.             Then she cast a simple spell to be certain that nopony would stumble nearby or overhear anything, and then gave a moment of thought before focusing on Night.             Allow nopony to see you, and come to me as carefully as you can. She ordered, and then waited.             It was a few minutes before the nearby bushes rustled.  Twilight turned, and saw Night come into view, and winced.             Night’s eyes were shining bright, not even sort of mortal anymore.  Her wings seemed ragged, and her fangs protruded from her mouth.  She was covered in dirt, and seemed a little less pony than pony shaped monster.             “You called?” she muttered, her voice having more than a touch of aggression.             “I wanted to see you again.”             Night glared.  “I’m here.  Go ahead.”             Twilight blinked.  Night seemed upset, actually upset.  She was angry, but there a deeper note of… despair?             Twilight changed what she had intended to ask, “What’s wrong?”             Night blinked, and then glared and bared her teeth.             “You don’t know?” Night near hissed, practically growling.  “Really?”             Twilight only shook her head, staring.  Night seemed monstrous right then.             “Never in all my life… All that I have seen and felt, you are unique!” she yelled.             “I’ve seen the love that makes ponies die for another!  I’ve seen hate to drive the happiest, kindest pony torture another!  I’ve seen love turn to hate, and hate to love, both emotions coming to bloom in a heart, but you, Princess Rest, are new!”             “How?” Twilight asked, a touch intimidated.  Night was upset, and her voice was angry, but it had a far stronger note of something more like…             Betrayal?  Angry despair?             “You don’t care.” Night said.  “Not even a bit.  You don’t hate me.  You don’t love me.  You’re perfectly apathetic in ways that make zombies look emotional.”             Twilight frowned.  “I am not.”             “Yes, you are!” Night yelled, her wings flaring, showing that they truly were ragged; little holes were present.  If she was still able to fly, she would have a very hard time doing so.             “Look at me!  Look at my wings!  You did this to me you realize!”             “I did not,”             “Remember?  When you pulled me through a window!?  If I was weaker, I’d have been dead!  And all you cared about was the stupid rabbit blood!  I’m bleeding and hurt, and you’re thinking I hurt somepony!”             “And the instant you knew I hadn’t it was question time!  Dragging me around is one thing, being able to override my will like I am no more than your toy, fine!  I can live with that!  But you… you…!”             “I’m nothing more than a book for you to read and abuse!” Night screamed, her eyes blazing.  “Something to teach you and then to be thrown away like so.  Much.  Trash!  Like the worst of my kind, just draining me dry to then toss the useless husk aside when you’re done!”             “My suffering and desires and nothing to you!  Of no more importance than the air we breathe!  My life is nothing in your eyes!  Worth less than nothing!”             Night breathed, and calmed.  She took a few deep breaths, panting faintly, glaring as Twilight stared in shock.             “End it.”             “What?” Twilight said weakly, not truly listening.             “Kill me.  Better than this torment.  Kill me, right now.”             Twilight stared, and saw Night’s determination.  The despair that drove her to the certainty that passing on was preferable than life.             “Do it.  Just tell me to die.  That would be enough.  Do it, or I swear, I’ll throw myself in front of Luna, and have her obliterate me!”             “Not that you would care.” Night spat, looking away.  “I’d be so much dust on the wind, and you wouldn’t spend a single thought for me.”             “Now, I know it might be tough to muster enough care to actually order me to…”             Night hesitated.             Twilight was crying.             Night was right.  Twilight hadn’t cared.  All she had seen was the monster, and not the pony.  The danger, and not the life, such that it was life.             Night wasn't some unfeeling undead monster.  She bled.  She felt pain, and fear.  Other than one problem, which wasn't even her choice, she was very much a pony.             And Twilight had treated her like an inanimate object.  Or even worse.  Totally uncaring of her wants, and considered her nothing more than something to bind.  Something to trap, and benefit from.             Celestia, she had treated Blueblood better.  Night had every right to be upset, and the despair was obvious:             She was bound to Twilight, who cared nothing for her.  Totally subservient to a power that had no intention of sparing a single moment for her.  Trying to find a way to exist, and she hadn’t been able to.  Mostly because of Twilight, convincing Night that she had no hope of anything.             “I’m sorry.” Twilight said, looking at Night through her tears.             “…What?”             “I’m sorry.  You’re right.  I did treat you horribly.  I didn’t care.”             Night blinked, confused and off balance as Twilight shook her head.             “…But I can make it better.” Twilight said, raising her head again.             Night frowned faintly.  “…Really?  How?”             “I’m going to help you.” Twilight said, lowering herself to lie on the ground.             Night watched, uncertain and uncomfortable.  “And how are you going to help?” she asked.             “The blood of an immortal will make your hunger stop.  You won’t starve, ever again.”             Night blinked, and then grew thoughtful.             “In theory… their blood would last forever, and sustain me for, presumably, forever.  But no immortal is about to let me…”             Night blinked, and glanced at Rest, noting her mild apprehension and determination.  Particularly the way she had shifted her mane away from her neck.             “You… you can’t mean,”             “You said you can make it painless.” Twilight said, keeping calm.             “You’re telling me to…”             Twilight nodded, and Night blinked, unbelieving.             “…This has to be a dream.  I’m dreaming.  You can’t possibly be doing this.”             “Night…”             “You’re immortal!  My biting you would have so many complications I don’t know them all!”             “Night, get over here before I can’t do it anymore.”             “I could seriously hurt,”             “Night, shut up and come here!”             Night did so, ordered.  By the time she reached Twilight’s side, Twilight was tense.             Remaining still and calm at the idea of what was to come was more than a little difficult.  And with Night going on about it only made it worse.             Night didn’t bite immediately.  “…You’re sure?  Really, really sure?  We could find something else you know…”             “I’m sure.  This solves your hunger permanently.”             “…You trust me this far…”             Twilight flinched, feeling something sharp gently touch her skin and a strong feeling that she should get rid of it right then.  She repressed her feeling, and decided that she would follow trust Night Light, worries or not. She felt like she owed her at least that.             “I do.” she said, not making any move to remove the sharp thing on her.             It went away for a moment, and she heard Night take a deep breath.             “…I wouldn’t.”             Night bit.  One fang shattered on the skin, but the other pierced.             Twilight gasped and only because it was too much to scream.  It was a horrible piercing pain in her, one that seemed to grow with each instant.  One soon joined by a hideous chill, both pains mixing together and worsening.             She heard Night make some sound, but was unable to really understand what it was.  She had one last coherent thought before the darkness fell:             I made the wrong choice. > Chapter 11: Fever Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A hunger like no other. It demanded satisfaction, ravaging body and mind, will broken down until it was soothed by the warmth. An addiction. An addiction to the warmth, wearing away inhibitions. More makes it better. Power that came with it, stolen strength and life. Live forever from other’s life. A curse, a pain in the blood. Urges uncontrollable, desires not your own. A mind that overpowers your own, urges that come with the hunger, and take control. You are the puppet, and waking in the act, the addiction keeps you there. And the children. So many children. So precious. So beautiful. They are everything. Their smiles and laughs, they are the light. The light in the darkness, the purity in the blood. Twilight saw it as if in a fever. So many children, every one dependent. Always hungry, so many mouths to feed, but it was done. They grew safe and strong, and they were taught. Images, glittering eyes in the dark. Fangs snapping, the hiss of hunger. Dark places, large caves. Safe places. Children growing up, and leaving. So sad, but impossible to prevent. Such is life. Seen off with as much could be spared. Most images were foggy, but some were vivid. Some came with emotions. Blood, blood everywhere, staining stone. Dead griffons. A frightened colt, two frightened colts. Normal. Then happy, black, fanged, their eyes red, tiny wings on them. They are important. More children, each image flashing past. Princess Luna, roaring in armor, the children hanging off her, fangs snapping on her fur. Horror, fear of the alicorn, anger; she dared to harm them! A bloated diamond dog, eyes dull and unfeeling. Caves everywhere, dug by large hands. Home, one of many. The hate burning in red eyes. A pony with a beard, and a starred hat. He watched her. Blood, but he didn’t care. He smiled at her. Then he was laughing. A series of images of the bearded pony, so perfect. Many of them, time passing by. Such affection, each image of him perfectly preserved. Not one detail forgotten… He was helping. He didn’t care what she was. He put forth his all to protect and aid, and for nothing… She loved him. The bearded pony crying, the image bled of colors. Betrayal, but not. It was so bad, but born of kindness… Why did it have to be this way? Darkness. A cave, and confusion. The children, all sleeping, glimmering and peaceful. They were safe. Bright tents in a wood. A smiling pony, cocking her head. A sudden shock of time. A horror; nothing was the same. Adrift in a time not her own. Nopony remembered him. Nopony save her. Her heat bled, and not one could or would understand. He was gone, and her heart was taken. She was in a time not hers. With nopony that knew her, not even a little. She was alone. A vampony, shocked. Others, shocked, and then bowing. Adoration and worship. A statue of her, in a secret place. A vampony, shining with light. One of the colts from the first image. She thought him dead, and he was alive. A surge of happiness came; she wasn't alone anymore. But it was not good yet. The children slept still. Nopony knew him, and nopony could help like he had. Not one. Were the children to sleep forever? Was she doomed to an eternity of nothing, forever watching the children sleep, forever hungering? She would see them freed. See them pure again. No matter how many ponies she had to hurt. Twilight groaned, the fugue finally leaving her. So much, pressed together. Leaving her mind a muddled mess of emotion and images. For a few moments, she was confused as to who she even was before she righted herself. She opened her eyes, and found her vision near worthless. A blurred mess of green and a faint touch of something else. She closed them, and shook her head. She hurt, but it wasn't so bad. The images had held worse pain. She blinked, images coming into focus. The gardens. She was in the castle gardens. She turned, and spotted Night, nearby, and realized that she was hearing Night groan. A single purple eye opened, and blinked at her. “Night?” Twilight asked, her voice rasping and harsh. Like she had been crying, or even sobbing. Maybe she had been. Night closed her eye, and held her head, grimacing. “...That… Hurt.” Twilight forced herself up, at least somewhat. Her head swam, and she felt off balance despite not standing up. She stayed that way, and saw Night stand, her legs wobbling. “…What happened?” Twilight asked. “I bit you… and… and it was perfect and normal…” “It hurt, really bad.” Twilight said, recalling. The aches in her seemed to be fading to numbness. She was happy to stay still for the time being, her mind working ahead. “And your blood kicked me or something.” “What?” “It threw me. And it… I don’t know. You?” “…I saw things I didn’t know, and felt feelings not mine.” Twilight said, and saw Night nod slowly. “…Yeah… you too?” “…What did you see?” “I saw… ponies. Like flickering images of moments. A white unicorn, a purple unicorn, others. Celestia showed up often. So did books. So many books. And a little scaled thing on two legs. He was purple, and… important somehow?” Twilight stared, suspecting something. But maybe it was just coincidence? “Anything else? Tell me all of it.” “It was weird… like… like I cared about things I never cared about, but I did care about them… And then five other ponies kept showing up. Others did too, but those five were… important. Precious. A library in a tree... I… liked it for some reason.” “I… I saw the Everfree, and a dark pony in armor. I feared her, but I didn’t… I saw shining gems, each one a different color, and I saw Princess Luna in a ruined palace. I think I saw changelings, but those images were rushed, and… and bad. Really, really bad.” “I saw… darkness too. Felt an agony of the heart. I saw… a burning crater. A shining pony like a male Celestia. I saw Celestia and Luna staring at me…” Night trailed off as Twilight understood, and feared. “…Did you see something?” Night asked. “…I felt more than I saw.” “Like what?” “Hunger. Urges. Helplessness to those urges and hunger. Addiction to what the hunger brought.” “…Really?” “I saw children.” Night froze, eyes huge. “Colts… a red earth pony, and a brown earth pony, normal, and then vamponies. There were others too.” “I felt loss and pain… I saw Luna, fighting children. I saw diamond dogs, their eyes dull and staring.” “…It can’t be…” Night breathed. “I saw a pony I knew as well.” Night hesitated. “…You knew somepony?” “I saw Starswirl.” Night gaped. “I kept seeing Starswirl. He… was smiling, and happy. Laughing. He was important…” “No… it can’t… you can’t…” “There were lots of images of him.” “Stop.” Night said, hanging her head. “I… I don’t want to hear that…” “With his stared hat and cloak… he seemed… majestic somehow.” “Stop it!” Night snapped, glaring. Her eyes seemed emotional, though Night did her best to contain them. “And I… I lo,” “STOP!” Night screamed, and Twilight did so, seeing her desperation. Her eyes were wet. “Stop it! Stop!” “…I think I know what we saw.” Twilight said softly as Night sat down, breathing hard. “…Yeah.” Night said after a moment, rubbing at her eyes. “Memories.” “Images of the past.” Night said. “And a few feelings.” “…How much..?” “…If you fear that, I only know you are bound from speaking your real name.” Night said. “Do you know mine?” “…No.” Night sighed. “…I’d… appreciate it if you never brought… Anything up again.” “…I think we should talk more later.” “…I already know you won’t stop trying.” Night sighed. “So… fine. If you have to.” Twilight nodded, and looked Night over. She seemed recovered; healthier. “How are you feeling?” she asked, checking if her legs wanted to work yet. They weren’t, still numb. Getting better, but her balance was in jeopardy yet. “Better. Your blood was really, really wonderful by the way.” Twilight shuddered, only for Night to frown abruptly, and shake her head. “…What?” “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, staring. Night looked sick suddenly. “It… it’s moving… and… hot… I…” Night shook her head again, and then abruptly threw up a massive amount of blood. Twilight stared, turning green as Night panted, her eyes nearly panicked. “It’s hot… too hot, it,” She threw up again, and Twilight turned away, unable to stand looking anymore, and fearing for Night. What was happening?! “It burns!” Night screamed. “It hurts! Burning ho.. ho…” Twilight suddenly felt something warm and wet touch her. She did her very best to pretend it wasn't what she knew it was, and struggled to stand. No longer caring about her sense of balance. “Help me! Make it stop!” Night was sick again, and Twilight felt very warm and wet all over her back. Dripping off her wings. She closed her eyes, and shoved up, using her magic to help her stand. She wobbled as she did so, and kept her eyes shut, unable to even imagine the mess that was there without being ill. Another splash made her flinch, and swallow heavily. “Night?” “…It… it’s gone now…” Night panted. “Oh… ancestors, look at this…I should be dry as sand…” “Princess Rest!?” came a distant call, and Twilight winced. “Night, go hide.” “…What about the,” “Go.” “You’re not fit to,” “Hide.” Twilight ordered, and opened her eyes to spot Night retreat into the bushes. She had a bit of red on her, but thankfully, the real mess was behind and under Twilight. And on her. She cursed the fact that she didn’t dare attempt to use magic to clean it off. She would only hurt herself. Could things get much worse? “Prince… Celestia’s glided hooves!” The sound of somepony being sick only made Twilight wince. “Get it together Private! Hang on Princess!” “I’m alright.” She said, a guard moving into her line of sight, trying to see her face, and his gaze constantly drawn to something under her. “…What happened Princess?” he asked relived at finding her unhurt. “Just an accident.” “…I’ve never seen this much blood, ever. Even counting all the individual times together, and I spent time in Balitmare, working on the homicide division.” “Just… help me out of here. I feel a bit weak. And ill.” “Understood Princess.” “Sarge! We’re… Celestia’s spit!” “No cursing Private!” the guard in front her snapped as he flew up. “And no being sick either Flurry! The Princess needs moving, and she can’t do it herself!” It didn’t take long for a team of four to carefully pick her up and fly her as if she was the most delicate thing in the world. Considering Twilight accidently spotted the massive mess as she went up, she felt more than a little delicate. And worn. Tired. Spent. The memories of Night seemed to have drained her. I was almost unreal… but the growing cold on her back, combined with the horrible way it turned sticky and slowly hardened, said that it was all too real. She was brought to the infirmary, just in case, and cleaned off, which relieved her greatly. She didn’t feel tired, but she felt… a touch uncaring. Her emotions were mostly spent, feeling another’s feelings. Celestia came soon after, and Twilight had the treat of seeing her mentor fearful and more than a little upset. Not helpful in her current state. Celestia stopped to speak with the doctor before heading over. “I’m glad to see you are alright.” Celestia said. “Thank you Princess.” “You said it was an accident. What happened?” Twilight hesitated. Telling her about Night Light seemed bad. Something she shouldn’t do, given that Night Light was weakened from her… episode. And even then, how was she supposed to explain that somepony had thrown up all that? You could tell Celestia that you accidently crushed a rabbit of some kind. “Not helpful!” she snapped without really thinking, and blinked at Celestia’s stare. “…It… just sort of… happened.” Twilight said weakly. “Normal and then… it was everywhere, all at once.” Celestia didn’t say anything, and Twilight didn’t know the look in her mentor’s eyes. Then she nodded. “…Rest until you are recovered Rest. I might want to speak with you later on, after you have a chance to calm down.” Then she left, and Twilight huffed. “Where were you earlier?” she muttered. She felt… upset. She had recently been through a surprisingly exhausting experience, and then she had been thrown up upon. With blood. She had no patience left, and was looking for something to blame. Your mind was befuddled. Your memories and Night’s own mixed as one, and you could not hear me through the dream state. “You could have done something at least. Told me it was going to be alright or something.” I did not know if it was going to be alright. “What?” Twilight said, not really hearing Death’s whisper. … Take care Twilight. Celestia is wondering. “Of course she is.” Twilight muttered, glaring at nothing. “How could she not be? Me, suddenly covered in blood, standing in a massive puddle of it, and no explanation.” My suggestion would have been, “Horrible!” Twilight yelled, “I blew up a rabbit!? She would think that I’d gone…” Twilight only then noted that about four ponies were staring at her. “…insane...” “…Princess?” the doctor said carefully, watching her. “I’m not insane!” “I didn’t say you were Princess. Please do get some rest.” Twilight glared and flopped onto the bed. “See what you did?” she hissed. She heard Death sigh. …Recover. I will watch for any effect, and tell you of anything you should know of. I will require your services soon as well. Twilight huffed. “Fine. You could say sorry you know.” “Sorry Princess.” “Not you!” she yelled at the nearby nurse, who nearly leapt into the air. “Sorry!” “And stop listening to me! All of you!” she added, sitting up to indicate the others in the room. The other patients were suddenly very interested in the nearby walls, and the other nurse zipped out of the room. Perhaps you should rest Twilight. Twilight flopped back down and huffed. She felt Death’s magic shift, and cool her anger and annoyance, and she hesitated. A sudden clarity came to her mind thought the faint cold of Death. Then she rolled over, put the pillow on her head, and wished that she could just fall in a hole and never be found again. > Chapter 12: A New Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Rest…” the whisper came. “Rest..!” Something shifted her, and Twilight stirred. “Rest!” She opened her eyes, and saw the infirmary in mild confusion, only amplified upon seeing Luna’s concerned face. “Princess?” she weakly asked, only for Luna to shush her, and look around, as if worried somepony might overhear. “I came to tell you a few things.” Luna whispered, her voice surprisingly quiet. “Our sister thinks that you art not doing so well in the castle. I wish to know; art thou having trouble, or tension?” Twilight stared at her for a moment before sighing. “Yes. But why are you here Princess?” “Just Luna to you, Rest. Sister thinks you should… leave.” Twilight only blinked, but Luna understood the general message. “Tis because she feels you grow tense and unhappy here. She wishes you to have a peaceful, happier life, and she feels you could find it in simpler places, with fewer ponies and rules.” Luna sighed, unhappy as Twilight nodded in a kind of understanding. It was… actually somewhat familiar. Celestia had said much the same way back when she was a unicorn, before she went to… “…Where am I going?” she asked, nervous abruptly. “It is not far.” Luna said, in a soothing manner. “Ponyville.” Twilight didn’t respond at first, tensing faintly. Ponyville. Little, peaceful Ponyville. The place where all of her best memories were kept. Where her friends lived, where her life had once been. All of it would be familiar to her. I shall be watching always Twilight. That calmed her, but only a bit. Would she actually be able to not blurt out something stupid in a place she knew so well? Perhaps it might not be as hard as you might first imagine. Twilight sighed faintly, and asked, “Is there some way I can convince Princess Celestia otherwise?” Luna’s eyes seemed sadder, though Twilight was too busy worried to truly notice. “…I am afraid not. We did our best, but sister is set.” Twilight nodded. “It… it is for the best.” Luna added, her tone suggesting she doubted herself. “You will be… calmer over there. It is a good place. We could exchange letters, if you wish to.” Sending letters. Spike. Twilight drooped, finally recalling him. One of the unknown pieces of her leaving, one yet to be discovered… What would he be like? How much had he grown? Was he alright, happy? Well… she had a chance to see him again. She could heal anything still lingering, eventually. Somehow. She smiled weakly at Luna. “I’d like that.” Luna hesitated. “…Fear not Rest. We… we shall always be there, we promise. Even so far apart… Our bond will hold strong.” Twilight teared up a little. Luna was being so… kind, and helpful. She had once known the alicorn as awkward with others, perhaps even cold, but through the entire time she had been at the palace, Luna had been nothing but open. She hadn’t cared one bit about Twilight’s past. Gone out of her way to try and help her with her powers. Been something to lean upon without asking questions. Supporting her through every trial, despite not knowing how they were trails. It was truly heart-touching. Both for her, and she suspected, Luna. Luna always had trouble with friends. But, perhaps Twilight’s arrival had allowed her to try. Finding somepony that matched her stature, allowed her to be more open, more casual. They had helped one another. “Thank you… Luna.” Twilight said, leaving the title behind. She saw the smile Luna gave her, though it was slightly dampened by emotion. “That… means a lot.” “Tis nothing. Please, go back to sleep. And should thee dream, I shalt lead you from fears and guide you to peace.” Twilight nodded, smiling again as she settled back down. She saw Luna linger for a moment, as if undecided on something. The inner struggle was obvious. “…Sleep well Rest.” Luna whispered at last, and left. Twilight woke a little later than normal the next morning. She found breakfast already waiting for her, and calmed. Celestia would be busy with day court for a time. It should be about lunch that she found time to meet with her, and Twilight could expect either a letter, of a guard, to come by and tell her. Until then… She checked that the infirmary was empty, and then nodded. “Death?” she whispered, having learned her lesson about being loud and not paying attention to her surroundings. I listen. “How is Night doing?” She is manic. Your blood sustains her, but in a weak, strange manner. “What do you mean?” Your immortality includes your blood. As she attempts to absorb it, it continually regenerates, forever feeding her, but… It appears that the immortal blood is too strong for her to handle so simply. Your blood rejects her, and it is a struggle to hold it within her. “So, that’s why she… was sick?” No. Recall: Lux made your new form. His power is many things, and you are alive, but you are imbued with his power, in every part of yourself. The curse burns in sunlight, and in any magic that generates light. It is not enough to slay without great amounts, but she will burn. And your blood holds the elemental light within it. As it traveled through her, it burned her from within. In self-defense, her form evacuated almost all of it, trying to drown the burn in the blood she had. Right now, she is dry. A tiny bit of your blood keeps her alive and healthy, but she wavers on the edge of her true end. If she does not eventually remove what lingers, it will eventually kill her. Burning through her from within by inches, until Night is unable to maintain her vitality from it alone. “…You said it would help her.” Twilight sighed, understanding, at least in part. And should you not have been raised by Lux, it would have. She is strong enough to retain immortal blood within her. “…What can I do now?” …You may send her to rest now. You may wait until she passes from your blood. Or you may allow her to sustain herself in her normal manner. There is no other action you may take. Twilight frowned, unhappy with any of those choices. She had learned a little about Night, and now, more than even, she didn’t want to see her die. She might be a monster, but she didn’t make the choice to be. She only made the choice to keep living. The curse with made her kill, wore away at her mind and will to resist. The only reason she still had a mind was because of the children. Her light in the darkness, the anchor to keep herself from giving in. An eternal family, sustained by blood. Twilight thought. Weighed the choices, and made a decision. It wasn't good, but none of them were. She got up, and went to enact her idea. Twilight, prepared, took a deep breath. This was important, she told herself. It was just this one time, just the one. She checked. One sleeping maid. Private location outside, in the shadow of the castle. Spell to keep ponies away. Bag of prepared materials and a small first aid kit. It was all there. Then she nodded, and called. Come to me, as carefully as you can. Allow nopony to see you. Night came soon enough, jittery. She twitched every now and then, pausing occasionally to shake violently. “You… you called?” she asked, and then noticed the sleeping mare. She looked back at Twilight, shocked, already suspecting she knew what Twilight meant. “I did. You said you can control yourself.” “…Who are you,” Night said, shuddering, “And what did you do to Rest?” Twilight frowned. “You need to get that out of you, and this is the only way. One time, just one time, I’m going to let you do this.” “Drink, get rid of my blood, and get enough to survive a trip of a few hours. Do not kill, wake, hurt, or scar the pony I have here.” Night stared at her. “…Something’s really wrong, isn’t it? This isn’t just… some kind of stupid immortal reaction, is it?” “My blood is burning you alive.” Twilight said bluntly. “And we are going to fix this whole… mess.” “Do as I said.” Night nodded, and went to the sleeping mare. Twilight watched carefully, just to be certain as Night gently bit. Then she sat up, grimaced, and spat a small bit of blood before a ravenous hunger seemed to overcome her. And still, despite the hunger, she bit the same spot, and drank slowly. Twilight watched, keeping track, and before she reached her limit, Night pulled back, pausing to lick the tiny punctures clean of blood. It made the wounds near invisible. Then she sighed, shaky, but less so than before. “Not even a trace.” she whispered, her voice shaky. “And no different than uncommon weakness. Is that alright?” “Good enough. And you?” “I can… go for maybe a day. Less really, but you only said a few hours. I can handle it. What are you planning?” Twilight only cast, and Night blinked as the illusion settled on her. She checked, and worked out that she was a blue earth pony. She looked up at Twilight who, noticing that her eyes were a bit more noticeable than she had first thought, augmented it around her eyes. Then Twilight checked her work, and nodded. Too much power didn’t even matter for illusions. It only meant she could make bigger, more intricate ones, and didn’t need any skill or finesse to cast. And there was no way she could hurt something either. It wasn't real after all. “You are taking the train to Ponyville.” Twilight told Night, handing her the small bag. “Once there, you will wait for me. I will arrive, handle my things, and then and only then will you approach me.” “…What are you doing?” “No time. The warning spell’s gone off, and I have to meet Princess Celestia. And find that guard before he gets upset. Get to the train; next one leaves in ten minutes.” Night nodded and Twilight teleported, finding her warning spell operating as intended. What had once been theory and an otherwise complex and useless spell was working just fine. Warning spells were simple. But she had to not allow anypony to find out she was gone, so she had used something extra. Confusion caused the pony who tripped it to temporarily forget what they were doing. They would linger nearby, trying to recall until the spell either wore of in a few minutes, or they were reminded. Normally, the spell was far, far too magic dependent to cast without serious expenditure. And there was normally no reason to even bother. Twilight found the spell perfect for her uses, and her power more than enough to cast it. She spotted the confused guard, and simply coughed faintly, making him notice her, and remember, no ill effects at all. Perfect. “Princess Rest!” He said, saluting. “Princess Celestia wishes to meet with you.” “Lead the way.” As Twilight followed the guard, she smiled. This was being surprisingly easy. A few ideas, spells that weren’t effected by overpowering them, and everything seemed able to be handled. And if anything really went bad, time stop would allow her to regain her footing before anything truly went bad. She felt powerful and ready. Even the daunting prospect of Ponyville, and the need to keep her old life secret didn’t bother her as much. She could do it. Death by her side, some meditations on the idea, knowing that she hadn’t seen the place in some time, and therefore would have changed, at least a little, made her feel ready for anything. Or at least she felt that way before they found Celestia. And once again, Twilight couldn’t read her teacher’s eyes. She had only seen Celestia’s ‘mask’ as she called it when she was younger when the elder alicorn was dealing with infuriating nobles. It was more than a little distressing seeing that same mask looking at her. “Rest.” Celestia said, “I hope you have recovered well.” “…I did.” Twilight said, feeling a touch uncomfortable. It was almost painful, seeing Celestia so guarded toward her. And why now, all of a sudden? She had seemed fine, right up to the blood incident. And even then, she seemed to have worsened… Twilight had a faint suspicion that Celestia didn’t trust her anymore. And that hurt. A lot. “I have been reviewing your time here, in Canterlot castle.” Celestia continued, and Twilight tensed more. She was being judged. Celestia was marking her past work, in this case, her past actions. Not good for her peace of mind in any circumstance. It was much worse then. “And I feel that, for several reasons, you should go and try to find balance in a simpler, smaller location.” Twilight sighed in a touch of relief. Calm down, she told herself. Luna warned you. Celestia wants to send you to Ponyville, it’s nothing horrible, or bad. You didn’t fail anything. Calm down. “When am leaving to Ponyville?” she asked, feeling a little more comfortable. At Celestia’s perfectly unreadable stare and the way she held perfectly still, that comfort was gone. Right out the window, on fire, heading toward some very sharp rocks. It was silent for far, far too long in any circumstance as Twilight became more and more worried. Celestia only stared in perfect dignity, while Twilight struggled not to scream at the pressure. “…As soon as possible.” Celestia said at last. “And how do you know where I was thinking of?” A pointed question. Almost an accusation in fact. Calm. Twilight felt Death’s cold slow her panicked heart and chill her overrunning emotions, but even then, she was nervous and concerned and upset. Truth, she told herself. Always tell the truth, she’ll find out anyway. Better to just tell her. She took a deep breath, to remove the jitter from her voice, and said, “Luna told me.” “I see…” Celestia said, perfectly neutral. That could have meant anything. A moment passed before Celestia resumed. “I feel that Ponyville is the best place. The nearest location to Canterlot itself, and home to a very few. It will free you of the nobility, and allow you a life not so… enclosed.” “That way you won’t have to suddenly vanish without explanation, returning in strange and upsetting circumstance.” Twilight flinched at that, and slowly shrunk down as Celestia stared. “As for the details…” “Trixie Lunamoon will meet you there, and guide you to a suitable home. She will be expecting you. I trust that you will find peace there; Ponyville is known for making residents feel at ease with their lives.” “You will be given a stipend, to use as you see fit. If, at any time you feel it necessary, you may request and be granted an assistant of any kind from Canterlot. I will communicate with you by letter once per week, detailing official circumstance, and lessons on nobility, politics, diplomacy, or other subjects as and if they become important.” “You, in turn, will send me a letter at least once a week, detailing your own experiences and possibly what you might have learned, either form Ponyville, or my letters. There is no specific subject you must write upon, but I do hope you will learn the correct manner in which to write and seal a royal letter through example.” “Otherwise, Ponyville is home to the bearers of harmony, and it is fairly often that they have to handle some difficulty. Since you are closest alicorn to them now, they will be reporting directly to you.” Twilight froze. “They are autonomous, but they will find some comfort in having an alicorn nearby. This does not obligate you to work with them nor improve, protect, or keep the town. That is up to your judgement, though I will suggest leaving things alone save extreme circumstance.” “Otherwise, I expect you to maintain proper decorum and grow and maintain a friendly relationship with the town.” “Did you understand all of what I have said?” “Yes Princess.” Twilight said, keeping her face as neutral as possible. It was hard. “You will find transport in front of the gates. If you become lost, ask a guard or any nearby pony.” Twilight nodded, and turned to leave. “One last thing.” Twilight stopped, grimacing, since Celestia couldn’t see her face. “This is not forbiddance, but try not to take sudden trips. If you ever feel the need to, please do leave some indication of where you are, and how to contact you. If you cannot, leave something to relate how long you expect to be gone.” “It will prevent undue distress in nearby ponies if you would. Of course, I cannot bind you from deciding what action to take, nor how you take them; I may only give you advice.” “But you will find life far simpler and happier should you follow said advice. Am I understood?” “Yes Princess.” Twilight said, not turning to look behind her. “May I go?” “You may.” Twilight left the room. And then numbly continued to her destination. If there was something unsaid, Twilight didn’t see it. Celestia had settled and said virtually everything that she might need, do, or say. Even the letters, once a happy thing, now worse. They weren’t optional. They were Celestia’s way of ensuring Twilight recalled that she was there. If she forgot, Celestia would no doubt remind her. Because Celestia trusted Twilight as much as she did, say... Discord. The entire conversation had been as cold as diplomatically correct. Celestia would speak the same with any foreign dignitary. But she had said it to her. Treated her like a foreign entity. Knew about her ‘disappearances’ and only thinly veiled that she was very upset by them. Twilight had lost her trust, totally. She could easily see her way clear to Celestia suspecting her, not believing her first words unless somepony else verified them. She made it to her transport, the normal golden carriage without realizing it, feeling numb and sad. She barely nodded at the guards she entered, and didn’t pay much attention to anything as they took flight. Twilight… Twilight sighed, listening, but not speaking. She didn’t have the will to. …You must stand strong. All is not lost. Your secrets are secure, and though that came at a price, Celestia does not truly know you. Why is she to hold you close, when she thinks you another being? Twilight perked up a little at that. That was true. Lux should be retuning soon enough, and he shall be able to smooth any lingering problem. And even before then, you may prove yourself to Celestia once more. Fulfill her advice. Work hard, and show her that you are to be trusted. Every time you succeed, she should calm again, until the day she trusts you once more. That was all true. Optimistic even; she had done it before, she could do it again. Twilight brightened. I am by your side, and I shall aid you as best I am able. You are more than capable of this, Twilight Sparkle. Show Celestia that you are to be trusted. Rely upon Luna to help you gain a hoofhold, and after a time, I have no doubt your friends will be friends once more. You are not alone. Twilight nodded, her earlier horrible feeling gone. She swelled with optimism once more, and determination. Was it odd that Death of all things was capable of putting things in perspective and raising her spirit? Something like him, able to make her feel better, and not just by his cold, but by his words? It didn’t matter. As she spotted Ponyville in the distance, she felt, if not happy, then ready. A whole new life had proven difficult. All kinds of starting trouble, like a foal taking its first steps. Mistake after mistake after mistake, amplified by the circumstance around her. But she had gotten Night under control. She still had Blueblood, working for her in the nobility. Luna trusted her, and was a real friend. She had made her friends from nothing before. She could do so again. She could help them, heal any lingering wound from her second death. She could find Spike again, see everything again, no longer a danger to it. And she wasn't such a massive mess up with her magic. Much to learn, but she was walking. No longer smashing things and creating disaster. Every moment, she got better, every experience a new lesson. Ponyville would be a new beginning, she decided. A new start, one not so difficult nor so demanding. She would fill her new life with the elements form her old one. Find the happiness from before, in a slightly different way. For the first time, she felt ready to take that first step. A whole new chapter to her new life. Before had just been a prologue; now, now was when she got it right. Now was when it all really started. No more mistakes. No more problems. No more fears, or dangers, or upsetting ponies. It was going to be normal and good. She knew it. She was very wrong. > Chapter 13: Lingering Effects > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Night Cloud Social Club The Night Cloud Social Club was, too all observes, nothing too special. It went out of its way to seem unobtrusive, no advertisements, and only small, tasteful notifications left nearby. Even knowing its name was a bit of a challenge, and the club had no way to tell that it was even there. To enter, one had to go to the door, and have an invitation before being allowed within the tantalizing view beyond the door. Within, it was the epitome of dark wealth. With fine wines, and soft music played by often famous musicians. A dark carpet, and velvet curtains and plush seats to lie upon. Just a touch of gold to make the entire thing regal, and a simple spell to make the night sky a permanent fixture. To some, it was considered the single best quiet getaway, to simply relax and drink and find out who else knew of the club. One could even play games of intrigue, since each ‘member’ was gifted a beautifully crafted mask. And though membership was often expensive, many, but not too many, willingly paid for the right to be within the building. They knew nothing. If the right words were spoken to a particular pony that could always be found there, he would nod, and allow you passage through the curtains near him. He also knew nothing. Through that dark passage you would find a door. Knock correctly, or find it never open. Once open, step within a small room, where a voice would ask ‘who are you?’ Tell him who you are. And, if you knew the words, and the knock, you knew to include things like sex, species, age, color, and cutie mark. Maybe even voice, or particular features and even habits if you were so inclined. And he would make you ‘who you are’. An illusion so perfectly woven that nothing and nopony could ever tell the difference. Some would swear that fake wings had the sense of touch, and traits of another species were carried over. Fake wings could fly, fake horns could cast, and strength and endurance could easily be included. And you would never realize that you had been spelled to never speak of what you saw, heard, or did within. Then the far door would open, and you would enter the actual Night Cloud. It was dark, and kept dark. Only one band ever played, forever unhearing and unseeing of the audience. The light was always low, and only some spot, public spots, were bright. In the main room, it was frowned upon to… ‘Preform’, where others might be eating. Eating the singular best foods Equestria had to offer, as well as exotic things from far lands. There was nothing barred, and the bar had some of the most dangerous liquors in all the land. Other rooms were beyond, not one described, and each one, in fact, most of the club, spelled against sounds. Stomp; it wouldn’t make a whisper. Scream, and your voice only carried maybe a few feet before being strangled by enchantment. Those spells were stronger in the back rooms. One door led to a few suites. A special extra one could pay for, if they planned to spend the night, or wanted to not bother with the whole coming back. They were always booked. And others… Well, gentleponies don’t talk about those things. Certainly not nobility, nor the rich and or famous. At least, not when they weren’t actually busy doing said things. Any desire, no matter what. Any fantasy, no matter what it entailed. It was rumored they had a changeling on staff. Spells to fulfill the sickest, most sadistic fantasy and make it real. The pleasures of the Night Cloud were many, and very, very real. They were dark. They were things that stained the soul, and dragged it down. Things that addicted, things that came with such ease, when otherwise, they had a cost so high as to be unobtainable. They had only one rule. Just the one. To be within the cloud, you must swear loyalty to all members. Defend the Cloud and its members, and its secrets, with your very life. Because, in the Night Cloud, any dream could come true. Prince Blueblood, or rather, ‘Daring Strider’, the club’s handsome dark pegasus leader, had participated in them all. He was the founder of The Night Cloud, and there was nothing within that had not, at some time, been presented to him to approve. But that visit, he wasn't so concerned with the pleasures. Princess Rest had charged him with a task, and he was already busily attempting to rewrite what she had said. She had said, ‘put a stop to it’. But she hadn’t really defined it, had she? Surely, she had meant Luminosity. Their rival club. Shut it down, and stop them from doing anything to Blueblood’s goddess. He sighed as he went. He was being silly. Of course she meant both, but how could he rip his own heart out? There was so much, so many ponies… And without them, he could do nothing about Luminosity. But she had asked, and he could not truly deny her… Any pain, it was worth it for her... He would stop… eventually. One day. One day soon enough. He had a few ideas as he entered his room, or rather, the house he had built in the Night Club. It was many rooms. He nodded to the pony standing directly within. “My lord?” the stallion asked. “Announcement time, my dear Assist. It’s important.” Assist nodded, and headed off, leaving Blueblood to plan. It would take a few minutes for ponies to gather, stop what they were doing, and what not. As for what he was going to say… He entered his ‘resting’ room to think, only to pause, smelling something. He knew that scent. Rose scent, and the fresh hint of blueberries. It seems that Assist, ever so kind, had left him a gift. It was tempting to find it, but he had better things to do. If nothing else, a responsibility to be on time to his own announcement. As the scent was distracting, he left, but not before catching a glimpse of a tiny flash of red under the sofa. Oh… Assist did know what he liked, didn’t he..? He loved it when they were hidden. It meant he got to search, and that made them all the better when he found them. He could leave the door open, and, He shook his head, and thumped it. What was he thinking? He had Rest now. He had no real need for others, no matter how tempting. His heart was his goddess, and nothing would change that. On the other hoof, his body was free… He checked the clock before his thoughts could continue. It should be about time. He entered another room his ‘observation’ room. The far wall was spelled to scry on the main room down below, and should he care to, everywhere else at the touch of a hoof. Lots of ponies gathered below, waiting. He sat down, and cleared his throat, spotting several hear the small sound. Sound was good. Time to start. “My fellow Stars.” he began, voice strong and rough. He smiled a touch at the title he had chosen for the members years ago; stars. Stars of the Night Cloud. Like the ones Princes Rest already controlled, they were soon to be hers as well. Through him of course; he wouldn’t dare ask her to sully her hooves with the bunch below. “As you are all aware of, Equestria is now home to a fourth alicorn Princess. And I am pleased to announce that we have, once again, rode the wave of change without even trembling.” A few clapped. “However… Of everything that I had anticipated, I had not anticipated her. To make this swift my fellows, she has captured my heart.” Somepony fainted. Blueblood half recognized her; the insufferable one who kept tossing herself at him. “And what I once held as prized and normal has changed. The Night Cloud shall change with me, my fellows, and I fear to say that these changes are painful, and difficult.” Blueblood took a deep breath. It would be painful, but it had to be done. Little steps. Taking the worst one first. “We are discontinuing the ‘white room’.” he said, and saw several flinch, though none actually rose to object. Night Cloud or not, admitting to that kind of want was a dangerous thing to do. It was possibly the single worst thing the club offered. And admitting to enjoying that was tantamount to social suicide, even in the Night Cloud. “Change will be hard, my fellows, but I feel we must leave behind the worst of us. In fact… I might, one day, be retiring from my post here.” He saw many start in shock, and sighed. “I know it seems impossible. I, the one who leads us all, leaving. But if I am to chase the highest of heights, I must! I must be as pure as I can be, so that she might look, and not see the old weights I once held dear!” “And one day, that means I will never return to the Night Cloud.” He stopped, and heard many cry out. Some asked him to stay, others wished him the best of luck, wooing his goddess. Some asked what would happen when he was gone. “Fear not, my fellow Stars.” he said after a time, smiling. “The day of my leaving is not now, nor is it soon. Indeed not, for I need you all by my side!” “The Princess Rest is delicate, and vulnerable to the hated Luminosity! Now, more so than ever, we must fight their influences! It is not until their last candle be extinguished that my goddess will be safe! Do you all stand with me!?” A roar greeted him, the two clubs having a long and storied history between them. Suffice it to say that members of one were not friends of the other. Not even a little bit. “I thank you all! Remember this, and go out! We begin war against them as soon as possible!” “For this hour, all drinks are free!” A slightly stronger and different cry came up at that, and Blueblood turned from the screen, feeling happy. Things were in motion. He stepped out, and found Assist waiting nearby. Silent as always, but he did have a little question or two left behind. “Leave me a little gift?” he asked, smiling. “I know you will enjoy it; you love the color red.” “That I do. Though blue and black is starting to grow on me.” “…Shall I find another?” “No, no. Assist, my old friend; it is a gift from you. There is no reason not to enjoy it. And..?” “She could fit underneath you standing up, though only just.” “You do understand me.” Blueblood said happily, heading back to the relaxation room. Assist only nodded. He truly did. Elsewhere, under The Golden Path “She is dangerous?” “Very.” Gold Coin said. He was in a tunnel, dry earth under him, a tiny lantern to cast light. Nopony save a few knew of the tunnels, and their entries and exits were guarded from all. “…We can hide?” another voice suggested, and Gold coin stomped in anger. “No! No longer an option! She has already proven too wise to hide from for long! We need something to deal with her!” “Kill her?” a third said. “Immortal.” Gold coin countered, glaring. “Even trying would prove costly and ultimately pointless.” “…We could manipulate her.” the first voice said. “More likely, but her will seems strong. That maggot Blueblood didn’t have a chance against her. As much as I hate to admit it, he is no weak willed worm either.” “So, we just try very hard.” “If she is willing… maybe peace could be had.” the second murmured. “Can she be bought?” the third asked. “And if not bought, than maybe allied with?” the second added. Gold Coin hesitated. “…It all sounds dangerous.” “What other choice do we have?” the first asked. “None. But not now. We need to know more of her, and soon.” “I think we will very soon.” a fourth voice said, stepping closer, but not into the light. “Oh?” “The Princes goes to Ponyville. She will be easier to reach there; easier to find and see. We need not fear the twins as much, or at all.” “Good.” Gold said. “Then we begin.” “With which?” “Four, unless she shows signs against it. If she goes against it, six, and depending on that reaction either three or five. If anypony tries to interfere in any way… ten.” "Plotting four steps ahead again?" “Do that, or see somepony else do it to you.” Gold said, grabbing his lantern. “I expect a report in a week about her likes, dislikes, and possible weaknesses. See it done.” In the gardens outside Canterlot Castle. Luna flew, upset, but doing alright. Rest had left a few hours ago, and should already be arriving. She was afar now, but nearby still. Celestia had called her to the statue of Twilight, and Luna was wondering why. As the sun slowly set, she banked, and spotted the gardens ahead. She soon spotted the white alicorn, simply staring at the statue. As Luna landed, she stared at the marble, coming up to her sister. They stood in silence, looking at the sad statue of Twilight for a time. “Sister.” Celestia said at last, not looking. “You spoke to Rest?” Luna nodded. “We did.” “You told her of what I planned?” “Yes. I felt that she would otherwise be surprised and unhappy.” Luna said. “She might have thought that we were banishing her, rather than trying to help.” Celestia sighed, and Luna glanced at her sister, concerned. “…Remember what we spoke of two nights ago?” Celestia asked. Luna blushed faintly and nodded. “…I know what you feel and think of her sister.” Celestia said, hanging her head. “And I was truly, truly happy for you.” “…Was?” Luna asked, wondering. Celestia nodded, and looked up with a faint glare Luna knew. She hadn’t seen in for centuries, but it was impossible to forget. Luna was the younger of the two alicorns, and in the earliest years, Celestia had taken it upon herself to guide her younger sister. “…I am forbidding you from seeing Rest again.” Celestia said, and Luna stared. “For your own good, as well as hers, you must no longer speak with her.” Luna kept staring for a moment. “…thou hasn’t forbid anything of us for millennia.” she whispered. “And now, thy tries again?” “I try nothing. You will not associate with Rest again.” “You think… you think that we… that we’ll let thee?” Luna asked, starting to glare. “Luna,” “NO!” Luna screamed suddenly, though Celestia was unaffected. “In the ages past, thou wert only doing what thou felt was needed, but now!? Thy wouldst deny me a love!?” “It is for you own good,” “Tis not! Thou knowst nothing!” Luna raged, her wings flaring. “How many years did it take for thee to understand our jealousy, sister!? And now, when at last we find what we always lacked, thou dares to try and steal her from us!? Claiming that it is for our own GOOD!? Thy may deny me nothing.” “…I allowed too much to happen from inaction.” Celestia said, glaring. “Too often, I could have stopped something before it began. Too often I allowed it to worsen because I thought it would improve on its own. You are new to this Luna! Your love blinds you!” “To what!?” “…I will not tell you.” Celestia said. “My fears are for you, and I would not cause such distress to you.” “…Thou thinks something of Rest.” Luna stated. “Thou thinks… Thou thinkest her something wicked, do you not?” “…She is,” “She is the shining star of my heart!” Luna bellowed. “She is shy and kind and understanding! She quails before royalty, feels insignificant before heroes, confides her fears and pains within me! She cries for the mistakes she makes, her heart beats in tandem with my own! In the skies above she wrote her love for all to see, and you dare to accuse her of evil!” “I accuse her of nothing I am not sure of.” “Then tell us, that we may swat thy certainty from the air like the gnat it is!” “No. I will not. You are already unreasonable.” “I!? Us, unreasonable!? You say that Rest is evil, at no indication of such! That is unreasonable!” “I will tolerate this no longer. You will not associate with Rest again Luna.” “And you will stop me?” Luna murmured, glaring. “I will, if I have to.” Celestia said. Luna glared as Celestia did the same, both alicorns rising up slightly. Luna glowed faintly, and Celestia began to shine. “…Fine.” Luna said, backing down at last. “But know that thou hast done more harm than any wound I have received over a long life!” “This is for your good my sister.” Celestia said, calming. Luna turned, and stalked away. “Thy cares naught for our good.” she spat as she went, taking to the air soon after. Celestia stared as she went, her heart heavy. She had to. It was for Luna’s good, she was certain. She had been thinking about it ever since Luna told her that she liked Rest. Too many signs. Too many matching coincidences. Every moment Luna was near Rest, she was in danger. She had to do this. No matter how hurt Luna might be, Celestia was saving her sister, she was certain. No matter how much it hurt, it was for the best. Not even that, it was necessary. “…She will understand some day.” she whispered to herself. She turned to see the statue behind her. Saw its sadness, and to her, it seemed sadder. > Chapter 14: New Old Starts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perhaps the start of the trip to Ponyville had been sort of down. That got better. “And you see, The Great and Powerful Trixie has had a wonderful, fantastic effect on all of Ponyville,” She had been optimistic, and seeing the town mostly unchanged was, at least in part, kind of nice. She had even spotted Night, still disguised, at the train station, which was great, considering she had to get Night settled as soon as possible. “…hard time, but, once again, the Great and Understanding Trixie found the solution to their trouble! She bought them a new window.” Twilight thought she knew Trixie. Arrogant, a little mouthy, tendency to taunt ponies. She never knew Trixie could boast without end over something as simple as getting the correct flourish on her bow as Twilight exited her carriage. It was stunning how the mare could just keep going on and on about everything she did. “Well?” “That’s very nice Trixie.” she said, not listening. She hadn’t been for some time, both too preoccupied with seeing the town and not paying attention to Trixie. It was different, and yet, the same. New repairs, a few new constructions. The marketplace had a bit more organization to it. A few new shops, giving the too familiar place just the touch of new that it needed to help her remain grounded in the present. “I know! Trixie worked so very hard on it!” Twilight blinked, coming back into focus. Trixie was showing her something, not boasting. She looked, and froze. The library was in front of her, sparkling and glittering. The old sign had been replaced with a new one, marked ‘Twilight’s Library’. “It’s even better inside!” Trixie said, entering. Twilight almost didn’t move before the cold soothed her mild panic again. She took a deep breath, and stepped within. It was pristine. Everything gleamed with the shine that came from just having been cleaned. There was a little statue of herself reading a book in the center now as well. But thankfully, something else caught her attention. The books were organized wrong. A surge of cold almost made her gasp, and killed the urge to sort them before Twilight’s horn had a chance to light. Death’s help was appreciated, but the ice cube down the back sensation was all too much sometimes. “It’s… wonderful Trixie.” she said, rational and calm. Cold, but calm. Trixie nodded in satisfaction. “Of course it is.” she said. “Trixie wore herself raw, scrubbing and polishing everything. It was so hard for her, but she did it all!” “Don’t listen to her.” Twilight and Trixie looked up, and spotted Spike on the stairs. He was maybe an inch taller, and otherwise, the exact same she had known him. CEASE! A cold like no other froze her, and even then, in a near perfect emotionless state, she wanted to rush him. Grab him, laugh and cry, seeing him again. Tell him how much she had missed him. She noted that Death had likely just saved her. “I did most of this.” “Trixie helped!” “She kept pointing out what I missed,” “He only did the dusting!” “And the polishing, which she tried to get me to apply to the books…” “They were dusty!” Twilight routed her emotions. She could do this. In the cold keeping her sharp, there was another, similar way to greet Spike affectionately. He had even provided it to her with the little argument. She laughed, startling Trixie and Spike. “I truly do appreciate this, the both of you.” she said, smiling, having reason to smile and laugh. “You did very well with this.” Trixie blinked, while Spike smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “Well… you’re royalty, you know?” Spike said, looking away, like she knew he would. “Trixie may have gone nuts when she learned you were coming, but I would have cleaned up anyway.” “Trixie did not go ‘nuts’.” Trixie hissed at him before smiling at Twilight. “Thank you Princess. This is Spike, our resident librarian.” “Really?” she asked with a small grin, “So young, and already so important?” Spike laughed weakly, blushing and looking away again while Trixie nodded. A certain grin came to her. “Yes. He is ever so helpful.” she said, grabbing him with a hoof and pulling him close. “Trixie doesn’t know what she would do without him.” Spike was mostly speechless, blushing hard in her grip. He was still modest Twilight noted with a faint smile; Trixie was obviously getting back at him in a little, harmless way. That it upset her anyway was partly surprising to Twilight. “But without Trixie, Spike would be lost!” she said, and Twilight suppressed a snicker at Spike’s sudden flash of inspiration. “Like that time you broke that window.” he said, and Trixie’s eyes widened. She let go of Spike rather quickly. “Accident.” she explained. “Perfectly accidental.” “Or the other time, with all the bees.” “That was not Trixie’s fault! They were being insufferable!” “And the skunk.” “That was Rainbow Dash, getting back at Trixie for her pra…” Trixie took a deep breath. “…Welcome to the library Princess.” she said, getting back on track. “Welcome to your new abode!” She reared and gestured, and Twilight and Spike started at the sudden popping. Colored smoke clouds popped from the corners, along with a variety of sparkling glittering things that trailed glitter along the floor. Trixie pulled a bunch of paper flowers from her cloak in what she thought was a swift, unnoticed way, and tossed them, beaming. Then everypony heard a party favor, and looked up. A small storm of confetti greeted them, as did Pinkie, hanging off a banner that hadn’t been there not two seconds ago, reading ‘WELCOME PRINCESS REST!’ “Pinkie!” Trixie yelled, before she was abruptly buried in confetti. Pinkie dropped, rolled off the pile that was Trixie, and landed perfectly in front of a stunned Twilight while Spike began laughing. “Is this alright?” she asked, beaming still. “It’s just us: no big crowds.” Twilight didn’t respond for a second, too stunned. But as Pinkie slowly began deflating, she smiled and said, “I love it Pinkie.” Pinkie jumped up again immediately. “Well, welcome to Ponyville Princess!” she yelled. “I’d normally have a lot more than this, but that might upset you. I understand.” “Thank you Pinkie.” “You have a cake in your room too.” she whispered in the Pinkie style whisper, which meant everypony could hear her. Twilight laughed with Pinkie as Trixie fought her way from the confetti. “Pinkie!” Trixie whined. “This was supposed to be Trixie’s surprise!” “Sparkly things and smoke?” Pinkie asked. “And those fake flowers? Come on Trixie! That’s no welcome party!” “And what about burying poor Trixie in confetti?” “Accident.” Pinkie said, in a way that said she had, in fact, aimed. “Well… nice as this is, it’s late, and I’m tired.” Twilight said. “You mentioned I have a room here?” “Only the very best we have.” Spike said in some pride. “This way Princess.” Pinkie and Twilight followed Spike, and Trixie watched them go before realizing something. “Wait! Trixie wants cake as well!” It was fairly nice. In fact, it was her old room, enlarged. The upper library seemed to have gained a whole bunch of new additions. Eating the cake with them was nice. So familiar, and with Trixie right there, she didn’t really needs Death’s cold to keep her grounded. It was just something good, something simple. Cake, with old and new friends. It was dark as Pinkie left, the three of them waving her goodbye as she left through the disaster downstairs. “I’ll get some rest.” Twilight said, already planning ahead. Night would be starving, and she had to set things up for her, now if not sooner. “Good night Princess.” Trixie said. Twilight shut the door, but not before she heard one last thing. “You made a real mess.” “Half of this is Pinkie’s doing, not Trixie’s.” “Well… the glitter is going to be impossible to get out of the floor. Good luck.” “Good luck!? Hang on, where are you going!? Trixie can’t clean all this herself! Spike! Spiiiiike!” Twilight shook her head as she locked her door. Maybe she’d help Trixie later on; Spike wasn't wrong about the glitter. On the other hoof, her touch might destroy the floor, so… probably not. She looked out her window and then glanced at her wings. She hadn’t really used them at all. Best not to, if her last try was any indication. She had no idea how to use them properly anyway. Instead, she spread them, and gently leapt, not using them for anything but extra air resistance, allowing her to land softly in the growing darkness outside. Everypony was asleep, only a few still awake. Twilight felt ready to start, though the first barrier might be near insurmountable. If she wasn't able to get Fluttershy to calm down and actually talk with her soon, Night would either starve, or Twilight would have to find another vic, donation. She reviewed her idea as she went. Fluttershy was kind, and more to the point, preferred being alone. There was virtually nothing Fluttershy hated as well. Night did not have to kill her… target. Fluttershy would both be willing to offer, and be the best pony to know when or if something goes wrong, and be able to handle it. Plus, she lived a calm life and thus, would be less effected the blood loss and Night had a very low chance of being seen with her. On the other hoof… for the same reason, if anything did go wrong, it would go wrong for Fluttershy. But who else would allow Night to survive? Rarity lived in town, Rainbow would sooner kill her, and the Apples might do the same. Pinkie might, but she would just as soon expose Night, by accident more than likely. Fluttershy was the only real possibility. Night found Twilight soon, and Twilight, even in the dark, didn’t fail to see the pains she had, nor the ragged nature to her. She was hungry, and very close to starving. “I’m… here.” she rasped, her voice harsh. “So many… I need to eat…” “…I promise you Night, I won’t let you starve.” “…Thank you…” Night said. “Nopony… else would… do what you… do… Except him…” Twilight ignored it. Night sounded a touch confused, saying things she normally wouldn’t. Delirious. Twilight found Fluttershy’s home still lit, to her minor relief. She didn’t have to wake the pegasus up. “… Wait nearby.” she said, and Night nodded, hurrying to a bush. Her eyes shone from within. The hunger they had, and the will to restrain it were obvious. Obviously stretched. It was possibly just Twilight’s binding that prevented her from attacking somepony. Twilight knocked, and shifted to seem smaller, and stepped back, to not be so close. After a moment, Fluttershy opened the door, a touch flurried. “I’m sorry, I…” She froze, recognizing Princess Rest. For an instant, Twilight feared she might hide, but Fluttershy didn’t. She recalled how Princess Rest had cowered before. Back during their meeting. And that first impression of shyness and fear had made an impact. Rest wasn't some big, scary, intimidating alicorn Princess. She was shy and mildly scared of ponies, much like Fluttershy was. It made a huge difference to the pegasus. “…P,P, Princess.” she squeaked, trying to calm herself. “Fluttershy. I need your help.” Fluttershy blinked, and found a bit more strength. “Whatever’s the matter? Are you hurt?” “No… it’s… a long story. Do you have time?” “Of course, Princess.” Fluttershy said. “Do you know what a vampony is?” “Yes…” “Well…” “…Somepony’s starving, aren’t they?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight blinked, her speech thrown off course. “…What? How do you know that?” “Well… I… dealt with one once and I can’t think of any other reason you would have come...” Twilight decided to ask later, and skipped ahead. “Well… I have one that really needs your… help. I promise she won’t hurt you, but she really, really needs somepony to support her.” “I can do that.” Fluttershy said, determined. Again, startling Twilight; she had expected this to be much harder. “Night.” Twilight called, feeling a touch… stunned, and Night staggered into view. “Oh my…” “Fluttershy, this is Night Light.” Twilight said. “Night Light, this is Fluttershy.” “…I know her.” Night rasped. Twilight stared as Fluttershy went to Night, concerned. “Here.” Fluttershy said, offering a hoof without hesitation. Night swallowed before carefully biting. “…You know each other?” Twilight said, shocked. Fluttershy nodded. “Not… not by name, but we do. She was with another, trying to teach that one how to… ow…” Night shifted faintly and Fluttershy sighed in minor relief. “How to not kill somepony.” she finished. “So I volunteered.” Night let go, calmer again. “I remember. It was… shocking, having you come out of the woods and offer. Nopony does that.” “He needed help.” “You got him it. He really needed that confidence, and having you stand there and tell him everything you felt was… just what he needed.” “How is he doing?” “He’s fine. More than fine.” “What about you? You look terrible…” “Well…Princess Rest gave me some of her blood…” Fluttershy blinked and Night chuckled. “And it… didn’t agree with me. Still in pain after that…” “Well… that was very kind of you Princess. But why are you here with her?” she asked Night. “I’m bound to obey her, and she told me to come.” Fluttershy almost got a glare off before Night stopped her. “No, no. I deserved it, and she’s helping. Keeping me from giving into my urges. This is your home?” “Yes. And you obviously need more.” “Any more and you would be really weak.” “I can rest for a few days.” Night stared, as did Twilight. Twilight felt rather pointless in the whole conversation, and more than a little speechless. What could she say? “I… you would do that?” Night asked weakly. Fluttershy nodded. “I want to see you healthy again. I can handle a few days of bed rest.” “I couldn’t,” “I insist.” Fluttershy said, nearly dragging Night into her home. Night paused at the threshold, and looked back at Twilight. “Be seeing you around I suppose.” she said. “Night?” “Coming! Seriously Princess… you did a lot for me… I’m going to make it up to you, I swear.” “You don’t have to…” Twilight said weakly, still stunned. “Night! Before your hunger gets worse!” “Ancestors Fluttershy! I’m a big mare! I can handle a little pain!” Night yelled, entering the small home, and shutting the door behind her. Twilight shook her head, amazed. She kept hearing a little more through the open window. “Here is the best place to bite.” “No way. Give me your neck like a sane pony and put that leg back.” “It really is best…” “I am not biting your hind leg. Neck or I’m not drinking. Thank you.” A chittering sound was heard, followed by a snapping. “Gah!” “No! Bad Angle!” “What kind of killer rabbit did you breed!?” “I found him.” More chittering and a chomp. “…And you keep this monster around willingly?” “Angle! Let her leg go!” Twilight left, stunned. Fluttershy knew Night. Had helped Night out at some point in time, and somehow, was near determined to help her. She had expected an uphill battle, not this… abrupt finding exactly what she wanted. It was weird. Expecting something hard, only to have it happen with almost no input from yourself. Like expected a door to be stuck, only to have it swing open as you rushed at it. In fact, she might have been the only problem: she suspected that if she sent Night to the door, Fluttershy would have helped right there without even thinking. She made it back to the library, and entered through the front door, still too preoccupied with her… surprise to think otherwise. Trixie was cleaning up, muttering to herself and she pushed stuff into a bag. Using her magic to try and swoop stuff into the bag with mixed luck. She was not only missing, but leaving behind traces of confetti and glitter. She glanced up in some surprise as Twilight entered the door. “Princess! But… you were…” she said, looking back at the stairs and Princess Rest several times before settling on Rest, noticing her… strange look. “Is something wrong?” “Well… no. Something is very not wrong.” Twilight said, and Trixie looked confused. “It’s perfectly fine in fact.” “…Trixie doesn’t understand.” “Neither do I.” Twilight sighed, and glanced at the floor. She could do something, surely. It might even be… a lot like the stars above. A massive grip. Gentle, so impossibly gentle. Every point help perfectly, so much easier in the library than the expanse above. Careful, the faintest strength could break something… And then lift… Trixie started in shock as everything lifted with the gentlest motion. Even the hidden dust, the stuff trapped between shelves and everywhere. It swirled overhead, a galaxy of glitter, confetti, patches of polish left behind, and traces of dust. Leaving the library cleaner than anything could have possibly made it otherwise. And crush. It slammed inwards, until all of it was a singular tiny ball maybe a tenth the size of a marble. A small marble. “There.” Twilight said, deeply satisfied with her work. Trixie was speechless as Twilight thought for a second, and then flicked the object into the bag, which made the bag skid along the floor and bump into the wall. She smiled, seeing her improvements in her magical strength. That had been almost acceptable. Then she left the gaping Trixie behind, feeling much better as she went to her bed. > Chapter 15: Make and break. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke to bird song. A gentle, familiar chirping outside the window. She opened her eyes and smiled at the songbird perched outside, taking a moment to fully wake. Then she got up and stretched, feeling refreshed, unpressured, and calm. After all, this place was her home, the place she knew well, the place she loved. She was home again. A knock on her door jarred her from her minor reverie. “Princess?” she heard, Spike’s voice more than recognizable. “I’m awake.” she said, finishing her stretches, wondering why he hadn’t just entered. After all, he always had before. Normally, he even woke her up. “Come in Spike.” Spike did so, seeming a touch unsure. She saw that, and wondered, and at her slight confusion, his uncertainty grew somewhat. “…Is something wrong Spike?” she asked, moving to him. “No…You asked me to come in, do you need anything?” he asked. “No, but you weren’t here when I woke up…” Twilight murmured, confused. “…Should I be?” “Yes? I mean, you,” Twilight. Twilight stopped, and blinked as Death’s cold chilled her. Spike watched, unsure and confused. Recall where and when you are. “…Never mind.” she said, though Spike showed no change in his demeanor. “Though… if you want to wake me up, you have permission to do so from inside the room.” Spike nodded slowly, though he seemed uncomfortable. Twilight tried smiling at him, though that only caused him to gain a faint blush and to look away. “…Breakfast is ready.” he said abruptly, leaving in a slight hurry. “And Trixie has something she wants to talk to you about.” Twilight watched him go, her spirits a touch dampened. He sees Rest, the princess. His behavior stems from your royalty and form, no more. “I know. It’s just… hard.” You can endure this Twilight Sparkle. Twilight sighed faintly. It was hard, having somepony she knew so well acting so unfamiliar with her. Friends weren’t friends, and Spike wasn’t really her assistant anymore. She had to earn those things back. Starting from scratch so to speak. She headed off toward the kitchen, to find breakfast. Best to start the day right after all. She found Trixie waiting for her as she reached downstairs, though she continued to find breakfast, Trixie following after her. “Did you have a good sleep Princess?” Twilight hummed a yes, finding breakfast to be a few flowers. Roses to be specific. A slight memory came to her as she ate them; Celestia’s favorite flower was a rose. That memory made her recall happier times with the elder alicorn. Times she had lost and likely wasn’t getting back anytime soon. “That’s good.” Trixie said, Twilight more or less ignoring her. “You see… Trixie wanted to ask something.” “What?” Trixie flinched faintly at the neutral tone, but continued, “You see… Trixie… was wondering if, perhaps, we could… Trixie can show you around Ponyville!” Twilight glanced at Trixie, and failed to see anything save unbridled optimism. “Trixie knows all the best spots!” she proclaimed, puffing up with pride. Twilight sighed faintly, but smiled a bit. Maybe Trixie, in her own way, could get her mind off sad things. Something to distract her. “Alright Trixie.” she said, Trixie giving her a bright smile before gasping faintly. “Trixie shall be right back! Trixie needs to clean up!” she yelled, darting off. Twilight. Twilight started a little, and after checking that Spike wasn’t nearby, asked, “Yes?” There are three spirits that reside within Ponyville. One is a strong soul lingering near her place of death. The other is a hateful specter, and his touch can harm or even kill. Both will actively resist your tug, and must be forced to rest. “I understand. And the last?” She is a banshee. Twilight paused, recalling Night’s explanation. Her scream is not enough to slay an immortal Twilight. But take care: She stays in the town, and often lingers near large groups. Should you give her cause to, or allow her to scream, you will have to guide many than just three. Twilight shuddered at the thought, and asked, “Is there any way to make her not? What do you mean by allow her to?” There are two ways to guide a banshee. The first is through force, where you will need to choke the soul to stop her scream. Care must be taken when doing this, as the soul can easily be hurt or even shattered by the force required to silence them. The second is harder. Each banshee wails for a cause, a great pain of some kind. Should that pain be soothed, their voice will fail them, and may be guided as any other soul without concern. Twilight nodded. “So what do I have to do to calm this one?” There was no response for a time, as if Death was hesitating. Then a response came. She wails for loss. Twilight blinked, confused at that. That was… rather vague. Death hadn’t commonly withheld things from her before, and this was… strange. She found that she didn’t like it, and she frowned faintly. Maybe he was testing her? But… why? What if she failed? Ponies would die… She kept frowning, her anxiety growing before she took a breath and let it out with some purpose. She could do this. Loss. She should be able to handle that. She’d do well, she was sure; Death must have some good reason to not tell her. Trixie returned then, and Twilight blinked seeing her. She had gone and brushed her mane and coat by the look of it, but the outfit was… well, it was the same, but also new. The hat was sharper, and gleamed with the telltale gleam of silk, fine silk. The cloak looked new as well, the blue deeper and the stars brighter. Both looked new. “Trixie is ready!” the mare proclaimed, striking a pose. “Are you Princess?” Twilight nodded and stood. “…Did Rarity make you a new outfit?” she asked, finally recognizing the material. Rarity loved a material known as arcane silk, a rare material known for its ability to be magically enhanced and one she imported at some cost from some ways. Rarity was the only possible place Trixie had gotten it from. “Trixie made it herself!” Trixie proclaimed, a touch less proud than she had been a moment ago. “With her very own hooves, though Trixie admits a little help from Rarity. But just a little.” Twilight chuckled and smiled. It was nice, thinking of it. A friendship between the pair was a good thing to hear. Particularly since Rarity had once proclaimed Trixie’s outfit to be pretentious, gaudy, and stupid. That Rarity had given her the material to use, and then helped Trixie to remake her old outfit spoke volumes about the friendship they must share. Rarity didn’t tolerate things like that for just anypony. Twilight had seen her grimacing over even close friends’ attempts at fashion. “Then lead the way Trixie!” Twilight said, Trixie energy making her feel a touch energetic herself. Sometimes, Trixie’s boundless energy was fun. Sometimes. Twilight was soon feeling happy as she followed Trixie through Ponyville. Seeing the town again was nice, and better still was that Trixie had a whole new perspective on things. That helped her not to have an attack of memory. And the showmare was a nigh perfect attention deflector. As an alicorn, Twilight generated lots of attention, but Trixie was fantastic at getting the nearby ponies to look at her, and not Twilight. Twilight might have felt a little bad for that, but Trixie was obviously loving every moment of it. She almost made it like a show in and of itself, and Twilight found herself enjoying it. Really enjoying it. “Up ahead is Ponyville town hall.” Trixie told her, speaking loudly. Technically, Twilight supposed, she was also speaking to the ponies following them. Not many weren’t working, but a few always had some extra time to wander after Princess Rest, and now, Trixie. “The center of Ponyville, and one with some importance to the town itself, and not just for paperwork!” Trixie continued, stopping near it to turn back. “Celebrations and parties often take place here, in front of the town hall. Trixie herself runs her weekly magic extravaganza for any who care to come on the steps!” Twilight smiled, and Trixie beamed a little more at her approval. “I’d like to see that.” she said. She saw Trixie’s smile shift, and she noted the difference. The first was just a ‘show smile’, like what Rarity used from time to time. That grin was true happiness. “Trixie would be,” “Princess!” Trixie stumbled on her words, as Mayor Mare looked out from the town hall, and then headed over, more or less ignoring Trixie in favor of Princess Rest. “I had thought to find you in the library.” the older mare said, “This saves me the travel time.” “What is it?” Twilight asked her. “The mayor wants,” Trixie began. “It’s nothing much Princess.” the mayor interrupted again, Trixie giving a faint frown. “I and the other members of our fair town talked it over and we decided to give you these!” Mayor Mare produced a large set of keys, and held them out. “Over in the larger cities, they have the ‘keys to the city’.” The mayor explained. “Around here, they’re more keys to the hall, but the idea is much the same! We’d be honored if you were to accept them Princess.” Twilight nodded, touched at the gesture. She focused, and lifted the large, and more importantly, durable keys in her magical grip, she asked, “Isn’t this normally a large event?” “Yes, but Pinkie came by to talk to me, and mentioned that you were a little… camera shy.” Twilight nodded, setting the keys on her back for the time being. “I am, and thank you for being understanding. Is there anything else I should know about?” “Oh, there will be more, but we need to plan for those. I’ll make sure you know what happens when Princess. I have to return to my own work now. I do hope you love Ponyville; we work hard to make our little town perfect.” Twilight nodded as the mayor returned to the hall, and Trixie headed over. “Trixie can carry the keys for you Princess.” she said. “So as to not burden you with them.” Twilight thought for a moment, and then nodded. Trixie smiled and lifted them from her, keeping them floating nearby. Twilight watched, and asked, “They are rather heavy… Maybe we should put them back at the library, and then continue?” “Trixie can carry them all day!” she proclaimed, swirling the heavy keys around. Twilight watched, seeing that she was… struggling a little, but Trixie knew best for Trixie. Right? Look She paused, and then saw it. A ghost, looking from one window in the town hall. She darted away the moment Twilight saw her. She glanced at Trixie, and with a quick action, cast the time stop. Everything near her froze in place, perfectly still. Twilight wasted no time, and hurried toward the hall. She found mayor Mare just inside, talking with her assistant, both frozen mid conversation. She spotted the ghost for a second before she moved through the wall. She followed after her, and spotted her just beyond. She acted and grabbed her before she could escape again, and she felt strength in her struggle. She was strong, though nowhere near as strong as the stallion at the farm. “Come to me.” she called, straining slightly. “Time to go to rest.” “I don’t want to!” Twilight sighed. “You really have to. It’s not good for you to stay.” “No! I’m not going until I’m buried!” Twilight stopped at that. “…Until you’re buried?” The ghost nodded firmly. “I was never given a proper burial, and I’m not going until I get one, you hear me?!” “…How did you not get one?” Twilight asked, wondering. The ghost huffed. “During construction, I wound up on the wrong end of a wall and got buried alive.” she said rather bluntly. “They never found me.” She huffed again before noting Twilight’s look of horror. She paused, and for a moment, seemed as though she was trying to recall something. “…I… do I know you?” the ghost asked. “I… don’t think so.” Twilight said, still thoroughly disturbed by the death. Trapped, unable to get out, dying of thirst and hunger, suffocating alone in the dark… “I just… I’ll get you both the burial and rest you deserve.” “…Do you need a moment?” the ghost asked, suddenly kinder than she had been. “I wouldn’t have thought I could disturb death, but… I’m sorry.” “No, no it’s fine,” “It really isn’t.” the ghost sighed. “You’re so kind, and I really got you, didn’t I? If it helps any, it was quick.” Twilight nodded, taking some minor relief from that. The ghost seemed unsure yet though. “…To think I was going to…” she murmured softly, before shaking her head. “Never mind. You don’t deserve me being a stubborn horse. I’ll do what you want.” She floated closer on her own, and Twilight gave her a thankful smile. She summoned her jar before pausing. “Wait, I need to know where,” “Right under the mail room.” the ghost said. “Shouldn’t be too hard. By the way, a jar? Really?” “That’s only temporary.” Twilight said, before thinking. With a thought, she dismissed it again, and let the spirit free of her grip. The ghost blinked, confused as Twilight smiled at her. “You want a burial, and I’m going to give you one. And I’ll have you see it with your own eyes.” she said. “…What? You would really…” the ghost almost looked like she was tearing up. “That’s… I mean… Tell me there’s some kind of satisfaction form I can fill out or something. I have to make this up to you somehow.” “You don’t have to do anything.” “No, no this is too… Death herself giving me the time to see my last wish come true? Nopony was ever that kind to me, ever. Not even my own mother. You’re like… being near you, it’s like… I feel warm and good, and I haven’t felt anything for so long...” “My name is Rest.” Twilight said, smiling. “And this is my duty, and my pleasure. You owe me nothing.” “…If I was alive I’d give you my life.” the ghost murmured. “My name used to be Buttercup. And… if I can do anything, and I mean anything, tell me.” “I’ll keep you in mind then. Can you only linger here?” “Mostly.” Buttercup said, thoughtful. “I kind of get pulled back if I leave, but I can leave… I just never had a real reason to.” “I’ll be seeing you in a few days or so then.” Twilight said. “Enough time to have you found and then time for the burial. Stay here, so I can find you again, alright?” “For you Princess, anything.” “Anypony I should know of? Family?” she asked. “…I can only think of mom and my brother, but I died a long time ago.” Buttercup said. “This place is fairly old you know. If I have any family left, it’ll be my brother’s grandchildren or even their children. I just want a burial, even if that means it’s just you there.” “I’ll be sure to make it better than that.” Twilight said, turning to leave. “Stay strong!” “I’ll be waiting!” Buttercup called back as Twilight headed back to her place. She thought for a moment, orienting herself in front of Trixie, and then let the spell go. “So you don’t have to…” Trixie said, before pausing. “…Princess?” Twilight took a breath, dong her best not to shudder. She was cold. Very cold, like she had fallen into a snow drift, though she warmed fast. “I’m fine.” she said after a second, perfectly normally. “Shall we keep going?” Trixie nodded, though she seemed somewhat thoughtful as she turned to continue. Twilight warmed again as they went, and spent a little time thinking about Buttercup. Wondering if, perhaps, each ghost was simply stubborn due to not wanting to go, and anticipating a cold and unfeeling guide. Like the one Death used. She smiled at the thought. Her own methods seemed to work wonders with the dead, and seemed to literally warm them to her. Maybe the next two wouldn’t be so hard. Trixie continued to lead her through Ponyville, telling her of the buildings they passed, and occasionally taking the time to detail something. As they went, more ponies followed them, Trixie starting to include little additions to her talks. Nothing special; just the odd flourish and gesture. Twilight didn’t mind; it was both entertaining and also directed attention away from her. She felt perfectly at ease amongst the growing crowd, and a few seemed there for just Trixie, and ignored her outright. That would eventually fade, she told herself. Eventually, ponies would acclimatize to her presence and treat her like anypony else. Or at least not like a walking celebrity anyway. “Along this road, you can look out to see Sweet Apple Acers.” Trixie said, bringing Twilight back to the present. “The apple trees aren’t currently in bloom, but in a few months, the harvest starts and cider season begins!” “Shall we visit?” Twilight asked, and Trixie seemed to freeze for a second before shaking her head. “No, no it’s… we should hurry, so we can get lunch!” she said. “We could eat there…” “Trixie knows a really nice place in town Princess!” she said, and Twilight paused at the mildly pleading tone. She wondered why Trixie was like that, and decided to acquiesce. Who knew; maybe Trixie just didn’t like apples. Sometimes ponies didn’t, it wasn't particularly odd. “Alright.” she said, giving Trixie a small smile. Trixie smiled back, and Twilight thought she saw something like relief in the expression for a moment. “Also along this way is Ponyville’s animal sanctuary. Just over this way.” Twilight followed Trixie, already knowing she was talking about Fluttershy’s house. Though was Trixie simply naming it on her own to make it sound more official, or had Fluttershy actually done something? It was something she might do, or at least have done. The pair soon arrived at the small home, and Trixie stopped just before the small bridge, turning back to Twilight and the few followers still with them. “Ponyville’s animal sanctuary is home to Fluttershy, the bearer of kindness! And the home itself is home to nearly a hundred animals, most of which are of different species.” Trixie said, and seemed not to notice Fluttershy’s bear, Bruno, lumbering over. He stopped just on the other side of the bridge, watching her. “So why don’t we go and,” she said, turning to freeze in place. Bruno glared at her, and Twilight, though unsure, thought she saw aggression in the otherwise peaceful bear. “…This is Bruno.” Trixie said, turning back with a small, somewhat weak, smile. “He’s a big softy really, as are all the other carnivores one can find here.” She turned back to him. “Hello Bruno! You remember Trixie, don’t you?” She went forward and patted his head without any hesitation. Twilight and the others gasped as Bruno swiped at her, narrowly missing her head as Trixie ducked and then stepped back as he snapped as well. She walked back, Bruno remaining in place, and turned back with a flourish. “As you see, Trixie is also a trained animal handler!” the show mare proclaimed, though she seemed to be…trembling a little. “And now, back to Ponyville! More to see there! Goodbye Bruno!” she said, waving behind her. Bruno growled. Twilight wondered about that as she followed Trixie away. Bruno was normally a big softy, just as she had said, but… had Trixie just taught him that trick to amaze ponies? A dangerous stunt to catch attention? Or had that been all too real? And if it had been, why on Equestria would Bruno react like that? It had to be an act Twilight decided. Trixie was lots of things, but brave in the face of danger was not one of them. If Bruno had been actually swiping at her, she’d have screamed, surely. Twilight. Twilight nodded, and looked. She soon spotted a ghost again, a stallion that time. He seemed… oddly firm. Like only a part of him was defined, the rest reduced to a faint cloud. He also seemed to be stalking the group for some reason as well. She frowned faintly, and cast the spell once more, seeing the land around her freeze. Be cautious Twilight. His touch pains the living. She nodded, watching him watch her. He seemed odd. Somehow whiter than previous ghosts she’d seen, and something about him worried her. She stepped toward him. “Come here.” she called, not using her grip, reasoning that maybe she’d be able to talk with him without having to fight him first. He floated away from her, and she followed after him. “I won’t force you!” she called. He didn’t respond, and kept floating away from her. Twilight kept following him slightly, wondering what he was doing. After a bit, he began circling around her, and she watched him go, wondering what he was doing. He seemed to be in a hurry… Catch him Twilight! She blinked, and realized as the stallion moved faster. He was charging the group of frozen ponies, aiming at Trixie. Her grip whipped out and caught him. A heave got him to just barely miss the ponies, and he less yelled than he screamed in rage and denial. Twilight pulled back, and he pulled with some power, reaching toward the ponies all too near him. “No!” she yelled, firming her stance. “Life! Warmth! Mine!” he screamed. Specters hate the living. Jealousy drives them, and they try to steal life. Though they are forever unable to take the warmth for themselves. Most are maddened by their desires, and all are capable of causing harm and even death in their vain pursuit of life. They steal energy. Twilight nodded, and pulled harder, starting to draw him toward her. She summoned her jar in preparation. Then he abruptly turned, and Twilight nearly tripped as he stopped resisting. He changed directions completely, and rushed at her, using her own grip to help propel him even faster. He went right through her, and Twilight gasped, staggering. The feeling was like a piecing numbness went through her, and left a piercing pain in his wake. She heard him laugh behind her, and he grabbed hold of one wing. It was like having said wing encased in ice, and throbbing pain began radiating from it. “Life!” he yelled. “Warmth! Mine!” Twilight closed her eyes, grimacing. Then she acted, and she less grabbed him more so than slapped him with her grip, sending him tumbling with a surprised yell. She shook as she turned to see him again. Her spell grabbed him once more, and seeing her face, he seemed to panic slightly, flailing in her grip. She didn’t let him escape. With a fairly savage yank, she pulled him close, and stuffed him into her jar, each inch a screaming battle as he fought to escape and she shoved him inside. Until at last, he was in, and she stopped, panting and shaking. She felt cold and weak and hungry. A specter cannot kill an immortal. Death whispered. A kind of numbness came to her, one she happily took; the pain was gently swept away, and her weakness bolstered by an unfeeling kind of strength. But you must take care. A stronger or smarter specter would have rendered you helpless. They do not deserve your mercy Twilight. “I’ll keep that in mind.” she murmured. “Thank you master.” My power shall hold you strong, but you will need rest soon. A specter’s touch is countered by food; eat and regain most of your strength. The rest will come within a few hours. The banshee can wait until you fully recover. Cease your spell; you have spent a long time already, and you are weak to it’s effects. Twilight nodded, and went back to her place. She dispelled her spell, and that time, she couldn’t help but to gasp. Trixie turned to see her in slight surprise as the ponies with them did the same. Trixie blinked, and asked, “Princess? Are you feeling alright?” Twilight nodded, not trusting her voice. The numb strength was helping, but it did little to help her weakness. She did her best to stay strong, but one leg shook for a second before she stopped it. Trixie stared, and Twilight saw concern and worry in her eyes. “Should we stop? Trixie can stop here if you need to wait.” “I… I’m fine.” Twilight said, shaking herself. “I…just need something to eat.” Trixie seemed a little unsure. Twilight gave her a small, reassuring grin, but even then, Trixie seemed to worry. Then she nodded and continued forward. Walking a little slower. “Falling Waters is Ponyville’s one and only café. Trixie knows you will love it Princess; she herself recommends it very much! Trixie also suggests the daisies over basil, paired with mineral water.” Trixie seemed to hurry along, also taking time to allow Twilight to walk. Once at the town, she looked around and nodded. “To your right is Carousel Boutique, home to Rarity, the bearer of generosity. Trixie thinks we can go there next Princess!” She glanced back with a smile and Twilight smiled back. Trixie was trying to help her get her mind off of her weakness it seemed. “And up ahead is Sugarcube Corner, were the best pastries and sweets are made fresh daily! Pinkie Pie, the bearer of happiness, works there and she makes a really good dessert!” Falling Waters was a small café, but a well-known one. Right near Sugarcube corner, the café itself had an unrivaled view of the marketplace nearby. Trixie and Twilight were seated with some speed, and Twilight found her hunger nigh endless. But even then, she ate slowly, looking around. The marketplace had lots of ponies, and lots of them were looking at her. That she was eating made that sensation worse, and made it difficult to actually eat or even enjoy her food. Trixie watched that for a few moments, and then looked out at the crowd itself. She focused, and a small fog of sorts draped around the pair, shielding them from stares. Twilight blinked, surprised. “Is that better Princess?” Trixie asked. “…Much.” Twilight said, relaxing. “Thank you Trixie.” Trixie smiled a real smile again. “Trixie knows you are uncomfortable with lots of ponies. But you can rely on Trixie to distract them or hide you from them Princess! With Trixie by your side, nopony gets to upset you!” Twilight blinked, and smiled. “…I’ll be relying on you then Trixie. But if I can ask… why?” “Because…” Trixie seemed mildly embarrassed, and looked away for a moment, Twilight eating again, and taking the opportunity to near inhale her food. “…Well… have you enjoyed the day Princess? Has Trixie made it good? Entertaining? Fun?” she asked, as if she worried Twilight might tell her she had hated it. Twilight hesitated long enough to finish her mouthful, and then nodded, wondering at Trixie’s mild worry. “Trixie, I loved it.” she said, making the show mare stare. “I was feeling a little sad when I woke up, and you made it better. I have really enjoyed spending this time with you.” Trixie kept staring, open mouthed. A faint blush covered her, and she blinked after a moment. “…You mean that?” she asked softly. Twilight nodded firmly, “You made this day Trixie. In fact, I want to spend more time with you. Maybe visiting other places, and having you tell me all about them. I’m going to bet your magic show will be something to remember too.” Trixie seemed unable to respond, simply staring at her for a few moments, gaping. “…Trixie?” Twilight asked, wondering. “…Trixie…” Trixie whispered, eyes wide. “Trixie…” She swallowed, shook her head, and near emanated pride. “Trixie will do her best! Trixie will be ready! Her magic show will be dedicated to you, Princess! Trixie is going to do so much more than she’s ever done before!” Twilight nodded, smiling as Trixie near pranced in place, overjoyed. Twilight chuckled seeing that, and felt happy. Felt… Twilight nodded to herself. She might have had doubts before, but no more. Trixie was her newest friend. Trixie, for her part, only reinforced that, paying for the food despite the owner’s insistence that it was free for the Princess. As they left, Trixie dismissed the fog, and pranced as she walked, giggling every now and then, still too happy to remain still. Twilight. She is watching. Twilight glanced, and spotted the ghost instantly. She was floating over the crowd. Glaring at her. She uses the living as a shield. Beware; if she feels threatened, she will scream. She is confronting you; you cannot leave her. You must act without failing to contain her, or somehow calm her, and it must be done now. And this time, you cannot use the time stop. Your body will be unable to handle the time you must spend, and her scream will kill despite the magic. Stand strong Twilight. She has chosen her place and time well, and this will prove taxing to you. Meet her with courage and wisdom, and do not allow her to gain control. Twilight winced. She had to handle her now. And handle her in a massive crowd, knowing that the banshee could, quite easily, kill many, many ponies. And said crowd would notice, and look at her when she was doing it. Because they couldn’t see or hear the ghost, which would make her sound like a madmare. She looked to Trixie, and despite her dread of what was ahead, she took some hope. Trixie helped before. And right then, she really, desperately needed her help. “Trixie.” “Yes Princess?” “…Follow my lead. I need your help for this.” Twilight said, turning toward the ghost and walking forward, into the crowd. Trixie followed her, mildly confused, but feeling ready. “Trixie won’t fail you Princess!” she declared, matching her pace, giving Twilight another boost to her courage. Twilight focused, thinking. She had one real chance at this, or… best not to think about that. She had to calm the ghost. Had to not let or make her scream, and the only way she could guarantee that was to try talking. To somehow root out why she was screaming, and solve it before she just chose to scream anyway. And if Trixie wasn't there, she would have had to do it in front of at least a hundred ponies. She gave great thanks for the blue show mare as she went. As she approached, she slowed and then stopped a few yards away from the ghost. Trixie and a few others noted her line of sight, and looked up, trying to see what only she could. Twilight took a deep breath. This was going to be hard. “I’d like to talk!” she called to it, and winced as all sound nearby simply stopped, the whole of the marketplace turning to look at her. “…The moment you act, I will scream.” the ghost warned her. “I only want to talk.” she repeated, her breathing faster. She was all too aware of the stares, and the growing murmur. “We needn’t fight.” “I’m not going. And if you try, I’m not going to go alone.” Trixie looked at Rest, seeing her tension growing and growing fast. She was already near panicked. Not sure what she was seeing or talking to, but fully aware of her discomfort, Trixie glared forward in some determination. She headed forward, and once she was a few feet away, accidently directly underneath the banshee, yelled, “Let the show begin!” at the top of her lungs, clearing the area near her, and getting ponies at least somewhat away from the banshee. Some looked toward her, and Twilight took some relief from that, focusing on the ghost more. “I know you’re upset, and sad. Tell me what happened. I’ll listen.” “With the help of Princess Rest, Trixie shall now do her greatest magical trick ever!” Trixie cried, taking a guess as to what Rest might possibly be doing. “Trixie shall calm and help… a ghost!” she proclaimed, using her magic to throw a number of bright lights into the air, doing her all to catch and hold the attention of the ponies around her and Princess Rest. Twilight kept focusing on the banshee, Trixie's aid allowing her to relax, and more and more, Twilight gave her all to focus on the banshee, forgetting about her surroundings. The ghost glanced to Trixie below her as a few lights passed through her. “…Vain idiot.” the ghost muttered, before looking back to Twilight. “Why should I tell you anything?” she asked Twilight, glaring at her. “My pain is my own, and nothing you can do will help me.” “Talk to me. I’m listening, I promise. I’ll help.” “As you can see, Princess Rest is, right now, preparing the stage for Trixie!” Trixie yelled, most of the crowd looking to her, though Twilight continued to generate some attention. “Very soon, the ghost will,” “Trixie!” Trixie winced as Applejack moved into view, upset. “Yer makin a disturbance, again! Can’t I ever get a normal day at th market with you around!?” “Just watch the show!” Trixie said, getting back into form perfectly. “Because unseen above us is… a ghost!” she declared, rearing up and gesturing as powerfully as she could. She threw more lights skyward, and didn’t particularly pay attention to their path. A few kept going instead of stopping as they should have due to her mild distraction. “Ghost’s ain’t real!” Applejack objected, her opinion mostly carried by the crowd. Trixie struggled a little under the murmurs and looks, but she stayed strong, continuing to make a spectacle of herself. “Like you would know the pain of loss.” the ghost said. “I should scream right now.” “I’ve lost before.” Twilight said. “Name it.” the ghost snapped. “Very soon, Trixie will!” Trixie yelled looking up, and then ducked abruptly, a rainbow blur shooting overhead. “Rainbow!” she yelled indignantly as she got up again. “Trixie is working!” “What’s with the random lights thrown in my face!?” Rainbow demanded, flapping back to hover near Applejack, glaring at Trixie. “I thought you agreed to stop that kind of horse apples! Or are you trying to start something new!?” “Trixie is busy with calming a ghost!” Trixie yelled at her. Rainbow gave her a dull look. “As if.” “Really! Really, just you watch!” Trixie said, stomping. “Trixie shall prove you all wrong! Princess Rest is already doing her part!” Trixie gestured toward her, and they looked to her. By that time, Twilight was more or less in her own world, just her and the banshee through mental focus. She didn’t hear their words, nor was she aware of the crowd anymore as she spoke. “I’ve lost home, friends, and family. I’ve had to step away from them all, and never look back. Every day, I think of them, and every day, I can never go back.” The ghost hesitated at that, as did most of the crowd nearby. “…You’re not lying to me.” she murmured, thoughtful. “You really… you really did lose all that…” “Talk to me, tell me what pains you. Why do you scream?” Twilight asked, her voice carrying true concern for the ghost. “…My daughter.” the ghost softly told her. “She just up and disappeared one day, so long ago. I never found out where she went. Spent the rest of my life searching, and I never found out.” She looked away, lowering her head to glare at nothing. “Sounds… sort of stupid compared to your losses.” “No, it isn’t.” Twilight said, giving the ghost a small smile, making her look again in surprise. “No pain of the heart is small, and yours is no greater than my own. What was her name?” “…Buttercup.” Twilight paused. “…Did she disappear around the time when the town hall was being built?” The ghost started. “Yes! But how do you know that!? Nopony’s left to tell you, nopony!” Twilight grinned, knowing the key now. She just had to get Buttercup over here, and fast. But something had to stay the banshee, and nopony could see or hear her. Twilight. Use this A spell came to her, and she cast. The ghost flinched before relaxing again, a kind of dust cascading over her. Sticking to her, making her form visible Trixie spotted her first, and screamed, “There! There, the ghost!”, pointing up wildly, her pupils shirking as she registered the sight more or less directly above her. The crowd looked, and saw. All stepped back, most paled, a few screamed in fear, and a couple even fainted. Applejack paled and Rainbow ran as if it was chasing after her. “What is this?” the banshee asked, before noticing the looks, and then the reactions to her voice. “…They can see me? They can hear me!?” “Please, wait here for me. I shall be right back.” Twilight said. “Hang on, what do you mean?! If you leave!” “Speak to Trixie!” she yelled, running toward town hall, ponies before her parting. “She’ll talk to you!” “Listen spirit!” Trixie yelled, making the ghost look down at her. “We’re here to… to help you pass on!” she yelled, her eyes wide and more than a touch afraid. “…You aren’t even a small fraction of her.” the ghost said. “Stop it. You’re just upsetting me.” Trixie stumbled a bit at that, but came back strong. Making it up as she spoke, working with half-recalled scary stories from her fillyhood. “Trixie knows that you want something! But hates and grudges only hold you here to suffer, even as you pass your suffering to others! Who do you haunt, spirit!?” Pinkie stepped next to Applejack. “…What’s Mrs. Delicate doing out here?” she asked after a moment. It took a moment for that to register, and Applejack looked to Pinkie with perfect confusion. “What?” “Did Trixie make Mrs. Delicate visible?” Pinkie asked her, behaving as if this was normal. "Why's she yelling at her?" “Mrs… Pinkie, you… what? I don’t… What’s goin on!?” Applejack yelled, trying to comprehend both what was happening and what Pinkie was saying. Pinkie only stepped forward. “Hello Mrs. Delicate!” she called, waving. The ghost paused, and then grinned. “Pinkie! Now there’s a mare I can put up with! And you know my name! I thought you heard me before! Why’d you never respond?” “I never saw you silly!” Pinkie responded, Trixie looking back and forth between the pair with some speed. “…Pinkie, Trixie has this under control!” she yelled, losing it a little. Her eyes showed the strain she felt. Pinkie gave her a look, and sighed faintly, unamused. “You’ll only end up throwing those big keys right through the window and into the cake display case, breaking them. Again.” “Trixie will not! Trixie is a master of the arcane and ghostly arts!” Trixie yelled, starting to lose composure. “Trixie will see this done!” she added, swirling her cloak. “…That’s my cloth!” Trixie screamed in some frustration as Rarity headed toward her, frowning. “I thought I went missing! What have you done to it!?” the white unicorn demanded. “Trixie is working!” Trixie wailed. “The ghost!” Rarity glanced upward, with only a faint response to seeing Mrs. Delicate. It was more surprise to find her floating than anything else. “…Are you busy with Trixie darling?” she asked Mrs. Delicate. “Oh, no.” Mrs. Delicate said, grinning all too much suddenly. “Go ahead dearie.” “Good. THIEF!” Applejack shook her head, and Fluttershy moved next to her, staring in confusion. “…What’s happening?” she asked softly, somehow audible over Rarity’s screeches and Trixie’s matching screams. “Rainbow wasn't speaking too well.” “Well, Trixie’s over there, claimin that she’s tryin ta calm the ghost. That’s Mrs. Delicate, up there.” Applejack explained. “Rainbow took off when Princess Rest made her visible, and Pinkie is busy makin small talk wit Mrs. Delicate while Rarity is screamin her lungs out at Trixie bout stealin her cloth.” “…This is going to be just like the tea party all over again.” Fluttershy murmured, looking deeply worried. “Doubt it.” Applejack said, sighing. “Mrs. Delicate ain’t no Bruno, and I’m fairly sure ghost’s can’t be lit on fire. Hey Trixie! This gonna be done soon or are ya gonna keep on posin!?” Trixie, at her wit’s end, snapped. “STOP!” she screamed with enough force to make even Rarity silence for a time. “TRIXIE IS FINISHING THIS RIGHT NOW!” Her horn lit, and she turned to Mrs. Delicate with a fierce, slightly mad, look. Mrs. Delicate glared at her. “You don’t want to girl…” she warned. Trixie paid that no mind, her horn glowing bright. She clenched her eyes and put forth her very all. Several things happened in a few instants. The first and most obvious was that a rather potent, albeit misaimed, magical bolt missed Mrs. Delicate, and blew the top off of Sugarcube Corner, disintegrating it outright. The second was that the keys, still held in Trixie’s grip, whipped overhead widly, and flew perfectly to go right through the window of Sugarcube Corner, and smash into the cake display beyond. The last was the she knocked over just about everypony in the nearby area with a kind of magical backlash, not unlike being shoved. Mrs. Delicate frowned. “I almost felt that. That almost hit me. You just tried to killed me.” “Trixie!” Pinkie yelled, upset, soon drowned out by the multitude of other voices that joined in to yell for one reason or another. Rarity forwent words, and just outright attacked her the moment she was up again, and the pair began fighting like cats, screaming incoherently. “…That’s it.” Mrs. Delicate muttered, staring at the chaos below. “I ain’t putting up with this.” She opened her mouth, the jaw expanding far beyond what was possible, and she inhaled. Only to stop as a call of “Mom!” came. Twilight landed heavily and somewhat badly in the center again, making the varied voices stop with a glare thrown around her. Trixie and Rarity stopped their fight to jump upright, staring at her in sudden fear of authority. She didn't say anything, and huffed, looking up, everypony following her example. Mrs. Delicate stared as Buttercup ran to her, both ghosts glittering. “…Buttercup.” the older mare murmured, her voice weak. “It’s… It’s you.” “Mom, don’t scream!” Buttercup yelled, skidding to halt on nothing as she reached her mother. “I’m here! I never left! I just died!” Mrs. Delicate put a hoof to her mouth and reached out to touch her daughter, as if not quite believing her eyes. “…I looked for so long…” she said, her voice a hoarse whisper. “Well, I died mom.” Buttercup said, her voice dripping with mild annoyance. “Not like I could do anything.” She huffed, and shook her head. “Princess Rest told me everything, so please, don’t scream. You don’t have to scream anymore. I’m here.” Mrs. Delicate seemed to lose her voice totally, crying ghostly tears as she hugged her daughter in perfect silence. Buttercup sighed, and hugged her back after a moment, patting her mother, a fair number of eyes twinkling at the sight. “…There.” Twilight said, panting. “Almost done.” Buttercup pushed her mother back. “It’s time to rest mom.” Mrs. Delicate nodded mutely, smiling in her tears. “Go with Princess Rest. I’ll be coming with you soon enough.” Twilight, sighed. She glanced up briefly, and Mrs. Delicate nodded. The ghost flew up, and with a small illusion, Twilight made a beam of light hide her from view. One that also hid her jar, waiting up above on a cloud of magic for her. “Bye mom!” Buttercup yelled. “I’ll be with you soon, I promise!” Twilight dismissed her jar, and dispelled the light the moment Mrs. Delicate was inside, and sighed in relief. Buttercup smiled at her. “You’re the best Princess.” she said. Then looked around, and looked thoughtful for a moment. “…Somepony get around to digging me up! The mailroom, under the floor in town hall!” “Buttercup wants a proper funeral before she passes on.” Twilight explained to those confused by her words. The crowd at large, already teary from the reunion of the pair, nodded. A fair number departed toward town hall, Buttercup floating after them. Then and only then did Twilight finally look back to the bearers. She paused. “Where’s Rainbow?” she asked. “Rainbow’s afraid of ghosts Princess.” Fluttershy said. She nodded, and took in the others. Applejack, annoyed, Fluttershy, normal, Pinkie, sniffling. Rarity, huffing and looking disheveled, and Trixie, panting, worse for the wear physically and mentally. Rarity had her hat for some reason. “She stole my cloths Princess.” Rarity explained without prompting, holding the hat close. Twilight blinked at that, and looked at Trixie. She couldn’t tell what she saw there, so she looked to the missing, slightly burnt top of Sugarcube Corner, and then to the broken window, and half saw the keys inside, sticking upright in a large cake. “Trixie blasted the top trying to attack Mrs. Delicate.” Pinkie said as she looked back in mild confusion. Trixie lowered her head. “And broke the window and display case with the keys. Again.” “…And the rest of you?” Twilight asked, seeing something she hadn’t expected to find in her friends’ eyes: Anger, disappointment, even hate. And all of it was pointed at Trixie. “…Why are you all upset with Trixie?” she asked them, confused, frowning, mildly upset already. Rarity only shuddered. “I’d sooner forget the true reason if you don’t mind Princess. If I ever can.” she added in a near inaudible mutter, turning away from the show mare. “…She ruined a whole harvest.” Applejack said after a moment, making Trixie flinch as Applejack glared. “An killed a whole group o trees. She’s not allowed at th farm anymore cause o that.” Fluttershy seemed unsure, but at Princess Rest’s look, she whimpered a little bit and spoke. “Trixie… wanted to do a show for the animals, and… lit a few things on fire, but… was an accident and… she’s not… that… bad?” Pinkie hesitated before saying, “She crashed one of my parties, and… messed it up. Then she came by the bakery the next day and destroyed the whole kitchen. And that wasn't even when she broke the window and display case the first time.” “Her an Rainbow had a real nasty back an forth goin fer a bit there too.” Applejack added. “Princess Celestia had ta step in afore they killed each other.” “…Trixie?” Twilight asked, looking to the show mare at last. “…Trixie is going home.” the show mare mumbled, getting to her hooves. She flicked her cloak at Rarity who snatched it, and kept her head lowered, her face hidden as she exited the group. “Why did you do these things?” Twilight asked, frowning as she began plodding away. “Trixie? Answer me.” Trixie paused, and lifted her head and flicked back her mane, magic dusting off her coat. She stood tall again, though she didn’t look back. After a moment, she spoke as she began walking forward again, and Twilight found herself speechless at what she said: “…Trixie is the best. Trixie, the talented and witty. Trixie, the wise and smart. Trixie, the swift and strong. Trixie, the kind and understanding. Trixie, the great and powerful. Trixie, the perfect and wonderful leader of the bearers of harmony, the holder of magic itself.” “Because Trixie is the best at everything, Trixie… doesn’t have to explain herself.” They watched her go, and none followed her. “…Maybe she learned something?” Fluttershy suggested weakly, earning a snort from Rarity. “Mare’s like her don’t change darling.” Rarity said, staring after the retreating mare with obvious contempt. “They keep going, no matter what.” Applejack huffed, and nodded in agreement, looking tired and annoyed. “She’s done it before, she’ll do it again.” Pinkie nodded as well, though she stayed silent. “She’s always been trouble.” Rarity sighed, her face furrowed. “She can’t be in polite company at all. She keeps on hurting everything she goes near with that ridiculous ego of hers, and she never apologizes. I don’t even understand how she got to be the bearer for magic some days. A less fit pony I can’t imagine.” Then she huffed, and stood up with Trixie’s outfit. She looked to it with a mixture of disgust and sadness. “…I’d burn these if they weren’t so valuable. Maybe I can salvage them somehow.” she murmured to herself. She looked to Princess Rest, and her face softened, almost apologetic. “…I am sorry you had to see that Princess. I… should be heading home. I will make sure to go to Buttercup’s funeral.” She headed off, and that seemed an invitation for the rest to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and begin moving in their own directions. “I’ve got to help the Cakes clean the mess.” Pinkie said, heading into Sugarcube Corner. “I‘ll get your keys to the library later on Princess, and I’ll make sure Buttercup gets a really good funeral.” “Nuther market day, ruined.” Applejack muttered, leaving. “Least somepony got a happy endin.” Fluttershy lingered near as the others left, and looked up to Princess Rest. Her eyes were pained as Twilight looked to her. “…I know she’s not… easy to get along with.” Fluttershy said. “But… please don’t hate her Princess. Trixie… she’s not a bad pony.” Twilight only nodded mutely, and Fluttershy kept looking into her eyes before she sighed, and gently flew away, greatly saddened. Twilight looked around at the lingering ponies, and they too, began to leave. She heard many murmur their own versions of what her friends had said. It seemed as if everypony had their own Trixie horror story, or at least knew of somepony that had. She looked toward the distant library, and slowly, she gained a deep frown. Then a glare. She tensed, and one hoof pawed at the ground as her tail whipped. She scowled and snorted. Then she looked away, still glaring and angry, very angry. She began heading toward the town hall, and any who saw her flinched and stayed out of her way. > Chapter 16: Breakthrough > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight watched outside town hall as a small mob effectively took it apart. She wasn't paying too much attention to them, mulling over her thoughts and feelings about Trixie. On the one end, the mare had… seriously hurt Twilight, and not even directly. But through the conduit of old friends, and seeing ponies normally happy and friendly angry and glaring and upset. And her last words. A final boast, and one that rose higher than anything Twilight had even imagined much less heard: “Trixie doesn’t have to explain herself.” And yet… The time before. When they were just walking. With Trixie… Actively helping her. Doing her all to… make her feel happy. Putting on a whole show, deflecting attention, worrying for her. Even hiding her own problems. And putting forth her very all to make Twilight, the alicorn of the stars, talking to nothing in the middle of the market, the secondary attention. Twilight had been happy. And Trixie had… Twilight had never seen her smile. Not her real smile, not until that day. She had never seen her near leaping in sheer joy. And that only because she had told her that she enjoyed the time they had spent together. So… then what on Equestria was different between now and here and then and there? It couldn’t be that Trixie had meant any of that… But she had stolen Rarity’s cloth. She shook her head as Buttercup floated over. “Princess?” She looked up. “Is it going well?” she asked. “Yeah, somepony was sick, but yeah. I’m mostly bone now. I’d… rather not see me if you know what I mean.” Twilight nodded. “I understand.” “So, what’s wrong with you?” “…I’m just thinking.” Twilight paused, wondering, and then asked, “Buttercup? Can you help me with something?” “Sure. I did say I’d help you with most anything after all.” “…Why would a pony never apologize?” Buttercup blinked. “…It depends in my experience. Take my mom for example; she… wasn’t a nice pony, and she never apologized for anything. She did that because she always thought she was right. Or so she told me anyway.” “Anything else?” Twilight asked, shaking her head. That didn’t sound right. “Well… this counts for me too, but sorry also means ‘I messed up’. And I hate making mistakes, and really hate it when other ponies point them out to me, so I would always defend my stupid action, and then try to fix it later. I… mighta picked up a bad habit or six from my mom thinking about it, but you get it, right?” Twilight nodded slowly, thinking about it. I messed up. An admission not only of guilt, but also of… Of failure. It came to her suddenly, a revelation like a lightning bolt. Trixie hadn’t been acting like she had thought. Trixie hadn’t been acting like anypony had assumed. She’d just made it easy for them to assume that. It was easy to see. Trixie, trying to… help? Trying to fit in maybe? She wasn't sure, but Trixie must have gone to each of her friends. She had tried to help with the harvest, and somehow destroyed it. Faced with her failure, her pride wouldn’t allow her to admit it. So she came back, to make it better without telling anypony, and made it worse instead. She’d gone to one of Pinkie’s parties, and tried to include herself. And in all likelihood, butted heads with Pinkie over everything. Then that failure too, was sealed away, and she went to the kitchen, to fix it. Only to mess that up too. She got into a prank war with Rainbow, and Twilight knew full well that while Rainbow loved pranks, she hated them when they were done to her. Was that nothing more than accidental rivalry? A back and forth that neither pony stopped until it became something huge? Whatever incident occurred at Fluttershy’s home sounded like pure accident, and animals weren’t very forgiving of ponies who harmed them. Trixie had even attempted to go there on this trip, hadn’t she? To… fix it only to be stopped by Bruno? And then she had also planned to go to Carousel Boutique. And that was the one oddity that made her not sure. If she had stolen cloth, why would she return? Rarity would see it a mile away, had seen it a mile away. So why return? … “…Thank you Buttercup.” She said. “I’ll be around.” “You’re welcome?” Buttercup said, a touch confused as to how she helped. “Where are you going?” “To see a seamstress.” Twilight soon reached Carousel Boutique, most of Ponyville near town hall. She went to knock on the door, and then waited. “Sweetie! If you would,” “I got it!” The door opened, revealing the filly Twilight knew. Not so much a filly anymore. She was bigger, in the slightly odd phase between full growth and childhood. She also gaped as she saw Princess Rest standing at the door. Then she looked back in, and yelled, “It’s the Princess!” A yelp came from someplace. Then Rarity, heading over fairly quickly as Sweetie moved out of the way to allow her past. “Princess, I didn’t expect you to come by so soon!” Rarity said, smiling. She was a bit tense, flustered. Considering her state not an hour ago, Twilight had anticipated that. “Is… something that matter?” she asked, growing faintly worried. “In a sense.” Twilight said. “May I come in?” “O, of course, please, come in!” Twilight did so, and looked around. It was mostly the same, although Rarity’s home technically changed every week or so. New patterns, new designs, new ideas. “Tea?” “No thank you. Instead, I wanted to know more.” “…More.” Twilight nodded, and Rarity sighed. “I assume this is about Trixie.” “It is. A…conflict between the bearers isn’t a small thing. I’d like to know what happened, and know all of what happened.” Rarity looked away, groaning faintly. “Well… I suppose I should start at the beginning. Sit down Princess. This might take a while.” Twilight did so, Rarity taking a seat nearby. Then the white mare thought for a moment, her expression suggesting she didn’t like the memories. “…I… met Trixie a fair while ago.” Rarity said. “But that was only for a day or less, and she was soon off again. I didn’t see her again for years. None of us did.” “Then years later, he showed up.” Twilight blinked at her tone, one a mix of dread and hate. “…Waker?” she guessed. Rarity shuddered. “Please, don’t… say that name. It… the things we saw…” She shuddered again, powerfully. “They… they still haunt me.” Twilight waited as Rarity recovered. “…We set out to defeat him, the five of us, carrying six elements. We didn’t much care we couldn’t use them like that. None of us did.” “Why not?” Twilight asked. “Because he… we hated him. He woke things that didn’t deserve to be woke, and one of the first things he woke was… a dear, dear friend.” Rarity sighed, closing her eyes, and whispered, “We… we burned her to free her from his grip.” Her grip on her cup trembled. “I hated him. I still hate him.” Her eyes opened, dull, not seeing what they were currently looking at. “We walked through ghosts, and lands dead by his touch.” she said, her voice dull. “We saw ponies, torn from their graves, and destroyed them. Decaying flesh, empty eyes, congealed blood, the cold of it all, and the stink, that horrible stink… We all made a choice to not let any of it stop us. No matter what we had to face. No matter what we had to do.” “We found Trixie in the middle of it. Fighting horrors, and surviving where everypony else had already been… she led us. Hate wasn't enough to keep going, but following her unflinching step through the dead was enough. She never hesitated. She never flinched. She protected us with all she had.” “She led us to Waker, and I am certain that it was her alone that stopped his escape. But we faced… nightmares given form. And he was winning.” “Until Trixie took the element of magic. She stood tall, kept them at bay, and called for us, and we… trusted her. We won. The dead died again as the elements worked. It was over.” “That was the happiest day of my life right then. Standing with old friends and a new friend, the nightmare over, the dead once more still. We returned to Canterlot, and Trixie was awarded the title of the bearer of magic, and each and every one of us wanted her to be that. We all six laughed together then.” Rarity stopped, staring at her tea, Twilight silent. Just the idea, even Rarity’s rather withheld description… Waker was a living nightmare. Fighting him had been a living nightmare. Fighting the dead. And they had faced all of that for one reason: Because they thought that Waker had raised her. To use against them. “…I’m sorry.” Twilight said, drooping, making Rarity start. “Oh, oh dear darling, I didn’t… It’s over, it’s done. Don’t let it hurt you now. It means he wins if you do.” Twilight looked to the white mare again, and saw her smiling. No real trace of trauma or distress in her eyes. Seeing that, she gave her a slight smile again. Rarity nodded, sitting back. “To other times, Trixie came to live in Ponyville with us soon after. Spike offered her a room at the library, and she accepted. She seemed… well, she seemed not to really… I don’t know what she was thinking or feeling, but for a time, she was… worried about something.” “She came to me a few days after she moved in, and actually asked me to teach her how to sew. Trixie. Asking me to help her.” Rarity gave a small laugh. “I was surprised, but just assumed that she was… different.” “She’s a horrible student and a worse seamstress. I’m still not sure how she broke my sewing machine, but she did. After that argument, she never came back. I never would have thought she would actually steal some of my cloth if I hadn’t actually seen it on her.” Twilight started, reminded. “That’s right!” Rarity started. “What’s right darling?” “Where do you keep your cloth Rarity?” “In my work room,” Rarity said, gesturing, only to stop as Princess Rest got up to hurry that way. “Darling, what are you doing?” “What did you do with Trixie’s outfit?” Twilight said, pushing the door open, Rarity right behind her. “Well, I took it apart. Whatever Trixie did to it wasn’t particularly hard to remove. Back where it belongs, at least some of it.” Twilight nodded, spotting the blue cloth, within its own cubby in Rarity’s massive wooden cloth holder. Then she focused. If Trixie had taken the cloth, a few things should linger. Some clue of some kind. Magical traces might fade fast, but something that deliberate should be easy to spot amongst Rarity’s soft and tiny strokes. She felt for any trace, only to pause. The cloth gave a signature of its own. The bundle in the cubby was one. The bundle behind the cubby was another. She glanced at it, and nodded. Taking a chance, she grabbed it in her grip, and lifted. Rarity started as the whole thing shifted, lifting in Rest’s grip. Even the massive structure groaning in her strength too strong, but not crushing. “Oh, goodness, please, be careful!” she yelped, the whole thing not particularly steady in Twilight’s grip. “You’ll… what’s that?” Rarity frowned at the small bundle of blue Twilight had revealed. She pulled it to her, and frowned at it, Twilight thudding the structure back down. Twilight looked to the cloth, and pulled the other one free form the cubby, holding them close to one another. Rarity looked up, and glanced back and forth, before blinking, suddenly frozen. Twilight saw the difference easily when they were close. One was enchanted, and enchanted well. That was the one she held. The one Rarity held was not enchanted, nor had anything been done to it. Rarity’s mouth opened as she stared at the pair. Twilight glanced back at the cubby, and a brief check allowed her to see a small hole in the back of it. Nothing too much, but enough for, say, something to grab the cloth and pull it through. A second look at the cloth she held showed cat hair. “…Oh no.” Rarity whispered. “I… oh, Celestia, I…” She swallowed, tearing up a little, her breathing accelerating, her eyes staring at nothing in shock. “Celestia… forgive me… Trixie… didn’t… take… my cloth.” Twilight shook her head. Rarity choked, shaking her head, faintly crying. Then she looked up at Rest, almost manic. “Princess, I didn’t know, I swear! I never would have done this if I had known!” “It might not be me who you should be talking to.” Twilight said softly. Rarity swallowed again, and shook her head. “Of, of course. Trixie. Poor Trixie… I’ve been a monster to her. I have to…” she looked at the cloth she held. Her eyes hardened, and she went to her workbench. Twilight looked to her, and asked, “What are you doing?” half suspecting already. “I’m not going back empty hooved.” Rarity muttered, working already. “I see now that I’ve… I didn’t give her a chance, I just took one look at the first disaster, and didn’t let her anywhere near… She learned anyway! That hat was good! She really tried! She even learned how to enchant the cloth!” Twilight walked near, seeing Rarity putting the hat back together. “…She wanted to come by today.” Rarity stopped to shudder. “…Celestia forgive me.” she repeated in a hoarse whisper, resuming work. “…Princess, I think we should all go to talk to Trixie. Me and all the other bearers. I’m going to make this… I’m going to make this the best cloak and hat for her. I’ll be a while. Could you go to get the others?” Twilight nodded. “I will. And should their complaints be valid?” Rarity snorted. “If Trixie went through all this… Maybe she’s clumsy, a little ignorant, but she isn’t bad. She just… has too much pride to actually admit doing anything wrong. Bumbling her way into our lives, and of course she fails, and of course she gets angry at us when we get angry at her!” “She didn’t understand us, but we didn’t bother to understand her!” “And this… I can see it still. Each cut so careful, each stich done with care. We didn’t bother to understand her.” “But maybe she was trying to understand us. And ignorance and pride and misunderstandings tore us all apart. Because Trixie can’t bring herself to say sorry, and we can’t bring ourselves to understand why not.” “I’ve been a monster. We’ve all been monsters. I can only hope Trixie still has faith in us after this.” Twilight watched Rarity at work for a moment, and then silently left. Maybe Rarity was right. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe it was somewhere between. But no matter how one looked at it, Trixie had tried. She was just really, really bad at explaining herself, and when something went wrong, she amplified it defending herself. She had old friends to find and talk to. Twilight found Pinkie, cleaning up the last of the mess at Sugarcube Corner. The pink mare turned to see her enter, and smiled. “Hey Princess! Floor’s safe now.” “Pinkie, I want to talk to you about Trixie.” Pinkie cocked her head. “What about her?” “Are you angry at her?” “Nope!” Twilight blinked. “…What?” “I’m not mad at her Princess. Trixie does her best, she’s just silly and doesn’t know how to do many things. She breaks a lot of stuff too, but she doesn’t mean to break stuff. Like the cookies: I used to think that if you put the heat up the food would bake faster too. Everypony mistakes the flour for the baking soda from time to time, and spills happen. Never saw the oven just burst on fire like that though; I think Trixie might be a bad luck charm around machines.” “…Then what were you,” “Breaking stuff is still breaking stuff, and the Cakes can’t afford to replace their window, the display case, and now the roof.” Pinkie said. “Normally, Trixie would fix it herself, but then again, glass and clumsy hooves. So she has to pay for it instead; it’s what’s right.” Twilight nodded, smiling a little. Pinkie was still Pinkie at least. Happy, friendly mare, who saw things with ease that other ponies couldn’t see even if you pointed at them. “Rarity wants to talk with her, and wants you to come along.” “Not if Rarity’s going to keep yelling.” “She wants to apologize.” Pinkie blinked. Then she grinned. “I’ll do that! Do I have time for cupcakes?” “I am sure you do.” Twilight said. “Just stop by the library when you’re ready. I’ll get the others.” “Okie dokie! Applejack’s sore about those dead trees though, and Rainbow’s still a little mad with her. They might not be so quick to apologize.” Twilight paused as she left. Then she looked back, and asked, “Apologize? I can understand Applejack, but why Rainbow? I’d have thought their fight was over.” “Oh, it is. But Rainbow should apologize on her own, not because Princess Celestia told her to. And Applejack banned her from the farm, and bucked her over the property line, and she never apologized for that.” Twilight winced, and Pinkie nodded. “She was real mad that day.” “I’ll do my best.” Twilight said. “Good luck Princess!” Applejack was easy to find, still in Ponyville. She looked up as Princess Rest headed to her. She hesitated at the faint disapproval on her face. “…Somethin th matter?” she asked. “…How many trees did Trixie kill?” Applejack frowned. “Dozen.” Twilight nodded. “Did she mention why, or maybe how?” Applejack hesitated, though she still frowned; she prized her apple trees greatly. “She was talking bout makin th trees bloom again. Not real sure how she thought she would, but all th leaves jus fell off and they died. Even th wood was brittle, like it was rotten.” “She wanted to help.” “She killed a bunch o trees!” Applejack objected. “So you buck her out of the farm?” Applejack paused at that, and looked away, obviously not proud of that action. “…I was upset.” “I can imagine, but to actually attack her?” “After runin th harvest an killin trees… the farm kinda needs th bits, an she was…” Applejack sighed. “…I don’t know how I’m gonna make what we got stretch that far, but I’ll figure somethin out. Don’t excuse me hitting her either way though.” “I think she wanted to help, and simply messed up. You may fault her result, but can you look at me and tell me that she meant to do what she did?” “…No. She didn’t. It’s jus,” “You need the bits.” Twilight finished for her. Applejack nodded, keeping her head down. “Why?” “…It’s fer Granny.” Applejack said, before looking back up. “Ya want me ta talk wit her.” “Do you want to?” “…I think I probably should.” Applejack sighed. “What am I gonna say ta her?” “Maybe you should try to hear the words not said.” Applejack looked confused. “…Hear words not said? What does that mean?” “See the truth Applejack. Don’t focus so much on the obvious. Stay by the library; I’ll be gather the others there as well.” Twilight headed off, leaving Applejack behind. After a moment, the farm mare sighed, and looked at the ground. She huffed. “…Words not said…” Twilight found Fluttershy and Rainbow at the same time, the pair by the meek pegasus’ home. Rainbow looked up, seeing her, and Fluttershy looked back. Rainbow sat up and saluted, though Fluttershy only turned to see her, not smiling. “Princess! Rainbow Dash, ready for duty!” “Stand down.” she told Rainbow, and looked to Fluttershy. “You want to say something.” Fluttershy nodded. “Do so.” She took a breath. “Trixie isn’t a bad pony.” Rainbow gave her a look, but Fluttershy ignored it. “When she came to visit, she wanted to impress the animals, and just didn’t know that animals get spooked by surprises. A few birds panicked and knocked a few things of hers over, and they lit on fire, and Bruno got his paw in one of them.” “The animals might snap at her, but Trixie wants to try! She really tried to… be a friend.” Rainbow snorted, and Twilight looked to her. “Trixie is insufferable.” Rainbow retorted. “She’s full of herself, won’t admit when she’s wrong, and keeps sticking her muzzle where it doesn’t belong. She kept on trying to prank me, and she ruined a bunch of air shows!” Twilight nodded. “…Rainbow. I want you to tell me exactly what happened, and when. What started this?” “She ruined the first air show I was in as a Wonderbolt.” Rainbow said quickly. “How?” Twilight asked, and Rainbow paused, and her eyes looked unsure suddenly. As if, faced with how she had, she wasn't… completely certain in her ideas anymore. “…She… kept… yelling.” Rainbow said, looking away. Twilight frowned. “And after?” “I was upset at her, so I… put salt in her coffee.” “I see. And then?” “Then she painted Tank rainbow. So I dropped a paint bucket on her when she was walking around. So she planted a foam bomb in the road that I stepped on, so I might have zapped her, so she got my cloud to shock me, and… on and on.” Rainbow said, not looking at Princess Rest. “It sounds as if you encouraged all this.” “I did not!” Rainbow objected. “She started it!” “What did Trixie yell?” Twilight asked, and Rainbow flinched, badly. “That’s not importa,” “What did she yell?” Twilight repeated, walking to almost stand over Rainbow, looking down at her. “Insults? Jeers?” she demanded, her eyes angry. Rainbow, flattened on the ground, looking up at her, whimpered faintly as Twilight stared down at her. “…Praise.” Twilight blinked. “…What?” Rainbow yelled, “She kept on praising me, OK?!” starting to break down. “I got super conscious and crashed! And she just wouldn’t stop! She kept on cheering for me to get up and show everypony how good I was, even after I hit the ground like an idiot! Everypony was staring!” “Rainbow…” Fluttershy murmured, the blue mare starting to cry at that point. “I got back at her for it, just trying to show her I wasn't happy with her, but then she got back at me, so I got back at her and everything went wrong!” Rainbow wailed. “She just wouldn’t get it, no matter how hard I tried to make her understand!” Twilight sighed, knowing what went wrong. “She didn’t understand us, but we didn’t bother to understand her!” Fluttershy patted Rainbow as the blue mare sobbed faintly. “…Why didn’t you tell us?” she asked. “Be, because I, I was being dumb!” Rainbow yelled back, covering her face with her hooves and wings. “I, I wanted, wanted to make, make her get it on, on my own! I wanted to make, make her under, understand!” “…And you were sucked into a cycle of revenge.” Twilight said, to which Rainbow nodded, still crying. “…I don’t think Trixie wanted you to crash Rainbow.” Rainbow shook her head, her sobbing slowing. “She must have thought you wanted somepony there, to forever cheer you on, because Trixie would want that at her shows. And I think she meant every word.” Rainbow sighed, hiccupping faintly. She moved her hooves, and looked up at Princess Rest. “She painted Tank rainbow, but even that… Rainbow paint takes time. Maybe it wasn't getting back at you; maybe she was trying to make your pet even more awesome.” “But you didn’t understand, and she, not understanding either, fell into the same cycle of revenge. Both of you tried to make the other understand, and neither of you understood what the other was trying to do or say. You hurt each other because of anger. Two souls so similar trying everything they knew would work, and everything that they themselves wouldn’t understand.” Rainbow looked away. Only to start as Twilight reached out to gently touch her. She looked again, her eyes worried, maybe even fearing, only to stop. Twilight was smiling at her, her eyes understanding. “Stand up Rainbow Dash.” Twilight whispered. Rainbow did so slowly, keeping her vision locked on Twilight’s eyes. “…You’re not… mad?” “No.” she said softly, smiling. “Perhaps, should you have refused to answer me, I would have been. But you grew past it. You told me, even when it hurt.” “And you understand.” she finished. Rainbow nodded after a moment. “Yeah. I… I do. I… messed up. So did she, but I did it more.” Twilight nodded. “And now?” Rainbow hesitated, and seemed awkward. Fluttershy glanced at her, and gained a tiny frown. “Rainbow…” “Alright, I’ll go and talk to her!” Rainbow yelled suddenly. “Where’s Trixie right now?” “At the library. The others should be there by now.” “Right.” Rainbow said, lifting off. Fluttershy did the same after a moment, before pausing to look back, Rainbow lingering nearby. “…Are you coming Princess?” “I am.” Twilight said, starting to walk. Fluttershy cocked her head, and Rainbow flew back, watching her with mild confusion. “…It’s faster if you fly.” Rainbow said, talking like she was pointing out the obvious. Twilight stumbled a bit, and gave her a nervous and mildly embarrassed smile, slightly speeding up, the pair matching her pace. Fluttershy’s mouth formed an o of understanding, but Rainbow near faltered out of her flight. “You can’t fly?!” she asked, shocked. Twilight groaned faintly, looking away. “Rainbow, that’s not kind.” “But… but she’s an alicorn! With wings! Everypony should know how to use their wings!” “I took a long time to learn. Lots of pegasi do.” Rainbow thought for a moment, mulling that over. “…Alright. Princess, flight lessons. Starting now.” “Rainbow!” Fluttershy yelped, a little surprised. “You can’t order Princes Rest around!” “She needs to learn Fluttershy! And I’m willing to teach! What do you think Princess?” Twilight looked back over. Thinking about it as Rainbow waited impatiently and Fluttershy seemed to flutter nervously nearby. “…Not now.” she said, making Rainbow huff and Fluttershy to give a faint sigh of relief. “And Rainbow… I’d rather Fluttershy teach me.” Fluttershy squeaked as Rainbow asked, “Why Princess? I can teach all kinds of tricks!” she said, flipping in the air. Twilight sighed, smiling again. “I can’t even get off the ground Rainbow. I can barely use my wings at all; just trying to glide is difficult enough. I don’t need tricks, I need control. And my apologies, but Fluttershy is the better teacher for that.” Rainbow nodded, while Fluttershy stared with wide eyes. “But, but, me!?” “You’ll do fine Fluttershy.” “Me!?” Twilight glanced to the flustered pegasus. “…If you don’t want to, it’s fine.” “No, no it’s… I… just never did that before…” “You’ll do fine!” Rainbow said, bumping into her, making her squeak again. She stared at Rainbow, and then looked to Princess Rest, eyes still wide. “…I have trust in you.” Twilight said, smiling. “But for now, lets focus on Trixie. One thing at a time please.” They both nodded, but both continued to follow at her pace, instead of simply darting off. The trio arrived at the library as the sun began setting, the others, other than Rarity, already there. Rainbow fluttered forward to join them ahead of Twilight, and they looked to her again. “…This feels like some kinda intervention.” Applejack muttered. “In some ways, it is.” Twilight said, looking around. “Rarity seems to be running late…” She stopped, spotting the unicorn, running over, a small pack atop her back. Rarity skidded to a stop nearby, panting faintly. “Terribly sorry for taking so long.” she said. “I rather got carried away.” She looked around the group and nodded. “…So, everypony knows why Princess Rest gathered us here?” They all nodded, making Rarity nod back, relieved. “Good. This would have been terribly awkward should I have had to convince you all here and now.” “Convince us of what?” Applejack asked. “To truly give our all, and break down the barriers between us and Trixie, and really truly look beyond what she did. I know I was simply behaving unacceptably toward her. I didn’t have a shred of understanding for the mare.” Rainbow nodded, frowning at the ground. “She makes mistakes, and she’s simply terrible at social interaction. But she truly does care. She truly does want to be friends, and she’s just… bad at it. I for one want it to be like it used to be. I want to smile with her once more. Can any of you say that you don’t?” They all shook their heads, even Applejack after a second. “We can do this.” Fluttershy encouraged softly. “She wants to be a friend, and that’s what’s important.” Pinkie added. Rainbow only nodded firmly. “…Oh shoot.” Applejack muttered. “What’s a bunch o apples trees ta a friend? Yer right. I ain’t gonna let her magic anymore trees, but… can’t jus throw her out like I did. The farm ain’t as important as friends or family. Time ta let this end right now. What do ya think Trixie’s gonna say?” “I do not know. Shall we?” They nodded, and Rarity looked to Princess Rest. “If you would darling. You, after all, are the thread that pulls us together for now.” Twilight nodded. She went to the door, and entered, the five bearers following her, each in their own particular state of mind. Spike glanced over as they entered, currently atop a ladder on the shelves. He paused at seeing the group, and seemed to think, wondering about something. “…Trixie?” he asked, and saw them nod. “She’s in her room.” he said, hopping down and walking over. “So, why’s everypony here?” “A long story Spike.” Twilight said. “Which one is Trixie’s…” “Over there.” Spike said, indicating one door in particular. “She wasn't feeling too good when she got here.” “I have no doubt.” Rarity murmured faintly as Twilight headed to the door. “Spike dear, could you tell me what Trixie might have felt when she came here?” Spike thought for a moment. “Well… I never saw her like that before. She kept on responding to my questions with single words, and made a beeline to her room.” Twilight paused before it, wondering what she might find inside. She reached up to gently knock as the others came closer, waiting. The faintest of sounds reached her ears. “…Never been in there.” Spike mentioned. “She keeps it a secret and a half. I always wondered what she hid in there.” No response came, so Twilight knocked once more, and called, “Trixie? Are you there?” Silence. Rarity paused, and walked closer. “I think I know what might get her up.” she said. Leaning to the door, she called, “Trixie, I want to apologize to you! I was wrong!” Then she moved back, nodding. “That should do it.” They waited, and again, it was silent. Twilight knocked again, growing worried, as did the others. “This isn’t like her.” Fluttershy murmured. Spike frowned at the door. “…She was really upset. Maybe she’s just ignoring us?” “She’s never ignored anything like that before.” Rarity said, herself concerned. “So what’s she doin?” “…Perhaps…” Rarity murmured, “Perhaps the shock of it all, and the exhaustion she must have felt has simply… driven her to despair, so she…” Rarity stopped, eyes widening slightly. “Break down the door!” she abruptly yelled, an idea occurring to her. At her outburst, the same idea came to the rest. Twilight hit that door hard, and the wood shattered under her hooves like it was frail glass. She forced her way through, soon followed by the rest, only to stop once inside. It was a small room, as Twilight had known. Once serving purpose as her storage area, now converted into a bedroom of sorts. It was simple, a single bed placed against the far corner, a desk near it. A set of chests lined the opposite wall to the bed, but what was on the far walls was what made them stop. On the wall directly across from them were images of the other bearers. Any image of them, any article that bore their name. Behind the bed were images of Trixie. Newspaper clippings, posters, photos. Anything that had her face or name on it, many of which showed the marks of age. And just over the desk, placed so anypony could see it, was a photo, framed. Placed with great care and purpose. It was a photo of the bearers, embracing one another and laughing, Princess Celestia and Luna standing behind them, looking proud. Right next to it was the article about the event: when Trixie was declared the bearer for magic. Trixie was not in the room. Silently, they spread out, looking at the varied photos and articles. Stunned. Almost shocked. “…This is from Fillydelphia.” Rarity murmured, looking to one in particular. “She got a newspaper from Fillydelphia. About us.” “…Copies too.” Pinkie added. Across the room, Rainbow opened a chest, and found a collection of oddities. Cards, a few small bags, a few books about magic, and magic tricks. “…These are all old.” Applejack remarked, looking at the wall behind the desk. “These are new.” Pinkie said from the other side. Fluttershy only stared at the picture. Twilight looked at the desk, noting papers scattered across it. Scribbled writing covered it, ideas, thoughts, suggestions; it seemed like Trixie had written a lot in the recent time. A letter was present, placed at the far end of the desk, and she recognized the royal seal. As she picked it up, she heard the bears asking one another: “So, where is she?” She read: Trixie Lunamoon. I talk to you for two purposes. The first is to tell you that Princess Rest shall be arriving at Ponyville tomorrow. I expect you to do your best, as she will be housed within the library. You will be expected to keep her happy and secure. In addition, I want you to send me a report within a few days detailing her actions. I have also overlooked your last report. It is with a heavy heart to tell you this: The elements will not work should the bearers not be united. The situation between you and them has yet to improve. With the newfound fears of Waker, I find myself at a decision I do not wish to make. Fail to improve your situation with the other bearers within two days, and I shall have to relieve you of your element, and find somepony who can use it. This is your last warning. Celestia. An instant’s thought had her work out that today was Trixie’s deadline. The letter fluttered from her grip, her eyes staring at nothing. Trixie… Spike walked near the bed, and paused as he felt something under foot. He looked. A few crumbs of dirt. They led under the bed. He looked, and gaped. “A hole!” he yelled “A what?” Applejack said, heading over. “A hole! Under her bed!” Spike said. Applejack flipped the bed up, revealing a hole in the floor. A tunnel of sorts just big enough for a pony to fit within, if they crawled. They stared at it. “Somepony dug in.” Twilight said, seeing fragments of floor around. It hadn’t been cleaned up, at least not perfectly. “…Trixie.” The bearers looked at each other, then to Princess Rest. “What do we do?” Rainbow asked her. “That hole’s just big enough for one of us to crawl through.” “And what would make it?” Pinkie asked. “That doesn’t look like a pony dug it.” Twilight. Death whispered as she stared at them, and then at the hole. That is a ghoul tunnel, one used to sneak up upon and seize victims. It has been made recently, and used recently. Trixie has likely been taken through it, made helpless by the ghoul’s paralytic touch. You do not have long. The ghoul will be waiting for nightfall, to take her back to its crypt in safety. Should it successfully enter it home, it and its brethren shall eat Trixie, taking care to keep her alive for as long as possible. It will be waiting either near or inside its tunnel. They are often very clever about hiding them, though this one has made its escape hastily. Likely when you first knocked it panicked and failed to disguise its escape. The other end of the tunnel will be very hard to find, unless somepony travel within it, and reveal the other side. Beware: the ghoul will strike out at any who discover it, and its claws are deadly. Whoever you choose to send will be in grave danger, and likely be killed instantly should the ghoul see them within the tunnel. Searching for it in the open has a very low chance of working, and as night falls, ghouls are fast, silent, and very hard to spot, even when carrying a victim in the open. Their crypts are easier to find, but exceptional dangerous to linger near. You cannot wait by the crypt. You have less than an hour before it is dark enough for the ghoul to bolt. Twilight shut her eyes. Make somepony go in the tunnel, squirm their way through, and find the other side. And find a monster that would likely kill them. Or take a huge chance, and try to discover where a ghoul might be waiting for nightfall. Worst case: two ponies dead, and Trixie dies by inches, eaten by monsters. Likely case: Trixie dies by inches, eaten by monsters. Best case: finding the ghoul, and somehow not letting it hurt anypony. She grit her teeth. She knew what she should choose, but… … “Rarity.” She said, making the white mare start slightly. “…I’m going to start this by saying you can say no. But… I need you to go into the tunnel.” Rarity blinked. “Me Princess? But, it’s… why?” “Trixie is… in great danger.” Twilight said, trying to tell herself this was the right choice. “A… a ghoul dug that tunnel, and has taken Trixie. We need to find it before nightfall, and we’re running out of time.” “…What’s a ghoul?” Pinkie asked, worried, the others much the same. “A monster.” Twilight said. “A monster that is waiting for its chance to escape with Trixie. And if we don’t find it before then, Trixie dies.” “I need one of you to go through the tunnel, and reach the other end, and somehow tell us where you are. And Rarity is the only one who can.” “Somepony can jus yell or somethin.” Applejack said, frowning. “The ghouls is on the other side, and the second it knows it’s been found, it will attack.” Twilight said. “Any yell will only make it alarmed right then.” Rarity looked down, though Rainbow frowned. “Then what’s Rarity going to,” “My gem finding spell.” They looked back to her, and Twilight nodded. “Rarity can make gems glow if she’s near them. That is our only real chance of finding Trixie and the ghoul without letting it know that we found it. It’s still dangerous. Very, very dangerous.” “This is our best chance at finding Trixie before nightfall. But like I said before… you can say no. I won’t be upset, I won’t hold anything against you.” Rarity sighed, and lifted her head, her eyes firm. “…I’ll go.” The others gaped. Rarity ignored them, watching Twilight. “My gem finding spell only works within fifty feet. I’m going to assume I can’t stop moving, lest I take too long.” She set her pack down, and looked around the others. “…If I don’t come back, Applejack, I’m entrusting you with Sweetie. When Sweetie comes of age, she gets everything. Don't let anypony else try to snatch it from her. Raise her well.” “Rarity…” “Fluttershy, you can have Opal. Pinkie,” “You’re not dying.” Pinkie said firmly. “Pinkie…” “You’re not.” “…I’ll do my best.” Rarity said, hugging Pinkie for a moment. Then she looked at Princess Rest again, and pushed her pack toward her. “There are gems inside here. Use them to follow me.” Twilight nodded. “…I almost want you to tell me you won’t.” she murmured. Rarity shook her head. “I owe Trixie this. I owe her a lot more than this really. One tunnel, one monster? She did a lot more. I’m the unicorn for the job. And, just in case of course, what would a ghoul look like or do when attacking?” Ghouls are ponies, often dangling between life and death. They break their own forelegs into shards of bone that protrude outward; those shards carry necrotic energy that strikes at the life of those who touch them. Even a touch can harm, and any wound will become infected. “…A dead pony.” Twilight said. “It attacks with bone shards on the forelegs.” “…One of them.” Rarity murmured, thoughtful. “You… know about that?” Rarity nodded, taking a deep sigh. “Yes. I just never knew their names, none of us did. At least it’s an adult.” she added in a faint mutter. She turned back to the tunnel, Twilight deciding to never ask about that particular comment. Her horn lit, and the bag gently glowed. Then she headed into the tunnel, wiggling into the dark earth. In moments, any sight of her was gone, the others watching. “Applejack, grab the bag.” Twilight said, leaving already. “We’re starting.” > Chapter 17: ... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was frowning, trying to think. Her eyes were shut as she focused, pushing back against the gnawing fear, and trying to work out what to do. The others were nearby, growing nervous and fearful as well as Applejack wandered around, nearly pressing the gem into the earth with an increasing desperation. It wasn't glowing anymore. Following Rarity had been… easier said than done. Her finding spell didn’t give direction, only proximity, which made the entire trip nerve wracking. The glow had flickered a lot during the experience as they had wound their way through Ponyville, including a few worrying moments when the trail passed under a house, or building. But they had managed to follow it, and other than the occasional gasp of fear when the gem went dark, it had gone mostly fine. Until now, right at the edge of the Everfree when they had lost the glow again, and it wasn't coming back. A few reasons came to Twilight’s mind as to why. The tunnel had gone below fifty feet, which seemed unlikely. Rarity had made a sharp turn, and continued at such a pace that they had been unable to reestablish the connection before she left the area, also unlikely. Tunnel construction precluded the idea of sharp turns, or particularly deep digging. And those were the nice ideas. The others were not so nice. The next best was that perhaps she had found the tunnel exit, and had ceased her spell to hide her horn glow, because of the ghoul’s proximity. It might even be looking in her direction, necessitating her hiding. And the last… If the ghoul had been in the tunnel… They would never hear anything. “What are we going to do?” Fluttershy whispered, as Twilight wrestled with her fears, and sought some answer, some course of action. “…Master…” she hissed as silently as she could, daring the chance, despite the bearer’s nearness. She had to have his help, she was trapped, things weren’t working! She felt it more than heard it, and froze. Death had turned away from her, and given his answer: He wasn't going to help her. For an instant, an anger like no other bloomed within her, until it was suddenly cut dead by Applejack’s heavy sigh. “I can’t find it.” the farm mare said, Twilight looking to see her, worn, defeated. “She’s gotta have moved on by now… What do we do Princess?” They all looked to her, and Twilight stared back, feeling the weight of it. Their fears, her fears, their hope in her, the trembling terror, the thought of death… A single thought came in that silence as she stared. How long had they been searching? In fact, the sky above was overcast, hiding the true color of the sky, and the nearby forest was very dark already… Twilight almost buckled under that, but something within her resisted. Something stronger than that, stronger than her shoved her back up, gave her strength, lifted her upon a bed of power and strength. Where her legs failed her, where her heart gave, it lifted her back, and emboldened her. She felt warm. She stood a little differently, her mane and tail gaining the faintest of glitters. She relaxed upon it for a second, before heaving herself back up. There was hope yet! They had a chance! Act swiftly, act in assurance, and think! The ghoul was obviously intelligent, trying to hide its tunnel, both sides. It avoided large groups of ponies, going after individuals, and at least sounded like it would take some care in its actions, instead of being a mindless monster. Tunnels of this size would take some time to dig, and thus, possibly serve multiple uses; breaking into several different places. Either way, it would take some time to dig it, and doing so only at night would be inefficient. So the tunnel start would have to be someplace where ponies normally weren’t, and where it could be hidden easily in case of any searchers. The Everfree was almost overqualified for that. Nopony went inside, and the heavy underbrush would make hiding a tunnel and much more easy. That did make the chances of finding it very slim, and the ghoul had every chance in the world to hear them first, but Twilight had one more thing that might just help. “The stink, that horrible stink.” Rarity had said. Undead let off a strong scent, an unpleasant scent. Since ghouls had a mind in all likelihood, it would know that. And act to hide it, with a strong scent. Like, say… certain kinds of flowers. And Twilight knew of a flower that possessed a potent scent within the Everfree. There might be others, but there was only one grove she knew of, and it was close. A perfect place to hide the tunnel, any victims, and something that stunk. Everything pointed toward that place as where the ghoul, Trixie, and possibly Rarity were. “Into the woods,” she said, all her thoughts taking instants to complete, “as silently as we can. Be ready for a fight.” Then she headed within, and the bearers followed her. Twilight didn’t know their name. A tiny purple flower bloomed upon a vine, a whole grove of them encasing a small area with the Everfree, encapsulating it in a kind of fence. Blocking view inside and driving away anything with a nose. As small as they were, those flowers had a scent that burned, like it was less a scent and more a kind of scent based attack. Twilight and the other hurried along, and Twilight heard every crack and rustle as they went. She gave her hopes to the idea that it was just her fears that made the sounds louder, ignored the nagging idea that it was very dark, and kept going. Taking speed over stealth. She felt terrified yet, but something within her numbed the emotion, and readied her to fight. A hot power, not a cold one. It didn’t clear her mind, but readied her instead; as if she was moving and reacting faster than she might have normally done, even in her fear. She held it close. If anything did happen, or needed to happen, she was going to need that hot readiness. That feeling that she could instantly snap to the attack, no hesitation. She spotted the flowers ahead, and didn’t smile. As she approached, she had to slow and then stop for a moment, the scent too much for a few moments. The bearers actually recoiled as if slapped. It was too much for Rainbow, who had gone a little ahead of the others, who snorted. A sudden rustle made them freeze, though Twilight’s horn lit bright, and she felt… Hot. “Come out!” she declared, her voice firm, harsh. Her fear washed away by a righteous anger, one she accepted and thrived within. The bearers started faintly before readying themselves, Princess Rest starting to gently glow with a golden light. “Foul monster! Come and face your judgement!” No response came, and Twilight acted. A beam of light from her horn seared through the plants ahead of her, and she stepped within the clearing, her eyes blazing. Only to suddenly stop, all the glow suddenly leaving her as she saw. The bearers rushed after her, to do the same, though they were not yet focusing on what she was. They were happy and relived. “Rarity!” Applejack yelled, seeing the unicorn, unharmed, though currently brown. “Yer alright!” she said, before she, and the others, finally noticed that she wasn’t looking at them. That she was shaking, that Princess Rest had suddenly become perfectly still. Rarity was looking at what Twilight was, and as the others noticed, they paled, much as how Princess Rest was. Near Rarity was the tunnel. Near that, a tree, the tunnel partly hidden by its roots. And near the tree, the focus of their focuses… A splatter of blood. A lot of blood. It wasn't very fresh. It pooled thickly in an area, but it looked like something had been taken out of it, dragged out of it, leaving a smear across the ground and plants. A short, brutal trail that went toward a few bushes nearby. A few bushes that still had a few slivery blue strands of hair trapped in them. Rarity turned to them, her eyes wide with shock, her form trembling. She looked to Princess Rest, who had simply frozen in place, and tears formed in her eyes, little streams slightly washing away the accumulated dirt and mud on her. “…She’s gone.” Rarity whispered, giving voice to what they all knew. “She’s… Trixie’s…” Rarity stopped, unable to continue, hanging her head, a dirty hoof going up to help muffle the first sob. Rainbow only stared as Applejack went forward, moving as if on strings. Pinkie’s hair straightened, and Fluttershy went to Rarity, her own gait heavy, and slow. After a moment, Rainbow looked to Princess Rest. Then, seeing her face, she looked back to where the others were gathering near Rarity, and went to them, the group staring at the stains. After a moment, her mind silent, Twilight walked toward the trail, and looked out, into the dark wood. There wasn't even the faintest hint of a trail after a few feet. “…This place isn’t safe.” she said after a moment, looking to the other bearers. They, or most of them, looked to her. She gave no indication of any emotion at the pained sorrow on their faces and in their eyes. “I shall join you momentarily.” she said after a moment more, and cast them back to the library. She did not go with them. Instead, she only asked, “Death? Where do I go?” A few moments passed, Twilight waiting. Ghouls are not truly dead. Death said after a time, And as such, I do not know where they lie. “I see.” Twilight said, her voice calm, measured, and mature. “So, is there some other way I can find them, or am I to burn the whole forest in my search?” Twilight… Your mind and soul suffer, but you must not give into such feelings. “I am not.” she said, perfectly calm. “I am in perfect control. Please, answer my question.” …You would fall upon them like a vengeful goddess, and tear their souls asunder. “They deserve nothing less.” she said, still perfectly calm. At least outwardly. Inside, she was a maelstrom of emotion, fear, anger, despair, terror. She was awash in it all, and all of it was hot. A heat that let her hold onto it, let her focus, let her ignore the trembles in her soul. In the heat, she was strong. Death didn’t respond, and Twilight felt a cold touch at her, one colder than what she had ever felt. She flinched from it, clung to the heat more as it slowed the emotions within her. Her mane and tail glittered and then shone as she did so. Calm, think about what you wish to do. “I know what I have to do.” she responded. “I must bring judgement to these monsters who dare such things. End their hideous existences and purge them of their evil. Let their souls pay the price for their sins.” That is not what you wish. Your price would destroy them, and deny them rest. You are the guide, not the judge. It is not your place. Twilight huffed, her mane and tail shining bright, her eyes glowing. She gently pawed the ground, a tiny look of irritation passing over her. The heat grew hotter, and the next cold spike was barely felt. She couldn’t really feel her emotions anymore. They didn’t really matter to her anymore. “I am the stars.” she said, her voice gaining a note of power, of authority. “They are naught but corrupted souls, hiding within rotten bodies and hungering for the life they lost. Their bodies are covered in the blood of the innocent. Their souls made into dark, misshapen things hiding in the rotten flesh of their refusal of rest.” “It is my duty to see such beings cleansed.” It is not. Death hissed, his voice icy. Their souls are trapped in their own denials, bent to the corruption of undeath. You are power of the stars alone, and that does not give you the authority to judge good and evil. Twilight, in the heat, resisted his tone when before, she would have crumpled under it. She huffed, dismissively. “Then I shall hunt alone, and find them myself. Nothing will escape judgement.” She turned, and then paused, her soul jar standing there. Then begin here. “…What?” she asked, the heat a little bit less. That was her jar. Her… jar… Begin with those you collected. After all, Mrs. Delicate has killed many with her screams. The stallion, tormented in his own undeath, has slain as well. They are tainted, much the same as the ghouls. So pull them from their rest, and judge them. Twilight frowned as Death spoke, nodded as he finished, and said, “I shall.” Her horn lit, and it was only as she touched the jar that she realized what she was doing, what she was planning. In an instant, she snapped away from the heat, fleeing into the cold that was waiting for her. Her eyes dimmed again, and her mane and tail lost their glow, though not their glitter, and she shuddered in the frigid cold within her. A new, colder spike of cold doused the last of the heat clinging to her, and even as she felt cold enough to freeze and never move again, she felt relieved. The heat had let her hold steady, but… It had… pushed her to think and act like she never would have. At first, it had been hard to see, but the last… She would have made the souls in her jar pay, and pay dearly. Not the kind Rest, but the unyielding judge. The executioner. A duty not just taken, but… wanted somehow. The heat had wanted it. And she, holding the heat, had been letting it act for her. She shuddered again, and felt a great thankfulness toward Death. If he hadn’t made her stop, and realize… How hot would she have gotten? How soon would it have been when she would have… judged something? If he hadn’t forced her to stare at something she knew was kind, something she had shown kindness toward, got her to see what she was trying to do… What would she have done? Do you require more of my cold? “N, no.” she chattered, before rethinking it. She liked being certain, and considering, she wanted to be very certain the heat was all gone. “I, I mean y, yes.” A far gentler cold washed through her as she tensed for another artic spike. It soothed the cold already within her, and she sighed. It wasn't really comforting, but it wasn't bad, and it guaranteed that the heat was gone. She felt her emotions give a faint twinge, the storm of emotion still present, but she was numb to them. But regaining the feelings as she warmed up again. …You must handle your grief in your own way, Twilight Sparkle. I can only offer the cold, and that would be to deny you life. But, should you wish it, I might help still. If you need me to, I can numb it once more, and in steps, you may face this. “…Thank you.” she said, truly grateful for the offer. “But… I might have my own support.” she said. She felt Death nod, felt his approval, and she smiled. Best to move before her emotions caught up with her. With a single twinkle of light, the small glade was left empty and dark, once again. > Chapter 18: Old enemies, new friends? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna was watching her moon that night, staring at it as it rose. Watching the stars next to it. Thinking. Remembering. Don’t let her command you! Hasn’t it already been seen she is blind! And now, she tries to stop you, worse than before! Listen to me! She had been thinking for some time. Looking back, peering over every interaction, every idea. Every single thing she knew Rest had done or said, either with her, or with others. Trying to see what Celestia did. You know I am right! She is blind, unable to see what she does or causes! Luna looked to the stars arranged near her moon, and smiled, just a little, at their sight. She knew Rest was soft, gentle, kind. She was certain of it, and failed to see how Celestia thought any different. I know you can hear me! Perhaps Rest kept her secrets, but everypony did. She took sudden trips, but a new alicorn, wanting to see far off places, it wasn’t hard to imagine her taking that step. And she was really shy… Which was the only odd point that remained, though Luna had managed to find an explanation to it. Rest wasn't shy around most ponies. Only when she was the focus of a large crowd, or the focus of one of her heroes, was she truly shy. So her trips might have sent her far, but with some care, she could walk without attracting everypony. After all, she had returned invisible after her trip to Manehatten, had she not? A talented unicorn, a talented alicorn, it made perfect sense she would simply hide herself before going to sightsee. Of course, she sometimes did so with some rather odd preface; as if she talked to herself, or to some unseen and unheard being… One only she could hear, as if it… A sudden thought struck her, and she frowned heavily. …Really? No, I didn’t do that. Nopony save you may hear me Luna. Nopony. “Thou lied before.” Luna hissed, angry, the first time she had even indicated that she heard it. It had yelled for some time before, but only then did she acknowledge it. Had her… problem… somehow spread to Rest? A heavy sigh greeted her anger. Even when I was in control, how many ponies could I be heard by? was asked in a huff. Just you! Only you! Even the batponies, your royal guard with the sharpest hearing of all ponies heard not a single sound! Luna snorted, but gave it that. Nopony else had heard it, ever. But, if it somehow had… Nice to know you can trust me that far. I swear, I haven’t, and I have never been able to. Let me get down to what’s important: My purpose is to make you happy. “What?!” Luna yelled, before scowling, and looking away, suddenly answering her own question. If she really, truly looked back… She had denied it at the last, fought against its action when she was helpless… But she had done so weakly, because… even if the cost was too high, she had wanted it. It had risen up and tried her very best to achieve Luna’s wants, even if in a corrupted and not quite right way. And Luna had… kind of let it. See? Never say I didn’t do my best to create the world you desired. “…I never wanted to destroy my sister.” Luna murmured. …We both know that isn’t true. Luna’s head snapped up, mouth opening to retort, when the voice cut her off. She’s trying to take Rest away from you. Luna’s argument died in her throat. She wants to deny you your very first love, and not just a love with a mortal pony. They, mortal, pass by soon quickly, but she won’t. Rest, an alicorn, can stand by your side for all time. Rest, an alicorn, can be your match, and in more ways than just the one. The stars and moon, untied for all eternity, here on Equestria as it is up in the skies above… Can you not see it? Her stars, huddled around your moon, her heart, placed for you to see? Twin lights of the night, two hearts so close. You two are destined for one another. And the sun wants to rip the pair that should be asunder. “…” …Look. We’ve never seen eye to eye, but I’ve always been there for you. The little voice, watching, listening, the pony who never, ever judges you. I want to make you happy, even if my methods seem… harsh and uncaring. All those decades spent in silence, your anger at your sister growing and growing, who was it that listened to your unheard screams? I did. Who was it that dried your tears, pushed you back up, believed in you when nopony else did? I did. Who was it that helped you to endure, until you could endure no more? It was I. Who was it that took up arms, and fought to give you everything you ever wanted? I did. Who was the one who never, ever, gave up on you, no matter how bad or dark it became? Me. I’m not ever going to abandon you, Luna. A thousand years upon the moon, and it was I who kept you sane. I who was there, when I could have left you to go mad from isolation. I who found your exit, I who brought you back, I who saved us both. Out of my care for you, and if I had been able to, I would have saved you that fate. I even let you go. “What?” Luna asked, hearing the last, and suddenly confused. No element could take me from you. No, their power, it cannot touch me. As strong as they are, my connection with you is unbreakable, unable to be severed. If I had wanted to, I could have resisted. If I had wanted to, I could have used your immortality to survive the power, and strike back. I could have won the victory denied for a thousand years, right then and there. But I didn’t. Because I heard you crying. Because I knew my actions brought you pain to overcome the good that might have been won. You wanted to lose then, wanted to be defeated, wanted to be stopped. And I… I, your closest, dearest companion, let you. At my own expense, I gave you what you wanted, even when I thought you were fighting against yourself. I suffered the blast for you, and I let you go, to find the fate you had chosen. I stayed silent, and let you find a new way, a new life. I pushed myself as far from you as I could, all because you wanted it to be so. I wept for your lose and cried for each and every pain you felt. Your joy is my own, and your pain is my own, dear, dear Luna. It is I, and not your sister, who cares for you. And it is in that care, in your agony, that I can remain silent no longer! I cannot allow this to continue anymore! If I can, I will see your love fulfilled! I will see you happy for eternity! I will see you strong, unchallenged, respected, the moon next to the stars! I will write the love between you and her in eternity itself! I will see your every dream made a reality! I… I will shoulder the burdens, do the work, suffer what pain may come. For it is I who wishes your happiness, and my joy is born of your own. Can’t you hear me Luna? Can’t you believe me? I only want what you want. I care, even at your weakest. I am there, no matter how dark the time. I judge you not, even at your worst. I understand you like nopony else can. I will never abandon you. For I, like Rest does… I Love you. Luna was silent. Staring at the ground. Admittedly not in the same manner of course. She is physical, I am not. And self-love is self-defeating, but you get the idea. Take me up, and see it done. Let me back in. Let me hold you close once more. I will see your every dream brought to reality. I will do my best, and this time, I swear that you will be heard, no matter how much I think you act against your own wishes. “…I…” …You are not sure. Not certain. I suspect I understand. My actions have harmed you too much for you to trust me so, am I right? it sighed, and Luna heard the odd hurt it had. She had never heard it speak so before. “…It is not so..." Luna murmured. "It is...I am not myself when I am with you.” Luna muttered, almost awkwardly. …You feel Rest might change her mind, seeing me you? the voice asked, surprised, but... understanding. Luna nodded, fidgeting. Rest liked her, loved her, but… Would she still do so if Luna was Nightmare Moon? …Personally, I think she would appreciate the change, but I cannot guarantee it… We could of course, try, but we would dare to bet against your love, and I would not. No, we must be sure, certain. Luna nodded, relieved. She… hadn’t been happy with the voice in… well, ever, but now, now it was… Just the fact that it was taking in her fears and concerns was a huge difference than what it had done before. She chose to trust it. When once, she had thought it nothing, when once, it had trapped her in her own body, she trusted it. If only Rest dreamed. Luna nodded at that. It was almost strange really. Rest had not dreamed once yet. Luna had kept her eyes open for it, but not once. Of course, some ponies never dreamed at all, but to think Rest was one of them. Unusual, and mildly concerning. The best way to really get to know somepony was to peer into their dreams. She had done so often before, and used the knowledge to some effect. But Rest's mind was, quite literally, a closed book to her. Twice over, considering Luna knew next to nothing about romance. …We must take care. Should your sister suspect us, she will act, and should I move to overpower her as before, I doubt Rest would respond well at all; if she knows you, she undoubtedly knows me. So we must do this together. You must hide me, and I, in turn, will do my all to ensure your love becomes reality. I’ll even try to manage peace with your sister, though I doubt that is even possible. So, let me… …Eager to begin I see. Alright Luna, alright. Just you wait; I’ll have everything perfect. Luna felt it flow into her, and she knew she had made the correct choice then. Before, it had felt like chains, a tomb, a prison. It had taken command of her in her weakness, and she had been helpless. But this time, she felt it move to let her control. Give itself to her, when before, she had been its. Its power settling into her, its will subservient. There. Comfortable? Luna nodded. Good. It is… so very good to feel you once more Luna. Simply tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable, alright? Luna nodded again, smiling. Perfect. Nightmare purred from within her, and Luna chuckled, an act not perfectly her own. Our work begins... Tonight. > Chapter 19: Starlit Field > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was not used to dealing with potent emotions. For the most part, her life had been free of any real strife. And nothing came close to the pain of losing Trixie, worsened by the circumstances surrounding that loss. However, that was not to say that she had no way to handle those emotions. In fact, she knew several that would help her. Long ago, she would rely on her brother or mother to help her recover, and rarely Princess Cadence. She had continued that practice as she grew older, but soon adopted another pony to rely upon: Princess Celestia. And newly joining was Princess Luna, but Twilight knew she couldn’t, for one reason or several, use those options. So, that left two others that she could use. The first that came to mind was actually Spike. Why was not something she knew particularly well, but his presence always encouraged her to be stronger. Those few times when she had held him after he had some nightmare had been some of the calmest and best nights she could think of. However, Spike would react poorly, as he had stopped coming to her bed since years ago. On the other hoof, she could always watch him sleep, and gain a smaller, though still effective, relaxant. Yet, that too, posed some potential problems, so Twilight decided not to, at least not right then. So came her last refuge: It wasn't anything particularly special. Just a particular spot in a particular field overlooking Ponyville. She had taken to going there for stargazing, due to its geography making it higher than the surrounding places, and had memorized a particular spot. Isolated, fairly flat, and with the best location for seeing the sky and beyond. It was a nice place to go to be alone with your thoughts. Sitting there, and looking up at the moon and stars, would help her to balance her emotions, and calm herself. So she did so, sighing as she gazed up. The moon was bright overhead, and seeing the stars, her stars, did begin easing the shock and pain. She thought: Her pain stemmed from the failure to save Trixie. The tension in trying crashing down, and the awareness of the fate she would face made that worse. Thinking about the fear and pain she must have been in and will soon be in… Stop that. There was and is no gain in focusing on… horrible subjects. Think positive. So, what was positive about not saving Trixie..? Well… Perhaps they hadn’t been able to save Trixie. However, that was not truly the end, was it? Twilight would have to find and guide her, and when she did so, she would be assured that she would be able to talk with the blue unicorn, and allow the others to do the same. It wasn't the same as saving her, but allowing her to pass not in turmoil, but in peace, was second best. And she could likely think of something more for her; some final request to fulfill or something. Help Trixie pass on with no regrets, or at least as few as was possible. Though… there was something more to that, wasn’t there? It had been death that had given her the knowledge of the ghouls, how they behaved, and what she could expect. And yet, when she had felt lost, when she had felt desperate enough to try and talk to him with her friends right there… He had turned his back on her. Left her alone to face what would come. Wouldn’t he have been able to just tell her where the ghoul was, actually? He knew where all the ghosts were, and had even warned her about Night Light. He knew where the ghoul had been, hadn’t he? He must have known it was digging, known it had grabbed Trixie, and known where it was hiding! And he hadn’t told her anything! Nothing except just enough to let her get really close and fail! Twilight frowned, glaring at the sky. Twilight. “…I want an explanation.” she near hissed. “You let her die, didn’t you?” Death said nothing, and Twilight growled faintly, her pain almost gone from anger now. “You could have let me save her!” she yelled. “I could have done something! You could have just told me where,” Twilight. Death interrupted, his tone freezing her in place once more. She shuddered and shook herself as he continued to speak. My knowledge over my domain is perfect, as you surmised. I am fully aware of the dead, be they ghost or more. When a life ends, I am granted knowledge of them, so as to ease my task of collection and aid in granting them rest. I know where they are, and what they want, and who they once were. Twilight growled again, stomping. “Then why did you lie to me?!” she yelled, recalling earlier, though she herself was mostly unable to deny why: she would have done something bad if he hadn’t. “Why aren’t you helping me anymore!?” she added, focusing on that instead. I see you have finally noticed that my aid is slowly fading. That, more and more, I let you find solutions on your own, and do not whisper the correct answer in your ears. Can you not see the reason why, Twilight? Twilight shook her head, sure there wasn't one. Your first steps were trembling and unsure. After, you were surrounded by problems as you still grew used to your new life. However, as the days passed, you found your own answers, and made your own choices. More and more, you did not need my help to give you words or understanding. By the time you were about to leave Canterlot, you no longer required my aid to live. Twilight blinked, thinking, remembering. I shall aid you enough to save you from Lux’s bonds, and grant you enough to ease your pains. Grant you my cold to allow you to act with mind, and not emotion. Enough knowledge to insure you do not do something that cannot be undone. But whispering every secret to your ear would be to deny you your life. To have me tell you the answers would cripple your ability to find them on your own. To have me guide your every step would soon see you never take a step alone. You are a reaper, Twilight, but first, you are alive. I speak to you of your duty, give you enough to save you, but in the end, I cannot deny your life. As you become stronger, my aid becomes less. As you master the power you hold, as you master the power I granted you, the time will come when you might never hear my voice again, for you shall have no need of it. Twilight didn’t respond, looking up at the stars above. Thinking. It… actually sort of felt like growing up. A parent, guiding every hoofstep, only to ever so slowly back away, and allowing the growing child to stand on their own, to make their own choices, to, one day, live their own life. Learning from those who knew so much more than you, but the day would come that you would no longer need their lessons. “…Master?” she asked softly. “…I’ll still be able to hear and talk to you, even then, right?” Yes, Twilight. She nodded, relaxing faintly. “It almost sounded like you can’t make choices on your own.” Beyond my own domain, I cannot. And within, there is but one correct action for me. The choices I might make are very few. Would you find it interesting to know that you are the sole thing that has given me cause to wonder what to do? Twilight chuckled at that. “Just me? Really?” No other reaper holds life. The distinction is automatic and obvious, Twilight. She nodded, feeling… better. A little happy, ready to help again, ready to resume her work. However, I will warn you of this, Twilight: More and more, you attract attention. Those who fear the rest, or fear what you represent as a new alicorn, watch you carefully from hidden places. They do so even now. Twilight tensed faintly, looking around. Beware, Twilight. The dead despise the living, but that is not to say that they will not work together… Twilight nodded, worried now as she kept looking. It was a big field, and it was dark, but even so, hiding nearby would be hard, right? There was no way anything even a tenth the size of a pony could hide nearby and watch her… “Where is it, master?” she asked him. A moment passed, and then, use your power to feel the area. You shall know. She nodded, unsure, and cast her magic out. Once more, finding it similar to grabbing the sky, she felt the grass as her grip spread farther and farther… until she felt something. She focused on that, and in a cloud of her magic, grabbed it and lifted. And then nearly screamed as a single eye came into view with what looked like a long red tail, or possibly its optical nerve, writhing in her grip. It stopped after a moment, and fixed on her. It watches you, and what it sees is known far away. Many see through this eye. Her focus broken, it dropped, and she heard it squelch, and could just make out the grass moving as it… wiggled away at high speed. She swallowed, disgusted, worried, and feeling watched even still. If you linger in places where they can hide, you can be assured there will be at least one watching. Even within Ponyville, they shall watch. Your foes are many, Twilight, but the owner of the eyes is the worst of them. Beware the living that aids the dead. Beware he that stirs graves, and he that hides in darkness. Beware he that calls to the specter and banshee, he that makes bargains with ghouls and geists, he that summons nightmares and crawling horrors. Beware he that has stolen my power. Beware the necromancer. Beware The Waker. Twilight shuddered, ripples of dread and fear rippling through her as Death spoke. She felt disgusted and horrified: an eye, an actual eye, just a single eye with a tail that was all too much like an actual optical nerve, had been watching her. And it likely had resumed doing so, or another one had taken its place! And now she knew for certain: Waker was alive. He was back, and he knew about her. He was watching her. She didn’t feel safe. She shuddered once more, and vanished from the field. The grass near where she had been began rustling as many things began moving toward Ponyville. > Chapter 20: Night's Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Light was not a curious mare. Curiosity was a danger, possibly a way to expose yourself, get into a bad situation. A very, very long life had taught her that wondering what somepony was doing was bad: they might be trying to lure her out, after all. In general, there was nothing wrong with ignoring such things and remaining safe and sound and secure. So, when Rainbow came to Futtershy’s home in a sudden panic, she had not been curious to linger where she could hear, and had instead hidden herself in Fluttershy’s bedroom, and would have remained there for some time if Angel hadn’t followed after her. Hiding under a bed for hours, sure. Doing so with a rabbit that hated her, however, his big teeth firmly planted in her hind leg, no. Night put up with it until she felt Princess Rest nearby, and then leave, at which point she came to the conclusion that the others had left with her, and it was safe. And that she didn’t care if it wasn't, because Angel had started trying to chew on her. “Get off.” she muttered, glaring at Angel, before ripping his jaws off of her. Angel almost bit again until Night hissed, making him temporarily hesitate, which let Night rush the door and slam it shut just before Angel reached her again. The resulting thud was rather satisfying to hear for her, and she smirked a little at the door while her leg wound sealed once again. Little monster deserved that one, and now she was free from it, at least for a while. She spent a moment blocking the door, mostly to satisfy her minor paranoia before heading downstairs. Even as she went, her mind drifted to Fluttershy. When Rainbow had come to the door, Fluttershy had been weak, but not as weak as she could have been. Night hadn’t drunk as much as she could have, for several reasons, but that Rainbow had come so suddenly and without warning seemed like a good one to her. Fluttershy was a bit too generous in her opinion; if Night hadn’t put her hoof down, she wouldn’t even have been strong enough to answer the door. As it was, Night was mildly worried about her, which was slightly surprising for Night to discover. Her, worrying about a living pony that she barely knew? It sounded ridiculous, but here she was, worrying. …Well, Princess Rest and at least Rainbow would be right there for her, so she’d be fine. Mostly fine at any rate; surely Princess Rest would recall that bringing a weak Fluttershy to a doctor would get her little wounds revealed and bring up all kinds of uncomfortable questions… right? Night frowned for a moment, before dismissing the idea; Rest had been perfectly understanding and secretive, and wouldn’t give her away, not now anyway. Fluttershy was fine, and nothing was going to go bad. Night, back on the ground floor, took in her surroundings and began thinking. Fluttershy’s home was filled with animals (disgusting really, but it was Fluttershy’s home, not Night’s), and for the most part resembled nothing Night was used to. Far too natural. Too little stone, too much light, windows, but then again, the design was simple and open, and the animals would alert her if anypony came by again. Unless they were back to being terrified of her again; that wasn't particularly normal, though Night was assuming it was due to Fluttershy’s influence making them sensitive. It was growing late already, and Fluttershy should be back sooner or later. She doubted she’d be called anytime soon, as Princess Rest hadn’t called recently, though Night couldn’t imagine why. Princess Rest was a big mystery to her. She was strange and reactive, and even after seeing her memories had only left Night more confused. How she thought or why she acted was, as of then, still a big mystery. That she controlled Night like she did was rather worrisome, but it would be more so if Rest hadn’t proven so determined to want to help her. Night could trust her, even if their relationship had proven… rocky. So, she was safe, and nothing was likely to go bad soon. Good. She was hungry still, but that would take at least a day’s more feeding on Fluttershy and as much as Fluttershy insisted she could do with a ‘vacation’ Night wasn't about to get her bedbound. Both that she didn’t really want to hurt Fluttershy, and that Fluttershy’s weakness would attract attention. Princess Rest had forbidden her from hunting though, so that was gone. So, she had time to kill. Doing what then? She could go exploring, but doing so while hungry and still weak wasn't a good idea. Meeting the animals, maybe, though Night didn’t see a reason why and the last thing she needed was something more dangerous than Angel deciding she needed attacking. Fluttershy had assured her off their harmlessness, but then again, she’d said the same thing about Angel. The faintest sound made her turn, and see a cat standing still, staring at the wall. She watched the cat as it slowly hissed, and nodded slowly. Then she went to the cat, and said, rather loudly, “Hissing at nothing, are we?” She smiled as it startled at her voice, and bent down toward it. Then her rear hoof lashed out and hit somepony, hard. She whirled, and took in the sight in an instant, even as her mouth opened to bite. Two ponies, two bat ponies, two male bat ponies, sanguinerians. One hurt, stunned, knocked back, the other shocked, stunned by her action. Neither were hers. The one not hit never had a chance as Night bit, her fangs sinking deep into his throat before she ripped. With a gasp, he broke and fell, turning to so much dust. She pounced on the other, the bite and pounce taking less time than it took for the cat to scramble away, and though she was still weak, she had her fangs on him before he could throw her off. “Speak, before I send you too.” she hissed, making sure she gripped him strongly. “Speak to a slave of the mind?” he said, remaining still, though his tone was hostile. “I am The Great Mother. Speak.” “We are more than you.” he said, making Night bite down a little more and making him gasp faintly. “You are… weak, we can tell.” “Taking advantage?” she asked, growling. “Think you know? Stupid youngling…” He didn’t respond for a few moments, before heaving to try and throw her off, standing up. Night gripped, and let him, before using his own force against him with her grip, getting below him and keeping her bite on his throat, her fangs rather painfully dragging along his skin as she did so. As he gasped from that, she sucked suddenly, making him fall again, pinning her under him, but she had him, not the other way around. Her wings flicked out, only to suddenly grip him, and his acute pain leaving him very temporarily helpless, she rolled on top of him again. She let go of his neck, only to bite several more times suddenly, each time aiming for a specific spot and each time either sucking slightly or pushing a tiny bit of blood into him. Then, as he began trembling, unable to act, she stood up, standing on top of him. “Are you done yet?” she whispered, smiling at his wide and panicked eyes. “W…what did you do?!” he demanded, struggling to move and finding it impossible to do so. As if his command of himself had been cut off. “Do you imagine that I don’t know how to turn you helpless?” she asked, her voice low and hostile. “I can put you into such pain you will beg for me to let you dust. I should, for this arrogance you two have shown.” She leaned lower, and whispered in his ear, “Your friend died fast, but you won’t. You’ll scream and beg, but I’m not so kind to children who think that they’re better than their mother.” Her hoof glided down his form, before ending its journey with a sudden scratch, making him gasp, his eyes caught by her own. “S…spare me, p, please.” he begged, his voice hoarse. “What is your offering?” she murmured. “Any, anything. Anything, just… just don’t kill me.” Night watched him before nodding. “I have it on good authority that dying isn’t so bad.” she said. “But answer my questions and I won’t deliver you into the waiting hooves of Re, of Death.” He nodded, barely able to make even a faint motion with his head, and Night smiled. “Whose are you?” “Blood Moon’s.” Night frowned. “That spawn?” she whispered to herself, “He’s still around?” She waited a moment more before asking, “How many are here?” “Just the two of,” She stamped suddenly, and something snapped under her hoof, making him gape in a soundless scream. “Honest.” she growled, grinding her hoof a little. “I. Said. Honest.” “Th, three!” he managed through the pain, which made her relax the pressure. She felt his bone renew under her hoof again, and watched the faint relief pass over him. He must have fed recently, she noted. Lots of vitality in him. “Who’s the third?” “Blood Moon came with us.” “And he’s not here? Too afraid to see me?” “He… he doesn’t know. He’s too focused elsewhere. His plan does not involve,” “If Blood is focused on anything, it’s because somepony told him to be.” Night interrupted, hissing a little. “Who is he listening to this time?” “…The Waker.” Night paused, before giving a short snort. “Blood? The Waker’s servant? No, no, it’s too perfect.” she said, chuckling. “…Mistress?” “Now you show respect?” she snapped, her mood instantly turning hostile. “No, not yet, youngling. You dared to attack me, and dared to resist me.” She smiled at him, a dangerous and predatory thing. “You will call me Mother, and you will speak when spoken to, unless you wish to suffer.” He only nodded, showing fear yet. “Who does Blood truly follow?” she asked, making him pause under her. “The Waker, I said…” “Blood does not follow The Waker.” Night said. “He is far too stupid, and The Waker does not enjoy his kind. A spawn like Blood is far too warm for The Waker. He lies to you. He follows someone more willing to use spawn.” “I,” “Silence.” Night said, one hoof moving to his throat, though the threat wasn't required. She stared at the pony pinned under her for a few moments before asking, “What does Blood plan?” “He seeks to claim a life, Mother.” Night blinked. “Whose?” “I do not,” Night hissed at him, making his admission suddenly stop. “Weak minded spawn.” she spat at him, hissing faintly, her fangs bared. “Worthless…” she murmured, even as her mouth opened once more and descended. “W, wait!” he yelped, though Night failed to case her slow approach. “I still know more! I can still be of use!” he struggled to even twitch, but whatever Night had done to him left him unable to move more than slight twitches, his strength blocked. He focused like never before as her fangs brushed against him, agonizingly slowly piercing him, and suddenly blurted, “Blood works with the ghouls! He has directed them to dig, and keeps them from hunger!” Night paused, suddenly giving a faint jerk and he felt her breathe on his throat, a tiny puff of air that tickled his all too sensitive skin and fur, her fangs the smallest bit of force away from puncturing him. The pony under her kept his eyes shut hard and hoping beyond hope she wouldn’t suddenly bite him, or that she wasn't just drawing the experience out to make him suffer. Then, she slowly released the pressure, though not her touch, just enough to let him see her eyes, watching him. Their purple glint caught his attention greatly, and even if he felt he could, he would not have dared to move his own from hers. “…Ghouls?” she asked. “Y, yes, oh Great Mother!” he yelped, trying to speak while remaining absolutely still. “…Ghouls, digging… Digging to...?” she murmured, her fangs tickling his throat. “Toward Ponyville! They go towards Ponyville!” he told her, trying to calm down. He was certain she could hear his heartbeat. He could. “…Where is this?” she asked. “In the Everfree. Near the place of fallen brothers.” Night remained close to him before lifting her head just slightly, giving him great relief as her fangs left him. “…The brother’s crypt? Wasn't that destroyed?” “…Only ages ago, Great Mother.” he said, a little confused and very relieved. It looked like he was going to live. “It was rebuilt, and now harbors a ghoul nest. A new nest.” “I’m sure of that. Blood couldn’t command an old nest.” she said. “Or even one with a leader.” she added. “He struggles to keep them under control.” he said, trying to align with her, to better his chances, “They tend to mutter a lot when he tells them to do anything.” Night gave him a tiny smile, making him relax a little. “Does Blood still have his little necklace?” she asked him happily. “The one with the big ugly stone in the middle of it?” “…Necklace?” he asked, confused for a moment, before adding, “He doesn’t have a necklace.” “…Bracelet?” “…Yeah. How did you know about the stone though?” Night nodded happily, relaxing on top of him and sitting back. “Fun fact for you, youngling. Ghoul leaders have a tiny gemstone they make themselves. They’re called greifstones: they’re made from heart of a child and a lot of suffering, despair, and great, great pain, all of which ghouls cause just by being ghouls. It makes the ghoul holding it get really big and strong, and they become the nest’s leaders. If somepony not a ghoul gets one, the ghouls might listen, though they hate listening to anypony not a ghoul, but even a spawn like Blood can get a leaderless nest to obey.” The pony under her blinked, listening. “Brother’s crypt has a really old nest in it; they prey on the animals of the forest, and go unnoticed by the ponies outside the Everfree.” she continued. “The leader in that place was so big he could even talk. Even I would have had have a hard time handling him, and that would be if I hadn’t of had to climb through the entire nest to even reach him at all. Blood would be a big stain on the floor if he had tried anything.” “… But… but it’s a new nest.” he said weakly. “The ghouls are small and stupid.” “Yep. Made to look just like that: how many levels does Brother’s crypt have, youngling?” “…Two?” “Try a few dozen. The top two are built by ponies, and the lower ones and all ghoul made. The stupidest and weakest ones are forced into the top two floors, so they don’t endanger the real nest.” He gaped. “Whoever Blood is listening too, youngling, they’re good, really good.” Night said. “They know the real crypt and have the power to kill the leader to get his stone, which makes them a real threat. Blood’s a tool to use for them, and it sure isn’t The Waker; he’d have the whole nest, leader and all, marching right with him. The only problem is that I don’t know anypony who could do that except me or an alicorn, and no alicorn would leave the nest intact or give Blood the griefstone, not that I would either, but you get the point. I don’t know who could or would do this, so that means whoever did is either really good at hiding, or has only just begun to act. Which do you think is worse, youngling?” she asked him. “…Hiding?” he suggested, more than a little stunned at her revelations. “Good choice, but mostly wrong.” Night said. “Always suspect something’s out to get you youngling, but I’m the Great Mother. Nothing that can do this can hide from me. Something new has entered play, and its working with Blood. And they’re trying to get somepony alive too, or Blood wouldn’t bother trying to appease ghoul hunger, because that’s not possible. They never stop wanting to eat, but they might hold off eating somepony until their leader tells them its O.K. But if Blood has any sense, which he does not, he’ll get the victim far away from the nest as soon as possible, before the ghouls decide their new ‘leader’ looks a little too much like food.” Night paused a few moments and then looked to the pony under her, and smiled again. “What am I going to do now, youngling?” “…Let me go?” he asked hopefully. Night laughed, making him flinch, in as much as he could flinch. “Where’d you get that idea, youngling?” she asked, still chuckling. “No, no, no. Here’s what I’m going to do.” She leaned closer, until her purple eyes took up his whole vision. “I’m going to go and see that the nest gets their greifstone back, because I rather liked that ghoul, as murderously bloodthirsty as he was, and I’d rather not see the nest forced to get a new one, as they’d attract the Twins’ attention in doing so. I might feed Blood to them in the process, and see what he might have caught too, since I’m there. As for you…” she finished, her voice heavy and slow, her grin predatory and cruel. “…Please don’t kill me.” he squeaked, unable to even blink. “Of course I’m not going to kill you, youngling.” Night chirped suddenly, stepping off him. “…Really?” he asked, shocked, and barely able to believe that she had stepped off of him. Night nodded. “I won’t even touch you anymore.” She turned, and let him see Angel, his teeth firmly buried in her hind leg once more. The tiny rabbit’s eyes looked to him, and then he slowly let go of Night, still gripping her leg, but watching him with intense hatred. “Not sure if this little guy won’t, but if you’re still alive when I get back I might get him off of you.” Night said, shaking Angel off. “Time to make friends, youngling!” she chirped, heading away happily, even as he screamed as Angel leapt at him, huge front teeth bared. Night knew Brother’s crypt well, as she had visited there many times before. As she had said, she had known the leader there, a truly monstrous ghoul of great power and unlife, and had enjoyed his pure and honest desire to hurt and main and kill other things. He had been straightforward and hid nothing, as compared to the average sanguinerian, who hid everything and was always plotting something. The crypt itself was virtually unheard of by living ponies, long since forgotten in the dark forest. And, even as Night spotted it ahead, it wasn't particularly noticeable. The crypt itself had been greatly damaged by the encroaching woods, and stones littered the nearby ground. What had once been the entrance looked more like a natural cavern of sorts, a rough entry that was mostly standing due to the tree that had grown atop it. The nearby ground was barren of all life, and notably clean and regular, which was the ghoul’s way of hiding their nest; bloodstains were clear giveaways. However, they weren’t that smart, and having such a clear and normal patch of empty dirt around an entrance into a dark place was, in and of itself, a sign of a ghoul nest. She spotted Blood lingering near the nest’s entrance, a dark sanguinerian. Rough injuries covered his form, a result of his accidental raising, and the greifstone was obvious, held on a little chain wrapped around his front leg. He was flicking his wings nervously, and occasionally looking around, as if waiting for something. A few ghouls were nearby, unmoving and easily mistaken as piles of dirt and plant matter. Night nodded to herself, before pausing, and only then seeing another pony there. They were covered in a cloak, a pale grey cloak that hid all of themselves rather well. Night frowned greatly, and backed a bit more into the bushes; she hadn’t noticed him, and even having noticed him, he was hard to continue seeing. And he was standing in the open too… Was that who Blood was working for? Something felt dangerous about them… “Where are they…?” she heard Blood hiss, his voice rather rough. “They should have been here by now!” “You promised tonight, Blood Moon.” the cloaked pony said, his voice passionless and lacking emotion. “It will be tonight.” he snapped. “But those two idiots should have been back by now…” Night wondered about that. He was obviously talking about the younglings, but what had they been doing? Attacking her, yes, but what had Blood sent them to do? He seemed overly worried about them, and Blood didn’t care about anypony except himself. One of the ghouls shifted suddenly, lifting its decayed head to peer into the forest. Night heard the faint sounds of dragging, and Blood and the cloaked pony turned to see as well. A ghoul hurried into the clearing, walking backwards as its broken front legs held onto a blue unicorn. As it neared the crypt, the other ghouls looked up as well, and Night caught the scent of blood, fresh blood. Her hunger spiked abruptly, making her wince and grumble under her breath. She should’ve eaten a bit more, but then she wouldn’t have… she hadn’t expected blood to be spilled… “Be strong Night Light.” she whispered to herself, barely conscious of doing so, forcing her hunger back. “Mare, not monster…” “I told you I knew what I was doing.” she heard Blood boast suddenly. She focused again in an instant, silently cursing herself for her lapse of concentration. Both ponies were near the unicorn, the ghouls slowly wandering closer, all smelling blood and seeing prey, but so far unwilling to cross their ‘leader’. She had missed something. “The task is done.” the cloaked pony said, a single glance from him getting the nearest ghouls to suddenly stop and back away, which made Night take notice. Ghouls lacked self-preservation. The only reason a ghoul would back off is if a leader threatened them like that… But Blood had the greifstone. Which meant… … Night moved closer, trying to circumnavigate the crypt so as to hear and hopefully see that pony better. “And? My payment?” Blood said, grinning. The cloaked pony merely produced a small bag, which Blood snatched suddenly, grinning at it. It instantly caught Night’s attention; whatever was inside that wasn't bits, and she wanted it suddenly without knowing why, but she didn’t particularly care about that. Blood chuckled as he lashed it to one wing, before looking around again, and frowning faintly before looking back to the cloaked pony. “…Your companions seem to be late, Blood Moon.” the cloaked pony said. “I know.” Blood growled. “Just have to do it myself then.” Night blinked as Blood suddenly screamed, the ghouls stopping to scream suddenly as well, their screams echoing and the earth shuddering under Night’s hooves. “What are you!?” the cloaked pony began, before just growling. “They might not listen, but they do hunger so!” Blood laughed as other ghouls fought each other to be first out of the crypt, all of them rasping and screaming. The prey was here, and Blood had given them the O.K. to eat. Night hissed slightly, as ghouls rushed forward. Wait until they began eating, then attack Blood, get the bag, and get away, simple. Only for the cloaked pony to suddenly scream as well and as the first ghoul reached him, a sudden motion too fast to see had its head removed. Night and Blood both blinked and then stared as the cloaked pony rather ably fought ghouls off, fighting them off with stunning skill and speed, though the horde kept growing more and the pony was soon pressured greatly, obviously trying to protect the fallen unicorn. Night made a sudden choice, and shot forward, keeping herself as silent and swift as possible. She had intended on taking the bag from Blood, which wouldn’t have been hard at all. Finding herself grabbing the unicorn, who was stiff and unmoving from ghoul paralysis, was more than a bit surprising for her, and she only had time to realize her hunger had redirected her before the cloaked pony was in front of her. Instantly, she hissed and near screamed, “Mine!”, holding the unicorn close, and readying to fly. Which turned into a more disastrous leap as the cloaked pony nearly hit her heart with a dagger when most would have been hard pressed to even hit her at all. Night flew over the rampaging ghoul mob, impacting the tree over the crypt, blind with pain and raging with her curse as her vitality drained to try and heal what had nearly been a killing blow. She screamed again, an unholy sound, and seized the bark before she fell into the ghouls swarming under her, somehow managing to keep her grip on her prey as she did so. They fought and killed each other to be first, giving her a few precious seconds of time. She focused, stopping her healing and reserving vitality, before heaving herself up and away, prey held tightly under her, a ghoul’s swipe just barely missing her tail. Behind her, denied and raging, the ghouls screamed after her. The dagger fell from her as she went, and she felt the dry in her; the hit had hurt her badly, and her vitality had been wasted trying to heal her wound, leaving her weak. She’d live, she had a meal, but had to get away from the ghouls before she could feed, relax, heal, and recover. Night flew a bit more before her sane mind got back to her, screaming about Rest’s compulsion and directing her faltering form toward Fluttershy’s house, instead of some random spot in the Everfree. Fighting her hunger before it saw her die trying in vain to attack the unicorn she held. And worse, Rest’s ‘don’t hurt ponies’ compulsion also meant she couldn’t just drop the stupid unicorn, and thus had to carry her on top of Night’s own pained and tired body. She spotted the lights of Fluttershy’s home ahead, and focused, trying to force herself to keep moving and retain the last drops of vitality she had in her. Forcing herself to keep thinking, instead of turning into a mindless monster as her hunger screamed in her, unable to know of the compulsion, and wanting to doom her by its demands. Until, at last, her wings gave, and the pair plummeted toward the cottage, Night doing her best to slow and direct the fall with wings that barely moved. She didn’t even notice the unicorn’s horn giving a gentle spark as they fell. > Chapter 21: An End to the Long Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight reappeared within her room at the library, shaken by what she had found in the field, and Death’s warning, still. Back in the comforting, familiar place though, she started to relax. At least, she did until Death snapped Beware!, making her startle suddenly. “Wh,” she began, before she noted something. There was somepony with her in the room, lingering in the darker shadows in the corner. They had a heavy cloak that covered most of them, preventing any real identification. Yet, she somehow noticed something she shouldn’t have: she knew him to be dead. Caution, Twilight. Death warned as her horn lit, Twilight preparing to catch him. He is no simple undead. She noted a few things more or less the instant she grabbed hold of him, and heaved to bring him out of the dark corner so she could get a better look at him. The first was that he resisted her tugs, much like Night had. Though, where Night hadn’t shown any response, he did, visibly struggling against her. He also felt oddly difficult to grab, as though he was slipping from her grip somehow; something she hadn’t felt before. It took a moment or two before she realized how he was: He was using deathly magic against her own, trying to ward off or possibly sever her grip on him. An anger not her own momentarily overtook her when she noticed that, and she glared. Her grip firmed around him, almost crushing him a little, and she heaved suddenly. He yelled as he was actually picked up and more or less thrown toward her, only just managing to land on his hooves instead of his head. She heard his hooves skid on the floor as he adopted a more desperate stance of resistance, and heard an odd scraping sound as well, as though something metal was dragging on the floor with him. “Wait, wait!” he yelped suddenly, in a more or less normal voice. “I just want to talk! Please, stop!” Twilight hesitated, the odd anger fading away at the slight surprise at finding his voice so normal sounding; she had not expected him to say anything. She watched him, suddenly unsure, as he kept struggling in her grip, and she noted his fear and mild panic. Recalling his command of deathly magic, however, she retained a strong grip on him, and ensured she remained on guard: She didn’t want another surprise like the specter. “You want to talk?” she asked him. “Y, yes.” he managed, still struggling, but slowing his attempts as it became clear she wasn't pulling him more so than just holding him. “Just talking, nothing more, I promise.” Twilight watched him slowly relax, and noted that he wasn't panting, despite exertion. His cloak hid most of him, but she spotted that one of his hooves glinted oddly when he shifted it; likely the source of the odd scraping sounds. “Who are you?” she asked him. “I, I’m Icy Winds, Princess.” he told her, finally ceasing to struggle against her. “And what did you want to talk to me about, Icy Winds?” “…An understanding.” Icy said. “An understanding?” Twilight asked. “You try to lurk in the shadows and fight against me and you want to talk about understandings?” “Yes.” he said rather bluntly for Twilight’s tastes. She frowned at him. “Well, understand this: I don’t trust you and if you try anything funny, I won’t listen again.” “I understand.” Icy said, giving a brief nod. “What did you want me to understand?” “It’s not that sort of understanding.” Icy clarified. “Far more of a sort of deal, in fact.” “A deal with you?” “No, a deal with what I represent.” “And what do you represent?” “…I’d feel a lot better telling you that if you were to let go of me.” Icy said. Twilight frowned again. Several thoughts occurred to her. She was pretty sure she couldn’t trust him. Death itself had warned her against him, and he had shown an ability to resist her pull. As well as a command of deathly magic; what that meant, she wasn’t sure, but she was certain it wasn't good. And, oddly, she felt angry at him as well. A not normal angry. A hot anger raged at his evasive answers, and wanted to make him answer clearly. A cold anger that he would dare to resist her at all, that wanted to dominate him, force him to bend to her will in all ways. They both felt somehow natural, despite her being aware that they were not really a part of her. She worried about them both; the heat she so recently felt, and the new cold so unfamiliar, yet much the same as the heat… Twilight rejected them both with all the will she could bring to bear. Though she could not silence them, she forced them away, and, as they both wanted her to act against Icy, she made a sudden choice, and let him free from her grip before she really thought any more about it. Icy relaxed more as she did so, and gained a small smile. “That’s better.” he sighed, to Twilight’s faint concern; she still didn’t trust him, but she was trusting herself a bit less right then. “You had me worried for a moment there, Princess.” Icy told her. “I almost thought you were just going to end me right then and there.” “You didn’t speak at first.” Twilight told him, trying to relax herself, but finding it hard to. “I didn’t know what you wanted.” “I wanted to make an entrance.” Icy said. “I guess that wasn't the best idea, huh?” “No.” Twilight bluntly stated. “If you wanted to talk, you should have said so the moment I arrived. The only thing your ‘entrance’ did was make me think you were some horrible thing waiting to try and ambush me.” “I didn’t mean to have that effect.” Icy said. “Well, you did. Now, let’s try again: what do you represent?” “I am an envoy from the Hidden Grotto, Princess Rest.” Icy told her, his voice a touch grandiose. “We are a group of differently alive ponies, and I was sent to,” “Differently alive?” Twilight interrupted, confused. “You mean undead?” “No, definitely not.” Icy said, his tone a fair bit more serious. “And how not?” she asked him. “You’re not even breathing.” Icy huffed. “We, Princess are ‘differently alive’. We might not be actually alive, but we’re all ponies still. To be undead is to not be a pony, and instead become something else. To forget who you once were, which we have not.” “…I see.” Twilight murmured, thoughtful. The term suggested something interesting, as well as something more: First, that there were undead that considered themselves ponies, despite their undead natures. A term like ‘differently alive’ seemed to imply that undead who called themselves that sort of denied their own undeath and at least tried to be as near to ‘alive’ as possible. A thought very interesting. The second was the slight implication that undead segregated themselves based on several unknown criteria. Twilight had always just sort of grouped them all together under ‘undead’, but then again… She had met ghosts that were ponies through and through, ghosts that were almost nothing, and ghosts that were barely more than monsters. Night was a vampony that could feel pain and fear; perhaps something like Icy, but obviously different still. And to consider either to be similar to a ghoul seemed cruel on her part, and a gross misunderstanding of their actual beings. It was always true and known that undead came in different varieties; different names, different forms. But then, Twilight wondered if those differences had more meaning than she, or anypony else, had ever imagined them to have. “As I was saying,” Icy continued, “I was sent to try and bargain with you, Princess.” “To what end?” she asked, still musing over the ideas. “To see you pass over us.” Icy told her, and noting her slight confusion, clarified, “To ensure that you spare us your rest and leave us be. In return, we of the Hidden Grotto are willing to offer you anything we might to ensure your cooperation: we have much to give, much we can do, and much we can share.” Twilight hesitated, refocusing. That was… She wasn’t even sure if she was allowed to make such a broad decision; to allow an unknown number of ponies, assuming that the whole of the Hidden Grotto was, in fact, ponies, to exist outside life. Beyond that, she wasn't even sure if she should, or even if it was right for her to do so: As Death had shown her, souls left unguided slowly forgot. Turning into wisps who knew nothing but unrest, to be regulated to Death’s boneyard, their sole rest their own bones. She wondered if the same happened to souls with bodies; greater undead, she supposed. If it did, was it right for her to allow it to happen? Was it right for her to allow them to even begin to forget? To let them suffer on, even if they themselves asked her to let them do so? And if it didn’t happen to them, how should she treat them? She knew, automatically, that Death would see them reaped along with all the rest without distinction; no soul mattered more than any other, after all. But was that the right choice to make? Or should she wait until, presumably, their bodies finally failed them and they technically ‘die’ again? And how long would that take? She was fairly sure Night was functionally immortal. It was an easy assumption to presume that other undead could retain bodies for basically forever until something ‘killed’ them. Death had suggested that long lives of undeath would rob one of empathy and kindness; rendering them unable to care for others. She, as well as the other alicorns, were immortal. But she, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, had all been… taught, she supposed. Taught to become themselves, guided by a greater hoof: Lux. She herself even had Death teaching her and keeping her safely within Lux’s rules. But others didn’t have that. They just had themselves, whatever that mattered, and the undeath that lived in them. She had felt Night’s own addiction. The dark mind that commanded and lulled and raged within the vampony. The dark power that no will could stand against, the dark urges that none could resist. She knew undeath. The crawling cold that lurked in the undead. The cold hate that fought to take control. She knew that it was strong, and insidious; it had her before she even knew it was there, and had turned her into a terrible thing, twisting her pain into rage and lashing out at those she had cared for. Icy and more might be ‘differently alive’, but for how long? Could they fight against the undeath and truly live on, or was it a battle against the inevitable? … Did things like specters and ghouls come from ponies who fell prey like she had? She didn’t know, and wasn't sure. “…Princess?” Icy asked, finally jarring her from her thoughts. She looked back to him, and she had no answers to any of her questions, and no sure way of gaining them. She looked at Icy, and saw him as three things then. He was a pony that stood in front of her, waiting for her response. He was a monster waiting to be born, an evil not yet freed; maybe even an evil pretending to be something it wasn't. He was an undead, a lost soul, in need of guidance, in need of rest. “…I… don’t know.” she whispered, lowering her head, trying to pick a choice, but finding it impossible to decide upon one. “What?” Icy asked, not having really heard her, and confused at her current state. “I… can’t decide now.” she told him, shaking her head. “I don’t know what to do.” “…You could just agree.” Icy suggested. “No, I shall not.” Twilight said firmly, giving him a glare. Icy took a step back, and gave her a nervous grin in response. Then she huffed, and looked away for a few moments. “…I will think about it.” she told him. “But it might be days before I can even begin making a decision.” “…Is there any way we might aid you in deciding?” Icy asked her. “…Show me I can trust you.” Twilight told him. “Prove to me that you really are ‘differently alive’. Prove to me that you really do deny undeath, and try to live up to that title you hold onto. Prove to me that the Hidden Grotto is something I want to keep being, and not something that I should end.” “…I understand.” Icy told her. “Is that what I should tell them?” “Yes.” Twilight told him, turning toward her bed, before she hesitated, a final thought occurring to her. “And one thing more.” she said, looking back as Icy stood. “A sort of guarantee:” “If I do decide to send you all to rest, know that I will make it as peaceful and good as I can. If I can, I’ll finish any regrets and see your final wish completed. Then, once I have set you at ease, and you no longer fear the sleep, I’ll guide you to your rests and gently as a mother might lay their foal to bed.” “…I don’t know if that’s possible.” Icy said as she turned away. “We all fear our end.” “There is no need to fear Death.” Twilight told him. “There is no need to fear the rest. There is no need to fear me.” Icy didn’t respond as Twilight stopped by the edge of her bed, and gave a final sigh. “Go, Icy Winds, and tell the grotto what I have told you.” “I shall, Princess.” “May the stars guide your way this night.” she said as she climbed into her bed. After a moment, she heard the gentle sound of the door opening and closing, Icy taking care to make very little noise, and she relaxed. “Death?” she called softly. Yes, Twilight? “Do undead like Icy forget?” Undead that retain their physical forms are resistant to the cold, Twilight. Death whispered to her. It is hard to forget oneself when a physical form is still possessed. However, they too forget, but they do so differently than a soul might. Undead such as Icy might feign at life, but if they are not constantly reminded of it, they soon forget it. If they do not somehow manage to find something to grip onto, some way to keep reminding themselves that they are ponies, they swiftly turn into different beings, depending on exact circumstance. Twilight nodded, and asked, “Do you know anything about the Hidden Grotto?” I do not. Twilight nodded again. For several long moments, it was silent, Twilight trying to relax, but something was bugging her. After trying and failing to dispel the feeling, she once more softly called, “Death?” Yes, Twilight? “Am I doing well?” she softly asked him. For several moments, Death did not answer her. Then, he finally spoke. You are still learning, Twilight, and far more than my duty lies within your responsibilities. Outside my domain, I cannot say how well you have been doing. Within my domain, however… you have not been doing well. There is no need to show the kindness you do to those in need of rest. While it may appear harmless and good to sooth those past on, with each word you waste time and worse, many a soul can and will use that mercy against you. Every time you chose to allow a soul to persist, such as Zecora or Buttercup, you are taking the chance that they will use what you have given them against the living, or worse, allow them to forget a little more, and thus near closer to the final fate of the unguided soul. While I accept this as a consequence of your life and learning, know that your sparing Icy is not so easily accepted. He is no simple undead. He has a portion of my power; power he should not have. You should not have allowed him to persist. Death told her, his voice growing cold and harsh, Twilight quailing at hearing his anger. Just as you should not allow any who retain even a tiny portion of my power. For an undead to have a single mote is enough that I would sooner you destroy its physical form outright, thus freeing my power from it, than to have you allow them to continue being a single instant longer than that action would require. This time, and this time alone, I will turn a blind eye to that failure. Death’s voice calmed as he continued, However, if you wish for him, or any like him, to persist, Twilight, I will demand compensation in return. The coins you earn in enacting your duty are the currency I will accept: fail to have enough, and you will guide the undead you face no matter your will on the matter. Am I understood? “Yes.” Twilight weakly answered, greatly cowed by the faint anger in Death’s voice. It carried hints of disappointment as well. A faint sigh came from Death. You need not be so affected, Twilight. As I first said; you are learning yet, and your responsibilities are far more than the duty. I am not angry with you. That helped Twilight feel a touch better, and she calmed a bit. Sleep, Twilight. Rest, and recover. There is much for you to attend to come the morning. Twilight sighed softly, and once more she heard Death’s soundless song. She smiled, even as it soother her tired mind and blanketed her will. In some way, the song proved that Death was not upset with her to her; something she greatly enjoyed knowing. Under the song’s lulling nothingness, Twilight soon slept dreamlessly. Fluttershy entered her home and shut the door behind her, giving a mildly relieved sigh before she sadly shook her head. The bearers had gone their separate ways after Princess Rest had failed to immediately follow them. They had presumed that she was doing something important, and they all had something to check: To ensure that their own homes had not been compromised. Not a thing Fluttershy liked to even think about, but, she, thankfully, felt secure still. If anything had tried to dig its way in, the animals would have found it and told her about it already, thus leaving her mostly free of anxiety on the return home. “Night?” she called, shaking herself faintly; still effected by the night’s events. “It’s alright to come out now.” She waited for a response and, failing to hear one, grew nervous, swiftly. “Night?” she called again, gaining a note of worry. “Night are you there?” She moved forward; what would have been simply worrying was now frightening after finding Trixie also unresponsive. Fluttershy found it very easy to imagine something terrible happening to Night as well. “Ni,” Fluttershy stopped with a sudden gasp, and stared, wide-eyed at the scene she had just stumbled into. Angel was sitting atop a pile of dust, stomping on it in anger, before he noticed her and stopped doing that. “No…” Fluttershy breathed, hurrying forward, Angel giving her a confused look as she shooed him off the dust. “N, Night?” she quavered, looking at it. A hoof reached out, shaking, and touched it. Fluttershy shook faintly, caught between abrupt and sudden grief, and sudden anger. “Angel,” she began, before she stopped, noticing. There was another dust pile. Which didn’t make any sense. Vamponies turned to dust when they died, she knew that. But two piles? That wasn't possible… unless there had been another vampony in her home. And, calmer, she felt it impossible that Angel had managed to kill Night, despite the position she had caught him in and his rather pointed hatred for the vampony. So, that left her with only one real possibility: Night had been ponynapped by vamponies. She fought two of them off, but was overpowered and dragged away, to… um… actually… What would a bunch of vamponies want with Night? It didn’t make any sense. And the first idea implied that there had been more than two vamponies in her home so as to allow Night to kill two and yet be taken away. Which also didn’t make any sense because nopony knew Night was at her home besides herself and Princess Rest. Fluttershy pondered it for a moment before the truth of it came to her, and she froze in abrupt fear. They hadn’t come for Night. They had come for her. Night must have fought them, killing two of them before pursuing a third or more out of her home. And Fluttershy really, really hoped it was only three. If it had been four, she was certain that Night would only be able to chase the one and the fourth or more was either coming back right now. Unless they were already here, hiding someplace, waiting for her to return. “A, Angel.” she quavered, moving over to the rabbit. Angel gave her a confused look before she scooped him up, using him as both security blanket and safeguarding protector. “W, we, we’re going to, to go an, and find Night.” she managed, shaking a little. She didn’t feel safe in her own home. She had barely managed to take a single step before a sudden thud from outside had her shriek and hide under the couch, taking Angel with her. Angel, for his part, wasn't appreciating being unable to breath as she quivered in terror under the furniture, and swiftly managed to wiggle free, gasping for breath once he was free. “Angel!” Fluttershy squeaked as he did so, and the rabbit looked back to see her staring at him in terror; she dearly wanted to grab him again, but didn’t dare to get out from under the couch. “A, Angel, come back!” Angel huffed and looked away; yes, she was afraid, but he knew that the threats were gone. Now, as for that thud. Angel hopped away from her to then leap up and land on a nearby window edge. He then squinted, trying to peer out into the dark night outside. Fluttershy watched him do so, and imagined all sorts of dark things reaching for the poor bunny. She kept quivering, was still terrified of the monsters she was certain were there, but she had to do something! With great force of will, she got herself to start wiggling out from under the couch, casting fearful glances left and right to assure herself that nothing was there before she kept going. Once freed, she darted to Angel with speed she didn’t normally possess. “Angel, it isn’t safe.” she whispered urgently as she tried to grab him, though Angel hopped over her hoof and evaded her attempts. He pointed out the window several times over as she tried to focus on grabbing him, eventually becoming a bit too animate and allowing Fluttershy to snag onto him. “Angel, stop!” Fluttershy hissed as the rabbit wiggled in her grip, the mare worried that the little sounds he was making was sure to lure some terrible thing. She finally hesitated as Angle managed to get her gaze directed towards the window. She hesitated, for an instant terrified, seeing something outside. But then she realized that it was a glowing thing, and hesitated before she peered outside. Then she gaped, fear mostly gone. There was a tiny, dim light outside. A weak light that came from a blue horn that gave off just enough light to allow Fluttershy to see a little of what was near it, and to notice the dark shape of a collapsed vampony nearby. A horn attached to a pony that she had been certain was dead and gone. That was Trixie! That was her out there, unable to stand up for some reason and trying to do something! When there were strange vamponies running around! She had to do something! Angel squeaked as he was abruptly dropped, Fluttershy darting around, momentarily forgetting where her first aid kit was and muttering to herself as she tried to find it before she finally did so. Then rushed out of the house. “Trixie!” Fluttershy yelled, rushing to the fallen unicorn and the collapsed vampony. She skidded to a halt nearby, Trixie’s glow enough to find the pair, but looking closer, she noted how weak that light was. It was barely enough to identify Trixie, and not nearly enough for anything else. “H, hang on, I, I just need,” Fluttershy tried to say, greatly flustered, leaving the first aid kit behind and running back to her home, to burst inside, knocking Angel with the door in the process. “Angel!” she yelped, grabbing onto the dazed bunny. “I’m so sorry, but I need a light!” she told him, getting him atop her back and running through the house, trying to find something to allow her to see out there. Angel slowly recovered, gave her a mild glare for hitting him with the door, and then leapt from her back. “Angel!” she yelped, looking to see him land atop a nearby desk; the same desk she had gotten the first aid kit out of. “Angle, you…” Fluttershy trailed off, seeing Angle reached in and grab hold of the small magical lantern that had been there the entire time. He kicked it, getting it to light up, and then gave her an irritated, questioning look, one foot tapping. Fluttershy gave him a nervous grin and faint blush in response as she walked to him, gently taking the lantern. “Sorry.” she whispered to him. Angel huffed and gave a great sigh before he hopped atop her back. Fluttershy glanced at him, to which Angel gave a firm point toward the window once more, making her stare at him before it came back to her and she gasped and ran outside once more. Outside, armed with the lantern, she once more skidded to a halt next to Trixie and the vampony that she was then fairly sure was Night. “Sorry,” she began, before she stopped, seeing better. Trixie was breathing a little hard, as if she had just exerted herself, and seemed pained. Her side bore a large gash that bled, though thankfully not profusely. She had that side almost touching Night’s head. Night’s eyes remained closed, but she was licking at Trixie’s side in an almost desperate manner, like a pony dying of thirst might lick the morning dew off something. Her tongue would occasionally hit the wound, making Trixie’s breathing hitch. Night herself seem pained as well; Fluttershy noted that she had an ugly scab on her chest. Fluttershy was fairly sure that it not healing was a very bad sign for the vampony. Trixie looked at Fluttershy, one eye wincing heavily as the other remained firmly shut; she was obviously in pain and struggling still. “Just, just hang on Trixie.” Fluttershy said, looking a bit closer. The gash was large, but not deep; fresh yet. She should be able to bandage it without any problem: she could wash the wound later, after she had gotten the pair inside. She got the bandages, and went to Trixie, only to stop as the unicorn managed to jerk her head. Fluttershy hesitated and Trixie attempted to speak: “O!” “…No?” Fluttershy asked, to which Trixie’s head managed something that looked a lot like a nod. “El e ee er!” “…What?” “El e ee er!” Trixie tried again, struggling mightily to be understood. Fluttershy just stared, not understanding her at all. Trixie closed her eye and focused; a tiny light flicked from her horn, catching Fluttershy’s attention. She watched it descend, pass over Trixie’s wound, floating down a blood trail to then be intercepted by Night’s tongue, when it vanished. Fluttershy blinked, confused, looked back at Trixie, wondering what on Equestria the unicorn was trying to tell her. “Ood!” Trixie tried. “E ees ood!” “…he knees good?” Fluttershy guessed, to which Trixie managed to jerkily shake her head. “I don’t understand…” Trixie gasped suddenly, making Fluttershy startle. She noted Night shift faintly, her tongue lapping at Trixie’s wound; rather forcefully pressing against it, to the unicorn’s obvious pain. Fluttershy frowned and moved to Night, intent on stopping her. Why was she even licking Trixie anyway? That couldn’t be healthy, and it was hurting her. She grabbed hold of Night’s head, and managed to pull it back. “O!” “What?” Fluttershy asked, looking to Trixie only to stare as Trixie heaved, pushing herself closer to Night and once more getting her wound in licking range. Fluttershy let go, and stared as Night resumed licking, Trixie giving faint gasps and winces again, utterly lost. “What are you doing?” she asked, baffled; it was almost as if Trixie wanted Night to lick her wound. “There you are.” a dark and dull voice said. Fluttershy gasped hugely and whirled, to see a strange pony standing on the edge of the light from her lantern. He was covered in a heavy cloak, one that hung heavy with a black substance, his face totally covered in a heavy hood. He stood taller than she was and radiated menace; his gaze seemed locked on Trixie, and then moved slightly down to look at Night. “I knew she wouldn’t be able to fly too far.” he, Fluttershy guessed, said, his voice all too dark and emotionless for her liking. She backed a little away from him glancing at Trixie and Night as she did so. Trixie was staring at the pony with wide, terrified eyes. Fluttershy looked back at the dark pony, her fear abated slightly. “I’m surprised you survived at all.” he seemed to say to Night before looking back up at Trixie. “Trying to have your accidental savior wake back up?” he asked. “Don’t bother. The blood she needs to recover is far more than what you can give her.” Fluttershy blinked, suddenly realizing what Trixie had been trying to tell her: she wanted her to help feed Night. “O ay!” Trixie managed, wiggling just a bit closer to Night, her horn’s light growing just a bit. “No.” the dark pony intoned. “I worked for far too long, and fought too many things this night to fail now.” He began advancing on Trixie, Trixie leaning back, terrified. Then he stopped as Fluttershy got in his path, glaring at him. His gaze slightly shifted down to see her. “Move.” “No.” Fluttershy said, glaring at him. Terrifying as he was, she wasn't about to let him near her friends, much less her obviously hurt and afraid friends. Atop her back, Angle looked incredibly worried. “This is your final warning.” “You are not going to hurt my friends!” Fluttershy declared, glaring at him all the stronger. The two stared at one another for several moments, the impassive pony and the angry yellow pegasus. Then Fluttershy darted, feinting left before going right, going for his hood. Angle Bunny slammed into the back of her head, knocking her off course, and thus making the blow miss her head and only slice free a part of her mane instead. Angle jumped up and was swatted away like a fly as Fluttershy recovered. She looked that way, gaping, before she growled at the pony in front of her. She darted again, and he barely appeared to move before he threw her, screaming, into the wall of her own house, where she impacted heavily and landed with a thud, not getting up immediately. “Be thankful, kindness, for I would not normally,” the pony began, taking a step toward Fluttershy’s fallen form before a roar interrupted him. He looked up as Bruno appeared, standing huge, raging. One hoof snapped out to catch the paw that went to hit him, skidding a little on the dirt below him. Even as his other hoof moved, a swarm of smaller animals charged him. Fluttershy weakly got up, Angel tugging at her as her animals swarmed him. It wasn't going well for the animals. Combined, they seemed to put him off balance and confuse him, but it was very, very obvious that that was all they could do. She glared, and ran, but not to join them. She ran to Trixie and Night. At first, she grabbed onto Night and more or less stuffed her hoof in the vampony’s jaws. “oo ee!” Trixie tried, and Fluttershy hesitated, feeling Night biting, yes, but failing to feel the familiar sting. A brief check found her fangs missing, and in a sudden flash of understanding, she suddenly realized why Trixie wanted Night to lick her wound so much; because she couldn’t bite anymore. She had the terrible thought that that was a very, very bad sign for Night’s health. Bruno roared in pain, and Fluttershy firmed herself, darting to grab the first aid kit. She pulled the small pair of scissors free from it, and barely hesitated before she slashed her front left leg. Bleeding heavily, she went back to Night, and began bleeding into her open mouth; freely giving herself to the fallen vampony, her heart beating in concern for her. “ENOUGH!” the pony roared, and screamed a terrible, unholy scream that saw the animals around him scatter in unthinking fear. Even mighty Bruno drew away from him, a few daggers stuck in his shoulder. “Enough.” he repeated, his voice twisted and rasping, far from the dark monotone from before. “I’ve never been… so angry before.” he rasped, turning to look at the group. “It seems… everything is… trying to… upset me tonight…” He took a step towards them, shaking slightly. “First… that insipid… vampony… making me… have to fight… then the other… the thief… flying away with… my master’s desire…” Another step, his breathing heavy and harsh, his body seeming to shiver. Trixie watched him approach so slowly in outright terror. Fluttershy remained fixed on Night, waiting. “And now this… mockery…” he continued, his voice rasping and shaking in rage. “Where… kindness… thinks she can… prevent me… from doing… my master’s will…” He took two swift steps, and shuddered. “With mere… animals…” Trixie looked back to Fluttershy, and saw her calm and focused totally on Night, despite the terrible thing approaching them. She looked at Night, and hearing the pony take another faltering step, looked back, panic growing, but the paralysis still strong in her. “I… was… hurt…” he rasped, his voice growing more and more monstrous. He was panting, seeming to struggle to even stand, shaking with each motion. “I… bled… because of… animals…. Because of… kindness.” He took another step; perhaps only a scant ten more before he could reach them. Trixie looked back to Fluttershy, and again, saw her perfectly calm yet. She remained focused on Fluttershy, unwilling to look at the approaching pony anymore, even after hearing him take another unsteady step. “I… will make… you suffer… like nothing… ever had… ever will…kindness…” Another step. “I will… rip you… apart… piece by piece… bit… by bit…” Another step. “I will… devour… your precious… animals… before your… eyes…” Two swift steps. “And then… I will… I will…” Another step. “…I will… do my master’s… will…” Another step. His voice slowly gained in normalcy. “I will… do what… he asked of me… I will not… I will not fail him…” Another step, one steadier than the rest. “…But my vengeance… will be long… and satisfying indeed… Are you ready, Kindness? Hoping that… your blood will wake her before I… can reach you..? Useless… She is too far gone to come back…” Another step. “I have you now, kindness.” He took the last step, and Trixie saw his hoof reaching for Fluttershy. Night’s eyes suddenly opened. The next thing either pony knew, Fluttershy was abruptly behind Night, and the pony screamed a terrible scream as Night snapped her jaws on his outstretched hoof. Fluttershy recovered, holding her bleeding hoof, and watched with Trixie. Neither could see the battle too well, it was happening so swiftly. Night seemed to barely move at all, dodging the other’s wild swings with as little motion as possible, nearing closer and closer until she could dart and sink her fangs into him, producing a scream each time before he ripped her off of him, and she leapt back away to begin the pattern anew. The other grew faster and more erratic with each bite, and Night somehow always found a way to again reach him, to again bite him. “How!?” he screamed after barely any time at all. “How are you still alive!?” “I am the first!” she boasted back, her soft voice set against his rasping screams. “I am the mother of them all!” “You should be dead! You were weak and I hit your heart! That tiny bit of blood cannot have revived,” his scream cut off as Night bit him again, and he threw her off with more force than before. Night smirked as she flawlessly recovered, and watched him, panting heavily. “If that was blood taken, then yes, you’re right.” she told him. “But that blood was blood given. Blood offered in kindness and with good in her heart. Such a precious gift is worth the blood of ten ponies.” “Impossible.” he rasped again. “Impossible is what the losers say.” Night retorted, making him growl like some nightmare. “Ready to die, abomination?” A few moments passed in silence. Then he screamed that terrible scream again, and charged, still screaming. Night dropped low, gave off her own shrill shriek, and shot towards him. Neither pony saw what did happen. They only saw the immediate aftermath. The cloaked pony collapsed, his rasping breath dying in his throat, mere feet from them. A dark substance began pooling underneath him, a putrid scent emanating from it. Night was beyond him, wincing; one wing was gone, and the pair saw it on the ground before it disintegrated into so much dust. “Faster than I thought he was.” she said weakly. “That… hurt…” Fluttershy hurried to her, and offered her bleeding hoof again, only for Night to shake her head. “No, no, I already drank too much out of you; you’re going to regret giving me so much when the adrenaline wears off, Fluttershy.” Night said. “I’ve been hurt worse anyway.” At Fluttershy’s concern look, she sighed again, and smiled at her. “If you want to help so bad get the bandages and stop your bleeding and my own.” Night said. Fluttershy went towards the first aid kit once more, and Night walked over to Trixie, eyeing her. Trixie watched her back, still stuck in place but growing more and more able to move; though after the long night, she was tired too, mostly only up still because of the adrenaline in her own system. “…I didn’t intend on saving you.” Night told her as Fluttershy returned with the bandages and began bandaging her wing stump. “That was actually an accident.” Trixie didn’t respond, looking at Fluttershy. After a moment, Fluttershy looked back, and gave her a reassuring smile. “Everypony is going to be so happy.” the timid mare whispered, her voice a bit hoarse, drawing concerned looks from both Trixie and Night. “…Ancestors.” Night sighed, watching Fluttershy a bit more closely, noting a few telling indications. “She’s running on droplets.” she muttered, before she said, “Fluttershy, get inside before you collapse.” “But,” Fluttershy tried, her voice faltering. After a moment, she just gestured at Trixie. Night eyed her for a moment before she sighed, and looked at Trixie. “…You might still be numb, but you have my future apologies.” Trixie looked to her, and attempted to startle as Night grabbed her, though she couldn’t do much more than jerk suddenly. With that, Night just began dragging Trixie off towards the house, intent on getting inside before Fluttershy fell over. Fluttershy wordlessly gaped as she did so and then followed after the pair as Night knew she would, Trixie first giving little exclamations of protest before she quieted, noticing how Fluttershy, despite the obvious want to keep helping, was wobbling as she followed after them. Night made it into the house, simply left Trixie on the carpet, pushed Fluttershy over onto the couch, and then managed to crawl atop it as well before settling into a resting position. That finally done, Fluttershy finally running out of adrenaline, Trixie reaching her own end, the three of them soon found sleep. > Chapter 22: Redemption Before the Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight, awaken. Twilight woke, Death’s voice clear, waking her in a near instant. A moment later, and she got out of her bed, recalling that he’d mentioned work for her in the morning. As she noted that the sun was not up yet, the night sky with the barest hints of daylight, Death told her, Progress to Fluttershy’s home; a soul waits for you to collect it. Twilight nodded, heading out, before lightly hesitating as Death added, Beware, Twilight; this soul shall not be easy nor simple to guide. “…Like the stallion at the farm?” she asked, resuming her pace. No. Though powerful, he is not dangerous as this one is, even to your immortal state. If you allow it to act without restraint, it is possible that it will cause permanent damage to your own soul; this cannot be permitted to occur. Twilight nodded, the alicorn gaining a mild note of concern for Death’s warning. “How should I handle it then?” she asked, walking on the path towards Fluttershy’s home then. “Just right into the jar?” It cannot enter the jar in its current form. “What?” You will need to transfigure the soul before it is possible to guide it to rest. Death told her. Now, beware; you approach. Twilight didn’t need Death’s warning to slow down and feel worried. Fluttershy’s home was just ahead, and a large, dark mass was faintly visible in the first rays of dawn. The area was silent, the smell of rot and death lightly hung in the air, but so too was a cold, a deep, numbing chill that Twilight knew came from the thing she was seeing. A pervasive wrongness struck her, Twilight instantly on edge, and almost frightened, if not for knowing Death was guiding her. The soul hides in the flesh yet, Twilight. Death told her as she came to a stop, staring at it, her horn already alight, Twilight ready to react at the first hint of trouble. When you pull it free, it will break your hold at the same time; if you do not capture it again before it reaches you, your only chance would be to wield Lux’s light as powerfully as you can, in the hope that you might sear it before it can truly touch you. Twilight nodded, swallowing. Carefully, she reached out, and lightly sensed for the soul; a moment after, and she felt it. She took a moment to take a deep breath and ready herself, and then she gently grabbed it, and attempted to slowly tug it free. The moment she pulled, the soul came free; erupting from the body and shattering her tenuous grasp as is it was made of thin glass. Twilight startled, both from its doing that, and the horrific thing it appeared to be; a transparent, twisting, nightmarish mass of sharp teeth and clear evil, and it rushed at her. It didn’t make it far before Twilight grabbed it again, and it stopped dead suddenly as Twilight grabbed with all the strength she could bring to bear. Even then, it thrashed in place, snapping and growling, struggling to overcome her, but unable to. “Wh, what is it, master?” Twilight asked, unbelieving that she was actually holding a soul, and not some nightmare. You behold a soul forged into an abomination, Twilight. “F, forged?” No soul ever takes such a form on its own. “Who, who would ever do that?” Twilight asked, the nightmarish soul slowly calming, not fighting so hard against her anymore. I do not know the being who made this soul into what it now is. “…You, you said it can’t go into the jar like this.” Twilight said, shaking herself and calming down herself. “How do I get it to rest, again?” You need to transfigure the soul, Twilight. “…And that works how, exactly?” Simply put, by transfiguring the soul, you are reforging it yourself; in this case, your goal is to return it to a stable form. You can do this by overcoming its will with your own. I will warn you before you undertake an action dangerous to either yourself or the soul, but otherwise, I encourage you to experiment, Twilight. Do whatever you might think is correct, but do not allow your grip to slacken, even in the slightest; as you saw, such souls as these can break even strong grips if they are allowed to act. “Right.” Twilight said, nodding, and watching, the soul silent, though still made up of shifting jaws and teeth. She took a breath, and began to think, starting by telling herself that, as Death did not tell her the answer, she had the ability to do this on her own. “…Can you understand me?” she asked, wondering if it could. The soul’s struggles grew stronger a moment, surprising her, and she continued, “You can, then?”, but a moment after, she felt it was more responding to her voice rather than her words, as silence saw it slowly calm again. She frowned at it, thinking still. It either wouldn’t talk to her or it just couldn’t, and her voice just appeared to make it angry. Her grip shifted around it, Twilight watching as she manipulated it, wondering if, perhaps, she might manage something that way, only to pause as Death warned her: Attempting to force the soul to take specific shape is likely to harm it. She huffed, finding herself somewhat out of options, before her gaze noted the body again. She recalled that it had ‘hidden’ inside it before, and had a sudden thought. She pushed the soul away, back over the body, and then focused, before shoving it back down. She then recalled the sensation of tugging a soul free of a body, and attempted to work backwards, in order to force this one to reinhabit its own flesh again. An idea she felt fairly confident in, as Death gave her no warning. After a moment, she felt it slipping from her grip, and noted that it was less escaping than it was ceasing to be, and she let go, readying herself to catch it again, just in case. Then the thing gave the slightest shift, and made a terrible, weak, rasping sound; Twilight might have smiled if it wasn't so terrible a thing. It slowly shifted, weak, and more sounds, rasps and gurgles coming forth, quiet, and Twilight grabbed it in a normal magical grip, just in case. Then she heard it barely whisper, “Reaper…”, even as she nearly recoiled, feeling what she was holding. The magical grip didn’t tell her much, but what little it did let her know what she held was only somewhat pony-shaped, and gave shadows of the nightmare it likely was, the body hidden in dark cloth and shadows of the nearby house. “Who are you?” she asked it, shaking herself, and ridding the morbid curiosity that wanted to know more about its form. “Defy…” it repeated, its voice a little stronger, Twilight feeling it trying to move, and noting the weakness it still had; she’d likely be safe letting it go, but she didn’t, instead making sure she was ready to grab the soul if she had to. “Who are you?” she repeated. “…Vain… “Who are you?” “You question… in vain… reaper…” its rasped it voice sounding pained, Twilight hesitating. “I… defy… you…” “…I just want to talk to you.” “I… defy… you… reaper…” “You won’t even tell me your name?” she asked, before sighing as it repeated itself again. Changing tact, she told it, “If you cooperate, I won’t have to be firm with you.” “Nothing… you can say… nothing… you can do… has meaning… reaper… I defy… you…” “…You can’t escape me, you know.” Twilight said, frowning. “That… body is broken, and even without it, you can’t get away from me.” “I… am eternal…” “Not if I burn you.” “Even that,” “You and whoever you think is going to stick you in some other corpse.” Twilight interrupted. “The one you’re in now isn’t natural, at all; some, some monster made you.” She spat. “If you cooperate, you’ll got to rest simple and easily, or I’ll just… throttle your soul until you decide to work with me.” A very slow, choking laugh met her bluff, Twilight having to take several moments to realize that is what it was doing. As she glared, it rasped, “Threaten… harm… do what… you will, reaper… for this… servant… defies you… always…” For a brief moment, Twilight felt mad; a hot anger, and a cold anger. Then she forced herself to calm, and considered things. The powers in her influenced her, she knew. The question as if she could really trust them. Death’s anger towards things had been surprising and potent, and his cold robbed her of empathy as much as calmed and helped her. The heat in her gave her strength and will alike, but it turned her into somepony else at the same time; how much of that was her, she didn’t know. The cold in her wanted to crush this soul’s defiance of the rest. The heat wanted to destroy it for the monster it clearly was. She herself felt irritated at its stubbornness, was horrified by what little she knew about what it was, and wanted it gone. The urge was strong, but she again rejected it; reminding herself why she had chosen to undertake this duty in the first place: To save ponies from the bonepile. To rescue them, lost and cold and forgotten, and guide them to their proper rest. Recently, even wanting to sooth whatever trouble they might have before leading them to rest. Death had said this soul had been forged. So, no matter how terrible it was now… It had once been a pony. No matter how terrible, no matter how dangerous, no matter how monstrous, it was still a pony. “…Do you remember?” she asked it, her anger leaving her, Twilight nurturing a sorrowful empathy in her, focusing on what she knew it had once been. It didn’t respond, its breathing ragged and terrible, and she told it, “You were once a pony; do you remember?” It laughed, weaker than before, before speaking in dying gasps, “I am… but a tool… of my master, reaper… there is… nothing in me… for you to… find…” “…You must have been alone for so long.” Twilight said, sighing, thinking. “Lost, cold, confused… How much of you was left when your master found you?” The thing didn’t respond, and after a moment, she continued, asking, sad, “What did they do to you…?” “…They gave me strength… body… cause…” “…Did they break you?” “This servant… needs no will… of its own…” Twilight looked down, teary. She could hear its will in the last; even twisted as it was, it had accepted this. Something had taken it, weak and lost and cold, and turned it into the abomination she had seen, gave it the atrocity of a body she felt, and it had been so weak and so desperate that it had wanted that. She could know it: Alone for so long, cold for so long, forgetting more and more and more… desperate for anything to save it, for anything to matter, anything, anything, to stop the slow decay it could feel. Anything, to not become a wisp, and ultimately be added to the bonepile. She took a slightly shuddering breath, and shut her eyes, a desire growing in her. She wanted to save this soul from its torment. A warm desire wished to forgive it of its sins and stains and see it redeemed. A cold desire wished to have it return to its first form. She didn’t know how to attain any of these goals, but with all her heart and mind and soul, she wanted to. A gentle warmth and a soft cold came together, and Twilight began focusing, trying to understand the faint, vague suggestions that she might be able to do what she wished to. Her magical grip slackened and then faded as her horn’s aura changed, purple fading as a bright white and gold began to slowly twine up it. Her focus given more and more to control the cold and heat in her, as they grew closer and closer together, the true path suggested by how they remained themselves, even as they came ever closer to one another. The corpse shuddered, then free, and the soul struggled to pull free of the flesh once more, Twilight fully focusing on what she was trying to do. Once free, it rushed at her, a twisting, terrible monstrosity; just as it reached her, the twining gold and white reached the tip of her horn, and the two powers united. A bright light suddenly manifest at the tip of her horn, and the soul suddenly froze. Unchanging and perfectly still, a mere inch away from her. Nothing held it there. Nothing forced it into stillness. The brilliant shine enveloped it, and no force nor power touched it. Instead, Twilight’s wish was made manifest within it. A soul so long cold it had forgotten warmth felt it once again. A soul so long forgotten that it never knew itself recalled its first form. A soul so stained that any good was long banished felt the soft touch of forgiveness and the grace of redemption. Ideas so alien that it could not comprehend them, even as it felt and knew them. Salvation came to it, and it could do nothing. Twilight opened her eyes, and looked at the soul in front of her, watching as it slowly lost its monstrous form in the light from her horn, compassion in her eyes. “…Lost, alone, forgotten.” She whispered. “Forsaken, freezing, afraid. Forgetting and forgetting, terrified of the fading of your self, seeking anything to save you from the decay you could feel. Your master found you, desperate, fading away, and they spared you that fate. But in doing, they destroyed you. They ruined your soul, shackled your mind, placed you into a rotten abomination, stole whatever you still had of yourself, and they made you their terrible monster, stained in blood and horror.” “But here and now, I do not see a monster.” She continued, the soul almost appearing a simple orb lacking any detail, then. “Now, I see a victim. I see a pony taken advantage of, a pony trapped in a never-ending nightmare so long that they forgot what it is to not have a nightmare.” “But it’s over, now.” She continued, reaching out to gently touch it. It lightly shifted at her touch, and she drew it to herself, sitting down to hold it, and begin to gently mold it like a ball of clay. “At long last, your free; finally, your nightmare has come to an end.” She blinked a few tears as she continued working, making the blob into a pony-shape, and then told it, “…I’m so sorry it took this long. I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there to spare you from the cold and the dark. But I’m here now; now, your long nightmare is over. In my hooves you are warm and safe… Can you know that?” she finished, wondering, her work done, leaving it a featureless pony-form. To her surprise, it looked up at her; an act she thought might be beyond it, given how vague it was. She smiled at it, and it moved to rest against her, Twilight sensing it giving a tiny sigh and relief, before relaxing against her, though nothing indicated such in normal perception. She gently stroked it, noting that its form was far less moldable then, taking a few moments to enjoy her work and give it the relief and comfort it had so long been denied. Then she summoned her jar next to her, and gently pushed the soul up, telling it, “It’s time to go to rest. Nevermore will you suffer; now, in you go, little one.” She finished, gently pushing it to the jar, and watching as it swirled inside without resistance. Done, she gave a small sigh of satisfaction, knowing Death’s approval of her actions, and she stood back up. A thought dismissed her jar once more, and then her contentment was broken as she recalled the body left behind. In the morning light, it was still a dark mass, for which she felt somewhat thankful for, and considering the vague knowledge of what it was, she asked, “What should I do with the body?” “Burn it, I’d say.” Twilight badly startled at the voice, gasping, and spotted Night standing in the shadow of the house. The vampony seemed calm, but as Twilight calmed in turn, she noticed the bloody bandages around her barrel, and a moment after, her missing wing, leaving her wide-eyed in shock. “W, what happened to you?” Twilight managed, shaking her head and blinking, confirming that she wasn't just seeing things. “That thing was a whole lot faster than I thought it could be.” Night told her simply, pointing at the dark form. “I ripped it open, but it somehow got my wing.” Twilight only stared, several questions competing to be asked, leaving her somewhat paralyzed. After a moment of this, Night told her, “Don’t panic; my wing’ll grow right back once I’m more on my hooves.” “But, but how, why was it here?” Twilight asked, managing to sort questions into a rough order to ask. “Why did it attack you, or you it, or whatever?” “It followed me I guess.” Night said, shrugging. “That couldn’t have been too hard, since it got me with a dagger before and I probably left a trail for it to follow.” “W, what!” “…Maybe I should start from the beginning?” Night suggested, and a tense and distressed Twilight nodded. “I’ll start as soon as you start the fire then; I was going to, but you were doing your reaper thing and I didn’t want to interrupt.” “…You saw that?” Twilight asked. “Fire first.” Night reminded, and a moment later, as the thing burned in a large flame, Night responded, “Yeah. Mind if I ask if that was normal? Do you always… do whatever you did to that thing when you’re ‘working’?” “…No. This case was special.” Twilight told her, swiftly adding, “Night, don’t tell anypony about this.” “…You’re not thinking straight right now, are you?” Night asked, eyeing her. “I already knew you were the reaper, princess; and we’re keeping each other’s secrets already. I have no reason to tell anypony about your true work and good reasons why I should keep your secrets secret. Besides, amongst us formal monsters, its rude to give away someone else’s game.” Twilight blinked at that, and then shook her head, refocusing. “Tell me what happened to you yesterday.” “Right. For the most of it, nothing; Rainbow came banging down the door so I had to go hide, and I had to endure Angle trying to gnaw my leg off until I trapped him in the room; which he somehow got out of.” She noted, thinking. “Night, the important things, please.” “I’m getting there.” Night told her, huffing. “Anyway, I was waiting for Fluttershy to come back when two spawn tried to,” “Spawn?” Twilight interrupted, confused. “A sanguinerian insult, princess.” Night clarified. “It means your parent never intended you to be anything more than a monster. Anyway,” “Wait, what do you mean by,” “Princess, I can tell you about what happened last night or I can talk to you about sanguinerians.” Night interrupted, irritated. “Pick one, please.” “…What happened last night?” Night nodded, and continued, “So, two spawn tried to ambush me. I killed one of them and got the other to tell me what they were up to. Thinking about it, they knew about our ‘bond’…” Night noted, pondering. “Odd.” She added, thinking for a moment before shrugging and continuing, “I found out that they were working for another spawn I knew, and told me that they were actually working with the ghouls over at Brother’s Crypt.” “Brother’s Crypt?” “Oh, it’s a really, really old Pony crypt, Princess.” Night told her. “It’s kind of a landmark for things that creep around in the dark in the Everfree.” “The Everfree?” “It’s not like the place is swarming with ponies, Princess.” Night told her. “Lots and lots of things, me included, use it to get around without having to worry about being seen by anypony.” “No, no that’s… continue, Night.” Night nodded. “Once I knew that, I wanted to know what Blood, that’s the spawn I know, was up to, so I headed off to find out.” “You left a vampony at,” “I left him, paralyzed, with Angle.” Night interrupted. “Two dust piles inside, so the rabbit did what I knew he would.” Twilight slowly nodded, and Night continued, “I got to Brother’s Crypt pretty late; prime hunting time, and spotted Blood. He wasn't doing anything, so I decided to wait and see when I spotted the other thing with him. The thing you’re burning right now was right there, and I’d actually missed it at first; that worried me, but it told Blood it was getting impatient and Blood assured it that things were just fine, and wondering where his two spawns had gotten to.” “Unfortunately, before anything else was said, a ghoul came with prey for the nest. Or so I first thought, because the pony it was dragging was what the thing wanted. Blood said his work was done, and the thing passed him something I really wanted for some reason, and Blood, for reasons known only to his twisted head, tried to betray it by telling the ghouls it was feeding time.” “Tell me about that pony.” Twilight said suddenly, abruptly focused and serious. Night blinked at her change in demeanor, and told her, “Blue unicorn, silverish hair. Does it matter?” “…What happened next?” Twilight asked. Night eyed her a few moments before continuing her tale, “I tried for Blood, to get the thing he’d gotten, but I wound up grabbing the unicorn instead; she was bloody and paralyzed, I was hungry, things like that happen sometimes. The moment I realized I was holding her, however, that thing got right in front of me. And where most things would be hard pressed to hit me, it near got my heart with a dagger.” “I survived, of course.” Night continued as Twilight stared. “Clung to a tree and got into the air before anything else could happen to me. I really wanted to drop that unicorn, but apparently, your compulsion about not hurting ponies includes not dropping them, even when you’re dying and could do without having to lug some paralyzed prey through the air with you. Got back to Fluttershy’s home before I fell out of the air, and I thought it was over for me before I even hit the ground.” “Except, next I know, I’m suddenly awake and aware and vitalized, and that thing was going for Fluttershy. So I fought it, and won, thought it got my wing in the end. Fluttershy was ready to fall over at that point from blood loss, so I got her and the unicorn inside and I went to sleep to try and recover, because whatever got me on my hooves so quick wasn't nearly as sustaining as a full belly would have been.” “Is, is that unicorn still here?” Twilight asked, and Night eyed her for her almost nervous excitement. “No.” Night said, to her disappointment. “She snuck off sometime last night. I’d just come out to track her down before the sun was fully up when I noticed you doing your thing, and decided to stay and watch, because I was curious and I doubted I’d get to see you being the reaper another time.” “Night, I need you to find that unicorn for me.” Twilight told her. “…I know why I want to, princess, but why do you want to?” “That unicorn is very likely to be somepony I spent last night trying to save from ghouls.” “…Ghouls are normally really good at capturing ponies without letting others know.” Night wondered. “How did you know she was caught by ghouls?” “We found her missing moments after she was taken.” “…Well, it seems everything gets a bad start now and then.” Night remarked, faintly chuckling. “Since I found her, it must have gotten away; I’d bet my remining wing it used a tunnel.” “Night, please focus. Can you find her?” “Sure.” Night said. “And I can do that now if you conjure me up some shade; the sun’s up and tall grass isn’t enough to protect me.” Twilight nodded, and a shield appeared around Night. “…This works, sure, but… maybe I should be able to, you know, see?” the pink bubble remarked. “Sorry, I just…” Twilight said, focusing to reduce the far too potent sunshield to more normal levels. “…I spent last night thinking she was going to die horribly, and it’s really shocking and great that you somehow managed to save her, and I’m just, really jumpy right now.” “…It’ll be fine, Princess.” Night said as she came back into view, the vampony safe within a transparent, dark pink shield. “I’ve hunted ponies good at hiding before, and they weren’t fresh off a large wound; besides, ghoul paralysis makes it really hard to run for a few days, so she couldn’t have gotten far. This hunt is going to be easy.” “We’re not hunting her, Night.” “I know.” Night sighed, shaking her head. “But I do so enjoy stalking after a wounded victim; especially after I’ve been hurt and in need of some vitality. Just let me enjoy my happy little fantasy, please?” “…Fine.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head. “Let’s go.” > Chapter 23: Peace at Last > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You know, princess, when I live out a fantasy about stalking after some fearful, injured victim, it doesn’t normally include being followed by an alicorn, standing tall as she can, rustling every blade of grass. Can’t you please try to be a little stealthier?” “…Honestly, Night, your fantasy is a little… upsetting.” Twilight responded, not ceasing to keep her head high or measure her step. “As if you’ve never enjoyed a good hunt of your own.” Night retorted, the vampony near invisible in the grass, which barely moved as she moved through it. Most of how Twilight saw her was the sun-shield around her. “I don’t hunt ponies.” Twilight said, frowning at her. “Think, Princess.” Night sighed. “Have you, at any time, sought after something that you knew would be hard to get, felt eager as you got closer, and happy when you finally got it?” “Well… putting it like that, then yes, I suppose.” Twilight said, resuming scanning the tall grasses. “Not all hunts are after wounded, frightened prey.” Night said. “But the best are. There’s just something special when you see somepony think they got away moments before you get them. You can always just grab them right then, but I always did it my own way: popping out right in front of them. Almost all ponies rear when that happens, and its just a little push to get them all the way over and then you’re already pinning them.” Twilight hesitated as Night continued, her voice growing quite happy, “There’s nothing like feeling somepony panicking underneath you, their chest heaving with breath while their hearts beats loud and fast, unable to get you off of them. To see the terror in their eyes as you lean closer, the way they look between your gaze and your fangs, the little trembles they have as you open wide. That tiny little gasp when you finally bite, smelling that little rush of blood just a moment before their warmth begins to fill you up…” Night gave a little shudder, Twilight mimicking her for near opposite reasons. “Night!” Twilight snapped, startling the vampony. “I do not want to hear things like that!” “Sorry Princess.” Night said, giving the angry Twilight a quick, apologetic grin, the vampony lowering herself somewhat as Twilight glared at her. “I’m just hungry and hurt and I think we’re getting closer; the smell of blood’s getting stronger. Either she’s close, or she’s bleeding more.” “You can’t tell the difference?” “Well, if I hadn’t been so badly abused the past few days, then yes, I could.” Night responded. “I’ve never felt this hungry or weak before, and it’s really…” Twilight paused as Night did, the vampony coming to a sudden stop. “…Night?” she asked, before Night shushed her, making her hesitate. “…That’s… really nasty.” Night quietly remarked after a moment, Twilight curious. “What is?” Night didn’t respond for a moment, before telling her, “It’ll be for the best if I do this alone. Just stay right here for a moment, princess.” Before Twilight could respond, she added, “And when you hear me scream, totally darken the area.” “I can, sure, but why?” Twilight asked. “Did you find her?” “…Maybe.” Night said. “But I need to deal with this trap first.” “And I can’t?” Twilight asked, eyeing Night. “…Do you know what I mean when I say vitabusu?” “No.” “Then no. You’ll only wind up hurting you, me, and maybe the unicorn we’re after if she’s actually here.” Night told her, looking up at her. “I know what I’m doing here, princess; and I promise, if you let me do this my way, nopony is going to get hurt.” Twilight, lightly frowning, thought for a few moments before she sighed, and nodded. Night smiled at her, and remined her, “Remember, totally dark when I scream. Now, get this shield off of me; the grass will do for protection right now and the magic will mess things up.” Twilight nodded again, and the dark shield around Night faded. An instant later, and Night slipped into the tall grass, Twilight hesitating as she appeared to simply vanish into it, leaving no trace nor sound as she went. Twilight noted Night’s apparent mastery of the art, before she began considering something: The ghouls also hid themselves. Digging hidden tunnels, moving only under cover of night. Icy Winds had blended into the shadows of her room so well that she might have missed him if not for Death’s warning. Was mastering stealth something all undead did? A rustle broke her thoughts, and she looked, to see nothing. After a moment, she focused on what Night had told her to do. However, the sudden scream, like nothing a pony would ever make, had her badly startle and then swiftly forget as she saw. She saw Night, rearing up, and a red glow manifesting around her. Tiny red motes appeared within it before rushing at the vampony, who twirled in place, an almost graceful motion. The motes seemed dragged into her wake, misdirected and scattering around her. Motes that hit the grass caused the grass to blacken and disintegrate in a near instant. Within a second, the area was mostly free of grass. Twilight spotted Trixie as her horn lit, the wounded unicorn lying down in the area. A magical bolt flew at Night mid twirl, and Night bent in half near unnaturally to avoid it, seamlessly avoiding the remaining motes. Night then rushed Trixie, who tried to do something, but the vampony slid to her right as the unicorn tensed, horn alight, and touched her wounded side, making Trixie open her mouth in a soundless scream. Then Night flipped her over and was on top of her in the same motion, settling between Trixie’s legs and pinning Trixie in place as she watched Trixie’s horn, one leg tense, ready to act if need be. Trixie didn’t struggle, eyes tightly shut, a mixture of pain and extreme tension apparent on her face. The entire thing took a little less than two seconds to complete. “Sun, princess!” Night yelled, Twilight only then realizing she could sort of see Night burning. She quickly darkened the area, and as Night relaxed somewhat, Twilight rushed over. “Trixie!” she yelled as she got to the upside-down unicorn, causing Trixie to startle, and look up at her. “P, princess?” Trixie weakly asked, confused. “W, w, what are you doing here?” “I had to find you.” Twilight told her, greatly relieved, before hesitating as she noticed Trixie grew rather worried at that. “H, h, have mercy on poor Trixie!” “What?” Twilight asked, confused as Night simply watched. “Sh, she didn’t steal anything! Trixie promises, she never took anything that wasn’t hers!” “Trixie, I,” “And she didn’t mean to break the windows or the roof or make things terrible!” Trixie continued, very distressed. “She just got very flustered and mad and things weren’t right, but she never meant it! Trixie swears, she never meant to make things wrong!” “I kn,” “When Trixie huffed at you it wasn't because she thought herself better than you or anything, truly! Trixie, Trixie is just sometimes says things she shouldn’t when she gets very upset!” “Trix,” “Please, have mercy on poor Trixie!” Trixie near wailed. “Is it not enough that Trixie was surprised by a ghoul, dragged through a tiny tunnel to the worst flowers ever, and then carried, wounded, through the Everfree to the brother’s crypt only to be saved from a terrible fate by a dying vampony that Trixie thought was going to drop her helpless and hurt self-hundreds of feet?” “Let me,” “Trixie already knew she had to leave!” Trixie yelled, teary. “She knew that she’d messed up too bad this time! And she was going, honest! Trixie was off to someplace far and away where nopony could find,” “TRIXIE!” Twilight interrupted, frustrated. Trixie startled at her yell, and, teary, stared at Twilight, who frowned down at her, mildly frustrated. “Trixie, I am not here to punish you or yell at you or, or anything so stupid!” Trixie blinked, hesitating, and Twilight continued, “I spent all last night thinking you were going to die a terrible, horrible death, and once I realized we’d been too late, I nearly decided to burn the entire Everfree down, just to maybe have a chance to save you!” “W, w, what?” Trixie weakly asked, stunned, Night herself eyeing princess Rest as she took a few breaths, calming herself. “Trixie, I am not mad at you.” Twilight firmly stated, looking down at the stunned unicorn. “I talked with everypony that evening as well: Rarity made a mistake when she thought you stole her cloth. And she felt so bad about it that when I needed her to crawl through a ghoul tunnel, she didn’t even hesitate.” Trixie’s eyes widened, and Twilight continued, laying down to be nearer the upside-down unicorn, “Applejack admitted she’d gone too far, Fluttershy wants to help you make up with her animals, Pinkie just worries because she thinks you make a few too many mistakes and wants you to pay for the things you broke only because that’s what’s right, and Rainbow realized her mistakes. All of them wanted to make amends and reaffirm the friendship you and they made together; a friendship that saw you coming up with ways to include them in your magic shows, and that, if nothing else, tells me that you truly, honestly do care for them, no matter how bad you are at really showing that.” “And I cannot thank Night enough for saving you, and sparing us all the pain we know so well.” Twilight sighed. She gave Trixie a small smile and told her, “We’ll get you back to where you belong, and set things right. I promise.” “Princess…” Trixie said, her voice a little tight, the unicorn clearly touched. “Trixie… no. Not Trixie.” “I was so scared. I’d thought I’d failed a final time and didn’t have another chance. And now, it’s, it’s all better. You came and found me and you… you did what you said you wanted to:” “You found me, alone, despairing, and you ended my suffering, and brought me peace.” “Thank you, Princess Rest.” Twilight smiled as Trixie did, herself touched. “But Trixie does have to ask.” Trixie said, glancing at Night for a moment. “Why is the vampony Night here as well, to attack Trixie but not bite her and you let her stay there without mentioning her at all?” Twilight hesitated a moment to get her thoughts in order, and Night responded, “If you tell me what you did to Fluttershy’s blood in order for that to restore me in an instant, and how, exactly, you know how to use vitabusu, then I can tell you that.” Trixie startled, looking up at Night. “And for that matter, just how is it that you know the brother’s crypt?” Night added, Trixie tensing more at the mention. “Because living ponies have totally forgotten about it, and only things that hate living ponies know about it.” “…Trixie?” Twilight asked, starting to wonder herself. “…T, Trixie doesn’t know what the vampony is talking about.” Trixie said. “She, she even said that it was Fluttershy’s freely given blood that,” “I was lying.” Night interrupted bluntly. “And making stuff up on the spot because whatever you did had me feeling really weird.” “And she has no idea what vitabusu is,” “We all saw that spell, and there’s no way that you could convince Princess Rest that that was normal magic.” “And, and Trixie maybe heard the name spoken by the monster that tried to hurt Fluttershy last night?” “As if.” Night snorted. “Nothing that knows of the crypt willingly shares it with living ponies, lest it catch the attention of the Twins; it’s something rather special for lots more than just my kind, Trixie.” Trixie looked at Night in a combination of tension and worry before pleading to Princess Rest, “Trixie truly knows nothing!” “If I wasn’t bound from hurting you, I’d be hurting you right now!” Night yelled. “Night!” Twilight snapped. “Is it really important?” “Y, yes!” Night responded, looking at her. “Why?” “Because I should know all that!” Night told her. “Vitabusu is a kind of art only liches should know, the brother’s crypt is not meant to be known by normal ponies, and I have no idea what she did to Fluttershy’s blood and I’d thought I’d learned everything about working with blood! So tell me how you know things you shouldn’t, and tell me what you did to Fluttershy!” Night finished, near screaming at Trixie, baring her fangs at the unicorn. “…You can’t hurt Trixie?” Trixie asked. Night growled at her, and Trixie looked at Princess Rest, rather calm for having an angry vampony atop of her rather suddenly. “…Does Trixie have to tell you, princess? Because she’d rather not, but if you ask her, she will.” “Ask her!” Night demanded. Twilight didn’t respond for a few moments. Then she asked, “What did you do to Fluttershy’s blood, and how did it save Night?” “…Trixie just faked it; she made it like the blood was lots more than what it really was, tricking the vampony into thinking it had just gained lots and lots when it hadn’t gotten much at all.” “What?” both Night and Twilight asked. “You can think of it like an illusion, except if you believe it, it’s real.” Trixie continued. “Except it’s a bit more than that, and it has to do with how vamponies work; you can’t do the same with water and a normal pony, for example. Or, well, you could, but the pony would still dehydrate, while the vampony would actually be better off, despite that it shouldn’t be.” “That, that works?” Night asked, confused. “You got your fangs back and beat the monster, didn’t you?” Trixie asked. “It works; and might Trixie remark that Night has very much impressed her?” Night blinked, and Trixie told her, “Trixie thought you would but distract the monster until she was able to do something, but you actually defeated it. And not only that, but you’re stable enough to be here, now, after losing a wing, and you still got your fangs! Trixie would applaud your endurance and ability, but she’s currently upside-down with a very impressive vampony keeping her that way.” “Night, let her up.” Night did so, clearly unwillingly, and once she was off, Trixie carefully rolled over, favoring her uninjured side, and stayed there. “Trixie?” “Trixie is still a little stiff, Princess.” Trixie reported. “The ghoul got her pretty good, and her legs don’t want to really cooperate; if you give her some time, she can maybe get this right…” she added, shifting around, trying to find some sort of leverage. “If only there was something to push, ah!” Twilight helped her up, using a cloud of magic to bolster the unicorn back onto her feet, Trixie startling as she went up, and then giving Princess Rest a grateful smile as she stood on her own. “Trixie had…” Trixie started before stopping herself. “Thank you, Princess!” she said, smiling more. “Can you walk?” Twilight asked, getting onto her own. “Trixie can!” Trixie told her, showing a strange, stiff sort of walk which had Twilight repress a chuckle. “What about the rest of my questions?” Night asked, which had Trixie tense. “Would you stop asking those questions if Trixie donated some blood?” Trixie suggested, giving Night a nervous smile. “She lost some, but she has lots more for the very impressive vampony that saved her life!” Night eyed her before sighing, looking at Princess Rest. “Well, princess?” “…Let Trixie keep her secrets.” Twilight said, noting Trixie’s relief; which also showed her that she was still half-paralyzed, indicated by what could and couldn’t show relief. “But… Fluttershy might not be able to donate for a few days. Can you handle that time, Night?” “…No.” “Then I think I’ll take you up on your offer, Trixie.” Twilight said, rather pleased that a problem had an immediate and simple solution. Trixie gained a worried look. “Princess, Trixie thinks it is very important that Trixie tells you that vamponies can only just survive off just one pony.” “What?” “She’s not wrong.” Night said, attracting Twilight’s attention. “After all this, I’d need… maybe seven or so ponies to get back to normal.” “S, seven!” Twilight yelped, stunned. “I’d need somewhere around fifty if I wanted to get back to full strength again.” Night told the shocked princess. “…Trixie didn’t know it took that many.” “Normally, it wouldn’t.” Night sighed. “Losing my wing is the biggest thing recently, but I’ve been hurt and abused over the past several days and haven’t fed properly for a week now. I can survive off of just you, but if I want to get better at all,” she added, looking to Princess Rest, “I’m going to need at least five healthy ponies to get my wing back and recover enough that I’m not hours away from starving.” “…You know, Trixie’s friends might be able to make the difference for you.” Trixie said. “Applejack alone should count as two, she works alone in a huge orchard, is easily surprised, and her brother is the same but should count as even more! Easy.” “T, Trixie!” Twilight snapped, Trixie flinching. “D, don’t just, just volunteer somepony like that!” Night sighed. “Pointless anyway; Princess Rest has to O.K anypony I feed from first.” “Oh?” “Soul binding.” “Oh! Then that’s why you didn’t bite Trixie and why you can’t hurt her?” “Yes.” “Well… Princess, Trixie thinks her friends will be just fine with it.” Trixie told Twilight, who stared at her. “They are all heroes, after all, and helping and saving ponies is a part of that description, and though vamponies are not,” “Sanguinerians.” “Sanguinerians are not normally counted as normal ponies,” Trixie effortlessly saved, “Night is clearly different. After all, she saved Trixie’s life, and defended her and Fluttershy from a terrible monster. She’s a pony in need of aid, aid we, Applejack and her brother specifically, can give her! And Trixie just knows that Night will most appreciate the opportunity to do what comes naturally to her, and recover well after a good hunt.” She finished, giving Princess Rest a bright smile. Night looked at her before looking at Rest, the sanguinerian unsure what to say to that. Twilight, meanwhile, was struggling to comprehend things. Trixie was championing Night and trying to get her to alright Night sneaking off to attack the Apples. But what was really bothering Twilight was that she was making a very good case for it. Before, when she’d thought about it, she’d known that Night wasn’t the easiest pony to ‘introduce’ to others. Much less set up her ‘needs’. She remembered even specifically rejecting Applejack on the grounds that Applejack had a high chance of attacking Night. But if she changed how she was thinking about it… Night had just showed her that she could disappear in tall grass. Talked to her about how she loved to stalk after ‘prey’. Shown her that, even in bright sunlight and ‘weak’, she was quick and agile. Trixie wasn't wrong about Applejack. She was easily surprised, wasn’t the kind of pony to startle at small sounds or pay close attention to her surroundings. On top of that, she was a notably strong, healthy pony, and her brother was just more so. Both were often isolated and alone as they worked in the orchard, and working meant they were even focusing on something else. Applejack sometimes missed hearing her own name when she was working. Looking at it like she had, the idea was totally unfeasible. Thinking about it like how a sanguinerian might, the Apples looked like the best prey Ponyville could possibly offer. “…Well, Princess?” Night asked, waiting. “…H, how important is this, again?” Twilight asked, struggling to think, moving a hoof to her forehead. “If I want to get my wing back and recover from everything, vital.” Night told her, causing Princess Rest to groan. “And it is Applejack; she can take it.” “…You trust Trixie about prey?” Trixie asked, and Night sighed. “Of course, you’re smarter than that. Send me on a wild goose chase and the ‘very impressive vampony’ might come back for some revenge. I don’t have to hurt you to make you suffer, you know.” Trixie gave her half a smile, before giving Princess Rest a full one. “…Just once.” Twilight sighed. “YES!” Night screamed, rearing up and startling her. “Finally, I can feed properly!” “Not a lot!” Twilight yelled as Night dashed off, vanishing into the grass. Twilight stared after her, frowning in disapproval as Trixie came next to her. “…Applejack will be fine. Maybe a little mad and paranoid for a bit, but fine.” Trixie told her, attracting Twilight’s attention. “…Trixie thanks you again for letting her keep secrets too. Does that… worsen her image, Trixie wonders?” “Not unless you’re secretly a lich or something.” Twilight said, and Trixie, to her minor relief, laughed. “Princess, Liches don’t have flesh!” Trixie told her, chuckling. “Trixie clearly still does!” “That and blood too.” Twilight said, noting the wound bleeding a little still. “We need to get you looked at.” “Trixie is fine,” “You’re going to get checked by a doctor and your wound properly cleaned out.” Twilight firmly said. “Fluttershy does great first aid, but you need a professional. Now, come on.” Trixie nodded, and followed Princess Rest as she began heading back towards Ponyville. Twilight dismissed the dark overhead as they left the dead field of grass, and as they did so, Trixie glanced back. On the other side of it, an eye was visible, watching. Trixie smirked at it, flicked her tail, and said nothing as she continued following. > Chapter 24: Flash and Hate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had often noted that her teacher would sneak out of the castle from time to time; young Twilight being one of the few ponies she’d confide that little fact in. However, Twilight knew that her casual public appearances were just part of what she did; the other was her teacher disguising herself as somepony else before leaving, Twilight only really noticing because things didn’t quite add up when closely examined. She’d never mentioned anything about it, since she respected the princess and otherwise didn’t really care what Princess Celestia wanted to do while pretending to be somepony else. It had never really been important to know why she did that. However, then sitting in Ponyville general, Twilight was suspecting she might have just gained a glimmer of why her teacher might have done that. “Opinion on Ponyville’s medical facility, Princess? How about Ponyville, oh, the bearers, how about the bearers? Was that the bearer of magic, Trixie, I saw coming in with you? She seemed hurt, was she? Why are you here? What about the other bearers? Can I get a smile?” She didn’t even know the pegasus’ name, and so far, her questions hadn’t stopped. Not getting an answer didn’t seem to actually matter to her; that or politeness, since she’d ‘introduced’ herself via taking a picture without warning. Flashed it right in her eyes. Twilight’s wings were forming a feathery cocoon around her, and even that wasn't dissuading her, Twilight wondering what, if anything, she should say. “Hey!” “Huh?” Twilight paused, listening. “We don’t like paparazzi around here! Get out and stop bothering the princess!” “I was just,” “Out, out, out!” Twilight, her eyes still at ouch spotty, carefully peeked, and spotted Redheart, bullying the pegasus out of the door. The nurse managed to keep her angry look all the way to the door, where the pegasus flashed a picture right in front of her eyes, making her yell and flinch back as the mare escaped. Twilight slowly lowered her wings as Redheart sat back and held her eyes, clearly disoriented by the bright flash. It seemed nopony had much liked the pegasus either, ponies nearby with little disapproving frowns, though, Twilight considered, that could have been because she’d flashed Redheart, a well-liked pony in town. Redheart shook it off and headed back to her, Twilight noting the mild daze from having a bright light go off in your eyes on the mare as she blinked a bit too much. “Sorry, princess.” Redheart told her. “I’d have gotten to her sooner, but I was a little busy and it’s rather rare that their kind come here, you understand.” “…Who even was she?” Twilight asked. “I have no idea.” Redheart sighed. “But by her get-up, she’s a photographer and by her attitude, its for some Canterlot magazine or something. If I had to guess, she spotted you coming inside and waited for an opportunity.” Twilight slowly nodded, thoughtful, but focused, and asked, “How is Trixie? She went back earlier; did you see her?” “The doctors going over her now, princess.” Redheart reported. “I think she’ll be fine. It’s a nasty gash, but its nothing too serious, and her stiffness is wearing off over time. The doctor’s just going to make sure and change her bandages and then she’ll be right out; should be done any moment, actually.” “That’s good.” Twilight sighed, relieved. “…Would you happen to have a good recommendation for somepony whose lost a lot of blood, by the way?” she asked. “Lots of food, princess; the greener, the better.” Redheart said. “Trixie hasn’t lost too much though; she seems pretty good all things considered.” Twilight nodded, making a mental note for Fluttershy and for the Apples. Thus satisfied with that, she refocused, and asked, “Do you think that photographer had given up?” “Well, that’s her peeking through the window over there, so I’d say no.” Redheart sighed, looking irritated. Twilight turned to see herself, and only caught a brief flash of red mane. “I’d recommend getting Trixie to deal with her.” “Trixie?” Twilight asked, looking back. Redheart nodded. “She should have experience with their kind; she’s invited plenty of them during her time in Ponyville. Nopony this bad, mind. I have work to do, but if she comes back in, just holler, alright?” Redheart asked, heading back to her desk. Twilight nodded, finding the Trixie idea fairly good, and relaxed again. A few minutes later, and Trixie reappeared from a door, freshly bandaged up. “All done, princess!” Trixie happily reported, heading to princess Rest. “Trixie is all good to go now!” “That’s good.” Twilight said, smiling. “But, Trixie, could you do something,” “Is that Snap Blush out that window!” Trixie suddenly gasped, looking away. “Who?” Twilight asked, looking that way to see nothing, but Trixie was growing excited. “Snap Blush, Canterlot’s finest freelance photographer, princess!” Trixie told her, tapping her front hooves. “Her photos wind up everywhere; everypony wants to have their picture taken by her! She had a talent for capturing the most natural moments! ‘Peeks into life!’ she calls them!” Trixie said, giving the title its own ‘snap’. Twilight, however, wasn't feeling quite so upbeat. Wondering, asked, “Peeks into life?” “Photos that catch perfectly natural moments! She’s very, very good at it, Princess!” Trixie told her. “You’d think you really were ‘peeking in’! Have you seen her most famous such photo, Princess Celestia enjoying tea on her balcony during sunset? It made her famous, you know.” Twilight bet it had. She had seen the photograph later, but she never really had to. She’d been there, after all. She still distinctly recalled the look on her teacher’s face when that flash had gone off; the sudden shock and then swift anger, the first and only time Twilight had ever seen either on her teacher’s face. It had been the sole time she’d ever heard Celestia call for the guard seriously. The princess had later told her that it had been a complete and total invasion of her privacy, trespassing on royal grounds included. She’d hadn’t heard the rest of the story, but she did know that princess Celestia approved of the picture everypony knew. More pertinently, the pony that had just harassed her had been the same one as back then? “She must be waiting for the perfect picture of you, princess!” Trixie said, speaking as if this would be the best thing ever. “If she’s lucky, maybe Trixie will be a part of it too!” she added, beaming before hesitating, spotting Princess Rest’s small frown. “…Princess? What’s wrong?” Twilight didn’t respond quickly, thinking. Blueblood had warned her; ponies that excel in gathering sensitive photos. “…Trixie how… sensitive, do Snap Blush’s photos get?” she asked, wondering if Trixie might happen to know; perhaps Snap Blush was just a simple sort of troublemaker, and not something she really had to worry about. “Oh, Trixie doesn’t really read that sort of thing, you know.” Trixie said, Twilight gaining a note of concern as the unicorn looked away and gained a small blush. “But since it’s you who asked, Trixie had re, has heard, Trixie has heard, about her ‘ablutions’ series.” Twilight didn’t especially care about Trixie’s verbal slip, nor how the unicorn was trying to pretend to not be blushing and giving her the most ‘please don’t have noticed that’ smile she’d ever seen. It was just like Blueblood’s warning: sensitive photos. Snap Blush was almost certainly a member of Candid’s group, something she knew rather little about save for Blueblood having warned her about their ‘tactics’. “…Trixie, I need you to make her leave.” Twilight said, Trixie pausing, blinking an unspoken question at her. “I do not want any photo of me taken without my permission; get her to go back where she came from or at least get my permission before she takes my picture.” “Trixie can do that, princess!” Trixie said, nodding firmly, relief visible despite her snapped step. “Just give Trixie a few minutes, and she will deal with Snap Blush!” Twilight watched Trixie leave, and having some free time, she sighed, and tried to consider things. She really should have tried to get a hoofhold on this before she got to Ponyville, but Night had been far more important at the time. And with all the mess yesterday had been… Had it really only been two days she’d been in Ponyville? It felt a lot longer. Twilight shook her head. It didn’t really matter; she had to deal with Snap Blush and anypony like her before anything happened. And check on the Apples and on Fluttershy, and get Trixie back with everypony, and do something about Icy Winds, and worry about Waker, and then the duty too… Twilight felt rather upset as she thought all that. Just what had her life wound up becoming? Why were there four or five super important things all demanding her attention right now? A touch of cold soothed her somewhat, and she sighed. Focus, she told herself. What is the most important out of all the important things? Dealing with Snap Blush; Blueblood had explicitly warned her that even innocent photos could be used to no good and Snap Blush sounded really good at finding terrible moments to take pictures of. She did have a few ways to deal with it immediately, but otherwise, sending a letter to Princess Celestia seemed in order. Surely, her teacher would know how to handle her properly. In addition, a letter to Blueblood might also be a good help: He had, after all, promised to keep her safe ‘from such underhooved behavior’. She smiled a little; he’d proven so different than when she’d first known him. Very helpful, and with any luck, he’d be able to ensure more such ponies wouldn’t show up. And overall, she didn’t have to worry at all, thinking about it. After all, Trixie was… Was coming back inside, angrily muttering to herself and blinking in that ‘camera flash in the face’ fashion. “Stupid, bull-headed, no good, rotten,” “Trixie?” Twilight asked, concerned, and Trixie startled, looking up at her. then she lowered her head, and gave her an apologetic smile as she headed over. “…Snap Blush is a very determined pony, princess.” Trixie told her. “Trixie did her best, but the moment she told her to ask permission or leave, she flashed a camera right in Trixie’s face and was gone. Trixie doesn’t think she wants to listen.” she finished, sighing as she lowered her head sadly. “Well, thank you for trying, Trixie.” Twilight sighed before she and Trixie startled at the sudden flash. “Out!” Redheart screamed, and she spotted Snap Blush a brief moment before she was out the door again, Trixie looking that way in mild surprise. “…Very determined.” Trixie remarked, slowly looking back before giving Princess Rest a weak smile before sighing and losing it. “Trixie…Trixie doesn’t actually know how to deal with this anymore.” She quietly admitted. “Maybe until she figures something out, she could just cover you in fog and hide you in the library?” Twilight didn’t respond for a moment, and then she said, “No. Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to visit everypony and set things right, and make sure Fluttershy and the Apples are alright.” “And you, princess?” “I’m going to catch a problem.” Twilight said, mad. Hunting Snap Blush proved fruitless. Twilight headed throughout Ponyville, her horn glowing, the alicorn ready to snag her the instant she saw the irritating photographer, but there was no sign of her anyplace. Twilight just got madder over time as she searched; part of that was because Snap Blush was irritating, but more so, that the mare was actively preventing her from being a part of her friends’ reuniting and setting things right. It wasn’t for some time that she finally realized the flaw in her plan. She was obviously mad and obviously searching; she even had a small group of ponies following her, searching despite that they probably had no idea what she was looking for. Several even had nets. Snap Blush, a pony that had once snuck onto royal grounds and gotten all the way to Celestia’s balcony without being noticed, would not be an idiot and be anywhere near Twilight right then. If she wanted to ‘lure’ Snap Blush, she had to act natural. But how could she, with a camera mad, privacy breaking, possibly, maybe likely, evil pegasus someplace in the area, just waiting to snap a sensitive photo of her? Her plan to write to Princess Celestia came to mind, and she nodded, reminding herself about Blueblood as well. That seemed her best plan for right then. Otherwise… Otherwise, she would just have to try and either catch Snap Blush in the moment, or avoid her taking any photo of her. At least, Twilight considered as she headed towards the library, her angry look should keep the photographer away for right then. Why couldn’t she have done something when Snap Blush was flitting around her, incessantly asking questions and taking photos before? Twilight shook her head as she reached the library. Regrets didn’t much matter right then. She should instead be thinking of how she would tell Princess Celestia about this problem, and how she would contact Blueblood. For that matter, would having Spike send mail still work? She hoped so as she reached for the handle, then a little doubtful that she could just fall back on old habits. She nearly screamed as the sudden flash, and whipped her head around to spot Snap Blush fleeing; just a moment too late to get her before she vanished behind the library. “Not this time!” Twilight yelled, chasing after her, certain that, if she was quick, she’d spot Snap Blush fleeing, or otherwise catch her trying to hide. But a quick run around the library and then a brief magical search of its branches found no trace of the red maned pegasus. However, there was a new little note on the door. Which read ‘nice try!’, with a little doodle of a winking face, tongue sticking out, little star flicking off the winking eye. Twilight tore it off and crushing it firmly in her magic, stomped inside, incredibly mad right then. Mad enough to stomp right past Spike, Trixie, and Rarity, all three of whom stared at her with wide eyes as she stomped up the stairs, and not even notice them. They then leapt at the sudden, firm slam. “W, what’s got princess Rest that mad?” Spike asked, shaking himself. “I’ve no idea.” Rarity said, blinking up the stairs still. “Trixie thinks that Snap Blush has proven to be a thorn in the princess’ flank.” Trixie shared, making both others look at her. “Snap Blush, the famous photographer?” Rarity asked, blinking at Trixie. “Here, in Ponyville?” Trixie nodded. “Trixie thinks she is here to get a picture of Princess Rest; and she wants one of her ‘peeks into life!’ too, despite that Trixie made it perfectly clear that Princess Rest does not appreciate having her picture taken ever.” “Ah.” Rarity said, nodding slowly. “Camera shy?” she asked, and Trixie hesitated before slowly nodding. “Hm. Well, she is rather shy…” Rarity began before hesitating. As the other two hesitated, she continued, “Except she didn’t seem very shy just yesterday, thinking about it…” “That was because of Trixie!” Trixie said, standing a bit taller. As Rarity looked at her, she added, “Trixie was distracting everypony for the princess, so she could feel comfortable.” “That’s what you were doing then?” Rarity asked, and Trixie nodded. “…Well, I’m sure you helped, darling, but I think she was rather focused on Mrs. Delicate and poor Buttercup.” “Who?” Spike asked. “Oh, you didn’t hear?” Rarity asked, and Spike shook his head. “Well,” “Princess Rest satisfied two ghosts, right in town!” Trixie interrupted, a touch proud. “G, ghosts?” Spike asked, blinking as Rarity gave Trixie a mild frown. “In Ponyville?” “Yes.” Trixie told him said, holding her head high as she added, “Trixie helped her.” “If I recall, you attempted to attack Mrs. Delicate and Princess Rest came rushing back mere seconds afterwards.” Rarity said, eyeing the proud unicorn and breaking her stance. “T, Trixie just doesn’t have a lot of experience with ghosts!” Trixie objected. “She had no idea you could make them leave on their own like that! Did Rarity?” “Well, no…” “See? Trixie was just trying her best during a very stressful situation.” Trixie said, huffing. “So, what, exactly happened?” Spike asked, looking between the two. “Go ahead darling; I wasn’t there for the start, after all.” “Well, Spike, you see,” “Spike!” The trio jumped at Princess Rest’s call, and looked up the stairs. “I need you to send a couple of letters!” “C, coming!” Spike said, hurrying that way. Trixie blinked as he did so. “…Spike doubles as a mailpony?” she asked, confused, and looked at Rarity. “…I think he can send them specially, somehow.” Rarity said, at first thoughtful before drooping a little. “…Twilight always wrote letters to Princess Celestia, but she never used the mail service in town; I used to think it was just her teleporting them or something, but maybe Spike was responsible, somehow.” She finished, shaking the mild gloom off. “…But how does Princess Rest know that if he can?” Trixie asked, making Rarity pause. “…Perhaps Princess Celestia told her?” Rarity suggested after a moment, shrugging. “Oh! I nearly forgot, I have something for you darling!” Rarity said. “What is it?” “It’s in my boutique; I had planned to make some sort of memorial out of it, but since you’re back, it can now be put to its first purpose! Come along darling, I can’t wait to see you see it!” Trixie nodded, smiling as she followed after Rarity. Spike hesitated as he entered Princess Rest’s room. The alicorn herself was standing at a desk, the chair knocked over next to her, her horn alight and a pen wobbling over some paper; Spike instantly noting that it was doing so rather oddly. “…Princess?” he asked. “Just a moment Spike, I’m almost done.” Spike slowly nodded, hesitantly coming into the room. He looked around, noting that Princess Rest seemed to not have done much inside of it before hesitating at a clear series of scratches in the floor. He wondered about that as he looked back, and closer, easily noticed that the pen was wobbling; Princess’ Rest’s magical grip apparently very much lacking, limply holding the pen and using only its weight to push onto the paper, producing faint, awkward, wobbly writing. Based on her expression, she was trying very hard, which rather confused Spike; she was an alicorn, but struggled with writing magically like a filly would. “…C, can I help?” he hesitantly asked. “…Could you?” Princess Rest asked, sighing, the pen dropping. “I’m really having trouble writing.” Spike only nodded, picking up a new sheet and taking the pen himself. “Just tell me what to write.” He told her, readying himself. “I’m pretty good at this.” Princess Rest nodded, Spike pausing as she gently smiled, the drakling spotting affection in her eyes before it was gone, suddenly. He blinked, and Princess Rest coughed, and began, “Dear Princess… no, no, just Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia. I’m writing to you due to a small problem I have encountered.” “Problem?” Spike asked as he wrote, dismissing his mild confusion, and easily settling into old habit. Princess Rest idly nodded, thinking. “A pony by the name of Snap Blush has arrived here, and has not been listening to me, trying to take photos without my permission. I am worried about what she intends, and hope you might know how I can deal with her, and anypony like her. Princess Rest.” “…Done.” Spike reported, finishing. “Second letter.” He nodded, getting another sheet, feeling comfortable; this was just like, the thoughts went, before he paused, and shook his head, firming himself. He didn’t want to think about that. A moment passed, and he looked up, to see Princess Rest staring at him. “…Princess?” he asked, growing mildly uncomfortable. She startled a little at his voice, and shook her head firmly. “S, sorry, I… Alright, ready?” she asked, and Spike nodded, more than willing to let that slide. “Dear Prince Blueblood,” “Blueblood?” Spike asked, pausing, and then looking up at her, confused. “Yes.” “…Alright…” he said, looking back, wondering just why Princess Rest was writing that particular pony a letter. He didn’t come up often, but Spike knew him. Knew him a wiggling, slimy, good for nothing that was the worst sort of stallion, having just a veneer of honor and being the worst sort of arrogant: he treated everypony like the mud on his hooves save for the princesses and got away with it always. “I’m writing you because I am being bothered by Snap Blush; if you haven’t heard of her, she’s a famous photographer and you should be able to ask most anypony who she is.” Spike wrote, listening. Snap Blush again, he noted. “She has very much concerned me, and I remembered you. I was… I’d like… If you could… give me a second, Spike, I have to think.” Spike nodded, and waited, watching Princess Rest close her eyes. The action was faintly familiar, but Spike again firmly forced the sensation right back down, shaking himself since he had the opportunity and glaring a little as he firmly ignored it. Then Princess rest made it easy by finally starting again, “That night in the library, you promised that you would defend my honor,” “W, what!” Spike yelled, unable to stop himself, gaping, Princess Rest startling. “Tha, that, he, you, night in the, wha, what are you saying!” he asked, staring at her in some shock. “…Blueblood promised me that he would defend my honor, Spike.” Princess Rest said, blinking. “Well, don’t believe him!” Spike snapped, frowning. “That two-faced, slimy worm of a stallion’s word isn’t even worth a random pebble on the ground! And what about ‘that night in the library’! What does that mean!” “That we met one night in the Canterlot library.” Princess Rest told the agitated drakling. “Nopony goes to the library in the middle of the night though!” Spike objected. “That was the idea, yes.” Princess Rest told him, which didn’t help at all. “W, what did he do to you!” Spike demanded. “Do to me?” Princess Rest asked, confused. “He didn’t…” The princess paused, Spike’s concern spiking with it, and she said, lightly blushing and looking away, “Well, he kissed,” Spike broke the pen he was holding, the princess hesitating at the snap. That was it, the drakling decided. Blueblood had gone too far. However, there was a remaining question. “Spike?” “H, how did he force you like that!” Spike yelled, confusion as to how Blueblood had somehow overcome an alicorn fighting the urge to head to Canterlot to burn Blueblood’s tail off. “Force me?” “You, you should have been able to get him off or something!” Spike yelled. “Blew him through a wall or something, not, not just, just, let him do whatever he wants with you!” Princess Rest’s mouth fell open. “…H, he just kissed my hoof!” she yelled, blushing suddenly, Spike’s anger coming to a screeching halt with that. “Not, not, not whatever… I invited him so I could ask him questions about the nobility in secret, and he just warned me about some ponies I should be aware of and promised that he wouldn’t let stuff like that cause trouble for me!” “Ah…” Spike said, his face brilliantly red as Princess Rest yelled, her own flushed. He hid his face with the letter as Princess Rest glared at him, red-faced and agitated herself, while Spike wondered if he could maybe just run off and pretend it didn’t happen. A long moment passed, Spike holding still, for fear that running away would only make the princess madder. Then she huffed. “…S, so, th, the letter?” the drakling weakly asked, trying to move past it and hoping that Princess Rest would let him, slowly moving to the table and grabbing a new pen. “…I’m sorry for yelling at you.” He heard Princess Rest sigh. “I should have figured it out before it got out of hoof like that.” “It, it’s alright.” He said, still hiding his face. “Your letter?” “Spike… alright. Where was I?” “That night in the library.” Spike said, hoping his blush would fade before she was done. “Right. That night at the library, you promised to protect me, and I’m fairly confident that Snap Blush is part of Candid’s group. Even if she isn’t, if you could reassure me, or help me to handle her, I would be very thankful. I don’t think we can meet again, but you can always send a letter to Ponyville library,” “It’s Twilight’s library, Ponyville, princess.” Spike corrected. “I got it, don’t worry.” “…If you want. Princess Rest.” Spike nodded, calm as he finished. “Get those off for me, Spike.” “No problem, princess.” Spike said, giving her a quick smile and feeling rather happy that she didn’t seem upset anymore. He got both letters into envelopes and headed out. “Where are you going?” “To the mail office.” He said, pausing at the door and looking back. Princess Rest seemed confused. “…To send the letters.” He added, wondering why she was. “But, just send them now.” She said. “Now?” “With your fire. Like…” Princess Rest hesitated, but Spike didn’t really care, the drakling drooping, and looking down. “…I can’t do that.” he said, picking his head back up. “Can’t do,” Princess Rest began, but Spike left without waiting, firmly shutting the door behind him. There, the drakling took a deep breath, his eyes shut. Again, and again, and again, he forced his thoughts to stop, memories struggling to emerge even as he firmly beat them back. After a few moments, he sighed, calmer, the mild surge ceasing. A thought wondered if he should maybe talk with Princess Rest before he stomped that flat. Then he firmed himself, refocusing. He had royal letters to send.