One Wild Night

by MetalJrock

First published

After waking up with Aria and Sonata in her bed, Adagio recollects the strange events which led to that moment.

The morning after their defeat at the hands of the Rainbooms, Adagio awakens to find Sonata and Aria in her bed. The three of them naked and embracing.

Confused and tired, Adagio recalls what occurred the night before as she was drinking her anger away.

Two chapter story. Random clop ensues.

Drunk Comfort

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Adagio Dazzle slowly opened her eyes, her body tired. Another night had come and gone and now the rays of the morning sun peeked through her window. Her head was a little sore too, unable to remember what she did the night before.

However, as Adagio tried to sit up, she felt something over her chest, keeping her down. Confused, her eyes moved from side to side, recognizing the blue-skinned girl and purple-skinned girl lying down next to her. Drool dripped from their mouths and onto her neck, and now Adagio was even more confused.

Sonata and Aria were snoring, their arms wrapped over her breasts. Adagio's eyes widened, as she had no idea how she ended up in this situation. 'What the hell did I do last night?' she wondered, raising an arm to rub her forehead, feeling a migraine. She exhaled, trying to piece together what had happened.

Then, it came back to her little by little and then it hit her like a truck. And she sighed, recalling that those girls used Equestrian magic to counter them and destroy the gems they used for control. She was annoyed, agitated, and beyond pissed off because she lost everything. She wanted to blow off of steam, to make herself feel better. Then she lost herself in a literal drunken haze. Memories flashed back and she acted.

Then Sonata showed up and somehow escalate even more. Then again, it wasn't like she was in her right mind to dismiss it anyhow.

The door creaked open, and once it opened, stormed Adagio, Sonata and Aria. The leader of the Sirens was more annoyed than the other two, evident by her scowl, clenched teeth, and her constant stomping through the house. "Idiots!" she grunted, storming into her room and closing the door behind her.

Aria rolled her eyes and scoffed, "She's having a tantrum again."

Sonata put a finger to her chin, looking uneasy, "She looks more upset than usual... Maybe she'll calm down." she hoped.

"Doubt it. They used Equestrian magic to destroy our gems." Aria reminded her friend.

Hearing that, Sonata shook her head, "Okay... I'll see if she's feeling better later!" she walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, "Do you want anything to eat?"

A few hours have passed, and the two Sirens haven't heard from Adagio in the time since. They were sitting down watching TV. "Ugh. You'd think she get over it by now..." Aria grunted, annoyed by her friend's behavior now.

Hearing a thud from the other room, Sonata grew more concerned. "I'm gonna go check on her."

"...Good luck with that." Aria replied sarcastically, not caring in the slightest.

Sonata walked to Adagio's room, slowly opening her door. Her curiosity over her friend's behavior piqued. She spotted the yellow-skinned girl sitting on her bed, holding a bottle in her hand, with a pile of glass bottles lying around the floor next to the stand. "D-Dagi...?" she asked quietly, hoping to get Adagio's attention.

Fortunately, Adagio heard her and she inhaled, "Oh, look who it is." she murmurmed.

"A-Are you okay, Dagi?" Sonata asked with concern.

Adagio narrowed her eyes, "Never better... It's not like we lost our magic for good or anything like that." she slurred with some toxicity. "Perfectly fine!"

Sonata sat down next to her and held her shoulder, "I know... But now I'm worried. I think you're drunk."

"...What makes you say that?" Adagio asked.

"Look at these bottles!" Sonata shouted.

The leader of the Sirens chugged the last bottle she had, "I'm okay, Sonata..." she raised a hand and reached for her friend's hair, "You're an idiot... But a cute idiot for worrying..." she slurred.

Sonata blinked, "...Wh-What? I haven't he-heard you say that i-in forever!" she realized.

"You're... A c-cute idiot for c-caring about me..." Adagio muttered and repeated, reaching her hand for Sonata's ponytail, removing the scrunchie holding it up, allowing her blue hair to flow behind her freely. Sonata's cheeks flushed pink, flustered by her friend's drunken actions. She did the same to her own, allowing her orange hair to drop behind her as well. "Oh, what would I do without you or Aria, hm?" she asked. "I'd be all alone otherwise."

Blinking, Sonata replied, "I-I don't know...? Not be as happy?"

With a thin smile, Adagio nodded, "Mm hmm... But I love you girls..." she hiccuped, "M-More than you realize. And I haven't... F-forgotten what we did, Sonata..."

Sonata gulped, "D-Dagi...?" she muttered. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Do you want to...?"

Adagio smirked, leaning forward, "I think so... Just let me feel in charge again." she murmured.

Hearing those words, Sonata gulped, holding Adagio's hands, "I think I can do that!" she said proudly.

Adagio's fingers touched Sonata's lips, "Great, and I know how..."

Then, Adagio leaned forward even more, closing the distance between her and Sonata, pressing their lips together. The blue-skinned girl mumbled, able to taste and smell the alcohol from her friend's mouth and she moaned in surprise at that.

Adagio cupped Sonata's chin with her fingers as she tilted her head, deepening the kiss. The kiss was warm, soft, quick. And they parted for a second, allowing Sonata a moment to speak, "L-Like that, Dagi?" she wondered in a whisper. "B-But I thought you didn't want..."


Adagio leaned in again and the two of them closed their eyes, their moans heard in their embrace, the blue-skinned girl felt something move on her lips. She opened her mouth, allowing Adagio's tongue to parade in her mouth. And it seemed Sonata didn't mind, judging by her hushed moans of pleasure.

This wasn't what Sonata anticipated when she wanted to comfort Adagio, but then again, she didn't mind so long as her friend was happy. In fact, it felt... right. Adagio's tongue swirled around her own and the two engaged in a brief fight for dominance.

Adagio pushed Sonata onto her bed, her head pressed onto the pillow first. She separated from her friend and whispered, "Make me feel loved again, Sonata..." she cooed. "Just like we used to do. Before... Before we used the magic to control..."

Sonata giggled and wrapped her arms around Adagio's hair, "Okey dokey!" she could feel her friend's hands dig into her skirt, her fingers extended and ready to tease the former siren. Just like they used to do.

However, before they could continue, the sound of someone clearing their throat made them stop. "Oh, this again? I thought you two stopped that." scoffed Aria, who was leaning on the wall next to the bed, completely unfazed by what she was witnessing.

Sonata blinked, feeling Adagio's lips pressed on her neck, "Y-You knew about that?!" she asked in disbelief. "I thought it was a super secret!" she shouted.

Aria rolled her eyes and folded her arms, "Oh please. I could hear the bed creaking every night the two of you decided to do this, and your moans echoed through the whole house. I was barely able to sleep." she revealed. "Not like I care or anything. You two can do whatever." she dismissed. "I just heard the noises cause you idiots left the door open for us all to hear."

Then, Adagio raised her head and smirked, "Aw... I think Ari secretly feels left out... Do you, dear?" she teased playfully, leaning her head onto Aria's shoulder and pursed her lips as she moved closer.

The action prompted Aria to shake her head and lower her friends's and pushed her back, "Uh, no. I don't."

"Come on, Aria! We can make it a threesome!" Sonata suggested, earning a brow raise from Aria. "Just us three having fun!"

Aria put her hands to her hips, "And why would I do that?"

Sonata giggled, Adagio's lips tickling her cheeks, a hand reaching for her breasts now, "Because it feels good?" she offered.

"No thanks..." Aria denied.

Hearing that, Adagio stood up, "Oh no, w-we're doing this..." she slurred out at last. She pinned an arm to the wall, keeping Aria still, "It's about time you joined us... You know you want to..." she purred, cupping Aria's chin with her index finger and thumb. "Let me put you under m-my spell now..."

Before Aria could object, she felt something warm pressed against her. Her eyes widened when she realized Adagio actually shortened the gap between them. It wasn't anything she was expecting. In fact, despite her insistence earlier, she was actually liking the kiss. But Adagio separated from her, a soft smooch heard, "So... W-what do you think? Wanna join us tonight?"

"Come on, Aria! Just this once?" Sonata begged, still lying on the bed.

"Ugh! Fine!" Aria announced, her cheeks flushed, not revealing her brief moment of pleasure as Adagio smirked. "If it'll get you two to be quiet." she agreed.