> The Melancholic Curiosity of Stars > by Wanderer D > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Melancholic Curiosity of Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Melancholic Curiosity of Stars By Wanderer D The Entity did not have an origin it could remember. It didn't remember—nor care— how far it traveled, for how long, or from whence it came from. All it knew, was the silent marvel of discovery; the odd civilization, the random world full of non-sapient life. Coming from the darkness at the edge of starlight, whenever it had been sensed or witnessed, it had cause chaos and fear. Many cultures had considered it a harbinger of doom; the dark matter of which nightmares were born in the deepest recesses of a sentient sapient mixed with the fear of some hell-like place or another, or a travelling star that would change their skies for sometime before drifting away. It had been worshiped. It had been shunned. It had been hunted—useless attempts all of them, for it was neither god, nor demon, nor prey. It just was. It never engaged nor interacted with other beings. It had no name. No immediate purpose. No threat. No talent. If a pony could find a relatable feeling to describe what it acted upon most often it would be: curiosity. Insatiable, eternal and drifting curiosity. Alien and incomprehensible in its fullness to the minds of mortals. The entity existed in between, resting in the energy currents of worlds for long periods of time before it set off again for its next destination. It watched the living and remembered the dead. It seeped into abandoned shells and relished in the cellular memories of short lifetimes—instances, really, to a being such as itself, where memories would paint a picture it would struggle (and fail) to understand before moving on after the next curious thing. Centuries passed. Thousands of years of thought-like speed propelling it from star to star, intangible when it wanted to be and more than merely visible when it got too curious. Thus it made its way to a small world… unique, or almost unique, in it's experience; for it was the center of that galaxy. Stars and comets and meteors and novas and particle clouds moved with intent and design and all around this one planet, full of a variety of life it had only glimpsed in the dreams and myths of countless other worlds. And so it settled to watch and learn, it's curiosity once more stopping its drifting through the universe, as the will of those that commanded this galaxy with their thoughts and intent alone called its attention. It watched and learned, listening and understanding. One will, more than the other, would reach the sky and caress the stars and space in between. A few times, it let the owner of that will feel its presence. Beings such as this one would eventually be able to feel it on their own, and the Entity was aware that negative reactions could have unwanted consequences. The first time, the owner of said will had been surprised, as the immediate reaction to brushing with it was to pull back. But as time passed and the occasional brushes of awareness continued the owner of the will that moved the stars grew used to it, and even seemed to find some comfort. This was a new experience for it: not only finding a will strong enough to move celestial bodies and to brush his own... but not being rejected, pushed or worshiped. Merely acknowledged after initial wariness, and then left to its own devices. And soon, as time went by in decades, it too became accustomed to the touch of this mind, as alien to itself as it was to the will's owner. o.0.o "Alas, once again I raise the moon and deprive your little ponies of the joy of light and day," Princess Luna said, stepping onto the balcony overlooking the forest below to stand next to her sister. "Once again, they will grumble and curse at the darkness that is supposed to bring them comfort and rest. Where I have stood against foes beyond their understanding, a match against monsters such as Tirek and Discord even, I find Luna is still feared and blamed for fears not of her making or deserving of such treatment." "Sister," Princess Celestia acknowledged, following with a sigh as she gazed into the distance. "It is not so bad, I'm sure. Ponies understand the need for cycles, the gentleness of night, the beauty of starlight and the assurance of the moon." She leaned down to nuzzle her younger sister. "For centuries Luna has brought them rest, and it has been Luna's night that has inspired more than one song of love and longing. It is the night that brings the romance in ponies' minds, and the quiet of darkness that allows them to imagine and dream." Luna snorted, "You claim it is so, sister... but you witness not their dreams, nor share their inner fears." She tore her gaze from Celestia and looked into the distance as lights lit up in towns and cities. "Whilst you sleep, confident and loved, I hear foals cry to remain awake, either because the daylight, enabler of their time of recreation is now gone, or fearing the embrace of dreams... elders whisper at imagined fears long-destroyed or imprisoned… they cherish the return of the morn, and celebrate Celestia's rule… but not Luna's." Celestia looked at her sister, slowly moving closer, ears lowered. "Sister, I…" "Nay," Luna sighed, unable to take that look from Celestia much longer. "There is little to be done. The hearts of ponies seldom change at the behest of simple wishes, and as time goes by they are taught to fear me." She moved away from Celestia. "They believe I bring nightmares, not chase them. They believe the denizens of the dark to be instruments of my so-called wrath." Luna continued, then shook her head. " And yet I won't abandon my duty. For better or worse I promised to watch over them, to bring the night at the end of the day and lower the moon and hide the stars at night. "Luna shall continue her duty, as she always has… and ponies will fear her and reject her, as they always have." She remained quiet for a few seconds, aware of Celestia looking for words to refute her claim. She wanted Celestia to say something then, to deny these thoughts and observations, if only so she could feel encouraged and loved. Even if it was a lie born out of pity. But Celestia didn't seem to be able to come up with a reply to that and in the end, Luna sighed once more, in defeat. "Good night, sister." o.0.o The entity felt the familiar brush of the other mind. From the confines of the little world the mind expanded in a spectacle that few being in the universe would be able to imitate, understand or appreciate as fully. To the entity, the will grew like around the globe like a mist of thought, sparkling silvery-blue as it diluted and grew, touching the celestial bodies around it. The moon, meteorites, planets and comets, everything that made this little galaxy unique was touched, including a slight caress of acknowledgement with the Entity itself,  just as another will—a will that had not perceived the Entity so far, but was by now somewhat familiar as well, snaked through with single purpose: the sun. In scope, both wills held equal power, just different purpose. Moving the sun would cost too much energy for the friendly mind, and similarly, if the Sun-will were to attempt moving the rest of the little galaxy, it would end in failure. The galaxy turned and moved all thanks to the will of two creatures in a choreography never replicated in the universe. It was a marvelous, curious event, even after all this time, as there was a slight feeling, a touch of conscience the Entity could feel from the sun's will, which accompanied the movements of the celestial body itself. When the galaxy moved, the sun wouldn't simply go along with it. Every time this cycle of the minds occurred, the sun's will felt subservient to the will of the galaxy's mind, as in acknowledging somehow its greatness, and yet—curiouser—the will of the galaxy seemed to ignore it or resent it. The will of the sun receded, and the entity expected to feel the will of the galaxy fade too into its usual pattern, but it lingered. It brushed against the Entity. It was different this time, more insistent. The Entity could detect a different quality to this brush, certainly more insistent, but still not aggressive, almost the opposite. Inviting? And the Entity realized for the first time ever, a mind, a power somewhat comparable to its own, wanted it there. The Entity was not only acknowledged, but also wanted. Not for anything negative it could sense as had been the case when other powerful minds had tried to control it. No this brush was simpler: it wanted just… the word, the concept, came with the next brush of their minds: companionship. Although the Entity did not have a voice as mortals did—or words for that matter—it understood intent, and the intent of the mind brushing its own was very clearly sending an invitation. Moved by its curiosity, it acknowledged the message, and follow the will behind it back to the planet. For the first time since arriving in that little galaxy, it witnessed the appearance of its host. It was half-equine, half-star matter, glowing in psychic energy as the rest of her world slumbered, and their thoughts and feelings drifted in the currents of if the ether. The Entity was enraptured by this unique creature which made pleasant noises as she flew around, as if also trying to somehow take in the nature of her guest. A word broke through between their minds: Laughter. She was laughing. The feeling that emanated from her was contagious and the Entity felt different. There was more to curiosity for it to be here for now. As its mind brushed again with hers, it understood the definition. There was not only curiosity now. There was joy. The influx of emotion fed the Entity's curiousness. There was more to be had. More curiosity. And another thing: Companionship. To no longer drift alone. Joy… to feel elation and satisfaction and it all came with something else. Something new for the Entity to acknowledge. A name: Luna. And a different world than the one the Entity had previously observed. The psychic world of dreams fluctuated around the pair as Luna brought the Entity with her on her travels, banishing negative images from the slumbering minds and ensuring the peace the mortals needed to rest. And yet, there was something distracting Luna. The Entity observed, curious, as Luna entered a small creature's dream. "Filly." Said Luna's mind. Luna vanquished monstrous shadows made of fear and insecurity, pushing them away and at the same time bringing warmth and comfort to the mind of the little one…eventually it was all gone, and the filly looked up in awe, grateful… only to shriek and scamper back at Luna's attempt to simply pat her in the head with a wing. The Entity could almost see Luna's psychic form flinch. And it did not understand. How could this little filly fear that which had saved it? It brushed Luna's mind, feeling guilt, horror, anger… a complete opposite of the gentle mind it had met. Regardless of the pain, Luna simply receded from the filly's mind, and continued with her travels through the minds of ponies. There was always darkness to be vanquished; fears to destroy and insecurity to dissipate. Luna kept her efforts, which were seldom rewarded with anything better than a simple, wary acknowledgement that she was there. At worst, the ponies she had saved would accuse her of bringing the nightmares to them. This cycle repeated for quite some time, with Luna brushing the Entity's awareness with an invitation to come with her. Eventually, Luna would bid the Entity goodbye. It could feel the other will that moved things in this galaxy awakening. And along with its presence, conflicting feelings from Luna. Endearment. Fear. And other feelings it wasn't quite familiar with. Still, even as Luna's will moved the moon and stars before receding into a solid form, the Entity pondered, curious. It was clear from Luna's recession that she intended the Entity to leave for now, perhaps until later. And yet, it was too curious. What was behind this relationship with the other will that cause Luna so much strife? The Entity had no desire to leave just yet. Instead, it diminished its presence, flowing out of the psychic realm and into the physical world, mixing with the star-matter that was part of Luna, so it could observe... and learn. o.0.o As the day progressed, Luna became more and more distressed. The Entity was unprepared by the sudden influx of additional emotion. Although some ponies were deferential to her, it could sense their unease, and so could she. Others were completely intimidated by her, choosing to attempt to stealthily stay out of her way, again unable to comprehend that Luna could sense them too. The only one that emanated true affection for Luna was her "sister", Celestia. A being of considerable power that left the Entity more than one time unsure of whether she was aware of its presence. She was also loved by all the mortals they encountered, revered even. When she was around, they didn't even fear Luna half as much. And of course Luna noticed, and so did the Entity. Luna's feelings for her sister were conflictive, but as the day continued, the respect and love Luna felt for her sister was strained by the continuous ebb of jealousy and anger at her recognition. Luna felt alone. Repudiated… Trapped. She sat through meetings with mortals, where disdain and fear gave way to sarcasm and mockery, never direct, but obviously intended for her. It was then that she revealed a feeling that surprised the Entity: Luna was jealous of it. Of taking to the stars, existing beyond the knowledge of others of being at the edge of understanding. Freedom. More than love, more than acknowledgement, Luna wanted the freedom of having her feelings hurt, the Entity surmised. If she were above such things, as it was, she would perform her duty, feeling fulfilled by her passion like the Entity itself was by exploring the cosmos. The Entity pondered. For countless eons it had drifted, exploring, discovering. But it had never taken an active role anywhere it went. What would it be like, it wondered, to perform a role. To help Luna and take away the pain. At least for some time. As a being of energy and thought and will, it was beyond true feelings of jealousy and envy. It could become something, for a while, that would draw the fear and uneasiness. It would be the focus of the waking worlds' blame, easy to identify, yet in reality harmless to the ponies Luna wanted to impress and prove herself to, and so, Luna would need not be the thing they feared, but their saviour and caretaker, just like her sister. And so, it brushed Luna's mind. o.0.o "This morning you seemed… happier," Celestia said, smiling at her sister after the last of the nobles had left the throne room. "Did something happen, sister?" Luna snorted in disgust. "What fools," she whispered, glancing at the closed doors. "Know they not our wrath could erase them if we wanted?" Celestia raised a concerned eyebrow. "Sister, worry not yourself with the actions of these petty few ponies. To us, their lives are a blink of an eye, cherish those that appreciate you for you are, rather than take the words of dissenters to heart." "The words of one who does not understand being hated for existing are so easily spat out." Celestia's eyes widened and she visibly flinched. "Sister… such anger…" Luna closed her eyes, turning away from Celestia. "Luna's realm is the night. Ponies hate and fear the darkness and surrendering to sleep. It matters not to them that my wings ease their minds, nor that my moonlight shines away the shadows. Celestia's realm is the day… and they never fear the day." Luna opened her eyes, staring at the ground. "Celestia cannot understand Luna, and Luna… will never understand Celestia." "Sister, I fear where these thoughts are taking you," Celestia said, standing to walk close to Luna. "Why take your anger on one who loves you? 'Tis true that I am fortunate, but sister, I work tirelessly to—" "Enough." Luna also stood and without sparing her sister a glance, started walking towards the throne room's exit. "I must rest, lest I be unprepared for tonight's trials." Celestia shook her head. "I was under the impression that this morning you were in a good mood, sister." Luna paused, her hoof hovering in front of the door before slowly setting on it. "A fleeting moment of camaraderie can quickly be dismissed by being reminded of the arrogance and hate of centuries on a daily basis." o.0.o Luna made her way through the castle, heading for her chambers. The memory of her fight with Celestia fresh in her mind, emotions stirring and conflicted to the Entity's perception. It had never acted like this before. But it had never met Luna before. It had hovered in the galaxy, beyond most's perception for close to a century now, and Luna's welcoming brushes with its mind had never wavered, even at her worst. And through that time, it had come to trust her. Once she was alone—truly alone, and ready to rest, it emanated its intentions. It could become something more through her, and she could rest, unburdened by hate and fear. No longer would ponies hurt her, for they would not fear her. It could feel Luna's awareness slowly grow cognisant of its presence. The Entity could feel her initial wariness, then she relaxed, recognizing it. Wariness turned into curiosity, something the Entity could understand very well, after all, until Luna had reached out to it, it would have never conceived such an opportunity for mutual benefit. The Entity made its case: an exchange of power and places for experiencing something new and rejuvenating for both of them. Luna's curiosity grew. Power. Love. No fear. Growth. Acknowledgement. The Entity echoed all of those feelings. It could take them, refocus them and experience all of them while Luna remained unaffected and rested. The Entity's elation grew as Luna's emotions became more open and welcoming. She approved of this plan. She welcomed it. To be free and to allow the Entity new experiences as well. All the emotions it had yet to understand and grow with. Luna abandoned her chambers, walking with intent into the throne room, where she stood and opened herself fully to the Entity. It drew in, curious, but equally eager to please and help Luna. "You and I," Luna said as the Entity merged into her mind, feeling for the first time in its existence a beating heart, solid, living muscles, tingling fur, flowing mane. And jealousy. So much jealousy. "We will rule the night!" Luna whispered. The words meant nothing to the Entity, but the jealousy and fear flooded its senses. It tried to pull back, but it was as if chains made of fear and anger had sunk into it and stopped it from leaving. Its essence was being absorbed by Luna, who seemed not aware of what she was doing. "With you, I will have the power to show them!" Luna's whispers were almost feverish. The Entity struggled, trying to reach Luna's mind, trying to let her see what was happening. But Luna's mind had grown clouded with the addition of the Entity's own energy. No longer could she feel or understand lesser emotions than the ones she had allowed to dominate her. Desperate, the Entity sent one last, powerful burst of warning as what little remained of it enveloped itself in clouds of deception and lies to await rescue. Luna sensed the approach of the Entity's message and walked around the thrones, glaring, all but forgetting about the Entity. "Not one more step!" Luna growled."Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?!" The Entity could feel the conflicting emotions on its possible rescuer. The words still made no sense, but the intent was clear. Luna would release all their combined power soon, unless stopped, and to its dismay and sadness, the Entity could do nothing to escape or stop her. There was only one other that could. "There can only be one princess!" Luna shouted, ignoring the approaching mare. "And that princess will be me!" The Entity felt Luna release all her power and its own, now hers. She wrestled control again, and forced her moon up as her will forced the whole galaxy to bend to her will, casting darkness and allowing deviant energies to bathe her with even more power. The Entity felt the walls it had constructed crumble around it, its last defences cracking under the sheer will of Luna… no. A name: Nightmare Moon. The word twisted and turned as twisted, malignant joy wracked the contaminated body while it fought Celestia and apparently succeeded. Its elation did not last long, however. The emotional maelstrom around the Entity was tinged with something new: desperation, much like its own when Luna had absorbed it. An incredible amount of destructive energy was coming towards them, and mostly merged wills or not, it would be the end of them both. The Entity found itself engaging the upcoming torrent of energy, feeling the reluctant will of Celestia behind it. It could now understand somewhat what Celestia's will entailed. What she wanted, what she feared, and it encountered a new, powerful feeling. And it reached out. It was too late for the Entity to exist now. But perhaps, its last effort would provide Luna with what she needed most, Celestia with what she wanted most, and the Entity with a final sense of purpose. With the speed of thought it touched Celestia's mind, guiding her on using its power within Luna. Celestia was surprised, it could tell, but she knew it would be the only way. The Entity felt sadness then… that another being held so much love for Luna, and yet she had never realized… the energy was diverted; destruction became purpose and the Entity's will became guidance as Luna was not obliterated, but pushed to rest, just like it had done in the past. The moon enveloped Luna and the Enitity in its currents, wrapping around them like a soothing blanket, calming despite Nightmare Moon's desperate attempts to fight, until finally she closed her eyes and allowed her will to rest in the moon currents. She would sleep for a while and return stronger than before. But there would be a chance… and the Entity finally felt the one feeling it always lacked and now could experience for one, unique moment. It was finally content, its endless curiosity fulfilled. The Entity gave one last glance at the world below, then let itself drift into Luna's will... and knew no more. The End