> Impureblood > by BioQuillFiction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Night of Spice~ [REMASTERED] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The streets of Canterlot were a different scene at night, depending on where you went. Down one road, clubs shook the ground with their beats and their flashing lights lit up the night. Down another, homes sat with their porch lights turned off, their inhabitants mostly off into Luna's embrace. On this particular road not a pony was to be seen. The road, Restaurant Row, was well over a mile of nothing but the best of Canterlot Cuisine. All the shops windows were dark, no service this late in the night, the street itself was only lit by the spaced street lamps. It was enough light for anypony out in this late of the night to find their way. "Swoosh!" Crash! "Awwh… miss-hic-ed…" Standing in the empty street was one Prince Blueblood the eighth. His pure white coat was stained with bits and pieces of dirt and wine. His one lovely, well kept blonde mane was now ragged and knotted. It was a well known fact that, after Princess Twilight assumed control of Canterlot once princesses Luna and Celestia retired, the lifestyle of the prince had changed dramatically. He coasted his whole life on his Aunt's allowance and his nobility. Under Princess Twilight, said allowance was removed, and his nobility was just a title with no crown backing unless he contributed to society. A task so simple and basic that even a goal could do it. Sadly, Blueblood's pride, and ego, made the concept of actual work seem on par with sword fighting a shark on a raft. As such, Blueblood spent his days pissing what savings he had away into booze, food, and his usual extravagant tastes. To put it shortly, all his wealth and money now could fill a small bit pouch, much like the one in his saddle bags, the few hundred or so bits inside were all that remains of what was once a wealth of millions. In no time at all it was expected for the prince to become broke, and homeless. “Fuck Twilight…” Blueblood slurred to himself. “I *hic*...I should be at home...enjoying life at my leazure…” He grumbled, his stomach growling at him to distract him from his possible drunken ramblings. Stumbling, Blueblood used a good, his mind too intoxicated by his drunken state to use magic, and pulled weakly upon the door, the lock stopping his efforts as he pulled three times before his head thud against the glass of the door, his eyes trying to peer into the lightless, closed restaurant. “Why can’t...things be open?” Blueblood whined to himself, not having a single clue what time it is in his booze addled mind. Door by door down the street the prince tried and failed to enter all the closed restaurants. At some point, the Prince began mindlessly knocking upon the door of a closed establishment, trying in vain to revive an answer. “Please...anyone…” Blueblood muttered, his intoxicated mind making him face the fact that no one was around and he was well and truly alone. At some point the Prince took seat against the door, a few years glowing as he reflected upon his life. When did all this even start? He couldn't remember. When did he let wealth and fame guide his actions and choices? He doubted even Celestia remembered. How did he even become a Prince? He didn't know. Fact is many didn't, only Celestia did and she never said anything aside that it was his birthright. “Why…” Blueblood questioned silently. As the tears began to dry and his body processed the booze, leaving him drunk but coherent enough to think and speak proper enough, he sighed and pondered even returning home. As is he was basically mooching off Twilight's good faith but it's not as deep a well as his aunt's. For a while the Prince began to ponder either taking residents on the streets, they would be his 'home' soon anyway, or perhaps a train to elsewhere? He shook his head at that. He'd only ever left Canterlot once in his life and… it was unpleasant memories. Standing, the Prince, in title alone, walked down the streets and found an alleyway of sorts. It was larger than most but only one building seemed to be at its end. A rather unique, exotic shop it seemed, not at all like the Classic Canterlot designs many buildings shared. With a sigh he sat against the nearby wall, scanning his surroundings. Cold cobblestone walls and floors, but it kept the chill of the nightly winds away, though rain would be an issue. He chuckled to himself. “Faust must be laughing at me…” Blueblood shook his head. With a sigh, Blueblood stared blankly at the walls of the alleyway, pondering his future, or lack thereof. He didn't know how to do much if anything. All he'd ever had was his aunt's money, now gone, his looks, which now we're ragged and save for his cutie mark, comparing his present self to his past self was like looking at two different stallions, and his charisma, which he only used for either getting out of trouble or causing it for others. “I’m completely useless…” Blueblood muttered to himself. Blueblood was unsure of how long he spent mindlessly staring at the wall, his state of blankness snapped away by the sound of an opened door. Looking, Blueblood spotted a mare. She was thin and tall, her slim figure was exotic and different, not quite the frame he has seen on Flur, but not without its own charm. Her coat was a bright orange shade and her hair a poofy maroon color held back by a headband across her forehead and kept her horn from being concealed within it. Her cutie mark seemed to be a bluish purple flower with a red Pistil. Her magic was levitating a bag containing what can only be assumed to be trash. As she tossed the waste into the trash can, she yelped, finally taking notice of Blueblood. “Oh my, you startled me.” She chuckled, her smile was… so pure. It belonged to a mare who was living a good, honest life. Something Blueblood could never understand. “I’m...I’m sorry…” Blueblood muttered, trying to have some decency and speak clearly enough...only for his stomach to growl and not let him have that decency. To his surprise, the mare smiled at that. “Hungry I take it?” She asked. Before he could reply, she turned to the building. “Come.” She motioned. Blueblood was so shocked by this open display of basic pony decency he couldn’t do anything besides follow after the strange pure beauty in front of him. ”Th-thank you…” “I hope you don’t mind, they're leftovers, we made extra of the weekly special and there was some left over.” She spoke. Entering the building, Prince Bluelood was met by a sight out of his storybooks, an exotic, large space filled with tables meant to be shared by dozens of ponies at once. Pillows replaced chairs and the decoration was nothing he’d ever dreamed before. Taking seat at the nearest table, he noticed the center decore was in fact a candle, now burned out and yet still gave off the faint smell of Oranges, oddly enough. After a bit, the mare returned, carrying in her magic a bowl of some dish he’d never seen before. Chunks of potato, carrots, turnips and even radish could be seen all drenched in such a rich blend of spices within the sauce, all atop rice. “One Special, Mule Kick Curry.” She smiled as the spoon floated from her to Blueblood. “Th-thank you.” He said, managing the wherewithal to take the spoon in his magic and dip it into the curry. “I’ve...never had...curry before.” He managed to say, having heard from his fellow ‘nobles’ that Curry was actually really good, as he gently and carefully lifted it up and ate the spoon full. “Many still have not, it’s a common meal back in my homelands, but here it’s considered an exotic delicacy.” She laughed. The flavor hit Blueblood like a rush of pleasure. Such rich and complex flavors all blended and complementing, and the spice was strong but not overwhelming. It was nothing like the dishes of Canterlot nobility he’d had before, where flavor was all either barely detectable or focused on one trate over others. As he ate, he thought back to times before, when he’d scoff and spit on such meals. He remembered the Gala event with Rarity, and despite Applejack’s food tasting genuinely good, his pride and ‘standards’ had him spit the pastry out and treat it like eating dirt. In no time at all, the plate was cleaned, the mare smiling as she gave Blueblood a cup with water. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” “This…” Blueblood teared up. “This...thank you…” He said, not sure what to say besides that simple phrase. Her smile faltered a little, moving the plates aside as she took a seat next to him. “You sound like the world has been against you lately?” She asked. “I remember feeling like that once before.” “More like…” Blueblood tried to find the right words in his slowly clearing mind. “The world fell apart around me…” “Hm… I’m sure a lot of ponies are feeling like that. New Princess, Celestia and Luna retiring, immigration across multiple nations is reaching an all time high. The world is changing, and not everypony thinks they can change with it.” “Too...too true…” Blueblood sighed out, the mare not knowing how on the nose she was about his predicament. “Tell me, what about this change has sent your world crashing down?” Blueblood thought. The list of what wasn’t crashing because of the change was easier to answer, still, this mare seemed honest, though part of his mind nagged and yelled. No names, no extra details. After all, he needed an ear, and knowing who he was… As far as he was concerned right now, he wasn’t Prince Blueblood, he was just a Canterlot Bum. “I thought things would have stayed the same for me...just enjoying wonders of life without a care in the world...but just like all Greek Tragedies, Hubris came knocking on my door with a bat labeled ‘reality’...” He sighed out. “I thought things would stay the same as things changed...and it all just crumbled around me…” “Job?” “If by ‘job’, you mean helping make sure my aunt didn’t have to deal with more...undesirables…” He started, which was technically true since he did help Celestia deal with Day Court a number of occasions. “But besides that...I don’t have a job...and kind of didn’t need it.” “Family? You just said you used to help your aunt?” “Not anymore, she retired a while ago.” He shook his head. “Thought I could have coasted on by just like normal...but as you can clearly see…” He motioned to his disheveled self as he took a careful drink of water. “Heh. Well, what did you do exactly when helping your aunt? Shurley you have skills that can still be applied to somewhere?” Blueblood thought that over. His charisma and cunning did remove a lot of the lesser liked nobles from Celestia’s court. Twilight helped her with it like he had but dealing with it solo would be another beast. Does such a job even exist? Were it Celestia, she’d invent it for him… Twilight though… “I don’t know if the new person in charge of my aunt’s position would still be in need of a…” Blueblood started. “Bailiff? No that’s for legal court…” Blueblood started, trying to figure out the right word to describe what he can do. “I’m just...good enough with words to tell people to piss off kindly.” “A skill I wish I had.” She laughed. “Most stubborn or rude customers I curse out. “It’s too spicy’, so why did you order the spicy curry?” She huffed. “Honestly, if you order spicy food you should expect spicy food.” “True.” Blueblood chuckled, just...enjoying listening to this mare talk so much, and he wasn’t sure if it was the booze mentally talking to him or something else. “If there’s one thing I learned living in Canterlot is that not all change is bad. Sometimes change hurts us at first, but as things change we can learn to adapt to it and grow. I’m sure you have lots of skills. Or maybe you can learn some new ones still.” Blueblood chuckled. New skills? Maybe. Current Skills? Well, he knew all about proper edikit, manors, could taste alcohol ingredients and the such… Then, there was his Cutie Mark. Travel. Navigation to be exact, something he earned once and never acted on again... “Well...I could try doing what my cutie mark means…” Blueblood started. “But...I’m broke as can be…” “Hm, well, what about other skills?” “I’ve beaten a minotaur in a drinking contest once.” Blueblood said honestly. “Is that so? In beer or something stronger? I hear Minotaur Scotch is some of the best bits can buy.” “I know that fully well.” Blueblood said with a fond remembrance. “So, is your talent related to fine drinks?” “No...one would call me an alcoholic...an experienced alcoholic.” He said simply. She laughed. “Well Mister 'Experienced Alcoholic’ Here’s a test for you.” She quickly ran back to the kitchen, some clattering of plates and after about ten minutes she walked back out with a small bowl of Curry, a small bowl of soup, and a large bottle of some wine with the label ripped off. “First, tell me what type of alcoholic beverage is this made with?” She asked, giving him the curry. The disheveled stallion shrugged as he took a bite of the curry, taking careful bites to find it’s taste. There was a rich taste of Potato, Celery, Onions, fried onions… fried in… Whisk- no, Bourbon, fried in Bourbon. Aged ten years. “Ten year aged Bourbon, nice choice.” He said honestly. Her eyebrows went up in surprise. “Wow. Alright then, how about this?” She gave the soup to him. Taking a sip from the bowl, The rich broth of green beans, olive oil… Sesame seed oil, and Rice Wine, ages two years with cranberries. “Cranberry Rice Wine, nice touch to add to this delicious soup.” He said, his mental faculties coming back to him in spades with the delicious food. “Wow. You are good. Alright, final test.” She said, pouring some of the wine into the glass. The red liquid filled half the cup as she gave it to him. “I bet you can’t tell me what brand this wine is.” “I might not, this might be just as exotic as the food.” He said honestly, taking the glass carefully and taking a sip of it, wanting to savor some wine in good company rather than self pity. “It’s from here in Canterlot, so you might.” Nodding, Blueblood recognized the flavor instantly. Maple Berry Red Grape Wine. He smiled, taking another long sip of the drink. This brand held sentimental value to Blueblood. It was the first wine he and Celestia shared when he was old enough, his first purchase of alcohol, and it was served at his first Gala Attendance. He never got the chance to meet the owner of the Winery, but always wished to. “Now this...my very first alcohol purchase with my aunt when I was old enough.” He smiled softly. “Maple Berry Red Grape Wine, will always remember the special occasions when I brought this out.” She whistled, nodding as she poured her own glass and refilled Blueblood’s. “You are good at that. Heh, and here I thought that kind of talent was only found in cheesy romance novels.” “When you have to deal with people who think cheesy romance novels are true to life, you have to be prepared.” The stallion shrugged. As the two drank, the mare told a few stories of her foalhood. How her mother passed at a young age, Moving to Canterlot to cook, their hardships with Zesty and how it was all overcome. She has been through a lot, and here she is, owning one of the more renowned restaurants in Canterlot. Post Zesty. “Good thing Zesty finally got put down a peg, while I can respect a critic, you’d have to be stupid to not enjoy your delicious cooking.” Blueblood said honestly, wincing as he tasted his own hypocrisy. “Psst, yeah…” The mare slurred, while only half the wine had been drunk, she was clearly not a regular drinker. “I haven’t heard… what sheeesss been doing…” Blueblood chuckled. He liked this mare, her charm and personality were so… unique. “You know...outside of my aunt’s and cousin...you're the nicest mare I’ve met.” Blueblood said softly. "Hehehe. Dawww… you're sweet." She slurred, patting his cheek. "And… c… cute! Hehehe. All scruffy and rough like a jungle stallion." Blueblood had flirted and been flirted on by and with mares many times, but this was the first time he ever blushed at it. Though whether that was the wine or his own reactions he didn’t know. “Well...thank you.” He said sheepishly. “Still would rather be more...clean then this…” He said sheepishly. "Pssshhh but you pull it offff. Yooou look so rugged and stoic and… and *hic* fuzzy~" He chuckled. Fuzzy was definitely a new one. “Well, thank you ma’am. It means a lot to hear such compliments from such an exotic beauty as yourself.” He flirted with a smile. "Hehehehehe… exotic. Meee? Nooooo… I'm, I'm average, back home, all, all these sexy round and… sexy. I'm, I'm just a mare, running a restaurant with my *hic* father and… that- that's about it… nothing much else going on fer me…" “Now that’s a lie.” He stated simply. “You’re kind, sweet, beautiful, an amazing cook...and every moment I spend with you is the best moment of my life.” "Dawww…" She giggled. "You're, you're a charmer. Yo-your special some pony is so… soooooooooo lucky~" “I...I don’t have one…” The stallion sighed out sadly. “I’ve...never met anyone to make me feel happy...no matter the race.” "Whaaaaaat? No, no, that's, that is unacceptable. You- you're so good looking and nice." She said, suddenly grabbing both hooves around Blueblood's neck. "I bet you're a really good kisser tooo~" “W-well...I have been told that a time or two.” He said sheepishly, even if he was drinking more wine, he still had enough self awareness to try and not take advantage of a drunk mare...even one as beautiful as her. "Hehehe, don't be so shy~ here, liquid courage!" She said, popping the bottle into his mouth. Startled, Blueblood did nothing but drink the remaining wine until the bottle was removed. "Now pucker up!" The rest of the night faded into hazy memories of pleasure, lip locking and orange and maroon. Waking up, Blueblood didn't even remember how he arrived home, just an aching headache, and a sensation of… sexual afterglow and heavy… longing. “Faust damn it…” He muttered to himself bitterly. “Now how in Tartarus did I get home?” "That'd be me." "Ah!" Blueblood yelped, falling off his bed and looking up. He saw a Theatrical Night Guard, hovering near his bed. "Wow, Princess Twilight was right about you being jumpy." “Where did you come from?” Blueblood asked quickly. “And what are you doing in...someone else’s house?” Blueblood asked, sadly remembering he lost his home a while ago. "Names Hopper." He said, dropping to the ground. "Princess Twilight appointed me as your Manny. And, wait where is that scroll…" He said, digging through his saddle bags and pulling out a scroll and giving it over to Blueblood who raised an eyebrow. “Wonder why she cares…” Blueblood muttered to himself as he opened the scroll magically, thankful that he’s gotten so used to using magic during a hangover. Dear Prince Blueblood This letter is to inform you of my new program, No Nobility Left Behind. Like yourself many nobles find themselves no longer receiving a crown allowance under my rule. Therefore, you and several others shall be receiving classes and be observed of your talents to determine the best employment under the crown and keep your title as Nobility. -Princess Twilight Sparkle “Huh...that’s...actually a smart idea.” Blueblood said honestly. “Yeah, definitely gonna be a unique rule under her.” Hopper chuckled. “And so, as your Manny I’m here to, if need be, kick your ass into the classroom kicking and screaming if need be.” Blueblood was willing to bet that was his Aunt Luna’s suggestion. “Well...that’s good to know.” He nodded. “By the way...where did you find me last night?” “Hm? Oh, heh, funny enough dancing up along the business district.” He chuckled. Dancing? Blueblood thought. “Heh, was the funniest thing, you wreaked of wine and was trying, and failing, to sing something but you were so sloshed it just came out as mostly gurgles. Little bit after that you danced yourself into a mailbox and was out cold after." The Business district… I know I was last on Restaurant Row… then… agh… shit, can’t remember a thing? And how in Aunt Celestia’s sun did I get from Restaurant Row to the Business District? There're on the complete opposite ends of Canterlot? “That...makes absolutely no sense but sure.” Blueblood stated. “Now how am I at my house? I thought I lost it due to...obvious reasons?” "Princess is putting some good faith in you to accomplish this program, so you'll keep the house for now but no allowance, until you start earning your own bits your meals will be the basic stuff for you till you can live on your own hooves. Course I'll be around even after to ensure you don't fall off the bandwagon." “Goodie…” Blueblood sighed out, looking to the side of his bigger bed and feeling a sense of longing from there not being that beautiful mare there. "Well, best head off into the shower then, Princess's program starts in two hours, get showered and get eating, oatmeal is in the kitchen." “Alright alright…” Blueblood said, hearing anything about food and all he could think of was that mares delicious cooking last night...if only he could remember more about last night. "And that wraps up another day in court." Princess Twilight said with a sigh, the remaining nobles all got up and left, save for one. Three years, a lot had happened in three years. Blueblood kept his once long mane short, his fur was well kept but not up to the standards his old life had. Still, he kept busy. Turns out a smooth tongued talker can earn a well respected place as her majesty's royal advisor. Well, one of them. "Glad there wasn't anything fishy this time huh Blueblood?" Princess Twilight asked. In three years, she was now taller than him, her form reaching that of Princess Luna's size. Her mane wasn't flowing just yet, but many were betting in the near future that would change. “It’s most certainly a surprise, your highness.” Blueblood admitted, an honest but welcomed surprise was how smoothly and easy it seemed for Twilight and day court. "Please, just call me Twilight." She sighed, but laughed. Of all the nobles her little program helped, Blueblood was definitely the best to emerge from the courses. He now earned more than enough, actually earning the money, to pay for his needs and the needs of his manor and staff. He also didn't treat his staff terribly, granted he didn't make their lives paradise either. Many under his employment said it was basic work and that was that. "So, are you going out tonight again?" “Yes I am.” He nodded. “I...I still need to look…” He sighed out bitterly. “The only mare to make me feel joy...if only I asked her name…” “I’m honestly surprised, three years and you haven't found her. If she owns a shop on Restaurant Row, then there’s only so many buildings to search.” Twilight nodded, she and Blueblood walking down the castle halls. “You sure you were on Restaurant Row that night? Hopper did find you in the business district and you were rather… intoxicated.” “I’d never forget the taste of curry.” He shook his head. “Best food I had...ever to be honest.” “Hmm, curry. Not too many places make them, heh, then again after my rule began, immigration skyrocketed, so hard to tell given the timeframe…” She sighed. “It was such an exotic place…” He sighed out. “I...I think I remember something about a food critic...Faust damn my old drinking habits…” Blueblood growled. The princess chuckled. “At least you were able to keep your drinking to social and simple levels. And hey, you and Heavenly Brew ended up good friends.” Blueblood nodded. He finally got to meet the owner of his favorite wine brand. She was a lovely mare, slightly older than himself. The two talked business and expansion but nothing aside from a professional relationship came from their meetings. “Still happy to meet the one that makes my favorite wine.” He said honestly. “And I am glad to have tried it. I had no idea wine could be so flavorful as a drink, before I’d only ever used it for cooking.” Twilight chuckled. “So, how’s Hopper been? Still playing buttler?” “Being a total ass half the time yes.” Blueblood said simply. “But...well he’s helped me through all of this.” "Heh, yeah. Still can't believe he's having that much fun. Most of the other guards positioned with reeducated nobles all work as normal." “He’s a special case.” He nodded. “But...I have to go out and check again...seriously, how in Celestia’s horn did I get from the Restaurant Row to the complete otherside of the city!?” He asked incredulously, still finding that little fact astonishing and close to impossible if he was completely blacked out. "Magic surge is my best guess." Twilight shrugged. "Some adult unicorns do get them, mostly under stress or, well, if heavenly intoxicated." "Which I...apparently was…" He sighed out. The best night I've ever had and still can't remember any of it...it sucks." "Would explain the splitting headache you had too. Magic surge teleportation on top of being drunk, I'm amazed you could function." "Still amazes me too honestly." Blueblood shrugged. "But I still have to try…" "Heh. Well, hopefully you find something this time. Do you think she remembers you after three years?" “I hope so…” Blueblood said. “Cause uh...even if it is a blur...we had an unforgettable night to put it bluntly.” Blueblood blushed at the vague memory of her warmth against his. "Yes, Hopper told me in his own words…" Blueblood chuckled, making a mental note to murder his guard/butler later. "Alright, I should get going then." Blueblood nodded, ready to start his search once again. "Uh, pardon me Prince Blueblood." Turning, the Princess and Prince spotted a familiar face. Raven. Formerly she was Princess Celestia and Luna's assistant, though now she worked under Princess Twilight. "There seems to be an issue at the courtroom front desk." “What’s wrong?” Blueblood inquired. “And why me specifically?” "Well, there's somepony asking for you specifically. Has been since court started." “That’s strange…” Blueblood said. “Who would be looking for me of all people?” He asked as he started to trot towards the courtroom front desk. "No idea. She says her name is Saffron Masala. Apparently she has some information for you?" “That’s...curious…” He said, continuing his way to the front desk, wondering who this Saffron Masala was and why a name he has never heard of made his heart flutter. As he walked to the front, something kept making his heart beat faster, his ears hot red and as he opened the door to see… her. She was just how he remembered, down to the headband and earrings. She turned to see him, eyes widening for a moment. "Uh, Blueblood?" She asked. Blueblood stood there, completely wide eyed. “You…” Blueblood shook softly, trying to keep himself from just rushing over to her and hugging her. "Heh… wow, you look nice… all cleaned up." She chuckled. "Hard to believe I thought you were some bum for so long…" “Y-y-yeah...I do take my looks seriously.” Blueblood slightly stammered. “And you…” Blueblood stepped towards the mare. “You’re still as beautiful as the day I met you.” "Heh, I'm told I kept my figure well after…" She shook her head. "So, heh, I hope you've been well. I was hoping to tell you something, about, heh, that night…" "I've...I've been looking for you...for three years." Blueblood said, taking another step towards her. "Is...if this is a dream, Luna better not wake me up." The stallion said, hoping beyond hope this was real. Saffron chuckled, a light blush hitting her cheeks. "It's very much real Blueblood. Um… how do I say this… you uh, left something with me that night." "Mind...being specific?" Blueblood asked carefully. "Please tell me it wasn't something gross? I was very drunk…" "Heh, well that's more or less up to interpretation really… I was rather drunk as well… so, it's no surprise what happened, happened…" At that moment, the large poof of her mane wiggles and moved, soon, peaking out of her mane pokes the head of a small white coated colt. His eyes the same color as Blueblood's own, but his mane was the maroon color of Saffron's, just shorter and lacking the signature poof. "Heh, Blueblood… meet Blue Spice… your son…" “Ah...yes…” Blueblood started. “My...son…” He said slowly and carefully as he was trying to figure out if he should pass out by the news or not. THUD "Princess Twilight?!" Raven yelled. Turning, the two saw Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria… fainted, with a panicked Raven trying to wake her up. “Well...at least it wasn’t me.” Blueblood said sheepishly. > Chapter 2: Setting Stages > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a short while before Twilight had awoken. The princess, Prince and mother to Blueblood's son, Blue Spice, were all gathered in the throne room. Guards were noticeably absent as Twilight felt the event sensitive. She cast several spells but Blueblood knew the truth when Blue Spice was shown. He was his son. "I… can't believe you actually have a son…" Twilight stated. Blueblood stared at his son, and his mother, the mare he dreamed of for so long...decided to keep Blue Spice. “I...I...don’t know what to say…” Blueblood said, honestly speechless at seeing everything in front of him, real as himself and not some saddened drunken haze. "Heh, well it was a shock at first but I did look for you for a while. Father… 'helped' in his own way but I was looking in all the wrong places. I was looking for a Canterlot Bum… not a prince down on his luck and hygiene…" Saffron admitted with a blush. "So how did you find him?" Twilight asked. "A month ago a Customer was reading from a magazine in the restaurant. It talked about your Noble Aid program helping to properly employ nobles who lived off old crown inherited funds and allowances. When she Got to what Blueblood quoted… it wasn't hard to put two and two together…" “That’s...fair.” Blueblood nodded. “It was...a difficult time to say the least…” "So, the question now Saffron is how do you want to proceed now that you've told Blueblood about Blue Spice?" The mare in question looked up at the little foal still mostly in her mane atop her head. "I just… was hoping that he'd be the colt's father. I grew up without a mother… and I don't want Spice to go through those emotions and pains." Twilight nodded. "I can respect that, really. But unfortunately, with Blueblood being a Noble, and a Prince at that, while his title is just that, there are certain laws that are still in effect regarding his nobility… and your… lack thereof…"  “And nobody cares about those laws, cause I have to take care of my son.” Blueblood stated simply, ready and willing to ignore whatever was in his way to take care of his son and be with the mare he longed for. "Not those laws Blueblood… the, uh…" Twilight stopped, clapping her hooves nervously. "Laws regarding your… birthrights…" The prince raised a brow. “And...do you mean that Blue Spice being… a prince?” She shook her head. "No, you. Um… you see… oh how do I explain this… uh… wait right here." Twilight said, vanishing in a flash of purple magic. "... Should… we be worried or…?" Saffron asked. “Um…” Blueblood started. “I...don’t know…” "... So, you have been doing well since that night…" “Well…” Blueblood started. “I wanted to do well, so I can find you.” He said honestly. “And...be happy after so long…” "Heh… any, um… mares, since then?" “Nope.” He shook his head. “I only wanted you...many other mares didn’t make me feel...as whole as I am with you here.” "Hmm… I did date once, but… he was… a tad possessive. So I ended it and when he argued my father blew Dragon's Breath Chili Powder in his eyes." “That’s one breakup.” Blueblood said, wincing in sympathy as Dragon’s Breath Chili Powder was really spicy, and to have it in his eyes? Ouch. "So… remember anything about that night?" “I demonstrated my skills at taste testing.” Blueblood said honestly. "So, none of the… fun stuff?" She asked with a chuckle. "Guess I lucked out. It came back after my hangover cleared up." “I wish I could remember...all I remember was your scent and the feeling’s of wonder...lost in the cold as I wasn’t with you when I woke up.” "Right. I remember. You walked out with a huge goofy grin on your muzzle then, poof, your horn lit up and you were gone. Didn't know you could teleport. Though I imagine drunk teleportation isn't exactly safe?" “Drunk teleportation is not safe...nor is using magic while drunk.” Blueblood said sheepishly. “But my...only friend of mine made sure I was brought home safely after that.” "Well that's good." Saffron nodded. A flash of lavender and Twilight was back, with a familiar face. Celestia had not aged a day. Her mane was wrapped in a bun, glasses rested upon her nose and she now sported a pearl necklace and earrings over her old regalia. "Where is the foal!" She asked, filled with joy and excitement. Blue Spice popped out of his mother's mane and was rapidly taken in Celestia's magic aura, the older Alicorns cooing and fawning over the foal.  "Huh…" Saffron said, processing both a Mother's worry, some pride that former Princess Celestia was fawning over her foal, and confusion. “Auntie Celestia...really wanted me to have kids.” Blueblood said sheepishly. “So...hello Auntie, how are you doing?” No reply. "I think she'll be like this for a while…" Twilight said. "I brought up the, um… issue but once Celestia heard you had a foal, she zoned out for a while and Luna was trying to slap her out of it." "Don't you mean snap her out of it?" Saffron asked. "Nope…" Twilight stated. “When Auntie gets into one of her...moods, it would take a lot to get her out of it...blunt force trauma is one of them...but sadly Luna didn’t hit hard enough.” Blueblood sighed out. "I'd rather not hurt my former mentor… Raven! Code nine!" Twilight called out. Soon said mare/assistant walked into the room, carrying what appeared to be a baseball bat covered in various runes and enchantments. She got next to Celestia, giving three practice swings before slamming it against Celestia's temple. The solar Alicorns hit the floor and slid for several feet.  Twilight readily caught Blue Spice when Celestia's magic faded and gave her back to the slack jawed mother Saffron. "Will that be all your highness?" Raven asked.  "Standby please." Twilight said. "... Is this… normal?" Saffron asked. "Eh, once every few months. Celestia has always been such a mother hen." Twilight said. "My own mother had to pry me from her hooves when I was little a few times and while she fought Celestia dad fought off the guards trying to arrest her for fighting the princess." “I remember that day, it was hilarious.” Blueblood chuckled. "I see…" Saffron said. "Ugh… ouch. Did I get hit with the Sense Maker again?" Celestia groaned, looking up as she rubbed her head and seeing Raven still hold the named, enchanted bat in her magic. "Oh… I damn the day Luna invented that accursed sporting equipment…" She groaned as she shook her head. "Now then… about… right…" Celestia sighed, taking off her glasses and placing them down. "Blueblood, as you know, you are a Prince in title alone… In Equestria…" “And so far, that title means...not much.” Blueblood stated, not wanting to say inappropriate words in front of his son. “So is this truly a problem? Besides the fact I’ve been looking for Saffron for...way too long, and not even knowing she had my child?” "And… in Equestria, that would be fine… but your Prince title carries weight… outside Equestria…" “Oh for the love of…” Blueblood groaned. “How...bad is it going to get?” "That depends… have you heard of the Sheepland Isles?" “Um...kind of?” Blueblood said carefully. “Mind giving me a refresher? It’s...been a while.” "As you know, Equestria was founded by the three tribes long ago when they were united, however this was long before Luna and I ever became rulers. Back then despite sharing a kingdom, many built their own Kingdoms and Nobility. The most noteworthy being the Sheepland Isles. They were built right under three overlapping ley lines, giving them and the land near unlimited magical potential. The soil was rich in fertility and natural minerals. It was a Utopia… until… Luna.and I came to power." Celestia sighed. "How come?" Saffron asked. "When we rose to power, we began merging all the different kingdoms into one, but the Sheepland Isles refused. They preferred their rulers, who's bloodlines traced back to The Platinum royal family. They kept their own corner of Equestria and renamed their territory the Sheepland Isles. For years relations were tense. They saw Luna and I as conquerors taking over the various kingdoms. Then, fifty years ago their newest King came to power. King Blueblood the second, your father." “Oh no…” Blueblood groaned. “Why did we have to talk about him?” He groaned, wanting to call him a ‘rotten bastard’ but his son was right next to him. "Calm yourself Blueblood. This is not the end of the story. Nore the ending you expect." Celestia sighed. "He was a kind, and fair ruler. But he saw the tension of his people. We met and talked many times during trade and immigration talks. Then, shortly after his wife became pregnant with you, he declared the Sheepland Isles would merge with the kingdom of Equestria. He saw the benefits it would bring both to the citizens of the isles and the boon of magical development and farming productions with Equestria's modern machines and magics. The isles became divided, and on the night you were born, civil war broke out." “Oh…” Blueblood trailed off, fearing the absolute worst at this point. "Within a year, your father and his loyalists we're losing the battle. He sent you and your mother to me, to keep safe. For five months you both were with me here in Canterlot… until we received word… your father was executed by the rebels." She sighed. "Your mother vowed vengeance. Despite your father's passing, from Canterlot with you in her arms she gave orders and commands that turned the tide of the war. The remaining rebels surrendered before Hearth's Warming that same year. The Sheepland Isles were made an official territory of Equestria, but to honor your father, was allowed to keep their monarchy as a ruling figure head under me for the area. Still, despite the defeat of the rebels, the Sheepland Isles are still crawling with spiteful, vengeful rebels. But, they needed a ruler… they needed their Queen." Blueblood was...honestly speechless about his history being told like this, never really knowing as, as far as he remembered, his father left him and his mother with Auntie Celestia, and then his Mother left him in a weird bout of rage and then...never came back. “What…” "She wanted to bring you, but with the rebels still running in the shadows within the isles. Growing up with a target on your back is no life for a foal. It broke her heart, but she left you here with me to keep you safe." "Wow…" Blueblood blinked. "Uh...and that means...my son and Saffron are in danger?" Blueblood asked carefully. "Well, yes and no. The rebels were discovered to be after you, back when you were younger. They were hoping to capture you to twist and manipulate you Into their pawn to reclaim the throne and return to their independent rule. That being said, they wouldn't harm Blue Spice if their goals haven't changed since then, but they have killed many to obtain their goals. Your father, many attempts on your mother since she returned… I wouldn't doubt they'd hurt Saffron." "But this still doesn't fully explain the issue about his nobility and us?" Saffron asked. "Because the Sheepland Isles have their own laws regarding the marriage between Nobility and such." Celestia explain. "They are older and rather outdated, but they still hold them in high regard." "But...it shouldn't be of concern, I've been in Equestria most of my life, shouldn't I be doing this with Equestrian laws, not the Sheepland laws?" Blueblood asked, thinking because of his nobility as an Equestrian Prince, it shouldn't affect anything with his apparent home country. "And were you any other Noble, that would be true… but because you are a noble born with not just rights to another nations crown, but the sole heir, and with the unique situation within the isles, it falls within the laws of the Cross Kingdom Nobility accord's. Basically it states that a Noble with rights to a kingdom's crown is to be held up to their nations laws regardless if they reside outside the kingdom or were born outside of it. So long as they carry that blood within them and therefore the rights to royalty, they are to be held to their homelands law by their resident kingdom. And in the Sheepland Isles, should a Prince or Princess sire a foal outside even the lesser of nobility be them resident it foregn, the prince or princess in question will be married off to a mare of the rulers choosing and the mother of the foal in question is to either be… compensated, or made a mistress in the coming marriage…" "Wait what?" Saffron asked. "Basically you either take a hefty sum of money for giving up Blue Spice, or you agree to enter a form of… herd marriage. You two wouldn't officially be husband and wife, at least not in the Isles but you can be here in Equestria." Twilight simplified. "Oh…" Blueblood started. "Well...better start getting the wedding planned." "Wait, hold it!" Saffron called out. Once the room was on her she sighed. "All these rules and foreign policies and kingdom stuff aside… I just came here to tell Blueblood he has a foal, and I want him in his life if he is willing. And, well, to see if we would work well together. If marriage comes of it then, well, I'll happily take it, but not so rushed…" "Hmm… I can keep this under wraps but if somehow this news reaches the Sheepland Isles, well, there's not much I can do there." Twilight said. "Legally the Queen, Blueblood's mother would have to… come and take him and the foal back. Saffron too is she agrees to the herd option." “This got way too complicated way too fast…” Blueblood sighed out. “I...just wanted to be with the mare I’ve been searching for and our son…” "And we will give it to you for as long as we can." Celestia informed. "I still have some pull with the media, Luna has her dream walking and still ever sneaky and loyal Theastrials, and Twilight as the ruling Princess can keep us all informed of events and news within the isles." Twilight nodded. "It's true. I can ask the representative there to keep an ear out for unusual rumors." Twilight nodded. "We can give you two time to hopefully sort out everything and get to know one another better. “Thank you.” Blueblood nodded. “It...means so much to know we have...time to do this all right.” “Renovated?” Hopper asked as he walked with Blueblood down Restaurant row. “The whole time you’ve been unable to find the place is because they renovated that alley and turned it into  basically a large food court with Saffron’s and several other restaurants in it?” It was rather absurd, but the truth stood before them. The new and fairly popular ‘Restaurant Row Din In And Dash’ was a three story multi restaurant building where many of the popular places on the street could have a smaller side location that served their food to a large influx of potential customers. And Saffron’s old building and restaurant were the base as they walked inside, looked to the back and spotted the entrance to her business. It was slightly modified, lacking the steps but was more or less just the old entrance with the new massive building built in front of it. No wonder he never found that alleyway, it didn’t exist anymore. "Still can't believe it was right in front of me this entire time…" Blueblood sighed out. "I should have noticed this place sooner…" “To be fair, you were looking for an old alleyway with a restaurant at the end, not a modern mega food court building.” Hopper stated. “Yeah…” The white coated stallion nodded. “Which seems weirder considering this much of a renovation would have been in the newspaper…” “It probably was, but given you had that Program stuff going on at the time, you probably missed it.” The Thestrial shrugged as the two entered. Blueblood looked around, seeing the Tasty Treat fairly packed and smelled quite lovely. “There you are.” Saffron said, quickly walking over to the two. “Take a seat, I’ll be with you shortly.” She said, heading off to another table. “Hmm. Hard working, used a line common in her line of work to tell you to wait, milf, hot. She’s out of your league.” Hopper said. “Oh shut it Hopper.” Blueblood rolls his eyes. “She’s the mare of my dreams, and I’ll be damned if anything gets in the way of the two of us being happy together with our son as a happy family.” The two quickly took their seats at an empty table. While Hopper browsed the Menu, Blueblood continued to watch as Saffron worked. It was several minutes before she finally made her way to the table with the two and sat down herself. “Sorry for the wait, the work never rests so neither can I.” She sighed. “So, my shift ends in another hour, and after that it will take me ten or so minutes to prepare for our date. You two can feel free to order but I warn you know, Father knows you are here and while I managed to keep him from poisoning you, he instead plans on overcharging you instead.” “And I have enough money to not really care.” Blueblood shrugged, one of the good things about the new ways of Nobility was that he did get back his nobility allowance, and while it wasn’t as large as it was under Celestia’s it was still big enough that he could live comfortably and not work. “But good to know, still can’t wait to have some of this places' great cooking again.” “Heh, good. I think I know just what to bring you.” Saffron said. She rushed to the kitchen and after a short while came back with two plates of a familiar smell Blueblood nearly forgot. The Curry dish from three years ago. “And it’s fresh too, not leftover.” She chuckled as she placed the plates before the two and got back to work. “Huh. I’ll be damned, she does seem to be interested in you.” Hopper said, taking a bite of the food before him. “Wow. Never tasted anything like this before.” “And I haven’t tried this hot and ready, only had it as a leftover.” Blueblood said as he took a bite from his first dish ‘made’ here, and loving every bit of it. The hour passed and soon Saffron came back. “Well, shall we go?” She asked, dressed in her usual attire and carrying Blue Spice on her back. “Yes we shall.” Blueblood said happily. “Today is going to be amazing.” > Chapter 3: Future and Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I had no idea the castle had its own restaurants inside." Saffron said as we walked down the Castle's private restaurant hallways. It was mainly for visiting royalty or ambassadors, but it's all still quite good and high rated. “Not many do, it’s mostly used for Royalty and Ambassadors.” Blueblood answered readily. “Many a day I have spent here enjoying it’s high rated foods…and then your cooking blew it all away.” Saffron chuckled at that. "I'm sure all the life long five star chefs must have hated that." “Oh you have absolutely no idea how it pissed off many high class chefs, and ruined some food critics.” Blueblood chuckled. “Honestly, I think more restaurants opened because of what I said, or at least helped others diversify their choices…looking back I will never understand how I only ate those tiny bits of scraps and called it ‘fine dining’.” "Conditioning and maybe some brainwashing from a young age?" Saffron offered with a giggle. “Some would say those are one in the same.” Blueblood shook his head, unable to hold back a smile at hearing Saffron’s giggling. "Well, which here would you recommend? This is your… I wanna say backyard but this seems more like just part of your house." “Hmm…” Blueblood hummed, looking around the many restaurants to see which one he should take his mare to. “Well, there is my favorite, it’s over here.” Blueblood walked her over to the place, a Prench Cafe well renowned for their teas and pastries. The two sat down and waited for the waiter. "So, what would you recommend?" “Hmm…how are you with pastries and tea?” Blueblood inquired. “Cause both can be…very finicky with the pony as I’ve learned through my many run in’s here.” "Well, I like both to be fairly sweet." “Alright…then I’m sure you would like Chamomile Tea and…well there should be a list of what pastries there are cause there’s honestly a lot of ‘sweet’ pastries.” Blueblood explained carefully. "That's good, though some of these looks like a lot of what other Pastry stores sell. Is there a difference?" “They’re made with more care, better ingredients, and…well at least with this store, enough ‘love’ it could put a Changeling into a Food Coma.” "I imagine many visit here then?"  “Only place I heard that’s on par or better is Sugar Cube Corner…so yes, many visit.” He nodded. "So… been up to anything in the last few years?" Saffron asked. “Sobering up, getting my life back together… searching the entirety of Canterlot for you.” "So, no hobbies? Darn, I was hoping you put that tongue of yours to good use at wine tastings." Saffron stated, earning a blush from Blueblood. “I will have you know my taste has not dulled in the slightest my dear.” Blueblood said in mock offense. “In fact it is even better than before.” "Well, then we'll have to put it to the test at some point." The waiter came and the couple ordered. They talked and talked about, honestly, everything and nothing. Small meaningless things to desires and such. Saffron spoke to Blueblood about Blue Spice, his apparent muteness and some stories about his upbringing so far. It was… nice, but also saddening. He had missed so much.  “Curses…” Blueblood muttered sadly. “There’s…so much I missed in all that time…” "There's more than enough time to make new memories Blueblood. Spice is still young and odds are he might not even remember you weren't present for those first few years of life." “The fact that I wasn’t there to begin with will still haunt me, my love.” Blueblood sighed out bitterly. Saffron blushed. She smiled slightly, being referred to as Love was a new experience, and one she found she enjoyed. "The past can not change but the future is ours to shape. Father says that is what my mother used to say." “Well…that does sound apt for my current situation.” He shrugged. "So… all that… stuff, Princess Celestia said about your… heritage. You never knew?" “No.” He shook his head. “I never knew any of it…” "So… what was your thoughts on your family, before knowing?" “Auntie Celestia was kind and…very clingy originally, auntie Luna, after she showed up and bothered to show herself to me a few times…while socially awkward due to the literal generational gap between the two of us…she’s a lot more blunt than Celestia.” He said. “Then Cadence…she’s nice.” The unicorn shrugged. "Blueblood… I mean what did you think about your parents? You said some… rather harsh things about your father, for having never met the stallion." “Because what few times I’ve heard of him and known him he’s been a rotten bastard.” Blueblood stated simply. “I believed he just abandoned me and my mother, and my mother could only send me to Auntie Celestia…I…didn’t know anything about all of that.” "And what of your mother? You were younger than Blue when she left to continue ruling after…" “Honestly, I thought she left me here for Auntie to take care of me because of some business.” Blueblood answered nervously. “I knew I was royalty, I wouldn’t be a Prince otherwise…but I didn’t know it was like this…” "It is quite… surreal, that's for sure. Like a strange fantasy novel almost." “Considering all the nonsense that’s been going on…a little yeah.” Blueblood nodded. Blueblood's dinner date with Saffron ended sweetly. She was every bit as kind and exotic as he remembered, and she informed him that the next date was on her. Before heading home, he arrived at the throne room, Princess Twilight seated on the throne and many scrolls and books surrounded her. “Twilight…” Blueblood started to the new princess. “I see your back to old habits.” "I'm actually reading up on the Sheepland Isles. Ya know, your rightful kingdom. There's so much political red tape and paperwork, it's no wonder Celestia rarely got to visit, especially in recent years." “What’s the absolute mess going on now?” "That's just it, I have no idea!" Twilight cried in frustration. "The newest of these reports on news from the Isles is over ten years old and it's just a news paper clipping talking about some potato harvest! Nothing from after your mother returned to the isles is relevant or useful in any way!" Blueblood rubbed his temple. “Did you send a letter to my mother for any political things we should know? Or did you just ask for every single piece of paper that held some news happening there?” "I did, but to even send mail there it's got to first have a submission request with must be approved and evaluated by the Isle’s own postal service, and that only takes some months… then if it gets approved I get sent a parchment that I can write and address a letter to that has to be sent via courier chosen by the Isles postal service to deliver it, and to fly or run takes forever!" Twilight groaned, rubbing her own temples. "Communication between Equestria and the Isle was never this bad until after your mother returned, so either these rebels are alive and strong, sabotaging stuff or your mother wants to keep Equestria out as much as possible." “That’s…rather confusing…what the buck is going on there?” Blueblood frowned. "I wish I knew. All the information I do have dates to just before and during the initial civil war and copies of texts and records and legends from long ago, back when the Isle was founded." “Sweet auntie…” Blueblood groaned. "On the bright side the Isles are home to a rich history and mythology. They even have their own religion, and a unique government that's a cross between monarchy and totalitarianism." “Well…” Blueblood started. “Horse apples…” "You are going to have to learn about this at some point Blueblood. Sooner rather than later given if news about your son reaches the isles, it means an instant move back there that I have no authority to delay or stall." “But…there’s already a lot of problems just from a business standpoint for Saffron!” Blueblood said quickly, thinking if she was forced to move to the Isle’s then her business, all her hard work would be going up in smoke to a totalitarian mess! "She can stay, she isn't the one that has to go but you and Blue Spice would be the two living heirs to that crown. Course then that also means you'd really be forced into a marriage with a random noble from there and I'm not helping." Twilight said as she saw Blueblood on the verge of a panic attack. “NO!” Blueblood snapped, trying to control his rapidly increasing breathing. “I wasn’t there for the first few years of my son’s life, I’m not letting that damned Isle take him away from his mother!”  "Which is why it would be best if we can manage to have you three go. For one, you three would be the first impression these ponies get of Equestria, and if trade and such can be opened up, travel and business can happen. It will be a rough and long time before that can happen but I'm trying to help you. And to help you you need to learn about your heritage." “My heritage…” Blueblood growled, taking a deep breath. “If my ‘heritage’ actually mattered, my ‘mother’ would have sent someone for me years ago.” He stated. “Or at least sent a letter…but heritage means nothing when I have been a Prince of Equestria, a royal made and remade in my home for all my life…” "I know, but you have to try. If you don't and this resistance takes over, it could let them declare war on Equestria." Blueblood sighed. “Alright…fine…” Twilight gave a small smile, using her magic to open a scroll. "Well, let's start with the beginning. Fifteen years after Equestria was founded, Princess Platinum had five children. Each one was granted a formal status as a baron or baroness, and gifted land owned by the Unicorn tribe to oversee. This is how your ancestor, Prince Blueblood the first, came to the Isles." “That makes absolutely no sense if my father is Prince Blueblood the Second then.” Blueblood said quickly, extremely confused of the timeline of things. “My grandfather would have to be well over a thousand years old, and my father at least a thousand…” "Well, the name wasn't used for many generations. So technically given the time gap he could still be Blueblood the second, and you the third. Given those titles are only given when a direct child inherits the name immediately after birth and not many generations later." “Well…I suppose that makes sense…” Blueblood said carefully. "In any case, this Prince Blueblood… prime, traveled to the isles with a legion of Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies to settle and build upon the land." Twilight continued as she read. "The land was a marsh, but despite that was very rich and fertile. Crops were bountiful, the ley lines above them gave a potent boost to the unicorns magic, and the humid area let the Pegasi rapidly set up cloud factories for weather management. It was a promising colony, until Platinum's death. When she passed, many in the unicorn tribe felt the need for independence, given the isles provided everything they needed. And so, Blueblood Prime announced the Sheepland Isles an independent kingdom." “Right…” He muttered. “Cause way back when, Unicorn’s thought they were still rulers of everything…” "The prejudice was still fresh in the generations but working on the isles, it faded with the generations. Anyway, your family has been ruling the Sheepland Isles for generations, and there's a legend and story for each ruler." “And what are these legends and stories?” "They vary from ruler to ruler. Like Prince Fire Blood, he was said to have slain a demon lord some necromancers summoned in a ritual, using it's own hellfire." “Wow…” Blueblood said in surprise. "And Raging Blood was a half earth pony and used his horn to channel excess mana into his muscles. Legends say the tunnels between the nearby mountains were how he trained his body and magic all at once." “Sweet Luna.” He said in awe. "And your great, great, great uncle Bone Blood summoned demons to slaughter and turn their flesh and bones into weapons and armor that let him tank ancient dragon fire and hack through their scales like melted butter." … “So why hasn’t my family taken over the world?” Blueblood asked carefully. "Well, Bone Blood took his armor to the grave… inside an active volcano, Fire Blood died shortly after that stunt and Raging Blood, well he only cared about two things. His 'work outs' and his wife which is why you and Bone Blood we're born generations later." “Alright…” Blueblood nodded, taking a deep breath at hearing three of his ancestors were somehow extraordinarily strong. "Point is, most every ruler had these abilities thanks to something they called the Gift of Nobility. It's a legend saying only those of Blueblood Primes bloodline could accomplish these feats as Prime was said to be able to tap directly into the ley lines themselves at will." “Huh…” Blueblood muttered. “Would have loved that when I was trying to figure out why my cutie mark was a compass…” "Putting aside the old family tree, let's talk about your kingdom's religion. It's actually… really strange." “Goodie…what’s going on in that department?” He inquired. "Well, the story reads like this." Twilight started, opening up a scroll and clearing her throat. "In the early years of the Isles founding, a being from the stars fell down onto the land. When first spotted, she appeared as a strange alien being, unlike anything known to Equis. She then supposedly took pony form, and was convinced to come before Blueblood Prime. She said her name was Link Heart, and she fell to the world by accident while traveling by." “That’s…really weird.” Blueblood pointed out. "The story goes that she ended up choosing to stay on the land, because it reminded her of her own home and family from long ago. In her time amongst the ponies, she taught the Kingdom how to smelt steel and use magic to rapidly farm gemstones, and even how to use the swamp to their advantage and grow rice." “Huh…you’d think there would be more news about the Isle’s if their technology and smithing was ahead of many others…” The blonde unicorn hummed. "It's part of what made them such a fierce kingdom to be enemies with. At the time, the Isles has steel, Equestria and other kingdoms were still using bronze and iron. Anyway, apparently she and Blueblood Prime fell in love, and had a child. Your ancestor, Godly Blood. Despite being a supposed demigod, he aged like any other pony. When Blueblood Prime passes, Link Heart bid her son fair well, promising to visit him, his father and all the descendants in the world after. She then left, but gave him the Gift of Nobility." “Huh…” He muttered. “So…I’m technically an alien.” "Well, it is a story and I've seen your bloodwork and there's no anomaly's in there. You're 100%." “Alright…” Blueblood nodded. “But we’re also talking about a story where we have a shapeshifter from the stars…so there’s that.” "You just want to know if you'll develop some weird power or ability don't you?" Twilight asked with a smirk and a raised brow. “I’d be an idiot to not believe that after everything you just told me.” Blueblood said, trying to play off Twilight’s thought on him being super eager about having super powers…and his inner child was currently staging a very aggressive coup in his mind at how awesome it would be for him to have super powers. "Well, they call the religion worshiping Link Heart and your family bloodline Star Mortality. It's part of why the Government there is a mix of Monarchy and Totalitarianism. Only those with the bloodline to Blueblood Prime directly and Link Star can inherit the throne, unless the next heir is too young, like yourself at the time. Any word spoken by your kin and yourself there is taken as, well, law. Your voice is in full authority with your followers and loyalists." “Oh…so that’s why…” Blueblood muttered. "Yup." Twilight said with a nod. "The rebels largely consist of disbelievers of the religion, and your dad brought up unification with Equestria, that's when they went into civil war. They all believe these stories are just that, stories. That your family uses them as an excuse to stay in power." “That’s…fair.” Blueblood nodded. "Any other questions before I have all this delivered to your house for you to study?" “Why do I have to marry someone else?” Blueblood asked. "That part plays into the religion. Both your family and the worshipers believe the Gift of Nobility can only be passed down so long as the child is born from both parents being of noble blood. It's why I was saying if you married Saffron, which I am rooting for by the way, your marriage would be legal here in Equestria, but ignored and illegitimate in the Isles." “Well there marriage system can kiss my taint for all I care.” Blueblood snapped. “Saffron is my one and only, and I will never give her up.” "And I respect that, but unless Saffron can become a noble I doubt even then the issue will be solved. These are old and well respected traditions Blueblood. Flat out ignoring and refusing them will just fuel the rebels fire." “Of course…” Blueblood grumbled. Twilight sighed. "I know how you feel Blueblood, I really do. If there's one thing I've learned since taking over as ruler is that what you want to do and what you need to do rarely ever align." “Damn it…” Blueblood grumbled. “Well…I’m going to have to change it myself…make it actually make sense.” "Yeah. Well, all this depressing news aside, I did find this." Twilight said, levitating an aged letter in her magic. "It appears to be from your mother and looks like she left it when she left for the isles." “Let me see.” Blueblood said quickly, wanting to see what his mom had to say. Carefully, Blueblood opened the letter and read the contents. Dear Blueblood. By the time you read this, either you'll be on your way here, to the Sheepland Isles, or it's fallen to the Rebels and I am dead. Whatever the case, I pray to Link Heart for the prior. It pains me to leave you, so young, barely talking, barely able to stand, and you'll never know my face, never hear my voice. If you are coming back, coming home… We'll be strangers, and that hurts most of all to me. Despite not being stable, the rebels are still vast in numbers and that stallion, Strong Jaw, the stallion who killed your father and leader of the rebels is still alive and I will see his head on a pike atop the throne one of these days.  If you are returning home, I know the isles will be a strange, alien place to you. If you wonder why no news has reached you until recently, well, for your safety, I had all ties cut with Equestria. The rebels would use and manipulate you to more easily take over the isles and declare war on Equestria and I will not let your father's death be in vain. If you aren't, if you are reading these words after being told the truth and this letter is all you'll have of me… I'm sorry. Your father and I love you so much. We loved you enough to send you away and keep you safe. Sincerely: Princess Ruby Bark - Mother. “Sweet Celestia…” Blueblood muttered, tears forming in his eyes at his mother’s pain and confession. > Chapter 4: The Prince Returns Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next seven months were a blissful dream for Bluebood and Saffron both. Their dates became more and more special. The two were close, and happily embracing their blossoming love. Blue Spice had gotten more and more used to Bluebood being around. While he still did not talk, he happily enjoyed any company or attention his father gave. "This…is what I've been missing my whole life…" Blueblood sighed in happiness. "So it seems." Hopper said as he walked next to Blueblood, escorting the prince around the castle as a guard should. "Still find it hard to believe your title holds actual power in a boonies bumfuck furthest corner of the globe coastal marshland." "It was a surprise to me as well." Blueblood said. "But…it's going to be something I have to deal with sooner or later…just hopefully it'll be later rather than sooner." "At some point I guess. So, this is gonna make eight months. Anything special planned. Not too sure what can top the last one when you borrowed Princess Twilight's Vacation Zeppelin and gave her a tour around Canterlot Mountain after getting Luna to arrange the stars to spell her name. Still can't believe she agreed to that." "I've got something very important planned." Blueblood said readily.ly. "Finally gonna bed her and remember it this time?" Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Not that. It’s going to be something even more special.” Hopper gave a gasp. "A three way?!" He asked with a sarcastic tone of surprise. “I will slap you.” Blueblood frowned. “No, I’m going to propose plot head.” "Oh, well that's what I was expecting." Hopper said, dodging the swung hoof aimed at his head. "So, gonna try and put Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding to shame or are ya gonna do something formal and simple?" “I want to make it the best day for her…and honestly, I doubt she’d like anything that extravagant to be honest.” "Fair." Hopper shrugged. The two soon arrived at the throne room, Hopper staying outside as Blueblood entered. He saw Twilight seated on the throne, scroll opened and a worried frown on her face. “What’s wrong?” The blonde unicorn inquired. "I'm… I'm sorry, Blueblood." Twilight said, levitating the paper over to him. To Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. I am Queen Ruby Bark of the Sheepland Isles. It has come to my attention that my son Prince Blueblood the third and rightful heir to the kingdom has matured into a responsible, respectable and honest stallion thanks to your teachings. For this, you have my thanks and my gratitude. I trusted him to Celestia and he, from what I learned, turned out spoiled and entitled. For correcting him you have my thanks and a diplomatic window to the Isles. That said, I've also learned that he is the father to a foal, and the mother is not of noble blood. Word has spread and rebels and loyalists alike seek the rightful heir to the throne returned and crowned. While the battle's have ended, politics have not. It is for this reason by week's end a chariot will arrive to collect my son, his possessions, his son and if he so chooses his foal's mother and return to the Isles to take the crown and lead the Isles into it's new age. Sincerely, Queen Ruby Bark. Blueblood reread the note and took a moment to let it process…before balling it up and throwing the scroll so hard it actually dented one of the walls. “Un-bucking-believable!” Blueblood shouted in justifiable rage. "I don't know how news reached her, but given it seems she knows how you knew before, she likely has information fed to her from the time she left you in Equestria as a foal." Twilight said. “Well, she can personally see my wedding at this point, cause I’m not leaving until that’s done.” Blueblood stated. "Wedding? Did you propose to Saffron already?!" “I was going to today, but my ‘mother’ want’s to ruin it.” Blueblood frowned. “So I’m going to have to…sadly speed this up.” "I doubt she wants to ruin it, Blueblood. You read the letter. The loyalists and rebels want you crowned and now that they know you're mature enough for it they're likely using this as a means to put the actual ruler on the throne and are likely forcing her to call you back. Her position was meant to be temporary and it's lasted your whole life this far. Ponies like this, set in old tradition and religion won't budge on the matter." “I’ll throw them off this mountain if they think they’re going to stop me from marrying the one I love.” The royal unicorn stated. “Not the most ideal of circumstances…but can you please help me set up the wedding? It doesn’t need to be anything super fancy…just something to make it special for her…” "I'd be honored, but I have a feeling your mother is more on your side than you think. She did say for you, Blue Spice and if you choose, Saffron, to join you on the return. Celestia has told me a fair amount about your mother Blueblood, I think you should trust her with whatever she might be planning." “I don't like how she wrote it though.” Blueblood frowned. “‘His foals mother’, acting like she’s not the love of my life…even if it’s for dumb political reasons, at least have it said like Saffron’s an actual pony and not some brood mare damn it.” "I imagine it was written like this more for the appeasement of the Political groups over her own intentions. After all, the old letter she left for you was so heartfelt." Blueblood sighed out. “It’s…it’s still really annoying…” “Trust me, all politics are annoying.” “Yes…yes I know…” He sighed in resignation as he sat down. “How am I going to tell Saffron all of this?” Blueblood groaned, lightly dragging his hooves across his face in agitation. That night he and Saffron were on their date. Luna’s moon was high in the sky and the two sat on a tower balcony, a bottle of wine and a glass of it in each of their magic holds. “And… there is no rejecting this, is there?” Saffron asked, Blueblood having told her the news over the first two cups of the wine. “I’m sorry, but there really isn’t…” Blueblood sighed out. “My mother is very adamant about this, as well as…my apparent home country’s people.” He sighed. “But I’d sooner be banished to the moon if I let this stop me from marrying you.” “Blueblood?” Saffron asked, watching as he put the glass down, and pulled out a small box, opening it with his magic as it revealed a perfectly sized horn ring. Adorned with a bright blue gemstone. “Will you marry me Saffron Masala?” Saffron was silent, her eyes wide and mouth hung open as she eyed the ring then Blueblood. For several seconds that to Blueblood felt like an eternity she said nothing, before smiling, lifting his muzzle up with a hoof and giving him a kiss upon his lips. When it ended, tears in her eyes, she nodded. “Yes, Blueblood. I will.” Blueblood could feel the tears of joy spring into the corner’s of his eyes. “Thank you my love…thank you so much.” Saffron placed the ring upon her horn, bringing Blueblood into a passionate hug and kiss. Entering the tower, the two took the heat of the moment to close and lock all doors and windows, and made use of the lounge sofa for not lounging. Blueblood made sure to imprint this time to memory. The next morning, Blueblood awoke with his love by his side, the two of them enjoying the afterglow and the new memories. By mid afternoon, the two were married, a small private affair between them, Princess Twilight as the official marrying the two, Hopper, and Saffron’s father and Blue Spice in attendance.  When that was done, the days leading up to the arrival of the chariot to take the two to the Isles flew by. Each morning Blueblood woke up next to his wife, spent the day with his son, and while he still did not talk he was smart, clever and quite talented. At night, he spent it with Saffron as a wed couple would. It was a simple, but lovely honeymoon. The day the chariot came, two Pegasi, somehow larger than the guard in their armor, arrived pulling an all metal chariot. It was a surprise, but the inside was rather comfortable and spacious. Blueblood, Saffron, and Bluespice, luggage and such was packed and then they were off. To say it was a strange ride would be an understatement though. They watched as Canterlot vanished in the distance. Then, watched as the chariot became covered in clouds, blocking all sight… and suddenly, just as they arrived the Clouds vanished, and below them was marshland forests. “Wait, how are we here so fast?” Saffron asked as she and Blueblood, both bearing a shocked expression, were not above the Isles. A seven day flight… somehow in less than an hour. “That…that should be impossible.” Blueblood shook his head. “Not even some of the Fastest Wonderbolts could make it here that fast…a day or two maybe, but in less than an hour?” “...Blueblood?” Saffron asked. Blueblood looked up, and his blood ran cold. Before them was the Castle. Tall and proud, made from stone and metal it seemed and was spanning TWICE the size of the entirety of Canterlot city, and was FLOATING high in the clouds, easily as if it and the LAND it was on were clouds, it floated as a pillar of either magic or some unknown power shot out into the sky and with the stars themselves. “Wh-what?” Blueblood asked helplessly at the sight. The chariot landed upon a tower handing landing strip, and the doors to the chariot open. Carefully the three exited, greeted by guards carrying spears with glowing blades of light as an older mare, a once blonde mane now showing many strands of white with age and her off white coat wrinkles from age and stress stood before them. What caught them off the most were the scars. Scars deep enough to have left her dead several times over were upon her face, neck and parts of her exposed front legs, only the rest was covered by a long and heavy cloak. “Son. It is good to see you.” She greeted Blueblood with a smile. “Uh…hi mom…” Blueblood said slowly, still trying to process…literally everything that he is now witnessing. “I imagine you have questions. And I see you brought your son and his mother. I suppose explanations and such are in order. Please, follow me.” She asked, turning and the trio followed wordlessly. They soon arrived in a large office room of sorts, the floor tiled and the walls stone. The door was a thick, heavy metal door that glided open on it’s own with ease and the windows appeared to be just a frame where light and a breeze passed through but still kept out birds, insects and other air flown items. The table was long, solid wood with many chairs around it. Once Queen Ruby Bark had the door closed and did something to it that sounded like a heavy lock clicking into place, she spun around. And then hugged her son. “I’ve missed you so much!!” She cried out, and Blueblood learned that despite her old body, she was by no means weak or feeble. His bones popped and cracked audibly as she hugged the air out of his lungs. “Air!” The stallion wheezed as he tapped at his overly strong mother. “My bones~.” “Sorry!” She said, letting go and letting her son take in air again. She did then begin kissing along Blueblood’s face and head. “I’ve just missed you so much my baby potato!” “Baby potato?” Saffron asked, her shock managing a crack at hearing the adorable and hilarious name. “Yes when he was a foal wrapped up in his blankies he looked like a tiny potato and his horn was so small it was like it had a little bud, especially when his mane would curl around it.” Ruby said. “Mother~!” Blueblood whined. “Don’t bring up embarrassing things to my wife!” “I have thirty six years of your life to make up spoiling, scolding, coddling and embarrassing you. No.” She said, giving her son another wind removing hug. When she was done with that she zoomed over to Saffron. “So you are the mare who changed my son’s life from a spoiled brat to the gentle stallion he is. And mother to my grandfoal!” She said, giving Saffron the same treatment. “How is your mane so poofy!” She said, petting Saffron’s mane. When she finished her fawning over Saffron she then zoomed over to Blue Spice. “Hi there.” She said, kneeling down to be at eye level with the foal. “I’m your grandmother. My goodness you have your daddies good looks and mamma’s poofy mane!” She said, aso petting Blue Spice and giving the foal a much more gentle hug. Blueblood cleared his throat. “Mother…you have a lot of explaining to do as to why this place looks like a more sci-fi version of Asgard?” Blueblood asked carefully. “Five more minutes honey.” Ruby said as she hugged her grandfoal for exactly five more minutes and then after placing Bluespice down looked over to her son and daughter in law. “Now then, you have questions?” “What in the world is all of this!?” Blueblood asked incredulously, waving a hoof around everything. “This place is twice the size of Canterlot mountain and flying!” “Oh well you see about six hundred years ago our population began exceeding our food production so the best option, your ancestor Golden Blood, thought of was to take one of the nearby islands and raise it above the surface to house the population and use all the surface within our territory for farmland. So far it’s worked out well.” “That amount of technology and magical might is literally impossible.” Blueblood said in shock. “Celestia and Luna literally move the sun and moon. The amount of raw Magical energy to do that was calculated and very possible within the first two hundred years of Link Heart’s teachings being left to us.” “What?” Saffron asked. “Oh that’s right well I suppose you don’t know that all then…” Ruby sighed.  “Mother, the only thing we know about this country is so outdated. One of our most precious sources of information is a newspaper so old its papers are more leathery than even the oldest and stubborn ponies' skin back home.” “Well if your father had his way and the rebels never showed up then that wouldn’t be an issue.” She huffed. “So, where to start… I suppose the beginning.” And so, the next hour was spent with Ruby telling the story of Link Heart. Ect great grandmother to Blueblood prime and how he was born from Link Heart, a being from the stars that fell many countless moons ago and when she left after outliving her husband and nearly outliving her own children, left behind her family to rule the kingdom as well as all her knowledge and teachings for them to use as they saw fit. “And that’s all without getting into the Gifts of Nobility that you and Spice here possess as her descendants.” Ruby finished off. “So, wait, that story is… true?” Saffron asked. “This castle wouldn’t be floating if it wasn’t.” Ruby said with a nod. Blueblood, again, tried to wrap his mind around all of this. "This…is still all sorts of crazy…" He shook his head ead. “Even being here…it still feels all surreal…” “Yes, well were it not for the rebels, this would have been the norm for you. Oh, speaking of, I'll have to get you up to date on the Kingdom. The current political issues, population numbers and food production, the developments in the Magic and Science areas, your coronation and a tour of the kingdom.” “And I’d sooner tell you to throw the crown off the island if I wasn’t forced into this.” Blueblood commented with a bit of spite. “Oh, and your bride!” “Me?” Saffron asked. “No, I mean the one the other nobles arranged in order to have something their way.” Ruby sighed. “While the laws state you two aren’t married within the Isles, once Blueblood takes the crown he can alter the law and there’s nothing the nobility can really do.” “And…I’m forced into this loveless marriage because I need to…cater to more spoiled ponies?” Blueblood asked, poison laced in his words. “I don’t like it either but after Strong Jaw was killed the remaining rebels only agreed to a truce on the condition a noble mare of their choosing was made to be your bride when you returned. Otherwise we’d still be warring.” Blueblood snorted. “And, pray tell, who is this mare?” “Her name is Rosey Piece. From what I can understand she was raised with the sole purpose of being your bride should the rebels win. Given they didn't, they likely didn’t want their time and effort grooming her to be your wife to go to waste.” “That is unsettling…” Saffron said. “Yes, well just be glad you never met Strong Jaw. That was his plan and after she birthed you a foal he was going to kill you, her and raise your heir with his ideals and aspirations. Had he won all you see around you would have been turned into a means for global conquest.” Blueblood looked at his mother. “Yeah…so I’m just gonna go with no.” Blueblood said slowly, finding that whole thing just…honestly sickening. “Listen, I might have found the love of my life due to me getting black out drunk due to my…past regrets, but that’s pure horridness to literally groom a lady to love me for…reasons.” “It’s that or the civil war is back on and even if they lose again should they escape the kingdom the damage they can do to another country is like nothing like past threats Equestria or the world will have ever seen.” Blueblood rubbed his temples. “More stubborn than Celestia denying she has a cake addiction…” “Well… I say go for it.” Saffron said, gaining a shocked expression from Blueblood. “It might be odd but if it’s to end this crazy rebellion and civil war then fine. So long as she knows I’m first and she’ll get no noble treatment from me.” Saffron said with a nod. “Plus, once crowned Blueblood can make you a noble in this country, and while your marriage to Rosey will still happen legally you can have Saffron be your wife here as well.” Ruby added. “Oh, maybe that means we can have a full on wedding when we do rather than that quickly put together one. It was special but I would like to walk down in a dress.” “I wanted to give you that special day…” Blueblood sighed. “But…fine…there better not be some conspiracy to try and hurt my son and wife or worse.” “Should such an event happen I swear on your fathers grave I will personally hang them by their genitals and let the public use them as pinatia’s til they die.” Ruby said, earning a wide eyed expression of shock from Blueblood and Saffron. “Break my family once, they’re lucky I’m being political now that all that remains of Strong Jaw is my new sword sheath and booze mug, hurt my family twice and I will personally ensure their deaths will be a tartarus before tartarus.” “... I like her.” Saffron said with a smirk. “Well…good to know.” Blueblood nodded. “Come now, it’s time you meet the fifth captain of guard and my informant in Equestria. Now that you are back his new assignment will be much like his old, to watch over you as your personal guard.” “And…let me guess…” Blueblood sighed, already having a feeling he knew who this captain was. It was a fair walk to the fifth guard captain’s office. Upon entering Blueblood was greeted by the face of who he was expecting. “Prince Blueblood. Honor to see you back in the Homeland.” Hopper said with a salute from his desk. “I…I hate you dude.” Blueblood groaned. “Til an honor to have such high praise my prince.” He said with a thick coat of sarcasm. “At ease Captain Cloud Hopper.” Ruby said with a chuckle. “Yes my Queen.” Hopper said with a chuckle as well. “Well, as you can see Blueblood, I was an agent reporting directly to your mother.” “Which explains how she knew practically everything.” Blueblood rolls his eyes. “Well to be fair you have had several spies on you in the past. You were just such a little…” “Spoiled rotten piece of shit in pony shape?” Ruby offered. “Exactly my Queen. You were such a that so they were reassigned. Thankfully when I got assigned was after you lost your V-card in a drunken night of food and pathetic self hatred.” “Ah, yes, ‘pathetic’...” Blueblood rolled his eyes. “I am honestly your friend Blueblood, I want to state that now. But I am also your guard and will put that ahead of our friendship if the need arises.” “Alright, so mind if I point out you losing me twice on my drunken night meeting Saffron is now a terrible lie?” Blueblood asked. “Cause you managed to…get here before we did, and we were in a chariot that should normally take a week to get here in under an hour…” “I actually arrived here with you around the same time. But that’s besides the point.” Hopper shrugged. “Well, Hopper can take over guiding you around the kingdom. I shall return to my duties.” Ruby said. “I shall see you three at dinner.” “Alright.” Blueblood nodded. “Though…to be honest, I’d recommend trying Saffron’s cooking, it is absolutely wonderful.” “Well perhaps if you make it to the kitchen before dinner she can prepare something.”  A little after Ruby left, Hopper, Saffron, Blueblood and Blue Spice were walking the seemingly endless halls.  “So, where would the Princes’ and Lady like to see first?” Hopper asked. “Well…this is our first time here.” Blueblood answered. “So where would you recommend we go first?” “Hm, well I doubt you wanna go anywhere heavily populated yet. Let’s start with the Royal Archive.” “Sure, maybe I can get some light reading to see what nonsense has been going on here.” “Fair enough.” A short thirty minute walk later, the group found themselves before a large set of wooden doors. Opening, Blueblood, Saffron and Blue Spice were all met by towering shelves each covered in books, and scrolls. They arrived at a desk where an earth pony mare sat before a rather odd device of metal and light. “This is the Royal Archives. All of the literatures and sciences and magics and history of the kingdom are here in print and digital formats.” Hopper said. “Digital?” Saffron asked. “I think it involves computer’s in some form, like the Arcades and how they operate right?” Blueblood guessed. “Oh right, I spent years in Equestria and forgot you guys barely made color TV and home video consoles.” Hopper said. “But, yes. Basically that but… seven… hundred years more advanced.” “Sweet Celestia.” Blueblood muttered in awe. "How many books do you have here?" Saffron asked. "Well if it's just books then in physical print there's easily several million and digital about nine trillion. But that's just books, things like movies, music and ECT are also uploaded to the archives and such." "If Twilight was here, I'm pretty sure you'd have to a massive mess to clean up." Blueblood chuckled. "Probably. Now, as you can imagine all this knowledge and innovation didn't come from nowhere. Being an isolated kingdom and all, we don't charge knowledge or even trade with other kingdoms, so I imagine you're wondering how all this was even made possible." "Yes, it would be very difficult if you didn't have any outside help." Blueblood nodded. "We were left with Link Heart's teachings." Hopper said. "Now I know it sounds like a religious thing but in fact Link Heart left a special diary holding all the knowledge she knew of science, magic and the cosmos that only her blood family can read. Part of the duties to the ruling kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes that have worn the ruling crown is that they read through the book to teach the common folk it's knowledge." "So that's why Strong Jaw needed an influencing heir to the crown. He wanted that knowledge." Saffron said. "Yes." Hopper said. "Past rulers have used this knowledge to bring our kingdom to amazing heights, but Strong Jaw saw it as a means to craft weapons and combat spells the likes of which could most likely tear the planet to space debris." "Fantastic…" Blueblood sighed. "But at least he's dead now." "Dead and reduced to a leather sword sheath and your mother's new booze mug." Hopper said with a nod. "Well…that's one way to make a statement…" "We might be advanced but we can also be brutally barbaric." Hopper said with a nod. "I suppose next should be the Science and Magic labs and research." “Alright.” Blueblood agreed. “Let’s see how far thing’s really are…” Walking back into the endless hallway. "Is the whole kingdom inside?" Saffron asked. "The capital is all here. We have a few other floating settlements along the ocean and two that are on the ocean floor." Hopper explained. “At this point, I doubt even this Kingdom’s mastery of technology and magic could stop Twilight from going on a knowledge seeking rampage…” Blueblood sighed. "There are protocols…" Hopper said as we walked down the ways. "The other floating settlements largely deal as residential and weather works. The two underwater ones focus on salt water filtration and fertilizer development." "How does an underwater city make fertilizer?" Saffron asked. "Fish. When grounded into a paste and mixed with soil the fish help make excellent fertilizer. Plus construction is underway for an undersea farm that if operational will boost food production of the kingdom by 500%." “Wow…” Blueblood said in amazement at that estimate. "How large will this farm be?" Saffron asked. "The entirety of the town of Ponyville plus the size of Sweet Apple Acres, all dedicated to farming." Hopper said. "Our current major food source is rice, but over the years we've developed means to farm fruit trees that are bred to thrive in the marsh soil, as well as beans and some vine plants. There are special buildings for growing things that are more dependent on firmer soil like potatoes, wheat and such but they are few and far between, which the new Undersea farm is hopefully going to correct." “Interesting…” Blueblood hummed, thinking about the many times he had to look over agriculture a few times. "How long is construction going to take?" Saffron asked. "We started it earlier this year and should be done within a month." Hopper said, making Bluebood do a double take at him. “Excuse me?” Blueblood asked. “That’s…rather quick don’t you think?” "By normal standards, it's actually a bit slow, but most of our metals need to be enchanted to resist the rusting so that takes longer. The ocean floor is completely rich in iron deposits and it's our primary building metal unless we use transmutation magic to alter it into steel or copper or whatever metal is needed." “And…by what ‘normal standards’ are you going with?” Blueblood asked. "Well, if the facility was built on land without the water draining and cleanup process it would already be done." Hopper said. "Right…" Blueblood answered slowly. The group arrived at the Magic and Science Labs, all kinds of odd and advanced items and devices all being tested and improved. The next room was a large, two story two bedroom almost house but was, of course, a room within the massive floating indoor city. "And this is your chambers Prince Blueblood." Hopper said. Blueblood looked around the room. It was well kept but seemed to lack a sense of having been lived in. A pile of aged presents ranging from Hearths Warming to Birthday based on the wrapping sat in a corner, a painting of Ruby, looking much younger and lacking the scars, an older version of Blueblood sporting a thick beard and mustache that must have been his father. Between the two floating in magic was a small, white baby foal, a Colt with a bright blonde mane.  Blueblood quickly realized, this was always meant to be his room. "This…this is my room…' Blueblood muttered in shock. "Yes. As it was your father's before you, and so on and so forth." Hopper said. "This room has housed the princes and princesses since this castle was built. I never got to know your father, but I know your Mother spent a lot of time here, and every birthday, every Hearths Warming she'd leave your gifts here and talk to the painting. To your father." "She…she could have sent me letters…" Blueblood tried. "Just…something…" "Having me and past spies was all she had luxury for. Besides, If an enemy got her letters first and twisted them, altered her words or enchanted the parchment to influence you to their desires, it was best you knew little or nothing until the time was right." "And…mind if I ask why none of you bothered to try and 'straighten me out' as it were?" Blueblood asked. "Who do you think popped the idea for the Nobility Program Princess Twilight initiated. You finding Saffron was sheer coincidence but in the end that plus the program helped shape you into a better stallion." "Well…I suppose that makes sense." Blueblood shrugged. "Your luggage should be in the bedrooms. There is a private bathroom and if you need anything press the switch next to the doors to call for a servant. I shall be standing guard outside the door while you three get settled." Once Hopper was outside standing guard Bluebood walked over to all the presents. Despite the age even the oldest ones looked rather extravagant. "So many years missed…" Blueblood muttered sadly. Blueblood began doing something he had never done before. Opening the gifts his mother left him. The oldest were as expected. Toys, foals books and funny hats. Soon foals items were replaced with training swords, a suit of elegant metal armor too small for himself and too large for Blue Spice. At the present that would have marked eighteen, was a small metallic crown that glowed with along it's gemstones. It wasn't as a king's crown, it was a prince's crown. It was old, clearly but well kept and polished to a shine. Like this room, it was clearly an heirloom passed down the generations. A letter sat next to it. My Dearest Son. By now, you are eighteen and likely I am gone if this letter finds you. If you are older, then know that this crown, passed from King or Queen to the heir to the throne, signifies your bloodline and your right to the Gift of Nobility, left to our family by Link Heart. Once this crown rests upon your head, your right to the throne will be sealed and your Gift of Nobility will awaken. How or why the Heir's crown does this I have no idea. I might be a wise king but I'm not a smart stallion. Regardless, whenever this crown and note finds you know that I love you, my son. I regret I never got to see you grow up, teach you swordsmanship and combat, never watched you cast your first spell or earn your cutie mark.  You are my pride and joy, my son. And while my time knowing you was short, I loved every moment of it. Sincerely, King Blueblood The Second Father. "I'm sorry father…" Blueblood muttered sadly. Blueblood looked the crown over in greater detail. On the outside, it seemed to be simple gold with special enchanted gems for a glowing effect. Inside the ring of the crown however, were ever changing matrixes and magic woven so deep into this crown it was like staring into magic itself. "Are you going to put it on?" Saffron asked. "I…might as well…" Blueblood sighed. "I can't put this off any longer than I was forced to…" Carefully, Blueblood placed the crown atop his head.  For a while it seemed like nothing happened, until the world around him went dark. Blueblood wanted to panic but it was as if he was missing his own body. Suddenly the darkness around him was lit up by countless stars all shining bright. As if he stood in the beauty of space itself. He soon spotted a strange creature, it reminded him of… The creature changed form, suddenly it was a unicorn mare, rose red coat, a bright ivory mane and tale and blue eyes so old and so loving it was like staring into the embodiment of motherhood. "Your gift, my child." The mare said, taking Blueblood by the sides of his head and planting a single soft kiss on his forehead, just below his horn. In a blink Blueblood was back in the room, Saffron looking at him expectantly. "Well? Feel anything?" “I…don’t feel any different.” Blueblood shook his head lightly. “Though…I think I met Link Heart…” "What? How? You barely had that thing on for five seconds?" “It’s…extremely hard to explain…” Blueblood shook his head. “But…it felt like I was in space and…I met her…she gave me the gift, whatever that is…” "Okay… so, any idea what it is?" “No idea.” Blueblood shook his head. "You got it but don't know what it is or how it works?" “No and…no.” Blueblood answered simply. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that…this entire kingdom is supposed to be my family legacy to be honest.” "That's true. Perhaps after a rest, maybe a nap you'll feel better." “Most likely yes.” Blueblood nodded. “Some sleep would definitely help…” It was the next day when the family awoke, and they awoke to the smell of food flooding the room. Waking up in a daze, Blueblood didn't realize the brush fixing his mane, the placing of his crown upon his head or the tooth brush entering his maw to clean his teeth until water was poured into his mouth. On instinct he spit it out, his senses now coming to him as various maids were using their magic to clean and dress him. "Oh good… you woke up." Saffron said from the corner of the room, a corset being tightened around her barrel by other maids. Out the doorway he saw Bluespice already cleaned and dressed but outrunning some maids trying to place a rather adorable little hat atop his head.  "What in blazes is going on now?" Blueblood asked, trying to rub away the tiredness from his eyes. "And why are you trying to put a corset on my wife?" "It's standard maiden attire, your highness." One of the maids spoke up. "Any mare in the company of the royals not employed by the crown is to be dressed accordingly in maiden attire." "I still think it's a bit- ffffffffuuuuuu!" Saffron wheezed out as the final pull on the corset was done and then tied before the maids levitated on her a dress that surprised Blueblood. It was a lapis lazuli blue with gold trimmings that complemented her poof- scratch that, brushed straight mane. Blueblood didn't think it was possible for Saffron to have a flat mane… nor did he imagine she would look so… stunning. "Tight…" She breathed. "For basic Maiden attire it's rather luxurious." "Well it should be, it signifies you as the Prince's bride to be. Queen Ruby did some digging and found a loophole that can make you equal to nobility and legalize your marriage in the Isles to the prince." Another maid answered. "You look absolutely stunning Saffron." Blueblood said in awe at the beauty of Saffron. "Thank you… now if only I could fill my lungs properly." She said, using her own magic and loosening the corset a little. "Oh stars that's better…" She breathed a sigh of relief and a smile. “And that’s why Corset’s tend to be seen as outdated by everyone either not used to it or…not using it for other reasons.” Blueblood commented. "Mind if I ask why you were brushing, cleaning, and dressing us?" Saffron asked. "It's our jobs. We assist the royal family anyway we can." Another maid answered. “You get used to is Saffron.” Blueblood sighed. "Your mother is in the downstairs room awaiting you all for breakfast." Another maid said. Once Blueblood was also dressed he, Saffron and a pouty Blue Spice went downstairs where a newly placed fair sized table sat packed with food. "Good morning." Ruby said as she greeted her family with a smile. "Today is going to be a bit of a busy day and I hope you all fill up." “What is today’s business mother?” Blueblood inquired simply. "Well after breakfast we have a meeting with the nobles where you will be announced to the public as the new King by months end, I will also be enacting that loophole rule and making Saffron here the representative of Equestria, allowing her a rank equivalent to nobility and making your marriage legal here in the isles… and then your marriage here in the isles here. You will be introduced to Rosey Piece." “That’s wonderful.” Blueblood smiled, already liking the day more as he was told that bit of news of the people having to see Saffron as his wife and nothing less. "What is Rosey Piece like?" Saffron asked. "Seeing as I'll be sharing my husband with her because of politics…" Blueblood nearly choked on his first bite. "She is a nice mare, not very bright, but she wasn't groomed to be bright. Poor dear can barely read and write. She was raised to be a timid, submissive bride and is eager to meet the both of you." Ruby said. "Her family was all killed in the wars early days, Strong Jaw found her amongst the orphans and given her family was well known for their family bloodline of high ranking guards within the kingdom, well." Blueblood rubbed his temples. “Cause that’s what we need at the moment…” He grumbled. “So tell the Rebel’s to give her an actual education and to treat her like a respectable mare, cause I was told the rebel’s had, while groomed, a respectable mare that is worth all this time and effort, not a child in the shape of an adult.” Blueblood frowned. “Cause if they’re leader think’s that’s a reasonable version of what a wife should be, I honestly don’t know how their rebellion even got off the ground.” "Considering his plan was to have her have your foal then kill you she wasn't meant to be your wife for long. I don't expect you to agree with this son, or like it or even to love her but I should hope you and Saffron both can help her. She has been conditioned to listen only to Strong Jaw, who is now dead, or her husband, you. Anypony else and she just stares blankly at them as if you were speaking to a doll." Ruby said, a maid brought her a mug… it was a pony skull, and was engraved with the name Strong Jaw, with the jaw bone now clearly modified with a bottle opener. "The only one that can help her is you, son." “Great…the one time I wish I got a more in depth tutoring on psychology other than ‘how to get more nobles to line your pockets’...” Blueblood grumbled. "Once the marriage is done and you are the new King the rebels have agreed to surrender and will face whatever punishment the new King wishes to bestow upon them." "That seems a bit anticlimactic." Saffron said. "Without Strong Jaw they fell rather easily." She said, lifting the skull mug to her lips and drinking the win within the cranium. "That… that is his actual skull… isn't it?" Saffron asked, looking rather sickly now. "When I make threats, my dear daughter in law, I keep them." Ruby smiled. “And…what would you have me do with them if I may ask?” Blueblood asked carefully. "Whatever you wish my son. Once you are crowned King all authority transfers to you. All I shall be is grandmother to your lovely son, an advisor if you seek it, and getting shit faced drunk." The soon to be king sighed. “Well…I suppose that’s a fine enough retirement plan…” "So, that just leaves what will you do? Their punishment will be your first act as a King." Saffron said. “I’m going to have to look over all their war crimes, look through the entirety of this countries legal systems, and figure out a proper response by the end of this month which is…” Blueblood rubbed his temples. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to steal your new booze bottle mother if I’m going to get through all of that.” "Just wash it before you return it sweetie." Ruby said with a chuckle. “And I’m gonna need some of your best booze, and don’t give me any cheap crap cause I can tell.” Blueblood brought up. > Chapter 5: Crowned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the second day in the Isles Blueblood was scheduled to meet Rosey Piece. This lead him to the throne room. It wasn't like the majestic and luxurious throne in Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. Rather it was more like a large court room, a tall seat where the Judge, or king, would seat, a stand for those who requested an audience, and various other seats for nobility to sit and offer opinions or perspectives. While ultimately, once crowned Blueblood's word trumped majority vote, it did ease him in seeing this set up. "And here I was hoping I wouldn't be doing something like this…" He sighed bitterly, wishing he could run away with Saffron and their son. "It is your duty son." Ruby said. Soon a set of doors opened up as Hopper walked in. A Pegasus mare of a deep bright green coat and rose red mane. Her eyes were a bright yellow, but upon seeing them Blueblood noticed something off immediately. They were hollow. Like her very soul was absent from her body yet it moved and acted as it should. She looked up at Blueblood, and her eyes changed immediately. The soulless gaze changed into a bright lively scene of yellow as she elegantly trotted ahead of Hopper and stood before Blueblood with a bow. "It is good to finally see you in person my love." She said, finishing her bow and looking Blueblood in her eyes. Had he not seen her eyes before she spotted him, and the change upon seeing them, he'd swear this was a different mare. "This day has been promised to me for as long as I can remember and finally it has arrived." She said happily, almost tearfully. "What have they done to you?" Blueblood muttered sadly. "It's…nice to meet you." "It's an honor to be your bride, my prince. Father has educated and trained me for this reason alone my whole life." "She means Strong Jaw when she says father." Ruby said, with enough venom in her tone to poison all the water on the planet. "So, when is the wedding? I am ready now but my husband has to make the choice of course." Rosy asked. It genuinely hurt Blueblood how much she was brainwashed. "It's…going to take a while." Blueblood said carefully. "Like…probably a bit after my coronation. I just met you and…" He trails off, seeing the life in her eyes and knowing it's only there because of the horrible brainwashing. "Oh, well, should my fiance request my company or services I shall happily fulfill any requests." She said with a smile and a nod. "Well….let's start with what are you interested in besides me?" He asked. "Oh, I am trained in sewing, stitching, cooking, foal caring, and nursing." "Alright…" I muttered. "Is there…anything else?" "No. If there is something you request of me to learn I am more than willing to learn it my love." She said readily. "Anything to please you." "Do…you want to ask me any questions?" "How many foals will we be having my love?" The question nearly threw Blueblood for a loop. "Father always said I only needed to have one foal with you but I'd be lying if I said I didn't desire as many as you care to give me." "I'd be alright with that." Ruby said with a smirk. "Shush you." Blueblood huffed to Ruby. "But…that's the only thing you have to ask? Nothing that doesn't involve our wedding or kids?"l "Why would I need to ask for more than that?" Rosy asked, genuinely confused by Blueblood's question. "Because you're an actual mare with her own thoughts and feelings." He told her simply. "I am to be your wife and nothing more, nothing less." She said, her tone of sincerity and dedication to that made Blueblood feel ill. "I will do as you ask of me and never waver, falter or speak against my love til the day we part the mortal coil, or you wish to dismiss me as your wife to which I will remove myself from the mortal coil." The shock from her words put a lead rock in Blueblood's stomach. "Without you, my love, I am without purpose or value, or reason. I am yours, so long as you wish to have me." Blueblood just stared at her, completely flabbergasted, horrified, and legit sick as he heard those words. "Well," Saffron spoke up, gaining Rosy's attention for the first time. "I guess that means we are sharing him." "Oh, are you… his bride also?" She asked. "Yes, we're married in Equestria but once Blueblood is crowned he plans of making me a noble so we can be married here…" "Oh that's wonderful. Our darling love should have a herd of mare's at all times." Rosy said, making Blueblood blush. "They have herds here too?" Saffron asked. "It's sadly not a popular practice any more but if multiple wives make my love happy then he can have as many as his heart desires." "I also have his foal…" "Oh my! You are a fast one. Then again you were with him in Equestria… I'll need your advice on how to please him as a wife should." Blueblood was now crimson. "Oh I'm more than happy to tell so long as you agree to some… classes." "It would be an honor miss…" "Saffron." "Saffron! Oh I envy you. Wed, bed him and birthed his foal… ohh thinking of when it will be my turn is driving me mad." "Well, he is skilled there so, it will be worth the wait." Saffron said with a teasing poke to the fully red Blueblood. "Honey please…" Blueblood whined, weakly batting her hoof away like a cat. "Why go there first?" "Oh this is going to be fun." Ruby chuckled. Blueblood sighed as sat on the throne. The coronation had been a quick, simple endeavor and now he had a crown to show it on his head. And before him on the floor we're the remaining rebels. Well, the remaining generals. There were two hundred and fifty rebels left but only two generals left. Storm Eye, and Heretic. Brothers, Storm Eye a Pegasus and Heretic a unicorn. Both had the same dark brown coat and black mane. "You look just like your father." Heretic said  "And I'll never get to know my father because of you all." Blueblood stated simply. "So thank you for working for a genocidal maniac, it must have been so worth it." The unicorn said with acidic sarcasm. "We have no regrets." Storm Eye said, his tone flat and uncaring. "We did what we believe is best for the Isles. Celestia, Equestria, the world beyond our borders is weak and powerless. Compared to our magic, our technology, world domination has only ever been an order away your highness." "Yes, yes, have your reasons be about as deep as a foals picture book." Blueblood rolled his eyes. "So, my question is what are you two going to do now?" He inquired. "Accept whatever punishment you see fit." Heretic said, a grin across his muzzle. "That was the deal, to see the next king on the throne. We only ask that, should you pursue your father's path, please end us. We'd hate to see the kingdom mingle with the… lesser civilizations." "Oh, then I know the perfect punishment." Blueblood said with a warm smile. "But before I do, are their suppression collars to stop individuals from doing certain actions?" Blueblood inquired. "Among other things." Ruby spoke up from her seat in the stands. "And what would these other things be?" Blueblood asked. "Cause death sounds too good for them, do you have any recommendations?" "Well, they don't want to live once the kingdom opens its borders to the world. Well, they won't. Somepony else can in their place though." Ruby smirked wickedly. "In the Restricted Armory is housed a staff capable of taking away a ponies memories, identity, and replacing them with a completely random set of new memories." "Oh, that sounds even better!" Blueblood clapped his hooves. "Why make them stew in foalish anger and try to start another rebellion when we can do that," he turned to stare at the two, both flinching at his gaze. "What say you two?" "We will basically be dead. It's fine." Storm Eye said. air.” Blueblood shrugged. “You get what you want, even though I would prefer if you two became the end of ‘I have No Mouth, and I must scream’.” Blueblood shrugged. “You two have more use to me alive than useless decoration silently screaming curses at me because they’re a pair of narcissistic, petulant children who think they’re ‘superior’ than everyone else…” Blueblood shook his head. “Funny, here I thought I got past the spoiled Nobles of Canterlot years ago.” And with that, it was done. A royal mage came in shortly after with the staff. It was an odd item, a strange blue wood that branches out at the top and all the branches circled and held a blue orb of sorts. The magic Blueblood felt it emit when it was used was like witnessing Twilight cast the spell to move the sun and moon across the sky. In short, powerful. Storm Eye and Heretic's eyes glowed blue for a while before it fades and they were escorted away. The same would be done to the two hundred other rebels. At last, it was all over. "So, what next?" Hopper asked as he walked up to King Blueblood. “We deal with two hundred more fanatic’s…I tell the entire kingdom I’m marrying Saffron and any dissenter’s can kiss my shiny white flank, and then hopefully try to get Rosey to…be less of a completely brainwashed mess…” Blueblood shook his head. “That…entire conversation was horrible…” "Tell me about it." Hopper sighed. "But hey, when she saw you was the first time I've ever seen her smile. Like, at all." “That’s incredibly depressing.” Blueblood shook his head. "You should have seen the room where she was found it. Completely barren, just a bed and a few books about the few topics she knows about. They were worn too so she's clearly reread them a lot." “Celestia’s tits…” Blueblood groaned. “And they call everyone outside this nation savages…” "Yeah… so whan you gonna bone her?" “I mean…technically after we rewrite all the rebel’s minds, I technically don’t have to do anything with Rosey, cause me marrying her was the basis of the rebellion ending.” Blueblood pointed out. “But…considering how she quite literally said ‘I’m going to kill myself if you tell me no’...ugh…” The stallion grumbled. "My guy, you get two wives and your first one is clearly okay with it. Take the win every stallion wishes they could get." “I’m sorry that I don’t feel comfortable with someone that was literally born, raised, and taught to be nothing more than my wife and the mere mention of me saying ‘no’ would cause her to go into a suicidal depression.” Blueblood frowned. “Excuse me for having standards and feeling sick and appalled that those savages that dare call themselves ‘rebels’ would sooner turn a beautiful mare into nothing more than a marionette in some weird Neighpon Manga.” "Alright alright, geeze. We get it, you got the moral high ground. You can work on that you know. The plus side of her never going to say no to you means you can expand her interests and help her develop as an individual. While I doubt she'll ever be free of what Strong Jaw forced her to be, she can at least be more." “I know I know…” Blueblood sighed. “I thought I was going to get past all the pettiness that Canterlot Nobles thrust upon me, or what I became during my life in Equestria…but these ‘rebels’ took that arrogance and self aggrandizement into full on violence…” Blueblood sighed. "Hence why the Isles usually has no open boarders policy. We know we're dangerous, they don't. We keep to ourselves and the world will keep having the sun and moon fly over it." “Fair enough.” Blueblood nodded. “Might need to add that to the list of thing’s I need to speak out on if I ever were to speak to the general public…but what is Rosey doing? Is she spending time with Saffron?” He inquired, having been busy learning about the law’s and dealing with the two bastard generals. "Yeah. Given Saffron has been with you and loved you first she is idolizing her and hoping to learn how to best be your wife from her." “Well…if Saffron fixed me, then I know that wonderful mare can fix her.” Blueblood said with a knowing smile. "Meanwhile you, my King, have other duties to attend." Blueblood could only sigh. > Chapter 6: Life Of The King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blueblood collapsed onto his bed when he got back to his quarters. Saffron gently stroked a hoof along his side. "Long day?" She asked. "You have…no idea…" Blueblood groaned. "So much…paper work…" "Heh. Life of a royal. How did Princess Celestia do it?" A cake addiction and a secret impersonator that gave her days off. Blueblood mentally replied. "You don't want to know." He shook his head. "So…how was your time with our…new fiance?" "She was sad to leave, but I managed to get her into reading some Daring Do and Star Mare." Blueblood nodded. Daring Do was always a classic read. Star Mare, he knew it was more sci-fi based but not much else. "Well, hopefully some adventure stories can…spark something in her." Blueblood said softly. "That's the idea." Saffron said. "Also expect in the very near future she'll be sleeping in bed with us." "I know…" the stallion sighed. "I…didn't expect this kind of savagery from a people that should be above such things…" "Well, technology and magic wise they are but sometimes no matter how good things are, there are those who just can't work through or fend off their darker impulses. Oh, also you got a few gifts while you were out." "I got even more gifts?" Blueblood inquired. "These were from nobles that were still loyal to your father during the civil war. A form of welcome home gifts I guess." Saffron said with a shrug. "Well…might as well see what the gifts are." The unicorn said. With a spell Blueblood floated and levitated several small boxes over to him that were in the corner of the room. Opening the first box he discovered it held a small ring. It seemed to be enchanted and he read the accompanying note. My King, I, Sir Melon Seed welcome your return to the kingdom and inheritance of the crown. The following item is an enchanted ring with a simple, but powerful mana boosting enchantment. With it on, your magic reserves will feel far larger and spells will be cast much easier and use less mana. I look forward to your reign. Sincerely, Sir Melon Seed. Former Quartermaster of the Royal Armory. “Alright…good start.” Blueblood said with a smile. Blueblood opened the next box. Inside was an old tome. The accompanying letter read, My King. This book has been in my family for many generations. It is a spell book, holding many of the magical developments and improvements our kingdom developed. I hope you read it through and master every spell. Sincerely, Pale Beard, Head of Magical Developments and Head Researcher. “Twilight is going to be so jealous.” Blueblood chuckled. The third and final gift upon opening seemed to hold a small music box. Carefully, Blueblood levitated it out, looking it over. It had no fanciful designs or detailed markings. It was a simple oak box with a single metal winding lever on the side sticking out of it. He spun it, and the box sang out a simple, soft melody that gave Blueblood a sense of peace and calm. As if some distant memory knew of the song and the ease it held came back even if the memory itself didn't. When it ended, Blueblood looked at the note. My King. This music box belonged to you long ago when you were but a foal still in your mother's womb. It was your father's before you and his father's before him. It has been passed down from your family since Link Heart walked among us. I hope it gives you blissful dreams, and lulls your foals to sleep just the same. Sincerely, The Archiver. “That’s good to know…” The stallion said with a warm smile. “This…will definitely help our son.” Blueblood put the items away, turned over and wrapped his hooves around his wife who happily embraced it, pressing her back against his barrel. "Tomorrow, Blue Spice starts his education." She told him. “Really now?” Blueblood inquired. “What school is he going to? Or what tutor is he getting?” "Tutor. They will teach him all the maths, science, history, magics and such that any other foal here gets." “Which will probably be way past what Equestria gives.” Blueblood commented. "Hope he can keep up." Saffron said. "I'll be with Rose all day tomorrow and hopefully she'll be up for doing something for herself over what she imagines will make you happy with her." “Alright.” I nodded. “And I’ll be busy…trying to figure out what I’m going to do tomorrow, and possibly also giving a speech to the populace as I deal with the other ‘rebels’.” "Looks like tomorrow will be busy for the both of us." “Yes, yes it will…” Blueblod sighed. “It’s going to be a nightmare…” "I'm sure it won't be that bad sweetie. It's just gonna take some time to get used to everything." Saffron said. "Still, it feels weird when the maids and guards call me Queen…" "You get used to it." Blueblood shrugged on that point. "But it'll be different to be called King…and all the work that that entails…" "Well, hopefully it will go smoothly. Do you know what you are supposed to do first tomorrow?" “No.” Blueblood shook his head. “It’ll probably bite me not knowing what I’m supposed to do…but what I truly want first thing in the morning is for me to be next to you.” "Hm, well it's how each morning will start regardless~" "The next location on the site development quota is undersea site 43. It houses no natural formations of sea life habits and is also mainly sand and rock." Blueblood was beyond bored. The past three house was spent discussing the undersea properties of the kingdom and what to build for each.  "Uh huh…" Blueblood said, trying to pay attention but by Twilight's boundless book fetish was this so outrageously boring. "This is very interesting…" "What shall we use this property for your highness?" The speaker, the head of the development and expansion of the kingdom asked. “Huh?” Blueblood asked, kind of snapping out of his boredom. “Is it useful for anything?” "It's location would best be utilized in desalination plants. Providing the kingdom with more fresh water and sea salt." “Then do that.” He said simply. “It would help keep a stockpile of water and salt.” "Yes my king." They nodded and headed off. Once they were gone Blueblood sighed. "Exhausted?" Hopper asked, standing next to Blueblood as he was his primary guard. “No, I’m just extremely bored.” Blueblood groaned. “I have never felt more bored in my life.” "The burdens of a Kingdom." Hopper chuckled. “I expected something more than…this.” Blueblood frowned. “At least when I was a reforming Prince there was stuff to do that wasn’t just talks and paperwork.” "Well between the war and many things requiring the official crown inherited ruler to oversee. There is a lot of backlogged work." “Yes, I know this cause my mother has been making sure to point that out from how much she’s been partying.” Blueblood frowned, hating how she was so fast to party now that she technically didn’t have to do shit for politics anymore. "Well, it's better than doing mostly nothing. Anyway, soon the representative of Equis 99743 will be here." Equis what? Blueblood mentally questioned. “Excuse me…what?” Blueblood asked in confusion. "Oh right you don't know that yet… well about… what, hundred and forty years ago we discovered Multiverse travel." What? Blueblood asked mentally. "But we only talk and trade with other groups who also have that ability. Other than that we mostly just use it for research or resources if it's an empty or dead dimention." … What?! “...” Blueblood looked at him. “WHAT!?!” "Ouch. My ears…" Hope said rather plainly as his ears folded back  "I'm sorry." Blueblood said nervously. "But…what?" "We have contacted several other advanced civilizations across the multiverse and trade with them and sometimes use some of the various other worlds for resources." "And…there hasn't been any…beings trying to stop us?" Blueblood inquired. "Like some Border Patrol or something? Cause Multiversal Travel sounds…dangerous." "No. We avoid the dangerous dimensions and mostly send probes and such to explore and examine the dimension before we actually go into them. Come across a lot of dead and empty dimensions. One is just nothing but space with stars and no planets. Another is just all methane gas. One is home to nothing but a single coffee mug." Blueblood blinked. "That's…weird." "Yeah. Other dimensions don't always follow the same or even any of the rules and laws we know." “Alright…” Blueblood nodded. “So what’s special about this upcoming talk?” "They're just going to introduce themselves, congratulate the end of the civil war and your inheritance of the throne." Hopper said. "Your mother has had many meetings with them before. Actually, had it not been for their kingdoms aid the war wouldn't have ended just yet." “Really now?” Blueblood inquired. “They must have been quite strong if what I’ve heard about the Rebel’s strength is anything to go by.” "Well, being Changelings they more sneaked through but yes their technology is on par with our own." “Changelings?” Blueblood asked. “That’s…a bit surprising, was it led by Thorax?” "Oh no. Dimension 99734 has multiple hives each with their own Queen, but they don't all feed on the same thing. Chrysalis there, her hive still feeds on love, but the hive we trade and work with, Queen Silk, she and her hive feed on Knowledge. So long as they are learning, in a conversation or working out some form of problem they are able to feed. Her hive and changelings are also purple and black rather than green and black like Chrysalis." “That’s rather interesting.” Blueblood said, genuinely intrigued by such a race of changeling. "Yeah well, different reality, different means of evolution and such." Hopper shrugged. Blueblood nodded. “And when am I going to be meeting these Changelings?” "Well like I said the representative of their dimension will be here soon. The representative being of said changeling hive." “And I’ll be having to deal with the…massive backlog in the meantime.” "Unfortunately." He shrugged. The next group came in. This one piqued Blueblood's interest. It was a request to fund and form a tourist program. It was approved and funded immediately. Next was some more agricultural requests that ultimately was all the same thing and a little new things Blueblood needed an explanation for. It too was approved and lastly was visited by the royal treasurer. He was a Pegasus, all golden yellow with a mane and tail to match which shined like the metal they represented. He wore a suit, covering his cutie mark. He gave a bow. "Your Majesty." He greeted. "I am Golden Riches." “It’s nice to meet you Golden Riches.” Blueblood nodded. “What is the reason for your visit my royal treasurer?” "I come to give my report on both your personal treasury and the kingdoms."  “How much do we have to work with?” Blueblood inquired. "Well, the Kingdom Treasury currently sits at fourteen fourteen trillion bits." Blueblood managed to hold back a cough. That was four times that of Equestria's. "Your personal account sits at thirty six million." “Alright…so we’re four times richer than Equestria, which is the leading country in terms of wealth due to…so much…” Blueblood frowned. "Yes. The kingdom expenses only use a reasonable one eighth of the budget and our new location in Equis Dimension 931. The mines are bringing in raw gold by the ton weekly as well as gems and useful resources." Blueblood looked over at Hooper. "Equis 931 is a Dead Equis. Meteor wiped all life. Plants returned. Few animals did. All intelligent life is dead." Hopper explained. “So we’re never going to have money problems.” Blueblood shook his head. "Not likely." Golden Riches said. "I also look forward to the income and funding reports for when we begin proper trade and tourism with the outside world." "Now that is something I know how to do." Blueblood nodded, having done a lot of work when it came to trade and tourism, especially tourism. Up next was who Blueblood was most eager to meet. The Changeling representative of Equis 99734 was just as Hopper described. The standard black body of Changelings Blueblood knew, but with purple eyes, wings and membrane like mane and tail. "You're highness." They gave a curt bow. "On behalf of my Queen, Queen Silk and Equis 99734, it's an honor to make your acquaintance." “It is nice to meet you.” Blueblood nodded politely. “I am Blueblood, what is your name Representative?” "Figgs." They answered. "It is good to see that our part in your kingdom's civil war allowed the rightful ruler to reclaim the throne." “And I thank you for helping my people Figgs.” Blueblood nodded. “Now, mind if I ask a few questions about your world? Considering…I just figured out multiverse travel was a thing today.” "Of course." They nodded. “So, my first question would be, what are the differences between this Equestria and yours?” Blueblood inquired to the special changeling. "Well, the first major difference is timeline. Yours appears far more ahead than ours. Back home Celestia still rules and your Princess Twilight is not an Alicorn. The dates all are the same but oddly your worlds events happened sooner than ours. Another is, of course, Changelings. The Changelings here are the only ones and their biology is actually different from my own, plus there is only one hive of Changelings here where as back home there are many." “That’s interesting.” He hummed. “Any other differences? Cause it all sounds fascinating how many differences a world can have.” "Well, a few. Some spells and magic work differently on the fundamentals but both still have the same outcome. Most sciences are the same and the only other major difference of note is some species here and there that are either not existing or slightly different." “Interesting.” Blueblood nodded. “Now…is there any dangers traveling the multiverse?” "Most dimensions have their own dangers. It can be the functionality of how physics or magic works or natives that call them home. We take as many precautions as possible." “That works.” Blueblood nodded. “So, mind if I ask…why did your people help my Kingdom fight off those barbarian’s that think they were ‘rebels’?” "Simple. Had they won, that psychopath Strong Jaw would have been in charge, had access to the portal to the multiverse, our dimension. It would have been bad for everyone had he had control over such power. So, it was in our dimension and your own best interest he did not have it." "That is fair." Blueblood nodded. "Again…such a grand civilization and it's people, doing worse than spoiled nobles in Canterlot…" "In a perfect world such issues would not be possible. In my hive we are all loyal to the queen, and while none dare disobey her, there are still some who seek more forceful interactions with the outside now that our hive is also starting talks of trade and tourism with our Equis." “I can understand that.” Blueblood nodded. “Alright, so any questions you have for me?” "I only hope for continued good alliances between our realities and kingdoms." “I will do my utmost to make sure we keep good alliances.” Blueblood said readily. With that, Figgs left and Blueblood was back to various backlogged work. He returned back to his chambers and home with a sigh, but smiled as the familiar scent of Saffron's cooking hot his nostrils. “Oh sweet mercy will I never get used to this heavenly scent.” Blueblood muttered in bliss, trotting into the kitchen to see what she was making. As he entered his chambers personal kitchen he saw Saffron, a smile as she stirred the pot and Rose, standing next to her, was writing in a notebook. "And now you just let it simmer for a few minutes and then serve." Saffron spoke. "I see." Rose said. "This recipe is very different from what I read in all my cookbooks." "Heh, well it seems the Sheepland Isles still have very traditionally Equestrian dishes. Hi Blueblood." Saffron said, noticing her husband at the kitchen doorway. At hearing Blueblood's name Rose rapidly made sure her mane was fixed up and closed and put her notebook down onto the nearby counter. "Hello my love." She squeaked out with a blush. “No no, don’t let me interrupt your lesson.” Blueblood chuckled, finding Rose’s reaction honestly cute. "Rose has been a big help. She helped guide me through a lot of the nobility introduction's and events I was asked to attend, since I'm one of the Queens. Well, not yet officially but many already consider me one. And I have been helping her with your likes, dislikes, and favorite foods." Saffron said. “Anything you cook would be my favorite Saffron.” Blueblood chuckled warmly. "And if I were to cook you a meal my beloved?" Rose asked meekly. “I would love to try it.” Blueblood said softly, wanting to give Rose a chance even if he still felt horrible about her…condition. She smiled, blushing. That night was the first Rose, Blueblood and Saffron all shared a bed. While all they did was sleep, Rose was beyond overjoyed. With a sigh, Blueblood kept his hooves around Saffron, and Rose kept her hooves around him. Four Months Later. Blueblood yawned as the last of the days paperwork and meetings was done. It had taken some time but he, Saffron and even Rose all fell into a simple routine. Blueblood did the usual paperwork and meetings. Saffron and Rose attended social events and often greeted the new influx of tourists and visiting nobility. Blue Spice had managed to keep up with his studies, his router helping the Colt in the basics of the Isles educational system and he spent time with Blueblood in classes the royals usually partook in. Mainly spells and combat. It was during one of these classes Blueblood learned what his Gift of Nobility was. Discovery. When Blueblood was actively searching for something, arrows and marks displayed only he could see, leading him to his goal. Be it something. Someplace. Someone. Or even something more abstract. It was also in these classes that Blueblood first heard his son speak. It was a single phrase, but it made him beyond happy. "Yes dad." To say Blueblood nearly cried would be an understatement. In these few months he and Rose had many official dates. And the mare, with Saffron's help, began to become more of a pony and less of the victim she was. Even if it was a little. Rose had discovered a love for adventure novels, a surprise talent in cooking all kinds of dishes and pastries, as well as a skill for electronics. Most of the advanced technologies of the Isles still confused Blueblood, but Rose managed to explain their use, how to operate them and even how they worked. "It's good to see you again, nephew." Celestia said.  “It’s nice to see you again Auntie.” Blueblood said with a smile. “How have you been?” "It's been amazing touring your kingdom. I had no idea the isles were so advanced." She said with a smile. Luna and Celestia we're two of the first tourists on the isles. “Yes, it was a massive surprise to me as well.” Blueblood said honestly. “Too bad that this ‘rebellion’ was only run by a bunch of insane psychopath’s that makes old Canterlot Nobles arrogance look like Fluttershy trying to ask a simple question.” Blueblood rolled his eyes. "True. Often times those who do such things often are not mentally the stabalist. It is lovely though to finally see this amazing kingdom and see it thriving under your rule." “The paperwork can burn in Tartarus.” Blueblood huffed. "Tell me about it." Celestia chuckled. “At least I figured out what my ‘Gift of Nobility’ is…I’m really good at Directions.” Blueblood said. "Sounds like it pairs nicely with your cutie mark." “Yes, it would have helped a lot.” Blueblood nodded. “Just wish it would have worked when I was looking for Saffron…” "From what I heard it only activates after wearing the crown. So can't have used it then anyway." Celestia shrugged. "I also met Rose. I have to say, I'm sorry she has been through that. But while I'm not sure how to feel on the situation she is happy." “Rose is…recovering.” Blueblood sighed. “And I’m happy about that…it’s still terrible what they did to her.” Celestia nodded. "Yes. What Strong Jaw did to that mare… crimes like that will always receive the harshest punishment. Aside from that, I have been talking to your mother. It's been nice catching up. Still one of the few ponies who can drink me under the table." Celestia chuckled. “That’s surprising.” Blueblood said in surprise. “Kinda thought you would have been able to out drink everyone after you retired.” "I've always been more of a casual drinker. A glass of wine or a bottle of ale or mead suits me fine but Luna…" Somewhere in the isles, a bar is host to the drinking game of the ages. Former Princess Luna and Former Queen Ruby Bark were both locked in an alcoholic grudge match. Luna and Ruby both had four bottles of vodka and two of moonshine empty next to them and each now had two large bottles of whiskey. "You ain't bad for a mare who's a thousand years old!" Ruby said with a laugh. "And you aren't bad for a mortal mare." Luna laughed. "Luna has always had a… very high tolerance for alcohol." Celestia stated plainly. “Best make sure they don’t drink all the booze in the country…make sure they don’t do something stupid…and get them a room if they accidentally start having sex with each other if they get too drunk…” Blueblood made a checklist of what to do just in case. "I'd be surprised if the last one happens. Luna has rarely ever gotten that drunk." Celestia said. "Plus your mother doesn't swing both ways." “Copious amounts of alcohol can do weird things.” Blueblood said. “I have personal experience, it got my Saffron.” Celestia laughed. "Fair. Speaking of how has she been? She and Rose seem to spend a lot of time together as the Queens." Celestia said. Blueblood remembered the day he officially made Saffron a Nobel of the Isles and remarried her, it was also the day he officially married Rose. Kissing her felt… different. Seeing her and Saffron kiss also made him feel… things. Saffron knew this and teased both he and Rose constantly with that information. His mother thought it all hilarious. “She’s been doing great…” Blueblood said, trying not to remember the blatant teasing. “Teaching Rose all sorts of things…and just being the best mare in the world.” "I'm glad. I also should warn you, Twilight is going to be coming as an official diplomatic meeting in a few weeks but we both know once she sees this place her old habits will pick up." “Yes, I do know that.” Blueblood said. “And I’m sure it’ll be hilarious to see the current Princess of Equestria acting like a foal in a candy store.” "It will make for good media for months." Celestia chuckled. "I heard you're opening up housing in these new undersea homes. I'm actually considering purchasing one. It's something new, gives me an excuse to come here more often, see you, Blue Spice and everypony, and instant access to deep sea diving. Best of my hobbies and I can stay close to family." “That’s good.” Blueblood nodded. “And…well, Blue Spice said ‘yes dad’ to me and…wow…” He said, trying not to choke up at that wonderful memory. "He's finally talking?" "Well, yes? He doesn't speak much. Not sure why." Blueblood admitted. "Maybe he'll be like Applejack's brother. A stallion of few words."  “Would make sense.” Blueblood nodded. “Just…wish he’d say more…hearing him call me dad was…the second best thing to ever happen to me…” "First being meeting his mother I assume." Celestia nodded. "So, any plans for giving little Blue Spice siblings?" Blueblood blushed a bit. Rose was still hell bent on having as many as Blueblood wanted. He and Saffron talked it over, figuring maybe in a year they'd try. “I mean…in a year maybe we’ll try for another…or…however many Rose desperately wants…” "Have you and her… done anything like that yet?" “Not…yet.” Blueblood said carefully. “I want to make sure Rose is…ready for it, not just because of some brainwashing telling her she needs to but…because she well and truly wants to.” "That is fair." Celestia nodded. "Well, I have some house tour appointments I'm going to be late for. I'll see you around, your Majesty." Celestia smiled and gave a quick bow before leaving. Blueblood sighed but smiled all the same and greeted the next meeting. Being King of this land wasn't easy, but he knew now it was home, and he'd put all it's potential to good use for the world.