Shattered Glass

by Lucky Seven

First published

The story of a man turned pony who finds love in a very unlikely place. Kill me for writing this please.

This is the first story I ever wrote, and I'm keeping it here to have a reminder of where I came from.

This is my original story in all of its glory cancer.



EDIT: Apparently this description has to be longer to upload this. This should just about do it.

Shattered Glass

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Andrew woke with a stir. He had been having a wonderful dream, but inevitably, it was ruined by his alarm clock. He wished he didn't have a job sometimes, but hey, it payed the bills. He decided he would turn on the TV and see what was on before he had to get ready for work since his shift wasn't until 8:30, and it was only 7:00. He was flipping through the channels when he landed on a network called The Hub. He decided he would see what was on it, it couldn't be too bad. Right? About a minute later the commercial break was over, and he was greeted with the image of what looked like an arena made out of clouds.

He grew more intrigued and decided he would watch it. That's when Rainbow Dash flew into view, and he realized what he was watching, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. His friends had told him about it but he'd never gotten around to watching it himself, due to work. After seeing the Sonic Rainboom he finally uttered his first words of the day. "What the hell is this shit? It's official, my friends watch the gayest show on the face of the planet." He turned the TV off and got out of bed to stretch and prepare for the day ahead. "Man, I hate work, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do..." he muttered to himself. He walked into the bathroom, took off his clothes, and hopped in the shower.

He turned on the water, and once again found himself thinking about the show. "Man, I can't believe people my age actually watch that shit, what could you possibly gain from watching a show like that!". But for some reason, he couldn't get the image of the show out of his head. "I gotta admit though, that Sonic Rainboom or whatever was kinda cool, I wonder what it would look like first-hand though", he thought to himself. "Wait a minute, why am I even thinking about that? It's a show for little girls, about ponies, it's stupid."

But yet, he couldn't stop thinking about the show. "GET! THE! HELL! OUT! OF! MY! HEAD!". It was as if he was screaming at his thoughts. After a few more minutes he finally got rid of the image that had been stuck in his brain, and he hopped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and walked over to the sink. He turned on the faucet, and then grabbed his toothbrush. He wet the end of it, and put toothpaste on it. He started brushing his teeth and after about a minute and a half, he rinsed off the toothbrush, then his mouth. He then took took out his razor, and was preparing to shave. He applied shaving cream, but the first time he moved the razor downwards, he cut himself on the left cheek. He screamed at the top of his lungs, "FUCK! THAT HURTS!"

He wiped his hand on his cheek, and to his surprise, when he pulled his hand back to his face, there was blood. "Man, I must have cut myself bad. Where the hell is the peroxide..", he trailed off. Normally, when he cut himself while shaving, he rarely bled, much like a paper cut, but this time was different for some reason. He decided that it didn't matter, and as soon as he was done applying the peroxide, he'd put a tiny piece of toilet paper on the cut, then resume shaving. Now it's well known that when putting peroxide on a wound, it can burn. BAD. This was no exception, and the second the cotton ball touched his cut, he felt like he would rather just let it become infected. But he decided against that, knowing it would be a stupid decision.

He finished fixing up his cut, and ripped a tiny piece of toilet paper, just enough to cover the cut, off the roll. he put it on the cut, and once it was able to stay there on its own, he went back to the sink to finish shaving. He looked in the mirror to see if blood was leaking down, but it wasn't. He lowered his head for just a second to grab the razor when he heard something shatter right in front of him. He looked up at the mirror, but there was basically no mirror to look at, just a few remnants stuck in the frame. "What the hell? Okay, it may seem weird, impossible, and ominous, but I need to stay calm," he muttered to himself. "But still, how does that even happen? Come on, use your brain Andy! Oh okay, it's probably just a manufacturing error," he tried to reason.

He leaned over the counter to get a better look at what remained of the mirror, and as he was looking at the frame, he heard a whooshing noise coming from the wall the mirror once covered. He turned to look and noticed something terrifying. The wall was now black instead of it's original beige color. It also seemed to be spinning slowly in a counter-clockwise motion. Suddenly the whooshing noise got much louder, and it felt like a tornado was ripping through his bathroom. He felt himself being pulled closer to the mirror every second. He was too petrified to even move, let alone scream. "COME ON ANDY, THINK! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS!?".

There was no getting out of it, as the vortex on his wall seemed to be spinning faster now. So fast, it seemed, that it was going faster than the speed of sound. He had tried to retreat back into his bedroom, and run out of the house, but the winds were to strong. It was as if a black hole had formed on his wall. Soon enough he could feel his skin being tugged on, and it felt like if he didn't give up and just let the vortex swallow him up, his skin would be torn clean off. He decided that it was useless to try escaping and let go of the metal banister he had been clinging to. He was sucked into the vortex and he thought his life had come to a very unlikely, not to mention, weird end.

He couldn't do anything as he floated through the void of nothingness. He went over his entire life, the moments with his family, all of his relationships, but the last thing to flash into his mind was none other than...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

He wondered what would happen to him now. Would he ever be released from this void, and if so, where would it take him? Home? A distant planet? Another dimension? All he could think of was where this void, or wormhole, or whatever, was going to take him. Suddenly he saw a faint light, it looked as if he was about to be released, but he was still wondering if he'd be taken home, or to a far away unfamiliar world. The light was getting closer, and he was silently thanking God, because to him, he'd rather wake up on a distant world, than die a horrible death at the hands of a black hole.

He was suddenly spit out, and the first thing he noticed was...

"Holy shit! I'm falling! Oh my God no! I don't want to die with a splat! I want to die with dignity!"

He hit the ground, and then everything went black...

I guess this is the part where I leave an authors note. I'd like to thank another author on this site, well 2 actually. Gunsmith and InsertAuthorHere, without them and their stories I would not have had the guts to write one of my own. Please leave all kinds of feedback, praise or criticism, inform me of any errors, and overall, just comment the hell out of this story! I'll be back with Chapter 2 pretty soon!

A Strange New World

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Andrew woke in a daze, his eyes still adjusting to the environment. Once he was able to see well enough, he realized he was in what seemed to be a forest, and a rather ominous one at that. He slowly started to get up, but realized he couldn't. His legs seemed... different, he couldn't move his toes, but was able to move his leg freely. He looked down at his legs and noticed something startling. They were a pale yellowish color, and where his feet should be, there were mere stumps. He starting freaking out and flailed his arms around, but then he noticed something. His arms were the same pale yellowish color as his legs, and they also ended in stumps instead of his normal human extremities. In fact, his entire body was the same color, and it seemed like the pale yellow color was actually hair of some kind. He then noticed something out of the corner of his eye, but when he tried to look at it, it followed his every movement. He realized it wasn't a creature, it was a part of him, but he wasn't sure what.

He was extremely puzzled, he turned around to get a better look at his surroundings, but as he did so, he noticed something. He had a mark on the left side of his waist, if it even was a waist, that is. He checked the other side, and sure enough, it was the same marking. It was like a vortex of some kind, almost the same as the one that he had been sucked into, but a mix of different blueish colors instead of black. It had small white dots in and around the vortex, with the vortex itself being a mix of light blue and white, and the very center of the vortex being a dark blue dot. That's when it hit him. Instantly, images of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crept into his mind, and he realized what the mark was.

He had seen the same kind of mark on Rainbow Dash for the few minutes he watched the show, but hers was a rain cloud, with a rainbow colored lightning bolt coming out of it. His friends had talked about these marks before when discussing the show. They were called "Beauty Marks" or something to that effect, and they were meant to represent your special talent. This is when he was hit with the biggest revelation of all. He had been transported to the Friendship is Magic universe itself, and he... was a pony!

He fainted from the shocking revelations and everything went black again...

When he woke up, he saw three blurry figures. One was orange, with a purple-like mane and tail, fuchsia to be exact. The next was a very pale color, like a light olive, with a light red mane and tail. The last was white with a light hint of grey, and had a light purple and white man and tail.

"Do you think he's okay?", said the white one.

"I dunno", said the orange one.

"Alright Cutie Mark Crusaders, let's go tell Fluttershy, maybe she can help him! We'll be like, like, messengers!".

Suddenly, in unison, they shouted out, "YAY! CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MESSENGERS!", and with that, they ran off down the trail and out of sight.

Andrew blacked out again, and when he woke up, the three ponies he had seen before were still gone, but in their place was a single pony. This one was much bigger than the, uh, Crusaders, or whatever they called themselves. This one was a pale yellow, though not as pale as Andrew, with a pink mane and tail.

"Um, s-sir, are y-you okay?"

"She must be really shy, and timid..."

"Uhh, yeah, but my head still hurts a little from the fall."

"The fall?"

"Yeah, I just sort of fell and landed here, by the way, where are we?"

"Oh, we're in the land of Equestria, but to be more specific, the outskirts of the Everfree Forest."

"Everfree Forest?"

"It's a really scary forest on the outskirts of Ponyville"


"You're not from around here, are you sir?"

"To be honest, I don't even think this is my world, see I fell through some sort of vortex, and when I came out, I found myself falling. I blacked out after that, and when I woke up, I was here."

"O-oh my."

"Can you tell me something, uhh?"

"Fluttershy, and o-okay, I'll try I guess."

"Alright, Fluttershy, can you tell me if anybody is around here that can help me find out why I'm here?"

"Anybody? Don't you mean anypony?"

"Well, where I come from, we don't say that, but I'll explain everything later."

"Alright, and I somepony who might be able to help."


"Uhh, my friend, Twilight Sparkle."

"Alright, can we go see her now?"

"Sure, me"

Fluttershy started to walk, and Andrew finally got up, although slowly, and started to follow her.

"So, Fluttershy was it? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, um...what is it?"

"You just seem really shy and timid, you're not scared of me, are you?"

"Oh no! It's just that I've never met you, and um...I'm kind of shy around new ponies I guess..."

"Fair enough, I'll drop the subject."

After about 15 minutes of walking, they arrived at what looked like the town square.

"Alright we're here, by the way, I never got your name."

"My name is Andrew"

"That's an odd name for a pony"

She motioned to follow her, and they started walking towards a large tree. It looked like it had been hollowed out and made into a home of some sort. How odd, he thought. Fluttershy knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, a purple pony, with a red,blue, and purple mane answered.

"Hi, you must be Twilight Sparkle?"

"That's right, and you are...?

"Uh, Andrew"

"That's a strange name. But come on in you two!"

We walked into her house and I took a few seconds to check it out. The bottom floor seemed to be a library, with a kitchen branching off to one side. He decided he would investigate the top floor later though.

"So what brings you to my home Andrew?"

"Well, I have a few questions, and Fluttershy said you might be able to answer them."

"I'll try my best."

"Alright, first let me explain how I got here. I was in...another world, or universe...? Anyways, I was in my bathroom, shaving, when my mirror suddenly shattered."

"That's very strange, continue though, I'm quite interested."

"Well, after that, it was like a vortex, or a black hole or something like that, formed in the spot the mirror had been. I got sucked into it, and when I got spit out, I was falling, and fast."

"Oh my, that s-sounds, t-terrible", Fluttershy added

"It was pretty terrifying, but as soon as I hit the ground I blacked out. When I woke up, I was here, and not on Earth."

"Earth?", both ponies said in unison.

"It's the planet I'm from, much like how you're from Equestria."

"Alright, I think I've heard enough Andrew"

"So what do you think Ms. Sparkle?"

"Please, just Twilight is fine," she giggled lightly while saying it

"Alright, Twilight, do you know why I'm here?"

"Well I'm no scientist, but I'd say what you got sucked into wasn't a black hole, I think it was uhh, how do I put this? A tear in between dimensions, or a rift to be more specific"

"A what?"

"A cross-dimensional rift. Umm... Oh! Okay, imagine the inside of this house is one dimension alright?"

"Okay, go on."

"Alright, and imagine the outside being another dimension, that's across from this one."

Twilight pointed at one of her windows, "Now imagine this window is what's keeping the dimensions apart, but if I open it, then things from either dimension can be thrown into the other one!"

"That... was actually a very good example..."

"Thanks, and now, if you don't mind, I want to take a look at you, I already know that you're a pegasus pony, but I want to look for any, let's say, irregularities."

"Alright, that's fine as long as I'm awake while you do it."

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check a few things."

"Alright, go ahead then."

Twilight walked up to Andrew and looked at his wings, they weren't damaged in the slightest, which surprised her. She looked at his cutie mark, and a thought came to her mind.

"Andrew, can you tell me what this cutie mark is supposed to represent?"

"I haven't the slightest idea, I know it shows off your special talent, but..."

"But what?"

"It's just that it looks an awful lot like the vortex I got sucked into."

"I see, so maybe this cutie mark represents that you are the only one here from another dimension, because that sounds special to me."

Twilight continued to inspect him, but when she got to his head, she noticed something odd. She moved his hair out of the way, and her suspicions were confirmed, he had a horn, but it was broken clean off, most likely due to the fall.

"Fluttershy, take a look at this," she motioned towards the shy pegasus

"What Twilight?"

"Alright we already know he has wings, but look!"

"Oh my, is that a horn too?"

"Exactly, but it's broken clean off, and I suspect it broke as soon as you hit the ground Andrew."

"So what? I have wings and a horn, what's the big deal?"

"Well, there are only three known ponies in existence with both wings AND a horn..."

"Well, who are they?"

"They are the rulers of Equestria, well, at least two of them are. The third is their niece. Their names are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance. Celestia and Luna are the royal sisters who rule over Equestria, and Cadance is the royal niece, who by the way, is married to my big brother."

"Well Twilight, so far they don't sound all that powerful..."

"Just wait until you hear this next part then. Celestia is responsible for the Day, and she actually uses her magic to raise the Sun at Dawn, and lower it at Dusk. Luna does the same, but with the moon."

"So, are these princesses like gods then?"

"Essentially, they have most of the traits of a god. Immortality, unlimited magical capabilities, the works. But Luna hasn't always been a ruler, about 1002 years ago, she revolted against her sister, claiming that nopony appreciated the night, while everypony loved the day. The evil eventually consumed her, transforming her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon."

"Wow, well what happened, why did she come around and rejoin the good team?

"Well, during their battle, Celestia wielded the most powerful objects known to ponykind, the Elements of Harmony. Using the Elements, she defeated her sister, and banished her IN the moon, for 1000 years."


"You can say that again. Anyways, about 2 years ago she was freed from her prison, and returned to Equestria to bring about night time eternal. But me, and five of my friends challenged her, eventually found the elements again, and destroyed the evil in her heart, thus transforming her back into Luna."

"Wow, well, is she grateful?"

"Absolutely, she couldn't be happier that she is ruling with her sister once again! Hold on, I'm gonna write her a letter telling her to come here."

Twilight wrote the letter, handed it to Spike, and he sent it out the window with his breath. They waited patiently for about an hour, when Andrew noticed a carriage pulling up. A white pony with wings AND a horn trotted to the door, and knocked lightly. Twilight got up and answered, and upon seeing Celestia, she asked her to come inside. It was then that Celestia noticed the stallion standing in the main room.

"Uhh, hi, are you Princess Celestia ma'am?"

"Why yes I am, and I came as soon as I got Twilight Sparkle's letter."

"I see, your majesty."

"Please, just call me Princess Celestia."

"Uhh, okay, Princess Celestia."

"Excuse me Fluttershy, but I need to talk to Twilight and this young stallion here alone."

"Uhh, it's Andrew"

"Alright," she said with a chuckle, "I need to speak with Twilight and Andrew in private."

"Oh, alright Princess Celestia. I'll see you guys later, and um, it was nice to meet you Andrew."

Fluttershy departed leaving Andrew alone with Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia.

Alright, that's the end of Chapter 2 of Shattered Glass. Sorry about ending it on a cliffhanger, but I promise there will be a payoff next chapter. Again, I'd love for you guys to leave feedback, positive, or negative, so that I can improve my story, and if you spotted any errors while reading, feel free to point them out, and I'll fix them. Again, thanks for reading Chapter 2 of my story, I promise the payoff in Chapter 3 will make the cliffhanger seem necessary. One last footnote, if you guys see any problems in the way the characters are acting, please let me know, so I can make them more like their TV show counterparts, because that is what I'm aiming for.


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"Can we talk in private real quick Twilight?", asked the princess

"Sure, we'll be right back Andrew"

Celestia and Twilight walked into the kitchen, leaving Andrew to wonder what they could be talking about that they didn't want him to hear. He wondered if he was in trouble, or if Twilight was in trouble for letting him into her home. He was also thinking of a new name for himself, in case he had to stay forever. It was a toss-up between Solar Flare and Wind Chaser. He decided he would ask Twilight and Celestia for their opinions when they came back to the main room. He could hear them whispering, but couldn't make out what they were saying, but he did hear his name as least once. Twilight and Celestia finally walked back into the main room, and Celestia started to talk.

"Twilight has informed me that you aren't from this dimension Andrew?"

"No, I'm not, but I also had a question I wanted to ask you two."

"Ask away," responded Twilight

"Well I've decided that if I'm going to live here now, I'll need a new name, Andrew just doesn't seem right, you know?"

Celestia spoke up once again, "Well, what name did you have in mind?"

"I actually have two, and I really like them both, but I can obviously only have one. The names I thought of are Solar Flare, and Wind Chaser."

"I for one, really like Solar Flare," said Twilight, and the princess nodded her head in agreement.

Celestia summoned a scroll and held it out in front of him, "Alright, just sign on the dotted line, and your name change will be official Andrew!"

Andrew tried to grab a quill, but didn't know how to pick it up without fingers. He thought for a second, and then realized he needed to pick it up with his mouth. He picked it up, but had trouble keeping it steady. After a moment though, he finally got in front of the paper and was preparing to sign when it dawned on him.

"Do I sign as Andrew or as Solar Flare?", he asked.

"Sign as Andrew since it is still technically your name," Celestia said with a chuckle.

Andrew quickly signed the scroll, and Celestia rolled it up and handed it to Twilight. He was no longer Andrew, he was now Solar Flare!

"Now, Solar, I need you to come back to Canterlot with me."


"It is the capital city of Equestria, where me and my sister rule over the land."

"Alright then, I'm ready when you are!"

"Excellent, let's go then."

They departed via magic, and were inside the castle in seconds. Solar stared at his surroundings in wonderment, he had never seen a more beautiful, more regal building in his life, and that's when SHE trotted into view. She had a sapphire coat, a cobalt blue mane and tail, and the most beautiful cyan eyes he had ever seen. He quickly found himself staring at her, captivated by her beauty.

"I see you have an eye for my sister Luna," Celestia whispered into his ear

Solar quickly blushed and turned away as Luna waltzed over to them to greet her sister. God, even the way she trotted was beautiful to him, there was just something magical about this Princess Luna. He had never believed in love at first sight, but he did now. Luna noticed Solar staring at her, and walked up to him first.

"Hello, my name is..."

"Princess Luna."

"How did you know that?"

"Twilight Sparkle told me everything about you and your sister. When she told me the story of Nightmare Moon, I couldn't help but feel bad for you, it must have been awful, having evil consume you like that!"

Luna chuckled nervously, "Well, you could say it was quite the experience, but I have a question. Why were you staring at me when I was trotting over here?"

This caused Solar to blush furiously, damn, she had noticed huh?

"Uh, well you see, it's um..."

"HE THINKS YOUR PRETTY!", interrupted Celestia. "Oh, I've said too much haven't I?"

Solar was blushing even more now and had to look towards the ground to avoid eye contact with Luna now. After a few seconds, he felt something on his shoulder, it was Luna's hoof. He looked up at her and she gave him a reassuring smile.

"There's no need to be embarassed, I'm actually quite flattered that you think I'm pretty! By the way, I never got your name?"

"It's, uh, Solar, um, Flare", great, he was sounding more and more like Fluttershy every second.

"It's very nice to meet you Solar, and again, you don't need to be embarassed, you are a stallion after all."

"Um, thanks Luna."

Luna turned towards her sister and started to say something, "So, what was so urgent about him, he's just a regular pegasus pony."

Celestia pointed at his head, "Go move his hair to the side, and you'll see for yourself."

Luna trotted back towards Solar and told him to stay still. He did as she said, and she looked at his head, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. However, when she moved his hair slightly to the left, she saw his broken horn, and freaking out, stumbled backwards.

"He's an... an alicorn?!"

"I don't get it, what is an alicorn?"

"It's a very powerful pony, possessing the speed and agility of a pegasus pony, the strength and endurance of a normal pony, and the raw magical abilities of a unicorn," said Celestia

"But what does it mean?", asked Luna.

"It means that this young stallion here, is the most important pony in existence."

Celestia thought back to 500 years prior, when it was foretold by the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded that one day, a new alicorn would reveal itself, and become the savior of all ponykind.


Celestia started to tell the prophecy to Solar, "Yes, it was foretold by the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded, that one day, a pony such as yourself would be thrust into Equestria by means unknown. The pony would face the greatest threat to ever loom over Equestria, and would come out victorious, and be revered for all time as the greatest hero known to ponykind. He would be looked upon as a hero by the citizens of Equestria, and he would rule over the land alongside my sister and I. That pony, Solar Flare, is YOU."

"What is the threat Celestia?", questioned Luna.

"Nopony knows Luna, but it is known that it will thrust Equestria into an eternal state of darkness and despair if nothing is done to stop him."

"I see"

"Yes, and Solar, this is YOUR destiny, YOUR future, YOUR fate. When this great and terrible evil comes, you will be ready for it, and will rise up against it. You will defeat this evil and become a hero to all of Equestria."

"Man, how did I get dragged into this?", Solar sighed in defeat.

Alright guys, that's it for chapter three, I know it's a bit on the short side, but I was running out of ideas. I'll make the next chapter much longer though, in order to make up for it. As always, rate, comment, favorite, leave your feedback, and follow if you liked it enough. The next chapter should be up by Monday, but no guarantees, after all, it will be much longer, as I'm aiming for about 3000 to 3500 words in it. Cya guys soon!

A Bold Decision

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It had been a week since Solar had met Princess Celestia and learned of his true destiny. It wasn't very reassuring either, he could tell you. Yet for some reason, it hadn't even been the main thing on his mind during that time. All he could think about was the mare of his dreams, Princess Luna. He had decided that he would grow a pair, so to speak, and ask her out the following day, as it was getting late. He had been staying at Twilight's for the time being, because she had offered, and he was just glad that she was nice enough to. Suddenly, he heard the front door being opened and walked to the living room to see who it was. It was Twilight, and he had been wanting to talk to her all day, but she had been at Rarity's helping organize her wardrobe.

"Twilight, thank Celestia you're back, I've been wanting to talk to you all day."

"What's on your mind Solar?", she responded.

"Well, it's not something, it's somepony."

"Awww, you have a crush on somepony?"

"More like I can't stop thinking about her!"

"Well, who is it?"

"I don't know if you'd find it appropriate..."


"What?! NO!"

"Well then tell me!"

"It's her sister..."

"You like Luna?"

"Yeah, it's not appropriate, I know..."

"How exactly is it not appropriate? You're both alicorns, and she doesn't even have a special somepony right now," Twilight retorted.

"I guess you're right, and I was thinking that tomorrow morning I'd head up the castle to ask her on a date."

"Well, you can't, I'm sorry."

"Why not? Do you think she'll say no?"

"Well, she's the Princess of the Night, so she basically isn't here during the day. You'd have to ask her at night," explained Twilight.

"Wait, so I could be over there right now asking her on a date?!"

"Yeah, go ahead and go, I can try teleporting you if you want."

"Sure, but Twi?"


"Can you come with me in case something goes wrong?"

"Of course, you're my friend now, and I'll do anything to help out a friend."

With those words, Twilight teleported Solar and herself to the castle. He was so nervous at that point, that he was shaking. Twilight noticed this and chuckled a little bit, earning a glare from Solar, but eventually he joined in. After a minute of walking, they were at the front doors of the castle. Twilight knocked quietly so as not to wake Celestia up, but to her surprise, Celestia was the one who answered.

"Where is Princess Luna at right now?", inquired Twilight.

"She had some business to attend to, but she should be back shortly." She then noticed Solar standing next to Twilight, "What brings you around these parts Solar? Is there something you wanted to ask me?"

"Actually, there is something I want to ask, but it's for Luna to answer."

Celestia quickly realized what he meant, and invited Twilight and Solar in for a cup of tea. They were talking about the goings-on in Canterlot, and Twilight was telling Solar how much he would get along with Rainbow Dash. Instantly, his mind replayed the events that transpired the morning he was sent to Equestria, more specifically, the image of Rainbow Dash performing a Sonic Rainboom to save Rarity's life. He decided he would introduce himself to her the next day, but let Twilight take care of explaining where he was from. Suddenly, Princess Luna opened the door to the study, and upon seeing the three ponies drinking tea, wondered what was going on. It was almost eleven at night, and her sister, Twilight, and Solar were relaxing.

Celestia was the first to speak up, "Luna, I believe this young stallion here has something he would like to ask you."

"State thy question Solar?"

"Uhh, well, it's um... gosh, I didn't think it would be this hard..."


"Would you maybe, I dunno, want to go out to lunch or something with me tomorrow?"

"Art thou asking me out on a... date?"

"I guess so, yeah, I just really like you, but I'd understand if you said no."

"Of course I'll go on a date with thou! I hath never been asked on a date before!"

Solar could do nothing but smile with joy, the mare of his dreams had said yes! He didn't even know what to say next. He just stared in disbelief. The most gorgeous mare in the universe had said yes!


"Solar! Wake up! You're going to be late for your date!", yelled Twilight.

"I'm getting up, I'm getting up..."

This was it, he was going out on a date with Princess Luna in just a little over an hour. He decided to go to Rarity's to see what she had in stock that he could wear. He quickly got out of bed and trotted over the the boutique. He decided to skip knocking since it was a store, and walked in.


"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!", greeted Rarity

"It's me, Solar."

"Oh, what are you here for darling? It's not like you need formal attire right now."

"Well, I actually do, I'm going on my first date since I came to Equestria."

"And who is the special somepony if I may ask?"

"I'd rather not say just yet..."

"Why not, I won't tell, I swear!"

"Alright, you promise?"

"I promise, now who is it darling?"

"It's Princess Luna."

"You're going on a date with Princess Luna?! You'll need the best attire for this occasion!"

"I agree, which is why I came to you Rarity, you are the best fashionista there is.

Rarity simply smiled at his comment and got started measuring him in order to find an appropriate suit.

"Now Rarity, please don't get the best suit you own, just something... nice."

Rarity winked and smiled at him and went to look for a suit. About 10 minutes later she came back with what he thought was the perfect suit. A white dress shirt, with a black jacket, black pants, and a blue tie. It perfectly matched Princess Luna!

"This is perfect Rarity! Thank you so much! You're a life-saver!"

He put on the suit,paid for it, and went back to Twilight's house. As soon as he got in the house, he heard a knocking at the door. He opened and there was the beautiful Luna, wearing a very stunning dress. It was azure blue, with hints of sapphire on the borders, with black pantyhose, and black shoes. She looked absolutely amazing.

"Are you ready to go Luna? I know the perfect restaurant."

"Then let us go, Solar."

This is where I'm going to have to leave off chapter 4 guys, sorry, but I've been really busy as of late. My entire family is out of town, and I have to manage an entire house with 2 cats and 2 dogs by myself. Let's just say, IT'S A BITCH! But not to fear, because I am at least about to start writing notes on what will happen in chapter 5. Obviously it will revolve around there date, but I want to brainstorm ideas for where they go, what they eat, and what they do. Thx again for reading guys. As always, like, favorite, follow, feedback. Until we meet again!

A Date Gone Wrong

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Solar and Luna trotted towards the restaurant and made small talk the whole way. Mostly either about how Solar had adapted or how Luna had been handling things since Nightmare Night. They did notice a few ponies giving frightened stares at Luna, while even more were staring in wonderment at this unlikely couple. They were both getting pretty embarrassed from all this attention to say the least. They finally reached their destination after about 10 minutes of trotting.

Solar trotted over towards the pony standing behind the podium, and started to talk.

"Reservations for two, the name is Solar Flare."

"Excellent, right this way sir, let me show you to your table."

Solar motioned towards Luna to follow him, and she quickly trotted next to him. When they were at their table, the waiter noticed the princess, and bowed, "Oh, princess, it's such an honor, I hope you enjoy everything."

"I'm sure I will," responded Luna.

"Would you like to hear our specials for the day?"

"That would be excellent," replied Solar.

"Alright, we have 2 specials for the day. Our first is a white bread sandwich, topped with daisies, daffodils, and your choice of either roses or bluebells. Our second special is a soup made with cream of chicken broth, consisting of carrots, peppers, seasonings, and other assorted vegetables. While I give you time to think, would you like a drink?"

"We'd love some apple cider," replied Luna.

"Excellent choice, I'll be right back with your drinks."

The waiter left, leaving Luna and Solar to talk about what they had done the past week. Luna talked about how people were still giving her odd looks even after the Nightmare Night, while Solar talked about how he was adapting to his new life as a pony. They were just finishing up their conversations when the waiter came back with their drinks.

"Here are your drinks, and have you made your decisions?"

"Yes," Solar responded, "I would like the sandwich special, with bluebells instead of roses."

"And I'll have the same."

"Excellent choice, your meal should be ready in about 10 minutes, but while you wait, would you like an appetizer from our selection."

"No thanks, we're fine for now," responded Solar.

"Very good, I will be back shortly with your food."

"Alright, thank you very much."

Solar wanted to ask Luna something at that moment, and she could tell. He was looking around nervously, clearly trying to avoid being questioned.

"Solar, what is wrong with you? You are acting very odd."

"I'm just nervous, it's not every day you go on a date with a princess, you know?"

"I understand, but try to loosen up, it's not like I'll banish you to the moon if the date doesn't turn out well, I just want to have fun with a pony who likes me."

"Thanks Luna, you're right, I should loosen up, but I did have a question."

"Fire away."

"Actually, I was wondering if I could ask it after the date."

"That is fine with me Solar."

They spent the rest of their time waiting for their food making small talk.

"Your food, two sandwiches with daffodils, daisies, and blue bells?"

"You got it!", responded Solar.

They spent the rest of the evening enjoying their food, making small talk, and generally enjoying each others presence. After they had finished eating, Solar paid. It was twelve bits, but he left a five bit tip to the waiter for being so friendly. They left the restaurant shortly after, and walked back to Twilight's house. They said their goodbyes and Luna left in her chariot. He then realized he forgot to ask Luna his question he mentioned at lunch, but decided it probably wasn't even worth the effort. He walked inside, content with himself, and went straight to sleep.

He awoke the next day feeling odd. He decided he would go to the mirror and see what was wrong. What he saw shocked him beyond belief. He was a human again! He quickly ran upstairs to Twilight's room, and woke her up. She was still groggy, but could clearly see somepony she didn't recognize. Her vision finally cleared up, and what she saw shocked HER beyond belief.


"It's me, Solar!"

"I don't believe you, now get out of my house!!!"

"It's really me Twilight, I somehow got turned back into a human!"

"This is what humans look like?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, I don't think I can venture outside of this house until we get me changed back."

Suddenly, there was a banging on the door. They went to investigate, and see what was wrong. When Twilight asked who was there, she didn't get a response, just more banging. Curious, she opened the door to see...


"No! It's me, Luna!"

"Wait," intervened Solar, "did you wake up like this?"

"Yes, I don't know what's wrong, and who are YOU?!"

"It's me, Solar. I woke up like a human again!"


The three ponies, or to be more specific, two ponies and a human, looked for the source of the yelling, and found that it was Spike. They waited for him to continue.

"Don't you realize what's going on Twilight?"

"Um, no. Why, should I?"

"Twilight, it's obvious what's wrong, it happened to you before, don't you remember, it was when we first met Zecora."

"Wait, Spike, are you saying the cause of this is poison joke?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying Twilight, can't you tell?"

"But we didn't even go near the Everfree Forest," stated Luna.

"Wait," interjected Solar, "what does this poison joke look like?"

Twilight thought of it, and responded, "It's a blue flower, with dark blue streaks on each petal, and it has a few bulbs sticking out of the center."

"Oh my god..."

"What is it?", asked Twilight.

"The sandwiches we had on our date last night. They were blue with dark blue streaks on each petal too. We must have gotten some poison joke on accident."

"Well," responded Twilight, "You two are in luck, I have a book with the cure in it. Spike, go fetch the Super Naturals book."

"On it!"

Spike came back a few moments later with a green book with what looked like a leaf drawn on the cover. He handed it to Twilight, who flipped the pages until she found the cure for poison joke.

"Ah good, the cure is right here, but unfortunately I don't have the supplies. You two wait here while I run to Zecora's to get the ingredients."

"Alright, it's not like we want to be seen right now anyways," Solar said with a slight chuckle.

Twilight and Spike left to go to Zecora's hut, leaving Solar and Luna alone.

"So," Luna started off, "this is what humans look like?"

"Yeah, I know, they're weird right?"

"On the contrary, you even look kind of cute!"

"Heh, you might think so, but in my world, I'm not considered very attractive."

"Well that is unfair, you shouldn't be judged by appearance."

"I agree, but that's Earth for you. So, any eventful things happen on your way here?"

"Aside from everypony running at the sight of me and locking their doors, nope."

Solar started laughing, prompting Luna to give him a glare. "Sorry, it's just that I couldn't even begin to imagine hw bad it would be if I walked out there right now," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that's true, I guess we do have something in common at the moment."

"So this is what Nightmare Moon looks like?"

"Yea, I know, it's scary."

"Not really, she looks kind of cool, but I'd prefer the real Luna any day of the week."

"Thanks, but I don't know why you find me attractive, nopony ever has..."

"Well, I do, and that's all that matters, you shouldn't let anypony else tell you how to act, or influence the way you look, everypony is perfect the way they are."

"That means a lot, thanks Solar."

"Hey, I'm just stating the truth, heh."


"It's just that, what would Celestia think if she saw you like that?"

"I think she would flip out, but she's a smart mare, she'd figure it out sooner or later."

"True, she does seem bright."

Twilight then barged in with the ingredients Zecora had given her. Had it really been that long since they started talking? They weren't going to complain though, they just wanted to be themselves again, or in Solar's case, his new form.

"Alright you two, this might sound a little odd, but you'll need to take a bath together."

"WHAT?!", they both shouted in unison.

"Well, it's a herbal bath, besides, you did just go on a date, didn't you?"

"Well yeah," responded Luna, "but we didn't get nude in front of each other!"


"Oh, yeah," said Solar, while Luna chuckled nervously.

"I'll go get the bath ready for you two."

About five minutes later, Twilight came back, and motioned for them to come to the bathroom. They both got in the tub, and could feel a tingling sensation all over their bodies.

"Yeah, that sensation you're feeling is the herbs doing their work. It'll be about five minutes before the effects of the poison joke wear off though. In the meantime, why don't you reminisce on your date from yesterday or something."

Solar and Luna both blushed, but agreed to keep each other company for the next five or so minutes. They spent all of those five minutes talking about their date, and how big of a disaster it turned out to be. They both laughed at the thought. It had finally been five minutes, and when Solar looked down, he could see his old, pale yellow fur, while Luna noticed her fur was azure blue rather than black. They got out of the tub, dried off, and Luna was getting ready to leave when Solar remembered something from the night earlier.

"Oh yeah, I still haven't asked my question?"


"The one I mentioned while we were waiting on our food."

"Ah, yes, well? What was it?"

After the events that had just transpired, calling their date a disaster, Luna being feared by everypony, and he himself being turned into a human, he was finally ready to ask his question.

"Want to go out again sometime soon?", he said with a sly grin on his face.

All Luna could do was simply smile at him.

That's the end of chapter 5, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I thought him asking that question after everything that had happened was pretty funny, but you may disagree. Now then, down to business. I'm about to be back on my normal schedule, since my family is back in town, and I can go to work again, so don't expect the next chapter until about Saturday, as I will be busy working a six hour shift on Friday. Now, that's not to say I won't be writing any of it on Friday, because I don't go into work until 6:00 in the evening. So I'll have plenty of time to write it before I head off to work, but I will spend Saturday editing, proofreading, and generally doing the finishing touches. Now, as always, rate, comment, favorite, follow, whatever, just give me some kickass feedback alright? Until we meet again! Oh, one more announcement, if any of you fellow bronies and/or pegasisters have an Xbox 360, with Halo: Reach, and a gold subscription, I'm going to be playing with fans tomorrow at around 6:00 PM EST, hope to see you there!

Solar's Real Talent

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Solar watched Luna leave in her chariot, and went to bed feeling content. He did nothing but think of Luna as he lied down to sleep, and a little smile grew on his face as he eventually dozed off. He woke up the next morning feeling exceptionally well, except for one thing. It was Sunday, he hated that day the most, though he didn't know why, he just despised it. He walked downstairs with a frown, singing a song from his world.

"You will release you life, joining with the god damned world of the dead and the lonely..."

"What are you singing Solar?" asked Twilight when she heard him.

"Oh, um, nothing, just a song from my world."

"Well, not to encourage you, but you sound like you would have the voice for that kind of song."

"Really? You think I have a voice that could be good for a heavy metal band?"

"Yeah, it's all throaty and scratchy when you sing."

"Maybe you're right."

He walked outside, and the first thing he saw was a flyer on the ground.

"Tryouts for new singer for rock band..." he read aloud.

"Want me to take you there?"

He jumped at the voice, but calmed down once he realized it was Twilight.

"Uh, yeah, sure Twilight, that would be nice."

She giggled, and quickly charged her spell, teleporting them right into a garage as a band was practicing. The band members looked stunned, but quickly regained their composure.

"Why are you two here?" asked the drummer.

"Um, I'm here for the tryouts..."

"Well, okay, but your cutie mark doesn't show singing as your special talent."

"Just give it your best shot," Twilight reassured him.

"What should I sing?" asked Solar.

"Whatever you want," replied the drummer.

"Why don't you sing the song from earlier Solar?" Twilight suggested

"Um, okay, here goes."

"You will release your life! Joining with the god damned world of the dead and the lonely..."

"You will believe the lie! Now do you think your too damn good for the killing kind..."

"That was great man, congrats, you're hired!" exclaimed the drummer. "But can I ask you something?"


"I've never heard those lyrics before, where did they come from?"

"Oh, um, they come from a band I liked where I came from."

"Okay, well, can you remember the rest of those lyrics and write them down? It'd make a great song."

"Alright, but I have to go see somepony for now."

"Alright, but here tomorrow with those lyrics."

"Will do!"

Twilight then teleported them back home. She was wondering what he meant when he said he had to go see somepony, but just decided to ask him.

"So who are you going to see?"

"Oh, I was gonna ask you if you could teleport me to Canterlot Castle again?"

"Ah, I see, you wanna go see your special somepony."

"I don't think she wants to be my special somepony..."

"Don't think like that! I'm sure she likes you!"

"Yeah, I hope you're right."

"I am, now hold on and I'll teleport you."

And with that, she teleported him all the way to Canterlot. He was standing right in front of the castle gates, and was nervous about asking Luna out on another date. But he really liked her, and even though their last date had ended up becoming a disaster, he thought this next one would make up for it all. He walked up to the doors of the castle and knocked, expecting a guard to answer this time around, but surprisingly, it was Luna.

"Oh, hi Solar, what can I do for you?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on another date sometime?"

"I'd love to, but it won't be for a little while. My sister and I have been dealing with a lot of issues these past few weeks, and it's getting even worse."

"That's fine princess, as long as I get to go on a date with you."

"Alright, well, do you want to come in for a little bit?"

"If it's not to much of a bother."

"Nonsense, I offered!"

"Well, okay then."

They walked inside, and Solar followed Luna to a strange purple and blue door.

"Whose room is this?"

"Mine silly!"

"Well, I'm not sure we should be alone in your room, it could give people the wrong idea."

"Don't be such a wuss Solar," she said, earning a glare. "Look, just come on okay?"

He simply nodded his head in confirmation, and followed her into her room. Once inside, he noticed the ceiling was painted to look like the night sky, and the walls were painted pitch black. The floor was more of a midnight blue, and her bed was azure blue, like her coat, with her cutie mark laid over the middle of it.

"This is a nice room Luna, it remind me a lot of you."

"Well, that was the main goal hehe..."

"Right, I guess that is true, so I sound kind of dumb now huh?"

"I don't think you're dumb, but I do want to know something."

"What's that?"

"Why do you like me so much?"


"It's just that I'm not used to this kind of affection, but why?"

"Well, it's a lot of things. I think you're the most beautiful mare I've ever laid my eyes on, you make the night what it is, a beautiful thing for those who want to accept it, and you're really nice."

"Ah, I see..."

"Is something wrong Lu-"

He was suddenly cut off by something, but he didn't know what it was. He opened his eyes to see that it was Luna herself. She had her muzzle up against Solar's and was kissing him. Not in the 'I need you right now' way, but in a more pleasant, first kiss kind of way. He started to kiss back, and to him it was like heaven, and he didn't want it to end. But as soon as it started, Luna pulled her head back, and the kiss was over.

"So, do you still care what the guards think Solar?"

All he could do was shake his head back and forth, as he was in too much shock over what had just happened to speak.

That's it for chapter 6, but there is great news, I'm off work until Friday at 5:00, so I'll have plenty of time to work on the next chapter and get it out before then. Also, sorry this chapter took so long. As always, rate, comment, like, favorite, follow, feedback, whatever. Until we meet again!

Acting Smug

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Twilight was getting annoyed by Solar. He had been acting smug all day, and she wanted to know why, so it was time to get some answers. She left the library to look for him, and found him talking to Fluttershy, who was blushing slightly. Now Twi was getting even more suspicious. She walked over to the two, and entered the conversation.

"Hey guys!"

"Oh, hi Twilight," responded Fluttershy meekly.

"What you guys talking about?"

"Oh, you didn't tell her Solar?"

"No, I thought she would make too big a deal out of it."

"Well, what did you do Solar?" asked Twi.

"Well, remember how I went on a date with the princess a few nights ago?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I went over to ask her on another date, and she asked why I liked her, so I told her."

"That's it?" Twi questioned. "That's what's got you so worked up?"

"Uh, well, after I told her, she kind of, um, kissed me."


"See, I knew this would happen," he stated matter of factly.


"No I haven't, you're just overreacting Twi. Calm down, please."


"Twilight, she kissed me, I just didn't resist."

Soon enough, a crowd of ponies had formed around the two, and were listening in while they argued.




The crowd gasped at how brutal Twilight was being to Solar, with many shaking their heads in disgust.

"I... You're right... You're right Twilight..."

Tears started to form in Solar's eyes and he ran back to the library. Twilight looked around at the ponies, who were all glaring at her with disappointment in their eyes. She lowered her head and slowly left the circle, walking back to the library to talk to Solar. When she was within view of the library, she noticed a faint glow emanating from inside. She was wondering what the hay was going on, and why. She slowly opened the front door, to see Solar glowing a bright yellow.