Drunken star

by Lieral

First published

During a double party made by Pinkie Pie, Twilight gets drunk and run away from the party, and Sunset need to stop her girlfriend before she hurts herself.

During a double party made by Pinkie Pie, Twilight gets drunk and run away from the party, and Sunset need to stop her girlfriend before she hurts herself.

P.S: It's not necessary read my other fics.

Never mix parties

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Sunlight came in through the window and a girl lying on a bed murmured.

"Just another fifty minutes..." Sunset Shimmer said before putting the blanket over her face.

"Ah think fifty minutes is too much, Sugarcube! We need to go to the school in forty minutes maximum!" Applejack said before taking the blanket from Sunset's face. "Besides, yah've been out of the school too long, won't yah' think?" She asked with a playful smirk.

"Sure... Just another seventy minutes..." Sunset said and turned her face to the left, away from the sunlight.

"Why did this time increase?" Applejack said and opened the window making Sunset twist.

"OK, you won... I'm getting up..." Sunset got up from her improvised bed in Applejack's house and yawn. "Morning Applejack!"

"Mornin' Sunset. Granny Smith said the breakfast is ready, Ah'm going ahead, 'kay?" Applejack asked already on the door.

"Yeah... I'm just a bit lazy, go ahead, I'll find you later!" Sunset yawn again and stretched herself, and with a nod Applejack leaves the room. "Well... Maybe I'm a Lot lazy," Sunset said to herself, and looked to the room around with a tired face, she've been using a guest room in Applejack's farm theres a week now, meanwhile she works to save some money. "Maybe I should begin changing my pajama."

With that comment she goes to the bathroom passing through a pile of papers, mainly homework and study materials, except for a 'ramdom' house deed. " And I'll deal with you later..." With that comment she leaves the room.


"Good morning," Sunset went downstair and found Applejack on the table. "Please say theres coffee,"

"Yeah, help yourself!" Applejack simply said.

"Believe me, I will," Sunset sit on the table and put coffee in the cup. "When I has difficulty sleeping I drink so much coffee that I'm probably chemically dependent now!" She said and took a happy sip.

"Ah could live without knowing that... Anyway, what do ya' feel by finally get back to the school?" Applejack aske while she eat her eggs and her sister enter in the room.

"Mornin'... Applejack, there's somethin' to drink besides coffee?" Apple Bloom asked looking inside the refrigerator.

"Yes, there's milk and juice, be happy!" Applejack simply answers.

"Thanks," Apple Bloom took a glass and put her juice on it. "Ah actualy don't know how yah like it so much Sunset!"

"Taste buds only develop for certain flavors over time, maybe you hate it now, but maybe in the future you like it!" Sunset said without much thought.

"Hard to believe, it tastes really bad!" Apple bloom said sitting on the table at her sister's side.

"If you say so... Anyway, how you're doing in the school? I'm going back today and I don't know how things are now," Sunset asked also without much thought.

"F-fine, nothing new at all!" Apple Bloom asked.

Wait... Is she blushing? Sunset thought, but she dicided to talk with her alone, and not in front of her older sister where she could be in problem.

"yeah, but that's definetly nothin' Ah' complain about, It's really good spend a week withouth fighting for mah' life... Most of times!" Applejack said.

"Now the only thing we need to fight is against our tests... I'm glad Twilight share her notes with me, start from the very begining would be almost impossible to pass with a good grade after all that time I'm off," Sunset took another gulp of coffee. "But I think we have to leave! I don't want to be late on my return to the school!"

"Said the girl that asked 'seventy minutes more'..." Applejack said sarcastically and Apple Bloom laughed hard.

"Ah like that one, Sunset! May Ah use it someday?"

"Go on! the only sad part is that your sister thought that I was joking..." Sunset eat some pancakes.

"Wait... yah really thought you could sleep for another seventy minutes?"

"I defenetly could, but now I'm more interested in that party Pinkie said she will throw for me!"

"When did she said that?" Applejack asked finishing her breakfast.

"First in the hospital and she send me a message to me yesterday sayng that 'today is the grand day, prepare yourself for a great surprise!' or something like that... I'm starting to get worried that I'm gonna get there and find the Queen Elizabeth!" Sunset said with a playful smile.

"Talkin' about royalty, Ah wanna know... In the end did you REALLY talk with your world's Princess Celéstia?" Applejack asked, Sunset's smile faded instantly and this got Apple Bloom's attention stoping her fork with pankake midway to her mouth.

"Well... I heard she almost got a heart attack when she knew I was coming... But we mainly talked about my situation... So... I don't think she has a problem with me, but I can't say I has personaly said I'm sorry for everything I've done..." Sunset's face was a mix between a guilty and a sad one, and Apple Bloom decided she could give a hand.

"Oh, look we're late!" She said without even finishing her breakfast.

"What? You're right... Big Mac should be waiting." Applejack leaves the room, Apple Bloom looked Sunset in her eyes, and the girl answers with a half smile and a silent 'thank you'.


Returning to the school after a long period of time was not that bad... It was worse!

"Seriosly, did someone actually care about that stupid ' Schrödinger's cat'? I just can't see how this information will change my life!" Sunset asked to her friends at their usual table.

"Well, actually I DO care about the cat, but I can't say I like that matter!" Fluttersy said as always almost inaudible.

"And you can't complain yet Sunset, you're back there's no more than a few hours!" Rainbow Dash complained.

"Well, and I don't know how you don't understand how hard it was prove something of molecular physics in that time!" Twilight said drinking a milk shake.

"C'mon, nothing coming from molecular physics is interesting!" Rainbow said with negligence, and before Twilight could answer Sunset said.

"Well, I won't say that theres nothing interesting... Graphene's only happened because of the studies in molecular physics,"

"And I think you forget that I'm not Twilight and I don't even know what exactly is graphene!" Rainbow said honestly

"I can explain!" Twilight said with her eyes shinning.

"I don't think this will be necessary, Twi!" Sunset said. "Probably she will listen with one ear and the information will run away by the another!"

"Exactly... Wait... What?" Rainbow said making the others laugh.

"Anyway... Pinkie, you said I should look forwad to my party, but I don't even know where you will throw the party," Sunset said wiping away a tear of laughter.

"Oh, right, it will be in my house, my parents said there's no problem, and they're visiting an old family friend," She put her hand inside her hair and took it away holding a piece of paper. "Here's the addres! It will begin at eight o'clock."

"Thanks! But I already know how to get in your house,"

Pinkie shrugged, "Someday this will be usefull!" She said and put the adress back inside her hair.

"But why so late, beeing you I thought it would be early... NOT complaining of course!" Sunset asked.

"So that all of us could get ready in time, silly!"

"Huh? How many people are going to go? I thought we would be just us!"

"Even if it's just us, I'm pretty sure some of us will want to look pretty beautiful for your... Little party..." Rarity said looking to Twilight.

"Well... I guess I can look forward to my party, just do not exaggerate Pinkie!"

"Don't worry, your party will be fuuully within the line!" Pinkie said smiling brightly.

'Just do not exaggerate Pinkie!' Sunset should has predicted the outcome... Almost a hundred people crowded the rock farm that Pinkie Pie called home, between them there's at least thirty students and even some teachers.

"Sooooooooooo? What do you think! Has you predicted that?" Pinki Pie said with her usual smile while Sunset tried to recognize everyone there... And failed miserably.

"No Pinkie... I never thought you will throw a party with so many people... Wait... there's some people here I've never seen before!" Sunset said looking at a guy with blonde hair and green clothes.

"Oh, do I forgot to tell you? I has a friend called Cheese Sandwich, today is his birthday. So I thought I could do a double party and we and the girls could meet new people!" Pinkie said.

Sunset smiled to Pinkie ,she never gets tired of those childish characteristics of her friend. "No problem! Am I the first of us to arrive?" She asked.

"Rarity and Fluttershy arrived some minutes ago," Pinkie Pie pointed to a big table, "There's food and punch at that table, help yourself while I'm watching over the party!" With that comment she leaves.

Sunset went to the table to pick up some punch while she wait for the rest of her friends, she observed the area around and noticed that most of the guests to 'Cheese Sandwich's party' are of age.

"Having fun?" A voice at Sunset's left said.

"Vice-principal Luna? I don't expected to see you here!"

"First, we're not in school, call me Luna! And second, Pinkie Pie invited me!"

"Got it... Where's Celestia then?" Sunset took a glass and fill it with punch, and just now she noticed that there's two bowls.

"She's... Humm..." Luna was interrupted by a side hug. "Here!" She said and looked at her sister, Celestia's usually white checks now were painted red.

"HEY Sunset! nice party isn't it?" Celestia said with a hiccup.

"Sister, are you drunk? How?" Luna asked holding her older sister.

"Isn't that obvious? Hiccup... One of those bowls has alcohol! Oh, but don't tell this to my sister, she will give me a hell of a lecture!" Celestia said with a great laugh, Sunset looked at her Vice-Principal and noticed that her checks has a furious shade of red.

"Well... What will you do?" Sunset asked to Luna.

"Well... She said I will give her 'a hell of a lecture', and I would hate to disappoint her," Luna said with a devilish grin to her yet laughing sister, but before she could say anything else she looked ahead and a more gentle smile appeared. "Besides, I think there's a beatiful girl just waiting for your atention!"

"What beatiful..." Sunset's phrase died middair. Twilight was standing in front of her girlfrind with a big blush and a small smile, she was wearing an one piece night blue dress with some small details resembling little stars, her loose hair is dancing with the wind and a different pair of glasses was matching the rest of her visual. Meanwhile Sunset's glass with punch is stoped midway to her mouth and Luna was holding a smile while her sister seems to be sleeping holding her arm and murmuring something like 'best pillow'.

"Well, I need to see something, I wish you a good party Sunset Shimmer." Luna said and leaves with her sister.

"Humm... Are you gonna say something?" Twilight asked to Sunset.

"Hummm... I... Humm... UAU!" that's everything Sunset could say in this moment.

Twilight smiled and approached Sunset. "I think I should take it as a compliment." She said.

"Definetly you should!" Sunset offered a glass of punch to Twilight.

"Thank you," The girl said with a smile and had a drink. "Humm... this one has a strange flavor... not bad!" Twilight said and drank the rest.

"Seriously?" Sunset asked. "Seems normal to me," She said while Twilight refill her drink.

"Maybe it's just my imagination," Twilight said without much thought. "Is yours normal?"

Sunset drank just a small gulp. "It's not so different from normal... Nothing to worry about!" She said with a smile.

"I'm not worried, I'm just trying to understand what's different this time," Twilight said and soon saw Sunset looking attentively at her. "What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking... When we meet each other, you barely could be in a room with many people, now, you're in a party and seems just fine!" Sunset said smiling making Twilight blush and drink all the punch at once, obviously Sunset giggled with that reaction.

"TWILIGHT! When you arrived?" Pinkie Pie appeared from nowhere... as always.

"Not too long ago," Twilight said taking another glass of punch.

"Good! Sunset, do you saw my sister?" Pinkie asked.

"Which one? The shy, the crazy or Maud?"

"The shy!"

"She was near that big rock!" Twilight asked drinking again her punch.

"Thanks, oh, now I remember! I heard someone put juuuussst a bit of whiskey in one of the bowls, I don't know if it's true, but take care with it anyway!" Pinkie Pie said before she leaves.

"Hehe, I don't know who did this, but from what I saw I think it was not just a little bit!" Sunset said with a giggle.

"Hiccup. Do you saw something, hiccup, strange?" Twilight asked filling her punch and drinking it with a single gulp.

"I saw Celestia completely drunk just before you arrived," Sunset looked at Twilight with a now concerned face, her brain finally suspecting something. "Hey, Twili... How many glasses have you taken..." Her phrase was interrupted by a deep kiss from Twilight, despite the sudden start of the kiss, it was very passionate and Twilight's soft lips pressing against Sunset's was a feeling that Sunset could be admiring all day... but still has just a very small problem...


Despite the excellents feeling's she could feel, her body still needs oxygen to survive, and her stock was starting to get empty, so, her natural reaction was to try to gently dismiss her girlfrind, but just when she tried Twilight hugged Sunset with a surprising amount of strength.

Some of Sunset's friends were passing close, but all of them just shared a small giggle and do not understand the desperate need for oxygen and passed straight, naturally she pushed Twilight a bit harder, but the girl answered tightening her hug...


She tried again to break free from Twilight, but her vision already started to blush...

*Meanwhile, inside Sunset's mind*



Okay, saying that she passed out is an exaggeration ... But that was close.

"Sunset! Sunset! C'mon, get up!" Her mind is still lazy, but Sunset could hear the voice of one of her friends, she sit down and looked around, trying to see the whole situation.

"What happened?" She asked dizzy.

"Well... After your small show with Twilight you seems weak and fall down, and Twilight ran away laughing like a crazy, I send Applejack after her, so, I think you has enough time to explain us exactly what happened!" Now Sunset finally managed to recognize Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie around her.

"I think she's drunk... Pinkie said someone put whiskey in the punch, and she never drank any alcool before... I think? This subject never appeared in our conversations before!" Sunset explained standing up.

"But if there's alcool in the drink shouldn't other people be drunk too?" Fluttershy asked.

"HEY YOU BUNCH OF MOTHERFOCKERS, LET'S PARTY! UHUUULLL..." Pinkie's sister, Limestone Pie screamed from somewhere.

"Ok... This does not prove anything!" Rarity said and was answered with another shout.

"LET'S DO THIS!" A familiar voice screamed, she seems to be somewhere with four walls, so the sound came out almost unrecognizable, but Sunset has a good idea to who she belongs to.

"............." Rarity observed the situation and finally said. "I think we really should be after her..." The other girls nodded at the same time.

"I just really hope I don't find who did it, because I'm definitely going to make that person pay!" Sunset said and all the girls went after Twilight, and not too far from the group Marble Pie had a mixture of fear and guilt imprinted on the face.

"Rarity, can you call Applejack? Ask her where Twilight is now!" Sunset suggested.

"Already doing it!" Rarity answered with her phone already in hand, Applejack answered the call really fast. "Applejack! That's so good you answered fast, where are you and Twilight?" Rarity asked fast and put the cellphone on so that everyone could hear.

"Humm... Yah know... The thin' is... I missed her!" Applejack's voice answered in a depressed tone.

"What? Ugh... No problem AJ, The night is a child, we has plenty of time to catch her... And find a way for her family to not find out... Where you are now?" Sunset asked trying to think where Twilight could be.

"Where Ah..." Applejack's voice failed, a small tone of guilt present there. "Ah'm close to that new cafe... In the corner..."

"Wait darling... Do not have a hat shop right there?" Rarity asked.

"Humm... Maybe?" Applejack said.

"I can't believe you let she scape because you were looking in the showcase!" Sunset said in the heat of the moment. "Humm... I'm sorry for being mad ... I know it was not your intention." She said after realize how rude she sound.

"Ugh... well... Ah guess this IS my fault, but where are you all?" Applejack asked.

"Not too far, I think we can get there in five minutes," Rarity said.

"Good, Ah'm waiting!" With that the phone call ended.

"let's go, I think we'd better go fast!" Sunset said taking the lead of the group.

"The faster the better, the author is already a bit idiot, I think that we should find her before it run out of ideas!"

"Humm... Pinkie... I... Has no idea about what you're talking..." Fluttershy said what every other girl were thinking.

"You came fast!" Applejack said to the upcoming group.

"Of course! what do you expect?" Pinkie Pie asked while searching for something insede her hair.

"Anyway, do you has any idea to where she went?" Sunset asked.

"No... But there are only a few places where she may have gone... I wish!" Applejack said looking at the four streets that connect on that corner.

"Well... She may be drunk, but she's still Twilight... Which means that she may search for a library or some other place she already know... Right?" Sunset asked to the small group around her.

"Makes sense to me..." Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie and noticed a small detail. "Pinkie... Why are you usin' sunglasses? It's already dark!" Apllejack asked looking at her friend, Pinkie Pie was wearing a sunglasses and pair of black gloves while chewing gum.

"We're in the middle of a pursuit! We need to looks cool in times like that!" She answered without hesitation. "Here, there's one for you too!" Pinkie said offering an identical pair of sunglasses.

"No, why Ah would... Sunset... Why you're wearin' it too?" Applejack asked to her friend while one of her hand hided her face with shame.

"Like Pinkie said, why we can't look good while searching for her?" Sunset answered also without hesitation.

"Ah just thought yah would be a bit more serious, yah'know, while we're searching for your girlfriend! Just look at Fluttershy!" Applejack said and felt a hand touching her shoulder, she turn back and saw Fluttershy wearing the same sunglasses and gloves as her friend's, there's just two small differences, Fluttershy wasn't chewing gum, but was holding a metalic baseball bat. "Ok Pinkie... Why yah give one of those to Fluttershy?"

"I'm running out of gum!" Pinkie simply said.

"Yah'know, give me one of those," Applejack said accepting her defeat

"Well style decided, what will we do now?" Rarity asked adjusting the glove.

"I think we should split up to look for her! There's a library on this street, the Sugar cube corner on this one and a planetary on this one... Now let's split the teams: Fluttershy and Rarity go to the planetarium, Applejack and Pinkie Pie to the Sugar cube corner and I will go to the library... Where's Rainbow Dash?" Sunset said and looked around searching with her eyes.

"No idea! She doesn't answer the phone." Rarity answered.

"Shame... Her power could be usefull!" Pinkie said

"No doubt... Let's go!" Sunset said taking the lead to the library.

With that the five girls went to their own destinations, but when Sunset started to run she stoped and called. "RARITY!"

"What's wrong? did you found something?" Rarity asked when she came closer.

"No... you'know... Do you think this could be considered a date with Twilight?" Sunset asked really concerned.

"What? No! Of course not! What kind of question is that... And mainly, why would that matter?" Rarity asked.

"I don't want to someday tell to her parents that she got drunk in our first date!" Sunset said looking at Rarity and Fluttershy.

"..." Rarity looked at Sunset during some seconds. "Okay... Maybe that matter! But no, this definetely cannot be considered a date, you're not even in the same place."

"Thanks, that makes me feel better! Now let's go!" They finally parted their ways, while they run in different directions Sunset thought 'Why do I send those two to the planetary?' But she threw those thoughts out of her head. She run throught the streets fast, looking for any sign of Twilight, but she didn't saw a single person during some hundreds meters, until a girl with a white hair covering one of her eyes came into view. Sunset obviously thought that her best chance to gather information would be now. "Excuse me! Do you saw a girl with a blue dress and violet hair around here?"

The girl seems thoughtful during some seconds until she finally said something. "Was that girl running and obviously drunk?"

"YES! She is!" Sunset said with a spark of hope.

"Nope! Never saw anything like that!" The girl said with a smile of someone accustomed to making little pranks.

"Seriously? Do you aspect me to believe in you?" Sunset asked with sarcasm.

"Maybe yes!"

Sunset sighed. "Well, what do you want for the information?"

"I don't know... Just make it worth!" She said with her grin getting bigger.

"What? Do you want me to humble myself?" Sunset asked with her bad mood clear in her voice.

"I never said anything like that! But I liked the idea, go ahead! Do it!" The girl said holding back a laugh.

"I don't need to," Sunset said triumphant. "I already know you saw her, and I saw from where you came! Thats hint enough for me! Bye!" She said and walk straight from where the other girl has come but was stopped by her.

"Tch! That's a boring reaction! That girl was close to the library, but if I was you I would go pretty fast, three guys saw her and thought that they may gain the night!" She said without much thought.

"WHAT? Thanks, I'm going now!" Sunset said but was stopped again.

"You'know, you're more interesting than Rainbow said, until next time Shimmer!" The girl said and obviously that brings questions but Sunset decided to think about it later.

She ran through the streets for another minute searching her way to the library, (a path that thanks to Twilight she knows very well), and called Rarity's phone.

"OH, Fluttershy calm down... Huummm... At least let me answer!" Sunset heard the strange answer and stopped trying to hear better.

"Rarity? Is everything okay?" She asked concerned.

"S-SUNSET! Hello! What's up? News about Twilight?" Rarity asked fast and breathing heavily.

"Yes, someone said she's close to the library... Are you alright? You're acting... Strange!" Sunset said.

"OH, at least wait until I finish the call! Huh? Oh, it's alright here! Anyway you go ahead, I'm gonna call Applejack and Pinkie Pie... FLUTTERSHY NOT HERE! Anyway Sunset go after her, we're going soon! BYE!" The call ended suddenly.

"Okaayy..." After the strange conversation with Rarity Sunset restarted her run, when the library finally came into view she soon saw three guys trying to talk with a very familiar girl.

"Like I said, don't you want an interesting night?" One of the guys asked, he was in the middle of the semicircle.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will enjoy..." The second one said.

"Sorry, I'm not interested, I'm already waiting for someone!" Twilight answered getting closer to the library's wall, her checks still has a small shade of red.

"C'mon! I'm sure that guy you're waiting won't be as interesting as us!" The third one said with a convinced smile.

"I never said I'm waiting for a guy..." Twilight answered.

"WAIT... You're waiting for... A girl?" The first one asked.

"Exactly," Twilight said, she finally thought that she will be free from this situation, but the second one interrupt her.

"That's even better," He said getting closer to Twilight that finally hit the librarys wall. "Call her too! I'm sure this party will get really crazy!" He touched Twilight's check with his hand.

"GET AWAY FROM HER! NOW!" Sunset screamed getting closer to the group.

"SUNSET!" Twilight called with happines clear in her voice.

"So... You're her friend, huh... I was just saying... Why you're wearing sunglasses? It's already dark!"

"Huh? OH! Forget it, it's a long story!" Sunset said guarding the sunglasses

"Like I said, we all should has a good time tonight!" The guy closer to Twilight said with a grin, he was wearing a red coat, contrasting with the other two that were wearing green. "What do you think?"

"I think Twilight and I will gently refuse your offer and will get back from where we came!" Sunset chose her words cautiously, but getting closer to Twilight each step at time, until she's really close to the one she suppose is the leader.

"I think you don't get it yet little doll! You're coming with us wanting you or n..." His words were stopped by Sunset's fist, feeling the threat in his voice she decided that if it was to get bad she would rather take a hit before the enemy gets ready.

"YOU BITCH!" One of the boys in a green coat shrieked and attached, but before his fist coul hit Sunset she kicked his crotch, due the pain his body curved and Sunset united both hands and hitted his head with it and his face hitted the ground.

The third one attached and Sunset simply avoided keeping her feet on the same place and the boy stumbled. The guy with red coat finally recovered and attached again with one hand covering his bleeding nose, she avoided the hit again and punched back but the guy avoided too and hold one of her arms firmly. "WHY DON'T YOU ATTACK NOW?" He screamed with a devilish grin.

"Okay!" Sunset said and punched his face twice with her free arm, the guy freed her arm and stared at her with rage.

"You slut will pay someday!" He said turning around and leaves calling his conrades to leave with him.

"Maybe later..." Sunset said to herself and finally remembered Twilight. "Twilight, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She asked looking to any sign of injuries, she looked at her girlfriend's face and saw a face of amazement.

"Amazing... YOU'RE MY HEROINE!" Twilight exclaimed and hugged Sunset tightly. "You were amazing! My hero in shinning armor!" She said happily, to Sunset that was a confirmation that the alchool still strong in Twilight's veins.

"I'm glad you're fine... Let me tell the others!" Sunset said taking her phone, Twilight decided that hug Sunset by her back may be good too, and Sunset called Applejack.

"Sunset! Ah heard Twilight is at the library! We're already commin'!" Applejack said while running.

"Don't worry, I'm already with her!" Sunset said while Twilight murmured something at her back.

"REALLY? That's amazin'!"

"Thanks, I think we should gather at Pinkie's house, is she okay with that?" Sunset asked.

"She said 'okey dokey lockey' so I think everything's fine" Applejack said.

"Good..." Sunset said relieved.

"What will happen if I kiss your nape?"

"What did you... AAHHHHH..." Sunset let escape an audible moan, she shut her mouth with her hand and blushed furiously while Twilight laugh and tries to kiss her again.

"....... Sunset... Was that a moan?" Applejack asked.


"WE'll gather at Pinkie's house, BYE!" Applejack ended the call.

"... Twilight... I'm really hopping you don't remember a thing tomorrow..." Sunset said guiding her girlfriend away.


"Never... Again..." Twilight said weakly before she vomit in the toilet.

"You need to think in the good side, Twilight... At least nothing really bad happened!" Sunset said holding back Twilight's hair. They were in Pinkie's house, long after the end of the party and the girl's were already sleeping.

"Did my brother call?" Twilight asked before she turn again to the toilet.

"Yes, he did! I answered and said we're gonna has a sleepover here, he seems happy with it." Sunset answered doing small circles on Twilight's back.

"Thanks... For doing it... And staying with me..." Twilight said looking at Sunset.

"Hey, that's what friends are for! And I'm evem more, I'm your girlfriend! I always will be there in moments like that!" Sunset said gently.

"You has no idea how much I want to kiss you right now..." Twilight said

"Maybe after you brush your teeth!" Sunset answered smiling. "Besides, after all this night, I think you and I will be awake until morning taking care of that hangover."

"Don't remember me... My head is killing me..." Twilight leaned in Sunset's shoulder.

"Hey, Twilight, when you're talking with those guys you said you're already waiting for someone, how you know I was after you?" Sunset asked finally remembering the scene.

"Because I know you will always be there for me!" Twilight said with a smile and Sunset blushed.

"Well, now I'm the one wanting a kiss!"

"The offer is still standing." Twilight teased.

"Well... like I said, just after you brush your teeth,... besides,I think we will has a good time together alone." Sunset said fondling your girlfriend's hair.

"Yeah... I can live with that!" Twilight answered weakly.

"C'mon," Sunset said with a smile. "Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make some coffee for us." She lift up of the ground with Twilight And both of them went to the kitchen, getting ready for a loooong night.