> All The Right Reasons > by Nugget > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Towers Irish Pub > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m obviously not drunk enough. Can I get another round in this bar? I think, no! I do need another glass of cider at this point, otherwise the overwhelming amount of mental pain will crush me inward. No! Fancy Pants and I aren’t breaking up! Why would you think up something like that? We are madly in love with each other and have a healthy relationship! Nothing is wrong with us at all! It’s true, and I’m willing to defend it as well! We’re financially stable, competent with our marriage, and looking forward to kids one day! It’s a match made in paradise and I’m happy to call him my wonderful, caring husband! The problem is all of you ponies! That’s right, I said it! You’ve all called me an airhead, selfish, careless, air headed unicorn with my eyes only set on the wealth of Mr. Fancy Pants! You all thought I was a gold digging whore with no care in the world for the real man I’ve come to love! Yup! That’s it! All I want is his money! What in tartarus kind of ideology is that?! I only want his money, psh! If that was the case, I would have married him sooner than the TWO YEARS we’ve dated before our engagement. I would have made love to him sooner, boosted his spirits, and then live in the luxury of his mansion while sipping on martinis while Octavia Melody played a private concert for me and him. Sound nice. Right? Well, that didn’t happen. We, like every other sane pony, took it slow at first. I’d just recently gotten out of the Royal Guard at that time and was readjusting to the life of a normal pony. Man, oh man, was Fancy such a tremendous help at the time! He came in and helped me out in more ways than one. First off, he got me a job with a local photography and modeling studio, practically jump starting my career towards being a fashion model. Next, he proved a roof over my head by letting me stay in a condo he owned outside of Baltimare. Lastly, he treated me with kindness and respect even when I felt like the poor mare that I was. In fact, Fancy never saw me that way. He picked me up, brushed off the dust, and treated me like I was worth everything to him. How could one not fall in love with a man like that? So, that’s how our relationship can to be. To him, he said it was like, “Treating a diamond that was thrown into the roughest of conditions. She’s still worth it in the end, but needs a little bit of picking up, washing off, and then shining once more.” I was his diamond, and he was my pearl. Such a gentle stallion he is! I’ve encountered such a kind, gentle equine that can see the best in any given situation. You don’t believe me? Well... For example, he once complimented an upcoming fashionista named Rarity. He called her style “charmingly rustic,” despite the fact other elitist said her dresses were something along the lines of hideous! Screw them! Let them be all up in the clouds with their ideas of being better than every other pony below them! Don’t they know their head is full of the air of they breathe? Well, certainly I should know since I look like I’m not wanting to pay any attention at all! I look like I’m always dreaming, not caring about a worry in the world. Well, guess what sweetie, it’s true. I don’t really care anymore since I do have Fancy Pants. I’m in love with him, what’s wrong with a mare swooning for her stallion every now and then? Why can’t I cling onto him for the personality he holds? Oh, my! Why can’t I just be a lady and fall for him? Oh, no! I must be strong and look like I don’t fall easy for guys with money! Psh! Please, you can kiss my ass. I know those marriages don’t work out in the end, anyways. I’ve heard the songs, heck everypony has heard the same old song and dance before as well! The mare falls for the man with money, marries within a couple months, and then finds out his love isn’t all that cracked up to be. Either he is abusive or not around her all the time due to reasons beyond her control, such as the fact that he never even loved her to begin with. Oh, the irony! I guess love came back to bite you in the ass, missy! Meanwhile, and like I said, me and Fancy took it slow for a reason. Besides the fact I was rearranging my life, him and I wanted to make sure we were falling in love for all the right reasons. We wanted to make sure we wanted each other, for each other. We wanted it to be that we loved each other for the ponies that we are and not because of any other outside factors. For example, he didn’t want me just because of my looks. Yes, I’m pretty, but that shouldn’t be the only reason why he would fall in love with me. Meanwhile, on the other hoof, I didn’t fall in love with him because of his money, no surprise there! He wanted to make sure I loved him for the nice, gentle stallion he is. To which, I did. Same went with him to me. So, I guess I shouldn’t be all up in hooves over what others are saying. Maybe If I remained so keen on the truth of the matter, then maybe it should provide me enough ignorance to block out all the gossip and rumors other ponies love to keep spreading on about him and I. However, I know I’m drunk, so I guess my filter just fell and burned to crisp. So, yes. That’s what I think about this whole situation. I’m Fleur Dis Lee! I’m happy to have Fancy Pants and you can’t do anything about it! So why does it give you the right to say something? > This Life is Mine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked at myself in the mirror and ask, “Is this life really mine?” I had to think about this since opinions and control can be one in the same. Ponies all the time will try and tell you what’s best for your life, and that some decisions you make might lead you down the wrong roads. Spoken from experiences that they once faced, they wanted to feed you with the best intentions. I had to think about some of them. The ones I thought about are the same ones where they tell me that I’m not strong enough to do it either physically or mentally. They say that I need to stay within my bounds and never deviate from the norm. I’m a mare, thus to do something that wasn’t lady like was utterly preposterous! I’m supposed to be as delicate as a flower, and not as hard as a rock. I’m told that I need to fit into the ideals of what a lady was supposed to be by those elitists. In the meantime, I couldn’t act like the true roughneck I was in the Royal Guard. They wanted to chain up that attitude under the sophisticated shroud of an upper social status. They wanted me to forget about my fighting spirit since it’s something that brought trouble to my hooves. I’m not supposed to bite back and say what I truly feel and want to express. I had to lock that way. I believe they’ve tried to mold me into another one of their pawns. I’ll admit, when I hung out with these ponies, I was a little bit scared of their notaries. They were influential equines, business leaders, and politicians that I have grew up with since I was a little filly. Some of them were my personal heroes. To meeting them was awe inspiring, but to know them was another story. At first, I listened to what they had to say and took their advice to heart at times. It seemed like what they said were great lessons to hear and learn from, but l wasn’t aware of the game they all liked to play. I never saw the world through their eyes, like how any important pony would view others. I felt like a fool. I was blind from the truth, and it took me having Fancy Pants to explain how they all really acted. He had to tell we why they talked to me the way that they did. He opened my eyes up to the reality of what I had gotten myself into. They all wanted to conquer each other. Fancy Pants said this world was full of dogs who only wanted to eat each other for the money or power they possessed. Greed was their fuel, and they wanted to make sure that no other pony stood in their way from obtaining whatever they wanted in the end. It’s their goal to seek out and eliminate all the opposition which could barter them from their desires. You couldn’t believe the rage I flared up once I knew the truth. I wanted to turn around and punch the mirror before watching it shatter and fall to the ground in pieces. I’m not a pet to them! They don’t own me! They shouldn’t think that they are better than me! Don’t they know that in the end we are all equal and that their obsessions don’t add any value to their life? How shallow are their minds? …. I won’t be like them. I refuse to bow down to their idea of a classy lady. I have no desire to be a stuck-up brat who can’t do anything except ask my husband to pick up on the tasks I can’t complete because I’m a mare. I won’t let their influences control my mind any longer since I’m the only one who serves me. I’m my own master. I won’t let their riches possess my will since I’m fine on my own. This life is mine and I owe nothing to them! I have a right to ignore their words and not let the poison of their thoughts dictate my actions. I’m fine with who I am and the choices I made, even if they aren’t ideal or sound. I made that choice, and I’m willing to face the consequences even if they rear up and kick me in the face. Heck, I might have deserved the kick to the face, but I learned from it on my own. I took the mirror and threw it out the window. I’m done with the image of they wanted me to be. I’m ready to move on with my life and not look back. I’m ready to shock them all when I tell them to kiss the flank they’ll see when I go down my own path towards happiness. It’s what I want to do, and not the idea they would be happy with. Oh well! They can all sit there, crying and moaning over their cups of tea. In the meantime, I’ll carry my bottle of whiskey proudly as I take myself down the untraveled road. I’m going to wear my outdated clothing, go skydiving sometime, or take a camping into the forest. I don’t care! I’m going to be the true rough mare that I was born to be! I’ll make my own fire, cook my own steak meals, and then eat them up with more BBQ sauce than what’s held at a steakhouse. As for my husband, I know he’ll be right next to me the entire time. He gives me the strength to believe in myself. That’s another reason why I love him, and thank him for being the best thing that has ever happened in my life. He gave me the power and vision to see pass all the crap. He told me that I have the will to never be like any of those ponies. I’m Fleur Dis Lee, and that’s the only pony that I need to be!