Beyond the Cutie Map

by alexphoenixwing

First published

Galacon 2017 Fanfiction Story 3rd place winner. The Map sends everypony past the borders of Equestria, past Griffonstone. to a little country called Germaneigh.

Galacon 2017 Fanfiction Story 3rd place winner.

Usually, it is not very common that someone’s original characters make it into the actual show. Well, for good reasons of course. But did you ever ask yourself how to tie-in a pony like our very own mascot Canni (or for that matter: Sanni and Wachmann as well, if you want) into an actual episode? We did. You as well? Great, then we want to invite you to share your ideas with us.

The Mane six, Starlight and Spike are send over, past the borders of Equestria. To help out in a friendship lesson.
They will discover new friends and an old enemy.

Chapter 1

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Past the Cutie Map


Alex Phoenix Wing

Dear Princess Celestia,

It has been a long time since I have spoken those words.

My adventures have taught me a great deal.

About myself, about others.

And my relations to many, many ponies.

Even indirectly as it turns out.

Something I haven't considered, even if I perhaps should have.

But let me start from the beginning...

The Map room was rather busy. Seven ponies and a dragon were present.
The local princess was having a breakdown,

“The map is sending us all past Griffonstone!? How do we know where we need to go? We can't see that far!” She all but screamed.

Indeed all seven cutie marks hang opaquely on the edge of the map. Pinkie interrupted,

“Sure we do,” She walked to the side opposite of the marks and pushed against the table.

“See?”She spoke as the map moved. It kept showing more of the world, Not unlike a spotlight. The marks simply floated along until they came to a halt.

Rarity got an excited look as she started to recognize part of the new region,

“Oh, there is Prance! Can we sto..” Her face fell slightly when her mark didn't so much as pause near it, answering her incomplete question.

With a few more pushes of Pinkie, the marks started hovering over a landmass.

The others blinked and looked back to where the map had been placed originally. Slowly but surely they realized the distance they had to travel.

Spike climbed on the map.,

“It says here, it is called Germaneigh.”

Starlight's horn lit up immediately and her magic grabbed a book off the shelves behind her. It opened one the first page as it got closer before it started hovering in front of her.

“A...”She muttered, grabbing a few pages and turning them over,

“Czequestria, why even call a land that?” She grabbed a point in the middle and opened it again,

“Prance. Neigherlands, L..K.. H.. ah!.. Germaneigh!” She opened the book and put it down, letting the others see the map on the page, even if it was a little difficult getting all seven to actually see it.

Everything was silent until Fluttershy spoke up,

“How are we going to get there?”

Twilight's response was to roll up a scroll and levitating it to Spike. Spike needed little instruction and with a breath of fire the scroll left the building.

“I booked us a sky chariot,” she clarified before continuing,

“It will take us at least ten hours to get there. ”



The sigh of annoyance in Twilight's voice was clear as both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash kept asking if they were there yet. Pinkie being a high strung ball of energy and Rainbow Dash being an athletic pegasus hating to be cooped up. Rarity took to the class of a private sky chariot with ease. Fluttershy was less enthralled by the whole thing but seemed to enjoy the experience. And Applejack... Applejack was hyperventilating, muttering about it not being natural to be this high for an earth pony.

Starlight was comforting Applejack.


A loooooong time later, the Chariot landed on unfamiliar soil.

Applejack raced out of the structure and smashed her hooves into the ground, sighing in relief.


A short train ride later, they were leaving the station of a minor village. This village was the closest to where the map had send them, as far as they could tell anyway.

“Soooo, now what?” Starlight asked.

The others looked at each other, and shrugged,

“Usually we just walk around town and the problems find us,” Rainbow said.

Starlight's eyebrow just rose in annoyance,

“Really? Seems like more of an excuse to....OOF! HEY”

Starlight called out as some pony ran into her.

The 'some pony' was a young mare, with a tan coloured coat and a red mane. On her flank was a red cross with a green snake surrounding a pole.

“I am sorry but I need to keep moving,”

She was ready to run, when Applejack stopped her.

“What's goin' on, Sugar-cube? Maybe we can help?”

Rainbow smirked when Starlight's eyes found hers. The message was clear.

“Well...” The mare trailed off as an armoured stallion stopped in front of them, a smile appearing on her face as she recognized him.

“Wachmann!” the gray-furred guard looked at the group before his eyes grew large as he looked at Twilight's wings and horn.

“Your majesty,” he bowed.

“Sani, bow down too!” The mare that had bummed into Starlight looked confused but followed suit. Twilight just looked uncomfortable.

“Just what is going on?” The stallion snapped to attention,

“We are members of a convention celebrating the diversity of Equestria. Our guests, two members of the Elements of Harmony have vanished.”

The seven ponies and dragon from Ponyville looked at each other.

“Are you sure, darling?” Rarity asked,

“I mean, I am pretty sure they are wonderful mares bu..” The guard interrupted,

“These are stallions. Not mares.” Dash couldn't help herself,

“How can stallions be the elements?” Sani cleared her throat,

“They are actors playing the parts. Almost everything happens in Canterlot and the stories are really popular.” Twilight smiled.

“So the stories of the Elements of Harmony inspires plays here?” Sani nodded.

“I have seen almost all of them. It is kind of my job at the convention.” Rarity blinked,

“You watch plays at a convention? I am sorry, we are rather new in the area.” Sani blushed,

“No, I don't watch at the convention but it has always been popular so we...kind of build the convention around it...?” There was an awkward silence. The mare seemed to be expecting an outburst as the seven ponies and one dragon just stared at each other. Sani coughed,

“The. eh. Plays are said to be rather child friendly and have a certain stigma attached as a result. But we remain very popular. We even got a few actors and writers to come here,” Wachmann grinned and leaned forward

“And Mrs. Scratch.” The mare turned a bright red in an instance. Clearly blushing from an embarrassing recollection.

“And then you asked Canni for a Bizaam and was launched out the city. How can I ever redeem myself from that? YOU MADE THE WHOLE CONVENTION LOOK BAD FOR VINYL!!”

Spike waved when the girl looked at the group and realized that she might have done the same to some very new ponies.

As the young mare was being consoled by both Spike and Fluttershy, the rest of the group choose to get things straight.

“You have a convention about stories about the Elements of Harmony. Which are also being turned into plays?” She looked uncertainly at Wachmann, who nodded,

“You have Purple Smart, Tree Kicker, Yellow Quiet, Song Smile,” He paused as Rainbow Dash couldn't stop snickering louder and louder with each name but continued anyway,

“SquiggleTail,” Even more laughter,

“and Speedy Cloud,” Rainbow Dash stopped laughing, while the others started to laugh. The guard ignored it.

“Later plays have also included a character named Glim Glam.” Starlight found the surrounding area of much more interest all of a sudden as she felt her friends' eyes upon her. “and two of the actors we had gotten have disappeared.” Applejack looked at the guard, a curious look on her face,

“Why are you tellin' us this? You are speaking to strangers,” Wachmann blushed and looked at Twilight,

“Because she is a princess and she could solve this.”

“Hold on!” Rainbow interrupted, “You expect us to do the work for you?” The stallion flinched,

“No but I know who you are!” He lowered his voice,

“You ARE the real Elements of Harmony and you would not leave ponies who act in your name behind!”

Applejack looked at her friends.

“He ain't wrong about that. None of us would. So I suppose it would be one of those investigations?” Twilight agreed,

“We need a place to get all the information and to make a plan.” The guard seemed to think a little,

“I can best bring you to Canni, the organizer. We were looking for them on her orders anyway. She would appreciate the help.”

Sani also seemed to have calmed down. As the group walked through the main street she and Spike were talking animately about the things she has seen the last couple of conventions.

Wachmann lead them to a large building, everypony and a dragon entered.

They maneuvered through several hallway, before they stopped in front of a door. The plague on it simply read MANAGEMENT.

Wachmann knocked and opened the door, entering a dark office.

The only light that was apparent came from the lights from the hallway.

“Close the door.”

It was a low voice. Sani sighed but did it anyway.

Pitch black, absolute silen. “Marco!”

Immediately six voices piped up in annoyance, “Pinkie!”

A desk lamp flashed on, aimed directly at the ponies in the room. In the play of lights and shadows the silhouette showed a mare with a suit on and wearing sunglasses. Her hoof returned to its other half as she leaned her head on her hooves.

Then the mare spoke

“Get in the robot, Sani.”

In the light, both Wachmann and Sani slapped their hooves to their face.

“No, wait!” the shadowy mare exclaimed, “We live in the shadow to serve the light, we are con organizers!” A pause of silence, “Not good enough? Planning Cons by Moonlight, AARGH!!”

Suddenly the room turned bright, Spike was near the door his hand on the light switch. The extra attention made him blush, “Found it?”

He proclaimed sheepishly although pausing as the former shadowy mare let out a series of expletives that would make a sailor blush. Or at least some of the current company she held.

With the lights on, Canny was revealed to be a beige and dark red earth pony. Both Sani and Wachmann walked to Canni's side and tried to explain what had happened in the time they were gone. At the end Canni nodded as she looked at the eight others in the room.

“Well, I suppose it is fitting that the Elements of Harmony save the Elements of Harmony from what ever danger might come.” Rainbow got a cocky grin,

“Can't let our reputation be ruined after all.”

“Indeed, Our three guests are Berry Punch, who plays Song Smile, Elusive, who plays Squiggletail and Juniper Montage, a mare and a producer of a few of the plays. We have somepony following her, of course.” Canni showed some pictures of the characters in costume. Rarity in particular seemed very interested, even if she did roll her eyes to her new counterpart's role.

“When did they vanish? Were there any witnesses?” Wachmann shook his head,

“Unfortunately, we only know that were called down separately from their hotel room to talk about the convention. According to the hotel staff it was a mare with Canni's description.”

“IT WASN'T ME!!” Canni burst out, “It must have been an evil clone!”

“Definitely evil, if they kidnapped people,” Pinkie pointed out. “So Mirror Pool?” Canni blinked,


“Time Travel?” Pinkie continued, “Magic Spell? Alternate universe? Secret android?”

“What are you talking about?” Canni interrupted.

“Ways to get two of you?” Pinkie replied, “Oh, I know! Changelings! They are definitely evil!”

Twilight dismissed it, “Thorax is busy rebuilding the changelings, remember? They aren't evil.”

“Chrysalis.. is though,” Starlight spoke, “and if she was anything like me, or even worse. Who knows, she might have another hive? We dealt a blow to her and her forces, She might want to try to get them back to full strength. It would seem logical to place it outside our range. We are here only because of the map. Much like the first time we have met,” A sad smile, “I don't think it is such a stretch because it is what I would have done differently.”

“Canni?!” Sani's voice was filled with worry. Everybody turned to see that the mare had gone silent and there was little bravado in her now panicked eyes. She was breathing heavy.

The only thing she saw were those damned green eyes.

“PTSD,” The soft but firm voice of Fluttershy came, “A flashback to a previously traumatic experience, it has no cure. One can only learn to live with it and even then it can come back,”

Canni couldn't help but look into Fluttershy's eyes. They radiated something; confidence, safety, a will. Everything she needed right now.

Slowly the green eyes she feared faded into a soft blue. Her breathing calmed as she was hugged by Equestria's kind pony. Her eyes closed.

Sani smiled as Canni seemed to relax a bit.

“So bugs?” Applejack spoke, “What happened that caused that reaction?” Twilight sighed,

“I can imagine it has to deal with Changeling pods, seeing everything you have worked for destroyed and possibly a few other things. We know what it is like.”

Applejack looked down, fighting down her own memories, “We had each other. We had friends.”

Twilight looked at Canni, “Not everybody is as fortunate, or as open. She could have been harbouring this for years for all we know. This is why we talked to Celestia and all those other ponies.” Rainbow blinked

“Wait, they wrote down all the stories I told about the Wonderbolts and they weren't publishers? I thought they were going to bundle them and sell them! That's a bummer.” Rarity leaned in,

“Would you ever going to talk to them about what you really were afraid of otherwise?”

“Y-yeah, I would. I'll even do that next time.”

“Girls!” Twilight took control, “The point is, if Chrysalis is here and she is trying to raise an army once more, WE NEED TO STOP HER!”

“by any means!” Starlight voiced her thoughts, “I am not letting her get away again!”

Twilight nodded in agreement, as did the others. They turned to the door as one.

“Twilight? Do you know where she is?” Spike asked.

As one they turned around again, awkward smiles on their faces. Spike sighed,

“That's what I thought.”


An hour later, Twilight and Starlight had turned an empty room into a full blown detective office.

With maps and charts and photos all connected to each other by red wires.

Fluttershy and Sani had taken a sleeping Canni home, Sani telling them that her sister hadn't slept much at all with the convention coming up.

The rest had decided to take in the sights as it were, also to scope out any weird behaviour.

Rarity had taken it upon herself to dress in her Shadow Spade costume, claiming if she were do investigation she might as well look her best.

Starlight had mentioned to Twilight that the group was also something else, something that didn't sit well with the alicorn, bait.

The group of ponies would be very noticeable and a prime target for an adversary who had a focus on them in particular. That meant her friends were in danger, and that was unacceptable.

But she pushed those feelings down as she continued reading reports for anything that might give a clue where the hive could be.


Two hours later Starlight Glimmer groaned as she read through another report which had little information that would be help full.

“Why didn't we send out for help? Have the Royal Guards here?” Twilight looked up from her own papers,

“You can't simply march in with an army. Shining Armor didn't become Captain of the Guards for nothing. And you know how I was in my youth. I learned a thing or two from him,” Twilight blinked. Starlight looked at her.


“I just had an idea,” Twilight's magic started grabbing all kinds of rapports and other items in the room, “If we can't bring an army, technically they can't either. As they grow, they can't hide as easily and they need to feed as well.” Starlight nodded, although a little confused, “We know changelings feed on positive emotions and love is a powerful source of food for them,” Twilight continued, “But what is love? I love to read, I love my friends, but what if a giant buffet of positive emotions is coming soon. A place where friends come together to celebrate themselves and everything positive. If one would have a way to feed on that, store that energy.”

“It would make us very powerful indeed. Princess Twilight Sparkle”

Twilight knew what her error had been, she had been worried about her friends as bait but as with Nightmare Moon she had left herself exposed. Herself and Starlight who had been the ones to defeat the queen and they could call themselves prime targets as well.

Chrysalis walked in, A few changelings were with her. Enough to cut off any escape.

She looked at all the work they had done, “Such good work. Such comprehensive writing. So close to uncovering the hive, yet so far... unsuccessful.” She glanced at her opponents, “Tell me, are you worried about your friends?” She smiled, “Yes, you are. You ponies always are. I know where they walk this very minute but don't worry, I won't attack them..yet. No, first I will summon for our little nurse, our caretaker if you will. She has done her job tremendously. Little Canni Soda has been delivering us love every single year.” Twilight's eyes narrowed. Chrysalis saw and laughed.

“Never willing of course but Canni and her little friends are great at gathering joy in certain areas but far enough from your reach. Until now.”

“And in the meantime, you kidnapped two actors? Starlight spoke up. I know Rarity and Pinkie Pie can be a handful at times but seriously kidnapping actors who play those parts? How does that fit in you plans?”

“Do you really think I can't see what you are doing?” the queen spoke, “Your silly distractions. They won't work!”

Twilight and Starlight simply looked at each other. Twilight sighed.

“So what is it you want? Rebuilding your hive? We can work together on that. You know we have have love in abundance. We don't have to be enemies for us to share that love, in fact it would be better if we were friends.” Chrysalis looked in disgust.

“We both have seen what kind of monsters they would turn into if we did that. ”

A new drone entered the room, “My queen, we have retrieved the ponies.” Chrysalis laughed.

“Excellent work, Bring them in!” Three pods were brought in the room. Each contained a single pony.

“Kindness, our Caretaker and her sister. Excellent.”

Another drone ran in, this one a little more panicked.

“My queen. There appears to be a group in front of the building. They are demanding to see the organizer,” The drone seemed unhappy, “They claim to have seen her being transported by pod.”

Chrysalis blinked before turning to the drones, “YOU DID WHAT!!”

The drone looked at its queen, “You wanted the ponies as fast as possible. This drone calculated that this was the fastest way.”

“Take the pods away, transform into Canni Soda, take her suit, and fix this!”

The door closed as the changeling drone followed orders. A crash was heard outside. Chrysalis let out pitiful moan, “Now what?”

Seconds later the door flew open once again and the dimwitted changeling landed at Chrysalis' hooves.

“What is going on?” A voice answered her,

“He cracked open my pod to take my suit.” Canni readjust her suit, “I just had to give him a hoofbump in thanks for freeing me.” Canni looked at Chrysalis,

“Just as I will to you for taking such good care of my convention.”

Canni drew her foreleg back. “Biiiiiiiiiii-,” a light began to shine on her hoof. She raised herself up to a two-legged stance and ran towards the changeling Queen. “ZAAM!!” Canni smacked her hoof in the abdomen of Chrysalis.

It was like time had stopped in that very instance. Nothing happened. No sounds were heard.

“Was that all?” Chrysalis questioned. Canni grinned.

“You have already been defeated. It has already been decided.”

Chrysalis blinked as inertia suddenly resumed, launching her painfully against the wall and then the force increased even further, the wall cracked and the changeling queen flew through it. She looked at the bright blue sky as she was flying over the city.

What was the point? She had been defeated thrice now. Canterlot, at her own hive, now here. Her speed dropped off as she passed the arc of her flight. Her landing spot seemed to be a big fluffy pink pillow so at least that would be okay. Maybe things would be different next time around.


Canni dropped back on all fours after the punch that ejected Chrysalis from the building.

The changelings, now leaderless, followed Canni's orders and released Fluttershy and Sani.

After waiting for the rest of her friends, and for Canni to speak to the group of fellow convention organizers who were ready to storm the place, the changelings showed the group the entrance to the hive, Twilight groaned when she learned it had been the very next storage area.

They discovered that the two kidnapped actors were preforming for the changelings and telling their stories to a very appreciative audience, all of them had shiny sparkling wings.

Both actors had confessed that while initially creeped out, the audience pretty easily won them over. If possible, they would love to come back.

Twilight had asked Spike to send a letter to Thorax to let him know they had found a secondary hive. Even if he was busy running his first one.


Canni asked Twilight and the others to stay a while, visit the convention since it was based on their adventures.

Stories travel far and wide, much farther then I imagined.

There will be ponies inspired by those stories.

And in time, history will undoubtedly turn into myth and myth will turn into legend.

But for now ponies will come together, and make friends because of our adventures.

And that is the perfect gift for me.

Twilight looked at Rarity and Elusive who were asked for a photo together, same as Pinkie and Berry. Rainbow and Juniper Montage seemed to have hit it off due to a shared love for Daring Do.

Rainbow Dash was also popular in her own, as a member of the Wonderbolts.

Fluttershy and Applejack were left alone for the most part, which suited them both just fine. Although both were swept up in the enthusiasm of the convention, Applejack's love for competition shining through.

Twilight status as princess was enough to get multiple requests for signings.

And Starlight seemed to take a chance to make new friends.

Canni walked over to her.

“And how do you like?” Twilight smiled.

“It is perfect. Maybe you can invite us here officially next year?” Canni laughed.

“Maybe we will.”

Your still learning student,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Spike, if you would?” She called out, handing the item to him

The dragon looked at the scroll and with a cheer from the audience, made it vanish. The green smoke traveling from one end to Equestria to the other, where two princesses were waiting to hear from her.

The end.