The Conversion Bureau: Waking From a Nightmare

by Kyonko802

First published

Pulled into a fight he wasn't sure humanity could win, one man may help shape the future.

I'm not going to lie.

Things are looking bad. In fact, they're looking downright ugly from where I'm standing.

The world is on the edge of a knife, with the humans on one side and the ponies on the other, but everything isn't as black and white as The Almighty Princess Celestia makes it out to be.

That barrier is coming for us, and we have two choices.

Die... or be remade.

Not very good choices.

My choice?


1: Rebellion

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A/N: The new chapter for Parallel will be up shortly after I get this one going. Things in this will be different to an average CB fic, I'm putting my own spins on it, giving it my signature.

My name is Kyle Grey.

I'm twenty-four years old.

I'm writing this to caution future generations.

Trying to explain everything would take a long time, all I can tell you is my own story.

It came without warning.

I remember exactly where I was fifteen years ago when it all started. A new landmass appearing literally out of nowhere, and the energy of that landmass spreading out, consuming everything. I remember the riots, the people dying.

What I remember most is my parents getting cut down in a swath of gunfire.

Trying to understand the chaos that now plagued humanity was an exercise in futility.

The energy from the island was only the beginning.

Quarantines were set, entire towns vanished inside the energy field, people who refused to move or couldn't get away in time were cut down by the barrier and prevented from leaving by the military surrounding the area.

When a town was consumed the military would pack up and go somewhere else.

Scientists everywhere were in a mad rush to figure out a way to stop all of this, but nothing was found.

We thought we were living the worst of the nightmare, we were wrong.

Shortly after the riots in London started, THEY came.

Their appearances were deceiving, and their words were like honey to those of us in danger.

"Come to us, and we will help you."

Thousands flocked to the strange creatures from a new land.

Suddenly, the work to stop the barrier was ignored, and new work began, work on a serum.

A serum that would change us into one of them.

Hooves, a mane, a tail, four legs.

Taking this form would save us from the energy field...

At a price.

Kyonko802 Presents:

The Conversion Bureau: Waking From a Nightmare

Chapter 1: Rebellion

The city of Seattle was preparing.

Preparing for the energy field that would be there in two year's time. The field had already made it to eastern coast line, and there was no transportation to another place after the western coast. As soon as the states were consumed America was done, and I happened to be stuck there.

In those final days I was working in a local Conversion Bureau built at the edge of the city. Food had no taste, I garnered no joy from my job, and the ponies walking the streets were becoming more and more common.

I knew I faced a choice, at least they called it a choice.

Convert myself into an Equestrian citizen or suffer death from the energy field.

Every day the field grew closer, and every day was a day closer to my death.

The ponies would greet me on my way to work with smiles on their faces.

"Good morning."

"How are you doing?"

"Rough weather we're having, eh?"

The buildings were adorned with propaganda posters that might as well have been pulled right out of 1984. Pictures of the Great Princess Celestia, her subjects bowing before her in complete and utter awe, the sun rising behind her.

On the street corners ponies handed out fliers, "Visit your Conversion Bureau today."

None of it felt right.

None of it.

I had a simple job, writing down ID and Social Security Numbers as a way to keep track of a converter's identity.

Then there were the stories I heard.

Equestria was in the middle of an economic collapse.

Most of the ponies didn't talk about it, but I could hear it being whispered as they trotted to work, or in a back alley they thought was private.

No society was economically ready to take on an extra billion people in such a short time, so it was a given that they would take a hit.

I was just living out what little remained of my life.

I didn't like it, no one did.

The worst part was the pity.

They felt sorry for me, knowing I would either die or give up my humanity.

That was the worst part, because if it wasn't for that damn energy field...

We might have been able to coexist.

"Kyle, hey, Kyle."

I was pulled from my thoughts by the voice of my boss. The Conversion Bureau was a renovated hospital building, white walls and the smell of medicine and cleaner. I faced the waiting room behind a glass pane and a desk. The converters would hand me their information, I would take note of it, and then they would proceed down the right hand hallway.

"You alright?" I looked down below the desk and barely saw the brown mane of my boss.

"No," I said honestly.

Ever since he had been converted, he was... different.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"I don't think so, sorry."

He didn't question further, simply walked back from wherever he came.


Another mindless work day, I started to shuffle to the bus stop just outside the Bureau. The scenery at the edge of the city was at least nice. The ponies had taken great care and built gardens and trees that lined the streets. Traffic was at a minimum, and public transportation was at an all time high.

Most people and ponies walked, or took carriages and buses.

It was as I approached the bus stop at the edge of the street that I heard two female ponies from the bureau speaking in a hushed tone. I recognized them as the Equestrian natives that worked in the reeducation section of the building.

If I kept walking that day and let them hide their secrets as they noticed my approach... everything would have been different.

Instead, I held back and eavesdropped on the conversation.

I don't know why I did it, nothing was prompting me to.

As far as I was concerned humanity was pretty much finished, and all I could do was sit back for the ride.

Until I heard the conversation that changed everything, at least.

"Did you hear there's been another attack?"

"Oh no. Where at this time?"

"Colorado. The Conversion Bureau was hit when the shift workers went home, completely obliterated."


"There wasn't even a threat. The ponies that were working overtime disappeared, and the place was blown to bits."

"You're kidding, has there been a press release?'

"What would the Princess say? That's been the third attack this month, it seems like they're more organized than she thought."

"That's insane."

"They say... Twilight Sparkle was seen in Colorado three days before the attack."

The second pony lurched forward and covered her friend's mouth, "Shh, you shouldn't talk about that. You know what happened to the last pony that got overheard saying her name by the Royal Guard."

The friend batted the hoof away from her mouth and frowned, "I know, but I just... at first it all seemed fine but... I don't know how to put this."

"It all just feels wrong?" I asked loudly, approaching the bus stop with my hands in my pockets.

The ponies gasped and went completely silent. I suspected that if they were human I would have been able to see the blood drain from their faces.

The first pony started shaking slightly, "Y... you heard everything?"

It almost seemed like she was afraid of me. That was the standard, even if they felt sorry for us, it was just as easy to fear us. "Relax," I said, making my way towards them and sitting on the small bench. They moved slightly away from me as I continued, "Who's Twilight Sparkle?"

The second pony trotted away from the bus stop without a word, clearly wanting to avoid association with either of us. The friend she left behind frowned, "She... she was... once a very loved pony."


"We shouldn't be talking about this. You're name is Kyle right? I've seen you at the front desk."


"I... I'm sorry. I wish there was another way to save your lives, I really do."

I was constantly reminded left and right that the ponies meant well, but how did that old saying go?

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions," I said softly.

The rest of the wait was silent, as was the ride back to my small apartment.


My apartment building was as cheap as one could get in Seattle. It was ground floor of the building, so it was easy to move all my stuff into it, but that was about the only advantage that came with it. Even the stairs and hallways snaking through the building were coated in some sort of grime that worried even me sometimes.

It was all I could afford given the meager salary that the bureau was paying me.

I would have given anything to have my old job back.

I was ready to relax as best I could, go to sleep, wake up, and do it all again the next day.

At least until I felt cold metal press against the back of my neck.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move."

The voice was female, I could tell that much, and I sure as hell didn't recognize it.

"That's kind of a given," I mumbled.

"You really don't care if you die, do you?"

I let out a harsh laugh, "What difference would that make? So I get offed a bit early."

"I saw you talking with those mares. Why is someone like you working at a Conversion Bureau?"

"Someone like me?"

"Human, and it looks like the way things are going doesn't really sit well with you."

"Gotta pay the bills somehow."

That was the only purpose I had left.




No friends, no family, no girl... nothing.

Whatever she was pressing into my neck, it dug a bit deeper, "So that's it? You just give up and let it happen then?"

I shrugged, "What difference does it make? I'm a dead man walking, everyone is."

"What if I told you there was another way?"

"Then I'd call you a liar with an extremely sexy voice."

"Wh... what's that even got to do with..."

"Listen Lady, I don't know who you are or what I've got to do with you, but if you're planning on killing me or something I'd like it if you stopped beating around the bush and did it."

"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to kidnap you." This was said in the most matter-of-fact way possible.

"You're wha..."

I felt the pain surge through my body as God knows how many volts raced through my nervous system, locking everything up from the tips of my toes to my eyeballs.

I hit the floor with a dull thud and felt something sharp stab into my arm.

"You're gonna take a little nap. Don't worry, when you wake up you'll be safe."

Before the last of the world around me faded away, I caught a glimpse of purple.


Dreaming in any way, shape, or form with the world in the state it was... that was something to be proud of. I remember since the incident started I stopped being able to recall my dreams. This might seem like something childish, but I missed those dreams. Even before the incident I could hardly recall them, but I knew they were there, and every once in a while something that happened inside of them would stick with me.

At that time though? At that time all I could see was the darkness. Fifteen long years without a single dream, my parents ripped away from me and the world changing around me.

There was no rest, and there was no reprieve.

Not from what was coming.

And dreaming in the other sense of the word?

Completely out of the question with death creeping up on my entire species little by little.

But that time...

I didn't know if it was under the influence of whatever drug she had given to me, but I dreamt of a beautiful woman.

I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was beautiful because she spoke to me.


Just my name, nothing greater than that...

But when she reached out with a hand, I didn't hesitate to take it.

She didn't lead me anywhere, we just stood there and enjoyed the warmth of each others' company. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, so I just stood there.

Stood there enjoying the moment.

Moments like these never happened anymore.


"I think he's coming to."

"Alright, make sure the binds are tight, we're the first thing he's gonna see and we don't want him to freak out on us."

I felt something tighten around my wrists and ankles, and my eyes snapped open.

"Kyle Grey?"

I saw them the second my eyes opened. Colts on either side of me, both Earth ponies dressed in little lab coats.

I started to struggle against the bindings, "What the fuck are you doing?! Let me go!"

"Mr. Grey calm down, please, we're not going to hurt you!"

"Fuck you!"

White walls, bound like an animal to a gurney, surrounded by ponies.

Those three facts alone were enough to tell me what was going on.

"What are you two doing? I gave you your orders!"

I recognized that voice.

My struggles ceased, and I began to actually take in the environment around me. I was indeed strapped down to a gurney, but there was no IV drip, and none of the equipment required for a conversion. I was in a small white room.

I strained my head to look at where the voice had come from, the door, and saw another pony, this one a purple unicorn. Her mane was a bit haggled, and was a dark purple with two streaks running through it, a lighter purple and a magenta respectively. Her tail waved back and forth, and I could see the agitation in her eyes.

"But Twilight... we were just following..."

"Procedure, yes I know. I am also clearly aware that I'M the one that made the checklist for bringing in new recruits, you don't need to remind me."

The colts looked at each other as if they had no idea what was happening, this was clearly not normal behavior for 'Twilight'.

One of the colts turned to her, "But I don't..."

Twilight glared at him, "This one is different, he doesn't need to be screened."


"I spoke with him personally. There's no trace of the conversion drug, his eyes weren't dilated when I brought him in, and best of all, he HATES the Bureau."

The colts looked unsure of themselves, but after a moment relented and left the room without a word.

Twilight's horn glowed, and the binds tightening me to the gurney were loosened, "Where am I?"

Twilight smiled and scuffed the ground with her hoof, "Well, I kind of kidnapped you, I'd like to uh... apologize for that."

I sat up and gave her a flat stare, "Apologize?"

She grinned sheepishly and looked to the side, "Yeah. I wish we'd have had more time to talk so I could explain, but I was already messing up my own checklist, and I didn't want to break procedure THAT much, especially with how many ponies there are in that apartment building."

"And why am I here, exactly?"

"Well, I would like to say I chose you purely because you have potential, but that's not the reason. I do need your help though."

"My help with what?"

"Stealing research."

"... Excuse me?"

"I told you back in the apartment there was another way. What if I said we were on the verge of an amazing scientific discovery right under Princess Celestia's nose?"

"I'd still say you were lying."

Twilight frowned, "I understand your mistrust, I really do Mr. Grey, but you know that building a lot better than we do."

"The building I work in..."


"So you need me to help you plan an attack."

Twilight stomped on the ground with her hooves and glared daggers at me, "NO! By Equestria no! We haven't been attacking anyone, we've only defended ourselves, and Celestia, she... she..." I saw tears building in her eyes, "We are doing what's necessary, but we can't recruit everyone, somepony is going to get left behind."

"That sounds familiar."

Twilight bit her bottom lip and looked away, "I know it does. Those 'attacks' you see on the news, that's Celestia's clean up process."

"Weren't you her student? I heard those two mares talking about it."

"She's... not the same Princess I once knew."

"Alright, say I wanted to help you, what then?"

Twilight gave a sad smile, "Then I'd say 'Welcome to the Human Liberation Front.'"

2: Underground

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Chapter 2: Underground

-Ten Years Ago-

The small community was quiet that day. The sky was overcast with rain clouds, and parked cars lined the street of identical houses.

"Daddy, please don't go."

The man smiled sadly, turning back to the house and kneeling down to the little blonde girl staring up at him with tears in her eyes. They had come for him after his wife had gone. He couldn't risk his daughter being attacked by... them. He knelt down to his daughter and ruffled her hair with a smile, "Your grandparents are gonna take you away for a while, Sweety. Daddy has to go somewhere now." Behind him stood two ponies, at the head was a tall white stallion, a pegasus to be exact. The pegasus' cutie mark was a simple compass.

The pony with him was a unicorn of light lavender color, a scientist above all else, but this...

This wasn't science.

It was genocide.

It wasn't right.

The pegasus turned and gave her a sharp look, as if he already knew what was going through her mind, "You're gonna need to get a lot tougher Sparkle. This has to be done."

Twilight could only frown.

Inside, she was at war with herself. As the Princess' student she wanted nothing more than to help Celestia create the peace she sought between humans and ponies, however, her morals and her logical thinking could not allow her to turn a blind eye to the thing that was happening before her eyes at that very moment. Her urge was a simple one, she wanted to help. She wanted nothing more than a world where humans and ponies could coexist.

That meant experiments.

That meant studying.

That meant valuable time that the humans didn't have. The barrier was coming, after all. The humans needed to be converted, or they would die.

But... was that really true?

The Pegasus' glare intensified, "Sparkle, you payin' attention?"

The human turned towards them and took a deep and shaking breath, "I... I'm... I'm ready."

The front yard of the house was quiet as the little girl returned inside to her grandparents.

Twilight gritted her teeth.

Was it true?

Couldn't there have been another way?

If the humans were at war constantly, wouldn't that mean they were stronger than Celestia was giving them credit for? The fact that they could carry on...


The fact that this man could step forward and face his fate, knowing he wouldn't return as himself...

That took insurmountable amounts of courage and will.

After two years of unquestionable service to Celestia, that one man stepping forward, leaving his daughter behind so he could be converted, was what made her crack under the pressure.

"Sparkle? Pay attention! We need to..."

Twilight gritted her teeth, "Shut up."

The stallion raised an eyebrow, "What did you just say to me?"

"I said SHUT UP!"

The stallion stepped back, a look of shock overtaking his features.

The human looked a bit taken aback as well.

Neither of them, however, were as shocked as Twilight Sparkle herself. In her mind a small part of her was still loyal to Celestia, that part scrambled forward in a panic.

'What am I doing? Celestia is the Princess, my mentor, if I turn on her...'

Twilight cast it aside.

The stallion stepped towards Twilight and scuffed the ground with his hoof, leaning down into a charging position, "Something wrong? I thought you were Celestia's pet. This is the only way they can be saved."

Twilight's anger flared, "No it's NOT! Have you even CONSIDERED other options! What if they don't want this?! Why are we wasting our time, devoting manpower and research into something as stupid as conversion, when we could be studying how the barrier effects their world?! Or even better, why can't we find a way to separate Equestria and Earth again?! Why does it have to be like this?! It's a joke!"

The stallion's nostrils flared, "Two years? Two years and you crack under the pressure you spineless little mare! Choose your next words carefully."

Twilight's eyes narrowed, "I've already chosen them." Twilight stepped forward, her horn glowing, "Fuck... off."

The stallion barely managed to get his feet off the ground to go for a charge before he was flung into a nearby car by a purple aura.

He was down for the count.

Twilight's mind was racing a mile a minute.

She had to get the family out, and then she had to find her friends...

-Present Day-

Wherever we were it was huge, I could tell that much. As Twilight led me out of the small white room we were greeted by a wide and long hallway, concrete floors and walls. Dim lights connected by thick yellow wire trailed down the hallway, ensuring its occupants could see. I saw humans, some of them in lab coats, some of them in military uniform with guns slung over their shoulders and helmets on their heads. I also saw ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and earth.

All of them had one thing in common, they seemed like they were all in a hurry.

Twilight looked up at me and smiled softly, "Welcome to the Seattle Division. You should meet my friends."

I honestly didn't know what to say.

So long working at that damn Conversion bureau, grinding day by day knowing my death was coming for me.

Twilight's smile brought it all to the forefront.

I started to cry.

My parents deaths, years on my own in an orphanage about to fall to the chaos, losing my job to a pony, getting hired at the conversion bureau, the pitiable looks all the ponies would give me walking down the street.

I just... cried.

I felt something soft rub against my side, and when I gathered myself enough to look down, Twilight was nuzzling her head into me, "I had the same reaction," she said softly, "C'mon, let's get going."

She lead me through the maze of concrete hallways. I couldn't help but get the impression that we were underground.

I had no idea how Twilight knew where she was going.

The silence between us wasn't awkward, it was... comfortable. I felt like I could trust her, and by extension trust the people and ponies in this underground complex. As we passed them they would nod in greeting, saying "Excuse me" if they had to squeeze past us.

It wasn't that hard to see how haggard and worn down they were.

"How often do you have to fight?" I asked as Twilight picked up the pace a bit.

"We mostly just guard our holdouts," she said, "We have ponies and humans who don't look suspicious do supply runs, and whenever we need something for... tactical reasons we go out with a small strike team, hard and fast. Half the time the Royal Guard doesn't even see us coming. We keep it thin because our numbers are growing every day, and we don't want to lose people, just in case something happens."

"Does it bother you?"

She sighed and nodded sadly, "Of course it does. Good people have died on both sides, but I made my decision a long time ago, just like Celestia did."


"You shouldn't worry about that, I'm just glad you're here, we can start planning now."

As if to emphasize what she just said, we emerged from the wide concrete hall into what appeared to be a cylindrical room. Computers and servers lined the walls, hooked up in some crazy network scheme with countless people working on them.

I was never good with computers.

In the center of the room was a large table, and around that table were three other ponies.

Twilight's face broke out into a smile when she saw them, "Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash!"

Two of them looked rather normal, but the cyan one with the rainbow mane, obviously Rainbow Dash, wore what looked like ACUs made for a pony, complete with a smaller sized helmet obviously fit for her head.

On her back was an M4, butt stock collapsed.

'How the hell would she even use that?'

No, better to not ask questions, I would just get weird looks.

"Heya Twi!" shouted Rainbow Dash, a huge grin on her face. She put on a strong front, but I could see the bags under her eyes. Her wings flared out a bit when she saw Twilight, she was obviously happy to see her friend.

Twilight frowned, "Where are Pinkie and Rarity?"

Rainbow Dash sighed, "Pinkie is still asleep, I decided not to wake her up after what happened on our trip up here from Colorado. She's beat, and she needs to rest. As for Rarity, it was her turn for chow run, she took a couple of humans with her."

"What about Matt?" asked Twilight.

"Recon, should be back any minute now. Who's the big guy?"

Twilight smiled and nudged me forward with her head, "This is Kyle Grey, he's the one we got from the bureau."

Rainbow Dash grinned, "Well it's about time. We've already scoped out the security on the outside, but we need layouts, rooms, weak points, the works."

I shrugged, "How am I supposed to help? I've never even been back behind the conversion rooms."

Dash laughed, "Are you kidding? That's as far as we need to go. Besides, even if we needed more, what you give us would still help a bunch! Welcome to the party Kyle! Well... the ACTUAL party won't happen until Pinkie gets her keister outta bed."

I raised an eyebrow, "Party?"

The orange pony stepped forward, "Sure as the sun rises in the mornin' that girls gonna throw a welcoming party for ya." I noticed her cutie mark, she must have been Applejack, "Don't try to get out of it, ya hear? It'll only be a waste o' time."

"Riiight." I turned to the remaining pony, a yellow pegasus, who ran behind Rainbow Dash when I locked gazes with her.

Fluttershy, obviously.

"Alright!" shouted Rainbow Dash, startling Fluttershy a bit, "The big guy here must be starving. Let's get some meat on his bones."

Fluttershy let out a cute little noise when Dash mentioned meat.

The cyan pegasus giggled and nudged her yellow friend a bit, "Fluttershy here doesn't like the chow hall. You want me to bring you back anything?"

"Um... a... a small salad will be fine, I'm not that hungry."

"Salad it is." Rainbow Dash left the table and walked towards me, "Come on big guy," she said, standing on her rear hooves and shoving me out the door with all the grace of drunk high school quarterback.

Things were getting weird.

3: Friends

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Chapter 3: Friends

Rainbow Dash walked alongside me through the now familiar concrete halls. Instead of going back the way Twilight and I had come Dash lead me down a side path to the right that went into a thinner hallway. Dash flapped her wings and started floating next to me, "So," she said, bopping me on the head with her hoof, "What brings you to the most awesome rebellion ever made, courtesy of yours truly?"

I smirked, "You set all this up? I seriously doubt that."

Dash laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head, floating behind me slightly, "Uh... well... I did all the footwork for the Seattle Division!"

"That's better," I said with a chuckle. "You know, I'm kind of surprised. I wasn't expecting so many ponies to be here."

Dash frowned, "And why not, huh?! Just because those other ponies are huge assholes doesn't mean all of us agree with them. You know, when this thing first started Twi came to ME first!"

"When what started?"

Dash sighed and shook her head, "When we realized what we were doing was stupid."

"You look tired."

"Yeah... yeah that comes with the territory. I wanted to clonk out after Colorado, but the Royal Guard was hot on our tail. They almost got a couple of us, but we all managed to get away this time."

"Ever fire that M4?"

"A few times," she said softly, looking away, "Pegasi wings are pretty dextrous. I can't aim with it like humans can, so I had to practice a lot. It was... easier than it should have been."

I didn't question her further. I could only imagine what it was like to fire upon someone with the intent to kill them, even in self defense the thought made me slightly uncomfortable. I also didn't ask about the wings, I knew every single pony was hooked to magic in some way.

They still followed a strict set of rules as far as science and magic went, but those rules weren't anything like ours. I had witnessed several ponies do the impossible already.

I decided to broach another subject.

"So where did all this come from?"

"We built it," she said proudly. "For a long time the HLF wasn't exactly the biggest foal on the playground, but now? Now even the royal guard doesn't want to screw with us."

We turned another corner, passing a few soldiers lounging against the wall. "So... what happened with the Princess? Didn't Twilight know her?"

Her mood deflated, and the excitement in her eyes from talking about the HLF seemed to vanish, "It's a really long story, and... it's not exactly mine to tell. If you wanna know about that stuff you gotta ask Twi."

"I'll uh... make sure to do that."



"Don't worry about it," she said, playing it off with a laugh, "We get a lot of new guys asking us about it. Kinda comes with the territory."

"Territory of what?"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, "You know... being the Elements of Harmony."

"Hold up." I stopped walking and grabbed her by the hoof. Her wings snapped back to her sides and she fell slightly. I gently let her down to the ground and she frowned up at me, "The Elements of Harmony, you mean the traitors of Equestria?"

"Yeah, heh, I guess that's what they're saying about us now, huh? That name spread like wildfire in griffon country."

I had never seen a griffon before, or any other species from Equestria other than the ponies. Celestia was strict about letting the other species past the barrier.

Rainbow Dash sighed and scuffed the ground with her hoof, her gaze looked... far off, "To be honest, we're not traitors to anything as far as I'm concerned."


"It's just... with everything we learned before coming to Earth, and everything we've seen since, if we stayed loyal to Celestia that would make us traitors. I mean, c'mon!" she said with a laugh, waving her hoof, "I'm the element of loyalty, I've gotta stay true to my friends, y'know?"

I smiled and reached down, pulling her helmet off and ruffling her mane. She blushed and looked to the side, "H... hey! None of that! Let's hurry and get to the chow hall, I'm hungry too!"

I laughed when Dash snatched her helmet back, jumped up, and flew ahead to get away from my hand.

She was kind of a bro.


The chow hall was even larger than the room that Twilight had taken me to. It was at least as tall as a two story house, and metal tables with benches lined the center of the room in several rows. On either side were the serving lines with several small kitchens behind them. The smell of fresh food was in the air, and the room echoed with talk and laughter.

I hadn't seen anything like it in years.

Dash flew over to me and nudged my shoulder, "You like it, right? Eh, eh?"

"How long has the HLF been operating?" I asked under my breath.

Dash grinned, "How old are you?"


"Heh, pretty much ever since your balls dropped, then." I smacked her on the back of the head and she laughed, "Seriously though, before The Elements joined you wouldn't see a pony caught dead hanging around the HLF. I mean, I know I'm a cocky little mare, but I'm NOT lying when I say, if it weren't for the Elements of Harmony, the HLF would be fighting a losing battle. The American governments been disbanded, pretty much everything but North and South America have been sucked up by the barrier."

"Wait, what about the HLF in other countries?"

"It didn't really take off until the barrier started taking Europe, by then most of Asia was already gone, dead, or converted. The flooding caused by Equestria and the riots in Europe were the icing on the cake. We're all crammed together like sardines in the USA now."

I nodded softly, "Putting aside everything to help a species you've been told to hate." I smiled at Dash, who looked a bit bashful, "That takes a lot of guts, and I see a lot of ponies here."

"Thanks," she said softly, "Hey let's get some grub, can't just stand around talking like a couple of idiots."

It didn't take us long to get through the line and get our food. I stacked my plate with a steak, potatoes, and a handful of vegetables. Dash snagged two salads, putting one in a box for Fluttershy.

As we sat down to eat I reminded myself how weird it was to see ponies just sit in chairs like this. Dash tucked in her wings and grinned at me, "What're you looking at?"

I rolled my eyes, "If I didn't know any better I'd think you guys were human, the way you talk, sit, all that crap. Then again..."

Dash dove into her plate, hooves still in her lap as she took her first mouthful of salad.

I grinned, "You guys can't exactly use silverware."

She glared, "Shuf upf!"

I laughed. It was a real laugh, not the fake laugh I gave at the bureau whenever someone told a stupid joke. This mare was fun to be around, and it had been a long time since I'd been able to talk to anyone on a personal level, "Thanks Dash."

She tilted her head, swallowing a bit of salad, "For what?"

"For being... normal," I said, taking a bite out of my steak.

Dash smiled.

"Well lookie what we got here!"

I looked up at the voice, and saw a pretty thick guy coming up behind Dash with a smirk on his face and a gun on his belt. He was flanked by a skinny guy with a baseball cap. They looked like thugs, honestly.

Dash's bright demeanor immediately dropped, "What do you want John?"

'John' planted a hand on the back of Dash's chair and leaned down, still smirking, "Oh you know Rainbow, just getting some lunch. Who's this guy, he your horsefucker boyfriend?"

I could almost hear Dash gritting her teeth as her face turned red in fury, "No, and even if he was it wouldn't be any of your god damn business."

John laughed, "Aw, whatsa matter? Afraid to speak up after the thrashing you got from the boss?"

Dash growled, "You know what he told me when he took me into the briefing room after our scuffle John?" She was pissed now, her wings flapped and she jumped from the chair, floating in the air and jabbing him hard in the forehead with her hoof, "He told me that the only reason he's not letting me wipe the floor with you is because it would risk the relations between the humans and the ponies in the HLF. Before I left the room he said that if you ever gave me shit again all I had to do was go to him and he would kick your ass himself!"


"Who's the one with the bigger gun here, you reject?"

Now it was John's turn to be angry.

He brought his hand up and it connected with Dash's cheek.

To her credit, Dash didn't even flinch, and her face barely moved.

The chow hall went silent, all eyes were on our table now.

John fumed, "Listen here you little cunt. The HLF barely tolerates your kind as it is. You come to our home, start killing and turning us, and now you even wanna get your dirty little hooves into the HLF."

Dash looked like she was about to explode.

I stood up and made my way around the table, acting before things got really nasty. I grabbed Dash's hoof and pulled her back gently, "It's not worth it," I said softly.

Dash's gaze fell and she took a deep breath, calming herself.

I smirked, "But THIS is!" I yanked Dash to the side and stepped forward, balling my hand into a fist and bringing it hard into John's stomach.

His buddy stepped forward, trying to get a hit on me. I wasn't a fighter, and his buddy's fist connected hard with my cheek. I grabbed him by the collar and threw him behind me. I saw his head connect with the corner of the table and he fell to the ground screaming curses, grasping his head in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

My head was still a bit dazed from the hit, so I didn't see John start moving for me until it was too late.

I did, however, see Dash ram into his side.

I could hear the air get knocked out of him, and the crack of what I assumed was a now broken rib.

John fell like a brick, groaning in pain.

"Nopony messes with my friends!" shouted Dash, flying back and propelling herself forward to give him one last, solid kick to the face, "NOPONY!"

There was a long, drawn out moment where the only thing we could hear was the sound of our panting. I sat down as the adrenaline left me.

Dash turned to me and grinned.

The helmet fell off of her head.

She scrambled to retrieve it, blushing from embarrassment and grumbling under her breath.

'Cute,' I thought.

Dash retrieved her helmet and her grin returned as she flew to me and held out her hoof. The look she was giving me said, 'You know what to do.'

I bumped my fist with her hoof.

In the back of the room someone cheered.

Then the entire chow hall erupted in a cacophony of clapping, laughing and comradery.

Life was good...

for the first time in years.

4: Armed

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Chapter 4: Armed

The room was small and cramped; it gave the impression of an office, but the concrete walls threw off the look. The wooden desk with a computer and a lamp on the top of it didn't help matters either. Behind the desk stood Twilight Sparkle, glaring daggers at my accomplice and I.

Despite how strong I knew the ponies were, it was hard to look at Twilight and be too intimidated by her, and it seemed like she was actually having to try pretty hard to be angry at us.

Twilight sighed and shook her head, "Dash, what am I going to do with you?"

Rainbow Dash, the ever-confident mare, began to float off the ground and crossed her front hooves, "What was I supposed to do Twi? Matt was gone so I decided to take matters into my own hooves. The humans are finally starting to trust us, and he goes and starts causing trouble in the middle of the damn chow hall. Everybody cheered when we got him! What did you want me to do?"

Twilight's gaze narrowed at Dash, "Restrain yourself."

"Pff, easier said than done."

I cleared my throat, "Erm... I uh... I was the one that threw the first punch, you shouldn't blame Dash, she was just backing me up."

Dash turned to me, a warm smile slowly forming on her face.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Listen Rainbow, I love you like a sister, but honestly, you two should have waited for Matt to come back. He's our Commander, he could have easily handled John."

I ran a hand through my hair and let out a sigh, "He was talking shit about you guys."


"Yeah, ponies. I say anybody that can throw aside the things they know to help a bunch of strangers... they're okay in my book, and I didn't like him talking about all of you like that, especially not Dash."

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, "What did he say about Rainbow?"

Dash blushed and looked away, rubbing the back of her head and letting out a nervous laugh, "Erm... I uh..."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose for a second, then looked back up to Twilight, "He asked if we were uh... you know..."

There was a long, drawn out moment of dead silence. I could go on record to say it was the most uncomfortable silence I had ever experienced in my entire life.

Twilight's eyes widened as she slowly comprehended the information we had just given to her, "Oh... OH!"

Dash grinned, obviously trying to play off her own embarrassment, "I mean, whatever, right?! Like it'd be any of his business, it'd just piss me off even more if it was true and he said that!"

I coughed loudly, turning my head away.

I saw Twilight smirk, and when I turned back Dash was frowning with a blush still on her face, "I didn't mean it like that! I'm not THAT kinky! He's a human!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and laughed, "Whatever you say Rainbow."

"I'm serious!"

I nodded, "She's serious."

"Alright alright get out of my office, I have work to do."

Dash gave Twilight a mock salute, "Aye aye Ma'am."

"Enough of that."


For the next couple of hours Dash showed me around the underground base, regaling me with tails of her heroics the entire way, along with the description of whatever area we happened to be walking through at the time. The place was definitely as huge as I thought it would after my first impression. The hallways were like ant tunnels, winding in and out of each other like a confusing maze, but Dash never once lost her way.

She brought me to the barracks, several rooms with bunk beds and lockers lining each wall for a long ways, ponies on one side and humans on the other, with further separation of gender. Next was the generator room, every once in a while we would have to go out to buy and raid supplies, which included gas and diesel for the various generators we had powering the complex.

Then to the armory, where our weaponry was kept while off duty, and retrieved when we went on post.

It was a large room that was split by a fence with small chain linked doors on either side, both locked by padlocks. Lining the fence were holes with wooden counters, and behind these counters were both ponies and humans, issuing and taking weapons from the lines leading to them. Behind the fence were shelves stocked to the brim with military equipment, everything from uniforms to armor and weaponry.

"Seems like you guys got a military setup here."

Dash turned to me and grinned, "You can thank Matt for that, he already had it halfway done by the time all of the ponies started showing up. He was ex-military, high ranking too. Most of this stuff we get from scavenging or quick raids on the Royal Guard depots that he leads."

"First name basis, huh?" I muttered.

Dash blinked, tilting her head, "Yeah... he's a close friend."

I smirked, "It's just kind of weird, he's your commanding officer, isn't he?"

Dash flew up to my level and slugged me in the arm with a laugh, "Yeah, but why the heck would that matter?! He's still a friend, like you!"

I smiled, rubbing my arm, "Thanks."

"OH, OOOOOOO, OH OH OH, we should totally get you some guns while you're here!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Dash, I've never fired a gun in my life."

Dash waved a hoof, "Details, it's not that hard. Here!" She pulled the helmet from her head and handed it to me upside down. Inside I could see slips of paper tucked into the side straps, "Take one of these forms up to the counter, ask for an M4 with a red dot and an M9, don't forget your LBE either!"


Dash rolled her eyes, "Load Bearing Equipment! Ugh... look, I'll go up with you, c'mon."

We then proceeded to wait in the line for the middle counter for what felt like hours. When we were three people away from the counter Dash pointed to the corner of the room, where there appeared to be a square area designated by red tape on the ground. This square also had a line leading to it, and inside there square was what appeared to be a large cylinder set diagonally by the stand. Inside the cylinder was a rubber chamber with a circular indent.

A man walked to the cylinder with his weapon and planted the muzzle inside of it, then proceeded to pop the magazine loose , click a switch on the weapon, pull and lock the charging handle, and look inside the chamber.

"Dash, wha..."

"It's a clearing barrel doofus, for weapon safety. When you check out your weapon you make sure it's clear before loading it, and when you turn it in you gotta make sure it's empty beforehand."

Finally, after Dash's little lecture, we were able to approach the counter, which was manned by an orange pegasus mare with a bright purple mane. I peeked over the counter a bit to get a look at her cutie mark, a lightning bolt.

"Rainbow Dash!" she shouted, a huge grin on her face, "Where the hell have you been!?"

Dash laughed, "Oh you know me Scootaloo, doing runs, causing trouble."

"Hahaha, don't I know it? I heard about that mess in the chow hall. Who's the big guy?"

Dash flew up next to me and wrapped a hoof around my shoulders, "THIS is Kyle, the new guy. Kyle, meet Scootaloo, second fastest flyer in all of Equestria, and a pretty decent dancer."

"Who's the first?"

Dash rolled her eyes and bonked me on the head, "Duh! You can't be that dumb, me doofus."

"Right, Rainbow Dash, should have figured."

"Anyways," said Scootaloo, still grinning like an idiot, "What can I do you for Dashie?"

"The big guy here needs Equipment, a medium vest should do, but uh..." Dash looked up at me and bit her bottom lip, "Ya might wanna get a large helmet for his huge hea... OW!"

My knuckle digging into her shoulder silenced her quickly.

Scootaloo laughed, "You two seem like you're getting along."

"The bro card has been issued," I deadpanned.

Dash smiled and shoved me with her hoof, "Your pretty words get you nothing."

I grinned, "Sure they don't."

"Alright, I'll set up a bag for him."

Dash pulled the helmet from her head and presented it to me. I took one of the slips of paper and filled it out with the pen sitting on the counter. Name, birthday, blah blah blah.

Dash sighed, "NORMALLY we would do a screening to make sure you would be okay handling a weapon. John's probably not gonna be able to carry a gun around after that mess a while ago. Your recruitment process hasn't exactly been... by the book. Twilight's probably gonna chew my ass for this, but I'm in charge of the armory, and I trust you with a gun, especially since I'll be the one instructing you."

"Sounds good to me."

Scootaloo took the form and smiled up at me, "Alrighty then, I'll get your bag set up, should be done tomorrow. Let me know when you guys wanna go out to the range and you can grab it. Make sure that if you get sent out on a mission you come and retrieve your gear two hours before mount."


"Briefing," said Dash.

"Ah... uh... alright then, thanks... I guess."

As we exited the armory Dash flew next to me, grinning, "So, bros huh? You know what that means?"


She chuckled as we started walking, "Kyle, you have NO idea the mess you just got yourself into, I will drink you under the table."

"I beg to differ, humans have higher tolerance."

Dash smirked, "So young and naive."

I raised an eyebrow, "Young?"

"Uh, yeah, duh, I'm sixteen years older than you."

I nodded in comprehension, "Right, I keep forgetting about the whole twice as long living thingus. Kinda like elves."

Dash laughed, "That is probably... THE best comparison I have ever heard, minus the HLF ponies."

"Why's that?"

"HA! Are you kidding me? Snooty, superior, 'humans are violent apes that must be cleansed.' Even the OTHER ones, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, but this is the only way to save you.' Fuck those guys, if they really wanted to save your planet they'd do what Twilight's been doing."

"What's that?"

"Busting her ass trying to get rid of the barrier, and if that fails, make it so humans can use magic."

I stopped and grabbed Dash's hoof, "Wait, what?"

Dash sighed as I let her go, then turned in the air to face me, "The main issue with the barrier is that Equestria is pure magical energy and the barrier is the only thing stopping you from becoming a magic Hotpocket." She brought her hooves together, and then threw them out to simulate an explosion, "SPLCRSH, guts everywhere, not a pleasant sight."

"So Twilight is trying to find a way we can live in Equestria?"

"That's the priority right now. Most of Earth has already been consumed, and our economy is already crap, so taking on the rest of the humans won't hurt much. The hard part will be after that."

"Living in Equestria."

"Yeah, it's not so different though, especially now that we have technology. Once everything stabilizes things will get better."

"What about the Princess?"

Dash frowned, "We... haven't figured out a solution to that problem yet. It's not exactly easy."


"No, no don't worry about it. It's a touchy subject with all of us."

"You said you were the Element of Loyalty? It must have really stung when you had to turn on her." I planted a hand on her shoulder as she frowned, and knelt down as her wings tucked in and she landed in front of me.

"Yeah," she said softly, "It did, but... but it was either betray her, or betray myself and my friends."

Dash went silent.

After a long moment, she opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a loud buzzing noise, followed by crackling.

"Attention Seattle Division, three hours until Guard Mount, report to team leads."

Dash frowned, "We should get to the briefing room, we have to hit that Bureau tonight. We won't have time to get your stuff in order, so you can commandeer John's vest, the asshole won't be needing it for a while."

"Wait, I'm going with you?"

"Yeah, no gun though, just stick with my team and you'll be fine. Let's get going."

5: A Living Nightmare

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A/N: It begins...

Chapter 5: A Living Nightmare

Rainbow Dash lead me back to the large room with the computers, completely silent the entire way. She didn't fly up next to me, grin at me, or crack any jokes. The cyan mare was completely silent, staring straight ahead as the M4 shifted back and forth on her back. I looked down at her, worry creeping into me. She had gone from cheerful to zero miles per hour the second the announcement had been made over the intercom.

"Dash... you okay?"

"Fine." She didn't sound angry, just blunt.

As we entered the server room I saw Twilight Sparkle behind the table, and a few humans already decked out in gear standing on the other side of her. The atmosphere felt... cold. The feelings I got from working at the bureau were returning, and I realized just how deadly serious this entire thing was. I had stumbled into the middle of a war I wanted no part in.

'Just lay down and die.'

It would have been so easy to do just that, work at the Conversion Bureau until my days were numbered.

I would have drudged on from one morning to the next, never really knowing what life was outside of my little bubble.

"Welcome everypony," said Twilight, "Let's begin the briefing."

It was then that I realized it.

I looked down at Dash and grabbed her helmet.

She didn't glare at me when she looked up; instead, her features softened a bit.

I ruffled her mane a bit and reapplied the helmet.

"Thanks," she said softly.

Twilight continued to the five of us, "At twenty-two hundred Seattle's local Conversion Bureau is closing its doors for the night. After the attack in Colorado you can expect it to be heavily guarded."

"How many ecks are we lookin' at?" asked the first human.

Twilight's determined gaze softened, "We don't know. All we know is that they'll be ready for us when we get there, so move in fast and quiet."

The third human nodded, "Rules of engagement?"

"Fire on hostiles only. Royal guard is to be presumed armed. If you encounter a civilian, human or otherwise, get them out of the Conversion Bureau and back to the rendezvous before leaving. I leave it up to your discretion on how to split the team should we take a POW."

"Any humans?"

"No, all guard."

Dash stepped forward, "Twi, if Celestia knows what we're up to, doesn't that mean... he'll be there?"

Twilight faltered for a split second, then set her jaw, "The rules of engagement stand."

Dash nodded softly, "Alright..."


After I had my brand new vest on Dash lead the squad through the winding halls of the underground. It was a solid ten minutes before the concrete floor started ramping up, and when we emerged we were greeted with what appeared to be a small military base in the middle of a plains field. Directly in front of the entrance, and where we were headed, was a large military transport truck, painted green

Its bottom stood at least five feet off the ground, and the tires were huge. The cab itself had openable shutters, which I assumed were to guard against gunfire. The back of the truck was capped in a metal arc, and at the edge was a large turret.

We hopped in and one of the soldiers adjusted his M4 to his side before he took the .50 CAL turret in his grasp.

Dash and I hopped in the back and sat against the sides, while the other two soldiers took to the cab.

The truck roared to life, and we were off.

Dash's melancholy face was back. I leaned over and yelled over the roar of the engine, "This seems kinda big for a secret rebellion! You guys have an above ground base right outside of Seattle!"

Dash nodded, "What better place to hide than right under their noses! The equipment above ground is new, as soon as this operation is done we pack up and move! The unicorns use magic to help build the underground tunnels, so it's never too much of a hassle to go from one place to the next!"

"How long have you all been planning this op?!"

"Three months! The last step was getting your sorry ass underground with us!"

"What if I didn't agree to it?!"

Dash smirked, "Everyone agrees! Unless they've already been turned!"

I fell silent and leaned back, taking a few deep breaths to calm my frayed nerves.

"Stay with the group!" shouted Dash, "If you get seperated from the unit we can't protect you, and we won't be able to find the serum we need!"


By the time we got within the city limits the sun had already gone down. Curfew was already in effect, and nobody dared exit their homes for fear of retribution from the Royal Guard. We parked the truck at the edge of the city, tucked in between two buildings in an alley just big enough for it. "Alright," said Dash, "Huddle up."

We jumped from the truck and gathered around Dash.

It was clear she was squad leader.

Dash's eyes narrowed, "Just to make sure, everybody know their RoEs?"

The three soldiers nodded.

"Awesome," she said, "Fredericks, you're on point. Kelvin, take up the rear. Wilcox, you're with me and the big guy. We move fast and quiet, no radios, avoid firefights. In and out, got it?"

Then, without another word, we started moving. It was pretty tough to keep up considering how out of shape I was, but I managed somehow.

There were a scarce few Royal Guards on patrol in the city streets, and when we got to the Conversion building I saw why. We were emerging from an alley across the street when I saw the building I used to work in. There were a ton of them posted just in the alleys at the sides of the building. Two at the front door, and when I looked up the seven stories I saw at least six figures on the roof top.

Fredericks signaled for the group to halt movement, and we all stopped and went low.

"There's a shit ton of 'em boss," whispered Kelvin, "What do you wanna do?"

Dash looked thoughtful for a moment, then grinned, "Alright, I think I've got a plan. Wilcox, give the big guy your side arm."

Wilcox turned to Dash and raised an eyebrow, "You're joking, right? He hasn't even been..."

Dash stepped forward and jabbed a hoof into Wilcox's shoulder, "You think I don't know that? He'll be fine, trust me. Now give him your sidearm, that's an order."

"Yes Ma'am." Wilcox reached behind his belt and pulled the M9 before handing it to me.

"You know how to use one of those?" asked Dash.

"Safety, rack it, pull the trigger."

Dash nodded, "Good enough, if everything goes how I want it to you won't be needing that anyways."

"So why give it to me?"

"Insurance, I don't want you to die out here ya big lug."

"Alright," hissed Kelvin, "Enough of the mushy stuff, can we do this?"

Dash leaned towards me and smiled, "Okay, here's what I want you to do."


I stumbled my way out of the alley, blood dripping from my nose. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "HELP! HELP ME!" The guards at the front door of the Conversion Bureau looked shocked. The both of them seemed to argue under their breath about something, then they started to gallop over to me, "Please help me!" When they got close enough I turned tail and ran back into the alley.

I turned back around just in time to see Dash slide on the ground under the first guard with a combat knife in her teeth. She shoved it through a weak point in the armor and the guard gasped when the knife pierced his chest.

The second one was taken down by Wilcox, who simply jumped on top of the stallion and wrapped his arm around the neck.

There was a sickening snap, and not even a minute later both the guards were dead.

I felt bile rise through my chest.

Dash sheathed the knife and waved me over with her hoof, "C'mon, we need to move before they notice they're gone."

Move we did, hustling to the front door.

Dash reached in one of her pouches with her wing and dug around a bit as we ran. When we approached the door she flung her wing out, tossing a small square object onto the locking area of the door.

"Breaching on three," she whispered, standing against the wall to the right of the door. I got behind Dash and two more soldiers went to the other side, leaving Wilcox to post in front of the door aiming down his sights.

Dash raised a hoof and brought it down once.

The soldier's grips tightened around their weapons.

She brought her hoof down twice.

Their feet dug into the concrete, getting them a solid grip.

They were predators ready to pounce.

On the third and final time Dash slapped a hoof into her shoulder, where she had strapped her detonator, apparently.

With a small crack the lock was destroyed.

Wilcox stepped forward and nudged the door open slowly and silently. He went in, followed by Kelvin and Dash.

After what seemed like an eternity, I heard a whisper of, "Clear."

Then we started moving again.

Down the halls, past the reception desk, through the identity roster area where I used to work, and down halls further still.

There were no guards inside...


We made our way through the former hospital quickly, our boots squeaking on the linoleum tiled floor. We had no time to stop and look at our surroundings, or at least I didn't.

Before I knew it we were in the conversion area.

When I saw them the bile from earlier rose up again, and I puked right in the doorway.

No one said anything about it, hell, they'd probably done the same thing when they first saw it.

It felt like my world had been destroyed. I had known it was bad, but...

The room was a high one, and had obviously been used as some sort of communal area before the ponies got their hooves on it. Lining the walls were beds, and hooked to these beds were humans, or at least... what used to be humans.

They were all awake... every last one of them, eyes wide open in fear and pain.

Wanting to scream but not being able to.

Tubes invaded their mouths, nostrils, and arms; those tubes lead to packets upon packets of red serum by their bedsides.

Most of them were already halfway transformed, muzzles forming in place of their faces and hooves replacing feet and hands.

Fingers, toes, and organs fusing together.

The one thing they had in common was the blood leaking from their bodies and onto the white sheets.

Their bodies were madhouses, and the ponies were their caretakers.

"God..." I choked back a sob.

Dash looked up at me, sympathy and sadness in her eyes, "This is why they never let you back here. Anypony who saw this and wasn't a monster... they would never think something this horrible was right."

I stumbled forward, falling onto my hands and knees.

The squad watched as I crawled to the nearest bed, tears falling from my eyes as I looked at the person laying there. His eyes were bloodshot, and they locked with mine; he knew I was there.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, "I'm so sorry."

I heard the clopping of hooves, and then felt something warm on my back.

Dash's forehooves wrapped around my neck and she pushed her head into my shoulder, "This is why I fight every day. This is what we're trying to stop."

There was a long moment where we just sat there.

Then, slowly, she let go, "C'mon Kyle, we need to grab a sample and get out of here."

I nodded, still not able to find any words.

Even with these words I cannot do it justice.

It was a living Nightmare.

6: Injury

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A/N:Updating from my phone you lucky bastards.

Chapter 6: Injury

Kelvin moved to us, dangling a few vials of red liquid in his fingers, "Got the samples Boss."

I turned away, not being able to look into that man's eyes any longer. I heard Dash walk to Kelvin, "Good," she said softly, "Before we leave... let's uh... let's cut the power."

Kelvin gave Dash an inquisitive look, "Boss?"

Dash looked to a me, a frown on her face, "We can't leave them like this."

Kelvin hesitated for a moment, then pocketed the vials and nodded. The three soldiers set about unplugging the equipment in the room. Dash walked to me and pushed her muzzle into my side softly, a gesture of comfort, "I'm sorry you had to see this."

"Why did you need me to come here in the first place? I didn't help, and I didn't need to see this."

Dash sighed just as Jenkins unplugged the last EKG. "We brought you in case..."

"I'm disappointed in you Rainbow Dash." Dash snapped around towards the sound of the voice. Standing in the doorway we had come through were five guards, led by a very large, very intimidating white stallion. He was decked out in the armor of a guard captain, and his horn gave him away as a unicorn. "You know," said the captain, "For the Element of Loyalty you're not very loyal. How many years has it been since that little incident?"

I could almost hear Dash grit her teeth, "Two."

The captain laughed, "My sister was always quick to forgive."

I looked down at Dash, who now seemed more worried than anything else, "Dash, what's he talking about?"

The guard captain laughed, "Oh? She didn't tell you about her little traipse to the Royal Guard Tower? Well, I'd hate to spoil the ending, but..."

Dash stomped her hoof and stepped forward with a deep growl, "Shut the fuck up Shining! You have no right to talk! At least I have an excuse for what I did." A moment of silence passed before Dash continued, "Where the hell were you when Twi needed your help?! Where the hell were you when Cadence was arrested?! You talk a big game, but at least I can protect my friends!"

Shining stepped forward, his nostrils flaring, "How dare you?"

"Look at what you've become," she said softly, "You're so afraid of losing Twi and Cadence that you can't even do the right thing anymore. It's pathetic."

Shining faltered a bit, his eyes darting to the side, "I am doing the right thing. We're saving the humans."

Dash's eyes narrowed, "Are you so sure about that?"


Dash gestured to the beds behind her, to the dead and the dying, "I'd say we just did more to save them than you ever could Shining. No one deserves to suffer through pain like that, and when they're converted they aren't even themselves anymore."

"They're happier."

"NO!" shouted Dash, "God just listen to yourself for one second! All their anger, their hatred, their passion, it's all GONE!"


"There is no but Shining! Negative emotions are just as much a part of you and me as they are them! You're taking away who they are! That's worse than genocide, that's complete erasure! There's always another way and you know damn well that I'm right. Twi has been looking for solutions, for something better than this, because we are better and the humans deserve that effort. We've put them through enough."

"Don't bring Twiley into this."

Dash scoffed, "You don't get to call her that anymore."

Both parties fell silent. The tension in the air was thick, and I couldn't help but feel like it was about to be a life or death situation. This wasn't some debate between two political parties, this was two soldiers getting ready to kill each other for their beliefs. The only thing that was holding Dash back was that she somehow knew this guy.

"Suit yourself." With those parting words, Shining turned and left the room, leaving his guards to deal with us. I don't know how long we stood there at an impasse, but it was long enough for Shining to get away.

The first guard stepped forward, a smirk on his face, "You know, it's been a long time Loyalty."

Dash's eyes widened as the guard approached, "You."

The wings on his back signified he was a pegasus, his coat was white like Shining's, but his mane was a light grey color. It looked like the other guards he was with were all unicorns. The odds were clearly in their favor, but it wasn't them I feared.

What I feared was Dash's reaction when she saw that first guard.

"So you do remember me. I'm touched. Drop your weapons, surrender peacefully, and your friends here may get off with being forced into Conversion."

The M9 that had been given to me dug into my back, tucked in my jeans haphazardly. It was almost like it was asking me to use it.

Dash snarled, "You son of a..."

She was cut off by the guard's hoof slamming into her face.

I moved without thinking, pulling the M9 from my belt and clicking the safety off with my thumb before pressing it to the Pegasus' head.

Everything froze.

The pegasus smirked, "What is thiiiis? Tell me Loyalty, have you always been an ape fucker?"

I dug the barrel of the gun hard into his head, causing him to flinch, "I would choose your next words carefully."

The pegasus chuckled, "You haven't killed yet, Human. I can see it in your eyes. It's not as easy as you think."

"Don't push it asshole."

"Tell me Human, which one of her charming tactics did she use on you? It would be amusing to hear how you've become so... attached to her."

"If you think I'm not going to pull this trigger than you need a serious reality check."

"Oh, you won't pull it, at least not yet. After all, you're curious aren't you? You want to hear what I have to say about Loyalty, don't you?" He paused for a moment.

I wanted to look back at Dash, but I knew as soon as I did this guy would have gotten the drop on me. I wanted to ask her myself...

"You see," said the pegasus, "She used me a long time ago. Much as she's using you now."

My finger was getting itchy, "Dash, what's he talking about?"

"Do you want to tell him Loyalty, or should I? After all, who would take the word of a slut over a guard?"

Something inside me snapped at that moment. Never before had I held a gun in my life, nor had I ever intended to use one. It was so easy, really. All I had to do was pull that small metal trigger back just a bit.

Really, he should have kept his mouth shut about Dash.

When I actually pulled the trigger all hell broke loose.

The remaining four guards fired on us instantly.

Blasts of magic flew past me. I saw a a flash of blue and was tackled to the ground.


That had sounded like Fredericks shouting.

I didn't have time to process it before I was pulled up to my feet by Dash.

"Frag out!" shouted Dash.

With a flick of her wing the grenade was sent flying towards the unicorns in the doorway.

The magic blasts stopped, "Shit!"

Dash gritted her teeth as she dragged my sorry ass towards a door at the other end of the room, "Fred, Kelvin, grab Wilcox! We need to get the hell out of here!"

The world shook when the grenade went off.

My vision blurred and my ears rang.

It felt like someone set off a church bell inside my head.

When my head cleared I saw we were in a back hallway. I had been to that hallway many times before, but I never went into the room it surrounded.

I heard Dash's panting close by and knew she was still carrying me.

"You idiot," she muttered softly, "You damn idiot."

She sounded worried.

"This is what you needed me for isn't it?" I asked. Dash's eyes widened before I continued, "The emergency shutter system has an eye scan deactivation. Good thing I..." I coughed, "I came along then."

Dash gritted her teeth, "Shit, stop talking you idiot. I've got you. Just stay with me."

A warm feeling started to spread around my side. It wasn't a comfortable warm like Dash was though.

"Crap..." I coughed again, "When did I get hit?"

"Stop talking, we're almost out."

I kept my grip on Dash as my vision began to fade, tucking my head into her shoulder.

It was... nice.


I dreamt again.

This time I was on a warm beach, the sand beneath my toes as I gazed up into the sky. There were a few clouds here and there, and the sun sat just above the horizon, giving everything a beautiful orange tint. I felt warm, and I felt at peace.

As if my feet had a will of their own, I began walking towards the water with a smile on my face.

It was awe inspiring.

I hadn't seen a sunrise like this in years.

"Don't you die on me! Don't fuckin' do this to me!

The sand... the sand felt so good. It was warm and soft, just the right amount of coarse. I would have loved to take a vacation on a beach like this with my family.

Did I have a family?

My parents, yes.

But they were...

C'mon Big Guy!

I kept moving forward at a slow pace, appreciating my surroundings.

As the water lapped against my feet I saw them.

My parents.

They were smiling warmly, arms around each other as the gazed down at me.

My dad had that stupid military cut he always got ever since he retired from the forces, and my mom, she looked like she had bed head as usual.

I smiled right back.

My dad laughed when I began to walk again, the water now climbing up to my ankles.

Please... please... not again...

My feet stopped.

My dad, still smiling, raised his free hand to point behind me. His mouth formed a word that I couldn't hear, but understood all the same.


I turned, and there was the woman from my first dream, standing on the edge of the tide.

I could see her this time.

Her hair was unkempt, and fell down her back, glowing with the colors of a rainbow. Her eyes were a beautiful magenta color, and as I looked at her I found myself lost in them.

The summer dress she was wearing was decorated with flowers.

She raised a hand to me and grinned.

It was a grin I recognized.

I started to walk towards her.


My eyes opened slowly.

Everything was a blur, but I could tell I was surrounded by the color white.

Another white room, just like a day ago, when I had been conscripted to join the rebellion.

"Hey Big Guy."

I turned my head to the left and smiled at the sight of my new friend, "Hey Dash."

Without warning, she jumped onto the bed and wrapped her forehooves around my neck, taking a deep breath of relief, "We thought we lost you for a second there."

My throat was sore, "How bad was it?"

She pulled back and sighed, still not vacating the bed, and it looked like she didn't intend to any time soon, "It was a graze, but with magic... humans aren't exactly built for magic like that. If it was dead on you would have..." she swallowed.

I smirked, "Good thing it wasn't dead on then."

"Yeah," she said with a smile, "Real good."


Two things happened next.

Dash leapt from the bed like it was suddenly on fire, her face turning a deep crimson as she did so.

Next, the chair at Dash's side was picked up by her wing and tossed towards the door, where a pink pony with a cotton candy mane sat, a grin on her face.

The pink pony tilted her head to the side and stuck her tongue out at Dash.

"Dammit Pinkie!"

"Oh come on Dashie, I'm only having a little fun. OOOOOO, speaking of fun we TOTALLY need to throw him a welcoming party. I'll grab Rarity and we'll get some cake and balloons on the next supply run! While we're at it hey have you seen Gummie around anywhere? If he gets into the armory again I'll be in biiiiiiig trouble!"

Dash gritted her teeth, "Fine, party, whatever. And no I haven't seen Gummie around!"

A long moment passed before Dash's anger seemed to completely deflate. She walked towards the door with a warm smile on her face and wrapped her friend up in a hug, "You feeling better?"

Pinkie giggled, returning the hug, "Lots, thanks for everything Dashie."

"No prob. I'm gonna hang out with Pinkie Big Guy, you get your rest."

I gave a thumbs up as Dash led Pinkie out of the room.

I let my head fall back onto the pillow and closed my eyes.

7: Recovery

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Chapter 7: Recovery

The bandages applied to my side were uncomfortable, but they didn't hinder any of my daily activities. It had been a couple of weeks since the raid on the conversion bureau I used to work at. As Twilight had predicted, the place was blown to smithereens the moment we made it out of the city, and the attack was blamed on the HLF. We packed up base and moved, and I got to see the unicorns work their magic... literally. With a simple glow of their horn they could dig huge tunnels and plant entire electrical lines in one go; it only took them half a day to build the new base.

We were outside Spokane now, hidden inside the hills and pine trees of northern Washington. It was still summer, so there were no snow caps.

We were tucked inside a large hill, and the layout was much the same as the last base. They probably kept the same blueprints, so that every time they moved half the soldiers didn't end up lost.

Wilcox had been grazed like me, and started calling us 'wound buddies'.

I wasn't worried about all that though.

I was worried about something much more important, or at least someone more important.

Dash and I had been hanging out for the better part of that two weeks while Twilight worked on her little science project. I had yet to take any duties so I was just helping around where I could, doing people's laundry, serving food in the chow hall, playing with the kids, human and pony.

After I had just settled into a routine Dash stopped showing up at the chow hall for lunch and dinner. We still hung out, but I started to get a bit worried, and Dash would just brush it off whenever I brought it up.

The two of us were in the briefing room, and the awkward silence was... uncomfortable to say the least. I sat on one end of the table and Dash stood on the other, pouring over maps as the buzz of our computer system rang in our ears. She was out of her equipment that day, still on break from the last mission, and had been for a few days now.

"So," I said, trying to break the ice, "I'm feeling better, can we start training now?" Dash let out a grunt. I wasn't sure whether said grunt was approval or not, so I decided to run into the mine field, "Listen, Dash, Bro. I can tell somethings bugging you. You've been like this for a couple of days now."

Dash sighed and leaned up on the table with her forehooves, she looked distracted to say the least, "I'm sorry Big Guy, it's been a helluva few days."

"Yeah it has, but that doesn't mean we need to stop hanging out."

She smiled softly, "Yeah, yeah I know. I've been having trouble with this stallion."

If I was a pony, my ears would have perked up in immediate interest, "Oh?"

Dash laughed and jumped onto the table, smacking me on the forehead with a hoof, "Jeez, you don't have to get so excited about it!"

I shrugged, trying to play it off, "Well, I can't say I would be able to see you with just any old stallion."

"Really now?"

"Yeah really!" I shouted with a laugh, "They'd have to be totally awesome!"

Dash grinned, "And good looking!"

"They'd have to be brave enough to do what was right!"

"And cool enough to do it with style!"

I stood up, really getting into it as I slammed my hands on the table, "They'd have to be in shape, not some little weakling that couldn't take a hit."

Dash flapped her wings, floating from the table a spreading her forehooves out with a grin, "Made of the toughest stuff this side of Earth and Equestria!"

At the same time, almost as if we had rehearsed it, the two of us started laughing. Dash landed back on the other side of the table, not being able to stay in the air. When we finally calmed down I wiped the tears from my eyes and smirked at Dash, "So I take it this stallion is none of those."

Dash frowned, "Remember a couple of days ago, when I stopped going to the chow hall?"

"... Yeah."

-Two Days Before-

The chow hall was in an uproar once more.

As Kyle scarfed down the last of his steak Dash tried not to crack up laughing. She had just made a bet with him that he wouldn't be able to eat the steak with a time limit of two minutes, and she had just gloriously lost said bet.

It was worth every second, seeing his cheeks puff out as he had trouble breathing and chewing.

When he finally managed to swallow it all a cheer sounded around the table from the small crowd that had gathered, and Dash added to it by hitting her forehooves on the ground in applause.

Kyle raised his fists into the air and let loose a mighty roar, "I... AM... MAAAAAAAAN!"

The applause skyrocketed, and Dash finally lost her cool, leaning on the table to support herself as she burst out laughing.

A moment after the festivities had finally died down, Kyle looked at the watch on his wrist and frowned, "Sorry everybody, I gotta go see the doc." The crowd dispersed with a few hushed murmurs and the remaining laughter dying out. Ponies and humans alike headed back to their table to finish their meals.

Kyle grinned at Dash as he made his way past her. She gave him a slug on the shoulder, "Seeya Big Guy."

"Seeya Dash."

Dash let out a happy sigh as she hit the ground and stretched out all the kinks in her muscles.

It felt good to be out of all that stuffy equipment.

"Hey, you're Rainbow Dash right?"

Dash went upright at the mention of her name, and looking towards the voice, she saw a black Earth pony stallion a little taller than she was. She smirked, "Yep, that's me, fastest flier in all of Equestria."

She never quite got over her bragging.

The stallion chuckled, "I kind of figured, what with the rainbow mane and all. My name is Sharp Gaze. Who's that guy you've been hanging around with?"

"Oh, you mean Big G... Kyle?"

"Yeah, him."

Dash grinned, "Well, he's pretty cool. Cool enough to hang around me and my friends."

"That so? There's been some... rumors going around."

Dash's eyes narrowed, "What kind of rumors?"

"That you're a xenophile."

Dash felt the blood drain from her face. Whoever this guy was he sure as hell didn't pull any punches. She let out a breath, "Wh... what the fuck, we've only known each other a couple of weeks."

"So you wouldn't mind it then?"

Dash scoffed, "I don't need to listen to this shit."

She tried to turn away and walk off, but was pulled back by a hoof wrapping around her shoulder. The stallion let her go when she was facing him and smirked, "So tell me Ms. Dash, would you be willing to prove that you're not? After all, you get some evidence out there and the rumors stop as quick as they started. The HLF is in a... fragile position, if news of something like this spreads far enough there's some people and ponies that aren't going to be happy about it. You wouldn't want your friend to get into any trouble, and I also assume you wouldn't want to upset the balance of the rebellion."

Dash only had one response.

She spat in his face and head butted him, leaving him on the ground groaning in pain as she exited the chow hall.


I stood from the table, hands clenched into fists.

Dash grimaced, "Kyle, don't. Look, I can handle him on my own, he's a piece of crap and he won't be able to..."

"I'm not worried about the rumors," I growled. "He insulted you."

I was out of the briefing room and headed towards the recreational area before Dash had a chance to stop me.

As I stormed through the hallways I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned, ready to snap at whoever stopped me, and saw Wilcox with a shit eating grin on his face, "I know that look," he said, "You're about to go wipe the floor with somebody aren't you?"

I nodded, and he let go.

Wilcox, a few more humans, and a stallion broke off of a small group in the corridor to follow me. They were probably all Wilcox's friends, but I didn't have the patience to stop for introductions.

We made it to the recreational area not long after. The room was rather large, with a bar set up in the corner, a few pool tables in the center floor, and a TV in the opposite corner. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

I made a mental note to get drunk with Dash there after I finished putting the asshole in his place.

"So whos' the guy?" asked Wilcox.

I saw him in the corner, chatting it up with a couple of mares, who were giggling like they were in high school. "Right there," I said, pointing at him.

"What'd he do?" asked one of the humans with Wilcox.

I gritted my teeth, "He fucked with my bro."

Before Wilcox or his friends could ask any further I was already striding towards him. As I passed the pool table closest to the corner I scooped up the pool stick and let out a whistle, "Hey Sharpey boy!"

Sharp turned to me.

He only had time to look in shock before I brought the pool stick hard across his face.

The mares screamed and scattered.

Sharp turned back towards me, seething with rage, "Hey! Who the fuc..."

He was interrupted when the pool stick cracked across his face once more, this time breaking in half.

This time he recovered quick and turned away from me, kicking out his legs and bucking me right in the chest.

I felt the air rush out of my lungs, and was sent flying back onto the pool table, gasping painfully for air and flailing about as I dropped my only weapon.

Sharp jumped up on the pool table and pinned me with his front hooves.

His eye was already swelling, and he had blood dripping from his mouth and nose, that didn't stop him from grinning though, "Here to defend your girlfriend? Can't blame you, she's a pretty hot piece of..."

This time it was a pool ball colliding with his head that interrupted him, "You don't fuck with us!" shouted Wilcox.

Before I even had time to process what was happening the stallion that had come with our group tackled Sharp off me.

Both of them went careening into the wall.

The bartender started to shout obscenities, but I was too busy seeing red to care.

I was off the table and on my feet the next instant, giving Sharp a hard kick to the face before he could struggle free from the stallion's grip.

Sharp cried out in pain, and I leaned down with a growl, grabbing his mane and forcing him to look me in the eye. "Listen to me carefully you little fuck. If I EVER... EVER catch you anywhere NEAR Dash again, I won't stop at a broken face, and I'll make sure you feel every God damn second of it, are we clear?" He glared up at me, and I responded by smashing his face into the ground, "ARE WE CLEAR!"

"Y... yes..."

"Good, clean yourself up, prick."

I stood from him and took a deep breath, wincing when I felt pain in my side. I lifted my shirt and saw blood soaking through my bandages, "Shit," I grunted.


Back in the white room, with a new set of stitches and an order for one night of bed rest. My life was going pretty awesome.

Dash laughed and jumped up to the small hospital bed, smacking me on the head with her hoof, "You're such an idiot."

I chuckled, "An idiot that opens his wounds kicking another idiot's ass."

"You know Twi is probably gonna ream your ass for picking a fight."

I grinned, "Totally worth it, he had it coming a mile back. Besides, The Commander's right hand mare is pretty adorable when she's mad."

Dash raised an eyebrow, "Did you seriously just use that word?"

I shrugged, "What? I call it like I see it."

"You seriously should take it easy though, that's a magical wound, and it'll take longer to heal than normal."

"I know that."

After a moment of silence Dash plopped down on the bed against me and rested her muzzle on my shoulder. "So you feeling alright, Big Guy?"

"Yeah, I'm fi..."

"Not physically. I know I haven't brought it up, but... you know... you shot somepony a couple of weeks ago, right in the head."

I let out a sigh, absently brushing my hand through her mane without really thinking on it, "I haven't exactly had nightmares about it, but... it bugs me."

"Why's that?"

"It was too easy... taking someone's life, just like that. I just pulled the trigger and he was gone. I don't want it to be easy."

Dash frowned, then pushed her face a bit further into my shoulder, "No one does Big Guy. By the way, thanks... for the whole Sharp thing." I bent my head to look at her, and she was looking at the wall, a small blush on her cheeks. "I could have handled him, but I wouldn't have been able to use pool sticks, that was pretty rad."

I grinned.

-Location Unknown-

A knock on the metal door of her stone isolation cell roused her from her slumber.


The slot at the bottom of the door opened, and the mare, freshly wakened, saw the plate of slop slide through it.

"FEEDING TIME!" shouted the guard, "EAT UP!"

The mare took a deep breath, standing on shakey legs and walking to the plate.

She leaned down and began to lap at it.

It was disgusting, the kind of slop fed to this world's pigs.

Not befitting her at all.

When she was finished there was another knock at the metal door.

This time a small slot opened up at eye level, and a pair of red eyes poked through, "Have you reconsidered?"

The mare gritted her teeth, "We would rather die."

"Suit yourself... Nightmare Moon."

Luna spat through the slot, causing the guard to let out a string of curses before slamming it shut.

Luna smirked and went back to her corner, curling up and letting out a small sigh.

She was a patient princess.

She would wait however long it took.

Wait for the one she saw in her dreams.

8: Bros

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Chapter 8: Bros

The briefing room was completely silent after I finished my explanation, Rainbow Dash at my side through the entire thing, and Twilight Sparkle listening to every detail with what seemed to be intense focus.

Twilight Sparkle was not angry, nor was she disappointed, not after hearing the story I had to share with her. She did, however, look thoughtful for a moment before speaking, "You do realize that I can't play favorites, right?"

I nodded, "I kind of figured that."

"As much as I'd like to pin a medal on your chest for grinding his face into the ground, this is a military installation, and any violence is prohibited. That goes for you too Dash."

Dash sighed and scuffed the ground with her hoof, "Sorry Twi."

Twilight smiled softly, "That being said, Rainbow didn't do much, and you..." she pointed a hoof to me, her smile growing, "Are not on the roster, nor have you received any training, so a small amount of paperwork will be enough to clear this up. Keep your nose clean for a couple of weeks and you won't have anything to worry about. If Sharp Gaze or anyone else gives you two trouble, I want you to come see me, and I mean it. I know Matt has been busy lately, but I take command in his place, that means I can deal with our... less than desirable elements."

Dash's face lit up with a grin that would put her friend Pinkie to shame. "You are the awesomest pony EVER!"

"I'm just doing what I have to do. Sharp had it coming, and sexual harassment is the last thing we need right now. He will be receiving a very harsh punishment, and probably won't see the inside of a transport vehicle anymore unless we're moving base."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Good, people like him are the last thing we need out in the field."

Twilight nodded, then cleared her throat, "Rainbow, could you give me a minute alone with Mr. Grey?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem, seeya later Big Guy."

"Seeya Dash."

Dash flapped her wings and flew out of the room, and I turned back to Twilight, who looked contemplative again.

"What'd you need me for?"

"I wanted to talk about you and Rainbow."

My mouth went dry, "I... I uh... heard about the rumors from Dash."

"It's a non-issue."


She smiled and gave me a wink, "I mean that it's none of my business."

I'd like to say that I kept my cool, but the fire taking residence on my face said otherwise, "So what did you um... want to talk about then?"

Twilight giggled, it was the first time I heard such a light sound come from her, "Rainbow requested that she be the one to train you, and I'm inclined to push it through. You two get on like a... what's the human saying?"

"A house on fire."

"Heh, yes, that. Rainbow has a lot of experience training humans for field work. I just wanted to let you know that while you're on duty it needs to stay strictly professional, is that clear?"


"Good, you're free to go. Also, let Rainbow know she shouldn't be eavesdropping."

I raised an eyebrow at that last comment, but decided to think nothing of it...

At least until I made it outside the room and found Dash, red all the way from her cheeks to behind her ears, "Uh... hey Big Guy... heh..."


Michael Willis was running.

He didn't know where he would go, or what he would be able to do once he was there, but he knew he had to get away as fast as humanly possible. It wasn't supposed to be like this; there was a time when Mr. Willis was happy.

A time when he had a wife, children, and a career.

All he knew at that moment was that it was night time and he was sprinting through the park as fast as his legs would carry him, weaving in between the trees to try and shake his pursuers.

The situation would have been laughable if his life wasn't in danger.

"He went that way!"

"Fan out, utilize the rounds!"

"But... they're not ready, it could kill him!"

Michael's eyes widened, and he started to move even faster. His legs were numb, but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was get away.

He stopped hearing the hooves behind him, and leaned against a tree to catch his breath. After giving himself a moment he stood and resumed running...

At least until he felt the prick in the back of his neck.

His legs were the first thing to give out as he went tumbling to the ground.

Then he felt fire spreading through his veins.

He couldn't help it, he started to scream. It was probably the most painful thing anyone had ever felt, and to Michael, who never experienced much pain in his life, it was like hell.

He started convulsing just as others came to observe him, the ones who had been giving chase.

The ponies watched as he thrashed about like a fish out of water.

The pegasus leading them sighed and shook his head, "Back to formula, and make it right this time!"

Michael Willis died that night.

His wife and children, already converted, would be told he was missing.

-One Week Later-


The firing range was my favorite place once Dash started training me.

The sound of a magazine slamming into place.

Slapping the paddle and hearing the bolt shoot forward, chambering a bullet.

Then there was my favorite part.

Pulling the trigger.

Three successive rounds burst from the muzzle, two of them hit the target, which was about fifty meters away; the target being a silhouette of a person on a sheet of paper.

The range itself was inside, and we were required to wear hearing protection behind the firing line whenever anyone was firing. The day Dash and I got there it was pretty empty, so she started teaching me how to not shoot like an idiot.

She taught me how to use the iron sights, line them up and focus on the front sight, let your target be slightly blurry.

It was easy enough.

"Alright Big Guy."

I stood from the firing line and pushed on the magazine release before clicking the M4 to 'Safe'.

"It's easier than I thought it would be, honestly. People make such a big deal about guns, guess I expected it to be super complicated or something." I reached up to my head and removed the hearing protection.

Dash walked to me, smiling, "Not bad for a first timer."

I gave her a flat look, "And how the hell do you aim this thing Ms. Perfect?"

"Ha, I can't exactly put it in front of my face. I kind of just... had to get a feel for it."

"Kind of like those weirdos that can shoot from the hip and still hit everything."

"Yeah, kinda like that I guess. Hey listen, it's been a while since we hung out Big Guy. This past week has been clearing rooms of paper bad guys and tossing flashbangs around. You wanna go grab a drink?"

I shrugged, "Sure, why the hell not? Let's take a break for a day or two."

She grinned, "Awesome, let's go to the rec room. Also, after that I've got something cool to show you."


The rec room was pretty busy by the time me and Dash got there to sit down for some booze. There was some hoofball game going on, and the ponies had just managed to bogart some cable the day before, so there were literally tons of people there watching it.

"Kinda crowded in here," grumbled Dash.

I laughed and sat at the bar on one of the shorter stools for humans; Dash opted for a taller one.

The bartender, a bald guy who looked like he was going on sixty, grinned at the both of us, "Well if it ain't Double Trouble. What can I do you fer Mr. Grey, and while we're at it would you like some horse feed for this fine mare over here?"

Dash grinned and lunged for him with her forehoof, but he stepped back with a laugh, avoiding the hit.

Dash sighed and sat back, planting her chin on her forehoof, "You're such an ass Jim. Just get me a Jack and Coke, and get Big Guy on tap, start him with a Bud."

I held a hand to my heart, "You always know just what I like Ms. Dash."

She responded by hitting me in the arm, "Just for that you're paying this time."

"I don't have any money."

"Consider yourself in debt."

"How much is interest?"

"Fifty percent."

I let out a low whistle, "That's pretty steep, anything I can do to accelerate payments?"

Dash turned her head to me, looked me up and down, then turned back to Jim, "Nah, I'm not that desperate yet."

Jim laughed uproariously as he started to spray some beer from the tap into my mug. When he slammed it down in front of me he grinned at both of us, "That's not what Sharpey's been saying about you two."

I rolled my eyes and took a swig from the beer before responding, "Let that little cunt talk. Dash here is my bro," I reached over to ruffle her mane, and she blushed, "He fucked with her and got what was coming to him."

Jim smirked, "Consider the first couple of beers on the house kid, I like your attitude. As for the lady here, your Jack and Coke is free."

Jim set Dash's drink in front of her, which was weird, because I didn't even see him pour it for her.

Fucking Jim, how does he work?

Jim waved a hand, "Whatever, I know you two ain't involved, 'sides, s'not his business anyways. Man wants to make out with an alien I say let 'em."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Captain Kirk would be proud."

"Pff, these fuckers ain't ponies. I had a pony back when I owned a farm, and it sure as hell ain't as cute as the lady here."

"You are a FREAK Jim," I said with a laugh.

"Hahahaha, like you ain't."

Dash grinned, remaining silent as she started on her drink.

I can't remember much of that night, but I do know that two hours later Dash and I were stumbling out of the bar giggling like retards. She hopped up on my back when it turned out I was running into the hardened concrete walls a lot less than she was.

"Hey," she said, "Hey Big Guy, hey..."


"Go right up here then jus' keep goin', k?"


She giggled, "No bed, mush better."

I don't even remember getting there, but I did as Dash said, and eventually we were outside, on the side of the hill we were imbedded in. She must have guided me a bit more, because we ended up in a rather flat area with a canopy of pine trees surrounding it. The clearing itself was extremely soft, and I ended up on my back at some point, with Dash sprawled across my chest.

"In't this nice?" she asked.


I remember thinking about how beautiful the stars in the night sky were.

"'M worried about her..."

"Who Dash?"

Dash yawned, "Lunaaaa."

We were both out within seconds.

9: The PER (Part 1)

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Chapter 9: The PER (Part 1)

JP Morgan and Chase was a bank company, and much like other bank companies they took pride in their security. The exchange rate for bits to dollars was easy enough to hash out when the ponies had first arrived on Earth, and it was business as usual. Their main alternative within the Seattle area was Wells Fargo, but with mostly low interest rates and special deals for veterans Chase was ever so slightly in the lead.

It was on a morning like any other that a man in a heavy coat waltzed into the bank. A stallion compatriot was following the man; the horn atop his head signifying him as a unicorn.

As this man entered the lobby of the bank his coat opened to reveal a SPAS 12 shotgun. He grasped it in his hands, and just as the bank's residents started to panic, pulled the trigger.

Humans and ponies alike were screaming now, most of them making a mad dash for the door.

The unicorn's horn glowed and the door slammed shut before they could even hope to reach it. The man laughed and held his hands above his head, toting around the shotgun as if it were a toy, "Ladies and Gentlemen! We are here to liberate you! Anyone who is a pony may leave, all humans must remain. The equipment will arrive shortly, and we'll want to get started right away when it does!"

The ponies, looking confused, made their way closer to the door at the man's bequest. The human's were guided towards the teller's counters at the point of his shotgun.

"Now a lot of you may be wondering why we're here today! Well, let me tell you. We mean you no harm. We are, after all, here to help. We are the Ponification for Earth's Rebirth, and we want nothing more than to see fortune spread amongst those who have none."

As the doors opened, many ponies began to flock out, but one stayed. This one's example was followed by a few others.

The one who had originally stayed was an elderly looking stallion with a pair of square-rimmed glasses.

The man's pony partner turned to the elderly stallion and glared, "get outta here gramps, and take your fan club with you."

The elderly pony stepped forward, stomping down one of his forehooves, "I heard about you lot before I moved here."

The PER stallion smirked, "Oh yeah? What'd you hear old timer?"

"I heard you're a bunch of terrorists. Kidnapping folks and forcing them through conversion."

The stallion laughed and approached the elderly pony. His horn started to glow, and the elderly pony was lifted from the ground, a magical aura wrapped around his throat, "The musings of an idealist, huh? Well let me tell you how the real world works old timer. Either those idiots backed into the teller counter make the switch, or they DIE, like you're about to."

With a resounding snap the elderly pony fell to the ground, dead.

The screaming started anew.


It had been a few weeks since Dash started training me. When she wasn't hanging out with me or teaching me how to shoot crap she was out with her other friends, all of which I had barely any interaction with.

Twilight seemed to be the exception to that. We liked each other and made a habit out of chatting every now and again, but not nearly as much as I hung out with Dash. On a particular Monday morning was when it happened.

I was just getting into my ACUs and tying my boots off at my bed in the barracks when Dash came barreling through, knocking a few guys over as she approached me.

When she finally reached me I could see the worry in her eyes, "Get geared up."


"Just do it Big Guy, I'll go grab a few others that I can trust with this, but be ready to go. I need you in the briefing room about five minutes ago."

Just like that she's gone.

It didn't take me long to gather up all my stuff. The LBE, the extra ammo magazines, my M4, my sidearm, and some night vision goggles.

As I made my way to the briefing room I could already hear Dash arguing with Twilight.

"... don't get why you have to..."

"You're right, you don't get it! That's why I'm the one that's doing this!"

"What's going on?" I asked as I approached the table.

Dash and Twilight weren't the only ones there. There was another unicorn mare that I didn't recognize, pale green with a lyre as her cutie mark. Towering above her was Wilcox, who waved at me as I entered.

Twilight sighed and shook her head, "This morning a bank in Seattle was taken hostage by members of the PER. They've killed a hostage and are planning on converting all the humans in the bank before they leave."

I raised an eyebrow, "Aren't the PER those crazy terrorist assholes? What are we doing sitting around? Shouldn't we be out there?"

Twilight gave me a flat look, "With all the Royal Guard and police surrounding the bank? It would go south, there's nothing we can do to help these people."

I could tell Dash was getting pissed. She reared up and planted her front hooves on the table, glaring daggers at Twilight, "Dammit Twilight! Bon Bon is in there! That hostage they killed was a PONY hostage. It doesn't matter to these people! They'll pull the trigger on anypony that gets in their way! This is our chance to send a message to the public! You've been waiting for this! Celestia can't stop word of mouth!"

Twilight looked unsure of herself after Dash said that.

I stepped forward, "Listen, we could go in quiet. How many assailants are there?"

Dash sighed, "Two."

"No," said Twilight, "How could you possibly go in quiet when they've surrounded the building?"

There was a moment of silence.

Then the mint green pony stepped forward, "I could teleport one of them."

"What about the the other?" asked Twilight.

Dash growled in exasperation, "An air drop! I'll take Big Guy in, and Lyra can teleport Wilcox." Then she turned to Lyra, "Would you be okay with that Lyra? You won't be able to do anything after exhausting yourself like that."

"I don't care. As long as Bon Bon is safe that's all that matters to me."

"Would you be able to extract us too?"


Twilight let out a sigh, "Fine, but this will only work if you go in with the cover of night." She turned to me, "Are you sure you can handle this Kyle? You've only been training for a few weeks."

"I'll be fine."

"Alright. I could send anyone, but Rainbow trusts you, and so do I if I'm being honest. Make this count."

"It's the only shot we've got," said Dash.


As Twilight had suggested we went when the sun fell over the horizon. There had been no updates to the public media ever since the initial report, so we could only hope that the PER still didn't have access to their conversion equipment. We took a small civilian vehicle so as not to stand out, and as we approached the site of the bank the streets seemed to be getting emptier.

Finally we were within a few blocks. The four of us got out of the car.

We could see the sirens of the police cars, and the shine of the Royal Guard's armor.

"This is it," said Dash.

I grinned down at her, "You sure you can carry me with all this equipment?"

"I've carried heavier. Just grab onto my hooves and you'll be fine."

"Got it."

Dash started to float above me, and I looped my M4 around to my back before reaching up and grabbing a hold of her back hooves. With a lurch I was lifted from the ground, "Oof. You need to lay off the Twinkies Big Guy."

I couldn't do anything but laugh at that one.

I turned my head back and smirked, "Seeya in there Wilcox."

We made it up to the roof without incident. There was a small crowd gathered behind the police line, human and pony alike. They were probably all there to worry about their loved ones.

That was a good thing.

We wanted witnesses to what we were about to do.

Dash dropped me when we were a few feet above the ground, and her hooves hit next to me shortly after. We made our way to the roof door, which ended up being locked.

"Great," I grumbled.

"Don't worry, I brought breaching charges." She bent at an awkward position and grabbed on of said charges from her LBE with her teeth. She planted it on the door and stepped back before smacking a small detonator attached to her with her hoof.

With a loud crack the door was flung open, revealing countless stairs.

I sighed and shook my head, "Awesome."

"Time to start your workout regiment," she said with a giggle.

We began to slowly make our way downstairs. Luckily it was only a three story building, and by the time we got to the bottom we could hear someone screaming through the metal door.

"I don't give a fuck who stopped you! That equipment better be here or we're all dead! You hear me you little faggot?!"

I turned to Dash and raised an eyebrow, "Sounds like things aren't going according to plan. Let's get Wilcox in."

Dash nodded and keyed her radio with her hoof, "String this is Warhawk, prepping to breech, send in Giant."

Lyra's voice crackled over the radio in response, "Copy warhawk, sending."

Dash nodded up to me, "I'm not good at clearing rooms, just firefights, you and Wilcox can take point on this one since you can use the sights."


The next few moments were surreal.

Wilcox was teleported inside and took point at the door when Dash instructed him to. We all prepped our equipment minus Dash, who held a flashbang in her teeth.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Wilcox kicked the door open and stepped to the side, giving Dash room to flick her head, simultaneously pulling the pin and tossing the grenade into the room.

We all covered our eyes.

"Holy shit, it's a raid!"


Our ears still ringing, we stepped into the room to find the recoiling citizens, as well as the perpetrators, all affected by the flashbang.

I saw the man with the shotgun and moved my gun up on instinct, aiming at his chest.

Two trigger pulls and he was down.

A unicorn charged us with an angry roar, obviously the guy's partner.

He was put down by Wilcox.

The silence in the room after our weapons had been discharged seemed cathartic compared to the short chaos that had taken place before.

It all happened in less than a minute.

Two lives taken... just like that.

My hands started to shake as I put my M4 back onto safe and keyed my radio. "HQ this is Warhawk 2. Requesting evac."

An unfamiliar voice responded, "Copy Warhawk. Unicorns on standby for evac at exfil point alpha."

Then I saw him, the dead pony surrounded by several others of his kind. They all looked up at us one by one, and I heard the mutterings about the HLF start almost all at once.

Then a single pony approached us; a cream colored mare with a mane colored pink and blue, curled at the ends like toffee. Her cutie mark was three wrapped candies, and she was smiling at us, "Thank you," she said softly. "I work here at the bank, and when the Royal Guard wouldn't do anything I..."

My hands stopped shaking, "Your friend is worried about you. Bon Bon, right?"

Bon Bon looked shocked that I knew who she was, but before she could say anything the sirens outside started up.

"Drop your weapons and come out peacefully!"

The three of us were through the door and headed up to the rooftop before they could even finish that sentence.