Rainbow and Rarity's Embarrassing Day

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Rainbow Dash and Rarity get super humiliated.

WARNING: Anyone who has not read and enjoyed this story already, turn back now. Even if you have the fetishes featured in this story, you will most likely hate this. Just look at the comments. This is my absolute worst story. I only didn't revoke it for the person who requested and loved it.

Rainbow Dash attempts a prank on Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, but it goes wrong, and she gets humiliated in front of everyone. And then Celestia and Luna punish her onstage in ways they never would realistically. Meanwhile, Trixie blackmails Rarity into doing some embarrassing things of her own. After that, some bets are taken, with humiliating results.

Contains: Omorashi/wetting, fart, spanking, and scat. Also contains brief diaper usage, despite that not usually being my thing (but most of the wetting or messing will be without diapers). Chapter 3 is more about olfactophilia, but with farts and light scat and watersports. Along with OoC moments and REALLY stretchy scenarios.

Another fetish story, and done by request.

An Embarrassing Day

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Today at Canterlot High, the students would be practicing javelin throws.

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were going to watch it, and Rainbow Dash had a very naughty idea of a prank to pull on them.

Rainbow Dash got four cups of cider, and spiked two of them with laxatives. As she made her way toward Celestia and Luna, Pinkie Pie jumped out and surprised her. She nearly dropped all four cups, so she set them on the ground and listened to the random things Pinkie had to say.

Once Pinkie walked away, Rainbow picked up the cups.

"Hey," said Rainbow once she reached Celestia and Luna. "I thought you might be thirsty, so here's some cider!"

She gave Celestia and Luna the two cups she thought were spiked, and drank the other two very quickly. As Celestia and Luna drank their cider, Rainbow chuckled.

Near the end of the class, it was Rainbow Dash's turn to throw the javelin. As she stepped up, she let out a loud fart. The other students laughed, and Rainbow blushed lightly.

As she picked up the javelin, she farted several more times.

"Uh-oh! I might have drank the wrong cider!"

Celestia and Luna heard this and looked at each other.

Rainbow Dash threw the first javelin with difficulty. She let out more wet farts as she threw the second javelin. As she picked up the third...


Rainbow blushed beet red as she released a big, wet, smelly mess into her skintight black shorts. The hyperscat came out for five seconds, and the mess was so big and so wet that it began to leak out her shorts and go down her legs. At this, everyone began laughing really hard.

Twilight, Sunset, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity weren't laughing, but Pinkie was laughing her butt off.

Rainbow stood there in total humiliation before the bell rang for lunch, and she ran to the bathroom to clean herself up.


Although Rarity felt bad for Rainbow, she was disgusted all the same and hoped she could forget about this event.

She walked to the cafeteria, as she would always eat lunch first and then use the bathroom.

After she got her plate of food, she started to walk to the table that her friends were sitting at, but Trixie blocked her path.

"Guess what, Rarity? The great and powerful Trixie has stolen the designs for your dresses!"

"So you're the one!" said Rarity, furious.

"I'll make sure you will never work in fashion again unless you do whatever the Great and Powerful Trixie says!"

"What do you want?"

"I want you to wet yourself. Right then, right here!"

"That's revolting! I'd never do that!"

"Have it your way. You can forget about your fashion career!"


Rarity closed her eyes and began peeing, flooding her purple panties, and wetting the front of her purple skirt. The pee flowed down her legs and formed a puddle at her feet.

All around people noticed her and began to laugh. Rarity blushed with embarrassment. She could not believe she was doing this.

When Rarity finished peeing, Trixie said "Rarity peed in her dress! She needs a spanking!"

"I beg your... Ooh!"

Trixie sat down on a nearby table, put a towel over her lap, then put Rarity over her lap, pulled up her skirt so her wet, purple panties were exposed for all to see, and spanked her ten times. Rarity squealed with each swat. It didn't hurt that bad, but the real pain was in her humiliation, as just about everyone in the cafeteria was laughing at her.

"Trixie has something for you before next class," said Trixie as she walked away.

Rarity sat down next to her friends. Pinkie couldn't help but giggle, and Applejack hit her in the head with a newspaper. "That's the last thing she needs right now."

They ate their lunch, but Rarity was too ashamed to enjoy it, though Sunset, Applejack, and Fluttershy tried to comfort her.

Rainbow Dash sat down next to them. She had cleaned out most of the mess in her shorts and flushed it down the toilet, but her shorts were still very dirty and smelled really bad. The girls' disgust was clear, but they didn't tell Rainbow to leave, as they thought it would only make her feel more ashamed of her accident.

As there were five minutes left before the end of lunch...


Rainbow Dash farted and soiled herself again. She got up and ran back to the bathroom.


Rarity was about to walk into English class, when Trixie stood at the doorway.

"Drink this," she said, holding out a bottle of water. "All of it. Or your fashion career is over!"

Rarity drank the bottle of water, and got into class. The class stifled some chuckles at the sight of her wet skirt.

Only five minutes into the class, Rarity felt an uncomfortable feeling in her bowels. Trixie must have put fart powder in that water bottle - and a lot of it, for she had never been so gassy.

After two more minutes, she couldn't hold it anymore.


Rarity blushed, and the other students started to laugh.

"Rarity!" said the teacher. Rarity just giggled nervously, and the teacher shrugged it off and went back to the lesson.

Almost immediately after, Rarity felt that same pressure, and let out an airy fart. It was only audible to those sitting closest to her, but it smelled really bad. Then came a louder, wetter fart.

For the next ten minutes, Rarity let out a flurry of wet, boisterous farts, and the teacher, looking very annoyed, opened the window. Rarity had never been so embarrassed in her life. First she was forced to wet herself, now she was farting in front of the whole class.

Five minutes before the end of class, Celestia's voice could be heard on the announcements.

"Attention everyone! Next class there is going to be an assembly."


As soon as everyone was assembled in the auditorium, Celestia spoke into the microphone.

"Would Rainbow Dash come onstage?"

Rainbow reluctantly stood up and walked toward the stage.

Rarity farted loudly, and blushed while everyone laughed.

Rainbow reached the stage.

"Today," said Celestia to the audience, "Rainbow Dash tried to prank me and Vice Principal Luna by giving us cider with laxatives."

"It backfired on her," said Luna, "but we must make sure she doesn't try it again."

"I think I already got my punishment for that," said Rainbow, feeling very uncomfortable, not only because she was standing in front of an entire audience in her soiled shorts, and was reminded of her messy accident, but also because she needed to pee rather badly. Those two ciders had gone through her and she hadn't peed since she was too focused on cleaning up the mess in her shorts and panties.

"Well, we still have to punish you for it," said Celestia. "Luna, you go first."

"Wait, what?"

Luna sat down in a chair on the stage, putting Rainbow Dash over her lap. It only now occurred to Rainbow that both Celestia and Luna were wearing rubber gloves, and she realized what they were about to do. She kicked her legs helplessly.

"Can't you give me detention instead?"

Luna responded by slapping Rainbow's dirty butt. Because most of the mess had been cleaned out, this hurt quite a bit. Luna spanked Rainbow nine more times, in front of the entire school, much to their amusement, and Rainbow's embarrassment.

"Are we done now?" said Rainbow, blushing profusely, and crossing her legs, for she really needed to go.

"It's my turn now," said Celestia, and she put Rainbow over her lap.

"Can you please stop? I have to pee really... OW!"

Celestia slapped Rainbow's behind harder than Luna could. After the fifth swat, Rainbow started to tear up from the pain and humiliation, and after the ninth swat, she started peeing uncontrollably.

Celestia froze after spanking Rainbow the tenth time. Rainbow had never been so humiliated in her life. She was now peeing in her already-soiled shorts, all over Principal Celestia. And, her butt hurt a lot from the spankings.

After 30 seconds, Rainbow finished wetting herself.

"You peed on me," said Celestia. "You know what this means, Luna."

Luna pulled out a box of diapers. Rainbow tried to run but Celestia held her down as Luna pulled off her wet, soiled shorts and her dark pink miniskirt, and put the diaper on her.

"You have to wear this until the end of the school day," said Celestia. "Then come back to our office and we'll change you. That will be the end of your punishment."

"What do you mean, change me?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Your diaper will not be clean by the end of last class," said Luna. She opened ten cans of soda and sprinkled some laxatives into each one. "Drink all of these right now."

Rainbow Dash moaned.

"I think a detention would have sufficed," said Twilight.


The last class of the day was history class. Rainbow Dash sat in her diaper the entire class, often getting looks, chuckles, and sometimes teasing from her classmates.

Rarity, meanwhile, was still extremely gassy, and was farting loudly every few minutes. The teacher had to open the window like before.

Only fifteen minutes into class, Rainbow Dash peed in her diaper, and then released a wet brown mess into it.

"Aw, did the baby mess her diaper?" said one of the boys while the girls next to him giggled.

Rainbow Dash had to sit in her wet, soiled diaper for the rest of the class, while Rarity was equally humiliated from farting so much.


As Rarity walked out of class, Trixie pulled her closer to her.

"One more thing before you go home," said Trixie. "Follow the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Rarity did as she was told, and Trixie led her to a bathroom.

Applejack watched suspiciously.

Once inside the bathroom, Rarity saw about twenty girls standing there. Rarity knew most of them were friends with Trixie.

"You will sit on that toilet and let these girls do whatever they want to you!"

"Haven't you had enough?" said Rarity.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will go first!" Trixie turned around, raised her butt in Rarity's face, and farted loudly. Rarity cringed at the stench. Then Trixie dunked Rarity's head in the toilet and flushed.

One by one, the other girls farted in Rarity's face and gave her swirlies. Some of them wiggled their butts in front of Rarity's face before farting.


Rarity gagged at the smell of the fifth fart. After the girl with the jeans gave Rarity a swirlie, the sixth girl, who was wearing skintight black shorts, stuck her butt so close to Rarity's face it was almost touching it.


The smell was overpowering now, and Rarity almost threw up. Seventh was Diamond Tiara, eighth was Silver Spoon.


On her tenth swirlie, Rarity wet her panties again. On her eleventh, she soiled herself, making a big mess in her underwear, causing everyone to laugh harder.


After the last girl, who wore a yellow mini skirt, farted in Rarity's face, Rarity fainted from the smell. She instantly woke up when her head was dunked in the toilet.


Rainbow Dash blushed with embarrassment as she lay on a changing table. Why it was in Celestia's office, she didn't know. Luna removed her very dirty diaper, and put on her wet, dirty, very smelly shorts, and put her skirt back on over it.

"Are we done now?" said Rainbow Dash.

"We are done," said Celestia. "Unless you try to do that again."

Rainbow walked out of the office and walked home. It started to rain hard. Rainbow didn't mind. A walk in the rain seemed perfect considering this situation. It at least made her shorts less dirty and smelly before she got home.

Rarity felt the same way. Her hair was already wet anyway, and the rain was cleaner than the water in that toilet. She had cleaned up as best she could after Trixie's girls were through with her, but her underwear was still dirty, and she was still farting every once and a while.


Later that night, it had stopped raining. Rarity had taken a shower and changed into a light blue tank top and a short, fairly tight pair of purple shorts. She was shopping at the mall when she ran into Trixie in the middle of a crowd.

"Not you again," said Rarity.

"One more thing and Trixie will return your designs."


"Wet yourself and mess yourself again. Right here, right now!"

Rarity moaned, and released the contents of her bladder and bowels into her shorts. People stared and laughed as her shorts grew wetter, pee pouring down her legs and forming a puddle, as a brown bulge appeared at the back. Rarity blushed, feeling ashamed beyond belief once again.

Trixie gave Rarity her designs back. "Don't think this ends here! The Great and Powerful Trixie will steal them again if you don't do what she says forever!"

Rarity whimpered, wetting herself a little more.

"There'll be no more of that," came a country voice. Rarity and Trixie turned to see Applejack. "Ah know what you've been doin', Trixie. If you do anything like that to Rarity again, you'll regret it."

"Save your empty threats for later," said Trixie. "The Great and Powerful Trixie needs to use the bathroom!"

Applejack tickled Trixie's sides and armpits. Trixie started to laugh, and before long she was peeing in her purple skirt and white panties. The crowd saw this and laughed at her too.

"And there's more where that came from," said Applejack.

"All right," said Trixie. "I won't do it again!" She threw a smoke bomb and ran away.

Applejack walked Rarity back to her house and she changed into one of her other dresses after taking another long shower. Rarity started to feel better after having dinner with Applejack. By now her farting had subsided, much to her relief.


Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, sat on her bed for the rest of the day, thinking about all the embarrassing things that had happened today, all from one failed prank. She wet her pajama pants twice before eventually growing tired and falling asleep, on top of the covers.


For a few weeks, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were the object of teasing and ridicule, except from their friends, though Pinkie Pie laughed every time someone brought it up, until she was reminded by Sunset that she had wet her jean shorts from laughing too hard at Rarity farting during the last class. Which Rainbow and Rarity hadn't noticed before.

But, by the end of the month, everything was eventually forgotten, and Rainbow Dash and Rarity could put these horrible experiences behind them. Except for one moment each.

Rainbow Dash got Pinkie Pie to trigger a device to pull Celestia and Luna's pants down at another assembly, and sneak fart powder in their tea so they were farting the entire time (how Pinkie accomplished either, Rainbow didn't know), and the audience laughed at them. Beyond this, Rainbow never attempted to prank them again, and a week later, they apologized to her for giving her such a harsh punishment and said they'd give her detention in the future. They did not suspect her, for they had kept an eye out for any more of her pranks.

And Rarity got her final revenge on Trixie. After Applejack tricked her into drinking a lot of cider and some prune juice at break, Trixie ran into the bathroom in the middle of lunchtime, where Rarity was waiting for her. Rarity gave her a swirlie, causing her to wet herself and mess herself at once. Then she dragged her to the cafeteria by her feet, where the students could see her and laugh at her.

Trixie never tried to blackmail Rarity again.

Applejack and Rarity's Embarrassing Day

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Rainbow Dash was about to play a soccer game against a team which had Lightning Dust on it, and she was downing one bottle of cider after another.

"Darling, you really shouldn't drink that much before a game," said Rarity.

"Yeah," said Applejack. "You might wet yourself again."

"I can hold it! This isn't the first time I've had this much to drink before sports." She drank another cider.

"I bet you do wet yourself," said Applejack.

"As do I," said Rarity.

"And I bet that I won't!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Wanna make it an actual bet?" said Applejack.

"Name the terms," said Rainbow Dash.

"If you wet yourself, you have to wear a frou frou outfit until I say so," said Rarity.

"And do all my work around the farm for a day with no bathroom breaks," said Applejack.

"And if I don't, you two have to do anything humiliating I want you to for a day!" said Rainbow Dash.

"You're on!" said Applejack and Rarity. They shook hands with Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash emerged from the nearest bathroom after the game, looking immensely relieved.

"I made it!" she said, although she had been so desperate during the game she thought she wouldn't.

"Really?" Applejack felt the crotch of Rainbow's shorts. They were dry.

"Damn it! It's true. We lost."

"Oh no..." Rarity was dreading what was to come.


Next day they met in front of the school. Rarity wearing her usual purple skirt, and Applejack wearing short, tight jean shorts. Rainbow Dash wearing her usual compression shorts under a skirt.

"Today's the day you do your part of the bet," said Rainbow Dash. "First things first. If you have to go, go in your underwear. Or shorts, in Applejack's case. You are not allowed to even touch a toilet until the end of the day, or until I say so."

"Are you out of your mind?" said Rarity.

"We shook on it!"

"Fine. But I'll try to hold it in all day."

"Good luck with that!"


For two classes, the entire school was outside, with each class separated into teams that were running around the racetrack to practice for a big race coming up. Rainbow's class ran their race first.

"Perfect," said Rainbow Dash as she walked up to Rarity and Applejack. "Now, expose your underwear to everyone."

"I beg your pardon?" said Rarity.

"Ah ain't doin' that," said Applejack.

"Then you shouldn't have been so sure I'd wet myself at the game!"

Rarity and Applejack sighed, and stood in a spot where everyone could see them. Rarity lifted her skirt up, turning away from the eyes staring at her purple panties. Applejack pulled her shorts down, exposing her red panties to everyone.

Everyone burst out laughing, and Rarity and Applejack blushed beet red.

"Now, sit on that bench and spank each other. Applejack, when it's your turn, pull Rarity's skirt up. And keep your shorts down until both of you have given each other ten spankings."

Applejack sat on the bench first and put Rarity over her lap, lifting her skirt up so her underwear was visible.

"I can't believe we're doing this," said Rarity, blushing.

She squealed as Applejack brought her hand down on her rear.

After ten swats, Applejack stood up. Rarity sat on the bench, put Applejack over her knees, and spanked her ten times. Applejack would have enjoyed it if everyone wasn't watching.


By lunchtime, Rarity and Applejack needed to pee really badly.

"If you have to go, the bathroom's over there," said Sunset.

"We had a bet, and I won, so they have to do anything humiliating I say!" said Rainbow Dash.

Applejack realized she probably wasn't going to make it, so she let it all out in her shorts. The sound of her peeing was easily audible, causing Rarity to leak a little.

"If you hold it until next class, go there," said Rainbow Dash.

Applejack's jean shorts were soaked, and she was blushing lightly.


Next class, as soon as they were doing their assignments, Rarity looked around to make sure no one was looking, and peed in her dress. It was so humiliating. The hissing sound was only slightly less audible with her. The crotch and butt of her dress became soaked, as did her purple panties, and pee dripped off her seat into a puddle under her.

Some of the other students noticed and snickered, including Rainbow Dash. Rarity blushed beet red.


After school, Rainbow Dash brought them each a cookie. Looking at her suspiciously, they ate them.

"Those cookies had lots of fart powder in them! Your final task is to fart in each others' faces! Then our bet is done."

"Ugh. I am above such-" Rarity felt a pressure in her bowels. "Fine, let's get this over with. Applejack, get next to my rear."

Applejack did as she was told, and Rarity let out a loud fart, blowing her skirt back.

"Hoo, Rarity, that smells just as bad as mah farts!" said Applejack.

Rarity blushed.

After a few more farts, Applejack was feeling the pressure now. "Time to switch!"

They did, so Rarity was now next to Applejack's butt, and Applejack farted loud and deep-pitched into her face.

"Ugh, that's just vile," said Rarity.

Applejack felt no shame about this.

They kept switching around after a few farts, while Rainbow Dash laughed, and so did anyone who happened to walk by or be standing nearby.

After about fifteen minutes, their gas was gone.

"That's it," said Rainbow Dash. "That was so hilarious! Next time you'll have a little more faith in how long I can hold it!"

"We are NOT making a bet like that again," said Rarity.


On Rainbow Dash's next soccer game, once again she drank too much cider...

...and once again she made it.

"We are DEFINITELY not making a bet like that again," said Rarity.

Applejack nodded in agreement.

A Smelly Week

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"Hey Applejack, I challenge you to an arm wrestle! Without your geode!"

"You're on! Ah can beat you even without super strength."

"That's not what happened last time!"

"I'll have to agree with Rainbow Dash," said Rarity.

"You're takin' her side?" said Applejack.

"Why don't we take a bet?" said Rainbow Dash.

"That sounds smashing," said Rarity. "If Rainbow Dash wins, you have to wear a frou frou dress for a week."

Applejack shivered slightly, but regained her composure, confident that she could beat Rainbow Dash.

"And you have to pee in it," said Rainbow Dash. Rarity gave her a dirty look, but nodded.

"And if ah win," said Applejack, "neither of you can wash, change clothes, or use deodorant or toilet paper for a week."

Rarity gasped.

"And you're only allowed to take yer shorts and panties off to go to the bathroom. After which you must put them back on."

Rainbow Dash was wearing her usual outfit, black compression shorts under a pink and white miniskirt, with a white T-shirt and blue jacket on top, while Rarity was wearing a light blue tank top and short, skintight, purple shorts which looked as lovely on her as her dress.

"And, you gotta do anything else ah say relevant to that, though ah won't tell you to wet yourself or mess yourself or anything like that."

"You're on!" said Rainbow Dash.

Rarity hesitated, but, confident Rainbow Dash would win and eager to see Applejack dress fancy, said "Deal!" She and Rainbow Dash each grabbed one of Applejack's hands and they shook on it.

Applejack set her geode down and arm-wrestled Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked like she was about to win... and then Applejack forced her hand to the ground.

"Oh dear," said Rarity.

"Ha!" said Applejack. "Now, we shook on it so you know what you gotta do. And starting from Day 3, I'll be sniffin' your butts to see if you've been breakin' our deal and usin' toilet paper."

"Can't you sniff my behind when it doesn't smell bad?" said Rarity.

"Ah prefer when there is a smell." Applejack blushed lightly.

"No problem for me," said Rainbow Dash. "It's not like I haven't gone several days without showering before!"

"I haven't forgotten," said Rarity.


The next day, Applejack called Rainbow Dash and Rarity to a racetrack, with several bottles of water and a dispensible barrel of cider. Both were still wearing their outfits from yesterday, and Applejack was wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of jean shorts.

"Ah want you to run a long race with me. Ten laps around here. You can stop at the end of whatever lap you want to take a drink and stay hydrated."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were thankful for this, because it was a hot summer day.

"I'm gonna love this!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, and you can't use yer geode."

"Fine by me." Rainbow set her geode on top of the cider barrel, and then they stood at the start/finish line.

"On yer marks... get set... go!"

They ran as fast as they could. Rainbow Dash was in the lead, Applejack close behind, and Rarity at the rear. They were sweating profusely by the end of the first lap, and each drank a whole bottle of water.

After each lap, they all stopped for more water. Thankfully Applejack had brought a big case of 24 water bottles, which lasted them for eight laps, and there was enough cider for the last two laps.

Rainbow Dash won. As soon as Applejack crossed the finish line, Rarity sat down, panting.

All three girls were literally dripping in sweat, to the point that they looked like they'd just climbed out of a swimming pool. A puddle of sweat was already forming under Rarity where she sat, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were sweating a puddle too.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash drank more cider, and then Applejack walked over to Rarity and gave her a cup, which Rarity gratefully accepted.

"Well, at least ah can wash and change after this," said Applejack. "Too bad you can't."

"Good one Applejack," said Rainbow Dash, realizing why Applejack had them run the race on a hot day.

"I am not looking forward to how I'll smell tomorrow," said Rarity.

After resting for a bit, they suddenly felt they really needed to pee from all they had drank. Rainbow Dash grabbed her geode and ran to the outhouse, but in the time it took her to grab it, Applejack had already entered it and closed the door.

Rainbow and Rarity held themselves doing the pee dance while they waited for Applejack.

"Hurry up in there!" said Rainbow Dash. "I really gotta go!"

"So do I," said Rarity.

Finally, Applejack exited the bathroom, looking relieved.

Rainbow quickly ran into the outhouse and shut the door, to Rarity's dismay. She hoped Rainbow's geode would make her pee faster too.

The minutes felt like hours, and Rarity became more desperate.

Just as Rarity started leaking into her already-wet shorts, Rainbow Dash finally opened the door and walked out.

Rarity ran into the bathroom, leaking for four seconds as she fumbled with her sweaty hands and finally pulled her shorts and panties down before sitting on the toilet.

She exited the bathroom, relieved, though her shorts smelled slightly of pee from how much she had leaked before.


Day 3, Applejack met up with Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Applejack was wearing her usual jean skirt, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were wearing their same outfits. The sweat had long dried off them, but they were starting to smell. They were scratching themselves as well, especially their butts, for they had both taken a dump at least once before today, and not used toilet paper as Applejack had said. As such, their underwear was pretty dirty.

"First things first," said Applejack, and she sniffed Rainbow's butt. "Yup, smells pretty bad." She sniffed Rarity's butt. "Did you pee in your shorts?"

"I may have leaked a little, but I made it on the whole," said Rarity, blushing a little.

"Now let me sniff your armpits."

Rainbow lifted her arms and Applejack sniffed. "You're gettin' there." She sniffed Rarity's armpit. "Pretty good for only three days."

"You mean we smell pretty bad," said Rarity.

"Only four days left," said Applejack.


On Day 4, all seven of the girls were eating a meal that Applejack and Pinkie Pie had prepared together. The other girls were aware of the bet they had taken.

"Phew, you two do smell bad," said Twilight.

"I don't mind," said Rainbow Dash, scratching her butt.

"I certainly do," said Rarity. She sniffed her armpit. "I can't wait to take a shower three days from now."

Pinkie had put fart powder in Rainbow Dash and Rarity's food. In minutes, it started to take effect.

Rarity tried her hardest to hold it in, even though she suspected how much she and Rainbow Dash already smelled might drown out the smell of the fart, and she did know how to fart silently.

Rainbow Dash farted loudly and chuckled.

"Rainbow Dash!" said Rarity, secretly appreciating this so she could let out a silent fart of her own.

Rainbow farted more, each fart ranging from three seconds to nine.

"I'm really gassy today," she said. She paused to fart for five seconds. "Awesome!"

Rarity, in the meantime, felt the pressure get so intense she couldn't keep it silent anymore. She let loose with a series of boisterous farts, much shorter than Rainbow Dash's, from one to two seconds, but just as loud and smelling just as bad.

Pinkie laughed so hard she wet her jean shorts. She didn't even blush, for she was still laughing too hard.

"Pinkie Pie, did you put..." FFFFFRRRRT! "something in our food?" said Rarity.

"I put fart powder in there," said Pinkie once she got a hold of herself. She felt her wet shorts and blushed lightly.

Rarity felt bad for her so she decided to let it slide this time.

By the end of the day, Rainbow Dash and Rarity not only smelled like four days of sweat, but farts as well.


On Day 5, Applejack sniffed Rainbow Dash and Rarity again. By now they had flies buzzing around them.

"You definitely smell even more than last time," said Applejack after sniffing Rarity's butt. Then, as Rarity scratched her butt vigorously, Applejack sniffed Rainbow Dash's butt.


Applejack fell on her butt as Rainbow Dash laughed at her own fart. Applejack stood up and sniffed deeply.

"Did you put Pinkie up to it yesterday?" said Rainbow Dash, even though this fart had nothing to do with fart powder, which had worn off.

"She suggested it and ah thought it'd be mighty fun."

"Yes, it's so very amusing to humiliate myself with something so unladylike and smell even worse than I would without it, which is saying something," said Rarity.

"Actually, it is amusing," said Rainbow Dash.

After Applejack sniffed both their armpits, which, again, smelled worse than two days ago, she said "Now take off your shoes and socks so I can sniff your feet."

Does she have a foot fetish too? thought Rarity as she took her shoes off.

Applejack sniffed Rarity's feet, which smelled just like her armpits. Rainbow Dash giggled as Applejack sniffed her feet next, inhaling deeply.


Day 6, they hung out with the other girls again. They smelled really bad by now, from not washing, the sweat of the summer heat, the farts from two days ago, and not using toilet paper (their underwear was very dirty by now). But their friends were able to put up with the smell because they really liked them. Fluttershy even gave them a hug.


On Day 7, Applejack met up with Rainbow Dash and Rarity in the afternoon.

"Do ah even need to sniff you?" said Applejack. "Ah can smell you from here."

Rainbow Dash sniffed her armpit. "Yeah, we smell really bad now! I've even been eating stuff that makes my poop wetter." She chuckled as she scratched her butt.

"Too much information, Rainbow Dash," said Rarity. Of course her panties were just as dirty as Rainbow Dash's, maybe even dirtier.

First Applejack sniffed their armpits. Then she sniffed their feet again.

"Damn, you do stink somethin' awful." But she looked like she enjoyed the smell rather than being disgusted by it.

Then she sniffed Rainbow Dash's butt. "Phew, you sure you didn't soil yourself?"

"Not really," said Rainbow. "Although... I think I'm going to if I don't get to a bathroom soon!" Just now she had gotten an intense urge to pee and poop from all the cider she drank this morning and all she had eaten with the other girls yesterday.

"Just hold it until ah smell Rarity." Applejack sniffed Rarity's butt. "Phew, you smell even worse than Rainbow Dash!" She slapped Rarity's butt lightly.

"Is that so?" said Rainbow Dash. She stopped trying to hold it in, closed her eyes tight, and started to push. "Hrrrrrgggggh..."

She sighed in relief as she released a wet brown mess into her shorts, while simultaneously peeing, waterfalls gushing down her legs.

Rarity wrinkled her nose at the stench. "Rainbow Dash... did you just... go to the bathroom in your shorts?"

"Now I smell worse than you!" said Rainbow, chuckling and still peeing.

"I did not know this was a contest, and if so, I'm glad to lose it." At these words, she realized she was very grateful to lose a contest of smelling bad, overriding her disgust for Rainbow Dash wetting and messing herself. She'd give her a hug if she wasn't concerned about Rainbow peeing on her.

"That's kinda cheatin'," said Applejack. "For that, you gotta stay in that outfit for all of tomorrow!"

"Oh come on!" said Rainbow Dash as she finally finished peeing.


That night, Rarity took the longest and most satisfying bubble bath, and then shower, of her life, still wearing her dirty, smelly outfit, for it needed as much washing as it could get. She did not fart in the tub. Not only was she above deliberately doing something so unladylike, preferring to fart silently out of the water and away from others, but she didn't even have to fart now. After finishing her shower she changed into her pajamas, put her outfit in the washing machine with extra soap, climbed into her bed, and fell asleep.