Sugar × Spice × Sensual

by Fireflower

First published

A clopfic anthology: Snails x Twist; presumably taking place after the series by a couple of years, albeit on some separate but equally scintillating stories in erotic color. Every other factor thereof surrounding them becomes irrelevant so to speak.

They have said constantly that love knows no limits whatsoever: time, space, dimensions, and imagination notwithstanding; even in the grand scheme of things throughout the whole wide world which the people live in, every unit of measurement therein is not wasted in this very endeavor of the rhythm emotion alone.

Such is the case for the two of the ponies within Equestria alone, Snailsquirm and Peppermint Twist–a–loo, both hailing from the small township of Ponyville: the former, a unicorn stallion with special needs; the latter, an earth pony mare possessing above average intellect.

Of course, rather than just a typical romance novel, theirs is but only a compilation of vignettes detailing the concupiscence of their momentary lives with one another in various situation borne from alternate continuities with but only one main commonality already taking center stage in each one.

Cover art belongs to si-hu.

NOTE: All (anthropomorphized) characters featured in this story are aged up into adulthood to comply with FIMFiction's rules!

Trapped In The Closet

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Darkness was the only way of how the small world was working, let alone the real world in and of itself to say the very least; as a matter of fact, the small world in question is indeed the real world and vice versa nonetheless. The jet black void was all that could be seen but not heard, felt, tasted, or smelled; yet, it can be also sensed as well anyways, devoid of even a modicum of light bearing any hue whatsoever to permeate throughout its entirety. For a moment, it would have seemed that all was completely lost, its own mere fate already sealed and set in stone to say the least before the very beginning; as such, nothing else was going to even change that in the slightly.

Then without so much as a warning, a refrain of beeping cut through the sound barrier like a hot knife through butter despite being muffled about. Out of the very few possibilities being unveiled rather slowly, only one stood out amongst the lights and sounds: a young gray mare scowling. Donned upon her very visage was but a singular wide lens pair of eyeglasses with a cerulean frame already being held securely in place at once. The young gray mare had a simple teal blouse worn upon her torso, complete with some small red buttons fastening them all the way to the top. A rubber band colored in a hue matching her very spectacles tied itself around the silvery tresses as it created a short synthetic tail at the very end. A long beige skirt was instantly found to be already adorned firmly around the young gray mare’s waistline, bearing the image of fine flowers.

“What’s up, Diamond…?” she asked into the illuminated spring green rectangular device all quietly.

In a matter of seconds, a response went into the owner’s ear: although feminine like herself, it was constricted by airwaves; nevertheless, her answer came, “hey Silver, did you get anything on that candy–ass bicycle…?”

“Nope, not yet: I wasn’t fast enough to leave the house; damned dullard…” the eponymous observer spoke back in turn, pushing her left hand out in front to see a narrow light, “I can’t fucking believe that they’ve returned so soon…!”

“You mean her and that retard of a coltfriend, am I right…?” Diamond scoffed as the listener silently inspected the area in front of the latter.

Silver had slowly backed away and replied all at once, “apparently, it’s likely that Twist is showering all of the sudden; of course, I could have expected them fucking at this point: the water would’ve been a nice touch…”

“Speaking of touch, it isn’t like that she hadn’t tried petting the kitty whenever she had got the chance…” the caller laughed as the listener shut the door in front of her all at once, “besides, that floozy usually would rather have herself reamed.”

“Yeah…” Silver sighed softly and slowly.

The shuffling of hooves was making their way nearby the listener, prompting herself to hold still and silent to prevent unnecessary attention from being focused onto herself. Silver held the screen up to her own face closely, keeping the light of the very electronic from moving freely enough to not give away her location in any form or fashion. Although that the hoofbeats were quiet, the listener was careful enough to refrain from making any sudden gestures that would bring trouble upon herself and the caller.

It didn’t take long for the sounds from beyond the closet to fade away slowly but surely, the owner’s identity still a mystery in the young gray mare’s mind; at the same time, Diamond asked, “Silver, what’s wrong…?”

“Nothing: just had to listen to that dopey dolt of a dullard drudging on in the bedroom; he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but that doesn’t make him blind…” the aforementioned listener answered with an audible whisper, “at this rate, it won’t be long until that pasty little slut steps out of the shower and sleeps with Snails already…”

“Preferably in the nude…” the caller replied with a quiet snort in return as the occupant blushed about.

Silver maintained her composure and said to Diamond, “well, I’m gonna try to hold out until they fall sleep tonight and I hope they do it soon; my parents want me to return home before midnight.”

“Same here; I hope that redhead doesn’t catch you on the way out the door…” the caller whispered back, “g’night, Silver…!”

Darkness was now settling all around the young gray mare as she became cloaked deeply into it without any exposure. Accompanying Silver was a light that was from the cellphone, giving a glimpse to the dark coat she had on the visage. Within that very skin was a single scowl sewn shallowly into the system like some silk unto that of submissive slaves.

“I want to know what that hayseed ever even sees into that hussy redhead…” the young gray mare scoffed under breath as she had her finger on the corner of the device.

Within moments, the creaking of floors emitting from behind her as they were followed by giggling, “I had thuch a great night out on the town tonight, Thquirmy…”

“So did I, Lula…” the aforementioned one cooed warmly, “watching the swarm of fireflies was the best thing that’s happened around these parts.”

“Not ath much ath being there with you the whole time…” the male’s lover laughed warmly, infecting him with her emotions.

Unbeknownst to them, Silver listened in onto the bubbly conversation they were engaged in and wondered, “I can’t believe that dopey looking guy like Snails of all people would choose that anal cunt Twist…!”

For what it was worth, both ears now perked up to the acute sounds of grunting and straining as dialogue exchanged between them continued on without interruption. Even though that the listener was completely out of their sights and vice versa, that did not mean the former couldn’t paint a picture of what was already being done. Despite dwelling within the deep and dank darkness, the young gray mare could now begin to feel herself swirling on and about in the very unknown of ambiguity.

“Mm–hmm, for thuch a meaty package, you mutht be packing in tho much creamy goodneth in there…” Twist had sighed as she soon slurped about in mere seconds, “it feelth like my body ith gonna be ready for thith one…”

“Aren’t you going to need some protection for this one; I don’t wanna get you knocked up now, right…?” Snails hiccupped about at once.

A slight giggle had made its way across the listener’s ears as a reply was soon followed afterwards, “who thaid that I wanted you to knock me up, thilly…?”

“Oh fuck: these two are going to be at it all night; I can’t seem to find my way out of there…” Silver groaned softly as she held herself up against a barrier, holding in the contents of her stomach, “I’m about to lose my lunch soon…”

“Are you ready for this…?” he had asked the female accompanying him softly.

A moment of silence fell about before it was broken by the amorous Twist who answered Snails, “yeth… let thith exquithite anal thlut pleathe you, Thnailth…”

“This won’t end well for me…” the young gray mare groaned as her face became jaded, “Celestia, please give me strength…”

“Oooh, feisty filly…” the young male whinnied lustfully as his lover had giggled giddily onward.

It wasn’t long until Silver heard Twist coo, “go on and do your wortht; punith that whore who ith in front of you…”

“Oh, fuck they’re actually doing it already…” the young gray mare pondered onward as she rested her hand upon her muzzle, the conversation beyond her penetrating both ears, “why must I be tortured this way; what have I done?!”

“Right there, Thnailth; don’t hold back: I want you to cum in my flankth…!” the titular target’s lover moaned shrilly.

As he grunted about, Silver struggled to swallow a lump that formed into her throat crying, “dammit…!”

Sure enough, the colors of various shades from within the darkness had quickly started falling out of place before the young gray mare’s purple eyes all at once. The paint from her stardust memory began swirling about as the many ripples and wrinkles in time had currently ran amok upon the minimalistic scenery easily. As if Silver could barely take in the sights of what was taking place earlier, she had suddenly started stripping away her blouse and wrapped it over the muzzle. Retaining resolve, the young gray mare felt her throat becoming warm and bitter, a great discharge now in the making, all gurgling and filling the mouth.

At long last, Silver had clenched her eyes and began to let loose an assortment of lukewarm hues upon the fabric that was once hugging her body. The chunky salsa of nausea had splattered into a wayward cluster out of the young gray mare, all instantly contained within the tainted textiles. Even though that Silver had only the smallest amount of light guiding her, even the mere scent of it all had left her unnerved thanks to the confines.

“Oh, Thnailth… you are tho thlow…” Twist had softly moaned, each word spoken with tender limpness, “but although theady…”

“It seems that the rumors were true: Twist loves it when other ponies play with her rump…” the young gray mare thought to herself as she focused on the light in front, now down to her blue brassiere, “and I had to listen to them talking dirty to each other as well; I hope they finish soon…”

“You have some red stuff leaking; you okay, Twist…?” the young male asked gently, prompting Silver to etch forward gently.

As the young gray mare moved forward, the eponymous recipient replied, “don’t worry about me, thilly: at leatht you were being thoughtful enough to wear a condom ath a precaution; bethideth, I bet that you’re famithed already…”

“But I thought that we’ve already eaten at the theater…” Snails said so suddenly, “after all, mom said that too much junk food is bad for you?”

“No shit, Tanky…” Silver scoffed silently.

It wasn’t long until Twist tittered on teetering toward tenderness, “not when it involveth having thome dethert thtraight from the hot lipth of a confectioner…?”

“It seems that they haven’t caught up with me yet; however, the stench is going to be the death of me should I get caught…” the young gray mare thought to herself as the noxious aroma still lingered onward as the other two laughed in the background, “I don’t even know what’s worse, although I feel tempted to suffer the puke instead.”

“What do you thay, Thnailth: wanna go thikthty–nine…?” the aforementioned individual’s lover giggled.

Silver recoiled in horror only silently, slinking back slowly with only her hands firmly upon the ground to guide her throughout the closet. The sharp scent of the discharge that originated from the young gray mare had already reminded her of what the two just did not long ago. Yet, Silver had resisted the reasonable impulse to burst out from the darkness and give away her very location almost rather immediately.

The young gray mare sighed and implore, “please end this already…”

Heavy breaths escaped from their mouth with only Twist moaning quietly in delight initially for Silver to listen very carefully. Immediately, there were some wet, smacking noises as they caused young gray mare visualize the performers in the distance. The collective moaning between themselves, though stifled, continued on with reckless abandon as they gained some volume.

“Mmm…” the other mare sighed, “thtill freth…”

“I better open up a bit before I vomit again…” Silver sighed as she had slowly moved her hand towards the small line of light and opened it.

It wasn’t long until the young gray mare peered out at the bedroom; although it wasn’t actually the true concept of royalty, it still had things that were still considered based on all the others in the average home. The ceiling above them had possessed a spinner fan suspended ten feet from the ground while acting as the main source of light in the room, burning brightly as they alone were all left to their own very devices. The background, better yet known as the walls that served as the very foundation itself, was already surrounded in a rich light chocolate shade, filled to the brim with texture and depth all too appetizing. The floor beneath them was basked in a tufted oriental carpentry which though it was rich in the dark color of pink, it was purchased at a fair bargain and then later vacuumed and steam cleaned afterwards. Two different windows were present: one of them, a bay window in a layered set of shutters underneath the closed golden curtains up north; the other, a casement window in the adjacent point already. The sleigh bed that had rested against the wall, though fluffy yet small, was donned in a shade of grounded cherry accompanied by snow white pillows, despite being torn asunder at that very moment in time. Only one vanilla dresser was already found directly close to the very bedside upon which that carried a lamp and a clock that would tell of time, both of them already off and unplugged for pure certainty.

Notably, Silver now had focused in at the two ponies whom were perhaps alike in fair dignity at first glance resting upon the bed near the window, one set of clothing cast aside nearby them. Each of them currently possessed certain common traits: light coating upon their bodies, purple eyes all reeking of libidinousness, and a deep crimson hue donned upon both of their very faces. Of course, there were some significant differences that the young gray mare had taken notice upon arrival, aside from their heated sweating bodies displaying their own contrasting chests.

Speaking of the two thereof, Silver was already able to identify them both at once as of this moment in time despite the acute redness upon their visages. For starters, the pony currently residing on top was a pasty white mare whereas the other equine whom currently rested underneath was but a golden unicorn. Secondment, the former was a redhead, wearing her elongated frizzy coiffure with strands out of place whereas the latter possessed only tidy turquoise tresses. Thirdly, Twist wore a pair of candy canes affixed into the shape of a heart on both flanks while Snails donned a purple gastropod with a shell in a darker shade. Out of the two, the redhead bore irises of light fuchsia focused onto the elongated shaft while the grassy counterpart had dark indigo orbs targeting her sheath.

Seeing their very bodies mutually inverted toward each other was one thing in the purple eyes of the young gray mare; the other thing that caused her to avert both eyes was the pasty white pony broking away from the tip while moaning, “right there, Thnailth; get all of that thweet thtuff in your mouth…”

“I don’t believe what I am fucking seeing: not only is that twat still going at it with that retard, his dick happens to be this big; not even Pipsqueak could last this long…!” Silver silently exclaimed, despite being at a loss of words vocally as she watched the redhead forward her lips upon the prepuce, “and yet…”

“Ahhh…” the golden unicorn sighed as his lips were becoming drenched in mixture of both fluids.

It wasn’t long until the young gray mare found a wayward hand to be running down her waistline in a daze, still maintaining a distance from them. A left hand moved in between Silver’s legs and started wiping away slowly, finding nothing but moisture within the constricting fabric all at once. The young gray mare slowly moaned in pleasure as she pushed two of her fingers inside, using her other hand to chafe the brassiere smoothly. The sight of the two going at each other with what would seem to be no end in sight thereof had made Silver discard her top almost immediately. It wasn’t long until the young gray mare couldn’t even take it anymore as she had now felt some heat shooting out all over onto her very fingers.

Silver was currently down to wearing only her skirt as she had pulled out from there and slid her wet hand into the mouth just as Twist slowly panted with satisfaction, “mmm… tathteth thpicy liketh cumin…”

“Okay, note to self: avoid curry like the flu…” the young gray mare thought to herself as she struggled to not vomit again, “it won’t be long now…”

“Alright, my little coltfag, are you ready to finith the night off with me…?” the pasty white pony giggled gravely before gulping down at once.

Silver pulled out her fingertips and sighed, “thank Celestia it’s going to be over soon; at least they haven’t been made aware of my presence…”

“Go easy on me though…” the grassy occupant wheezed, “I don’t think that I can last any longer…”

“Don’t worry, Thnailth: at leatht you’ll get to look at me for the time being…” the redhead sniggered.

Sure enough, Twist quickly seized this very golden opportunity and used her lightweight body to turn around, still resting upon her lover’s waist as the yard had now entered her whispering eye. It didn’t take long at all in the very least for the pasty white pony’s very sheath to be firmly aligned almost immediately, giving a small passionate but heavy breath from her very mouth. The golden unicorn had started resting his very hands upon the redhead’s flanks, slowly burying his muzzle into her vast and plump cleavage as he’d ran his tongue around the nubbins at once. Twist didn’t care about the fact that the grassy visitor was now sapping away her bust almost in an instant, already feeling his prepuce directly in her fork calibrating their collective movements. In the midst of the very ordeal, the pasty white pony had wrapped her arms around the back of Snails’ neckline in an attempt to keep him closer as they’d traded momentum with one another. Now that both their coats of fur were starting to give off a small static of satisfaction from the stretch of rasping, feelings of pleasure came by as each movement made the two ponies moan. Gearing up for another expulsion from the golden unicorn’s shaft inside with each intensity of the pulp friction, the redhead gave off a resounding happy moan amid heavy breaths and panting. Soon, he began shooting into Twist’s sheath, causing the latter to lose control and break away from him with little warning, a small trail of white liquid between his mouth and her bosoms.

The young gray mare remained sequestered from the action as Snails swallowed his fill and coughed out, “hah… what a sweet candy striper you’ve been; I wish I could have lasted more longer…”

“I know, thilly; you’ll get your chance, 'come' tomorrow morning…” the pasty white pony sighed before yawning gently, “now ith a time for thleep…”

“You sure they won’t mind if I stay here for the night…?” the golden unicorn asked as the redhead snuggled up with him.

Twist whinnied, “we’re all grownupth now… I’d thaid that my folkth have gone thith weekend; when they return, nopony will be the wither…”

“Except for me, you little shit…!” Silver growled quietly as the room became dark, leaving only the rays of light from the nocturnal sky beyond to guide her, “when I get out of this closet, you two are going to be in for a rude awakening…”

“Goodnight, Twist…” he had said only softly.

The pasty white pony also replied, “thame here…”

“Okay, Silver… your stuck in a room with the anal whore and her retard of a boyfriend…” the young gray mare chided herself as she watch them in a loose embrace, staring out into Snails’ haunches before looking away, “just give yourself ten minutes and you’ll get your chance to escape soon…”

At long last, the two ponies were in alone in the small world that was the bed, no longer bound by the concerns of either the past or future at all. In the endeavor of their spatial encounter alone, the golden unicorn rested both of his arms right around the redhead as they’d began to slumber. They two slowly straightaway snuggled in the soaking sweat, the slavering salivation, and the secreted saps shared and served simultaneously.

While The World Turns

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The walls surrounding the two of them were of a dark blue theme, its texture reminiscent of the ocean floor.

A singular windowpane resting within one of them had possessed the imagery of a cloudy day, silver linings of all this and Heaven too.

Outside, a flock of birds and a swarm of bees were the lifeblood of nature’s finest music class just in session.

A wayward hand was found to be tugging a nearby earlobe at once before releasing it from the tight grip.

“Pleathe ravage my body already, Thnailth…” a careless whisper had come from within the shadows.

With the rays of sunlight piercing through the looking glass, the source of that voice was revealed: a pasty white myopic redhead was donning scanty pink fabrics that gave glimpses of the wearer’s skin and body adorned with such precious metals and gemstones.

On the opposite end, a high yellow observer with locks of green was in a sleeveless cotton shirt and denim pants spoke back, “in a minute, Twist; can’t go in without some protection here.”

The whirring above them was providing the two of them a gentle breeze but was off for the most part.

The floor beneath however is warm and soft as every single inch of it all was filled with stringy white curls.

A plastic square was found to be pulled out of a pocket for the aforementioned redhead to see clearly.

The artificial airstreams that battered their tresses were reminiscent of the brawling love shared by the youths from two households in a time almost long forgotten.

“Thnailth…” a sigh escaped, “fuck me…”

At this point onward, Twist started to reside upon the bed at once, displaying such features across the blue comforter with a dazed look.

“Where…?” the aforementioned listener had instantaneously asked before moving closer on towards the furniture where the redhead was.

Instead of a vocal answer being received, Twist held up a singular hand and wiggled the index finger around already at once.

The terse tête–à–tête between the two of them now quickly metamorphosed into an exchange of timid laughter.

Tensions amongst each other were as low as a spokesperson’s social standing but lacking the instant infamy thereof.

As the observer sat down on the bedside, the redhead placed a finger onto the waistline while snuggling up towards the former’s ear and spoke softly at once, “right here…”

It wasn’t long until the oceanic room became tinted with the heat of passion, their eyes become reddened and lighthearted thereof.

The lukewarm haze of libidinousness became the harbinger of an imminent tempest, devoid of agile lightning or slow whirlwinds but flooded with earthly indulgences.

The hustle and bustle of life from beyond the confinements of their surroundings, being tuned out by their sheer determination.

Snails’ hands had rested upon her flanks gently, grasping onto the beige integuments that identified his target as a consenting co–conspirator.

“So be it…” the high yellow observer slurped greedily, taking in the sight of Twist’s otherwise vulnerable state of being in the making, “I’m not gonna hold back.”

The pasty white redhead watched as he pulled down his zipper, slowly freeing himself from the very textiles that bounded his loins to the state of dormancy as he slid out from the fabric in question all at once; also joining alongside were a pair of white undergarments cast off immediately.

“Come on, big colt; give thith anal thlut the punithment the needth…” she had sniggered softly, simply snuggling within as the go–between the sapphire sheets and the succor of Snails sitting upward.

The gentle breeze from above fanned the flames of concupiscence as they became enveloped in them slowly but surely all at once.

The warmth and softness of the floor underneath the twosome was also afflicting their bodies as they embraced one another’s company.

It wasn’t long until Twist watched the high yellow counterpart wearing a plastic covering around his shaft firmly.

The air around themselves became hot and heavy as the two started to sweat slowly but surely, lost into each other’s eyes almost immediately when they became lock in an embrace.

As soon as the redhead was being entered, he had laughed grimly, “you asked for it…”

Suddenly with little warning whatsoever, her lower limbs were angled towards the ceiling as Snails started thrusting into the croup, clenching eyes with an ecstatic moan as he held up his target’s cannons firmly.

“Oh Thnailth, that ith tho hot…!” Twist exclaimed as the eponymous explorer grunted with glee, “move your cock into me quicker; I want to take it all in…!”

All that the high yellow explorer could do was exhaled in between each intrusion as he heeded the redhead’s amorous request in the process.

The tender dialogue was now on its way to metamorphosing into a potential tour de force as they moaned in unison to no end in sight for the most part.

The stakes were set and the bar was raised to the point of being granted clearance even by the likes of a psychopomp from another world.

“If this is… what you want… for me, then don’t say… I didn’t… warn you: even a… stud like me… has his limits…” he panted as his eyes were still focused onto hers despite being clouded by such overwhelming redness.

Sure enough, they had become swept up in a sea of passion that burned throughout themselves in the very moment thereof.

The collective fog started to gain density as the heat began to build up to the point of rivaling the likes of perdition to a lesser extent in essence.

Slowly but surely, all that could be hear at this very moment in time was the duet of concupiscence, an aria of joy sung by their moans.

Snails bucked his loins into Twist’s haunches once more before coughing, the hard proteins of his hands digging into her flanks firmly but gently during the refrain.

Out of the two voices who panted, only the redhead began to sigh strongly, “mm… jutht the way I had expected from you.”

The high yellow observer began to pry himself away from her body, taking the time to strip away his white shirt slowly; it was at this very point in time that he was now completely naked, save for the fictile layering around his yard with the edge weighed down by its already retained fluid.

“I felt like my heart was going to explode; can it even do that…?” he panted, his concerns reaching the ears of Twist who had retained her translucent textiles and auriferous adornment with fandango frame, “I’m scared…”

With the circulating fan still up and running, they became soaked with perspiration as they had still looked at each other.

The only thing that was now occupied the floor was the occasional beads of sweat that had escaped from the surface of Snails’ skin.

At this point, the high yellow observer started to remove the artificial layer over his prepuce, making the redhead lick her lips with hunger.

The humidity from their brief performance clung to their integumentary systems like they were an extra layer of clothing growing upon their bodies despite their general immodesty.

“Don’t be; you did great…” she had replied happily before catching him off–guard with nearly symmetrical osculation.

It wasn’t long until Snails had returned the favor, slowly but surely wrapping his arms around Twist’s body as he had instantaneously felt the wet fabric and coat upon her in the midst of their libidinousness.

Seconds passed before the high yellow observer broke away and exhaled, “so what do you want to do from here…?”

Rather than replying real rapidly, the myopic redhead dropped down to his shaft and started licking it at once.

The sounds of silence that was cut in between the two lovers was quickly followed by wet smacking percussion as she lapped at Snails.

The high yellow observer’s closed his eyes and felt his yard being tugged upon like a canine held by a short leash away from its abode.

“Tathteth like curry…” Twist moaned softly, swirling her tongue around his prepuce as she licked away the residual contents easily, “tho thpicy…”

Despite the solidus state of standing that Snails was in, he could feel his body becoming more like water.

Although that their bodies were already heated by their collectively conscious choices, only the redhead alone was granted the cold relief.

The aria blazed from within the high yellow observer, already indulging in the luxury of her solitary piece.

It wasn’t long until he had rested his hands upon Twist’s amaranth mane, gently guiding her to and fro with ease.

“Nice job; keep it up…” Snails sighed softly.

The high yellow observer remained aware of the fact that despite the scanty clothes and the bejeweled metal upon the redhead’s body, she was naked just like himself; of course, the accessories upon herself thereof had made it all the more tantalizing for the former anyway.

She had moaned briskly after breaking away, “thlow and thteady like alwayth, Thnailth; jutht the way I prefer…”

Of course, Twist had resumed lacquering his yard with her tongue, salivation also taking refuge upon her lips in the very least.

The solitary solo had gone back to being a duet as the two were left alone to their devices with only Snails admiring the redhead’s body being the object d’art on full display.

The glasses came off on the side as she remained focused onto the high yellow’s waistline despite seeing perfect dark all around the way.

“I’m about to burst…!” he had warned, unleashing a white salvo upon Twist as it had instantly stained her face and some bits of her mane while burning brightly, “sorry about it…”

It was at this moment the sea of passion grew darker as they gain some depth, maintaining heat and light in their hearts and limbs.

The windows to the afflicted redhead’s high spirited essence became narrowed, attempted to clear away what was given off by Snails earlier.

Her tainted yet tender lips smacked as she had been slurping away the lingering remnants of the high yellow observer’s discharge almost immediately.

Twist had turned her gaze towards him slowly and smiled instantaneously, the lack of eyewear accenting her bright visage.

“Oh, Thnailth…” the redhead’s laughter spilled out from her muzzle all at once, joined in by the eponymous lover.

It wasn’t even long until the high yellow observer felt her lips against his once again, this time being afflicted by the recent inclusion of a new taste as described from not too long ago thanks to his lover.

Of course, as soon as they'd broken away from the whole embrace, he’d chuckled slowly in return, “I wish I could fuck you again…”

The soft winds rained down upon themselves as the perspiration seeped out of their pores before being affected by its current.

Some of the sweat had made it to the floor, no doubt belonging to Snails whom was still standing near the edge of the bed.

Twist slowly turned around and rested her weary head upon the white pillow, displaying her fundament towards the high yellow observer.

The air of avidity had still dominated the lovers as they were still in close proximity of one another.

“How about we try thomething elthe before you can do that again…?” the redhead’s giggles had seeped out, “thince your dick ith limping around, maybe you can pleathure me with your tongue for the time being; what do you thay…?”

He was still aware of the fact that the precious metals upon her body happened to include some closing off the sheath compared to the other more rounded aperture in question.

“Okay…” Snails gulped, moving on closer to Twist’s haunches reluctantly with one hand already touching his own shaft all at once.

It wasn’t long until the redhead had squeezed the pillow with both hands all at once, bracing herself almost immediately.

Although the sweetness was nonexistent in the ordeal, the outer edge of her croup was like a bon–bon to the high yellow observer.

The flames of passion had danced more tenderly than that of an elderly couple on their honeymoon but with less grace.

While his muzzle was buried into the fundament, Twist gasped only hesitantly before moaning quietly, “I feel tho wet right now…”

The redhead’s grip started to grow tighter than her eyelids, threatening to split the object in two separate but equally sleazy pieces.

The passing clouds remained unfocused onto the earthly pleasures the two were still currently engaged in at this very moment thereof.

A lone butterfly stood at the corner of the windowsill, bearing witness to the film as a part of the brief compilation.

“You taste so sweet…” Snails sighed before licking onward in the falling darkness, “like that tea mommy makes whenever I feel sick and in bed.”

It wasn’t long until the insect crawled closer to the light, bearing colors of gold and silver that shined brighter than the metals upon her very body.

“I’m beginning to feel better now; how ‘bout you…?” Twist had replied, looking back to face the high yellow explorer.

Rather than make a retort, he had instantaneously plunged his tongue deeper into the redhead’s haunches with little warning whatsoever.

Nevertheless, Snails’ bon appêtit was on its way out as his salivation coated her croup in little time in the very least.

The high yellow lover’s interest began to wane but his yard regained firmness once more with feeling before he broke away slowly.

He stood back up on his knees and then placed the tip of the prepuce near her fundament with a playful growl, “well, I hope you’re ready for a good one ‘cause my dick is now hard again, sweetie…!”

Twist felt something wet and slimy entering her almost immediately, forcing both eyelids to be opened wide to face the blue screen upfront.

It wasn’t long until the observant butterfly retreated back into the realm between Heaven and Earth in so little time.

The aria of moaning start back up again, this time an encore in the form of a reprise between the two performers in particular.

A wayward hand rained down upon the redhead’s flanks, giving them a matching tint that made her moan more loudly than before.

“Oh, you’re thuch… a dirty animal… Thnailth, you can’t… even think… of anything… elthe other… than ramming… your meaty… cock into… my tenderized… rump, let alone… eating me… out…!” she’d hollered abrasively, tersely grunting in–between intervals of the titular assailant’s onslaught, “even now, you can’t wait… until you… fucking come… inthide me…!”

It didn’t take long until the high yellow explorer step up his game in little time whatsoever, increasing his momentum to Twist’s delight.

“At least, that’s… what you want, am I right: somepony… to punish you… like a base… commonplace… damned earth feague… you are and… have been, Twist; does it ring… a small bell…?” he had grunted back, his visage reddened with strain and lecherousness as he started feeling something moist with the titular target sure enough.

As cool as the winds waked them to purity, they had started to lose their effectiveness against their collective lusts in mere seconds.

The solid state of the bedroom was on the verge of collapsing underneath themselves at any given time, thanks to the surface tension underway.

Snails watched as his shaft become coated with a new fluid bearing the hue of the redhead’s tresses, slowing down a bit.

The heat of their passions still raged on as was the burning sensation within her croup when she pushed herself to the rhythm emotion.

Aware of the slight hesitation, Twist had roared, “for the love of Celethtia, DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE…!

At this point, the high yellow had braced himself and regained focus, still aware of the new liquid accumulating his mobile frame.

“BRACE YOURSELF…!” he had groaned within due time before shoving himself into the redhead once more, “I’M GONNA BURST AGAIN…!”

It wasn’t long until she had screamed real loud once more, this time with feelings of bestial lust at an all–time high than ever experienced.

This was where their laisser–faire attitude had brought them, pleasure and pain pitted together all at once with malice towards none whatsoever.

It wasn’t long until the movement lost steam like a dying star within the distant universe beyond the two from where they had remained.

“Mmm… you thure know how to pleathe a filly…” Twist moaned before surrendering herself to exhaustion, slouching about in all face down beneath Snails.

The oceanic environment slowly gained moisture, siphoning it all away from their warm bodies including the carnation coated concoction coming out from the redhead and her high yellow lover.

It wasn’t long until some moisture also seeped from the outside world, clearer, cleaner, and cooler than their heated concupiscence.

The pitter–patter of precipitation plastered themselves upon the planes of preservation, plopping into a puny puddle.

A set of hands were locked into a loving embrace, belonging only to them as they began to face each other with a tender smile upon the visage.

He had slowly studied her dishabille form and wheezed, “sorry if I had caused you any pain; I should had pack in an extra condom for this…”

Twist sealed her reply with a kiss once more, catching Snails off–guard as she kept developing a layer of perspiration upon the fabrics she had worn as clothing not too long ago compared to the likes of him.

“Don’t worry about it: you made our day extra thpecial with thome bloodwork at the end; way better lubricant than when you ate me out earlier…” the redhead chirped after breaking away from the osculation almost immediately, “bethideth, it ithn’t like you were trying to kill me in the proceth, thilly…”

Despite the predominant darkness surrounding them, nevertheless they were safe and sound from the downpour that was steps away from soaking the opening.

Compared to the flooring from earlier, much of the heat was concentrated upon the lovers even though it was contained by the airstreams above and beyond.

She then turned her eyes to the storm, watching the surface of the windowsill become saturated with rain while the wind howled a bit.

The high yellow observer felt his jade tresses stand on endwise as a roll of thunder only growled briefly.

“Do you want me to close the window…” a lone question ejaculated from his quivering lips all at once.

Twist returned her playful gaze onto the retreating Snails and snuggled up in return, barely remaining quiet.

Cracking a smile, the lone redhead had tittered onward, “what’s the matter, afraid of a little rain…?”

Rather than speaking back with some words, the high yellow observer had shaken his head only briefly.

There was absolutely no comment whatsoever on the amount of energy they had just spent with one another in the small frame and dimension that was time and space respectively.

It wasn’t long until they had found themselves starting to sleep outside the comforts of the furniture like a camping trip underneath the stars.

“Night, Twist…” he had yawned reluctantly, slowly stroking her long deep red tresses softly, “I’ll see you in the morning…”

After The Leaves Descended

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It was truly a dark night outside but it had absolutely lacked the intensity more befitting of even a gathering storm whatsoever. The jet black sky was instantaneously offset by a lone silver moon in sea full of innumerable stars twinkling about already. Beneath the nocturnal firmament, an oval body of water was reflecting the shimmer and sparkle from such celestial bodies. A large cluster of fluttering leaves currently danced in the wind, floating dangerously near the edge of the lakeside at once. Standing nearby the clear water, some small blades of grass were remaining still compared to the broad skies above them all. Aside from the light howl of the airstreams all around, a current of hooting was also bleeding into the silent night thereof.

“Gee, it ith thuch a beautiful thky out there…” a sultry voice escaped into the dead of the night; it had belonged to a redhead with minimal attire: only a single purple collar was found to be worn around the neck.

Nearby was a single dark haired individual clad in a white sleeveless shirt with a right hand wrapped gently around the other’s shoulder who had replied, “but it’s not as beautiful as you are, Twist.”

“What a nice night out there for ourthelveth; even I feel thafe with you…” the aforementioned observer said before leaving a kiss on the cheek belonging to a fellow peer, “I can feel the wind running throughout my body right now.”

“Why’s that; what about the hat that matches your luscious locks…?” the redhead’s colleague asked, taking note of the purple collar at once.

A soft sigh now escapes from the tender lips as Twist had answered only calmly, “I only wear it when the thnow and rain cometh down but the weather out there ith nothing new for me here; bethideth, I don’t mind going out without any cloth now, ethpecially when I’m with you, Thnailth…”

“Not as much as I don’t mind being out past curfew…” the titular tyro had only responded brightly before giving the redhead a kiss, “I kinda wish that the white collars wouldn’t have to be all harsh and mean…”

“At least they can care leth about what we wear; bethideth, I feel much more comfortable with my collar on than my lenth,” Twist said, now simply stared deeply into the nighttime sky all at once.

Snails had kept both of his hands in place as the sight of the redhead in front became illuminated quickly: the long tresses, the beige integument, the purple collar, and even the hot pink eyes altogether were already clear enough to be seen; then, the former spoke, “in any case, would you–––”

“Pleathe be an ekthquithite anal thlut…?” Twist interjected at once, causing the observer’s eyes to widen, “why not then, Thnaith…”

The redhead had crawled up and turned her body around before sitting back down upon him, his freshly exposed yard now inside of the former’s fundament as the latter currently gripped tightly. Soon, the movement had started slow like before gaining some momentum steadily as Snails had cuddled her firmly with the tips of his fingers just nearing her umbilicus already without a care. Under no small amount of time whatsoever did Twist started feeling her cleavage being affected, her peer’s right hand as the slippery surface of its pith and substance got caught in a big pinch. Now, the redhead had thought aloud with her mind about how her whispering eye was burning about with hot moisture accumulating about; of course, he had used his left hand to move inside. Along with the burning sensation upon their faces, she was moaning the loudest of the two since her waistline was being occupied at both ends by none other than Snails alone at the same time. Much momentum was now increasing on and about almost immediately as the explorer still bounced against Twist’s croup with growing determination, still feeling his hands upon her body. In a matter of moments, he was close enough to unleash a discharge into the redhead all at once, her haunches reacting to the surface of his shaft as its owner had moved in and out repeatedly. Sure enough, it was only a matter of time as she was losing control of her own body as Snails clenched his eyelids, sweating about as the former lolled her very tongue out wet with salivation.

“Here it is; brace yourself…!” the explorer had warned as he had closed his eyes and milled the enamel against itself.

Drooling about, Twist had spat out only huskily, “thince when wath I ever told not to brace mythelf?! Jutht do it already…!”

Sure enough, he bucked his hips into the redhead’s fundament fast and had let out a loud moan alongside some more to little end in sight. Only then did Snails relent immediately afterwards, already panting and huffing about as she had broken away from him with so much ease. Stretching about was a small string of white liquid between Twist and her peer before being broken almost instantaneously all at once.

“Fuck… that was so exhausting: any second longer and I would have passed out…” he had heaved heavily in between seconds no less, “I feel like that I was afraid of my heart giving out at that rate…”

“I’m pretty thure that your much more thtronger than you tend to give yourthelf credit lately: compared to that headcathe Twilight, you got off eathy when thethe elderth took our homeland back; bethideth, I didn’t embrace naturithm to let you bitch about it like some whiny academy thtudent…!” the redhead growled as she had grabbed Snails by the straps of his snow white shirt.

Facing off again her impatient grimace, her peer had sheepishly whimpered about while breaking a sweat, “we don’t actually go to school anymore, especially not since it was torn down following the months after Noise’s attack…”

“You’re mithing the point; I want you go down on me like the little whore I am until I’m thatithfied…!” Twist growled, loosening up her grip on him a bit but held firm nonetheless, “I’ve not thimply recovered from a brain attack only to find out that you would flake on me after all the thit the poltroonth up north had done to uth…!”

“Okay… but I don’t see how I can do that now that I’ve came just recently, especially since–––” Snails attempted to respond, only to be cut off with a long passionately fulfilling kiss that had caught him off–guard.

In spite of the overwhelming ecstasy, it didn’t last long as the redhead broke away from her peer with a smirk and sighed, “don’t worry about it; even a purple collar can improvithe now and then; after all, your floppy horthe cock may not be thomething compared to a certain magical alicorn’s number one athithtant but you’ll do for now. Anyway, I may have let you have a backdoor entrance earlier but that doeth not mean that we’re calling it quith yet: I want to try out some other thingth conthidering the fact that you’re thitting there all bottomleth right here. Now that were both mothtly in the nude, I might recommend that you jutht go on ahead and lie down on the ground; I have a method that ith going to make the both of uth happy at the thame time without fail whathoever.”

“Alright then…” he had choked out soon enough.

It wasn’t long until she had slowly shifted her weight upon Snails’ body, bringing her hooves closer to him until her moist fork finally made contact with the latter’s muzzle within due time. Contentedly, Twist started licking her moist lips and had begun to stick her own tongue towards the prepuce, finding nothing but savory spiciness all around it with concupiscent exuberance. Heavy breaths escaped from the residing subject’s mouth and into the redhead’s damp sheath, causing herself to sway her waist reactively again, moaning quietly in delight all too carelessly. Immediately, she had decided to forward her lips upon himself all at once, slurping and licking whatever was left of the substance that he had exorcised into her body beforehand rather slowly. Just the sensation of feeling Twist stimulating, pumping, and lapping at Snails’ yard had made the owner return the favor for good measure, his hands now grasping onto her rippling haunches. Only then when the grassy resident had started rubbing up and down the redhead firmly but soothingly did she get aroused even more, going even deeper for some more room to lick around. Jolts of voltage had traveled all throughout their bodies as the collective moaning between themselves were stifled by their lips and tongues pleasuring one another with reckless abandon. In due time, their own respective fluids had been expelled inside each other almost immediately: she gushed from her whispering eye and into his open mouth while swallowing down all at once.

Twist subsequently used her remaining strength to get the dripping fork above from Snails’ lips by rolling off of his body at a semicircle, raising her upper body towards the topsoil where his head was laying upon, turning her knees slowly ‘til both hooves made contact, and crawled a few centimeters ‘til the side of the former’s face was currently laying on top without any pressure.

The grassy unicorn’s beady blue eyes had now already met up with the redhead’s pink orbs as the golden silence started to return to this very room; of the two lovers in question, the latter spoke to the former, “tho Thnailth, how wath that: a hot thikthty–nine did theem to be a great way to get your throbbing boner up and at em again after you pumped into my flank hole earlier?”

“It was decent and all but weren’t you a bit worried about where it has been; after all, you could have been–––” he answered before being cut off again, this time with a slap to the face courtesy of none other than herself, “what was that for?!”

“Didn’t your parents tell you not to look a gift horse in the mouth…?” Twist tittered tightly before locking lips with Snails once more with feelings of lucid licentiousness thereof all the while.

At first, the grassy lounger was speedily being assaulted with the recent memory of the redhead’s deed as she tackled him right onto the ground. Despite the conflicting tastes, they had started to wrap around each other lightly and gently with their arms, burning bright a rose tinted shade. The equines’ eyes closed when the kiss they’d shared started to gain some strength, trading each other’s flavors as she still had the upper hand. The libidinous pair grew more eager as their mouths finally opened as one another passed, their tongues finally slipping about in the process. Out of the two were swept up in such overwhelming ecstasy, only Snails had found the time to run his own hands downward to Twist’s croup.

The grassy lover broke away and huffed, “I fucking love you so much; I don’t ever want to lose you again…”

“Then prove it to me, Thnailth: thove your meaty dick into my cunt and do it already; I want have a foal with you alone…!” the redhead had replied quickly, “I may be all for the butt thtuff here and there but I only want you to give me a child I can carry around: I want a foal who ith not athamed of being an Equethtrian compared to the retht of our fucky excutheth of neighborth! No more will it have to go on living in fear of the end or change compared to the lot of the uth, ethpecially conthidering the fact that thethe bathtard invaderth had me beaten half to death for what happened at Orioleth with that fucking traitor and hith worthleth friendth; fuck, they made Twilight feel compathionate. Though having thaid that, I want it tho fucking bad, it would make Flutterthy cry and thake her head in thame like the timid feague the had been with the otherth; matter of fact, I want Rainbow Dath to vomit whenever the cometh acroth another purple collar, let alone a cuck of a thtallion with a collar that ith matching hith big blue ballth, like a thtupid bitch…!”

“I don’t know what half these things you’ve said make any sense, but I would like to help you with it anyway…!” he laughed giddily before she had followed alongside himself right away afterwards all at once.

Sure enough, the twosome in question had quickly seized this very golden opportunity to do so: she was using her lightweight body to rest upon Snails’ waistline where the shaft still remained. It didn’t take long at all in the very least for Twist’s whispering eye to be firmly aligned almost immediately, instantaneously giving a small passionate but heavy breath from her very mouth. The grassy denizen had started resting his very hands upon the redhead’s flanks, quickly burying his muzzle into her vast and supple bosoms as he started running the tongue around the nubbins. The fact that he was currently sapping away the bust without warning didn’t bother her at all, already feeling his prepuce directly in her fork calibrating their collective movements all at once. In the midst of the very ordeal, Twist had wrapped her arms around the back of Snails’ neckline in a sheer attempt to keep him closer as they were already trading momentum with one another. Now that both their coats of fur were starting to give off a small static of satisfaction from the stretch of rasping, feelings of pleasure came by as each movement made the two ponies moan. Gearing up for another expulsion from the grassy denizen‘s shaft inside with each intensity of the pulp friction, the redhead gave off a resounding happy moan amid the heavy exhalations.

Soon, he had begun shooting in the path of her sheath, causing the owner to go on screaming loudly without a care, “OH, THNAILTH…!”

“Ah…!” the eponymous male ejaculated instantaneously, breaking away from Twist’s bust and the milky trail that fell to earth as he had kissed her again only to plant his lips upon the neckline above the purple collar therein fastened upon its owner nevertheless, “well that takes care of it for now…”

“And now we wait for our bundle of joy to bloom; kind of funny yet thad conthidering what had been done with my old friend Apple Bloom: the uthed to be happy and ekthplorative, now the ith jutht, like the retht of her kin, a thadow of her former thelf like me…” the redhead gasped as she now broke away from her grassy lover to stare at the moon and stars hovering above themselves.

It wasn’t long until she had started crying; prompting him immediately to asked at once, “Lula, are you okay; did I do something wrong just now…?”

“No, no Thnailth: you were great; thothe damned fuckth did nothing good to everypony whathoever…!” Twist had wailed loudly as she quickly covered her face up with both of her own hands instantaneously, “I thtill have to wake up every night and day crying becauthe of what had happened to uth. Once upon a time, we were told that the only thingth which had made our homeland great were the virtueth of friendthip: loyalty, laughter, generothity, honethty, kindneth, and magic. Truth to tell, the only one I knew that had one of thethe elementh wath her thithter and they were once their friendth themthelveth; even more, over half of them had thithter while the other half had brotherth. I couldn’t help but feel tho lonely, being an only child to my wreck of a mother and a thorry ekthcuthe that dared to call himthelf my father, ethpecially conthidering what the had to do to put food on the table for the whole family. The day they came to Ponyville, it wath not the firtht time I had thuffered a throke; I could recall the time I woke in a hothpital bed wondering how in the world did I get here all of the thudden. Even tho, I… I… I–––”

“Shh… shh… it’s fine, Lula: you’re safe; no one is going to hurt you now…” Snails had sighed, crawling up to the redhead’s side slowly but gently all at once.

The grassy denizen’s arms had now made their way upon her body again, this time with one of its hands upon the red tresses as she replied tearfully, “but for how long…? I want to feel thafe again but what ith the point in all of that, knowing that it won’t alwayth be the cathe nektht time; they took more than jutht our freedom, they altho took other thingth ath well: our hearth, mindth, thoulth, all corrupted into thome unrecognizable powder. If they hadn’t gone and methed up the entire world at large, then there wouldn’t be any need for all the frotht and thnow making their way to our home again; at thith rate, it would only be a matter of time before the windigoth come back and thend Equethtria back to the ice age. Perhapth thith thould therve ath punithment for our roleth ath participanth in the new world: lollygaggerth, weaklingth, traitorth, defeatitht, collaboratorth, abutherth, ekthploiterth, bythtanderth, defilerth and all around pieceth of thit that make a manticore behave more mercifully…!”

“Don’t be too sure about, Twist…” he had said already, looking at the aforementioned lover with a tender gaze worn loosely right upon himself, “our home can be able to shine again like before as long as love lights the way: it happened before so it’s not impossible.”

“What maketh you think that way…?” the redhead had sighed sadly, still looking away towards the lakeside.

Snails answered her almost within an earshot, “I still thought of you despite everything that had happened: the festival, the siege, the stage show; for the first time in my life, I felt shocked greatly but it wasn’t like I could have stood a chance at challenging them. I had felt that staying out of this mess as much as possible was the only thing that would minimize the guilt of being a part of it for letting them tear our way of living to pieces simply because of how they had done it. Then again, I had came across a pair of twin girls one day: the pink unicorn told me about how the blue pegasus used to be a stallion who came from another land alongside her and their parents; the fact that he had been forced to give birth to a foal had made me realized that being a young angry malcontented individual could only get you so far as well as sitting on the sidelines. If anything, any one of us would do anything to–––”

“I get what you’re thaying but you need to thtop feeling thorry for yourthelf: none of uth ponieth were literally athking for any of it; after all, they were controlling our mindth and bodieth the whole time…!” Twist had quickly interjected in a treasure heartbeat, “ath much ath my broken heart had grown enough to thtore enough hatred for them, I can’t even let you become part of it. You’re my friend and a better one compared to the liketh of that Twilight and the retht of her pathetic circle conthithting the failed ekthcutheth they dared to become the Bearerth of Harmony; for all I care, they can all rot in the most coldetht, icietht, thnowietht, wettetht, and methitht pit of Tartaruth along with that fucking tho–called uthurper bathdard king! I didn’t care about the fact that you ran off to thtick your dick in thome other mare, not even Celethtia; I jutht wanted you to come back and raithe the foal with me, preferably without the invaderth breathing down our neckth for any thcrew upth here and there! I’m thick and tired of having to play the town bicycle on the account of thethe demonth and I’m not thimply being metaphorical: the medicine won’t make me feel any better about what they did to uth all nor will it take the trauma away from me in any way whathoever; I’m maybe thtill be afraid of dying but I rather die alongthide you than to go on living in fear…!”

“You don’t have to do anything like that: we can make this work somehow; our ancestors may have lived under the likes of the windigos, Discord, Sombra, and the like but I don’t mind living with you all throughout these interesting times anyway…” the grassy denizen sighed as he wiped the tears off of the redhead’s face very gently.

She had collapsed into the dirtied fabric of his shirt and wept quietly, “oh, Thnailth… there ith no need for you to do all of that; bethideth, I’m not athking you to do anything like thith or that… Jutht pleathe promithe me not to leave me like that ever again; that ith all that I’m athking for anyway, nothing more, nothing leth…”

“You don’t have to worry about it, Twist; when the foal is born, I’ll be there to make it right…” Snails replied before kissing the titular individual on her lips like they had done beforehand as they had held each other tightly in another embrace, “come to think of it, have you thought of a name for the child?”

“Periwinkle… Periwinkle Cosmos…” the redhead’s answer made her way before she had fallen asleep in the grasp of the grassy denizen therein.

At long last, the two were now in alone in the small world that was the lakeside, no longer bound by the concerns of either the past or future. In the endeavor of their own encounter alone, he was now resting both of his arms right around her abdomen, also subsiding into inactivity. More so, Snails and Twist had started slowly straightaway snuggling in the very solutions they both shared and served up simultaneously.