Rarity's Gassy Situation

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Rainbow Dash pranks Rarity, making her extremely gassy.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie give Rarity a cake and cider containing lots of fart powder enhanced by Starlight Glimmer. Rarity finds herself gassier than she ever knew was possible, and embarrasses herself onstage, and during a party with Celestia.

Contains: Fart, extremely ridiculous gassiness, and the usual stretchy scenarios, possible OoC, etc. If you don't like it, please ignore it and find a story that doesn't have this, or that has more story to it. Don't take too seriously.

Rarity's Gassy Situation

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"Hey Starlight," said Rainbow Dash. "Can you do your magic thing again?" She held up a container of fart powder.

"Again?" said Starlight. "This is the third time this week. Don't you ever get tired of farting?"


Rainbow Dash loved to consume large amounts of fart powder, because she thought it was fun to fart, and thought it was funny. Sometimes she and Pinkie Pie would have farting contests. She thought it would be fun to fart more, so she asked Twilight to magically enhance the fart powder to make it twice as powerful. Twilight vehemently refused - not only was she usually too serious to use her magic for her friends' entertainment, but she found this to be disgusting, and while she didn't judge Rainbow for her interest, she didn't want to be a part of it.

But, Starlight was a little more willing to cooperate. She didn't find it very funny, but would always cast her spell on the fart powder every time Rainbow came to her with it.

Once Starlight did so again, Rainbow flew back to her house. She was about to put it in a mug of cider, when she stopped. She could do this at any time, she still had more fart powder in her cupboard. But, a really mischievous idea had just occurred to her.

She thought it would be funny to give this to Rarity and make her fart all day.


Rainbow explained her plan to Pinkie Pie, who was equally amused, and baked Rarity's favorite cake, putting fart powder in the cake and the frosting. Rainbow Dash got a cup of cider and poured the rest of the fart powder into it. It was tasteless so Rarity would never suspect.


Rarity was at Carousel Boutique, admiring an outfit she had picked out for a fashion show that Photo Finish would be photographing in Manehattan. This outfit was a skintight, sparkly blue jumpsuit.

Rarity heard the doorbell ring, and opened it.

"Hi Rarity!" said Pinkie Pie. "Guess what? I just made this cake for you!"

"And some cider to wash it down," said Rainbow Dash.

"What's the occasion?" said Rarity.

"Just Random Give A Cake To Rarity Day," said Pinkie.

"Why, thank you," said Rarity.

As soon as she closed the door, Rainbow and Pinkie chuckled to each other.


Ten minutes after Rarity had eaten the entire cake and drank the cup of cider, she put her outfit on, as it was almost time to catch her train to Manehattan.

As she admired her outfit in the mirror, Rarity's stomach began gurgling. She wasn't sure why, she had just eaten a whole cake.

As she made her way to the train, the gurgling got more intense, and she felt a pressure in her bowels like nothing before.

She was used to holding it in often, but this was a lot bigger than the occasional, unavoidable fart. Although, she was sure that was all she had to do. Not that it would be any more pleasant to fart in the middle of Ponyville.

As Rarity got closer to the train station, the pressure became more intense. She decided to quietly let it out and hope no other ponies got close enough to smell it. She stopped running, lifted her leg slightly, and let out a silent fart. She felt so relieved she couldn't help but sigh, but... this fart went on for 13 seconds.

Once she was done, she could smell the fart clearly. Fortunately there were no ponies close enough to her, so she continued on her way.

Rarity's moment of relief was short-lived, for she felt another fart coming. She held it for most of the trip, but just as she reached the train station...


Rarity let out a short, but very loud fart. She blushed beet red as a few ponies laughed at her. She giggled nervously, and boarded the train.

She found a seat in a train car and sat down, still feeling very gassy. As the train began to move, she held it in, sweating from the effort. There was no one inside this car at the moment, but if someone were to enter and smell her flatulence, it would be really embarrassing.

As the train got near Manehattan, Rarity decided to let it out so she wouldn't fart during the fashion show. She stood up and raised her behind in the air.


Rarity sighed in relief as she let out a very loud fart for 22 seconds. She didn't know she could fart so loud. What had she eaten to make her so gassy? The answer came to her immediately as she farted again for five seconds. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie must have put fart powder in her cake and cider. Oh, she was going to get them back for this!


Rarity was feeling the pressure grow as she was in line for the fashion show. Some of the outfits looked as lovely as hers, and she was nervous that she might lose. Or that she might embarrass herself onstage. She accidentally let out an airy fart, and was relieved that no one noticed.

Finally, it was her turn to go onstage. She walked onto the stage and posed for the camera.

Until, she got into the wrong position.


Rarity blushed as she farted loudly for seven seconds. Then, after this fart, came an even louder one, which lasted 28 seconds. Though the relief felt amazing, it was extremely embarrassing. The audience burst into laughter, and Rarity ran offstage.

Rainbow Dash was watching near the back of the audience, and was laughing as loud as any of the other ponies. She couldn't think of anything funnier than Rarity farting so loud for so long. She wished Pinkie Pie was here to see this.

"Who'd have thought such a beautiful mare could fart like that?" said one of the judges.

"Remember, we're here to focus on their outfits," said another judge, who, despite this, was barely able to keep from laughing.

Two of the other contestants were disgusted, but the rest were amused, and one was laughing so hard she almost peed herself.

"I don't think we'll have to worry about her beating us," said Suri Polomare, stifling her chuckles at her rival's humiliation.

"If she loses because of that it'd be a real shame," said one of the other contestants. "I think it was really funny, and she must have been holding it in for a long time."

Rarity only stayed around to see who the winner was, standing to the side of the stage trying to keep out of sight. There was no way she could win after her unladylike performance.

However, farting was not against any of the rules.

"The winner is, Rarity!" said the announcer.

Rarity was surprised, accidentally letting a short fart, and walked onstage to claim her trophy. The audience was cheering and clapping for her, Rainbow Dash among them. Suri threw her outfit in the trash and walked away, looking sour.

"Your outfit is truly lovely," said the announcer.

"Why thank you," said Rarity, before she accidentally farted again for 11 seconds.

"Even if you fart a lot," said the announcer, and the audience laughed again. Rarity blushed.


Rarity farted three more times on the train back to Ponyville, and when she reached Carousel Boutique, she took her outfit off. It smelled of farts, but she hoped she'd be able to wash the smell out. After all, a few of her outfits had gotten dirtier than this.

Now was the time for a party with Celestia at Twilight's castle to celebrate the anniversary of the defeat of Tirek, and the creation of the castle.

But first, Rarity let out a series of loud farts, some of which were short, and some of which were 10-20 seconds long. She had to admit the relief felt good, as unladylike as this was, and no one was around to hear it so she could fart as loud as she wanted, hoping her gas would be gone when she got to the party.


Celestia brought a cake over big enough for her, Spike, Starlight, and all the Main 6. Rarity was sure this one didn't contain fart powder, so she took a slice of it. She was still ridiculously gassy, and was trying her hardest to hold it in, sweating profusely.

"Are you all right Rarity?" said Fluttershy.

"I'm fine," said Rarity, hiding any signs of discomfort while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie giggled. Rarity glared at them, and they fell silent.

Once the cake was done, they sat around in a circle, telling stories of things that happened in their lives since they last talked or wrote to Celestia.

"And what about you, Rarity?" said Celestia.

"Well, I won first prize in a fashion show," said Rarity, still sweating from holding in her farts.

"Anything else of interest?"

"Maybe I can write to you about it. I'm not feeling so-"


Rarity farted loudly for 29 seconds. Only five seconds into the fart, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began laughing hard. Once Rarity was done farting, she blushed and giggled nervously. She had never been so embarrassed in her life. Not only had she farted so ridiculously loud and long onstage at a fashion show, but now in front of all her friends and Princess Celestia.

"I'm so sorry," said Twilight. "I'm sure she didn't mean to. She's usually so..."

"It's quite all right," said Celestia. "I don't mind. Just between us, sometimes I get really gassy too, and I think it's funny."

"You do?" said Twilight. She let out a loud fart, and blushed, giggling nervously. She could not believe she had just done that. Celestia just chuckled a bit.

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie," said Rarity. "Did you put something in my cake and my cider by any chance?"

Rainbow and Pinkie's nervous giggling explained it all. They were both in on it.

"I knew it!"

"Hey, it wasn't just us!" said Rainbow. "Starlight enhanced the fart powder!"

"Rarity, I swear I had no idea she was going to use it on you," said Starlight. "She always had me do it so she and Pinkie could fart more. I didn't know she'd use it for a prank."

"I believe you," said Rarity. "And you don't have to stop doing... that, as long as Rainbow and Pinkie are away from me for... that. Because I don't think they're ever going to pull this prank on me again." She turned around so that her butt was in Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's faces. Rainbow and Pinkie cringed.


Rarity farted in their faces for 37 seconds. Rainbow and Pinkie nearly fainted from the stench, their manes blown back from the force of the fart.

"Now we're even," said Rarity, who felt immense relief from this fart, and satisfaction at her revenge, having used their own prank against them. She didn't even care that she had just let out the longest, loudest fart of her entire life in front of everyone.

Spike and the other ponies laughed, including Celestia, and Twilight opened the window to air out the room. Rainbow and Pinkie apologized for pulling this prank on Rarity, who found it in her heart to forgive them in exchange for the promise to never do it again. They quickly agreed to this, not wanting Rarity to fart on them like that again.

Then they got back to the party, but Rarity farted a few more times. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie smelled like farts for the rest of the day, but it was only noticeable if they got really close to them. Despite her humiliation, Rarity was able to have some fun. Maybe it was what Celestia had said. Maybe it was the fact that she had won the fashion show anyway. Maybe it was her revenge on the ponies who caused her gassiness. Or maybe some part of her secretly thought it was fun to fart.

Most likely, it was all of the above.

Her farting subsided by the end of the party. Despite feeling better about it, she still felt a little embarrassed. When Fluttershy and Applejack noticed this, they gave her a hug and said they still loved her, and Celestia said she didn't need to feel ashamed.

Nevertheless, it was two days before she fully got over it, and three days before Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had another farting contest.

Rarity, Twilight, and Celestia

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It had been months since Rarity's gas attack, and she was having dinner at a restaurant in Canterlot with Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia.

"And, today I came up with a new line of dresses I simply must show you," said Rarity, still at the table after finishing their meal and paying their bill.

"What about you, Twilight?" said Celestia. "Have you learned any new spells since I last saw you?"

"Well..." Twilight blushed a little. "I do know one. And, based on something you said a few months ago, I think maybe you'd appreciate it."

"Would you care to demonstrate for me?"

"I'm not sure I should. Not here, anyway."

"Then let's go to an empty room in the castle and you can cast it there."

"Sure," Twilight said tentatively, looking at Rarity.

"I'd love to see it too," said Rarity.

I'm not sure you would, thought Twilight, but she said nothing and walked with Celestia to the castle.

Once they were in an empty room, Celestia said "Now, Twilight, what is this new spell you learned?"

Twilight was very nervous about casting this spell. It was a very unprincesslike spell, but she remembered that it didn't offend Celestia at all. She tried to decide who to cast it on. Rarity was out of the question, and although she was sure Celestia wouldn't mind, she still didn't want to cast the spell on her based on the unfounded fear that it would offend her. She could cast it on herself, although it would be embarrassing, and besides, Rarity might get offended. She was afraid how she'd react.

She decided to cast it on herself, but as she started casting the spell, she briefly considered casting it on Celestia instead to spare herself the humiliation, then wondered what Rarity would think no matter who she cast it on.

As a result of her nervousness and constantly thinking about Celestia and Rarity, the spell didn't go exactly as planned. The spell exploded, knocking all three mares to the ground.

"I'm so sorry," said Twilight as she got to her feet. "I might have messed up the spell. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," said Celestia. "So, what is this spell supposed to-"

She paused as she felt her stomach grumbling, and then a sensation in her bowels.

"Ah, I see what it does now. I don't believe I've ever heard of this spell before."

"How do you-" Twilight began, as she was also feeling the effects of the spell. "Oh no... don't tell me it affected you too!"

"It's all right, Twilight. No one else is around, so we can have a little fun with it."

"Please don't tell me this spell does what I think it does," said Rarity, who was feeling very uncomfortable. "Really, Twilight? You came up with a spell that makes ponies... break wind?"

"I only did it cause Celestia thinks farts are funny," said Twilight. "I didn't want you to be exposed to it."

So that's why Twilight was so tentative about it. "I'd like to go somewhere else."

"You can stay with us until the spell wears off," said Celestia. "It's not like I haven't heard you fart before. A lot. Besides, you won't be the only one."

"Well..." Rarity paused for a moment, a part of her liking the opportunity to have fun with farting in front of two princesses who didn't mind it.

Then, Rarity accidentally farted loudly. It was a short fart, but as loud as many of Rainbow Dash's farts. She blushed and giggled nervously.

"Just let it all out and have fun with it," said Celestia. She lifted her leg and let out a slightly quieter fart for three seconds.

Rarity felt a little more at ease seeing the princess fart in front of her. She let out a quiet, airy fart, and sighed of relief.

"If I did this spell right, we're going to be really gassy," said Twilight. She let out a short, boisterous fart, and giggled, blushing lightly.

"That's fine with me," said Celestia, farting loudly for five seconds.

"I suppose I have no choice," said Rarity, who was enjoying this a little more than she let on. She raised her rump in the air and farted for six seconds.


Celestia farted silently for four seconds. Before she was done, Twilight excitedly raised her rear end in the air.


She giggled as she farted for seven seconds.

"Nice one, Twilight," said Celestia, patting Twi's butt lightly. She raised her behind in the air.


She let out a satisfied sigh as her loud fart lasted nine seconds.

Rarity could not believe Princess Celestia could fart like that. But, then again, she had farted louder and longer months ago. Although, with this next fart coming, she suspected she might be just as noisy and unladylike today.

She moaned as a flurry of boisterous farts erupted out of her rear. They were all very short, two seconds at longest, but very loud, and she blushed lightly as she continued to fart loudly.

Celestia started to laugh, not making fun of Rarity, but because she thought the repeated farts were funny. She didn't stop laughing as she released several loud farts of her own.

Twilight also reached this stage, and let loose with a series of farts that were just as short and just as loud as Rarity and Celestia's farts, but higher-pitched, and, in many cases, wetter.

After about two minutes straight of farting non-stop, Celestia magically opened a window to air out the room.

Rarity could not believe she and two princesses were farting so much, and so loud, and enjoying it.

Finally, they stopped.

"That's about as long as it lasts for," said Twilight. "If you want to fart more, I'll have to cast the spell ag-"


Twilight's eyes went wide with surprise as a loud, wet fart made its way out of her butt. It lasted for eight seconds.

"Looks like we're not done yet!" said Celestia. She lifted her leg and let out a loud, nine-second fart. "We should have a farting contest!"

"I'd rather not," said Rarity. "It's undignified enough to break wind so loudly, and I'd hate to be known for winning such a vulgar con-"


Rarity couldn't hide her sigh of relief as she released another series of boisterous farts.

"Looks like your farts are the loudest," said Twilight. She lifted her leg and farted for four seconds. "And, it's hard to tell with all of us farting, but I think yours are the stinkiest too."

"Twilight!" said Rarity, blushing a little, but she knew what Twilight said was true.


Celestia giggled as she farted very loudly for ten seconds, though it wasn't enough to drown the sound of Rarity's farts.

"Let's see if I can top that!" said Twilight. She waited a bit, then raised her tush in the air.


She patted her butt, looking as though nothing could be more fun than farting like that.

Rarity had stopped farting in the middle of Twilight's fart and was trying to hold it in.

"13 seconds!" said Celestia. "Right now you're winning for longest fart!"

"I'm sure you can fart longer," said Twilight. "I mean... I hope that didn't offend you."

"Not at all. It's fun to fart. I just don't do it at formal meetings, or in front of anyone who might get offended by it." Celestia let out another loud fart for eleven seconds, two seconds shorter than Twilight.

Twilight farted for 13 seconds again. Celestia farted for 14 seconds. Then Twilight farted for 15.

Then Celestia let out a booming, 18-second fart, and neither of them could top that after that. This was even louder than Rarity's farts.

Rarity was still holding it in the entire time. She wasn't sure why. She knew she'd have to let it all out eventually.

And then, she couldn't hold it any longer.


She blushed lightly as a boisterous fart made its way out of her, louder than Celestia's longest fart. Twilight and Celestia stared, each farting loudly a few times, but not long enough to be heard over Rarity's fart.

Rarity farted for 28 seconds, nine seconds shorter than when she had farted on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, but the longest fart today.

"Wow," said Twilight. "I mean, I know you've farted longer than that before, but that was under the influence of fart powder enhanced by Starlight. I've never farted that long with this spell." PPPFFFFFT. "I think I might have overdid the spell to increase our gassiness."

"Well, I don't mind," said Celestia, and she farted loudly for three seconds. "It... is going to end, right?"

"I don't see why not. Oh, I hope it does end. I don't want to be farting non-stop for the rest of my life!"

But, she didn't fart again. Neither did Celestia, or Rarity. The spell had worn off.

"Rarity wins the farting contest!" said Celestia.

Rarity blushed. "I wasn't even trying to compete," she said.

Celestia slapped Rarity's butt lightly. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. But, it won't leave this room if you don't want it to."

"I'd very much appreciate that. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would never let me hear the end of it if they found out I outfarted two princesses."