> My giant pony friend, Daffy > by Crystalbreeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My giant pony friend, Daffy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: In this story the Daffy isn't a word, what makes sense. In this story it's a female name. It was a usual afternoon in the middle of the summer holiday. The sun was shining and it was warm almost everytime. The children didn't need to wear many clothes, just a short, a T-shirt and a pair of sandals. The most of the kids, young and old, were outside. The played with each other, went to the beach or on a trip around the forest. There was just some person, who was in the house and played games on the computer. And there was me. My name is Adam Nicholas Henderson and I'm 8 years old. I live in Richmond with my mom and dad. We've got a very nice house, a big garden behind it and a happy life. When the summer holiday came in 2012, we had a travel to greece, a visit to my grandparents' house in Morgantown and more beautiful experiences, what became memories. And this was the summer, when just for laugh I started watching an interesting TV show. It was the My Little Pony. In the beginning I thought this is another girl cartoon filled with pink ponies and infinite happiness without any conflict. But I was wrong. It was a unisex cartoon with mythological creatures and a very nice background called Equestria. I liked it and started watching it all day. My parents weren't angry or sad, when I said I like the show. "Of course he likes it." They thought. "He is just a little kid and every kid likes the cartoons." They were right. I really liked the cartoons and I was a little kid indeed. A kid, who didn't have friends, but he didn't care about it and who's got great imagination and creativity. The main thing was I had a happy family. One day, in 16th of July a strange thing happened with me. So I was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV in the living room, while my parents were away for three quarters of an hour. I was a smart boy, so I could be alone for hours. Suddenly I heard a loud sound. It sounded like glass and it came from the window from behind me. Somebody knocked on the window, but not with a simple hand. It was more bigger. Fortunately the window didn't break to so many pieces. It was very strange. I hoped this situation isn't the real version of the "Home Alone" movies, where the little kid must protect his own house from the home invaders, while his parents are away. Of course it wasn't. Moments later I stopped the video in the TV with the remote controller and turned around to see the window. The view wasn't usual. I saw a white sphere in the window. In that sphere there was a smaller one, which was dark-orange colored and in that there was a big dark spot with two little white spheres. I didn't know what was that, but after some seconds it suddenly closed and opened again. Now it was clear. It was a big eye, but not a human's eye. It was a pony's eye from My Little Pony. It was unbelievable. There was giant pony eye in front of the window. I began thinking. "The MLP is a cartoon, not a real thing. Thanks imagination! You are awesome!" Suddenly I became happy, I didn't see giant imaginary ponies yet. A half a minute after I looked at the eye, I tried to communicate with the pony. "Hello!" I said. "Are....Are you a pony?" "Yes I am Adam. Nice to meet you." Said a beautiful female voice, which sounded like Fluttershy's voice, but it was a little bit different. I surprised. She knew my name. It was like a real dream. I became excited and curious. "Who are you?" "My name is Daffy. Don't you remember me?" As I heard her name, I remembered her. Some days after I saw the first three seasons of MLP, I started drawing ponies. I was a very good drawer, so I draw so many ponies. However there was one except. A pony, whom I drew with my own imagination. She wasn't a background pony. She was my own pony. I drew her light-pink coat, grey zebra stripes, fluffy red mane, which partly looked like Twilight Sparkle's mane, long light-pink donkey tale with a fluffy red ending and red eyes. She was an earth pony with a cute indigo colored necklace and without cutie mark. When the drawing was over I gave her a name and a personality. She was as shy as Fluttershy and as happy as Pinkie Pie. I made a whole character sheet for her, but she hadn't got a backstory. I also remembered I drew her big, because my favorite mythical creatures were always the giants. And now she was alive. "Please show yourself Daffy!" "Okay." Now her eye became smaller and I could see her face. Her face was very familiar and adorable. She was smiling to me. Now I was sure about she is real. "You didn't change, my giant pony." "You didn't change too, my little human." Few seconds later I couldn't take it anymore and started running to the garden to see Daffy. I quickly ran to the backdoor in the end of the kitchen and opened it. The thing what I saw looked like as real as me. I didn't care about where did she come from, I was just happy to seeing her. She was sitting on the grass and looked at me. She was about fifteen meters high and one of her hooves was bigger than me. I walked in front of her happily. "Now you are more beautiful than on the drawing." She smiled and took her face closer to me. "Oh thank you. Are you happy to seeing me?" "My heart would be able to explode now. And why are you here?" "To be your friend, because you were the boy, who drew me and gave me personality. And now I wanna be your giant pony friend. Can I be?" She asked with a cute sad face. "Of course you can. I would be disappointed if you would leave me." Now her happy face came back. She spread her first two hooves out and asked: "Would you like a big cuddle?" At that moment as I heard the "cuddle" word from her, I smiled, because when I wrote down her character sheet, I wrote some things that she liked. My favorite was "hugs and cuddles". I couldn't say no to Daffy. "The only thing what I can say is YES!" "Good choice." I started running to her leg and jumped on it. After that I landed on her chest and cuddled her fluffy light-pink coat. Suddenly I felt Daffy was falling to the ground, while with her first two hooves she cuddled me. "Oh, you are very stong, little one!" "I know." The different sized cuddle took some minutes. I and Daffy enjoyed every little seconds. Both of us were happy to seeing each other. Two minutes later I looked at Daffy's face, while I was liing on her chest under her big keeping hooves. "Daffy?" "Yes?" She asked, while she looked at me. "I guess this is the beginning of a strong friendship." Daffy smiled. "You're right Adam. You're right." Four minutes however I heard a familiar sound. It was our garage, what opened. It was the sign of my parents. They were at home. I realized the moment and cautioned Daffy. "Oh no. My parents are home! They'll see you.!" She stayed calm and said happily: "Don't worry about me. Only you can see me." I made my way out of her hooves fast and stood on her chest. "But what will happen with you? I don't wanna lose my giant imaginary pony friend." "You won't lose me. I'll visit you, when you'll miss me." "Okay." I said and jumped off her chest an landed on the grass. She slowly stood up and showed her full size. Now she was more huge. She smiled and said: "See you next time." As she said this, she took her right hoof closer to me. I knew what did she want. A hoof bump. I gave her a tiny hoof bump and went to the kitchen's backdoor. But once again I looked at Daffy's big face. She smiled and winked her right eye. I winked my right eye too and entered the house. My parents were at the garage. I greeted them and we started chatting in the living room. But I didn't tell anything about Daffy. Maybe later. The next time when I met with Daffy was Sunday, three days later. In the morning I woke up and woke up my parents. It was the laziest day in the week, so we had time to speak and relax. Some minutes before midday we had lunch and after that we watched TV. Of course we weren't at home all day. In the afternoon we had a walk to the nearest park. At 17:23 pm we got back. In the reamining time I played with my toys in our huge sized garden behind the house. I really liked playing alone, so I was fine. I was playing on the homemade playground when I suddenly heard hoofsteps from in front of the house. It came from the street. Seconds later I saw two big things on the top of the house. It was Daffy's two hooves. After her hooves I could see her body, while she tried to climb up to the top of the house. Seconds later she made it. She stood on the house with her gigantic body. Now she could jump of and land on the ground. I quickly started running to her, while she sat down, looked like the Egyptian Sphinx. As I finished the running and finally got to her, she smiled and said: "Did you miss me?" "I missed you so much Daffy." "Okay. And did you have good days after my first visit? "The were awesome. I played with my parents and we had lots of fun." "I see, do you have any plan for what will we do today?" I started thinking and some moments later I said: "Would you like to play hide and seek?" "Gladly." "Who will be the seeker?" I asked. She suddenly stood up and started jumping happily. While she was jumping in front of me, she said: "Oh Adam! Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?" That jumping looked like in the MLP episode, when the young Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle played together, but it was much bigger. Daffy was so cute, when she did this. "Aawww. You're so cute. You can be the seek." I said with a smile. "Yuppy! From 1 to 50?" "Mhm." Daffy closed her eyes and just in case she took her two hooves in front of her eyes to don't see anything. One second later she began counting. I quickly looked around to see a perfect hiding place. Finally I choose the small area under the trampoline. And yes. My parents bought me a trampoline too. There was a small area under it, which was perfect for hide and seek. When Daffy said: "24", I started walking quietly and fast. Moments later I finally could hide under the trampoline. As she finished the counting, she stood up. "Okay. Ready or not, here I come!" I looked at her big moving hooves from under my hiding place curiously. I was very excited, because I didn't play hide and seek with a giant imaginary pony. Firstly Daffy went to the playground, which was very small for her. It was a very good hiding place for a kid too. She started looking at it. She looked under it and behind it. "Adam. Where are you? I'll find you!" She said happily. The playground was clear. The next stop was the tree next to it. She looked at it and took her nose in the green foliage. She didn't find anything in it. The last stop was the trampoline. As Daffy looked at my hiding place, I scared. I could see her hooves, whom were coming to my hiding place. Some meters in front of the trampoline she stopped and said with a cute laugh. "Well, I think I got you." She slowly took her right hoof under the trampoline and tried to take me out. Finally she touched my back and catched me. I was sitting on her hoof, when she took me out from the trampoline. "I guess you won." I said. "Now what will we do?" "I think I know." "What's your idea?" She took her nose close to my chest and tickled me with it. It took two minutes. I couldn't stop the laughing. "Oh no! (laugh for two seconds) Oh p-ple-e-ease sto-op! I... (laugh for one second)....I can't ta-ake it anymore! (laugh for five seconds) Meeercy! (long, long laugh)" Finally she stopped the tickling. "It's over now. I guess you enjoyed it." "It was quite enough now. I can't take it anymore, but yes. I enjoyed it." "Yay!" She said and lifted me to the ground. Moments later the backdoor opened. It was my dad. He just wanted to check me, but he heard my laugh, when Daffy tickled my chest. He looked at me and asked: "Are you fine Adam?" "Aha. I'm fine." I said, while I was a little bit afraid of dad set his eyes on Daffy. "Okay then. But why did you laugh?" "Ah before the answer, what do you see here?" I asked and pointed at Daffy. "Nothing. Just you." "Tell him." Said Daffy. "I....Well....I just played with my imaginary friend." I said, when I looked back to dad. After I sad this, he smiled. I surprised. "Oh, is it a pony?" "Yupp. And....it's a mare." "Okay Adam. Well, have fun guys!" Said dad with a smile and went back to the house. "Wow. You are really imaginary. But how could you pick me up and tickle me?" I asked curiously. "As I said earlier, just you can see me, but this isn't means I'm just a hologram." I nodded and suddenly yawned. I was really tired at that moment, because I had a long day with my paents and I needed a little sleep, but I still wanted to play with Daffy. "Are you sleepy Adam?" She asked helpfully. "No, I'm...(yawn)...I'm not. I often yawn. This doesn't me...(yawn again)...ans anything." "Do you wanna sleep a little bit?" "M-Maybe." She took her first two hooves in front of me and said: "Lie on them." I climbed to her big and fluffy hooves and lied on them. I didn't need a blanket, because it was warm in the middle of the summer holiday. Before I closed my eyes I could see her lovable and cute smiling face. "This is it. Sleep my little human." As I closed my eyes I didn't see anything, just felt. I felt the cool breeze and the warm sun, which slowly went down and the sky became lilac. It was the twilight. The beautiful twilight. Before I could fell asleep, I could feel something on my forehead. It was Daffy. She gave a little peck to my forehead. I smiled and fell asleep. I woke up in my own room in the next day morning. My parents told me that when I finished the playing with my imaginary friend, I said goodbye to her and went up to my bedroom, where I fell asleep. But I didn't remember anything after falling asleep on Daffy's hooves. Author's Note 2: The story inspired by the story's image partly.