Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

First published

A new threat awakens, Equestria on the brink of destruction, and the Elements of Harmony captured, welcome to the Smashverse

Ever since Master Core's defeat, things were starting to return to normal, that's what the heroes of smash hoped for. It wasn't until Master Core's revival was soon heard across the smashverse, but this time things were different. Possessed and corrupted by the evil aura of Dark Matter, Master Core returns seeking revenge on the fighters of Smash. Fearing the consequences, both Master Hand and Crazy Hand uses their powers for good to seal Dark Mastter Core deep inside the hearts of Genesys Tower where Dark Mastter Core was sent into a deep slumber. But when two evil organizations joins forces, it triggers a series of events that will eventually lead to Dark Mastter Core's awakening. Seeking to use the powers of the legendary Prism Pokemon Necrozma to summon Dark Mastter Core, The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx Empire, attempts to start the Solunar Eclipse,an event where both the Sun and Moon stops it's orbit and threatens to collide with Earth causing a massive explosion that leads to the creation of a Dark Hole. The Elements of Harmony sensing the dangers quickly takes action only for them to end up captured along with the three alicorns. Twilight Sparkle in a desperate attempt scatters the Elements across the Equestria and beyond in hopes that neither The Sinister Legion nor the Necro Zynx Empire could get to them. Now with Equestria captured and under the rule of Lord Oblivion and Cross, Flurry Heart the last alicorn must travel and find six individuals to act as temporary Elements in order to stop the oncoming threat. The only way to win, Settle it in Smash!

MLP FIM belongs to Hasbro Studios.
Super Smash Bros. belongs to Nintendo
Story takes place when Flurry Heart is grown up
Characters from both Brawl and Smash 4 along with DLC characters with appear
Rated T for mild swearing

Prologue: Invasion of Equestria

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It's another beautiful day in Equestria and the Celestia's castle was lively as ever. However today was there was a special reason, today was Princess Flurry Heart's 21st birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLURRY HEART!" everypony cheered and clapped their hooves.

"Wow thanks everypony I really appreciate you all for doing this for me," said Flurry Heart blushing.

"Anything for our cute daughter," smiled Shining Armor.

"Dad stop it," giggled Flurry.

"We love you sweetie," said Cadence nuzzling Flurry.

"I love you too mom," said Flurry. Everypony in the room once again started cheering as they watched Flurry cuddle with Cadence.

"Congratulations on your 21st birthday Princess Flurry Heart," said Celestia walking up to her.

"Thank you your majesty," said Flurry Heart bowing down to her.

"Come on everypony let's go outside we have a lot to do!" Pinkie Pie cheered. Everypony began following Pinkie Pie out to the castle's backyard talking with one another. The castle's yard actually looked a lot livelier with all the decorations and guests talking and dancing to the music playing. The ponies that took notice clapped and cheered as Flurry Heart waved while she walked past them.

"Everypony I would like to thank you for coming to Princess Flurry Heart's 21st birthday, please stay awhile and enjoy yourselves," announced Celestia. Everypony clapped and went back to talking and laughing.

"Wow good punch," said Flurry Heart sipping from her cup.

"Glad you like it your majesty, I made it from scratch," said a guest mare.The party continued to go on with ponies laughing, talking, dancing and so on. All the while Flurry Heart was really enjoying the company and was really enjoying herself.

"So how's the party?" Pinkie asked.

"It's really great, I've never had so much fun in my life," answered Flurry.

"Yay the princess likes my party," Pinkie cheered. Flurry laughed as she reached over to grab her cup when she felt something. Suddenly the talking stopped and the music was cut short.

"What's going on?" asked Fluttershy. Flurry looked over to the cup to notice it vibrating. Then she felt the ground beneath her shaking.

"What in Equestria?" asked Twilight.

"Hey look!" a mare said pointing towards the sky. Everypony turned to see what she was pointing at to see a giant object hovering over the garden as purple clouds surrounded the area around the object. A loud groaning sound could be heard just as the object came to a halt right above the yard.

"What is that?" asked Rarity.

"It looks like some sort of giant machine," answered Twilight. Just as she answered, the bottom hatch of the Airship groaned open as a smaller aircraft appeared and descended down into the yard. As the spacecraft landed the hatch on the side flipped open as a small ramp slid down. Out of curiosity the ponies began to crowd around the spacecraft as white smoke flowed out of the blinding white light pouring out of the door. The sound of footsteps slowly yet steadily approached the ponies as a human figure walked out and onto the grass. The human was wearing a black robe with a red skull in front of a giant red S with two red tridents pointing outwards from either side, was stitched onto the left side of his robe. His red hair was cut short along with his red buzz cut.

"Who is that?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know but he's obviously a human," answered Starlight.

"A human," Flurry repeated. The human looked around and stepped off to the left of the ramp and began to speak in a loud voice.

"Citizens of Equestria we've come on behalf of the most feared leader known throughout the galaxy!"

"Most feared leader?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Behold the King of Destruction, Lord Oblivion!" Just as he revealed the name another figure appeared from the spacecraft. This figure looked different then the human though. Instead of being human, this figure was a complete skeleton wearing a black armor with his red cape flowing behind him. Purple flames were spewing out of the top of it's skull and he held a large red scepter with a giant black obsidian jewel sitting on top of a skull at the tip. A Crow sat on the left figure's left shoulder while a Raven on it's right.

"Is that him?" asked Pinkie.

"It must be," answered Starlight.

"And now I would like to introduce his partner in crime, Lord Cross, leader of the Necro Zynx!" announced the human. Once again another figure walked out. This one had armor with a navy blue tint similar similar to the color of Princess Luna's fur. He had blue dragon like wings attached to his back but with circuits running up an down. He wore a helmet that resembled a dragon's skull and instead of claws, he had talons.

The figure named Oblivion scoffed,"So this is Celestia's castle, looks kind of dull if I do say so myself,"

"But it's better than nothing," snickered Cross.

Celestia cleared her throat as she stepped forward,"Can we help you with something?" the two turned to face the four princesses that approached them.

"Heh well would ya look at this," laughed Cross.

"The four princesses all gathered here at once,"said Oblivion. "Alright I ain't gonna repeat myself so y'all better listen up and listen well, right now we've got business we have to deal with so we ain't got a lot of time,"

"Normally you guys wouldn't have anything to do with us, so we WOULD leave you alone at any other scenario," said Cross.

"But to make explanations easier, how about thinking of joining our cause?" asked Oblivion.

"Your cause?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"That's right, The Sinister League and The Necro Zynx Empire," answered Cross.

"Sounds great and all but we'll pass," answered Luna.

"Hmph well then, I guess if you won't surrender, then we'll just have to do this the hard way won't we?" laughed Oblivion. He raised his left arm and snapped his finger followed by the same loud groaning of the airship's bottom hatch opening.

"What in Equestria?" asked Cadence. Both Cross and Oblivion laughed as they moved to the sides of the ramp as several more figures appeared from the spacecraft, all of them equipped with a large cannon. Twilight gasped as the figures approached them with the barrels of their cannons pointed at them. Some of the figures were wearing black armor with the same symbol that was on Oblivion's robe imprinted on their chest plates. They wore black helmets that only revealed their eyes. Some figures looked like anthropomorphic lizards with blue armor with a strange symbol consisting of the letter N in the center of a bigger letter Z imprinted on their chest plates, shoulder pads, and even their helmets. The helmets they wore looked similar to the one Cross was wearing but some of them held electro staffs while others had scythes as arms. Either way Flurry knew they were being attacked.

"Hold your position men!" Cross ordered. The figures all did as they were told and stopped short with their cannons pointed at the ponies. The guests tried to escape they were suddenly cornered by several more guards that had dropped down from the airship.

"What are you doing!?" Flurry asked.

"Don't you see, if you're not going to surrender than you're our enemy, which means you're the closest thing to threatening to our plan," answered Cross with a smirk. "FIRE!" he ordered. Just as on cue, one of the cannons went off as a large black net flew out and onto Cadence entangling her into the net as well as electrocuting her.

"MOM!" Flurry called out. More cannons went off as several more nets shot out and entangled themselves into the guests, shocking them. The guests began running around screaming as several of the lizard guards began chasing them down.

"Luna get everypony to safety!" Celestia ordered. Luna nodded as she ran off giving Celestia time to Twilight and Flurry. "Twilight listen to me, you must go and find somepony who can help,"

"I'll try Princess," answered Twilight.

"You must hurry otherwise we'll-" but Celestia's statement was cut short when a black net suddenly flew into her shocking her in the process.

"CELESTIA!" Twilight screamed. Luna hearing Twilight's cries of despair quickly turned around and ran back to find her sister on the ground entangled in the net.

"Tia!" Luna said running to her sister's side. Suddenly more guards approached the three with their cannons pointed at them.

"Gotcha!" snickered a guard firing his cannon at Twilight. Luna quickly took the opportunity to jump in front of Twilight and intercept the net before it hit her.

"LUNA!" Twilight screamed.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy called out. Both Flurry and Twilight looked over to see their friends running over to them.

Another guard fired his cannon at Twilight just as Rainbow Dash flew in screaming. "NOOO!!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Flurry cried out. Another guard fired his cannon at Flurry which both Applejack and Rarity intercepted due to Flurry's big body.

"Damn wrong target again," pouted the guard.

"I got this," said a second guard pointing his cannon at Flurry. Pinkie noticed and quickly pulled out her party cannon and aimed at the space between the guards and Flurry. Once she got her aim, Pinkie jumped in and fired launching herself towards the guard and Flurry. Mean while the guard fired his cannon just in time for Pinkie to fly through and intercept the net before it reached Flurry.

"Damn it again seriously!?" screamed the guard.

"Pinkie not you too," Twilight said.

"Twilight!" Starlight called out to her. Twilight and Flurry turned around to see two lizard guards holding their scythe arms up to Fluttershy and Starlight's throat.

"Flurry you have to get out of here find help," Twilight ordered.

"But I can't just leave you here," said Flurry.

"You have to, if you stay here you'll just be caught," said Twilight.


"GO!" Twilight ordered. Flurry took a step back and looked around the yard, the entire party was completely destroyed and several of the guests were on the ground entangled in nets while others were captured by the lizard guards. Flurry realized Twilight wasn't doing this just for her, if she got caught then nopony would be able to save the ponies here,"She knelt down to her mother and nuzzled her with a tear in her eye.

"I'll be back, I promise I'll save you," she said. She wiped her tears away and nodded at Twilight. She spread her wings and took off.

"Hey she's trying to escape!" one of the guards called out.

"Don't let her escape!" Cross ordered. All of the guards raised their cannons up towards Flurry and fired. But Flurry's agility had outmatched the guards aim and quickly dodged all of the nets and flew off.

"Stop her!" Cross called out.

"No," Oblivion ordered.

"What?" asked Cross.

"Let her go, she isn't worth our time," Oblivion answered. He turned towards Twilight smirking. "Instead take her," he ordered pointing at Twilight. Twilight quickly began digging through her bag until she found what she was looking for.

"The Elements of Harmony," said Twilight. "I have to do this," she said. As the guards continued to close in on her Twilight closed her eyes and focused on her spell. The Elements began to glow in the purple aura Twilight was emitting. Twilight through her head back just as the guards pounced on her and the elements shot up in the air and split off into several different directions. Flurry Heart who had managed to escape noticed the six purple lights heading off into different directions.

"Twilight what did you do?" Flurry asked herself. She shook her head, now wasn't the time to think, she had to hurry otherwise who knew what those guys would do. She quickly turned back around and flew towards the horizon while leaving behind a trail of tears.

She prayed for her friend's safety....

For Twilight's safety.....

For her mother's safety.

Chapter 1: Magic

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To be honest I don't know how this all started but I guess I have no choice. I mean I couldn't just leave this pony lying here. Yeah you heard me right a pony. What you don't know what I'm talking about, yeah I figured, I just dove right into the topic didn't I? Alright then I guess I'll explain everything. So as a daily routine I went into the forest to my favorite spot to sketch again. It was raining hard last night for some reason, the weather didn't say anything about rain so I found it strange. Fortunately for me, the ground was wet so it was nice and cool. But enough about that, so I get to my favorite spot and I'm about to sit down when I noticed a horde of animals crowding around something. Curiously I walk over to see what it was and surprisingly it was a pony. I didn't know where is came from or why she was here but I couldn't just leave her knocked out here. So I decided to take her back to my house and that's where I am now.

"God what has she been eating?" I mumble carrying her on my back. I continue to carry her and eventually reach my house.

Flurry moans as she tosses and turns in bed the scared look on her face indicating that she was having a nightmare. Meanwhile I sit on the chair near her bed. I intently stare at her thinking about why she was here. Could this have some sort of connection to the strange stone I found nearby last night. Right now I had question without answers, thus the only way I'm going to get answers is if she wakes up. I walk over to her and stand over her as her eyes shoot open as she wakes up gasping.

"So you're finally awake," I say calmly. She looks over to me and slowly gets up.

"Wha... Where am I?" she asks.

"You're in my house," I answer. "I found you unconscious at the lake near here so I brought you here,"

"Where is my mother?" she asks.

"Your mother?" I ask. She groans as she puts a hoof up to forehead. "Whoa don't get up you're not well yet," I said putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I'm Fandom Player but most of my friends just call me Fands," I answer.

"Fandom?" she groggily asks.

"Listen I don't know where you came from or why you're here but you're not well enough to get up," I say gently pushing her down.

"No I can't I mean I really appreciate you trying to help but I need to go," she said.

"No I'm not letting you leave in this condition," I say. "Now that I think about it who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Flurry Heart," she answers.

"Flurry Heart you need to stay here," I say.

"No I need to get up," she says jumping out of bed. But just as she took one step towards the door she winces and nearly collapses. I run over and wrap my arms around her chest and help her up.

"Come on I'm telling you to relax," i say.

"No you don't understand!" she cries looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Flurry," I say with a sad look in my eyes. Flurry's eyes widened realizing what she has just done.

"Oh my Celestia, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine," I interrupt. "Normally I don't force others to do what I want but you really aren't in the condition to move," I add. "But from what I can tell, there seems to be more to the story isn't there," Flurry slumps down and covers her face with her hooves and starts to cry. I rub her on the back and ask,"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah," she sniffles.

"Alright then," I say sitting next to her. "So what happened?" I ask. And so Flurry thoroughly explains everything from her birthday, to the invasion, to Oblivion and Cross, and ending with her escape from the enemy. "So that's it," I say. I clench my teeth in frustration as she mentions Oblivion and The Sinister Legion. "Shit," I curse.

"What is it?" Flurry asks looking up.

"Oblivion is a selfish being that believes this world is corrupted thus he wants to destroy it to make it perfect," I answer. "The Sinister Legion is an organization that follows Oblivion because they believe he's trying to make a perfect world, little do they know that the world Oblivion is trying to create is a world full of hatred and despair,"

"What about Cross and the Necro Zynx?" Flurry asks.

"To be honest this is the first time I've heard of the Necro Zynx, but I can tell you that I belong to the resistance opposing Oblivion and his followers," I answer.

"I see," Flurry said.

"You say you escaped from Canterlot to find help am I correct?" I ask.

"That's right, but I have a feeling that this is not just about finding help," she answered.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"When I was escaping, I saw six purple lights fly off in different directions, curious I wanted to follow a light to what it was," she answered.

"And I suppose one of those lights was headed near here," I suggest. Flurry nodded. That's when it hit me,"Oh well in that case I think it might be connected to this weird stone I found this morning,"

"Weird stone?" Flurry asked getting up.

"Yeah it's a purple stone in the shape of a six pointed star," I say walking over to the nightstand.

"Purple stone in the shape of a six pointed star?" Flurry asks. I nod as I pick up the box off the nightstand and walk over to Flurry.

"I assumed it fell out of the sky but I haven't been able to confirm it's origin," I answer opening the box and showing it to her.The face she makes when gazing at the stone is one of obvious, she was clearly shocked at what I held.

"That's...." Flurry stutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Fandom you say you found this right?" Flurry asks. I nod with a confused look on my face. "Fandom you just found something that may be the key to saving Equestria," said Flurry excited.

"I did?" I ask.

"Flurry gently picks up the stone with her magic and gazes at it,"This is one of the six Elements of Harmony," she answered.

"Elements of Harmony?" I ask. So for the next few minutes Flurry explains to me about the Elements of Harmony and it's bearers. "Wow so it's a very powerful item," I say. Flurry nod.

"I'm surprised that this one chose to land here though," said Flurry.

"Does it not normally do that?" I ask.

"Well we've never actually had the Elements break from each other but the fact that YOU found it must mean something," Flurry suggests.

"Does it really?" I ask. Flurry nodded, suddenly the element began to glow in a bright purple pinkish light as it began to hover above the ground, the next thing I knew a holographic form of a purple pony appeared before us. The pony was a mare with a horn and wings like Flurry. "Whoa," I say.

"Twilight," Flurry whimpers.

"What?" I ask. The holographic pony turns towards Flurry and smiles.

"Hello Flurry Heart," it says.

"Twilight is that you!?" Flurry asks excitedly.

"No I'm just a part of her conscience," the pony answers.

"Her conscience?" I ask. The holograph nods and looks back at Flurry.

"Flurry Heart I must congratulate on your achievement," it says.

"Achievement?" Flurry asks.

"Yes, you found the temporary bearer of the Element of Magic," answered the hologram.

"Wait temporary bearer?" Flurry asks. The hologram nods.

"As you know Equestria was invaded by The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx Empire," Both Flurry and I nod. "I must warn you that what they have planned is one that none can imagine,"

"What do you mean?" asks Flurry.

"Both the Necro Zynx and The Sinister Legion are planning to use the powers of the legendary Prism Pokemon Necrozma to summon Dark Mastter Core in order to activate the Solunar Eclipse in order to create the Dark Hole," answers the hologram.

"Prism, Pokemon, Necrozma, Dark Mastter Core, Solunar Eclipse, Dark Hole, what!?" asks Flurry Heart.

"I'm afraid the only other thing I can tell you is that you must go beyond Equestria to find six heroes to act as the temporary bearers of the elements to put an end to Oblivion and Cross's plan you already found Fandom the bearer of Magic, now you just need 5 more," said the hologram.

"Wait, who are you and how do you know my name?" I ask.

"I am Twilight Sparkle's conscience, as for the second question, I know you because I chose you to be the temporary bearer of Twilight's element," answered the hologram.

"Wait Twilight I don't understand," said Flurry.

"I don't expect you to, but in a certain time you will, for now this is all I will say, if you wish to know more, go find the rest of the elements and their bearers, until then farewell," said Twilight's conscience as she vanished. For a moment things went silent until I spoke up.

"This is so weird," I say. Suddenly Flurry's head shot up as she looked at me.

"Fandom I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to do, but I need you're help," she pleads.

"Wha?" I ask.

"Please if what she said is true then this is the only way we can save this world, please my family's life is in danger, I can't bear to watch them die," Flurry pleaded. I think about it for a moment. Oblivion is planning to destroy this world which means everyone's life is on the line. But he doesn't know what it is he has to do. But even so that doesn't give him the excuse to run out on Flurry. I nod and turn to face her.

"Alright I'll do it," I say. Flurry's eyes widen as she hugged me.

"Oh thank you, I don't know how to repay your kindness," she sobs.

"Don't need any repayment, this IS for your family after all," I answer.

"Thank you," Flurry sobbed. Suddenly the Element began to glow as it suddenly flew over to me. Both Flurry and I look down to see the element settle down around my chest as two strings emerged and wrapped around my neck turning the stone into a pendent.

"Whoa now that's cool," I say.

"Well you ARE the magic bearer," said Flurry.

"I guess that's true, well let's get a move on we have to find the rest of those elements," I say running out the door. Flurry smiled and ran after me as she wiped the tears from her eyes. This was it, the time for our biggest journey to begin.

Chapter 2: Bugs and Turtles

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It's s beautiful day today in the Smashverse and yet Bowser's castle is as gloomy as ever. However after his encounter with the changeling queen and the two dictators with crazy beliefs, Bowser had eventually let himself be convinced to work for Cross and Oblivion. Now operations are going on in his castle. As Bowser prepares his strongest fleet he planned to use for invading the mushroom kingdom, Kamek aka Magikoopa, his trusty advisor and henchkoopa continued to look into his crystal ball searching for the fifth princess like Oblivion had requested.

"Any luck?" asked the Changeling drone next to him.

"Hold on now the crystal ball is trying to focus," answered Kamek. The crystal ball's surface continued to fluctuate as Kamek waved his claws over it.

"Welp I'm going to see what the others are up to, it's so boring I can't stand it," groaned the changeling getting up.

"Yeah you do that," said Kamek not moving his eyes off the crystal ball. Feeling ignored, the drone snorted as he walked out of the room.

"Geez how can he stand doing something like THAT seriously it's so boring-" the drone was suddenly stopped as he accidentally bumped into a strange figure in front of him,"Hey watch where you're-" the drone's voice trailed off once he saw who was standing in front of him. "Oh Lord Oblivion I did-didn't see you there," the drone laughed nervously as Oblivion glared at him.

"Oh really?" asked Oblivion.

"Hey listen I didn't actually mean what I said just now," the drone smiled nervously. Oblivion raised an eyebrow. The drone continued smiling but started to sweat nervously waiting what Oblivion would say or do. "Um Lord Oblivion?"

"Tell me drone how's Kamek's progress coming along?" asked Oblivion.

"Uh he shouldn't be long," said the drone.

"I see," said Oblivion. "Tell me drone how much do you know about Hippogriffs?"

"Excuse me sir?" asked the drone.

"The Hippogriffs," repeated Oblivion.

"Never heard of them sir," answered the drone.

"I see very well then," said Oblivion walking past him.

"That was weird," said the drone continuing down the long dark corridors.

Flurry Heart and I continue to walk through the forest completely lost. The Sun was high in the sky and yet it only seemed to get colder as we took our steps.

"Oh great we're lost," groaned Flurry.

"Sorry your majesty," I wince.

"Oh it's not your fault, I know you're trying," said Flurry sweetly.

"Flurry I honestly don't know why you keep being nice to me, I seriously feel like I'm messing everything up,"

"That's not true!" gasped Flurry. Feeling like she said sarcastically, I Iook away from her. "Come on have more confidence in yourself," she said nudging me.Without facing her, I can feel my cheeks turning pink. The sudden sound of rustling leaves nearby forces us to stop in place. "What's that?" Flurry asked. From a nearby bush a strange black mare with a green mane and deep blue eyes walks out. The strangest thing about this mare was that she had holes in her legs and wings. She had huge black bow and a tube full of quivers slung around her neck.

"Ugh still nothing," she groaned. Flurry and I catches eyes with her and stare at each other for a moment before Flurry freaks out and hides behind me.

"Flurry what's up?" I ask.

"It's a changeling, they're not to be trusted, I don't know why we had to run into one here," she said trembling.

"Hi there," I look over to see the changeling standing front of us with a smile. I glare and snap fingers as several balls of fire began popping up around me. To be honest, I didn't know how this thing could be dangerous, but if it as threatening as Flurry says it is and it's enough to scare her like this, I obviously need to protect her.

"Whoa what's with the fire, I promise I won't hurt you," she says backing up.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I growled. Looking defeated, the changeling looks down and rubs her arm.

"I don't know honestly," she said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Be careful Fands changelings work for Queen Chrysalis, a notorious villain that pony napped my mother," said Flurry. I glare at the changeling who looks away blushing.

"Yeah sorry about that," she said apologetically.

"Apologizing won't help," hissed Flurry.

"Please I'm telling you, I'm not evil, I'm different from the other changelings," pleaded the changeling.

"But you don't look reformed," said Flurry.

"Please you have to believe me," she said close to tears. I glared at her preparing to attack. Looking defeated again the changeling slowly gets up,"Ok I understand I guess it's true nopony would believe what I say, especially not in this form," her ears droops and a single tear rolls down her cheek.

"Yeah no shit," I mumble.

"I guess you won't believe me if I told you Queen Chrysalis and Lord Bowser works for Oblivion and Cross. That caught our ears.

"What did you say?" Flurry asked.

"I said Queen Chrysalis and Lord Bowser works for Oblivion and Cross," repeated the changeling. Flurry and I look at each other with worried looks on our face. "Well it's not worth staying here might as well just leave," said the changeling walking past us.

"Wait," said Flurry. The changeling turns around to face us."How much do know about this?" Flurry asks.

"Not much but, I heard that Oblivion and Cross promised Chrysalis love from your mother and every other pony," answered the changeling.

"Wait a minute what did you say about Cadence?" asked Flurry.

"I said your mother," repeated the changeling. Flurry instantly came out of hiding and walked over to her.

"You really aren't like the others are you," she said.

"No I'm not," answered the changeling.

"Wait NOW you trust her?" I ask.

"Changelings normally don't call Cadence 'My Mother' and would say 'The Princess' whenever they're talking about my mother," answered Flurry.

"That actually makes sense when you think about it," I say.

"Plus they would call Chrysalis 'The Queen' and not by her real name," said Flurry.

"So I guess we can trust her," I suggest. Flurry nods.

"Oh thank you," said the changeling leaping into her arms sobbing. Smiling Flurry stroked her hole infested mane. For several moments we sit back and let the changeling let it out. After a while she gets up and wipes her tears out of her eyes.

"Better?" Flurry asked. The changeling nods.

"So what now?" I ask.

"Well we WERE supposed to find the next element but-"

"Element?" the changeling asked.

"Yeah the Elements of harmony," answered Flurry.

"Wait so the elements are missing!?" asked the changeling. Flurry looks at me and I nod, both of us agree that the best way to do this is to explain the whole situation to the changeling. So we take the next few moments to explain everything. It was obvious that the changeling was shocked.

"So yeah we need to find the elements and it's temporary bearers but so far we only have magic," said Flurry.

"Wait I think I remember Chrysalis saying she found an element," said the changeling.

"Really!?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah," answered the Changeling.

"Do you think you could lead us to the element?" I ask.

"Yeah but it's gonna be a little difficult, especially since the fact that Chrysalis works for Oblivion and Cross," answered the changeling.

"Right," I said.

"Oh by the way I'm Artemis," said the changeling.


"Oh I know you're the fifth princess Flurry Heart I've heard a lot about you," said Artemis.

"Oh well in that case allow me to introduce the temporary bearer of magic, Fandom Players or Fands as many would call him," said Flurry.

"Nice to meet you both," said Artemis.

"Well let's not waste anymore time," I suggest.

"Right," said Flurry.

"Lead the way Artemis," I say.

"This way," sad Artemis leading the two deeper into the forest not noticing the black figure standing behind the tree.

"Sir the changeling betrayed us just as you suspected," A muffled voice from the ear piece responds.

"Hmph Chrysalis is not going to be happy about this,"

"They know about the element too," said the figure.

"Well then you mustn't let the three get to the element at all cost," said the voice from the earpiece.

"Roger that," said the figure shutting off the earpiece. "Hmph those three think they're so smart, little do they know what we have planned for them," The figure twisted the knob on his earpiece and waited for a response. Eventually a voice spoke from the earpiece.

"You called?"

"Are the squadron ready?" the figure asked.

"Prepared for action sir," answered the voice.

"Alright the Princess is headed in your direction with a temporary element bearer and a certain traitor be ready for them," ordered the voice.

"Sir yes Sir," responded the voice before the earpiece shut off.

"Heh we got you now Princess," smirked the figure running after the the three.

Chapter 3: Fortress in the Forest

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Twilight sat on her bed sadly looking out her cell window. Meanwhile Rainbow attempted to saw off the cell bars with a plastic knife she kept from yesterday's lunch. This was her second day in the cell with her friends while both Starlight and Trixie was locked up in their own cell to their right and Cadence and Shining Armor in their own cell to their left. Meanwhile Celestia and Luna was locked up in their own cell next to Cadence's.

"How's it coming dashie?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow dash angrily threw the plastic knife down in frustration.

"Stupid bars!" screamed Rainbow kicking it.

"Relax Rainbow surely somepony will come and save us," Twilight said.

"Don't get your hopes up too high princess," a familiar voice spoke up. Twilight and her friends looked out to see Cross, Chrysalis, Bowser and four Necro Zynx Guards walking up to them. "Well, well why the sad face princess?" mocked Cross.

"Keep your jokes to yourself Cross," growled Twilight.

"And what are you doing here Chrysalis!?" Cadence asked.

"Lord Cross here has promised me unlimited amounts of love if I agreed to do his bidding," cackled Chrysalis.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Cadence screamed pointing her hoof at Cross.

"Oh please princess, say what you want, it won't change the fact that your lives belongs to us now," chuckled Cross. "Surely you're precious daughter won't survive alone out there,"

"Don't you dare," growled Cadence.

"Tough luck princess it's game over for her, one of my strongest foot soldiers has a squadron waiting at the fortress in the forest your daughter is in," laughed Cross. "And you know what the best part is?" "She's headed right into it," Everypony gasped in shock.

"Surely your daughter won't survive the ambush," laughed Bowser.

"Come you two we must go," said Cross turning around. "Oh and one more thing, just because she's found the temporary bearer of Magic doesn't mean we're going to go easy on them, by the end of the ambush she'll be dead," laughed Cross as he walked off with Bowser, Chrysalis, and the four guards following behind.

"Please don't," Cadence sniffled close to tears. Twilight glared. Once she and her friends were free, she won't forgive Cross or Oblivion for their actions.

Artemis continued to lead us into the forest while all three of us pushed away bushes and tree branches out of the way.

"How much further Artemis?" Flurry asked.

"Not much further, we're pretty close actually," answered Artemis.

"Great," I say. Eventually Artemis leads us into a huge opening in the middle of the forest.

"Wow," said Flurry.

"Quickly now," said Artemis walking forward. Both of us look around us and continue to follow Artemis back into the forest. As we continue to walk we eventually pass by a green creature with a big nose and orange shoes sleeping on a tree stump.

"Hey look," I say pointing at the creature. Both Artemis and Flurry stop short to see what I was pointing at. I quietly walk up to it with Artemis and Flurry following behind.

"Aww how cute," cooed Flurry looking at the creature.

"What is this?" I ask.

"I dinosaur, dragon, I have no idea," answer Artemis.

"Well whatever it is, it's probably not a good idea to wake it up," I say.

"Good idea, let's keep moving," said Artemis. Flurry pouted in disappointment as she followed the two of us deeper into the forest. Meanwhile the dinosaur slowly raises it's head as it watched us walk back into the forest.

"Get away from me," I say swatting away the tree branches out of my face.

"Wait," said Artemis stopping us.

Nearly running over Flurry, I stop myself and ask,"What the hell Artemis?"

"Whoa," said Flurry.

"What?" I ask.

"Look at this Fands," said Flurry. Confused I walk up next to Artemis only to find ourselves standing in front of a giant fortress in the middle of a bunch of trees.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"Strange I don't remember a fortress standing here," said Artemis.

"Wait is that a good thing?" asked Flurry.

"I don't know, but we have no business for this place let's keep moving," said Artemis. But just as she took one step forward I realized.

"Artemis look out!" I yell.

"What?" asked Artemis confused. Without hesitation I tackle Artemis to the ground just as a small explosion went off behind us.

"That was close," I say.

"Um Fandom," Artemis says.

"What?" I ask. But before I could ask anymore questions, I realized I was lying on top of Artemis. "Oh Artemis I..." I quickly scramble to my feet cheeks pink.

"That was unexpected," said Artemis blushing.

"Are you two alright?" ask Flurry running up to us.

"Yeah we're fine," answered Artemis.

"Damn it," cursed a voice. We turn around as a figure walked out from within the forest. The figure looked like a member of the Necro Zynx Empire, but unlike all the others this one was wearing purple armor and a purple cape. His green eyes glowed with hatred and his spiky green hair only made him look even more sinister than he already was. He had two scorpion claws and tail but his face was clearly those of a alligator.

"Wha- who are you!?" asked Flurry.

"My name is Skorpio, the strongest foot soldier in The Necro Zynx," answered Skorpio. "And welcome to your death trap," Just as Skorpio finished his statement, several Necro Zynx troopers popped out of the ground and surrounded us. The fortress doors opened as more Necro Zynx troopers as well as several Sinister Legion members, changelings, and other strange creatures poured out and joined the others. Artemis quickly drew her bow and quivers while Flurry Heart and I got into battle stance. Skorpio laughed,"So eager to beat us aren't you, but you're obviously outnumbered, how about we make a deal instead, you hand over the princess and we'll save you the troubles of getting beaten,"

"Over our dead body," I hissed.

Skorpio shrugged,"Hard way it is then," His troopers got ready to pounce as they awaited Skorpio's orders. Nobody saw the dark clouds forming above the forest. "KILL THEM!!!!!" Skorpio ordered. I kicked a Necro Zynx member in the stomach as he lunged at me. Flurry blasted an oncoming changeling with her magic while Artemis fired arrows at all who tried to sneak up on us. This went on for about a half an hour only because every time a minion fell, a new one would replace it.

"It's no use," I say breathing hard.

"There's too many of them," gasped Flurry.

"Hmph what is that really all you got, come on you can do better than that!" Skorpio snorted. Artemis clenched her teeth and looked at us. She saw us exhausted and tired. At this rate we would fall of exhaustion. Could she protect both of us if we fell?

"Come on you two don't give up!" Artemis said trying to encourage us.

"I'm trying," I wheezed.

"Come on stay on your toes, just a little bit further!" Artemis said. The three of us gathered whatever strength we had left and battled off the minions for another 30 minutes. After a while Flurry stopped short gasping like she was going through a stroke.

"I can't do this," gasped Flurry as she collapsed on the ground.

"FLURRY!" I wince as fall to my knees coughing. "FANDOM!"

"Heh well, well, well two down, one to go," smirked Skorpio. I could Artemis glaring at Skorpio as his minions closed in on us. Is this really how it was gonna end? I was beginning to gather all my thoughts into one place when something fell out of the sky and struck 4 minions hard. There was a sudden explosion that caused two minions on each side to fall back unconscious.

"What the hell was that?" I asked. Suddenly something zipped out from the bushes and landed in front of Flurry. When taking a closer look we saw that it was some sort of yellow mouse with red cheeks.

"What the fuck!?" Skorpio hissed. Suddenly the dinosaur we saw earlier jumped out from the bushes and headbutted into three enemies sending them flying. "What is the meaning of this!?" Skorpio yelled. Finally an elf wearing a green hat and shirt with brown gloves jumped out and slashed with his sword striking 5 minions and sent them flying. "WHAT!!!???" Skorpio yelled.

"Who?" asked Flurry. The three didn't speak and attacked, striking minion after minion and sent them running. Eventually Skorpio was the only one standing.

"GET BACK HERE WITH SPINY ASSES!" Skorpio yelled. But none of his minions heard him an the three cornered Skorpio. "You may have been saved this time, but next time you won't be so lucky," he growled as he ran after his minions. The three walked over to us and helped us up.

"Thanks for that," said Artemis. The elf nodded.

"Who are you three?" asked Flurry. The yellow mouse smiled and let out a squeal.


"Pikachu huh, cool name I guess," I said rubbing it's head.

"Yoshi!" squealed the dinosaur.

"Thanks for saving us Yoshi," said Flurry.

"And you?" I asked the elf. The elf said nothing but drew his sword and began scratching something in the dirt. "L-I-N-K," I read out loud. "Link?" I ask. the elf nods. "Well nice to meet you Link," I said holding out my hand. Link, without hesitation took my hand and shook it.

"Well now that that's cleared up we need to go," said Artemis.

"Ok," we both say in unison. Both of us start to follow Artemis when we noticed the three following us as well.

"You want to come with us?" asked Artemis. The three nodded. "Alright I guess It's better to have you guys around," shrugged Artemis. And that's how we befriended three newcomers in the forest. The five of us continued our way out of the forest.

Chapter 4: Breakout Rescue Operation

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"Finally!" I scream as I pull myself out of the sea of trees.

"Ah fresh air!" said Flurry inhaling the warm spring air.

"And there it is, the changeling hive," said Artemis pointing forward towards a pillar of black stone.

"Wow," I say looking over the barren hills.

"Come along we're almost there," said Artemis. Suddenly Yoshi turned to his left and began growling. "Hmm what is it Yoshi?" asked Artemis.

"Artemis look out!" Flurry called out. Suddenly a giant fireball caught Artemis's attention forcing her to jump out of the way.

"What was that?" I asked. Just then two figures landed in the crater created by the fireball. Both figures were human one short and one tall. The short one was wearing a white shirt and hat with the letter M imprinted on the center. The tall one was wearing a green shirt and hat with an L imprinted on the center. The short human was wearing red overalls while the tall human was wearing blue overalls.

"What the hell?!" I yelp.

"We finally have you!" said the short human.

"What?" asked Flurry.

"Don't what us, we know you work for Oblivion," said the short human.

"Yeah what my brother said," added the taller human.

"Mario?" asked Yoshi

"Yoshi?" asked the shorter human. Smiling Yoshi ran up to the humans and gave them hugs.

"Yoshi missed you guys," said Yoshi.

It's so good to see you Yoshi," said the taller human.

"What's going on?" asked Artemis.

"Guys I want to introduce you to two of my childhood friends, Mario and Luigi The Mario Brothers," said Yoshi. Mario, Luigi, these are some of my new friends Fandom, Flurry Heart, and Artemis," said Yoshi.

"Hi there," said Flurry.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi," said Artemis.

"Nice to meet you I'm Mario," said Mario.

"And I'm his brother Luigi," said Luigi.

"And is that Pikachu and Link with you?" asked Mario.

"You know them?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah we used to be best friends," answered Luigi.

"By the way what are you two doing here?" asked Yoshi.

"We heard that Bowser was hanging out somewhere here," said Mario.

"I guess you two came to investigate," said Yoshi.

"Yeah," added Mario.

"Wait Bowser?" asked Artemis.

"Yeah I assume you've heard of him?" asked Mario.

"Not really but I did hear that he was working with Chrysalis," answered Artemis.

"Ah the bug queen," said Luigi.

"Before I forget did you see either Chrysalis or Bowser in there?" asked Artemis.

"No we assume they're hanging out with Cross and Oblivion," answered Luigi.

"Oh great that makes things a lot easier," said Flurry.

"Makes what easier?" asked Mario.

"We're currently looking for the Elements of Harmony and their temporary bearers," I answer.

"The what?" asked Luigi.

"Would you like to do the honors your majesty?" I ask. Flurry Heart takes a deep breath as she begins to explain the entire situation to the brothers. Once she was done, the two looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces. The two began talking with each other and for a while we waited in the silence. Several minutes later, the brothers turned towards us and nodded.

"We've decided, we want to help you get your friends back," said Mario.

"Really?" asked Flurry.

"Of course, plus it could help us deal with whatever Bowser is planning," answered Luigi.

"Oh thank you two!" said Flurry.

"Great now let's hurry and find that Element before Chrysalis returns," said Artemis.

"Uh actually the last time we checked, we heard that Bowser has the Element you're looking for," said Mario.

"What!?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah sorry, that means we have to go back to this Canterlot place," answered Luigi.

"Oh great back into the forest," I groan.

"Not necessarily, we have a friend who can help," said Mario.

"Really?" asked Artemis. Mario nodded and looked towards Luigi. Luigi put his hand over his ear and spoke into the earpiece.

"Kylie we're ready," he said.

"What now?" asked Flurry.

"Wait for it," said Mario. For a while nothing happened but after 10 minutes of waiting we heard the sound of propellers spinning. "It's here," said Mario. We all look up to see a pirate ship hovering above us.

"Pirates!?" I scream.

"Not really," said Luigi.

Just then something poked it's head off the edge and waved at us,"Mario, Luigi up here!" said a woman's voice.

"Kylie toss down a rope ladder!" Mario ordered.

"Right away!" Kylie called back withdrawing her head onto the ship. After a while a rope ladder was flung off the edge and fell in front of us.

"Go on climb," said Luigi. Shrugging I grab the ladder as Pikachu climbed onto my shoulders. I began to climb with Yoshi and Link following behind. Meanwhile Mario and Luigi jumped high enough to climb onto the flying pirate ship making my jaw drop. But both Flurry and Artemis ignored the surprising act performed by the brothers and flew up onto the ship. I shook myself back into reality and continued to climb. By the time we hopped on, the brothers were talking to a turtle with pink boots, green hat with a pink bow and a camera.

Wow even when boarding the deck looked like an actual pirate ship. Behind me I could see Link pull up the rope ladder while Flurry and Artemis gazed at the ship itself. After a while the brothers gathered us around and introduced us to the captain to the airship.

"Everyone I would like you to meet Kylie Koopa, she's a reporter working undercover as Bowser's writer," said Mario.

"Nice to meet you all," said Kylie. "The brothers explained everything, you say you want to save your friends and take back the element that Bowser has?" Kylie asked. All three of us nod. "Well then I'll take you back to HQ," said Kylie.

"HQ?" asked Flurry.

"Yeah, both The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx transformed Celestia's castle into their private Head Quarters," answered Kylie.

"Oh great," I say.

"But don't worry I'm sure you'll be able to take it back from those creeps," said Kylie. "Anyway let's not dawdle on nothing, next stop HQ" announced Kylie. She ran up to the airship's wheel and steered the ship towards Celestia's castle. Meanwhile Mario takes out an earpiece of his own.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"If you want to save Flurry's friends, you'll need all the help you can get," answered Luigi. Just then a voice from the earpiece spoke up.


"Hey Benny you there?" Mario asked.

"Yeah I'm here," answered the voice.

"Listen we're heading over to HQ do you know where Bowser is keeping the so-called Elements of Harmony?" asked Mario.

"No but I can look for it if you want," answered Benny.

"That'll be great thanks," said Mario.

"Anything else?" asked Benny.

"Yeah I have Princes Flurry Heart with me right now and her friends, as you know, have been captured, do you think you can find a way to help free them?" asked Mario.

"No but I'll find a way, let me know if you're close," said Benny.

"Roger that," said Mario shutting off his earpiece. "Don't worry Flurry we're working on freeing your friends," said Mario.

"Thank you Mario," said Flurry. Smiling I've noticed that even though she's been through a lot, Flurry is cheerful as ever. I walk up to the bow and look towards the horizon.

We'll save them......

I promise.

Chapter 5: Infiltrating HQ

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Once again another beautiful day and enemy occupied Canterlot was quiet as usual. Bowser had lent Kylie Koopa one of his airships for story searching and hadn't returned yet. Meanwhile somewhere deep inside enemy headquarters, Benny and three of his friends, who were working as undercover agents for Princess Peach, were sneaking past several guards making their way to the cells with a key they found.

"Hey Benny how are things looking out there?" asked a Goomba.

"Not good Gus, too many guards," answered Benny.

"Can't you take them out with your boomerang?" asked a Koopa with a ponytail and white shoes.

"Koopie, just because I'm a boomerang bro doesn't mean I always use my boomerang," said Benny.

"Maybe I could scare them off?" asked a Boo.

"I don't think they're scared of ghosts Bloo," answered Benny

"Hey Benny they're gone now," Gus said. The four looked out and saw that the guards blocking the entrance to the cells had left.

"Great now let's get in there," said Benny running towards the cells.

"Come on," said Koopie running after him. Both Bloo and Gus looked at each other and ran after their friends.

"Trixie I appreciate you trying, but I don't think any of your tricks would help," groaned Starlight.

"Hey it might work," scoffed Trixie.

"Who knew being captured was boring," said Rainbow. Twilight looked over to Cadence who was crying again. The thought of Flurry Heart's safety was obviously preventing her from getting her rest. This was the 5th time she had woken up to a nightmare. Not even Luna's comfort cured her bad dreams. Feeling sorry for her she pulled out her last cookie she saved from her last lunch and took a bite. At least the food was good. Suddenly the group's peace was interrupted as several footsteps could be heard coming down the steps. The group looked up to see Benny and his friends entering the cells.

"Wow does Oblivion actually clean the cells?" asked Benny.

"Benny questions later," said Koopie.

"Right, right," said Benny.

"Hey pal where's our lunch?" Rainbow hissed. Benny looked over to see Rainbow poking her head out of her cell scowling at him.

"Excuse me?" Benny asked.

"Benny isn't that one of them?" asked Gus.

"One of what?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah no doubt about it, Mario definitely said Flurry Heart had some friends locked up in here," answered Benny. Cadence's ear twitched upon hearing her daughter's name. She ran up to the bars and called out to Benny.

"You know Flurry Heart?" asked Cadence.

"You must be her mother," said Benny looking over to her.

"Please is she alright?" Cadence asked close to tears.

Benny nodded,"I just received a call from my master several hours earlier, she appears to have been acquainted with him and is now headed this way,"

"On thank Celestia," said Cadence sobbing. Shining Armor wrapped his arms around her to comfort his wife.

"We've been asked by our master to help you break out of here," said Benny.

"But we have very little time since we don't know when those guards decides to show up again, so we have to be quick," said Gus.

"We understand," said Celestia.

"Alright guys let's start with Flurry's parents, she really wants to see them after all," said Benny. His friends all nod in agreement.

"We really appreciate your help," said Shining.

"Just doing our job," said Benny. "Bloo you know the drill," said Benny looking over to the Boo.

"Roger that Benny," said Bloo saluting. He hovered over to the cell lock and pulled out the set of keys they found. "Aha found it," said Bloo picking out a bronze key out of the 10 that was hanging on the ring.

"So who's this master of yours?" asked Cadence.

"Well actually there's two of them, brothers actually, their names are Mario and Luigi," answered Bloo.

"Oh cool, by the way we didn't get your names did we," said Shining Armor.

"I'm Bloo the Boo," said Bloo.

"Blue as in like the color blue?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah but my name is spelled B-L-O-O," answered Bloo. "And these three are my friends," said Bloo pointing at Benny and the other two behind him.

"I'm Benny the Boomerang Bro," said Benny.

"I'm Gus the Goomba," said Gus.

"And I'm Koopie Koo," said Koopie.

"Well it's nice to meet you all," said Cadence.

"Got it," said Bloo unlocking the cell door. He opened the door and let Shining and Cadence walk out.

"Alright Bloo keys please," said Benny standing at Starlight's cell. Bloo tossed the keys over to Benny so he could do his portion. "Ok so it should be this one," said Benny holding up a silver key. But just as he was about to insert the key into the socket something zipped past him and struck his hand causing him to wince and drop the keys.

"Oh dear Benny are you ok?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah I'm fine," said Benny holding his hand. "What the hell was that?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," answered a familiar voice. The group turned towards the voice to see Oblivion and Bowser standing at the bottom of the stairs with several guards. "Hello traitors," smirked Oblivion.

"Oh you're so fucked," laughed a guard. Cadence and Shining Armor run to join Benny and his friends.

"You think I'm just gonna let you get away with this you're wrong," sneered Oblivion.

"Alright guys we've arrived," announced Kylie. We run up to the bow of the airship to see Canterlot inching closer as the airship flew forward.

"That's Canterlot?" asked Mario.

"No it can't be it looks so different," said Flurry.

"Well The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx IS occupying Canterlot at this point," said Artemis.

"Even if it's occupied by the enemy we can still take it back," I say.

"Kylie let's pick up the speed," said Luigi.

"On it," said Kylie as she flew the airship straight towards Canterlot.

Cadence gasped as she watched Benny thrown into the wall.

"BENNY!" Gus called out. Shining ran over to help Benny out of the hole.

"Are you alright Benny?" Shining asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," winced Benny.

"Hmph you're still up even after that attack?" scoffed Oblivion as he approached the two.

"Go to hell you damn bastard," hissed Benny.

"Not before I send you there first," said Oblivion holding up an orb of dark energy. But before he could attack the wall in Cadence's cell erupted sending bricks flying in every direction followed by a loud bang. When the dust cleared there was a huge hole in the wall with one of Bowser's airship flying on the other side.

"What the hell was that?" asked Bloo.

"The Mario Brothers!" said Mario and Luigi in unison as they jumped through.

"MARIO!" Bowser growled.

"It's not just me," said Mario. As soon as he finished his statement I jumped through followed by Flurry Heart, Artemis, Yoshi, Pikachu, and Link.

"The fifth Princess!" Oblivion screamed.

"Flurry sweetie is that you?" Cadence asked.

"Mom," Flurry's eyes widened it met with her moms. I could see Flurry's eyes tear up as she ran and hugged her mom sobbing.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Cadence sobbed.

"I missed you so much mom," Flurry cried.

"It's ok I'm here now sweetie," said Cadence kissing her on the forehead.

"Flurry," said Shining.

"Dad I'm sorry for making you worry," apologized Flurry.

"No it's fine I'm just glad you're ok," said Shining hugging her.

"Your majesties I understand you're happy to see each other again, but we've got problems right now," I say.

"Right," said Flurry regaining her composure.

"I don't know how you managed to stay hidden for this long, but soon you will join you're friends in their cells," hissed Oblivion.

"Koopie double team!" Gus announced.

"Wait what?" Koopie asked. But before anyone could react Gus jumped on Koopie and kicked her shell into the group of guards knocking them down.

"Come on you worthless idiots get up!" Oblivion ordered. Mario quickly grabbed Koopie's shell so she could come out.

"Nice work Gus!" Bloo said.

"Quick thinking my friends," said Gus proudly.

"Hurry everyone on the airship before the guards can get up," said Luigi.

"Oh no you don't!" roared Bowser as he lunged towards them. He landed in front of Flurry and grabbed her.

"Get off of me!" screamed Flurry.

"You're coming with us," said Bowser. But before Bowser could even turn around Pikachu suddenly appeared in front of him and tackled him head first into his guts causing him to drop Flurry. Link then took the chance to slash him on the back with his sword sending him flying into an open cell.

"Flurry are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," Flurry answered.

"Hurry everyone is already on the airship!" Luigi called out to us.

"What about everypony else?" asked Flurry.

"Don't worry about us, just go!" Twilight ordered.

"Come on sweetie they'll be fine," said Cadence. Flurry looked disappointed but nodded in agreement.

"Hurry," I say. I quickly pick up Flurry bridal style and jump onto the airship followed by Shining, Cadence, and Luigi.

"Kylie step on it!" Mario ordered. Kylie quickly took off moving away from the hole in the wall.

"CURSE YOU ALL!!!!!" screamed Oblivion. I took the time to turn around and flip him off. Once we were out of Canterlot I gently set Flurry down. She once again ran to her parents and hugged them.

"You did good Benny," said Mario.

"Thanks boss," said Benny.

"We can't thank you all enough," said Cadence.

"It was nothing," said Artemis. It was obvious that neither Cadence nor Shining was expecting a changeling cause they immediately prepared to attack the second they saw her. Flurry quickly stopped her parents and explained the whole situation. Ashamed, Cadence and Shining apologized to Artemis. Once things had calmed down Flurry Heart turned towards us and asked us if she could have some time with her parents, feeling sorry for them Kylie allowed them to go below deck to spend some time among st themselves. I walk up to the bow and sigh.

"Well we managed to save Flurry's parents, but this is just the beginning, surely Oblivion and his allies would be on high alert of renegade Koopas and changelings, we'll need to be cautious," I said to myself. But for now I was tired maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt.

Chapter 6: Artemis

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Several hours has passed since the ambush at HQ and since then Oblivion had been in a terrible mood. "Damn, damn, damn, damn!"

"Sir please calm down," said a panicked Legion trooper.

"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP!" roared Oblivion chucking a chair at him.

"Oblivion please, raging isn't going to change anything," said Krysis.

"Easy for you to say, where the hell were you when I needed you the most!?" screamed Oblivion.

"I had business of my own to deal with your majesty," answered Krysis calmly.

"Cut the jokes Krysis!" hissed Oblivion.

"Tell you what I'll make up for my absence with a plan of my own how's that sound?" asked Oblivion.

"I like the make up but not the plan," spat Oblivion.

"Trust me Oblivion I know what I'm doing," chuckled Krysis.

Oblivion wasn't amused by Krysis's little deal but decided that it was better to let him take over, he was completely exhausted and just wanted to rest,"Fine but you better not fail me, I need to go rest,"

"Of course, I pray for your recovery," said Krysis. Oblivion angrily stormed off to his room leaving Krysis alone in his office. Settling down in his boss's chair he pressed down on the mic's button on Oblivion's desk and spoke into it, "Can Wolf O'Donnell, Ridley, and Tempest Shadow report to Oblivion's office, I repeat Wolf O'Donnell, Ridley, and Tempest Shadow to Oblivion's office immediately," After a while the door opened as three figures stepped in. "Glad you could make it,"

"What's the big idea Krysis, calling us down here like this?" asked Ridley.

"And where's Oblivion?" asked Wolf.

"Don't worry about him, just let him have his moment to cool down, especially since he isn't happy that two of our prisoners escaped," answered Krysis. "Listen I need you three to do me a favor, Ridley and Tempest build me a fleet and have them ready by 10:30 tonight, Wolf do the same with Star Wolf, I'm going to need an bulky army in order to hunt those fools down,"

"Roger that," saluted Tempest.

"Good, now go remember by 10:30 tonight," the three saluted Krysis and walked out the door. Krysis sighed as he leaned back in his chair,"Lord Bowser how are you feeling?"

"Triggered," Bowser answered.

"I don't blame you," said Krysis. "I hope you wouldn't mind if I borrowed Kamek for a while,"

"What are you planning?" asked Bowser.

"Oh not much," answered Krysis. "Come Kamek let's go," said Krysis standing up.

"Of course, where to?" asked Kamek.

"You'll see," answered Krysis as he led him out the door.

As the sun began to set on the horizon Kylie stopped the airship for the night. We ate dinner and enjoyed ourselves that evening. But Flurry seemed to be the energetic out of all of us," As the sun finally disappeared over the horizon and everyone began preparations for sleep, Artemis volunteered to be a look out for the time being. Of course many of us asked Artemis not to stress herself out, she insisted. Later that night after everyone fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to go check on Artemis. I climbed up on deck to find her sitting on the bow.

"Hey," I called out to her.

Looking back she responded,"Fandom, what are you doing out here at this time?"

"Came to check on you," I answered. "How are you holding up?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine," she answered.

"You should get some rest," I suggested.

"No, I'm fine, I can stay up a little longer," she said.

"You're not planning to stay up ALL night are you?" I asked.

"Fandom please, I know I'm a changeling but I really care about Flurry more than anypony else," she said. "I won't be able to stand seeing her suffer so much,"

"Wow Artemis you really care about Flurry don't you, almost like loyalty," I said.

"Yeah I guess so," said Artemis. U suddenly notice her ears droop.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just that I don't think I'm good enough to be a temporary bearer," she said.

"What are you talking about, for this ENTIRE time you've been with us, I've seen you hanging around Flurry whenever we we're in a conflict with someone more than anyone else, trust me the temporary bearer HAS to be you," I said.

"I hope you can prove me wrong," she said. I scoot over next to her until I'm almost sitting next to her.

"Artemis look at me right now," I say in a serious voice. She looks at me with her deep blue eyes. I reach over and touch her cheek,"I'm not the only one, there are many of us who care about you, so just do me a favor and don't put yourself down like that," I could see Artemis blush as she pulls her eyes away from mine.

"Thanks Fandom," she said.

"You know you don't look bad as a changeling," I say.

"You really think so?" she asks. I nod with a smile. Then she does something that I didn't even expect from her. She leaps into my arms and hugs me. She looks up at me and says that catches me off guard.

"I didn't tell you this before, but the truth is I think I've fallen in love with you,"

"Did you now?" I ask. She nods. Stroking her mane I look at her with a smile. I could feel me heart racing as her face inches closer to mine. I knew what was coming. I close my eyes as I press my lips against hers. I could feel my cheeks grow warm. I slowly and gently pull away from her and look her in the eye. I can see her licking her lips.

"Thanks for the meal cutie," she says.

"Anytime my dear changeling," I say. For the next few minutes I continue to feed Artemis, occasionally I could feel her saliva flow into my mouth. We finally pull away from each other feeling great.

"That was delicious," said Artemis rubbing her stomach.

"Glad you enjoyed that," I say.

"Can I trust you to feed me again later?" she asks.

"Sure thing," I answer.

"Your the best, thanks," she said.

"Like I said, anytime," I say. For a moment we stare at each other smiling, but after a while for some reason we couldn't help but laugh. After a while I stand up. "Alright it's about time I get back to sleep,"

"Alright goodnight sweetie," said Artemis.

"Goodnight see you in the morning," I say. I turn around and walk back down to the deck. Meanwhile Artemis returned to her shift.

"We're ready to leave anytime sir," said Kamek.

"I hate to break it to you Kamek but we're not leaving just yet," said Krysis.

"I see well then please let me know when your ready," said Kamek flying off. Krysis turns to face Bowser Jr. and kneels down to face him.

"Is your siblings here?" asked Krysis.

"Yeah," said Bowser Jr. "Hey guys you can come out now," said Bowser Jr. Suddenly 7 figures similar to Bowser Jr. walked out of the shadows.

"Great and you have the Element?" asked Krysis.

"Right here," said Bowser Jr. holding up a red stone in the shape of a lighting bolt.

"Good you know the drill," said Krysis.

"Ok guys let's go," said Bowser Jr. running off with his siblings running after him.

"Heh just wait Lord Oblivion, I'll do you proud," smirked Krysis.

Chapter 7: Loyalty

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Last night was crazy. But it's a good thing nobody saw me kissing Artemis. But we still have feelings for each other. But I don't think we should tell our friends, at least not now.

"Rise and shine everyone today is a new day!" Kylie announced. Everyone looked almost dead as they came up to the deck of the airship. Luckily for me, I woke up early and was hanging out with Artemis that morning.

"Well you're up early," yawned Flurry.

"Yeah I'm surprised I didn't wake you," I said.

"I guess your THAT quiet," said Mario.

"Oh and I see you're hanging out with Artemis," said Shining.

"Did you get any rest last night?" asked Cadence.

"Yeah me and Fandom switched roles eventually," answered Artemis.

"Well that's good," said Benny.

"Well should we head out?" asked Kylie.

"Yes," said Flurry. Suddenly a kid's voice spoke up to us.

"Hold it right there!" Confused we all look around to find the voice's origins.

"Who said that?" asked Gus.

"Up here!" the voice called out. We all look up just as another airship hovers down to our level. We notice a figure standing on the deck of airship that closely resembled Bowser. Except this version of Bowser was smaller and was wearing a mask around his neck. "We found you," said the kid.

"Bowser Jr!" Mario called out.

"Who?" asked Cadence.

"Bowser Jr. is the son of Bowser and the heir to the Koopa throne, but of course he has six brothers and a sister," answered Luigi.

"And here we are!" said a male voice. We all look over to see 7 more figures appear next to Bowser Jr.

"The Koopalings!" said Mario.

"I'm guessing these guys are also Bowser's kids," I say.

"You got that right," said Jr.

"I'm Larry," said the Koopaling with the light blue Mohawk.

"I'm Roy," said the Koopaling with Pink glasses.

"I'm Lemmy," said the Koopaling with the big yellow ball.

"I'm Wendy," said the Koopaling with the pink bow.

"I'm Iggy," said the Koopaling with the big green stalk on his head.

"I'm Morton Jr.," said the Koopaling with the brown star on his eye.

"And I'm Ludwig Von," said the Koopaling with blue hair.

"Mario we're here to avenge our dad!" announced Bowser Jr.

"Look Jr. we don't have time to deal with you, we're kinda busy," said Mario.

"Oh we know, you're looking for this aren'tcha?" asked Bowser Jr. holding up a red stone in the shape of a lighting bolt.

Cadence gasped after taking one look at the stone,"The Element of Loyalty!"

"One of the Elements?" asked Luigi.

"Yes, to think that Bowser had it all along," said Flurry.

"Heh you want it, come and get it," said Bowser Jr stuffing away the element. "Koopalings attack!" All 7 jumped onto our airship and charged. All of us got into battle stance as the 7 lunged at us.

"Let's go Luigi," said Mario.

"Okie dokie!" said Luigi. As Larry ran at us, Mario jumped up and stomped on his head causing him to retreat into his shell and started spinning around a couple of times. After the third spin he pops out and hissed,"That hurt you oaf!"

"I didn't say it was going to be easy," said Mario. The rest of us continued to pound and bash at the other Koopalings while Bowser Jr. watched from his airship.

"Ah this is taking way too long, let's try turning up the heat, fire the cannons!" Bowser Jr. ordered. Just as he ordered, several Koopas appeared and let the cannons loose on us.

"Damn it, this is too much!" Flurry screamed.

"Someone stop Bowser Jr.!" Bloo said.

"I got this!" said Artemis leaping towards Jr's airship.

"Be careful!" I called out.

"Hey get off my Airship!" hissed Bowser Jr.

"After you start attacking my friends? Not gonna happen," said Artemis.

"Fine you wanna be like that, get her Koopa troops!" Jr. ordered. Within moments Artemis was fighting off Koopas left and right.

"Back off!" she screamed as she kicked a Koopa shell into four others.

"Damn it we're getting slaughtered!" yelped Jr. Once the airship was cleared of Koopas Artemis turned her attention towards Jr. "Ugh these useless Koopas, fine I'll pound you myself then," said Jr. He charged at Artemis who jumped up and hit him on the head causing him to retreat into his shell and spin towards her. After three spins, Jr. popped out and started spitting fire balls. Artemis had to jump up and fly around in order to avoid his attacks.

"Sweet Celestia you're persistent," said Artemis.

"I won't hand over the element!" hissed Bowser Jr. The two continued to battle while we managed to finish off the last of the Koopalings. Eventually Artemis managed to beat Jr. With the last hit the element flew out of Jr's scarf and landed near Artemis.

"Got it!" Artemis announced holding up the element. Everyone on our airship cheered as Artemis boarded. The Koopalings all quickly fled back to their airship to check on their brother. Jr. jumped up and hissed.

"You may have gotten the element but you won't be so lucky next time," He snapped his fingers and his airship flew off.

"You did it!" I said.

"I know," said Artemis laughing.

"Well done Artemis, you got the element," said Cadence. Artemis nodded as she wiped a tear from her eye. Suddenly the element began to glow as a hologram of Rainbow Dash appeared before the group.

"For so long I have slept, and now I have awakened," said the hologram. It looked down at Artemis and smiled,"And you Artemis I must congratulate you on your accomplishment,"

"Thanks," said Artemis blushing.

"You're Rainbow Dash's conscience aren't you?" asked Flurry walking up to the hologram.

"Indeed I am," answered the hologram. "And so with my presence known, I shall announce the temporary bearer of Loyalty," said the hologram. Everyone began to gather around to hear the name of the chosen individual. The hologram closed it's eyes and slowly approached Artemis. Everyone including Artemis's eyes widened. "Artemis congratulations on becoming the temporary bearer of Loyalty, I can trust you with her element's care can I not?" said the hologram.

"Yes you can," answered Artemis. "I am honored,"

"Indeed you should be," said the hologram. Everyone clapped their hands/hoofs for Artemis as they surrounded her.

"That's two elements down four to go," said Flurry.

"Indeed," said the hologram. "But don't let this accomplishment get to you, there is still a bigger threat out there,"

"Yeah we know Oblivion and Cross," said Shining.

"Not quite, as you know Dark Mastter Core is close to it's awakening, and it's thanks to the evil acts of Oblivion and Cross," "You mustn't rest, for Dark Mastter Core is close to ready,"

"What do you mean?" asked Koopie.

"The Dark Mastter Core's seal is almost undone, it's tomb is located deep within Genesys Tower, however the seal on Genesys Tower is no longer strong enough to hold the evil in, Princess Flurry Heart if you wish to protect your loved ones, you must find the remaining four and keep Oblivion and Cross from entering Genesys Tower,"

"Got it," said Flurry.

"That is all I can say for now," said the hologram.

"Wait, I have one question," said Artemis.

"What is it?" asked the hologram.

"Where is Genesys Tower?" asked Artemis.

"That is something I cannot answer, but maybe you'll figure out on your own," answered the hologram.

"Oh ok," said Artemis disappointed.

"Very well then I entrust this element to you Artemis, please be careful and good luck," said the hologram.

"We will thank you," said Artemis. With that the hologram disappeared in a flash leaving us with the element.

"Well that's that, I guess we're off to find the third element," said Flurry.

"You guys yes, us no," said Yoshi.

"What why not?" asked Flurry.

"I'm afraid we have our own business to deal with but i'm sure we'll meet again someday," said Mario.

"Oh well in that case I guess it can't be helped," said Artemis.

"Don't worry though I'll be with you all the way, I am your pilot after all," said Kylie.

"I guess that's good enough," I say.

"We'll be traveling with you too," said Cadence.

"Great," said Flurry.

"Well see you guys," said Mario. We all waved goodbye as he and Luigi jumped off followed by Yoshi, Benny, Koopie, Gus, Bloo, Pikachu, and Link.

"Alright Kylie let's go," said Flurry.

"Yep," said Kylie as she started the airship. This was great, we found our second element, Artemis became the temporary bearer, and Flurry's parents are gonna be traveling with us. Although it's a bummer we had to say goodbye to Mario and all his friends it's still great. But this journey is far from over, with the other four elements we have to search for and Dark Mastter Core, our adventure will only be getting harder for us. Who knows what the future has in store for us.

Chapter 8: Meet Samwise

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Aether Paradise, a floating island in the Alola region, was said to have been built by man himself to hold and care for Pokemon abused by terrible trainers. The workers on the island is once working hard today.

" President Lusamine please I'm telling you we can't trust your daughter and those kids with that Ultra Beast,"

"And I'm telling you Faba, there's nothing to worry about, I mean yeah it's an Ultra Beast but the reports we received from Burnet the only thing that 'beast' can do is teleport," said Lusamine calmly. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some work that needs my attention,"

"But President," Before Faba could oppose Lusamine was already going down on the lift. "Ah what a pickle i'm in," sighed Faba face palming himself. Suddenly a strange ringtone began to play catching Faba of guard. Panicked he quickly pulls out a small purple device and presses the red button in the center. The screen on the top began to fluctuate until Krysis's face appeared. "Oh Mr. Krysis what a surprise, can I help you with something?"

"Didn't think you'd actually pick up Faba, but yes I came to check on the progress with Necrozma," answered Krysis.

"Oh yes Necrozma, we're on it sir," said Faba.

"Good, any news or sightings?" asked Krysis.

"Not yet sir, the radar can't seem to track him," answered Faba.

"Well keep up the good work, I'll call you back to check on you," said Krysis.

"Got it sir," said Faba. He let out a sigh of relief as soon as the screen cut off. How could he tell Krysis that he failed to capture Necrozma. He had to find Necrozma and catch him before Krysis found out. Reluctantly he put away his device when he froze. He turned around and looked around the observation deck. He could've sworn he was being watched. But looking around he found himself alone with the Pokemon, maybe he was just imagining things. Shrugging it off he hopped on the lift and headed down not noticing the strange figure hiding behind the tree nearby.

"Faba you think you're the only one who knows, what a fool," said the figure walking out.

It was two days since Artemis was declared temporary bearer of Loyalty, today was just another beautiful day and everyone was having a barbecue on the airship while it rested. Shining Armor was busy flipping burgers while Flurry and Cadence took the time to catch up with each other. Kylie was below deck organizing some things while Artemis and I hung out on the bow.

"Thanks for coming up here with me babe," said Artemis cuddling with me.

"Anything for you Artemis," I say kissing her on the forehead.

"So now that we're officially in a relationship, what do you plan to do from here on out?" she asked.

"Well, after all this is over I want you to come live with me," I answered.

"I'll go anywhere as long as you're with me baby," said Artemis hugging me. Smiling I stroke her mane and hug her back. Suddenly a flash of light appears above our heads forcing us to cover our eyes. When the light dies down we look up to find a strange hole in the sky. The hole was glowing in a deep blue color and strange aura seemed to flow out of the hole. I slowly get to my feet as everyone else on the airship runs onto the bow to join us.

"What is that?" asked Flurry.

"I don't know but I don't like the vibe it's giving off," said Cadence.

"Hey look," said Artemis pointing at something in the hole. We all look closely to see something falling out of the hole and into the forest underneath.

"Something fell out," said Shining.

"What do you think it was?" asked Cadence.

"I don't know but I'm going to check it out," I said jumping down onto the deck.

"Are you crazy!?" asked Flurry.

"Come on doesn't it make you curious?" I ask.

"No definitely not," answered Flurry.

"You can stay here, but I'm going to check it out," I say throwing off the rope ladder.

"Hey Fandom wait for me!" said Artemis jumping onto the deck. I began climbing down and made my way into the forest with Artemis following behind.

As Artemis and I walked around in the forest looking for the thing that fell out of the hole, I heard Artemis's stomach grumbling.

"Ah, Fandom," said Artemis stopping.

"You're hungry aren't you?" I asked.

"Sorry I probably should've stayed on the airship," said Artemis apologetically.

"It's not your fault everyone gets hungry eventually," I say. "Can you keep going?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I could go look for an apple or something,"

"Sorry Fandom, but I'm a changeling, eating an apple won't change anything," she said.

I let out a sigh,"Well I guess I have no choice to feed you," I kneel down so I could face her. I gently touch her cheek and look into her blue eyes. The desperation in her eyes were strong. I knew I couldn't let my girlfriend starve. I wrap my arms around her and gently pull her closer. I inch closer to her face until our noses were touching. We both close our eyes and kiss.

"Oh baby more, I need more," Artemis groans. I continue to feed Artemis not noticing the strange figure hiding behind the tree several feet away from us. "Ah," Feeling my cheeks grow warm I kiss her harder. "Mm, so delicious," Meanwhile neither of us hear the figure approaching us from behind. We go like this for a while, but after 5 minutes I pull away from her as she slurps and licks her lips. "That was delicious, thank you,"

"Anything for you Artemis," I say. A smile appears on her face for a minute before it melts away into a nervous look.

"Fandom," she says.

"What is it?" I ask. She points behind me with a scared look. Slowly I turn around to find a large bee with twin spear like needles on it's arms. Panicked I scramble to feet, the bee glares a us and shoots multiple thin lights from it's spears. I quickly turn around and shield Artemis from the attack. The stinging sensation was so painful I nearly collapsed after the attack.

"Fandom!" Artemis yelped catching me.

"Ow damn it," I wince. As Artemis began removing the needles from my back, the bee flew back and charged at Artemis with it's needles pointed at her chest. Artemis clenched her teeth and hugged me tightly in attempts to protect me. But just as the bee got with reaching distance, a strange creature jumped out from a nearby bush and slashed at the bee with it's talons. We both looked up to see what had saved us. What we found in front of us, we couldn't explain. It had a body of some sort of animal, it's front legs were talons, but the hind legs were paws with several blue scales on it's legs with a fin as it's tail. The fur on it's head was cream colored and had what seemed to be a beak. A slight green color in it's ears completely outmatched the color of it's fur and it had a large Mohawk like headpiece with several fins coming out from the back.

"Fandom what is that?" Artemis asked.

"I don't know," I answer. The creature turns it's head to face us.

"Are you ok?" it asks. Both of us nod. "Good, stupid Beedrills they're aggressive so you need to be careful around them,"

"Um sorry who are you?" I ask.

"I am Samwise the Shiny Talking Silvally, but my friends just call me Sam," answered the creature.

"I beg your pardon?" asked Artemis.

"Look I know it's confusing but I'll explain everything later, right now just get outta here," said Sam.

"But what about you?" asked Artemis.

"I'll be fine trust me, just go!" Sam ordered. We didn't need to be told a third time. Artemis helps me up and both of us run back the way we came leaving Sam to deal with the bee.

We burst out of the forest running back to the airship as fast as we can.

"Took you two long enough," Flurry called from the airship.

"Kylie start the airship!" I call out to her.

"Why what's the rush?" she asks.

"Don't ask just start up the airship!" Artemis called out. Confused Kylie walks to the wheel and starts the engines. The airship roars to life as Artemis begins climbing the rope ladder. After she gets halfway up, I jump on began climbing, at this point the airship began to move forward.

"Keep climbing!" I say. Artemis quickened her pace and continued to climb. Just as the airship's speed began to pick up, we hear a cry from inside the forest. We look back to see Sam burst out and run towards the airship with a horde of bees in pursuit.

"Hey let me up!" Sam calls out to me.

"Jump!" I tell him. Sam picks up his pace and makes his way towards the ladder. Once he was close enough he leaps up and I grab him by his talons and pull him onto my back. "Hang on," I tell him. I quickly make my way up and onto the airship with Sam on my back. Flurry and Artemis quickly hoist Sam on and I jump on as Cadence and Shining pull up the rope ladder. By this point, the bees stopped chasing us and returned back into the forest.

"Are you crazy, what were you thinking!?" Flurry screamed. But Sam, Artemis and I are too busy catching our breathe to answer Flurry. "I knew it was too risky going in there,"

"Sorry Flurry," I apologize.

"Next time you should really be careful," said Flurry. She moves a stream of hair out of her face before asking,"SO did you find the thing that came out of the hole?"

"Afraid not we got attacked before we even got a chance to continue," I answer.

"Luckily Sam here saved us," said Artemis pointing to Sam who was still catching his breathe.

"What is that?" asked Cadence.

"I don't know but he was kind enough to stay behind and hold of those bees," answered Artemis.

"We really appreciate it, thanks Sam," I say.

"No need for your thanks," Sam says.

"What are you exactly and where did you come from?" Shining asked inspecting Sam.

"Right let me explain, but I will tell you there is a lot to take in so are you ready?" asked Sam. We all nod in unison. Sam takes a deep breath and says,"Alright starting from the beginning,"

Chapter 9: Agents of The Necro Zynx

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Several hours had passed since the attack in the forest and Sam's sudden encounter and Flurry still felt uncomfortable having our new guest on board. Sam had thoroughly explained to the her that he was no threat and just a creature called a Pokemon that appeared from the 'Ultra Wormhole' as he called it. But even after that attempt to prove his innocence Flurry still didn't trusted 'Samwise the Shiny Talking Silvally' as he called himself. I actually felt bad for that guy.

"So who's going to ask him?" asked Flurry.

"You know I feel bad asking him to get off even after he saved our lives," whispered Artemis.

"Well we can't just trust him, we don't even know where came from," said Flurry.

"I agree with Artemis on this one, maybe we should just wait to see how things turn out," I suggested. We all turn to look towards Sam who was standing on the bow of the airship.

"I really don't like where this is going," whispered Flurry.

"Now, now sweetie I think we should wait just like Fandom said," suggested Cadence.

"Ugh fine," groaned Flurry.

"Let's go see what he's up to," said Artemis turning towards me. I nod and walk up to the bow with Artemis.

"Hey Sam," I call out.

"Yeah I know, you want to kick me off," sighed Sam.

"Uh what no we don't," I lied nervously.

"You don't think I can hear you talking behind my back?" Sam asked in a serious tone. "Lying isn't ok, you need to be honest," Just as he said that, a strong chill ran up my spine making me shiver. Geez who was this guy, I mean I get the fact that he could hear us whispering, but the fact that he told me to be honest only made things a lot more creepier than it already should've been. He turned to face us and said in a serious tone,"I understand you're trying to make me feel good about myself and I appreciate that, but lying just to make me feel good isn't going to make me feel any better," He got up and ordered,"Stop this airship!" I guess Kylie was freaked out as I was cause she immediately stopped the airship. He jumped off the bow and off the side

"Sam wait!" I called out to him But before I could stop him, he was already on the ground and started walking. I threw the rope ladder and climbed down attempting to follow him.

"Wait for me Fandom!" Artemis called out following me. We eventually caught up to Sam who seemed to notice us but ignored us and kept walking.

"Look I know you don't want me to leave, but I'm not willing to argue with your pony friend," said Sam. We were about to make an excuse to convince Sam to stay, but Sam suddenly stopped short.

"What is it?" Artemis asked.

Suddenly the familiar voice of Cross alerted us,"Well, well what do we have here?"We look up to see Cross approaching us with three figures by his side. Two human and a single creature with short arms and feet. One human was wearing a black hoodie and red fanny pack. His blonde hair along with his green eyes completely popped out compared to his dark clothes. The second human wore a black jacket and what looked to be a blue scarf. He had black hair and black eyes with black gloves and a small black ring around his wrist. The third figure was small with purple feet, a grey mask, blue cape, and yellow eyes. He had a scabbard on his left side indicating he was a swordsman.

"Cross!" Artemis yelped. Sam got into battle stance as we took a step back.

"Long time no see eh," Cross smirked.

"Cut the jokes pal," I hissed.

"Oh please do you really think you can stand a chance against us, let alone me?" laughed Cross.

"We'll take you on anytime, by the way who's us?" Artemis asked.

"Oh I suppose you haven't met The Necro Zynx Agents," said Cross.

"The what?" asked Sam.

"Allow me to introduce, Gladion to my left, Alain to my right, and Meta Knight the short swordsman," smirked Cross.

"We had one more with us, but he's busy today," said Gladion.

"His name is Obsidian and he's technically our leader, but we don't see him often," added Alain.

"But that won't matter, what I'm here for the elements," said Cross pointing at Artemis and me. The three began to approach us from every side leaving us trapped.

"Shit," I cursed. Suddenly Sam stomped his left talon into the ground and jumped up.

"Air Slash!" he yelled. He then started chucking large blades of air down causing dust and dirt to fly up and everywhere, blinding Cross and the three agents. "This way you two," he whispered to Artemis and me. Neither of us needed to be told twice, we ran after Sam leaving no trace of our presence.

"Damn it!" Cross screamed once the dust cleared.

"They've escaped?" asked Meta Knight.

"Indeed, find them and bring them to me," Cross ordered.

Sam, Artemis, and I continued to run back to the airship where we could hide. Eventually we run into Flurry and her parents halfway.

"There you are, you two took off so you scared us half to death," said Flurry stopping us in front of a cave entrance.

"Look Flurry now isn't the time," I said clenching my teeth.

"What do you mean?" asked Cadence confused. Suddenly the sound of footsteps began to increase behind us.

"Shoot they've already caught up with us," I said.

"Who?" asked Shining Armor.

"Cross," I answered.

"Wait from the Necro Zynx?" asked Flurry. Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a voice calling out to us from inside the cave.

"Psst hey you," We all turn to see a figure dressed in all black standing there. "This way follow me," he said walking into the cave. Sam took a step forward before Flurry grabbed him.

"Are you crazy?" she hissed.

"Unless you have a better plan, we're just gonna get caught out here," Sam answered running into the cave.

"Hey wait!" I said running after him with Artemis by my side. Meanwhile Flurry stomped her hoof in frustration. As she and her parents followed us in.

It takes us a while, but we finally find ourselves in the heart of the cave where a small campfire was made and several large tarps were laid out to act as sheets. We all sat around the fire waiting for the figure to return. As the six of us sat in silence we waited. Eventually the figure returned with three large trouts and several sticks. He stabbed the stick all the way through and placed it above the fire to let the fish cook.

"So you new to these parts, never seen any of you around here before," said the figure.

"Yes well, we're currently on a quest and...." said Artemis before getting interrupted.

"I know," the figure said.

"What asked Flurry.

"I suppose you're looking for your next element?" asked the figure. All of us stared at him in shock.

"How did you know?" asked Cadence.

"Please Princess of Love I know everything that's going on right now, I'm informed too you know," answered the figure.

"Well then do you think you can help us?" asked Shining.

"Do you really want to ask me?" countered the figure.

'What do you mean?" asked Sam. The figure pulled out something and held it up for us to see. Upon closer inspection we were shocked at what we were seeing.

"That's the Necro Zynx logo!" gasped Cadence.

"Of course it is," said the figure. He looked up to us with a serious look and said,"I am Obsidian, one of Necro Zynx's trusty Agents," We all shoot up and get into battle stance. Artemis quickly draws her quiver and I prepare for a magic attack. "Relax I'm not going to hurt you," said Obsidian.

"But you work for Cross?" growled Artemis.

"Hmph, how typical do you just assume any who works for Oblivion and Cross is an enemy?" asked Obsidian.

"Well yeah who wouldn't?" asked Cadence.

"Geez you're just like the others, jumping straight to conclusions without even giving me a chance to explain myself," mumbled Obsidian. "Fine you gonna kill me, just do it," he said leaning back. "Well you gonna do it?" he asked. Artemis winced as she slowly lowered her quiver. "Yeah that's what I thought. said Obsidian sitting up.

"As quickly as you can," sighed Flurry.

"Truth is I'm neither friend nor foe," said Obsidian.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" asked Sam.

"It means I'm not you're friend but I'm not you're enemy either," answered Obsidian. "I'm just, I guess you could say I'm someone who works for the enemy,"

"So you ARE a threat to us," I suggested.

"No, I'm working for the enemy but I have no intent on hurting anyone," Obsidian answered.

"So you're rebelling against your masters?" asked Shining.

"Guess you could say that," answered. Obsidian.

"So how do we know we can trust you?" asked Cadence.

"Geez you all ask so many questions," groaned Obsidian. "To explain myself, You may see me again in the future, but if I'm hanging around Oblivion or even Cross I may act like a jerk, but when I'm alone with you guys like right now I'm not really interested in hurting you," "Capiche?" he asked. We all slightly nod our heads. "Alright good," he said checking the fish. "By the way dinner is ready, don't worry it's on the house," Me Sam and Shining all took the three trout and gave Obsidian the eye. "What I couldn't find enough so you'll have to share amongst yourselves or do you just not like fish to begin with?"

"Nothing, just making sure you didn't poison it," said Sam.

"Like I could do that," Obsidian snorted. Silently Artemis and I shared our fish, while Shining and Cadence shared theirs. However Flurry didn't seem hot on sharing hers with Sam. Once we were finished Obsidian asked,"So you're looking for the next element right?"

"Yeah we've found loyalty and magic so far," answered Flurry.

"Then I suppose I should let you know that neither the Necro Zynx nor The Sinister Legion has found the other four elements," said Obsidian.

"Wait so they're still missing?" asked Artemis.

"Indeed, I suggest that if you want to find your next element, you better start your search now," answered Obsidian.

"How? We don't even know where to look," said Shining.

Obsidian smirked,"Alright I'll help you this time around," He waved his hand as if he was telling us to come closer. Cautiously we all inch closer to hear what he has to say. "Alright now listen closely, if you go east from here, you'll find another cavern like this one, that's Prism Cavern, before you enter you'll be stopped by someone, tell them that Obsidian sent you and he should let you through,"

"Wait who is this someone?" asked Sam.

"He's an old friend of mine and acts as the guardian of Prism Cavern," answered Obsidian. "Anyway when you enter the cave, keep going in until you reach the heart, there you'll find a massive Prism crystal sprouting from the ground shining in a rainbow color, that's The Great Prism,"

"The Great Prism?" asked Cadence.

"You'll see when you get there, anyway ask the Great Prism three questions you may have and it'll answer, however it'll only answer those with a good heart so be careful who you send cause you can only send one person at a time to ask questions," said Obsidian.

"You said east like east from where we are?" asked Flurry. Obsidian nodded. "It's best you go when the enemy is not active," said Obsidian.

"Great I think we got it, thanks Obsidian," I said getting up.

"Anytime, now go hurry before the rest gets here," said Obsidian.

"The rest?" asked Artemis.

"Like I said, I'm an Agent of Necro Zynx so everyone in the organization knows I'm in here," answered Obsidian. "But no worries I'll cover for you while you're gone," We each give our thanks to Obsidian as we leave the cave. By the time we get out it was already getting late. We decided to move as quickly and quietly as possible as we made for our next destination. Prism Cavern.

Chapter 10: Looking for Honesty

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"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!" Oblivion screamed.

"Oblivion sir please calm yourself raging isn't going to help the situation," said Krysis pouring in a cup of tea.

"Curse you Faba you should have called ages ago!" roared Oblivion.

"My lord please rest assure i'm sure Faba and is team are looking for Necrozma right now," said a space pirate. Oblivion stomped his foot in frustration as he pointed at two robots nearby.

"You grounder and scratch or whatever your names were, fetch me my headset,"

"Uh yes sir!" Grounder and Scratch said in unison saluting. Afraid of getting scolded by Oblivion the two quickly made haste and ran off to get Oblivion's headset. As the two ran off, Cross and his three Agents walked in with several Necro troopers, Waddle dees, Pork troopers, Changelings, and a Chandelure following behind.

"We're back Oblivion!" Cross announced.

"What took you so long ya horse shit!?" Oblivion hissed.

"Geez Oblivion calm down, we were only gone for 2 hours," said Cross holding up his hands.

"I don't give a crap, you better have some good news for me," Oblivion growled.

"Oh wait till you hear this," said Cross smirking. He moved out of the way as Meta Knight stepped forward.

"We managed to track down the next element," said Meta Knight.

"Well don't keep me waiting," said Oblivion impatiently.

"During Ridley and Star Wolf's hunt for the renegades and escaped prisoners, they managed to track the next element in the valley near in between the Changeling hive and dragon lands," said Gladion.

"Where are Ridley and Star Wolf now?" asked Krysis.

"Ridley is still searching for the renegades and prisoners, while Star Wolf is headed towards the lake with the legendary beast you mentioned," said Cross.

"The Legendary Rayquaza?" asked Krysis.

"Yes, meanwhile Tempest is heading towards the next element," said Alain.

"Hmph I should expect her to retrieve that element before those temporary bearers do," snorted Oblivion. Suddenly both Grounder and scratch ran in with the headset in their hands.

"Here you are sir!" said Scratch handing Oblivion his headset. Oblivion snatched the headset and placed it over his ears.

"Oh right before I forget, Krysis how's Ludwig, Wily, and Eggman's invention coming along?" asked Oblivion.

"It's complete and already tested," answered Ludwig's familiar voice as he and two men walked in.

"Good, Cross take their robot and send it towards the valley Gladion mentioned we want to make sure nobody gets in our way this time around," ordered Oblivion.

"Roger that," said Cross saluting Oblivion. He turned around and walked out with Gladion, Alain, Meta Knight, Ludwig, Wily, and Eggman leaving Grounder and Scratch alone in the room with the guards.

"What are you all still doing here, go on scram you have work to do so get to it," Oblivion said.

"Oh uh yes sir," said Grounder and Scratch as they walked out with the guards. Oblivion waved at Krysis telling him to leave. Bowing Krysis without hesitation walked out leaving Oblivion alone in his office.

"How are things looking?" asked Faba to the Aether Employee.

"Still no sign of him sir," answered the Employee.

"Oh just great, we've been hunting Necrozma for the past few days and still no luck," groaned Faba.

"Well he IS one of the legendary Pokemon of Alola," said the Employee.

"Yeah but that's no excuse, what if Oblivion calls us right now?" Just as Faba asked his a familiar ringtone began playing from his device. Panicking he quickly pulled it out and answered the call. "Hello?" asked Faba.

"Faba you finally picked up, what in god's name are you doing?" Oblivion asked. Faba looked at the Employee and waved his hand telling him to keep working.

"Sorry sir it's just that Necrozma isn't making things any easier for us," answered Faba.

"Well you're taking too long hurry up already," said Oblivion.

"Uh yes sir," said Faba. Once the device cut off, Faba wiped the sweat off his brow and let out a sigh of relief. "What, stop looking at me and keep working," he ordered at the employee.

"Well there it is Prism Cavern," said Kylie pointing at the approaching cave. For the past few hours we had been flying in the darkness trying to avoid dragging attention to ourselves, but now as morning approached so did our destination. Kylie parked the airship several yards away from the entrance while Artemis, Flurry, Cadence, Sam, and I walked towards the entrance. Shining had agreed to stay on the airship with Kylie to help with several chores while pulling guard duty.

"This is it huh," said Cadence.

"Yep," Flurry answered.

"Well let's get in there," I said taking a step forward.

"HALT!" a voice suddenly called out. Confused we all began looking around for the voice. "Up here!" we all looked up to see a figure standing on top of the cave entrance. The figure jumped off and landed in front of us. From the looks of it, he was obviously a human, he wore heavy knight's armor with a white cape and held a scepter with a rainbow gem at the tip. "Friend or Foe," he asked pointing the tip at us.

"Friend," Sam answered. The figure slowly lowered his scepter but kept his eye on us as if we were going to attack him.

"Who are you, never seen you around these parts," said the human.

"We're new here, Obsidian sent us," I say. His eyes widened upon hearing that name.

"Oh so you're a friend of Obsidian are you, well sorry about that," he said lowering his scepter all the way.

"It's fine, just a misunderstanding," said Artemis.

"I'm Flurry, and this is my mom Cadence," said Flurry pointing to Cadence. "And these are my friends, Fandom, Artemis, and Samwise or Sam for short," said Flurry pointing to us. We all give our greetings as Flurry finishes our introduction.

"The Name's Spectrum, but most of my friends call me Spec," said the human. "I'm the guardian of Prism Cavern, and the thing behind me is it," said Spec. We all nod in agreement. "So what brings you to Prism Cavern?" asked Spec.

"We want to ask the Great Prism some questions," answered Cadence.

"Is that so?" asked Spec.

"Yes, Obsidian told us what we need in order to get some answers so we don't need an overview," said Artemis.

"Well then good luck hope you can get some answers," said Spec moving out of the way.

"Thank you so much, we won't be long," said Flurry leading our group in. The first thing we noticed when entering is that the walls and ceiling was completely covered with giant gemstones glowing in different colors illuminating the dark cavern so that we could actually see where we were walking.

"It's so beautiful," said Flurry.

"Indeed," replied Sam. We continued to chat as we made our way deeper into the cavern. We eventually reached an open room covered with several glowing crystals like the ones we saw behind us.

"So pretty," said Artemis.

"Look," said Sam pointing forward. We all look towards the direction Sam was pointing and saw a giant white crystal glowing in a rainbow color. "That must be it," said Sam.

"Yeah," I say.

"Alright so who's going to go ask," asked Artemis.

"I'll go," said Flurry volunteering. "After all I'm the one who signed up for this quest in the first place," We all looked at each other and shrugged as Flurry walked up to the Prism. Looking at it she sighed and closed her eyes. "Oh Great Prism I am Flurry Heart of Canterlot, I come to you today to ask some questions, please lend us your wisdom," The Prism glowed brighter than before as if it was responding to Flurry. Smiling Flurry asked,"We are currently looking for the elements of harmony, we managed to find two but we still don't know where the other four are, please tell us where they are," Suddenly as if on cue, a strange voice spoke to her in her head.

"Go to the valley between the nest of insects and the land of reptiles," it answered. Flurry opened her eyes and looked at the Prism in confusion, what did it mean by that? She didn't know but now wasn't the time to think, she still had two questions to ask. Closing her eyes again she asked.

"Which element lies there?"

"The element you search for is one of which only the truth will answer," responded the Prism.

"Who is the temporary bearer of the element?" asked Flurry.

"The temporary bearer you search for is one who will save you from danger in the distant future," responded the Prism. Flurry opened her eyes and stared at the Prism. The answers it gave didn't make sense, but maybe she'll know when the time comes. Cautiously she stepped down and rejoined her friends.

"What did it say?" asked Cadence.

"It said the next element is located in the valley between the nest of insects and land of reptiles, the element we're looking for is only answered by the truth, and the temporary bearer will save me in the distant future," answered Flurry.

"And what is any of that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I don't know, but the Prism won't speak after I asked the last question," answered Flurry.

"I guess we'll know when the time comes," said Sam.

"I hope so," said Artemis.

"Well enough chit chat let's go, Shining and Kylie are waiting for us," I say. We all nod in agreement and walk back the way we came from.

"So did you learn anything?" asked Spec.

"Afraid not, the way the Prism talks is very confusing," said Flurry.

"Well no worries, the Prism always talks in confusing ways," said Spec.

"Alright enough chit chat for now, we gotta go guys," I say.

"Thanks for everything Spec," said Artemis waving at him.

"No problem, come visit me again anytime, any friend of Obsidian is always welcome here," he said waving. we all say our goodbyes as we made our way back to the airship. We're gonna have a lot of explaining to do to Kylie and Shining Armor.

Chapter 11: Versus Galleom

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The skies above Flare burn desert was scorching hot as always, and yet Ridley continued flying as if the heat waves didn't exist. He's been searching for three days now and he still hasn't found the renegade airship.

"Ugh how can a single airship fly such far distance in a short amount of time , it's as if it disappeared into thin air," groaned Ridley. "Whatever as long as I get paid then this is be worth my troubles," Ridley said. He flew faster, continuing his search.

The sun shined brightly above Cynthesis Forest and the Pokemon and woodland creatures continued living their daily lives. However they didn't expect three strange anthropomorphic animals in jet fighter uniforms to suddenly show up. Team Star Wolf had finally found the forest leading to the lake that held the legendary beast, Rayquaza. If they could somehow convince Rayquaza to help them, surely Oblivion would have to raise their salary.

"Are sure you know what you're doing Wolf?" asked a Chameleon.

"What are you doubting me Leon?" asked Wolf leading his team through the forest.

"What of course not!" said Leon panicked.

"Heh Leon you really are hilarious when you freak out," snickered a black panther.

"SHUT UP PANTHER!" hissed Leon.

"Will you two idiots stop fighting, look we've found it," said Wolf pointing to an opening.

"Let's check it out," said Panther. The three ran towards the opening and eventually came across a giant lake. The surface was glistening in the sunlight reflecting the faces of the three like a mirror.

"Wow," said Leon.

"This is where he lives?" asked Panther.

"According to Krysis yes," answered Wolf. Suddenly a loud roar echoed throughout the area.

"What was that?" asked Leon. Just then the water from the lake erupted as a giant green dragon burst out. It's glowing yellow eye glared at the three and the yellow rings on it's long slender body glowed brightly. It turned towards the three and roared.

"Is that?" asked Panther.

"Yeah no doubt about it, this is the legendary beast we're looking for, Rayquaza," answered Wolf.

Dusty Canyon, the large valley separating the Changeling Hive and the Dragon Lands. This old piece of land was formerly a resting place of a small town, but since then the town had been abandoned and now was being occupied by Tempest Shadow and her army of Storm Guards. Tempest had set up camp here under Oblivion's commands where she had to find the next element before anyone else. The Squadron she had sent out had left yesterday and hadn't returned yet. Meanwhile Tempest patiently sat and waited in the town, waiting for the 'gift' Oblivion had sent her.

"Grubber is the squadron back yet?" asked Tempest.

"Not yet," answered Grubber.

"Ugh where are they?" asked Tempest.

"I don't know, but your gift should be here soon," answered Grubber.

"And here it is," added a voice. The two turned around to see Ludwig, Wily, and Eggman standing there.

"Took you three long enough," hissed Tempest.

"Sorry testing took a while, but we have it right now," said Ludwig.

"Well where is it?" asked Tempest. Eggman smirked as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly the skies above their camp grew dark as a large aircraft hovered over them carrying a large metallic object.

"Whoa," said Grubber.

"Allow me to introduce you to our newest invention, Galleom the warmonger robot," said Eggman. "With this nobody can stand in your way," laughed Eggman.

"It's beautiful, Grubber let's go, I want to test my new toy," said Tempest.

The sun was high in the sky and the warm sunlight was pouring down onto the Changeling Hive. Meanwhile Thorax, King of the reformed Changelings was preparing for battle. He had received news about a mysterious threat somewhere in Dusty Canyon. He had to make sure his army was prepared to face whatever was getting ready to attack his hive. But from what he heard, this new threat was was working for the God of Destruction, Oblivion. Defeating a minion of Oblivion wasn't going to be easy so he wanted to make sure his hive was ready. Luckily for him, two swordsman had heard about the struggle and agreed to help him. Thorax didn't know who these two were, calling themselves the 'Radiant Hero and the Hero King' or what not. But he was grateful they could help.

"Again I couldn't be much happier to have you here Sir uh sorry what was your names again?" asked Thorax.

"I'm Marth and that's my second hand man Ike," said the swordsman pointing to his comrade.

"Well it's nice to meet you both," said Thorax.

"Thorax the hive is ready," said a Changeling walking up to him.

"Looks like it's time," said Marth.

"If we want to protect your hive, we have to move fast," said Ike. Thorax nodded as he led the two towards the entrance.

The skies above the Dragon Land had grown darker than usual and stayed that way while the dragons prepared to fend off the evil coming towards them. The Dragons, under the command of Princess Ember, wasn't alone. They had two strange figures aiding them. One of them who called them self Lucina and the other Robin.

"I really appreciate your help and all, but I really don't get how you two can help us out," said Ember.

"Just don't question it," said Lucina.

"Alright then," sighed Ember.

"Princess the threat is just outside the Dragon Lands, in Dusty Canyon, it's heading towards us a t full speed," said a dragon.

"Well?" asked Robin.

"Princess the time has come, we must take action, time to strike!" Lucina said.

"Indeed," said Ember flying off with the two following behind.

"Here we are," said Thorax.

"So this is Dusty Canyon," said Marth. "Looks kind of dull,"

"Don't let you're guard down, we have to be extremely cautious," said Ike. Both Marth and Thorax nodded in agreement.

"Thorax is that you?" asked Ember. Thorax, Marth, and Ike turned around to see Ember flying down with Lucina and Robin following behind.

"Ember what are you doing here?" asked Thorax.

"The same goes for you," said Ember.

"I heard that something was threatening the hive so I came to fight it off," answered Thorax.

"The same goes for the Dragon Lands," said Ember. Thorax looked a little surprised, but Marth and Ike and Robin and Lucina looked at each other and nodded.

"So the hero king is supporting the Changelings," said Lucina.

"And you the Dragons?" asked Marth.

"We can't just let them be now can we," said Robin.

"I suppose that's true," said Ike.

"Guys quiet do you hear that?" asked Marth. The six stopped talking to listen. Somewhere in the distant the sound of machines could be heard approaching them. As the sound grew a strange object appeared over the horizon. The object had two large cannons on it's back and a large snout on the front. Large circuits ran on the sides with purple energy flowing through them. The object came to a stop in front of the group and stayed in place.

"What is that?" asked a Changeling. Suddenly the object began to move and shift. It's body began to move in unusual ways eventually until legs popped out and it grew arms. The snout on the front popped out until a face was revealed. The strange object had transformed into a robot revealing Galleom's true form. Galleom glared and roared at the group nearly scaring the Changelings and Dragons.

"What is that?" asked Thorax.

"I don't know but it's obviously not friendly," said Marth drawing his sword. Ike, Lucina, and Robin all drew their swords while Thorax and Ember got into battle stance.

"IDENTITY SCAN BEGIN," said Galleom scanning the six. "UNIDENTIFIED, ALIEN LIFEFORMS," said Galleom.

"Excuse me who are you calling Alien Life form?" asked Ember.

"OBJECTIVE, DESTROY ALIEN LIFEFORMS," said Galleom. It let out a loud metallic roar as it pulled it's arm back and went in for the punch. The group jumped out of the way and went on either sides. Both Marth and Ike struck Galleom's left arm while Lucina and Robin struck the right. Both Ember and Thorax launched and blast of fire and magic into Galleom's face only to make it angry. It bent down and jumped up in the air.

"Get out of the way!" Ike ordered. Both Thorax and Ember moved left and right as Galleom came crashing down. The six and both armies charged and began beating at Galleom. But Galleom was strong enough to completely wipe out both armies only leaving the six standing.

"My hive!" Thorax yelped.

"Oh that's how you want to play it?" hissed Ember charging at Galleom. It let out an angry roar as it raised it's arm ready to attack. But Ember continued to fly at Galleom showing no fear. Just as Galleom brought it's arm down, Ember twirled 360 degrees and landed a fiery kick hard enough to call it the final strike. Galleom let out a metallic screech as it collapsed on the ground.

"Did you do it?" asked Thorax.

"I think so," said Ember breathing heavy. Suddenly Galleom got up and transformed into it's tank form and turned around to escape.

"Hey don't let it escape," said Ike running after it.

"Ike wait!" said Marth running after his comrade. Both Robin and Lucina let out a sigh as they ran after the two.

"Hey wait for us," said Thorax running after them with Ember following behind.