Induction Insanity

by LewdChapter

First published

Celestia welcomes a new guard to the job.

When Oliver Moon gets summoned to Celestia's quarters late one night, he is understandably concerned. His night goes from bad to good, to great, to terrible in record time.

WARNING: This story contains Hyper tits and dicks, dismemberment, cervical penetration, gore, and light necro

Commissioned by xWhyohwhyx

Welcome, Rookie

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Oliver Moon clutched his spear nervously, marching through the halls of Canterlot Castle. The corridors were silent save for the faint clanking of his armor as he neared his destination. Though his training had taught him that he was to be fearless and stoic, unflinching in the face of danger, he couldn’t help but tremble in his greaves. He was being summoned by Princess Celestia, to her personal chambers. He couldn’t think of a reason for that to happen other than him having thoroughly fucked up somehow.

He couldn’t think of something awful he’d done. Oliver had only made it out the academy three weeks ago, not long enough to have pissed someone off. He was never, ever disrespectful to his superior officers, nor his princess on the one instance of him meeting her. He always held formation. He kept his armor and weapons shined and clean. What he could have possibly done to incite the wrath of Princess Celestia, Oliver didn’t know.

“Get a grip of yourself, Oli,” he muttered to himself, passing through the eerily deserted corridors leading to Celestia’s sleeping chamber. Unlike every time Oliver had passed by Celestia’s room during the night hours, there was no one to be seen standing outside the the large, ornate golden doors. Celestia normally had a personal detail of guards with her at all time, even while she slept. To know that she was all alone, waiting for him… It stopped his heart in his chest. What was she going to do to him?

Oliver took in a shaky breath, then knocked on Celestia’s door with trembling hands, immediately standing at attention. A bead of sweat dripped down his face as he waited for some sort of response. The seconds dragged along, feeling more like hours, until, finally, a graceful, angelic voice cut through the silence

“Please, come in.”

The chamber’s doors creaked open, allowing Oliver to step into Celestia’s room. He hesitated for a moment before, very nervously, he stepped through the doors and into the round chamber that housed the most powerful woman in all of Equestria. Celestia herself was not to be seen, which gave Oliver an opportunity to survey Celestia’s bedroom. It was a circular chamber, with a large four-poster bed opposite of the main entrance, positioned just in front of a large, ornate window. To the right was a small dresser and a coffee table, upon which was a tea set being kept warm by a sunny yellow aura. The walls were lined with paintings, beautiful portraits of Celestia and her sister, as well as her fellow princesses Twilight and Cadance. Oliver didn’t have much time to admire the beauty of the paintings (and the princesses they depicted) before Celestia appeared before him, stepping confidently from the washroom adjacent to her room.

She was absolutely stunning. Her long, colorful hair was neatly brushed down past her shoulders. Her porcelain skin looked smooth and soft, and there was much of it on display. Princess Celestia wore a silk nightgown of white lace, sheer so Oliver could just barely make out her undergarments. Celestia’s bra struggled to contain her massive breasts, each about twice the size of the princess’ head. Celestia, being an alicorn and a goddess, stood significantly taller than the average mare, even a bit taller than Oliver himself. She brought with her this indescribable aura of power and kindness and beauty. Oliver could barely stop himself staring, especially since Celestia’s height brought the natural trail of his gaze to her cleavage.

“Mister Moon, correct?” said Celestia, her voice musical and graceful.

“Y-yes, your majesty,” stammered Oliver. “Oliver M-moon, reporting for duty.”

“You know, it’s customary for one to bow while in the presence of royalty,” said Celestia with a small smirk. Oliver’s eyes went wide, and he immediately dropped to bended knee, nearly dropping his spear as he did.

“F-forgive me, your grace, I—”

“Rise, Mister Moon. And please do calm down. I’m only teasing.” Oliver cautiously rose to his feet, his heart thumping in his chest. “Come, now, dear, I’m royalty, not a monster. I’ve still got a sense of humor.”

“Of course. Very funny, your highness.” Oliver chuckled nervously, which made Celestia smile.

“You really mustn’t be so nervous. I assure you, there’s nothing to fear,” said Celestia. “Be a dear and close the door, will you?”

“Of course, your highness.” Oliver turned and closed the door to the chamber, sealing him alone with the Goddess of Equestria. When he turned back, Celestia had strolled to her bed and laid herself out on her side.

“Come here, Mister Moon. I wish to speak with you about your enlistment with the guard.”

Oliver gulped loudly, but crossed the room nonetheless. He stood a few feet from Celestia’s bed, doing his absolute best to look anywhere but her cleavage, her beautiful curves, her round, thick ass. Even glancing at her feet, smooth and dainty, seemed sacrilegious. Oliver resigned himself to staring directly ahead, past Celestia and at the wall.

“So, how have you been adjusting, Mister Moon?” asked Celestia, clearly amused at her guard’s discomfort. “The rest of my Solar Guard has been treating you kindly, I presume?”

“Er… Yes, your highness. You have the finest men Equestria has to offer serving as your guard,” said Oliver. “And I am honored to be serving along them.”

“I’m sensing a ‘however’.”

“However… I’ve been hearing talks of hazing. I must admit, I’m a bit concerned.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve got nothing to worry about. My guards are a rambunctious sort, but they care for their own,” said Celestia. “If there is any hazing in store for you, I assure you, it will be something you will be able to endure.” Strangely, Celestia was making Oliver feel quite relaxed at the situation. Celestia spoke so softly and warmly, it was hard to remain tense around her. “You look like there is something weighing on your mind, Mister Moon. May I ask what’s troubling you?”

Oliver took in a deep breath, calming his nerves enough to continue. Celestia was being extraordinarily kind and understanding of his anxiety. Just as one would expect from the benevolent matriarch of Equestria.

“Well, your highness, I was really wondering what it is you summoned me for,” said Oliver. “And where is your personal detail? When I came, they were… Gone…”

Oliver trailed off, and for good reason. As he spoke, Celestia had begun slipping the strap of her nightgown down, exposing her alabaster shoulder. She continued disrobing, as if that were a perfectly normal thing to do, paying Oliver little attention as he stammered and sputtered.

“Y-y-y-your grace! What are you doing?” stuttered Oliver. He immediately looked away, trying not to imagine Celestia stripping before him. Try as he might, he couldn’t stop the image from permeating his brain, little flashes of her perfect skin and brief glimpses of her massive breasts. Despite his best efforts, Oliver felt his cock begin to twitch to life, growing hard in his pants. He thanked the gods that he was in his armor, which hid the extent of his erection for the time being.

“I’m just getting a bit more comfortable,” said Celestia, pulling the nightgown free of her body. “Please, do the same.”

“I… I beg your pardon?”

“Take off your armor. Let me see you clearly.” Celestia smirked at her trembling mess of a guard. “I do hope you didn’t intend to do me the diservice of obscuring that handsome face of yours during our entire meeting.”

Oliver brought his hands to his golden helmet, hesitating for a moment before pulling the helmet from his head to properly show his face. He was a good-looking unicorn, with soft features and captivating orange eyes. His hair was short and black as night, a bit messy due to him formerly wearing a helmet. He set his helmet down on the ground and ran his dark blue fingers through his hair in an attempt to make himself more presentable for his princess.

“My, you are a cutie, aren’t you?” said Celestia, relishing in Oliver’s deep blush. “Now, Mister Moon, you asked why I summoned you.” Oliver nodded. “Well, I answer your question with one of my own. What is the purpose of a Solar Guard?”

“To protect and serve her highness, Princess Celestia!” recited Oliver, saluting just as he was taught to. Celestia chuckled at the unnecessary, but nonetheless adorable, display.

“Very good. I assure you, I need no protection at the moment. Your service, however…” Celestia licked her lips. “Your service would be very appreciated.”

“What sort of service?” asked Oliver nervously. There was a certain tone to Celestia’s voice that implied exactly what sort of service it was Celestia was looking for, but Oliver couldn’t possibly imagine that to be the case. His princess was to pure and saintly to imagine in such scenarios.

“You know, Mister Moon, my subjects look at me as a symbol of purity and beauty. I am to be the personification of benevolence and chastity.” Celestia chuckled seemingly at the very idea. “But people tend to forget that I’m also a person, the same as them. I’m a woman. I have my needs just as any woman does. But I find myself in a very curious predicament. The princess of Equestria can’t exactly go around dating. And that, Mister Moon, is where you come in. As a Solar Guard, I trust you implicitly. And, furthermore, as a Solar Guard, your job is to serve your princess. So… Strip.”

Oliver’s eyes went wide. There’s no way in Equestria that Celestia was serious. This had to be some sort of test. But what was the correct course of action? Resist and disobey the princess? Or comply and risk being charged with flashing your stallion bits to one of Equestria’s diarchs?

“Are… Are you certain?” asked Oliver cautiously.

“Dear, I am nearing 9,000 years old,” said Celestia. “It has been quite a long time since I put myself in a position like this without being certain that it is what I want to do. So I say unto you with the utmost confidence and certainty: Strip. Now.”

Oliver didn’t really have an option anymore. That was a fairly direct order from royalty, and Oliver couldn’t possibly disobey. He began removing his armor in pieces, setting the golden garments onto the ground next to the bed, until he was in nothing but his white cotton shirt and pants.

“Ooh, someone’s excited,” said Celestia, pointing at Oliver’s growing bulge. The guard blushed, attempting to cover his erection with his hands. “That’s just perfect! I think that anticipation will surely come in handy in the proceedings. Now the rest. A bit more slowly, if you don’t mind.”

Oliver did as he was told, slowly rolling up his shirt and pulling it over his head. Celestia purred at his physique, his body thin but toned, with just enough muscle to get her engines revving. Oliver nervously grabbed at his waistband and was about to pull his pants off when Celestia stopped him with a wave of the hand.

“Actually, dear, on second thought, I’d like to do that myself. But first, why don’t you come over here and help me get undressed. I'm afraid I can't reach these pesky clasps…”

Ignoring the fact that he (or Celestia herself, for that matter) could have easily undone the bra with a few quick tugs of magic, Oliver slid onto Celestia’s bed. The princess turned her back to Oliver, showing him her back and, more importantly, the white lace clasps of her bra. Oliver gulped nervously as he reached forward the push Celestia’s long, silky hair out of his way. He undid Celestia’s clasps, heart pounding harder in his chest as his fingers brushed Celestia’s flawlessly smooth and soft skin.

“Thank you, Mister Moon.” Celestia held her hand to her chest, just five thin, dainty fingers keeping her absurdly large breasts covered. Then, she moved her hand, letting her bra hit the bed. Her breasts bounced slightly, the size of each of them truly astounding. Celestia grabbed at her tits, her fingers sinking deeply into the soft, supple flesh.“I suppose we should be more familiar with one another, hm? It’s Oliver, correct?” It took Oliver a few moments to compose himself, and a few more to make himself capable of proper speech.

“Y-y-yes, your highness.”

“Now, Oliver, what did we just discuss?” asked Celestia, teasing disapproval in her voice. “Familiarity, yes? You needn’t bother with titles and such. Not now.”

“Yes. Sorry, Celestia.” Oliver’s breath caught in his chest at the warm, glowing smile that Celestia gave him.

“There’s a good boy. Now, let’s get you a touch more comfy.” Celestia slid from the bed, dropping to her knees before Oliver, resting her massive tits onto Oliver’s lap. Her breasts took up the entire surface of Oliver’s legs, and spilled over his thighs, essentially swallowing him from the waist down with warm, soft, smooth titflesh. Celestia grabbed Oliver’s waistband and slowly began pulling his pants down. So enthralled with the feeling of the royal melons smothering his groin, Oliver didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late.

“Princess, be careful!” he called, just a half second after Celestia dragged his pants down low enough to free his cock.

Oliver’s dick sprung into action, pushing through Celestia’s majestic cleavage and slapping the goddess in the face with its impossible size and causing her to fall back on her butt. It was at least three feet long, and at least a foot in diameter, hard and dense enough to knock a girl out if Oliver wasn’t careful.

“Oh my gods, I’m so sorry!” Oliver had to look around his cock to make sure Celestia was okay. “I should’ve warned you, I didn’t…”

Oliver stopped, because he realized that Celestia quite obviously wasn’t upset. She was running her hands up Oliver’s massive meatstick, and, perhaps more indicative of her mood, she was laughing.

“Sweet mother of the Sun, where in Equestria do you put that thing?” laughed Celestia. She massaged her jaw, the place of impact, with a surprised, off-kilter grin. “I must admit, that did hurt just a touch.”

“I’m sorry, I swear, I was just so—”

“You really ought to lighten up, Oliver, or I fear you won’t enjoy this anywhere near as much as you should. I only said it hurt. I never said I didn’t like it.” Celestia licked her lips as she sized Oliver up. “This is a very interesting scenario. I was intending to give you a titjob, but even my breasts would be insufficient for such a task. So, I’m afraid we’re going to have to find something else to entertain ourselves.” Celestia ran her tongue up Oliver’s cock as she stood up, giggling as the guard trembled from the experience. “Remind me, Oli, what is your purpose as a Solar Guard?”

“I want to serve my princess,” said Oliver, still trembling from the goddess’ experienced tongue upon his dick.

“And how far are you willing to go in order to serve your princess?”

“I will do whatever it takes!” Celestia grinned, charging her horn with magic. A sunny yellow glow enveloped the room, producing a faint thud. “What was that?”

“Just a soundproofing spell. I assure you, I can be quite the squealer,” said Celestia. The glow around the room vanished, then surrounded Celestia herself. “Now for an elasticity spell for myself. Gods only knows what that monster would do to me otherwise. And now comes the potentially testy part. Would you be against me casting a bit of magic on you, Oli?”

“M-magic? What sort of magic?” asked Oliver, though seeing the princess, mostly nude and asking for his cock, was making it quite hard to consider refusing anything she may ask of him.

“For one, an endurance spell. Not to make a slight against your stamina, but I worry that you might exhaust yourself early. I’ve bedded the most virile of stallions just for them to cum after just a few minutes with a goddess. But, more importantly than that… I fear that your devotion to your position will prevent you from giving me what is I need.”

“Hm? What do you…?”

“I’m sorry if you find me too bold, Oli, but I need you to hurt me.” Oliver’s eyes went wide, but he had no immediate response. “I want to feel your power. I want you to be rough and, in my experience, the only way to get one of my guards to do that is with a bit of berserker magic. You’ll find yourself stronger, brasher, angrier, and, most importantly to me, more willingly to slap me around a bit. I assure you, I can take what you dish out, and the more you are able to please me, the more I will be able to please you.”

Oliver gave Celestia a look of contemplation, as well as admiration. She truly was the most beautiful creature to ever grace the face of Equestria. And there she was, topless and asking Oliver to roughly fuck her. Was there even anything to think about?

“And you’re sure I won’t be hurting you?” asked Oliver, just to be sure.

“Oh, I assure you, you will be hurting me. That’s the plan. But you won’t harm me, which I’m sensing is your concern.” Celestia smiled her million-dollar smile. “I don’t think you truly understand, Oliver. Just thinking about you holding me down and having your way with me is making me incredibly wet. And, truthfully, a bit impatient. I would truly hate to have to send you on your way so early to unwind myself. So, please, make a decision.”

Oliver nodded. The decision was more or less made for him.

“Go ahead. Cast whatever spell you need,” he said. Celestia grinned, then lit her horn again. She grabbed at Oliver’s cock and head with her magic, making the former tingle and the latter swim. An inexplicable rage gripped the otherwise cool, level-headed Oliver, and his dick began drooling precum and twitched restlessly, simply begging for a tight woman to ruin.

“Good, good,” said Celestia. “Now, I don’t know how much longer I can wait. Let’s get down to-EEP!”

Oliver grabbed Celestia by the hair and heaved her onto the bed, then quickly descended onto her. He wasted no time grabbing her panties and ripping them in two, pulling the shredded fabric from her hips. He gazed at Celestia’s perfect pussy for a moment, dripping wet, before bringing his cockhead to her lower lips. Celestia breathed heavily as Oliver pressed his dick into her cunt, stretching the goddess to fit his impossible girth. Celestia let out a sound that was a blend of pain and pleasure; She had cast her spell to just barely allow her walls to stretch around Oliver, but still made for a tight fit.

Oliver thrust in sharply, taking Celestia’s breath away. His cock disappeared into the princess, all the way to the medial ring on the first thrust. Celestia instinctively reached for Oliver, just for him to grab her wrist in a vice-like grip. Eyes wide, Celestia reached with the other hand, and, just like before, Oliver caught her by the wrist. Oliver pulled Celestia down, further impaling her with his cock.

“O-oh, fuck,” moaned Celestia. “I think I like you better like this!”

Oliver simply gave an angry grunt before pounding into Celestia’s cunt ferociously. Her warm, velvety interior drove him wild, urging him to hammer away with even more savagery. Celestia’s moans grew more frequent and higher in pitch as Oliver reached depths of her twat that hadn’t been touched in centuries, if ever.

“Dear lord, yes!” moaned Celestia. “Fuck me harder, Oli! F—”

Oliver harshly brought the back of his hand to Celestia’s face, warping her moan into a gasp of pain. Surprised, Celestia looked into Oliver’s eyes, formerly orange and now bloodred and glowing.

“Shut your cock-trap, slut,” growled Oliver. He bucked his hips forward faster, with intent of pounding Celestia’s formerly perfect cunt into a pink pile of mincemeat. He was in no way gentle, which was just what Celestia needed. To be held down, used, abused, talked down to, it all made her too wet for words.

Oliver pulled his massive cock out for a moment to reposition his new fucktoy; He flipped Celestia onto her stomach and grabbed her by the hips, dragging her round, jiggly ass up for his use. Using her hips for stability, he poked his dick against Celestia’s asshole and slowly eased in.

“It’s too big!” said Celestia, her tongue lolling out of her mouth on account of the pain and subsequent pleasure. “Oh, you’re gonna tear me apart! Do it! Fuck me to pieces!”

“Shut the fuck up!” Oliver pushed Celestia’s head down against the mattress and slammed his hips forward, burying his cock into the royal asshole. Celestia moaned like a cheap whore as Oliver continued to violate her ass, fucking her into a moaning mess. She reached her left hand between her legs to play with her pussy, just for Oliver to grab her wrist a third time and pull the arm away. He pulled Celestia’s arm back towards her head, until it wouldn’t go any further. Then, he gave a firm jerk, popping the arm clean out of its socket.

OOH, F-F-FUCK!” wailed Celestia. She spasmed around Oliver’s cock, the walls of her ass tensing and squeezing the massive meat inside of her in an attempt of milking it dry. “Yesss, hurt me more!

Oliver wasn’t in the mood to take orders, but this was one he could definitely comply with. He grabbed Celestia’s uninjured arm and twisted much in the same way. Instead of jerking it out of the socket, however, Oliver twisted the arm until the ball of the shoulder broke free of the joint. He kept twisting, rotating Celestia’s arms all the way around, her screams of pain egging him on and making his already solid dick even harder. He pulled the arm to the right, grinning sadistically as he heard the sound of Celestia’s skin ripping, the muscle tearing apart, the bones breaking free. It took almost a minute of slow dragging, during which Celestia screamed and came for the entire duration, but Oliver finally pulled the arm clean off and toss it to the side. Celestia howled in pain, tears streaking down her cheeks. Blood gushed from her new wound and drenched her formerly white silk sheets with liquid crimson.

“Cry for me, cock princess,” growled Oliver. He got his wish, and Celestia let out a shaky sob. Her apparent anguish was betrayed by the wetness between her thighs, though she now had no usable hands to quell the flames with. Luckily, Oliver was about to give her a solution.

Oliver flipped Celestia over yet again and re-entered her pussy, this time wasting no time in pounding her cunt at full force. Celestia quivered in arousal, apparently unconcerned by her severed arm. She was too high on her own masochistic bliss to care.

“Fuck me apart, Oli! Just fuck me to shreds!” squealed Celestia. Oliver reached forward suddenly, grabbing Celestia by the throat and squeezing, choking the life out of the princess.

“Die, bitch! Die on my cock!” Oliver continued fucking Celestia, even as he squeezed the life from her body. Celestia simply flailed and spasmed, moaning hoarsely as her eyes rolled back in her head and her face went blue. Oliver’s horn began to glow, and crimson light enveloped Celestia’s body.

“W-wait,” croaked Celestia through her crushed throat. “W-what are you…”

Celestia felt her body tighten around Oliver’s cock as he removed the elasticity spell on her body. Her eyes lit up with panic, her body slowly constricting and pushing Oliver’s dick tighter against her insides. As her body returned to normal, Oliver’s 3-foot monster pounded at her interior, smashing against her cervix. It wasn’t long before her body tightened enough for Oliver’s cock to punch through into her womb. Celestia let out a wail, significantly weaker than before on account of her ruined windpipe.

Oliver snarled savagely as he ripped Celestia apart, truly ruining the goddess of Equestria. He could feel his massive dick push Celestia’s guts out of the way, pounding her organs painfully. Celestia coughed up a bit of blood and trembled, the pain too much for her to take; She came violently, further tightening around Oliver’s dick. She gurgled on her own blood as she trembled and quaked.

Oliver roared and shoved his cock as far as it could go. The massive manhood pushed through Celestia’s no longer stretchy insides and burst through her chest, past her giant breasts, his bloody cockhead pushing past her ribs and jabbing the princess in the chin. Oliver pulled his dick free and manhandled Celestia’s limp, unresponsive body to a seated position.

He grabbed Celestia’s hair and pulled up, using his magic to push her body down. With a bit of twisting and yanking, Oliver managed to tug Celestia’s head from her shoulders. He immediately turned the head, dripping with blood, around and shoved his cock up the neckhole and out the mouth. With Celestia’s neck pressed against the base of his cock, Oliver shoved back into Celestia’s pussy, fucking her so deeply that Celestia’s lips pressed against her own cunt.

“Fucking cockhole princess! Worthless set of holes!” Oliver viciously groped Celestia’s dead tits and slammed forward until he was fucking Celestia’s intestines out of the new hole in her chest. Blood and gore dripped onto the bed sheets, pooling around the two, until Oliver let out a decisive grunt and his cock exploded, spewing load after load of hot cum out of his dick, out of Celestia’s chest, and onto the bed. The red of the blood melded with the white of his cum, creating a slightly pink pool around where Celestia’s head should’ve been.

Oliver panted tiredly, his chest heaving. He pulled his cock from Celestia’s gaping cunt, growing ever-colder, and dropped her head to the floor. As his cock calmed down, so too did Oliver. The magic that Celestia had used to give him is strength and his rage began wearing off, which replaced his irrational anger with totally rational regret and disgust.

“Oh gods… What the fuck did I do?!” Oliver trembled, his eyes bouncing from Celestia’s mangled corpse to his own bloody cock, to finally Celestia’s severed head at his feet. He felt sick, went dizzy and stumbled back, the room around him going dark and spinning around him. Before he could make heads or tails of the situation, he dropped to the ground, falling unconscious on the bloody floor.

Oliver Moon awoke the next morning in cold sweat. For a moment, he was confused, his memories from the previous night foggy. Then, slowly, the events of his rendezvous with Celestia became clear in his mind. He had fucked the goddess. He had murdered the goddess. He sat up and stared blankly at the hands he had used to rip Celestia’s head clean off of her body. The princess was dead. What would happen to him now? He was a traitor, an assassin. For murdering the beloved Princess Celestia, Oliver could only wish for a quick execution.

A hot mug was pressed into his grasp, so surprising that Oliver almost dropped it. He looked up and felt his jaw hit the floor.

“Good morning, sweetie.” Celestia smiled warmly at Oliver, clutching a steaming mug of her own. Apart from her voice sounding a bit hoarse and a bit of what appeared to be ash on her shoulder, she seemed perfectly fine. “Did you sleep well?”

“B-but… What? How?” Oliver felt as if his mind was playing tricks on him. This wasn’t possible, yet here she was. “Last night… I…”

“Punched a hole in my chest with your dick, yes.” Celestia took a seat beside Oliver and rested her head on his shoulder. “In all of my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined that going as well as it did.”

“I… I’m confused…”

“Do you recall last night, when we spoke about hazing?” Celestia grinned deviously at Oliver’s baffled expression. “Well, welcome to the guard, Oli.”

“You… planned this?” asked Oliver.

“Of course I planned this, dear. If I was in any real danger I could’ve cancelled the berserker spell in an instant. In fact, there are several failsafes on that spell to prevent you from doing something like breaking my horn, which would cause permanent damage. My arms, chest, and head, however, are easily enough fixed.” Celestia brushed the ash from her shoulder and took a sip of her coffee. “Part of being a goddess is that I can mimic my pet Philomena in times of danger. That perk was intended to be used to protect the kingdom and ensure that it always has a leader, but I tend to abuse the power for the sake of rough, violent sex.”

“So it was all just a prank?” Oliver felt a myriad of emotions. Confusion at the situation. Anger at being deceived. But, most importantly, he was relieved. Somehow, he had managed to avoid the chopping block.

“Not all of it. I really do like being fucked to death. Ripping my head off and fucking the neck was especially good,” said Celestia. “And I really do think you’re exceptionally cute. In fact, I’d like to make this relationship more permanent. Don’t worry, we can do things normally from now on if you agree. I don’t typically involve my guards in my fantasies, but the whole ‘let a rookie think he’s killed a goddess’ rib is a sort of tradition by this point.” Celestia shook her head, more ash dusting from her shoulders. “In any case, Oliver, you are dismissed. Feel free to drop by my quarters during any free time you have, I’ll be sure to find time for you. If, of course, you would like to continue fucking me, of course. Perhaps I shouldn’t presume. I have put you through quite the ordeal.”

Oliver silently set down his mug, stood up and went about returning his armor to his body. He clutched his spear tightly as he marched for the door, pausing with his hand on the doorhandle. He let out a shaky sigh, then opened the door.

“See you at three?” he said.

“As you wish, my dear,” said Celestia with a grin.

“And you said we could do things more vanilla this time around?”

“Mh-hm. We can take things as slow and steady as you like,” Celestia assured him. Oliver looked back at her, a hungry expression in his gaze.

“Do we have to?”

Celestia’s eyes went wide for a moment, but she soon smirked. Thinking about a repeat of last night soon had Celestia drooling down her thighs.

“Absolutely not.”